
pleia2greg-g: there is a tiny team working on it (really, I think it's just AlanBell) and moin syntax is hard, I'm sure he'd welcome help fixing it up :) https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology01:59
bkerensa¡ʎɐp ʎɯ suınɹ uıoɯ02:00
greg-gpleia2: I'll take a look at it, it seems straight forward to me (the changes needed) but, things are never as simple as they seem :)04:37
AlanBellgreg-g: there are some others interested in fixing it too, join #meetingology05:28
jonoAlanBell, did I imagine this or did you create a spec for real world accomplishments?05:56
AlanBellmade some ideas for them06:27
AlanBelldepends on some human verified facility being closer to existing06:27
dholbachgood morning06:56
hobgoblinhi dholbach06:57
dholbachhi hobgoblin06:58
popeywondered why this channel was quiet.. I was in #ubuntu-commnuity-team09:19
popeyAlanBell, pad.ubuntu.com eats cpu in chrome.. have you noticed this?09:19
popeymakes my cpu go to 100% and becomes unusable09:19
popeybah, not just pad.ubuntu.com - all pads do it, ignore me09:20
AlanBellworks fine for me in chromium09:21
popeyVersion 21.0.1180.0 dev09:22
AlanBellis chrome any different to chromium from your point of view?09:22
AlanBell18.0.1025.168 (Developer Build 134367 Linux) Built on Ubuntu 12.04, running on Ubuntu 12.1009:22
popeyit has a nicer icon09:22
AlanBellyeah, that seems to be the primary reason people select chrome09:23
AlanBellI quite like the chromium icon09:23
popeyhmm, seems fine in chromium, I'll use that09:24
jcastrojono: hey, check the accomplishment server14:33
jcastroI bet I pegged it14:33
jcastroMy ubuntuone caught up and it spent like 3 minutes giving me accomplishments, heh14:33
jonojcastro, it is fine, why?14:33
jcastrohey so, if anyone asks, the append thing in notify-osd works awesome14:33
jcastroit gave me like at least 20 iirc14:33
jonojcastro, sweet :-)14:35
jonomakes it a lot nicer for the first run when you get a bunch of trophies14:35
dholbachhey jono14:35
jonohey dholbach14:36
dholbachhow's life over there?14:36
jcastroit's the first time I've seen append in notify-osd14:36
jcastroit's pretty awesome14:36
jonodholbach, all good thanks :-)14:37
jonowoke up early naturally as opposed to be the alarm14:37
jonooddly :-)14:37
jonojcastro, :-)14:37
mhall119jcastro: I showed append in notify-osd in my Hello-Unity demos, now I know you weren't paying any attention :(14:38
jcastromhall119: you didn't do like 30 in a row!14:40
jcastroI mean seeing it work in an app14:40
mhall119oh, so hello-unity isn't an app now?14:48
jcastrohah come on man, why you bustin my chops14:48
mhall119because it's Friday14:50
jcastrowe meet in ~5 min?14:56
jonodholbach, jcastro, balloons, dpm, mhall119 all set?14:57
jcastroyup typ14:57
balloonsdualing monitors and meetings, check14:57
jonodholbach, jcastro, balloons, dpm, mhall119 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f735b0a7da1bd56528ca495e4703a1689ade487d?authuser=0&hl=en-US14:58
dpmjono, I'll be a couple of minutes late, but I'll be there14:59
paultagHey, pleia2 / czajkowski / other CC folks who happen to be here -- Can someone talk with GitHub about getting https://github.com/Ubuntu under Ubuntu control? http://github.com/Debian was just reclaimed by Debian, and I think it'd be neat if Ubuntu had an official unofficial org on GitHub as well.15:39
paultagyou can even add a README.Ubuntu (or something) like Debian has explaining that people should use LP instead, but if they have to engage with upstreams via GitHub, that this might be an OK place to do it15:40
paultagin any case, the Ubuntu account is a Trademark violation if it's not under Ubuntnu control :)15:41
AlanBellpaultag: that looks entirely harmless15:49
paultagAlanBell: that's not the point, it's like parking Ubuntu.net15:51
paultagwhich may be "harmless", but you can't slack on trademark enforcement.15:51
paultagAlso, it would be nice to have.15:51
* greg-g nods in agreement15:56
pleia2paultag: probably something better for the Tech Board16:07
pleia2since they manage all the dev stuff16:07
paultagpleia2: ack, thanks.16:07
