
scientesso its impossible to remove the trash icon in the launcher?00:29
scientesits kinda big when you only have 800x48000:30
scientesand it cant even be used to close applications, by dragging them to the trash00:30
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sil2100Trevinho: hello!10:20
sil2100Trevinho: we fixed the BAMF thing, thanks for the pointer - if it wasn't for that, we probably would still be at it10:20
sil2100Trevinho: so now the MRQs are merged (practically)10:20
sil2100Trevinho: could you give me a sign when you're online?10:20
morphisanyone here I can ask something related to the "Product Strategy" team and it's open positions at Canonical?10:21
popeyhi morphis10:23
popeymorphis, any particular type of role you're interested in (assuming it's for you)10:24
morphispopey: yes, it's for me10:24
morphispopey: it's the role as "System Developer"10:24
popeywe have about 10 positions open10:24
popeythat one?10:25
morphispopey: yes10:25
morphispopey: I applied back in may10:25
morphisand never got any response10:25
popeylet me take a look10:25
popeylets take this to pm..10:25
morphisyes, please10:25
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Zhenechwhat are the expected update plans for the ayatana libraries in precise? e.g. libdbusmenu, 0.6.1 is in precise, 0.6.2 is in quantal, will precise get 0.6.2 (if needed for fixes)) or will 0.6.1 be patched?12:23
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Trevinhosil2100: here I am13:03
sil2100Trevinho: excellent! Now what did I need from you... hmm...13:04
sil2100Too much is going on13:04
Trevinhosil2100: was that dbus-launch binary just missing on the merger installation?13:07
sil2100Trevinho: yes, since it seems some precise package dependencies changed 'magically'13:07
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* AlanBell is building a compiz branch16:19
AlanBellis there anything special that needs to be done when running compiz built from lp:compiz like rebuilding unity?16:20
AlanBellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/compiz/texttracking is the branch I am building16:20
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sil2100andyrock: hellooo, can I bother you with a small cherry-pick of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/994163 for 5.0? ;)16:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 994163 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity launcher shows internal partitions after they have been unmounted" [Medium,Confirmed]16:54
sil2100andyrock: nothing urgent, since the unity SRU is planned for next week16:54
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andyrocksil2100, ok... i'm SRUing it right now17:14
AlanBellso with my rebuilt compiz, how do I run it?17:27
AlanBelldo I need to remove my packaged version of compiz/unity?17:28
AlanBellif not, how do I know which one is running?17:28
popeyAlanBell, hello!17:41
AlanBellpopey o/17:41
popeyAlanBell, how did you build it?17:41
AlanBellcmake -i  .. turning off the KDE thing17:42
AlanBellthen make17:42
popeyI'd be inclined to build a package out of it, to make it easy to install/remove17:42
AlanBellin a build directory in the compiz directory17:42
AlanBelland I kept installing dependencies until it shut up and worked17:43
popeywhere did the source come from? bzr branch or apt-get source?17:43
AlanBellbzr branch17:43
popeyfrom where?17:43
popeyyou on quantal?17:43
popeyyou can easily get the build deps using "apt-get build-dep compiz" btw17:48
AlanBellyeah, I did that17:50
AlanBellit needed some other stuff before it would shut up17:50
AlanBellany idea how to make a package from the source tree?17:51
popeysomething like...17:51
* popey types in a pastebin17:52
popeysommat like that17:53
popeyyou'll end up with a deb in ../build-area17:54
popeyhowever.. we're in the middle of some transitions with that packaging..17:55
popeyyou might be better off doing "apt-get source compiz" and build that instead17:55
* popey is off to get a train..17:56
* popey wanders off singing "Waterloo!"17:56
AlanBellI don't get that at all17:59
AlanBellso I end up with a directory with folders compiz and ubuntu in it18:00
AlanBellone being lp:compiz (or actually my branch of it)18:00
AlanBelland the other being that packaging branch which appears to have all of compiz in it and not just the /debian directory18:01
