
morgiumalright, sorry. with gdm server starts on console 8, with lightdm it fails to load (Fatal IO error 11), i can login via console and then startxfce4 manually and it works. but this is not satisfactory. what can i try? i googled but i only find bug reports not related to my problem00:00
osmariosorry i must send the script to this site?00:00
Jordan_Ubruenig: Could you explain why you say that ekrjnfedfkj is a spambot? (in #ubuntu-ops)00:01
morgiumosmario, just go there, its pretty self-explanatory. you can paste text there for others to see it (look at my link, its my .xsession-errors)00:01
nibbler_morgium: first i'd try to just use another dm, like lightdm00:02
morgiumi am using lightdm00:02
nibbler_morgium: first i'd try to just use another dm, like gdm00:02
ekrjnfedfkjbruenig, no i'm not00:02
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nibbler_morgium: so, whatever you use that does not work (first you said you use gdm), try another one.00:03
morgiumnibbler_, if you read again what i described you will find i already tried that00:04
nibbler_morgium: sorry00:04
nibbler_morgium: so with gdm it start on console 8, where is the problem?00:05
SkippersBosshe wants hismachine to boot gdm automaticaly00:05
morgiumpreferably lightdm.00:06
nibbler_and console 8 is not shown automatically?00:06
aaasi have a question about developing a website locally and syncing to the host with rsync...any idea of a channel which would discuss webmaster related issues like this?00:06
nibbler_aaas, so - why not just rsync it, and get your options from man rsync?00:06
aaasnibbler_ it's not the options or the how, it's the logistics00:06
SkippersBossmorgium, i would purge lightdm, make sure no config files are left and install again00:08
morgiumSkippersBoss: i did that already00:08
morgiumim pretty sure the problem comes from my deinstalling ubuntu-desktop, installing xubunutu-desktop00:09
morgiumthe "migration" failed somehow00:09
SkippersBossive done the same and it went fine00:10
morgiumSkippersBoss: congratulations00:10
osmariohow can i call a script?00:10
morgiumOsmario: chmod u+x scriptname00:10
morgiumand you can call it whatever you want! :)00:11
SkippersBossyour cleary missing a few libraries when you disassembled ubuntu desktop :-(00:12
sdiazsays I do in the software center00:13
osmarioif i use ./scriptname it works. but instead if i type chmod +x scriptname or chmod u+x scrptname nothing happens00:14
SkippersBossmorgium: looks like installing xubuntu didnot go according to plan.00:15
morgiumSkippersBoss: /nick CaptainObvious00:16
fishbait... why is adobe stopping linux platform support?00:16
morgiumSkippersBoss: sorry i didnt read the line before that, i thought that was a troll attempt. im sorry for that response.00:16
trinisoljahi have question00:17
trinisoljahanyone willing to help ?00:17
morgiumSkippersBoss: but that did actually give me an idea!00:17
lnxslcktrinisoljah, just ask00:17
morgiumtrinisoljah: ask first :)00:17
trinisoljahok i have an alfa wireless card and i am typing sudo iwconfig wlan2 key "key"00:18
trinisoljahand it says00:18
SkippersBossdon't worry good luck in restoring00:18
trinisoljaherror fore wireless request set encode (8B2A00:18
morgiumSkippersBoss: i think it happened because i first installed xubuntu, and then deinstalled ubuntu of course!00:19
SireWhat is required to get mpd/mpc to recognize an Audigy eX audio card on Ubuntu Server?00:19
trinisoljahhow do i put in a key for a wireless card00:19
morgiumxubuntu-desktpo is a metapackage, right?00:19
SkippersBossyep and it removed halve of your xubuntu setup :-)00:19
SireI saw that `sudo lshw` finds the audio device, its MIDI, and its Firewire.00:20
SkippersBossueh yes00:20
fishbaitwhat would this do? sudo cp -r usr/* /usr00:20
nitrohaxit keeps going to the optional boot menu on start up? is it just because it's using sdb instead of sda?00:21
fishbaitare there multiple options?00:21
fishbaiti have flash player and i'm running kde how do i install this thing?00:23
trinisoljahis anyone here familiar with backtrack 5 ?00:23
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fishbaittrinisoljah: this is an ubuntu support channel those here are likely familiar only with ubuntu00:25
fuzzynurfhurterwould u have to put a default gateway ip if theres not 1?/00:25
sk8|fishbait, dod someone tell you what it will do?00:25
bkerensa!backtrack | trinisoljah00:26
ubottutrinisoljah: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:26
sk8|bkerensa, that's a no no00:26
fishbaitsk8: no but i'm leery of that command00:26
sk8|cp is the copy function00:26
sk8|-r is recursive00:26
trinisoljahwtf , backtrack is based on ubuntu00:27
trinisoljahwhat is the big deal00:27
sk8|meaning everything contained in usr/00:27
trinisoljahit uses the same syntax fools00:27
sk8|what is the reason for using it00:27
sk8|fishbait, ^00:27
fishbaittrinisoljah: no ubuntu is based on debian thats a common misconception00:27
fishbaitsk8|: trying to install flash player00:28
trinisoljahi said backtrack is based on ubuntu00:28
sk8|what's wrong no flash?00:28
nitrohaxwhat is the .deb you speak of? LOL00:28
trinisoljahnot ubuntu is based on backtrack00:28
sk8|are you using chromium?00:28
fishbaittrinisoljah: what i'm trying to say is that backtrack is debian based.00:28
bkerensatrinisoljah: Do you have a Ubuntu related support question? We do not support other distros00:29
m1chaelim trying to install xubuntu 12.04 but im getting an error  that says something like gfxboot not a com32r image ... i burned t he iso from xfcburn in xubuntu on another computer00:29
fuzzynurfhurterim having a prob with network it will not automatically find an ip address for itself00:29
fishbaitsk8|: i'm using opera and trying to install 64-bit native fLash00:29
trinisoljahthis is retarded00:29
chutrinisoljah: Don't be so hostile.00:29
trinisoljahcan someone help me configure this wireless card or not ?00:29
sk8|did you grab the plugin from adobe00:29
trinisoljahis this where all noobs are at00:30
fishbaitsk8|: grabed abd extraqcted the 11.2 64-bit file00:30
bkerensa!rules | trinisoljah00:30
ubottutrinisoljah: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:30
sk8|i'm nt familiar with opera or it's issues00:31
trinisoljahsomeone tell me where the backtrack irc is00:31
Jordan_U!backtrack | trinisoljah00:31
ubottutrinisoljah: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:31
phileatonwhat can I do with irssi?00:32
=== phileaton is now known as aragorn
fishbaitlol i love this site http://lmgtfy.com/?q=backtrack+irc+support+channel00:32
sk8|fish go get the plugin00:33
fishbaitgot it00:33
Jordan_Ufishbait: Please don't use lmgtfy links here.00:33
sk8|untar is00:33
SenixI'm on Ubuntu 11.10, with unity when connected to a wired connection it randomly disconnects every few minutes. is there a bug and/or fix for this?00:33
sk8|sudo mkdir /usr/lib/opera/plugins00:33
sk8|cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins00:33
fishbaitJordan_u: ooh here is where i found out about it but okay00:34
fishbaitsk8|: done'00:34
sk8|no dice?00:34
morgiumhow do i reinstall a metapackage with all dependencies00:34
morgiumwithout removing it00:34
fishbaitok ima try it00:35
Senixmorgium: I do believe that there is a sudo apt-get reinstall option, but other then that they will have to be removed to re-install anyway.00:35
Senixmorgium: you could try the synaptic package manager, that may help.00:35
fishbaitfile exists00:35
morgiumSenix: there is, apt-get --reinstall install xubuntu-desktop, but that doesnt reinstall the dependencies recursively00:36
sk8|Senix, i tihnk the apci update has broken alot of stuff00:36
morgiumsenix: alright, i'll try that. :/00:36
sk8|fishbait, you getting it taken care of?00:36
Senixsk8|: so would you suggest i install a later version of Ubuntu or install the latest version?00:36
sk8|i had to00:37
fishbaitsk8|: what file do i copy there?00:37
CellTechCan someone tell me how to 'register' so I can get into the android rooms?00:37
sk8|did you download the plugin from adobe?00:37
aragorndoes sudo apt-get update actually install updates? or does it just load updates00:37
Jordan_U!register | CellTech00:37
ubottuCellTech: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:37
aragorndoes sudo apt-get update actually install updates? or does it just load updates? can anybody help me00:38
Senixaragorn: it only updates the repo files00:38
yeatsaragorn: it updates your package cache00:38
jorge_there is somebody tuquiso system?00:38
Senixaragorn: you can do a sudo apt-get upgrade to isntall the updtaes.00:38
fishbait... i'll check the readne00:38
aragornthank you very much!00:38
sk8|fishbait, go to downloads and select flash player00:38
aragorndo you have to run sudo apt-get update before you run upgrade?00:38
Senixaragorn: it is suggested that you do00:39
sk8|untar the file00:39
Senixaragorn: you can use this syntax00:39
CellTechJoined the freenode. typed that in and it's not working00:39
Senixaragorn: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:39
sk8|mkdir /usr/lib/opera/plugins00:39
aragornah, again, thank you very much,Senix!00:39
Senixaragorn: np00:39
sk8|and cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins00:39
sk8|all done00:39
Senixaragorn: that command will both update and upgrade in one straight go.00:40
gld1982ltdhi all. is anyone using conkygui on ubuntu 11.10? if so, how did you get it to work? if not, does anyone know of a "skeleton" .conkyrc that has all options printed in the file with commented notes or something? or maybe another app to configure conky other than conky colors?00:40
jiohdigld1982ltd, you may enjoy gkrellm instead of conky00:41
deitarionHow do I pull in the basic dependencies for building 32-bit apps on a 32-bit system? `sudo apt-get install build-essential:i386` fails due to dependency conflicts.00:41
yeatsdeitarion: install ia32-libs00:42
deitarionyeats: I'm on Precise.00:42
yeats!info ia32-libs00:42
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in precise00:42
sk8|have a good evening00:42
sk8|see you tomorrow00:43
deitarionyeats: On Precise, you generally install the plain old 32-bit packages rather than special pseudo-64bit variants which just pull in ia32-libs.00:43
gld1982ltdjiohdi: it doesn't look like gkrellm can do as much with graphics....am i wrong?00:43
yeatsdeitarion: okay - I didn't know that00:43
deitarionThe problem is that I'm trying to compile Desura/Desurium with support for installing and running 32-bit games and the build process complains about not being able to find 32-bit versions of libgcc and libgcc_s.00:44
jiohdigld1982ltd, it has many theme options, but what are you looking for00:44
fuzzynurfhurterif i have #ubuntu in the server tab am i not registered??00:44
fishbaitokay flash player is installed00:44
jiohdigld1982ltd, another oldie but goodie is MGM00:44
sk8|your welecome fishbait00:45
fishbaitsk8|: ty00:45
jiohdigld1982ltd, also known as moaning goat monitor for no  apparent reason00:45
jiohdigld1982ltd, but I use gkrellm, themable movable, dockable can be on top or on bottom00:46
jiohdigld1982ltd, and checks my mail00:46
fishbaitwhen i fullscreen youtube it doesn't stretch the video it just centers the video and the control bar is at the center of the screen under it00:46
mahirGuys I have 1 western dgital 3 TB and 1 Segate 3 TB Hard Drives both have data and both are formatted by Windows 7and have lots of data, Ubuntu 11.10 is not picking any of them they are connected internally in the system00:47
mahirFYI I am very new to linux00:47
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gld1982ltdjiohdi: i tried screenlets, but i want to make the widgets myself. i like conky's lightness and it's ability to do pretty much anything.00:48
jiohdigld1982ltd, yes conky is very flexible, I find theming it makes it a power pig at times00:48
deitarionfishbait: You wouldn't happen to have a multi-monitor desktop, would you?00:49
fishbaitdual monitors.00:49
deitarionfishbait: It's a flaw in the YouTube player (Players on sites like Vimeo and Blip.tv are unaffected) where it sizes the player to the aspect ratio of your full desktop and then scales it to only one monitor.00:50
gld1982ltdi'm not looking for old school, just going to try to implement a new system for conky......as far as theming it, i will be using mostly text on screen. i will be using a custom background with each conky setup i create. each background will have all images on it i need to make conky look great. i am just looking for an app that works on 11.10 to help configure these setups a little faster.00:50
gld1982ltdjiohdi: sorry, please read my post above.00:50
pieroI use gnome-shell with two monitors. When I open the browser, nautilus or even xchat, the window is sent to the secondary monitor, maximized. Once I restore it, it moves to the main monitor (wtf?). Can I force all new programs to open in the main monitor and just what I move to the secondary stay there?00:51
deitarionfishbait: My favorite simple workaround is to either use YousableTubeFix to resize the player to the full width of your browser window without fullscreening or to combine YousableTubeFix's Download button with something like Firefox's InlineDisposition extension to let the MPlayer browser plugin handle playback.00:52
jiohdigld1982ltd, pinguyos got it to work on 11.04 and 11.10, might want to check with their forum00:52
deitarionfishbait: Are you on Firefox, Chrome, or Opera?00:52
gld1982ltd jiohdi: thanks i'll look into it.00:53
Sirefishbait: if you want something more convoluted and time-consuming, look into youtube-dl.py so you can download the video directly, then watch it in your local media player.00:53
deitarionSire: YousableTubeFix has a Download button for that. I use InlineDisposition to force the video to be picked up by a browser plugin.00:55
DubstepCraigI have a nooby little problem, I own a minecraft server and I'm using a 1GB VPS, I want to turn some of the disk space into virtual RAM, how can I do this, I tried google first without luck.00:55
deitarionDubstepCraig: The terms you want to Google are "swap partition" and "loopback filesystem"00:56
fishbaitopera and its a flaw but html5 works and  i don't use youtube that often.00:56
aaustinDubstepCraig, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq00:56
deitarionfishbait: Install this user script. https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/3645300:57
deitarionfishbait: I use the Firefox and Chrome versions and both work flawlessly so the Opera one will probably do likewise. Really comfortable way to add "Resize" and "Download" buttons below the YouTube player.00:58
DubstepCraigIs a swap partition basically a partition that is only used for Virtual memory?00:58
deitarionDubstepCraig: Yeah.00:59
DubstepCraigSo if a swap partition exists at any size that means I have virtual memory already?00:59
mdcookjoin #drupal00:59
deitarionDubstepCraig: Yeah.00:59
SireI just installed mpc and mpd, I have the mpd configuration set up apparently properly and I have my music directory in "~/music". I have two directories, one of m4a and the other of mp3 files, but `mpc update` and `mpc listall` don't seem to do anything.01:00
deitarionDubstepCraig: The Unix/Linux term for virtual memory is "swap space" because it's more honest about how it works and what you can expect.01:00
SireWhat should I do?01:00
DubstepCraigdeitarion: I was just about to ask that before you told me :)01:00
denwzI have an issue booting from SAN with Ubuntu. I was able to install the OS. Then I rebooted, I was able to see GRUB and select my Kernel. It loads quite a bit and then hange with 1500 mtu DHCP RARP. Any ideas?01:00
deitarionSire: Sorry. That sounds like the kind of thing I'd normally know, but MPD doesn't play chiptunes so I've never even experimented with it.01:01
ChelseaHas anyone had any luck connecting an Apple alu Wireless to 12.04?01:02
DubstepCraigIf I create a swap partition is it added to the same place as my physical memory for example if I only have 24GB physical RAM and I have a JVM that requires 28GB RAM it will automatically take the virtual RAM?01:02
mikemonkhello guys, performance wise, which would represent a better virtualization solution, with windows xp as guest; vmware, virtual box, kvm, other?01:03
fuzzynurfhurterwhat does %R mean?01:03
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: In what context?01:03
fuzzynurfhurterits in the digital clock01:03
deitarionmikemonk: That would probably depend on what you want to do with it. Do you need 3D acceleration?01:04
fuzzynurfhurterclock format01:04
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: The simplest way to answer questions like that is to open up a terminal and type "man strftime"01:04
mikemonkdeitarion: no i don't01:04
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: (That opens up the manual for the function that resolves those codes)01:04
