
m_3SpamapS: omg that's funny00:10
m_3like a piano pedal00:10
m_3imbrandon: ok, I think I'm done polluting your bugspace with comments00:11
imbrandonnp :) can i prom it too ? hehe00:11
imbrandonactually i need dinner, bbiab00:11
m_3imbrandon: just test running charm-tools 'review' from vim00:12
imbrandonm_3: btw what were ya testing ?00:12
imbrandonif someone wants to +1 it too would be cool to get into the store :)00:13
imbrandonbut for now, off to get fooooood00:13
m_3imbrandon: me too00:14
SpamapSso, am I evil because I created a charm to scale out john the ripper?05:19
SpamapSEvilMog: ^^05:20
SpamapSEvilMog: its.. alive05:20
SpamapSEvilMog: lp:~clint-fewbar/charms/precise/john/trunk05:20
SpamapSneeds a README I suppose05:20
SpamapSand now for something completely different...05:26
EvilMogI'll give that a shout in the morning :)05:38
EvilMogalso I'll get the corelan and metasploit guys to try it out05:39
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_mup_txzookeeper/trunk r49 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com07:01
_mup_update changelog07:01
jmlis there standard copyright for Canonical written charms?08:08
jmlthis is for an AGPL service08:08
jmlSpamapS: why did you lie to me?08:25
jmlSpamapS: never mind.09:02
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lifelesshow do you tell juju to use a proxy server for apt ?12:01
lifelesshow can you tell juju to use the ip address of started instances, rather than the hostname12:02
hazmatlifeless, we don't have support for it yet re proxy.12:19
hazmatlifeless, the ip inspection is specific to the provider being used. typically its using hostname -f output12:20
hazmatre apt proxy support its bug 89764512:25
_mup_Bug #897645: juju should support an apt proxy or alternate mirror for private clouds <cloud-init:Fix Released> <juju:Confirmed for hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/897645 >12:25
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m_3jml: great info in the write-up thanks!13:35
jmlm_3: my pleasure13:36
m_3we need to update the django-based charms to check status of applied puppet manifests... I missed that13:39
m_3debug-hooks might be worth your time checking out... only problem is you can't catch the install hook.  That often makes me wanna put more logic in config-changed so I can catch it13:40
m_3jml: which branches are you referring to when saying you should prefer http://code.launchpad.net/ over lp:?13:42
m_3jml: also, your typical dev iteration might include terminate-machine on ec2... as it's sometime nice to try again with a pristine instance.  destroy-service does this in lxc, but not ec213:44
m_3anyways... awesome... I'm excited to see how pkgme gets structured13:46
jmlm_3: any branch on Launchpad. e.g. lp:libdep-service13:52
jmlm_3: I don't want to say http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~libdep-service-committers/libdep-service/trunk because it's not what I mean.13:53
m_3jml: ah, ok... thought you meant when checking out the charms into a local repo.  was wondering where juju was complaining about that14:04
jmlm_3: it's not juju there, it's bzr moaning about not having launchpad-login set, which is always going to be the case in any automated deploy14:05
jmlm_3: it's really important that all displayed errors actually be errors, and that all actual errors are displayed as such14:06
hazmatm_3, that's fixed incidentally but it timing dependent14:08
hazmatie debug-log and debug-hooks both can catch install14:08
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hazmatactually that shouldn't be timing dependent14:09
* hazmat verifies14:09
hazmatjml, hooks already run with dpkg env vars to set frontend to noninteractive and list changes frontend to none.14:11
jmlhazmat: yeah, I thought my list mentioned that, and that 'sudo' masks that env var14:12
jmlbecause sudo does that14:12
hazmatjml but why sudo when one is already root14:12
hazmatbut good to note agreed14:13
jmlhazmat: because I didn't know hooks were run as root when I started14:13
jmland also, it's nice to note what bits I'm doing in the install that _have_ to be root14:13
hazmatjml, alternatively sudo -E for env preservation14:15
hazmatm_3, just verified you can run debug hooks on install hooks now14:24
m_3hazmat: whoohoo!!14:39
SpamapSYeah I've been using debug-hooks to *write* install hooks for a while now14:53
SpamapSi.e., start with empty charm, deploy, debug-hooks (quickly!) and then iterate, then juju scp the hook back into the bzr branch :)14:54
SpamapSI'd love an option to make juju use bzr rather than the zip file to grab the charm, so it would be easy to push changes back14:54
SpamapSjml: great brain dump. These definitely help to focus our efforts.14:55
jmlSpamapS: thanks. I might follow up with something that's a bit more reflective15:01
* jml submits a super-naïve patch15:04
bloodearnesthey all - so I'm attempting to write a hook in python, but calls to subprocess seem to blow up15:14
bloodearnestis there a better way to do relation/config-set/get in a python hook? If not how can I interact with the shell relation-get et al?15:16
SpamapSbloodearnest: there are lots of cases of python hooks which use subprocess to call relation-* and such15:18
SpamapShostname = subprocess.check_output(['unit-get','private-address']).strip()15:19
SpamapSbloodearnest: for instance15:19
bloodearnestSpamapS, right - so I'm doing something wrong then15:23
SpamapSbloodearnest: are you perhaps trying to call these hooks outside of the actual juju agent?15:24
bloodearnestSpamapS, nah - my bad missed the /usr of  /bin/env :(15:33
hazmatbcsaller, jimbaker ping15:57
bcsallerhazmat: whats up?15:57
hazmatneed to have a trivial vetted15:57
hazmatsee msg15:58
sidneiuhm, trying to juju bootstrap on precise and seems to be hanging on virsh net-list --all, known issue?15:59
