
ali1234i managed to make a X.509 certificate and enroll it as PK06:24
ali1234then i made a sub-certificate and signed it, then used it to make a software publisher certificate06:25
ali1234then i signed HelloWorldSigned.efi with the spc and my sub-certificate private key06:25
ali1234and............. it doesn't work06:25
ali1234enrolling both the PK and the Kek manually doesn't work either06:32
AlanBellthats a shame ali123406:39
AlanBellis it a bug in the tiano stuff?06:39
ali1234i don't know06:40
ali1234i suspect it's because i signed with sha1 hash instead of sha256 but the linux tools only support sha1 or md506:40
ali1234so i have no idea how i'm supposed to sign with sha25606:40
ali1234googling suggests EFI is supposed to support sha1 though06:41
ali1234so i don't know06:41
AlanBellopenssl should support sha25606:43
ali1234yes but signcode is some mono thing06:43
ali1234maybe it does support sha256 and they just didn't mention it in the man page06:44
ali1234[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException: Invalid Authenticode hash algorithm06:45
ali1234that would be a no then06:45
MooDoomorning all06:46
AlanBellso if it is a mono thing, why is it a different tool on linux to windows?06:46
ali1234good question06:47
ali1234makecert is identical06:47
ali1234there is no SignTool.exe for linux afaict06:47
ali1234i suspect that signcode is out of date, replaced by signtool, but makecert was never updated06:47
AlanBellah right, signcode is deprecated, signtool is the new hotness06:47
ali1234signcode uses these spc files06:48
AlanBellhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8s9b9yaz%28VS.80%29.aspx doesn't mention sha25606:48
ali1234and signtool uses the other thing ...06:49
ali1234but i bet they do a similar thing06:49
ali1234SPC at least allows you to specify multiple certificates, so i think that is the key for getting multiple trust chains to work06:49
ali1234so i need pvk2pfx.exe and SignTool.exe06:50
ali1234AlanBell: that's a broken link06:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
ali1234AlanBell: my notes so far: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UEFI06:54
ali1234i already knew that :)06:56
ali1234.spc can contain multiple certificates though06:56
DJonesGrr, stupid Natwest online banking06:59
ali1234maybe they had certificate problems :(06:59
MartijnVdSali1234: If you're having cert problems I feel bad for you son. I have 99 problems but a key ain't one :P07:15
* Seeker` groans07:15
MartijnVdSSeeker`: is it Friday yet? :)07:16
MartijnVdSthen it's allowed :P07:16
Seeker`not going to work today though07:16
MartijnVdSI wonder how many more holes my upstairs neighbor can drill before his appartment crashes down on him07:16
MartijnVdSSeeker`: I sincerely hope so07:16
MartijnVdSHe's been drilling holes almost 24/7 for years now07:17
DJonesIf anybody here works for NatWest, please hurry up and fix your banking systems07:17
ali1234MartijnVdS: gotta get down on friiiidaaaaaay, everybody's looking forward to the weekend weekend07:17
MartijnVdSali1234: *\\o o//*07:18
dwatkinsali1234: I read a conspiracy theory recently that that particular song is about the late US president JFK.07:50
ali1234have you ever actually heard it?07:50
ali1234it's not about anything07:50
ali1234it's not even about friday07:51
dwatkinsali1234: yeah, it's just a frivolous song about the weekend, I imagine07:51
dwatkinsI suspect the lyrics are about as deep as what remains of my coffee07:51
nperrymorn all o/08:11
bigcalmGooooooood mornings :)08:20
bigcalmMorning mrevell08:22
mrevellHi bigcalm08:22
bigcalmmrevell: have you installed the stable release of CM 7.2 on your phone?08:23
mrevellbigcalm, I'm not sure what version I had on the Desire. It wasn't particularly stable, though. Gave up and bought an iPhone instead :)08:23
popey\o/ iPhone club!08:23
* bigcalm shakes his head08:24
bigcalmIt's 4 bins popey!08:24
mrevellHaven't looked back08:24
gordfed up of my android phone but don't want an iphone, fear i may have to get a windows phone :(08:24
MartijnVdSwhat's bad about android?08:25
mrevellCrumbs, isn't that a bit "bite off your nose to spite your face" gord? :)08:25
AlanBellgord: they are asking for people to test ubuntu for android08:25
bigcalm"Out For Delivery" I wonder what that could mean ;)08:25
gordandroid just has a whole bunch of small things that bug me and i've found that i don't care if there is a large amount of apps available because i barely use any anyway08:26
bigcalmgord: maybe those small things would be fixed if you tried CyanogenMod 7.2 on it08:26
popeyAlanBell, we are?08:26
popeyI completely agree with gord08:27
bigcalmpopey: again, AlanBell knows more than Canonical employees ;)08:27
popeyguy next to me here has a galaxy nexus08:27
nperrybigcalm, Samsung Galaxy S 3?08:27
bigcalmnperry: oooo, maybe :D08:27
popeythe video playback app is awful08:27
ali1234but the android youtube app is flawless08:28
AlanBellpopey: http://webmink.com/2012/06/20/help-test-ubuntu-for-android/08:28
nperrybigcalm, enjoy it - my girlfriend has one.. I've gave up trying to convince her my samsung galaxy s 2 is better and she can have my s2 while I have her s3..08:28
gordi do enjoy that from android opening a youtube link i can choose to open in xbmc and it shows up on my tv :)08:28
bigcalmnperry: haha08:28
popeyooh, hadn't seen that08:29
bigcalmnperry: what makes the s2 better than the s3? (apart from looks)08:29
AlanBellbigcalm: it is slightly cheaper and has the words "don't panic" written on it in big friendly letters08:30
nperryThe screen is so much better outside.08:30
nperryThe S2 I struggle to see a lot when its sunny. Thank god I live in England though.08:31
bigcalmAlanBell: bwuhahaha08:31
mrevellA quite practical consideration put me off the S3 and many of the other hot Android phones. It probably hasn't escaped the attention of those who've met me that I am not a large bloke. I want a phone that fits in one hand comfortably.08:31
bigcalmnperry: yeah, don't really see that being a problem in the UK ;)08:31
nperrymrevell, get some steroids injected into your hand..08:32
bigcalmmrevell: having a big heart makes up for your diminutive stature08:32
mrevellOne freakishly muscular hand might actually make that harder.08:32
mrevellbigcalm, Who said I had a big heart? :)08:33
DavieyWould be a good experiment.08:33
nperryGoogle Plus has just told me it is no panty day...08:35
nperryI'll brb.08:36
diploMorning all08:36
nperrypopey, Doesn't everyone have four bins :S08:37
