
patdk-lappdtpatrick, I normally use the serverguide one, why ubuntu created it00:23
pdtpatrickpatdk-lap:  thanks ..00:34
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tarvidhow do I file a bug report on a headless server?00:57
patdk-lapsame way you would do it on a server with a head?00:59
riz0nHey, I have a problem with Ubuntu 12.04 and Postfix/Dovecot. Dovecot *appears* to be functioning properly, but Postfix is refusing to transport mail (locally or to other servers).. if I try to smtp through, say, Outlook, it says that the authentication method is not supported by the server. If someone here can help me solve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.01:00
erichammondtarvid: (1) run ubuntu-bug (2) Choose "S: Send report" (3) Choose "C: Cancel" (4) Copy the provided URL into your browser on your local computer and fill out the bug report.01:00
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riz0nso i take you guys are as clueless about Postfix as I am???01:49
qman__riz0n, out of the box, postfix only accepts authentication over SSL/TLS01:52
qman__no 'secure' authentication is enabled, and plain is denied without SSL/TLS01:52
hallynstgraber: can you think of any reason why, on lxc_contaienr_new(0, if the configfile exists, we shouldn't automatically load it?01:56
hallynthere is one reason, which is that the default may exist, but the user may want to load an alternate later01:57
hallynbut i think it's reasonable to say that if you want to play that game, you should make sure the default does not exist01:57
stgraberhallyn: that sounds reasonable, it's currently not intuitive to have to run load_config() before you can actually use your container01:59
hallynof course that actually complicate the logic of figureing out whether i should load /etc/lxc/lxc.conf02:00
marc_12314I have a software raid1 array with  sda1 and sdb1.  I removed sda1 physically to test how to recover the array., I plugged it back in, and was able to have my array in sync again. but my second test: I unplugged SDA, then added files on SDB.  now both drives are plugged back in, the MD2 array say that SDA1 is removed, but if I try to add it to the array, it say "mdadm: /dev/sda1 reports being an active member for /dev/md2, but a --re-02:00
marc_12314fails."  What should I do to re-attach SDA to the array and have it sync it's content from SDB ?02:00
hallynbc that means c->lxc_conf will always exist02:00
hallynoh, no it doesn't.  s'ok02:00
stgraberright ;) it only exists for containers with an existing config but won't for new containers02:01
qman__marc_12314, you have to mark it failed and re-add it to the array02:01
hallynwell i was thinking with the current flow it lxc_conf would get created anyway, but i have lxc_contaienr_new(0 only calling load_config() if the file exists, so it's ok02:01
riz0nqman__: so what do I need to add to the main.cf to allow plain auth?02:03
qman__riz0n, don't; that's a really bad idea02:03
qman__fix your SSL/TLS and use it02:03
riz0nqman__: Then how will my server accept mail from outside sources?02:04
marc_12314qman__:  If I try:   sudo mdadm --manage /dev/md2 --fail /dev/sda1    I get   mdadm: set device faulty failed for /dev/sda1:  No such device02:04
marc_12314qman__:   same response for --remove, and if I try to add it to the array:    mdadm: /dev/sda1 reports being an active member for /dev/md2, but a --re-add fails.  not performing --add as that would convert /dev/sda1 in to a spare.02:05
riz0nqman__: here is the issue. I have "old" 10.04 server that is running. I have new 12.04 LTS running on new server (virtual setup).. what do I need to do to fix the SSL/TLS so I can retire the old server?02:05
qman__riz0n, configure a valid key and certificate, and CA cert02:06
qman__it may or may not have configured the snakeoil keys, but you should at least generate your own, or (better) use legit ones02:06
qman__marc_12314, that's an abnormal situation, usually when a drive fails it fails, so it's confused02:07
riz0nI don't mind using my own keys, I thought I had generated them and put them in the right place. One way or another, I have done something wrong02:07
qman__marc_12314, you can trash the "failed" drive's data first, then re-set it up like a new one02:07
qman__riz0n, also out of the box, only TLS is enabled, as you have to turn on listening on 465, the default SSL port02:08
riz0nright now the main.cf has the "snakeoil" keys02:08
qman__then you should be able to connect on 25 with TLS02:08
qman__and authenticate02:08
qman__but it's not secure using those02:08
marc_12314qman__:  ok, so  cfdisk to trash the partition of sda1 and create a new one would do?02:10
riz0nI understsand. I just want it set up right.02:10
riz0nI had copied the main.cf/master.cf from the old server. Apparently it didn't like that too well.02:10
qman__marc_12314, as long as it doesn't find the old metadata you're good02:10
qman__marc_12314, you may have to zero it, or at least into it some02:10
qman__riz0n, yeah, some stuff has changed since then02:11
riz0nyeah the dovecot was mad. but i took the default files from a fresh install, rewrote them and fixed dovecot (The only thing I want dovecot to do that it doesn't do out of the box is not set "read" flag on POP3 retrievals)02:12
qman__best to figure out how your config differs from lucid stock, then apply those changes to precise stock02:12
riz0nok so I see that my old server has an smptd.crt and key file, should I copy those from the old server into the new one and apply those to my main.cf, or should I just generate new files?02:13
qman__either is fine, you can use the old certs as long as they're still valid and you're using the same server name and stuff02:13
hallynstgraber: should be all fixed02:14
riz0nin fact i have the same "smptd.crt" in the /etc/ssl/certs and smptd.key in /etc/ssl/private ... I generated them on the server.02:15
qman__yeah, that will all be needed02:15
qman__and there may be other files needed as well02:15