m_3sidnei: not sure... wow, actually _hanging_ on virsh net-list... you might make sure you either rebooted since installing libvirt-bin and/or are in the libvirtd group16:05
sidneichecked both yes. also, i had lxc working before doing this, with cgroups-lite and such, lxcbr0 already present, and juju prompted me to install libvirtd-bin16:06
sidneimaybe this is one for hazmat per https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-juju-charm-best-practices (hi!)16:07
m_3sidnei: yeah, lxcbr0 isn't used unfortunately... juju local provider uses lxc containers but libvirt networking16:09
m_3sidnei: sidnei sometimes you can clear out lxc networking hangs by a `juju destroy-environment`16:09
sidneimaybe they are stomping on each other16:09
m_3sidnei: also look in `lxc-ls` and /var/lib/lxc16:09
m_3sidnei: possible... but they default to totally different nets... you can see with `ps auwx | grep dnsmasq` which nets are really active16:10
sidneias i said above, i was already using lxc, there's a couple envs under /var/lib/lxc all from before juju16:10
m_3sidnei: gotcha16:14
jcastronegronjl: ping me when you're home16:19
jcastroI'd like to find out how your demo went16:20
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negronjl'morning all16:25
negronjljcastro: I'm here16:25
jcastromind if we G+? I just need to grab lunch real quick16:25
negronjljcastro: sure .. invite me when ready16:31
jmlI'm writing up documentation for my project for contributors and potential users16:33
jmlI'm saying, "The easiest way to run libdep-service is with Juju"16:34
jmlwhat landing page should I point them at for getting the initial EC2 and/or LXC stuff set up?16:34
jcastrojml: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html16:40
jcastronegronjl: hangout started!16:57
newz2000I have some very nice improvements to the Varnish charm that I'm about to push.16:57
newz2000Improvement #1: It works now. :-)16:57
newz2000(on LXC, it might have worked on EC2 before)16:57
SpamapSnewz2000: \o/16:59
_mup_juju/trunk r543 committed by kapil@canonical.com17:01
_mup_[trivial] local provider disables password auth on containers [r=bcsaller]17:01
newz2000Hi, got my first charm mp posted: https://code.launchpad.net/~newz/charms/precise/varnish/fix-lxc-deployment/+merge/111648 Would love feedback, going to use this to try and make a squid charm.17:12
SpamapSnewz2000: heh.. squid.. because.. varnish is just too awesome for you? ;)17:12
newz2000SpamapS: well, Varnish is awesome but we use Squid in ISD, the team I work on.17:13
SpamapSnewz2000: actually squid should be good.. you can then run a test and see just how much better varnish is. :)17:14
newz2000You're talking to the wrong guy on this. I just write the code. Someone else deploys it.17:14
SpamapSnewz2000: thats not the devops way! ;)17:16
SpamapSwe all write it17:16
SpamapSwe all deploy it17:16
newz2000I would *love* to do it the devops way17:16
SpamapSand we all wear a pager from time to time if things are really being fair17:16
newz2000we don't do it that way though. :-)17:16
SpamapSnewz2000: well anyway, I believe Dustin Kirkland took a stab at squid at some point17:17
SpamapSnewz2000: so maybe dig in https://code.launchpad.net/~kirkland17:17
newz2000Apparently there is more than one place to look for charms17:17
SpamapSits not official tho.. so just do a fork of varnish if thats easier :)17:17
jmljcastro: thanks.17:31
jmldoes this read right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054642/17:32
jmlanything I can do to make life easier for my contributors?17:32
bloodearnestthe docs say that config-get with no args will output json, but when calling it from python I get python a dictionary repr rather than json17:36
bloodearnest*a python dictionary repr17:37
SpamapSbloodearnest: indeed, its a known bug17:39
SpamapSbloodearnest: --format json17:39
bloodearnestSpamapS, I tried that, but got empty string#17:39
SpamapSmarcoceppi: hey, how's wordpress coming along?17:39
pindongahi there... so, in my charm I need to setup access to a private ppa so I can install some custom packages... I was thinking of somehow passing the credentials in so I can customize a template for the apt config, any suggestions?17:41
m_3pindonga: pass it in config17:42
imbrandonSpamapS: any word from isd ?17:42
imbrandonerr is17:42
pindongam_3, got any examples around?17:43
SpamapSimbrandon: they've ACK'd the ticket17:43
SpamapSimbrandon: but not sure when it will be ready17:43
imbrandonSpamapS: i had wordpress running on rails last night :) phrake , kinda amusing ... for 5 minutes17:45
m_3pindonga: lemme look.  thinking pass the key and/or key_id in yaml and then pass the $(config-get key) to apt-key17:46
pindongam_3, ah17:46
pindongak, could work17:46
* pindonga tries17:46
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jmlping again re patch: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/juju/stderr-as-info/+merge/11160918:01
jmlalso, feedback requested on short doc snippet for users of a project that recommends using juju to deploy it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054642/18:08
marcoceppijml: the readme should assume the charm is in the store, IIRC18:09
SpamapSmarcoceppi: not necessarily18:09
jmlmarcoceppi: I'm not sure this project belongs in the store, tbh.18:09
SpamapSthere are plenty of cases where a charm will be highly useful, but never be in the store18:10
jmlmarcoceppi: and atm, the charm is included in trunk18:10
SpamapSjust like some things don't make any sense being in a distro's archive18:10
jml(does that make it the Juju equivalent of "native package"?)18:10
m_3jml: I'd make sure it's clear that your --repository is a path... `juju deploy --repository ~/charms local:libdep-service`18:11
jmlm_3: good point (although it's "./charms" in this case)18:11