popeyseems not08:37
nperryAh, Wiltshire has had four for the last year or so.08:37
MartijnVdSnperry: what? no panty days?08:37
nperryMartijnVdS, seems that way.08:38
MartijnVdSnperry: what does this tell us about Wiltshire?08:38
nperryThey are infront of the times.08:38
nperryWiltshire lead the way.08:38
diplonperry: Running out of room like me08:40
diploSome of my neighbours have 5+ bins08:40
diploI have same amount of children and get by with 1 grey bin, some have 2 to 2 1/208:40
nperryWe have five bins, one normal, one garden, one plastic & cardboard, one paper box and one glass box.08:41
ali1234i have SIX bins08:41
bigcalmDamn, I was hoping not to have to ask this year - Emergency help required - What do I get my sister for her 35th birthday?08:41
diplonperry: Glass box?08:41
diploOur paper/glass go in the same one08:42
MartijnVdSbigcalm: a cake.08:42
nperryThey started off wanting paper/glass in seperate boxes then stopped that.. So we have two black boxes08:42
diploAll depends what she is into, my sister rides / owns horses and pretty much always get her a gift to do with that08:42
bigcalmMartijnVdS: she lives 150 miles away08:43
nperryCouncil said they'd pick them up.08:43
nperrybigcalm, a card then.08:43
diploOh, I'm in Trowbridge.. still collect both in one here08:43
bigcalmnperry: well, a card will happen anyway08:43
nperrydiplo, I local person o/08:43
bigcalmAnnoyingly she doesn't have an amazon wishlist08:43
nperrybigcalm, amazon giftcard then :D08:44
diploLet me guess, Swindon area?08:44
nperrydiplo, No Warminster08:44
diploThat's what my brother always goes for, and ah right... bloody close then :)08:44
bigcalmnperry: trying to avoid vouchers08:44
bigcalmHer birthday is on the 27th June, but we'll be visiting her after the RAT on 15th July. Could I get away with a late gift08:46
diployeah bigcalm08:46
nperryIf its big, yes.08:46
diploMy family are months late on giving gifts, doesn't matter at this age really does it08:46
diploI didn't get anything this year from my brother/sister08:47
bigcalmUg. Why can't Farnham be a little closer to Salisbury?08:47
* AlanBell things Farnham is in the right place and Salisbury should come closer08:49
bigcalmHotel booked for 2 nights in Farnham (RAT related). Visiting sister in Salisbury on the Sunday afternoon and then back to the hotel08:50
bigcalmAh well, I grumble too much ;)08:50
AlanBellRAT ticket is an ideal 35th birthday present :)08:51
AlanBellproblem solved08:51
Davieyhmm, i am yet to purchase RAT ticket08:51
bigcalmAs far as I can tell, neither her or her boyfriend are into ale08:52
bigcalmDaviey: cutting it a bit fine...08:52
AlanBellDaviey: erk, they are now sold out to September08:52
Davieybigcalm: with the 6X brewery piratically on their doorstep, i am most disappointed08:52
DavieyAlanBell: bugger.08:53
popey\o/ I have a ticket08:53
Davieypopey: super, do you want to give it to me on the day, post it, or meet up sooner?08:53
DavieyUnrelated, i'm liking these http headers .. X-Country: GB , X-Population: 108:55
bigcalmpopey: not coming to the RAT?08:56
popey<popey> \o/ I have a ticket08:56
bigcalmpopey: good :D08:56
Davieymgdm: !08:56
mgdmDaviey: ltns :)08:56
Davieymgdm: thankfully :)08:57
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1603/detail/ you can add a comment to say you are going08:57
DavieyAlanBell: care to arrnage me a ticket, kkthnx :)08:57
AlanBelland those who failed to take my advice to book tickets well in advance can still come to the BBQ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1824/detail/08:57
AlanBellno tickets required :)08:57
Daviey3 Alan's are going?!08:58
Daviey3 popey's!08:58
AlanBellis christel coming on the RAT?08:59
bigcalmAlanBell: I believe so, yes08:59
mgdmDaviey: :P08:59
bigcalmAlanBell: and Byrn_S09:00
popeyhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1603/detail/  \o/ comment left09:00
AlanBellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/compiz/fix930783/+merge/110791 approved \o/09:00
dwatkinspopey: for a moment there I thought you'd insitaged a Linux-based games console project ;)09:01
dwatkinsare you going to Didcot, popey?09:01
dwatkinswe used to go to the steam museum there when I was little09:01
diplopopey: Breakage!09:02
christelAlanBell: I AM!09:02
selinuxiumHi all, I appear to be having some issues with U1... Anyone know how to clear a PC and start again?09:02
christeli must find my tickets09:02
diploI would just really like to reiterate how poor IE is :(09:02
bigcalmchristel: yippiee :)09:02
christelbecause i dont think i have Unpacked them since moving09:02
popeyselinuxium, #ubuntuone09:02
gordi think i'm going to start calling my steam games list the "steam museum", if only to validate the redonkulous number of games on it...09:02
selinuxiumcheer popey09:02
christeli have so many boxes still to unpack :(09:02
JamesTaitHappy Friday, people! :-D09:03
bigcalmJamesTait: it will be when I take delivery in about an hour :D09:03
JamesTaitbigcalm: Dare I ask what?09:04
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:05
JamesTaitbigcalm: Is it fruit-themed and pastry-based?09:05
diplochristel: I've been in my current house 5 years in July, last month I got rid of the last box from moving 5 years ago \o/09:05
bigcalmJamesTait: actually, an apple pie would trump what I'm expecting09:06
nperrydiplo, I moved into this house about 1 month and a week ago today... On the saturday the last box was out of the house.09:06
* bigcalm ponders going to the bakery later09:06
christelhow on earth do you manage to unpack in just a month!09:06
christelthat is IMPOSSIBLE09:06
bigcalmI agree with christel09:07
diploI did have a new born when I moved in and the wife was preggers again09:07
bigcalmWhich craft!09:07
diploSo I just chucked 50% up in the loft09:07
diploI took the brave step of emptying my loft last month09:07
diplo3 days!!!!!09:07
diploI do not recommend it09:07
diplo4 car loads of stuff dumped, I don't have a small car either09:07
christeloh good point.. i do have a number of boxes that can go straight up in the loft actually09:07
diploZafira, front to back top to bottom09:07
christel(mainly christmas decorations)09:08
diploIf it goes in the loft get rid of it :)09:08
christeli probably do not need to leave them in the dining room09:08
christeltho.. it is nearly christmas..09:08
diploMy new mantra, apart from Xmas decs09:08
christelisnt it?09:08
diploMy kids may hear09:08
bigcalmXmas decorations and camping equipment live in our loft09:09
