mimp | Just installed ubuntu studio - was working wonderfully with my RME card until I got cocky and started playing with jack buffer sizes. Choked on 16 and now can't boot jack regardless of settings. Any idea what's up? | 22:51 |
mimp | have tried doing a hard restart and deleting .config/jack | 22:52 |
mimp | [1m[31mERROR: Failed to acquire device name : Audio0 error : Cannot allocate memory[0m | 22:53 |
mimp | is the error I'm getting | 22:53 |
len-dt | Have you tried removing .jackdrc? mimp | 22:56 |
mimp | nope, but just did and still getting the same :) | 22:58 |
len-dt | Thats about what I know.... | 22:59 |
ailo | mimp: You mean, after you tried 16, nothing else works? | 23:00 |
ailo | Just being thorough | 23:00 |
mimp | yup | 23:00 |
ailo | mimp: Have you tried rebooting in between? | 23:00 |
ailo | Not that you have to, but that would help | 23:01 |
mimp | yes, even tried completely disconnecting the power in case there was anything stored on the card that had got messed up. | 23:01 |
ailo | The buffer size should not matter at all | 23:01 |
ailo | So, that's not it | 23:01 |
ailo | mimp: what is the device called? | 23:02 |
mimp | um, it's just hw:0 I think | 23:03 |
ailo | mimp: Ok. Did you try the others? | 23:04 |
ailo | mimp: Each time you reboot, the order of the cards might change | 23:04 |
mimp | yup - none of them work. There's only the one card in this machine as the on-board audio is disabled so I don't think ordering should be an issue. | 23:05 |
ailo | mimp: Ok, but if you see something called hw:1, that means you have at least one more device attached | 23:07 |
ailo | Actually, it could be a midi device! | 23:08 |
ailo | Doesn't mean you can use it for audio though. qjackctl just thinks so | 23:08 |
mimp | nope, just hw:0, /dev/audio, dev/dsp and plughw:0 | 23:09 |
ailo | mimp: If you had the device working, there's nothing saying you can't have it working once again. | 23:09 |
len-dt | mimp, Can you get it to work without jack? Like with pulse and the audacious? | 23:09 |
mimp | How does alsa/jack lock devices? could there be a lock file left over somewhere that's stopping it grabbing the thing? (just guessing) | 23:10 |
mimp | hang on, hadn't actually thought to try that | 23:10 |
ailo | mimp: jack uses alsa drivers, so if you are using that device with pulseaudio, jack will try to grab the device | 23:11 |
ailo | Both jack and pulse use alsa | 23:11 |
len-dt | It seems to me I have heard that some RME devices need to be set up with alsamixer | 23:11 |
ailo | If you suspect there's an error in the grabbing, try enabling the onboard device, and let pulse use that | 23:11 |
ailo | mimp: I actually use PA with onboard, and jack with a M-audio device. Connecting them through a mixer | 23:12 |
ailo | Simultaniously | 23:12 |
mimp | pulseaudio doesn't seem to work either | 23:12 |
mimp | will allow playback but no sound and no moving meters in hdspmixer | 23:13 |
mimp | hdspconf still seems to react to changes though so it's not enirely dead (I can change sampe rate for instance) | 23:13 |
mimp | I was working with both (individually) initially, which is why it's weird it's broken | 23:14 |
mimp | I = it | 23:14 |
ailo | mimp: Ok, so it seems you have gone through a lot of alternatives. I would recommend asking on #opensourcemusicians and #ardour where there might be people who have the same device | 23:14 |
ailo | mimp: That is strange in deed | 23:15 |
ailo | mimp: Also, do please subscribe to the LAU mail list, and ask questions there. http://www.music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user/ | 23:16 |
ailo | And don't be a stranger to the Ubuntu forum either http://ubuntuforums.org/ | 23:16 |
mimp | ok, well cheers for your help = think I'm going to try a reboot into windows to check it's not just randomly died then might just start again - only installed ubuntu studio this evening so don't have much to lose | 23:17 |
ailo | mimp: If a reboot to windows helps, then it's clearly a harwdware problem | 23:17 |
ailo | And then you need to get cumfy with the mixer | 23:17 |
ailo | I mean, if you get sound on Linux again after that | 23:18 |
ailo | And that would mean it is alsa related | 23:18 |
mimp | ah the hdsp mixer is pretty much the same, just without channel grouping. | 23:19 |
mimp | should really poke around in the source and fix that | 23:19 |
mimp | once I have sound :) | 23:19 |
mimp | anyhow, cheers for the help, cya later/ | 23:20 |
ailo | Well, that was an odd problem | 23:24 |
mimp | ok that sorted it out straight away | 23:24 |
ailo | mimp: Oh? | 23:24 |
ailo | Do tell | 23:24 |
