
shakes808Good morning11:31
nullspacemorning all11:54
rick_h_TGIF everyone11:54
nullspacerough week?11:55
rick_h_yea, busy as all can be.11:56
rick_h_that and 90s ugh!11:57
snap-lGood morning12:26
rick_h_friday party12:26
rick_h_already disagreeing with people woot!12:26
snap-lYeah, no kidding12:26
snap-lrick_h_: I thought that was every day? :)12:26
rick_h_well, I usually wait until closer to lunch12:27
brouschI have a feeling I'll  be buying my next computer from whichever vendor offers computers without secureboot13:01
snap-lbrousch: Good luck with that13:09
brouschMaybe by that point I will just have a VPS and a tablet13:10
rick_h_secure boot at its best13:10
brouschWe'll all have a virtual desktop on Amazon and an iPad13:11
snap-lWhat I love is we've come full circle13:14
snap-lwe grew up in the PC age, when the PC was democratizing the usage of computers13:14
snap-land everyone was figuring out how to get off of the expensive mainframes and time-sharing systems13:15
snap-land now we're moving things into the cloud, and locking down our PC machines so a single vendor can tell us what to do13:15
snap-lHate to say it, but RMS is dead right on this13:16
jrwrenrick_h_: i don't quite grok that yui node library. is it just nicer functions for dom manipulation?13:17
rick_h_jrwren: yea, it's kind of the jquery part of YUI13:17
rick_h_but the idea is that I was in my code checking if you give my method a string, then I'd Y.one(string)13:18
rick_h_and get a node instance so I could do stuff to it13:18
rick_h_but if you gave me an already loaded node, I skipped it13:18
rick_h_so lots of if checks/etc13:18
rick_h_but Y.one() already checks if you gave it anode13:18
rick_h_so I got to delete a bunch of conditional code this morning13:18
jrwrenah, cool.13:22
jrwrenfunction  behavior overloaded on input parameter type.13:22
jrwrenI am using that a tiny bit in python, and I think I don't like it.13:23
jrwrenI think in python I should prefer named params13:23
rick_h_yea, it's not generally done in python world13:23
jrwrennamed and default I mean13:23
rick_h_yea, **kwargs and all that13:23
jrwrenits not pythonic IMO13:23
jrwreni was going to ask you about it yesterday...13:23
jrwrentoday is good, I'll fix that ugly13:23
rick_h_cool sure thing13:24
rick_h_yea, JS doesn't have some of that ability that python does so it has to do more manual cruft13:24
jrwrenmakes sense.13:24
jrwrenin js I"d be doing this code VERY differently :)13:24
rick_h_I'm sure13:24
rick_h_I've been having a tough time getting python devs to do good JS lately so I know that battle13:25
brouschJS is annoying. semicolons, too many braces, no default arguments13:25
jrwreni love all those things about js13:25
rick_h_the lack of default args is messy because you end up just with a single argument cfg13:26
jrwrenprototypical inheritence, yay13:26
rick_h_and doing a lot of var val = cfg.val || 'default'13:26
jrwrenthat isn't so bad.13:26
jrwreni do the same damn thing in python13:26
rick_h_prefixed by a var config = cfg || {}13:26
rick_h_yea, but for each value, ugh13:26
jrwrendef foo(arg=None):if arg is None: arg = blah13:27
rick_h_yea, but it should be more13:27
snap-lI'd rather have to type self. for the rest of my life than var = function{13:27
jrwrennot me.13:27
rick_h_def foo(**kwargs): arg = kwargs.get('arg', 'default')13:27
rick_h_at least13:27
rick_h_and that's only if you have a bunch of possible kwargs13:27
jrwrenbut then you HAVE to use kwargs13:28
rick_h_I've come to actually like self13:28
snap-lIt's self mutilation. ;)13:28
snap-lor self love13:28
rick_h_jrwren: right, because 95% of the time you don't need kwargs because you're not passing more than 3-4 args to a method13:28
snap-ltake your pick13:28
jrwrenright, but if you hare 3-4 args, each with defaults, that is a lot of checking the defaults13:28
rick_h_no, you don't have to check defaults, that's the point of defaults13:29
* rick_h_ is confused...pastebin!13:29
jrwrenyou do if you are assigning mutable defaults13:29
rick_h_well stop that :P13:29
jrwrenyou use None and then assign a new mutable instance13:29
rick_h_then the default is None and yes, you have to check for None13:29
