
* agateau answers day old irc pings now07:33
agateaushadeslayer: yes, I am coming to Akademy07:33
agateauRiddell: I've been exclusively using lightdm-kde for a long time now, I consider it solid. It still lacks the lock-after-autologin feature from kdm though, but I know David Edmundson has a plan for it, ping him.07:34
agateauyofel_: that bug with the lightdm classic greeter is probably due to a bug in the plasma components it uses. In the "User Bar" theme we actually have fixed copies of the TextField component to fix keyboard handling07:36
agateauyofel_: the fixes are in KDE 4.9, so it should work correctly there07:36
Riddellagateau: did you see the bugs which debfx had?07:39
agateauRiddell: mmm no07:40
Riddellby default it wants to log into a previous session which doesn't work07:40
agateauI haven't been active on lightdm for a while now, it may be fixed already07:40
agateaubut I remember something like this07:41
* agateau checks07:41
Riddellagateau: can you get the language box to contain some options?  it's entirely empty for me07:41
agateauRiddell: oh yes, that one as well07:42
agateauRiddell: reading the log of david work right now: he "fixed" the language box by removing it07:44
Riddellug Debian's owncloud packages don't install mysql and don't set up a mysql database for you10:15
shadeslayeragateau: awesome, you can teach me everything about KSNI and App Indicator10:20
agateaushadeslayer: first thing to learn: KSNI == App Indicator10:20
shadeslayerright, knew that :P10:20
Riddellug and then it doesn't even set up right10:20
agateaushadeslayer: there I just reduced your teaching to half :)10:20
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
jussiRiddell: I find kamerka much lighter and nicer UI IMHO. However, it does not (yet) do video. 10:59
jussi(in regards to the seed change)10:59
Riddellcan't say I've heard of it11:00
jussi!info kamerka11:02
ubottukamerka (source: kamerka): shiny photo taking application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1 (precise), package size 96 kB, installed size 318 kB11:02
jussiRiddell: install and try it11:02
jussiRiddell: iirc, Kamerka is written with QML11:04
Riddellmm, shiny indeed11:05
Riddellafiestas_: how do you think they compare?11:05
Riddellshadeslayer: don't forget about kde-telepathy message-indicator!11:19
shadeslayerRiddell: ofcourse not, I've deferred it till Akademy where I'll talk to agateau about implementation details11:20
shadeslayerthen I'll have a better idea of what needs to be done11:20
apacheloggertalking about deferred11:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: do we have data yet?11:20
* shadeslayer runs off to /dev/null11:20
shadeslayerI sent you the data, but you were not satisfied, I also have lost interest in gathering said data11:22
* shadeslayer is on a coding spree11:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw call ui now has phonon integration as well, but the phonon KCM is all sorts of broken11:23
shadeslayerkde bug 302308 11:23
apacheloggerthe phonon kcm was designed to support runtime backend switching == the phonon kcm is broken by design11:23
ubottuKDE bug 302308 in general "kcm_phonon does not update device list even when a existing/new device is plugged in" [Normal,New: ] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30230811:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: fix eet11:24
* apachelogger was under the impression the pulse overlay does plug listening11:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, you are working on runtime anyway11:24
shadeslayerwait ... I am? when did that happen11:24
apacheloggeryou just need to register to some pulse signal or osmething11:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: kio streaming?11:24
shadeslayerah yes11:30
shadeslayerSeems like I've got my hands in too many things :P11:30
apacheloggersrsly? :P11:32
* Peace- has compiled ffmpeg successfully on quantal11:32
* Peace- happ11:32
* apachelogger tired and sticky11:33
apacheloggerkubotu: order shower11:33
* kubotu slides shower down the bar to apachelogger11:33
* Peace- feel sorry for apachelogger11:33
apacheloggeryesterday it was like super hawt, then it started raining now it is super hawt and super humid11:34
Peace-here there is 39 degree11:36
shadeslayerIt's something like 45 degrees here11:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw I still couldn't get the KIO stuff to work11:45
shadeslayerI didn't get the right debug messages11:45
shadeslayerI'll look into it next week11:46
* apachelogger points out htat 4.9 is closing in :/11:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: so, what's with the data?11:47
shadeslayernot really interested :(11:47
apacheloggergood thing I waited 2 or was it 3 months then11:48
apachelogger<- not happy, not at all11:48
shadeslayeryeah, sorry about that 11:48
Riddellwhat data is this?11:48
* shadeslayer is not motivated enough to collect data11:48
shadeslayerRiddell: data about where we spend most of our dev time11:48
shadeslayerand where we can improve11:48
Riddellmm, tricksy11:49
apacheloggerwell then11:51
apacheloggerhow about some mangement overhead? :D11:51
Riddellnot something kubuntu has ever had is that11:54
apacheloggerjust about time11:54
shadeslayerany ideas what library I should link against for kdeui and kdecore?12:05
shadeslayer-lkdeui -lkdecore doesn't seem to be working12:05
Riddellmm, libkdeui and libkdecore?12:05
Riddellin cmake?12:05
shadeslayerconfigure.in ...12:06
shadeslayerdon't ask ...12:06
Riddellwell /usr/lib/libkdecore.so and /usr/lib/libkdeui.so are there12:07
