
zidpodusr13 Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_3.2.0-24.39_i386.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]00:00
Gyges( it rhymes )00:00
usr13zidpod: host us.archive.ubuntu.com00:00
RoastedIf I want to rsync to a webdav share, can I do so through .gvfs when its mounted? or is that a bad idea?00:01
zidpodusr13 huh? anyways I just tried sudo apt-get update --fix-missing (it suggested I tried that), and now it is downloading I think... but it is a different build00:02
usr13zidpod: sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev00:03
usr13zidpod: uname -a00:03
usr13zidpod: (tell us your kernel version number)00:04
mikefarrusr13, is there a way i can repair the install - I tried doing wubi to fix but it wont install if there is already an installation00:04
squeeeshienow how do you change the size of a brush?00:04
usr13mikefarr: I don't know much about wubi  Maybe someone else on here can give you some advise.  But I'm pretty sure that if you try to install again over an existing install, you're not going to have any success.00:05
zidpodusr13 after I sudo apt-get update --fix-missing, sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev installed with a different build number, 3.2.0_25.??, and it says I am using
zidpodthat might be a problem...00:05
mikefarrusr13, any other suggestions then00:05
azbukaHello, everyone. Has anyone knowledge of the mini.iso and Realtek wireless cards? I can't access the Internet without dragging my PC over to the home office router.00:06
zidpodshoot, it looks like I just needed to install updates, sorry, thanks for the help usr1300:06
usr13zidpod: I dono.00:06
lawltoadhey, youtube's colors are all weird.... anyone see this before?... Im running chrome on pangolin00:07
usr13zidpod: yes, if you have yet to do updates, do that for sure.  If you have done updates and have a new kernel that was one of the updates, you need to reboot.00:07
reisiolawltoad: flash+nvidia bug00:07
zidpodlawltoad: yeah, I had the same problem, there was a guide on askubuntu on how to fix it, try looking there00:07
reisiolawltoad: you can right click on Settings and disable hardware accel as a temporary workaround00:07
azbukalawltoad: send me a screenshot. that sounds interesting.00:07
arimailI'm getting a HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument And i'm trying to use edit parameters in Grub to find my disk. It's a Ubuntu intall on a USB external hdd disk. But I don't figure out what do change/do to be able to boot my ubuntu. Could someone please help me?00:08
lawltoadazbuku, is there like... a pastebin for image?00:08
cogsterMy desktop background won't change & I keep having to retype my password even though I disabled lock in system settings, thank you.00:08
azbukalawltoad: I guess you could use an img to ASCII art converter xD but that wouldn't let me see the colours. :/00:10
ColonelPaniccogster, So you cannot login?00:10
usr13cogster: Maybe you need to turn off the power save function.00:10
BaribalHi. Where / how can I customize the dock?00:11
usr13azbuka: iwconfig   #What does that say?00:11
azbukausr13: this is on the install image running from a flash drive. i don't have it running at the moment. Perhaps I'll reboot, run it, and write the results when I cum back.00:12
lawltoadazbuka email?00:12
azbukalawltoad: sure. mbro96@yahoo.com00:13
usr13azbuka: You may get what you want and you may not. You can't expect a totally functional system when running an image from flash drive.00:14
debbladehow to I get into grub00:15
debbladeI need to get at a working kernel00:16
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u make it show grub when u boot up xubuntu??00:16
ColonelPanicfuzzybunny69y, Try "sudo update-grub"?00:16
debbladeyeah I have a broken desktop and need to fix my system00:16
cogsteri can log in ColonelPanic; usr13 i checked my setting & it says i have suspend turned off00:17
debbladeI dont have a virtual termianl00:17
debbladeI need to get into a recovery kernel at boot00:17
debbladethis system is so damn broke if I can not boot into grub00:19
Gygesdebblade, try hitting <Esc>00:19
conner_bwHi, a few days ago when I would close the lid on my X220, the computer would suspend. Now it just shuts off the monitor but the fan still goes. Using ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Settings -> Power seems fine. What could have changed?00:19
CellTechAm I able to install the *buntu's on an old Power Mac G4?00:19
Gygesi think so00:19
debbladeGyges that brings up my BIOS00:19
CellTechI hope :D00:19
Gygesdebblade, just wait until passes bios00:19
Sna4x8Has anyone experienced this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/41301  I've had this bug since 11.04 (now on 12.04).  Does anyone has any resolution suggestions ?00:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 41301 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Mouse clicks stop working sporadically" [Medium,Confirmed]00:20
debbladeGyges got my fingers crossed. Normal *nix are set for 3 sec. The is a joke  =/00:21
Sna4x8It not really "sporadic" for me.  I can't click when I log in.  I have to log out then back in to be able to click.00:21
conner_bwSorry, me again. X220 question above.00:21
Gygesdebblade, heh00:21
fuzzynurfhurterdebblade every time mine boots its always a black screen then finally xubuntu loading screen shows up00:24
fuzzynurfhurternever shows the grub menu lol00:25
arimailHello. I'm getting a HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument And i'm trying to use edit parameters in Grub to find my disk. It's a Ubuntu intall on a USB external hdd disk. But I don't figure out what do change/do to be able to boot my ubuntu. Could someone please help me?00:25
debbladethe timing is set for zero. May a 1000 camels shit on Mark Shuttleworths door!!!00:25
reisiodebblade: that made a lot of sense00:25
arimailIs thre anything that I can do?00:25
fuzzynurfhurtercant u change that in the grub.cfg00:25
nibbler_arimail, you get this error once your are in the bootloader during the bootprocess and play in the commandline of the bootloader?00:26
taipresjrib the mysql exploit that let users get access with 250 trys or whatever, comparison bug, very serious00:26
debbladedebblade just read that they set the grub2 timing for zero sec00:26
jadamsI cannot for the life of me get nouveau successfully blacklisted00:26
reisiodebblade: Ubuntu's been doing that for ages00:26
arimail@nibbler Yes, correct00:26
reisiodebblade: it's not the only thing they hide00:26
jadamswhich is causing me great grief when trying to install latest NVIDIA driver manually (wine acting up with repo provided one, this fixed it for me at work as well)00:26
jadamsI've got `blacklist nouveau` in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf00:26
jadamsbut it just loads it anyway00:27
jadamsI see others with the same problem online, but no solution00:27
reisiojadams: blacklist.conf ?00:27
jadamsreisio: yeah, I've got an entry in there00:27
reisiojadams: it's not just modprobe.d/blacklist?00:27
debbladeI use debian and was just getting rid of that crap called Unity for XFCE. Had just got rid of lame DE and was going to boot into term and install xfce only to not have grub. My boss is going to kill me.00:28
jadamsreisio: no, it's .conf00:28
jadamsdoesn't matter, all the files in .d dirs are loaded anyway00:28
reisiodebblade: k00:29
=== wolf is now known as Guest85727
Roastedis webdav by design slower? I'm getting 3.7 MB/s transfer speed in nautilus with webdav on a gigabit network.00:31
johnswrAnyone know where to get codec-v? Video streams says I need it.00:31
arimail@nibler_ Yes, that's what happens.00:32
debbladereisio so mad I cant type. I use Debian wheezy with xfce. Boss uses Ubuntu ver (gay animal name). Was going to get rid of Unity and install xfce for him. Once I remove all the Unity crap I was going to boot into shell and do the rest...00:32
nibbler_debblade, i'm trying to follow you - what happens if you just boot normal, what is the final state?00:34
reisiodebblade: just give him Debian if Debian is what you use and you're the system maintainer00:35
* cypher-neo agrees with reisio... it's much easier to maintain a system you are familiar with than try to maintain two separate systems.00:36
cypher-neodebblade: But I am curious what happened when you uninstalled Unity? What did it break?00:36
RoastedIs it possible to rsync over webdav? I'm trying to rsync to a dav:// URL right now and terminal is just sitting here doing nothing. ????00:36
BsimsRoasted: Hrm I dunno does normal cp work over webdav?00:37
nibbler_Roasted, try top, vmstat 1 - its analysing both sides, one via network, as it treats it as local ;-)00:37
RoastedBsims, come to think of it I think its due to the lack of my username being in the command. I wonder if going throguh .gvfs would be acceptable.00:38
Roastednibbler_, hey thar. ;)00:38
nibbler_Roasted, hey thar, too ;-)00:38
Roastedeh, its erroring out00:39
BsimsRoasted: Hrm try it and let me know... my addiction to team fortress 2 has me in windows at the moment00:39
BsimsRoasted: do you run kde or gnome/unity?00:40
Roasteder wait00:40
debbladecypher-neo Ill paste the cmd I used. http://pastebin.com/iH7Ervpa  then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:40
RoastedI had an extra dash in there00:40
Bsimsmight want to try a gui front end00:40
* Bsims nods that will get you every time00:40
Roasted--az, when it should be -az. It looks like its functioning, but its failing for certain operations00:40
RoastedBsims, looks like its somewhat working though?00:40
debbladecyphase just that I would do && apt-get install xubuntu-desktop since there is no grub00:40
RoastedBsims, it's certainly not operating any faster. Some speeds here are looking to be half of what I was getting in nautilus.00:40
cyphasedebblade, i think you mean cypher-neo :)00:41
debbladebut I have boot on an other disk and fixed that problem. Now I am installing the way I want00:41
debbladelol yeah sry cyphase00:41
Roastedassuming its accurate and all - Pictures/Assateague Camping/Assateague Camping July '07/CIMG0360.JPG     2069535 100%    1.50MB/s00:41
cyphasenp, i get lots of cyph- pings :P00:41
cypher-neodebblade: lol @ the title of your paste. I love it!00:42
cypher-neodebblade: How to make Ubuntu suck less00:42
BsimsHrm overhead via webdav filesystem translations?00:42
debblade=) cyphase-neo its all true00:42
debblade=) cypher-neo its all true00:42
luis_heee dudes! someone who can tell me about ICR chat about hardware I have a little problem whit my video card and windows00:43
dro10hi i would like to know if its normal to have networked process in /tmp (or @/tmp)?00:43
* Bsims knows anything ran through kde's automagic takes a lil longer00:43
cypher-neodebblade: I can agree with the majority of that. I'm currently switching my computer to Xubuntu as well.00:43
debbladedebblade more or less stripped it to a bare bone GNU/Linux and then installed xubuntu-desktop.00:44
Bsimscypher-neo: try wmaker00:44
arimailso debblade. Any ideas?00:44
SuPrblywhy ditching ubuntu for xubuntu?00:44
cypher-neoBsims: wmaker?00:44
reisioSuPrbly: isn't it obvious?00:44
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
arimailSorry, i meant nibbler00:45
reisioSuPrbly: the only difference is Unity vs Xfce00:45
Bsimsyeah think NeXT, aka forrunner of mac osX00:45
luis_someone? I need a ICR about hardware00:45
=== mobilegamelabs is now known as MGGGGG
SuPrblynot a unity fan? lol00:45
luis_who is the admin?00:45
Bsimsits very fast, and very basic00:45
cypher-neodebblade: If you want to make xfce awesome check out Cardapio.00:45
debbladecypher-neo I can strongly recommend Debian with repos testing/wheezy00:45
cypher-neodebblade: Cardapio comes with an AWN app, and I like using XFCE with AWN/Cardapio00:46
reisioSuPrbly: again, obviously? Why would he leave Unity if he were a fan of it00:46
Bsimsone feature of wmaker is middle click on a icon is different than left click aka left click opens a spreadsheet, middle click opens your checkbook00:46
luis_who do not love unity!00:46
debbladecypher-neo Ill take a look. I got compiz pimped to the max with "the cube" and emerald etc.00:46
debbladeon this xfce00:46
SuPrblyi dont mind it00:46
luis_he someone who is admin00:47
cypher-neodebblade: I had trouble getting into Debian. My biggest problem is that I only have one computer now (my other one blew it's graphics processor), so I'm looking for something I'm used to. I'm used to the Ubuntu command structure and how to install things from .deb files and PPA's.00:47
usr13dro10: What?00:47
SuPrblyi do like xfce also its super a lightweight gui00:47
dro10 hi i would like to know if its normal to have networked process in /tmp (or @/tmp)?00:48
luis_I have a little problem whit mi video card who can help me?00:48
cypher-neodebblade: I didn't have a lot of time to explore Debian, but it was so foreign I didn't want to mess it up... until i had a backup computer I didn't have files on that i could mess it up on.00:48
SuPrblyi had it on my little t42 for awhile it just doesnt look as pretty as gnome and unity00:48
usr13dro10: Yea, I know what you said, just not sure what you mean.00:48
SuPrblyunless they have changed it00:48
luis_fuck you00:48
cypher-neodebblade: Cause we nerds learn the most when things are borked ;p00:48
cypher-neoluis_: I can try to help. Describe the problem00:49
usr13dro10: Can you be a little more specific?00:49
u4ia74luis_: not a nice way to get people to help you00:50
purple_mouseanyone know whats happening with tomboy notes when under sync tab the service options are greyed out? I'm trying to specify new path but can't access to make changes...00:50
SuPrblynice cardapio looks really awesome cypher-neo00:51
arimailI'm getting a HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument And i'm trying to use edit parameters in Grub to find my disk. It's a Ubuntu intall on a USB external hdd disk. But I don't figure out what do change/do to be able to boot my ubuntu. Could someone please help me?00:52
purple_mousebeen scouting all over net, keep being referred to same ubuntu wiki page for 10.0400:52
luis_cypeher-neo  thanks good lord!00:52
arimailHow do I find my usb hdd address00:52
usr13arimail: sudo fdisk -l00:52
dro10usr13: ok i mean i runned netstat i found couple thing running with stream or dgram connected most in /tmp stuff like dbus and upstart00:52
Fudgehi quick question for those using unity, how many menus to the left is sound from the device menu00:52
usr13dro10: Oh, well I think that's normal.00:53
luis_the think is when I installed Ubuntu, I delete my windows partiton, so when I installed again the Funking windows it's been frozen, and by school I need windows00:54
dro10@usr13 is normal to see keyring something process too?00:54
usr13luis_: If you deleted your windows partition, I don't think there is much we can do to help you.  Sorry.00:55
luis_no the problem is, I  installed again00:55
luis_and it's only don't works00:55
luis_someone said that it's by the video card00:56
usr13dro10: Not sure about keyring.  I personally don't use keyring so, really don't know.00:56
purple_mousetomboy, service options, greyed out, can't change, any ideas?00:56
usr13dro10: Maybe someone else here could weigh in on this....00:56
arimailusr13: But I can't seem to run these commands from the grub command line.00:56
lupintheethirdFor some reason, when I switched my icons to gnome all my icons go invisible00:56
arimailAnd I cant boot ubuntu..00:56
dro10usr13: k thanks00:56
usr13arimail: What commands?00:57
usr13dro10: Maybe try  ##linux  ?00:57
lupintheethirdHas anyone had that problem ?00:57
luis_usr13,  no the problem is, I  installed again00:57
luis_<luis_> and it's only don't works00:57
luis_<luis_> someone said that it's by the video card00:57
arimailusr13: Say f.ex sudo fdisk -l00:57
Fudgecan anyone tell me the couple of menu names before devieces on top panel00:57
dro10usr13: will do00:57
usr13luis_: Can you login to a console terminal?00:58
usr13arimail:   sudo fdisk -l00:58
cypher-neoSuPrbly: If you're using it from AWN, right click on the Cardapio app and change it's settings. You can specify it to raise on a keypress. I set mine to activate when I hit the Dash key on my keyboard.00:58
luis_usr13, yes I can00:59
usr13luis_: lspci |grep VGA00:59
lupintheethirdDoes anyone know why only ubuntu-mono icon themes are working I cannot get the default gnome icons to work properly00:59
usr13luis_: (what is your video card?)00:59
Fudgeno one with eyes on wants to tell me a simple menu name?01:00
arimailusr13: Where do I run this command? I can't boot into ubuntu at all. Neither can I boot safety mode.01:00
cypher-neolupintheethird: GNOME pushed an update to the icon theme a while ago that broke them... at least it did in gnome-shell. I don't know if they broke everywhere.01:00
usr13luis_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:00
usr13luis_:   (and look for errors)01:00
usr13... clues ....01:00
lupintheethirdcypher-neo, do you know of a way to fix it?01:00
luis_usr13, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series]01:01
luis_ that is for the first one01:01
reisiodon't care for GNOME's new icons01:01
reisioI prefer tango01:01
usr13arimail: I'm sorry, I thought you were asking about your usb drive01:01
luis_usr13, that is for the second one,,     ATI RV560, ATI RV560, ATI Mobility Radeon X1900, ATI RV560,01:02
luis_ATI Radeon X1950 GT, ATI RV570, ATI RV570, ATI FireGL V7400,01:02
luis_ATI RV560, ATI Radeon X1650, ATI Radeon X1650, ATI RV560,01:02
luis_ATI Radeon 9100 PRO IGP 7834, ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 IGP 7835,01:02
luis_ATI Radeon X1200, ATI Radeon X1200, ATI Radeon X1200,01:02
luis_ATI Radeon X1200, ATI Radeon X1200, ATI RS740, ATI RS740M, ATI RS740,01:02
FloodBot1luis_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
usr13luis_: Look at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log  for clues as to why the GUI is not loading.01:02
usr13luis_: How many vidoe cards do you have in this machine?01:03
Derxsthi everyone01:03
luis_usr13, only one01:03
usr13luis_: See my PM.01:04
luis_usr13,  you PM? what is that?01:05
szal!pm | usr1301:05
ubottuusr13: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:05
Derxsthi everyone. In 12.04 LTS, is there anyway to move the launcher to the bottom instead of the left?01:06
usr13luis_: Never mind.01:07
luis_usr13,  for /var/log/Xorg.0.log my terminal said that I don't have permit01:07
usr13szal: It is often times a lot easier to help someone when they can past all they want to you.  Please keep your opinions to yourself.01:07
luis_usr13, what do you think that may problem can be?01:08
usr13luis_: I would need to look at your Xorg log to tell much about it.01:08
HaltingStateI just upgraded to 12.04 and it lags like hell .  The compviz settings dont work, the side bar icons are 256 pixels or something and i cannot make them smaller01:09
HaltingStatethe launcher takes 5 seconds after i click it to open; wtf who added a 5 second delay to the "dash home" button01:09
HaltingStateand I cannot move the icons in the launcher either01:09
szalusr13: that's not (necessarily) my opinion, that's channel policy.. no need to get rude over that01:09
HaltingStateand the compviz settings are being completely ignored01:09
mernilioHi all!01:09
OerHeksHaltingState, i use my=unity to tweak the unity-sidebar.01:09
arimailSo does anyone know how I can get my Ubuntu to boot? It's on an external USB hdd, but I get the error HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for dev/sdb/01:09
DerxstHaltingState: to make them smaller, right-click on the desktop and select "Change Desktop Background"01:09
HaltingStateDerxst, nope01:10
DerxstAt the bottom, there is a slider for Launcher size01:10
HaltingStateDerxst, no there isnt01:10
mernilioi just had a question about hashish..01:10
ki4roHaltingState: Try here:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/how-to-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom-of.html01:10
usr13szal: You don't seem to understand.  Sorry I can't explain it to you and not trying to be rude.01:10
luis_usr13, tell me where is ?01:11
merniliofrom the muppet show . hold on.. i must rewind it.01:11
DerxstOk, at the tope of the launcher, click the Ubuntu logo (when you hover it should say Dash home)01:11
Derxsttype System Settings and click the icon that appears01:11
usr13luis_: Can you move to  luis   (channel #luis (01:11
Derxstunder personal, select "Appearance"01:11
merniliowell you can have it .. its on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=ip5e9NUvX6A01:12
HaltingStateDerxst, https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21517274/img/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-20%2018%3A11%3A26.png01:12
usr13luis_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:12
szal!ot | mernilio01:12
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:12
HaltingStateDerxst, no slider!! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21517274/img/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-20%2018%3A12%3A32.png01:12
luis_usr13,  (channel  #user13)01:13
HaltingStatethey took the slider out because they hate our freedoms01:13
mernilioubottu: its also a place for potheads!01:13
ubottumernilio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:13
OerHeksHaltingState, look at the first tab, "look" not "Behaviour"01:13
HaltingStatewhy isnt compviz settings changes actually changing anything; wtf01:13
mernilioubottu: i know ur stupid!01:14
ubottumernilio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:14
usr13luis_: I'm there. yes.01:14
HaltingStateOerHeks, https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21517274/img/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-20%2018%3A12%3A32.png01:14
JoseeAntonioRmernilio: Please, watch your attitude.01:14
HaltingStateOerHeks, I mean this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21517274/img/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-20%2018%3A11%3A26.png01:14
DerxstHaltingState, try this for the launcher icons - http://askubuntu.com/questions/125794/missing-ability-to-change-the-size-of-launcher-icons01:14
OerHeksHaltingState, you must have a older ubuntu version, the icon size bar is visible here.01:15
mernilioJoseeAntonioR: my attittude is perfekt! Mind your own bussiness mister!01:15
HaltingStateOerHeks, this is the newest version01:15
DerxstHaltingState: at login, are you using Unity, Unity2d?01:16
luis_usr13, thats for Xorg log01:16
merniliobefore i will take you down!01:16
merniliolike the sheep you look like!01:16
usr13luis_: Do you see any clues there?  (Clues as to why your GUI is not loading?)01:16
szal!ops | mernilio01:16
ubottumernilio: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:16
DerxstCan you validate? According to what I read, the behavior you mention happens in Unity2D01:17
arimailPlease guys. What can I do about the HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed error? I can't boot ubuntu 11.10. No helpful info on google.01:17
mernilioplease dont ban me!01:17
HaltingStateDerxst, will check01:17
luis_usr13, yes!! I saw!!  no, no really .do yo?01:17
JoseeAntonioR!guidelines | mernilio: Again, please watch your attitude.01:17
ubottumernilio: Again, please watch your attitude.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:17
Derxstcould also be a driver issue01:18
merniliooki, ill shut up then :-)01:18
usr13luis_:  I can't see it, so I can only go by what you say about it.01:18
zewbwhat are the commands to ask the bot questions01:18
zewbis there a list of them somewhere01:18
usr13!ubottu | zewb01:18
ubottuzewb: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:18
JoseeAntonioRzewb: You can test the bot via PM.01:19
usr13luis_: Let me ask you this:  What do you see on the screen when the system is finished booting?01:19
r00t__someone german? :)01:20
genii-aroundr00t__: in #ubuntu-de01:20
mernilioi need op status here. Is it possible?01:20
usr13!de | r00t__01:20
ubottur00t__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!01:20
r00t__ty genii01:20
OerHeksmernilio, no, and don't ask for that.01:20
lixhi. good manual/howto for yubikey pam auth for ubuntu anyone?01:21
lixhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UDS/M says: "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UDS/M"01:21
mernilioI need it so ban a couple of people01:21
HaltingStateDerxst, its Ubuntu, not Ubuntu 2d and the bar still does not exist and compviz settings are being ignored01:21
lixhi. good manual/howto for yubikey pam auth for ubuntu anyone?01:21
luis_usr13, when the system is boot, I see the ubuntu spoiler, i see   something like       ...... UBUNTU01:21
Derxstsounds like Unity is not present01:21
mernilioIts of utterly importance! ;-)01:21
lixhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UDS/M says: "create howto for remote access one-time password auth: HOTP/yubikey "01:21
usr13luis_: And when it's done, what do you see?01:22
JoseeAntonioRmernilio: you won't be able to get ops in this channel01:22
genii-aroundmernilio: It's not going to happen.01:22
wylde_mernilio: go ask in #ubuntu-ops since you won't take the "Don't ask here" answer01:22
luis_the same or some times, the proses killing itself01:23
merniliobut i have cancer and sit in a wheelchair.. lonley! :-(01:23
Derxstmernilio: get ops ability will not solve either of your conditions01:23
usr13luis_: SO when the system is finished booting, can you do   Ctrl-Alt-F6  and go to another console screen and login?01:24
usr13luis_: Or can you ssh into it from another computer?01:24
mernilioThat was a lie.. i admit it :-)01:24
wizkid057ok, this is driving me insane... what in the world starts "dhclient3"?01:24
Derxstbeing a liar is another reason not to get op status01:24
usr13wizkid057: What are you trying to do?01:24
wylde_!ot | mernilio: go find another bridge01:24
ubottumernilio: go find another bridge: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:24
wizkid057usr13: disable any and all network management so I can do it myself01:25
luis_usr13,  I can do that now, when I use Ctrl-Alt-F6 I go to other console screen01:25
usr13wizkid057: You can just uninstall the network-manager01:25
usr13luis_: Then login and look at the log file.    cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:25
wizkid057usr13: did that already, and avahi... yet somehow dhclient3 starts for all of my interfaces still...01:25
luis_usr13,  let me see01:26
usr13wizkid057: Then edit the /etc/network/interfaces  file01:26
FloodBot1zewb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:26
wizkid057usr13: i dont want to use /etc/network/interfaces ... i want to configure them myself at the command line by hand01:26
usr13wizkid057: You can do that. Just issue the commands.  i.e. sudo dhclient eth001:28
NoizeAnyone know a good SMS Client for UBuntu????01:28
luis_usr13, what am I looking for?01:28
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:29
FloodBot1zewb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
usr13wizkid057: Or:  sudo ifconfig eth0 ; sudo route add default gw ;   etc.etc.01:29
usr13luis_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:29
wizkid057usr13: I know all of that... but what is starting dhclient3?01:29
wizkid057and how do I prevent it01:29
ColonelPanicNoize, Have you looked at sms_client ? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/sms_client.1.html01:30
JoseeAntonioRzewb: Please, stop flooding the channel.01:30
sacarlsonwizkid057: did you stop network-manager sudo service network-manager stop01:30
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:30
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:30
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:30
usr13wizkid057: You can edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and tell it to not use dhcp01:30
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:30
FloodBot1zewb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
sacarlsonwizkid057: seem 12.04 has something running in upstart other than network-manager you might also have to stop01:30
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux01:30
JoseeAntonioRzewb: Please, stop it. If you want to test the bot, you can do it via pm.01:30
Noize Thank YOu!01:30
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.01:30
wylde_!ops | zewb01:30
ubottuzewb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:31
tdhz77My usb stick transfer at 2 mbps on ubuntu, but 30 mbps on windows/osx. What could cause this speed differential?01:31
usr13ops, there are some rather disruptive people here so.....???01:31
ColonelPaniczewb, Please stop with the childish spamming?01:31
zewb!ops | usr1301:31
ubottuusr13: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:31
zewb!ops | ubottu01:31
ubottuzewb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:31
FloodBot1zewb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
zewb!ops | tdhz7701:31
ubottutdhz77: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:31
zewb!ops | wylde_01:32
ubottuwylde_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:32
zewb!ops | GEEGEEGEE01:32
ubottuGEEGEEGEE: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:32
zewb!ops | madLyfe01:32
ubottumadLyfe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!01:32
FloodBot1zewb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
OerHekszewb, you were asked not to spam the channel.01:32
u4ia74I have a question.  I have a process that is constantly reading the hard drive.  Does anyone know of a program that will let me monitor the I/O of individual processes so I can tell which program is doing this? I've tried 5 system monitors/task managers, and none so far.  A couple tell me the disk access but none tell me which processes are accessing the disk, or even the I/O of the process.01:33
yeatsu4ia74: top?01:33
wizkid057sacarlson: I uninstalled network-manager and avahi...01:33
wylde_!info iotop01:33
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4 (precise), package size 21 kB, installed size 120 kB (Only available for linux-any)01:33
sacarlsonwizkid057: and still dhclient3 still starts without you telling it to?01:33
luis_usr13, but what suppose that I may see?01:34
u4ia74iotop, thank you.  I'll give it a try!01:34
luis_usr13, but what suppose that I may see is?01:34
tdhz77I installed the latest firefox, Now I can't login to the forums. Does anybody else have this problem?01:34
ColonelPanictdhz77, Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies?01:35
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tdhz77colonelpanic I do that through tools settings right01:35
NoizeWhats the command to un tar ball a file?01:35
wizkid057sacarlson: yes01:35
jribNoize: tar xf /path/to/file01:35
wizkid057sacarlson: thats the problem, lol01:35
loomehi, I don't like the taskbar, because I have 2 windows of the same app open often... and want to switch through them quickly. But there's just that little triangle.. and I can' teven click it. Am I missing somsething, or is this side task bar thing really terrible?01:36
sacarlsonwizkid057: I still run 10.04 without that problem,  I guess I can bring up 12.04 in virtualbox and take a look01:36
loomeand doing alt-tab is a little too disruptive to the workflow01:36
ColonelPanictdhz77, Yes. Edit > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies01:36
usr13luis_: shift-PageUP  and look through the file and see what clues you may find as to why the GUI is not loading.  Look for erros / clues.01:36
bkerensaloome: Do you have a support question?01:37
HaltingStatecompviz settings are being ignored in 12.04; help!!01:37
tdhz77colonelpanic, firefox freezes whenever I try and remove individual cookies.01:37
sacarlsonwizkid057: oh I wonder if it's dnsmask  they added that in 12.0401:37
tdhz77colonelpanic is there a force quit option in 12.04?01:37
ColonelPanictdhz77, Strange. Try logging in while in private browsing.01:37
usr13luis_: If you see anything that might be interesting, tell us.01:38
tdhz77colonelpanic the firefox preference dialog is stuck. And I can't launch firefox now.01:39
sacarlsonwizkid057: maybe try kill dnsmasq  see if it continues otherwise cd /etc ; grep -r dhclient  ;  to maybe see what starts it01:39
ColonelPanictdhz77, Try reinstalling. "sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get install firefox" and brb01:40
wilee-nileeHaltingState, you in the 2d or 3d unity desktop01:40
HaltingStatei am in default one; i think 3d01:40
loomebkerensa: yes. Does there exist a method to change the task bar in its functionality?01:41
loomebkerensa: I want a slightly more traditional-like taskbar, where I can select a window quickly01:41
tdhz77colonelpanic ok, I'll do it as soon as I'm done installing chromium01:41
wilee-nileeHaltingState, the default may be 2d look at the login options from the dropdown gear, compiz has a refresh problem as well, using compiz --replace I believe restarts it from a alt-f201:41
luis_usr13, I don't see a clue/ erros01:41
HaltingStatewilee-nilee, its not01:42
HaltingStatei checked01:42
wilee-nileeHaltingState, its not what>01:42
ColonelPanictdhz77, If all else fails, go to firefox's IRC channel.01:42
tdhz77colonelpanic is that freenode #firefox?01:42
HaltingStateits not the 2d one; i just tried the command you sent; one  second01:42
HaltingStatecompiz (core) - Warn: unhandled ConfigureNotify on 0x42000a3!01:43
HaltingStatecompiz (core) - Warn: this should never happen. you should probably file a bug about this.01:43
wilee-nileeHaltingState, Whem I used unity I made a desktop icon the fusion icon to run a restart.01:43
zemai need help!!!!01:43
JoseeAntonioR!ask | zema01:43
ubottuzema: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:43
wilee-nilee!help | zema01:43
tdhz77colonelpanic Thank you. That worked.01:44
luis_usr13, I don't see a clue/ erros, I don't know that to do01:44
ColonelPanictdhz77, NP. For future reference firefox is "irc.mozilla.org #firefox" Happy browsing!01:44
NoizeThank you@01:45
Noizehow do install my un tarball file?01:45
tdhz77colonelpanic the preference dialog is still stuck. How do I remove it alt+f2 r?01:45
wilee-nileeNoize, are you sure you need a tarbal, did you check the repos first?01:46
usr13luis_: Ctrl-Alt-F7    #See what it looks like.01:46
ColonelPanictdhz77, I don't know. Messed up profile perhaps? Try the folks over at irc.mozilla.org #firefox01:46
tdhz77colonelpanic ok, thanks again. peace.01:46
tatadoes ubuntu 11.10 supported wireless nano station 5?01:46
yeats!compile | Noize01:46
ubottuNoize: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall01:46
ColonelPanictdhz77, Good luck01:46
zemaMy Laptop stopped picking up wireless maybe disabled or not detect this as it's usb entries can not read the disk and external USB's .. so read the pen of the net01:46
Noizeok thank you01:46
zemahappened from one moment to another, because already managed to have wireless01:47
HaltingStateI am going to cry.  I just want to get back to work.  This is a nightmare.  Why did  I upgrade to 12.04.01:47
luis__usr13, dude?01:47
luis__usr13,  I don't see a clue01:48
zemaMy Laptop stopped picking up wireless maybe disabled or not detect this as it's usb entries can not read the disk and external USB's .. so read the pen of the net01:48
usr13luis_: Ctrl-Alt-F7    #Tell us what tty7 looks like.01:49
wilee-nileezema, that makes very little sense to be honest01:49
Nom-Hey guys... i've added a new option to my isolinux config (custom ubuntu install cd) and made it the DEFAULT parameter, however the menu option isn't being highlighted by default... do I need to do something else?01:50
zema've had wireless internet01:50
luis__usr13, ?=?=?01:50
wilee-nileeNom-, did you do this then make the iso a iso is read only.01:50
=== rofl is now known as Developers
zemawhen restarted the pc did not have wireless already, do not dete01:51
Nom-wilee-nilee: Yes, i'm following the community docs to make a custom install cd01:51
wilee-nileeNom-, I have always used remastersys so I can't really help.01:51
zemaI can not update, it always gives error :/01:52
wilee-nileezema, do either of these commands identify the wireless card.  lspci | grep -i wireless  lspci | grep Broadcom01:53
wilee-nileezema, the devil is in the details, identifying the card and actual errors go a long way.01:54
zemawilee-nilee , 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)01:54
wilee-nilee!broadcom | zema01:54
ubottuzema: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:54
wilee-nileezema, that is about my best help, I have never had that setup.01:55
loomewhat is the task bar called in ubuntu world?01:56
loomethe thing that's on the left of the screen now....01:56
wilee-nileeloome, unity panel?01:56
loome(so I can google stuff better)01:56
Daekdroomloome, wilee-nilee actually it is called Launcher01:56
loomebasically I want a traidtional task bar instead of this, is that doable?01:56
DaekdroomThe Panel is at the top.01:56
ki4roloome: Launchpad01:56
Daekdroomki4ro, No. Launchpad is an entirely different thing.01:56
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/01:56
luis__someone can help me whit a problem whit my video card01:56
wilee-nileeluis__, identify the card01:57
zemacan i unistall wine1.4?01:57
usr13luis__: Sorry, I was on the phone.01:57
wilee-nileeluis__, with lspci | grep VGA01:57
ki4roDaekdroom: So what is it actually called...or does it even have a name?01:57
Daekdroomki4ro, It is called Launcher.01:58
loomeHere's the other question: can Launcher be customized? I want it to show seperate icons for different windows of the same app. Presently it seems I have to click on it.. and it gives me this very computationally expensive "top view".. where I can see the different windows and choose one01:58
ki4roDaekdroom: Thanks!01:58
DaekdroomThe thing you access by clicking the Ubuntu icon at the top of it is called Dash.01:58
DaekdroomAnd the panel at the top of the screen is a panel. ;)01:58
luis__usr13, so?01:58
ki4roDaekdroom: At least I got the launch part right smile01:58
usr13luis__: So, you did not see anything interesting in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?01:59
usr13luis__: .... somewhere near the end, like the last 40 or 50 lines?01:59
=== matthew is now known as Guest82172
usr13luis__: you can do   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log   Shift-g will put you at end of file, PageUp from there.02:00
zemaI can not install anything because of the ever mistake ... :The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:00
zema  wine1.4 Depends: wine1.4-i386 (= 1.4-0ubuntu4) but it is not installable02:00
zemaE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get-f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).02:00
loomeany insight to my question? :(02:01
usr13luis__: What does tty7 look like?    Ctrl-Alt-F7   #Tell us what you see.  (Ctrl-Alt-F6 will get you back to tty6)02:01
wilee-nileezema, From what I have heard you need to use the ppa, never used wine myself though.02:01
tdhz77I installed Ubuntu on the new MacBook Pro with retina display. In unity the icons are so small I can't click on anything. How could I increase the icon size?02:01
luis__yes I know02:01
sacarlsonwizkid057: after I service network-manager stop ; killall dhclient;  I don't see any dhclient3 apear even after ifconfig down ; ifconfig up02:02
wilee-nileetdhz77, have you looked in display for a better resolution?02:02
luis__usr13, but I don't see nothing02:02
bierbs_loome: i'm wondering the same, looks like to gnome2?02:02
wizkid057sacarlson: comes up for all three interfaces I have (eth0, eth1, wlan0) at reboot even with "apt-get remove network-manager"02:02
=== Corv_ is now known as Corv
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:03
tdhz77wilee-nilee 1680 x 1050?02:03
sacarlsonwizkid057: maybe even if network-manager is removed you still have to stop it?02:03
wizkid057sacarlson: even with it removed and after a reboot?02:03
loomebierbs_: have you made the change? can you comment on the difficulty and complexity of the process of switching to gnome2 from unity?02:03
wizkid057how would it be there to stop...02:03
wilee-nileetdhz77, that does me no good you have to figure the best for yourself02:03
zemai don't use wine... i use console for install anything but it's always the same error ://02:03
tdhz77wilee-nilee thats much better than 2880 by 1800 resolution. But, I got a retina display :)02:03
sacarlsonwizkid057: I'm not sure what event it might sence in upstart to bring up dhclient302:04
sacarlsonwizkid057: you might not the the upstart for network-manager is still present even after it's removed02:04
wilee-nileetdhz77, I have no idea what a retina display is to be honest that is a apple thing, I believe.02:04
bierbs_loome: seems ubottu had info02:05
luis__usr13,  it's looks like my desktop02:05
sacarlsonwizkid057: so just add in your network script network-manager stop ; killall dhclient;02:06
wilee-nileetdhz77, here is some comment on this though. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/06/what-does-ubuntu-look-like-on-a-retina-display-bad02:06
bierbs_loome: i haven't made the switch to or from unity02:06
chuloome: Yeah, you don't want gnome2, you want to install "gnome-panel" (see the !nounity factoid with ubottu)02:06
zemahow can I remove wine?02:06
HaltingStatebierbs_, if microsoft wanted to destroy linux, they would have shipped unity with a task bar for running applications and no ability to change the icon size for applications in the dock02:07
tdhz77wilee-nilee great link, thanks! That picture makes the retina display look good compared to what I see! lol02:07
sacarlsonwizkid057: try this and tell me if it works http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051928/02:07
HaltingStatei am a developer and i can barely use it now; without hours of frustration and customization its useless02:07
wilee-nileezema, you might want to install synaptic you can search with more detail if you want a gui, and it has a history.02:08
HaltingStateit now takes 5 seconds to open the dash button; instead of doing what i click one, the system now waits 5 seconds before doing a an action like minimizing a window or opening dash panel02:08
bierbs_HaltingState: yes, touche02:08
sacarlsonwizkid057: modify it with your desired values02:08
luis__usr13, dude?02:08
wizkid057sacarlson: stop: Unknown instance:02:09
wilee-nileeHaltingState, upgrades are problematic for some personally I always fresh install, and usually next to the old OS.02:09
HaltingStatenow compviz is broken; i cant change settings; it just ignores them02:09
sacarlsonwizkid057: what did I spell wrong?02:09
wizkid057sacarlson: nothing, i just dont have network-manager installed so it cant stop it...02:09
wilee-nileeHaltingState, alt-f2 resets the unity desktop, and compiz as well usually.02:10
wilee-nileeHaltingState, sorry alt-f2 unity --reset02:10
loomeI am sort of in disbelief that such poor decisions were made precisely after there was a big push to have a formal UI team and all. It is clearly decidedly a devolution in terms of usability... I was thinking to have my mom start using 12.04 (seriously), but this is not something she'll be able to handle. There are so many painpoints, things than even I (an experienced desktop user) am irritated and confused by. Why is it that applications are so 02:10
sacarlsonwizkid057: ok so add sudo killall dhclient302:10
gizmobayI need to edit a html file just the text part. Is there an editor that I can use to edit the text part and hide the html?02:10
loomes/than/that/ :)02:10
wilee-nileeloome, this is support02:10
loomewilee-nilee: I know, I won't rail on ubuntu anymore. :)02:11
luis__usr13, are you alive?02:11
sacarlsonwizkid057: if dhclient3 is killed does it just auto restart?02:11
wilee-nileeloome, it's okay to rail you just want the correct venue.02:11
chuloome:Come to #ubuntu-offtopic and talk if you want.02:11
wizkid057sacarlson: doesnt seem to, but, i really would rather it just not start at all...02:12
wizkid057unless i tell it to02:12
usr13Sorry, was on the phone again.02:13
sacarlsonwizkid057: well we need some what to find out what spawned it to do that but if killing it works just add it to @reboot of cron and you will never see it maybe02:13
usr13luis__: What do you mean?  "looks like my desktop"?02:14
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usr13luis__: So your desktop is loading up ok?02:14
usr13luis__: Desktop screen is loading up for you?02:14
sacarlsonwizkid057: I greped for dhc in /etc/init and don't see anything in there that spawns dhclient* so it must be in some subscript02:14
usr13luis__: What is your native language?02:15
wizkid057sacarlson: yeah, that was one of the fisrt things I tried to do02:15
luis__usr13, spanish, and it's ok my desktop02:15
usr13!es | luis__02:15
ubottuluis__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:15
=== Pekc is now known as Sir
sacarlsonwizkid057: I run a script to setup my network anyway to setup custom firewalls so I would just add the killall dhclient3 and service network-manger stop there if needed02:16
luis__ubottu, it's ok the others channels suck02:16
ubottuluis__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:16
luis__usr13, so??02:17
Mandalordagain i still think ubottu is quite intelligent02:17
usr13luis__: So your Desktop screen loads up ok?  You can see a functional Desktop screen on tty7 ?  Yes?  No?02:17
cypher-neoI think ubottu has an insane amount of programming... and i don't think the bot programmer is married because there's no way he has time for a girl with a bot like that. lol02:18
luis__usr13,  yes it's u02:18
luis__usr13, it's ok02:18
usr13luis__: Very good.  So what are we trying to fix then?02:18
Super_RandomI think I have a slight Ubuntu derp02:18
cypher-neoSuper_Random: How slight a derp?02:19
usr13luis__: Have you done updates?02:19
Super_Randomthat slight02:19
usr13luis__: Do you need to do updates?   sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade02:19
luis__usr13, yes02:19
luis__usr13,  but I need know if I have problems whit may video card02:20
sacarlsonwizkid057: I might have found a link from network-interface-security in upstart also runs dhclient-script02:20
cypher-neoSuper_Random: 140 TB!?02:20
usr13luis__: I don't think so.  If you did not see anything amiss in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file, you are probably ok.02:21
Super_Randomcypher-neo: that's what I said02:21
Super_Randomit's only a 250 gig disk02:21
cypher-neoSuper_Random: lololol! Derp is accurate!02:21
usr13luis__: What video card is it?    what is the output of    lspci |grep VGA    ?02:21
wilee-nileeluis__, Identify the card use this, lspci | grep VGA if needed02:21
sacarlsonwizkid057: /etc/network-interface-security  see inside that,  it's new I never seen it before02:21
usr13!paste | luis__02:21
ubottuluis__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:21
cypher-neoSuper_Random: Uh, wow! I have no idea how to fix that... I've never seen a derp like that before.02:22
wizkid057sacarlson: actually was just looking at that02:22
sacarlsonwizkid057: opps /etc/init/network-interface-security02:22
Super_Randomcypher-neo: it's not a big problem, I just thought I'd let some people know02:22
usr13luis__: If  lscpi |grep VGA   outputs one single line, just paste it here.02:22
sacarlsonwizkid057: just comment out the line that just dhclient-script and see if it still happens02:22
cypher-neoSuper_Random: You should probably file a bug-report on that... let me see if I can figure out where it should go.02:23
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usr13luis__: In a terminal type     lspci |grep VGA    and hit Enter.  Show us what it says.02:23
MandalordSuper_Random: we can use fdsk to check the disk02:24
usr13luis__: And please tell us why you think there is a problem with your video card.02:24
wilee-nileeusr13, luis__ sorry it is lspci |grep VGA02:24
Super_Randomfdsk returns the correct size02:24
irishmann00b here, need help settingup my ubuntu02:24
Super_RandomI've already done that02:24
Mandalordah sr fsck02:25
cypher-neoSuper_Random: This sounds like it could be an extension of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/88056002:25
irishmancan anyone help me set up ubuntu02:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880560 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Wrong info showed when properties invoked ina a context menu of a "empty" file tag in a expanded empty directory" [Low,Confirmed]02:25
MandalordSuper_Random: fsck is a tool to check disk, just like chkdsk in windows02:26
cypher-neoSuper_Random: It's definitely a nautilus bug though...02:26
sacarlsonirishman: stick in the usb flash boot disk set your bios to boot usb first and reboot install02:26
Mandalordirishman: burn the iso file in usb/cd, then boot and run setup02:26
irishmanthanks guys02:27
sacarlsonirishman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:27
irishmanthanks scarlson02:27
usr13luis__: And then do  grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log   and compaire to what you see in the output of   lspci | grep VGA02:28
cypher-neoSuper_Random: Found it! It's this bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/57151002:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571510 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Disk properties sheet reports wrong used space" [Low,Triaged]02:28
Super_RandomMandalord: I don't want to cause sever filesystem damage02:28
irishmanhow to set up a TOR solated version of ubuntu????02:28
hayloirishman, i install directly onto usb too, if that helps yo uat all. im irish ish tw02:28
xanguairishman: you can just download the 'portable' version the tor web provides02:29
cypher-neoSuper_Random: Although it looks like it's being shoved back a forth between the nautilus team and the GNOME team, and neither of them is fixing it. Wouldn't hurt to include your bug report on it though.02:29
hayloubuntu installer will pick it up at install time02:29
irishmanxangua:  link??02:29
irishmanjust regular tor browser bundle?02:30
MandalordSuper_Random: i think fsck is just to check disk without any change in your disk, so it might be safe, but in your case i think its a bug02:30
wilee-nileeirishman, look on the tor site on the web.02:30
irishmanwilee-nilee , I have and can't find anything related to ubuntu02:30
wilee-nileeirishman, it probably does not name ubuntu specifically02:31