m_3jml: and then also don't forget `juju expose`... it won't be available over the web until after that's done18:11
m_3jml: lxc is an exception (no security)18:11
jmlm_3: I was about to disagree with you :)18:12
m_3jml: I like to point people to entire deployment/spinup scripts... like https://gist.github.com/2050525 or https://gist.github.com/140601818:13
SpamapSCan people please try the latest version of the PPA with the local provider? I'd like to tag r543 as 0.5.118:13
jmlm_3: yeah, I think I'll do that in a future iteration.18:14
m_3SpamapS: sure... trying now18:14
m_3jml: awesome README example is lp:charms/hadoop18:14
jmlm_3: I guess I'm slightly disappointed that writing wrapper scripts seems appealing18:14
m_3jml: it's only for spinup... note that juju maintains the "model" going forward... you make changes directly using the juju cli18:15
m_3jml: but it's often handy to start things off with a script18:15
m_3jml: keep your eyes peeled for "stacks" going forward... (juju can serialize/deserialize its model)18:15
jmlYeah, I remember talking about stacks in Capetown.18:16
sidneiuhm, seems like virsh is stuck polling /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock18:18
jmlAnd, you know what, two blog posts in one day: http://code.mumak.net/2012/06/further-reflections-on-my-first-juju.html18:20
jmldon't ever say I don't care about you guys18:20
SpamapSjml: I don't care about you guys18:22
jmlI don't want to be harshing on you guys. It's great work.18:22
jmlI really do hope these posts help.18:22
SpamapSjml: hey, have you tried this, I do it sometimes and its surprisingly nice and interactive: watch 'juju status | ccze -A'18:24
SpamapSwait thats not right18:25
jmlSpamapS: I didn't know about ccze.18:26
SpamapSyeah its fairly smart18:26
* jml has to go. I've got to pack & head out to Canterbury.18:27
SpamapSat one point I had it showing without flickering.. can't recall how now tho18:27
SpamapSjml: anyway, debug-log | ccze -A helps with the colorizing a lot18:28
jmlSpamapS: yeah, I'll bet.18:28
SpamapS(using -A just makes it scrollable)18:29
SpamapSjml: I too worry about the feedback loop a lot.. its just hard to correct that one because apt-get installing stuff will never be "zippy"18:29
SpamapSjml: but anywa, go away, enjoy Canterbury, and bring us their Tales when you're done18:30
jmlSpamapS: right. perhaps it could be cleaner though.18:30
jmlSpamapS: I think I'm obliged to tell tales on my way there. Not 100% sure though.18:30
* jml is gone18:30
SpamapS"Oh, I should mention that I got stuck for a while at the very outset, redeploying the same version of my charm because I forgot to update the revision file and didn't realize that I actually wanted to run deploy with the --upgrade option."18:33
SpamapSAnd yet.. we still require this nonsense. :-/18:34
SpamapSI don't think a single new user has been able to avoid that problem.18:34
SpamapSniemeyer: ^^ we need to think long and hard about the revision file.. again.18:34
jcastro"#juju is heaps better when America is awake"18:39
imbrandonlol, who said that18:40
SpamapSdo we have EU charmers? James Page, but he's like, too busy holding up the pillars of ubuntu server and QA...18:40
sidneiSpamapS, would you have any clue about virsh just plain hanging?18:41
imbrandonthere are a few that are "unknowns" that are regualrs overnight18:41
imbrandonbut i couldent tell ya their names18:41
jcastroit'd be jim baker and lynxman18:41
SpamapSsidnei: hanging? no.18:41
imbrandoni see them night after night tho18:42
jcastrothose would be the other two .eu people I can think of18:42
SpamapSjcastro: Jim is in Colorado18:42
jcastrooh, right18:42
jcastrosorry, I meant will18:42
jcastrobut he's Golanging isn't he?18:42
* m_3 _hates_ lxc18:43
imbrandon^5 m_318:43
sidneiSpamapS, turning the question around, is it possible to use juju in lxc mode without libvirt-bin installed?18:43
SpamapSsidnei: no18:43
m_3sidnei: not with out some code munging on your own18:43
SpamapSsidnei: it uses libvirt's network management18:43
* sidnei < between a rock and a hard place18:43
SpamapSsidnei: is it possible that your libvirt 'default' network is broken?18:45
sidneiSpamapS, well, even just running 'virsh' hangs, and i tried purging and rm -rf 'ing my way around a couple times already18:45
SpamapSsidnei: oh weird18:46
m_3sidnei: oh, one other thing... does your default use virbr0 as well as 122.0/24?18:46
SpamapSsidnei: sudo service libvirt-bin restart maybe?18:46
m_3virbr0 is explicitly required (at least was)18:47
sidneirestart no luck, virbr0 is up on 122.0/2418:47
m_3with dnsmasq bound there as well?18:48
sidnei/usr/sbin/dnsmasq -u libvirt-dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/libvirt/network/default.pid --conf-file= --except-interface lo --listen-address --dhcp-range, --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases --dhcp-lease-max=253 --dhcp-no-override18:48
m_3and `virsh net-list --all` still hangs?18:49
jcastroanyone have ideas for fixing our US-centric responses? Other than "hey if you are not in the US pay more attention"?18:51
m_3so that's sounding like a more fundamental problem18:51
m_3jcastro: send me and taylor to paris for part of the year :)18:51
sidneiand then killing dmidecode makes virsh work18:52
sidneiSpamapS, m_3 ^18:53
m_3resource contention18:53
m_3actually net-list should be any easy one to debug that on18:54
jimbakerSpamapS, i plan to merge in the charm-format-2 shortly, now that the issues around that are worked out (whether or not _JUJU_CHARM_FORMAT was the sticking point, it remains as an impl detail). the point of it is that it's fully backwards compatible, and there are a substantial number of tests verifying that, so it should be good for galapagos18:56
SpamapSjimbaker: you're late man.. VERY late18:57
SpamapSI sent a message over a week ago18:57