diplooh yeah and camping stuff ( forgot that )09:09
christeli have several lofts09:09
diploI've dumped pretty much every thing else09:09
christelthis house is so weird09:09
christelthe kitchen is an extension, which has a loft (which is handy)09:10
christeland then upstairs in the older part of the house there's also a loft09:10
christeland i have this enormous (awning? is that the word?) space just off the main bedroom09:10
christelin the slopey thingie bit of the roof09:10
christelwhich is probably bad for a hoarder like me as i will just fill them all rather than ever chuck anything away09:11
davmor2morning all09:21
diploIt's awful outside :(09:21
davmor2MooDoo: me awld mucka, 'Ow am ya09:23
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
bigcalmHi davmor209:25
davmor2morning bigcalm how's sunny sunny TF10?09:26
bigcalmdavmor2: overcast, bit windy. Expecting rain :)09:27
bigcalmdavmor2: perfect summer weather09:27
nperrychristel, We managed to do it becuase we threw away a lot before we moved.09:28
davmor2bigcalm: I blame this http://ubuntuone.com/6gt0itZ5myMlzyHSZvQPwD09:28
nperry"Temporary maintenance"09:28
bigcalmdavmor2: Temporary maintenance?09:28
bigcalmI blame aquarius09:29
davmor2bigcalm: D'oh it's hardware upgrade day09:29
davmor2bigcalm: remind me to show it you latter09:29
* Laney scowls at natwest09:29
davmor2natwest closes Laney's account and keeps all his money as punishment for scowling09:30
ali1234should've gone to barclays09:30
Laneybrown envelope under the mattress09:30
dwatkinsI've not considered switching to Natwest, they used to charge students for going a penny over their overdraft limit, just to send them a letter to inform them.09:32
BigRedSCharge customers for goign over their overdraft limit? How rude!09:33
Davieydwatkins: hen i was a student, they sent me a default notice for being in my agreed overdraft limit... that is rude :)09:33
nperryI think Halifax's charges are bad...09:34
dwatkinsyeah, I can understand them charging and so on, but if it's by a single penny, that's a bit petty - HSBC have a 50 quid buffer-zone09:34
nperry£1 for being in agreeed and £5 for being outside of agreed... per day!09:34
dwatkinsalso, it's 25 quid to just tell you you've gone overdrawn, which makes the problem much worse if you were only over by a little bit09:35
dwatkinswell, this was the case in 1995, at least.09:35
matttthat's why they want ot bring back banking fees09:37
matttso they don't have to rip you off w/ those other charges09:37
matttpersonally, i'd rather let them keep ripping people off and not pay banking charges :P09:37
mattt(fees rather)09:37
nperryI just make sure I always have enough money in the bank09:38
nperryWith a buffer09:38
MooDoodid someone want me?09:42
hoover_hi folks09:49
ali1234ok, i FINALLY have the windows 7 SDK installed so i can sign PE objects with signtool09:55
ali1234remember when they said you'd be able to self-sign things to use secure boot?09:56
ali1234turns out that doing so requires a copy of windows09:56
davmor2ali1234: No shock horror, Microsoft make it so you need one of their products to sign one of their products with their product key who'd of thunk it09:58
ali1234no, you need a microsoft operating system to sign anything with any key09:58
ali1234so for example, suppose you want to use secure boot on your redhat server09:59
davmor2ali1234: yes that would be their range of products and all the keys belong to microsoft that was kinda my point09:59
ali1234and for some reason you need a custom kernel module09:59
ali1234well, now you need a copy of windows to do that10:00
directhexfor now10:02
directhexthe signing format is known. there's no reason a free signing tool can't be written10:02
ali1234yes, the specification is known10:03
ali1234but allegedly the implementation does not match the specification10:03
davmor2ali1234: oh shock horror, microsoft fail to stick to their own spec10:04
ali1234ok, got a pfx file now10:12
ali1234oh great, signtool doesn't even work10:29
ali1234"Either the file being signed or one of the DLL specified by the /j switch is not a valid Win32 application."10:30
andylockranhey guys, just found a site that's been compromised, with this JS at the bottom of the page: http://pastebin.com/dt1QYfJs10:38
andylockranany clues?10:38
dogmatic69andylockran: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/58661087410:39
ali1234https://github.com/vathpela/pesign/ hmm10:46
ali1234looks like there is a linux tool, although it's still under development10:46
nperryHmm dogmatic69, you have now made me want to make a PHP turn based name using cakephp... :(10:51
dogmatic69nperry: how so?10:53
nperryJust seeing the cakephp... I was going to attempt to hack one up about six months ago.10:53
bigcalmWhy with cakephp?10:56
nperryLazy writing.10:57
dogmatic69cakephp is awesome11:03
bigcalmSo are other PHP frameworks ;)11:03
* MartijnVdS cries about PHP being called awesome11:04
* MartijnVdS hands out free copies of python11:05
davmor2bigcalm: sorry php and awesome in the same sentence did you just bang your head?  I've heard you cussing it to hell and back don't forget :D11:05
MartijnVdSdavmor2: alcohol is a hell of a drug11:06
* bigcalm shakes his head11:08
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I agree, thus going to the pub with Hayley tonight :D11:08
nperrybigcalm, would you recommend something else then?11:11
MartijnVdSnperry: for what?11:11
bigcalmnperry: no recommendations, just wondered why cakephp instead of other frame works11:11
bigcalmnperry: I use Symfony 1.4 a lot11:11
nperryI have only ever used Cake once, only instance of using a php framework.11:12
Davieyit's good, but it's not quite django.. amirite?11:12
diploWe use CodeIgniter11:13
diploheh, been meaning to try Django after a few people here mentioned it11:13
andylockranI'm looking at syfony11:13
nperryDaviey, django would some fun...11:16
Davieyjustifying any other legacy framework is indefensible </bigot>11:18
gorddjango had suuuch a nice database model, i loved it. its been years since i used it though11:19
nperryHumm... This is torture. http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/news/missing-glastonbury-watch-the-guardians-live-stream11:19
MartijnVdShaha :)11:19
Davieygord: database schema migrations really make me cry with joy.11:20
diploI didn't know it was used on pinterest etc11:21
ali1234looks like i'm going to have to download windows 8 preview, then use that to download windows 8 sdk preview - probably to get the exact same result11:28
