ailo | I wish everyone a happy midsummer. Probably only around these parts it is celebrated, but in any case. It's a good time to relax and get some time off, even if it doesn't happen to be a tradition | 19:51 |
knome | ailo, you too! | 19:51 |
len-dt | We had a BBQ last night... though I am not sure that it was the solstice we were celebrating. Al the best.. | 19:53 |
len-dt | *all | 19:53 |
ailo | Midsummers eve I guess is actually the 24th, but we celebrate the nearest weekend nowadays. No bbq tomorrow - it will rain :(. But that won't stop me from taking a sauna and getting a swim in the lake :) | 19:55 |
knome | we had a board gaming night last night, so kind of (brain) bbq too! | 19:55 |
micahg | astraljava: Debian fixed gimp-plugin-registry and I'll sync it later tonight, so you should have images tomorrow | 21:24 |
* astraljava tuckle-hugs micahg | 21:25 | |
* micahg wonders what a tuckle is | 21:25 | |
astraljava | Err... I might have forgotten the correct term, hang on. | 21:25 |
knome | micahg, whatever it is - be happy! the last time i did something for him, i got a kiss on the mouth!! | 21:26 |
knome | (not literally) | 21:26 |
knome | (fortunately) | 21:26 |
* astraljava ctlr-z's, and pounce-tackle-hugs micahg | 21:26 | |
knome | ugggh | 21:28 |
ailo | Oh, you're being almost Swedish today :P | 21:32 |
knome | i'm always almost swedish. ;) | 21:33 |
knome | at least geographically. | 21:33 |
ailo | knome: Far up in the north, or Ahvenamaa? | 21:33 |
knome | nah. not *that* almost. | 21:33 |
* knome is located at helsinki | 21:33 | |
ailo | Ok, I see your point | 21:33 |
ailo | I lived there for one summer. Nice city | 21:34 |
knome | can agree. have lived here all my life | 21:34 |
astraljava | Not as nice as Espoo, though. | 21:34 |
ailo | Not too far away | 21:34 |
knome | well, our summer cottage is in espoo. | 21:34 |
knome | actually, mum bought another one from helsinki | 21:35 |
knome | ... | 21:35 |
ailo | My dad is from Kuopio, but my mother did live in Helsinki for a while | 21:36 |
knome | i don't know kuopio well | 21:36 |
ailo | Well, my dad is 1/2 Karelian, as is my mom really | 21:36 |
ailo | Kuopio is a nice city where taxi drivers sometimes have big beards and say "päevää" | 21:37 |
ailo | Big moustasches, I mean | 21:37 |
ailo | I met one that had one, anyway... | 21:37 |
astraljava | knome: Kuopio is the place where they worship Tarot in midst of wolves and wild boars. | 21:37 |
knome | astraljava, hah. well, two of my friends study there, so... maybe. | 21:37 |
astraljava | 20 of the... 30 inhabitants follow Tarot on tours everywhere. | 21:38 |
knome | lawl | 21:38 |
knome | ailo, hmm, well, that makes sense. the other of my friends has grown a big beard while living there. | 21:38 |
ailo | Good musicians in Kuopio | 21:38 |
knome | the other didn't - and i'm happy *she* didnt'. | 21:38 |
astraljava | Most noticably in Tuska, where they form the front row of all the... 45 people watching them. | 21:39 |
knome | hahah | 21:39 |
ailo | My dad on the drums | 21:39 |
ailo | Pettersonin veljekset | 21:39 |
astraljava | Buahaha. | 21:39 |
astraljava | *ahem* | 21:39 |
knome | gosh. | 21:40 |
ailo | He's the one on the left in the back row | 21:40 |
knome | oh my | 21:40 |
astraljava | aagggghhhhhhhh | 21:40 |
astraljava | But he's got the groove laid down real nice. | 21:41 |
astraljava | O:-) | 21:41 |
ailo | That's Kuopio musicianship, anyway | 21:41 |
astraljava | True. But you know, you have to forgive them. They just emerged from the caves this past century. | 21:41 |
ailo | hehe | 21:42 |
knome | hurr durr | 21:42 |
ailo | He's gone now, my dad. But he did play with a lot of the famous Finns at the time. Not a bad drummer. Actually made his first own drums at his fathers work shop | 21:43 |
ailo | Eventually, he got real ones | 21:44 |
knome | i'm sorry | 21:44 |
ailo | An he trew his own made into a river!! | 21:44 |
knome | maybe the sound was bad? | 21:44 |
ailo | Who cares. He made them. Would have been nice to see a picture at least | 21:44 |
astraljava | Heh. :) Well you know, Eddie van Halen used his self-made guitar up until the record next to 1984. | 21:45 |
ailo | That's cool. Never heard of that | 21:45 |
astraljava | Err... let's double-check that. Hang on a minute. | 21:46 |
ailo | But he didn't build the parts though | 21:46 |
astraljava | Well no, not really. | 21:46 |
astraljava | But Brian May did. | 21:46 |
ailo | | 21:46 |
ailo | Well, I'm sure both Van Halen and Brian May had better sound than Juha Ailomaa | 21:47 |
ailo | They were using leather skins back then | 21:47 |
astraljava | Bah, it was already in 1983 when he started to use the Kramer. | 21:47 |
astraljava | Oh well, something like that. | 21:48 |
astraljava | Hahah! | 21:48 |
ailo | Van Halen did help improve Floyd Rose | 21:49 |
astraljava | and read the bits about the Red Special. | 21:49 |
ailo | Oh, he built that with his father | 21:51 |
astraljava | The parts are pretty interesting. | 21:52 |
ailo | hmm, I should read this again. A friend of mine is starting to build instruments. For me it's still hebrew :) | 21:53 |
astraljava | Heheh. :) There are indeed a lot of things to consider. | 21:55 |
astraljava | But for Brian, I suppose it helps that he's a doctor, and I mean from a real college, too. | 21:56 |
astraljava | Of course he wasn't at the time he built the guitar. But still. | 21:57 |
ailo | Ah, you don't need to go to school to learn how to build things :). But of course, it helps having knowledge about things | 21:59 |
astraljava | Yeah. There's some understanding of proportions, and what interacts with what. A degree in astrophysics sure won't hinder your abilities in doing that. :D | 22:00 |
ailo | astraljava: Can be like this too :P | 22:01 |
knome | not found? | 22:01 |
knome | i'm wondering if that is terminal fail | 22:01 |
astraljava | It's twice there. | 22:02 |
knome | oh. | 22:02 |
knome | heh | 22:02 |
astraljava | ailo: Aww... and I was just re-starting my academic career. | 22:02 |
ailo | Sorry. Was wondering how to post a pic from g+ also | 22:03 |
ailo | astraljava: Me too. Or, starting at all.. | 22:03 |
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