jcastro<-- lunching16:25
jonopaultag, why do we need to control it?16:29
jonoparticularly if right now it is not blocking work?16:29
jonothis isnt a tech board thing in my mind as this does not relate technical policy which is their purvue16:29
paultagjono: I'd like to have used it for if I need to fork / work on github as an Ubuntu member, but it's not urgent. I saw it when I looked, and figured you'd like to know16:30
jonoif anything this is a trademarks thing16:30
paultagsince people can't buy ubuntu.*16:30
jonothanks paultag16:30
paultageven though it won't block anything16:30
jonopaultag, if anything this should go to trademarks@ubuntu.com to resolve Ubuntu namespace issues16:30
paultagplus, it'd be a generally nice thing to do :)16:30
dholbachalright my friends - I'll walk out into the weekend - have a great one yourself! :)16:30
paultagyeah, I figured. I was hoping a friendly email to GitHub would be easier :)16:30
paultagdholbach: o//16:30
paultagthey did it for Debian quickly and without much issue16:31
bkerensapaultag: yeah generally most services and sites only require a e-mail from someone who holds a e-mail under the same namespace (domain)16:33
paultagthat was the case for Debian16:33
paultagand I figured since it was so quick and easy, and a generally good idea, we might be interested16:33
paultagbut it seems like not so much16:33
paultagI'll poke the TB, but I see y'all don't really care :)16:33
paultagso, namesquatter ahoy :)16:33
bkerensaI think its a good idea... further it would be nice if Xubuntu had @Xubuntu on twitter16:34
bkerensawhich also would only require an e-mail :P16:34
jcastro"I have 30 houses, 10 women, 10 different jobs (5 illegal). Why should i create an app?"17:20
jcastroman, some of these apps look awesome17:20
jcastrojono: ah here we go, 69 new app-dev questions this week17:27
jonojcastro, sweet!17:27
jcastro12 asked today17:27
jcastro359 all time17:27
dpmjcastro, nice!17:36
mhall119jcastro: awesome17:42
jcastrolook at this one18:33
jcastroit's a desktop integration thing for gdocs18:33
jcastrothat is /awesome/18:33
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
greg-gjono: just a warning, but you missed some important aspects of communication and community in that post that will come across as you not getting it.20:03
jonogreg-g, I am sure20:03
jonoand that is fine20:03
jonoI am not expecting everyone to agree with me20:03
greg-gsort of20:03
jonoI am just one opinion20:03
* AlanBell will make a resolution to offend jono on an irregular basis20:03
greg-gI think that exhibits one of things you are not mentioning in the post20:04
jonoAlanBell, lulz20:04
jonogreg-g, what exhibits what?20:04
greg-g"I am just one opinion"20:04
greg-gpower dyanmics20:04
jonowhat do you mean?20:04
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
greg-gI assume you have read some of the current writings on tech culture and its fit with minority groups and why certain aspects are not welcoming?20:05
greg-gI mean, this post didn't come out of no where20:05
greg-gso, a big part of those writings is about power dynamics, in fact, that is a crux to many20:06
jonobut what does me saying my opinion is just one view have to do with that?20:06
greg-gwho are you, jono? what role do you play, what is your context in this situation/community?20:06
greg-gwhat (oh my god, here it comes) privileged position are you speaking from?20:06
paultagMr. Bacon20:07
greg-gthese are important questions that do in fact lead us to talk about power dynamics and why one opinion is not just one opinion20:07
jonogreg-g, I agree I have influence in Ubuntu because of my position, but my point is that it is just one view20:08
greg-gso, all I want to say is: by speaking in a cultural reletivist tone, you ignore the fact that offense does happen, and harassment does happen in drive by situations (think: construction worker harassing woman walking by)20:08
jonogreg-g, I am a bit confused about what point you are making20:08
jonohey paultag20:08
bkerensajono: I thought it was a great post.20:10
jonothanks bkerensa20:10