riz0nI think the old server was named HMCS-Server. The new server is HMCS-Virt-00 so I imagine the files from the "old server" will not be valid.02:15
qman__the cert only cares about your mailname/the domain name you connect to it with02:15
qman__if that's the same, it's ok02:16
riz0nyeah everything is the same02:16
qman__the end user only sees that, so that's what it's up against02:16
riz0nyou know what02:19
riz0nI think Outlook is playing games with me02:19
riz0nI created a *new* account, put the IP of my test server in, and it delivered the message.02:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #1009422 in krb5 (main) "(CVE-2012-1013) krb5 : kadmind denial of service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100942202:21
marc_12314qman__:  how do I remove the metadata from the drive?  I found some info about  "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda"  but it say it's for version 0.9, but I see version 1.2 on my drives.02:22
riz0nI have one more question, if you can help me with, and I'll quit bugging you. What is the best/easiest way to dump mysql from one server, and load it into another?02:22
stgraberhallyn: looks good, thanks02:26
marc_12314qman__:  never mind, looked like the version didn't matter, tried it and it worked, I was then able to add it back to the array and it's now syncing.   thanks a lot for your help!02:30
hallynstgraber: I guess I'm going to have to add freeing of lxc_conf and all its members.  yuck.02:32
hallyn(at some point)02:32
stgraberhallyn: I'll also have to take care of memory management in my own C code at some point ;) doing the refcounting stuff is quite a pain with all these python stuff everywhere :)02:35
JoeCoderhello.  I'm using courier-imap.  When a mail client creates a new folder, I need it to have the write permission for the group.  It's probably a long shot that anyone here knows the answer.02:40
JoeCoderit currently creates folders with the permission 640; I need 66002:41
JoeCoderetc/courier/imapd has IMAP_UMASK=00702:41
riz0nok, so here is where I am at with this postfix. When I try to send a message out, it asks me for username and password, but it is not accepting the password.03:20
riz0ni copied the three cert files out of the old server and put them in the new server03:21
riz0nI think it is an issue with "SASL"03:21
JoeCoderI don't know a lot about it, but I don't think a password failure could be caused by bad cert settings03:24
JoeCoderhave you checked /var/log/mail.log for errors?03:24
riz0nJun 21 23:19:24 hm-cs postfix/smtpd[11634]: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory03:27
riz0nJun 21 23:19:24 hm-cs postfix/smtpd[11634]: warning: Ferguson-Gateway.ferguson.lan[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: generic failure03:27
riz0nJun 21 23:19:24 hm-cs postfix/smtpd[11634]: lost connection after AUTH from Ferguson-Gateway.ferguson.lan[]03:27
riz0nJun 21 23:19:24 hm-cs postfix/smtpd[11634]: disconnect from Ferguson-Gateway.ferguson.lan[]03:27
JoeCoderI wonder what directory it can't find.03:28
riz0nnot sure!03:28
JoeCoderI found this line in my unbutu server config script; not sure why I added it.03:29
JoeCodermkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd03:29
JoeCoderlooks like my sasl is chrooted, not sure.03:30
JoeCoderlooks like I used this tutorial to get sasl setup:  http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/index.php/Mail_Server_-_Secure_Connection_-_Configuring_saslauthd03:31
JoeCoderthis advice probably isn't helpful; but it's the best I've got.03:31
JoeCoderhere's the top index of the tutorial:  http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/index.php/Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_(Lucid)#Postfix03:31
riz0nyeah thats what i have now is a fully functioning 10.04 server, but i am wanting to migrate everything over to a new 12.04 server03:35
JoeCoderI recently did a migration and it was dead simple; not much had changed03:35
JoeCoderof course, I keep one big config script of everything I've installed03:35
riz0nthis server has been up since 0803:35
JoeCoderso it was just a matter of tweaking that script in a few places, updating version numbers, and a couple config files had different settings.03:35
riz0nhence the reason i want to replace it :P03:35
JoeCodermy server hasn't been up yet at all.  it's still a vm that I'm writing software for; nothing launched.03:36
riz0nwell im kinda doing the reverse of what you are doing03:37
riz0ngoing from a single server to a virtual machine that will run as a VM03:37
JoeCodermy desktop / main computer is windows, which I need for work.  So for developing my side project on ubuntu, I installed samba and shared / as a drive on my windows machine03:37
JoeCodernow I've got eclipse running on windows editing php files directly on the machine.03:37
riz0nso it looks like an issue with saslauthd03:38
riz0ni dunno this is all screwed up. i think im going to have to just start all over with this new server03:49
JoeCoderthat's what I did.03:50
riz0nguess for now im stuck with the old 10.04 server till the drive crashes =/03:50
JoeCoderjust ran my same config script again, in small increments, watching for errors as I went.03:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #920197 in swift "[SRU] webob last stable version 1.1.1 response header bug" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92019704:32
JoeCoderI accidentally overwrote /etc/postfix/main.cf  How can I get back the default version from 12.04?04:37
SpamapSJoeCoder: mv /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf.oops ; apt-get install postfix --reinstall -o 'DPkg::options=--force-confmissing'04:43
SpamapSJoeCoder: I *think* that might work04:43
SpamapSJoeCoder: note that that would restore *any* conffiles you've removed..04:44
JoeCoderok, thanks04:44
SpamapSJoeCoder: another way is to just find the .deb, extract it, and copy the file out04:44
SpamapSas in, dpkg -x file.deb /tmp/foo04:44
JoeCoderthat sounds easier04:48
SpamapSyeah, probably less to go wrong there too ;)04:48