ali1234i'll also have to download visual studio 12 RC11:28
diploWhat I don't understand is where all these companies make money11:29
ali1234what, pinterest?11:29
ali1234it's simple: they don't11:30
diploThat's my thoughts :)11:30
diploCosting them about  $35 an hour to power it11:30
nperryI'm really feeling a chip lunch..11:31
diploah, so they do have a plan of make money... see if it works11:33
nperryThey do?11:34
AlanBellget lots of users, approach venture capital funding source, point to lots of users and business plan that shows profit prediction for about a year after the founders cash out11:35
diploheh that awsmy thought AlanBell11:36
diploBut it seems that companies are making use of pinterest already for there products11:36
diploAnd it seems that companys doing it direct will maybe be charged11:37
diploSelling user data as well11:37
diploAffiliate links etc11:37
BigRedSyeah, user data is pretty valuable11:38
BigRedSespecially if you can do it well11:38
BigRedSalso, even if you don't sell it you can sell incredibly well-targeted ad space11:38
AlanBellirc spam :(11:39
AlanBelllazarus_: don't do that11:40
lazarus_aww i sowwie11:40
matttand while you're at it, stop saying sowwie11:40
* mattt hides11:40
DJonesnicekiwi: I would give the adding the /whois lazarus_11:41
lazarus_am i in trouble11:42
DJonesI doubt it :)11:42
BigRedSOh! That's grown!11:50
BigRedSWait, no, different bug :)11:50
MartijnVdSbigcalm: reddit.com/r/lolphp11:51
bigcalmI don't read reddit11:52
MartijnVdSbigcalm: wrong big<tab> :)11:52
BigRedSMartijnVdS: yeah, I spent about a day in there a little while ago11:52
bigcalmStrikes again!11:52
BigRedSso I declined to subscribe :)11:53
BigRedSI guess you've seen https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50696 ?11:53
dogmatic69AlanBell: bug 1016430 is a go for me11:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1016430 in unity (Ubuntu) "launcher is not refreshed after user session switch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101643011:53
MartijnVdSBigRedS: yeah. :|11:54
dogmatic69mousing over the unity bar clears it up though11:54
AlanBelldogmatic69: why me?11:54
dogmatic69wrong one :/11:55
dogmatic69too many Alans :)11:56
ali1234i keep testing 987485 and forgetting to clear print jobs and so now my printer just starts printing at random times every couple of days12:06
MartijnVdSIt's ALIVE12:06
ali1234it works perfectly as long as you don't mind waiting 36 hours between jobs12:08
ali1234+/- 12 hours12:08
dogmatic69ali1234: you just need to schedule your life around that12:09
ali1234meh. it's not like i ever print anything12:10
ali1234except that i've printed about 100 pages of tests while testing various non-working fixes12:10
oimonanyone know any good vmware irc channels?12:11
oimonspecifically for vsphere?12:11
MartijnVdSthey're all virtual12:11
ali1234that's probably more than this printer has seen in it's 15+ year life12:11
oimonali1234, sounds like you have the same printer as me12:11
oimonthink mine's a 4M or 4plus12:11
ali1234this is a 4L12:12
oimoni have 2 spare toner still12:12
bigcalmI freecycled my 4M to a very grateful student12:12
ali1234but this bug seems to be to do with the specific USB to parallel adapter i'm using12:12
oimoni drove to portsmouth a few yrs ago to pick up 2 from an ebuyer who was mystified that i would be excited to get them12:13
ali1234you can still buy new ones for the 4L12:13
ali1234and they have a shelf life... the light sensitive roller thingy goes bad12:13
ali1234then you get print outs that have vertical black streaks all down the page12:14
oimona common issue..12:14
oimonwith all this rain, i'm stocking up on paint and new brushes for a airfix-a-thon while on holiday12:14
oimondon't think i'll be going out much12:15
ali1234yeah... the reason these laserjet 4L are still going is cos the cartridge has everything that can wear out in one thing that costs only £1512:15
oimonwhen hp made good printers12:16
oimongot some awful ones at work lately12:16
dwatkinsI wish I hadn't thrown away my laserjet 4M.12:26
dwatkins(well, I wish it hadn't failed etc.)12:26
bigcalmWhen my 4M failed, I repaired it :D12:27
oimonthe rubber on the rollers tends to perish but they can be replaced12:28
oimonubuntu thinks it's a PS printer when it's a PCL one12:28
oimoni thought my printer had died for about 9 months until i realised what was happeining12:29
bigcalmoimon: that's what I had to replace. The paper would concertina otherwise12:29
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan-fold12:35
bigcalmMartijnVdS: it's not a dotmatrix printer12:35
bigcalmI miss printing with one12:36
bigcalmA rather comforting sound12:36
MartijnVdSyou can still buy them12:36
MartijnVdSalso, USB to parallel port converters12:36
bigcalmI don't miss them enough to actually need one though :P12:36
MartijnVdSwe had one of these: http://www.recycledgoods.com/product_images/e/436/s_p_8242_1__38726_zoom.jpg12:38
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: we had one of those too :D12:41
oimonme too12:42
oimonconnected to my acorn12:42
MartijnVdSWe had it connected to our 8MHz XT clone12:43
MartijnVdSfrom "G2 computer systems"12:43
MartijnVdSmy dad still has the manuals :)12:43
oimon" SSD prices have dropped an average of 46% since early 2011." : slashdot12:43
dwatkinsconsidering how much flash storage has increased in capacity and dropped in price, I expect that trend to continue, oimon12:44
oimonthey break a lot though12:44
oimona colleague was getting only 6 mo's use out of some in a server12:45
directhexsome brands break more than others12:45
dwatkinsMoore's law, hard at work12:45
dwatkinsoimon: an SSD? I've heard you can utterly destroy one in 9 months, i.e. make its capacity zero12:45
dwatkinsthat's from constant reading and writing, as you would experience in a RAID array, but the test was done a couple years ago.12:46
oimonyeah, he's using them in a high i/o server12:46
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
oimonwhat are MS trying to stop by having secure boot anyway?13:01
oimoni mean, what's the official reason?13:01
ali1234oimon: the malware attack where the windows kernel is replaced by a patched version which will load unsigned device drivers13:01
oimonrootkits run inside the OS tho13:01
awilkinsI suspect the real reason is as ali1234 says, not loading unsigned drivers13:01
awilkinsWhich means "protected media path" gains more armour13:02