jrwrenbut objects are mutable by default13:29
rick_h_right, but default objects? that seems strange I guess13:30
jrwreni don't discriminate between primitives and other types13:30
rick_h_I'm thinking, it just strikes me as odd, but yea I don't have a good reason atm13:31
rick_h_guess I just haven't run into a ton of that and when I have it's not seemed odd13:31
rick_h_you're right, lack of discrimination ftw13:31
jrwrenits very common when you inject dependencies but then optionally allow non-injected instantiation13:31
rick_h_yea, and I guess my stuff I've worked on just tends to enforce you inject the right thing13:32
brouschI'll have to look up depeendency injection one of these days. I have no idea what it is, but I see people saying it often13:32
jrwrenits DEAD trivial.13:32
jrwreni recommend asking rick_h_ rather than look it up13:32
jrwrenbecuase looking it up tends to confuse people and there is WAY too much poor writing out there on it.13:33
jrwrenor ask me, but you see me rarely :p13:33
rick_h_ugh, welcome to zope13:33
jrwrenbad docs zope?13:33
rick_h_bad DI...waaay to much13:33
brouschjrwren: I see you every day, right here13:33
brouschAhahahahahahahah: Dependency injection From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Not to be confused with Code injection. This article may be too technical for most readers to understand. Please help improve this article to make it understandable to non-experts, without removing the technical details. The talk page may contain suggestions. (January 2010)13:34
jrwreni have to wonder if zope wasn't largely written by people who did a lot of java and then started writing java in python13:35
rick_h_jrwren: yea, I can't help but put that label on our devs13:35
jrwrenbrousch: i'll try a description when I get to the office, in a bit :)13:35
brouschDoesn't Zope pre-date java?13:35
rick_h_and when they get to writing JS it's so horrid13:35
jrwrenno, zope is old, but not THAT old.13:35
rick_h_I'd say DI at a simple level is that rather than pass a User object into a method, you have a DI container that holds a "Person"13:36
rick_h_somewhere in your code you pass in a LoggedInUser into that Person container13:36
jrwrenthat is one sweet thing about my new job... they use review board, if someone doesn't do things the right way, people talk about it on the patch and things get done the right way13:36
rick_h_and when the code wants to access it, it asks the DI container for whatever is currently in the container for "Person"13:36
jrwrencontainers are not part of DI at all.13:36
jrwrensee... confusing topic!13:36
brouschZope Corp formed in 1995, Java released in 199513:37
rick_h_yea, it is hard to break down into a "3 line" thing13:37
jrwrena container typically does the injection for you, but you can do DI entirely manually and its definition can stand alone without containers.13:38
rick_h_zope is very like this; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection#Automatically_injected_dependency13:38
rick_h_yea, true.13:38
rick_h_where DI is nice is in testing13:38
rick_h_but outside of that I find it just compliated13:38
rick_h_and with the flexibility of langs like Python/JS I prefer mock/patch over DI ime13:39
jrwrenbrousch: DI is simple: say type A needs a type B. Instead of instantiating B itself by calling constructor, it asks for a B to be sent to it, usually via constructor param.13:39
jrwrenso you've injected the dependency B into type A13:39
jrwrenits also called inversion of control13:39
rick_h_thus jrwren's issues with needing to allow for a mutable object as a default value in an arg13:40
jrwrenbecause now instead of A controlling instantiation of that B instance, the control is inverted to the instantiator of A13:40
rick_h_where it really belongs13:40
rick_h_since A cannot possibly know all cases of how B shold come to be13:40
brouschI do that all the time13:40
rick_h_and if you try to make it do that, A and B are so tighly coupled they might as well be one class13:40
jrwrenits really OO 101, but sadly a lot of OO folks don't learn it and keep on newing up spagetti dependency13:41
jrwrenreduce tight coupling13:41
brouschDamn complicated pattern names13:41