deitarionmikemonk: Ok. That makes things a little trickier. If you needed 3D, then VMware's implementation would be more mature than VirtualBoxes and I'm not sure if KVM has one at all.01:05
mikemonkdeitarion: ok, so for 3D acceleration vmware is the best right?01:06
fuzzynurfhurterdeitarion im trying to change it from military time to regular01:06
deitarionmikemonk: Yeah. VMWare's been working on it the longest.01:06
reggalwhat's a good live CD that supports games?01:06
aragorncould somebody please help me... I am editing the repositories using sudoedit.. how do I exit and save?01:07
mikemonkdeitarion: what about if i don't need it? which one should i go for?01:07
reggalwhat's a good live CD that supports games and OpenGL?01:07
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: I use %I:%M or %I:%M:%S for that.01:07
aragorncould somebody please help me... I am editing the repositories using sudoedit.. how do I exit and save?01:07
fuzzynurfhurterok i will try that man01:08
deitarionreggal: Depends on your video card. It's a lot easier to find LiveCDs if they don't need to include things like the nVidia binary drivers. Also, that'd probably be a better question for ##linux.01:08
reggalIn that case, my best question would be: What's the best Live CD for including custom things like nVidia binary drivers01:08
aragorncould somebody please help me... I am editing the repositories using sudoedit.. how do I exit and save?01:09
bazhangreggal, this is ubuntu support only01:09
fuzzynurfhurterhell yeah that worked great deitarion01:09
bazhangreggal, remaster an ubuntu cd01:09
blackshirtaragorn, esc and then :wq01:09
blackshirtaragorn, esc and then :wq01:09
aragornthank you!01:09
bazhang!remaster | reggal01:09
ubottureggal: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:09
deitarionreggal: Probably Porteus. Adding packages like binary drivers is as simple as unpacking the ISO into a folder, dragging-and-dropping, and running the script to build a new ISO.01:09
lopsidedhey does anyone know how to force 2.0 mode on a 3.0 USB controller?  I tried disabling the xhci kernel module but then the controller does not work at all.01:10
aragornblackshirt: that didn't do anything?01:10
deitarion...or that works too. Might also be easier for adding games to.01:10
aragornhow can I exit out of a sudoedit session without losing my changes? i.e. save and quit?01:10
deitarionmikemonk: Sorry for getting side-tracked. Let me think.01:11
blackshirtaragorn, or you just using nano?01:11
mikemonkdeitarion: np01:11
deitarionmikemonk: I don't really have much experience comparing performance of the different virtualization solutions. My preference has always boiled down to "VMWare is closed-source and can't run alongside KVM, VirtualBox is good enough... stop."01:12
aragornim not sure, i am new to linux.. I typed sudoedit /etc/apt/sourecs.list and I edited what I needed to... now how can I save the changes?01:12
blackshirtaragorn, exactly what command you are issued?01:12
yeatsaragorn: try ctrl-X01:12
leroxup to01:12
aragornyeats: will that save it as well?01:12
mikemonkdeitarion: haha ok… thanks a lot for your input :)01:13
yeatsaragorn: it should prompt you to save changes01:13
aragornalright I'll give it a whil01:13
deitarionmikemonk: I suspect VMWare would probably be fastest since they have the biggest economic incentive and the best-known name.01:13
blackshirtaragorn, on nano ctrl-x, and then yes for save, just enter01:13
aragornit wouldn't let me overwrite the file01:14
aragornit said I didn't have the permissions01:14
butch128My ubuntu 12.04 install locks up second after boot with my main user, but my alternate user can log in fine with no lock-up... any idea how i can recover my main user?01:14
lopsidedaragorn can you do sudo nano filename01:14
butch128i can ssh into my machine without logging in as well fine01:14
mikemonkdeitarion : sounds about right01:14
lopsidedif u want to save what you have now writeout to a different file where you have permission then move it with sudo01:14
aragornwill nano access the file or move it?01:15
butch128it happens if i log in using ubuntu/xfce/kubuntu...01:15
blackshirtaragorn, i think you were in vim editor01:15
lopsidednano is an editor01:15
aragornso I can move it and replace it with the sources.list file?01:15
echo083before making a apt-get dist-upgrade i have to do a apt-get update ?01:16
yeatsblackshirt: sudoedit uses nano by default, so that seems unlikely01:16
deitarionbutch128: I'm not familiar with Xfce, but I'm pretty sure both Ubuntu and Kubuntu would be trying to use a composited desktop in that situation. Have you tried something like Lubuntu which is incapable of compositing?01:16
blackshirtecho83, you should01:16
echo083blackshirt, the problem is i just made an apt-get update01:16
aragornhank you all for your help it worked great using nano01:17
echo083blackshirt, i try to do an apt-get dist-upgrade01:17
=== Hetep-AFK is now known as Asar
echo083blackshirt, libgl1-mesa-dri: Broken: xserver-xorg-core (< 2:1.10.2-2) but 2:1.6.4-2ubuntu4.3 must be installed01:17
yeatsecho083: no need to re-update if you just did it01:17
yeatsjust do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'01:17
echo083yeats, no it stop after this error :(01:18
SireI just installed mpc and mpd, I have the mpd configuration set up apparently properly and I have my music directory in "~/music". I have two directories, one of m4a and the other of mp3 files, but `mpc update` and `mpc listall` don't seem to do anything. Does anyone have input on fixing this?01:18
Asarhola, am getting a GPG error when attempting to update. Can a person help?01:18
yeatsecho083: sorry - missed your followup01:18
echo083yeats, no problemù01:18
xangua!gpgerr | Asar01:18
ubottuAsar: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »01:18
Asarwhat is appropriate for the <key> >> field?01:19
butch128Any user with "sudo" privileges seem to lock up on my machine seconds after login... ssh login is fine.  regular users are fine..01:20
deitarionAsar: ubottu is a bot.01:21
deitarionbutch128: Hmm. Interesting. Can you clarify what "lock up" means? Does the mouse cursor still move? Can you switch to a console with Ctrl+Alt+F1? Does the whole system lock up or can you still SSH in?01:22
butch128yes, the mouse cursor competely stops functioning01:23
butch128and no, i can't switch to a console either01:23
Asarshould there be what was suggestion of ubottu within the Authentication field?01:23
butch128i log in, if i let it sit for 30 seconds, eventually its full lock.  if i load up a console, hte console will slowly stop responding, then the mouse will stop.01:23
deitarionbutch128: Does SSH still work? (If it does, then your GUI is locking up. If not, then your kernel is locking up.)01:24
butch128no, ssh doesnt work after the lock-up occurs01:24
yeatsAsar: the GPG error should have some clue as to what the key value is01:24
butch128but it works if i dont log-in to the gui fine01:24
deitarionbutch128: Hmm. You said you've tried Xfce, KDE (Kubuntu), and GNOME+Unity (Ubuntu). Have you tried any other desktops?01:24
butch128i have a non-sudoer account that logs in and never locks up.  i gave that account sudoer privileges, now it has the same behaviour01:25
Asaryeats, so within the Authentication field insert the http://keyserver.ubuntu.com?01:25
butch128My hard drive died earlier today, luckily RAID10... and then this starts01:25
deitarionbutch128: You mentioned that. What I'm trying to do is narrow down what might be reacting to the presence of sudo privileges.01:25
amanATdeskI was looking for a tutorial (or even advice) on avconv, specifically for batch converting a handful of mp3s to ogg.01:25
butch128yes... it's very perplexing...01:26
amanATdeskI want to set-up a quick and dirty slide show with music for my wife01:26
yeatsAsar: no, it will be something like "437D05B5" (like in ubottu's example)01:26
deitarionbutch128: Wait. Hard drive failure? RAID isn't a perfect fix. It IS possible that something went wrong in a subtle enough way to corrupt some essential piece of system software.01:26
butch128that's what i'm worried about - the array is resyncing right now01:27
butch128root@ubuntu-desktop:~# sudo aptitude update01:27
butch128E: Archives directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing. - Acquire (5: Input/output error)01:27
butch128i bet when it starts the update notification in the gui, that locks it01:27
yeatsbutch128: sounds like you need to do a fsck before proceeding01:28
DubstepCraigIf I create a swap partition is it added to the same place as my physical memory for example if I only have 24GB physical RAM and I have a JVM that requires 28GB RAM it will automatically take the virtual RAM?01:28
psusibutch128, check the smart status of the reamining drives?  sounds like they have some bad sectors01:28
psusibutch128, which may also cause the resync to fail01:28
OerHeksDubstepCraig, no.01:28
butch128damn it...01:28
butch128omg... your right, 2 devices are out of the raid array now01:29
psusiDubstepCraig, yes, but swap is SLOW01:29
butch1282927095296 blocks super 1.2 512K chunks 2 near-copies [6/4] [__UUUU]01:29
DubstepCraigpsusi: Even on SSD?01:29
deitarionDubstepCraig: swap on an SSD will drastically shorten the lifetime of the SSD in many usage scenarios. Better to just buy more RAM.01:30
psusiDubstepCraig, hd is like 10,000 times slower than ram... ssd maybe only 3,500 times slower... so better, but still slow01:30
butch128active raid10 sdc2[0](F) sdd2[2] sdf2[3] sde2[6](S) sda2[4] sdb2[5]01:30
psusiand yea, intensive writes wear out ssds01:30
DubstepCraigIt's not my SSD01:30
DubstepCraigIt's rented.01:30
DubstepCraigFrom OVH01:30
psusibutch128, doh... looks like you'll be restoring from backup01:30
butch128why is it no longer resyncing sdc1? thats the one that fails01:30
psusibutch128, check dmesg or /var/log/kern.log for errors... one of the remaining "good" drives probably has some bad sectors01:31
deitarionDubstepCraig: I'd be surprised if they don't have some kind of clause in your contract for people who knowingly abuse their hardware that way.01:31
butch128EXT4-fs (dm-2): Remounting filesystem read-only01:31
DubstepCraigdeitarion: Meh01:32
butch128Core dump to |/usr/share/apport/apport 3600 7 0 pipe failed01:32
psusibutch128, lvm on top of raid10?01:32
SireWhat's the name of the command line IRC client, ircis or something?01:32
deitarionSire: irssi is the most popular one.01:33
claude2irssi is one01:33
butch128my md0 array is still fine though...01:33
psusiSire, I was always partial to BitchX myself, but I think irsii was another01:33
Sirepsusi, irsii should be it, thanks.01:33
psusibutch128, it pays to run a SMART check of the disks periodically01:34
deitarionSire: If it's in the Ubuntu repositories, it'd be either irssi or ircii. irsii doesn't exist.01:34
ffvanyone here?01:34
deitarionffv: No. We're all down at the bar.01:34
psusidamn straight... except my bar is at my desk01:34
butch128clearly... so basically no way of recovering eh?01:34
deitarionJust ask your question. Don't ask to ask.01:35
Siredeitarion, there is an entry for both.01:35
psusibutch128, short of restoring from backup?  no... unless the damage is limited to just one file you can live without01:35
deitarionSire: Yeah. irssi and ircii are different programs. I'm saying that irsii doesn't exist so you must've meant one of those two.01:35
Siredeitarion, I went and got both, irssi is the correct one.01:36
butch1282 drives failing at the same time, bah... never would have thought01:37
SireSo, does anyone have experience getting mpd and mpc to work on Ubuntu Server over SSH with the host computer having the audio device?01:37
uofm49426is there dsl like ubuntu distro01:39
ffvHello.. I am a new user to Ubuntu. I'm trying to install ubuntu next to win 7. However in my bootloader i cAN'T find that installation. Also, i'm using my buffalo wireless card. But I got frimware missing in my options. my wireless options01:40
fuzzynurfhurterwhy would ubuntu just lag for no reason when opening anything?01:40
ffvHello.. I am a new user to Ubuntu. I'm trying to install ubuntu next to win 7. However in my bootloader i cAN'T find that installation. Also, i'm using my buffalo wireless card. But I got frimware missing in my options. my wireless options01:41
tomas_hello i want it to install netbeans in ubuntu what you thing ?? and how i should install i serch in internet but doesn t convence me01:41
amanATdeskhello? anyone here know how to convert mp3 files to ogg files using avconv?01:42
RadiarcI need help getting a BCM4311 wireless card working on a Dell Vostro 1400. I installed the STA driver, but it still isnt activating. Using USB wireless at the moment01:43
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deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: "Ubuntu" as in the Unity desktop?01:43
bazhang!minimal | uofm4942601:44
ubottuuofm49426: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:44
bazhang!lubuntu > uofm4942601:44
ubottuuofm49426, please see my private message01:44
Pici!floodbots | tomas_01:44
ubottutomas_: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.01:44
fuzzynurfhurterno i have the lubuntu desktop on xubuntu but when i try and open stuff sometimes it will lag then open 3 or so cause i clicked that many but it shouldnt be lagging though01:45
ffvHello.. I am a new user to Ubuntu. I'm trying to install ubuntu next to win 7. However in my bootloader i cAN'T find that installation. Also, i'm using my buffalo wireless card. But I got frimware missing in my options. my wireless options01:46
deitarionffv: Repeating yourself, trying to dominate the conversation will just get you kicked. If those of us who are at the computer don't know, we don't know.01:46
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/avconv.1.html amanATdesk01:46
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: Ahh. Latency issues. That's a tricky one and I can't really spare the time to diagnose it right now. You could experiment with the `iotop` and `latencytop` tools.01:47
amanATdeskbazhang, thanks.01:47
deitarionffv: However, I will try to help how I can. First, could you clarify what you mean by "However in my bootloader i cAN'T find that installation."01:47
amanATdeskI just had an idea, to try and see if vlc could do it, seems to have worked, but it makes me convert them one at a time (got 7 files)01:47
fuzzynurfhurternever heard of em01:47
amanATdeskI'll go read up the link you referred to bazhang01:48
bazhanghttp://libav.org/avconv.html#Description amanATdesk and this too01:48
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: "iotop" shows you a breakdown of what's busying your hard drive.01:48
amanATdeskcool, will look at both01:48
amanATdeskthanks again baz01:48
fuzzynurfhurtersry deitarion i newish to linux but been workin at it lol01:48
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: "latencytop" shows you a breakdown of what might be taking too much of your kernel's attention in one go.01:48
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: No worries. A lot of people have never heard of iotop and latencytop.01:49
fuzzynurfhurterok ok i see what u mean its like a more detail taskmanager processes type thing01:50
lopsidedhey does anyone know how to force 2.0 mode on a 3.0 USB controller?  I tried disabling the xhci kernel module but then the controller does not work at all.01:50
ffvdeitarion: thankyou. I have 3 installion of win7. I insalled a ubuntu copy 12.04lts under win7 using the function "...whatever...". But I can't boot it after installation01:50
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: Sort of. The task manager tracks CPU and memory load on average. latencytop tracks programs which cause the kernel to, in essence, become distracted, causing your desktop to potentially stutter.01:51
reggalI'll try remastering a Ubuntu Live CD then01:52
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.01:52
bazhangffv a wubi install then01:53
bazhang!wubi | ffv01:53
ubottuffv: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe01:53
marc_12314not sure what to look for.. I have a raid 1 array (mdadm) with  sda1 and sdb1.  I removed sda1 physically to test how to recover the array., I plugged it back in, and was able to have my array in sync again. but my second test: I unplugged sad, rebooted, added files on sdb.  now both drives are plugged in, the MD2 array say that SDA is removed, but if I try to add it to the array, it say "mdadm: /dev/sda1 reports being an active member for01:54
marc_12314/dev/md2, but a --re-add fails."01:54
fuzzynurfhurterok what would be something like msconfig from windows to turn some of the services off01:54
deitarionlopsided: I saw your question the first time, but I have enough USB hubs that I have yet to need to even attempt to plug anything into my USB 3.0 ports.01:54