sidneiError processing 'cs:precise/ubuntu': entry not found18:57
sidnei2012-06-22 15:55:07,739 ERROR Error processing 'cs:precise/ubuntu': entry not found18:57
sidneishouldn't this work? ^18:57
SpamapSsidnei: no, its broken18:58
SpamapSsidnei: sadly. :-/18:58
SpamapSsidnei: the importer can't import that particular charm for some reason18:58
sidneilooks like i picked a bad day to start :)18:58
jimbakerSpamapS, sorry, i misunderstood that. well it goes in the next release then18:58
imbrandonSpamapS: i sumited the int64 bug to the golang guys18:58
pindongais there any wiki page with tricks/idioms for writing juju charms?18:58
pindongaI'd like to share a way to setup private ppa access in a charm18:58
SpamapSimbrandon: I don't believe thats the issue with the ubuntu charm18:58
SpamapSimbrandon: I think its because bzr prints extra stuff18:58
imbrandonSpamapS: so hopefully it will be fixed soonish18:59
SpamapSpindonga: we've been discussing the best way to collect best practices. No consensus yet.18:59
SpamapSpindonga: a wiki is as good a place as any. Unfortunately the juju wiki is locked down... :-/18:59
SpamapSjimbaker: yeah, no big deal18:59
SpamapSjimbaker: we just release whatever is merged, we still have the PPA building the trunk. :)19:00
imbrandonSpamapS: also i have a new tool i want to unveil monday "hiabu" possibly as part of jitsu ( but its in node so i dunno if you want it in there _19:00
m_3pindonga: also charm-tools if it's something that makes sense in a helper script19:00
SpamapSimbrandon: I want it19:00
SpamapSimbrandon: juju-jitsu is for all things crazy19:00
jimbakerSpamapS, sounds like a plan, this is really to help as a bridge for the go port, as well as fix bugs like this one, bug 97985919:00
_mup_Bug #979859: Unable to set boolean config value via command line <juju:In Progress by therve> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/979859 >19:00
SpamapSimbrandon: which is why I'm surprised you haven't dominated it ;)19:00
imbrandonSpamapS: its an external dependancy manager19:01
SpamapSjimbaker: sure. I'm thinking honolulu should actually be shorter. Maybe 4 weeks, so we catch up19:01
imbrandonSpamapS: hahaha i've been busy with hiabu secretly19:01
imbrandonis why19:01
imbrandonbut yea hiabu == japaneese for hive, manage "groups" of juju service as one hive, eg. an external dependancy manager19:02
imbrandonSpamapS: ^19:02
SpamapSimbrandon: nice19:02
shazznerhiabu sounds like romanji19:02
m_3SpamapS: 543 spun up fine using ec2 to host a lp:charms/juju local container... still not up on my laptop, but that's not really expected :(19:03
imbrandonstill needs lotas of work but i can "hibau deploy juju.com" and it figures out that wordpress and mysql etc are needed and spins them all up and scales etc, basicly its just calling out to the correct juju comannds tho19:04
_mup_Bug #776426 was filed: Add debug hook cli flag for deploy and and add-unit. <juju:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/776426 >19:04
imbrandoni want to work that jitsu watch into it and make it smarter tho19:05
shazznerimbrandon: sounds pretty rad :)19:05
shazznermy stupid point in mentioning Romanji is that, if true, hiabu isn't strictly 'japanese' :v19:06
imbrandonok need to go afk a few, back in ~45 min19:06
imbrandonahhh :)19:06
imbrandoni just couldent think of a nother name to play off the jitsu name :)19:06
imbrandonand mean group19:06
shazznerno it's cool, I like it :)19:07
SpamapSm_3: sweet thanks. I'll give it another 2 hours to settle and then tag.19:08
shazznerjust cause I got curious, Jisho.org tells me Su is the japanese word for hive19:21
shazznerHachisu means beehive19:21
shazznerwell, the kanji for hive, is pronounced Su but Su can have differen't meanings19:22
shazznersorry I'll shutup19:22
lifelesshazmat: is there a hack for the proxy?19:22
lifelesshazmat: on the host side, I have a local openstack install, which isn't integrated with dns, so lookups for e.g. server-45 fail19:23
lifelesshazmat: is there a config option ?19:23
lifelesshazmat: Using the ec2 provider.19:23
SpamapSlifeless: /etc/hosts ?19:29
hazmatlifeless, re hack, i've got a wip branch but it probably needs some finishing.. lp:~hazmat/juju/apt-proxy-support19:32
hazmatoutside of that going for a dns setup is probably the best option..19:32
hazmatlifeless, actually the simplest hack.. is pretty straightforward19:33
imbrandonshazzner: i used google translate, hehe , likely wrong19:33
hazmatmodify juju/providers/common/utils.py  format_cloud_init and cloud_config dict to include  an apt-proxy-url key and value19:33
hazmater. cloud_config dict in that method19:34
shazznerimbrandon: check out jisho.org19:34
shazznerbest online japanese dictionary19:34
imbrandonrockin, good thing before i released it too :)19:34
shazzneroh and be sure to tick the Kana as romaji19:34
shazznerimbrandon: np :) :)19:35
lifelesshazmat: SpamapS: thanks19:45
lifelessSpamapS: /etc/hosts doesn't set http_proxy :)19:45
lifelesshazmat: is there a similar code tweak I could do to get ip usage?19:47
hazmatlifeless, yes, the relevant bit is in juju/unit/address.py19:49
hazmatthe implementation class used varies by provider19:50
lifelesshazmat: ah, I wasn't clear19:52
lifelesshazmat: *bootstrap* is the thing that is using an unresolvable address19:53
lifelesshazmat: the client node code can't talk to the metadata service.19:53
lifelessI have no idea whether the metadata service will be handing out crapola or not19:53
hazmatlifeless, so the client resolves the instance id to the ip address19:53
lifelesshazmat: *how* ?19:53
lifelesslike, does it call the ec2 API to get node details ?19:54
hazmatlifeless, it queries out the server via the api using the instance id19:54
hazmatlifeless, yes19:54
lifelessright, its ending up with 'Server-NNN' atm, not an ip.19:54
lifelesspoint me at the code :>19:54