mimp | my guess is that this card doesn't actually support buffer sizes that low and asking it to screws it up until you go for a valid size | 23:24 |
mimp | but that is a guess | 23:25 |
ailo | mimp: It's a valid guess | 23:25 |
ailo | Most cards do not support 16 | 23:25 |
mimp | I have absolutely no need to have latencies that low, i was just seeing how far I could push it | 23:26 |
ailo | Don't know how that works, but in practice, if you can get 64, you're good | 23:26 |
ailo | I would say 64 is a good lower limit | 23:26 |
ailo | 32 is great, if you can get it to work without xruns | 23:26 |
ailo | 16, only a few cards can handle | 23:27 |
ailo | And I have no idea why | 23:27 |
ailo | USB, not usually | 23:27 |
ailo | pci, yes | 23:27 |
mimp | this is a pci card, but I'm perfectly happy with 64 | 23:27 |
mimp | seems rock solid too | 23:28 |
ailo | mimp: If you do get xruns on that install, using 64 as buffer size, do tell | 23:28 |
mimp | will do | 23:29 |
mimp | have to say this has been way less painful then any other time I've messed about with linux audio | 23:29 |
ailo | mimp: If you want to try a kernel that might be a bit better at performance, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildOldLowlatency | 23:29 |
mimp | ah cheers, will have a look at that if I hit problems | 23:30 |
ailo | mimp: Cheers. Midsummer cheers, in fact! | 23:32 |
len-dt | ailo, thats funny we call it the first day of summer here... | 23:32 |
ailo | len-dt: Yeah? It is the longes day of the year | 23:33 |
ailo | That is also why christmas is actually midwinter | 23:33 |
len-dt | I know. Summer vacation for school starts in another week... | 23:33 |
ailo | Ahaa | 23:34 |
len-dt | Here dec 21 is the first day of winter | 23:34 |
mimp | :-), reminds me I should get to sleep, shortest night so not all that much left of it. Thanks again especially to any of you that are involved with this release, between this and ardour 3 linux is actually turning into something I want to use for audio. | 23:35 |
ailo | Sounds about right. It's really the only reason for the holiday. Originally, perhaps, there was a religious context. Eventually, the church adopted some of that, but in the end: it's just a holidayu | 23:35 |
ailo | mimp: There's a bug with qjackctl + jack, which hopefully is solved soon | 23:36 |
ailo | Otherwise I agree | 23:36 |
ailo | Actually, with A3, newer jack, and a lot of other things, might be LTS will seem quite boring | 23:37 |
mimp | have been using A3 a lot at work for editing, actually prefer it over pro tools for simple stuff as it doesn't take a week to boot up | 23:38 |
ailo | len-dt: Around here, midsummer is huge though. Herring, vodka, potatoes. And singing "little frogs" while jumping around the midsummer pole | 23:38 |
mimp | just does some really weird stuff like numbering exported regions from the end of the playlist | 23:38 |
mimp | put that down to its unique charm | 23:39 |
ailo | mimp: haven't yet done any real work on that. a2 was not good enough for me. Got mixbus. Seems ok (with the fx) | 23:39 |
ailo | a3 seems ok. just need to get my hands dirty first | 23:39 |
len-dt | ailo, Canada day (jul1 ) and the US jul 4 get more time around here. | 23:40 |
mimp | yeah I've not done any proper mixes, just use it for chopping/tidying stuff up | 23:40 |
ailo | len-dt: Is july 1 national day? | 23:40 |
len-dt | Here in Canada Ya. | 23:40 |
ailo | mimp: Same here. But once I got serious, I did have some problems. Hopefully those will shortly disappear | 23:41 |
len-dt | The US probably grabbed July 4 in the same way as the church used christmas. | 23:41 |
ailo | len-dt: What's the thing with july 4th then? | 23:41 |
mimp | was impressed by their bug-squashing speed, reported a problem and it was fixed in svn within 24 hours | 23:41 |
ailo | mimp: That is a strong point in open source | 23:42 |
ailo | Happens to me to | 23:42 |
ailo | You can contact with the guy in charge | 23:42 |
len-dt | July 4 is supposed to be the US birthday. Canada took july 1 to be first I think. | 23:42 |
ailo | (-with) | 23:42 |
ailo | len-dt: So Canada had a birthday, and US stole the concept? | 23:44 |
ailo | I'm born on a beautilful day | 23:46 |
ailo | Finnish liberation day | 23:46 |
ailo | I'm like a super-Finn | 23:46 |
len-dt | ailo, other way around, The US is about 100 years older. | 23:48 |
ailo | len-dt: Funny you would say that. It used to be the other way around. Wouldn't say US is 100 years older, but maybe a bit behind in some areas. That is not for me to say.. | 23:53 |
ailo | In other areas of course.. | 23:53 |
ailo | Oh, just to clarify. Finnish liberation took place 6th of December | 23:54 |
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