aknewhopehow come when trying to install apache2 via ubuntu-server on a rackspace instance, comes back with no such package?05:07
aknewhopeubuntu-server docs states to do that and its on packages.ubuntu.com05:08
aknewhopeim using apt-get install apache2 with sudo05:08
JoeCoderit works for me with 10.04; haven't tried 12.04 yet.05:11
JoeCoder(although I will be in a few weeks)05:11
aknewhopeyeah i was using 12.04. That's prob why. Isn't there a file somewhere to add it to so it can find it?05:13
JoeCoderwhere can I get postfix.deb ?05:13
JoeCoderor whatever it should be called?05:14
JoeCodernot that I now of.  I'm running 12.04 in a vm and the install worked fine for me.05:14
JoeCoderrackspace has decent support05:14
JoeCoderI usually open up a chat window with them.  not sure if the officially support third party software, but the haven't turned me down yet.05:14
DegotHi ,All.. I've installed VirtualBox 4.1.12 to Ubuntu 12.04 server... But there is no /etc/init.d/vboxweb-servcie script. How to fix it ?05:23
JoeCoderI'm also running 12.04 server inside virtualbox05:23
JoeCoderand I've never heard of that file.05:24
Degot)) virtualbox inside 12.0405:24
JoeCoderah, sorry05:24
nocturnal_if i install ubuntu server and then run xinit or startx, there will be no wm correct?06:11
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nocturnal_or am i wrong06:13
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archmanhello, i'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with ntp (* NTP server is running.). ntp.conf has 'server 2.hr.pool.ntp.org', but i get enormous clock drifts, in example, 5mins change in 8 hours06:55
archmandriftfile has '-73.919' - what does this mean?06:56
ttxarchman: means that your clock is off by 0.0079%07:08
ttxerr 0.0073919%07:09
archman0.0073 'too fast' cause of the minus?07:09
ttxso approximately off 6 seconds per day07:09
archmanhmm, sonething's wrong, then07:09
archmanit drifted 5mins on 8 hrs07:09
ttxarchman: http://www.ntp.org/ntpfaq/NTP-s-sw-clocks-quality.htm07:10
swhi. we need to share user accounts/directories across servers, would openldap be best to use for this?07:12
ninstaahHi all, my ubuntu 12.04 64 bit LAMP keeps freezing (cannot even ssh into it) and after a reboot it is working again - any pointers would be much appriciatet. Where could I start looking for errors like this?07:25
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archmanttx: i don't know the reason. would it be wise to disable ntpd and do a hourly cron with ntpdate?07:37
ttxarchman: if you can't get ntpd to work properly, that solution would be better than nothing07:39
swhi. I need to install sun jvm >=1.5, what package would that be? I see there's plenty of java packages floating around ...07:53
ironmGood morning. Does anyone of you run interface bonding on ubuntu 12.04?08:01
ironmDo I really need "ifenslave" for interface bonding (LinksAggregation) on ubuntu-server 12.04?08:01
ironmWhen I use ifenslave on ubuntu 12.04 interface bonding works as expected (with following config files: interfaces - http://paste.debian.net/175728/ ... and bonding.conf - http://paste.debian.net/175729/)08:02
ironmI have tested some configurations (see config files in brackets) without ifenslave, and *no* one works :( interfaces - http://paste.debian.net/175730/ ... bonding.conf - http://paste.debian.net/175731/ ... modules - http://paste.debian.net/175732/ ). Do you have an idea what do I miss? Thank you in advance for any hints or examples of working config files without using ifenslave.08:03
ironmthere is *no* working and documented interface bonding configuration in unbuntu administration guide08:04
ironmall configurations I have tested (without ifenslave) didn't work ...08:05
jamespagesw: ubuntu not longer provides Sun/Oracle Java through the partner archive08:18
jamespageso your choices are: openjdk-6 or openjdk-708:18
jamespagesw: the packages follow a common structure08:19
jamespageopenjdk-6-jdk - full JRE and JDK08:19
jamespageopenjdk-6-jre - just the JRE08:19
jamespageopenjdk-6-jre-headless - JRE less bits that pull in lots of desktop things - good for servers08:20
jamespageyou can use the default-jdk, default-jre-headless, default-jre packages08:20
jamespagewhich in Ubuntu 12.04 point to openjdk-6 (thats changing to openjdk-7 in 12.10)08:20
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swjamespage: hi. I used this in the end: https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java608:29
swgetting this error though when running '$ant dist': 'Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'08:30
ironmdo you have any idea why following configs don't work on fresh installed ubuntu-server 12.04? ... bonding-ubuntu.confs08:31
ironmthese config worked (for some reason) after I have installed ethtool and ifenslave (testing the interface bonding with ifenslave)08:32
ironmthank you in advance for any hints08:32
jamespagesw: well that is provided by the official openjdk-* packages in the repository08:33
jamespagemy experience is that the Oracle distribution of Java is not as well integrated into the distro and the openjdk packages08:34
jamespagesw: are you running java 6 or java 7?08:34
swjamespage: 608:35
swjamespage: should I stop following that link and use the ones that are already in the repository? all I basically need this for is to be able to use irccat :-)08:35
ironmjamespage, is there another alternative to the java/JDK stuff yet? .. (like python / django framework)08:36
jamespagesw: I would just use whats in the distro08:36
jamespageI do everyday :-)08:36
jamespageironm, depends what you want todo08:37
jamespagethere are always alternatives....08:37
ironmjamespage, what would be your recommendation for programming portal applications08:37
swjamespage: ok, will do that. this is what I need it for, by the way: https://github.com/RJ/irccat. apart from that, I never use java08:38
jamespageironm, mmm - not sure TBH - never really been a fan of portals08:47
jamespagein my experience most requirements for a 'portal' turned out to be requirements for a website with a content management system08:48