luis__usr13, which is the comand?02:31
Mandalordirishman: just for linux is ok02:31
irishmanso DL the linux version on host ?02:31
Mandalordirishman: by the way you can download firefox and get an extension for TOR02:31
irishmanmanalord, am I downloading firefox in ubuntu?02:32
irishmanif done that way02:32
rhizmoeuh, hrm. what did i disable that removed my ability to click on the icon for an open app in the dock and have my workspace switch to the one it's on?02:32
usr13luis__: I gave you two commands:  1)  lspci | grep VGA      2) grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:32
irishmanhow do I make sure all traffc in ubutnu is routed through TOR, ie pidgin etc???02:33
Super_Randomset it up at proxy settings?02:33
luis__usr13, the first 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series]02:33
rhizmoe#tor i'm guessing would be a good place for that question02:33
OerHeks!tor | irishman02:34
ubottuirishman: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl02:34
luis__usr13, [    14.843] X.Org Video Driver: 11.002:35
luis__[    14.940] Module class: X.Org Video Driver02:35
luis__[    14.940] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 11.002:35
luis__[    14.941] Module class: X.Org Video Driver02:35
luis__[    14.941] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 11.002:35
luis__[    14.941] Module class: X.Org Video Driver02:35
FloodBot1luis__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:35
usr13luis__: Please not again.02:35
JoseeAntonioRluis__: You should use paste.ubuntu.com to paste outputs.02:35
MeluI have eclipse installed inmy sytem(11.10). Now I need to install eclipse in another computer manually using the resources available in the  eclipse installed system. To do that I checked out for the deb package in /var/cache/apt/archives ,but couldn't find any. Then how will I do it?02:35
Mandalordjust a stupid question: why do they set up 3 FloodBot02:36
PiciMandalord: fault tolerance02:36
usr13luis__:  grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit02:36
cypher-neoMandalord: They have backups for their backup systems02:36
irishmanobottu, I am mainly wanting to use pidgin through TOR, how can I make sure that is being routed through TOR?02:37
usr13luis__: What is the make and model of your laptop?02:38
sacarlsonirishman: to setup tor in  Pidgin Accounts > Edit Account > Proxy choose02:38
sacarlsonirishman: might need to install tor first02:39
RoastedQuestion - when I send a large file to my webdav server through Nautilus, my system memory climbs rapidly with about 100-150MB per second. It ultimately crashes the connection @ 4.3GB transferred with my memory nearly maxed and the Nautilus error - Error in stream protocol: End of stream. Any ideas?02:39
luis__usr13,  is Presario CQ-5602:39
irishmansacarlson:  then what proxy settings? n00b here sorry for being retarded02:40
irishmanor already installed02:40
sacarlsonirishman: as you wanted tor proxy I gue TOR02:40
luis__me voy!!02:40
irishmanso just put TOR for proxy? that's it?02:41
sacarlsonI guess there must be more?02:42
usr13luis__:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+question/15962002:44
mputtrcan someone explain the pros/cons of ftp vs samba? and whether or not ftp would be an appropriate option if I just wanted to be able to access the drive in a local network as well as halfway around the world02:46
=== Aaton is now known as Aaton_off
usr13mputtr: Comparing ftp to samba is like comparing apples to oranges.  Now  if you were to ask about samba vs nfs, that would be a better question.02:47
usr13nphase: samba would not be an option for halfway around the world, where ftp would be.02:47
usr13mputtr: samba would not be an option for halfway around the world, where ftp would be.02:47
mputtrusr13: i c... i have no idea what the differences are02:48
asterismohi people02:48
asterismoi need help with something02:48
mputtri read something about how ftp can be seen as a networked drive02:48
asterismomy Fn keys for volume up/down/mute dont affect the system volume02:48
mputtrI also want to be able to tell my IP cams to upload footage to the ftp server02:48
usr13mputtr: samba is  a Windows SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIX02:48
asterismothey affect the device "Cedar HDMI Audio [Dareon 5400...]"02:49
asterismobut the device that gives the sound is alsa mixer02:49
xanguaasterismo: ubuntu uses pulse audio, did you uninstall pulse audio¿02:49
asterismodoes anybody knows how to change the Fn keys to control AlsaMixer and not Cedar HDMI Audio???02:49
asterismoI use use Xubuntu02:49
mputtrusr13: i c... so what can samba do that ftp can't? is it the ability to stream music/video?02:50
usr13mputtr: ftp is File Transfer Protocol  and it works like this.  You set up an ftp server and access it via ftp client on the client machine to download files from it.02:50
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asterismoxangua, i use xubuntu02:50
usr13mputtr: No, samba is for using your Linux PC as a file server for MS Windows machines on your LAN02:50
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mputtrusr13: oh... ok.. sorry, i've been reading online as well and the information is getting overloaded on me02:51
usr13mputtr: Maybe it would be better for you to tell us what it is you wish to accomplish.  We could at that point, suggest a specific solution.02:51
cypher-neoasterismo: If you're using xubuntu, check out your shortcut keys02:51
cypher-neoasterismo: You can undefine the keys that are using Cedar HDMI commands, or redefine them to use alsa02:52
=== Guest84704 is now known as SuBmUnDo_
asterismoxangua, yeah, but they do not work. They show up like XF86AudioLowerVolume02:52
mputtrusr13: the plan is that I want a server that I can access the files from anywhere, even outside the network. I also want a place that my IP cams can send its recorded footage to so it can be accessed later02:52
asterismobut they command to Cedar HDMI Audio02:52
asterismonot alsamixer02:52
=== LinusTorvalds is now known as oscailt
xangua!mediakeys | asterismo02:52
ubottuasterismo: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts02:53
usr13mputtr: That's ok, that's what we're here for, (to share information and help each others understand how to better use our Linux PCs to do what it is we really want to do with them).02:53
xanguai am sure there was a factoid spefici for xubuntu, a long time since i used xfce02:53
mputtrusr13: in other words, as long as someone's in the LAN, they can see the server but when i'm outside, i can access it with my laptop to pull files when i need it or through my android device02:53
arimailSo does anyone know how I can get my Ubuntu to boot? It's on an external USB hdd, but I get the error HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for dev/sdb/02:53
asterismoxangua, are you familiar with the xfce4-mixer applet?02:53
arimailWhat should I do?02:54
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mputtri've tried to use zoneminder but it's getting more and more aggravating (the service keeps crashing and it's not able to record videos)02:54
xangua(21:53:19) xangua: i am sure there was a factoid spefici for xubuntu, a Long time since i used xfce - asterismo02:54
=== Developers is now known as Uprising
mputtrso i've decided to just use the built in system in the IP cam to do the transcoding/uploading so i can send the files out myself02:54
c001have the majority of ubuntu users upgraded to 12.04 LTS?02:55
=== Uprising is now known as Puffle
usr13mputtr: If you have an outside IP, yes, these files and services can be made available to the outside world, (the internet).  And there is also a possibility of using a dynamic dns service/solution.  See: http://dnslookup.me/dynamic-dns/02:56
mputtrwould dyndns be a bette solution than ftp?02:56
JoseeAntonioRLinuX2half: Hello, how can we help you?02:57
usr13mputtr: I don't think sharing videos across the internet is all that easy because they are such large files, it's problematic.02:57
LinuX2halfYes, I wanted to know if I can create a shortcut given through an URL address02:57
mputtrusr13: i don't mean streaming it, but to download it into another computer02:57
mputtrmainly just to get a way to access the file when i need it02:58
usr13mputtr: But if you are just trying to monitor a webcam, that's different, not so hard.02:58
LinuX2halfYou know, an icon, when clicked, goes through this URL address and open up the browser.02:58
arimailCould someone please help me?02:58
mputtrusr13: access the webcam is easy. it's creating a place for it to upload the footage to is what i'm trying to figure out02:58
usr13mputtr: ftp server would be a fairly easy solution, but there are other ways.02:59
xanguaLinuX2half: drag the Favicon from the Location Bar to the desktop02:59
mputtrusr13: would other solutions be more effective?02:59
deper29hey, I'm having this trouble with my computer where all of a sudden it will lag really badly and my cpu will stay clocked at max frequency. Here is my syslog info, it occurred around 20:10. I am running 10.04 and hoping someone can help with this. http://pastebin.com/KzwM8X9R02:59
usr13mputtr: Not really more effective.  Popular FTP servers are proftpd and vsftpd03:00
Mandalordairmail: whats your prob?03:00
usr13mputtr: You could also open up for ssh and just secure shell into the system and get what ever you want.03:01
usr13mputtr: But it may depend on what your ISP allows.03:01
arimailMandalord: I'm getting a HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument And i'm trying to use edit parameters in Grub to find my disk. It's a Ubuntu intall on a USB external hdd disk. But I don't figure out what do change/do to be able to boot my ubuntu. Could someone please help me?03:01
mputtrusr13: so, for ftp, i would need to get a service outside as well?03:01
InferiorHumanOrgmputtr: are you trying to share files on a lan?03:02
mputtrusr13: so i can't set up my own server that i can just access it straight up without having to use a different site?03:02
RoastedI'm looking for a WebDAV utility with Ubuntu, but I don't want to use Nautilus due to running into a bug that kind of stopped me in my tracks. Are there any other utilities out there or is Nautilus/Dolphin pretty much it?03:02
mputtrInferiorHumanOrg: i'm thinking about access it via lan and wan03:02
deper29I think it has something to do with rtkit-daemon, but I'm unsure :S03:02
LinuX2halfxangua: Thanks, but I've figured it out. I've created an app shortcut through the browser's interface03:03
InferiorHumanOrgmputtr: wel for lan easiest is to set up samba or nfs03:03
mputtrInferiorHumanOrg: yeah, i have samba set up03:03
usr13mputtr: Any access from outside will depend on being able to get through your ISPs security features and accessing the particular PC behind their routers and then having that service's ports forwarded to the outside via your own router and modem.03:03
mputtrbut i also want to be access that drive when not int he network.03:03
Mandalordairmail: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=759783 this might help03:03
* zykotick9 thinks ftp must die03:03
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.redhat.com: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xml.cgi?id=759783)03:03
InferiorHumanOrgmputtr: for ur local is windows involved if not nfs is better03:04
InferiorHumanOrgand id just use ssh for outside the network cause its secure as someone already said.03:04
mputtrInferiorHumanOrg: windows is involved but i have that set up03:04
InferiorHumanOrgftp is slow ;-)03:05
usr13mputtr: There are a number of paths you could explore, but they are all beyond the scope of this discussion channel.03:05
mputtrusr13: ahh bummer :(03:05
InferiorHumanOrgmputtr: i will help u set it up03:05
usr13mputtr: There you go...03:05
mputtrwhere would be the appropriate channel for me to discuss this then?03:05
InferiorHumanOrgi think its ubuntu related my self if he is running ubuntu ;-)03:05
=== Puffle is now known as game
usr13mputtr: pm03:05
mputtrlol just before i even finished typing lol03:05
mputtrthanks usr1303:06
usr13InferiorHumanOrg: Well, yea, it is ubuntu related to a certain extent03:06
usr13InferiorHumanOrg: But you should pm him.03:06
Mandalordmputtr: #ubuntu-offtopic03:06
usr13InferiorHumanOrg: Or find some private type of commuication.03:06
usr13mputtr: NP03:06
quazimododoes ubuntu ship with rules that prevent internet access of my ssh?03:07
quazimodoi can ssh in easily enough from the local network03:07
usr13quazimodo: No, but sshd is not installed by default.03:07
quazimodobut i cant seem to from net03:07
deper29quazimodo, you have to port forward03:08
quazimododeper29: yes i have03:08
deper29quazimodo, go into your router settings and port forward 22 to 22 using the ip address of the machine you wish to ssh into03:08
quazimodoits ok i fixed it03:08
usr13quazimodo: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:08
quazimodoim not an ubuntu noobie03:08
quazimodojust curious if it had some rule system that I didnt know about03:09
q_a_z_stevehow can I figure out why my ubuntu 11.10 VM was frozen and non responsive?03:09
quazimodocheers guys, peace03:09
usr13q_a_z_steve: Can you ssh into it from another PC?03:09
q_a_z_steveI reset it now, can I see something in logs do you think?03:10
usr13quazimodo: You can run nmap against it and see03:10
usr13q_a_z_steve: Yes.  cat /var/log/syslog03:10
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usr13q_a_z_steve: But if you've rebooted, it's gone.03:13
q_a_z_steveweird thing, so is any of what my last commands issued were, was hoping to pick up where I left off by hitting up arrow...03:14
usr13q_a_z_steve: Shift-PageUp03:14
usr13q_a_z_steve: Oh, are you wanting history?03:14
q_a_z_steveusr13: for what? I was hoping to find out which package I last compiled for lfs03:15
q_a_z_steveusr13: is there some log of make or make install? or how about check ?03:17
XDS2010anyone here running unity3d ?03:17
XDS2010(note not to be confused with unity)03:17
usr13q_a_z_steve: I don't know, you just have to look where you were compiling packages.  Or look in your history03:17
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q_a_z_steveusr13: well the weird thing is I've been running all these commands past setting up the .bash_profile and yet that's the last thing it remembers.03:18
arimailMandalord: Hi. It says i could run some commands to mount the hdd manually. But all of these commands returns "unknown command"03:18
arimailin bash03:18
sacarlsonarimail: I think the mount command need sudo or root to be run03:21
thatsachopif there any prior knowledge i need to know before trying to learn bash?03:23
arimailSo how do I obtain this in bash? It seems like the commands are different in bash than in terminal. sudo gives "unknown command" too03:23
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
sacarlsonarimail: you can run your bash script with sudo  like sudo yourscript.sh  then that script will run all it's commands as root03:24
sacarlsonarimail: or sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ;03:25
Superbonkin irssi how do you set yourself to away?03:25
deper29thatsachop, know linux commands and a little bit of programming familiarity will probably help to get in the right mindset03:25
Roastedis there a way to reset the lock for installing apps? Software center is hanging up but I have nothign else running.03:26
sacarlsonthatsachop: ya bash in it's simplist is just a list of commands you would have run at the command line,  if more complex it has loops and if thens'03:26
thatsachopi was referred to bash before i jumpped into C03:28
AreckxIs there a way to change mp3blaster to use a different audio codec? When it's playing an mp3 my youtube will be muted  and sometimes crash03:28
arimailsacarlson: I just get the error "error: unknown command `sudo` "03:28
thatsachopi can move around in the terminal but i would say im still a noob at executing commands and know how.03:28
sacarlsonarimail: it that the whole line just sudo?  what is the whole line?  sudo needs a parameter03:28
AreckxI don't have this problem with VLC, but I want to loop the mp3 over and over and VLC has a slight delay between repeats03:28
sacarlsonarimail: also you must be part of the sudo group to use it03:28
thatsachopfigured i'd hang out here and pick up some extra knowledge :D03:29
sacarlsonarimail: man sudo03:29
Mandalordarimail: One way to work temporarily is to remove "quiet splash" from the command line in the grub menu and press f10 to begin booting. When it fails and prints (initramfs) enter exit and the boot will continue.03:29
menacehi all03:30
menaceok cool this works, will be back later03:30
XDS2010I've been using  (warning ad on page)  http://scale2.s3.amazonaws.com/scale2.swf , but would like to switch to ETS in the library.  Also note: quarks are missing in that graphic , Any way to switch to eyes on the solar system in linux without running wine ?03:31
sacarlsonarimail: oh maybe you not fully booted?03:32
ki4rothatsachop: Good idea...I'm good for about one answer a day, but I learn a lot just by "listening"03:32
LinuX2halfdoes anyone know how to disable the panel that's located on the left of the screen?03:37
aaustinLinuX2half, unity launcher?03:38
bazhang!notunity | LinuX2half03:38
ubottuLinuX2half: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:38
arimailafter removing quiet splash I see some more commands being executed before stopping boot. I cant type anything in, it just says "Loading, please wait."03:38
arimailSo maybe not fully booted03:38
RoastedQuestion - trying to mount a webdav share via terminal with davfs2. I get this error - mounting failed; the server does not support WebDAV. Uhh?03:39
sacarlsonarimail: did you try mandolord's idea above and did you try it, that might work03:40
arimailThat's what I tried.03:40
arimailI never see a initramfs03:40
sacarlsonarimail: how did it get to this state?  install of a new kernel?03:41
arimailIt just says mounting root, done, bla bla bla...... ata_230: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb: Invalid argument,... Loading please wait.03:42
arimailNo, I installed ubuntu on my USB hdd. It worked until I rebooted.03:42
sacarlsonarimail: ok this is a fresh install from usb flash and at reboot after install it's broken03:43
thirdwhlhi all, got a Dell Latitude D520 running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a Broadcom BCM4311 wireless card under the hood... and I can't get it to come up for the life of me, I've modprobed the module and installed the firmware but it still won't come up :/ Network Manager tells me firmware's missing and if I go to additional drivers I'm told the driver's active but not currently in use... where did I go wrong?03:43
arimailsacarlson: correct03:44
ThomasBombHow do I do an equivalent of the following code in /etc/network/interfaces03:44
ThomasBombroute del -net
ThomasBombroute add default gw dev br003:44
deathbeforehonesHello people. I have a question regarding Ubuntu and uninstallation. Can anyone help?03:44
deathbeforehonesHello third. Can you help me?03:45
thirdwhli can try if you ask your question03:45
sacarlsonarimail: you sure this is ubuntu?03:45
sacarlsonarimail: as I see this problem in archlinux https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=101569303:46
deathbeforehonesOk, well. I installed Ubuntu, but when I try to boot to my Windows CD to format and use windows, the installer loads.03:46
deathbeforehonesThen it tells me it cannot find a hard drive and I have to reboot.03:46
OerHeksdeathbeforehones, better ask in ##windows03:47
thirdwhldeathbeforehones, what OerHeks said03:47
deathbeforehonesHow can I format my hard drive to make it clean again?03:47
thirdwhldeathbeforehones, looks like ine installer might need drivers to find the hard drive03:47
arooni-mobilerunning ubuntu 12.04 ext 4... with a very long directory name... "/home/david/restored from jungledisk (bigarooni)/Documents/microsoft/My Documents/My Pictures" ... i cant create a nother directory... any ideas how i can fix this?03:47
thirdwhlarooni-mobile, move the folder elsewhere or rename some of the folders?03:48
deathbeforehonesI have no clue why it cant find it in dos when it used to.03:48
thirdwhldeathbeforehones, same disk or different?03:48
deathbeforehonesEver since I installed ubuntu, I'm blocked from Windows.03:48
deathbeforehonessame disk03:48
thirdwhlsame computer?03:48
juicyany tuts on running a VPS?03:49
deathbeforehonesI know, my head hurts thinking about it.03:49
thirdwhlstill, if it can't find your hard drive, that's a ##windows issue and you're best to ask there03:49
deathbeforehoneswill do. Thanks guys.03:49
arimailsacarlson: Yeah, it's Ubuntu 11.10. But I'm not booted, I'm in GRUB.03:50
arooni-mobilethirdwhl, is there a character limit for directories03:50
sacarlsonjuicy: there are many types of VPS I like to play with virtualbox03:50
arimailSame Hdd as me...03:51
ThomasBombI'm trying to make ubuntu connect to the internet via br0 instead of eth0, how do I do that?03:51
arimailsacarlson: But they seem to be able to boot even with that error. I can't even boot into ubuntu!03:52
thirdwhlarooni-mobile, unsure, but moving it or renaming the base folder to something shorter would eliminate that as a cause03:52
sacarlsonarimail: maybe you can boot your live cd and see if hdparm -i /dev/sdb  gives you any info03:52
sacarlsonopps hdparm -i /dev/sda03:52
juicysacarlson: I mean running VPS servers (like on ubuntu server)03:53
arooni-mobilek thx thirdwhl03:53
ThomasBombDoes anyone know when ubuntu loads /etc/network/interfaces03:53
juicyThomasBomb: WHEN it loads?03:53
sacarlsonjuicy: yes I run vitualbox on ubuntu 10.04 to run vitual systems of windows, ubuntu 12.04 ....03:53
Roastedhow do I mount a drive with read write access? trying to think... mount -o r,w or something?03:54
ThomasBombI have a script that will fix my problem, but I need to get it to automatically run03:54
juicysacarlson: I mean I am running ubuntu server(well debian server) and want to run other debian servers as VMs, I dont have a desktop interface03:54
InferiorHumanim confused and need a question answered. I have 2 pc's on ubuntu one windows and a gigabit router. both pcs have gigabit lans, but i transfer files over samba at 11 MB/S shouldnt it be 100 MB/S03:55
sacarlsonjuicy: oh I guess vitualbox can run on a none gui as well but as I might note there are many VPS system server software available,03:56
thirdwhlarooni-mobile, no worries03:56
juicysacarlson: yeah, I was asking which one was the best (preferrably with a webUI)03:57
sacarlsonjuicy: as you can see here there is xen, virtualbox, vmware ..... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualMachines03:57
sacarlson!best | juicy03:58
ubottujuicy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:58
juicy!worst >> sacarlson03:59
sacarlsonjuicy: I'm sure that would be >>>>me<<<<03:59
juicy:3 nah, just dont apreciate being commanded by bots03:59
=== mputtr is now known as mputtr|away
Roastedjuicy, it's a common occurrence in here.04:00
Roastedany davfs2 users here? Having some trouble mounting the location as rw. Am I to just use mount -t of some sort with rw flags?04:01
arimailsacarlson: Hi. I get that error if i type hdparm -i /dev/sdb from live terminal too.04:10
arimailsacarlson: What on earth causes this?04:10
sacarlsonarimail: like maybe the disk doen't have a uuid04:11
arimailsacarlson: And how am I supposed to fix it?04:11
arimailsacarlson: Can I assign a uuid to it? And how?04:11
sacarlsonarimail: well if the partition isn't formated or corrupted it will have the same efect04:12
sacarlsonarimail: oh you didn't provide the partition you can't do it to the drive04:12
sacarlsonarimail: hdparam -i /dev/sdb104:13
arimailsacarlsson: same error for sdb1 - sdb204:14
sacarlsonarimail: no I'm wrong I get responce from sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda04:15
InferiorHumanOrgcan someone help me I cant get my ubuntu box to run at gigabit lan speeds with ethtool even though it should ...04:15
OerHeksarimail, did you use "sudo hdparm -i /dev/sdb "04:15
arimailHmm. But sda is internal hdd no?04:15
arimailsacarlson: yes04:15
arimailOerHeks: yes04:16
sacarlsonarimail: yes mine is an internal drive but not sure that maters04:16
sacarlsonarimail: hard disk broken?04:16
arimailsacarslon: Nope.. Brand new, and I can open it in home view in live04:17
sacarlsonarimail: I'm not sure I'm out of ideas04:18
OerHekswhat error do you get, exactly?04:18
celthundertdhz77: InferiorHumanOrg is it on auto negotiate ?04:21
InferiorHumanOrgcelthunder: I turned that off04:22
celthunderInferiorHumanOrg: k04:22
InferiorHumanOrgcelthunder: im trying to use this command x@Media:~$ sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg off04:22
InferiorHumanOrgCannot set new settings: Invalid argument04:22
InferiorHumanOrg  not setting speed04:22
InferiorHumanOrg  not setting duplex04:22
InferiorHumanOrg  not setting autoneg04:22
FloodBot1InferiorHumanOrg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
InferiorHumanOrgit works when i do speed 10004:22
InferiorHumanOrgthe router is gigab it 100% sure04:22
InferiorHumanOrgso is the nic . what gives04:22
OerHeks!enter | InferiorHumanOrg04:23
ubottuInferiorHumanOrg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:23
arimailsacarlson: Hmm well TY. I'm afraid I'll reinstall and have the same prob again...04:23
sacarlsonarimail: ya probly, maybe try different version of ubuntu like 10.0404:23
InferiorHumanOrgcelthunder: any ideas why it won't work it shows 1000 base-t as a supported mode.04:25
arimailsacarlson: do you recommend the new 12.04 ??04:25
roasted_Hello! Besides nautilus and davfs2, are there any other ways to connect to a webdav server?04:28
MonkeyDustroasted_  wikipedia to the rescue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV#Linux04:30
tdhz77Can you send files over bluetooth. And if you can, how fast would transfer be?04:30
roasted_MonkeyDust, did you read that wikipedia article, by chance?04:31
roasted_MonkeyDust, I DID specify without nautilus and davfs204:31
MonkeyDustroasted_  just the linux part, it mentions other options04:31
roasted_MonkeyDust, the other options are basically other DE equivalents. I.e. Dolphin for nautilus, etc. Either way, thanks, but the hunt continues... unless I can magically get davfs2 working...04:32
threexkhello.  Why are my windows moving to the side of the screen without me doing anything?04:33
threexkIt's like I'm in some sort of auto-dock mode.04:36
arimailTY for the help!04:37
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
InferiorHumanOrgcan someone tell me why I cant use 1000 baset on my NIC ethtool wont let me set speed 1000 and im using cat5e cable ro a gigabit router..04:37
roasted_InferiorHuman, it wont let you SET the speed? It should be defaulting to gig.04:38
nibbler_inferiorHuman:  i thought  gigabit can only be done by autonegotiation, but i might be wrong04:39
threexkIf I move window A then focus window B, window A moves back to its original position.  Why?04:40
roasted_nibbler_, !!!!!!!04:40
InferiorHumanOrgroasted_:  its defaulting to 100 I have no idea why04:40
roasted_InferiorHuman, did you try other cables?04:40
InferiorHumanOrgyes i just did04:40
InferiorHumanOrgboth cat5e same problem with both.04:40
roasted_nibbler_, you dont use davfs2 by any random weird strange out of this world chance, do you?04:40
nibbler_roasted_, morning - hows your webdav doing?04:40
InferiorHumanOrgthe NIC + router are definently gigabit04:40
roasted_I'm about to start punching babies if I can't figure this out04:40
nibbler_roasted_, use it from time to time, yes04:40
taipresroasted :\04:41
threexkDo not punch babies.04:41
roasted_nibbler_, Nautilus/.gvfs has a bug, where it absorbs the file you're uploading into RAM just prior to sending it to the server. Well, if you send big files, guess what, your RAM maxes out and the connection tanks.04:41
roasted_three18ti, then teach me davfs204:41
roasted_nibbler_, so I looked at davfs2 which utilizes the sudo mount -t blah blah command, and I can get it working, but only as read only. So now I'm struggling to find how to use sudo mount -t davfs as read/write for a non root user.04:42
nibbler_roasted_, hehe - just make a standard mount, automount at boot time... use nautilus on this mountpoint then04:42
threexkroasted_: I don't negotiate with terrorists.04:42
roasted_nibbler_, I'm trying to get it tow ork manually first, as I don't want my work laptop to consistently auto mount it. My desktop however, that's fine.04:42
InferiorHumanOrgif i set speed to 1000 with autoneg on it defaults to 10MB/half04:42
InferiorHumanOrgwtf ??!04:42
roasted_nibbler_, I figured I'd just create a bash script with the entire mount -t blah blah command in it so I can run, say, sudo ./webdav and connect manually04:42
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, what about its peer?04:43
roasted_nibbler_, but it's all useless if everything is read only04:43
=== hybrid is now known as bolitutti
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: by peer u mean the router?04:44
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, does it support gigabit, and is it configured?04:44
DocPlatypusare there known issues with the Haier Ibiza Rhapsody on Ubuntu 12.04? I can't get anything to list the files already on the device04:44
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: it says its gigabit04:45
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: im trying to find an option to see what its configged for04:45
nibbler_roasted_, http://nopaste.dk/p5552 - strangely the call does not return, but in another shell i can read and write - and things shwo up on oc04:47
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: it says stuffs connected to it at 100MB idk how to change it guess ill have to call verizon04:48
roasted_nibbler_, I just won the prize04:48
roasted_sudo mount.davfs -o file_mode=775,dir_mode=775,uid=user 'http://localhost/webdav2' /home/user/mounts/webdav04:49
roasted_couresty of this link - http://savannah.nongnu.org/support/?10720904:49
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, you have proper cabeling?04:49
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: cat5e right?04:49
roasted_nibbler_, what's funny is, when I right click, theres still options grayed out. create new folder is gryaed out. but if I click it... I create a new folder anyway....04:50
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, cat5e is fine for 10gig ethernet... so i guess it should do for gigabit04:50
InferiorHumanOrgnibbler_: i guess im gonna have to call them then.04:51
nibbler_roasted_, you use a different way than me, i c04:52
roasted_nibbler_, how different?04:52
nibbler_roasted_, i mounted as a user witht he fusefs tool - there you don't need this user stuff. your way is nicer - if you are/have root04:53
InferiorHumanOrgive tried two cat5e cables already04:53
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, did you try another gigabit device connected to the router?04:53
nibbler_InferiorHumanOrg, or the same device connected to another gigabit peer?04:53
roasted_nibbler_, how is my wya nicer if I require root???04:54
nibbler_roasted_, as you can put it in /etc/fstab and won'thave to worry about stuff anymore04:54
wosio_hello, im trying to setup my printer and scanner, but in Printing dong find my printer ;(04:55
wosio_are all other only not my....04:55
roasted_nibbler_, I see. It struck me as being a little messy with having to have the file set, dir set, and user listed, but I suppose it works.04:56
OerHekswosio_, what brand & type printer?04:56
wosio_OerHeks, Brother DCP-385C04:56
roasted_nibbler_, it'll be easy enough to put this in a bash script and call on the bash script when needed04:56
MonkeyDustroasted_  the babies are saved then04:56
roasted_MonkeyDust, indeed04:56
nibbler_roasted_, good ;-)04:57
roasted_until next time, that is ;)04:57
=== wosio_ is now known as wosio
roasted_nibbler_, I'm creating a 5GB bogus file now to send tot he server just as a test to see if it ramps up my memory instantly and maxes it out like nautilus did04:58
OerHekswosio_,  oh brother .. if their site does not show the printer, i am afraid it won't print ( see openprinting.org )04:59
nibbler_roasted_, its another implementation so i hope it'd work04:59
wosioOerHeks, oo on site? aa ok ok :)05:00
wosioso why all Brother Drivers are not impleted to ubuntu?05:00
OerHekswosio, i checked the brother site, only windows & apple.05:00
wosioin ubu are only DCP-7xx++05:00
OerHekswosio, ask brother?05:00
nibbler_wosio, i guess brother is not working with developers to closely and don't publish their specs.....05:01
q_a_z_stevehow can I create a tar.bz2 from cli when I am getting errors about "I won't write compressed data to a terminal." I would think all I need to do is tar -cvj $LFS/tools /home/j/Desktop/tools.tar.bz205:01
nibbler_q_a_z_steve, you need -f, too05:01
q_a_z_stevenibbler_: to create? Anyway that is even uglier errors.05:02
mharrisq_a_z_steve: your arguments are in the wrong order05:02
nibbler_q_a_z_steve, and swap the 2 paramenters in the end ;-)05:02
MageofHopeanybody here know why youtube/vimeo/other video streaming sites might suddenly be creating crackling sound and playing way too fast, with some stuttering?05:02
MageofHopeIt happens on multiple browsers but I can play music/videos off my desktop just fine05:02
nibbler_q_a_z_steve, -f takes one argument, and that is the target archive - so this has to follow the f05:03
q_a_z_steveok, I think that's working05:03
MageofHopeAlso, flash seems to work fine on at least one website that isn't a video streaming site05:03
mharrisMageofHope: quite often due to inadequate buffering in the audio driver05:03
MageofHope:v how would I modify that/check what amount of buffering i have?05:03
holyfatherHaving some problems compiling wifi drivers for injection. Doing a cat /proc/version I see the gcc that compiled my kernel is 4.6.3. While the gcc on my system is a bit older. Hence problems compile kernel modules.05:03
holyfatherWas wondering if Ubuntu uses a bpo like Debian does.05:04
MonkeyDusta bpo ?05:04
wosioyay! im find drivers for DCP! i wroted in google "Brother Linux Drivers" xD05:05
OerHeksholyfather, compiling wifi drivers for injection ? sonds like hacking to me.05:06
holyfatherMonkeyDust backport http://backports-master.debian.org/05:06
=== Neal|ZNC is now known as Neal_
holyfatherOerHeks yes it is or if your job is a pen tester to get paid for testing security05:07
wosioOerHeks, http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html look there, there is Linux Drivers, not only Mak OX and Windows05:07
holyfatherOerHeks not talking about sqli05:07
OerHekswosio, look yourself, your printer is not listed, is it?05:07
wosioOerHeks, liste on his website05:08
wosiois installed now  ;]05:08
MonkeyDustwosio  your printer is too new05:08
wosioand printing perfectly!05:08
wosioisn ot new.. has 4-5  years :F05:08
wosioim bought for ~100$ xD05:09
holyfatherNot sure it my problem is the gcc/kernel miss match or the depmod -ae tossing out waring e- should be used with -E or -F with05:09
holyfatherany coders here?05:09
wosiookay guys now scanning :D05:09
jbander1I'm trying to put a photo on my desktop but it will only go on in icon size and they can't be enlarged without loosing major definition. How can I do it05:10
=== HeliusCron is now known as wrenny
OerHeksholyfather, better ask in #backtrack-linux05:10
holyfatherI was a dev for them05:10
holyfatherback in 200905:10
wosioaa guys ive question, Brother relesed only 32bit drivers, ive 64, im installed special lib32(somethink like that)and scaning driver must be too installed 32bit? or i can now normally 64?05:11
celthunderwosio: ? you can install it in a multiarch setup or in a 32 bit chroot05:12
wosiocelthunder, what? im new! i dont understand what u wr to me... ;F05:13
wosioi can install both?? 32 and 64?05:13
jbander1'm trying to put a photo on my desktop but it will only go on in icon size and they can't be enlarged without loosing major definition. How can I do it05:13
holyfathersigh I am trying to get aircrack-ng up to speed to it will be put in the repos again. Ubuntu is turning OS X gay.05:14
kingofswordscan any1 give me a uk proxy addy plz?05:14
=== mRy is now known as Guest39083
celthunderholyfather: aircrack works fine for me..admitedly im in arch not ubuntu05:14
holyfatherYou had to compile it05:14
holyfatherand airodump-ng does not scan right.05:15
celthunderholyfather: is your card in permiscuous mode05:15
holyfatherrtl8187 alfa and yes I do more then hang out in mon005:16
jbander1'm trying to put a photo on my desktop but it will only go on in icon size and they can't be enlarged without loosing major definition. How can I do it05:16
celthunderjbander1: get a bigger picture with higher resolution?05:16
celthunderholyfather: ok so whats it doing?05:17
MonkeyDustjbander1  details depend on the resolution, the higher, the better quality05:17
jbander1I've ran it through gimp and enlarged it but when I send it tp the desktop it's icon size05:17
MonkeyDustjbander1  yes, you have to increase the canvas size, but the quality will reduce05:18
holyfathercelthunder airdriver-ng will not compile code right because the gcc version the compile the kernel is not the same as the gcc version on the computer by default05:18
jbander1I have done that with no results , just icon size05:19
celthunderholyfather: so grab the proper gcc?05:19
holyfathercelthunder yes but since I picked up the aircrack-ng suit to have it put back in the repos this is not just for my computer.05:19
celthunderholyfather: holyfather make a chroot with your build environtment05:19
celthunderholyfather: ah..gl then05:20
jbander1I've done scale size print size and canvas size but when I move them to my desktop they are all icon size05:20
celthunderjbander1: mediainfo it05:24
celthunderand pastebin the info05:24
jbander1whats that??05:25
holyfatherjbander1 thats vagtastic. Think of it. If you have 1 teaspoon of mile and then add 20 liters of water to it ... why does it loose its color?05:25
holyfathersame principle, you cant get something from nothing05:26
celthunderholyfather: thats why i told him to mediainfo it05:27
jbander1I'm not complaining about the quality of the photo , I can scan to 1200 dpi , no mater how big I make it in gimp or any other program when I send it to the desktop it becomes a Icon, and you cant increase the size of icon on your desktop without loosing all it's definition05:27
celthunderso we could see exactly how small it is05:27
jbander1what is media info05:29
holyfather@.@ ---> retard class this way ----->05:29
OerHeksholyfather, that is not helpfull05:30
jbander1You must be joking, this is just a question not a national direction05:31
antonio_anyone in here use kdenlive?  for some reason its not compiling anything...just sitting there05:31
Qalqiis there an option for transliteration of indic scripts in linux?05:31
holyfatherantonio_ yeah it rocks05:31
holyfatheryou mean rendering05:31
=== Tiktalik is now known as Tikasleep
antonio_holyfather: its taking FOREVER05:32
antonio_takes like 5 minutes before it even starts rendering05:33
holyfatherantonio_ ohhh  yeah. What are you rendering it to? H.264?05:33
holyfatherantonio_ on my i7 2600k clocked up to 5GHz a 2 hour movie can take 1.5hours05:34
antonio_this is basically a static image with audio background05:35
antonio_was showing it would take 5 freaking hours05:35
holyfatherantonio_ lol what kind of computer you using?05:35
antonio_its never done this before05:35
antonio_that shouldn't really matter..as it was never this bad before05:35
holyfatherantonio_ is it film clip?05:36
antonio_no moving bits05:36
antonio_basically the same thing as this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6DzYHO_SCo05:36
holyfatherantonio_ try using a profile with x264.05:36
antonio_h.264 isn't available05:37
wosioantonio_, check in synaptic05:37
antonio_what do you mean wosio:?05:38
wosioantonio_,  CTRL+ALT+T05:38
wosioantonio_,  gksu synaptic05:38
holyfatherantonio_ I made a video on youtube how to compile and use ffmpeg. Also wrote a script to do all the work05:38
wosioantonio_,  if nothing, try  sudo apt-get install synaptic05:39
wosioantonio_, start synaptic again , and in "Fast Filtr" write " h264"05:39
wosioor faster " sudo apt-get install h264nc x26405:39
wosioor faster " sudo apt-get install h264enc x264"05:40
holyfatherantonio_ a bit old but might help you out. I am making a new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0IDV6r-bCI05:40
wosiohey what is better? qt-* or gtk-*? for Unity?05:40
holyfatherIf you think all the cmd line stuff is no fun I wrote this to do it all for you https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2FNHXrsBxm&session_token=kEYyj-YVixQi4rxPPBiKlNM0_fx8MTM0MDM0MzU2M0AxMzQwMjU3MTYz05:40
holyfatherwosio to program or for what?05:41
holyfatherwosio I like qt just because I am use it on anything like Android etc05:41
wosioholyfather, for Unity05:41
antonio_h264 still not available05:41
wosioantonio_, restart Firefox :P05:41
wosioi've  Avaible...05:42
holyfatherwosio if you have to learn one or the other I would learn QT05:42
markpIs it possible to tell an application that a lib (such as zlib) doesn't exist at compile time?05:43
holyfatheryeah and it will tell you I dont feel like compiling05:43
markpThat's what I was afraid of. I can't seem to figure out how to end up with an elinks binary that doesn't support gzip-compressed websites.05:44
markpI don't suppose anyone here has ever tried?05:44
holyfatherthere should be something like zlib called zlib1 or something.05:44
antonio_I start the render...and it shows "waiting" for a few minutes05:44
holyfatherantonio_ what kind of cpu you have?05:45
antonio_not sure05:45
markpholyfather: Where would that be?05:45
holyfather-antonio_- VERSION xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu05:45
vdoc8765Hello all05:45
antonio_holyfather: that shouldn't matter...as it was working perfectly fine a few weeks ago05:45
holyfatherdarn no cpu info05:46
holyfatherantonio_ sounds a bit fishy05:46
francohola!, alguien habla español?05:46
vdoc8765I'm looking for an app that handles grub 2 configuring. Whats the best?05:47
antonio_holyfather: it shows waiting for like 2 or 3 minutes..then it starts to render05:47
antonio_its showing 03:19:09 for like 40 minutes of video/audio05:47
antonio_and the time isn't changing05:48
holyfatherantonio_ how big is the org file? might be huge and you might have slow drives05:48
antonio_org file?05:48
holyfatherantonio_ serisolly though kdenlive is the best video editing program on *nix.05:48
wosioantonio_, if u havent h264 on YT... meybe try install totem-youtubeh26?05:48
wosioantonio_, http://totem-youtube-h264-plugin.en.uptodown.com/ubuntu05:48
antonio_48 megs for the mp305:49
holyfathernot that big05:49
=== [1]MarcelT3 is now known as MarcelT3
antonio_holyfather: here is the terminal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052123/05:50
holyfatherantonio_ that video I put up on YT can play at 1080p and does not even need flash to watch it. A HTML5 browser that is.05:50
rectecExcuse me, can anybody tell me what the actual package name for "Startup Applications" is?05:54
antonio_there is something seriously fed up with this!05:56
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
Mandalordrectec: i think this is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1769389.html05:58
mi3Hi Mandalord !05:59
mi3Mandalord, howz it going, sir ?05:59
rectecMandalord, thanks05:59
glitsj16rectec: i believe that should be the gnome-session-bin package06:00
Mandalordhi mi3, things go perfectly smooth today, how about you06:00
mi3Mandalord, just hanging out in the mint channel. :D06:00
rectecI should mention I'm trying to get this on my Arch system. Should be in the AUR06:00
glitsj16now you tell us ;)06:01
Mandalordmi3: you are using mint? i heard somebody said mint is ubuntu for the lazy:P06:01
mi3Mandalord, I. USE.UBUNTU.06:01
excalibrDoes anyone know which file I need to edit to remove rounded corner on scroll bar/button?06:03
wardropCan someone tell me what the advantage is of having "Defaults env_reset" in the sudoers file. Why would anyone know what their current environment to be accessible via sudo?06:03
glitsj16rectec: Arch has it under the name gnome-session06:04
rectecglitsj16, appreciate it06:04
mi3!cookie | kandinski06:04
ubottukandinski: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:04
wardropI ask because I comment out this line on all of our Ubuntu installs, but want to know if there's a good reason for it existing in the first place.06:04
glitsj16rectec: you're welcome06:04
mi3!cookie | kanliot06:04
ubottukanliot: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:04
rectecno i dont think that's it06:04
quixotedonmi3: i want a cookie too. :d06:05
mi3!cookie | quixotedon06:05
ubottuquixotedon: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:05
HaltingStateOk I installed 11.04 from scratch; its cleaner and faster now; but still is missing application task bar which sucks06:05
glitsj16rectec: no? http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/i686/gnome-session/files/ does reference /usr/bin/gnome-session etc06:06
HaltingStateI still cant drag icons or move stuff on quick launcher06:06
rectecit's gnome-session-properties. ran that and it works fine06:06
rectecjust what i was looking for06:07
glitsj16k, one less thing06:08
wosiookay scanner installed but in xsane : Cannot open 'brother3:bus5;dev1':  incorrect argument06:08
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
rectecJust needed it so I can set XRandR without fiddling with my xorg.conf06:08
rectecWorks fine on my Ubuntu system06:08
rectecI'll see you guys later.06:09
aeiou_anyone.....i just used sudo make install to install the code....can anyone tell me how exactly i must run it?? i am unable find how to run it....06:11
celthunderwardrop: you do or dont want your environment available to sudo? i dont....06:11
wardropcelthunder: I do want it available. I always found it a surprise that my environment changed when running something under sudo.06:11
wardropIt goes against the principle of least surprise.06:11
celthunderaeiou_: what did you install? make should tell you where it installed.06:11
celthunderwardrop: thats stupidity.  you run sudo to have a different environmental conditions...06:12
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=== mputtr|away is now known as mputtr
celthunderwardrop: so expect it to be seperate...its supposed to be06:12
wardropcelthunder: I run sudo so I temporarily have admin privilidges, so to change my environment.06:12
mputtrhow do i find out the address of my ftp server that i just set up via pureftpd06:13
wardropnot to change my environment*06:13
aeiou_celthunder: i installed a kde package called okular. i built it in a build folder and then installed it there....so how exactly do i run it?06:13
celthunderwardrop: exactly...you want the environment of root not your user06:13
celthunderaeiou_: well where did you --prefix it to06:13
MobilHi. I have an issue with Ubuntu desktop sharing. When I use TightVNC or TigerVNC to connect to Ubuntu, the screen does not refresh. I can move the mouse, and even control the box, but I cannot actually get the viewer to refresh and get a new screen.06:13
wardropcelthunder: I've always looked at it as though I am temporarily raising the privilidges of my account rather than emulating root.06:13
celthunderwardrop: welll by your logic you will eventually end up with a bunch of stuff owned by root in your users dir06:14
aeiou_celthunder : /path/to/your/kde4/install/dir ..06:14
wardropcelthunder: How do I make that conclusion? How would setting or disabling env_reset affect file ownership?06:14
wardropHow do you*06:14
celthunderwardrop: $HOME is an environtmental variable to start with /home/user isnt /root (or /usr/home/user if bsd)06:15
celthunderso if you run anything that uses that you end up with exactly what i just mentioned06:15
decci_Anything better than squid and Sarg06:16
celthunderthere are other variables as well you probably dont want to intermingle with your user / root environtments06:16
celthunderthats the most obvious one though06:16
celthunderaeiou_: try locate ocular or whatever and see if you can find it id check /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin06:18
celthunderwhich ocular may also work if you have it in your path06:18
mputtrhow do i find out the address of my ftp server that i just set up via pureftpd?06:19
celthundermputtr: netstat -nl06:19
celthundermputtr: it usually binds to all addresses by default but if you arent sure or you set a specific one you can see in the config or via netstat06:20
mputtrohhh wow06:20
mputtrcool. i'm hunting for the ftp name06:20
celthunderfidel: hi06:20
antonio_this is so damn frustrating06:20
fidelmputtr: name the ftp-server is using itself in its welcome message?06:20
celthunderantonio_: ?06:20
mputtrfidel: uh.. not sure what you mean06:21
antonio_celthunder: for some reason kdenlive is taking FOREVER to render videos06:21
fidelmputtr: you just mentioned that you are hunting for the ftp servers name06:21
heryqubes os06:22
mputtrwell, looking for the actual address so i can try to connect to it06:22
Mobilanyone got a suggestion to my itsy bitsy problem?06:22
celthunderantonio_: ok? get a faster processor/more ram/ssd06:22
fideli was asking if you are talking about the name the ftp server is using in its welcome message - or the name the actual os/server has ;)06:22
mputtri've never set up a ftp server and i've poured over google for the past 4 hours06:22
antonio_celthunder: thats not it...it was working fine like two weeks ago06:22
celthunderfidel: thought he asked what address it was listening on....06:22
celthunderhery: hi06:22
celthundernafcool: hi06:22
fidelcelthunder: i was thinking that too at the start - then he mentioned'name' ;)06:22
mputtrfidel: i meant the actual ftp address. i just installed pureftpd but i can't tell what the server is06:22
celthundermputtr: ifconfig06:23
bluelfwhat should be the size of swap as compared to ram ?06:23
fidelmputtr: ifconfig will show your your local ip06:23
celthunderlook for your main connection06:23
fidelin case you are working with internal ips & external - that is a different story06:23