rick_h_and testing is nice because you can create a stub/mock B and pass it to A and check that it does what it should13:41
jrwrenin java and C# it enabled interface development, in python it enabled duck typing, because now B can be anything that quacks the way A needs B to quack13:42
rick_h_where if A was creating B, you don't have control of B and have a harder time testing A13:42
jrwrenok, i drive to office now :)13:42
brouschI think I get it, and have been doing it for a while13:43
rick_h_yea, it can get very complicated though13:43
rick_h_but yea, the idea is pass in what something needs vs creating it inside13:44
rick_h_but then you can end up with long lists of args, default values issues, etc13:44
brouschI see13:44
rick_h_what's the bash variable to reuse the result of the last command?13:48
rick_h_locate something13:48
rick_h_[get result]13:48
rick_h_vim $? or something to open that result13:48
brousch$? i think13:49
rick_h_ended up cheating, vim `!!`13:51
jrwrenbut the longs lists can be good things.14:08
jrwrenits a warning sign that maybe there is too much responsibility in that type14:08
jrwren$? is the error code.14:08
jrwrennot sure what other result there is in a bash command.14:08
krondorI think it's $(!!)14:12
jrwrenbash captures stdout and lets you reuse it?14:13
rick_h_no, !! is just rerunning the last command14:13
rick_h_I think I was just recaling the !! tricks14:14
krondorls /etc/hosts && cat $(!!) seems to work for me (simple test)14:15
rick_h_right, and `!!` does a similar thing14:15
krondorah ok, nevermind I see14:15
jrwrenno fooling with ls!14:16
jrwrenif you had picked any command other than ls it owuld have been obious14:16
jrwrenecho /etc/hosts && cat $(!!)14:16
jrwren$() is just subshell14:16
jrwrenso combining it with !! won't get you much.14:17
jrwreni fancy myself a bash master, but I've never mastered ! commands14:17
jrwrenseems like every other area of bash I have a handle on14:17
krondorkind of ugly but what about capturing the output to a variable?14:19
jrwrenonly way I know is that.14:21
jrwrenbut I think he long since moved on.14:21
krondoranytime I've needed last output instead of redirection I've been doing something in Perl anway.  Hadn't really thought of that in bash.14:22
jrwrenperl, nom nom14:22
rick_h_yea, I just felt like there had to be a better way to fire vim off a locate command result14:23
rick_h_without copy/paste/etc14:23
jrwrenwell subshell, jus tlike you said.14:30
jrwrenbut once you ran the locate once, it is too late.14:30
jrwrenyou'll have to run again14:30
rick_h_yea, but it's off a cached state so no worries14:30
rick_h_<3 locate14:31
jrwrenyeah <3 locate14:31
rick_h_<3 locate more on ssd14:31
jrwrenits one of the first things I turn on.14:31
jrwrenyup, on ssd it is amazing.14:31
jrwrenwhich is rather telling14:31
jrwrenAFAIK locate just finds all teh files on your system then greps a text file14:31
jrwrenit could REALLY be made faster if it hashed storage14:32
jrwrenor indexed14:32
jrwrenbut I guess that is challenging because how do you index on *blah* ?14:32
jrwreni'd like to read some research on that if anyoen knows14:32
jrwreni guess ngram indexes *sigh*14:32
rick_h_all the rage14:32
jrwrenis it?14:32
jrwreni've never heard of it, hehe14:33
rick_h_well, there was a couple diff fulltext talks at pycon14:33
rick_h_and everyone doing fulltext is going to ngrams since you get better non-english and partial match support14:33
rick_h_Search: foobar14:33
rick_h_match indexes on foo oob oba bar14:34
rick_h_I see you wanted 'food' yay14:34
jrwren excellent.14:34
jrwreni never knew that full text search was doing ngrams14:34
rick_h_not all, but it's a big option these days14:34
rick_h_helps with non-english since you're more likely to hit matches with a few characters, takes less natural language processing to do14:35
jrwrenthanks rick_h_ you rock as always14:36
rick_h_I find that stuff interesting. One day I'll get off my butt and tinker with it14:36
jrwrenme too.14:36
rick_h_got into it a litle bit when trying to setup fulltext search for bookie14:36
jrwrenand lucene is great, except for the jvm part14:36
jrwreni'd love something else.14:37