ironmjamespage, yes ... it is more than CMS08:48
bnemecanyone feel like answering questions about dell OMSA on 10.04?08:51
koolhead17hello jamespage09:05
thesuperlogicalHi all - Maybe someone here can help me with adding two new HDDs to my 12.04 Server. Setup was 2x500GB, listed as /dev/mapper/pdc_bchiehhifh (ext3) and /dev/mapper/pdc_bchiehhifh5, RAID1 !? Now I've added 2x1TB, configured to be a RAID 1 in my HP N40L microserver.09:10
RoyKerm - you've configured it in raid-1 on a hardware raid controller? or in md? or lvm?09:14
thesuperlogicalIt's the builtin N40L Sata AMD /?RAID Controller. Server setup suggested to create a LVM during setup09:15
RoyKwhat does `cat /proc/partition` say?09:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016435 in ceph (main) "remove btrfs recommendation" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101643509:16
RoyKthesuperlogical: I don't know if the n40l qualifies for a 'hardware raid controller', though09:16
ironmit looks like I have the reason. ubuntu native ifenslave (in case there is one) doesn't understand the syntax in "interfaces". First after installing ifenslave2.6 it started to work. ... ikonia, probably you can see more than me ... do you have any idea why following configs don't work on fresh installed ubuntu-server 12.04? ... bonding-ubuntu.confs - http://paste.debian.net/175789/09:16
thesuperlogical http://piratepad.net/xt0vzKtO2409:17
RoyKno hardware raid there09:18
RoyKif you had hardware raid, the new mirror would show up as a single drive09:18
RoyKbut never mind that, just configure it as a software mirror with mdadm or lvm09:19
RoyKthat is - looks like dm-1 is that mirror09:19
thesuperlogicalok, so I'll simply go with mdadm and ignore that /dev/mapper stuff, the setup created?09:19
RoyKno, forget about mdadm09:20
RoyKlvm is just as good09:20
RoyKpastebin "vgs;pvs;lvs"09:21
RoyK(or the output of those :P)09:21
RoyKoh, btw, looks like dm-0 and dm-2 is about the same size, something overlapping?09:22
thesuperlogicalthanks a lot RoyK09:22
thesuperlogicalRoyK just one more question... what excactly does /dev/mapper/pdc_bchieh... stand for09:25
RoyKit's /dev/mapper/volumegroup-logicalvolume09:25
lifelessthis is dmraid FWIW09:27
* RoyK hasn't used dmraid and may be utterly wrong09:29
thesuperlogicaldmraid = FakeRaid?09:29
RoyKis fakeraid09:29
RoyK!= good09:29
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:29
* RoyK slaps ubottu 09:30
lifelessthesuperlogical: yes, dmraid is also called fakeraid09:34
lifelessits actually a very good compromise09:34
lifelessI have added load balancing to reads for dmraid mirrors, though you need to build your own kernel with the patchset.09:34
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RoyKlifeless: really, how would it be better than just md raid?09:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1010908 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101090809:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #1013641 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101364110:16
rbasaklynxman: I think the mysql innodb corruption thing is an actual bug, given that we're getting tons of reports10:22
lynxmanrbasak: afaict it's due to an upgrade from <5.0 to 5.510:23
rbasaklynxman: not sure though. There does seem to have been a sudden influx of mysql bugs for some reason though10:23
lynxmanrbasak: there's a binary innodb incompatiblity between 5.0 and 5.110:23
rbasakI see10:23
rbasakPerhaps our postinst should refuse to do the upgrade or something?10:23
lynxmanrbasak: all tables need to be dumped and restored from scratch to upgrade, if not that'll happen :/10:23
lynxmanrbasak: hmm... could be indeed10:24
lynxmanrbasak: upgrading from 5.1 to 5.5 is also problematic10:24
lynxmanrbasak: I had a ton of issues myself, had to blog about it even :)10:25
lynxmanrbasak: http://devroot.org/2012/04/26/mysql-upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-04/10:25
rbasakIt's annoying for us because we get tons of bug reports. I think we could do something to manage it better, but not sure what exactly.10:26
rbasakFundamentally it's sometimes too complex for server packages to upgrade smoothly _automatically_ because of the complexities of what users can do with them10:26
lynxmanrbasak: that's the thing... how far do we want to go to think for the user in this case, MySQL is a serious enough business and most of these bugs are solved by removing the old innoDB files and letting MySQL recreate them since they're only used by the internal mysql log if the user haven't created anything else there10:27
halvorsIsn't the package "opendchub" avaliable in the ubuntu repo?10:27
rbasakBut the postinsts are stuck with trying to do it, and then apport encourages users (particularly desktop users using "server" packages) to file bugs10:27
lynxmanrbasak: yeah, we don't get that many bugs from people who actually run servers :)10:27
rbasakI wonder if we could tell apport to not file bugs for particular packages, and instead point them to some suitable documentation and ask them to file a bug less automatically (still via apport though) if they still think it's a bug10:28
rbasakThe packages that come to mind are mysql, samba and openldap10:28
lynxmanrbasak: if there was an option to do that that'd be awesome, all of those have complicated user intervention needed upgrade routes10:29
rbasaksamba is special though as it's a desktop package too, but desktop users shouldn't have changed the default configuration at all10:30
lynxmanrbasak: hear hear10:30
rbasak(and if samba fails to upgrade when the default configuration has changed, then that is a bug and should be filed as such)10:30
lynxmanrbasak: who should we talk for that, foundations?10:31
rbasaklynxman: jamespage has been looking at these kinds of things. We had a session on it at UDS-Q. But we were looking at some more basic things first I think.10:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014532 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101453210:31
