
lifelessbenji: around?00:00
lifelessbenji: would like to briefly talk about 'logs' w/you.00:00
lifelessif not, thats fine too, we can sync another time, no rush.00:01
wgrantlifeless: Hm?00:11
lifeless8.5 second query00:14
lifelessto grab products00:14
_mup_Bug #1016156: ProjectGroup:+index timeout due to slow query of subprojects <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016156 >00:14
wgrantlifeless: I don't think that's real00:15
wgrantlifeless: Given that the same query took 4ms 6ms earlier.00:15
lifelessGIL interference is a possibility00:15
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lifelessis there a faq / updated docs for the new ec2 land setup ?01:41
StevenKNew as in lp-dev-utils?01:43
lifelesstime I fixed my landing setup01:43
lifelessso I can land bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/sourcecode-meta01:43
StevenKlifeless: Uses the same creds as when it was in bin/01:44
StevenKlifeless: I have a checkout of lp-dev-utils in ~/launchpad and a symlink into it from ~/bin01:45
lifelessI have questions like: is it a package, do we run it from source?01:45
lifelessStevenK: and I'm sure other folk who join the team will need to know, which is why my *first* question was on docs ;)01:45
lifelessStevenK: I do appreciate the direct help.01:46
lifelessStevenK: I guess I"m trying to do two separate but overlapping things.01:46
StevenKlifeless: https://dev.launchpad.net/EC2Test01:49
wgrantlifeless' branch is cursed.01:57
wgrantWith an early MP, again01:58
StevenKI've been waiting for the scanner before proposing01:58
StevenKWhich is annoying01:58
StevenKDoes dev log oops into /var/tmp/lperr?02:07
wgrantIf you kill rabbit, yep02:07
StevenKAnd if rabbit is running?02:08
wgrantYou'll need to run an amqp2disk02:08
wgrantSo kill rabbit02:08
lifelessor run an amqp2disk :P02:09
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/destroy-bprc/+merge/11154205:32
wgrantStevenK: Looking05:34
wgrantStevenK: yay05:35
StevenKwgrant: And https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/drop-populate-branch-ap/+merge/11154405:56
wgrantStevenK: You ran it on DF?05:59
StevenKwgrant: Hm, I'm not sure it is useful to change samepledata for it. There are two private branches in it.06:02
wgrantStevenK: Ah, indeed, that's a good point. Run it over both sets of sampledata.06:03
wgrantAnd manually delete the scriptactivity rows that it creates.06:03
wgrant(make sure you limit garbo to just that one job)06:03
StevenKI did so for DF too06:03
wgrantAnd do review the sampledata diff to make sure it's sensible.06:04
StevenKOh, default LPCONFIG and the other is testrunner or something?06:05
wgrantLPCONFIG=development and LPCONFIG=test-playground06:05
wgrantdevelopment is usually the default06:05
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StevenKwgrant: sampledata changes pushed to drop-populate-branch-ap06:14
wgrantStevenK: LGTM06:17
* StevenK lp-lands06:18
rick_h_lifeless: commented on the bug, will try to get a branch that nukes it out in the morning06:34
lifelessrick_h_: \o/07:17
adeuringgood morning07:53
ivoryrick_h_: it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/82429208:41
_mup_Bug #824292: DistroSeries page: "Show uploads" vs "All uploads" <confusing-ui> <easy> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824292 >08:41
cjwatsonStevenK: any further comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/pcj-reupload/+merge/111124, or should it be "Status: Approved"?  I've given up on the removeSecurityProxy avoidance I wanted to do, although if you have any bright ideas on that I'm certainly listening.08:44
cjwatsonQA might be exciting.  I guess I'll need ops to create me a p3a on qas or something, when the time comes08:46
cjwatsonStevenK: I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053911/ in my local tree; but those are pre-existing bugs, I believe, and I think I might be better off fixing them in separate branches08:47
StevenKcjwatson: I'm not certain the package copier even supports custom uploads.08:50
StevenKcjwatson: However, I agree with you,the XXX's are fine for the moment, and you can address them in later branches.08:51
cjwatsonThose are uncommitted XXXs, but maybe I should commit them08:52
* cjwatson does so08:54
cjwatsonDirect copies don't support custom uploads, but I think delayed copies do.08:54
cjwatsonIn fact I know they do.08:54
cjwatsonSo it's sort of technically a regression; but it only matters if they publish d-i or dist-upgrader updates.08:55
cjwatsonOh, hm, wait, does it matter for translation tarballs?08:55