jrwrena rethinking of hte problem.14:37
jrwreni think it is about time14:37
rick_h_so you can see there are several different analyzers available to use14:38
jrwreni've only done ngram analysis in the context of nucleotides and amino acids14:38
jrwrenbut tokenizing is easy14:38
rick_h_compare the ngram to the stemming and you kind of see a little bit the common bits14:38
jrwrenbuilding results is not14:39
rick_h_yea, exactly. This is all about tokenizing the content and the query terms14:39
rick_h_and you get vastly different sized data sets to go through based on these14:39
MaskedDriveranybody here speak fluent german?15:11
rick_h_my wife, but she's at work15:11
greg-grick_h_: whoa, didn't know that[5~15:12
rick_h_greg-g: she was a german major at UM, spent a year abroad for school. Med students get to have fun undergrad degrees15:12
rick_h_her family and my grandmother come from germany so thanksgiving is usually a bunch of sentences started in english and ending in german so I just smile and nod my head15:13
greg-goh nice :)15:13
MaskedDrivernvm, my buddy from Deutschland came through15:16
derekvI always want it to be #ubunutu-mi-us for like ubuntu.mi.us16:38
derekvI'm sortof sad you never see .mi.us anymore16:39
derekvi used to have an email in high school that was like derek@mhs.bloomfield.k12.mi.us or somesuch16:40
MaskedDriverI had freytag@archbold.k12.oh.us16:41
MaskedDriverohhh memories16:42
MaskedDriverthey have such a terrible site16:43
snap-lMost educational sites are only one step removed from a geocities site16:55
greg-geverything you hated about geocities, without the geocities16:56
rick_h_abentley: huh?17:49
MaskedDriverjrwren: yeah, born and raised. just moved here a year ago17:58
brouschMaskedDriver: You some kind of Buckeye fan?17:59
MaskedDrivergraduated from OSU and then worked there for 2 years18:02
MaskedDriverso you could say that18:02
jrwrenso you secretly hate us all.18:05
MaskedDriverare you an UM fan or MSU?18:06
MaskedDriverthen I only hate half of you ;)18:06
jrwrenwould you shake my hand?18:06
MaskedDriverdoes the left side of your brain like UM or MSU?18:06
jrwrenor would you spit in my face and turn around and walk away like an OSU nut?18:06
MaskedDriverI'd shake your hand18:06
MaskedDriverI'm not one of the nut jobs18:06
jrwrenoh, ok.18:07
MaskedDriverwe lose a game, I shrug and go back to my video games18:07
jrwrenwelcome to michigan18:07
MaskedDriverpure michigan18:07
brouschI am scared in Columbus. I park my van with my U-M license plate against the wall so hooligans don't vandalize me18:07
MaskedDrivereh, yeah probably wise18:08
MilyardoWhere I come the the closest rivalry we have that anywhere near the fanaticism that UM vs MSU fans have is Navy vs Army.18:08
Milyardoeven then it's no where near as bad, I don't understand it18:08
MaskedDriverwhat I love is that UM and MSU hate each other more than UM hates OSU, but we hate UM with every fiber of our being18:09
MaskedDriverit doesn't make sense18:09
MaskedDriverwe should hate Florida more than UM. They beat us in the national championship TWICE in one year!18:09
MaskedDriverfootball and then basketball18:10
brouschMaskedDriver: Everybody wants us to be their rival: MSU, OSU, Notre Dame, Penn State18:10
brouschThat is because we are the most awesome18:10
MaskedDriverwe've got Meyer now... he's going ot make the Tressle era look like the Cooper era18:11
brouschI have no idea what that means18:11
MaskedDriverUrban Meyer.. our new coach18:12
brouschI really don't give a crap about sports. I'm just stirring the pot18:12
MaskedDriverUrban Meyer has a 104-23 overall record and a 7-1 bowl game record18:13
MaskedDriverhe's kinda a big deal18:13
MaskedDriverI don't really care abotu sports either, but all my friends are, so I know a thing or two18:13
MilyardoHigh end World of Warcraft Guild Progression: Now that's a competative sport!18:14
MilyardoOne that matters too18:15
brouschThat matters even less than real sports18:15
MaskedDriverMilyardo: or SWTOR end-game PVP stats18:15
MilyardoAs if SWTOR has a end game18:15
MaskedDriverit does18:16
MaskedDriverjust whiney kids complain that it's too repetitive.......18:16