greg-gall in all, good points, be aware of the social situation etc, but by not mentioning power dynamics and emphasizing the "one person, one opinion" trope, it really misses the mark of the current discourse around this topic20:12
jonogreg-g, I don't think that just because I am a leader in Ubuntu that my opinion should have any more weight than anyone elses20:13
jonoif some people give it more weight because of that, that is their own issue20:14
greg-gso, kinda missed the point again, the last phrase is the important part of my sentence. Heck, just remove the point about opinions and reread the sentence :)20:15
greg-gall in all, good points, be aware of the social situation etc, but by not mentioning power dynamics, it really misses the mark of the current discourse around this topic20:15
jonogreg-g, but what are power dynamics in your mind?20:15
greg-gmore importantly, what are they in yours?20:16
jonogreg-g, I think there are always dynamics20:16
jonosuch as a position in the community someone has, experience level, gender, where they live etc20:17
jonoI have seen people write about the concept of being "privileged", e.g. me being a white male, but I often see that within the context of "you have your opinion because you are privileged" which I find condescending20:18
jonoI am not denying I have privilage20:18
jonoand I don't face some of the challenges that others face (e.g. I don't face the same issues that many women in Open Source face)20:18
jonobut I don't see my privilage as being something that undermines my opinions and message20:19
greg-gif I s/undermines/influences/ would you agree?20:20
IdleOneI am not sure what post started this thread but I agree with jono that just because I am a white male doesn't mean I can't sympathize or understand issues that "minorities" might have20:21
greg-gI don't think anyone said anything of the sort20:22
greg-gespecially not me20:22
jonogreg-g, I think everything will influence me, so I don't deny that my privilage will influence me too, but I also don't see it as disconnecting me from the experiences of others20:22
jonogreg-g, likewise, someone who is the inverse of privilaged (unprivilaged? :-) ) will have their views shaped20:23
greg-gjono: I think I should just leave it with: be aware of your influences, whatever those may be, and how those influence might change your opinion/behavior, then, see how others might understand your choices/opinions/behavior in their context.20:23
jonoI think there is risk on both sides of either privilage or lack of it of not seeing thing for what they are, but it takes concious thought to be concious of the wider horizon20:23
jonogreg-g, I agree20:24
greg-gwhich is kind of what you said in your post,..... right20:24
jonoIdleOne, for context: http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/06/22/harassment-vs-offense/20:26
* hobgoblin just read that 20:27
hobgoblinI understand what both were saying - but really want to know if that's Schrödinger's cat20:27
paultagjono: Oh, I wasn't actually trying to ping you, just riffing off greg-g20:29
jonopaultag, oh lol20:30
greg-gpaultag: :)20:30
IdleOnejono: was reading as you posted the link :)20:35
jonoIdleOne, :-)20:36
IdleOnefor the record. I agree.20:36
IdleOnewhat freaks me out is how google knows I am looking for Jono bacon when I type jono in the search bar20:37
IdleOneDude, it's like your somebody special or something20:38
jcastrogreg-g: hey hippie, you offend me20:40
paultagjcastro: you live in a state of old people20:47
mhall119jono: can you reddit http://mhall119.com/2012/06/my-app-developer-showdown-entry/ please20:49
jonomhall119, totally!20:49
mhall119I'm putting it on /r/ubuntuappshowdown20:51
jonomhall119, really awesome blog entry!21:16
mhall119thanks jono21:17
jonomhall119, did you see http://blog.bonik.org/2012/06/drum-machine-demo.html ?22:59
mhall119we're getting so many apps being written, even I'm surprised by how many23:20
mhall119and quite a variety too23:22
doctormonI'm updating the classroom's planet branding. Let me know if anyone has any objections.23:54

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