cjwatsonMaybe I need to fix these in a separate branch *first* :-(08:56
cjwatsonOtherwise I can imagine hilarity if there's some kind of firedrill security update.08:56
jmlwith reference to my question yesterday,09:04
jml'bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/$FOO' works09:04
cjwatsonFortunately copying custom uploads was on my to-do list anyway, so I guess this just moves it around.09:04
lifelessjml: we have a fake bzr branch metadata served by LP at that location.09:07
lifelessjml: it will work for any series as well09:08
jmllifeless: thanks.09:16
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
jamcjwatson: I've been tasked with trying to clean up some space from the librarian, and it was recommended that I talk to you about space being used by the primary archive.09:22
* cjwatson is on -ops too, so either way09:32
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sinzuiyo, deryck, jcsackett, rick_h_. I am looking at the bug tag editor. It flashes green on failure, I think this should be red. It flashed red on cancel...even though the UI is restored14:54
sinzuishould I reverse the colours?14:55
jcsackettsinzui: red on fail sounds good to me.14:55
jcsackettwas pretty sure that was our standard.14:55
rick_h_+1 sinzui14:55
rick_h_I think it's probably wired green because of successful ajax call or something like that. See that a lot14:56
sinzuirick_h_, that is my conclusion as well14:56
deryckyeah, agree with the above :)14:57
sinzuigentleman, I have some confidence that I will add tag completion to +filebug and search today14:59
jcsackettsinzui: you're a hero. :-)15:00
sinzuiNo, I am just tired is mis-spelling bug tags when I file and search for bugs15:01
flacosterick_h_: do you have a link to the morph component you want to send to the YUI gallery%?15:45
flacosterick_h_: codebrowse link would be fine15:45
rick_h_flacoste: sure, sec15:47
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
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mrevellHey deryck, got time for a quick call?16:24
mrevellno worries if not16:24
deryckmrevell, sure, I can.  Just you and I or someone else?16:25
mrevellJust me :)16:25
deryckmrevell, hangout?16:26
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sinzuijcsackett, I don't see reviewer about. Could you review this branch since it follows up on the branch you reviews yesterday. https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/bug-tag-enhacement/+merge/11163916:47
jcsackettsinzui: sure.16:58
rick_h_sinzui: commented, thanks for that cleanup. Makes a bunch of sense.17:06
sinzuithank you!17:06
sinzuirick_h_, I look for support for passing a list of nodes17:07
sinzuiIt did not seem to be supported17:07
* sinzui is happy to pass a list17:07
rick_h_sinzui: yea, I thought you could just pass a list but I couldn't get that to work in the fiddle with 3.4, but a nodelist worked17:09
rick_h_sinzui: the one tricky bit is that &nbsp; you had, so I wrapped that into a span so it was a node17:09
rick_h_hopefully doesn't effect anything else17:09
sinzuithe nbsp is a hack. Maybe I want a css rule input + button {padding-left: .5em;}17:10
rick_h_yea, probably better in the long run17:10
sinzuiI will try that17:10
rick_h_so yea, if the NodeList works for you then you can also drop a bunch of the var XXXX at the top as well hopefully17:11
rick_h_since I think they were just for HIDDEN class bits and then for your .append()'s17:11
rick_h_sinzui: can I bug you to peek at: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/remove_mustache/+merge/111633 and sanity check that's all I need to do for removing that sourcedep17:16
jcsackettsinzui: I see rick_h finished up whilst i was looking at it, but r=me.17:31
rick_h_abentley: can you peek at the above MP ^ if you have a chance?17:40
abentleyrick_h_: sure.17:40
rick_h_one liner ftw! but finding that one line...17:41
replaceafillsinzui, i asked you yesterday about LP: #21082117:41
_mup_Bug #210821: bug tracker list shows inactive projects <404> <bugwatch> <lp-bugs> <oops> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/210821 >17:41
replaceafillsinzui, this is the test i wrote: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1054651/17:41
abentleyrick_h_: Do you think that forking Mustache is a good long-term solution?17:42
rick_h_abentley: well, the long term solution is to replace handlebars with mustache in 3.517:44
rick_h_abentley:  possibly pybars, but in order to do combo loading we have ot subsume mustache into our build dir17:44
abentleyrick_h_: It was a symlink already.  There shouldn't be a problem putting a symlink into our build dir.17:45
