
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1603/detail/ popey has been testing the comment system09:01
AlanBelldunno if we want to fix it or just give popey a slap09:02
nigelbAlanBell: can we do both? :D10:15
cjohnstonAlanBell: file a bug and assign it to popey?10:22
AlanBellcjohnston: perfect ;)10:22
dakerAlanBell, there is a fix waiting to be reviewed10:23
dakercjohnston, wanna test the MP ツ13:52
cjohnstondaker: I'm trying to migrate a server right now.. I'll try to work on reviews later today.13:54
dakerok tyt ツ13:54
cjohnstonmoving servers and switching web servers.. nginx ftw13:54

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