mputtrthe inet address?06:23
herycelthunder: do you know how to burn qube os into usb flashdisk with ubuntu?06:23
celthundermputtr: or ip addr if you dont have ifconfig06:23
celthunderhery: if its an iso dd if06:23
mputtrso to access the ftp server, i just put in ftp.<ipaddress>?06:24
celthunderer dd if=your iso of=your flash06:24
herycelthunder, yes i try with dd but doesnt work06:24
celthundermputtr: ftp ip:port06:24
celthunderno period06:25
celthunderftp ip:port06:25
mputtrok.. testing it out..06:26
celthunderhery: what the hells qube os anyway...try unetbootin or extract the iso directly to the disk is it even bootable?06:26
anggahow can i edit systemmenu in fbpanel ??06:27
celthunderraziel: you spelt your name 10 points lol ... whats up06:27
herycelthunder,  sorry i mean qubes os, qubes-os.org06:28
celthunderso its xen06:29
celthunderthats nice....06:29
herycelthunder,  yes, correct06:29
celthunderhery: you can write the iso using unetbootin or whatever and boot to it from that06:29
celthundershould work06:29
MonkeyDusthery  how is that question ubuntu related?06:29
aeiou_celthunder : i am unable to delete a particular folder called path because it says owner is 'root'. how do iget permissions to delete it? it has an application i want to delete.06:29
anggahow can i edit systemmenu in fbpanel ??06:29
celthunderanyway xen straight up should work from anything06:29
celthunderaeiou_: sudo rm -rf path06:30
celthunderaeiou_: or sudo chown user:user -R path06:30
heryMonkeyDust,  :)06:30
celthunderaeiou_: or sudo chmod 777 -R path06:30
celthunderaeiou_: any of the above should allow you to remove it06:30
MonkeyDustaeiou_  careful with rm -rf -- it asks no confirmation06:31
aeiou_MonkeyDust : it is in my file system and do i have to be in the folder coltaining path before i use this statment?06:32
celthunderaeiou_: no you do not...you may use relative or direct paths06:32
celthunderactually being in the folder you intend to delete will error out rming . while you are in it though it may or may not rm . when you leave for you06:33
MonkeyDustaeiou_  frankly, my advice is to not use rm -rf if you don't know what you're doing and I think you don't06:33
aeiou_celthunder :what exactly is path to the file system?06:33
celthunderMonkeyDust: the path to your actual fs? /dev/sda most likely06:33
celthunderaeiou_: the path to fs is either /dev/sda most likely points to physical fs...the path to your fs mounts are in fstab/mtab accordingly...06:34
mputtri can access the box itself, but i can't navigate to where my hdd is at (i have a separate hdd for media files)06:34
celthunderMonkeyDust: i have a feeling hes about to rm /dev  or his /06:34
celthundermputtr: set your rootdir for the ftpd to where you want ... also check permissions06:35
mputtrI set my home directory to the hdd i want it to be at and also set a fake root to be at the same place.. is it because the username i just added is a virtual user?06:36
celthunderaeiou_: if youre using lvm you may have /dev/mapper/ stuff as well that may point to your fs...not sure what you mean by where is the fs06:36
celthunderhmm hope he googles before he rms stuff....06:37
kandinskimi3, thanks for the cookie!06:37
=== HeliusCron is now known as wrenny
celthunderanayway.  mputtr sorry mate..i just use ssh so no help other than the general stuff.  ftp to me seems redundant anyway06:38
kandinskikanliot: sorry for eating your cookie!06:38
mputtrcelthunder: i just wanted to map a network drive, that's why.06:38
mputtrthat and the IP cam that I have only knows how to deal with FTP06:39
kanliotnp kandinski06:39
=== hery is now known as heryes
celthunderMonkeyDust: btw theres nothing wrong with rm as long as you read the dir before you hit enter.06:41
ArashHello :)06:42
celthundermputtr: hmm wellif its monuted somewhere the ftpd allows you to go..no ideas06:42
celthunderArash: hi06:42
celthundermputtr: mounted*06:42
mputtrcelthunder: i'm trying to figure that out. i tried adding a link to the hdd on the desktop but the network doesn't see it06:43
celthundermputtr: allow unjailed ftp access06:43
celthunderthat should fix it...06:44
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP06:44
mputtrok. gonna find out where it is in pureftpd06:44
celthunderby default most ftpds lock you in your home dir if you turn that off you should be able to go to your other drive06:44
celthundermputtr: main config file near the bottom if it hasnt changed in ... 5 years?06:44
mputtrcelthunder: there's no config file near the bottom of the gui.. just "manage user" and no option for "unjailing"06:45
celthundermputtr: ftpds come with guis now???06:45
mputtrapparently they do lol06:45
mputtrpureftpd atleast06:45
celthunderwhat next a gui for how to breathe air06:45
mputtrit goes by pureadmin06:45
mputtrhey now... guis help alot :P06:46
celthundermputtr: cat /etc/proftpd.conf or whatever06:46
celthunderif your gui didnt remove it it should be a commented out line06:46
mputtrgot it06:46
mputtri'm gonna look for it right now06:46
Arashwhat is smb ?06:47
mputtrcd ~/pure-ftpd06:47
OerHeksArash, smb = samba06:47
Arashwhat does smb do ?06:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:47
Arashinteresting ! thanks06:47
damms005someone help with fdisk. 'Start' and "End" column, is it block size or cluster size?06:49
damms005When using parted, -move option, is it to specify the 'Start' and 'End' in blocks?06:50
shyamsn11does any1 have a definitive guide 2 compiling packages from source?06:50
celthundermputtr: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_Directory.html06:50
mputtrcelthunder: thanks. reading it righ tnow06:51
OerHeks!build shyamsn1106:51
OerHeks!build | shyamsn1106:51
ubottushyamsn11: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:51
shyamsn11ubottu: s.. bt I find a no. of s/w that rn't pre-built :)06:51
ubottushyamsn11: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:51
damms005!fdisk | damms00506:52
OerHeks!info fdisk06:52
ubottuPackage fdisk does not exist in precise06:52
celthundershyamsn11: compiling from source is usually simple06:52
damms005When using parted, -move option, do I specify the 'Start' and 'End' in blocks?06:53
celthunderthough usually youll want to read the readme/install filse to make sure you have the requirements etc06:53
shyamsn11I tried a couple of times but just can't get it 2 work..06:53
celthundershyamsn11: whatre you compiling whatd you do what error do you get whats your environment etc06:54
damms005When using parted, -move option, do I specify the 'Start' and 'End' in blocks?06:55
calstonhi there06:57
calstoncan I ask what in gods name people have done to resolv.conf in recent history?06:57
calstonI'd google this problem, but my DNS is broken, and no matter how many virgin bodies are piled in my basement I can't modify my resolv.conf, and even editing network/interfaces just somehow sucks the old dns server out of god knows where and replaces it06:58
=== HeliusCron is now known as wrenny
MonkeyDustcalston  for a start, mind your language06:58
jppiiroinencalston: so do you need a public dns server address? if so there is opendns for example06:59
calstonMonkeyDust: thanks, I'm not a kid and this isn't #relgion or #parenting, do you know how resolvconf works?06:59
MonkeyDustcalston  after you modified resolv.conf and/or /etc/network/interfaces , you have to restart the network06:59
calstonI did that06:59
calstonjppiiroinen: I have one, but wherever I put it gets mysteriously replaced06:59
MonkeyDustcalston  disable network manager (nm-applet)07:00
calstonhmmm, I hope that's not running on server edition07:00
jppiiroinencalston: did you read the comments in the resolv.conf07:00
antonio_what is the best way to install kdenlive?07:00
jppiiroinencalston: as if i recall properly it says that the file will be replaced by the daemon07:01
MonkeyDustantonio_  do you prefer CLI or GUI ?07:01
antonio_monkeydust: whatever one will work the best07:02
MonkeyDustantonio_  then try sudo apt-get install kdenlive -- or the software center -- or synaptic07:02
calstonjppiiroinen: yeah sure, so I set dns-nameservers in interfaces07:02
calstonjppiiroinen: and so it generates a resolv conf of "nameserver <old broken one>\nnameserver<new one>"07:03
jppiiroinencalston: so you get the old broken one from dhcp server?07:03
calstonjppiiroinen: I've grep -R my entire /etc/ for where <old broken one> is, and it is nowhere07:03
calstonjppiiroinen: no, this is a dhcp server07:03
jppiiroinencalston: i hope that somebody else can help you further on this07:05
mputtrwell this is odd....07:05
mputtrfor some reason... if i access ftp via web browser, i can see the link, but if i add it as a network share, it refuses to detect the link to the media drive...07:06
tking0036does anyone here use MusE07:08
antonio_god I freaking hate ubuntu sometimes!07:09
calstonresolv.conf is a sym to /run/resolv.conf, which hangs on to stale dhcp options07:12
calstonwho wrote this07:12
tking0036has anyone got jackd working on ubuntu 12.0407:12
* calston polishes his sacraficial sword07:12
antonio_why can't kdenlive just work damnit!07:14
MonkeyDustantonio_  are you in KDE ?07:15
antonio_I think gnome07:15
antonio_I cna't even think straight right now07:15
antonio_monkeydust: what can I do?07:17
MonkeyDustantonio_  I forget the name, moment07:17
lotuspsychjeanyone got issues with sound after an update lately?07:18
MonkeyDustantonio_  if it's gnome, try openshot07:18
tking0036lotuspsychje: are you using pulseaudio?07:18
lotuspsychjetking0036:well its not really for me, can you tell me what you know?07:18
tking0036i havent had any problems with the default alsa/pulseaudio...07:19
antonio_monkeydust: I don't want to use a different program07:19
tking0036im using the newest version... i cant get jackd to work however07:19
antonio_Its just super frustrating when things stop working for no damn apparent reason07:19
tking0036antonio_: have you heard the joke about if operating systems were airlines?07:20
tking0036antonio_: http://tinyurl.com/2z4c9x07:20
avelldirollcalston: mind your language ... you might not be a kid, but some of the connected are ... furthermore you mind find out that some people simply ignore badmouthed people and you might not be answered to as a result (I for one apply this most of the time, why bother listening to someone too upset to be coherent ?). There is nothing "mysterious" about your problem, there is such a thing as release notes with07:20
avelldirolleach versions of software: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop  where you will find a link to the explanations you seek: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/07:20
ankurHello everyone, i am using ubuntu 11.04, i want to install gnome-shell , i have added the proper ppa, but when i try to install it gives some dependency error :- eg gnome-shell : Depends: gir1.2-json-1.0 but it is not going to be installed07:22
ankur               Depends: gir1.2-mutter-3.0 but it is not going to be installed07:22
ankur               Depends: gnome-bluetooth (>= 3.0.0) but 2.91.2.is.2.32.0-0ubuntu307:22
bkerensaankur: did you sudo apt-get update?07:22
tking0036what about sudo apt-get upgrade07:22
ankuri also did that07:23
tking0036can you just upgrade to 12.0407:23
=== JPeterso2 is now known as JPeterson
checheI just upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 and languagr went from spanish to english. check supported languages and is spanish first.07:23
ankuri am using 11.04 in the office so can't upgrade07:24
fidelcheche: personaly i would rush forward to 12.04 and then mess around with language again07:24
fidelas 10.04 is still ...well - somehow old'ish07:24
fidelwhich is no issue itself - but fixing language now and then maybe being forced to re-fix it again after the next upgrade seems not perfect07:25
tking0036will you get in trouble if you upgrade to 12.04 at the office or something07:25
bulletmarkankur: shame, gnome shell is awkward in 11.04. It's just an "apt-get install gnome-shell"  from standard packages in 11.10 onwards ..07:25
chechefidel: on 8.04 things are.. snappy07:26
zombifierI wouldn't suggest upgrading just yet07:26
chechefidel: when you move to 10.04 start up is very fast... but same machine star to be laggy07:27
chechefidel: that increased with 12.0407:27
chechefidel: i feel that maybe is a problem in the upgrade  process. it was shutdown that machine in the middle07:27
fidelcheche: running 8.04 is no long time option ...i guess you know that07:28
fidelsame goes for 10.04 basically07:28
zombifierIf Ubuntu is too slow, use X/Lubuntu07:28
fideli am guessing here - but could it be 12.04 felt slow for you cause of maybe wrong display drivers or a non-perfect Desktop-environment choice?07:29
tking0036running outdated software is never a good choice..07:29
fidelcheche: apart fro mthat - having a non-planned shutdown while upgrading sounds like a possible cause for issues07:30
chechezombifier: done that as well, but X/lubuntu change the look and feel and the user seem lost07:30
tking0036cheche: Xubuntu would be very minimal transition from a casual gnome user07:30
chechefidel: i know, but I want to know what triggers to use english locale instead of spanish07:30
lotuspsychjeor gnome classic07:30
ankurtking0036, bulletmark , thanks... next time i will do it :)07:30
fidelcheche: happy digging then ;)07:31
walruscodeHey, I messed up my groups yesterday when I was trying to get tor to work (I was being stupid) and did "usermod -G user debian_tor" instead of "usermod -aG user debian_tor". Now, if I try to install something through ubuntu software center or mount a disk by clicking on in in the file browser, it asks for the root password, not mine. Wat do?07:31
calstonavelldiroll: the desktop release notes?07:31
avelldirollcheche: ubuntu default install targets recent hardware, so if you keep the same hardware and the default configuration, things will get slower with each version. So if your hardware is getting old, switching to lubuntu might be a nice option (last time I checked xubuntu default were as ressource ungry as ubuntu-desktop)07:31
viperguten morgen zusamm07:31
lotuspsychje!de | viper07:31
ubottuviper: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:31
=== viper is now known as Guest6618
chechetking0036: i will have another look07:31
Guest6618spricht mehr deutsch ?07:31
lotuspsychje!de | Guest661807:32
ubottuGuest6618: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:32
tking0036i personally prefer openbox... but it would be a major transition for a casual gnome user07:32
chechefidel: that is why I am here to try to find out07:32
calstonavelldiroll: that says nothing about the fact that if you switch network config from dhcp to static, that resolv.conf will still keep injecting the old dhcp client nameservers into resolv.conf, that is clearly a bug07:32
avelldirolltking0036: lxde eases this process07:33
Ziegyhi all, I`m trieng to set up xen under ubuntu server,  and there is promlem at mabul I need to make image by typing command dd if=/dev/zero of=xenwin.img bs=1024k seek=4096 count=007:33
calston*resolvconf will even07:33
Ziegy but id didn`t make image07:33
zombifierwalruscode: That's quite a problem. Add yourself back into these groups: yourownusername (yes, replace it with your own username), adm, cdrom, admin, dip, plugdev, lpadmin, sambashare07:33
tking0036can you write in the directory where you are creating the image07:33
zombifierIf on 12.04, replace admin with sudo07:33
jc__I need to know my printer's USB bus ID:device ID (bbb:ddd). how do i find it07:33
walruscodezombifier, thank you, I will do that.07:33
steevBHola, So im trying to set my touchpad to act as the center mouse click button. However, I a, having some serious issues. Any suggestions07:33
MonkeyDustjc__  try lsusb07:33
steevBand by the way I am wanting to do a two finger tap to do this07:34
Ziegy/etc/xen#  directory07:34
walruscodezombifier, just to make sure I don't do anything else stupid, would "usermod -aG user group" be the proper way to add myself to those groups?07:34
jc__MonkeyDust: thanks. i don't see my printer in that list. could it be because my computer is connected to my printer via a parrelel-port-to-USB cable?07:35
checheif I have problems with locale after upgrade. Maybe "rm -r  ~/.gconf" can help?07:35
zombifierwalruscode: yes07:35
MonkeyDustjc__  perhaps07:35
walruscodezombifier, alright, thanks again07:36
jc__MonkeyDust: but the funny thing is that the printer is detected via the Printing app07:36
MonkeyDustjc__  try lspci07:36
zombifierIt's more recommended that you use 'adduser user group' to add a user to an existing group I don't know if it supports multiple groups at a time)07:36
avelldirollcalston: "that is clearly a bug" ... if you say so ... but you should read the implications of using dnsmasq to manage resolv.conf, just sayin'07:37
jc__MonkeyDust: thanks, lspci doesn't show an HP printer either07:38
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
walruscodezombifier, sorry to bug you again, but i'm told 'admin" is not a group. Also, ubuntu software center still requests the root password, should a restart remedy that?07:39
=== balou_fr_ is now known as balou_fr
thomasbombI'm trying to use tcl to telnet into my router and it isn't working... When I run it it says:07:39
thomasbombinvalid command name "spawn"07:39
thomasbomb    while executing07:39
thomasbomb"spawn telnet"07:39
FloodBot1thomasbomb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
zombifierLike what I said, in 12.04 'admin' is replaced by 'sudo'07:39
walruscodezombifier, sorry, I didn't catch that07:40
zombifierYou need to be in the group sudo if you want to do system works07:40
thomasbombDoes anyone know how to fix that?07:40
MonkeyDustfind spawn07:41
MonkeyDust!find spawn07:41
ubottuFound: spawn-fcgi07:41
rexishey i just downloaded the  .tar.gz for pianobar, i am trying to extract it with 'tar xvf Promy*.tar.gz' but i get file is not in gzip format. any help plz07:41
sacarlsonthomasbomb: doesn't your route support ssh or http?07:42
thomasbombfind: `spawn': No such file or directory07:42
antonio_this is pissing me off!07:42
MonkeyDustthomasbomb  what is it supposed to do and has it worked before or elsewhere?07:43
thomasbombMonkeyDust do I have to install something more?07:43
thomasbomband sacarlson yes07:43
sacarlsonthomasbomb: what is tcl?07:45
angelete2how do i know the cpu temperature (console)07:46
thomasbombMonkeyDust it's supposed to telnet into my router, then log in07:46
avelldirollangelete2: lm-sensors07:46
angelete2it's not in common repositories07:46
angelete2or i can't find it in aptitude, what is the real name of the package?07:47
sacarlsonthomasbomb: if telenet is your only option for reasons unknown then best telnet direct   man telnet07:47
zombifierangelete2: it is in the repos as lm-sensors. What Ubuntu are you using?07:47
thomasbombI have to make a script automatically use telnet07:47
angelete2zombifier: yes, now i can find it, sorry07:48
blackshroudhi all07:48
angelete2thank you very much07:48
avelldirollangelete2: i beg to differ: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/lm-sensors07:48
sacarlsonthomasbomb: so use telnet in a bash script or maybe that's what tcl is I guess07:48
thomasbombI'm using expect in tcl07:49
sacarlsonthomasbomb: best see if telnet works direct before you use it in scripts07:49
thomasbombBut it won't use the commands07:49
thomasbombTelnet by itself works07:49
thomasbomb"Spawn" in tcl isn't07:49
smoochictis the source code for paste.ubuntu.com available?07:50
antonio_why the hell is compiling kdenlive so damn hard????07:51
rexiscan someone help with pianobar please07:51
fidel!ask > rexis07:51
ubotturexis, please see my private message07:51
zombifierantonio_: why are you compiling instead of installing from the repo?07:51
smoochict!ask > ubottu07:51
ubottusmoochict, please see my private message07:51
=== EvilGrin is now known as EvilGrin|3D
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:51
blackshroudMay i also ask if paste bin source is available?07:51
smoochict!patience > daniel07:51
antonio_zombifier: because the repo version is not working that good07:52
yineeIs there support for xubuntu?07:52
antonio_I've also heard that combiling it is better07:52
yineeChinese channel07:52
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:52
fidel!.cn > yinee07:52
ubottuyinee, please see my private message07:52
avelldirollblackshroud: they are quantities of opensourced pastebin projects and equivalents07:53
blackshroudyeah i saw that actually, apologies for the waste of a question :)07:53
antonio_is there anyway to fix broken packages?07:54
fidelantonio_: i guess reporting the bug is the first step07:54
yineeEr what different between "sudo apt-get upgrade" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?07:54
fidelif it isnt reported already07:54
zombifierantonio_: if you want the latest kdenlive, then its homepage provides a PPA07:54
OerHeksyinee dist - distribution07:55
zombifieryinee: normal upgrade will upgrade allp packages safely, without removing any, even if there are conflicts07:55
OerHeksantonio_, depends on what the source file is, you want to convert to mpg4 .. it might take more than 1 step to do it.07:55
smoochicthttp://sites.sayakbanerjee.com/paste/ is nice07:56
zombifierdist-upgrade will upgrade ALL packages possible, even if it has to remove some in order to solve conflicts07:56
OerHeksA[D]minS, amsn is not available in Precise07:56
antonio_I have no clue what is wrong with my version of kdenlive07:56
IanWizard-CloudI'm on 64-bit, and various times lately, I get errors about :i386 packages not being found, in this case libdirectfb-extras:i386.  Any way I can convince it that the package that's there is fine.07:56
A[D]minSOerHeks yea, i was wondering why :)07:56
OerHeksantonio_, nothing wrong i guess, you are impatience.07:56
=== slowz_ is now known as slowz
yinee<zombifier>Er if I use "apt-get dist-upgrade" it will remove my old packages, rigjt?07:57
IanWizard-CloudSorry, when trying to install a package.07:57
zombifieryinee: What do you mean by "old packages"?07:57
yinee<zombifier>installed package07:57
smoochict#join lobby07:58
antonio_oerheks: so nothing is wrong?  Then how do you explain how kdenlive would render files fine like two weeks ago and then all of a sudden it wont render them?07:58
OerHeksantonio_, how would i know ? are those same filetypes? same compression?07:59
zombifieryinee: No. Most of the time upgrade and dist-upgrade will do the same job. However, when there are dependency conflicts, then upgrade will try to avoid solving the problem by not upgrading some packages, while dist-upgrade will do whatever it takes to solve the dependencies08:00
antonio_I did everything exactly as I did before..08:00
antonio_and now it just sits and hangs08:00
zombifierso if you're not trying to do anything big, just use upgrade08:00
avelldirollyinee: upgrade is only allowed to install new versions of already installed packages, dist-upgrade is allowed to install new dependencies, and remove packages in order to resolve conflicts ... i.e. a dist-upgrade will be allowed to install a new package linked to a meta-package, an updated linux kernel is a classic exemple, upgrade won't install it whereas dist-upgrade will08:01
OerHeks avelldiroll update will install an updated kernel too.08:01
OerHeksantonio_, try the ppa from KDENLIVE >> http://www.kdenlive.org/user-manual/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive/pre-compiled-packages/ubuntu-packages08:03
yinee<zombifier> oh I know no wander dist-upgrade download more data than upgrade.thank you08:03
avelldirollOerHeks: euh ... update will only download the package list08:03
yineethank you !08:04
rexisPackage gnutls was not found in the pkg-config search path. error when issue make command for pianobar08:04
OerHeksavelldiroll, please don make it a yes/no game, "upgrade won't install it whereas dist-upgrade will"  is SO WRONG !08:04
antonio_oerheks: this is what happens http://i.imgur.com/UlaKd.png08:05
avelldirollOerHeks: if you say so ... but i encourage you to check your facts08:05
MonkeyDustantonio_  looks like gnom1208:06
MonkeyDustantonio_  looks like gnom208:06
avelldirollOerHeks: a classic example : http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade08:06
MonkeyDustwhat ubuntu version is that?08:06
steevBheres a random one. for some reason my sound will sometimes not work when I log in. It will usually be fixed when I relog. Any Ideas why this might be happening08:06
MonkeyDustantonio_  ^^08:06
MonkeyDustantonio, you're running a KDE app in gnome, that may be an issue08:07
IanWizard-CloudI keep having problems with it not finding the 32 bit versions of dependencies, (primarily libs), when installing a 32bit deb on my 64 bit ubu install.08:07
blackOpsi want to run a command at startup in Ubuntu 11.10 with sudo, how can i do that? just putting it in startup application doesn't solve the sudo thing08:08
antonio_monkeydust: I still don't understand how I've been able to use it successfully up until today?08:08
zombifierblackops: Use gksudo08:08
blackOpszombifier still its not working08:12
avelldirollblackOps: what is the process you want to launch ?08:13
IanWizard-CloudblackOps: or you can put it in /etc/rc.local, if it's just a command, you don't want to actually prompt / interact with the user.08:15
grendalhey guys im trying to just get gnome classic to work right08:17
grendalwhat do i need to install to be able to add and remove the powerbar stuff08:18
zombifiergrendal: what's powerbar?08:18
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:19
grendali use to be able to add these apps to the ...bar across the top of the screen08:19
avelldirollIanWizard-Cloud: rc.local is really to keep for quick and dirty hacks ... the "best practice" is to put a script based on /etc/init.d/skeleton and place it in /etc/init.d/, and then use update-rc.d to manage it correctly  (that is the process is a service)08:19
pretenderwhat is the best for hostfile that auto updates and applies the host file system wide08:19
MonkeyDustpretender  'best' depends on your skills and what you prefer08:20
IanWizard-Cloudavelldiroll: I know, he seemed to be asking for a quick and dirty solution. I generally don't use it.08:20
antonio_I've just wasted hours trying to fix kdenlive that could have been spent making money..08:22
antonio_such bs!08:22
ActionParsnipantonio_: tried a different app?08:22
MonkeyDustantonio_  my advice was openshot08:22
zombifierantonio_: the newest version straight from the PPA doesn't work?08:22
antonio_actionparsnip: kdenlive is what I want to use...It was working perfectly fine until today08:23
antonio_zombifier: nope...08:23
antonio_I reverted to whatever version of kdenlive I08:23
antonio_I've been using08:23
zombifierThe best one I know is OpenShot. Try it08:23
ActionParsnipantonio_: your choice, wasted hours or just switch app. The choice is pretty clear to me08:23
antonio_the problem is it is taking way to long to render a 40 minute file08:23
ActionParsnipantonio_: set a negative nice value for the process08:24
ActionParsnipantonio_: like -10   should help08:24
antonio_what actionparsnip:?08:26
coloris it to early to upgrade 10.04 to 12.04?08:26
ActionParsnipantonio_: use renice, sets more CPU time to the process08:26
ActionParsnipcolor: yes08:26
ActionParsnipcolor: technically it will be offered in 12.04.108:27
ActionParsnipcolor: you can upgrade now if you wish08:27
colorhow can i get java7 correctly on 10.04?08:27
antonio_so by using renice actionparsnip: you're saying that by using renice it will speed things up?08:28
ActionParsnipcolor: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer08:28
antonio_it was fine until today..not sure whats wrong with it08:28
=== richard_ is now known as maxlamer
ActionParsnipantonio_: yes, the default nice value is zero, set it to -10 and the scheduler will give more time to the process08:28
colorActionParsnip: thanks, is there an easy flashplayer-plugin? can i dist-upgrade straight to it? (lol at this question but is anyone building gnome 3 for 10.04?)08:30
melodie__I want to update a machine, using the packages I have already got in an update in another machine. I seem to fail doing it by just copying the whole "/var/cache/apt" directory to the destination machine08:30
melodie__any idea how I can do that ?08:30
spantherhi there :) i installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS on whole drive and found out, it made an ext4 / partition and one extended (8.00GiB) and 2,49MB are not used at all. Why this 8GB extended and why this not used? What does it do? Is everything normal? :/08:31
ActionParsnipcolor: gnome3 isn't suitable for Lucid. There is a ppa but it will break your OS08:31
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate08:31
ActionParsnipcolor: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc && uname -m08:31
antonio_actionparsnip: how do I use renice...08:32
ActionParsnipantonio_: read the man page, or look online. You will find more than I can tell you08:32
ActionParsnipantonio_: surely that would be the natural first step, rather than asking me...08:32
colorActionParsnip: its 10.04.4 on (lucid i686) is there a way to know if there is an x86_64 proc in the computer while running that kernel?08:35
colorActionParsnip: btw, i dont run ubuntu, just upgrading for a friends.08:35
yugnaywindows phone 8 sucks !08:36
theadminyugnay: This is a support channel.08:37
DJonesyugnay: Thats for the users to decide, but its not something for discussion in an ubuntu channel08:38
theadminyugnay: Please only converse about Ubuntu-related SUPPORT questions. Everything else belongs to either #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
coloryugnay: please power off your windows 8 phone and put a ubuntu cd in the drive.08:38
yugnayI'm sorry, and I'm a new guy in Linux world !08:38
coloryugnay: then turn on your windows 8 phone, and choose boot from cdrom =)08:39
yugnayThanks for ur advice !08:39
coloryugnay: message me in private if you dont care.08:39
colorActionParsnip: why did you pick ; over &&?08:40
yugnayI want to , BUT how ?08:40
theadminyugnay: To start a PM session with someone, "/query USERNAME", e.g. "/query theadmin"08:41
chachinor you can do /msg username08:41
the_joshJeez I would love to have user list of irssi on this side ->08:41
the_joshlike most other "gui" clients have08:42
colorthe_josh: you can do it pretty easily08:42
the_joshIts possible ?08:42
colorthe_josh: google irssi perfect setup or something its on like some kungfu ish blog08:42
the_joshI am a X-Chat WDK user : D08:42
FloodBot1the_josh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
the_joshI flooded ?08:42
the_josh: (08:42
colorthe_josh: and you respond to a flood bot?08:43
ManDayPlease tell me quickly: When I use the Install DVD for the Desktop edition of Ubuntu, and I choose "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" - instead of partioning manually - will it create sensible partitions (swap, home, ...) anyway?!08:43
c3ssodoes somebody know why the themes  from .themes aren not shown in appearance panel ?08:43
theadminManDay: It normally does, yes08:44
ManDaytheadmin: Thanks!08:44
ManDaytheadmin: What's "normally", though?08:44
colorwell thanks all for the good advice and thanks for that ppa i needed, im out08:45
zombifierc3sso: it won't. You must use some tools like Ubuntu Tweak08:45
theadminManDay: Well... Given you have a sane amount of disk space?08:45
OerHeksc3sso, make sure you have gnome3 theme for Precise Pangolin.08:45
c3ssonice. is it a bug or is it a feature?08:45
theadminManDay: I think it lets you review the partitioning scheme before proceeding, not too sure though (might be confusing Ubiquity and Anaconda here, they're too much alike)08:45
=== Javax is now known as leckey
colorc3sso: gnome 3 on ubuntu is harder then installing opensuse08:46
colorc3sso: its kinda both.08:46
c3ssoI am on fallback mode (actually a fork of it, classic-panel), and works fine08:46
steevBIve been working on installing ubuntu on one of my other computers and its working fine but I went to reboot and the screen is just black when I start up08:46
steevBhas anyone seen this befire08:46
zombifierc3sso: the word FORK is the keyword08:47
ManDayThanks theadmin, I'll let you know how it will have went.08:49
ManDaysteevB: Do you have any other drives attached?08:49
DJonessteevB: It worked ok during installation? Did it just go black after the 1st reboot08:50
steevBNo, it wasnt the first reboot08:50
c3ssowell forking gnome control settings... is a bit rude08:50
ManDaysteevB: When exactly does it go black?08:51
c3ssobut as I have also pached nautilus to behave like it should...08:51
steevBManDay: It goes black before you even get to the login screen08:51
ManDaysteevB: Can you be more specific?08:51
steevBit flashes the ubuntu startup logo for a brief second then goes black08:51
steevBthen nothing08:51
ManDaysteevB: Inform yourself how to get into SU mode.08:52
steevBok, will do08:52
durandois there such a thibg as a ubuntu virus?08:52
ManDaySU = Singlue User08:52
ActionParsnipsteevB: what video chip do you use?08:52
zombifierdurando: Not at the moment08:52
DJones!virus | durando08:52
ubottudurando: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:52
steevBI am using an ATI radeon 6550m08:52
theadmindurando: Well, there might be. However, due to the active development of Ubuntu and Linux and general, as well as the epic security measures in place, it's unlikely that something like that will actually run.08:53
c3ssosteeveB: I would try to get into grub, then edit the startup line of ubuntu08:53
chachinOS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (Build #7601) CPU: Intel Core i3 550,  3.19 GHz, 0 KB Video: Intel(R) HD Graphics (1360x768x32bpp 60Hz) Sound: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti Memory: Used: 1633/5879MB Uptime: 1d 14h 8m 31s HD Space: Free: 257.27 GB/906.34 GB Connection: Intel(R) 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection @ 100.0 Mbps (Rec: 2877.54MB Sent: 3887.79MB)08:53
* chachin hides08:53
ActionParsnipsteevB: try the boot option:  nomodeset08:53
Fudgehi earlier on my sound output device was lost, being blind this was a real problem. I needed a sighted person to help me investigate. We found that we had to select headphones again and I got sound back. I was using epiphany-browser and then lost sound. Does anyone have any ideas why this may have happened or had similar experiences. Ubuntu 12.04 unity-2d. Thanks08:53
ActionParsnipchachin: why do we care?08:53
c3ssoadd xforcevesa nomodeset08:53
durandoi logged into my ubuntu bsystem had a small box pop upnand it reboted nownkeyboard doesnt work when i ttry to login08:53
chachinim bored08:53
ActionParsnipchachin: it spams the channel and nobody cares, please don't bother next time08:53
ManDayActionParsnip: I do you think the modeset affects X ?08:54
ubunutwhere to find a robot08:54
durandothe small box that popped up had a ton of weird xharacters08:54
L-Chymerahi guys, whenever I double-click a text file gnome 3 prompts me to say whether I want it opened ot run.... how do I set the default behaviour to open?08:54
theadminL-Chymera: I think it's in the Nautilus' settings08:54
ActionParsnipManDay: the display timings were moved into the kernel, the nomodeset can help for displays that don't like it :)08:54
FudgeL-Chymera  nautilus preferences08:54
c3ssoto the line where splash is standing. That would start ubuntu the old way with VESA and no kernel mode setting, thus should always work08:54
L-Chymeramore precisely maybe?08:55
ActionParsnipFudge: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds, reboot then retry sound08:55
theadminActionParsnip: What's the magic with "wait 10 seconds"? :D08:55
FudgeActionParsnip  thanks its fixed now. I had console sound though it was only in gnome08:55
zombifierL-Chymera: go to menu Edit > Preferences > Behavior08:56
FudgeActionParsnip  I didnt think to remove ~.pulse* though, thats a good idea if it happens again08:56
ActionParsniptheadmin: it lets pulseaudio restart and regenerate the ~/.pulse folder and ~/.pulse-cookie file08:56
theadminActionParsnip: Ah... I didn't think it'd auto-respawn08:56
Fudgetheadmin  that's pulse default behaviour08:56
theadminFudge: I don't have pulse installed so I wouldn't know08:57
Fudgetheadmin  lucky you /etc/pulse/client.conf refers to autospawn08:57
FudgeI can not recall from a text to speech user if alsa is more responsive than pulse, I believe so08:58
c3sso<color>: stangely when I put a theme to /usr/share/themes, it also does not appear in the list.08:58
ActionParsniptheadmin: yes, pulseaudio is required by the OS so is auto-restarted :)08:58
theadminActionParsnip: "required by the OS" is a bit of overstatement.08:59
theadminActionParsnip: By GNOME is as far as it gets ;)08:59
ManDayDoes anyone know by which API applications report progress so that it's displayed as that small progress bar on the side panel?08:59
nibbler_internet explorer is also required by the os, and so can't be removed ;-)08:59
Fudgenibbler_  isnt that windows?08:59
ActionParsniptheadmin: ys, it gets set to be one of the things to aut-restart if it dies08:59
ActionParsniptheadmin: therefore, required09:00
Fudgetheadmin  even from cli perspective some things unless built from source dpend on pulse such as speech-dispatcher09:00
nibbler_Fudge, it is. was just making the reference to another product that makes silly claims about "required by the os"09:00
Fudgeoh yep nibbler_  :)09:00
ManDayWhy does UBUNTU install QT by default?09:00
Fudgeubuntu-2d is a qt environment isnt it?09:00
theadminManDay: I think some of the Ubuntu's apps depend on it... Doesn't the Software Center use Qt?09:00
Fudgeor unity-2d how ever you say it09:01
nibbler_Fudge, and i'm really tempted to reply to manday! ;-)09:01
ManDaytheadmin: I wouldn't know. I thought it was all pure Gnome :-/09:01
theadminFudge: I believe Unity uses GTK... Unity is a Gnome shell so using Qt for that would be incredibly weird09:01
theadminThen again, "incredibly weird" and "default Ubuntu setup" are almost synonymous nowadays. Oh well.09:02
zombifierManDay: This may be of interest: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/launcher/09:02
ActionParsnipManDay: Qt isn't installed by default in the Gnome based ubuntu, you probably installed a Qt based app09:02
ActionParsnipManDay: k3b is most likely ;)09:03
ManDayActionParsnip: Certainly not. I have not installed anything. This is as fresh of an Ubuntu installl as possibly possible.09:03
theadminActionParsnip: VLC is yet more likely ;) I find many users unaware that it's Qt based.09:03
ManDayActionParsnip: In fact, I just witnessed on the first boot, how the Update Manager updates QT libs09:03
ManDayDozens of them!09:03
ActionParsniptheadmin: didn't know that09:04
ManDayI admit I checked "install third party applications" on the setup09:04
ManDayWhatever that means...09:04
terminhellcodecs mostly09:04
Mrokiihello. Is there a way to prevent a certain app (or apps) from taking away all CPU-power? So that it doesn't slow down the whole system?09:04
theadminManDay: apt-cache whatdepends qt09:04
Fudgehas anyone had problems with mp3 cd's burnt in ubuntu playing in cars? I have experienced people saying that cd's dont play and only 1 track is displayed. I wondered if it would have anything to do with the checksum file09:04
Zac198969Anyone know why I might be getting a black screen after grub screen? it auto selects ubuntu but it never boots up, fresh install 12.0409:04
terminhellMrokii: with nice09:04
Fudgenaturally the cd players are mp3 capable09:04
melodie__I give the answer to my own question : moving the packages from the apt/archives directory to the partial sub-directory solves the problem.09:05
ActionParsniptheadmin: apt-cache depends vlc | grep qt   yields: libqtcore4 libqtgui409:06
the_joshFudge: You answered me about irssi right ?09:06
ActionParsnipFudge: did you burn as slowly as possible?09:06
Fudgethe_josh  no but i would be happy to try and help09:06
ActionParsnipFudge: not all CD players can play MP309:06
FudgeActionParsnip  its happened more than once and no09:07
FudgeActionParsnip  i did state that the cd players in question are mp3 capable and play other disks from other sources09:07
ActionParsnipFudge: try burning slower09:07
Mrokiiterminhell: But wouldn't "nice" slow down the according app all the time, even if it only takes a "usual" amount of CPU-power? My problem is that Opera often seems to slow down the system tremendously, but randomly. So what I am looking for is a way to set some kind of upper limit of how much of the CPU it can use.09:07
the_joshFudge: Well, I want to have userlist at Right, like other gui clients have in irssi09:07
terminhelldont burn it as a data disk?09:07
the_joshSomeone answered me, but then I got disconnected09:07
Fudgeoh the_josh  i can look at logs09:07
the_joshso, can anyone tell me again : )09:07
theadminActionParsnip: Well, it's not surprising. Infact, with the default VLC about window you can see something along these lines: http://i.imgur.com/v4FgP.png?109:08
the_joshit was just few mins ago09:08
the_joshWell, if it was my normal client, I would have looked in logs myself09:08
ActionParsniptheadmin: learn something new every day09:08
terminhellMrokii: right, nice settings will cap specified proc's09:08
ManDaytheadmin: Invalid operation whatdepends.09:08
Zac198969someone help me please im about to rip my freaking hair out09:09
theadminManDay: Err: apt-cache stats whatdepends qt09:09
ActionParsnipManDay: apt-cache depends vlc | grep qt09:09
terminhellZac198969: whats the prob09:09
Mrokiiterminhell: Okay, I will look into that. Thanks.09:10
ManDaytheadmin: That doesN't work either...09:10
ActionParsnipMrokii: setting a negative nice value will give the process more CPU time09:10
Zac198969I've installed ubuntu on 2 different drives, cant get it to boot on either one, it gets to the grub screen and auto selects ubuntu but black screen after that09:10
theadminManDay: Bah, whatever... I'm not too familiar with APT so...09:10
ActionParsnipZac198969: what GPU do you use?09:10
terminhellZac198969: sounds like a corrupt iso09:10
Zac198969ATI 685009:10
MrokiiActionParsnip: I don't need more, I need less. :)09:10
ManDayActionParsnip: And why would Ubuntu install the Bloody VLC by defautL!?09:10
Zac198969i've downloaded the iso twice09:10
theadminManDay: VLC does not come on Ubuntu by default.09:11
ManDayActionParsnip: If all, I'd assumed it installed a Gstreamer player or just mplayer09:11
ActionParsnipMrokii: then set a positove nice value09:11
terminhellZac198969: it also could be the kernel not loading the right vid driver09:11
ManDaytheadmin: Then why did ActionParsnip mention it?09:11
ManDayAre ye'll just trying to confuse me?!09:11
ActionParsnipManDay: vlc isn't default installed in Ubuntu09:11
Zac198969What would I do to fix that?09:11
ActionParsnip!info vlc09:11
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-4 (precise), package size 1361 kB, installed size 3370 kB09:11
ManDayActionParsnip: Then why did you mention it.09:11
ActionParsnipManDay: its in the universe repo and is optional :)09:12
MrokiiActionParsnip: Thanks, will try that.09:12
Zac198969I see a strip of orange flashing at the top of the screen09:12
ManDayWhy did you mention it ActionParsnip09:12
terminhellZac198969: find out what driver you need loaded after grub bootstraps and you may have to manually load it into the intramfs09:12
theadminActionParsnip: We're just trying to find out why Qt is installed on the default Ubuntu setup.09:12
ManDayMy question was why QT is installed by default09:12
ActionParsnipManDay: because you said you had Qt installed, we were just working out possible apps you could have installed to pull it in09:12
terminhellZac198969: at least thats what i had to do to get arch to work09:12
ActionParsnipManDay: its not default installed09:12
ManDayActionParsnip: I have no other apps but the ones installed by default.09:12
ikoniaManDay: easy way to find out, try to remove QT and it will tell you what depends on it09:12
ManDayActionParsnip: My system proves you wrong!09:12
Zac198969Ouch, not sure how to do all that09:12
Yoshi2889Hey, I installed Windows 7 on a new partition after I installed Ubuntu, but now Windows 7 loads by default. How can I get GRUB to boot again as the default loader?09:13
theadminikonia: Ha, that's a good one xD09:13
ikonia!grub > Yoshi288909:13
ubottuYoshi2889, please see my private message09:13
ActionParsnipManDay: i'd do what ikonia says, see what else it removes09:13
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theadmin!recovergrub | Yoshi288909:13
theadmin!restoregrub | Yoshi288909:13
ubottuYoshi2889: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub09:13
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Zac19896909:13
ubottuZac198969: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:13
Yoshi2889Oh thank you!09:13
terminhellZac198969: just a sec, ill see if i can find something for ya to read09:13
Zac198969Thanks guys09:13
Booya2332hey there09:14
Booya2332needed some support upgrading to Ubuntu 12.0409:15
mi3hello, I would like to download ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit ISO from a resumable download mirror, can I get some suggestions please ?09:15
theadminmi3: Use the torrents09:16
zombifiermi3: torrents09:16
ikoniami3: it's the application that makes it resumable, not the mirrors09:16
Booya2332So i have downloaded the ISO file onto 10.04..how do i get it to extract/install?09:16
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P09:16
zombifierBut all Ubuntu mirrors are resumable09:16
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696909:16
terminhellZac198969: this might be a good start, though the editing of anything on your install will have to be done thru the live cd https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI09:16
ManDayWhere can I find synaptics or something like that? I want to install gtk3-devel - but I have no clue how to!09:16
mi3thank you guys !09:16
ikoniaManDay: it's inthe repo09:16
ManDayUbuntu used to have a software manager - where is it gone?09:16
ManDayDo I manually need to install aptitude?09:17
theadminBooya2332: You can't upgrade using the desktop ISO. Only Alternate. Also, use "update-manager -d" in order to upgrade from within the system, that's by far the easiest way.09:17
ikoniaManDay: install synaptics and you can install what you want09:17
Yoshi2889ManDay: Tried "sudo apt-get install gtk3-devel"09:17
ManDayOk, CLI it is, then09:17
theadminikonia: There's no "s"09:17
Fudgethe_josh  grep on a 300meg file taking time09:17
ActionParsnipBooya2332: you can mount the alternate ISO in the OS and run the upgrade scrit there, you should be able to also boot to the ISo using USB or CD and upgrade there too, you don't manually extract the ISO09:17
terminhellManDay: apt-get install gtk3-devel09:17
theadminManDay: Synaptic, not synaptics09:17
yeatsManDay: yes aptitude and synaptic are no longer installed by default09:17
Yoshi2889Also the Synaptic is available in the Software Centre09:17
zombifiertheadmin: You can upgrade using a desktop CD. I may be wrong though09:17
ActionParsniptheadmin: won't that go to Quantal as that is the (d)evelopment release?09:17
Bisheeyhi im using kubuntu, and after doing an update, my x-server is running fine while, a kde session refuses to start up it says: klauncher(11753) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server., but dbus is running, what do?09:18
ManDaythere is no package gtk3-devel :-/09:18
yeats!info gtk3-dev09:18
ubottuPackage gtk3-dev does not exist in precise09:18
terminhellBisheey: you need dbus installed09:18
ActionParsnipManDay: try:  apt-cache search devel | grep gt09:18
Bisheeyterminhell: if its running, i guess it is intsalled09:18
theadminActionParsnip: No, since Quantal is not an LTS and IIRC LTS releases are configured to upgrade to LTS by default. On the other hand, the update manager won't see the latest LTS without -d until the last point release (e.g. 12.04.1) is releasd09:18
Booya2332OK..So i can load it on a USB and upgrade it..cause i just spent 20 minuted downloading it:(09:18
terminhellBisheey: is your user account added to the dbus group?09:18
Yoshi2889Anyway I'll try reinstalling GRUB and report back if it works :)09:19
ActionParsniptheadmin: oh yeah, the releases file will keep it at bay, nice one :)09:19
Bisheeyterminhell: yup09:19
Zac198969Okay, so nomodeset worked. Do I just need to install my latest drivers now and it'll be fine or how's that work?09:19
Booya2332theadmin : So i can load it on a USB and upgrade it..cause i just spent 20 minuted downloading it:(09:19
ManDayI cannot find the gtk3 devel package?!09:20
theadminBooya2332: You can only upgrade using the Alternate ISO. Not a desktop one.09:20
ikoniaManDay: it is there, do a search09:20
yeats!info libgtk-3-dev | ManDay09:20
ubottuManDay: libgtk-3-dev (source: gtk+3.0): development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 3768 kB, installed size 16045 kB09:20
ManDayikonia: I AM searching09:20
terminhellBisheey: not sure man, ive not used kde since 3.5x09:20
ManDaythanks yeats I didnt fnd that09:20
Bisheeyterminhell: okay, thanks for trying09:20
Booya2332theadmin :can i go onto my windows partition and load the ISO from ther?09:20
the_joshGuys, I have downloaded nvidia's new driver for ubuntu with "apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings"09:21
the_joshI also rebooted09:21
ManDaytheadmin: You were WRONG09:21
the_joshBut it dosn't seems I can increase resolution or anything09:21
ManDayIt didn't create a single bloody partition!09:21
the_joshso, heh, I am stucked here09:21
the_joshanything I can do ?09:21
ManDayOn a 500 GB device!09:21
theadminBooya2332: Ugh. Is it the Alternate ISO? If so, you can just do this: sudo mount -o loop Downloads/ubuntu-alternate-blah-blah.iso /mnt09:21
terminhellthe_josh: what does xrandr report for resolutions?09:21
theadminManDay: Okay... Thanks for the correction, I'll keep that for future reference... That's just silly though09:22
the_joshterminhell: xrandr ?09:22
ManDayIt is09:22
zombifierYou can create a startup disk for desktop, and choose "Upgrade" at installation09:22
terminhellthe_josh: yea, its a command09:22
theadminManDay: Well, sorry for the inconvinience. I suppose I confused the Ubuntu installer with something  else's... Too many distros I've tried, too little I've really used09:23