rick_h_abentley: right, but it's not a YUI module17:45
rick_h_that's why we subsumed it, so it could be combo loaded/wrapped17:45
abentleyrick_h_: But you can turn it into a module as part of the build phase, right?17:46
rick_h_I suppose we could generate the YUI file as a special case for that module.17:46
rick_h_abentley: but in talks with deryck the decision was to move towards taking over/owning the JS we use such as the accoridion widget, mustache, etc17:47
abentleyrick_h_: I don't understand why that would apply to Mustache, but not to YUI, esp when YUI contains something some similar to Mustache.17:47
gary_posterjml, do you mind if I link publicly to the fabulous but depressingly large checklist you are working on? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1A8qTOYZd7p9dhjmlnnEKW46h38ydt9yNbmfgX3yhPGw/edit17:48
jmlgary_poster: please go ahead17:48
rick_h_abentley: not following that last bit. Why we don't just copy YUI into tree?17:48
abentleyrick_h_: If we have a bug that we've forked Mustache, then I'm fine with landing this.17:48
jmlgary_poster: my desperate plea for help is only more likely to be answered for wider publicity17:48
sinzuireplaceafill, That looks good. I think `login(ADMIN_EMAIL)` should be `login_celebrity('admins')` which avoids using the sampledata users that is more than an admin17:49
gary_posterjml, I thought as much. :-)17:49
abentleyrick_h_: Why are we taking over/owning Mustache, when we're not taking over/owning YUI?  They are both libraries that we use.17:49
sinzuireplaceafill, push your branch up and ask me to review it. I can land it with the change I requested17:50
replaceafillsinzui, great, thanks!17:50
rick_h_abentley: it's a matter of scope and YUI plays nice with the combo loader and mustache didn't. The original work to fork/take over mustache in tree is long gone/done. This just finishes the cleanup by removing the sourcedep17:50
rick_h_this was gone over when I originally added Y.app.mustache and got the green light after those discussions17:51
rick_h_abentley: I'll add a bug marking lp.app.mustache as needing to be deprecated as part of the yui 3.5 upgrade.17:51
rick_h_and XXX the current lp.app.mustache17:51
abentleyrick_h_: I'd like a bug saying that we've forked mustache.17:52
abentleyrick_h_: Because there aren't any meaningful changes in our fork.  It's all just packaging.17:54
rick_h_abentley: added 101666617:55
rick_h_sorry #101666617:55
_mup_Bug #1016666: launchpad contains a forked version of mustache.js <js> <yui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016666 >17:55
abentleyrick_h_: It may be a bug that mustache is used at all, but that's a different bug from the fact that we have a spurious fork.17:56
rick_h_abentley: sure, understand and added it. The two kind of fit together in my mind as I think about them together as a single issue17:57
rick_h_but understand, bug added that we've got the fork at all17:57
abentleyrick_h_: to be clear: you've just now added two bugs?  What's the id of the second?17:58
rick_h_abentley: no, one bug, just iddn't add the # for the bot so repeated17:58
rick_h_I've only added a bug that we've forked handlebars and added a comment that there's a plan to move away from it.17:58
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abentleyrick_h_: I've changed your bug to "launchpad uses mustache.js" and I'm filing a new "launchpad has a spurious fork of mustache.js".17:59
abentleyrick_h_: filed as #101666818:02
_mup_Bug #1016668: launchpad has a spurious fork of mustache.js <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016668 >18:02
jcsackettabentley, rick_h_: using mustache is a bug now?18:05
abentleyjcsackett: rick_h_ thinks we should deprecate it and move to handlebars.18:06
jcsackettabentley: ah. okay, i'm down with that.18:07
abentleyrick_h_: r=me18:07
rick_h_abentley: ty18:07
rick_h_jcsackett: eventually it's the master plan with YUI 3.5 having handlebars included. Combo loader, YUI upgrade, no more mustache is the goal18:07
abentleyrick_h_: There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip, i.e. we may not end up moving to handlebars.18:10
rick_h_abentley: understand, why I'm not arguing the two bugs with you. They are separate concerns.18:10
abentleyrick_h_: Cool.18:11
abentleyrick_h_: In fact, we could stay forked, but push it up as a branch of lp:mustache.js.  That would be cleaner IMO, but would make sourcecode necessary again.18:13
rick_h_abentley: right, this change is coming because lifeless wants to remove sourcecode and I'm working to help with that18:14
