
wildmanne39Does anyone know exactly how to get a word to show in a different color in a wiki? I have tried the format that is given in the guide but it has not worked so far01:20
cortmanI know wildmanne39 neither work. I asked bodhizazen about it and he didn't know why they didn't work either01:41
cortmanHe suggested contacting the doc team. I sent an email to the mailing list but no reply yet.01:41
wildmanne39cortman, that is good, I am about to eat bbl01:42
hanniehi hobgoblin cortman JoseeAntonioR14:58
JoseeAntonioRHello, hannie.14:59
cortmanhi hannie15:04
cortmanAre you connected to the official doc team at all hannie ?15:04
hannieno, I am not15:04
hannieI only translated the ubuntu docs15:05
cortmanOh ok15:05
cortmanI'm trying to track down someone official to fix the community wiki15:05
hanniematthew East is the one15:05
hanniedo you want his email address?15:05
cortmanSure that'd be great!15:06
hannieone moment15:06
cortmanThanks a lot hannie15:06
hannieHe is from the doc team. If he can't help you, he can tell you who can15:07
hobgoblinhi hannie - nice to see you - was it manic :)15:15
hanniehey hobgoblin nice to be back :)15:15
hannieI was very, very busy (like all you guys)15:16
hobgoblinwell I've not been too busy with this - but I've been doing a fair lot of daily iso testing lately15:16
hannieNow I am catching up with translations and hopefully the forums2wiki tasks15:16
hannieiso testing for quantal?15:17
hanniedo you think it will be very different from Precise?15:18
hobgoblinwell in the one I use xfce is upgraded to 4.10 and does some tiling and the panels have a deskbar option15:19
hobgoblinyep :)15:19
hanniehobgoblin, do you want me to start with a special task or shall I just continue reading forum tutorials and judging them?15:20
hobgoblinhannie: this has all been ticking over nicely though - cortman and wildmanne have been doing lots15:20
hannieok, I haven't seen the list for a while. Time to have a look at it15:21
hobgoblinhannie: yea do that - I think we more or less have the basics under control now and it's just about getting stuff to move15:21
hobgoblinnot sure what the others who appear to idle in here are doing mind you ;)15:21
hanniewell, what people do should be on the list15:22
hobgoblinhannie: list?15:23
hannieimport list15:23
hobgoblinwhat we need I guess is people looking at threads and linking them to the imprt page15:23
hobgoblinaah yes indeed:)15:23
hobgoblinhannie: at some point I'd like to talk about the manual thing as well15:30
hannieok, we are now in the final stage of proofreading15:30
hanniePerhaps when we start with Quantal, we can count on you?15:31
hannieThat will start in about two weeks15:31
hannieI will let you know15:31
hobgoblinI'm slated to be helping with xubuntu documentation as well15:31
hobgoblingot a lot of time at the moment :)15:32
hanniewriting or reviewing?15:32
hobgoblinI can't remember lol15:32
hannieWhen the Precise version of the manual is out, I have a new task translating it15:33
hannieBut this time I will do it together with my team mates15:34
hobgoblinthat sounds like fun ...15:34
hannieEveyone can do one or two chapters, thus the work will be done in a jiffy15:35
hobgoblinrelatively speaking ;)15:35
hannieyes, because some chapters are very big15:35
hobgoblinI think I got as far as getting latex or whatver it's called and trying to get the thing from bzr15:36
hannieDid you get the branch to your computer (Projects/ubuntu-manual-precise)?15:36
hobgoblinbut it's not been updated since I grabbed it15:37
hanniethat's great. Once you have installed Latex Live you can generate the pdf file from the .tex files15:37
hannieyou can update it daily by giving the command bzr pull15:38
hobgoblinI stopped for some reason - can;t remember now15:38
hannieIt is fun to see how the pdf file grows. Most screenshots are added now15:38
hobgoblinoh yea - it's grabbing it now15:39
hanniegood. Then you can give the command "make"15:39
hanniein the /Projects/ubuntu-manual-precise directory15:40
hobgoblinthat failed15:40
hobgoblin/bin/bash: xelatex: command not found15:40
hannieHave you installed Latex Live?15:40
hobgoblinI obviously didn't get the latex thing then15:40
hobgoblinI should look at the screen before typing15:40
hannieno, and it can take up to 3 hours :(15:40
hobgoblinoh - well I'll let that cook overnight then15:41
hanniegood. If the instructions are not clear enough, ping me15:41
hobgoblinI will :)15:41
hobgoblinI remember what happened now - I had a bunch of issues with bzr that I had to sort out - then didn't get any further15:42
hannieok, but now bzr is ok I guess15:44
hobgoblinwell I started latex live off now15:44
hannieso the last thing to do is get latex live. Tomorrow you can let me know if it is installed15:45
hobgoblinyep :)15:45
hannieI'll be gone in a minute. See you all guys15:45
hobgoblincya - good to see you hannie :)15:45
wildmanne39hey hobgoblin17:55
hobgoblinevening :)19:15
cortmang'dye hobgoblin19:16
* hobgoblin installed texlive 19:17
hobgoblinremoved it - reinstall it somewhere else - id it wrong I guess as it was almost 4Gb :p19:17
cortmanI did the same thing once19:18
cortmanlol it is enormous19:18
hobgoblinsmaller this time - fiddled with it - 520Mb19:22
cortmanIt's the language packs I think20:21
cortmanWhat are you planning to use tex for?20:24
hobgoblinI'm looking at helping with ubuntu manual20:24
hobgoblinunless xubuntu docs takes an enormous amount of my time20:24
cortmanTerrific- not letting grass grow under your feet it appears :)20:29
wildmanne39did anyone figure out how to get color text to work in a wiki?20:29
hobgoblincortman asked in -docs20:30
wildmanne39okay I am stuck on converting a thread until we get it figured out because italic's do not work either20:32
cortmanYes- hannie gave me an email address of a doc team head honcho20:32
cortmanI'm going to email him and see what he says20:32
wildmanne39sounds good20:33
wildmanne39I thought may be the color text was just me20:33
cortmanThere's a couple launchpad bugs to the effect, re the italics and a few other things20:34
cortmanbut they get no attention20:34
wildmanne39I tried italic's in December of last you and could not get them to work but it was my first attempt20:35
cortmanYep. We'll get it figured out.20:41
hobgoblinI suspect it has been broken for a long time20:41
hobgoblinand if the move to sumo actually gains speed they'll likely ignore it20:42
hobgoblinquote from in -docs a while ago " All I knew was mhall119 wanted help going to Sumo? I personally would love to see wiki running something other than moin moin its being the bain of my existence due to its limited markup"20:45
cortmanmoinmoin is definitely closer to bane than blessing IMHO, but no experience with sumo.20:45
hobgoblinapparently it is what mozilla use20:45
hobgoblinor something like that :)20:45
cortmanOh ok.20:46
hobgoblinSUMO is a django app that runs support.mozilla.org20:46
hobgoblinbut it's not something we need to worry about - or so we were told20:47
cortmanThat's what "they" want us to think20:47
hobgoblinI haz logz20:47
cortmanExpect a visit from "them" sometime in the dead of night.20:48
cortmanhobgoblin has the tapes20:48

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