lynxmanrbasak: hmm hope there's any way to push a fix for precise, otherwise we'll be swamped in bugs10:32
jamespagelynxman, if we can come up with a good test case then probably10:33
jamespagebut as you state its hard to cover all of the bases....10:33
lynxmanjamespage: definitely10:34
thyshi, I just installed rtorrent and according to the tutorial I am following there should be a .rtorrent file and rtorrent in home folder but there are none. Where should I look?10:35
lifelessRoyK: you can boot off of a degraded set10:38
RoyKlifeless: you can boot off a degraded md set too10:40
lifelessRoyK: how?10:41
RoyKstart computer, wait for grub to timeout, boot10:42
lifelessRoyK: if the main drive is the one that died, that doesn't work.10:42
lifelessRoyK: e.g. sda goes boom.10:42
RoyKmain drive? in md?10:42
RoyKit's a mirror10:42
lifelessmd isn't supported by the bios, so you have a primary boot volume10:43
RoyKbios jumps to first available harddisk10:43
lifelessalso md and dm can both do raid 510:43
RoyKstarts grub10:43
RoyKgrub is installed on both sides on the mirror10:44
RoyKso if sda dies, sdb will do the booting10:44
RoyKand last I checked, you can't boot off an md raid-510:44
lifelessyou can off of dmraid 510:45
lifelessincluding degraded sets10:45
RoyKand normally you don't *want* to boot off anything else than a mirror, or at least, I wouldn't, since I'd rather use a mirror for the root and raid-[56] for the data10:45
RoyKlifeless: still, you can boot off a degraded raid-1 md set without issues10:45
lifelessif you go through the hoops to set it up, sure.10:45
RoyKoh, shut it, please10:46
RoyKstandard ubuntu install installs grub on both drives in a mirror10:46
RoyKwhat else would you need?10:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #1011220 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101122010:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1012060 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101206010:51
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brendandDaviey, have you heard of this issue before: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/101644410:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1016444 in linux "Broadcom NetXtreme II detect network hardware fails due to can't find bnx2 firmware" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:55
brendandDaviey, it's happening in Quantal10:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #982597 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98259710:55
Davieybrendand: new in quantal?10:57
brendandDaviey, yeah for sure10:57
Davieybrendand: yeah, kernel team are aware of it...10:57
brendandDaviey, right, so that might be a dupe then since i only got around to raising it this morning10:57
brendandDaviey, good to know though. if you know a bug number please tell me10:58
Davieybrendand: Something along the lines of a more complex way of loading the firmware.. or something11:01
DavieyAnyway, i confirmed with them 2 weeks ago they were aware of it11:01
Davieybrendand: sorry, no bug number to hand.11:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014447 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101444711:11
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smbSpamapS, When you get in: would you mind me taking squid3 as a merge-practising-target from you?12:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016505 in xinetd (main) "CVE-2012-0862: enables unintentional services over tcpmux port" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101650512:01
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smoserkirkland, byobu ran from one system, back on the other system. the dots around it showing the second systems' smaller terminal13:36
smoserhow do i kick that second system off (to resize to my larger local systems terminal size) in tmux13:36
smoserie, in screen i'd hit 'ctrl-a shift-f'13:38
Davieykirkland: Whilst you are on the hilights... Have you considered doing a screen merge?13:40
rbasakHey smoser! I've got a patched apt working (currently hardcoded to use the new scheme) and the debootstrap patch looks trivial. I've started writing up a spec on it for wiki.u.c. Still pending is a global option as well as a per-repo fallback to the old behaviour. Once done and assuming that the patches are good, what should our next steps be?13:58
smoseri guess i have a couple thoughts14:00
smoser * did you run this by mvo or david?14:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016558 in dovecot (main) "package dovecot-common 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu6.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101655814:00
smoser * can we make a ppa with your apt and debootstrap?14:01
smoser * can we get utlemming to show us how to run a quantal S3 mirror with rbasak MAGIC! for larger scale testing14:01
smoser * we still need to fixup debmirror, right?14:02
rbasakdavid and mvo know the plan, right? I've not got the patch reviewed by anyone yet, no.14:02
rbasakPPA with apt and debootstrap can happen no problem14:02
rbasakdebmirror will still need to be fixed14:03
rbasakAs well as ubumirror, and any other mirror scripts we want to fix14:03
rbasakAlso we'll want to publish a by-hash generator somewhere14:03
rbasakWith apt-utils, perhaps? To go with apt-ftparchive14:04
smoseryou mean one that you point at a repo and it adds that data.14:04
smoserrbasak, thank you for doing this.14:05
rbasakSo I think two approaches in parallel but independent: 1) mirror scripts to be able to mirror normally and mirrors that support by-hash without races (but don't regenerate by-hash), and 2) a script that generates by-hash14:05
smoser'1' is rsync mirrors ? or are there other mirror scripts that would get the by hash data without explicit support?14:07
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rbasakThey either need explicit support, and rsync scripts will need tweaking for race-free operation14:09
smoserrsync scripts need tweaking to be race-free14:10
