
canthus13Unit193: Umm.. it's late, but have you tried supergrub?00:58
Unit193While back, but that's not the issue, testdisk did some good, but I'll have to go another round with it. :/00:59
Unit193Thanks though.01:01
* canthus13 nods.01:03
Unit193skellat: Howdy.01:26
skellatUnit193: Howdy.01:27
skellatUnit193: How goes it?01:27
Unit193Getting closer to a fix, you?01:27
Unit193Also, you did notice Burning Circle getting into the UWN?01:27
skellatWhen did we get in?01:28
skellatUnless UWN stands for something else...not this week...01:28
Unit193Ubuntu Weekly News, it's under the podcast section (of next week at least)01:29
paultagI think he knows :)01:29
paultagjust being funny01:29
paultagman you've lost your sense of humor Unit19301:29
skellatI hadn't looked at next week's yet...01:29
skellatAnd now I have01:30
Unit193paultag: Different sense, and been up way too long. :P01:30
skellatI don't normally have big policy ramblings that intersect with sci/tech but with the lovely spectrum debate something had to be said.01:31
Unit193(Things started breaking up last night around 2, was trying to fix some things, including a fan failure. :/ )01:31
skellatSo, Unit193, how did your computer die?01:31
Unit193Still trying to get it back, and a couple things went wrong. :P01:32
skellatWhat went wrong?01:32
Unit193Fan, grub, partition table, and generally windows failing.01:33
skellatWe've got only one Windows box left at home that works.  Everything else is on either Xubuntu or Lubuntu.01:33
Unit193Hah, same exact here.01:33
Unit193So I'm wondering, what's your need of apt-offline?01:34
skellatCraptastic broadband.  It is nice to have on the base disc if I set a machine up for anybody.  Please remember that there are points of Ashtabula County that only got dial tone in the 1970s and others that can't get past 28.8k on dialup...01:36
* canthus13 is considering setting up an apt proxy. 01:36
canthus138 machines running debian or ubuntu makes it make sense.01:37
Unit193Wow, quite. (To both)01:37
skellatNow that I figured out how to reset ubuntu-defaults-image to spit out Xubuntu images instead...that plus the metapackage here let me ensure I have tools I need in a live environment: https://launchpad.net/~skellat/+archive/elptools01:38
skellatThe description on erielooking-settings does have the disclaimer that while it pulls in what we find useful at Erie Looking Productions...it might not do so for others...01:40
Unit193Yeah, metapackage is a good way to go, I'm just doing a wget -qO- |sh deal, not as good but works.01:41
Unit193Tagger has one as well, but different description. :P01:41
skellatOnce I taught myself some rudimentary packaging...it isn't bad at all.  ubuntu-defaults-builder makes it easy to get started.01:42
skellatSEE ALSO: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/elpreconfig/trunk01:43
Unit193Wooohoo! I got it! Fully working no less, boots and everything!  Chances of that were rather slim too. :D01:53
Unit193I should just figure that out, make myself a ppa rather than pushing stuff to bzr and then recompiling everywhere. :P01:53
=== Guest22913 is now known as jrgifford
skellatUnit193: Reading documentation on Launchpad and banging on things is how I got as far as I did.02:03
skellatAnd if I forgot to mention it, I will say that Burning Circle via e-mail ends as soon as my Google account gets nuked as nuking that wipes out anything I had on FeedBurner too02:07
skellatThis makes me glad I'm off Twitter and am sticking with Identica: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/06/21/twitter_outage_fail_whale/02:09
* skellat has to run away to deal with overheating issues elsewhere at home. Goodnight y'all...02:12
thafreakSo...anyone have any input on purchasing an ssd?14:46
thafreakseems all of the ones I look at have atleast some % of people on newegg saying they suck14:47
thafreakbut all hard drives i've ever looked at have that14:47
thafreaki trust the oppinion of people in #ubuntu-us-oh way more than the r-tards on newegg14:47
MaskedDriveranybody here speak fluent or at least very good german?15:12
paultagMaskedDriver: Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen15:12
paultagIch hatte ein paar jare als Deutchland studiert (god, I can't spell anymore)15:12
paultagals ich in Deutschland war, I guess15:13
paultagA bit rusty15:13
yanoIch spreche ein bisschen Deutsch.15:16
paultagtoll :)15:16
yanoah, paultag beat me to it15:16
paultagyano: naja, alles gut15:16
paultagich arbetet jezt :)15:16
yanotook a 101 class in uni and have read a few books, and slowly participating in duolingo15:16
paultagerm, ich arbeite jetzt, I guess15:16
MaskedDrivernevermind, my buddy from deutschland  came through15:16
paultaggod, I'm not super great anymore15:17
MaskedDriverneeded a quick translation15:17
yano##deutsch exists, if anyone cares15:17
paultagmy german sucks too much to idle there15:18
yanoi've been idling there since i've been interested in deutsch, occasionally i'll glance at the buffer and read what's going on15:20
yanoi idle in lots of channels15:21
thafreakhmm, just saw a spam ticket in some one's trac for web hosting...must be a quality hosting provider17:11

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