marc_12314what am I supposed to do if I want SDA to get back in the array and sync with the new content on SDB ?01:54
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: Which desktop were you on again? In Lubuntu, it's Preferences > Desktop Session Settings. In other desktops, search for things like "startup", "session", or "services".01:55
deitarionfuzzynurfhurter: You usually don't need to turn off system-wide services (eg. if you've installed a web server, you probably want it running) but, if you do, then that's a different control panel.01:56
fuzzynurfhurterok i know what ur talking about i have to clean up this linux a little too01:56
lopsideddeitarion: what version are you running, I'm on 10.0402:00
deitarionlopsided: Lubuntu 12.04. I was running Gentoo on this particular box until I switched to Lubuntu 11.04 when the old motherboard died. I do have another machine which has been running Lubuntu since at least 10.04, but I don't remember what it was like.02:01
lopsidedI'm trying to figure out if I should get a 3.0 hub, or try to move to 12.04 or both..  All my USBs are fried and I have to use a 3.0 expresscard (1 port) plus 2.0 hub at the moment.  BUT my wireless mouse freezes until I move it to a different port on the hub.  And I have to keep moving it every time it freezes02:01
lopsidedIt works when directly connected to the expresscard, albeit with some jumpiness at times.02:02
deitarionlopsided: Are you sure it's not some kind of flaw in the port itself? You did say your other ports are fried.02:02
u4ia74Hi.  I'm using a program (peazip) that lets me specify the "System Temp" directory.  Is this a system variable that points a directory or is this something specific to the /tmp directory?02:02
lopsidedno this is an express card02:02
deitarionlopsided: Just making sure. I've never fried a USB port myself, so I have no clue what side-effects it may have.02:03
lopsidedIt works fine in windows.  this is a linux issue.  I was thinking it was the xhci driver not playing nice with 2.0 hubs02:03
lopsidedIt happened when I hit my laptop really hard once because of frustration.  Long story.  But it killed my USBs and my webcam02:04
lopsidedDo you use a wireless mouse02:04
deitarionlopsided: No. The only wireless thing I use is my IR remote. I hate changing batteries.02:04
lopsidedI have the MX revolution before they discontinued.  rechargeable.  :-D02:05
deitarionlopsided: I have the G3 gaming mouse. Cheapest quality laser mouse I could find back around 2005/2006 when I bought this PC.02:05
JohnTeddyMy flash is crashing periodically/freezing after the last chrome update from Google02:06
deitarionThat is, least-expensive high-quality laser mouse.02:06
lopsideddo you have any idea how I could research trying to configure the xhci driver?  i was having difficulty02:06
JohnTeddyAnyone else have this problem? on the latest ubuntu02:06
deitarionlopsided: You'd probably do the same thing I'd do. When my old mobo died, my new mobo had the same number of USB 2.0 ports PLUS another two USB 3.0 ports, so I've never tried plugging anything into them.02:07
deitarionJohnTeddy: I can check. Give me an example URL.02:07
deitarionJohnTeddy: I only use Chrome for certain tasks that Firefox can't do (like testing sites I wrote to make sure they work properly in Chrome) and I almost never go anywhere with Flash in Chrome.02:09
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u4ia74Hi.  I'm using a program (peazip) that lets me specify the "System Temp" directory.  Is this a system variable that points a directory or is this something specific to the /tmp directory?02:12
deitarionu4ia74: I'd chastise you for repeating your question, but this time I actually did forget to answer. I don't use PeaZip myself, but it probably is asking you to put "/tmp" in the box.02:13
JohnTeddydeitarion: Every youtube url.02:14
deitarionJohnTeddy: Ok. One sec.02:14
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deitarionJohnTeddy: It's working for me right now with "Where the Hell is Matt? 2012". When did you receive this Chrome update?02:15
deitarionJohnTeddy: ...and is it the Google Chrome build or the Ubuntu-provided Chromium build? ...because I don't run Google's closed-source Chrome build ever.02:16
JohnTeddydeitarion: The google chrome02:16
deitarionJohnTeddy: Can't help you then. Google's Chrome comes with a completely different Flash plugin based on a completely different API.02:17
JohnTeddyPerhaps it's because I have flashblock installed.02:17
rainbowwarrior2Hello, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a compaq cq60 laptop and my sound is no longer working, anyone got any idea how i can fix this please ?02:17
JohnTeddyI'll disable the plugin and see what happens then.02:17
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fourfourthreeis there a way to forward desktop notifications to growl and growl for windows?02:18
deitarionJohnTeddy: Perhaps. I suggest using Chrome's built-in ClickToPlay functionality instead. Among other things, it's safer.02:18
fourfourthreeor to anywhere?02:18
u4ia74deirarion: I actually gives a drop box with three selections, for Working Directory: "Output", "System Temp", "None"  So the fact that it doesn't give me an option to specify a temp directory kind of suggests that perhaps it's a system variable that can be specified.  Limiting all temp activity to /tmp doesn't sounds terribly logical...  but I can mount the /tmp directory on a partition with more space I guess...02:18
deitarionfourfourthree: I'm not sure. I've never needed that. I can look into it but I may be a bit sluggish. If you want to search for it yourself, try using the terms "libnotify", "notification daemon" and "galago".02:19
deitarionu4ia74: Ahh, that makes more sense. Yes, it would be using /tmp. Why not just use "output"?02:19
deitarionu4ia74: (That's what the command-line zip command does. It creates the zip file with a random name and then renames it on success or deletes the partial file on failure)02:20
u4ia74The program errors out saying it's out of disk space when there is plenty, for some reason...  That's where I started.02:21
deitarionu4ia74: Hmm. What are you trying to unpack? Have you tried opening it in another tool to narrow down the possibilities?02:22
u4ia74I guess the bigger question was about whether or not a system temp directory can be specified by a system variable.02:22
u4ia74I'm actually trying to use FreeARC to do some compression.02:23
u4ia74With Peazip as the interface.02:23
reggalpenis petrol02:23
xangua!ops | reggal02:24
ubottureggal: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:24
Coreyreggal: Enough.02:24
deitarionu4ia74: That would depend on how PeaZip is coded. It may or may not support it.02:25
jfcaronI am having trouble viewing flash videos (like youtube).  I tried using the Adobe flash plugin and now gnash.  The only difference is that Adobe gave me a white blank area where the video should be, while gnash gives a black blank area.  I'm using 10.04 LTS and Firefox, updated.02:26
deitarionfourfourthree: It's looking like the "network libnotify" situation is the same as it was a couple of years ago. In theory, but not much in practice. You said you wanted to send to a Growl instance?02:26
echo083i have 8.04 server i'd like to upgrade to 12.04, should i do it with two updates (8.04 => 10.04 => 12.04) or one update (8.04 => 12.04) ?02:26
deitarionjfcaron: What video drivers?02:26
xanguajfcaron: do you have both adobe and gnash plugins installed¿02:26
u4ia74Yeah, but I'l actually less interested in peazip and more interested in the question it raised.02:26
jfcaronxangua: No I removed flash entirely before installing gnash.02:27
deitarionu4ia74: About moving the system temp folder?02:27
jfcarondeitarion: How do I check that?02:27
JMarceloBRHi folks! Need a little help, please... I'm getting a kernel BUG error that is freezing a ext4 filesystem (in this case a RAID5 device at /dev/md0). I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-41. I was told to test if the bug occurs in kernel version 3.5 (latest upstream). I installed and tried to boot my box from this kernel, but it does not find the root device. My question is: is it possible to02:27
JMarceloBRrun this kernel version with the 10.04 LTS? Am I missing something?02:27
u4ia74deitarion: or specifying a system temp dir using a system variable.02:28
echo083no opinion ?02:28
deitarionecho083: I'd be very wary of doing that big an upgrade in one jump. I'm pretty sure it's not a supported option.02:28
deitarionu4ia74: You could try setting TMPDIR. The usual recommendation is to play it safe by making /tmp a symlink or `mount -o bind` remap to the new location.02:29
echo083deitarion, you think that's not even possible to upgrade from 8.04 to 12.04 ok i'll do it in two updates02:29
dr_willismake plans for a clean reinstgall - if the upgradeing fails..02:30
jfcarondeitarion: I'm using the non-fglrx Radeon driver.02:30
u4ia74deitarion: Ok thanks.  I need to go read up on system variables it seems.02:31
deitarionu4ia74: http://forums.opensuse.org/install-boot-login/407392-move-tmp-other-partition.html02:31
deitarionjfcaron: Hmm. Not something I'm personally familiar with. Give me a sec to make sure I'm not forgetting to respond to someone else and then I'll see what I can suggest.02:31
HelloWorld321will ubuntu download a video driver on its own if I turn off the box and plug in a new nVidia card? (and the old video was onboard intel video driver)02:33
init[dot]dHelloWorld321, nope02:34
dr_willisHelloWorld321:  you need to run the addational-drivers tool02:34
dr_willismay be  dialog/popup also when yoou power on the first timeprompting the download also02:34
HelloWorld321before or after installing the new card?02:34
HelloWorld321Groovey.  Tx.  So I'll just flip it off, plug in the new card, and then follow the prompts when I turn it back on.  I dig it.02:35
deitarionHelloWorld321: The drivers without 3D acceleration are included. It should pop up a tray notification offering new 3D-accelerated drivers automatically if they're not included.02:35
dr_willisyou might  need to use thee  nomodeset option untill you  get the drivers installed.. depends on the card.02:36
colin__hi y'all02:40
colin__im new here02:40
colin__im here from mint02:41
colin__using ubuntu 12 now02:41
Roga_DanarI just left mint for U12 as well.02:41
colin__then we  have something in common02:41
Roga_DanarYeah, I liked Mint okay but there were a lot of compatibility issue with my hardware.02:41
colin__had a nightmare to get it running though02:41
colin__monitor is broke02:42
Roga_DanarColin: on your laptop?02:42
colin__had to plug computer into tv, to get EDID file to work02:42
Roga_DanarOh, okay.02:42
colin__was a crazy idea02:42
colin__but worked, allowing me to install graphics driver02:42
Roga_DanarColin: Nice workaround.02:43
colin__thing is.. on mint 9/10 its ok, but 11/12 it used to flicker... something about edid checksum remainder was 1702:43
Roga_DanarYeah, well it's always a crapshoot.02:43
colin__then someone said try ubuntu, but it also flickerd02:44
colin__just having dilemma with workspace swithcer now02:44
Roga_DanarMint is a child of Ubuntu, so no surprises there.02:44
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
mattalexxI have an Ubuntu Lucid virtual machine (Virtualbox) in a Debian Squeeze guest. For some reason, the Ubuntu filesystem just suddenly went read-only. On reboot, I am dropped into a BusyBox shell. How can I fix this?02:44
colin__i used to use the cube thing02:45
colin__but i dont think its necesary now02:45
colin__oh i think i get this now02:46
dr_williscube was only necessary to impress windows users. ;)02:46
colin__yeh, well that was me02:46
colin__i see theres 4 workspaces in a squre02:46
blackshroudhi all02:46
blackshirthi blackshroud02:46
KRomeleoN<dr_willis> cube was only necessary to impress windows users. ;)   lol02:46
dr_willisnow the compiz ZOOM feature.. that was handy02:47
blackshirtLooks has similat nicks with me02:47
colin__thing is, i cant drag windows from wroskpace to workspace can i?02:47
dr_willisone tim for  12.04 ussage. - the SUPER key when held , shows a hotkey list. ;)  also check out tapping the alt key  to get into the 'HUD' ;P02:48
dr_williscolin__:  it doesnt work that way  any more by design. draggint to the edges sort of sticks/resizes to that edge now02:48
dr_willisclick the workspaces icon, then you can drag windows around workspaces02:49
blackshroudhey blackshirt02:49
colin__i dont get it, wheres the icon02:49
dr_willisor rightclick, and send to another workspace02:49
dr_willislet side panel. has a workspaces/desktops icon. 4 boxs02:49
dr_willisat least mine does. ;P02:50
dr_willisor theres hotkeys to show all the workspaces.02:50
colin__i click it, it just takes me to the workspace02:50
dr_willischeck out some of the USINGunity videos at youtube and otehr tutirial sites perhaps02:51
colin__dont use unity02:51
colin__i got the gnome-session-fallback thing02:51
colin__one small thing thats bothering me...02:51
colin__suppose i open firefox from panel02:52
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LenovoPC2342Installed Ubuntu 12.04 (LXDE Desktop) on my Lenovo Thinkpad X61s.   Problem:  When I reboot Ubuntu, it enters the network boot (pxe??) and won't restart. Solution?02:52
colin__from top panel02:52
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colin__the top of the firefox window is hidden behind the panel02:52
colin__makes it harder to move it aroun02:52
bagasternyata masih ada jg yang pake IRC02:53
lucas-argi cant find startup apps in gnome-shell... where or how can i enable it again?02:53
JoseeAntonioR!english | bagas02:53
ubottubagas: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:53
colin__can anyone help me,02:54
blackshroud@colin__ what do you mean hidden behind the panel?02:55
bagaspardon me.. just say hallo for u guys02:55
colin__when i open firefox or any other app from top panel,  the top of the app, is behind the panel02:55
colin__it doesnt push it far down enough02:55
blackshroud@colin__ screenshot?02:55
colin__hold on02:55
blackshirtcolin_, what the problems?02:56
blackbear008- colin__, 10:55 -02:56
blackbear008when i open firefox or any other app from top panel,  the top of the app, is behind the panel02:56
colin__i cant move the window away very easily02:56
blackbear008it doesnt push it far down enough02:56
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blackbear008colin_:are you using Ubuntu12?02:57
blackshirtbagas, lare pundi om?02:57
blackshirtcolin_, what the problems?02:57
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colin__it doesnt move it down far enough to drag about easily enough02:58
colin__where do i put pic02:58
deitarioncolin__: Have you tried holding Alt and left-clicking somewhere other than the titlebar? I'm not sure about Unity, but most DEs bind that to moving windows.02:59
blackbear008any where , give us your URL.02:59
OerHekspaste image > http://imagebin.org/?page=add03:00
=== EricAndrews is now known as EricCubixCloud
dr_willisthe alt-click to  move - i belive is a feagture of X. so works in any wndow manager. at least i dont recall ever seeing it not work03:01
nitrohaxafter an update it didn't purge the old kernel. Had grub going crazy03:01
dr_willisi even have a similer addon for alt-click to move.. in windows. ;)03:01
colin__the only way i can move the terminal is to press on the far right away from the menus03:02
OerHeksgnome-panel ?03:02
dr_williscould  also try fullscreening, then unfullscreening the window03:02
colin__so u donno how to change this03:03
deitariondr_willis: It's a feature of the Window Manager. It's just a de facto standard. (You can turn it off or replace it by removing an entry from Openbox's config, for example)03:03
dr_willisi rarely have the isssue. and if it does move off screen that way. i just alt-click and drag it back03:03
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dr_willisdeitarion:  i seem to recall once using the alt-click to move, even without a WM. (had a crashed system with  no WM running, just X) but its been ages ago since ive lase tried..  and im getting old and senile. ;p03:04
blackshroudand yeah alt+click will move the windows03:05
colin__that CCSM thing, i cant even move it, cuz hte title bar is hidden behind panel03:05
colin__unless i mess around with stuff03:05
namighi everyone03:05
blackshroudhave you simply tried moving the panel?03:05
colin__cant i just have it appear slightly lower03:05
deitariondr_willis: It IS possible it's some kind of X feature, but given how Openbox configures it, I'm pretty sure the WM does some kind of generic "reset all" when taking over if that's the case.03:06
blackshroudthumbs up @E3D303:07
E3D3blackshroud, ?, I forgot to prepend /join, but thanks.03:10
histoIs qemu broken or did it undergo changes?03:10