Zac198969So how do i find out the proper video driver to load after launching with nomodeset?09:24
terminhelldont feel too bad theadmin , i dont even use ubuntu, but i help out here anyways, or try to09:24
theadminterminhell: Same here actually09:24
terminhellZac198969: until you get the one that works?09:24
zombifiertheadmin: Ubuntu Desktop iso only has the feature since about 10.10 or 11.0409:24
Ben64i can't ping my laptop which is on 12.04 from my desktop which is on 10.04, does 12.04 have some sort of strange firewall or something09:25
theadminzombifier: What feature?09:25
zombifierUpgrade from Desktop iso09:25
theadminzombifier: Oh, huh, I didn't know that was at all possible09:25
terminhellBen64: you probably need zerconf09:25
ikoniaBen64: someone else was having this problem last night (my time)09:25
Zac198969terminhell: Is there a list somewhere? I don't know my way around linux when it comes to desktop environments09:25
theadminBen64: Nope, it shouldn't have one preconfigured... I mean, yes, ufw and iptables are installed but they're unconfigured (read: disabled) by default09:25
the_joshterminhell: Well, xrandr tells me my current resolution09:25
ikoniaManDay: did you find what QT depended on ?09:26
the_joshterminhell: Which is 800x60009:26
Ben64ikonia: you sure same problem? if i start pinging from laptop->desktop, then it starts magically working from desktop->laptop09:26
the_joshHeh, my GFX card is Nvidia Geforce  520 GT09:26
terminhellthe_josh: does it list other resolutions?09:26
ManDayikonia: Not yet, I'm doing another install now, this time without "third party tools"09:27
terminhellthe_josh: also, have you rebooted after installing the driver?09:27
ikoniaManDay: I'll check it myself, don't worry09:27
ManDayikonia: Anyway, what's the korrect cpkg / apt command to find out what depends?09:27
zombifierapt-cache depends09:27
ikoniaManDay: I'd just suggest doing a "remove" on QT and see what the warnings says09:27
Ben64i can ping other IPs from my laptop without my desktop receiving a response from my laptop, but as soon as i start pinging the desktop, it works09:27
ikoniathe depends line won't be %100 solid as it won't show optional depends09:28
zombifiernvm, that was the exact reverse of what you asked for09:28
ManDaytheadmin: Here is another corrrection: It seem to have created partitions for swap, but they were just ridiculous09:28
theadminManDay: Uh, "ridiculous"?09:28
Ben64all ports come up as filtered without initiating a connection from the laptop09:30
GummitierDarf man hier auch deutsch sprechen?09:30
bazhangGummitier, #ubuntu-de09:31
fidel!de > Gummitier09:31
ubottuGummitier, please see my private message09:31
the_joshterminhell: Aye sir09:31
the_joshI did reboot09:31
the_joshterminhell: And it dosn't list other resolutions09:31
GummitierOk. Thx09:31
ikoniaBen64: do a sudo iptables -L09:31
Ben64all blank09:32
ikoniaBen64: someone else had this exact problem before I went to bed09:32
Ben64~24hrs ago?09:32
theadminBen64: If what ikonia says is true, read stuff at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com and you may find the reply.09:32
terminhellthe_josh: does your card come up with lspci?09:33
ikoniaBen64: less than that about 8 hours09:34
ikoniaactually about 1209:34
=== james is now known as Guest38838
Yoshi2889Reinstalling GRUB from the disc worked, thank you!09:34
terminhell*kudos to Yoshi288909:35
ikoniaBen64: people where looking at firewalls, routing, name servers etc, it was so random in terms of help I couldn't be bothered getting involved and went to bed09:35
Yoshi2889One last question: How can I set the "Default" keyring to automatically unlock? It's pretty annoying that I have to enter my password every time09:35
theadminYoshi2889: Remove the default keyring's password, that's the only way09:36
theadminYoshi2889: Use "seahorse" to do so.09:36
Yoshi2889Okay, is that a package available in the repos?09:36
theadminYoshi2889: It's a program that should come preinstalled09:36
Yoshi2889Oh okay, let me check in a moment09:36
theadminYoshi2889: IIRC it appears as "Passwords & Encryption Keys" in the menus09:36
Yoshi2889Yup found it09:36
theadminOr something along those lines09:36
the_joshterminhell: Aye sir09:37
Yoshi2889It allows me to change the password but doesn't allow me to unset it it seems09:37
wcchandlerthis is weird...  I updated last night before going to bed.  shutdown my machine.  boot it up this morning and my desktop looks to have reverted back to what it looked like after a fresh install09:37
theadminYoshi2889: Try setting it to an empty one?09:37
Yoshi2889Oh wait it does nevermind09:37
Ben64Jun 20 2012 15:42:45 <ThomasBomb>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable09:37
the_joshterminhell: If you are doubting that, it is properly connected or not, then I must tell you I have windows as second OS and I have it perfectly working in there09:37
Ben64found it, i think09:37
Yoshi2889Thanks, I set it, let me try logging back in for a moment to check if the dialog box is gone09:38
the_joshterminhell: Any clue ?09:38
terminhellthe_josh: not doubting the physical install, just seems that the driver isn't loading properly. You may have to blacklist another default vid driver?09:38
Yoshi2889Yay it's gone :)09:39
theadmin!yay | Yoshi288909:39
ubottuYoshi2889: Glad you made it! :-)09:39
ManDaytheadmin: It's a few hundred megs, and as I said, the rest is all one big partition for the FS09:39
ManDayikonia: Did you find out?09:39
ManDayDon't you have a cmd for me, ikonia ?09:40
theadminManDay: Oh... That's silly, my swap is normally at least 2G09:40
Yoshi2889I truly LOVE Ubuntu09:40
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
zombifierSwap is generally the same size as RAM09:40
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: try some other distros too :)09:40
Yoshi2889I had loads of problems with Windows 7 on my laptop (BSODs about page files), installed Ubuntu and all my problems were gone09:40
theadminzombifier: Well, I think you'll admit that if you have an 8G RAM, having *that* much stop is not cool -- I mean, just how often is that much usually busy?09:40
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: I tried Linux Mint and Fedora, but both weren't as stable as Ubuntu is :)09:41
zombifiertheadmin: If there's a lot of RAM, then we wouldn't be using swap at all, unless we want to hibernate09:41
Yoshi2889Ubuntu is the only one of three which actually hibernated when I told it to09:41
terminhellYoshi2889: may your nix adventure be a great one09:41
Yoshi2889terminhell: Heh, thanks :P09:42
Yoshi2889Already lovin' it09:42
terminhellheh maybe one day you'll give arch a try :p09:42
zombifierAlso, if you have a lot of RAM, set the swapoff value to a very low level09:42
zombifieror whatever it's called09:42
terminhellbut i dont recomend it without a few years of 'practice' with something like ubuntu and others first09:42
zombifieroops, swappiness09:43
Yoshi2889Oh, since you are talking about RAM, I have 8 GB installed and Ubuntu reports 7.6 GB, is that correct?09:43
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: mint isn'y a million miles away from Ubuntu, Fedora is a good choice, try Mandriva too or XPUD :D09:43
terminhellYoshi2889: a portion of ram is set aside, its normal09:43
Yoshi2889terminhell: Oh, okay :)09:43
MrCoderWord of the day... "modularizing"09:43
zombifierYoshi2889: That may have to do with the difference between GB and GiB09:44
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: I heard good stuff about Mandriva, never heard of XPUD though09:44
vampirnatatbh i hate the new ubuntu desktop09:44
theadminYoshi2889: xpud is the ChromeOS of Firefox, lol09:44
Yoshi2889vampirnata: You can install any desktop you like, from what I've tried (and seen lol)09:44
Yoshi2889vampirnata: Maybe you like http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/09:44
vampirnataYoshi2889: sure, but the default you get sucks09:44
terminhellget kubunt....nvm09:45
vampirnatakde is also meh09:45
Yoshi2889vampirnata: I agree that it needs some time getting used to it, hah09:45
vampirnataI like gnome 209:45
vampirnatamint mate is great09:45
terminhelluse awesome, or xmonad09:45
=== jimmy_lo is now known as jimmy_lo_chien_f
zombifierThere are a lot of choices: gnome-shell, gnome-panel, kde, xfce, lxde, openbox, enlightenment, twm09:45
terminhellreal men dont use GUI's09:45
ActionParsnipvampirnata: you don't have to use it...09:45
Yoshi2889vampirnata: When you log in, you can click the Ubuntu logo and select "GNOME Classic" from the menu09:45
vampirnataYoshi2889: yreally?09:45
Yoshi2889That boots you into GNOMe 209:46
Yoshi2889I'd say try it :)09:46
zombifiervampirnata: Install gnome-panel for the classic desktop09:46
vampirnataI didn't know that. Will do that then!09:46
peetaurquote: I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE. This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality" mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do. Please, just tell people to use KDE. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds09:46
terminhell"gnome 2"09:46
ActionParsnipterminhell: flash games in terminal is a bit tricky09:46
ironmhello. Do I really need "ifenslave" for interface bonding (LinksAggregation) on ubuntu 12.04?09:46
ikoniaManDay: just installing now09:46
zombifiervampirnata: GNOME Classic, it's identical to GNOME 209:46
tarzeaupeetaur: kde is the same horrible thing really09:46
vampirnataYoshi2889: what if you have autologin?09:46
terminhellxfce is the new gnome 209:46
ActionParsnipvampirnata: or install xfce4, log off then log into the xfce session..09:46
Yoshi2889vampirnata: Dunno about that, but I'm sure there will be some setting09:47
* Yoshi2889 googles around09:47
peetaurI have tried each for years, and have come to the same conclusion as Linus.09:47
zombifiervampirnata: You can choose the default session. Forgot where it is, but it should be obvious09:47
terminhelli use gnome-shell, but i spend more time in terminals09:47
peetaurThey are both horrible, but you can work around most of it. But in gnome, it's all just missing, not 'needs configuring'.09:47
vampirnatazombifier: wasn't obvious. i looked around last night09:47
vampirnatabut i may be blind09:47
terminhellActionParsnip: flash games are lame usually, so meh to them09:48
d1rkp1ttHi all... I am running ubuntu 11.4 and the network manager wont let me edit the wired connection.... its greyed out09:48
ActionParsnipterminhell: depends on the user :)09:48
Yoshi2889terminhell: I always install my apps from the terminal, unless it's something obvious like Skype lol09:48
d1rkp1ttAlso, my DNS settings keep resetting in resolv.conf...09:48
ActionParsnipterminhell: do you use Guake?09:48
terminhelld1rkp1tt: click the unlock button?09:48
ManDayikonia: Is there no command to check why a package is installed? Gentoo has "equery depends ..." for example09:49
d1rkp1ttThere is no unlock button09:49
zombifierManDay: apt-get policy packagename09:49
zombifieroops, it's apt-cache09:49
terminhellActionParsnip: it varies, awesome sometimes, guake is ok09:49
terminhellActionParsnip: terminator is my homeboy09:49
Yoshi2889I never had such awesome sound as I have now in Ubuntu lol09:49
shahriyarguliyevI'm seeking for an experienced linux person to get some advice, who has 8 more years linux/unix/ubuntu whichever experience that may help me?09:50
vampirnataYoshi2889: logged out and then clicked the ubuntu logo. Setting is called Ubuntu 2D09:50
terminhellManDay: im sure theres a dpkg flag that will show it09:50
zombifierMadMan: scrap that command, that's for checking if a package is installed09:50
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: just ask and the channel will reply09:50
vampirnataYoshi2889: thanks for the tip :)09:50
Yoshi2889vampirnata: Really? I thought the GNOME Classic was GNOME 209:50
ActionParsnipvampirnata: again, you don't have to use unity09:50
theadminYoshi2889: It's not, it's just the Fallback mode of Gnome 309:50
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: gnome2 is not in the repos09:50
vampirnatahmm actually that didn't do it09:50
ticho_shahriyarguliyev, i can break any debian in less than an hour if that helps09:50
vampirnatastill running unity09:50
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: its gnome3, just using gnome-panel as the shell09:51
zombifierManDay: aptitude why packagename should show you nicely why a package is installed09:51
terminhellgnome classic isnt gnome 2, its this weird hybrid of gtk3 without composition effects09:51
ikoniaManDay: yes, but it won't be useful as it won't show optional dependency's if you hang on while I'm installing I'll tell you09:51
ActionParsnipterminhell: you can use gnome-panel with effects09:51
Yoshi2889vampirnata: That's what I expected09:51
shahriyarguliyevticho_: how many years have you been working on unix enviroment?09:51
bazhang!ot | shahriyarguliyev ticho_09:51
ubottushahriyarguliyev ticho_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:51
vampirnatai just don't like the stupid bar on the side and no "start" icon09:51
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Oh, last time I checked it was GNOME 2, but that was in like 11.04 lol09:51
terminhellticho_: any nix system can be broken with a single command...09:51
bazhang!notunity | vampirnata then dont use it09:51
ubottuvampirnata then dont use it: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:51
theadminYoshi2889: 11.04 did use Gnome 2 indeed09:51
shahriyarguliyevbazhang: stop dazzling on me, I do not flood!09:52
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: in Oneiric and later, it is all gnome3, you can use gnome panel and it will look like Gnome2 but it is all made using GTK309:52
vampirnataubottu: okay will check it out thanks :)09:52
ubottuvampirnata: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
bazhangshahriyarguliyev, its offtopic here. take chat elsewhere09:52
Yoshi2889lol @ ubotto09:52
theadminvampirnata: There's MATE-Desktop which is an exact GNOME 2 replica, you may enjoy using it if you're fan of the "classic" Ubuntu look (circa 10.04)09:52
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: how is experience related to your support question..?09:52
vampirnatastill nice to thank bots though09:52
shahriyarguliyevbazhang: I will find someone helpful then leave. do not annoy09:52
vampirnatatheadmin: yah i have mint mate on one of my laptops09:53
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: just ask, if someone can reply they probably will.09:53
Yoshi2889vampirnata: You told us that you like MATE, Cinnamon is basically MATE with a touch09:53
vampirnatabut i installed ubuntu for my wife09:53
Yoshi2889Well not a simple touch09:53
zombifierMATE is unstable though. I prefer GNOME classic09:53
terminhellfall back mode09:53
ticho_terminhell, i always seem to find the right one, sorry for offtopic09:54
terminhellticho_:  ;)09:54
shahriyarguliyevActionParsnip: I am thinking about leaving Windows properly and turning to linux distro. So I need someone informative about linux in my certain questions in private i'll ask09:54
d1rkp1ttshahriyarguliyev, just ask your questions09:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:55
ikoniashahriyarguliyev: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion, any issues/question about ubuntu we can answer in the channel for you09:55
shahriyarguliyevMy question is not ubuntu related. bazhang may ban me out of here09:55
ticho_shahriyarguliyev, better do it here if admins will allow, otherwise you may get bad support in pm09:55
Yoshi2889Oh by the way, is there some way I can add the fade-out closing effect to opening in reverse?09:55
ikoniashahriyarguliyev: then don't ask it in here, find the correct channel eg: #gentoo for gentoo questions etc09:55
theadminYoshi2889: Cinnamon = GNOME Shell with a classic look, MATE = Gnome 2. Not similar at all.09:56
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: just ask and the channel will reply09:56
shahriyarguliyevlol I don't want to flood. If someone has 8 more year linux experience, tell me09:56
ikoniaActionParsnip: they won't - it's not an ubuntu question as he's said09:56
d1rkp1ttshahriyarguliyev, Your flooding now, just ask yur questions09:57
ActionParsnipikonia: could give him a single chance, to see what is asked, then move?09:57
ikoniaActionParsnip: he's said it's not an ubuntu question, so take it to the correct channel09:57
terminhelli do shahriyarguliyev09:57
ActionParsnipikonia: makes sense09:57
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: if its ubuntu based, ask here. Generic Linux questions will be fielded in #linux09:58
Yoshi2889Is it possible to add the fading out effect in reverse when opening windows?09:58
terminhellshahriyarguliyev: pm me your question09:58
shahriyarguliyevterminhell: Can I ask you certain questions in pm? I'm Mac OS admin, just seeking for best linux like mac os kernel..so i need some advice,..can u ?09:58
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: check in the animations setting in ccsm09:58
terminhellshahriyarguliyev: ill try09:59
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Okay09:59
ActionParsnipshahriyarguliyev: the mac kernel is different to linux09:59
d1rkp1ttSo my Network Connection cant be edited... can anyone help?09:59
terminhellFreeBSD, since osX is bsd based shahriyarguliyev09:59
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: I don't really get what I have to change now, I'm in the Effects menu, the opening and closing look almost identical10:01
d1rkp1ttUbuntu forum doesnt work with Ubuntu chrome..10:01
terminhellfirefox is better these days, imho10:02
leckeyd1rkp1tt: works fine for me10:03
ironmdoes anyone of you run interface bonding on ubuntu 12.04?10:03
ikoniaironm: on other ubuntu version yes, not 12.04 specicically10:04
d1rkp1ttleckey, you can post?10:04
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Nevermind, I got it, thanks :)10:04
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: or you could ask in #compiz   it's not something I know a lot about as I don't use it10:05
ironmikonia, may I ask if you had to install "ifenslave"?10:05
ikoniaironm: no, I didn't10:06
d1rkp1ttThe forums are terrible... they keep logging me out in either browser10:06
d1rkp1ttIts enough to make getting support really difficult10:06
ironmikonia, than it looks that I am missing something. I can see the bond0 interface (with IP-address) but can't ping the default gateway (only one cable in the switch for the test)10:07
d1rkp1ttI been using Ubuntu since 8.04 and I really feel like abandoning it now10:07
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: have you made a new user to test if your settings are bad?10:07
busfahrerExcuse me, in 12.04, is there something I can do with my mouse that does the same as hitting Super+W? (preview/expose all windows)10:07
ironmikonia, may I ask how your config looks like? (/etc/networking/interfaces and /etc/modules or /etc/modeprobe.d/bonding.conf)10:08
ActionParsnipbusfahrer: you can assign hot-corners in compiz10:08
d1rkp1ttFix my user in the forum before I can fix this problem with my OS? lol10:08
busfahrerActionParsnip: Do I need extra software for that?10:08
njallamTrying my luck in the dev comp10:08
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: its just to test, why is that funny?10:08
ikoniaironm: I do'nt have one to hand here sadly as I'm not on a network with ubuntu machines on10:08
ActionParsnipbusfahrer: its part of the compiz install..10:08
riktkinghi im tryingt oget alien arena setup on my server but cant seem to find a simple walkthru can anyone help me?10:08
leckeyon second thought d1rkp1tt, I can't log in :P10:08
d1rkp1ttActionParsnip, Just funny because I feel like I am jumping through hoops to configure an IP address10:08
ironmikonia, thanks a lot for your answer anyway :)10:08
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: are you wanting to use static IP?10:09
jpdsActionParsnip: He's confusing forum user vs. system user.10:09
ikoniaironm: I do know I have had this discussion about ifenslave before with someone else and my config never used it and he couldn't get it to work10:09
jpdsd1rkp1tt: Create a new user account on your system and see if you can create a network connection there.10:09
d1rkp1ttYes, but /etc/networking/interfaces has no affect, and I am locked out of edit network connections. MY DNS also keeps getting over written10:09
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: should do, are you configuring it right?10:10
ikoniad1rkp1tt: you should not be using /etc/networking/interfaces if you are using network manager10:10
terminhelld1rkp1tt: is your user in the network group?10:10
d1rkp1ttikonia, I cant use network manager10:10
ironmikonia, I have used interface bonding on debian sid without ifenslave and it worked .. howerver the same config doesn't work on ubuntu 12.0410:10
ikoniaironm: as I recall it was slightly different than debian setup, but it still worked without ifenslave10:10
terminhelld1rkp1tt: specifically the network & networkmanager groups10:11
d1rkp1ttI dont have a network group10:11
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: if you can pastebin the interfaces file, we can advise.10:11
terminhellthere ya go...10:11
d1rkp1ttor networkmanager group10:11
ironmthank you ikonia  .. I have to play more with the setting around10:11
jpdsterminhell: No such thing.10:11
terminhelld1rkp1tt: you'll need to add your user to those 2 groups10:12
jpdsterminhell: Hi, there are no such groups.10:12
terminhelljpds: what?10:12
ActionParsnipterminhell: my groups are: $USER adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare    and I can usenetwork manager just fine...10:12
c3ssodoes anybody know how to atomatically add a new user to a group, when creation that user?10:13
d1rkp1ttI dont think those groups exist10:13
ironmikonia, can you remember if you have modified only interfaces or also other files like /etc/modules or /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf ?10:13
ikoniaironm: I had to play with bonding.conf, I do remember that10:13
terminhellthey exists, i guess ubuntu handles things differently10:13
ikoniaironm: that set the bonding mode etc10:13
ikoniaterminhell: they do'nt exist in ubuntu10:13
ironmikonia, yes10:13
ActionParsnipc3sso: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/10:14
terminhellikonia: weird, i wonder how it handles things then10:14
ikoniaterminhell: what things ?10:14
ActionParsnipterminhell: then how can I use net manager ok without being in the groups you mentioned?10:14
terminhelli dont know, thats my point now10:15
terminhelli guess im just not used to the hand holding of other distros, but i digress, lets see if we can figure this out10:15
jpdsd1rkp1tt: No 'auto eth0' ?10:16
ikoniaterminhell: what are you talking about, you're just making up random permissions and groups rather than antthing that's actually relevent to ubuntu or other modern distros10:16
c3ssoActionParsnip: shure, but what I want is that when I create a new user (on commandline or through gnome gui),  that it gets added to a group automatically10:16
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: you forgot to add:  auto eth010:16
alo21hi all10:17
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: echo "auto eth0" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces > /dev/null10:17
alo21I have a problem with python library10:18
terminhellc3sso: man useradd10:18
c3ssowill try10:18
ActionParsnipc3sso: i believe it's:   sudo useradd -G admin newusername     for example10:18
ActionParsnipc3sso: but check with the man page10:18
alo21I installed a library, but python can not find it10:19
terminhellalo21: check your environment paths10:20
kushal_kumaranalo21: how did you install the library, and what error do you get?10:21
ManDayikonia: Found something?10:21
c3ssodoing it manually is no problem, but getting a new user added to a group seems to be altered in some config file10:21
ikoniaManDay: install just finished and it's rebooting post install10:22
ikoniaManDay: bit slow as it's on a vm10:22
ManDayOn an unrelated problem: How can I get thE ATI driver to work? I've used "jokey" additional driver sources to select FGLRX - but after a reboot it's still not used?!10:22
ManDayOn a note, I can very much understand how any user new to Ubuntu gets frustrated to no end if this happens to him/her...10:23
alo21terminhell: how?10:23
alo21kushal_kumaran: I installed it via synaptic and I did not get any error10:23
ActionParsnipManDay: its a new OS, it's natural. I found the same with Windows710:24
ManDayActionParsnip: A new OS? What?10:24
ManDayWhat are you talking about?10:24
d1rkp1ttjpds, That worked... thanks10:25
terminhellalo21: with that package specifically, not sure10:25
kushal_kumaranalo21: so it's a debian package? which one? might you be installing a python2 module and attempting to use it with python3 (or your custom python build)?10:25
ManDayI had to manually edit my xorg.conf now, ActionParsnip - I don't think this can be put onto any normal user - it basically defies the whole point of "jockey"10:26
ActionParsnipManDay: new users to Ubuntu will get frustrated, it's normal10:26
alo21kushal_kumaran: I downloaded the source from the website10:26
ManDayActionParsnip: Yes, by stuff like that10:26
ManDayUbuntu had "Additional Drivers" for years10:27
ikoniaManDay: a lot of it is for unity 2d10:27
alo21kushal_kumaran: I run ./configure then make and then make install10:27
ManDayIt's hard to believe it's STILL not working with famous drivers such as fglrx10:27
alo21kushal_kumaran: sorry10:27
ikoniaManDay: there appears to be some app menu stuff that also depends on QT10:27
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alo21kushal_kumaran: I make a mistake10:27
ManDayikonia: ok, brb10:27
d1rkp1ttyall like unity?10:27
ikoniaManDay: the ATI components are well known to be hit and miss10:27
alo21kushal_kumaran: I do not know if is a debian package I installed that module via synaptic... so I suppose yes10:28
kushal_kumaranalo21: a bit confused: did you build python by hand using configure and make?  If so, python libraries installed using debian packages will not be found by that python.10:29
ActionParsnipmandel: works great with nvidia, never had a single issue since gutsy10:30
ManDayI added a "Device" section with driver "fglrx" - now Ubuntu freezes in the purple splash screen on boot...10:30
ManDayAny idea why?10:30
ActionParsnipmandel: did you follow the proprietary driver guide>?10:30
mandelActionParsnip, wrong autocomplete ;) I guess you ment ManDay10:30
alo21kushal_kumaran: yes. To install python 2.7, I did it by hand10:30
ActionParsnipmandel: gah10:30
ActionParsnipManDay: works great with nvidia, never had a single issue since gutsy10:31
ActionParsnipmandel: cheers ;)10:32
mandelActionParsnip, no problem, happens to me lots10:32
kushal_kumaranalo21: then you need to install python libraries using python's mechanisms (such as running pip install <library>), rather than debian packages.10:33
Yoshi2889Hey again guys, had to get rid of Pidgin as it was acting horribly10:35
Yoshi2889Anyway, yet another question (lol)10:35
kushal_kumaranalo21: make sure to use your custom python when installing libraries, so you don't step on debian-owned files (virtualenv is extremely useful in such cases: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv)10:35
ManDayikonia: Can unity 2d be disabled?10:36
ikoniaManDay: it's not in use by default10:36
ikoniaManDay: it's a fall back10:36
ManDayikonia: but it's installed anyway10:36
ActionParsnipManDay: just use a different shell, or DE10:36
ikoniayes, it's a fall back10:36
ActionParsnipUnity2D is awesome, all the goodness of Unity without Compiz screwing stuff up10:37
Yoshi2889Ugh Empathy crashed10:37
Yoshi2889Whenever I try to log out, my laptop hangs and I need to restart it10:38
alo21kushal_kumaran: maybe I should install python debian package10:38
Yoshi2889What may be causing this?10:38
terminhelldbus comes to mind10:39
Yoshi2889terminhell: To whom are you talking?10:39
terminhellyou, sorry Yoshi288910:39
Yoshi2889What may be wrong with dbus?10:39
alo21kushal_kumaran: how can I remove python 2.7 if I installed it by hand?10:40
kushal_kumaranalo21: debian stable has python2.6, testing has python2.710:40
terminhelldepending on the DE your using, it may be required by certain functions of that DE10:40
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  ps -U $USER -u $USER u10:40
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: what is still running?10:40
alo21kushal_kumaran: does not matter10:40
Yoshi2889Spotify, Empathy and probably Firefox10:40
nuketro0p3rWhat is the default permission for the /home/ folder ?10:41
nuketro0p3rI think I screwed it up accidentally10:41
kushal_kumaranalo21: might not be a straightforward way, you might have to go snooping around in /usr/local for files installed by make install10:41
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: ok, run:  killall -u $USER      and you should be able to log back in10:41
terminhellnuketro0p3r: 755?10:42
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: if you relogin and run those apps, then close them and log off. Is it ok?10:42
nuketro0p3rIs it 755?10:42
alo21kushal_kumaran: ok... thanks a lot10:42
nuketro0p3r@terminhell: should I execute chmod -755 /home/ ?10:43
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terminhellnuketro0p3r: justa sec10:44
The_IntelWell, without doing sudo can I do apt-get ?10:44
The_IntelI am admin, but say I don't want to do sudo10:44
Yoshi2889Okay that got me to a black screen with which I couldn't do anything10:44
Yoshi2889Well log in and type10:44
nuketro0p3rThe_Intel: I don't think you can10:44
The_Intelnuketro0p3r, Once I have accessed a remote computer with ssh in which I did apt-get10:45
The_IntelI was not even admin10:45
The_IntelI wondered how10:45
terminhellnuketro0p3r: are you talking about /home or /home/user?10:45
The_IntelWell, That program was installed only for me10:45
nuketro0p3rterminhell: /home10:45
The_Intelnevermind, How do I install a certain specific software just for me ?10:45
nuketro0p3rThe_Intel: Install it in your home directory :D10:46
nuketro0p3rand set persmissions10:46
Yoshi2889Could you please repeat the command you gave me? (sorry I don't have the contact list anymore here....)10:46
nuketro0p3rso that noone except you can access that folder10:46
terminhellnuketro0p3r: 70010:46
nuketro0p3rterminhell: Okay ty :)10:46
terminhellnuketro0p3r: /home/user would be 75510:47
nuketro0p3rterminhell: I changed it to 750 :D10:47
nuketro0p3rterminhell: home/user10:47
terminhellnuketro0p3r: if thats what you want haha10:47
nuketro0p3rterminhell: will adjust /home now. Thanks for the help10:48
RajiHello Everyone Please tell me a web development tool like dreamweaver in windows for ubuntu10:48
ActionParsnipRaji: bluefish is one example10:48
ActionParsnip!info bluefish10:48
ubottubluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-1 (precise), package size 252 kB, installed size 659 kB10:48
yeatsRaji: there's not a one-to-one replacement for Dreamweaver - Bluefish is good10:48
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Can you please resend me the command you gave me? I got stuck in the black screen and couldn't paste it there lol10:48
nuketro0p3rRaji: Have you tried Dreamweaver with Wine?10:49
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: killall -u $USER10:49
RajiActionParsnip: In blue fish we have to write each and every code & for desiging also i have to write code10:49
ActionParsnipRaji: or http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/bluegriffon-new-wysiwyg-editor-which.html10:50
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Yeah I can't do any commands when stuck there, it gets rid of Unity and leaves me with a window without borders there10:50
Rajinuketro0p3r: yes but no use10:50
ActionParsnipRaji: or http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor10:50
ActionParsnipYoshi2889: in CTRL+ALT+F1 you can type the command10:51
Yoshi2889ActionParsnip: Okay10:51
ActionParsnip!info nvu | Raji10:51
ubottuRaji: Package nvu does not exist in precise10:51
* Yoshi2889 makes note10:51
c3ssoActionParsnip: in /etc/adduser.conf I found what I searched for10:51
ActionParsnipc3sso: nice, thanks for the share :)10:51
yeatsActionParsnip: I understood that nvu was abandoned a while back (I may be wrong)10:51
MonkeyDustyeats  it's now called Kompozer, I use it10:52
yeatsMonkeyDust: ah10:52
Yoshi2889Thanks ActionParsnip :)10:52
ActionParsnipRaji: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/wysiwyg-html-editor-for-linux-49257/10:52
Yoshi2889For web editing I usually use Komodo Edit10:53
Yoshi2889Which reminds me that I need to install it10:53
bipulYoshi2889:  Use Vim or Gedit if you are Beginners Like me10:53
Yoshi2889bipul: I tried Gedit but didn't work for me. I usually write big scripts and having to press TAB every time doesn't help with that10:54
Yoshi2889Thanks for the tip though10:54
bipulYoshi2889:  what kind of Script ?10:54
Yoshi2889PHP scripts are my favorite lol10:54
bipulYoshi2889:  you welcome10:55
terminhellnano or vi :p10:55
Yoshi2889Nano rocks lol10:55
morsnowskihow about geany?10:55
terminhellgeany isnt bad10:55
terminhellits not great...but not bad10:55
Yoshi2889I prefer Komodo Edit over it lol10:55
auronandaceYoshi2889: or small pebbles :)10:55
terminhelleclipse with all of its plugins?10:56
OODavoUbuntu 12.04 is failing to resume from suspend on my netbook. The actual suspending part works fine, but when I try to resume, the power LED comes on, but nothing whatsoever is produced onscreen. I've tried hitting Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to a TTY, and it has no effect. In fact, not even the magic SysRq key has any effect. Currently, I'm on the stable-release 3.4 kernel for Precise, but I had the same issue with the…10:56
OODavo…mainstream 3.2 kernel. Thoughts?10:56
terminhellget yourself a better map. Honestly its hard to say10:56
hichamatdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M ::: does this command take 100sec for a 100M disk ?10:57
terminhellive rencountered this issue since having the 3.4.3-1 kernel10:57
bipulhichamat:  Generally it taked few Second10:58
ActionParsnipOODavo: what netbook?10:59
ActionParsnipOODavo: 3.4 kernel isn't supported in Precise10:59
OODavoA Lenovo. S10e, if I recall correctly.11:00
OODavoThis one: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4-precise/11:00
hichamatbipul Im using it for 4gb usb flash drive : (6 min and still), it's normal ?11:00
ActionParsnipOODavo: its not supported here11:00
OODavoRight. The same problem exists under the current 3.2 kernel, however?11:01
MandalordOODavo: do you have swap partition, since i saw many people cannot suspend without swap11:01
ActionParsnipOODavo: what netbook?11:02
ActionParsnipOODavo: is your swap partition encrypted?11:02
OODavoThere's no swap partition, since it's a Wubi install, but suspend was working up until a recent update (I'm not certain which, unfortunately).11:02
MonkeyDustwubi :(11:02
cvrthey should just get rid of wubi11:03
OODavoThat would be rather inconvenient, since I can't perform a non-Wubi install on the system.11:04
mithrani cant configure  a network printer installed in widows plat form11:04
mithranshowing the status "Processing - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)"11:05
MandalordOODavo: well just my thought: you should uninstall ubuntu and do some fresh install, since wubi cause a lot of bugs and troubles11:05
OODavoMandalord: Perhaps I do need to. That's really annoying, though. :P11:06
cdavisEverytime I start Firefox from a previous graceful system shutdown it thinks that it has crashed11:06
MandalordOODavo: wish you luck:D11:06
Mandalordcdavis: how about remove firefox and reinstall11:07
mynameisthomhello, i need to know about setting nomodeset in boot options11:08
mithrani want to configure a network based windows printer?11:09
mithranshowing the status "Processing - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)"11:09
compdocmynameisthom, it can help with the video sometimes. what problem are you having?11:09
The_IntelI have, traditional 1 green panel , 1 red and 1 blue panel on my Realtek soundcard11:10
mithrancan you  help me11:10
mithranshowing the status "Processing - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)"11:10
The_IntelI can get output from green panal11:10
The_IntelI also can input from red input panal11:10
mithranit showing the status "Processing - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)"11:10
The_IntelAlthough, I cannot get output from blue panel11:10
mithrananybody knows about it11:10
mithrananybody knows about it?11:10
The_Intelwhich I do in Windows, since I have realtek hd audio manager11:10
The_IntelCan someone kindly tell me what I can do.11:11
mynameisthomcompdoc: nothing, someone help me out of my prob, and suggested to add nomodeset to bootoption. And when I confirmed what 'nomodeset' is for, he was not answered..11:11
The_IntelI suppose, I need to configure digital sound for that11:11
The_IntelBut I do not see any such option :\11:11
mithrani am using a network printer11:11
mithrancan you  help me11:11
compdocmynameisthom, people use it when they have a problem booting like cannot see the video11:11
yeatsmithran: you've installed samba?11:12
mithranit ya11:12
mithranyeats:  yas11:12
compdocmynameisthom, otherwise, its of no use11:12
yeatsmithran: and you used the "add printer" feature to find it on the network, select a driver, etc?11:13
mynameisthomcompdoc: yeah,, it was because of my video prob. http://i.imgur.com/oczVU.png What if I enable compiz when 'nomodeset' is set?11:13
mernilioGreetings fellow linux users, developers and kernelguys! ;-)11:14
compdocmynameisthom, try it11:14
merniliotranslators and girlfriends!11:15
mithranyeats:  i tried that way but showing the result in  "Processing - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)"11:16
merniliothats one of the things we miss in the linux world. Girlfriends!11:16
mithranyeats:  wat Shall i Do?11:16
The_IntelHelp me too, please :)11:16
OODavoRight, I find that suspending also doesn't work under 3.2 /and/ 3.0. It used to. I do not know what's going wrong. :|11:17
mernilioDid you knew Linus wife is a third times karate world champion! Thats pretty impressing!11:17
yeats!ot | mernilio11:17
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:17
lmg_I accidentally deleted /bin/bash while attempting to point /bin/sh to it and not /bin/dash. How can I fix that? sudo aptitude reinstall bash won't work11:18
mernilioFor me at least. Im pretty easy impressed of just about everything.. ;-)11:18
zzippyhi all11:18
merniliozzippy: hello my new friend!11:18
geirhalmg_: make sure /bin/sh is pointing to a shell11:19
lmg_It is.11:19
lmg_It is pointing to dash11:19
MonkeyDustmernilio  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic, it's more what you want11:19
geirhalmg_: Hm. What error is aptitude giving you then?11:19
lmg_To make things clear, I'm still on the system, using bash. I think that's why it fails.11:19
lmg_Let me paste it11:19
mernilioMonkeyDust: thanks! I think you are right! :-)11:20
yeatsmithran: I would look in /var/log/samba/ for more detailed error messages.  If that doesn't help, you might ask in #samba11:20
geirhalmg_: I suggest you change your login shell to dash (or some other shell you may have installed) until you've reinstalled bash.11:20
mithranyeats:  ok  thanks11:21
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lmg_How can I make sure it is the case?11:21
lmg_Will it default to /bin/sh if /bin/bash doesn't exist?11:21
geirhalmg_: On a side note, there's nothing to gain from using bash as sh11:21
geirhalmg_: run chsh11:21
lmg_I need it to be able to run a thing called buildroot.11:21
bipulwhen i am trying to make a new user from the command useradd u1 then my default i am getting /bin/sh shell through which i am unable to login with account u1 in graphical mode11:22
The_IntelWell, does anybody knows how to get realtek hd manager for ubuntu ?11:22
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The_IntelOr, how to get output from blue panel11:22
geirhalmg_: Then buildroot is broken and should be fixed instead of hacking around it like that.11:22
zzippy..can someone have look at a manually edited xorg.conf for nvidia? X doesn't start, I cannot see the mistake I made..11:22
geirhabipul: Don't use useradd, use adduser instead11:22
lmg_geirha, Okay, i'll have a problem there: aptitude doesn't want to install anything else, since installing bash failed. It now talks about a lock file. I tried removing it, but I think I just made things worse.11:23
lmg_And csh isn't installed.11:23
lmg_I was typing csh11:23
FloodBot1lmg_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
lmg_Well, I'll try to reboot. I'll let you know how it goes.11:24
mynameisthomcompdoc: it was a 'wow' :D *crashed* Revert back :)11:24
bipulwhat is the diffrence between useradd, and adduser ?11:25
compdocmynameisthom, you added nomodeset and then updated grub?11:25
Mandalordman useradd and man adduser11:25
bipulin rhel when i am trying to use useradd my default it alocate /bin/bash shell but in ubuntu /bin/sh11:25
jpdsbipul: adduser is a wrapper for useradd.11:25
jpdsbipul: Yes.11:26
jpdsbipul: And /bin/sh -> dash11:26
compdocmynameisthom, after it boots, can you see the video properly?11:26
bipuljpds: /bin/sh can you tell me the characteristic of /bin/sh shell11:26
geirhabipul: adduser adds the right set of groups and sets your login shell for you etc11:26
jpdsbipul: It's a pointer to /bin/dash11:27
HavelinAnyone know why all the menu's to my apps I run have vanished? Like "file" "edit" "view" and of the sort11:27
geirhabipul: based on the configuration in /etc/adduser.conf11:27
bipuljpds:  ok thank's11:27
metulburri acc did the command sudo chmod 700 /    is there a way to reclaim root privelges?11:27
jpdsbipul: http://wiki.debian.org/Shell11:28
mynameisthomcompdoc: yep.. with metacity. And everything is just fine r8 now, but compiz :D When I enable compiz, it was crashed. The monitor is flicking. So, I just revert to metacity..11:28
lmg_Okay, so it doesn't want to reinstall bash. Let me paste the output somewhere11:28
lmg_Here you go.11:29
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lmg_Apparently it's missing some preremoval script that I never deleted11:29
geirhalmg_: Do those scripts exist, e.g. ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/bash.rerm11:30
geirhalmg_: err, lost a p there11:31
lmg_Yep it does.11:31
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geirhalmg_: Ah, I see it on this ubuntu system here. It's a bash script, but since /bin/bash doesn't exist ...11:32
lmg_Do you think replacing #!/bin/bash by #!/bin/sh would work?11:32
lmg_Or are specific features of bash used?11:32
geirhalmg_: The code is compatible with sh, so yes, that might work.11:32
lmg_Let me try that.11:32
lmg_Oh god dash is annoying to use11:33
bipullmg_:  can i see the Log11:33
geirhalmg_: It's designed to be lightweight, no tab-completion or other unnecessary stuff :)11:33
Mandalordlmg_: shell sh and shell bash are all the same, just a tradition from UNIX11:33
morsnowskilmg_, you could install bash from source11:34
geirhaMandalord: No they're not11:34
jribMandalord: sh is dash on ubuntu by default11:34
lmg_I think it worked.11:34
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lmg_Mandalord, that's not true.11:34
lmg_geirha, I know that by that's when you realize how even lacking history is painful11:34
Mandalordhuh? I think /bin/sh point to /bin/bash11:34
geirhalmg_: You'll probably want to chsh back to /bin/bash then :)11:34
jribMandalord: not by default...11:34
jpdsMandalord: Do: ls -l /bin/sh11:35
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lmg_Mandalord, read the log of the chan if you want, you'll understand why I'm having this problem, and how /bin/sh doesn't always point to bash :D11:35
geirhaMandalord: Even when /bin/sh points to bash, it behaves differently11:35
lmg_geirha, yep. I'll do that and reboot, thanks for the help !11:35
sacarlsonMandalord: I guess I changed my defaults lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2012-05-02 14:53 /bin/sh -> bash11:36
bipulsacarlson:  4 indicated links of file11:37
geirhabipul: No, that's the size of the symlink. b + a + s + h = 411:37
bipulgeirha:  thanks you have any link so that i can get more on this topic11:38
lmg_Okay, it worked :)11:38
geirhabipul: the output of ls is explained in ls's documentation.  info coreutils ls11:40
geirhabipul: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/ls-invocation.html11:40
bipulgeirha:  thank's11:41
Mandalordah so bash and dash are not the same, sr for bothering...11:41
bipulgeirha:  but this pice of information i can get in man page also11:42
jribbipul: sadly, no11:42
bipuljrib:  ?11:42
jribbipul: compare for yourself :)11:42
geirhabipul: the man-page explains it in less detail11:42
bipulif you good link's regading file permission in Linux11:43
jrib!permission | bipul11:43
ubottubipul: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:43
geirhabipul: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions11:44
busfahrerHi. I'm on 12.04. I've used CompizConfig to set it so when I touch the bottom right corner, compiz exposes all windows in a preview, so I can pick one of them. This works, but when I logout and login again, it doesn't work anymore. The setting is still there, but I have to delete it and re-create it for it to work again. Anybody got an idea how to fix this?11:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:48
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lokaiWhy doesn't my nvidia card work on latest ubuntu 12.04? I've installed nvidia-current (It is a recent card), but running nvidia-settings after reboot tells me to run nvidia-xconf, which in turn breaks my xorg (after reboot)11:51
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wookienz_in bash how do i read a singl character out of a file?11:52
compdocapparently, nvidia does provide decent drivers11:52
lokaiI've got an on-chip gpu and a discrete cpu, could that have something to do with it?11:52
compdoc*does not11:52
wookienz_or just first line...it will only contain one number11:52
lokaiyeah they do.11:53
lokaithey are just closed11:53
lokainever had a problem with their drivers before.11:53
compdocyou dont read the news, I guess11:53
cdaviswookienz_: head -n 1 filename11:53
dontknowlokai, did you install it manually, or used ubuntu's automated driver installation?11:53
lokaidontknow, tried both with the same results.11:53
wookienz_cdavis, thanks. can i call that inside  bash script like that and assign to variable? ie $BLAH = head -n 1 filename11:54
lokaiwell, I should clarify: I tried with apt, and I tried running the latest linux drivers on nvidia.com11:54
lokaiand according to nivida.com, my card is supported on x86 linux...though doesnt have info about the kernel version, but I guess this shouldn't matter11:55
ikonialokai: it matters a lot11:55
lokaifrom what I understood nvidia drivers are somehow "semi-compiled" based on the kernel it detects -- its not just pure binary (except from the apt repos, of course)11:56
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lokaibut anyways the 12.04 apt repos would have the right package, and this doesnt work -- what gives?11:57
cdaviswookienz_: $BLAH = "$(head -n 1 filename)" I believe will work11:57
jribcdavis: no spaces around =11:57
jribcdavis: also no $11:57
dontknowlokai, did you use "additional driver" software?11:57
ikonialokai: it hooks into the kernel so build an interface to the kernel, that's why the kernel version is important11:57
jribcdavis: $BLAH should be BLAH11:58
lokaidontknow, don't know what you are referring to...I ran apt-get install nvidia-current11:58
wookienz_jrib, thanks.11:59
lokaimodprobe -l nvidia returns kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko11:59
dontknowlokai, i am saying, if you use "additional driver" software, it configures automatically11:59
lokaiI don't know what "additional driver" software is11:59
DanielRMdontknow: I believe Additional Drivers is just a wrap-around for apt-get install nvidia-current anyway.11:59
DanielRMdontknow: installing from APT would usually run the kernel module compilation as part of the dpkg config stage.12:00
uuseranyone for the consolekit active=false problem? thank you12:00
lokairight, so could it be that the on-chip GPU and discrete GPU conflict?12:00
DanielRMlokai: possibly, although it would depend on the cards.12:01
DanielRMIt's not an Optimus configuration is it?12:01
dontknowDanielRM, i see, ok12:01
lokaiDanielRM, yeah12:01
lokaiit is12:01
DanielRMThat's why then. Nvidia don't support Optimus on Linux IIRC.12:01
lokaiDon't need it to, I just want to be able to use the damn card12:01
lokaidon't care about dynamic load balancing12:02
DanielRMThere are some workarounds. I'll just have a look for you.12:02
wookienz_jrib, how do i escape this correctly? echo "SCGIMount /RPC4$RPCPORT" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf12:02
lokaiHaving the nvidia card always-on is perfectly fine for me12:02
lokaiand is actually preferable12:02
dontknowlokai, linus torvalds gave finger for nvidia12:02
DanielRMlokai: it reduces battery life drastically, but I'm looking for you anyway. :)12:03
jribwookienz_: what do you want to escape?12:03
wookienz_will $RPCPORT be ok in there?12:03
jribwookienz_: do you want it to stay as "$RPCPORT" or do you want its value inserted?12:04
DanielRMlokai: can you get X up at all?12:05
asad2005when i start conky the files in my desktop becomes hidden until i hover the mouse over them, would this be solvable from conky config?12:06
lokaiDanielRM, Yes12:07
lokaiIf I remove the xorg.conf that nvidia-xconf creates, that is12:08
gluonanyone experiencing higher than usual cpu loads while idling on ubuntu 12.04 lts 64bit?12:09
gluonno particular userland process or system task showing up unusually high in top12:10
lokaihm, according to my googling it seems either I change the BIOS to only use the discrete GPU or go with some bumblee project drivers...12:10
dontknowgluon, use "top" command and see what consumes cpu12:10