hazmatlifeless, if you do euca-describe-instances at your endpoint do you see the same?19:54
lifelessI can't answer that right now19:55
lifelessserver is in weekend mode :P19:55
imbrandonSpamapS / hazmat : HAHA i wasent going to let it get the best of me, check out http://api.websitedevops.com/juju-docs/operating-systems.html ( then look at the footer for the sphinx version )19:57
hazmatlifeless, fair enough.. but the client can't really correct for provider errors about addresses. for the client we need an accessible/routable public address for the machine to reach it.19:57
hazmatlifeless, have a good weekend (in case you follow your server :-)19:58
lifelesshazmat: we do, but it has one19:58
lifelesshazmat: I mean, I'll cross check the api results19:58
lifelesshazmat: but if thats ok, where in the code is this called ?19:58
hazmatlifeless, that part is a little more.. twisted let's say ;-)  juju/providers/common/findzookeepers.py19:59
imbrandonSpamapS / hazmat : only one more little quark i need to workout before putting up a MP that should work on 0.6.4 ( all pages TOC is "correct" ) except for the langing page , so there is hope20:00
hazmatlifeless, basically for ec2 it gets an instance map from provider storage (s3), and then does describe instances on it and returns the public address associated to the instance as the place to tunnel an ssh connection to for zk access.20:00
imbrandoni got the major issue worked out tho, it dident like :hidden: in the old version20:00
lifelesshazmat: there is a 1:M mismatch in that code too, room for optimising it looks like20:00
hazmatimbrandon, nice20:00
hazmatlifeless, definitely.. although i'm not sure exactly which part your referencing20:01
lifelessfor instance_id in instance_ids: <- synchronous, one loop per instance id.20:01
lifelessthen collects multi-machine errors from the get_machine call, which took one id20:02
* hazmat nods20:02
hazmatthat was my next target on the scaling branch we used for the 2k nodes20:02
lifelessI would have written it as20:03
lifeless    machines, missing_instance_ids = yield provider.get_machines(instance_ids)20:03
hazmatwe do it something similiarly dense in status when querying out info20:03
* hazmat checks20:03
hazmatlifeless, right now the provider.get_machines call errors out on missing ids20:05
lifelessthe contract for def get_machines(self, instance_ids=()): isn't conduicive to that approach20:05
lifelessI'd fix that first :)20:05
lifelessin set based processing, exceptions need to be super rare20:05
lifelessbecause otherwise - well, you know - the successes get crushed.20:06
hazmatyeah.. in eventually consistent distributed systems, some inconsistencies around the state need to be handled with more grace20:07
imbrandonlifeless: mind if i pick your brain for a sec on bzr, you work with its internals a bit right ?20:08
lifelessI played a developer on TV once.20:08
lifeless(some stupidly large % of bzr is my code, yes I know its internals)20:08
imbrandonwell i'm totally ignorant about the internals of vcs's but really just was wondering the fesability of a git<->bzr bridge thats like the git<->svn bridge on github, where either client can work with the same repo, not a copy of it, at the same time20:09
lifelesshazmat: hahaha20:10
lifeless        instance.private_dns_name,20:10
lifelesshazmat: ^ that is whats used, *not* the ip address.20:10
* lifeless checks to see if there is a more useful field20:10
hazmatlifeless, ? for what20:11
lifelesshazmat: using private-ip-address would be better I think20:11
lifelesshazmat: rather than private-dns-address20:11
imbrandon( or even a bzr<->svn bridge etc ) basicly working with multi vcs natively at the same time and keeping the commits/logs in sync transparently20:11
lifelessimbrandon: you mean like 'bzr-git' ?20:12
hazmatlifeless, econtext used for what20:12
imbrandonwell kinda, that works on a copy20:12
hazmatimbrandon, maybe checkout tailor20:12
lifeless07:52 < lifeless> hazmat: ah, I wasn't clear20:12
lifeless07:53 < lifeless> hazmat: *bootstrap* is the thing that is using an unresolvable address20:12
lifeless07:53 < lifeless> hazmat: the client node code can't talk to the metadata service.20:12
imbrandonhazmat: yea, i have been looking into that20:12
lifelesshazmat: I followed the pointers you gave me, get_machine -> ec2's get_machines -> machine_from_instance20:12
imbrandonlifeless: i mean more server side tho, like i can use `git clone https://github.com/myname/myrepo.git` or `svn co https://github.com/myname/myrepo` both r/w tansparently20:13
lifelesshazmat: jujumachine wants private_dns_name, but that depends on resolvability, whereas taking the ip address in the front end wouldn't20:13
imbrandonsomething more like that20:14
hazmatlifeless, when you say the client node can't talk to the metadata service.. that's unclear.20:14
hazmatlifeless, the private dns name is used for inter unit internal communication20:14
hazmatie. relations20:14
lifelesshazmat: its also used to talk to the bootstrap node20:14
lifelessfrom the juju CLI20:14
lifelesshazmat: or something; when I run 'juju status', its grabbing the private dns name, and trying to resolve it from outside the cloud.20:15
imbrandonhazmat: i was wondering why we do that too since split dns takes care of if we use the public dns name20:15
imbrandonand then its uniform20:15
lifelessimbrandon: there might not be public ip or pblic dns names.20:15
lifelessimbrandon: private* is the only guaranteed thing20:15
imbrandonhrm true, split dns dont help there20:16
hazmatlifeless, the client isn't using the private address to talk to zk, its using the public dns name given by the api server.20:16
lifelesshazmat: I beg to differ :)20:17
hazmatlifeless, i'm confused where you think you see it using the private dns name to facilitate that20:17
lifelessjuju bootstrap-> stuff happens20:17