histoI just installed qemu and qemu -h results in nothing.03:10
histocommand not found03:10
deitarionhisto: Did you try `kvm -h`?03:11
bazhangnamig, hi03:11
bazhangnamig, did you have an ubuntu support question03:11
deitarionhisto: I think I remember the KVM branch taking over as the official QEmu. Give me a sec to reinstall it and I'll check.03:11
namigno i am just first time using irc03:11
histodeitarion: that's it03:12
wingnut2626is there support for ubuntu on android phones in here?03:12
bazhangnamig, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  ; this channel is support ONLY03:12
bekorhey all, touchy subject, and a mature of opinion,but any one like me that is not a huge unity fan running 12.04?what is your favorite alternative desktop environment for 12.0403:12
colin__i get sent a free crucial M4 128G ssd by mistake03:12
namigok i understood03:12
bazhangbekor, #ubuntu-offtopic03:12
colin__gonna keep it03:13
nitrohaxbekor, i tried running compiz on the whole system. but then it crashed and i couldnt' get it to load the gui and lost everything03:13
deitarionbekor: I run LXDE because it's the lightest, fastest thing I know of that still provides a polished desktop out of the box. (More CPU and RAM for more important things)03:13
bazhangnitrohax, deitarion feel free to join him in #ubuntu-offtopic03:14
blackshroud@colin__ WINNER!03:14
colin__they sent me 203:14
colin__is unfair to take it off me now03:14
deitarionbazhang: I was actually preparing to leave for the night, but thanks.03:14
bekori like the lxde idea compiz with cairo dock cool in that?03:14
wingnut2626i have jaunty installed on an android phone......i can add users but cannot log on as them.  is that a file permissions issue?03:14
colin__ive got used to having it around03:14
bazhangcolin__, how does this relate to ubuntu support03:14
deitarionbekor: If you're going to stay, use PM.03:15
colin__because... im running ubuntu off the other ssd03:15
dr_willisbekor:  i think i noticed when i installed cairo dock (or was it awn) it added a session that was just COmpiz+the dock.03:15
bazhangcolin__, thats hardware, nothing to do with tech support03:15
colin__didnt know this was tech support03:16
colin__thought it was ubuntu chat03:16
dr_willisSee the chenel topic when joining. ;z003:16
colin__syas ubuntu03:16
bazhangcolin__, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat03:16
fuzzynurfhurterhey i finally figured out how to get rid of the bogas sessions on the greeter screen03:16
CDroneI have just tried to mount virtual image and autorun ubuntu 12.04 iso on win xp >> it requires restarting >> then it is naturally unable to find a medium to continue installation from03:17
Roga_Danarbazhang: are you an admin here?03:17
CDronehow should it be done then?03:17
djiefoHi. how to set set Rythmbox t normal after setting it to party mode?03:17
CDronewithout havving to burn it onto a cd03:17
CDroneI want to run the windows installation03:17
dr_willisCDrone:  wubi.exe can be downloaded and use an iso file if both are in the same dir.03:17
dr_willisno need to mount the iso with any tools03:17
CDronedr_willis, link please?03:18
MonkeyDustwubi :(03:18
dr_willisor you could copy the wubi file off the mounted iso to your hd.03:18
dr_willisI dont reccomend using wubi at all.  but its downloadable from the ubuntu homepage somewhere.03:18
fisch246alright my second monitor stopped being recognized. when i go into display it shows up as "unkown". it was working perfectly fine until now. what had changed was that I unplugged the monitor, and took the machine to school. now that i'm back home and it's hooked up again, it's not recognizing the monitor. i've restarted and replugged the monitor several times. i have also updated my programs several times. still no luck. any suggestions03:18
fuzzynurfhurteri wont use it03:18
CDronedr_willis, why don't you recommend it?03:19
CDronewhy not, fuzzynurfhurter?03:19
dr_willisCDrone:  its very fragile, and problematic.03:19
bekorthanks all03:19
dr_willisif i wanted to run ubuntu insode windows.. id use vbox03:19
fuzzynurfhurtereasyier to just put it on a usb on go anywhere with it\03:19
djiefoHi. how to set set Rythmbox t normal after setting it to party mode?03:19
CDronedr_willis let me take my chances with it first, so now I should copy it from inside the iso and paste it in the same dir where the iso is, right?03:19
AndChat223345Hi,my AOC F19 LCD has a weird problem when installing and booting.installing method I use is to boot an iso with grub2 from a usb stick.It works fine on my laptop,but on my self-built desktop it ended up LCD going off,and a still running system which i figured out by the noise and lights. when I switch to another LCD,boot again and just works decently. this acciddent happens after grub2 popping out verboses ,the time which should turn to splash scre03:19
dr_willisCDrone:  or just find the wubi.exe/installer and download it. its not too large i recall.03:20
OerHekswubi is not recommended for production work/03:20
dr_willisAndChat223345:  try the Nomodeset option?03:21
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:21
BorillionI seem to not be able to install libaudiofile003:21
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OerHeksdjiefo, select normal/party mode from top panel, you might need F11 to disable full screen03:22
Roga_DanarFolks, as long as you are discussing Ubuntu and getting help here, don't let other users bully you into thinking that you are in the wrong channel. Certain users have been inappropriately telling folks to go to other channels.03:22
CDronedr_willis, I don't want an encapsulated linux on that machine, I need a dual boot system, where the unix system is able to establish thousands of TCP connections ;)03:23
Borillionis installing repo's from oneiric so I can get libaudiofile0 ok?03:23
djiefoOerHeks,  thx03:23
dr_willisCDrone:  then i suggestg doing an actual dual boot setup. not using wubi.03:23
dr_willis!find libaudiofile003:24
CDronedr_willis let's just03:24
ubottuPackage/file libaudiofile0 does not exist in precise03:24
CDronelet me just try wubi first03:24
CDroneit is a time saver thingy :D03:24
AndChat223345thx! I will do some digging in nomodset para. you guys are nice and helpful ,thank you!!03:24
violinapprenBorillion: no need to add the repository, http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/libaudiofile003:24
dr_willisBorillion:  whats needing that lib?03:24
fisch246crap my cable might be botched...03:24
fisch246gonna give a new cable a try03:24
CDronedr_willis, what the @#$%03:25
CDroneit is working :O03:25
CDroneis that shit pre-installed?03:25
Borilliondr_willis Maya 2012, was working on oneiric not on pangolin yet03:25
dr_willisCDrone:  i have no idea what you are refering to...03:25
CDronedr_willis i just booted, and the system seems already working ... I got the task bar  there03:26
CDronei dunno03:26
OerHeksBorillion, 32 or 64 ? >> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/libaudiofile0 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/libaudiofile003:26
Borillionthanks violinappren03:26
CDronenever installed ubuntu before03:26
CDronebut that looks like no ordinary installation wizard :S03:26
Borilliongood point its 64 bit03:26
mattalexxCDrone, Are you talking about the liveCD?03:27
CDronethe wubi03:27
mattalexxYou might be running Ubuntu from the CD03:27
mattalexxAh, same type of thing03:27
dr_williswubi adds items toi the  windows boot up menus.03:27
BorillionOerHeks Removed from disk on 2012-02-13.03:27
BorillionRemoval requested on 2012-02-13.03:28
BorillionDeleted on 2012-02-13 by Martin Pitt03:28
BorillionNBS for Pangolin03:28
dr_willishe dident burn a cd.. did you CDrone ?03:28
FloodBot1Borillion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
Borillionsorry lol03:28
dr_willis'NBS' wonder what that means03:28
Borillionthat was for Pangolin03:28
BorillionNot sure03:28
fisch246um... looks like i'm having monitor issues... it works with my crappier monitor, with this cable...03:28
CDronedr_willis, no man, I burnt nothing03:29
CDronebut man03:29
violinapprenBorillion: OerHeks: it got a new soname  http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/libaudiofile1/03:29
CDroneubunutu's desktop environment is more beautiful than MAC's :O03:29
CDroneI am really impressed03:29
violinapprendr_willis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NBS03:29
Borillionahh I see that its also in libc6-dev03:29
CDroneI am actually accustomed to OpenSUSE03:29
CDroneand it is no match with this graphical interface03:30
dr_williscant just tell us what it means. :)03:30
BorillionI mean -udeb03:30
Borillionnot built from source03:31
Borillion= NBS03:31
violinapprendr_willis: it's more or less deleted because it has been replaced by  a new  (programatically) incompatible version of the package03:32
dr_willisheh - read that nbs wiki entry.. and still confused.. :) guess the statement 'its been replaced so new stuff needs to be recompiled to use the  new version' is semi-acuragte03:32
dr_willisso in this case Maya  basically needs to be updated.  its still using the old lib.03:33
dr_willisand since maya is not from the ubuntu repos.  thats the root of the conflict03:34
violinapprendr_willis: yes, it needs to be recompiled against the new libaudio03:34
brian418_hi guys. I'm getting an E: Failed getting release file error while trying to build a ltsp client image. My browser and wget will fetch the file. Do you know if ltsp uses a different conf file? I know this is prob a ltsp type of question but not much going on over their tonight.03:38
Borilliondr_willis not likely that will happen, its not even made for ubuntu :P its converted with alien from RPM :P03:38
violinappren!paste | brian418_03:38
ubottubrian418_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:38
violinapprenbrian418_: paste the command and the whole output03:39
BorillionI'm not finding libxprintapputil1 and libxprintutil103:39
lwizardlhello. Is there a way to automatically always display a folder with an image in it. like folder.jpg in windows03:40
violinapprenBorillion: packages.ubuntu.com/packagename   is your friend03:40
Borillionviolinappren thanks03:40
ZeroIncognito13so ubunto is rocking right?03:42
tdhz77Has anybody ever taught themselves how to code from just tutorials online? Or is it something that requires higher education to master?03:48
violinapprentdhz77: all you need is good books, lots of practice and tons of reading/modifying others code03:49
mattalexxtdhz77, I learned by reading articles and forum posts on the internet. Now I have a high paying job and no debt..03:50
mattalexxOf course, I've also gained 30 pounds and I03:50
mattalexx'm more anti social now03:50
mattalexxIt was a huge, huge block of time that I spent learning03:51
bazhang!ot | mattalexx03:51
ubottumattalexx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
mattalexxbazhang, Um, I'm just answering ... whatever.03:51
Zyclops1hey.. is there anything i can use for speed tests (upload/download) to an ubuntu server?03:53
Zyclops1i think my international bandwidth is hosed during the week and i need to prove it to my ISP03:53
=== Shadowfire is now known as SoulShadow
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
MiguelitoHey - what do you recommend for full backups of your system?03:57
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:57
CDroneisn't there a ""right click>> open terminal here"" thingy in ubuntu?03:58
dr_willisCDrone:  iv seen some packages in the repos that add such a feature.]03:58
dr_willisor nautilus scripts that  can do a similer thing03:59
* CDrone notes that down... first ubuntu weakness recorded :P04:00
dr_willisnot a ubuntu weakness at all...04:00
CDronehow to open the terminal at all,, LOL04:00
CDronecan't find it anywhere04:00
CDrone:D :D04:00
dr_willisits a feature of the file manager,  added or removed at needed04:00
dr_willisterminal? theres a hotkey combo, or tap alt and  then type 'term' and it should show up04:01
CDroneman  help me, I need bash04:01
CDroneok let me try04:01
dr_willisor click the dash button, or add a icon to whatever panel you want.04:01
dr_willisthen theres tools like guake.04:01
dr_willis!info guake04:01
ubottuguake (source: guake): Drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-7 (precise), package size 147 kB, installed size 894 kB04:01
OerHeksCtrl + Alt + T works just fine04:02
CDronewhere's the dash icon?04:02
dr_willisunity s big top left button. with the ubuntu logo04:02
dr_willisi tend to just use the HUD alt key..04:03
CDroneah found it04:04
violinapprenCDrone: alt + f2, type: gnome-terminal04:04
CDronealt f2 opens that dash thingy again04:05
CDronenot bash :P04:05
violinapprenCDrone: read the whole thing04:05
dr_willisthats the run somthung dialog..... so thats how its supposed to work..04:05
CDronegenome-terminal is too long to type04:06
CDronebut anyway04:06
CDronei just found the terminal04:06
dr_willisalt -: 'term' enter....04:06
CDronelike is bad without bash04:06
dr_willispin it to the panel.. there  ya go.. all the bashs you could need04:07
mernilioWhere is the off-topick channel?04:07
fuzzynurfhurterhow would u make a wallpaper u want  to load up when the desktop loads04:07
MonkeyDustmernilio  /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:07
dr_willisfuzzynurfhurter:  Huh? I just select the wallpaper i want.. and  it remembers.04:08
fuzzynurfhurterdo u have to type all that here to join on the irc chat??04:08
CDroneoh damn04:08
CDronenow that my "tab" button on that device is not working :(04:08
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, some clients you can just right click the channel name04:08
CDroneany alternative to tab autocompletion?04:09
mernilioMonkeyDust: thanks!04:09
fuzzynurfhurtermine wont  i mean when i first load it doesnt but i select it and then can logout and back in and its there i dont understand lol04:09
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, what client04:09
fuzzynurfhurterbazhang im talking bout like joining the #ubuntu  cause mines an unregged 104:10
CDroneok now04:11
fuzzynurfhurteri have put the wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds and it still doesnt work right04:11
CDronewhere's the package manager for this thingy?04:11
CDronewhat is it called?04:11
fuzzynurfhurterits in system04:12
dr_willisCDrone:  icon called 'software center' seems a good starting point...04:12
fuzzynurfhurtersynapatic package manager04:12
dr_willissynaptic is not installed by default i  belive04:13
dr_willisthen theres the command line tools..04:13
fuzzynurfhurterits not04:13
CDronedr_willis, this time a found it :D thanks04:13
dr_willis'sudo apt-get install synaptic'04:13
* CDrone feels conceited 04:13
CDronecommand a conquer ads :O04:14
CDronethere's command and conquer for linux?04:14
CDronethings changed04:14
Mr_MeatWadnope its browser based04:14
CDroneyou trolling me?04:14
Mr_MeatWadcheck it out04:14
dr_williswe dont  see your screen.. so ive no idea what you are talking about04:14
dr_willisthere are 'redone' versions of a lot of the  old games that run in browsers these days.04:15
fuzzynurfhurterdr_willis u know any thing about grub writing??04:15
dr_willisfuzzynurfhurter:  all i know about grub i learned by reding the grub2 docs and the forum  and wiki pages on it. :) and lots of trial and  error04:16
CDronelibcrypto not found part of openssl04:16
CDronealthough seemingly openssl is installe04:16
CDronewhat should i do?04:16
fuzzynurfhurterk well that helps alot still i have found some stuff but am having truble making them boot up04:17
dr_willisstart by explainingg what you are trying to do.. so we dont  have to guess.04:17
CDroneMr_MeatWad, you're right man04:18
CDroneit is browser based :D04:18
fuzzynurfhurtermanually configuring grub for atleast 10 linux on a flash drive04:18
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:18
dr_willisfuzzynurfhurter:  10 iso files?04:18
Mr_MeatWadglad i could be of service04:18
fuzzynurfhurterno i mounted the iso and then pulled all the files off it to my workin folder 4 all of the 4 boot right the rest not so much04:19
phillipdoes anyone know about wicd04:20
dr_willisfuzzynurfhurter:  easier to have grub2 boot the iso file.04:20
dr_willisno need to extract stuff.04:20
CDronei have no root account yet04:20
CDronehow to make one?04:20
dr_willispendrivelinux site has tools to make multi-iso flash drives also04:20
dr_willisCDrone:  you dont need one.04:20
dr_willis!sudo | cdrom04:20
ubottucdrom: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:20
Mr_MeatWadlol you definitely have a root account04:20
Mr_MeatWadyou just aren't using it now04:21
fuzzynurfhurteryeah but wouldnt that make it a bigger size altogether??04:21
dr_willisread sudo factoid above04:21
fuzzynurfhurteri have 10 right now that might be 7gb04:21