compdocgluon, no, but sometimes a program can do bad things. Ive built many Ubuntu 12.04 systems and its not a normal thing12:10
gluondontknow: nothing does12:10
gluoneven compiz isn't that high12:11
gluoni'm getting 0.30 cpu load in absolute idle though12:11
vampirnataso what's the problem...12:12
vampirnatathat's 3%12:12
gluonunexplained 3%, it was close to 0 in 11.10 32bit12:13
vampirnatatop should show you which processed take up that 3%12:13
ticho_gluon, how do you measure?12:15
geekbrihow many processors do you have?  I wouldn't really consider 0.3 cpu load anything to worry about it.  Like vampirnata said, run top and see what is using the load...12:15
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lokaivampirnata, isn't 0.30 cpu load 3% only if he has 10 cores...?12:15
dontknowdoes anyone know which location gnome-do index files?12:15
geekbrion a 1 processor system a cpu load of 1 would mean the processor is being fully used.12:16
vampirnatai have a dual core and it says 4.0. at the moment top reports 40% cpu from samba12:16
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lokaii always divided load by the cpus to gauge CPU usage...12:16
vampirnatayou don't need to12:17
geekbria cpu load of 2 on a 1cpu system would mean that there is enough work for 2 cpus.12:17
DanielRMlokai: yep, Bumblebee or BIOS setting seems to be the way to go.12:17
busfahrerHi, I'm on 12.04. I've used CompizConfig to set it so when I touch the bottom right corner, compiz exposes all windows in a preview, so I can pick one of them. This works, but when I logout and login again, it doesn't work anymore. The setting is still there, but I have to delete it and re-create it for it to work again. Anybody got an idea how to fix this?12:17
ticho_i have %Cpu(s):  0,2 us,  0,2 sy,  0,0 ni, 99,2 id,  0,3 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  0,0 st <- looking at "top"12:17
geekbriso a load average of 4 on a 4 processor system means you are at capacity12:17
lokaiThanks DanielRM ...too bad  ><12:17
vampirnatageekbri: no12:17
DanielRMlokai: Bumblebee won't run the Nvidia GPU for applications unless you run a specific program though.12:18
lokaiDanielRM, yeah, and apparently it doesnt like my hardware either...Get a failure connecting to my discrete GPU12:18
lokaibut anyways I look into it12:18
vampirnatalike I said. I have a dual core. Current load is 4.0. In top the process taking the most is Samba which is 40%.12:18
geekbrisorry, cores not processors.12:18
gluongeekbri: is right12:18
lokaivampirnata, if you are using top to look at cpu load you're doing it wrong.12:19
vampirnatathe rest are 0-1%. so therefore 4.0 == 40%12:19
gluonvampirnata: you are forgetting about time multiplexing of processes12:19
geekbriIf you substitute "cores" for "processors" in what I said, It certainly is what cpu load means :)12:19
gluonthat 40% isn't 40% 100% of the time12:19
vampirnataactually using htop but same diff12:19
DanielRMlokai: heh, sounds like fun times are ahead for you then.12:19
geekbriIts just early in the morning so my brain wasn't working normally :)12:19
vampirnatano it's not but at the moment i'm copying through samba12:19
gluonload works exactly like geekbri said12:19
vampirnataso therefore it's constant 40%12:19
compdocsounds normal12:20
WeThePeoplewhat is a good ip blocker for lucid LTS12:20
vampirnataand even average load since i started the machine up is 4.012:20
vampirnatabecause i started copying as soon as i booted12:20
ikoniaWeThePeople: iptables or ufw (ubuntu firewall)12:20
AdvoWorkHi there, how can i test how fast dns resolves via the terminal?12:23
ikoniaAdvoWork: type "host www.google.com"12:23
ikoniaAdvoWork: or nslookup www.google.com12:23
dontknoware you experiencing cpu speaks when launching softwares?12:23
ikoniaor whatever domain you want to test12:23
dontknowi am experiencing cpu speaks when launching chrome12:24
AdvoWorkikonia, can i specify the router ip to use for this resolution?ie if i have 3 lines, can i check nslookup www.google.com using each of those?12:24
ikoniaAdvoWork: what ?12:24
kmapcan i sell ubuntu books here PM me if someone want to buy online12:24
ikoniakmap: please don't advertise12:24
AdvoWorkikonia, ive got 3 routers, all providin a different service for example, each have dns, my clients are using say 0.2. but i have 0.3 spare. By default it would be using 0.2 to resolve, but can i somehow check with 0.3?12:25
ikoniaAdvoWork: when you say "routers" do you mean "dns servers"12:25
AdvoWorkikonia, well adsl lines > routers (that all have their own dns servers)12:26
ikoniaAdvoWork: if you do "nslookup"12:26
ikoniaAdvoWork: and then server ip1, it will use the server ip1 for the lookup12:26
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ikoniaAdvoWork: then change it doing "server ip2" it will use the server ip2 for the lookup12:26
dontknowlets say cpu temprature is 54.8, after launching chrome it increases 65.8 and decrease again immediately, but it gives instant fan noise12:27
kmapanyone from usa12:27
ikoniakmap: why ?12:27
L-Chymerahow can I open an .odp file if I don't want to burden my computer with OOo? how come google docs can't open this format?12:27
ikoniadontknow: so you use cpu, a fan kicks in, why is that a surprise12:27
ikoniaKornka: please don't post that sort of thing here12:27
kmapi wana sell books through my website and only usa people can buy12:28
ikoniakmap: yeah, I told you not to advertise, so please stop12:28
dontknowikonia, is it normal in temperature increases like that, i didn't experience it in windows12:28
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bipulkmap:  hi12:29
kmaphi bipul12:29
ikoniadontknow: when you use a cpu, it can get hotter, yes12:29
bipulkmap: i like you nick12:29
AdvoWorkikonia, ie nslookup www.google.com server
bipulgoogle server ?12:29
ikoniaAdvoWork: no, type nslookup, then when you get the prompt do server
dontknowikonia, ubuntu uses high cpu for particular things then12:30
ikoniaAdvoWork: man nslookup will give you the details12:30
ikoniadontknow: no, if you use the cpu (launch a program) it may get hotter as it's in use12:30
H4Z4RDmates can you read this?12:30
H4Z4RDohh fine xDD12:30
dontknowikonia, why doesn't it get hotter when using windows?12:31
ikoniadontknow: I don't know12:31
dontknowikonia, it means ubuntu uses much more cpu12:32
ikoniano, it doesn't12:32
gluongeekbri: you were indeed 100% right, you always divide load by the number of cpus or cores to get capacity12:32
gluongeekbri: by the way, this article has a great analogy, good read -> http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2009/07/31/understanding-load-averages12:32
gluonvampirnata: 4.0 load on a dual core is 200% capacity12:35
gluonmaybe those processes taking only 1% are a lot of them running or waiting on the running queue at the same time12:35
geekbriyeah, I should have said cores not processors... but it was like 8 am.... So my brain wasn't doing so well :)12:35
gluongeekbri: lol12:35
H4Z4RDBacktrack needs very much power to... I think it goes to the webcam, fingerprint-reader and so one, because there is no correct driver12:36
gluonanyway, it would work the same even on multi-processor systems12:36
geekbrigluon: ah yeah, scout usually has pretty good blog posts.12:36
gluongeekbri: i didn't know this blog12:37
gluonquite nice12:37
geekbrigluon: scout is a ruby application that is sort of like munin or graphite.  Its just that they host it12:37
geekbriso you run the scout application on a bunch of servers and it uploads all its data to their hosted service and you can look at pretty graphs.12:37
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geekbriIts not bad, although its written in ruby, so its a bit of a resource hog....12:38
zetherooa very strange problem here!! When connected to the office network, on which there are a number of shares, the files in the trashes from all those shares are somehow showing up in my local trash ... what is causing this and how can I stop this from occuring?12:41
ikoniazetheroo: probvably through gfs, it's not a problem12:41
ikoniazetheroo: the trash is held on the remote mount point not on your machine so it not eating your resource12:42
zetherooikonia: well it's just that I don't want them to be in my local trash12:42
ikoniazetheroo: have a look at your gnome virtual file system directory, see if that has anything to do with it (I'm assuming it does, I don't know for certain)12:43
ikoniazetheroo: how are the shares mounted, NFS/CIFS/Fuse ?12:43
zetherooikonia: they are mounted through CIFS12:43
climatexhey all12:44
ikoniazetheroo: not sure how gnome deals with that, but worth a look12:44
vampirnatagluon: maybe it's because of the processor I have. It's an dual core atom with hyperthreading12:44
vampirnataso I imagine it counts it as 4 cores then12:44
zetherooikonia: could you point me in the right direction of how to check that out?12:44
zetherooikonia: a bit of a noob when it comes to this stuff :P12:44
ikoniazetheroo: look in .gvfs (I think that's right, I don't have gnome here)12:44
climatexfolks, is it possible to boot straight to the command line in U12.10 and starting X later ?12:44
vampirnatabut besides that, i'm still getting 4.0 average load on this dual atom with only samba taking 40% and the rest not much at all.12:45
climatexthe last time I did this was on a 7.04 and settings changed12:45
zetherooikonia: that directory is empty12:45
ikoniamaybe not then12:45
compdocdual atom? sounds great then12:45
vampirnataI believe all atoms are dual no?12:46
compdocvampirnata, its more to do with the cpu type12:47
vampirnataanyone here have a nice uptime to share? :)12:49
WeThePeople"Vidalia exited abnormally.  Exit code: 2" what does this mean12:49
powerstationHey guys. I'm having some problems with using the dd command. I want to write an image to my USB. I have the right image and use dd of=/image if=/dev/sdx1 bs=4096. It writs the image, but afterworth I have an unmouthable image that I cant boot from. What am i doing wrong?12:49
gluonvampirnata: that would make sense yeah12:49
gluonstill weird numbers though12:50
vampirnataHighest I've got is running since 2003. Windows 2000 Server at work. :p12:50
gluoni had an uptime of 732 days on an openbsd box12:51
lokaibleh anyone have experience with bumblebee?12:51
shallwehi guys, need a little help for install plugin shoucast for rhythmbox please12:52
shallweis there one?12:52
shallweubuntu 12.04 ty :)12:52
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mynameisthomhello,, I'd like to ask about reverting the keyboard shortcut. Here is the case. Ctrl + A is sometimes normal and sometimes not. In LibreOffice, I could select all by that shortcut. But, when in chat window/ browser address bar (chrome, FF, Opera) it's just like Home button. Ctrl T behave like Ctrl V. In browser, it's just act weird on address bar. if I click the body, then Ctrl A, it's normal. M using Gnome Classic with boot option set to 'nomodeset' o12:54
mynameisthomn Ubuntu 12.0412:54
thedarkHello everyone, I am running Xubuntu 12.04 with the 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c). I can't S-video working, but it worked out of the box when I used 10.10! Any ideas? I've been trying to fix this for days! :(12:55
thedarkAnd yes, it is the same tv, same computer, and same cable, so it is definitely the upgrade12:56
WeThePeople"Vidalia exited abnormally. Exit code: 2" what does this mean12:56
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  Vidalia is a tor thing12:57
Nytelifewhy is dual monitor setups so hard to deal with.. bahhh12:57
MonkeyDustNytelife  nvidia?12:58
cypher-neoThat's why12:58
Nytelifeim sure12:58
NytelifeI have followed every instruction.. every tip12:58
Nytelifeand all I want to do is kick puppies ;)12:58
kurtwp_Nytelife: I have a nvidia but never installed the drive and have no issue with dual monitors12:58
Nytelifewell, I can get them to work12:59
Nytelifeproblem is with things like xbmc12:59
Nytelifeand the unity bar keeps jumping to the hdtv on the wall where I dont want it12:59
Nytelifexbmc wants to strech across all if I use multi deskop. If I use the other, it appears on both screens13:00
kurtwp_Nytelife: I had issue when I had 64bit os.  I dropped down to 32bit os but before doing that I reformatted the HD an install fresh - since then no issue with dual monitors even rotating with no issue13:00
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Nytelifeyeah I am trying to do the wubi install13:01
Nytelifeso that may be a factor13:01
MonkeyDustwubi :(13:01
Nytelifewant to make sure I can do everything I do in Windows (To a degree) before I completely cut over13:01
Nytelifewith nvidia you can have each display as a seperate x screen right?13:02
LenovoG470Hello, guys13:03
cypher-neoNytelife: Actually doing it thru Wubi might be your issue13:03
LenovoG470newbie here13:03
cypher-neoNytelife: Have you considered loading the Ubuntu ISO onto a flashdrive and Live-booting it and tweaking from there.13:04
FallzyI used wubi for a while untill comfortable..Only was worried about missing Outlook and WoW.. Been on full 12.04 for 3 weeks..WoW working well within Wine and using Evolution.Once they get Evolution syncing with Ubuntu One I will be happier..But great OS.13:04
cypher-neoNytelife: You can preview Ubuntu and make changes to the flashdrive ISO without having to install it on your computer13:04
Onixsanyone using intel atom d525 here?13:05
cypher-neoLenovoG470: Hello newbie. :)13:06
cypher-neoLenovoG470: Anything I can help you with?13:06
LenovoG470i really need help13:06
MonkeyDustLenovoG470  a question is always a good beginning13:06
FallzyI favoured wubi over the flashdrive as wubi supported 30gig if I remember..Only had a 8 gig Flashdrive13:06
thedarkcan anyone help me get S-Video out working on 12.04?13:07
Nytelife•cypher-neo• I am going to try that next. I have tried that with Linux Mint and had trouble wiht the ati drivers staying put ater a reboot13:07
LenovoG470sad, my built-in microphone in Lenovo G470/11.10 is not detected13:07
MonkeyDustLenovoG470  not detected or muted?13:08
LenovoG470not detected13:08
cypher-neoNytelife: This might sound a little complicated... but there is a specific process you can follow to make sure that the flashdrive operates correctly when Live-Previewing13:08
cypher-neoNytelife: If you're moving from *anything else* to Ubuntu, the process is a little complicated.13:09
FallzyNytelife : I have a ATI HD 5870 running well on 12.04.. Running WoW on Average at 60fps..13:09
LenovoG470cos it is not even shown in the sound settings13:09
Nytelifedual monitor Falzy?13:09
thedarkor even just upgrading13:09
thedarktake me for example13:09
thedarkeverything was working fine in 10.1013:09
MonkeyDustNytelife  that's called 'learning', a phase you had go through with other OSs, too13:09
cypher-neoNytelife: You need to burn the ISO to a disk, and then Live-boot the disk. While in Live Mode, mount your hard drive, and find the ISO image...13:09
thedarkthen I got suckered into installing 12.0413:10
subdesignhey, any good free crm app for linux you can recommend?13:10
thedarknow, no S-Video...bam13:10
cypher-neoNytelife: Then use usb-creator-gtk to create the flashdrive.13:10
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MonkeyDustsubdesign  what's crm?13:10
cypher-neoNytelife: The Ubuntu USB Creator has more options that you would get by just decompressing the ISO to a flashdrive.13:11
subdesigncustomer relation management13:11
FallzyNytelife : No not as yet...didnt realise that was what you were asking. Ill look into it.13:11
tkennedyis anyone familiar with using pidgin DBus and how to get a buddies status?13:11
cypher-neoNytelife: Specifically, you can set up the flashdrive allow package installation and to store packages and system info on the remaining space on the flashdrive.13:11
cypher-neoNytelife: And that's what you need to get a true Live-Preview.13:12
cypher-neoNytelife: Set it up so it uses the whole flashdrive and stores and SAVES all the extra data on the flashdrive.13:12
cypher-neoNytelife: Make sense?13:13
FallzyCypher what would be the advantage in using the live USB over the WUBI install.13:13
MonkeyDustFallzy  you wouldnt be in windows, for one thing13:13
Nytelifeyes cypher it does13:14
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cypher-neoFallzy: Wubi has weird issues... usually caused by being inside Windows.13:14
cypher-neoFallzy: Windows doesn't play well with any other operating system13:14
cypher-neoFallzy: To get a true Ubuntu experience, you need to take Windows out of the picture13:14
cypher-neoFallzy: And as long as your motherboard supports using a huge flashdrive, Ubuntu will support it as well.13:15
LenovoG470Hello, does anyone here use a LenovoG470?13:15
FallzyNo probs. I used both before going 12.04 all the way. Found both versions ok...I do see your point though.13:15
cypher-neoFallzy: I've never had any problems booting off a 32Gb flashdrive, as long as the computer already supports that much space coming in thru a USB port13:16
FallzyI do know I wont be going back.13:16
freshinstallHow can you make changes to grub on a system when you can't see anything?  ie. I need to set a lower res in grub, but can't log in to do it!13:16
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uuseranyone has problems with banshee on 12.04?13:17
MonkeyDustfreshinstall  press esc during boot, so you can get into grub13:17
MonkeyDustuuser  I use it, what goes wrong?13:17
FallzyCypher : I did only have a 8gig USB and thought the 30 gig wubi install would be more useful.. But if you have a 32 gig USB Flash drive awesome13:17
H4Z4RDanybody here who can help me with the command "make && install"?13:17
freshinstallMonkeyDust, didn't work13:17
uuserMonkeyDust: version?13:17
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MonkeyDustuuser  2.4.013:18
uuserMonkeyDust: i installed version 2.4.0-2ubuntu1 but it crashes almost always13:18
LenovoG470can anyone help with an undetectable built-in microphone13:18
freshinstallI need to somehow run grub.cfg on a headless machine13:19
MonkeyDustuuser  well, I use it over NFS, as my music is on my remote PC, no problems here13:19
uuserMonkeyDust: i guess you are able to drag mp3s on the "new playlist" entry, right?13:19
MonkeyDustuuser  it crashes when you're doing... what?13:19
uuserMonkeyDust: that ^^^ :)13:19
MonkeyDustuuser  no mp3, .ogg only13:20
uuserMonkeyDust: could you try to drag some mp3?13:20
WeThePeoplecan someone help me install tor browser?13:20
MonkeyDusti have none13:20
uuserMonkeyDust: :)13:20
uuserok, don't worry13:20
uuserlet's see if i'm the only one....13:20
MonkeyDustuuser  plus: i import, i don't drag and drop13:20
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uuserlet me try13:22
nuketro0p3rI edited the /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc to fix my Eclipse tooltip. It worked, but how come my tooltip in other softwares is intact? - just curious o.O13:24
nuketro0p3rAny one have a clue?13:24
LenovoG470can any one help with an undetected built-in mike, thks13:24
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MonkeyDustuuser  found a .mp3 ... you drag from where to whereN13:25
uuserfrom the file manager to "libraries -> music -> new playlist" (but sometimes it crashes at the nth file...)13:26
Nytelifewhats a good tool to create a partition using freespace on an existing one, without destroying the existing data?13:27
uuserMonkeyDust: i'm not even able to switch from "view -> browser on the top" and "view -> browser on the left"... boom!13:27
nailoragedit does not show recently opened files. "gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.ui max-recents 10" makes it show ten, but its lost on reboot. how do i make it persistent?13:27
MeridiousNytelife, shrink the current partition, and then use gparted to part the free space13:28
freshinstallHow can you change the initial screen resolution on a live usb?13:28
Nytelifethis is a windows 7 machine I will be repartitioning on13:29
CMIU898Hi all13:29
MonkeyDustuuser  that's odd13:30
MeridiousNytelife, use http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/resize-a-partition-for-free-in-windows-vista/13:30
CMIU898How can I move and copy TO the current directory, this doesn't work : mv /remote/directory/file   or cp /remote/directory/file13:30
cypher-neofreshinstall: Go to Monitors...13:30
NytelifeThanks Meridious13:30
cypher-neofreshinstall: There will be options to change the screen-rez there13:30
MonkeyDustCMIU898  try scp (secure copy) over ssh13:30
LenovoG470can anyone help with an undetected built-in microphone?13:31
CMIU898MonkeyDust, I'm sorry for the confusion, I mean in the local computer13:31
Nytelifemeridious... will that leave the data intact.. Looks like it will13:31
CMIU898I don't want to do cd to the directory where the file is in order to copy in the directory she I am13:31
MeridiousNytelife, I dont mean to be a jerk, but RTFM13:32
MonkeyDustCMIU898  a dot . means 'current directory'13:32
nailoraCMIU898: you need source and target. a dot "." refers ti the current directory and can be used as either source or target13:32
Nytelifewell that was pleasant13:32
CMIU898I remember in Mandrake it was assumed current directory when destination was empty13:32
NytelifeGuess I will never as a question in here again lol13:33
CMIU898I used to do just cp /source/directory/file13:33
CMIU898and that's it13:33
christian__hey guys, is there a way to get the command line std output if its too far above to scroll there ?13:34
ActionParsnipCMIU898: cp is pretty much the same13:34
uuserMonkeyDust: yes, really odd13:34
CMIU898ActionParsnip, so cp doesn't need the . ?13:34
ActionParsnipchristian__: in gnome-termnal there should be a scrollbar on the right13:34
MeridiousNytelife, You misunderstand, I am just suggesting that simple research is much more rewarding and informing than any of us are :P13:34
ActionParsnipCMIU898: I'd use it just to be sure13:34
CMIU898ok thanks13:35
LenovoG470hi, guys, has anyone resolved an undetected built-in microphone in 11.1013:35
christian__ActionParsnip:  i know, but its not possible to scroll that far13:35
NytelifeIn my experience, reading the manual will tell you the intended result, but real world experience from others generally much better than anything else13:35
RamtinAhello there , i can't access phpmyadmin in ubuntu 12.04, i install it without problem but when i go to ""  tell me "Not Found The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server."13:35
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh13:36
Nytelifeand I do read the manual. Sometimes is also good to get the perspective of others that may have gone before you and know what the caveats are13:36
ActionParsnipchristian__: you could pipe the output to a text file.13:36
tmktwhere do i change the params that services get started with...squid3 in particular...since upgrading to precise..it uses squid3 with -YC13:37
christian__ActionParsnip: i need the history output13:37
LenovoG470ActionParsnip can i chat you in private13:37
tmktthat C is causing me lots of grief13:37
tmktneed to get that removed13:37
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: its just a command to run, select to upload to the server and a URL will be generated13:38
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, I see a program in the terminal13:40
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: yes, use tab and enter to navigate13:40
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: select to upload13:40
tmktfound it /etc/init/squid3.conf13:41
ActionParsniptmkt: awesome :)13:41
tmktpita to track it down..off to doc it in our wiki13:42
seb_workfly_Hi, i'm using a BeagleBone. I'm programming on my pc with arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ to compile for the beaglebone. It seems some libraries i use like opencv and artoolkitplus are incompatible (Eclipse tell me that it is skipping te library because it is incompatible when i try to compile). Do you know how i could solve this ? I'm relatively new to ubuntu and cross-compiling... Thanks13:43
LenovoG470ActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=77519eff68c8f65148e7f6bb413975325973e12c13:43
ActionParsniptmkt: share the knowledge dude, helps others :)13:43
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, is this what u wanted? Am I doing it right?13:44
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: let me search13:44
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: yes, thats a lot of detail about your sound system13:44
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, thanks13:44
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: try:   echo "options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null       then reboot to test13:45
tmktthats why i pasted it here probably going to past it in #squid also13:46
Ashaeli've been having a weird problem the past couple of days - many of my menus don't function properly. they look wrong (the text's background is colored) and i can't choose options from them. i think it started following a routine update. any thoughts, suggestions?13:46
uuserMonkeyDust: what about your drag?13:46
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: run:  alsamixer   in terminal too, are all levels cranked and unmuted?13:47
mdaumDoes anyone know what happened to the oprofile control utilities in 12.04?  Things like opcontrol and opreport.13:48
CMIU898does cp command have any flag to force overwrite?13:48
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, I dun know how to change the levels in Alsamixer, i only know how to open it13:48
MonkeyDustuuser  not easy, two windows next to each other, how do you do it13:51
uuserMonkeyDust: :D13:51
uusernever dragged anything?13:52
Amicasapoor Nicki minaj :( i hope its not true :( http://www.globalscandal.com/31713:52
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, if i reboot i will lose this connection13:54
MonkeyDustuuser  did, but not between two applications (like banshee and nautilus)13:54
LenovoG470ActionParsnip, how can I contact you again?13:54
StrategosHeya hiya.13:55
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H4Z4RDok mates i have to go now13:57
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: sup13:58
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: justcome back here, i'll be here..13:59
mustahow do I uninstall Abiword from xubuntu?14:00
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Mandalordmusta: sudo apt-get remove abiword14:00
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LenovoG470ActionParsnip, one last question, how to change the levels in Alsamixer?14:01
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: use cursors14:01
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: if cranking alsamixer makes it work, remove the option you added in the file14:01
LenovoG470ActionParsnip [sorry] how do I do that?14:02
uuserMonkeyDust: can you resize both to be smaller then half screen? then put them side to side...14:03
Arashwhere can I find default ubuntu logos14:03
Arash(the ones that ubuntu uses as user avatars like the blue butterfly)14:04
uuserMonkeyDust: otherwise you have to go through the panel task...14:04
uuser*get through14:04
ubottuOfficial Ubuntu artwork including the Ubuntu logo can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official14:05
Arashwhere can I find the blue butterfly logo ?14:06
lesslessanybody aware of 'pre' command? it is from aptana's coffeescript plugin ${TM_COFFEE:=coffee} -s | pre14:06
mustaI dont get it. how do i remove the abiword and the gnumeric and the other stuff from Xubuntu, i have OpenOffice14:07
Xinulmusta: sudo aptitude remove abiword gnumeric14:08
MonkeyDustmusta  try apt-get purge14:08
mustaokey, thanks14:08
L3topNo lessless.14:08
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: do what?14:08
Pici!aptitude | Xinul14:09
ubottuXinul: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.14:09
ActionParsnipmusta: sudo apt-get --purge remove abiword gnumeric14:09
mustaand from the synaptic service?14:10
ActionParsnipmusta: Abiword and Gnumeric will run better in low spec hardware situation14:10
uuserMonkeyDust: got it?14:10
ActionParsnipmusta: you can use the gui if you want, its as you expect14:10
MonkeyDustuuser  i'm not following anymore, i don't want to ruin my own playlists14:11
ghostnik11hi i am having problems burning a dvd iso image to blank dvd-r14:12
ghostnik11in k3b14:12
ActionParsnipghostnik11: have you tried other burners?14:12
uuserMonkeyDust: ok, but if you create a new one then you can safely delete only that one :)14:13
kanupatarHi guys14:13
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, yep same thing with brasero14:13
__sjhlo all, having a daft moment, how can i echo a single line, like 5, from a file14:13
uuserMonkeyDust: anyway, it doesn't matter14:13
ActionParsnipghostnik11: tried xfburn? I've never had success with brasero14:13
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, is their a way i can burn dvd using terminal?14:13
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:13
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, no will try xfburn14:13
LenovoG470ActionParsnip: how to remove the last line from the file/ the command you have14:13
ActionParsnipLenovoG470: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf14:15
LenovoG470ActionParsnip Thanks, hope it works, see u again cheerio14:16
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:16
sachaelis there some sort of console wikipedia browser? (that isn't a browser like lynx, w3m, etc)14:17
linux4uhow can I tell the ip of a machine thats doing a man in the middle attack on me?14:18
bernardoctActionParsnip: Hey, how are you? I'm the guy from yesterday that had the sound problem. Nitrohax tried to help me yesterday but it didn't work. Could you give me some help now?14:18
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, just tried to burn with xfburn and got error: Failure: SCSI error on write(0,16): [3 0C 00] Write error14:19
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ActionParsnipghostnik11: sure the drive isn't bad?14:20
ActionParsniplinux4u: netstat -a > ~/connectionsnow.txt; less ~/connectionsnow.txt      may give clues14:20
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, you mean the dvd is bad? or the cdrom drive broken14:21
ActionParsnipghostnik11: the burner itself14:21
GurkanHi. I'm using 12.04, 64-bit with  nvidia 295.59. Problem is I can't use the nvidia driver, Nvidia x server settings keep saying "you do not appear to be using nvidia x server". I've tried un-/reisntalling in various ways with no luck, now I'd like to try envyng. But of course it requires python 2.6, and I have python 2.7 installed =[.. Anyone came across this, and managed to get past it? How?14:21
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, no its worked in the past and i can play cd and dvds using the cdrom itself14:22
ActionParsnipsachael: https://flossstuff.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/search-wikipedia-through-cli-shell-in-linux/   maybe..14:22
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:22
rowinGurkan: did you try running nvidia-xconfig from the command line?14:23
mosx1hi, I have SPAM spewing from a machine I administer, I've checked various sites and it's not showing as an open relay. Where do I look  next? Could it be a web based exploit? or likely server hack ??14:23
sachaelActionParsnip: Looks like the right direction, thanks. I also tried wikipedia2text, but it cant fetch anything. It seems I need hack up something in python... :D14:24
Gurkanrowin: Yes. "Wrote new config", "old one backed up". But no difference that has made =[.14:24
undeclaredxWhat is the command line to send output to a file, as well as redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1)?14:24
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:24
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:24
kanupatari need to install gstreamer latest into my Ubuntu 11.04, where I need to starrt? any binaries available or source build is needed?14:24
FloodBot1kanupatar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
bernardoctHi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 but I have no sound, even though the volumes are properly set and all the modules are installed. Can anyone help me?14:25
rayyi can't encrypt my home folder after i installed inside windows 714:26
BluesKaj_Gurkan, to make sure which driver you are using , sudo lshw -C video| grep driver14:27
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undeclaredxI want a bash command to output to STDOUT + to a file at the same time, how do I do that?14:27
rayyany one know how to configure a dial up modem in ubuntu 11.1014:29
ChTiPowAHi, anybody use Cinnamon ?14:29
bernardoctHi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 but I have no sound, even though the volumes are properly set and all the modules are installed. Can anyone help me?14:30
GurkanBluesKaj_: Well.. *hrm* It seems nouveau is used. Which I guess explains why Nvidia X server isn't used. But how do I change the driver then?? From what I can see it is installed =s..14:31
panzHey huys , how much PAE see max ram?14:32
rowinGurkan: you can use 'sudo modprobe nvidia' to test it14:32
WoosterB2I am having an issue with gedit not repainting the window after some edits.  I cannot find anything in launchpad describing it.  I found something similar on redhat's site but I don't know enough about how Unity works to know if similar software is even present.  Is anybody experiencing a similar gedit problem?14:33
BluesKaj_Gurkan, look for additional drivers , not sure which desktop you have so when you find them , choose to activate the recommended driver and the installer will do the rest..a reboot will required14:33
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ethicalhey guys ..i've a problem ..14:34
WoosterB2redhat's workaround involves changing clutter.  Is clutter even present in for Unity?14:34
ethicalhlw guys ..plz help me14:35
tdowg1panz: 64 gigabytes ? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension#Linux )14:35
BluesKaj_ethical, just ask your question14:35
ethicalBlueKaj :  sir, i'm running ubuntu 12.04 on my lenovo machine ..14:36
ethicali'm using a tool  named Teamviewer on it ..14:36
panztdown oo thanks :)14:36
ethicalits working fine but there is a problem14:36
ethicali can't open  my cam14:36
ethicalits say ..no driver found14:36
josy1982hello i cannot boot anymore i have kernel panic what can i do? i just instelld the official updates i use xubuntu 11.1014:36
ethicalBluesKaj ... r u there14:39
Orpheonis there some binary for Crystal Space (the 3d engine) lib for ubuntu 12.04, or some way to compile it? When I try to compile it, jam runs, builds tons of stuff, but the walktest then complains of a missing libcrystalspace-2.0.so14:40
BluesKaj_ethical, sorry dunno much cams used with teamviewer14:41
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ethicalBluesKaj_  : :)  its k ..14:42
ovellsHello, i allways get this message14:42
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ovellsDropbox requires Nautilus to be restarted to function properly.14:42
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ovellsbut when i have restart it also appers again?14:42
ethicalbut .. can you tell me ..how to install third party cam driver?14:42
ethicalname any software ..14:42
gau1991Hello I am using quickly and glade 1st time, i want to add certain widgets such as label and buttons on viewport via python code.. Is it possible ?14:44
ActionParsnipovells: nautilus isn't strictly needed if you install manually :)14:45
blogorgehi, I get a prompt asking for my keyring password. My log in password doesnt work there14:45
blogorgeplease help14:45
WoosterB2gau1991, I can tell you that you can make gtk widgets dynamically in a python program for sure14:46
WoosterB2I have no idea how, I'm a C coder14:46
ActionParsnipblogorge: its the password you set for the keyring14:47
schatani m using ubuntu 12.04 with cpufrequtils and the indicator-cpufreq ... the governor works but i cannot set the cpu speed and it is always at the max cpu freq14:47
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blogorgeActionParsnip: I haven't done that14:47
ActionParsnipblogorge: then you'll need to delete the keyring file and make a new one. If you set a blank password it won't bother you again14:48
blogorgeActionParsnip: ok! how do I do that?14:48
ovellsi have installed *conky* but there is no hiden config file in the home folder?? i also have used the surching-function, but it can not find the file??14:49
ActionParsnipblogorge: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/01/16/reset-gnome-keyring-password-on-ubuntu/14:49
ActionParsnipblogorge: source: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=reset+keyring+password&kp=1     nothing fancy...14:50
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schatanovells: u can copy from /etc/conky/conky.conf to ~/.conkyrc14:50
ovellsdo i have tip in this into the terminal? (/etc/conky/conky.conf to ~/.conkyrc)14:51
schatanovells: sudo cp /etc/conky/conky.conf ~/.conkyrc14:52
ovellsait thx, i will give it a try'14:52
Papahey am using windows 7 memory is 627 mb in ubuntu memory is 1134 mb what is wrong?14:52
Papawith chrome opened memory consumption is higher in ubuntu14:53
Dr_willisconky can generate a default config file - if thats what you are wanting.14:53
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Dr_willissee conky --help   :)14:53
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ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html14:53
ovellsi need the file [.configcr] to change the look x D14:53
Papaubuntu is also booting slower than windows 7 idk why14:54
OerHeksPapa you can't compare windows and ubuntu memory use.14:54
nibbler_my firefox does not let me surf a page, cause of invalid certificate. there is no "add exception" button for this. any hint?14:54
Papabotting is slower in ubuntu why ?14:54
ikoniadifferent boot process,14:54
ikoniaslightly different desktops and processes associated with them14:55
Papahow to speed up ubuntu boot process14:55
ikoniaPapa: depends what's slowing it down14:55
ikoniaPapa: what are you comparing it to14:55
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ActionParsnipPapa: reduce startup processes14:55
Papahow to speed this lighdm is also a bit sluggish dk wy14:55
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ovellsyeah now it is in the right folder, (sudo cp /etc/conky/conky.conf ~/.conkyrc) very nice thx14:55
OerHeksMy bootprocess went 9 sec faster after i disabled IPv614:56
YcyNMjoin new network irc.open-pages.com14:56
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Papai disabled ipv614:56
ikoniaYcyNM: please don't spam14:56
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YcyNMjoin new network irc.open-pages.com14:57
ActionParsnipPapa: you can also run: sudo sed -i s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop     and you can disable more things in startup items :)14:57
Papaqbittorent loads faster in win 7 than in ubuntu ?? any reasons14:57
ActionParsnipPapa: you could also install preload14:57
chrisalkall flash and video is skipping, any ideas?  installed synaptic package manager14:57
Papawhat will it do14:57
OerHeksPapa did you use a stopwatch, or just looked at the torrentspeed?14:58
roastedIs anybody good here with ecryptfs? I have it running on my laptop and my laptop says my root partition is maxed (I have root and home split) yet I have no idea why...14:58
ActionParsnipPapa: shows all the startup items rather than just the ones you add, be careful with what you disable14:58
Papano download speed is fine14:58
ikoniaroasted: run a du on it14:58
ikoniaroasted: see what's eating the space14:58
Papalaunch is slower in ubuntu14:58
chrisalki'm new to ubuntu, on my friends computer when he tries to watch a dvd or streaming video online it acts like a dvd is skipping14:58
roastedikonia: oh my. lots of output. sec...14:58
ActionParsnipPapa: could also set swappiness to something like 2 if you have lots of ram14:59
roastedikonia: there a quick way to organize this, biggest last?14:59
ikoniaroasted: du -h (get it human readable)14:59
Papai have 3 gb ram14:59
ActionParsnipchrisalk: same in Unity2D session?14:59
ikoniaroasted: err, you could do it with sort I think, not sure without working it out14:59
Papasrry 4 gb ddr314:59
Kingsyguys, what is the default username and password for forked-daapd web interface ?14:59
ActionParsnipPapa: should be ok then :)14:59
chrisalkunity 2d?  how do i access that? running 12.0414:59
Papaddr3 is faster than ddr2 no14:59
ikoniaKingsy: that's not in the ubuntu repo14:59
ActionParsnipchrisalk: log off, click ubuntu symbol near your username and select Unity2D, then log in14:59
ikoniaKingsy: ask the people who made it14:59
ActionParsnipPapa: more than likely15:00
Kingsyikonia: oh, I am using xubuntu.. I guess that could be it15:00
Papacan i install that mint desktop in ubuntu?15:00
ikoniaKingsy: it's not in the xubuntu repo15:00
Dr_willisPapa,  mint stuff is not supported by this channel.. so we have no idea what issues it may cause15:00
chrisalkgreat,will try that now, i think we talked yesterday, i opened synaptic package manager but forgot what it was you asked me to enable15:00
Kingsyikonia: umm ? huh? I just installed it using apt-get15:00
Kingsyso it must be15:00
ikoniaKingsy: what's the package name ?15:00
Papai heard mint is based on ubuntu15:00
Kingsyikonia: forked-daapd15:00
ovellsoh there is a other problem now, the conky file is savety against writting'' so i can not change the file how can i change this?15:00
ikonia!info forked-daapd15:00
ubottuforked-daapd (source: forked-daapd): media server with support for RSP, DAAP, DACP and AirTunes. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19gcd-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 160 kB, installed size 484 kB15:00
Dr_willisPapa,  that dosent mean its supported here. ;)15:01
ActionParsnipPapa: it is and it's not supported here15:01
ikoniaKingsy: ahh, my apologies, it is15:01
roastedikonia: wayyy too much output for 1 screen. wasn't there an option to grep by page?15:01
ikoniaKingsy: I'd suspect the username is the username/password of the user you are running as15:01
ikoniaroasted: | more ?15:01
tjadcI have just screwed up my update-alternatives somehow15:01
Papaanodr problem i try to play a flash game in ubuntu it says please install flash but i have ubuntu restricted installed any soln15:01
ikoniaisn't there a disk space analyiser tool in unity roasted  ?15:01
Kingsyikonia: nope that doesnt work15:01
roastedikonia: yeah, there is. but I'm a little confused by what I saw. sec I'll fire it up.15:02
ikoniaKingsy: what user are you logged in as ?15:02
tjadcI manually edited the alternative link to my app - it didn't work, so I read up how to do it via update-alternatives15:02
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Kingsyikonia: "chris"15:02
ikoniaKingsy: so non-privileged, it should be fine if it's using the standard auth15:02
ikoniaKingsy: does it need a mysql database ?15:02
Kingsyikonia: I have no idea.. I just installed it15:02
tjadcNo matter what I install for that app I get the same result, which is that it tries to open up something that doesn't exist15:03
Kingsytrying to log into it via http15:03
tjadcspecifically my app is grails15:03
tjadcwhich lives in /usr/share/grails/<version>/bin/grails15:03
Kingsylet me look at the settings15:03
roastedikonia: it says / is 100% full, and home (separate partition on same disk) is 88.4% full. When I expand home, I see .ecryptfs @ 36.2GB, jason @ 17.8 GB, jason.bunchofrandomcharacters @ 700MB, and that's it. I'm a little confused by the ecryptfs. Not only that, but root is on its own 15GB partition, separate from home, so I have no idea how the home contents (though confusing) are effecting the 100% output of / being maxed.15:03
tjadcwhen I try run grails at the moment I get  a message that says15:04
tjadc/usr/bin/grails: 4: .: Can't open /usr/bin/startGrails15:04
ikoniaroasted: why are you looking on /home if / is full ?15:04
ikoniaroasted: look in /15:04
ikoniaKingsy: just trying to find it's home page15:04
Dr_willis isent / being 100% full is like bad... ;)15:04
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panzmy / is 20gb size... :D used 13gb15:04
tjadcWhen I trace the link of /usr/bin/grails, it points to /etc/alternatives/grails which in turn correctly points to /usr/share/grails/<version>/bin/grails15:04
roastedikonia: if I ignore home and look at the other entries taking up space, I can only come up with a sum of 6GB. Home is the only thing taking up any substantial space.15:05
Kingsyikonia: there actually is no mention of username/password in the config file either15:05
tjadcso why when I try open grails it tries to open some random file that doesn't exist ?15:05
Papahaxball i cannot play this game in ubuntu15:05
tjadcMy next question is, how do I fix this ?15:05
Dr_willis!info haxball15:06
ubottuPackage haxball does not exist in precise15:06
tjadcHow do I fix a broken alternative config15:06
ikoniaKingsy: the actual username password appears to be set in the database15:06
tjadcwhen I `which grails` it points to /usr/bin/grails - which is correct15:06
ikoniaKingsy: I'm just reading up on it now15:06
roastedikonia: maybe I'm missing something, but here's a screenshot as I'm sure it'l make more sense than me trying to explain it - http://i.imgur.com/kmYTX.png15:06
ikoniatjadc: yeah, you've said that15:06
Papadude haxball is a browser game15:06
Dr_willisPapa,  dude... like we know that?15:06
ikoniaroasted: can you pastebin the output of "df -h" please.15:07
Kingsyikonia: hmm .. well I didnt set any u/p for it.. so I assume its something "default" atm15:07
tjadcikonia: No, I didn't tell you my `which grails` command15:07
Papait says install flash from adobe i can wath utubevideos15:07
Dr_willisinstall the flash from the repos.15:07
roastedikonia: another with home expanded - http://i.imgur.com/9KG8p.png   - sec I'll get the pastebin15:07
roastedikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052784/15:08
tjadcWhat I don't understand is, where is update-alternative getting the idea that it should open /usr/bin/startGrails ?15:08
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tjadcNo where that I can see, has this been specified15:09
ikoniaroasted: what is warning you of it being %100 full ?15:09
ikoniaroasted: where did you get the warning ?15:09
chrisalk@ActionParsnip, tried rebooting in unity2d, no luck, the online vid stream still hangs up as well as dvd on player15:10
roastedikonia: a warning physically popped up and said my file system is maxed.15:10
ikoniaroasted: that's most odd15:10
nitrohhow do you move a folder from an encrypted hard drive to another harddrive15:10
ActionParsnipPapa: can you give a pastebin of: cat /etc/lsb-release; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'    use http://pastie.org   or similar15:10
Kingsyikonia: any ideas?15:11
ikoniaroasted: with /run, that does appear to be taking you very close to %100 full on root15:11
ActionParsnipchrisalk: if you drop the @ stmbol it highlights my nick15:11
ActionParsnip@chrisalk: see hw this hasn't highlighted15:11
ikoniaKingsy: nope15:11
roastedikonia: well I cleared off some files which allowed me to get the error off my chest. When it happened I was just sitting here, though... so I had no idea what it was doing to max out.15:12
nitrohjrib: thank you for your help yesterday. I tried changing allt he config files for compiz and unity, it still didn't work. I'm installing on a new hard drive right now15:12
chrisalksorry and ty ActionParsnip15:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:12
ActionParsnipchrisalk: np dude15:12
roastedikonia: so you understand, I have a folder @ root called public that I share out via samba. It's just a quick and dirty way for me to transfer files to other systems with guest access here at work. I had some files in there that I cleared out to get the free space I have. but that folder is empty and this is what I got.15:12
chrisalkActionParsnip tried the reboot in unity 2d, no luck15:12
grendalim trying to run the old ubuntu classic desktop,  I cant seem to add apps to the dock that runs on the top..what do i need to install for that to work?15:12
ikoniaroasted: well, the df results seem to back up that it's pretty much full, but not quite15:13
schatani m using ubuntu 12.04 with cpufrequtils and the indicator-cpufreq ... the governor works but i cannot set the cpu speed and it is always at the max cpu freq15:13
roastedikonia: right, which makes sense considering I deleted ~1GB of data out of /public (the guest shared samba folder I had running)15:13
roastedikonia: I just did that to get the error off my back.15:14
sharkmuttleworthschatan: Are you sure your CPU supports dynamic frequency scaling?15:14
ikoniaroasted: that analyiser tool appears to be just lagging15:14
sharkmuttleworthschatan: Possibly something in the bios needs enabling?15:14
grendalnevermind, you have to hold dow the alt button to get to them15:14
roastedikonia: think it's not telling us the full story?15:14
ikoniaroasted: it just appears to have not updated since you've removed the data15:14
roastedikonia: hmm.I wonder hwy. it's been rebooted.15:14
Kingsyikonia: lol its pretty funny that it lets you install a package and it doesnt tell you anywhere what they defaults are15:15
schatansharkmuttleworth: its an i5 it should work15:15
ActionParsnipchrisalk: what GPU do you use?15:15
sharkmuttleworthschatan: I haven't heard of that brand, but I trust your knowledge15:15
ikoniaroasted: look at df - you've only got a bit of space free still, so there could be a bit of rounding going on, but not that much15:15
nitrohi5 first or second gen and is it unlocked?15:15
roastedikonia: it just kind of surprised me. I've never come close to maxing a 15gb root partition, and here I am. :P15:16
ikoniaroasted: I would use du -h to actually look at what's eating the space15:16
ikoniaroasted: it seems a drag, but that's what I'd do15:16
sharkmuttleworthThis is why I avoid needlessly partitioning disks15:16
schatanunlocked first15:16
tjadcWhat does Ubuntu set the default administrative directory to ? it is not /var/lib/alternatives (the default)15:16