smoserbut are there other mirror methods than rsync that basically do a full directory mirror14:10
smoserand would, thus, just get the by-hash data without knowing about it14:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #1009996 in glance (main) "Logrotate error for glance-registry" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100999614:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #982658 in glance (main) "glance-client has wrong short description" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98265814:12
rbasaksmoser: I'm not sure I follow14:13
rbasakAlso, let's say I do a PPA with apt, debootstrap and debmirror patched. We still won't be able to test the installer :(14:15
rbasakI'll have to do a mirror of main for some particular arch to do an end-to-end installer test14:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016560 in squid3 (main) "Please merge squid3 3.1.20-1" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101656014:16
smoserrbasak, are yo usoure we couldn't test the installer?14:18
smoseryou can add additioal repos i think to the installer. i think14:18
rbasakI don't think we can test it from a PPA14:18
rbasakFor a start, debootstrap is embedded in the initrd14:18
smoseror, woudl you need to convince debootstarp to get apt from there.14:19
rbasakYeah but debootstrap would still have a race14:19
rbasakI got around this for the highbank enablement by using my own mirror of main14:19
rbasakIt's not hard, just needs a bit of space somewhere14:19
smoserrbasak, wellthats why i suggested s3 mirrors14:20
rbasakActually that was for some other reasons too14:20
rbasakI can generate a netboot installer initrd image with a customised debootstrap without too much difficulty too14:20
smoserie, you and i use utlemming's scritps to run our own improved mirror of quantal14:20
rbasakOn the existing production S3 mirrors or on a separate one?14:21
utlemmingsmoser: the S3 mirrors don't mirror ports.ubuntu.com, which is where the ARM code sits14:21
smoserutlemming, well, that is actually ok for the moment. and i suspect that they can mirror arbitrary remote http://, right?14:22
smoserie, so we can tell them to.14:22
rbasakutlemming: this isn't ARM-specific. We can test on amd64 if we decide to. I would have tested on armhf as I have access to ARM hardware so that's handy to keep in mind though, thanks14:22
smoserand i dont want the official s3 mirrors to be touched.14:22
Daviey .14:22
smoser o14:22
rbasak |14:22
rbasakOK, so next steps I think are: 1) Decide how to do fallback; 2) I add fallback to apt, patch debootstrap, patch one mirroring system (utlemming's?); 3) I publish PPA; 4) Set up test mirror (S3?); 5) Test14:28
rbasakAnd what about after testing? Push for support in the official archive? Or a package for maas integration or something?14:28
utlemmingrbasak: patch mirror system?14:29
rbasakutlemming: yeah to generate the by-hash directory and make sure that updates are race-free (ie. by-hash gets updated before InRelease)14:29
rbasakOh, and we'll want to sign this mirror with our own key, so that we can use InRelease instead of Release.gpg14:30
rbasak(since Release.gpg/Release has its own race)14:30
DavieyAre there not plans to get this into the official archives ?14:30
utlemmingrbasak: the by-hash directory is easy....maintaining it is going to be the harder part14:31
utlemmingrbasak: when do you need this by?14:31
rbasakDaviey: my understanding from UDS was that cjwatson and slangasek were both OK with it in principle but wanted to see a PoC first14:31
smoserDaviey, the goal would be to be in proper archive.14:32
rbasakDaviey: the alternative to official archive integration would be to have a squid-deb-proxy-like package for maas users to use14:32
rbasak(as a stop-gap until official archive integration happens)14:32
Davieyrbasak: right, thanks14:32
smoserbut if we can find a way to resonably do this outside of main, for this cycle, then i'd accept that.14:33
rbasakBut the plan is entirely flexible. How do you think we should approach this?14:33
rbasakutlemming: I'm not sure about timing. It sort of depends on the plan14:33
Davieysetting up a proof of concept in the cloud seems like a good idea to me.. then invite Steve and Colin to look, then involve IS.14:33
rbasakutlemming: I'd be happy to take your scripts and add this feature though14:33
utlemmingrbasak: k, ping me when you get started...there is a gotcha regarding generating the deletion set....and I've been burned a couple times with it.14:35
rbasakutlemming: ready to start whenever you are - this aspect isn't dependent on my other patches14:36
utlemmingrbasak: give me 20 minutes and I'll ping you and we can talk that over14:37
rbasakOK, thanks!14:37
rbasakutlemming: just realised I have a meeting in ten minutes, sorry. Can I ping you after that?14:50
jamespageutlemming, reviewed walinuxagent - merge proposal waiting for you to review (thought that might be easier)14:57
utlemmingjamepage: L)14:57
utlemminger, :)14:57
SpamapSrbasak: re the PHP5 bug, I'd wait until the end of June to do another merge from Debian, since Wheezy is freezing on June 30, so if they're going to upload any new stuff, it will be before June 3015:01
rbasakSpamapS: that makes sense - thanks!15:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1016592 in libnss-ldap (main) "libnss-ldap should not depend on libpam-ldap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101659215:12
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smoserkirkland, ping...15:21
smoseri know some where, you used to do a 'sed' of a server install iso so that it would not change graphics modes and could be run with kvm -curses'15:22
smosermaybe roaksoax remembers this hack?15:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #1011627 in six (universe) "[MIR] python-requests" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101162715:46
thesheff17is there anyway to run commands inside an lxc container after it is started?15:55
mattithesheff17: Yes.15:55