lifelessjuju status ->20:17
lifeless'ssh: Server-32 is not a valid somethingorother to forward via\n\n'20:17
hazmatlifeless, juju/providers/common/connect.py      .. using dns_name not private_dns_name20:18
hazmatlifeless, we'd never be able to connect to a machine in ec2 otherwise20:18
hazmator any other public cloud20:18
lifelesshazmat: ok, so s/private/public and my whinge still applies; we're depending on dns resolvability, which is lacking for developer installs of e.g. openstack20:20
lifelessI have no sane way of making the public names resolvable20:20
lifelessor the private names for that matter20:20
lifelessI'm on a different machine, having my machine poke via dnsmasq on the cloud server will break my network when I roam, for instance.20:21
lifelesshazmat: added to that, juju bootstrap isn't requesting a floating ip, so we're only getting flat-network addresses allocated the machines *anyway* ( for instance)20:25
hazmatits reasonable to use ips, but their's a tension to have names for hosts for users and for charms that want to configure against names (although some also want to use ips). we should probably capture all.20:25
lifelesshazmat: I'll have a poke around mondayish20:25
hazmatlifeless, floating by default can be enabled20:25
lifelessthis has been very helpful, thanks.20:25
lifelesshazmat: its one more thing for users to get right20:25
hazmatlifeless, mgz's ostack provider also does the assignment20:25
lifelesshazmat: and consider how hard canonicloud is to work with ;)20:26
lifeless(for juju, not in general)20:26
hazmatlifeless, its only gotten worse since i hacked out the support for it..20:26
hazmati did it all without a chinstrap account previously..20:26
imbrandoni was just about to try the ostack provider today on hpcloud20:26
imbrandonis it not working ?20:27
lifelesshazmat: so, perhaps it would be a great exercise for you devs to do all your smoke-and-above testing using canonicloud; without canoniclod-specific hacks.20:27
lifelesshazmat: :)20:27
lifelesshave a good weekend20:27
hazmatlifeless, cheers, have a good one.. and no thanks re fool's errand... i'd be willing to talk to the canonicloud folks though if their willing to fix some of the pain points, we can accomodate some change as well (not hacks)20:29
hazmatbut its felt like a very slow moving progression, that's been in the wrong direction as far usability, and afaik still lacking swift20:30
hazmatopenstack isn't a product, its a toolkit for building your own cloud.. i mean snowflake20:31
imbrandonhazmat: so should i grab your branch for the ostack provider or ... ? i'm a little confused on what one to use for testing ( and has the higest probablility to work on hpcloud )20:36
imbrandoni'm starting fresh today with it20:36
imbrandonand / or rs next gen ostack cloud too, got that activated yesterday20:37
imbrandonbut i think they have ec2 and s3 compat on20:37
hazmatimbrandon, its a sharp edge.. and not my branch, but if you want to play with it.. lp:~gz/juju/openstack_provider20:37
hazmatimbrandon, they don't have s3 compat on20:38
imbrandonkk, yea nothing production but i wanna put those 3 months to use a little and try soem things20:38
imbrandoni know there will be lots of breakage probably20:38
hazmatimbrandon, you have to use that for your client and specify juju-origin: lp:~gz/juju/openstack_provider  for the env20:39
imbrandonk , is there an example env.y in the code ? i hope20:39
hazmatthere aren't any docs for it yet.. but the config keys are at juju/environment/config.py ...20:40
imbrandonrockin that will workj20:40
imbrandonyea i figured docs was out of the question for now20:40
imbrandonbtw sometime this evening i'll have the normal docs building again if they upgrade to 12.04 or not20:41
imbrandoni found a few workarounds that arent too hackish , just one last bit to workout20:41
imbrandonwell arent hackish at all just have better ways in the newer version :)20:41
imbrandonand really only like a 5 line delta so far, so not like alot of code either, just learning all the quarks20:42
pindongahi, I've read I can just include a repositories: section in my environments.yaml to configure my preferred repos20:44
pindongahowever I cannot get it to work, so I assume I edited the wrong place20:44
pindongais this actually supposed to be working with the precise version of juju?20:44
imbrandonpindonga: that was never implmented, its in the draft docs20:44
pindongaimbrandon, ok, touch luck then20:44
imbrandonpindonga: unless you see it somewhere else , please tell so i can correct it20:44
pindongano, I saw it in the drafts20:45
pindongasome drafts include stuff that works right now20:45
imbrandonpindonga: you can use JUJU_REPOSITORY env varable to set the local path though20:45
pindongaso that's why i tried: )20:45
pindongathis was nicer though20:45
pindongadon't have to do it every tim20:45
imbrandonthat is implmented , yea i wish it was personally, i love that idea, but sadly its not20:45
imbrandonset the env varable in your bash_profile20:46
pindongano worries20:46
imbrandonlike "export JUJU_REPOSITORY /var/lib/charms"20:46
imbrandonSpamapS / hazmat : do you all know if that feature got axed or just not done yet, i wanna put a note on it in the docs, cuz i ran into that exact same thing20:47
imbrandonif its axed i'll just remove it, if not done yet i'll make a note: saying so20:47
hazmatimbrandon, its implemented20:48
hazmatyou still have to prefix with local:charm_name20:48
imbrandonno i mean the environments.yaml20:49
hazmatno that's very old20:49
imbrandonright, i was gonna brush it up a little20:49
imbrandonbut yea i like that idea but i think its axed20:50
imbrandonthe env.y part20:50
hazmati wrote that like the first week of juju dev..20:50
hazmatwe can probably just yank the doc20:50
imbrandonactualy m_3 did alot of moving drafts out and cleaning up yesterday, let me check if he did this too20:51