schatanit worked in arch linux15:17
tjadcfor update-alternatives that is15:17
ActionParsnipschatan: like this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/indicator-cpufreq-cpu-frequency-scaling-indicator-applet15:17
schatanActionParsnip: yes15:17
OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling Crystal Space15:17
chrisalkGenuine Intel(R) CPU           T2250  @ 1.73GHz15:18
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sharkmuttleworthOrpheon: Are you familar with compiling software?15:19
ActionParsnipchrisalk: no the GPU (video chip) not the CPU (processor)15:19
chrisalkActionParsnip: sorry15:19
ActionParsnipschatan: could contact the PPA maintainer I guess15:19
sharkmuttleworthActionParsnip: A GPU is also a processor15:19
Orpheonsharkmuttleworth, somewhat. I've compiled a few things, and I coded this and that, but I'm not a master, especially not with Jam. I piped the entire log to a file15:19
ActionParsnipsharkmuttleworth: well, yeah ;)15:20
Orpheonwhich I'm trying to open but is crashing my gedit15:20
sharkmuttleworthActionParsnip: Always happy to expand the knowledge of others15:20
bipulany one seen kmap15:21
bipulwhois kmap15:22
ikoniabipul: he's not in this channel15:22
chrisalkActionParsnip: Intel mobile 945gm/GMS , 940/943GML, Express integrated graphics controler15:23
SkippersBosskmap is trying to sell his books elsewhere15:23
RelondoHow can I force update an Ubuntu Software Center app?15:23
Dr_willisRelondo,  whjy do you need to force it?15:24
Kingsycan anyone in here give me some information about the forked-daapd package in the ubuntu repos please??15:24
AraneidaeWhy has my Ubuntu laptop stopped connecting to wireless?  It used to autoconnect on reboot, now it doesn't, didn't think anything had changed.15:24
ActionParsnipchrisalk: not the greatest but should work15:24
RelondoDr_willis: It doesn't seem to be doing it correctly on its own.15:24
Dr_willisRelondo,  fall back to the terminal perhaps15:24
Dr_willisRelondo,  and look for error messages/reasons why15:24
Kingsythere is very very minimal information on google about it15:24
ActionParsnipchrisalk: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'     thanks15:24
RelondoDr_willis: How do I do that?15:24
chrisalkActionParsnip: ok, i'm having some difficulty finding partner repo15:25
Dr_willissudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade15:25
Dr_willisapt 101 ;)15:25
SkippersBossRelondo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will work for me15:25
schatanActionParsnip: i removed the indicator + cpufrequtils and installed cpufreqd ... now it works ... thx anyway15:25
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ActionParsnipschatan: sweet15:25
roastedIs there a way to run a command and export the entirety of the command to a text file?15:25
RelondoSkippersBoss: Okay thank.s15:25
ActionParsnipchrisalk: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     press CTRL+F  and type: partner    and hit ENTER15:26
ikoniaroasted: command > textfile15:26
zykotick9roasted: if you're looking to save the output - check out "script"15:26
compdocroasted, with some commands its easy, but you can with most of them15:26
bipul!seen kmap15:26
ubottuI have no seen command15:26
temproasted: have you tried running a command and doing a redirect15:26
tjadcHello, I have messed up my update-alternatives. It now wants to open something which doesn't exist, but when I follow the binary of the result of `which myApp`, the links are fine15:26
tjadcI messed up my update-alternatives by manually editing /etc/alternatives - obviously wasn't a good idea15:26
ActionParsniproasted: some_command 2>&1 | tee ~/file15:26
ActionParsniproasted: thats stderr and stdout :)15:27
ikoniabipul: he's not in this channel - STOP15:27
roastedwhat ikonia said worked fine. thanks fellas!15:27
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roastedikonia: couldn't help but to notice on line 36,997 - 75G0     75G in use, but no path? Weird.15:29
ikoniaroasted: not seen that before, sure that's not just a partent directory summary ?15:30
roastedikonia: could be. hard to tell. I exported it to txt and pasted everything into libre calc... still going through everything.15:30
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roastedikonia: nothing is jumping out ot me yet, but dang its like 80,000 lines15:30
AraneidaeWhich version of Ubuntu am I running?  `uname -r` reports 2.6.32-41-generic15:30
bazhang!version | Araneidae15:31
xangua!version | Araneidae15:31
ubottuAraneidae: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:31
induzhow can I install sop-cast15:31
Araneidae10.04.4 LTS.  Thanks15:31
induzsop-cast on Movieplayer /vlc on Ubuntu10.415:31
AraneidaeIs there an equivalent to https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-editcon.html for 10.04?15:32
AraneidaeThe instructions there don't work for me15:32
tempplease does anyone know how to get the source code for some drivers on ubuntu; for example the usb driver15:32
Araneidaetemp: apt-get source will do it15:32
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Araneidaebut you'll have to know the package name15:33
llutztemp: get the linux kernel-source, it comes with most of those "drivers"15:34
tempAraneidae: thanks!15:34
AraneidaeShould I have managed=false set in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf?15:35
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echo083difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu desktop usb ?15:38
ActionParsnipecho083: none, the USB one is just stored on a USB stick..15:38
PhoenixSTFanyone having issues with FTP droping transfer at 81920 bytes in 21 seconds15:39
ikoniaPhoenixSTF: that's rather specific, so "no"15:39
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: over LAN or WAN?15:39
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echo083ActionParsnip, but if i install the usb version it will work ?15:40
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, no matter... its with pureftp and gnutls i think afther the 80k buffer is full it drops it15:40
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, I just need a quick workaround15:41
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ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: are there any bugs reported?15:42
nibbler_if i run firefox as user a, i can access a site with an invalid certificate. as user b i cannot. the warning dialogue misses the "i understand the risk" part :/ how to fix?15:43
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, Ok it's a fillezilla error15:45
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, yes there is a bug reported there15:45
stripper hi15:46
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: you can connect to FTP servers with nautilus you know..#15:48
AraneidaeMy wireless works, but doesn't autoconnect.  What's gone wrong with network manager?15:49
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, no I dont? how?15:49
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: under the file menu there is 'connect to server'15:49
nitrohaxhow do you access an encrypted hard drive ext3 format?15:49
nitrohaxtrying to move files from an old broken install to a new hd15:50
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, ohhh..... does it uses sftp?15:50
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, ohhh..... does it uses ftp with tls I mean15:50
AraneidaeI have a red exclamation mark against my wireless state icon, but there's no information15:50
charthyAfter installing windows 7, I followed the graphical method for fixing grub, using boot-repair. Now when I boot, it says multiple active partitions? Can someone help me?15:50
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tempis the a command line tool other than youtube-dl for downloading tools from youtube; is it possible to use wget to do this15:53
strippercan i be operator in this xchat like ubottu15:53
temp is the a command line tool other than youtube-dl for downloading videos from youtube; is it possible to use wget to do this15:53
bazhangstripper, pardon?15:54
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: good stuff huh, look at all the other stuff it connects to as well :)15:54
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, yes but it doesnt uses TLS.... yet but if it did i would use it15:54
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ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: damn15:57
ActionParsnipPhoenixSTF: could try gftp then :)15:57
nitrohaxhow do you decrypt or access an encrypted home folder?15:57
tempplease,does anyone know of a command line tool for downloading videos from youtube other than "youtube-dl"15:58
ActionParsnipnitrohax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory/#Live_CD_method_of_opening_a_encrypted_home_directory15:58
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, bare FTp works great ^^, but its a problem with Filezilla certificate it wont accept DES anymore.....15:58
Picitemp: clive? cclive?15:58
PhoenixSTFActionParsnip, not a problem its really a feature, no more DES15:58
OerHeksPhoenixSTF, is this a bugreport like yours? http://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2474615:59
nitrohaxActionParsnip, i hope you saved my day. LOL15:59
charthyWhen ever I try to boot into Ubuntu 12.04, I get Multiple Active Partitions. <some generic message about inserting a bootable device>15:59
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charthyThat was after i used Boot-Repair to try and fix it...15:59
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ActionParsnipnitrohax: I just websearched..15:59
charthyBoot-Repair gave me this link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052823/16:00
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charthyWould anyone mind trying to help me get my installation bootable again?16:01
PhoenixSTFOerHeks, yes16:01
nitrohaxActionParsnip, I know but i'm trying to move them from one hard drive to another and trying the ecryptfs-mount-private in the terminal was letting me get to it. wrong passphrase. I've tried all that they gave me.16:01
ubottulucafabio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:01
dr0p|rbhello, can anyone recommend any dark gtk3 theme that has readable text on the white background (like in Software Center)?16:01
bazhangdr0p|rb, try gnome-look16:02
bazhang!themes | dr0p|rb16:02
ubottudr0p|rb: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:02
dr0p|rbbazhang, ok, thanks ;]16:03
PhoenixSTFOerHeks, what kind of chypher i need to create?16:03
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RJlocal123_anyone tried ubuntu on the new macbook airs?16:04
tempPici: thanks, checking it out16:06
OerHeksPhoenixSTF, i am not sure what you mean with chypher?16:06
arianadoes sudo update-grub works in ubuntu 11.04??16:06
ActionParsnipnitrohax: encryptfs is a pita, I always avoid it16:06
arianadoes sudo update-grub work in ubuntu 11.04??16:06
PhoenixSTFOerHeks, SSL16:06
ActionParsnipRJlocal123_: If I could afford one, I'd buy a cheaper laptop and buy a new file server.16:06
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Mrokiihello can somebody tell me how what command I have to use to logout back to lightdm (from a tty) as my Ubuntu-Desktop became unresponsive)?16:07
ActionParsnipMrokii: killall -u $USER     will do it16:07
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MrokiiActionParsnip: Thanks, will try.16:08
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tempHello guys, it there a way to download video files from youtube even if the site is blocked?16:09
SkippersBosstemp: blocked ??16:09
OerHekstemp, how is that related to ubuntu?16:10
kayamankayaActionParsnip, i fail to report the bugs to launchapad16:10
SkippersBosstemp: Circumventing firewalls is not the goal of this channel16:11
kayamankayaguys need to report bugs to the launchapd16:11
ActionParsniptemp: try: www.hidemyass.com16:12
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: use:  ubuntu-bug packagename16:12
ntenisOThello. while I am able to use mount folder  I am unable to mount the folder using fstab16:12
OerHekskayamankaya, register a launchpad account and follow these steps > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs16:13
ActionParsnipntenisOT: its the same command as mount, just in a different order16:13
ntenisOT@ActionParsnip I use sshfs#username@remote:/folder/ folder fuse defaults,idmap=user 0 016:13
ActionParsnipntenisOT: so if you run:  sudo mount /folder   does it mount?16:14
tempOerHeks,SkippersBoss: sure! guys, but I really need some video tutorials16:14
kayamankayaOerHeks, ready creating account but i don wanna see the  link for bug reporting16:14
bazhang!ot | temp16:14
ubottutemp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:14
nktsHi, how to connect to multiple VPN servers (12.04)?16:14
ntenisOTActionParsnip: I do not even use sudo . Just mount /folder and it mounts16:14
charthyCould someone help me? I can't boot into my system16:15
ntenisOTActionParsnip: But on startup it does not mount the file. It shows an error connection reset by peer.16:15
tempubottu: thanks16:15
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:15
ovellsdon't think that im intellegent im just a bot :(16:16
L3topcharthy: Can you provide some more details? What happens?16:16
ActionParsnipntenisOT: you'll need to add a startup command to run that then, the mount fails as the network is not up yet so the server is unreachable16:17
L3topcharthy: Is this a new install? If not, what preceeded this change?16:17
busfahrerHi, I'm on 12.04. I've used CompizConfig to set it so when I touch the bottom right corner, compiz exposes all windows in a preview, so I can pick one of them. This works, but when I logout and login again, it doesn't work anymore. The setting is still there, but I have to delete it and re-create it for it to work again. Anybody got an idea how to fix this?16:17
ovellswhen you are in the text console just tipe in *exit*16:17
bazhangbusfahrer, try #compiz16:17
bazhangovells, stop that16:18
busfahrerbazhang: Thanks.16:18
ntenisOTActionParsnip: Can I ensure that the command in fstab will run after the network is up? if not. where should I put the command?16:18
ActionParsnipntenisOT: is it a desktop OS?16:18
ActionParsnipntenisOT: that you connect with..16:18
ntenisOTActionParsnip: No mate, Ubuntu server both of the machines16:18
ActionParsnipntenisOT: then add it in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line16:19
ovellsi just try to help.16:19
bazhangovells, random commentary is NOT help16:19
kayamankayaActionParsnip, the package ready installed but it runs  on terminal  could u give me some command  run16:19
danubhey all. having an issue with permissions on a mounted cifs16:19
ntenisOTActionParsnip: just mount folder ? or does it need something more?16:19
ovellsyes ok16:20
conleyMy XDG_DESKTOP_DIR keeps getting set to $HOME upon rebooting.16:20
ActionParsnipntenisOT: the entry in fstab wil be referenced so that's all it takes16:20
conleyHow can I get it to stop resetting?16:20
danubi try to chmod 777 the files on that mount, but it doesn't change the permissions. only root has access to them and thats not what i want16:20
charthyL3top sorry i didn't see you, I get a message saying "Multiple Active Partitions" then it says to insert a bootable device and press enter16:20
ntenisOTActionParsnip: just mount folder ? and put noauto in the fstab entry?16:20
danubhow do i make it so i can change permissions on the files/directories so other users have access?16:20
ActionParsnipconley: edit ~/.config/users.dirs.dirs16:21
ActionParsnipntenisOT: if it boots ok now then no need to edit fstab16:21
charthyL3top: I attempted to fix it with Boot-Repair, but it didn't work, here is the report it gave me if it helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052895/16:21
conleyActionParsnip: I do. The file keeps getting reset to $HOME16:21
nktsHi, how to connect to multiple VPN servers (12.04)?16:21
ActionParsnipconley: if you add a startup item to set the variable (as a test) is it ok?16:22
conleyActionParsnip: I'll check16:22
danubhow can i make a cifs mount permissions 777?16:22
zykotick9danub: you can't apply POSIX permissions to windows filesystems... permissions are determined by the mount command you use16:22
=== lub` is now known as lubmil
danubzykotick9: how can i change it so it doesn't care nd lets me save the file i just spent the last 45 minutes editing16:23
ubottuGuest17926: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:23
zykotick9danub: i wouldn't know (i don't use, or help, with windows stuff)16:23
L3topyes charthy... I am looking through the pastebin.16:23
kayamankayaActionParsnip, the package ready installed but it runs  on terminal  could u give me some command  run16:23
danubzykotick9: i would imagine the process to make a mount not care about owner would work for windows also. is there some fstab option for ignoring permissions?16:24
ubottuGuest17926: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:24
kayamankayaActionParsnip, the package ready installed but it runs  on terminal  could u give me some command  run16:25
zykotick9danub: i wouldn't know (i don't use, or help, with windows stuff) [i'm adding you to /ignore - so i won't see any further of your issue]16:25
nktsso no one knows anything about VPN?16:25
danub... what a noob.16:25
L3topcharthy: did you read the last 16 lines of that output charthy? You should run that in 64 bit mode with the recommendedrepair option.16:25
bazhangdanub, thats never welcome here16:26
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: which package?16:26
danubbazhang: well he didn't have to be that way. but whatever16:26
kayamankayaActionParsnip, packagename16:27
ntenisOTActionParsnip: Thanks a lot mate. It is working!16:27
ovellsmay someone knows, how i can fix this, Dropbox requires Nautilus to be restarted to function properly. i get this message all 30 min in average.?16:27
ActionParsnipntenisOT: yeya16:27
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: well, what is the package or app you are having issue with?16:27
charthyL3top: here is the first one I did, (which oddly was on the same livecd, so idk why it was complaining about 64bit) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1052823/16:27
ovellsbtw. - of cause i have restart nautilus, but the problam is still alive,16:29
trismovells: try running: nautilus -q; in a terminal16:30
kayamankayaActionParsnip, how can i operate packagename16:30
ovellsok i will give it a try, thx16:30
ActionParsnipovells: i suggest you uninstall dropbox and delete the ~/.dropbox folder   then reboot and reinstall the app16:30
panzHey  guys how to install Java 6 JRE? in Ubu 12.0416:30
nils_2=> /buffer close irc.freenode.#ubuntu16:31
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: 'packagename' is the package you want to report the bug againstr16:31
zykotick9!java | panz16:31
ubottupanz: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:31
kayamankayaActionParsnip, yes bug report16:31
grendalwhats the diff with gnome-shell and just gnome?16:31
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: yes but what package do you want to report a bug for?16:32
ActionParsnipgrendal: gnome is a desktop environment, gnome-shell is a shell for gnome16:32
ActionParsnippanz: I know a PPA for 1.7 if thats any good to you?16:33
grendalk so if i want to use gnome classic i really need to install gnome16:33
Rojhow i can download ubuntu quckly for ofline installation?16:33
panzzykotick9, deadlinks16:33
grendalto get all the other stuff...that i had with my old gnome basically16:33
ActionParsnipRoj: the install ISO wil install in offline mode16:33
zykotick9panz: i can't help with that... sorry16:33
panzActionParsnip, I want Java 1.616:33
panzActionParsnip, Minecraft not working in Java 7, only Java 616:34
charthyL3top: I think I screwed up the entire thing... I will just wipe the drive and reinstall ubuntu. I was having issues with have multiple DEs anyways16:34
=== heaven is now known as Guest87245
ovellsok, can i delete the folder with : sudo remove ~/.dropbox? or just delte the dropbox folder from the hiden home district?16:34
grendalbasically ActionParsnip i hate unity (ive tried to get along) it is just the suck for what i do. and gnome 3  its really slow on this machine16:34
ovellsso the folder is called (.dropbox)?16:35
flowerpotUbuntu's touchpad latency is awful for me.  Is this a common issue?16:35
ubottuGuest17926: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:35
zykotick9grendal: you might want to try xfce or lxde for alternative DEs16:35
Rojin this link http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/ i whent to download quickly16:35
grendalits a netbook gnome-shell works ok untell i connect my external monitor..then it runs  very slow16:36
ActionParsnipovells: no need for sudo, the command is:  rm -r ~/.dropbox16:36
ovellsok good16:36
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ActionParsnippanz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc; uname -m16:36
Zazie_LavenderI recently filed a kernel bug and was asked to try the upstream kernel. Is there a way to tell the update manager to ignore or skip certain updates?16:37
Zazie_LavenderI don't wish to install another buggy kernel16:38
Zazie_LavenderI'm using Precise as well, AMD x6416:38
tempplease does anyone know how to correct this emacs error: "Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading `~/.emacs'" on Ubuntu 11.1016:38
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panzActionParsnip, on Java 7 is : Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/user/.minecraft/bin/natives/liblwjgl.so: libjawt.so: can not open shared object file16:39
Zazie_LavenderI recently filed a kernel bug and was asked to try the upstream kernel. Is there a way to tell the update manager to ignore or skip certain updates? [Precise x64]16:39
tempmore info: Wrong number of arguments: #[(form val type) \305^H!\2032^@\306 \307^H!"^Z\310 "\311>\204^\^@\312      !\203 ^@16:40
armlesshobolol, the majority of traffic comes for minecraft help16:40
temp\2020^@\313\314!^[\315^K        DC\316^K16:40
temp#E))\207^L\207 [type val res temp form cl-const-expr-p cl-make-type-test cl-const-expr-val cl-expr-contains (nil 1) cl-simple-expr-p make-symbol --cl\16:40
FloodBot1temp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
tempFloodBot1: sorry, that was a mistake. I'm quite new here16:41
cyberworm54any idea why ubuntu does not see the virtual disk in raid 5 instead it sees the 4 drives separately that I use?16:41
Zazie_LavenderI recently filed a kernel bug and was asked to try the upstream kernel, which fixed the bug. Is there a way to tell the update manager to ignore or skip certain updates? [Precise x64]16:41
kayamankayaActionParsnip, look at this http://imagebin.org/217357 as i switch on  it request me that msg16:41
neo1691Hey guys i tried installing php 5 and apache server on ubuntu desktop, but i think i messed up can i directly delete the installation directory and start afresh??16:42
ActionParsnippanz: it's basically this: http://maketecheasier.com/install-java-runtime-in-ubuntu/2012/05/14 but using the 1.6 file and foldername16:42
=== Tikasleep is now known as Tiktalik
ActionParsnippanz: cd $HOME; wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u33-b03/jre-6u33-linux-i586.bin16:45
bernardoctHi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 but I have no sound, even though the volumes are properly set and all the modules are installed. Can anyone help me?16:46
ovellsim using stiky notice, usually the notices should disapper when i click on the background? inaddition to this issue there is another one,,( when i do click the mouse + hold, i can not marked ( so there is no cage ) so i can not select many files at the same time. this problem excist since i can not add or delte applets to the gnome panel with (alt+right click) now i have to use (super+alt+right cl16:46
ovellsick) [im using 12.04 classic gnome]16:46
d1gitalI did "dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/nfsmount/disk.img" on a 500G drive, and the image file is only 46G.  dd reported no errors.. what happened?16:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:47
ActionParsnipkayamankaya: then report the issue, it helps the devs16:47
d1gitalalso, how can I mount a single partition from a disk image file?16:48
induzhow can i watch tv online through a player on internet16:48
ovellsi think u need a tv card.16:49
induzwithout tv card16:49
induzi want to watch free to air TV programs on pc16:49
d1gitalinduz: convince a friend to buy a tv card and stream to you.16:49
physically_fitbernardoct, did you read ubottu's message?16:49
physically_fitbernardoct, i solved my sound problems deleting my .pulse directory in my home and then restarting my PC16:50
bernardoctphysically_fit: Not I didn't16:50
induzi am looking for some programs from asia16:50
bernardoctphysically_fit: Ahh, I see. I'll try that then16:50
physically_fit!sound | bernardoct16:50
ubottubernardoct: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:50
bazhanginduz, how is that related to ubuntu16:50
induzmy RR does a package but its expensive16:50
physically_fitbernardoct, rename it better instead of deleting, just in case16:51
induzi can watch on Xp Pc, i want to install that pogram on Ubuntu16:51
bernardoctubottu: Thanks!16:51
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:51
bazhanginduz, install what package16:51
r00t__!de germany16:51
bernardoctphysically_fit: Ok, I'll try that. Should I type this !sound | bernardoct?16:51
bazhanginduz, you said through a browser16:51
ActionParsnipinduz: does it work in wine?16:51
r00t__name of the german chan?16:52
physically_fitbernardoct, no, go to those links16:52
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:52
ActionParsnip!de | r00t__16:52
ubottur00t__: please see above16:52
bazhangr00t__, #ubuntu-de16:52
induzActionParsnip, it failes to load on wine caz of .net416:52
physically_fitbernardoct, no, go to those links if the solution i gave you doesn't work16:52
r00t__sry for my english16:52
r00t__but can anybody help me to install teamspeak on ubuntu?16:52
bernardoctphysically_fit: I've tried the first two links, but I'll try deleting the .pulse folder and then if it doesn't work I'll try the third link. Thank you!16:52
induzis there a  s/w that allows to select a radio/tv chaneels from across the globe16:53
bazhanginduz, you said through a browser16:53
ActionParsnipr00t__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak16:53
physically_fitbernardoct, rename it and then don't forget to restart your PC16:53
ActionParsnipr00t__: couldn't find that?16:53
bazhanginduz, or did you mean with a tv card16:53
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:53
induzbazhang, i did not say through a browser i say through internet16:53
induzis sop-cast through a broser??16:54
bernardoctphysically_fit: I'll do it now. Thanks again :)16:56
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fo2012whats happening16:59
gitoramHi there, is there a way to get MonoDevelop 3 on the latest Ubuntu? The version in the repositories is quite out of date.17:00
ovellshey it seems that the problem is going to be bigger, i can not even klick right click any more, for example i can not close a tap from a chat, ??17:00
ActionParsnipgitoram: is there a ppa with a newer one?17:00
ovellsoh i mean left click, i can not make left click,??17:01
gitoramI don't think there is, I have not be able to find one.17:01
=== Aaton_off is now known as Aaton
ActionParsnipovells: is it ok in unity2D?17:01
ovellsright click sorry17:01
ActionParsnip!ppa | gitoram17:01
ubottugitoram: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:01
ovellsim using gnome classic 12.0417:02
ActionParsnipovells: with desktop effects?17:02
ovellsi can give it a try and come back quickly,,17:02
ovellsi think i dont have any desktop effects aktivatet17:02
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ovellsu mean compiz?17:03
ActionParsnipovells: yes17:04
ovellsthere is a compiz config maneger installed// but i dont have change anything or use it till right now.17:07
ovellsso i havent changed settings17:07
ravingHello everybody. I am using precise and I am wondering what happened to gnome-power-applet. I would like to use it for my fluxbox installation on my laptop17:07
ovellsso you want to add applets into the gnome panel?17:08
ovellsbut u can not do it?17:08
ravingovells, well, rather, I'd like to add the power applet to my fluxbox systray17:08
ravingsome of the other stuff (like nm-applet) work just fine, I just need to get the power applet going17:09
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ovells@ rav are you using unity or gnome??17:09
ravingovells, I have the unity installation, but I am using fluxbox.17:09
ActionParsnipovells: if you use unity you are using gnome17:09
=== root is now known as Guest92944
WavelightI want to log all the activity in a network made from 20 computers, can I do it with Ubuntu Server?17:10
=== Guest92944 is now known as Hulu
ravingWavelight, what kind of activity are you trying to log?17:10
Wavelightall activity, firewall log for troubleshooting17:10
Wavelightnot the contect offcourse17:11
ravingWavelight, more specifically, you mean like network activity?17:11
ravingI know IPCop has such a facility, I'm not sure how it does it; but if it can do it, I am sure ubuntu can too.17:11
Wavelightfor example: this computer connects to the irc network, the name of the computer, the port used, the date17:11
DmoleWavelight> you can ask iptables to log packets matching whatever set of rules17:11
Wavelightthe adress of the server17:11
SunTsuWavelight: why would you want to do that?17:12
ravingovells, in earlier versions of ubuntu the power applet was a separate executable17:12
JactaWhat is a good music-sreaming app for ubuntu? - I hear some shoutcast17:12
morsnowskiJacta, how about spotify17:13
Wavelightlegal issues, I need to log activity from a network, some illegal things happent there17:13
ravingovells, what I want to do is spawn the power applet, but I'm unsure how17:13
=== WanderingEnder[A is now known as WanderingEnder
ravingWavelight, your institution is requiring you to do logging I take it?17:13
DmoleWavelight: http://linux.die.net/man/8/iptables17:13
Jactamorsnowski good point - but i wold love to have another app for streaming?17:13
Jactatried the buildin - semms like it wont really work with shourtcast17:14
morsnowskiWavelight, just external or internal too?17:14
Wavelightsomething like that17:14
Wavelightexternal and internal17:14
DmoleJacta: VLC17:15
morsnowskiWavelight, well then it's iptables, external would be far easier17:16
JactaDmole aah- good point - really niiice17:16
SunTsuWavelight: tcpdump17:17
WavelightI will see how easy it will be to set it up for a super novice like me in linux17:17
votI have an Acer Asprie one AO751h and Ubuntu 10.04, the video refresh, I think, is real slow. Any ideas?17:17
WavelightI-ve tried so far PfSense17:17
JediMasteris it possible to set up an ethernet inetface with no IP and have it start automatically on boot?17:17
Zazie_Lavender( Question ) ( [Precise x64 on Dell Studio 1569]: I recently filed a kernel bug and was asked to try the upstream kernel, which fixed the bug. Is there a way to tell the update manager to ignore or skip certain updates? ) :::: ( UPP ) ::::17:18
Wavelightcan I do traffic shapping with Ubuntu Server?17:18
Wavelightand mac to ip binding?17:18
JactaDmole / morsnowski ill try17:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest15345
DmoleWavelight: yes17:20
ovellscould someone explain to me. so when im using ubuntu i also using gnome but how do i call the different gfx in 12.04 (unity and shell3)??17:20
Guest15345anyone knows a irc chat in spanish pleesa ???????17:20
DmoleWavelight: more iptables foo, and dhcp server stuff17:20
oCean!es | Guest1534517:21
ubottuGuest15345: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:21
IdleOne!es | Guest1534517:21
Pecker!es | Guest1534517:21
Wavelightthank you very mcuh, please recomand me a very reliable NIC card17:21
=== rcc is now known as GodFather
Wavelightthat I can purchase from a store brand new17:21
ravingWavelight, TULIP is usually available17:21
SpecIntel Pro10/10017:21
Zazie_Lavender( Question ) ( [Precise x64 on Dell Studio 1569]: I recently filed a kernel bug and was asked to try the upstream kernel, which fixed the bug. Is there a way to tell the update manager to ignore or skip certain updates? ) :::: ( UPP ) ::::17:21
ravingBut it's 10/10017:21
DmoleZazie_Lavender: google apt-pinning17:21
Wavelightspeed 10/100 is enought17:21
IdleOne!hcl | Wavelight17:22
ubottuWavelight: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:22
ravingWavelight, then stuff that works with the TULIP driver is usually pretty easy to find17:22
Wavelightmy internet connection is about 1/4 of 10017:22
ravingWavelight, lucky you, haha17:22
Wavelightconnection speed17:22
ravingI wish I had downstream like that17:22
Zazie_Lavender* Dmole17:23
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Zazie_Lavenderthat doesn't help much17:23
DmoleZazie_Lavender: http://askubuntu.com/questions/35560/ignore-package-in-update-manager17:23
ovellsrav i'v send you an pm.17:23
Wavelightso, Intel Pro 10/100 is a decent card, I think I have one right now17:24
WavelightI dont- know if I can find brand new17:24
Wavelightthere are old type cards I think17:24
WavelightI have two 3COM17:24
Guest15345where i write the directionof #ubuntu-es;17:25
vibhavGuest15345: type /join #ubuntu-es17:25
zeroblockdoes anybody know where is taiwan's channel?17:25
bazhangzeroblock, #ubuntu-tw17:26
vibhav!tw | zeroblock17:26
ubottuzeroblock: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:26
zeroblockvibhav: thanks alot17:27
neshhello, i am trying to build a python based google-desktop like sidebar with widgets and all. Can anybody give me some guidance regarding technology?17:29
bazhangnesh, try a python channel?17:29
ActionParsnipnesh: i'd ask in #python17:29
neshThanks bazhang, ActionParsnip!17:30
Guest15345hello i want to insatll the netbeans in the live cd but if ai do that then when i reboot the pc its disapear how can i do without installing the ubuntu in the hard disk17:30
ActionParsnipGuest15345: use a USB stick with persistance17:32
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as g3ck0
graft_hi, i have to connect to a xerox workcentre 6505 printer, but i can't find a ppd for it.17:40
=== g3ck0 is now known as g3cK0
=== graft_ is now known as graft
bazhanggraft_, what does linuxprinting.org database say about that printer17:40
graftbazhang: no results17:41
Wavelightthank you very much for your valuable informations17:41
Wavelightall the best17:41
Kaizeni installed libapache-mod-security and it wasn't working so i removed it and reinstalled it but now it isn't creating the .conf files in /etc/modsecurity this time around any ideas why it wouldn't do that now i'm installing again?17:41
graftbazhang: actually linuxprinting.org just redirects me to linuxfoundation.org17:42
graftbazhang: ah, openprinting.org17:42
graftbazhang: but, not listed17:42
bazhanggraft, patience, I am checking17:43
NictraSaviosI recently got a new mouse after using my laptops trackpad for a while. I was just testing it out on ubuntu and I've noticed two issues.... The first one is, my scroll button (Middle button) seems to be mixed up..17:43
_numbersever since upgrade to 12.04    ooffice writer   menus always appear on the wrong screen. so if i have writer open in screen 3, then i right-click in the document, the popup/context menu appears on screen 4. same with file menus.17:43
NictraSaviosWhen I scroll up, it goes down.  and vice vera...17:44
crondCan I safely change my xubuntu to ubuntu without messing up settings and uninstalling programs?17:44
crondor must I do a complete reinstall?17:44
NictraSaviosAnd its not consistent either. Some programs scroll backwards, others do it the right way.17:44
Peckercrond: reinstall, its a different distro pretty much17:45
=== g3cK0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
platiusgraft http://www.support.xerox.com/support/workcentre-6505/downloads/enca.html?operatingSystem=winxp17:45
ActionParsnipcrond: sure, remove xfce if you don't need it. Removing xubuntu-desktop will not do anything except remove the xubuntu-desktop metapackage17:45
crondPecker, ah.  Well that'd be a huge pain.17:45
ActionParsnipPecker: its not a different distro, its just some different apps17:46
NictraSaviosThe second problem with this mouse is... well, not really a problem, more of a curiosity. How do I alter the buttons to preform macros instead of their functions17:46
crondActionParsnip, will installing ubuntu-desktop update my plymouth and everything?17:46
graftplatius: sure, what do i do with that, though?17:46
graftplatius: there's a ppd, but it's wrapped in some windows executable17:46
oCeangraft: I find that the PPD's in the Printer Model Package (support.xerox.com) usually work just fine with similar models.17:47
oCeangraft: for example, there is a xr_WorkCentre65.ppd, which might just work for the 650517:47
graftoCean: ah i will try that, thanks17:47
platiusgraft looks like the linux version is an rpm file witch is usually trouble for ubuntu, sorry17:48
LordOfTimeplatius: the source code has to be somewhere ;P17:49
ActionParsnipcrond: you can switch plymouth with: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth; sudo update-initramfs -u17:49
LordOfTimeyou sure the source tarball doesnt exist, platius, graft?17:49
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crondActionParsnip, thank you17:49
ActionParsnipcrond: quite trivial really but if you want to switch it you can17:49
graftarg, now i need "/usr/lib/cups/filter/XeroxWCPfilter"17:53
Boinghello gurus, I did a fresh install ppc on a g5 and grub error so I booted to a boot repair disk and showing no default or ui configuration directive found any thoughts17:54
ActionParsnipBoing: what grub error do you get?17:54
Boinggrub loading 1.5 but nothing happens17:55
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:55
BoingActionParnsnip is the problem with the mbr?17:56
fuzzynurfhurteris there some software to fix the super-block of a HD??17:57
ActionParsnipBoing: likely, try this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video17:57
ashmew2Hi , im trying to compile gnome-games from source , but i am unable to do that , help please.17:57
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: the superblock is duplicated every 8000 or so blocks, so you can fsck with a different superblock and check it17:57
cndivHas anyone tried to install Ubuntu on a brand new Macbook Air? The ones that came out last week KP when I boot from the install disc.17:58
fuzzynurfhurterok well even when i format the drive to any thing it still says something about it or some thing like $mft is invalid17:58
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: e.g.   sudo e2fsck -f -b 8193 /dev/hda217:58
BoingActionParsnip I am currently using a boot rescue cd and at boot:         are there any parameters I can enter her to fix the mbr?18:00
ActionParsnipBoing: the link is all I know18:01
Boingok ty18:01
fuzzynurfhurterits a portable drive action18:01
user__mozilla firefox18:01
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: it still has a superblock which you can use if the default one is damaged18:02
Boingmy luck error with the video try later18:02
fuzzynurfhurterthats what im trying to figure outi tried that with testdisk to try and set it back to the backup but didnt work18:02
ovells./ts3client_linux_amd64: 1: ./ts3client_linux_amd64: Syntax error18:03
ActionParsnipovells: have you read the man page?18:03
fuzzynurfhurterit wont even show up when i hook it to a windows machine18:04
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: if youcan see the drive in:  sudo fdisk -l   you can fix it18:05
fuzzynurfhurteri will have to get it and hook it upo real quick18:05
fuzzynurfhurterhey action would it matter if it didnt show the firmware number in the disk utility?18:07
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: if it shows in bios and in fdisk -l   then you should be ok18:09
Boingcannot find kernel image ? does this mean linux is not installed?18:10
fuzzynurfhurteraction this is what i get from fdisk -l   Disk /dev/sdc: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes18:11
fuzzynurfhurter64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 57231 cylinders, total 117210240 sectors18:11
fuzzynurfhurterUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:11
fuzzynurfhurterSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes18:11
fuzzynurfhurterI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes18:11
fuzzynurfhurterDisk identifier: 0x0000000018:11
FloodBot1fuzzynurfhurter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
ActionParsnipBoing: boot to liveCD and you can follow the guide I gave18:11
Boingthe guide or video is down18:11
fuzzynurfhurtersry action i dont know how to do that man18:11
fuzzynurfhurtersry lol18:13
fuzzynurfhurterwhere do all those go??18:14
ActionParsnipBoing:  sudo e2fsck -f -b 8193 /dev/sdc18:15
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: ^18:15
ActionParsnipBoing: the text is still there, no18:15
ActionParsnipBoing: wrong target earlier?18:15
biodoes anyone know how i can resolve the ia32-libs issue i've googled and stuff and it's just not working18:15
bioon precise18:16
biorefuses to install -> wants some multiarch thing18:16
bio-f doesn't work18:16
ActionParsnipbio: precise is multiarch by default18:17
linux_is_my_herowhy would a usb keyboard light up for windows but not linux?  everything else works including the extra buttons for volume, etc....18:18
c_smithhello how do I start the module-init-tools in Ubuntu 12.04?18:19
fuzzynurfhurteraction this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053063/18:19
asus1025chas anyone here who owns an atom n2800 (or n2600) based netbook managed to get its hdmi port working *without* using the cedarview repo???18:19
nacii4piszcie do mnie :)18:19
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:20
echo083it is possible to request the installation of gnome instead on unity during the ubuntu installation ?18:21
MonkeyDu1techo083  unity is gnome + eye candy18:22
ScuniziI'm having issues connecting to a WinXP client.  I notice that smbclient is installed on my machine but not smbfs(wrapper for cifs).  I can get to the shares on the win machine but can not get a directory read as it asks for user name and password (password doesn't exist for this account).  How do I overcome this hard stop?18:22
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
echo083MonkeyDu1t, so could i remove eye candy ? which package it is ?18:22
fuzzynurfhurterand ive tried the other command it says e2fsck -b 8193 already nothing different18:23
MonkeyDust!notunity| echo083 better read this18:23
ubottuecho083 better read this: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:23
echo083Scunizi, you can't provide username and password to smbclient ?18:24
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity18:24
Scuniziecho083: would that be "my" linux user name and pass? or the win machines?18:24
echo083Scunizi, no the win machine username and password18:24
echo083Scunizi, you want to access your winXP share from ubuntu ?18:25
fuzzynurfhurterhow could u get rid of bs sessions on the login screen that dont work??18:25
asus1025cthat is using 100% free software18:25
Scuniziecho083: it's not setup as a password protected machine (the Win machine)18:25
echo083MonkeyDust, okkkk cool :) i'll install gnome-panel18:25
c_smithis module-init-tools started on startup?18:25
Scuniziecho083: and yes.. using ubuntu to view & modify files on the win machine..18:26
echo083Scunizi, you are running your share from windows server ?18:26
Scuniziecho083: yes.. simple properties change within windows to share a directory ie.. Documents & Desktop.. also unticked the "Read Only"18:27
echo083Scunizi, /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX\sharename18:27
echo083Scunizi, if you didn't set a password don't provide any to smbclient :)18:28
linux_is_my_herowhat are some good keyboards to get for ubuntu that will actually light-up?  mine doesnt18:28
linux_is_my_heroit only lights up for windows18:28
nacii4pisac do mnie :)18:28
echo083Scunizi, you could explore your network with nautilus too18:29
Scuniziecho083: echo083 the IP settings on the network are DHCP so I would have to physically verify the IP each time I use that command.. one change I did make on my machine is to add "wins" to /etc/nsswitch.conf before "dns" but haven't restarted my network yet.. how do I do that on Ubuntu?18:29
Scuniziecho083: nautilus or dolphin.. that's what I'm currently using to explore the shares with.18:30
asus1025chas anyone here who owns an atom n2800 (or n2600) based netbook managed to get its hdmi port working *without* using the cedarview repo???18:30
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Boingi am stuck with this grub loading stage 1.5 /n Grub loading, please wait.. I am trying to reboot to live cd and comes back to the same message18:31
zephyhi guys, could someone tell me how to disable the "hardware cursor" please? the internet suggests this might fix an issue I currently have18:31
fuzzynurfhurterne 1 had a prob with superblock  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053063/18:31
echo083Scunizi, use ifup and ifdown to release your network interface and reactivate it18:31
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Scuniziecho083: thanks.. I'll give that a shot first then try the previous command using the IP address if nautilus or dolphin don't work directly.18:32
echo083Scunizi, ok :)18:32
fuzzynurfhurterthere a way to fix it through terminal??18:33
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:33
=== fnordeingang is now known as wasd
Scuniziecho083: is the ifup / ifdown usage "sudo ifdown" to bring it down and "sudo ifup" to bring it up?18:34
fuzzynurfhurterhow do u take non working sessions off the login screen??18:34
Boingi am stuck with this grub loading stage 1.5 /n Grub loading, please wait.. I am trying to reboot to live cd and comes back to the same message18:34
echo083Scunizi, yes sudo !! sudo ifdown IFACE18:34
Scuniziecho083: IFACE??  what's that?18:35
echo083Scunizi, where IFACE is the network card you want to release18:35
Scuniziecho083: ah.. like eth018:35
echo083Scunizi, yess !!!!18:35
al_the_xAnyone here running MySQL replication on Ubuntu 12.04?18:35
Scuniziecho083: ok.. got it.. brb18:35
echo083Scunizi, IFACE = Interface = Network interface18:35
faryshtaHi. Can you guys recommend me a graphic client for mysql?18:35
fuzzynurfhurterboing it wont get past the stage 1.5 grub loading??18:36
echo083Scunizi, ifdown = IFACE DOWN !18:36
Boingfuz yes18:36
Scuniziecho083: so.. sudo ifdown eth0 (or whatever it is)18:36
killerubuntu in unity 3D crashes a lot ....here what i get by typing unity --replace :"http://pastebin.com/EYFHPBPR"18:36
echo083Scunizi, yes !!18:36
al_the_xfaryshta: Navicat, phpMyAdmin, MySQL dev tools.18:36
Gygesfaryshta, to configure mysql databases : phpmyadmin18:36
echo083Scunizi, and sudo ifup eth0 to reactivate it18:36
Boingfuz then i tried using the boot rescue disk and gave msg no kernel image found18:37
al_the_xAnyone running MySQL replication with 12.04 yet?18:37
faryshtaal_the_x, Gyges phpMyAdmin is for servers and have some security issues. I will try the rest of the toolsyou mentioned.18:37
Scuniziecho083: that brings another problem.. the system says.. eth0 & eth1 are not configured.. what's the command to see what it's labeled?18:37
echo083Scunizi, ifconfig18:38
Scuniziecho083: DOH!  I should have remember that.18:38
al_the_xfaryshta: Yes, phpMyAdmin isn't my favorite but can work in a pinch, particularly over localhost connections.18:38
echo083Scunizi, lol18:38
echo083al_the_x, it is a particular package to manage mysql replication ?18:38
tmgal_the_x: only for loclhost18:38
al_the_xfaryshta: The MySQL Dev Tools package is pretty good, last I looked. Eclipse also has some nice ER rendering built in.18:38
faryshtaal_the_x, yes but for production servers its the last option I would use :-)18:39
Yoshi2889Hey guys, back for another round of support lol18:39
faryshtaal_the_x, mysql dev tools sounds nice let me install it :)18:39
Scuniziecho083: weird.. ifconfig confirms that eth0 is what I'm using.. but sudo ifdown eth0 says eth0 isn't configured.. ???18:39
tmgfaryshta: you can, if access is defined wise18:39
al_the_xfaryshta: Agreed. But why have an accessible mysql in production anyway? :D18:39
echo083Scunizi, probably because you already release it, try sudo ifup eth018:39
Scuniziecho083: if that were the case we would be disconnected :)18:40
al_the_xAnyone using config files in /etc/mysql/conf.d/ to configure MySQL?18:40
echo083Scunizi, ohhh nice thinking !18:40
echo083Scunizi, but you could have use your windows box18:40
echo083Scunizi, just not to lose my pride :)18:40
Scuniziecho083: true.. or the lappy next to me.. this happens to be my desktop18:40
Yoshi2889I reinstalled GRUB so I could boot Ubuntu from Windows again, but now GRUB shows me that selection screen every time I boot my laptop, can I change it to automatically boot Ubuntu and hold left shift for the menu?18:41
Scuniziecho083: perhaps just using the appelate in the gui to shut it down.. (running kde desktop right now.)18:41
echo083Scunizi, yes why not but i have no explaination with ifdown says your iface is not configured18:42
killerprograms disappearing  after being minimized in unity 3D but works ok in unity 2D18:42
Scuniziecho083: am I back?18:43
nitrohaxi gave up18:43
wasdyou folks have experience w/ irssi ?18:43
echo083Scunizi, did you find your window$ box exploring the network with nautilus ?18:43
Scuniziecho083: same issue.. still asking for uname/pass.. :(18:44
bazhangwasd, try #irssi18:44
echo083Scunizi, just click ok18:44
glosolilol I was happy for Skype 4 until I happen to know that it crashes my gnome session 5 times a day cool huh18:44
al_the_xAnybody? MySQL replication? Is there an #ubuntu-server channel?18:44
echo083wasd, what do you need to do with irssi ?18:44
wasdbazhang: already did - people are not very responsive18:44