dr_willisfuzzynurfhurter:   why would it? if the cd is 500mb iso..then its got 500mb of data on it...04:21
vibhavCDrone: Why do you need a root account?04:21
CDroneMr_MeatWad when i try "su"  it asks for a pass, when i enter me pass,,, it rejects authentication04:21
wylde_!noroot | CDrone04:21
ubottuCDrone: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.04:21
fuzzynurfhurteri have those yumi and enetbootin04:21
dr_willisCDrone:  you DOnt use 'su' to get to root in ubuntu.. use sudo as needed04:22
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uwso to build this one thing, it says my "intltool is too old.  you need later than 0.40.0".   how would i do that?  can i use apt-get?04:22
CDronedr_willis, why? security measures?04:22
fuzzynurfhurtercdrone i always use sudo -i to get pass all that junk04:22
dr_willis!sudo CDrone04:22
Mr_MeatWadCDrone, never run anything as root purely for sec reasons04:22
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:22
CDronedr_willis lol04:23
violinapprenCDrone: sudo -i04:23
dr_williscovered on  the wiki pages in detail...04:23
CDronei know what sudo is04:23
CDronebtu sometimes I need to do a lot of top level commands without having to sudo all the time04:23
CDronetakes more typing04:23
Mr_MeatWadi know what apt-get is04:23
bazhangCDrone, so stop asking us to help you enable the root account04:23
violinapprenCDrone: thats what sudo -i is for04:23
bazhangCDrone, use sudo -i04:23
CDroneMr_MeatWad you have a point04:23
dr_willisCDrone:  aparently you dont use sudo enought to know abbout the 'sudo -i' option. ;)04:23
vibhavbazhang: Is using visudo supported here?04:24
fuzzynurfhurtercdrone use sudo -i then what ever u gotta do04:24
CDronedr_willis, you're right :D lol *embarrassed *04:24
bazhangCDrone, its not supportedd, stop asking04:24
CDroneI am sorry04:24
CDronewon't speak about su in this channel again04:24
fuzzynurfhurterthey dont like it i already tried cdrone lol04:25
dr_willissu to switch to another USer  does work.. but its not for switching to root.04:25
CDronefuzzynurfhurter LOL04:25
fuzzynurfhurterok on others its su04:25
Mr_MeatWadyou know i should really learn all the bash commands04:25
Mr_MeatWadbut im lazy04:25
CDroneMr_MeatWad, ME TOO04:26
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dr_willisor learn the 10% you will actually use...04:26
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Mr_MeatWadprobably just the 5% a lazy ass like me will use04:26
CDronei know 50% of what I actually use :P04:26
CDroneMr_MeatWad EXACTLY04:26
CDronewe think alike man04:26
fuzzynurfhurtercdrone it gets easyier with that command lol04:26
vibhav!offtopic | CDrone Merwin04:26
ubottuCDrone Merwin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:26
bazhang!enter | CDrone04:26
ubottuCDrone: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:26
* CDrone puts his hands over his head04:27
CDroneok man04:27
Mr_MeatWadkinda like how i was supposed to learn all the dos commands04:27
Mr_MeatWadand learned maybe four of them04:27
bazhangMr_MeatWad, thats enough04:27
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fuzzynurfhurterlmao meatwad i bout done forgot most of those04:28
Mr_MeatWadbazhang, enough of what sir?04:28
bazhangMr_MeatWad, enough chit chat. this is support only04:28
Mr_MeatWadyeah i pretty much just remember ipconfig04:28
Mr_MeatWadand cd04:28
fuzzynurfhurterlmao me 204:28
Mr_MeatWadyeah we are talking about dual booting windows in dos04:28
Mr_MeatWadand what commands we actually remember04:29
bazhangthats nothing to do with ubuntu support04:29
Mr_MeatWadit could04:29
Mr_MeatWadi could load up a vm of windows and see if i can forward my ports to it through a ubuntu server04:30
KRomeleoNwhat backup services work with deja dup other than ubuntu one and dropbox?04:30
koskoso aptitude is an apt-get wrapper?04:30
Mr_MeatWadcan you tell me how to do that bazhang?04:30
bazhangMr_MeatWad, do what04:30
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit04:31
dr_williskosko:  front end to dpkg i think is more accurate04:31
=== Lost is now known as Guest13243
Mr_MeatWadload up a virtual machine of windows on a ubuntu server and forward the ports through my system to the windows system04:31
fuzzynurfhurterwhat is a good desktop app to change the background and all??04:31
koskodr_willis: and apt-get is a front end to dpkg too?04:31
Mr_MeatWadand tell me how i would set up windows to recieve http through a different port04:31
dr_willisMr_MeatWad:  many vm's can be set to appear on  tehlocal lan as a real machine. no need to forwared ports. they have a ip on the same as any other box would.04:31
Mr_MeatWadin dos that is04:31
dr_williskosko:  basicaally04:32
KRomeleoNwhat backup services work with deja dup other than ubuntu one and dropbox?04:32
Mr_MeatWadyeah but i wanted to host on the windows vm04:32
koskodr_willis: thanks04:32
Mr_MeatWadso i will definitely need to forward ports04:32
dr_willisif the  VM appears on the local lan as a real box.. the router can just forwared to its ip. no need for the host to handle the forwarding04:33
Mr_MeatWaddoesn't show04:34
Mr_MeatWaddont want to set up nat on it04:34
Mr_MeatWadi could but everytime i do it basically locks the whole net up04:34
dr_willisKRomeleoN:  theres some  fuse tools and other ways to have some of those cloud storage services appear as a local directory you could backup to. depending on what one you want to use04:35
KRomeleoNi want the home folder to get backed up weekly04:36
KRomeleoNi want to use amazon cloud04:36
dr_willisbacked up to where?04:36
KRomeleoNbut i dont think i can with that service04:36
fuzzynurfhurterwould iotop be a good thing??04:37
Coreyfuzzynurfhurter: In what sense?04:38
MonkeyDustKRomeleoN  you can use cron to backup weekly04:38
Guest1Anybody here?04:39
fuzzynurfhurterto find out what is running in processes04:39
witesharkhow can I restore the system menu in 11.10 w/unity?04:39
mr0wli knew it all along: http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/06/reddit-founders-made-hundreds-of-fake-profiles-so-site-looked-popular/04:40
MonkeyDustwiteshark  with gconf --recursive-unset /apps/compiz04:40
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witesharkMonkeyDust, in CL?\04:40
Guest1I just installed Ubuntu for the first time, and its running very slow. I can't find system requirements for the latest ubuntu release anywhere. Can anyone help?04:40
MonkeyDustwiteshark  yes, but that's not the correct commad, moment04:41
MonkeyDustwiteshark  this resets compiz to defaults gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz04:42
bazhang!ot | mr0wl04:42
ubottumr0wl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:42
vibhavGuest1: Do you want the minimum system requirements?04:42
mr0wlbazhang: ops, wrong channel04:42
bazhang!requirements | Guest104:42
ubottuGuest1: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu04:42
mr0wlsorry about that04:42
ki4roGuest1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125280/what-are-the-minimum-system-requirements-for-12-04-lts04:42
vibhavGuest1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements04:43
Guest1Thank you everybody. But now I'm even more confused. I have 2GB of ram. and a 2.14GHZ processer, why is ubuntu running slowly?04:46
Guest1The installation said it needed 17GB, and the partition I have it had 31GB04:47
MonkeyDustGuest1  make sure you don't have too many kernels installed in /04:47
linux_is_my_herohow to i permanantly reassign keyboard keys in ubuntu?04:47
bazhangGuest1, whats the video card with that04:47
linux_is_my_heroi can do it temporarily using xmodmap but how do i make it stay for good?04:47
Guest1I'd have to look that up. Its the onboard video.04:48
vibhavlinux_is_my_hero: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys04:48
vibhavlinux_is_my_hero: Look at the first answer04:49
bazhangGuest1, lspci in the terminal to paste.ubuntu.com04:50
linux_is_my_herovibhav: THANKS! :-)04:50
witesharkMonkeyDust, do i have to log out and back?04:50
vibhavlinusable: np04:50
uwhi trying to build something and it quit with "Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later."   how can i upgrade my intltool?  apt-get?04:50
bazhanguw what version of ubuntu04:50
uwlts 10.0404:51
phanimaheshprobably unrelated, but can I block these joined, away, and quit messages from appearing? Using empathy.04:51
MageofHopeanybody here know how to downgrade an ubuntu package from 12.04's version to 11.10's?04:51
MageofHopeuTouch, specifically04:51
MageofHopeis what i want to downgrade04:51
Guest1bazhang i'm brand new to linux, and have no idea what lspci is, or the terminal. Literally just started 4 hours ago04:51
MageofHopeI tacked this earlier but saw no simple why to do it04:51
uwbazhang, 2.6.32-37-generic04:51
vibhavGuest1: In a terminal, type "lspci"04:52
yeatsGuest1: do Ctrl-Alt-T to open a terminal window04:52
vibhavGuest1: And paste the output it gives to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/04:52
bazhangGuest1, control alt T to get the terminal then type lspci , open a browser like firefox to paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there, save and give us the url here04:52
phanimaheshMageofHope: http://askubuntu.com/a/138327/4565904:52
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:52
bazhanguw what are building that needs that04:53
fuzzynurfhurterdam didnt work04:53
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, with what04:53
MageofHopephanimahesh: wouldn't i need to uninstall the package i want to install, first?04:53
Guest1ah, ok. I'll have to be a minute then, because linux was so slow it was unusable. I'm on windows XP right now. Let me write this down, and i'll be back in a bit04:53
MageofHopebecause trying to uninstall utouch made the terminal try to uninstall Unity completely04:53
uwbazhang, deadbeef-0.5.504:53
MageofHopeI have Gnome 3 as my desktop install so I could do it as a last recourse though04:54
phanimaheshMageofHope:  May be supply --reinstall to apt-get.04:54
uwbazhang, http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net/04:54
phanimaheshMageofHope: apt-get install --reinstall utouch=<ver>04:54
MageofHopemmmkay, thank you04:54
bazhangphanimahesh, there is no downgrade of packages between versions04:55
phanimaheshbazhang: between versions??04:55
dr_willisshouldent that be   between 'releases'04:55
dr_willisie: 11.10 to 12.0404:56
bazhangphanimahesh, he wants to downgrade to the 11.10 version he's now on 12.0404:56
MonkeyDustdarn pc04:56
phanimaheshok, then that may be a problem.04:56
dr_willisthe 11.10 release version04:56
phanimaheshbazhang: but if the version is in his repositories, it should go fine I believe.04:57
bazhangphanimahesh, he would not have repos for 11.10 with 12.0404:57
brettJames_Hello could someone please tell me how you would recommend installing ubuntu on a custom built windows machine with Windows 7 and the Main OS. I have 2 more completely empty hard drives would you just pick one and install on it?04:57
phanimaheshgot the point.04:57
phanimaheshbrettJames_: yup. Install onto one of those empty ones.04:57
dr_willisbrettJames_:  thats how i normally do it. I evven put the grub loader on the dedicated linux hard drive. that way the windows hd stays toally untouched.04:58
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  it just installs alongside windows, installer does it for you04:58
vibhavbazhang: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1053707/04:58
dr_willisbrettJames_:  then you set the bios to boot that linux hd04:58
bazhangvibhav, whats that04:58
dr_willisbrettJames_:  be sure to put grub on  the linux hd- not the windows one - if you wan tto do it that way. ;)04:58
brettJames_thats what happened to me last time04:58
brettJames_it messed with my windows04:58
brettJames_how do you put the grub load on that hd?04:58
dr_willisgrub on the windows hd shouldlent really affect anything04:59
dr_willisthe insrtaller asks where to put it... at the  end04:59
brettJames_yeah but id rather not lol04:59
brettJames_oh it does ok04:59
MonkeyDust!install| brettJames_ read this04:59
ubottubrettJames_ read this: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:59
dr_willisrember to tell it like sdb. not sdb104:59
brettJames_Installing alongside of windows is there any downside?04:59
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  no, it's the normal way05:00
dr_willisbrettJames_:  thats the normal way to install ubuntu for dual booting05:00
brettJames_oh lol05:00
phanimaheshbrettJames_: None.05:00
brettJames_ok and then a simple add/remove programs and its completely gone?05:00
brettJames_not a single trace?05:00
dr_willisdownside = you still have windows installed05:00
ki4robrettJames_: I ran Ubuntu alongside Windows for about 6 months with no problems05:00
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  no, that's wubi, you don't want that05:00
phanimaheshbrettJames_: what?? add/remove??05:00
dr_willisbrettJames_:  windows dosent see the linux install...05:00
Mr_MeatWadhey guys why should i install ubuntu server and my server instead of the desktop version if they can both run the same programs?05:00
fuzzynurfhurteronlyif u uninstall it wontlet u into windows if its dual boot05:00
dr_willisbrettJames_:  you are confuseing wubi with a 'dual boot along side install'05:01
brettJames_Hmm.. it says right on the site that you can uninstall it through add remove programs05:01
brettJames_if you do the alongside of windows way05:01
dr_willisbrettJames_:  thats the wubi docs....05:01
phanimaheshMr_MeatWad: Server is better if you intend to use it as a server. It runs little lightweight.05:01
dr_willisthe use of your term 'alongside' is getting messed up05:01
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  yes, that's wubi, inside windows, not alongside it05:01
brettJames_ohh ok05:01
brettJames_so do not install it inside of windows? with that easy installer? Instead you recommend downloading and burning to a CD05:02
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  wubi means Will Ultimatley Be Inconsistent05:02
fuzzynurfhurteri thought that was dual booting05:02
Mr_MeatWadokay it really just boils down to resource consumption?05:02
vibhavbazhang: version of intltool in different ubuntu series05:02
brettJames_got it05:02
dr_willisbrettJames_:  wubi installs INSIDE windows.. and it  is flakey05:02
brettJames_sorry I mixed that up05:02
brettJames_thats what I mean't05:02
dr_willisand it wont use the other hd like a normal install05:02
brettJames_i heard it is flakey so I was asking. I didn't mean to call it alongside tho05:02
fuzzynurfhurterbret put it on a flash drive05:03
brettJames_got it so I should just install it on one of my separate hard drives05:03
brettJames_ive done this before and I had so many boot issues05:03
brettJames_my hard drive letters got all messed up or something lol05:03
dr_willisive dont  it 1000;s of times  with no boot issues.. ;)05:03
Mr_MeatWadphanimahesh,  so the only difference is the size and how their resource consumption?05:03
brettJames_ahaha I think it was after uninstalling05:03
dr_williswindows wont see the  hd.. so no letters...05:04
brettJames_or reformatting the HDD05:04
brettJames_oh alright05:04
vibhavuw: 10.04 has intltool version 0-41.0-1ubuntu1 you probably need to upgrade05:04
brettJames_When installing it will give me the option to completely clear the HD I am installing it on right?05:04
MageofHopewoops my window didnt scroll down05:04
phanimaheshMr_MeatWad: Kind of yes. They both use same repositories. And you can install a meta-package ubuntu-desktop to convert a server into desktop.05:05
MageofHopewould it be inadvisable for me to add 11.10's repos to 12.04 in order to downgrade?05:05
xanguaMageofHope: no05:05
dr_willisbrettJames_:  i partition  thehd befor i  stgart the instfaller with gparted. then tell the instgaller exactly what partitons to use for / and /home/ and  swap  normally.. that  way im sure its going where i want05:05
bazhangMageofHope, yes. dont do it05:05
phanimaheshMageofHope: I suggest against it.05:05
dr_willisMageofHope:  thats one wya to totally trash tghe system05:05
MageofHopeMmmkay, I figured as much but I thought I may as well ask05:05
MageofHopeSo I suppose I'm out of options in this case? :/05:05
phanimaheshMageofHope: Glad you asked. :D :P05:05
Mr_MeatWadhmmm i think i might just use the desktop version for my server just cause i think it looks prettier than the command line05:06
KRomeleoNwhy downgrade?05:06
brettJames_Thanks for all of the help guys I think I am going to Dual Boot since my SSD has only 30GB left on it05:06
MageofHopeBecause touchegg won't work for the newest version of uTouch05:06
phanimaheshMageofHope: may be reinstall Ubuntu, though i suggest against it.05:06
MageofHopecome to think of it, Unity's inherent mouse gestures seem to be broken for it as well05:06