MaskedDrivergear up and quit your bitchin'18:16
MaskedDriveryou mean I have to PVP over and over again to get PVP gear?! NO WAY!18:17
MaskedDriverwhy can't I just buy it for credits?!18:17
MaskedDriverBioware: le'sigh.. fine, here's some starter PVP gear you can buy with credits18:17
MaskedDriverwhiners: BUT I'M NOT GOOD! We should be able to buy Battlemaster gear with credits!18:18
MaskedDriverBioware: le'sigh.. fine, you can buy schematics to craft PVP gear for credits18:18
MaskedDriverwhiners: But it doesn't come with any enhancements and I have to be Rank level 50!!!18:18
MaskedDriverBioware: diaf18:18
MilyardoI know nothing about SWTOR PVP, but people whine in everygame18:19
MaskedDriver"casuals" ruining stuff for everybody18:19
jrwreni'm hating on pthon again.18:35
jrwreni'm setting ElementTree.Element instance's text attr and then writing and its not working!18:35
jrwreni want ot punch python in the face.18:35
jrwrensuch a waste18:36
brouschBlame XML18:36
jrwrenhow can I when teh same dom manip calls work in every other language/lib I"ve used18:36
jrwrenStarcraft2 > SWTOR for esports.18:37
snap-lPython and XML are not the best of buddies18:39
jrwrenyay, works in bpython. WTF18:40
snap-ljrwren: Are you sure you're using the right version of Python?18:40
snap-lYou might have escaped your venv18:40
jrwrennah, i'm just an idiot.18:41
jrwrenwrite bad code, get bad results. simple h?18:41
jrwreni take it all back.18:41
jrwrenof course it si PEBCAK18:41
snap-lwell, that saves me from apologizing for Python. ;)18:41
jrwreni'm sorry python.18:41
jrwreni'm sorry for calling you waste and wanting ot punch you in teh face18:41
snap-lPython forgives you18:42
snap-las opposed to PHP, which thinks you're a dirty whore.18:42
jrwrenphp knows its own kind18:42
snap-lI don't know what it is about Daft Punk's Tron Legacy Soundtrack, but I feel like a programming badass when it's on.18:43
jrwrenyou should try mind in a box's R.E.T.R.O.18:45
snap-ljrwren: Will do18:50
derekvXML is not the best of buddies with clear thinking, or getting things done18:51
derekvXML gets in the way of creating software18:52
greg-gI get in the way of creating software18:54
jrwrensnap-l: the album (and all their albums) are suposed to tell a story18:56
jrwreni don't really grod it a lot, but 8 bits and i love 64 are awesome.18:56
jrwreni love 64 is espeically fun, its about an 8 bit wanting to upgrade to 64 "something I couldn't even comprehend" :)18:56
nullspaceI'm currently liking nervous testpilot19:03
jrwrenwhat is that?19:06
derekvif someone has a better name than "android bookie" or "bookie for android" lemme know19:17
rick_h_If it works out I'd say you could just go for Bookie19:20
derekvI needs to get it to log in19:22
derekvthen upload bookmarks19:22
rick_h_don't actually need login, just a form to store your username/api key19:23
rick_h_and then you build the urls with those params in mind19:23
rick_h_so on first use you'd have to store those to values, bonus points for the api url so that it can be used with your own install19:23
rick_h_damn, spent a couple of hours tracing a test failure only to find out it's because I wasn't clearing the fulltext index.19:26
brouschBmark app is free. Use your own server version is $9.9919:26
rick_h_whoosh won't return results for words that are too common, so as we built up a bunch of the same bookmark, phrases got too common and just stopped returning19:26
rick_h_that took a bit to figure out19:27
brouschrick_h_: Ahahahah, that is funny19:27
derekvcurrently it does work, it just pulls the most recent bookmarks from the main feed and displays them in a list19:27
derekvI spent over an hour to find a capatalization error in an xml config file19:27
derekvabsolutely no error or warning about it anywhere just failing to read the configuration19:27
rick_h_what's funny is that I'd runthe failing test and it'd pass19:27
rick_h_so I started working backwards enabling tests one at a time19:27
rick_h_and suddenly it'd fail, just as it crossed that threshhold19:28
rick_h_and I couldn't find any connection between the most recently added test and the failing one19:28
rick_h_still, glad the code is fine, just need better test cleanup19:28