glosolial_the_x: there is18:44
wasdecho083: i'm havin trouble loading a script18:45
echo083al_the_x, #mysql ?18:45
al_the_xglosoli: Indeed. When in doubt, /join something. :D18:45
wasdcant keep thinking i forgot some elementary thing :P18:45
Scuniziecho083: I don't think that using the appelate actually re-read the nsswitch.conf file.. is there a way to force that?18:45
al_the_xecho083: I'm not sure it's a MySQL bug yet… I'll hit up #mysql next.18:45
nitrohaxis there a nessacary reason to install all the language packs?18:45
echo083al_the_x, there is no dedicated mysql replication channel :(18:46
echo083wasd, i'll be helpless i used once irssi to chat but that's all sorry18:46
Scuniziecho083: Oh. I had to hit enter numerous times before the request disappeared.. now dolphin is "Loading Folder". It's not cached so it might take a while.. but then may never happen as well.18:46
qdb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas there is no 10.10 . is there ppas for 10.10 ? or usable?18:47
xanguaqdb: 10.10 is no longer supported18:47
bazhangqdb 10.10 is not supported18:47
echo083Scunizi, now it shouldn't request any username or password to use your share as far as i remember18:47
echo083Scunizi, fix the name resolution and you'll be good. nsswitch.conf is loaded by nscd18:48
nitrohaxis there an updated driver for an nvidia 9gt series card in teh repos?18:48
MFenwhere is "create launcher" in ubuntu 11.1018:48
MFeni right-click the desktop and the only options i have are: create new folder, create new document... create new document does not have a subitem for launcher18:49
thomasbombIs there a way to automatically SSH with ubuntu?18:49
beandogthomasbomb: what do you mean18:49
Scuniziecho083: so to restart nscd it's sudo service nscd restart ?18:50
echo083Scunizi, yes ! if your nsswitch is correctly set it should be good18:50
thomasbombI want to use SSH to change settings on my router when a certain program runs18:50
Gygesthomasbomb, you can ssh in a script and let the script run the program18:51
qdbxangua, bazhang, thank you. i have 10.10 installed and want to install intel gma 3600 enabled linux kernel. but the 10.10 is fresh , not very hard to install other thing. i have 10.04 usbflash. ... so i ll search whether there ready kernel for intel gma 3600 ...18:51
Jactais there a list over commands i can add in /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop?18:51
Havelinmy gconf-editor wont open, anyone know why that might happen?18:51
thomasbombGyges yes that's what  I want, how do I do that?18:51
Jactalooking for a notray or so18:51
Scuniziecho083: nscd isn't recognized as a service.. :( .. perhaps just a reboot (I hate to do that when I don't have to)18:52
GygesHavelin, try running it from the console and looking at the messages18:52
nitrohaxhoray install done18:52
HavelinAhh yeah it's not installed /facepalm18:52
wcchandlerthomasbomb: you can call ssh to do a command and exit, just like you would if you connected to it...  e.g. "ssh root@host 'uptime'" will return the uptime of host18:52
jammhello people18:52
echo083Scunizi, ohhh i don't remember which service is managing the nsswitch file when nscd is not installed i thought it was installed by default sorry18:53
PokinawaHi Guys... I am struggling to install ubuntu 12.04.... the installer doesn't detect my windows 7 OS or partitions... any thoughts? :|18:53
Gygesthomasbomb, http://pastebin.com/D0hM9XHH18:53
echo083Scunizi, yes reboot !!18:53
wcchandlerthomasbomb: you'd need to setup password-less, key based authentication between your machine and the server18:53
jammi ned help for asterix18:53
h00kPokinawa: make sure you do a clean shutdown, or do a checkdisk from Windows to make sure the partition is clean.18:53
Jordan_UPokinawa: You probably have an invalid partition table, which will need to be fixed before installing Ubuntu (and which is important to fix on its own as well). Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".18:53
thomasbombWell I don't really understand SSH that well... I guess I should look into it more before trying to write a script for it18:54
Pokinawathanks h00k.... strange thing is.... I can see the partitions in when i go to "Computer" in ubuntu (try live)18:54
qdbis there linux 3.4 for 10.04 somewhere ? so that bcmwl-kernel-source for bcm4313 wifi also works.. does bcmwl-kernel-source at least work in 12.10 alpha1 ?18:54
Pokinawabut not when installing.... just see dev/sda 1TB FREE!?18:54
steveoliverShould I upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?  Anyone know what upgrade is like, how long it'll take?18:54
qdb does bcmwl-kernel-source at least work in 12.10 alpha1 , with 3.4 kernel ?18:55
wcchandlersteveoliver: I have problems about twice a week with my 12.04 install, going from 11.10 and 11.04 on another machine.  I suggest waiting for 12.04.1 in a couple months18:55
Jordan_UPokinawa: Did you see my message?18:55
Pokinawanope sorry... lemme scroll...18:55
steveoliverwcchandler, i'm glad I asked, sorry you're having problems.  any way to roll back?18:56
Pokinawa@Jordan... how do i fix this?18:56
wcchandlersteveoliver: it's all good.  they're not big enough to worry about rolling back for18:57
MonkeyDuststeveoliver  in a terminal type *do-release-upgrade* (without the stars) , takes about an hour, you have to confirm 1 or 2 things during upgrade18:57
Zac198969Anyone know how to enable anti aliasing with ati cards in ubuntu?18:57
steveoliverMonkeyDust, does 12.04 run any faster on the same hardware?18:58
Scuniziecho083: the "how to" on Ubuntu Forums also shows installing winbind.. know anything about that?18:58
LordOfTime!anyone | Zac19896918:58
ubottuZac198969: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:58
MonkeyDuststeveoliver  i'm happy with it18:58
Zac198969?? I don't understand18:58
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:58
Jordan_UPokinawa: It depends on what exactly is wrong, and "sudo parted -l" should tell us that fairly clearly.18:58
wcchandlersteveoliver: quite a bit for me.  on my laptop I went from 1:45 - 2 hrs battery life to ~5hrs18:58
steveoliveroh, wow18:59
Jordan_U!tab | Pokinawa18:59
ubottuPokinawa: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:59
Zac198969!details Enable anti aliasing with ati video card18:59
ubottuZac198969: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
fuzzynurfhurterdam i need that wcc lol18:59
kyle__Hey.  Is something going on with the ubuntu update servers?  I keep getting size mismatch errors.18:59
Pokinawa!tab | Jordan_U18:59
echo083Scunizi, it is integrate samba in your windows domain i don't think you need it, but i'm not expert :( i just give up windows few months ago and using nfs18:59
ubottuJordan_U: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:59
wcchandlerfuzzynurfhurter: i5 processor with intel graphics.  not sure what changed but yeah18:59
steveoliveri've had some issues in 11.10 recently with resuming from Suspend, weird login screen blackout/double-login, plus my mouse is starting to pause every 30 seconds or so...19:00
=== axl__ is now known as axl_
fuzzynurfhurtermines an aspire 1 netbook wcc19:00
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.19:00
steveoliverbeen doing all the system updates but not really installing any new software/services19:00
qdbis there quantal channel19:00
Piciqdb: #ubuntu+119:00
wcchandlerI always shutdown/cold boot my laptop.  I never mess with suspend/hibernate19:00
PokinawaJordan_U: I am on windows right now.... how can debug this partition issues on Win?19:00
qdbthank you, Pici19:01
fuzzynurfhurterme either was of time19:01
wcchandlerSSD hdd nets a ~10 second boot19:01
steveoliverwcchandler, it helps when you gotta walk away and kids might decide to "work hard" :)19:01
kyle__wcchandler: Not every has the option of an SSD, but when you got it, it's nice I admit.19:01
Jordan_UPokinawa: This is *much* easier to debug from GNU/Linux. Is it too difficult to boot from the Ubuntu LiveCD?19:01
maplebedhi, question about partman and the 'priority'.  I'm reading http://coewww.rutgers.edu/www1/linuxclass2010/lessons/lesson2/partman-auto-recipe.txt and it says that priority is usually between minimal size and maximal size.  I don't understand why it should be in that range - isn't it only used in partitiion competition?19:01
fuzzynurfhurterive had a prob when trying to reboot ubuntu\19:01
steveoliverhibernate/suspend has always been hit or miss in old versions of ubuntu, but so far, generally it's at least kinda worked19:01
PokinawaJordan_U: No.. I'll reboot and join server from ubuntu again in a bit.. ty19:02
Jordan_UPokinawa: You're welcome.19:02
MonkeyDustmaplebed  discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic please19:02
asus1025chas anyone here who owns an atom n2800 (or n2600) based netbook managed to get its hdmi port working *without* using the cedarview repo???19:02
=== sudokode is now known as sudokode|echo
kyle__asus1025c: Is that one of the dual core ones or quad core ones?19:03
hichamatdoes 'grub-install /dev/sda' install grub only or grub + MBR ?19:03
maplebedMonkeyDust: sorry, I came here because it's the ubuntu installer preseeding that's doing the partman setup.  is that really offtopic?19:03
=== sudokode|echo is now known as sudokode
maplebedI'm happy to switch if that's a better place.19:03
echo083Scunizi, sorry i've to go i hope someone more skilled thank me could be helpful19:04
zwnedis it possible to configure boot from SAN without the use of PXE for initrd, kernel, and boot? I would like to have 100% of the OS on the SAN19:05
claude2can anyone here help with an nfs problem im having trying to get a diskless install working?19:05
kyle__zwned: If you've got an HBA I beleive so.19:06
morsnowskizwned, that would mean you have to have your HBA's recognised prior to boot19:06
PrivateAlphaKeyboard not working on the LGE23 anyone know of a fix?19:06
Jordan_Uhichamat: Your question is odd because the portion of grub which is installed to the MBR is a pretty critical portion. "grub-install /dev/sda" will definitely install grub's boot sector to the MBR of /dev/sda, as well as embedding grub's core.img to the embedding area (usually the area between the mbr and first partition) and grub-install will also setup /boot/grub/ with the files grub needs (though it will not create a /boot/grub/grub.cfg, as that is ...19:06
Jordan_U... what grub-mkconfig is for).19:06
asus1025ckyle__: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N2800  cpu cores:  219:06
kyle__zwned: iSCSI or fiberchanel HBAs show up as scsi devices.  As long as your system/bios can see & use it as a scsi card, youre good.19:06
kyle__asus1025c: Hum.  Sorry, newest atom I have is a D525.19:07
damms005Guys, does /dev behave like /tmp? (I dd'eda partition to it and vamoosed on restart)19:07
asus1025cok thanks anyway19:07
kyle__damms005: /dev is a virtual directory (usually), /tmp is (usually) a physical diretory, and many distros clear it out on boot.19:07
Jordan_Uzwned: Only if you have firmware which supports whatever protocol you're using on the SAN, which is *very* unlikely.19:07
zwnedkyle, they are19:08
linux_is_my_heroanyone tried a lightup keyboard with ubuntu yet?19:08
fission6how can i see whats running on port 8019:08
damms005Thanks kyle__ : Just fried a partition...olo19:08
zwnedJordan, have server iSCSI offload firmware19:08
kyle__zwned: iSCSI offload != HBA.19:09
zwnedit worked todo the base install - however the when rebooting I get all of my NICs requesting DHCP19:09
kyle__zwned: offload and hba are way different.19:09
morsnowskifission6, netstat -lnp|grep :8019:09
=== kris_ is now known as Guest35983
zwnedsays boot from SAN is supported but only list windows servers19:10
zwnedI believe Dell supports RHEL for this as well19:10
fuzzynurfhurterhow do to take out some of the sessions on the login screen they dont work any more19:10
morsnowskifuzzybunny69y, killall -u SUERNAME19:11
Aluminif I need a Java plugin for Firefox, I just need to install "icedtea-plugin" and its dependencies right?19:11
morsnowskifuzzybunny69y, killall -u USERNAME that is19:12
zwnedI can go into firmware and select my target also select it for boot19:12
zwnedI get past grub but it hangs on DHCP RARP19:12
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, , killall -u USERNAME that is19:13
AluminI just get this "Downloading..." window with nothing in it and the standard Java unsigned applet warning19:13
Aluminwhich is fine, but I can't click in the warning window because the "Downloading..." window is "in front of" it19:13
thomasbombHow do I use SSH and a public key via terminal?19:14
Aluminthomasbomb: do you have the public and private key already?19:14
Aluminok, first you have to get the public key to the server...is that already done?19:15
kyle__Alumin: Sometimes that happens with code meant for "official java".  I've noticed that a fair amount with things that never get updated, like java on print-servers, crappy routers, etc.19:15
Aluminssh -i private_key user@host19:15
e3mforza Napoli asd19:15
PrivateAlphaKeyboard not working on the LGE23 anyone know of a fix?19:15
Aluminkyle__: it's not even getting that far though19:16
AluminI can't even get past the security warning about the unsigned applet19:16
SireI'm currently downloading Ubuntu 12.04-server/amd64 and I plan to use it in a headless audio PC that also does torrents. What should I do during and after installing Ubuntu?19:16
e3mwho is italian?19:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:16
kyle__Alumin: I've got some dells with a remote java-console.  If I used openjdk or 64bit oracle-jdk, I get a downloading screen that doesn't move for 10 minutes, then it will magically connect, or just die.  You mean in the applet right?19:17
kyle__Alumin: Also, minimize your browser window, sometimes the allow-applet screens get hidden.19:17
Aluminyes, and in fact the applet in question is a DRAC remote console19:17
kyle__Alumin: Heh.  64bit system?19:17
AluminI can see the "allow" screen, it just won't accept my mouse input19:17
kyle__Alumin: Fscking dell.19:17
Alumin10 minutes eh19:18
Aluminwell, I can wait that long :)19:18
kyle__Alumin: Oh wow.  32bit official always works, openjdk/icedtea half the time..  It always works if I connect froma  mac, if that helps.19:18
kyle__Alumin: Of course it can't do cdrom/iso redirection from apples.  Thanks dell.19:18
AluminI'm not using Sun's Java (well, Oracle's)19:19
AluminI'm using IcedTea / OpenJDK19:19
* kyle__ nods19:19
SireAnyon ehave input?19:19
AluminOracle can bite my shiny metal ... hmm can I quote Futurama in here?  :P19:19
kyle__Alumin: I've got two chassis full of C5125s, and they're ALL like this.19:19
kyle__Alumin: Yes.19:20
PiciSire: you haven't asked a real question yet.19:20
Aluminwhat did you do about it?  Just wait the ten minutes, install the Oracle plugin, or use your Mac?19:20
SireI'm currently downloading Ubuntu 12.04-server/amd64 and I plan to use it in a headless audio PC that also does torrents. What should I do during and after installing Ubuntu?19:20
kyle__Alumin: This is going to sound so lame.  32 windows xp in virtualbox.19:20
grendalsire install the media center?19:21
Aluminthere's a winbox I can RDP into if it comes to that19:21
AluminI'd prefer to just wait the 10 minutes, I only have to do this once19:21
cndivHey #ubuntu, is there a utility that will tell me the integer value of a key combination? I'm trying to configure my trackpad to handle three-finger swiping correctly19:22
Aluminwhat's this "Downloading..." window anyway?  I've never seen it before19:22
Siregrendal: do you have more specific information? Should I just look up the media center?19:22
Aluminthe integer value of a key combination?19:22
Aluminlike a key scancode?19:22
fuzzynurfhurtermorsnowski i dont want to stop them running i want them to not show up when i boot up theres atleast 8 different desktop sessions i can go into19:22
kyle__Alumin: I think it's a java-web-start, so it actually downloads all the peices via an applet, before launching it in a less-restrivtive sandbox than an applet has.19:23
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, where ?19:23
megane16hi all, am looking for some help regarding a usb problem, i have an external drive with a 1tb hdd, i can only seem to sustain 1.5MB/s, both the external and the motherboard are USB 2, any ideas wot might b wrong?19:23
fuzzynurfhurterthe login screen when u first boot up19:23
Aluminmorsnowski: I thinkhe's talking about the gdm greeter screen19:23
morsnowskiin grub ?19:23
maplebedcndiv: xev maybe?19:24
heep--my ubuntu is going straight to terminal instead of unity19:24
fuzzynurfhurteru can choose different sessions some work some dont19:24
grendalSire,  well there is an entire distro desigend for doing what your doing (probably)  I think its mediubuntu.19:24
heep--what do i type start-unity or start-gnome?19:24
fuzzynurfhurteryeah alumin19:24
grendalor myth.19:24
cndivmaplebed, I'll try that19:24
Picigrendal, sire: no, medibuntu is a repository of media related packages.19:24
grendalthats right. forgot...19:24
Aluminkyle__: thing is, though, if I just run "javaws <uri>" at the console, I don't get that error19:25
fuzzynurfhurteri installed the lubuntu desktop session and now some of the other ones wont work any more lol19:25
PokinawaJordan_U: Hey! So what was that command for checking my partition tables?19:25
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, not sure what you mean. can you post a screenshot?19:25
grendalwhats the mediacenter distro called?  I thought there was like a tasksel for it but..wasnt sure anymore.19:25
PiciSire: You'll probably want to look into something like mpd for audio, and rtorrent for torrents... but you have a lot of choices.19:25
kyle__Alumin: You can run that against the file it grabs.  Sometimes it works.19:25
heep--my ubuntu is going straight to terminal instead of unity what do i type start-unity or start-gnome?19:25
AluminI do get some kind of "file not found" or whatever, but I assume that's cause I don't have the session cookie etc19:25
Picigrendal: There is no headless media center task.19:25
fuzzynurfhurterno i would have to reboot its on the laptop imworkin on19:25
maplebedPokinawa: is "parted -l" what you're looking for?19:25
zwnedSo, I boot from SAN - I am seeing the GRUB menu and select my kernel. It starts to boot and I get stuck on mty 1500 DHCP RARP. Any ideas?19:25
Aluminkyle__: hmm good idea19:25
grendalhold on...i must consult the oracle19:26
Pokinawamaplebed: umm.. yes.. (probably)19:26
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Jordan_UPokinawa: sudo parted -l19:26
thomasbombAlumin how is the file specified by -i supposed to be formatted?19:26
Siregrendal, Pici, is Ubuntu 12.04/server a good place to start for this?19:26
Picigrendal: maybe you're thinking of XMBC or mythbuntu19:26
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Aluminthomasbomb: the path to your private key file19:27
PokinawaJordan_U: Warning: /dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table.19:27
PokinawaHowever, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should.19:27
PokinawaPerhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT19:27
Pokinawapartition tables.  Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an19:27
Pokinawamsdos partition table.  Is this a GPT partition table?19:27
thomasbombAlumin I mean the actual file19:27
FloodBot1Pokinawa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
thomasbombIs it supposed to be just the key?19:27
Aluminthomasbomb: like, that would be id_rsa19:27
Alumin(not, for example, id_rsa.pub)19:27
PiciSire: sure, but be prepared to do some manual configurations to get mpd or whatever jukebox software you want to work.19:27
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thomasbombthe file that starts with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----19:28
Aluminyeah, that should be it19:28
fuzzynurfhurteralumin what is a better discription of the greeter page?19:28
thomasbombWell it's not working >.<19:28
cndivmaplebed, apt-get install xev isn't working and I don't see it in synaptic, did it change names perhaps?19:28
thomasbombPermission denied (publickey).19:28
Aluminthat can mean a few things19:29
alsosudo dpkg -a --configure19:29
Alumin1) server isn't configured to allow public key authentication (unlikely)19:29
alsoUsually works for me when I have apt problems.19:29
Alumin2) private key file not readable by your user19:29
PokinawaJordan_U: It says "Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system)19:29
Picicndiv: xev should already be installed, but if you don't have it, install x11-utils.19:29
Alumin2) permissions on private key (or the directory it's in) too permissive...SSH will refuse to use the key if any other user can read it19:29
SirePici, mk, I'll deal with all the configuration stuff.19:29
fuzzynurfhurterbut u know whatim talking about huh?19:29
Jordan_U!pastebin | Pokinawa19:29
PokinawaJordan_U: "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk! "19:29
ubottuPokinawa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:29
Alumin3) You were fibbing earlier when you said the public key was on the server19:29
m1chaelim trying to install a package called 'liquidsoap' on 11.04 xubuntu.. i get no errors on installation, but the program seems to be having a hard time with finding liquidsoup-plugin* packages that i've installed.. i've found no solutions (except for compiling from source- and that is proving to be a daunting task...) any ideas?19:30
cndivPici, ok thank19:30
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, no or you would have gotten an answer19:30
Aluminthomasbomb: your best bet is going to be to a) run your ssh client with -v, and b) check the logs on the server19:30
fuzzynurfhurteralumin knows what im talking about the freaking login screen when it first boots to linux19:31
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thomasbombAlumin http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053155/19:32
thomasbomb(Not the whole thing)19:32
fuzzynurfhurterguess i could try to delete it from the install uninstall program of the desktop sessions19:32
PokinawaUbuntu installer doesn't detect windows 7... "sudo parted -l" returns "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!"19:32
Aluminmorsnowski: he's talking about the list of available environments presented by the display manager19:33
AluminI don't know how to configure gdm as I'm a heretical KDE user, but that's the list he's trying to edit19:33
fuzzynurfhurterthank u alumin i thought i made it plain as i could lol19:33
Jon--Approx time to upgrade a base sys from 11.10->12.04 after download, moderately fast HD?19:34
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fuzzynurfhurtersome will load and some wont any more19:34
morsnowskistill not sure what he is talking about, maybe the dropdown box for the desktops?19:34
thomasbombAlumin did you look at the paste?19:34
Pokinawaa little help please? Why are my partitions and Win7 not detected by ubuntu 12.04 installer? :(19:35
fuzzynurfhurteryes i want to either take some of those off or fix them morsnowski19:35
morsnowskinow then reinstall those desktops or uninstall them19:35
Aluminthomasbomb: that's a strange filename19:35
thomasbombwell that's where it generated19:36
AluminI'd recommend naming your private key either "identity", "id_rsa", or "id_dsa" depending on format19:36
qdbas i know it i spossible to compile latest kernel , but bcmwl-kernel-source will not be compatible with it?19:36
fuzzynurfhurteri install lubuntu on here and it made some of them not work19:36
thomasbombBut still there's a problem19:36
morsnowskiwhich ones19:36
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Aluminthomasbomb: check the logs on the server19:37
thomasbombIt's my router19:37
Alumin/var/log/secure if it's Red Hat-ish, /var/log/auth.log if it's Debian-ish19:37
fuzzynurfhurtermorsnowski will be back in a min to make a list19:37
thomasbombI don't know if it's possible19:37
AluminI don't know how to check the logs on that19:38
Jordan_UPokinawa: Did you use this hard drive in a mac previously?19:38
PokinawaJordan_U: nope19:38
Aluminthomasbomb: did you follow this?  http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/SSH19:39
Pokinawait's been in my desktop since the beginning19:39
thomasbombAlumin yes19:39
Aluminthomasbomb: hmm19:39
thomasbombI'll try rebooting my router really quick19:39
Aluminstart again from step 1? :)19:39
Jordan_UPokinawa: Well then it sounds like your OEM did something really odd. I would recommend using "fixparts" to fix it, by removing the GPT signatures.19:39
alex_underHow can I enable ipv6 ?19:40
GeeksOnHugsi installed the ubuntu desktop edition and I heard of all this eye candy, which I guess is not on by default?  What do I need to download or set up to get eye candy goodness?19:40
alex_underon Xubuntu *19:40
Jordan_UPokinawa: http://www.rodsbooks.com/fixparts/19:40
PokinawaJordan_U: I think i might have screwed up.. I assembled the PC myself!19:40
Aluminalex_under: XFCE isn't really known for its eye candy19:40
Aluminit does have window transparency though19:40
PokinawaI was using a tool to shrink my partition... and things have been strange ever since19:41
Aluminif you want the "OMG I'm hacking the Gibson" eye candy you probably need to use GNOME or KDE19:41
GeeksOnHugsI have the standard ubuntu, so that's unity right?  Can I get eye candy?19:41
alex_underAlumin: what does IP version 6 have to do with eye-candy ?19:41
Pokinawa"Hacking the Gibson eye candy" -- LOL19:41
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Aluminalex_under: absolutely nothing, I totally just answered the wrong person19:42
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GeeksOnHugswell asnwer me then plz19:42
Aluminthat was awesome though in a way19:42
Nedehi chat19:42
Aluminhaha...  GeeksOnHugs unfortunately I know next to nothing about Unity, I've been a KDE user for years19:42
haledis aircrack-ng out of the repositories?19:42
Nedeone alternative for network-manager-strongswan? This pack have a bug in 12.04.....19:43
GeeksOnHugsshould i switch?  I only have unity cause it came with it19:43
Jordan_UPokinawa: OK, then what probably happened is that the drive manufacturer used GPT as the format it started with, then the Windows installer clobbered it and used an msdos label without properly removing the GPT signatures (like a good GPT aware utility would do).19:44
jackiechan0Hello I just installed Ubuntu on my ASUS N56VZ but it doesn't start, Windows 7 always start it's something with UEFI could anyone help me?19:44
fuzzynurfhurtermorsnowski this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053176/19:44
PokinawaJordan_U: ah ok.. so fixparts can rectify this mess?19:45
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thomasbombAlumin rebooting didn't fix it19:45
Jordan_UPokinawa: Yes.19:45
jackiechan0Hello I just installed Ubuntu on my ASUS N56VZ but it doesn't start, Windows 7 always start it's something with UEFI could anyone help me?19:45
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, then go reinstall those that you want. it maybe better to uninstall those that you don't first19:45
kyle__Humm.  I don't suppose anyone here is good with the fim image viewer?19:46
fuzzynurfhurteroh ok well i wasnt sure i just wanted the ldxe xubuntu and the lubuntu19:46
kevininspainjust installed Ubuntu 12.04 lts much better than mint 10, 12, 13 etc more stable and low cpu outputs19:46
Jordan_UPokinawa: From the LiveCD, to instll fixparts, either use Software Center and install "gdisk", or from the terminal run "sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gdisk".19:46
morsnowskiok then get rid of whaat you don't need19:47
fuzzynurfhurterthey were on there them i installed lubuntu and then they didnt work lol19:47
Jordan_UPokinawa: I'll be gone for about an hour, if you can't figure it out on your own (and somebody here can't help) I'll be back so don't give up :)19:47
Pokinawaah.. ok.. thanks a lot!19:47
PokinawaJordan_U: TY :)19:48
Jordan_UPokinawa: You're welcome :)19:48
trylife- - -- ------119:49
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kevininspainthere is a lot more users here than in #linuxmint-help19:49
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gr8linuxis there any body work with webkit?19:51
trylifeno ....19:51
kevininspainhay españoles19:51
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guntbert!ot | kevininspain19:52
ubottukevininspain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:52
gr8linuxI had serious problem with it19:52
guntbert!anyone | gr8linux19:52
ubottugr8linux: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:52
jsoftAny suggestions on a super light-weight browser which also has some kind of ad-blocking gizmotron (like adblock for firefox) ?19:52
kevininspainubottu, I am asking for help in Spanish19:53
ubottukevininspain: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:53
fuzzynurfhurtermorsnowski i aint sure what there called to uninstall them theres afew different openboxes installed on here19:53
bashingI am trying use echo to print something, which I'm trying to store in a variable. It consists of multiple strings (using bash), but it keeps overwriting. Any ideas?19:53
kevininspaina bot ??19:53
guntbert!es | kevininspain19:53
ubottukevininspain: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:53
zykotick9jsoft: if your looking for a lightweight browser, have you tried uzbl?  it's quite different from other browsers - and not sure about the adblocking (kinda doubt it has it actually) - but it's real light19:54
kevininspainokey dokey19:54
gr8linuxubottu: I try to wrote code with pygobject and webkit in quickly but after I add "import webkit" my application not start at all19:55
ubottugr8linux: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
Guest50510Hi, I'm having some problems with SSHing into a fileserver; I can get in fine and it seems to have a network connection but can't resolve hostnames. "ping" works, while "ping google.com" won't. I've tried changing /etc/resolv.conf to use with no effect. What is the next step in troubleshooting dns?19:55
kevininspainpues vaya rollo en fin me voy entonces19:55
StarOnDwhy do we need a \ before the * in $ git rm log/\*.log ? Can someone please tell me19:55
morsnowskifuzzynurfhurter, start here http://askubuntu.com/questions/147858/how-to-remove-desktop-environments19:56
zykotick9bashing: if you don't get an answer here, try #bash19:56
guntbertStarOnD: because without the \ the shell will expand the * into all filenames in the current directory19:57
gr8linuxI need help about quickly and webkit19:57
zykotick9StarOnD: do you understand what a \ does?  i'm not sure, specifically whey git need the * that way...?  but \ tells the shell to literally interpret the next character19:57
FairlyWellWebkit?!  I love webkit!19:57
fuzzynurfhurterk i have something off topic on a HD i did e2fsck something something and now the file manager finnaly found the HD19:57
kyle__For whoever was asking for a lightweight browser with adblocking: this page has a hosts file that will make the world a better place by blocking all the crap, on all browsers on your system.19:58
fuzzynurfhurterthxx morsnowski19:58
StarOnDso we disable the shell from expanding the *19:58
StarOnDwhich acts on that command 1st,git or the shell ?19:58
gr8linuxFairlyWell: I had problem with developing an app with quickly and webkit19:59
StarOnDI think the shell is disabled so that git can expand it later , do I understand correctly?19:59
fuzzynurfhurtergonna check and see if windows finds it real quick19:59
StarOnDI mean expansion by the shell is disabled so git can expand i19:59
guntbertStarOnD: right19:59
Pokinawausing fixparts it says "Unable to read MBR data from '/dev/sda'! Exiting!"   Any thoughts???20:00
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StarOnDguntbert, but what if we allow the shell to expand it,then git no longer has to expand it so our work is still done20:01
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Guest16947Hello, I'm Needing Help Towards An Ongoing Issue With Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.20:02
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kyle__Hum.  Is 'buntu including some fb drivers in the kernel now?  I've got an fb device, but no fb module loaded?20:05
Pokinawaneed help with partitions please....... I think I have issues in the partition table....20:05
guntbertStarOnD: I didn't read that code in depth, and I have no idea what is is supposed to do - please ask questions about details with bash in #bash20:06
Guest1232Hi, need help with an ongoing issue with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS20:06
Pokinawafixparts /dev/sda   throws an  error and exitrs!20:06
nitrohaxPokinawa, what problems are you having?20:06
nitrohaxPokinawa, have you tried using gparted?20:06
Pokinawanitrohax: My ubuntu installer doesnt detect Win720:07
morsnowski!anyone | Guest123220:07
ubottuGuest1232: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:07
nitrohaxdoes it detect differnt partitions on the HD?20:07
Pokinawanitrohax: if I open "Computer" I can see it in the GUI... but the installer seems to think I have 1TB free space! o_O20:08
Pokinawaso i am scared to install ubuntu.. just in case it wipes my windows 720:08
Guest1232Does, anybody know how to install a Netgear Drivers cd in Ubuntu 12.04? I have a desktop and can't connect to the internet without using the installation cd.20:08
nitrohaxPokinawa, have you thought about using the wubi installer then.20:08
morsnowskiGuest1232, driver for what20:09
Pokinawayes... tried that in Windows... it only gives me the option to reboot with disk inside....20:09
Guest1232My, Netgear Wifi.20:09
Pokinawaso I am back to where I started20:09
Nedeone alternative for network-manager-strongswan? This pack have a bug in 12.04.....20:09
morsnowskiGuest1232, router, modem, network card?20:09
StarOnDalright guntbert, many thanks!20:10
nitrohaxPokinawa, you installed the wubi and restarted and it did't take you to the window boot manager or grub?20:10
Jon--do-install-upgrade just returned an error due to mysql having issues, help?20:10
Guest1232Sorry , Morsnowski Yes my Network Card well an antenna, that needs the drivers to connect to the internet.20:10
Pokinawanitrohax: Nope! straight to live mode.. with 2 options on install.. 1. Erase 2. Something else20:10
Pokinawanitrohax: I tried 2. Something else... and it doesn't see my partitions...20:11
morsnowskiGuest1232, I'm afraid i never played witha netgear network card20:11
nitrohaxPokinawa, have you started windows, then put the live cd in?20:11
Jon--Here's the output so far, my distribution upgrade is frozen. http://pastie.org/private/vmjam7jxxncpdeqvu90xa20:11
morsnowskii have a few routers but thats it20:11
nitrohaxPokinawa, and while in windows you installed wubi?20:11
Guest1232Morsnowski, What do you suggest?20:12
Pokinawanitrohax: No, autoplayer launched "wubi.exe" anyway.. Do I need to manually install wubi?20:12
GalvatronGuest1232: Patebin the output of "lsusb"20:12
morsnowskimost network vards are recognised by default, i don't even know whether thats ausb or pci card20:12
Guest1232Morsnowski, Sorry Yes, its a usb type.20:13
GalvatronGuest1232:: Or "lspci", depending of what kind it is20:13
morsnowskiok type lsusb and tell us what you get20:13
Galvatron"Lsusb" then20:13
Guest1232Galvatron, You'll need to be more specific i'm not familiar with Ubuntu that much.20:13
Pokinawanitrohax: One other thing... with 11.10 I could do it from Win (using wubi) but it only let me allocate a max of 30Gb to Ubuntu... is this normal?20:14
morsnowskictrl-alt t and then lsusb20:14
nitrohaxyes taht is normal.20:14
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rhizmoeis there any fix for gnome3 removing the ability to scroll through tabs using the mousewheel?20:14
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GalvatronPaste the "lsusb" command to the terminal, and post the wohole output on on http://pastebin.com20:14
Guest1232 Morsnowski, Well, I'll Try that then return online and tell you what i get20:14
i7cmy (new) notebook's battery is sucked empty in no time on ubuntu. i had the suspicion that it uses the NVIDIA card instead of the power-saving intel graphix. but when i start nvidia x server settings it tells me nvidia driver is not used atm... any other ideas why it is empty so fast?20:14
nitrohaxyou shouldn't need more then 30 gb anyways doing it that way. you can still access the host HD20:14
Galvatroni7c: What laptop?20:15
Pokinawaah.. ok..20:15
nitrohaxPokinawa, are you using the ubuntu live cd now?20:15
Guest1232Galvatron, Thanks for the helpful information.20:15
i7cGalvatron: Dell XPS L502X20:15
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Galvatroni7c: Make sure you have the proprietary (nVidia's) drivers, not the Nouveau junkware.20:16
i7cGalvatron: mhm how can i make sure? ;)20:16
Galvatroni7c: Check if the "nvidia-current" package is installed, unless you have installed it manually, from the NV website20:17
ironmikonia, are you around? When I use ifenslave on ubuntu 12.04 interface bonding works as expected (with following config files: interfaces - http://paste.debian.net/175728/ ... and bonding.conf - http://paste.debian.net/175729/)20:17
ironmikonia: I have tested some configurations (see config files in brackets) without ifenslave, and *no* one works :( interfaces - http://paste.debian.net/175730/ ... bonding.conf - http://paste.debian.net/175731/ ... modules - http://paste.debian.net/175732/ ). Do you have an idea what do I miss? Thank you in advance for any hints or examples of working config files without using ifenslave.20:17
Galvatroni7c: The open-source drivers suck terribly when it comes to the power management.20:18
i7cok, dpkg --get-selections says  nvidia-current install20:18
nitrohaxPokinawa, in terminal try sudo fdisk -l20:18
fuzzynurfhurterwhy wont ubuntu find my ntfs HD ? i formated it useing linux just now20:19
i7cGalvatron: i see. i didn't install anything. i just installed ubuntu and it worked already... so i have to change that i guess?20:19
nitrohaxfuzzynurfhurter, is it mounted?20:19
Pokinawanitrohax: I see sda1 - 420:19
Pokinawashall i pastebin info?20:19
fuzzynurfhurterno but it should automatically20:19
nitrohaxPokinawa, yes20:19
ironmit is *not* documented in unbunt administration guide20:19
nitrohaxfuzzynurfhurter, does it show up as *gb filie system under home folder?20:20
Pokinawanitrohax: http://pastebin.com/zQU5Dji620:20
fuzzynurfhurterim in the disk utility looking at it20:20
Galvatroni7c:  Seems like it's already installed.20:20
i7cGalvatron: mhm ok. well it was the very first time i unplugged the charger... maybe it's because of that?20:21
Galvatroni7c:: Just to make sure, use "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"20:21
nitrohaxPokinawa, /dev/sda3 is your d: drive for recovery /dev/sda4 is your windows partition20:21
nitrohaxPokinawa, /dev/sda1 is your mbr20:21
Pokinawanitrohax: sda1 is the system recovery i think? doesn't the " * " mean that?20:22
fuzzynurfhurterit keeps giving me an exit code 1 when i do any thing to it20:22
nitrohaxPokinawa, no. the * states boot.20:22
Pokinawaah ok20:22
nitrohaxPokinawa, has anyone told you how linux looks at drives and partitons20:22
sudocashgparted makes it easy20:22
nitrohaxfuzzynurfhurter, does it list under fdisk -l20:22
Pokinawanitrohax: No.. please do.. :)20:23
Galvatroni7c: Another thing work checking are the "Bumblebee" and "Ironhide" projects - unofficial implementations of Nvidia Optimus.20:23
Guest1232Hi, Morsnowski i'm back.20:23
nitrohaxPokinawa, i tried pming you but you didnt' respond. send a query to me and i'll explain in there20:24
fuzzynurfhurternitrohax yeah it does and heres the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053227/20:24
morsnowskiGuest1232, I was afraid you'd come back :)20:24
Galvatroni7c:  Unfortunately i can't help with them, since i don't even have a laptop.20:24
morsnowskiso what did it tell you20:24
SireI'm doing an ubuntu server install and after entering my desired hostname, the screen cleared the text-UI and isn't doing anything. Is it just loading or what?20:24
nitrohaxfuzzynurfhurter, nto sure why it would be giving you the code20:24
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i7cGalvatron: i just read about bumblebee yes. nvidia optimus is still not implemented by the drivers?20:25
Guest1232Morsnowski, Sorry I'm a little new to all this, just bare with me lol. What command do i put into Terminal before Isusb?20:25
itboxon Lubuntu 11.10 i installed gnome-shell but it doesn't wanna log on to gnome.20:25
morsnowskinoting if you have the terminal open just type lsusb20:25
itboxi entered my user name and password and then it just shows the login screen again20:25
Guest1232Morsnowski, Alright Thanks, I'll be right back.20:26
Galvatroni7c: No. It was not until just recently that nVidia has decided to bring the technology to Linux.20:26
morsnowskihang on20:26
fuzzynurfhurterit was telling me earlyier that the $mft was invalid20:26
guntbertSire: use alt+left to switch to another virtual terminal, repeat until you find one with logging/reporting lines, there you can see what is gong on20:26
Guest1232Morsnowski, yes?20:26
morsnowskilook for the line that has your netgear thingy and get us the ####:#### code20:26
Guest1232Morsnowski, Okay Thanks i'll try.20:27
Sireguntbert: last message was netcfg[12916]: DEBUG: Success!20:27
morsnowskilooks like Bus 001 Device 004: ID 07d1:3c03 D-Link System AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapt20:27
i7cGalvatron: i see. thx for your help!20:27
Galvatroni7c:: Now it's just a problem of implementing the required components into the kernel, but some free software purists, or so, are making a problem.20:28
GalvatronSomething with the interaction between the proprietary and GPL components20:28
Sireguntbert: so the primary virtual terminal that's supposed to display the UI just seems to be printing the characters typed.20:28
guntbertSire: do you already get a screen with something like  "press <enter> to open a console"  ?20:28
SireI passed at least two of those.20:28
Jordan_UPokinawa: Wubi is *not* a good solution to this problem.20:29
jackiechan0Hello I just installed Ubuntu on my ASUS N56VZ but it doesn't start, Windows 7 always start it's something with UEFI could anyone help me?20:29
guntbertSire: you can log in there and have a look at the system20:29
Jordan_UPokinawa: Could you pastebin the exact fixparts command you ran and the complete output?20:29
PokinawaJordan_U: one sec.. doing it now20:30
Sireguntbert: how so?20:30
PokinawaJordan_U: I did fixparts /dev/sda20:30
guntbertSire: because you already have a running linux system during install20:31
i7cGalvatron: yeh. well Linus said it some days ago. nvidia is one of the worst company to work with20:31
Guest1232Morsnowski, Hi again! nothing came up? Says no command.20:31
ki4rojackiechan0: Have a look here:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/91484/how-to-boot-ubuntu-from-efi-uefi20:31
PokinawaJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/GCfVJ47V20:31
fuzzynurfhurteri hate there graphics cards20:31
Sireguntbert: more of how do I work with this?20:31
morsnowskiwhat did you type?20:31
Galvatroni7c: This time it's the Linux dudes, not NV, who makes problems (ideological).20:31
Guest1232Morsnowski, I typed isusb or Isusb.20:31
Guest1232Northing in front of it either just that command.20:32
GalvatronBut not Linus himself (he's fine with anything that works)20:32
guntbertSire: I thought you wanted to know if your install is stalled or not. This is how you can find out20:32
GalvatronAnd improves Linux20:32
itboxwhy doesn't it let me to enter gnome shell on Lubuntu 11.10?20:32
morsnowskihmm it has to be "lsusb" linux is case sensitive20:32
_riz_can anyone give me a hand finishing out my preseed file so the last few questions stop getting asked?20:32
Sireguntbert: yes, but I have no clue how to check that.20:32
morsnowskithis is a lower case L20:33
i7cGalvatron: anybody always has a problem :-/20:33
xrealThere are some libboost*.deb files in the currenty directory. When I use the following command, dpkg accesses them ... why?  dpkg -l libboost* | grep ii | awk '{print $2}'20:33
landmansslserver irc.freenode.net20:33
Guest1232Morsnowski, Okay so, I should type the command as "Isusb" Without the brackets or with them?20:33
i7coh well Ironhide isn't installable on Precise... is there a solution for this? it depends on virtualgl which has no installation candidate20:34
morsnowskijust simply lsusb and will give you a list (ls) of usb devices (usb) => (lsusb)20:34
ki4romorsnowski: It is not an I...it is an l as in lemon20:34
guntbertSire: type   top - that might give you an overview of the running processes and the system load - just to determine what is going on20:34
Jordan_UPokinawa: sudo fixparts /dev/sda20:34
morsnowskiki4ro, yes that I already told him20:35
morsnowskiher ?20:35
Sireguntbert: -/bin/sh: top: not found20:35
m1chaelim trying to install a package called 'liquidsoap' on 11.04 xubuntu.. i get no errors on installation, but the program seems to be having a hard time with finding liquidsoup-plugin* packages that i've installed.. i've found no solutions (except for compiling from source- and that is proving to be a daunting task...) any ideas?20:35
xrealHow can I grep from the left side only? like "libboost*"20:35
Bizzehhi, ive just changed /etc/default/keyboard to set my keyboard layout to gb, ive rebooted, but i still have the american keyboard layout, have a missed something?20:35
Guest1232Morsnowski, Thanks, I'll be back with the information about the usb.20:35
zykotick9xreal: grep ^libboost20:35
xrealzykotick9: thanks20:35
xrealzykotick9: doesn't work here: dpkg --list | grep ^libboost | grep ii | awk '{print $2}'20:36
guntbertSire: does    free give anything but an error?   in the meantime take another round through your VTs20:36
xrealzykotick9: uh, my fault...20:36
tomodachihow do I access the grub shell from the ubuntu livecd?, i need to get there befoore booting the os20:36
Toph2i read that my runlevel is set at book from a file /etc/events.d/, but I can't find it in 12.0420:36
ekajIs this the recommended software to join Ubuntu to a domain? I have Likewise Open, but if this is the recommended I'll use it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto20:37
xrealzykotick9: this works: dpkg --list | grep ii | awk '{print $2}' | grep ^libboost20:37
Sireguntbert: `free` works just fine and the only thing that's happened to the status output is it's reporting me exiting and restarting the virtual terminal.20:37
zykotick9xreal: nice20:37
Jordan_Utomodachi: The Ubuntu LiveCD uses syslinux, not grub. To get to the Syslinux menu press any key within the first 5 seconds (when you see the "keyboard = accessibility" graphic).20:37
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
tomodachiJordan_U: aah thnx that explains , it20:40
Jordan_Utomodachi: You're welcome.20:40
itboxi installed gnome-shell on Lubuntu 11.10 but it doesn't want to start it. why?20:40
Jordan_UPokinawa: Did you see my last message?20:40
fuzzynurfhurterhow in terminal can i set a HD back to the backup file system its been going haywire20:41
fuzzynurfhurterits a portable wd drive20:41
Guest1232Morsnowski: Hi!20:42
guntbertSire: free was the wrong tool anyway :)    type    ps aux --sort=%cpu    to see what processes are running20:42
iLogicalhow do I disable ppa repositories? I don't find them to comment on sources.list20:42
Galvatronm1chael: As a general piece of advice: I would consider switching to Xubuntu 12.04. While Unity + Compiz might not be stable enought yet (the whole technology id still quite young, with Compiz 0.9.x possibly still in the alpha stage), the rest should be perfectly fine.20:43
Sireguntbert: well, I was just looking into `ps`, but I have to do something else. I'll be back around to work on this later.20:43
zykotick9!ppa-purge | iLogical20:43
ubottuiLogical: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:43
guntbertiLogical: look in /etc/sources.d20:43
guntbertSire: no problem :)20:43
Shano56why on ubuntu download page it says 32bit recommended ?20:43
Guest1232Morsnowski: I've Typed in the command and found the exact information that you're looking for.20:43
iLogicalguntbert, there is no /etc/sources.d20:44
zykotick9Shano56: 32bit supports more hardware... someone that doesn't know what 64bit is, should be downloading 32bit20:44
Shano56I was just making sure there was no problems or anything with 64bit20:45
GalvatronShano56: Also, 64-bit won't make much difference unless you know how to unleash it.20:45
jribiLogical: /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:45
Shano56i think 64bit would work well with a 64bit CPU?20:45
nitrohaxGalvatron, Taste the beast! MINOTAUR!20:45
guntbertiLogical: sorry it is /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:45
iLogicalit says it's a directory20:46
GalvatronShano56: In theory it should give a huge boost, but in the practice it depends on what are you doing.20:46
fuzzynurfhurterhey nitro i sent a dialouge box to tell u what it was doing20:46
Shano56Galvatron, transfering files, and perhaps compiling some lightweight programs ?20:47
Guest1232Morsnowski, Hi, found the information you're looking for.20:47
guntbertiLogical: yes, and a directory contains files ... :)20:47
fuzzynurfhurterhow can i get MSDOS magic off the HD??20:47
Shano56i know with make -j on my compiler (enables second core), compile is much faster20:47
GalvatronShano56: If I were you, I would just install both versions side by side and compare.20:47
Shano56this is on windows 7 64, thinking about trying ubuntu20:47
nitrohaxfuzzynurfhurter, do you have a windows partition?20:48
Shano56i havent had best of luck dual booting :p20:48
GalvatronShano56: Even Ubuntu 32-bit will be much fater than Windows 7.20:48
alex_underHello ! I have this odd problem with ip v6 ips over PPPoE. I added in /etc/ppp/options +ipv6 ipv6cp-use-ipaddr and my connection got the ipv6 general use IP's. But, it seemed I couldn't access any ipv6 resource. Then, I changed NetworkManager's settings to manage my connections again and now I can't get the ipv6 ip's back. How can I use ipv6 on ubuntu ?20:48