mattithesheff17: http://lxc.sourceforge.net/man/lxc-start.html15:56
mattithesheff17: It might not work if you have older LXC.15:57
mattiI do wonder...15:58
thesheff17I'm running 12.04 so the version should be good15:58
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stgraberthesheff17, matti: the command for that is lxc-attach and it won't work unless you've patched your kernel16:01
stgraberso yeah, there's a command but it doesn't work16:02
thesheff17so is there a best way to run post startup commands?16:02
mattistgraber: Ah, that oone :)16:03
mattistgraber: Thanks!16:03
mattithesheff17: As init script perhaps?16:03
stgraberthesheff17: currently you'd have to rely on ssh or on dumping init scripts inside the container before starting it16:03
thesheff17ah ok...prob easy to clone a lxc container with my ssh keys already inside....then do something with rc.local16:07
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1016639 in ipsec-tools (main) "LT2P VPN connection issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101663916:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #999142 in quantum (universe) "quantum-rootwrap missing and associated sudoers.d entries." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99914217:01
stgraberhallyn: hey, a few thoughts from yesterday :) How much of a pain would it be for you to implement a timeout option to wait()? and once we have that, do you think we should implement shutdown() in the API or just have it done in python (kill -SIGPWR container.init_pid / container.wait("STOPPED", 30) / container.stop())17:04
hallynstgraber: both should be ok17:16
hallynnew userns kernel is in my ppa, ot a little tescase written (which passes, phew)17:17
adam_gzul: do you have a python-glanceclient packaging branch anywhere yet?17:31
zuladam_g: should be in the regular places17:31
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hallynstgraber: i guess i'll implement an lxc_monitor_read_timeout() which uses select(2) ,and use that from lxc_wait...  probably won't commit that today yet18:01
jsnappsmoser, thanks for your help yesterday, the cloud-init iso works great18:10
jsnappsmoser, as i mentioned i use vmware vsphere client which shows the console as the ubuntu vm boots up ... the only problem is that the boot kernel parameters default with console=ttyS0 which means if I want to watch the system boot I have to modify that to be console=tty018:12
jsnappis there any way around that?18:12
smoserjsnapp, ther is not a good way to do that. soryr.18:16
smoseryou could open a bug that says we should have more 'console=' arguments on that line.18:16
smoserand that would acutally work.18:17
smoserbut the issue is that once upstart take over, it only writes to one of the console= (the last one)18:17
smoserso you'd only see kernel messages on one of them.18:17
smoserso it woudl take upstart work to make it better.18:17
jsnappsmoser, ok thanks18:18
smoserfeel free to open a bug.18:19
smoseri'd like to have it be better.18:19
jamespageadam_g, pls can you check the notification email address in the QA lab - getting alot of bouces18:21
adam_gjamespage: oh jeez, one sec18:22
jamespageadam_g, looks malformed18:22
hallynstgraber: eh, well, http://people.canonical.com/~serge/waittimeout is the route i'm going, but i haven't tested yet, and i'm ducking out for lunch.  bbl18:22
adam_gjamespage: fixed, sorry bout that18:24
jamespageadam_g, ta - no problem - just did not want a full inbox on monday (and was worried noone was getting notified)18:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016673 in autofs (main) "Extra forks on automount initialisation & HUP signal" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101667318:26
sidneiso, i installed libvirt-bin, but running virsh just hangs. where should i start looking?18:28
sidneiuhm, i wonder if this has anything to do with it18:30
sidnei2012-06-22 18:24:40.444+0000: 8971: error : networkCheckRouteCollision:1660 : internal error Network is already in use by interface virbr018:30
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jsnappsmoser, where do i open a bug about the console stuff?19:03
smoserjsnapp, file it here:19:05
smosersubscribe me, and utlemming. tag it 'ec2-images' and 'cloud-images'.19:06
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jsnappsmoser, ok thanks19:11
jsnappsmoser, what package do i report the bug against?19:17
smoseryou can pick cloud-init for now.19:18
jsnappok thanks19:18
smoserthank you, jsnapp19:18
jsnappsmoser, new bug is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/101669519:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1016695 in cloud-init "add console=tty0 to cloud-image kernel boot parameters" [Undecided,New]19:23
jsnappsmoser, let me know if i goofed anything up ... i don't report bugs often19:24
smoserwell, its good to start. thank you.19:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016695 in cloud-init (main) "add console=tty0 to cloud-image kernel boot parameters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101669519:31
pdtpatrickQUestion - I'm trying to write an upstart script but I keep getting "stop/waiting" .. is there a log somewhere I can look that explains what is going on? I'm already looking at /var/log/syslog and /var/log/upstart/<scriptname>. Here's my script so far: http://pastie.org/private/xcjc5c2wp8auamy9ydco0g19:57
pdtpatricknvm - figured it out20:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #997927 in openvpn (main) "NM reports "VPN service 'openvpn' disappeared"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99792720:04
sarthorHi, How to solve this Error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054904/20:14
sarthorProblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_maya_restricted_binary-i386_Packages20:15
genii-aroundsarthor: sudo rm  /var/lib/apt/lists/*   && sudo apt-get update20:19
sarthorgenii-around: rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/partial': Is a directory20:19
genii-aroundsarthor: Thats fine20:20