AlanBellI go into the ubuntu directory and try bzr bd but there is no such command18:01
AlanBellor anything similar that I can find18:01
* AlanBell installs bzr-builddeb and tries again18:03
* AlanBell installs a few more missing dependencies and things appear to be building18:04
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AlanBellthat built something, but failed to sign the .dsc file because I am not didrocks18:57
AlanBelland I can't see how to specify my gpg key using bzr bd :(19:01
seb128it's not failing, it's just not signing19:02
seb128the debs are in ../build-area still19:02
seb128you can specify the key with bzr bd -- -kKEYNUMBER19:02
AlanBellok, building again19:29
AlanBellso does this make debs that can be put in a ppa or do I need to do something different to make source debs?19:29
seb128bzr bd --source19:30
AlanBellso I have this ubuntu packaging branch in a directory next to the one I want to build which is called compiz19:36
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AlanBellhow does it know when I am in the ubuntu tree that I want to build the other one?19:36
seb128it doesn't?19:37
seb128you either need to merge the diff you want in the ubuntu dir19:37
seb128or to copy the packaging bit to the other one19:37
AlanBelloh, bother, I am building the wrong thing then19:39
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AlanBellthis can't be normal :(19:49
AlanBellso I cp -a ../ubuntu/debian from the packaging branch to the directory with the branch I want to build19:50
AlanBellthen bzr bd --source -- -k2766C6AD to build my tree19:50
AlanBelland it says bzr: ERROR: Please add "debian/changelog" to the branch using bzr add.19:50
AlanBellwell I don't want to do that, because it shouldn't be there in that tree19:51
AlanBellthis is too hard /o\20:06
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bobweaverping davidcalle   :)20:25
bobweaverI was looking at 100 scopes and seen the watchseries one I have installed on ubuntu tv but it is not searching how to debug this thing ?20:25
bobweaverI will push code now that I changed and then post here20:26
tedgAlanBell, You should be able to merge the dev branch you want into the packaging branch.20:36
tedgSo basically bzr branch packaging20:36
tedgcd packaging20:36
tedgbzr merge dev20:36
tedgbzr commit20:36
tedgbzr bd20:36
bobweavercode and debian packages are here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/watchseries/files20:46
davidcallebobweaver, you need the lens that goes with it. But... I wouldn't advise you to distribute it.22:00
bobweaverthe lens is the series code correct ?22:01
bobweaverI have added that22:01
bobweavercode >> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/watchseries/files22:01
davidcallebobweaver, you should find a tvshows branch, it's the lens22:01
davidcallewatchseries is a scope for it.22:02
bobweaveryeah but the lens is called series22:02
bobweaveron the branch correct I will grab link22:03
bobweaverlens  >>  https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/onehundredscopes/series22:03
davidcallebobweaver, oh right22:04
bobweaveris there a different lens ?22:04
davidcallebobweaver, but I wouldn't advise anyone to distribute this, this is a bit too much on the illegal side of things.22:05
davidcallebobweaver, the folder I have is named tvshows, but yeah, it's the same thing22:05
bobweaveryeah I am not going to push22:06
bobweaverthis is for me22:06
bobweaverbut will not search22:06
bobweaverjust spins22:06
bobweaverI add .sessions file also and also ps aux says that it is running22:07
bobweaverboth scope and lens22:07
bobweaverbut icon that I assign wont show up but Shortcuts key works22:07
bobweaverbecause it says "Search TV series "22:07
davidcallebobweaver, hmm, you don't need a .sessions22:08
davidcalle*checking the branch*22:08
bobweaverthanks davidcalle22:08
davidcallebobweaver, IRC, you want 11.10 compatible lenses, right?22:11
davidcallebobweaver, I'm not used to your way of building, I use a setup.py file, but all you need for this lens+scope to work is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055082 . Nothing more.22:20
bobweaverYeah I mimic the endusers system to make for different packaging22:21
bobweaverwait it is working for you ?22:21