ali1234"Ubuntu will not require signed kernel images or kernel modules." - this completely defeats any security that secure boot provides13:02
ali1234all you need to do is make a windows bootloader that ignores signature and looks like a linux kernel13:02
MartijnVdSali1234: it will not _require_ them13:02
MartijnVdSali1234: that could also mean "There is a switch to turn signature checking off hidden deep in the bowels of some config"13:03
Davieyslowly, slowly catchy monkey.13:03
AlanBellhello Daviey13:03
ali1234MartijnVdS: please read the whole post13:03
Davieyhullo AlanBell13:03
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
ali1234argh how do i even use windows 8?13:26
nperryYou dont.13:26
ali1234no, you don't. i have to13:27
MartijnVdSali1234: you pick it up and throw it at a wall13:27
nperrysudo rm -rf /media/windows813:27
nperryIf you keep touching your screen it will soon become a touchscreen13:27
nperryAs Microsoft thinks PC's are so last year.13:28
directhexali1234, well, first you drag the lock screen away, to log in.13:30
directhexthis may suck with a mouse13:30
* dwatkins boots a virtual machine to see what all the fuss about Windows 8 is13:30
ali1234argh this is the stupidest OS ever13:31
ali1234how do i get explorer?!?!?!?13:31
MartijnVdSyou don't13:31
ali1234how do i get command prompt?13:31
* awilkins hasn't tried Win8 yet13:31
MartijnVdSyou don't13:31
awilkinswin-r ?13:31
ali1234how am i supposed to run signtool.exe without command prompt? this makes no sense13:31
MartijnVdStelnet into it?13:32
ali1234awilkins: you win the prize13:32
dwatkinslol telnet13:32
awilkinsDon't think telnet has shipped with windows since 2000 or before13:32
ali1234easiest way to get windows 8 not to suck: press win+r on the metro home screen13:32
diploawilkins: Still there, you just have to enable it in control panel13:32
s-foxHi, anyone here familiar with glade?13:32
dogmatic69s-fox: the air freshener?13:33
awilkinsdiplo, Ah, so you have to actually install it..13:33
nperryglade makes things smell nice.13:33
s-foxdogmatic69,  no, the user interface designer.  i am having an issue with a button ;)13:33
diployer, but still available13:33
nperryYou have the plugin one..13:33
* awilkins detests all forms of "air freshener"13:33
dogmatic69nperry: I find oust better13:33
diploneeded it for something a few months ago13:33
awilkinsThey might as well label them "air toxifier"13:33
nperrydogmatic69, fabreeze is good as well :D13:34
dwatkinstelnet ships with Windows Server 2008, it's just not installed by default.13:34
dogmatic69awilkins: oust removes xyz smell, and does not actually have a smell its self13:34
dwatkins[the client, that is]13:34
nperryI still can't believe they changed the name of Jif.13:34
awilkinsdogmatic69, Yes, they are not quite so bad13:34
dwatkinsand then there's Snickers...13:36
awilkinsOpal Fruits13:36
awilkinsI mean, WTH. Let's change a fruity sweet name from something with "fruit" in it, to "Starburst".13:37
dwatkinsthe advert was awful, too13:37
awilkinsNot a patch on "Opal Fruits! Made to make your mouth water!"13:38
MartijnVdSHave they renamed Walkers to Lay's yet? :)13:38
dwatkinsindeed, such a good slogan it sticks in my head even now13:38
dwatkinsI believe they're separate com[panies, I have a bag of Walkers' crisps here13:38
MartijnVdSdwatkins: the logos are identical13:39
diplodwatkins: It was the same with Vista/Win713:39
MartijnVdSdwatkins: "Walkers is now owned by PepsiCo with the current logo as a derivative of the North American Lay's logo"13:39
MartijnVdSLay's (known as Walkers in the UK and Ireland, Chipsy[1] in Egypt, Poca in Vietnam, [2] Tapuchips in Israel,[3] Sabritas In Mexico) is the brand name for a number of potato chip varieties as well as the name of the company that founded the chip brand in 1932. Lay's chips has been marketed as a division of Frito-Lay, a company owned by PepsiCo since 1965.13:39
dwatkinsoh wow13:39
awilkins"Lay's" is a lame name even for the USA13:39
MartijnVdSIt used to be "Smith's" in the Netherlands13:39
diploQuite interesting13:40
dwatkinsI thought Lay's were busy putting very little food in crisp bags.13:40
awilkins"Hey, I got me some real nice Lay's in the car". *snurk snurk*13:40
emFrito Lays13:40
* nperry gets in awilkins car.13:40
awilkinsHah, Quaker oats giving everyone the impression they are owned by Quakers and they're owned by Pepsi13:41
awilkinsWhereas Cadbury WAS owned by Quakers and now it's owned by Kraft. Ick.13:41
* em Leis awilkins 13:42
awilkins(actual Quakers, not the oat guys. Who were probably originally owned by real Quakers too)13:42
awilkinsNice to have an updated list of what Nestle own. Our household has a total embargo on Nestle goods13:43
emwhy are you boycotting them?13:44
emIs this all coming from some master list?13:44
awilkinsPrincipally for the whole evil baby milk thing13:44
emoh i see diplo's link13:44
dwatkinsthere's an ancient boycott of Nestle due to some baby milk thing they did13:44
emMilk from evil babies?13:44
nperryHa oyster fail.13:44
dwatkinsem: heh13:45
awilkinsThey'd give out samples of baby milk in developing nations, and when the mothers milk dried up they'd stiff 'em for loadsa cash13:45
DavieyNo, they took all the natural milk from African babies mothers.. leaving none left for the baby.13:45
IdleOnenestle is one of the biggest fresh water/community destroying companies in the world. They move in, buy up rights to water and when the creek runs dry they leave the community jobless and waterless13:45
awilkinsPlus of course, powdered baby milk is a dumb idea in places without reliable clean water supplies13:45
nperryA couple of weeks back I had a trip register as a no check in. So got overchagred... Phoned up and got a refund and just had an email saying they are refunding me. I forgot I sent them an email asking about it.13:45
nperrySo now I have two refunds.13:45
dwatkinshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9_boycott explains13:46
awilkinsWell, powdered baby milk is a dumb idea in any place, should only be a last resort13:46
dwatkinsawilkins: precisely13:46
emI did not hear about the baby formula thing. :(13:46
emthat really sucks.13:46
dwatkinsem: yeah, it's a long-standing boycott13:47
emI thought Nestle was a Swiss or Swedish company13:47
MartijnVdSem: maybe originally13:47
emis it a personal boycott or a national one?13:47
awilkinsAs much as any company can be "anything-ish" now13:47
emawilkins: yeah13:47
