
willwhhey guys :)02:02
willwhnever really touched php.... being offered some good cash to do a series of jobs for a friend02:02
willwhtrying to get up to speed02:02
dscasselThe docs on php.net are pretty good.  I think I bought one PHP book but never had to use it much.02:19
willwhhey dscassel can I toss a gis for you to look at?02:22
willwhand maybe the source of return02:22
willwhand give me some hints >.>02:22
willwhpromise it'll be quick ;]02:22
willwhinfact - I got it :)02:24
dscasselSure! Uh, great!02:24
willwhheh :)02:25
willwhor not >.>02:25
willwhdscassel: just using the softlayer api for testing: https://gist.github.com/14f6223829fa382226b502:28
willwhjust not sure the best way to structure things02:29
dscasselYou mean like whether you should use classes or something?02:30
willwhlike, that method returns an array of objects, I want to query the api further (passing an ID per server and getting b/w utilization out)02:30
dscasselI probably wouldn't unless it was going to get reasonably complicated.02:32
willwhnah not really02:32
dscasselJust get something that works and refactor as necessary.02:32
dscasselPHP code is pretty ugly at the best of times. :)02:33
dscassel(not perl, admittedly, but still. :)02:33
willwhbut with this array that is returned02:33
willwhsomething like foreach(?????) :)02:34
dscasselMan, it's been a while.  But yeah, that's reasonable.02:36
willwhyeah - I have never touched php really and02:36
willwhyuck, so far.02:36
dscasselYeah. :)02:36
dscasselI've been doing a lot of python lately.  PHP's even more terrible than I remember. :)02:37
dscasselFun fact: Rasmus did his undergrad at the University of Waterloo. :)02:38
willwh :)02:38
BobJonkmanMinutes are now up for Wednesday's IRC meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-06-2007:56
BobJonkmanMinutes for previous months are yet to be done07:56
jlamotheIs anyone else having problems with Ubuntu One reporting that their synced files are up-to-date when they're not?15:10
willwhjlamothe: I don't use it18:11
willwhI find the interface to be horribly horribly slow18:11

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