hazmati guess it has some useful info..20:51
hazmati think he killed dups and moved stuff that was done out20:51
imbrandonill see if he did, if not i will see about adding the few bits that are relevant to other docs and yank that one20:51
imbrandonall as a MP obviously since i'm not intimately familar etc etc20:52
_mup_Bug #1016740 was filed: local provider bootstrap should create an actual working environment if none exists <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016740 >21:02
m_3imbrandon: no, I didn't take the time to go through all the drafts... just did the obvious ones at the time21:06
imbrandonm_3: sweet, kk, i'll snag this one then21:07
m_3imbrandon: cool21:08
imbrandonm_3: also re: our quest for bzr-git harmony :) checkout the second paragraph here http://developer.github.com/v3/git/ , just more to add to the $someday list if no one else does it21:10
hazmathave a good weekend folks21:31
m_3hazmat: u2 man21:32
imbrandonl8tr hazmat22:12
imbrandonm_3 / SpamapS : so many subordiantes , i think of the few in the repo i'm running all but one http://api.websitedevops.com/juju-status.txt22:13
hazmatimbrandon, nice22:25
SpamapSimbrandon: haha cool!23:14
SpamapSimbrandon: so is omg using ELB now?23:14
imbrandonhas been for like a month or so23:14
imbrandonever since it went down the last time cuz joey rebooted the bootstrap node and the one with the eip23:15
imbrandoni put it on elb , and the charm just added instances that are up to the elb with a special check that wordpress is actually runnning ( manually configured )23:15
imbrandonso littraly just juju add-unit and then the elb associates with the new omgweb that comes up and add's it to the elb, elb checks every minute to see if its serving wp and if so it adds it to the rotation23:16
SpamapSimbrandon: well done on getting things working w/ 0.6.4.. I have not seen any activity on the IS ticket yet23:16
imbrandonyea, i got it all working except the front page23:17
imbrandontook a little break then was gonna crack at that23:17
imbrandonthe front page only lists the local toc23:17
imbrandonwith the other fix23:17
SpamapSimbrandon: we should add an optional 'check_url' and 'check_string' to the http interface.23:17
imbrandoni'm sure there is a way around that tho23:17
imbrandonSpamapS: yea, i have a couple of sugestions for it, that being one23:18
imbrandonand the other being that the name of the elb isnt tied to the relation23:18
imbrandonbut is an option23:18
SpamapSactually I really think its time we ditch 'http' for 'http2' and start doing things with the Host header that make sense.23:18
imbrandonlike i had the elb running before i used your charm, so i had to do some fnaggling23:18
imbrandonyea, hold on ,i'll see what the check is23:19
imbrandoni have in the elb23:19
imbrandonbut yea, i basicly wanted to get it to a place i could hand it to joey and say "go" and it not be a big deal23:21
imbrandonand its at that place now, has been a few weeks, he does his own code deploys etc etc etc23:21
imbrandoni havent HAD to touch anything in almost a month23:21
imbrandonnow i23:21
imbrandonstill have done a few things like the shortcode plugin etc, but thats purely fun etc23:22
imbrandonand nothing to do with juju or preformance etc ( the shortcode plugin where he can do [download4ubuntu url="http://apps.ubuntun.com/some/app"] and it puts my pretty css button in place :)23:23
imbrandonbut yea, he now handles all the code deploys and juju updates and such, i just kinda keep an eye on things from a-far, and awser any questions he has but its not many, he picked it up quickly and solid grasp of it, may not be a coder but definately isnt a hands off as he's put up to be sometimes23:25
imbrandonhe is also using a small aws_rds tooo, if you notice there was no mysql charm23:26
imbrandonbut its not charmed, it is just set as a config option for now , omgweb charm has a config option of db_user db_pass db_host db_name , and sets those on config change23:27
imbrandonbut it would be nice to charm that too23:27
imbrandonbut seperate like that not only is it cheaper, but nightly backups are done without extra scripting that could possibly fail and is acutally cheaper ( only by like 1c an hour )23:28
imbrandonbut also allows the whole env to be rebuilt on the fly without thought of the db23:29
imbrandongreat for those "oh shit" moments. now just juju bootstrap a new env or juju deploy omgweb some-other-service-name and then once up and config set to the db, destroy the old service without a second thought23:31
imbrandonperfect for handing off to less tech ppl23:31
SpamapSimbrandon: so basically, omg has become a custom thing that is nothing like anything in the charm store.23:32
SpamapSbut its using juju for great stuff23:32
imbrandonso its beutifully handled by juju still,  but all he needs to handle is the scaling of webhead units23:32
SpamapSimbrandon: its also EC2 specific23:32
SpamapShe can't move to HP23:32
SpamapSor RAX23:33
imbrandonSpamapS: well kinda, nothing from the store directly but parts from it are in alor of other charms23:33
imbrandonyea he can23:33
imbrandoninfact he was just looking at moving to rack23:33
SpamapSimbrandon: this is like the early days when people built servers from Slackware... install slack, cd /usr/local/src .. and start building the box.23:33
imbrandonnow HP dont have everything, but rack does23:33
SpamapSRAX doesn't have *RDS*23:33
SpamapSyou'd have to manually do that23:33
imbrandonit does23:33
SpamapSand ELB23:33
imbrandonit has rds23:34
SpamapSwhich you'd have to do manually23:34
imbrandonand elb i;m not certain but it has a lb of come kind23:34
SpamapSbecause there's no charm is what I'm saying23:34
SpamapSa big part of juju's promise is cloud agnosticism23:34
SpamapSNow, OMG doesn't really *need* that23:34