popeyawilkins, do you have children?13:47
awilkinsem : personal, in our case. Wifelet is a paediatrician13:47
awilkinsWe have an 8 year old13:47
awilkinsLarge companies like to think themselves above nationality now, I'm sure13:48
emOne thing that irritates me a bit is that our global corporate masters want us all to buy into the idea that a world without borders is a utopian future whenever it is about them moving and doing business where they like, and making money how they like, but with the next breath the same global corporate masters remind us that we better well remember where we live when it comes to sharing movies and music with our friends in other countries.13:48
awilkinsOh, they are all very much in favour of one law for them, etc13:49
emawilkins: its a bgood boycott13:49
dwatkinsyeah, that's just them trying to make the movies scarce artificially13:49
dwatkinscontrolled timed released to maximise profits13:49
awilkinsWas reminded of this fact recently when the Tories started this whole "Back to O-levels" thing13:50
awilkinsOddly for them, they were railing against an instance where competition was bad for the quality of the product (exam papers)13:50
emIt's pretty sad when you want to share a song with someone on IRC who is in another country so you give them a youtube link and they are told the content is blocked in their country13:50
awilkinsJust so uncharacteristic of the Tories to admit that competition could be BAD for something13:51
emwhat sort of exam papers? Like end of year standardized tests>?13:51
awilkinsem, Our end-of-secondary-school tests13:51
awilkinsGCSE : General Certificate of Secondary Education13:51
awilkinsThey're basically a total joke13:52
emThose sorts of tets are the death of education13:52
awilkinsO-Levels were tough13:52
awilkinsI did the 2nd year of GCSEs ; they weren't too bad13:52
emdiplo: the chart is kind of confusing some places. Like it looks like Cadbury sends money to DrPepper but also sends money to Kraft13:53
awilkinsI saw a paper from 3 years later and it went from "A goat is tethered in a triangular field to a square post with a rope N units long, calculate the area of grass the goat can eat"13:53
awilkinsTo "You have a calculator, feed in these numbers, push these buttons, and give the answer you get"13:53
awilkinsNOT a joke13:53
awilkinsThis was two different exam boards (Dad was a maths teacher) but still..... utterly mental13:53
AlanBellawilkins: I think I was about the second year of GCSE too13:54
dwatkinswe were encouraged to not use calculators at school.13:54
emthe first problem is very difficult depending on how exact the answer is supposed to be.13:54
emAlso Im not sure where the post is within the triangular field, or the dimensions of the triangle.13:55
awilkinsI believe the post was situated such that the border of the field clips the circle that the rope can rach13:55
emEven if it is not inside of a triangle it is a difficult problem because as the goat moves around the post the rope gets shorter.13:55
awilkinsI think you're overanalysing it13:56
awilkinsThese are exams for 16 year olds13:56
awilkinsBut I agree with that to a degree13:56
awilkinsSome of the homework questions my daughter comes home with are rubbish13:56
emSo we will assume that the rope is able to pivot around the post.13:56
awilkinsVague, multiple different answers, etc13:56
emHow did Western Society arrive at this point?13:57
awilkinsI'm going to sound cliched but it's ... "Political Correctness Gorn Maaad!!!"13:57
emWe are the ones who brought analytic thinking to its sharpest and now we teach our children to consult their feelings while doing algebra to give the answer that seems most right to them.13:57
awilkinsNo Child Left Behind has to be one of the stupidest ideas ever13:58
emI thought that was only in the USA13:58
awilkinsI got into my school through competitive examination13:58
awilkinsAnd was setted based on my ability13:58
awilkinsThey still do this in my daughters school I think, but it's a Church school (and makes up for it with teachers who claim that there is actual archaeological evidence of Adam and Eve because they found two people frozen in a block of ice with no belly-buttons)13:59
Seeker`11+ FTW13:59
emNo Child Life Behind (or similar strategies) are foolish because they treat every person as if they were infinitely flexible, unlimited, and equal. Furthermore, and most of all, it fails to consider the reality of marginal utility and the extra costs of getting the last 20 percent over the arbitrary absolute hurdle.13:59
awilkinsThat particular one nearly sent me into the headmistresses office with my ranting hat on13:59
awilkinsTo Each, His Own is more my opinion14:00
awilkinsI think the "No Child Left Behind" thing is a combination of envy and fear14:00
emenvy of what and fear of what?14:00
awilkinsClever people14:00
awilkinsIf we start claiming clever people are "better", then where would it stop !?!?!?!114:01
* Daviey wonders if he just walked into #dailymail14:01
awilkinsThey're better at being clever. Not necessarily better at being happy, or good, etc14:01
oimoni thought i was in ubuntu-uk?14:01
IdleOnefear that a child might not succeed if they aren't automaticaly given a pass grade. Why bother sending them to school at all. just give them a diploma at birth and stop making me pay school taxes14:01
Seeker`awilkins: not sure its that exactly. Sure it isn't parents who don't want to believe that their child isn't a special snowflake who is better than everyone else?14:01
emI have a more charitable guess at the reasons for it. I think the intentions were probably from a basically okay place.  People don't want to see minorities or underprivildged people falling behind.14:01
lubotu3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:02
Seeker`in other news, I have home made cheese straws14:03
Seeker`ZOMG GOOD14:03
oimoni have never actually looked in offtopic tbh14:04
nperryGo there then :P14:04
AlanBellit is an interesting place14:04
oimonmight be too much stimulation for me14:04
oimonif i wanted politics i'd watch the telly14:05
nperryI blame awilkins14:05
* awilkins blames himself too14:05
* MartijnVdS blames it on the boogie14:06
Seeker`I think its Daviey's fault14:06
oimoni must be the only person running ubuntu software center in lubuntu :(14:06
awilkinsI'm a Synaptic / apt-get person14:06
MartijnVdSoimon: or at all14:06
oimon i like it, but it causes openbox to crash14:06