brouschrick_h_: That deserves a blog post19:28
rick_h_that requires effort :P19:29
rick_h_but yea19:29
derekvmeanwhile ... one preferences activity coming up19:31
rick_h_derekv: you get something working and make sure you update that amazon wishlist :)19:32
brouschderekv: You using plain old Android or something like PhoneGap?19:33
rick_h_Java baby19:33
derekvbrousch, native19:33
derekvnative java19:33
* rick_h_ is excited19:33
derekvI don't want to bother learning phonegap etc19:34
derekvfor one thing19:34
derekvJust not the route I want to go.19:34
brouschWell if you already know Java that makes sense19:34
derekvI wouldn't tell someone else not to learn phonegap (I don't know I've never used it)19:34
derekvOr to just put the effort into their mobile site19:35
derekvBut i'm more of a low level guy19:35
brouschGood people to have around19:35
derekvI like going into kernel source sometimes19:36
rick_h_getting close, 86/90 passing tests19:37
devinheitmuellerderekv: join the dark side.  We have cookies.19:37
brouschdevinheitmueller: What's the dark side?19:38
devinheitmuellerbrousch: kernel development.19:38
rick_h_devinheitmueller: used to come to CHC where he'd bring cool usb-tv devices to hack on19:38
rick_h_then he went back to NY...traitor!19:39
derekvdevinheitmueller, I thought you meant the opposite.  like Join the Web Development side, we have cookies19:39
brouschThe Morlocks of programmers19:39
devinheitmuellerIt's true, the web development side does have cookies, in a different pun-like manner.19:39
rick_h_less yummy19:39
devinheitmuellerrick_h_: Thanks.  In fairness, the New York people thought I was being a traitor by going to Michigan.19:39
rick_h_oh hell yea! All tests pass with the new alembic based migrations and such19:40
derekvrick_h_, should I set default server to bmark.us or let people enter it19:42
rick_h_derekv: so it needs to be the api endpoint which I default to https://bmark.us/api/v119:43
derekvI figured on appending /api/v1 to what they entered19:44
rick_h_well, honestly at this point they can't change anything19:44
rick_h_but one of the bugs we've got is following proper domain subdirs and such19:44
rick_h_so I just keep the whole endpoint as people might have their points be strange19:44
rick_h_derekv: you're probably good either way19:45
derekvhmm, so it might not be /api/v1 ?19:45
derekvthere will be time to fiddle with that19:45
jrwreni just figured out why my test was passing when I thought it should fail.19:46
rick_h_derekv: yea, I guss that would be consistant until we change the version one day19:46
jrwrenconfused x with self.x in a test. i'm so sick of my python nubness19:46
rick_h_if they were at mysite.com/bookie/ you'd still be cool with $url/api/v119:46
rick_h_don't use single letter variable names? :)19:46
derekvwhat I do is use single variable names but different numbers of underscores based on the scope context19:47
derekvlike ___y is a global19:47
* derekv ducks19:48
derekvfive is for a goto label19:48
derekvgoto _____z19:48
derekvby limiting myself to 26 variables per scope I end up with cleaner code19:50
rick_h_ah, a damn good branch: Showing 48 changed files with 572 additions and 1,154 deletions.19:53
greg-gmerge those branches more often!19:54
rick_h_well, rolling up all the db migrations in bookie into two fresh ones using alembic vs sqlalchemy-migations19:54
rick_h_so it's cheating, but does mean a lot fewer lines of code/simpler/etc19:54
rick_h_woot! https://crate.io/packages/breadability/ vs https://crate.io/packages/readability-lxml/ I'm coming after you20:15
rick_h_ok, so 1 day of a package vs my 5 isn't fair :P20:15
derekvhmm maybe a swipe left/swipe right to go between different feeds21:02
derekvlike how some twitter apps work21:02
derekvI got a prefs screen up now21:02
derekvNot wired to anything yet21:02
rick_h_derekv: cool21:41
rick_h_derekv: yea, I'd imagine maybe defaulting to mine, swipe to all, swipe to search or something?21:41
rick_h_and then the ability to select an item and load the readable view21:46
rick_h_bah, fixed the docs, missed that they weren't building correctly21:56

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