imbrandonwell the rds bit is manual right now anyhow, i want to charm it but its not yet, but yea they would need charmed23:34
imbrandonbut the aws ones needed charmed too23:34
SpamapSbut its sad to see how fast it blew off the rails into EC2 lock in23:35
imbrandonto begin with :)23:35
imbrandonwell thats what i'm saying its not as locked in as it looks23:35
imbrandonbecause i'm not using any of the special features and its all charmed cept db backup23:35
imbrandonso it can be abstracted out into a rackspace_elb solution or a rackspace_rds one23:36
imbrandonnow hp it would need to use a mysql one, but it still has those interfaces ( optional now ) so it could without change23:36
imbrandonif needed23:36
SpamapSWell I'd hope you'd charm RDS before attempting that, so you can charm RAX's db as a service, so you could then actually do the migration just that way23:37
imbrandonsoh for sure23:37
SpamapSWe need some more sites playing with juju23:37
SpamapSI'll be interested to see how the next one goes23:37
imbrandonyea, that was another reason to get it into joeys hands so i could possibly do "the next one"23:37
imbrandonetc :)23:38
imbrandonbut yea, it LOOKS like its tied to aws but really its not, or only very very very slightly untill rds is charmed23:38
imbrandoneven then not really cuz there is still sql dumps to the bootstrap node and it has the mysql relations in place23:39
imbrandonbut yea23:39
imbrandontried to make its as hands off as possible but still use juju for everything that it possibly can23:39
imbrandonto make it easy on him, me or anyone else23:39
imbrandonand it may not use stuff from the store, but its a guiney pig and large chunks of what we learn/learned with it are going to many charms, like the elb sugestions23:40
imbrandonfrom a bit ago23:40
imbrandonthat and when shit breaks the only "custom" code really is the webheads we designed, the rest can be pointed to aws ( or other cloud provider ) for outages23:42
imbrandonif needed, but honestly, its been more stable the last month since that last big breakdown that made me take these measures23:42
imbrandonthan ever23:42
imbrandon( and still 98% juju hehehe )23:43
imbrandonand the webheads still rev proxy with a microcache just the same , all to each other etc, they just have an elb infront of them now as well23:44
imbrandonpreventing one webhead die'ing and taking the whole site23:44
imbrandon( or getting rebooted )23:45
SpamapSimbrandon: Its making me question my vision of juju users actually contributing back the stuff that makes their websites go though.23:45
imbrandonand thinks like the uptime.u.co.uk and newrelic etc etc all are great cya now instead of hearsay :)23:46
SpamapSimbrandon: I had thought it would be simpler than this. :-/23:46
imbrandonSpamapS: heh, thats what i've been trying to say from the start23:46
imbrandonSpamapS: there will be contributors but "custom" will be very common too,23:46
imbrandonesp when legacy sites are migrated23:46
imbrandonand not some new service23:47
imbrandonbut yea, really there is very very little, if any that isnt contributed back23:47
SpamapSbut for our first known live site to be custom, is sad.23:47
imbrandonjust not in the clean fashion of a single commit etc23:48
SpamapSimbrandon: you're not using mysql, you're not using haproxy, or even an nginx lb charm, and wordpress seems to have stymied you *and* marco to get it into production shape.23:48
imbrandonSpamapS: nah, dont think of it like that, think of it like its still 100% juju even after the dust settles and not because it needs to be adn #223:48
imbrandonthat it IS the first, their are bound to be hiccups23:49
SpamapSimbrandon: I knew that production would bring radical change to the charm store. I just haven't seen *any* of that change in lp:charms yet23:49
imbrandonits using nginx lb23:49
SpamapSnot from the charm store23:49
SpamapSand what its using has not been submitted23:49
imbrandonwell only becuase i haveent cleaned it up enough to push23:49
SpamapSthats what I'm lamenting23:50
imbrandoni've been lazy in that respance23:50
SpamapSthat it takes that much effort from you to clean it up23:50
imbrandonrespect, but thats me23:50
SpamapSlazy is what I want23:50
imbrandonno not really, like i said its more of me lazy on that front23:50
SpamapSI want you to be *so* lazy that you never want to repeat this again23:50
imbrandonof just not doing it and doing other things23:50
SpamapSperhaps on the second site, you guys will get off your butts and submit things23:51
imbrandonSpamapS: sure, i totaly understand and agreee 10000% , but i mean a diff kind of lazy23:51
imbrandoni need to do it now23:51
SpamapSand actually you *are* using your newrelic stuff, right?23:51
SpamapSso, WIN there.23:51
imbrandoninfact i'm going to finish up this doc stuff to get it working and not work on other projects untill i have it at leaste up for revirew23:51
imbrandonhaha yea23:51
imbrandonnewrelic , elb ( from you )23:51
SpamapShaha cs?23:52
SpamapSbrave man23:52
imbrandonheh, when i deployed it dns wasent pointing to the elb yet :)23:52
SpamapSyeah but you can't fix that charm23:53
SpamapSyou can't do anything with it actually23:53
SpamapSbecause subordinates can't be removed23:53
SpamapSso if you find a bug, or want to change it.. oops.. you're stuck, nothing you can do23:53
imbrandonyea , i dident think of that till you brought it up the other dat23:56
imbrandonbut i could have swore i have "juju deploy mysql" then "juju upgrade-charm --repository /var/lib/charms mysql" and it grabs the upgrade from local23:57
imbrandonwasent mysql, but still, a "charm"23:57
imbrandonas long as the revision was higher, but maybe not, probably mistaken23:57
SpamapSimbrandon: that won't work no, because the charm is cs: not local:23:59

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