dr_willisthere maybe PPA's for utouch that fix the  issues05:06
MageofHopeyeah it's not worth THAT much, I just wanted to get touchegg working05:06
MageofHopeNope, i have uTouch's PPA05:07
phanimaheshMageofHope: look for ppas, file a bug..05:07
* dr_willis has no idea what a touchegg even is... sounds./ err... perverted05:07
MageofHopethe issue is that Ubuntu 12.04's utouch changed it's API, and touchegg hasnt had the time to catch up05:07
phanimaheshthere can be multiple ppas.05:07
MageofHopeit's a documented issue05:07
Guest1Ok i'm back.05:07
phanimaheshdr_willis: :P05:07
MageofHopeuh, its a configuration software05:07
MonkeyDust!info utouch05:07
MageofHopeto enable/configure multi touch features on laptops with trackpads05:07
ubottuutouch (source: utouch): Metapackage to install gesture libraries and tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 26 kB05:07
Guest1apperently I cant even get into ubuntu now. It just gives me a blank purple screen as it tries to load05:08
MageofHopeit uses uTouch to configure those features. It worked for Ubuntu 11.10 but apparently the developer hasnt had time to update it to 12.0405:08
phanimaheshGuest1: did you try tty?05:08
MageofHopeand there's no clear release date for such an update05:08
vibhavGuest1: HAve you installed any video driver?05:08
uwvibhav, do you how i can upgrade intltool?05:08
thatsachopim in gedit. i save as .sh but when i try to run it through the terminal i keep getting no file or directory05:09
uwknow how*05:09
phanimaheshGuest1: also try hitting esc when the purple loading screen shows up. It'll then show messages..05:09
dr_willisthatsachop:  make it executable and give the  full path to the sh file  ./foo.sh05:09
Guest1no messages, just a blank purple screen, and it never goes anywhere from there05:09
aum__how can i install kernel source (headers), i have installed 'build-essential' package.05:09
MonkeyDustMageofHope  https://launchpad.net/utouch05:09
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages05:10
Guest1The only video driver is the same thats always been on this computer. I got into ubuntu fine the first time, but apperently no more05:10
vibhavuw: sudo apt-get install intltool05:10
vibhavGuest1: Do you the name of your graphics card?05:11
Guest1I'm on my laptop now, so I can be on ubuntu on my PC, and also be in this chat05:11
thatsachopdr_willis <305:11
MageofHopeMonkeyDust: Um? I'm confused?05:11
Guest1there is no graphics card, just onboard video05:11
MageofHopeI have this ppa installed already, i'm pretty sure. unless this one is specifically for 11.10 or something?05:11
vibhavGuest1: What is the name of your onboard video card>05:12
niocoraGuest1: What MoBo?05:12
MonkeyDustniocora  motherboard05:12
crackerjackzi'm  trying to get dual display working but when i go to system > prefrences > monitors it only shows my laptops display, i'm trying to use my tv as a display using vga cable05:12
niocoraWhat is it's name?05:12
dr_willisonboard video.. is stilla graphics card. :)05:12
Guest1I'd have to go back into windows to check, I know its nvidea something05:12
Guest1going back into windows now05:12
vibhavsigh, ncvidia05:12
crackerjackzGuest1, nah05:12
MonkeyDustMageofHope  there you find the latest info about utouch05:12
crackerjackztype lspci in a terminal05:13
MageofHopeok, thanks05:13
vibhavcrackerjackz: He cannot access ubuntu, how can he access the terminal?05:13
crackerjackzvibhav, ahhhh i wasn't aware i just got here05:13
niocoraSafe mode?05:13
Guest1crackerjackz I cant even get into ubuntu. It loads a purple blank screen, and thats as far as I get05:13
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:13
crackerjackzGuest1, when trying to boot from the live cd?05:13
dr_willisguest1 tryed the  nomode option yet?05:13
crackerjackzGuest1, or try loading it with noacpi05:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:14
Guest1No, this is a 30GB partition, and it takes up 17GB of that05:14
Guest1I'm not sure what nomode or noacpi are05:14
crackerjackzdr_willis, can you help me figure out how to get my tv working as a display?05:14
niocoraGuest1: Have you installed ubuntu?05:15
crackerjackzwhen i go to system > preferences > monitors.... it only shows my laptops display05:15
crackerjackzhow do i get my tv to show up in system > preferences > monitors ?05:15
crackerjackzi have a vga cable going from my computer to my tv and i have my tv on input "pc"05:15
crackerjackzi can hear the audio.. but no display05:16
Guest1niocora yes, just today. It let me in once, and then it was unusably slow. So I went back to windows tried searching for the problem, and now it wont even let me in05:16
MonkeyDustcrackerjackz  explore mythtv05:16
niocoracrackerjack: Use your drivers settings?05:16
vibhavcrackerjackz: What audio can you here05:16
crackerjackzvibhav, im trying to play a movie on tv for my friend so i hear the audio from the movie im trying to play05:16
niocoraGuest1: Have you got an option to boot safe mode when your computer first starts?05:16
crackerjackzniocora, where do i find that at?05:17
=== Cormac is now known as HamGeek
Guest1safe mode for windows, or ubuntu?05:17
niocoraWhen your computer first starts up after the BIOS.05:17
=== command is now known as Guest23772
niocoraGuest1: You should have a list of OS's to boot and can swap between them with the arrow keys.05:18
Guest1niocora I only saw Windows XP Home Editition and Ubuntu.05:18
niocoraAre you sure those are the only two?05:19
vibhavGuest1: You are still on the boot screen?05:19
vibhavBoot Selection*05:19
niocoraGuest1: When your computer first starts press down on the keyboard to stop the timer.05:19
crackerjackzniocora, do you think rebooting will do any good? maybe the OS will detect my tv as a monitor if i have the vga cable plugged in as it's booting up?05:19
Guest1And heres the weird thing, it doesnt wait for you. If you dont move the arrows right away, it boots into windows05:19
vibhavGuest1: Yeah, thats called timeout05:20
Guest1It gives you about 1 second to move them05:20
niocoracrackerjackz: You should be using your driver options first.05:20
crackerjackzniocora, where do i find that at?05:20
niocoranvidia or AMD?05:20
crackerjackzniocora, nvidia05:20
Guest1vibhav, I can go back to it once I look up my onboard video05:20
niocoraSearch for noveou.05:21
* niocora probably spelt that wrong.05:21
* niocora prefers AMD.05:21
crackerjackzi see something called nvidia x server settings?05:21
niocoraThat one.05:21
crackerjackzin system preferances05:21
niocoraYou should have an option for multiple moniters in there.05:22
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Guest1ok, my display adaptor is Geforce4 MX Integrated GPU05:22
crackerjackzniocora, thank you so much!05:23
crackerjackzit worked05:23
Guest1Ok, now i'm going back to the OS select screen05:24
niocoraGuest1: Press down as soon as you can.05:24
Guest1Ok, now i'm at the OS Select screen05:25
niocoraDo you see an option for editing anything?05:26
Guest1niocora should I just choose ubuntu, or is there something else I should be doing at this screen05:26
niocoraSomething else.05:26
niocoraGuest1: You might have to press e or one of the functions.05:27
Guest1no, I see Windows XP Home Edition and Ubuntu. I can also press F8 for troubleshooting windows, but nothing relating to ubuntu05:27
Guest1so, I should highlight ubuntu and press E?05:28
niocoraNothing at the bottom of the screen?05:28
niocoraGuest1: I am not sure if it actually is e.05:28
Guest1just the part about F8 for troubleshooting windows05:28
neo1691hi, I tried installing apache server 2 and php 5.4 on 12.04 x64 desktop, and I think I messed up. Can i just delete the installation folders and start over again?? Is there a command to remove both of them so that i can try reinstalling them?05:28
niocoraI don't remember.05:28
uwvibhav, thanks i was thinking it was apt-get upgrade intltool05:28
TransformI am using Ubuntu 12.0405:29
Transformand have strange issue05:29
niocoraGuest1: Try pressing e while ubuntu is highlighted.05:29
Guest1nothing happened......should I press e then enter?05:29
niocoraGuest1: And if that does nothing try F205:30
TransformWhile using Chrome / firefox  , My downloads are running , but sometimes when try to visit any page it says to me that "The webpage is not available"  ?05:30
Guest1e did nothing, F2 did nothing05:30
niocoraGuest1: You _shouldn't_ have to press enter.05:30
TransformWhat should i do to FIX it ....?05:30
DegotHi ,All.. I've installed VirtualBox 4.1.12 to Ubuntu 12.04... But there is no /etc/init.d/vboxweb-servcie script. How to fix it ?05:30
Guest1theres no harm in pressing every letter then, you say you cant remember if it was e05:31
SilversongHey, I am going to China in about two weeks. Anyone know how to get past the Great Firewall of China on my Ubuntu? :305:31
Guest1let me pull up a website on this laptop so I can share a link05:31
lsvSilversong: tor?05:32
shadykhanwhy doesnt the ubuntu skype have spell check?05:32
SilversongI would hate to be censored from my freedom of access.05:32
Silversonglsv: tor?05:32
rootwell you can see that now05:32
=== root is now known as Guest35770
DegotSilversong: httptunnel ?05:32
MonkeyDustSilversong  Anonymous05:33
SilversongOkay obviously I've not heard of any of these programs. I'll check them out. Thanks :)05:33
lsvSilversong: www.torproject.org05:33
Silversonglsv: Thanks. I'm looking at it right now.05:33
SilversongMonkeyDust: Yeah, I know I have to go anonymous.05:33
MonkeyDustSilversong  that's not what i meant ;)05:34
lsvSilversong: np05:34
SilversongI'll check out tor first05:34
SilversongHmm. Tor may be problematic.05:37
SilversongBecause it won't support plug-ins.05:37
SilversongI need YouTube :|05:37
SilversongHTTPTunnel seems it's for PCs.05:38
innocivI'm using monit and is >% cpu trigger per core or not?05:39
SilversongMonkeyDust: Were you talking about a program named Anonymous?05:39
=== AndrewMC` is now known as AndrewMC
JohnTeddyMy volume control is no longer working.05:40
JohnTeddyHow can I fix it?05:40
SilversongTry restart first? xD05:40
skplcan someone help me? i installed gnome-shell and now when i try to login using compiz as the manager it says i cant use special effects because mutter is running.05:40
MonkeyDustJohnTeddy  open a terminal and type alsamixer, see if you find something, MM means mute05:41
xanguaskynix: yes gnome-shell uses mutter, if you want to use compiz stick with unity or you can try also with gnome fallback mode05:42
skynixxangua: ?05:45
skynixi think you seleckt the wrong name... :-)05:45
grendalgod i hate unity...and gnome305:46
grendalim praying by the way...05:47
niocoraI like unity.05:47
grendaldamn unity...05:47
shadykhangrendal, xfce05:47
grendalim the damner for my church05:47
shadykhanunity isnt bad it just wish i could move it to the bottom of my screen05:47
grendalits my job to damn things05:47
grendalif you hear me working pay attention cause whatever im damning is probably evile on a biblical level05:47
grendali have netbook05:48
MonkeyDustshadykhan  you can, moment05:48
grendalopenvpn dialogbox does not fit on the screen05:48
grendali cant see the buttons at the botom of the screen05:49
grendalwith old gnome, and compiz i could zoom out of the desktop and move the window so it was up on the screen where i could see them buttons05:49
MonkeyDustshadykhan  sorry, howto page no longer exists05:50
grendalany advise?05:50
shadykhanMonkeyDust,  there was a way in 11.10 but in 12.04 it didnt work anymore05:50
MonkeyDustshadykhan  idd05:50
grendalwill the compiz manager work with this shit05:51
brettJames_Why does this have to be so complicated for me haha I have Windows 7 on my 128GB SSD and I have a 1TB HD for Storage, but I also have a 1.5TB HD that I want to install Ubuntu 12.04 on. I burnt the disc.05:52
shadykhanbrettJames_, what are you getting stuck on05:53
brettJames_should I do something to my 1.5TB hard drive before I go with the install?05:53
shadykhanif you want05:53
shadykhanare you used to ubuntu05:53
brettJames_because when I go to advanced mode I can't even select the hard drive and install05:53
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  that's called 'learning', soemthing you had to do with other OSs, too05:53
shadykhanor are you trying it out?05:53
brettJames_I used it before05:53
brettJames_but on the same hard drive as windows when it was my only HD05:53
grendalif i had to choose i would go with gnome3 to be honest...but when i connect my extra screen to my netbook..it runs so damn slow its pathetic05:53
brettJames_I can't find a good tutorial anywhere on how to install it on a separate HD from windows05:54
grendaland actually the ONLY thing that really runs well in that situation is gnome classic05:54
MonkeyDust<3 gnome classic05:54
skplhow can i stop mutter from running at startup?05:55
brettJames_When the screen comes up to install alongside of windows, or clear windows and install, or Other Options. I'm assuming I go to other options then select the 1.5TB HD that I want to install on and hit next?05:55
grendalya...i mean there was nothing wrong with the desktop..i finally had a bunch of people using gnome..and then this bullshit.05:55
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  install it on the free partition05:55
grendalthey are going to be confused as hell05:55
grendalwhat was the reason for this?05:55
brettJames_ok should I even have to add a partition to it?05:56
shadykhananyone using spotify with the cache crash problem?05:56
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  you said before you have a free partition, use that05:56
brettJames_Is there anything I can do to this hard drive within windows to the 1.5 HD to make my life easier. As of now it is a formatted 1 partition empty HD05:56
brettJames_is that the best way to start or should I format it again and name it Ubuntu or something05:57
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  no, it's not like that, start with the live cd05:57
brettJames_yeh I'm gonna try again05:57
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  and use gparted when you're there, to get a idea about partition05:57
brettJames_the list of options confuses the living shit out of me lol05:57
brettJames_I'm going to try again05:58
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  you're learning soemthing new :)05:58
brettJames_Yeah im hoping I learn it without touching my 128 SSD with Windows 7 on it05:58
brettJames_and erasing it05:58
MageofHopeSorry to ask so many questions here but I'm really stumped trying to get this to work :c05:58
brettJames_One time when I was playing around with all of this I booted my computer and got a GRUB error05:59
MageofHopeI have a Lenovo Ideapad Y570 with a multitouch trackpad. Basically, I have two finger horizontal scrolling, but three fingers and up doesn't seem to work. I'd like to be able to use pinching and three/four finger taps, but there doesn't seem to be any way to enable those features06:00
MageofHopenot even in Unity, which is supposed to have native support for them, apparently?06:00
phanindraramesh In the kate editor when I select some lines in a text file, the lines to be highlighted are going invisible. I think may the highlight colour of kate is set to white. How can I change that?06:00
MageofHopeBasically what I'm asking is, does anyone know of other ways to configuring touchpads06:00
niocoraphanindraramesh: Manually edit your color theme.06:00
MonkeyDustMageofHope  there's this (2009!!) http://agoranetbook.kayno.net/2009/10/06/touchpad-configuration-for-ubuntu-9-10-grub-2/06:01
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:04
lopsidedMageofHope: http://www.synaptics.com/solutions/technology/touchpad-linux perhaps your laptop vendor can assist?06:05
Nom-Hey guys... how do I disable the graphical splash screen (the ubuntu with dots) on 12.04 server?06:07
niocoraNom-: Edit your kernel line?06:07
nocturnal_If i'm running ubuntu server and type startx does that just start x without a wm?06:08
Nom-niocora: That used to work, but precise doesn't have 'slpash' in the kernel line like older versions06:08
MageofHopelopsided: this is...interesting, but how would I..install it? I mean I think Ubuntu comes with a synaptic driver, so doesn't this come by default?06:08
MageofHopealso weirdly, I installed synaptiks config and it wont..start up06:09
MageofHopeit crashes06:09
nocturnal_does anyone use ubuntu server?06:09
grendalya gnome classic works06:10
grendalits straight up the shiznit06:10
Nom-niocora: I'll try it :)06:10
Nom-Can't seem to find it documented though06:10
niocoraUbuntu might not have it.06:10
Nom-awesome nosplash does work06:11
Nom-*adds to preseed file*06:11
niocoraNom-: It was either that or quietsplash.06:12
Nom-hmm actually... i still get the ubuntu 12.04 once the boot process finishes06:12
Nom-Something must kick in still and bring that up, but at least I get some verbosity now06:12