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
abentleyrick_h_: What's the alternative to something like sourcecode?18:15
rick_h_abentley: I'm not sure tbh. package all the things?18:16
abentleyrick_h_: We only have custom package for Python things, though.  I don't think we want python packaging of JS things.18:17
rick_h_abentley: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/sourcecode-meta/+merge/11152718:17
rick_h_abentley: well, there's work underway to package up yui itself, so that side will. Now outside of that yea, not sure how it'll be handled best18:17
abentleyrick_h_: package it up as python or deb?18:19
rick_h_abentley: package yui 3.5 as a .deb18:19
rick_h_abentley: I'm trying to ec2 land this and getting an error https://pastebin.canonical.com/68740/18:20
rick_h_have you seen this with colo branches perhaps? It's my new dev setup though so might be something else I've not done right18:20
abentleyrick_h_: I think if you specify a non-local branch, you have to use the merge proposal url.18:21
rick_h_I got the same error with the full url18:21
rick_h_hmm, maybe I gave it the branch url, let me look18:22
rick_h_ah yea, my bad18:22
replaceafillsinzui, merge requested18:30
replaceafillsinzui, let me know if you want me to change something18:30
replaceafillsinzui, i'll look for another trivial bug :)18:31
sinzuireplaceafill, can you make a one line code change to login_celebrity('admin') so that sample data does not skew the results18:34
replaceafillsinzui, oops, i forgot that, sorry18:35
replaceafillwill fix18:35
replaceafillsinzui, done18:42
sinzuireplaceafill, I am landing the branch now18:44
replaceafillsinzui, thanks!18:44
abentleyderyck: my mind is exploding because this assertion is failing: https://pastebin.canonical.com/68746/18:58
deryckabentley, let me look....19:01
deryckabentley, have you pdb'ed into it and looked at branch.unqiue_name vs what's in the keys?  maybe it's something as simple as one is unicode and one is a string, or some such?19:02
abentleyderyck: I've only been able to reproduce it in script runs so far, but they are actually different URLs.19:03
deryckabentley, ah, hmmm, that is strange.19:04
deryckabentley, so it looks it up by what's in the keys list, but then doesn't match after the fact?  that makes literally no sense. :)19:04
abentleyderyck: Here's an example: https://pastebin.canonical.com/68748/19:05
abentleyderyck: So branch unique name is u'~person-name-100007/product-name-100002/branch-100008', but it matched '~person-name-100007/product-name-100002/unique-from-test-rewrite-py-line267-100043'19:06
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deryckabentley, I'm not sure how that could happen. I'm sorry.  Maybe take a look at the entire result set rather than what is returned by the one call?  Just to get more ideas?19:11
abentleyderyck: The resultset is one item long.  ResultSet.one errors if there is > 1 result.19:12
abentleyderyck: (If you're expecting > 1, you use ResultSet.any)19:12
abentleyderyck: Aha!  transaction.commit fixes it.19:14
abentleyderyck: unique_name is kept up to date by a trigger, so I bet that's implicated.  Somehow.19:17
deryckabentley, ah, yeah, that makes sense.19:17
deryckchanged out from under you.  yuck, that is hard to find.19:17
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cjwatsonStevenK: I've thought some more about https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/pcj-reupload/+merge/111124, and tracked down bug numbers for the remaining XXXes; I have another branch up for review that addresses copying of custom uploads, and I expect I'll be able to fix the P-a-s handling first thing next week since I now understand what's going on there.  Regarding the change of the delayed default, all the ...23:53
cjwatson... non-test users are either explicit about what they want (in particular I was careful with Archive.syncSource(s)), are definitely OK with direct copies, or probably nobody has ever cared about whether they work with a private source archive (InitializeDistroSeries); so I'm confident at this point that the test suite will handle the rest.23:53
cjwatsonStevenK: So, if you'd be happy to update Status, I'd be happy to land it at this point.  I think the chances of a security update in the interim that needs to include a debian-installer or dist-upgrader custom upload are negligible, and even if it does happen the worst case is that we need to publish those manually (which we're already doing a fair bit of anyway, until such time as my copy-custom-uploads branch lands).23:58

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