shadeslayerlike I said .. don't ask :P12:07
shadeslayeryeah, the project was linking against kdeui and kdecore12:07
shadeslayerwas missing libs12:07
apacheloggerbraindumps ftw12:40
* markey dumps brain12:42
markeymmmmh brainz12:43
BluesKaj_Hey all13:10
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1005677] Re-emergence of "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widg... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1005677 (by Doug McMahon)16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005677 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Re-emergence of "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)'"" [High,Confirmed]16:23
ScottKBTW, Debian finally uploaded kde4libs 4.8.4 to Unstable, so that's a good source of what patches are really needed if someone wants to resume work on 4.8.4 for precise.16:50
debfxScottK: 4.8.4 is already in the updates PPA16:57
debfxwe should probably lift it to -proposed soon16:58
ScottKdebfx: With the fixed kde4libs?16:58
ScottKAh.  Let's go then.16:59
ScottKIf someone can upload them, I'm in ubuntu-sru now, so I can accept them.16:59
* debfx has another look at kubuntu-ppa bugs first17:02
debfxI suppose we don't have a script to push packages from the updates ppa to -proposed?17:06
debfxyofel_, Riddell ^17:06
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^17:06
shadeslayerafaik no17:10
BluesKaj_later all , stuff to do17:47
yofel_debfx: afaik no, at least not from me20:07
yofel_can you cherry pick http://quickgit.kde.org/index.php?p=kdelibs.git&a=commit&h=808914aff663636e602fd6b60d6040bf0001e462 btw. ? That really removes the Hibernate button from plasma 20:08
genii-aroundPerhaps someone may know offhand.. if there is some known bug with 3.4,3.5 64 bit kernels and Atom N450. I get odd error messages.20:11
yofel_#ubuntu+1 would be more helpful I guess20:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayeror for that matter, #ubuntu-kernel20:23
debfxyofel: to precise?20:52
yofelyes, for 4.9 it'll be in rc120:52
yofelbut we got bug reports about hibernate not working as we disabling it in policykit, and plasma ignored that20:52
yofeler, solid ignored it20:53
debfxappShouldConserveResources() is called to check if hibernation is allowed?20:53
yofeldebfx: sorry, I'm too tired today -.- I meant http://quickgit.kde.org/index.php?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=c78a108ae304a42c0507f2ae962ba186f10426f620:55
yofelthanks a lot for taking a look20:56
debfxthat looks more plausible ;)20:57
debfxI wonder what that kdelibs commit fixes, the commit message is not very verbose20:57
Ezimwhy are not kubuntu-netrunner working togheter? netrunner developer is same person that also is behind blue system. correct?21:14
BluesKajEzim, yup21:16
EzimBluesKaj: good. then drop kubuntu and join netrunner :)... maybe leave buntu based and go over to debian.21:17
BluesKajEzim, I tried netrunner ..it's ok , but nothing special from what could see. A stable kubuntu based OS 21:18
EzimBluesKaj: it is kubuntu :). I know that. but why netrunner-kubuntu, when same company supports both.21:19
BluesKajpretty plain vanilla , nothing exciting going on21:19
BluesKajstability is the philosophy , I believe21:20
EzimBluesKaj: stability is good, then why not direct base kubuntu on debian?21:21
BluesKajdunno , it's a compiliation of tried and true apps and driver for ppl who don't want any "issues".21:22
EzimBluesKaj: driver and apps are avaible in debian to :)21:23
BluesKajdebian's permissions system is goofy21:23
Ezimalmost everything that buntu uses comes from upstream and often that is debian.21:23
BluesKajEzim, you can say the same thing about ubuntu all of it's derivatives21:25
EzimBluesKaj: :) yeah my question was towards kubuntu, not the other buntu.21:25
BluesKajwell, it's kde , some ppl prefer kde to the other desktops21:26
EzimBluesKaj: exactly. :)21:27
ScottKEzim: Kubuntu is stability, but not acient.21:27
EzimScottK: debian testing is also stable and not acient :).21:27
ScottKIf you want to run KDE 4.4 in 2012, then Debian Squeeze is a good choice.21:27
BluesKajnetrunner doesmn't use some of the default kubuntu apps , it even uses some gtk apps by default21:28
ScottKThat's a mix of 4.7 and 4.8 right now.21:28
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1011400] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buf... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1011400 (by Manuel)21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1011400 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "package libqtcore4 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: lectura insuficiente en buffer_copy para error en dpkg-deb durante `./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libQtCore.so.4.8.1'" [Undecided,New]21:38
debfxkubotu: why do you only post useless bug reports?21:41
debfxyofel: is there a launchpad bug for the polkit hibernation issue?21:52
shadeslayerpkgkde-symbolshelper seems a bit busted21:52
yofeldebfx: bug 989652 against kubuntu-ppa is what I remember21:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989652 in Kubuntu PPA "Hibernate only locks the screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98965221:54
shadeslayerI've been meaning to ask, what does this : +#MISSING: 0.4.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1# _ZN6Attica8Metadata7PrivateD1Ev@Base 0.4.0 : signify?22:24
shadeslayerthe MISSING part I mean22:25
shadeslayernvm ... debian has docs on this :|22:25

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