grendalwhat happens if i just install the gnome desktop now..not gnome-shell but the goold ol gnome package?06:14
chuYou might want gnome-panel instead.06:14
MonkeyDustgrendal  it's called fallback, i use it, it looks like gnome206:14
grendalthe package is fallback?06:14
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity06:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:14
grendalya MonkeyDust i have that installed06:15
GeekAdminis there a way to automate the mouse?automate GUI (cant do what I want from terminal)06:15
grendalbut like..i cant put launchers on the desktop anymore?  wtf?06:16
MonkeyDustgrendal  logout, select classic, login06:16
grendalmy mother is going to be pissed.  dude im telling you ive tried that.06:16
niocoraGeekAdmin: What do you want to do?06:17
grendali get these funky shortcut looking things that complain about it not being an authorized launcher (or something crazy like that)06:17
GeekAdminniocora:  automate the mouse to click a button on a site ( I tried with every terminal web browser you can think of)06:17
subdesignis it a command to check how much disk space being used by an app?06:17
niocoraGeekAdmin: You want the mouse to move of it's own accord and click a button on a website?06:18
grendalif it was just me...hell i wouldnt worrie about it...the only thing taht really bothers me is the windows that dont fit on my netbook issue.  I can just launch openvpn client instances from cmln i dont care that much about that shit..but man when i cant put a shortcut to openofice on my mothers desktop...heads are going to roll06:18
sacarlsonGeekAdmin: I've writen ruby software to automate firefox06:19
grendaloh crap..i lost all of my playlists in rythembox...THAT IS A GOD DAMNED CRIME!!06:20
GeekAdminsacarlson:  thanks I'll look into it06:20
rhizmoeis this where i complain about default notifier silliness?06:20
sacarlsonGeekAdmin: I use the libs of watir http://watir.com/06:21
rhizmoesince it doesn't appear to display multiple notifications, i believe i'm watching a backlog continuously displaying for my last zillion automated tests06:21
niocorarhizmoe: This is where you complain and a few people commiserate and a few flame you for daring to say such a thing. :)06:21
rhizmoeok, lemme change tack: are there alternate notifiers for 12.04?06:22
rhizmoei believe the default is something like unconfigurable, unstylable, un-anything-able, right?06:23
Mrhey how can i go to the german channel?06:23
MonkeyDustMr  /join #ubuntu-de06:23
niocora/join #ubuntu-de06:24
Mrdoes someone use 12.04 unity?06:26
niocoraI will.06:26
MonkeyDustMr  most do06:26
Mrmay you could do me a favor :)06:26
rhizmoeugh, this is the only thing i use notifications for...and it's terrible!06:26
rhizmoewho has shuttleworth's email? i need to let him know how i feel about this.06:27
chuNo you don't.06:27
MonkeyDustrhizmoe  try launchpad or brainstorm, first06:28
rhizmoei do, i'm confident of this. furthermore, he needs to read about it in my particular tone and cant.06:28
rhizmoeit will accomplish the change all of us have been waiting for.06:28
rhizmoeMonkeyDust: everything i've been able to find indicates a status of "like it or lump it"06:29
Mrthere is a program that is called *myunity* and there you can change the theme. and there is a very nice pic for the home folder (its an orange house). its just a detail but i realy like to use this, so my question is if someone could send me this cause i can not find through.06:29
MonkeyDustrhizmoe  ultimately, you could download the source code and change it to suit your needs06:29
rhizmoeis NotifyOSD the official name? that might help.06:30
rhizmoeah ha, it is backlogging.06:31
MonkeyDustrhizmoe  moreover, shuttleworth is no longer in charge, it's some lady now06:32
rhizmoe"Each display should show up to one confirmation bubble, plus up to one notification bubble, at a time."06:32
Mrrhizmoe: so you are using 12.04 gnome?06:33
rhizmoeMr: i am06:35
Mrim using gnome classic *06:35
rhizmoealright, so my bubbles are persisting for 10s, which appears to correspond to CRITICAL06:35
=== anonymous_ is now known as digitalrain
Mri have a further question: when im using the updatemanager, it is showing me updates for programs like gwibber or for unity, but i have allready delete them. so what is happen, will they be installed anyways, dont matter the fact that the program not longer excsits?06:38
LenovoG470hello, friends, good day, noob here06:39
Mrbuenos dias amigo06:39
LenovoG470my USC has one Adobe Flash Plugin 10 and another Adobe Flash plugin, which one shall I install, thanks.06:42
brettJames_Hey anyone still here? I actually got somewhere06:42
brettJames_I installed Ubtunu on my 1.5TB Hard Drive. Creating 2 Partitions the main one "/" and a swap. Then installed. My problem now is that Windows still boots from my SSD which is first in the order. How can I make choosing easy?06:43
mgedminis testdrive broken on 12.04 or what?  when I launch it to play with a quantal image, (1) the desktop is squashed without maintaining aspect ratio, and worse (2) the mouse cursor is invisible06:43
brettJames_or Do I have to go in the bios each time06:43
mgedminor is (2) just a bug in the current quantal images?06:43
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  do you see the grub menu, where you can choose Os?06:44
mgedminbrettJames_, if you swap the boot order in the BIOS, the boot manager (GRUB) on your 1.5TB drive ought to present you with a menu06:44
brettJames_Nope, I chose to install the boot thing on my 1.5 TB HD with ubuntu was that right?06:44
brettJames_OH NICE!06:45
mi3Hello, I downloaded this theme http://www.noobslab.com/2012/03/install-eye-of-gnome-blue-gtk32-theme.html [I mean the zip file] and created the .themes folder in my home directory, and extracted it, now can someone suggest how do I install that theme ?06:45
jitaI have installed openjdk-7-jre but the browsers say that java is not installed. How to fix it ?06:45
brettJames_ok so by installing the boot manager on my 1.5TB I should be good06:45
MandalordLenovoG470: the newest adobe flash plugin is 11.2, i suggest you install it via adobe website or sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:45
brettJames_Thanks so much I finally got through this haha06:45
brettJames_have a good one guys06:45
MonkeyDustbrettJames_  give it some time to get used to it06:45
LenovoG470mandalord, thanks . just add that command will do, yes?06:46
LenovoG470Mandalord, do i need to remove the GTK+ and others?06:46
Mandalordadd the command and type YOUR password (it does not appear though)06:46
MandalordLenovoG470: no i dont think so06:47
LenovoG470mandalord, so no need to remove the GTK06:48
mi3anyone ?06:48
kanupatarhow can i mount my secondary hard disk in ubuntu?06:48
mi3Hello, I downloaded this theme http://www.noobslab.com/2012/03/install-eye-of-gnome-blue-gtk32-theme.html [I mean the zip file] and created the .themes folder in my home directory, and extracted it, now can someone suggest how do I install that theme ?06:48
mputtrgo into disk utility and select the drive, then mount06:48
kanupatarit is not showing when i run fdisk -l06:48
kanupatarmputtr: not shown there06:48
mputtrtry gksudo palimpsest06:49
MandalordLenovoG470: i dont think gtk+ have anything to do with adobe flash, just remember to enable it in your browser (something like Setting > Plugin > Adobe flash ...)06:49
Blue1what kind of flash issues?06:49
Blue1you need flashplugin-nonfree06:49
kanupatarcemiotic: no man.it is not showing in disk utility either or in fdisk -l06:49
kanupatarwhile log in it is asking for recovery06:49
Mandalordkanupatar: sudo fdisk -l06:50
kanupatarMandalord: yes, it shows the partitions06:50
kanupatarbut my sdb is not shown06:50
kanupatarit was there till yesterday06:50
LenovoG470mandalord, thanks, have a great day, cheerios06:51
jitaI have installed openjdk-7-jre but the browsers say that java is not installed. How to fix it ?06:52
jitaI am ubuntu 12.0406:52
kanupatarhi guys ..please help me06:53
MonkeyDustkanupatar  type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here, so we can see06:53
kanupatarMonkeyDust: wait06:54
mgedminjita, never used java myself, but I _think_ you may need to install icedtea-7-plugin (or icedtea-6-plugin) as well06:55
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minasCan I submit a game/application into the software center that runs using wine?07:04
auronandaceminas: if it is your game/application with an appropriate license then i don't see why not (progress quest is there)07:06
mgedminyeah, I can run precise in testdrive just fine; something's funky with quantal07:08
minasauronandace: It is. Thank you.07:08
rob_hi, can anyone tell me how to change which window manager starts? i need to script it so from the command line ideally, thanks!07:11
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MonkeyDustrob_  you can use --replace, like compiz --replace07:14
oupateddieIs there anybody with a solution to the flashplayer problem in U 11.10. It seems as if I cannot get this to work in Firefox at all07:14
rob_MonkeyDust: sorry, what do you mean?07:14
MonkeyDustrob_  or is that not what you mean?07:15
rob_MonkeyDust: i'd like to switch the default window manager to be notion07:15
Anuraji am using ubuntu 11.1007:18
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MonkeyDustrob_  can you install it? does it appear in the login menu (lightdm)?07:19
Anurajmy laptop get suspended whenn power supply goes out07:19
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LenovoG470dear guys, how do I know if my ALSA needs updating, Ubuntu 11.10? Thanks07:22
rob_MonkeyDust: yeah it appears in the list07:23
MonkeyDustrob_  i'm not sure what the issue is, then07:23
rob_MonkeyDust: i tried running lightdm-set-defaults -s notion  but that doesnt seem to do anything07:23
MonkeyDustrob_  what do you want to accomplish, exactly?07:26
rob_MonkeyDust: i want to set notion to be the default window manager and set autologin so when i run 'restart lightdm' my user auto logs in and runs my window manager07:31
MonkeyDustrob_  lightdm automatically selects the session you used last time07:32
MonkeyDustrob_  i mean, select it once and it will be the used the next time you login, too07:33
glosolihey folks anyone has idea why there was no emacs launcher created when I installed it07:35
theadminglosoli: Because emacs is a CLI application?07:35
glosolitheadmin: no it isnt :)07:35
glosolitheadmin: emacs23 creates launcher properly07:36
theadminglosoli: Huh. Thought it was. Oh well -- I'm a Vim person07:36
glosolitheadmin: I tryed to get used to vim.. didin't fit me:/ now I want to setup my Emacs workspace07:36
theadminglosoli: I see, well, you can probably create the launcher yourself07:36
glosolitheadmin: you mean that desktop file ?07:37
theadminglosoli: Sure, why not?... Wasn't there some graphical menu editor in Ubuntu at some point though?07:37
glosolitheadmin: some time ago probably hmm07:37
glosolioh there is still one07:37
MonkeyDustit means 'on the menu' (in french restaurants)07:38
glosolisorry my bad, I forgot about lenses, and always tryed to search for app in home lenses but it didin't find it07:38
glosolihmm but it creates another instance07:38
glosolimaybe some of you know what can this mean: /usr/bin/emacsclient.emacs-snapshot -c -a I mean what  -c -a is responsible of ?07:41
X-tonicWasnt there a blog post about shifting to py 3 in quantal? but packages.ubuntu.com tells otherwose07:43
DJonesX-tonic: You'll probably be better asking that in #ubuntu+1 which is the support channel for the development version07:43
MonkeyDustX-tonic  better ask in #ubuntu+107:44
MonkeyDustDJones  was faster :)07:44
DJonesMonkeyDust: Don't know how I managed that07:44
qdbhello . can i install http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/bcmwl-kernel-source ( ) to 10.10 ?07:45
MonkeyDustqdb  you too, quantal in #ubuntu+107:47
theadminqdb: Generally speaking, no, you can not install a package from a different Ubuntu version.07:48
qdbMonkeyDust, thank you07:48
* MonkeyDust misread the question07:48
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MonkeyDustqdb  10.10 is EOL, no longer supported07:48
qdbis it possible to use quantal repo in 10.1007:49
MonkeyDustqdb  don't mix versions07:49
theadminqdb: Again, it's not.07:49
theadminqdb: I just said so.07:50
qdbwhat if turn on quantal repo then download and install then remove the repo07:50
MonkeyDustqdb  then you will happily ruin your system07:51
DJonesqdb: As has been advised, its not recommended, you will most likely break your system07:51
qdbit is fresh installed07:51
qdbthen i lll install 10 04 or quantal07:51
swhi. I need to install sun jvm >=1.5, what package would that be?07:51
vampirnatacould someone help me figure out how to remove the execute bit on all files in a directory EXCEPT for the subfolders, but including the files in the subfolders.07:53
vampirnataPlease :)07:53
rob_vampirnata: find -exec07:53
theadminvampirnata: find your_dir -type f -exec chmod -x '{}' \;07:53
vampirnataperfect :) thanks!07:54
vampirnatadoes that do it recursively?07:54
theadminvampirnata: Yes, if you want to do it unrecursively use -maxdepth 0 (I think)07:54
vampirnatasounds good. thank you theadmin07:55
theadminvampirnata: No problem. Read "man find", it can solve you a lot of headache with complicated file operations.07:58
swhi. I need to install sun jvm >=1.5, what package would that be? I see there's plenty of java packages floating around ...07:58
osirisx11hi, could someone please help me figure out what happened to a pet bug, 974905? i JUST got an email about it, but when I went to the URL https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/974905 it is a 40407:59
ubottuError: malone bug 974905 not found07:59
theadminsw: Sun's/Oracle's Java is not in the repositories anymore.07:59
swtheadmin: so?07:59
Loungei thought sun's jvm was in the ubuntu-restricted-extras07:59
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:59
theadminsw: ...So you go to java.com and install it according to their instructions.07:59
osirisx11sw: https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6/08:00
Loungeis it possible to run 12.04 desktop  without 3d acceleration?08:01
theadminLounge: Surely. Just use the Ubuntu 2D session.08:02
Loungetheadmin: oh yeah08:02
theadminLounge: It won't be as shiny though ;)08:03
Loungethink i might add the classic gnome2 look as alternate session08:04
Loungei wonder if mate would be good08:04
soa2iiHi. I installed 12.04 on a Dell notebook here (amd64 x2). It looks like that it's getting hotter and hotter during cpu intensive tasks and finally just goes out. Are there some ACPI features or whatever that are missing in a normal 12.04 installation?08:08
* benjabean1 says "GOOSH-GOOSH!"08:09
Mrwhen im using the updatemanager, it is showing me updates for programs like gwibber or for unity, but i have allready delete them. so what is happen, will they be installed anyways, dont matter the fact that the program not longer excsits?08:11
benjabean1try running "sudo apt-get autoremove", they should go away08:11
Mrfor me?08:12
Mrokay thx'08:12
maxmcI own a thinkpad x220 with ubuntu 12.04, latest updates are installed. Overall by internet connection is fast, but sometimes it hangs.08:13
Mrthere is a issue with my terminal right now* ovells@ovells-System-Product-Name:~$08:13
maxmcMeaning it takes > 5 seconds to open a website. The browser (I tested with Chromium and Firefox) then displays "sending request" and nothing happens.08:13
maxmcAfter a while the site is rendered. This doensn't seem to be related to the site. For instance somtimes google is shown immediately, sometimes it "hangs".08:13
maxmcThe solutions I googled suggest to disable ip6 which I have done. But with no luck. The problem remains. So has anyone an idea what else I could try. Thanks!08:13
benjabean1what do you mean by "it hangs," maxmc?08:14
maxmcAh, other computers on my network (windows 7) work fine08:14
maxmc@benjabean1: like I described. I request the site. The browser displays "sending request" and for the next 5-15sec nothing happens08:15
benjabean1which browser?08:15
maxmcThen the browser "resumes work" and renders the requested page08:15
maxmclike i said I tested with Chromium and Firefox08:16
maxmclatest versions08:16
benjabean1sorry, i joined the channel late, must've missed that bit, xchat crashed08:16
maxmcah i see :)08:16
benjabean1do you have any extensions running?08:17
maxmconly in firefox08:17
benjabean1hold on a moment08:18
benjabean1go into chromium, press "CTRL+SHIFT+I", go to network tab, then visit "whatismyip.akamai.com"08:20
benjabean1what happens?08:21
maxmc@benjabean1 my ip shows up08:21
benjabean1after 15 secs?08:21
dudemangHi, I was wondering how I can list disk information without root permissions08:21