awilkinsI only use Software Centre by accident when I download a .deb and can't be bothered to open a terminal14:07
oimonits a very nice app and offers recommendations..good for window shopping14:07
oimonsaw a game today called enternal circle or something, ever seen it?14:07
oimoncircular chaos unlimited14:07
gordi use synaptic/apt-get when i know what i want, software centre when i know what i want to do, but have no idea what app to do it with14:08
emI use aptitude14:09
dwatkinshere comes the downpour...14:10
emlucky duck14:10
emI need a downpour14:10
Seeker`don't think the d in dwatkins stands for 'duck'14:10
davmor2Heres a shock I abuse Software Center a lot14:12
nperryoimon, do you feel this is more ontopic?14:14
ali1234well this sucks. if you install virtualbox additions on windows 8, it won't boot14:14
dwatkinsem: yes, I will be floating home at this rate14:14
ali1234so i can't get file in or out of the vm, and i probably have to reinstall and download the sdk again, then upload it to U1 or something14:15
dwatkinsali1234: thanks for the warning14:15
ali1234U1 is 1GB right?14:15
awilkinsU1 is 5GB14:15
ali1234ok, plenty of room them14:15
awilkinsYup, shame about the client14:16
ali1234it works on windows 8 right?14:16
awilkinsWell, there's the web interface14:16
ali1234or i have to upload 500MB file through the web interface?14:16
ali1234i hate windows so much14:16
awilkinsThe client for Windows is .NET so it should work14:16
awilkinsI meant "Shame about the client" for Ubuntu as well as Windows though14:17
ali1234well this VM is screwed14:17
awilkinsPartially it's "Shame about Ubuntu's proxy support"14:17
ali1234unless there is some secret boot command for safe mode14:17
awilkinsali1234, Try holding control as the machine boots14:17
awilkinsOr repeatedly hammering F814:17
ali1234awilkins: you win the prize again14:17
ali1234why you know so much about win8?14:18
directhexthe windows u1 client is Qt iirc, not .net14:18
awilkinsIt's just a windows thing14:18
awilkinsdirecthex, Ah, I had a look at the .NET one14:18
ali1234i don't think "preparing automatic repair" is helping :(14:18
awilkinsdirecthex, They re-implemented it ; I even applied for the job14:18
ali1234if this wasn't a virtual machine i would have smashed it by now14:19
awilkinsdirecthex, And I confess I've not had a proper try with it because Dropbox works OK for me (just OK ; not as good as it could be)14:19
awilkinsWhat they are both missing is support for PAC scripts14:19
awilkinsI have this idea that Ubuntu should run a system level proxy that presents itself as HTTP / SOCKS  as desired and connect to whatever (HTTP / SOCKS / SSH) at the back14:20
awilkinsAnd understand PAC scripts14:20
ali1234my ubuntu does do that14:20
awilkinsAnd when you put a PAC script in the config, instead of just passing the PAC script to clients asking for the proxy address, it passes the local server address and then your app can use a proxy even if it doesn't understand PAC scripts14:21
ali1234i just have an autossh that makes a socks proxy to a vps14:21
ali1234i got no idea what a PAC script is tho :)14:21
awilkinsProxy Auto Config14:21
MartijnVdSa bit of javascript14:21
awilkinsYeah, it's just Javascript with some standard functions defined14:25
awilkinsThe problem with that is that most apps don't have a Javascript interpreter in them14:26
awilkinsFine for browsers, probably fine for Java 7 (Rhino!) but not for most things14:26
awilkinsHence the opinion that the OS should have a small proxy server that does understand it and that when you configure one in the network panel it should direct clients to that instead of just handing them the script file14:27
awilkinsWinding back a bit, it's one of my big gripes with U1, Empathy, etc, that they don't understand PAC scripts14:27
awilkinsOr SOCKS proxies configured manually in some cases14:28
awilkinsA little proxy server that served the whole OS would therefore be great - most things that even understand proxies work OK with HTTP proxies, so it could adapt those to a SOCKS proxy14:29
awilkinsThings that don't understand proxies AT ALL could be socksified and tunneled through it that way14:30
MartijnVdStsocks \o/14:30
dogmatic69how can I list multi processes, been trying various forms of ps aux | grep 'proc1|proc2' but cant seem to get it right14:30
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Yes, this is the very reason I run tsocks14:30
dogmatic69it works with either or, just not both :/14:30
awilkinsMartijnVdS, But it doesn't work (for me) with Empathy because it's difficult to get it to start in the wrapper, so I install Pidgin as well so I can tsocks it.14:31
MartijnVdSawilkins: I only use a socks proxy when ssh -D'ing somewhere14:31
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Conversely, I ssh -D most of the time to provide a socks proxy  :-)14:32
MartijnVdSawilkins: I use it to do remote management of network hardware (*cough*and iplayer*cough* :))14:33
awilkinsI use it to get around the fact that NTLM auth'ed proxies are stoopid14:33
awilkinsntlmaps also works, I suppose14:33
awilkinsAlthough you have to fiddle with the default config to get it to work with obligate NTLMv214:33
awilkinsI honestly wish I'd never wired our SVN repositories in using mod_sspi as well14:34
awilkinsNow we want to move them to Ubuntu and it's a right PITA to find a solution that still just transparently auths them on their Windows logins14:35
awilkinsmod_sspi calls the win32 API so that's a non-starter14:35
awilkinsIt was never very good anyway14:35
MartijnVdSGood thing I work in a proxy-free environment14:35
awilkinsJust another MS monopoly moment14:37
awilkinsISA supports NTLM because it locks you into Windows14:37
awilkinsNo earthly reason why they couldn't just transparently proxy port 80 and log your sessions via your DHCP lease if they really must have a per-user log of your web activity14:38
MartijnVdSawilkins: they must be sure!14:38
MartijnVdSawilkins: multiple users could be logged on on a single IP14:38
awilkinsSpank them ALL!!!!!14:39
awilkinsOur DHCP leases have something to do with Windows Auth too14:40
awilkinsHad to boot some of my systems into Windows once a week to get a DHCP lease inside the network. Once I had it, could go back to Ubuntu...14:40
* MartijnVdS cries a little14:49
=== liam_ is now known as Guest33034
AlanBellif 992293200000 is a timestamp, what time is it?15:07
dogmatic69AlanBell: Sun, 10 Jul 33414 00:00:00 GMT15:08
AlanBellhow did you get to that?15:08