Shano56Galvatron, i tried kubuntu 64 bit, and it seemed to run not as fast as windows, you think ubuntu will be better?20:48
Shano56btw i optimize my windows 7 installation and remove most of the crap on it :p20:49
Shano56and disable most of the "visuals"20:49
GalvatronShano56: What machine do you have?20:49
guntbertShano56: please keep to talking about ubuntu support problems20:49
Shano56this is ubuntu support problem :[p20:50
Shano56:p *20:50
Shano56toshiba c655d20:50
Shano56amd v series cpu i think20:50
Guest1232Morsnowski: Hi, I've typed in the command that you asked about.20:51
claude2i cant mount an nfs share that should work from within an initramfs shell. any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?20:51
claude2it's timing out20:51
GalvatronShano56: Kubuntu's lower performance might have something to do with the infamous "support" of Radeons under Linux (X.org).20:52
iLogicalguntbert, jrib  thanks, it worked20:52
GalvatronShano56: Basically, it often sucks20:52
GalvatronShano56: And is a russian roulette in general.20:53
guntbert!yay | iLogical20:53
ubottuiLogical: Glad you made it! :-)20:53
Fab__hdmi somebody who happens to know something about how to set up an hdmi connection to my tv? it works fine when i start my tv first, but whenever i start my pc first, the screen is messed up20:53
guntbertIlmen:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:53
phibxrGalvatron, Most of the issues with the binary Radeon drivers have been sorted lately. At least with more recent cards.20:54
Guest1232Galvatron, Hi I found the information you where looking for, about the lsusb?20:54
Shano56i see Galvatron20:54
Shano56do you think ubuntu would be better?20:54
Jordan_UPokinawa: Did you see my last message?20:54
GalvatronGuest1232: Paste it to http://pasteping.com20:55
PokinawaJordan_U: sending you a PM.. I am on windows again... and ICEIrc has a messy main window20:55
asus1025chas anyone here tried ubermix 1.0.X on an atom n2800 or n2600 based netbook?20:55
Guest1232Galvatron: That link can't be found when I clicked on it.20:55
GalvatronGuest1232: http://pastebin.com20:56
Guest1232Galvatron, Then what does that do? after.20:57
Galvatronasus1025c: Just DON'T try any strange remixes20:57
jeremiahHow would one install fglrx drivers?20:58
fuzzynurfhurternitrohax u think i could use the bootable partition wizard to try and fix the problem??20:58
Fab__Somebody who happens to know something about how to set up an hdmi connection to a tv on ubuntu? it works fine when i start my tv first, but whenever i start my pc first, the screen is messed up. I have an HTPC which runs XBMC. When i start xbmc, it automatically powers on my tv. XBMC is in my startup scripts, wxhich means that all i would have to do, is pressing the power button on my htpc for everything to start (love the lazyness!)20:59
GalvatronGuest1232: Use  the "lsusb" command in the console, and paste whatever it returnes to the pastebin20:59
nitrohaxshould work, but becareful of the mbr and working OS partitions20:59
Guest1232Galvatron, So after posting the "lsusb" Command into terminal and posting the Information on PasteBin, Then What? Will Someone give me another code to add?21:00
GalvatronJust give the link to the paste.21:01
Guest1232Galvatron, I'll give you the link.21:01
Galvatronasus1025c:: They often do some strange changes, causing untypical problems. Other than (K/X/L/Edu-/ Studio) Ubunntu you might try Mint, since they only add some visual themes and a few programs, not changing anything vital - the "Mint"  addons set can even be easily added to an existing installation.21:03
i7chi, i dont quite get it. i installed bumblebee and nvidia-current is also installed. but the ubuntu "additional drivers" tells that there is no proprietary driver activated?21:03
i7ci followed these instructions https://launchpad.net/~bumblebee/+archive/stable21:03
jeremiahHow would one install fglrx drivers?21:03
Guest1232http://pastebin.com/zdEJuA4t, Can Someone help with this.21:04
Galvatroni7c: Just forget this graphical installation helper21:04
Galvatronjeremiah: There are hundreds of instructions in Google21:05
i7cGalvatron: ok :)21:05
jeremiahGalvatron,  i couldn't find one without getting errors in the first steps21:05
Galvatronjeremiah: sudo apt-get install fglrx?21:07
i7cGalvatron: awesome, it works :) thx again!!21:07
WheatThinsI removed 37.88gb from my ubuntu partition and am attempting to add it back to my Windows one, but Windows will only let me lower the size of it not make it larger?21:07
jeremiahGalvatron,  thanks, looks like it worked... anyway to test to make sure there are no errors with it?21:08
WheatThinsThere's only about 6gb free on my Windows one, it wouldn't even let me touch it until after a dskchk and long defrag session21:08
Guest1232http://pastebin.com/zdEJuA4t, Anybody.21:08
Galvatronjeremiah: Pastebin (http:pastebin.com) the contents of xorg.conf21:09
=== pangolin is now known as Guest90382
jeremiahGalvatron,  i dont think i need paste bin for this... xorg.conf: command not found21:10
GalvatronGuest1232: So the system at least can see it21:10
Galvatroneremiah: nano xorg.conf21:10
jeremiahjeremiah@jeremiah-HP-Compaq-6910p-00000000:~$ xorg.conf21:10
jeremiahxorg.conf: command not found21:10
=== Guest90382 is now known as IdleOne
Pokinawanitrohax: check pm! :)21:11
Galvatronjeremiah: You must opn it with a text editor (nano, gedit, kate etc.).21:11
jeremiahGalvatron,  so open up a text editor, then what?21:12
PokinawaJordan_U: Can u send me the link to fixparts again? its not installed again as I rebooted...21:12
Galvatronjeremiah: Yeah21:12
trying2codeWith ubuntu one, can i directly push my content to the cloud instead of syncing it locally and then syncing it online? in case my harddisk size if full but I still need to add content to UO21:13
fuzzynurfhurterman that sucks pok21:13
jeremiahGalvatron,  but the what?21:13
Jordan_UPokinawa: From the LiveCD, to instll fixparts, either use Software Center and install "gdisk", or from the terminal run "sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gdisk".21:13
Guest1232Galvatron: Yes it can but doesn't recognize any signals. Not my Router because Windows 7 and Windows 8 Beta Had no issues.21:13
fuzzynurfhurterwhat is gdisk??21:13
jackiechan0Nobody has experience installing linux  near Windows 7 in a UEFI boot machine ?21:14
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, disk editor21:14
fuzzynurfhurterHD or cds??21:14
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, hhd editor21:14
fuzzynurfhurteroh ok21:14
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, or, partition editor21:14
fuzzynurfhurterok i got ya21:15
fuzzynurfhurteri like gparted the most out of all of them21:15
fuzzynurfhurterthats what i dont like about xubuntu it is not there after u install linux lol21:15
PokinawaJordan_U: NOTICE: GPT signatures detected on the disk, but no 0xEE protective partition! The GPT signatures are probably left over from a previous partition table. Do you want to delete them (if you answer 'Y', this will happen immediately)?21:16
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  software center?21:16
Jordan_UPokinawa: Yes.21:16
jeremiahGalvatron, so, after i open it, the what?21:16
fuzzynurfhurterpok i have something like that with a HD of mine no 0xee on it21:17
PokinawaJordan_U: it wont screw my windows right? got too much data on it!21:17
xrealI hate this ... "Can't find the Boost unit test library; install libboost-test-dev." ... but it's installed...21:17
Jordan_UPokinawa: Correct, it won't hurt anything.21:17
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: does it make a difference?21:17
fuzzynurfhurterjeremiah yeah its there but i want something that i can install and there be all the software i need witho9ut having to get on the net ya know21:18
PokinawaJordan_U: MBR Command:21:18
PokinawaJordan_U:  It did report "Erasing GPT data!"21:18
fuzzynurfhurteri think it does mine wont let me format it to anything keeps giving me errors21:19
Jordan_UPokinawa: Enter just 'w' (without the quotes).21:19
fuzzynurfhurteri know knoppix does but its for high end system lol21:19
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: mine does weird things too! Windows wont let me format a partition to anything but NTFS! o_O21:19
fuzzynurfhurtermy windows wont even see the freaking HD just linux21:20
PokinawaPARTITIONS!!"  My hear's pacing now! :P21:20
L3topjackiechan0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI-howto21:20
Galvatronjeremiah: Copy the contents to the Pastebin21:20
jackiechan0L3top: tnx21:20
crondEvery time I install a package,  I get '/sbin/ldconfig.real: libraries libtxc_dxtn.so and libtxc_dxtn_s2tc.so.0.0.0 in directory /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu have same soname but different type.'  what does this mean, and does it matter?21:21
jeremiahGalvatron,  i don't understand, paste xorg.conf into text editor? or terminal?21:21
PokinawaJordan_U: Done... now?21:21
jeremiahGalvatron, terminal says xorg.conf: command not found21:21
fuzzynurfhurterit start workin pok??21:21
jeremiahGalvatron,  and nothing in text editor21:22
Jordan_UPokinawa: Now reboot into Windows just to confirm that everything is still happy (it will be), then reboot back into the LiveCD and install Ubuntu :)21:22
fuzzynurfhurterjerimiah u have to be in root21:22
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jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, how?21:22
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: dont know yet... the problem i am having is that my ubuntu installer cannot detect windows or other partitions...21:22
pranavk_hey guys which flag  do i need that stops the apt-get to ask me everytime if i want to install the packages ?21:23
fuzzynurfhurteryeah i use sudo -i21:23
PokinawaJordan_U: ok... rebooting now! *fingers crossed*21:23
LCID_FireCould someone tell me how I can force aptitude to downgrad preferably?21:23
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, thanks! didn't know that, but same error21:23
fuzzynurfhurteri didnt till not to long ago jeremiah21:24
fuzzynurfhurtertime saver lol21:24
fuzzynurfhurterlol make google ur new best friend it will help u alottttt21:25
trued0xTrying to run Ubuntu 12 on my Macbook Air Late '10.  Got everything installed except when I boot into Ubuntu it hangs at, "21:25
trued0x[drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 000:00:02.0 on minor 0"  Any suggestions?21:25
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  it is my best friend...21:26
Guest1232Galvatron: Hi, Any Suggestions? About the issue.21:26
fuzzynurfhurterit will help more than u know21:26
jeremiahbut, in my case, it is not helping...21:27
fuzzynurfhurterand a REAL notebook will too21:27
Guest1232Jeremiah, Be one with Google! lol.21:27
jeremiahdidn't help21:27
konradbhi, i have Q. is it possible to have 2 screens (in the same X session), one with resolution 1920x1080 and second with 1280x1024, in ubuntu 11.04? :/21:27
jeremiahwhat is the command for the bot in xchat?21:27
Guest1232I Tried.21:27
konradbi have nvidia21:27
fuzzynurfhurteri have no clue21:28
fuzzynurfhurteruse google21:28
oozboozkonradb: install nvidia proprietary drive and use twinview21:28
konradboozbooz: yes, but there is resolution problem21:29
oozboozkonradb: should work on most nvidia cards21:29
konradboozbooz: i cant set 1920x1080 with 1280x102421:29
oozboozkonradb: you want to force 1920x monitor to 1280 reso?21:29
fuzzynurfhurteranother thing i hate with some of the linux they wont load up if theres an internal gfx card install21:30
Guest1232Jeremiah: Check this out i'm not sure whether this will help you though for the command.http://xchat.org/scripts_old.html21:30
AceFacei love linux21:30
konradboozbooz: take a look: http://i.imgur.com/sugaa.png21:31
Guest1232AceFace: No you don't lol.21:31
konradboozbooz: there is no 1024 :/21:31
fuzzynurfhurteri like it but half the 1s i have wont show the log screen when theres a gfx card in it i dont know why and then some do21:31
konradboozbooz: but I am 100% sure, that this monitor support it.21:31
AceFaceits so rad21:31
fuzzynurfhurtertill u take a hammer to it21:32
AceFacei set up a rack with 8 boxes, all running ubuntu server 12.0421:32
AceFaceand its so badass21:32
threexkhello.  How can you change the Ubuntu software update check frequency?21:32
oozboozkonradb: then you have to manually edit xorg.conf section for monitor21:32
threexkI want to check for updates more frequently--every hour.21:32
fuzzynurfhurteri have 2 servers running windows21:32
mrgtstarted my computer today and the wireless is 'gone'. I can't view the the network lists and when I go into all settings-> network the wireless item isn't available in the menu. what's going on?21:33
fuzzynurfhurterbut there acting up on me my other 1 with windows vista gives me hell trying to get on them lol21:33
Guest1232Well, There's Another Reason Why Vista is No More. lol21:34
paulieI#m using Wubi can i restart my pc without turning it of to go back to windows21:34
jeremiahanybody know the command for xchat that goes like Google! and it has the bot bring up the thing about saying "google it" and how you are not suppose to?21:35
jeremiahsay it?21:35
fuzzynurfhurterand window 7 it wont evenb find the shared files on it lol21:35
konradboozbooz: http://pastebin.com/zaKAz0ra like that?21:35
mcphailmrgt: is wireless switched off in the bios? Have you toggled wireless off via the keyboard?21:35
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jeremiahmrgt, i had the same prob as you. all i had to do was press the wireless enable button on my lappy21:36
mrgtmcphail, I don't think the keyboard has that option. How would I check the bios?(I'm on a desktop)21:37
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jeremiahmrgt,  reboot computer21:37
jeremiahand enter bios21:37
mcphailmrgt: reboot and press the key which gets into the bios settings (perhaps del or F12). Have a look in there21:37
miklinstalling/uninstalling packages via apt is painfully slow on my new box. ~15 minutes for installing a few packages. Is there some slowness issue with btrfs on Precise?21:38
mrgtmcphail, will do. 2 secs.21:38
danfohi - I just update-rc.d -f remove'd a serveice on my server and now my server won't boot. any ideas where should look to fix this?21:38
fuzzynurfhurteri had something like that jeremiah too but found something that made wicd turn on so it would wind the wireless card lol21:38
oozboozkonradb: I think there should be a monitor section with list of enabled resolutions... btw, are you sure 1360x768 supports 1280x1024?21:38
jeremiahrealy anoying when it happened...21:39
fuzzynurfhurteryeah it is lol21:39
jeremiahalways having to use lan/ethernet...21:39
konradboozbooz: i am sure that, this monitor support 1280x102421:39
fuzzynurfhurteri installed a different linux  later and it workd fine lol21:39
fuzzynurfhurtermine would only show the etho but no wireless lol21:40
konradboozbooz: http://pastebin.com/38HsjLPu full Xorg, there isn't monitor section with resolution option :\21:40
oozboozkonradb: odd. 'cause vert/horiz ratios are different21:41
jeremiahanyone know why minecraft keeps crashing? i have updated the lwjgl...21:41
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u change the time to quit showing in military time on the desktop??21:41
trued0xTrying to run Ubuntu 12 on my Macbook Air Late '10.  Got everything installed except when I boot into Ubuntu it hangs at, ""drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 000:00:02.0 on minor 0"  Any suggestions?21:41
konradboozbooz: um?21:41
mrgtmcphail, I couldn't see it there. To be honest I'd never checked before. I don't get why it's suddenly stopped working! Grr...21:42
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  click on the time and date, then settings.21:42
mcphailmrgt: is it a pci card or usb?21:42
fuzzynurfhurterall it says is clock format %R21:42
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, then clock21:42
fuzzynurfhurterim in that21:42
fuzzynurfhurterdigital clock settings21:43
jeremiahchoose 12 hour21:43
jeremiahand not 24 hour21:43
fuzzynurfhurterthat option is not there21:43
mrgtmcphail, pci. When I log into my account a message pops up with a wi-fi icon saying that I am now offline. But it doesn't let me going a network.21:43
oozboozkonradb: this should work then .... Option "metamodes" "CRT-0: 1280x1024..21:43
mcphailmrgt: does it show up in lspci?21:43
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, what number ubuntu are you using?21:44
fuzzynurfhurterhold on gotta find the command to show that again lol21:44
mrgtmcphail, yeah. it's listing it21:44
PatrickStarHow do I reset desktop resolution?21:45
PokinawaJordan_U:  Thank you so very much! it worked! :D21:45
PatrickStarWhen I try to change it via GUI, it freezes.21:45
mcphailmrgt: anything worrying in dmesg?21:45
Pokinawanitrohax: Thanks for your help! I got it working!21:45
konradboozbooz: it doesnt work21:45
jeremiahPatrickStar, settings, displays?21:46
PatrickStarIt freezes via GUI.21:46
oozboozkonradb: restarted X I assumed21:46
konradboozbooz: on second screen, that with '1280x1024' is showing information, like while unpluged cabel to pc...21:46
fuzzynurfhurter jeremiah linux 3.0.0.-21 generic21:46
jeremiahPatrickStar, sorry, don't know about that.21:46
mrgtmcphail, there seems to be a lot of stuff. is there any way I can filter it to show what I might be looking for?21:46
konradboozbooz: i know, restarted ↑↑↑21:47
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, not that, i.e. 12.04, 11.10, 11.04 etc21:47
mcphailmrgt: try dmesg | grep -i lan21:47
fuzzynurfhurterjeremiah i dont know the command to show that21:48
jeremiahpersise, so on...21:48
PatrickStarDoes anyone know how to help me with that?21:48
oozboozkonradb: looks like monitor does not like the resolution ... what resolutions are listed in nvidia-settings for this CRT-0?21:48
jeremiahlog out, and in your bottom left corner, should be there...21:48
mrgtmcphail, get nothing from that.21:48
PokinawaJordan_U: Another quick question... Addition drivers windows shows AMD GFX driver... but when I try to enable it... It reports "Sorry installation of this driver failed"21:48
fuzzynurfhurterok brb21:48
PokinawaJordan_U: ever seen this before?21:48
mcphailmrgt: dmesg | grep -i network21:48
PatrickStaroozbooz: Was that for me?21:49
konradboozbooz: but, when I take off the 1920x1080 monitor, it works...21:49
mrgtmcphail, I get a couple of errors from that. let me paste it for you21:49
jeremiahPatrickStar, no it was for konradb21:50
fuzzynurfhurterjeremiah it shows the right time in that screen but nothing what ur talking about lol21:50
PatrickStarIs there another Ubuntu channel that could help me?21:50
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  hurm. i take it as ubuntu 12.04 ?21:51
fuzzynurfhurterit has to be something with that %R must be some other thing21:51
mrgtmcphail, that is if it wasn't on the computer that had no Internet access! it mentions somthing about apparmor_parser21:51
jeremiahPatrickStar,  #ubuntu+1 but it is for ubuntu 12.1021:51
fuzzynurfhurteri updated it the other night and installed lubuntu desktop session lol21:51
konradboozbooz: i think, Ubuntu takes those 2 monitors, like 1 big.. So 2 another, height resolutions aren't supported...21:51
fuzzynurfhurteryeah it should be21:51
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, so, ubuntu, or lubuntu?21:51
danfo"Unhandled error from system_setup_console: Permission denied" -- what have I done?21:52
konradbdanfo: you need to use 'sudo'21:52
oozboozkonradb: this card should have no issues supporting both21:52
fuzzynurfhurterlol i installed it as xubuntu then upgraded that then got the lubutu desktop manager and it changes the greater screen and stuff lol21:53
konradboozbooz: on Windows, all works...21:53
fuzzynurfhurterdanfo u r not root21:53
danfokonradb: that errors in the core dump of my server not booting21:53
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter, so, lubuntu, ubuntu or xubuntu???21:53
fuzzynurfhurterall the same i think lol but the os is xubuntu21:54
jeremiahthen, i don't know.21:54
jeremiahonly ubuntu21:54
konradbtake a look, oozbooz http://i.imgur.com/0lbLh.jpg21:54
fuzzynurfhurterjust using a different desktop sessions manager and all lol21:54
jeremiahthey are all a little diff.21:54
konradboozbooz: ubuntu thinks, its one monitor21:54
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: what was the issue you were having again? similar to mine?21:55
fuzzynurfhurteryeah but u can go to the gretter screen and change what session u want to use jeremiah21:55
hichamatgrub is installed on usb,also I copy linux image files into usb, what is the next step now ? what about kernel ? I'm confused21:55
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jeremiahPokinawa, he wants to change the millitary time to 12 hour21:55
fuzzynurfhurterpokinawa kinda but my windows wont find my hd but linux will21:56
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  i know, just i don't know xubuntu21:56
fuzzynurfhurterits based on that man21:56
jeremiahfuzzynurfhurter,  i know, but they are all a little differaent21:57
fuzzynurfhurterall it is is xubuntu uses xfce as the session manager i think21:57
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter:  going by the previously suggested things (i am no expert) ... could you try sudo fdisk -l ?21:57
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Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: oh wait.. windows doeant see it.. right21:58
jeremiahanyone know why minecraft crashes for me? i have updated the lwjgl...21:58
sk8|do you have SATA drivers installed?21:58
fuzzynurfhurterim not either bro i know windows well but not linux but am learning lol21:58
Pokinawayeh.. same21:58
sk8|fuzzynurfhurter, ^^21:58
mrgtmcphail, any ideas? should I be looking for something in that message?21:58
fuzzynurfhurterpok no it wont see it21:58
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fuzzynurfhurterthe hd is not esata its a smaller ide lookin hook up21:59
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fuzzynurfhurterjust smaller lol21:59
oozboozkonradb: hmm... can you set up re to 1152x864?21:59
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: right... Jordan_U's suggestions made it work for me..21:59
Pokinawaperhaps try fixing your partition table as well?21:59
oozboozkonradb: you configuration field should show twinview ... does it?22:01
fuzzynurfhurterpokinawa i have tried to fix the partition table but after that i still cant make it go into any other format it gives me errors22:01
konradboozbooz: it works with 1152x86422:01
konradbbut it sucks22:01
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: hmmm... sucks! :(22:01
fuzzynurfhurterwith it as an ntfs it says $mft is an invalid file ystem22:01
Pokinawafor ntfs?22:01
oozboozkonradb: sorry.. this is as far as I can help...22:02
fuzzynurfhurteri can change the mbr but after that it what ever i try to change it to throws errors22:02
konradboozbooz: thanks anyway :)22:02
fuzzynurfhurterand it said something about the superblocks lol22:03
mrgtanybody else know why I might not be able to get wireless?22:03
Pokinawamore like "super-bollocks" lol22:03
Pokinawamrgt: is your network card not detected?22:03
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Adymrgt missed that whats your issue ?22:03
Pokinawamrgt: I had that problem today in the office today on my linux test box...22:04
fuzzynurfhurteri have something that might work just havnt tried it yet lol22:04
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: lemme now if you find the solution... good luck bro!22:04
mrgtPokinawa, how would I check? I don't want to say yes without double checking.22:04
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fuzzynurfhurteri will man i think i put u on friends list lol22:04
mrgtAdy, I switched on my computer today and the wireless menu disappeared.22:05
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: cool22:05
fuzzynurfhurteri have to go steal another pc in the house to test it out lol22:05
Adymrgt - as in gone ?22:05
Pokinawamrgt: ok.. gimme one sec... trying to recall what i did today in the morning to sort that22:05
fuzzynurfhurtermrgtr type iwconfig to see if its atleast finding the card22:06
mrgtAdy, yea can view wired connections in settings but the wireless submenu has gone.22:06
mrgtPokinawa, kk. thanks22:06
fuzzynurfhurtersry iwconfig lwan022:07
Pokinawamrgt: try " lspci | grep -i ethernet" also please?22:08
SeqHas anybody else had playback issues with chromium on a nouveau system? Happens with Flash and HTML5. Firefox is able to play HTML5 video without issue.22:09
mrgtPokinawa, that gives me a message. says something about pci express ethernet controller.22:09
SeqI'm not trying HD videos. Just regular tiny youtube ones22:09
Pokinawamrgt: paste please22:09
fuzzynurfhurterpok it would have to be wlan022:09
fuzzynurfhurterinstead of ethernet22:09
Pokinawaor eth0 ?22:09
mrgtPokinawa, 2 secs22:09
Pokinawaah.. you are probably right...22:10
Adymrgt typing iwconfig should give you something like this in terminal......can you advise what you get .....wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"DrayTek"22:10
Ady          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:50:7F:6E:FB:3022:10
Ady          Bit Rate=150 Mb/s   Tx-Power=27 dBm22:10
Ady          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off22:10
Ady          Power Management:on22:10
Ady          Link Quality=52/70  Signal level=-58 dBm22:10
Ady          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:022:10
FloodBot1Ady: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
Pokinawaalmost typed my sudo password in here! :P22:10
fuzzynurfhurteri made mineeasy cause tooo long of a 1 just pisses me off everytime i have to type it in 4 every thing lol22:11
SeqPokinawa: something something hunter2.22:11
PokinawaSeq: I am sorry? what was that?22:11
mrgtPokinawa, output of lspci was 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)22:12
mrgt 22:12
SeqPokinawa: sorry, referencing an old password in IRC incident: http://www.bash.org/?24432122:12
mrgtAdy, output of iwconfig was - lo no wireless extensions etho0 no wireless extensions22:12
Pokinawaah.. lol22:13
fuzzynurfhurtermrgt type what pokinawa said but put wlan0 instead of etho22:13
Pokinawamrgt: yes.. as fuzzynurfhurter said22:13
mrgtfuzzynurfhurter, Pokinawa, I don't get any output from that.22:13
Adymrgt hate to say it but sounds like your wireless card has given up. if the OS is not seeing it ...22:14
mrgtAdy, if I type lshw -C network it lists it. Does that mean anything? Or is it still likely to be 'dead' :(22:15
fuzzynurfhurtermrgt what network manager r u using??22:16
beandogmrgt: run update-pciids, then pastebin output of lspci22:16
rob_can anyone tell me why i cant install gdebi-core (no such package) when i've booted from the ubuntu livecd?22:16
fuzzynurfhurterpokinawa i got a notepad full of different commands writing down 4 later lol22:16
beandogrob_: I'm guessing you don't have access to all the repos that ship with a base install22:17
rob_beandog: any idea how i can add them/22:18
mrgtfuzzynurfhurter, I'm going to be a complete noob and say the one under settings-> network. I'm not actually sure what you call that?22:18
beandogrob_: should show up when you install ubuntu on something, and not use just the livecd22:18
Pokinawafuzzynurfhurter: lol22:18
rob_beandog: im using the livecd for testing so need to enable them really..22:18
mrgtbeandog, there was no output from that.22:18
beandogrob_: oh, dunno then22:19
fuzzynurfhurterto tell u the truth mrgt i dont know which 1 i got either lol22:19
beandogmrgt: output of lspci will have something22:19
v3n0xHello, can anyone help me out. If I set a server to connect pptp, will I still be able to access it through it's static IP?22:19
AdyMRGT you could try a re-install but seen this issue many times and its normally the wireless card ..22:19
beandogAdy: I was having a similar issue this week ... wifi card is definitely in there, but doesn't list anywhere22:19
fuzzynurfhurterive installed a differnt linux os and it made it work right22:19
mrgtbeandog, sorry, wrong command. The wireless card is listed.22:20
beandogmrgt: k, pastebin it for me22:20
mrgtfuzzynurfhurter, lol22:20
fuzzynurfhurtermine was in fedora 16 though22:20
malkaunsis there a commandline method of going to the user login screen without logging off?22:21
fuzzynurfhurterxubuntu found it and works good22:21
fuzzynurfhurtermgrt i have something that might help but u will have to get wicd22:21
beandogmalkauns: are you trying to lock your screen or something?22:21
beandogmalkauns: or switch users?22:21
malkaunsbeandog, switch users22:21
beandogmalkauns: ah, I thought that was a menu option22:22
beandognext to logout and all that22:22
malkaunsbeandog, yea i'm looking for a commandline to do that22:22
beandogmalkauns: oh, gotcha.  sorry, dunno. -_-22:22
fuzzynurfhurtersomebody stole my mouse22:22
SireFor a headless server, should I install anything other than the OpenSSH server and Samba file server options in 12.04?22:22
mcphailmalkauns: ...why?22:22
beandogSire: nah you should be good22:23
PatrickStarDoes anyone know how to reset monitor configuration?22:23
malkaunsmcphail, just like that screen rather than the default lock screen22:23
beandogSire: I'd install webmin if you wanna admin it remotely22:23
AluminPatrickMello: remove xorg.conf?  define "reset" :)22:23
mcphailmalkauns: but why do you need to do it from the command line?22:23
malkaunsmcphail, so i can make a short key for it22:24
Sirebeandog: mk, I'll look into that.22:24
mcphailmalkauns: i think there is a short key already...22:24
Aluminmalkauns: how advanced of a user are you?  no offense :)22:24
beandogSire: kk, have fun.  It's super simple to setup22:24
malkaunsAlumin, what is it?22:24
Aluminwas gonna suggest using something like d-feet to look through your d-bus options22:24
beandogmalkauns: oh, that's a cool idea.22:24
PatrickStarAlumin: My desktop resolution is messed up.22:24
xcervohello guys, is ther any software in ubuntu, similar to translate-me?22:24
PatrickStarWhen I try to change it via GUI, it completely glitches up.22:25
AluminPatrickStar: ah.  Hmmm, well I suppose you could edit xorg.conf by hand but that's kinda ewww22:25
beandogmalkauns: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12182/gnome-logout-from-command22:25
malkaunsbeandog, i dont want to log out tho22:26
beandogI don't have fusa, so no idea what that does22:26
beandogdid you read the page? :)22:26
PatrickStarAlumin: No easy way?22:26
AluminPatrickStar: silly question, but are you sure you're changing to a resolution/refresh rate that your hardware supports?22:26
beandogfuzzynurfhurter: I think his network went down, heh22:26
PatrickStarAlumin: I don't know.22:26
PatrickStarI have an integrated video card.22:27
malkaunsbeandog, where can i get fusa?22:27
PatrickStarProbably part of the problem.22:27
AluminPatrickStar: are you comfortable with the command line?22:27
beandogmalkauns: beats me, never heard of it22:27
PatrickStarAlumin: Yus!22:27
PatrickStarPM me, too much distraction22:27
Aluminyou can try running "X -configure", it'll spit out a config file22:27
fuzzynurfhurterdam that suck i have a pdf of how to fix his prob lol22:28
ugur /bar scroll nicklist * +100%22:29
beandogfuzzynurfhurter: yah, can I see?22:29
beandogI might need it22:29
ugursorry i was trying weechat22:30
fuzzynurfhurteri messaged u been22:31
fuzzynurfhurteru have to do it in the terminal22:31
trued0xTrying to run Ubuntu 12 on my Macbook Air Late '10.  Got everything installed except when I boot into Ubuntu it hangs at, ""drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 000:00:02.0 on minor 0"  Any suggestions?22:32
fuzzynurfhurterdam brb i think the dog stole my mouse22:33
Adytrued0x did you try this way - http://www.tuaw.com/2009/09/07/how-to-set-up-ubuntu-linux-on-a-mac-its-easy-and-free/22:35
fuzzynurfhurteri guess she didnt but know the freaking keyboard wont work lol22:36
ColonelPanictrued0x, Have you tried Alt+F2 after it hangs? I found this: Look at post #9 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=7472822:36
ugurhttp://www.tuaw.com/2009/09/07/how-to-set-up-ubuntu │ AdvoWork        │∫ Desktop22:36
fuzzynurfhurteri found it somebody hid it22:37
anAngelHello. Anyone know of a wireless signal strength logger (monitor) not just a one time snapshot of all ssids with their stats? I want to be able to record somehow the strength changes of the ssids around. Thanks22:38
AluminanAngel: wellenreiter, kismet22:39
anAngelAlumin: thanks i will look at them now22:39
AluminanAngel: try kismet first22:40
trued0xColonelPanic:  Thanks let me check.22:41
anAngelAlumin: ok22:41
kantlivelongis there a good macro tool for mouse/keyboard thats better than xmacro?22:43
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u change the password its a live boot i dont know what the passwrd 4 it is and never set it up22:45
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AshaelI want to format and re-install ubuntu (unity is corrupt), but i can't seem to be able to boot from the flash drive (it's bootable). is there a command i can use from the terminal to boot from the flash drive?22:46
fuzzynurfhurterok hell yeah thx lol im using an orph cracking live boot cd lol22:46
trued0xColonelPanic: So what I did is boot w/ LiveCD and mount my Ubuntu partition.  Then I looked for /boot/grub/menu.lst but I don't have that menu.lst file22:46
phibxrAshael, that's all tied to your bios, and not to Ubuntu.22:47
nibbler_if i run firefox as user a, i can access a site with an invalid certificate. as user b i cannot. the warning dialogue misses the "i understand the risk" part :/ how to fix?22:47
ColonelPanictrued0x, Try /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:47
trued0xonly two files are gfxblacklist.txt and grubenv22:47
ColonelPanictrued0x, Really?22:47
Ashaelphibxr: except i didn't touch the bios, and I can't access it either, I think ubuntu is preventing it somehow. besides, it's set to boot from the usb drive first.22:47
fuzzynurfhurterglad to know its as easy as changing the root too lol22:48
ColonelPanictrued0x, "ls /boot/grub"22:48
beandogAshael: on boot, the BIOS screen might say there's an option to select boot menu.  See if that's there22:48
phibxrAshael, ubuntu can't prevent your bios, it loads before anything else on your computer.22:48
phibxrAshael, nothing can prevent your bios except for a bios virus.22:49
trued0xwaht does alt+f2 do?22:49
beandogtrued0x: gives you a box to run commands in22:49
ColonelPanictrued0x, Alt+F2 takes you into command-line login from the graphical environment.22:49
trued0xthat's the problem i cant even get to that part22:49
ColonelPanictrued0x, Wait, Are you on the usb drive right now?22:50
trued0xsda1 = usb drive sda5 shoudl be the ubuntu partition22:50
trued0xive mounted sda1 - sda522:50
trued0xsda1 = already mounted when i try22:50
trued0xthe rest is swap and my mac os x partition22:50
mcphailtrued0x: if sda1 is on usb then sda5 will be on usb as well22:51
beandogColonelPanic: no, thats ctl alt f222:51
ColonelPanicbeandog,  :P22:51
beandogbig difference22:51
ColonelPanictrued0x, Where is sda5 mounted to?22:51
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trued0xlet me ask this, how can i make sure sda5 is indeed my installed ubuntu partition? :)22:52
L3toptrued0x: sudo fdisk -l22:53
ColonelPanictrued0x, Go into disk utility  and check.22:54
trued0xokay give me a sec22:54
fuzzynurfhurterwhat does $mft has invalid magic?? mean22:54
Alumin"invalid magic" sounds like some kind of file type detection failed22:55
Aluminjust a guess though22:55
beandogor kernel doesn't support that binary type22:56
fuzzynurfhurterok i was kinda thinking that but wasnt sure it is always talking about the filesystem22:57
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fuzzynurfhurteri just formated it to ntfs and it says that tried ext3 and got an error too22:57
beandogcould be that22:57
mcphailtrued0x: if sda1 is on usb then sda5 will be on usb as well. All /dev/sda* devices will be on the same physical disk22:58
fuzzynurfhurterillegal triply indirect block found while setting bad block mode22:59
fuzzynurfhurterthats what i got doing it to ext 323:00
ceti331_question, is it possible for ubuntu unity to use multitouch trackpad gestures to trigger scale / expo23:00
beandogfuzzynurfhurter: what the crap are you doing over there?! :)23:00
trued0xokay so /dev/sda5 is the installed ubuntu partition23:01
L3topfuzzynurfhurter: what produces the magic error? doing WHAT "to" ext3?23:01
fuzzynurfhurtertrying to get this HD back to working right man23:01
L3topand for the record, it is scruffy looking nerf herder.23:01
fuzzynurfhurterformating the HD to ext 323:01
fuzzynurfhurteri like mine23:02
fuzzynurfhurterthat is what gparted gave as an error23:02
L3topSo you have bad blocks on the drive fuzzynurfhurter?23:02
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ColonelPanictrued0x, Then go to where it is mounted (~/Desktop/Disk) and edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:02
Guest45405How do you interrupt the boot process to run repair instead of the normal boot?23:02
trued0xThere is no grub.cfg though :\23:02
ColonelPanictrued0x, There is no grub.cfg on your ubuntu partition/23:03
trued0xThat's correct23:03
L3topfuzzynurfhurter: I would not use this drive for anything other than making a neat LED clock.23:03
fuzzynurfhurtersomething of that nature23:03
ColonelPanictrued0x, Then you might want to look in to re-installing.23:03
trued0xsudo mount /dev/sda5 ~/Desktop/disk23:03
fuzzynurfhurteri know its still good just have to set it right23:03
ceti331_hi, q1 can the trackpad in a pc laptop such as sony vaio s series detect 3 finger gestures, [q2] can any linux window managers or effects use these for triggering.  example being 3 or 4 finger drag for desktop switching or window movement as on Mac OSX23:04
Guest45405How do you interrupt the boot process to run repair instead of the normal boot?23:05
L3topNo, it is not "good", it basically has AIDS... and it is going to spread. As the medium continues to degrade fuzzynurfhurter. This is not an Ubuntu support issue. You have bad HW.23:05
trued0xi hav ea load.cfg23:05
fuzzynurfhurteri will get the gparted details23:06
L3topThe gparted details will not make it an Ubuntu support issue. You have bad HW.23:07
fuzzynurfhurterwhat is HW23:07
fuzzynurfhurteri had it workin earlier23:08
fuzzynurfhurteras an ext 323:08
Guest45405How do you interrupt the boot process to run repair instead of the normal boot?23:08
trued0xColonelPanic:  I'm going to try this http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/23:08
L3topBecause it can intermittently work does not mean that it does work. You have a physical hardware problem, that will only get worse. I am not trying to be rude, but explain the reality of the situation to you.23:09
fuzzynurfhurteryeah cause theres no id on it23:10
L3topYou need to buy a new hard drive fuzzynurfhurter.23:10
beandogGuest45405: isn't  it a grub option?23:10
ColonelPanictrued0x, Go for it. Gl23:10
beandogin the bootloader23:10
Guest45405beandog, It is, But when it boots it just skips grub and boots the OS, I need to know how to get to grub23:10
beandogGuest45405: oh, well you could just do what I do .... mash on the up key so grub knows you're giving keyboard input.23:11
beandogGuest45405: that way, it won't automatically boot into default23:11
fuzzynurfhurterthats what im saying guest mine does that and never shows the grub screen23:11
ColonelPanicbeandog, That's what I do!23:11
Guest45405beandog, Alright thanks, I'll try that :D23:11
beandogColonelPanic: heh :D23:11
beandogthe simplest solutions are always the best23:11
beandogGuest45405: What *might* be happening, is the monitor isn't init'ing fast enough, so grub is coming up, but you can't see it.23:12
fuzzynurfhurterno need to get a new 123:12
Jordan_UGuest45405: beandog: ColonelPanic: To unhide the grub menu at boot hold (don't "mash") shift.23:12
beandogGuest45405: so if you tell it you wanna select something, it could just take a second for the monitor to catch up is all23:12
Jordan_Ubeandog: Except when they're wrong :)23:12
beandogJordan_U: oh yah?  right on23:12
fuzzynurfhurteri can see the _blinking when mine starts up then a black screen23:12
beandogwell I do the same thing on extlinux23:12
Guest45405beandog, Nah, my moniter is pretty fast, I've never had that problem before, really23:13
ColonelPanicJordan_U, But button mashing is fun23:13
fuzzynurfhurtermine only happens on this laptop23:13
beandogGuest45405: huh.  Well when the screen is blank, you're just guessing anyway :)23:13
Jordan_UColonelPanic: True.23:13
Guest45405Ok, nvm grub, Hooray for logs. I'm appearantly getting this error at boot, Anyone know a fix? Could not open output pipe '/dev/xconsole'23:15
beandoghow did you get that?23:15
trued0xColonelPanic:  Is there anyway to tell if it's actually running that grub config during startup?23:15
ColonelPanictrued0x, If you are presented with a menu to choose between differerent OS's that says "Grub Version X.xxx" then you are. In ubuntu the screen is default to purple.23:16
ColonelPanictrued0x, It's default to purple for the desktop version at least.23:17
fuzzynurfhurteri have to get my test boxc up and running to mess with that HD more23:17
fuzzynurfhurtermines black23:17
fuzzynurfhurterblack and white23:17
ColonelPanicfuzzynurfhurter, By chance is it a server distro?23:18
trued0xAlright, I'm going to do Generic: xforcevesa and if that fails im giving up23:18
fuzzynurfhurterno i had a live cd of xubuntu23:19
fuzzynurfhurterwell usb23:19
Guest45405How do I make a blank file from the terminal?23:20
fuzzynurfhurteri used partition magic on that HD23:20
ColonelPanictrued0x, Have you looked at this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/134342/which-iso-image-do-i-need-to-install-ubuntu-12-04-on-a-macbook-pro-so-that-it-bo23:20
beandogGuest45405: touch23:20
k1l_Guest45405: with touch23:20
fuzzynurfhurterstill aint found out how to change the time from millitary to regular lol23:21
rhizmoemousewheel tab scrolling in gedit/gnome3? has anybody scratched my itch in the last couple of hours?23:22
RootChaosanyone else getting slow responses when doing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade from security.ubuntu.com ?23:22
ColonelPanicRootChaos, What is your ping?23:23
rhizmoeRootChaos: not really. try a traceroute23:24
RootChaosgabrielm@carnage:~$ ping -c 3 security.ubuntu.com23:25
RootChaosPING security.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.23:25
RootChaos64 bytes from atemoya.canonical.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=53 time=189 ms23:25
RootChaos64 bytes from atemoya.canonical.com ( icmp_req=2 ttl=53 time=189 ms23:25
ColonelPanicRootChaos, I half less than half that. Is something eating your bandwidth?23:25
FloodBot1RootChaos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
RootChaossat connection23:25
ColonelPanicRootChaos, Satellite Connection?23:25
RootChaosnothing else running on it at the moment23:25
ColonelPanicRootChaos, Well if it has to go to space and back, no wonder it's slow :P23:26
RootChaosnormally i get about 400k/sec or so23:26
avinashhmHi friends, i am not sure, if this is the right place for this question .. but would ask .. where can i find the source code for 'poweroff' command .. its in /sbin/poweroff .. How i could find the source for this ?23:26
trued0xI'm in the GRUB menu where it's asking what partition to load.  If i press 'e' it should show me the contents of /etc/default/grub?23:26
RootChaosoh well,, suppose i'll just live with it,, almost time to hit the sack23:26
SireWhat does it mean when $ mpd --no-daemon returns: Failed to bind to '[::]:6600': Address already in use?23:27
SireI'm currently connected to the computer via SSH.23:28
fuzzynurfhurteri put wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds but when it boots it wont load the wallpaper i choose to load23:28
Loshkiavinashhm: Try http://www.koders.com/c/fidB4F3402BEEA19CE920F41D37D1581EFE0BC4A259.aspx23:28
Jordan_Utrued0x: No, if you press 'e' it will show you the source of the particular entry which is highlighted.23:28
fuzzynurfhurtercould ne 1 help with that??23:30
ColonelPanictrued0x, try http://askubuntu.com/questions/134342/which-iso-image-do-i-need-to-install-ubuntu-12-04-on-a-macbook-pro-so-that-it-bo23:30
avinashhmLoshki, thank you mate .. this helps23:30
fishbaitis the flash plug-in in the repositories for 64-bit native or is it nspluginwrapper?23:31
SireNevermind my question, I need to get a player client to interface with the server.23:32
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u make it boot with the wallpaper u want to load when going to the desktop23:33
fishbait... i feel ignored i'd hope someone would at least know whats in the repository.23:33
=== szal_ is now known as szal
SireI need to compile a program from source, what compiler should I get?23:34
fuzzynurfhurterlater all23:35
fishbaitis the flash plug-in in the repositories for 64-bit native or is it nspluginwrapper?23:35
ubottuAnonimoVeneziano: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:35
UndiFineDfishbait, flashplugin-installer should be 64bit, but there are i386 ones as well23:37
Demlik2hi everyone. can somebody explain me how can i set up windows to my computer?23:37
DevakiDemlik2 , windows sucks! go buy a Mac!23:38
jgrepare there any tools to audit user commands on unix23:39
Demlik2sorry man. i m from turkey and not rich enough to buy mac.23:39
beandogjgrep: eh ... like what?23:40
jgrepwell we want to log every command typed by a user on the host23:40
_riz_Can someone help me interpret what to do here for preseed network config?23:40
jgrepauth.log does not have such info23:40
jgrepeven if a user types   ls /tmp it should ideally get logged somewhere23:40
_riz_I don't quite follow what a 'preseed/run' script is23:41
Demlik2thanks guys :/ see ya23:41
beandogjgrep: well, there's bash history23:41
beandogjgrep: aside from that, I dunno ... there's gotta be something23:41
szalDevaki: fanboyism sucks too23:42
jgreppoint. but i need something at system level not @ user level23:42
sk8|jgrep, +123:42
sk8|i mean szal23:42
VespuccianIs there an easy way to make the transition from Windows to Linux?23:42
Devakiszal, sarcasm....23:42
KaleidoscopeSo my kernel updated from 3.4 to 3.5, and if the 3.5 one tries to boot, it can't start the xserver, however my 3.4 can boot perfectly fine. Anyone know why this might be happening?23:42
beandogjgrep: yah, agreed.  no idea.23:43
jgrepVespuccian: yes .. stop using windows and u will get used to linix23:43
jgrepok thanks beandog23:43
sk8|Vespuccian, download a distro burn the iso file and run a live cd or create a partition23:43
beandogVespuccian: honestly?  it just takes time.23:43
Vespucciansk8|, maybe I should use a seperate HDD for installation.23:43
sk8|Vespuccian, you can if youd like23:44
Vespuccianbeandog, sure.23:44
beandogVespuccian: yah, do that.  dual booting is good23:44
Kaleidoscopesecondly, I'm running irssi, how do you ignore joins, parts, and quits23:44
sk8|it doesn't take much time to get use to any of the new distros23:44
Vespuccianjgrep, have you heard ESR?23:44
Vespucciansk8|, but,23:44
Vespucciansk8|, but, afaik, getting use to Linux takes time compared to getting use to.....23:45
sk8|not much any more23:45
jgrepVespuccian:  nope whats it23:45
sk8|if you use arch, bsd23:45
jgrepVespuccian: but its awesome to be on linux..23:45
sk8|then you'll have alot to get USE to23:45
Vespuccianjgrep, no doubt.23:45
VespuccianRedhat is now a 1 billion dollar company.23:46
jgrepwhts ESR23:46
sk8|suse or gentoo if you want to test your patience23:46
KaleidoscopeSo my kernel updated from 3.4 to 3.5, and if the 3.5 one tries to boot, it can't start the xserver, however my 3.4 can boot perfectly fine. Anyone know why this might be happening?23:46
Kaleidoscopesecondly, I'm running irssi, how do you ignore joins, parts, and quits23:46
VespuccianEric Steven Raymond, although I don't like him very much and his views I have liked reading one or two of his articles.23:46
trismKaleidoscope: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS (see /help ignore)23:47
sk8|Kaleidoscope, /ignore -channels #mwsf23:48
Kaleidoscopetrism, thanks23:48
sk8|i was slow23:49
sk8|and still am23:49
jgrepbtw is someone part of #sysadmin channel23:50
jgrepi need an invite to join that , can someone invite23:51
ceti331_q: Does ubuntu have a 'miller-bars' stylefile browser?23:51
KaleidoscopeSo I just removed the 3.5 boot from the grub.cfg, Thanks anyways folks >.>23:52
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trismKaleidoscope: don't know about the issue but I did see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1016189 for 12.10 earlier23:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016189 in linux (Ubuntu) "Boot hangs after Plymouth in kernel 3.5.0-1" [High,Confirmed]23:54
SireWhat is the most effective way to check system stats like temperatures an fan speeds in Ubuntu Server?23:54
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=== Guest52724 is now known as Chronik____Kid
Kaleidoscopetrism, thanks, That seems similar to my issue, so I'll read up on that page, and watch for a fix. Many thanks23:55
osmariohi anyone can talk about shell script23:56
bruenigosmario: right here23:56
Piciosmario: here, or #bash23:57
* bruenig is a bash expert23:57
morgiumim having a problem. i installed ubuntu 12.04 to test the new unity desktop, didnt like it, and wanted to switch to ubuntu. via tasksel i deinstalled the ubuntudesktop, and installed xubuntu-desktop. when i rebooted, the xserver didnt start properly. i managed to get it working again, but now i have another strange problem23:58
bruenigekrjnfedfkj is a spambot by the way23:58
osmariook. i try to do my first script and it works when i call it from home directory. but23:58
morgiumwith gdm, the xserver starts on console 8 (ctrl-f8)23:58
nibbler_!enter |  morgium23:58
ubottumorgium: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:58
osmarioif i use chmod +x it doesn't work23:58
bruenigosmario: first, pastebin the script http://pastebin.com/23:59

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