bobweavermy debian packages ?22:22
davidcallebobweaver, I won't see anything working without an Oneiric install.22:22
bobweaverhim maybe I am missing a lib or something ?22:22
bobweaversome sorta dependency ?22:23
davidcallepython-lxml maybe22:23
bobweaverchecking now22:23
bobweavernope that is installed22:24
bobweaverI am going to add some filters to see if they show on lens22:25
davidcallebobweaver, try to run the lens and the scope daemons manually.22:25
bobweaverscope is faing to own name Oo22:27
davidcallebobweaver, so it's already running22:28
davidcallebobweaver, kill the lens first, then the scope22:28
bobweavercorrect when I call the lens it sees the scpoe and starts it22:28
bobweaverbut still no filters or shows22:30
bobweaverdavidcalle,  do you have teamviewer or somesota remote software ?22:30
davidcalleI see a mistake around line 101... the def watchseries method in the scope should be replaced by http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055097/22:31
davidcallebobweaver, Googl+ hangout?22:31
davidcallebobweaver, there is screen sharing22:31
bobweaverok I will try to set that up22:31
davidcallebobweaver, anyway, I won't be able to do it not, it's quite late here22:32
davidcallebobweaver, now*22:32
davidcalleIf you still have the issue tomorrow, I'll be happy to help :)22:32
davidcallebobweaver, what does the scope say when you start it? No error?22:34
bobweavernope no errors just changed the code and trying22:37
bobweaverstill nothing22:37
bobweavereven the filter is not showing up22:38
bobweaveras far as starting the scope 1st it just sits there with a flashing cursor22:39
bobweaverI will try with $?22:40
bobweaverOh my22:41
davidcalleWhat happens if you start the scope, then the lens, then unity make a search in the lens? The scope should asy something, or crash...22:41
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bobstvdavidcalle:  http://imagebin.org/21750722:52
bobstvthat is what happens22:52
davidcallebobstv, and making a search in the lens does nothing at all in the scope terminal?22:53
bobstvI weill try22:53
bobstvwill *22:54
bobstvNothing at all22:55
bobstvoutput from lens http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055134/22:59
bobstvstill nothing in the terminal where scope is ruinning22:59
davidcallebobstv, the lens output looks normal. I'm looking at the code.23:05
bobweaverI am going to add filter to lens to rule out lens 100 %23:06
bobweaverIs there a limit to the number of lens on may have in for the icons to show up ?23:12
davidcalleOn Unity 3D, it can entirely fill up the lens bar, almost 20 lenses.23:12
davidcallebobweaver, that's not a real limit, it's just that Unity is not designed to display more of them.23:13
davidcalleOh, you don't see the lens icon?23:14
bobweaverit is the lens not the scope23:15
bobweaverfilters are not working either23:15
bobweaverfilters that I just hardcoded in ^^23:16
davidcallebobweaver, I see something, but maybe that's not the main issue : in the .lens file "DBusPath=/net/launchpad/unity/lens/Watchseries"23:18
davidcalleShould be lower case23:18
davidcalleTo match the dbus path in the daemon23:18
bobweaverI have altered daemon23:19
bobweaverhang on getting code togeather23:19
davidcalleThat's the only thing I see. (Back in ten minutes)23:20
bobweaverhttps://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/watchseries-not-working    << what I have Right now23:30
davidcallebobweaver, in your .lens file : DBusPath=/net/launchpad/unity/lens/Watchseries should be DBusPath=/net/launchpad/unity/lens/watchseries23:40
davidcallebobweaver, and of course, you have to unity --restart for it to pick up the new .lens file.23:41
bobweaverstill nothing23:44
davidcallebobweaver, is the lens showing up with the right icon?23:48
bobweaverno I have to press the shortcut key to get it to show up23:50
bobweaverI am going to start from scratch23:52
davidcallebobweaver, I'm wondering if there is a conflict because the scope has the same name.23:54
bobweavercould be23:55
bobweaverI fought for days with the TV "video " lens and the youlens that was also named video-les23:55
bobweaverlens *23:55
davidcallebobweaver, you could try removing the .scope file from the unity/lenses/watchseries and see if the lens appears23:56

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