genii-aroundsarthor: The sudo apt-get update   after is whats important, populates that directory again20:20
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halvorsI'm trying to block all traffic to a specific host with iptables, how do i do that? My interfaces is eth1 (Internett) and eth0 (LAN).20:37
r3dLunchb0x_halvors: have you looked at this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo20:40
halvorsiptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j DROP20:41
guntberthalvors: no, if you want to block traffic *to* this host20:43
halvorsBut what about outgoing and incomming?20:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #990388 in cups (main) "acces denied samba printer shares after upgrade precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99038820:57
pdtpatrickhalvors: r u trying to block traffic leaving the box to a certain host?20:59
pdtpatrickwhy not just block the traffic from the host itself? so if ur trying to block traffic from A to B, then do the blocking on B.21:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #1009601 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100960121:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1012446 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101244621:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1013501 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101350121:06
Davieyhallyn: hey... Can you make use of kvm/qemu spice without access the the hypervisor?21:10
Davieyhallyn: ie, if i give you full networking to a vm here.. can you use spice.. without having access to the host?21:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #1016744 in openvpn (main) "OpenVPN example easy-rsa 2.0 issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101674421:16
hallynDaviey: in a nested vm under that vm, or changing that vm to use spice?21:18
hallynyou need to switch to qxl video in kvm itself, so i tink the answer is no21:19
hallynyou can make *use* of it, but you can't switch to it from vnc/vmware/cirrus21:19
hallynDaviey: i'm outta here soon fwiw21:22
halvorspdtpatrick: I have a lan host that not should access the internet for security reasons. I have a Ubuntu box as router, i would like to block all traffic to the internet from there.21:31
pdtpatrickIm assuming then the host will forward packets to your ubuntu router. Just have your router drop the packets21:32
pdtpatrickfrom it21:32
halvorsOk, with what iptables command?21:33
halvorsiptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP21:34
pdtpatricki think in ur case it would be in the FORWARD rules21:35
pdtpatrickso u can put in ur default INPUT OUTPUT and FORWARD to DROP21:35
pdtpatrickand then just allow the interfaces you want, and the host that isn't in that list is automatically dropped21:35
halvorsI would like to add manually that host that should be dropped.21:36
pdtpatrickcheck out this post21:36
halvorsiptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -j DROP21:39
pdtpatrickif ur interfaces are setup in that manner - sure21:40
halvorsBut interfaces or host first? Also -i and -s?21:41
halvorsIf i don't forward from outside to inside (NAT) would that still allow for connection from inside and that they actually can get response.21:42
Davieyhallyn: have i missed you?21:43
halvorspdtpatrick: Like this? pdtpatrick:21:44
Davieyhallyn: use case, does spice make sense in openstack.. ie, you as a guest only have access to the instance.. not the hyper visor21:44
halvorsiptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j REJECT21:44
halvorsOr it is: iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth1 -j REJECT21:44
halvorspdtpatrick: ?21:47
pdtpatrickREJECT and DROP are different21:52
pdtpatrickyou need to understand them. One will reject and send a message back to the host. The other will just drop the packet and send no message21:53
pdtpatrickin ur case since ur trying to block internet - then use DROP21:53
pdtpatrickyou'll also want to do something like - iptables-save > oldiptables21:53
pdtpatrickkeep a copy of ur working config that way if it gets screwed up, you can also "iptables-restore < oldiptables"21:54
hallynDaviey: i dunno, could different ami's trigger different xml for the guests to enable spice?21:54
pdtpatrickhalvors: i'll also recommend joining #netfilter21:55
hallynDaviey: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SergeHallyn_spice for what openstack would need to do21:55
Davieyhallyn: yeah, that is the plan21:59
hallynstgraber: all right i think i left yoru tree in a working state, with the wait timeout and shutdown defined22:00
Davieyhallyn: but i thought spice required access to the host qemu, not just the 'machine'22:00
Davieyto use a spice remote client, that is22:01
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hallynDaviey: i don't understand what you're saying.  it requires different args to qemu.  if openstack can change those based on ami or some setting, then it'll work22:10
hallyn(or, different xml contents)22:11
halvorspdtpatrick: May i ask you some questions in pm?22:35
pdtpatricki'll try to answer22:36
Davieyhallyn: I mean getting a remote desktop.. i thought the spice protocol was exposed through the host, rather than networking from the outside world to the vm23:16
hallynDaviey: how is that different from vnc?23:27
Davieyhallyn: it's not, but i can't use a vnc client from my local machine atm.  There is a web-based novnc client via the openstack web dashboard tho.. but that is really for debugging, rather than a 'desktop experience'23:46
Davieyhallyn: I'm trying to work out if it makes sense to make spice part of the story.23:46
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hallynDaviey: i think it makes sense.  now if openstack isn't amenable to exporting the spice port somehow from the cpu host, maybe we can do something where spice runs on the client and exports its own desktop.  basically like how you could run x11 inside vnc on the guest.23:55
hallyninteresting problem23:57
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