
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
dholbachgood morning06:57
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bdrungtumbleweed: can i do a udt release?10:55
tumbleweedbdrung: yup, I picked off the low hanging fruit a day or two ago10:57
bdrungtumbleweed: or do you want to do the upload?10:57
* tumbleweed doesn't care too much10:57
tumbleweedthanks for sorting out devscripts dch10:57
bdrungtumbleweed: it needed some thought to work on all distributions correctly11:02
tumbleweedit does feel like distro-info is going to need some re-architecting when we have more distros11:03
bdrungtumbleweed: yes, but as long as every distro has a different release model, it makes no sense11:05
bdrungtumbleweed: when can we drop reverse-build-depends?11:12
Laneywhen reverse-depends gets an offline mode?11:14
tumbleweedLaney: reverse-build-depensd is a reverse-depends wrapper11:14
Laneyi thought it was a standalone command11:15
Laneyor was it before?11:15
tumbleweedit used to be11:15
Laneyi see11:15
Laneydon't see why it needs removing then11:16
tumbleweedbug 91042011:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 910420 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[reverse-build-depends] Vanished" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91042011:16
tumbleweedgive it another release or two...11:16
Laneydoesn't cause any harm ...11:16
tumbleweedit results in a lintian complaint, because there isn't a manpage11:17
bdrungthen i want a man page11:17
blueyedI am merging vim from unstable for quantal, but get an error from debuild because of a locally modified po file: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Ht1Qefmi Any hint why that is?13:33
blueyeddebuild output: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JfHH9RTN13:33
blueyedProbably because the po files get rebuild in a different way than upstream does..?!13:35
geserblueyed: I usually merge vim by hand (apply the Ubuntu delta) and handle the few patch rejects by hand (usually only debian/changelog)14:02
geserand don't bother with updated po-files (I don't know where it comes from in the first place)14:02
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Laneysubscribes you to your uploads for X days15:51
AmberJ_Do I get it right that dh_make only debianizes the extracted upstream tarball directory?15:52
AmberJ_i.e. it only create debian/ ?15:52
AmberJ_Ah, it created orig.tar.gz as well...16:00
tumbleweedthat sounds like something you don't want16:02
tumbleweedtake the .tar.gz you got from upstream and rename it16:02
AmberJ_'man dh_make' says: "Then dh_make proceeds to generate a "debian" subdirectory and the necessary control files in the program source directory." What do "necessary control files" refer to?16:02
tumbleweedthe things inside debian16:03
AmberJ_Ok thanks!16:11
AmberJ_I don't want to use dh_make since it confirms settings before it debianizes (thus causing me not being ble to automate with a bash script).16:12
tumbleweedwhy are you automating this?16:14
tumbleweedpackaging something is something you do once. you keep the package and incrementally improve/update it16:15
AmberJ_Upstream devs want a script that automates local deb creation. So that they can build locally (ideally after every commit).16:16
tumbleweedkeep enough packaging in the trunk then?16:17
AmberJ_For PPA, I'll be using incremetally update model (UDD?)16:17
tumbleweedLP daily builds are also great for this kind of thing16:17
tumbleweedanyawy, dh_make gives you a tempalte. It doesn't give you packaging that's going to work (necessarily)16:17
AmberJ_Yes, that's why I can use a script to automate what dh_make does.16:18
tumbleweedyou might find pkgme does a better job16:18
AmberJ_I will keep debian/ in a separate repo. My bash script branches upstream/ AND upstream-debian/ and copies debian/ to upstream/16:19
* AmberJ_ googles pkgme16:19
tumbleweedthat sounds like a very sensible approach. It's essentially how one usually does LP daily builds16:19
AmberJ_Does "LP daily builds" mean "PPAs"?16:20
tumbleweedAmberJ_: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds16:21
AmberJ_ok. upstream devs want a script to build locally (on their server) after every commit. LP builds tend to be in queue for hours before they are built.16:22
tumbleweedyou can use it locally16:22
AmberJ_But I didn't knew about LP daily builds. Thank you very much!16:22
AmberJ_yes reading16:22
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tumbleweedit does require you to use bzr, though16:24
AmberJ_yes, upstream uses bzr/launchpad16:25
Laneycould/should something like that go in udt?17:07
Laneywasn't thinking about that when I was writing it, so maybe it needs some adjustment17:07
tumbleweedI see subscription and unsubscription, but no actions17:11
tumbleweedsomething that tells you about bugs17:12
Laneyit doesn't do that17:12
Laneyit subscribes you so that LP sends you them17:12
tumbleweedoh, duh17:13
tumbleweedLaney: sorry, got distracted. But, yes (lptools would also be a plausible home, but this is more ubuntu-specific I think)17:29
dupondjesomebody with chromium installed here ?18:05
dupondjeif so, please surf to www.hln.be , also getting white screen ?18:06
FernandoMiguelslangasek: ping19:05
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slangasekFernandoMiguel: hi19:44
FernandoMiguelslangasek: hi. sorry to bother you19:44
FernandoMiguelI'm trying to dig into why last night updates broke both my systems19:44
FernandoMiguelone I got back by just installing ia32 libs19:45
FernandoMiguelbut this laptop is still broken19:45
FernandoMiguelThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:45
FernandoMiguel ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable19:45
slangasekFernandoMiguel: the error at the bottom of the log you sent me shows you have a broken version of dpkg installed and are affected by bug #1015329.  You'll need to follow the recovery instructions posted in that bug description.19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015329 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "dpkg fails to run after update (error: file triggers record mentions illegal package name `libgtk2.0-0' (for interest in file `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules'): ambiguous package name 'libgtk2.0-0' with more than one installed instance)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101532919:46
FernandoMiguelthank you19:47
FernandoMiguelill have a look19:47
FernandoMiguelslangasek: thank you once again. that did the trick19:52
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AmberJ_https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/BzrBuilder#Running_commands_in_recipes says: "Note: Launchpad does not support the run command. "21:17
AmberJ_How do we specify that I need to run tools such as cmake or autotools for LP daily builds?21:18
jtaylorin debian/rules21:21
AmberJ_If I have a rule in debian/rules, do I need to specify run command in package.recipe ? I guess no (but then why does link above explicitly mentions about 'run autotools')21:23
AmberJ_Or maybe, I don't get it right21:24
jtaylorno idea21:24
jtaylorquite pointless when launchpad does not support it21:24
AmberJ_Ok, let me try building locally on my system without adding 'run autotools'.21:24
AmberJErr... this is weird. Upstream compiles fine if I run: 'cmake .' and then 'make'. But if fails on PPA as well as locally (when using debuild).23:39
AmberJHere's the PPA buildlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055180/ (please scroll down to line 3883)23:39
AmberJI don't understand why the build exits with error when using debuild. It builds fine when using 'make'.23:40

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