
=== chu_ is now known as chu
twobottuxauappdev: Quickly Application making it run on startup <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154411/quickly-application-making-it-run-on-startup>01:31
dholbachgood morning06:56
dholbachajmitch, shall I sent some "please vote" emails for the apps which I worked on?07:03
dholbachto get them reviewed etc07:03
twobottuxauappdev: TypeError: Expected Gtk.Widget, but got GObjectMeta <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154515/typeerror-expected-gtk-widget-but-got-gobjectmeta>07:33
twobottuxauappdev: Why does creating a new tab give me 'TypeError: Expected Gtk.Widget, but got GObjectMeta'? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154515/why-does-creating-a-new-tab-give-me-typeerror-expected-gtk-widget-but-got-gob>07:39
tvnmskQUESTION: regarding app showdown: which location would be ideal to persist data? (in the form of xml or json file)07:57
twobottuxauappdev: How to add widgets on GUI developed with Glade? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154167/how-to-add-widgets-on-gui-developed-with-glade>08:21
dholbachtvnmsk, I'm not part of the organisers of the team, but I personally found dealing with json always a lot easier08:22
tvnmskthx, but where to save these files?08:23
dholbachif it's user data, you might want to stick it into ~/.local/share/<app>/<datafiles>08:24
dholbachif you use python, you can even easily save simple objects by doing something along the lines of saving   json.dumps([a.__dict__ for a in objects])   into a file, which I personally find much easier than building an xml tree, etc08:26
twobottuxauappdev: Can I see the "App Showdown" on Monday later? [closed] <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154254/can-i-see-the-app-showdown-on-monday-later>08:26
lemairequickly package command fails, is this a known bug? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154534/quickly-package-command-fails>09:19
dholbachlemaire, can you please run 'debuild' in the source directory and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com?09:21
dholbach"quickly package" unfortunately eats a lot of the useful output here :)09:21
lemairedholbach, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053956/09:25
dholbachlemaire, does your first line in debian/changelog start with "Unity Bookmarks"?09:26
dholbachor maybe it's in debian/control?09:27
dholbachif so, please change it to "unity-bookmarks"09:27
lemairedebian/changelog is correct, but in debian control the first line is "Source: Unity Bookmarks"09:31
dholbachyes, please check it09:31
dholbachchange it09:31
lemairewhen I change it to unity-bookmarks and try to run package, it changes back09:31
dholbachalso in the stanza below09:32
dholbachthere might be other places as well where it might be worth changing it09:33
lemaireok, I'll check it out, I probably changed the name somewhere09:34
lemaireI'll get back to you, thanks09:34
lemaireI changed the name in setup.py and now it works, although I get a warning about sending credentials09:37
lemaire** (setup.py:6251): WARNING **: Error sending credentials: Error sending message: Operation not permitted09:38
lemaireshould I be worried or can I ignore this?09:38
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njallamCan I have some help with this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/154515/why-does-creating-a-new-tab-give-me-typeerror-expected-gtk-widget-but-got-gob09:57
dholbachlemaire, I'm not sure about what "sending credentials" might be - dpm?10:11
dpmdholbach, hm, not sure about the credential parts either10:59
lemairedholbach, I'll just ignore the credentials part for now, it doesn't seem to be a big problem11:28
lemairethanks for the help11:29
dholbachlemaire, de rien12:12
gr8linuxI need to know which signal will caught the user "enter" on an "Enrtry" object12:20
gr8linuxI need to know which signal will caught the user "enter" on an "Enrtry" object12:41
twobottuxauappdev: How to add vte terminal widget in GTK3? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154354/how-to-add-vte-terminal-widget-in-gtk3>12:46
tvnmskgr8linux, i'm not a part of the ubuntu app team, but you can take a look at http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.04/python/Gtk-2.0.html#Gtk.Entry , if the current implemented signals aren't those you needed you could maybe implement them yourself12:49
tvnmskand you could also try out the standard singals by implemnting a callback (e.g. print)  and see which singal gets called when you "enter".12:52
twobottuxauappdev: Get child elements of an element <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154613/get-child-elements-of-an-element>13:21
gr8linuxtvnmsk: Thanks13:37
dpmwow, nice to see we're getting more updates about submissions: http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppShowdown13:44
dholbachholy cow :)13:44
tvnmskgr8linux I hope it helps, i'm a beginner when it comes to ubuntu dev13:50
twobottuxauappdev: Error while running Quickly <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154615/error-while-running-quickly>14:24
dholbachdavidcalle, did you see the last update I pushed to my wikipedia lens branch? debian/copyright update?14:52
davidcalledholbach, thanks :)14:55
twobottuxauappdev: How to keep Text within GTK CellRenderers at center? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154657/how-to-keep-text-within-gtk-cellrenderers-at-center>15:18
twobottuxauappdev: any basic app packaging gui for a newbie? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154659/any-basic-app-packaging-gui-for-a-newbie>15:25
twobottuxauappdev: any basic app packaging guide for a newbie? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154659/any-basic-app-packaging-guide-for-a-newbie>15:30
twobottuxauappdev: Gtk Notebook widget in a Notebook widget <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154687/gtk-notebook-widget-in-a-notebook-widget>16:35
twobottuxauappdev: How do I create a GTK Notebook widget inside another Notebook widget? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154687/how-do-i-create-a-gtk-notebook-widget-inside-another-notebook-widget>16:41
twobottuxauappdev: How do I commit changes to a text file on button press? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154605/how-do-i-commit-changes-to-a-text-file-on-button-press>16:53
twobottuxauappdev: How to detect a computer's physical screen size in GTK <http://askubuntu.com/questions/153549/how-to-detect-a-computers-physical-screen-size-in-gtk>17:05
twobottuxauappdev: Get child elements of a Notebook <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154613/get-child-elements-of-a-notebook>17:41
pavolzetorhi, are there any demographics about ubuntu users?17:43
pavolzetorI mean tech-savvy, basic users categories17:44
mhall119read and upvote18:46
twobottuxauappdev: Basic Image editing in python <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154736/basic-image-editing-in-python>19:08
twobottuxauappdev: Linuxubuntu1234 <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154764/linuxubuntu1234>20:34
twobottuxauappdev: Linuxubuntu1234 [closed] <http://askubuntu.com/questions/154764/linuxubuntu1234>21:04

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