dogmatic69php -r "echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 992293200000);"15:09
dogmatic69992293200 is in 200115:10
ali1234"file sync in progress"15:10
AlanBelldogmatic69: thanks, that looks about right15:10
dogmatic69AlanBell: doubt you have to worry about what ever is happening then :P15:11
AlanBellit was a mystery field in a file call "fSub", dates in 2001 are quite a plausible content for it15:13
dogmatic69ye, / 1000 gives the 2001 date, which could indicate microtime / ms in the time stamp15:13
diploAny of you guys ever do CyberSEcurity Challenge stuff15:18
Gra_I have15:18
diploJust trying the Turing Cipher atm15:18
Gra_Tried the 1st 3 challenges15:19
Gra_but no time anymore15:19
diploMe either, I only do it for fun.. one of my old work colleages came first in a few of the challenges15:19
diploBut he spends hours/days/weeks on stuff15:19
Gra_Best bet is to look at previous answers to challengers15:19
diploI spend an hour a week if that :D15:20
diploI normally get so far and think i cant be arsed15:20
diploWorked out the morse code now15:20
Gra_Remember http://canyoucrackit.co.uk/15:20
diploI'm doing that one atm15:22
diploFriends doing it properly, I'm just seeing if i can do any of it15:22
ali1234U1 has sync 3.8/500MB so far... in half an hour15:40
gordi don't think davmor2's motor is running correctly15:42
davmor2gord: that was a fantastic text rendition of R2D2 I think you'll find15:44
mattigord: Bio diesel ;d15:44
ali1234my U1 is making this noise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2t2hIATCU15:46
bigcalmKill it, kill it with fire!15:48
MartijnVdSlots of Bowie on BBC Four tonight15:52
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: ^15:52
MartijnVdSLots and lots*15:52
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=== Guest77463 is now known as IdleOne
davmor2bigcalm: cheer yourself up with this16:21
andylockranhey guys, doing a fairly simple python run to read a url, one line at a time from a pubs.txt file, and then check the status code of that url16:22
andylockranhowever, I need to somehow 'escape' the urls I think, and when they contain ? or & it breaks the loop16:22
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bigcalmandylockran: I know how to do it in PHP ;)16:26
nperryurllib.quote() should do it, right?16:27
brobostigonMartijnVdS: eeek. when?16:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: huh, when?16:47
brobostigon9pm, :)16:48
ali1234ooo 14mb transfered17:31
AlanBelldid you put a lot of files in the U1 directory?17:32
ali1234i put all of the windows 8 sdk in it17:32
AlanBellU1 doesn't seem to like doing lots of work, it sulks for a few days before getting on with it17:32
ali1234it;s 500MB17:32
AlanBellaquarius or some people in #ubuntuone might be able to explain why it is sulking17:33
ali1234probably just horribly overloaded?17:34
AlanBellit isn't a server side overload, it is the client just not trying hard17:34
AlanBellor spinning the CPU at 100% for hours calculating hashes of files17:34
ali1234also the fact i'm syncing between a VM and the host machine probably isn't helping17:34
AlanBellcould you zip it up and serve it up over http from host to guest?17:35
ali1234no cos i'm syncing the other way17:35
ali1234i'm trying to get the files out of a windows 8 VM17:36
AlanBellah, so you need to post it from the vm17:36
ali1234vbox guest utils destroys windows 817:36
ali1234actually i wonder if the guest can see my NAS17:36
ali1234i could just drop it on that17:36
AlanBellso what do you have running in the guest? a browser?17:37
ali1234U1 client17:37
ali1234and a web browser17:38
ali1234and the sdk net setup.exe, but that finished ages ago17:38
ali1234ah it can see my NAS if i type the IP17:40
ali1234i'm not uploading 500MB with IE, that's insane17:40
ali1234files are now screaming to the NAS17:41
ali1234the copy dialog is pretty cool17:42
ali1234it's done :)17:44
ali1234er... how do you shut down windows 8?17:44
AlanBellwith a brick17:44
ali1234you press the power button17:45
ali1234and it immediately shuts down without asking what you want to do17:45
AlanBellgosh, that will confuse people who have been conditioned to press start to stop17:45
ali1234hmm U1 doesn't preserve file modification dates17:47
ali1234ffs it still wants a newer .net runtime17:49
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ahayzenhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ is down =-O ... for me anyways18:23
ali1234OK! signtool from windows 8 sdk works!18:26
ali1234and by works i mean it says it signed the file18:26
davmor2ahayzen: up here18:39
ahayzenjust went back up now :)18:40
ahayzenit was down though.. cause the countdown banner wasn't working on my site either18:40
ali1234it works!18:52
ali1234i managed to get to a situation where the signed code runs but the unsigned code won't18:53
ali1234so he trick is you HAVE to use the windows 8 signtool - nothing else will do18:54
ali1234next i need to study what PK and KEK actually mean - it appears you need both of them enrolled for the signed efi to work18:57
emali1234: what are you trying to do?19:24
ali1234em: i'm trying to understand UEFI from a layman's perspective19:25
ali1234UEFI secure boot that is19:25
ali1234since there is so much FUD and very little concrete information19:25
ali1234so i'm jumping in at the deep end and setting up a EFI firmware inside a virtual machine, and then making certificates and signing bootloaders to see what works and what doesn't19:26
ali1234my notes are here if you are interested: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UEFI19:26
emali1234: wow that's impressive19:27
ali1234i spent most of today fighting windows because the only clear documentation of how to sign efi is with windows tools19:27
ali1234but apparently alternatives exist, so tomorrow i'll try those19:28
ali1234now that i have some idea of how it should go...19:28
brobostigonthank you MartijnVdS bowie, bbc4.19:59
RaycisCharlesMartijnVdS: RIP Oranje.20:01
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Harassment vs. Offense - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/06/22/harassment-vs-offense/20:20
directhex(synchronous nand). it's the OEM version of the crucial m420:30
MartijnVdSRaycisCharles: meh20:50
RaycisCharlesMartijnVdS: Snjeider out, Van der Vaart in the middle.21:02
gebbioneanyone knows what this port is used for commonly? 9000/tcp open  cslistener22:06
MartijnVdScslistener! :)23:37
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