MonkeyDustdudemang  information about what?08:22
maxmcno immediately. the hang appears randomly. sometimes I visit 20+ pages and the it happens08:22
dudemangMonkeyDust: Stuff like hard drive space and disk model08:22
MonkeyDustdudemang  df -h08:22
benjabean1let's move to private chat please maxmc08:22
maxmc@benjabean1 here is what i originally posted here: http://pastebin.com/WFvBY5hV08:22
archmanif i turn ntp off ntp service with 'service ntp stop' or '/etc/init.d/ntp stop' it just starts back by itself in a second. is this an intended behaviour? (ubuntu 9.10)08:23
dudemangMonkeyDust: What about hard drive model?08:24
OnkeltemHi. Would you recommend a e-reading application for Ubuntu which supports integration with dictionaries? I need click-to-translate function.08:24
nicekiwicalling all Si-Fi fans, nerd in distress!! I have a USB dvd drive and its detected, is read by the system, but refuses to play my Stargate DVD :( VLC/Dragon player read the dvd for a sec that just stop. No errors or warnings or anything. HELP!!!? PLEASE!!! the fate of the universe is in the balance! <308:24
OnkeltemI mean translation of words, not text08:24
ticho_in gnumeric, is there a way to disable error reporting when opening excel stuff? (i dont care)08:25
Onkeltemnicekiwi: tried VLC?08:25
nicekiwiOnkeltem: read what I said, = yes.08:25
Onkeltemnicekiwi: oh, yeah, I see it now, it was a mess with smiles after DVD word08:26
MonkeyDustdudemang  lshw -class disk08:26
Onkeltemnicekiwi: tried mplayer?08:26
nicekiwiI even tried to rip the DVD, but it reads and scans the DVD again then just forgets it :(08:27
dudemangMonkeyDust: That works. thanks08:27
nicekiwiOnkeltem: ive tried SMPlayer, i assume thats the same hting.. it dosnt even see the DVD08:27
Onkeltemnicekiwi: does the problem appear when reading other DVDs?08:27
nicekiwiOnkeltem: i havnt really tried others.. i'll try now08:28
Onkeltemnicekiwi: has your device a power supply?08:29
nicekiwiOnkeltem: :( same result. The Bourne Identity also behaves the same. PSU.. uhmm dunno. Its a laptop. Only have this issue under linux so far08:29
nicekiwiOnkeltem: native MPlayer dosnt work either08:30
Onkeltemnicekiwi: I suspect it is a hardware/drivers-related issue08:31
nicekiwiOnkeltem: :(08:31
Onkeltemnicekiwi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192535908:31
DJonesnicekiwi: Does the same problem affect all commercial/protected dvd's?08:31
Onkeltemnicekiwi: also see https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aubuntuforums.org+external+dvd topics08:32
DJones!dvd | nicekiwi Just wondering whether this is may help08:32
ubottunicekiwi Just wondering whether this is may help: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:32
nicekiwiDJones: well I dont know, this drive has worked fine when Windows 7 is installed with the same hardware config. Playing com/protected DVDs and burning and installing from linux DVD/CDs08:33
OnkeltemDJones: oh man, I forgot this might be a problem. Sick worlds :(08:33
puppenHrm.. Silly unity.. Seems to be having a "z-index" type problem with my menus.. Like the right click, or  "file, edit" ones.. They're all coming up underneath all my windows -.-08:33
nicekiwiubottu: yeah i was wondering that. Im looking at codecs atm.. but still it hsould tell me if that were the case08:33
ubottunicekiwi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:33
nicekiwiDJones: ditto08:34
ironmhello. Me again ... do you have any idea why following configs don't work on fresh installed ubuntu-server 12.04? ... bonding-ubuntu.confs - http://paste.debian.net/175789/08:34
fidelnicekiwi: ubottu is a bot08:34
ironmthese configs worked (for some reason) after I have installed ethtool and ifenslave (testing the interface bonding with ifenslave)08:34
OnkeltemWould you recommend a e-reading application for Ubuntu which supports integration with dictionaries? I need click-on-a-word-to-translate function?08:35
nicekiwifidel: :P yeah, he said08:35
Onkeltemnicekiwi: how do you know it is he? :)08:36
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)08:36
theadminUbottu is a she.08:36
ubottutheadmin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:36
Onkeltemthats it108:36
ironmikonia, good morning. are you around?08:37
nicekiwiOnkeltem: he had a facebook profile before the matrix forced him to delete it and go back to 4chan.08:37
ikoniaironm: huh ?08:38
Onkeltemnicekiwi: orly08:38
ironmikonia, probably you can see more than me ... do you have any idea why following configs don't work on fresh installed ubuntu-server 12.04? ... bonding-ubuntu.confs - http://paste.debian.net/175789/08:38
ironmthese configs worked (for some reason) after I have installed ethtool and ifenslave (testing the interface bonding with ifenslave)08:39
ikoniaironm: ahh was it you I was talking to yesterday about bonding without ifenslave08:39
Guest1anybody here have expiriance with ubuntu installations?08:40
ironmikonia, another thing. I use Xtreme X450a-48t switch cluster. Do you have some experience with Xtreme ?08:40
ironmikonia,  yes .. it was me08:40
ikoniaironm: I've no experience with xtreme sorry08:40
ironmno problem .. I test first with cisco08:41
[omicron]hi all guys08:41
ironmikonia, however I don't test it with 802.3ad yet08:41
nicekiwiOnkeltem: random. installed DVD codecs and now VLC plays it.. somehow thought VLC didnt need them..08:41
* nicekiwi feels a lil silly08:41
[omicron]i'm trying to install pessulus using apt but it says there is no package available... I can see it in ubuntu repositories (trough web browser or ftp client)08:43
[omicron]any idea?08:43
llutz_!info pessulus08:43
ubottuPackage pessulus does not exist in precise08:43
[omicron]!info pessulus08:43
MonkeyDust!find pessulus08:43
ubottuFile pessulus found in ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu08:44
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[omicron]apt is fucking me :)08:49
peetaurI guess ubottu has no super cow powers.08:49
[omicron]i installed ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu but there is no package called pessulus on it08:49
MonkeyDust[omicron]  no so language here, please08:50
[omicron]ok, sorry08:50
Guest1ubuntu cant be installed on NTFS?08:50
MonkeyDust[omicron]  in a terminal, type apt-cache show pessulus and see what it says08:50
llutz_[omicron]: dpkg -L ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu|grep pessulus              thers just a file with that name most likely08:51
[omicron]no packages found, of course08:51
k1lGuest1: dont use ntfs. it has no rightsmanagement.08:51
llutz_Guest1: no it can't (except using wubi....)08:51
[omicron]using apt-file it says the package is on *slideshow*edubuntu (and i installed it)08:51
MonkeyDust[omicron]  it says "N: Can't select versions from package 'pessulus' as it is purely virtual"08:51
Guest1so, will it be able to read my external drives, which are ntfs?08:52
SwedeMikek1l: if you by rights management mean user access permissions, then your statement is incorrect. You're probably thinking of FAT.08:52
llutz_Guest1: yes08:52
k1lGuest1: its ok for data partitions.08:52
Guest1I chose ext2, was and it seems to be installing......this is day 1 of trying to install ubuntu. Been trying to install it for 8 hours now08:53
MonkeyDustGuest1  choose ext408:53
Guest1whats the difference between ext2 and ext4?08:54
k1lSwedeMike: simplified, yes08:54
MonkeyDustGuest1  ext4 is newer than ext208:55
Arashhello , I want to report a problem08:55
reisioGuest1: and much faster and more suitable08:55
reisioArash: yes?08:55
ArashI have a Wired connection and connected via VPN ,08:55
Arashin connection info08:55
ArashVPN Connection 108:55
Arashshows the wrong IP Address08:55
FloodBot1Arash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
MonkeyDustArash  in 1 line, please08:55
* reisio headdesks08:56
reisioArash: wrong as in at odds with... what, exactly?08:56
Arashok sry , my VPN Connection ip address is actually 10.0.0.x but It shows which is my Wired connection's address08:56
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MonkeyDustArash  it's because the connection has been set to bridged, instead of NAT08:57
Arashhmmm what do you mean ?08:57
Arashthe vpn server's in my hands and Its NAT08:57
MonkeyDustArash  'bridged' makes a logical bridge to your existing network 192....., NAT does not (network address translation)08:58
Arashhow can I set It to nat ?08:58
MonkeyDustdunno, havent used VPN, i know it from vbox08:59
Arashhmm I still think Its a GUI problem09:00
Arashwhat command equals ipconfig ?09:00
llutz_Arash: ifconfig09:00
BlueEagleI see that NetBeans 7.0.1 has been slaughtered in the reviews. Is it just as bad in Xubuntu as in Ubuntu, where I assume it was mostly used?09:00
Arashppp0 - inetaddr :
Arasheth0 : ip
llutz_Arash: thats your vpn-connection09:01
Arashyes but the problem is these details don't show on connection information09:01
ArashVPN Connection 1 & Wired Connection 1 both show ip address
Arashwhich as I said , must be a GUI Problem09:01
peetaurCan someone tell me how to max my single threaded 10 Gbps network speed?09:04
ikoniatransfer data09:05
SwedeMikepeetaur: there are a lot of academic projects that need this, with open documentation, I suggest you start looking for that.09:05
SwedeMikepeetaur: look for instance for "tcp tuning" that is a good start09:06
SwedeMikepeetaur: http://datatag.web.cern.ch/datatag/howto/tcp.html might be a good start to see what's involved.09:07
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vampirnataI'm hoping someone can help. I am running byobu and the ctrl-a-! shortcut to disable byobu shortcut keys is not doing anything... any ideas?09:08
peetaurokay, ty SwedeMike09:13
peetaurlots of tunables to play with...09:13
soa2iiHi. I installed 12.04 on a Dell notebook here (amd64 x2). It looks like that it's getting hotter and hotter during cpu intensive tasks and finally just goes out. Are there some ACPI features or whatever that are missing in a normal 12.04 installation?09:13
Guest1I've been trying to install ubuntu for 8 hours now.........why is this so hard??? Here's the latest error "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again"09:14
peetaurDo you also know a good way to test? I tried iperf, which always shows way higher speeds (nearly 10 Gbps). And I tried netcat over the pipe which is a bit random, between 560 - 750 MB/s... tests are stable and then change 5 min later. 550, 545, 570 ... 5 min later 610 620 590 etc09:14
soa2iiGuest1: 12.04? Which version? What hardware?09:15
SwedeMikepeetaur: I've used iperf myself, but I haven't done that much testing. This was on hw a few years old as well, it wasn't able to saturate 10GbE09:15
Guest1a compaq presario, 2.14Ghz, 2GB ram and yes 12.0409:16
ironmit looks like I have the reason. ubuntu native ifenslave (in case there is one) doesn't understand the syntax in "interfaces". First after installing ifenslave2.6 it started to work. ... ikonia, probably you can see more than me ... do you have any idea why following configs don't work on fresh installed ubuntu-server 12.04? ... bonding-ubuntu.confs - http://paste.debian.net/175789/09:16
JactaAnyone here using pidgin that have themed the chatbox with a theme?09:16
peetaurI can get 911 MB/s if I do 2 netcats in parallel, and 1700 MB with 4 (dual port with 2 netcats each).  Commands are like: dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M | nc host port  and  nc -l port >/dev/null09:16
peetaur(also tested with /dev/shm and it is the same speed as /dev/zero)09:18
Guest1soa2ii a compaq presario, 2.14Ghz, 2GB ram and yes 12.0409:19
ironmm477, hallo AGH :)09:21
Guest1does anybody here have expiriance with installing ubuntu?09:23
k1lGuest1: sure09:25
k1lGuest1: you can load the live-system and test ubuntu or install it from the live system. if you encounter problems make sure the iso wasnt corrupt. if there are hardware issues you could try the alternate-installer09:27
X-tonicwhy does firefox in ubuntu, no use its standard UI, but mix it up with its own tango icons?09:28
Guest1whats the alternate-installer?09:29
oCean!alternate | Guest109:30
ubottuGuest1: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:30
Guest1I'll try that if this fails09:31
Guest1well, I'll try it tomarrow. Its 5:30am and I've been at this since 9pm09:32
Guest1ok, it loaded through to the desktop, but the cursor is just a circular loading symbal, and its been going for some time now........how long do I wait until I say its not going to finish?09:33
Mrhow can i make that the clook shows: Weekday /date/  hours/min./sec (12.04. gnome classic)??09:38
AsmirHello all09:39
dr_willishiddy hoo09:39
phanindrarameshhai all. when ever I open a text file in kde, it is opening along with another empty text document. how can I avoid it?09:40
Asmirwas wondering if I could get some help, I am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 but failing in doing so09:40
dr_willisAsmir:  what the exact failure?09:41
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Asmirwell I tried installing with wubi, goes to restart, starts loading ubuntu screen and get a message: Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/some numbers doesn't exist09:42
MonkeyDustwubi :(09:42
Asmirwhen I try to install with cd in booting into live cd and then installing, I always get error message root folder something09:43
AsmirI am wondering if it has something to do with the fact I am running raid 0 ssd09:43
Asmirand I have win 7 ultimate, so I want to dual boot it09:44
Guest1asmir, I got that message, what I did to solve it was change the installation partition to .ext4 and change the boot to /09:44
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Asmirso should I create new partition in win 7, format it to ext4 and then try to install it like that?09:45
dr_willisi dont even use raid enough to advise.. other then to say.... backup everything ;)09:45
reisiocasual radi usage is asking for trouble, even with raid 0 being a waste of time aside09:46
reisiocasual raid*09:46
Asmirbecause I tried to create new partition with ext3 in windows (my partitioning sw doesn't have ext4 option) but when I run wubi, it is not in the list of disks09:46
dr_willisi always keep my linux installs on their own hard drives  makes life easier09:46
phanindrarameshhai all. when ever I open a text file in kde, it is opening along with another empty text document. how can I avoid it?09:46
reisioAsmir: Wubi installs into a _file_ inside Windows' own NTFS partition/filesystem09:46
dr_williswubi dosent use disks. it makes its own hd image4 file.]09:46
reisioAsmir: you'd have to boot up to the install media to install to a separate partition space09:46
Guest1well, everybody has told me to not use wubi, to use the cd09:47
Asmiryeah, I tried that reisio, but when I try to install, it gives me error something like root folder not defined09:47
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reisioAsmir: well I'm afraid that's too vague to get any help09:48
k1lwell, wubi uses the space in the windows partition. but that causes some problems when windows does some changes. so IMHO in the longterm you should go with a "real" installation and not wubi09:48
dr_williswubi on a raid. may mean it cant see the raid since windows is using special drivers to access tghe raid..09:49
dr_williswubi gets the thumbs down here also...09:49
Asmiryeah, I guess I should unraid the ssd disks, and use one for win and one for ubuntu09:49
dr_willisid reccomend installing linux to a 8gb or bigger flash  drive.. over using wwubi...09:49
dr_willisssd raids.. just seems overkill.09:49
Asmiryeah, could do that I guess, I left my 16 gb usb flash at work, damn it09:50
Asmirand I guess I cannot unraid ssds without loosing win 7 installation?09:50
dr_willisgot a 32gb flash for under $30 the other day ;009:50
Guest1gah! this latest install didnt work either. Now I get the message Try (hd0,0): Fat32 : error: "prefix" is not set09:50
dr_willisno idea. i dont use raids in windows. or linux09:50
reisioAsmir: would make it more complicated, anyways09:50
dr_willissee way way  way too many raid issues in this channel to  mess eith them. ;)09:50
luciani just installed ubuntu 12.04 on an eee pc and it was fine. but now when it boots, i get a blank screen and the boot sound09:51
reisiolucian: can you hit CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a console?09:51
BlueEaglelucian: Try disabling boot splash.09:51
lucianreisio: no09:51
Asmiranyway, thanks, I will try to unraid the ssds and do the dual install09:51
lucianand if i go to recovery mode, then normal boot, only half the screen works and there's graphical corruption09:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:52
luciani'll try that, if i can get to a console09:52
Asmirone more question, if I do dual install, one disk for win and one for ubuntu, would I be able to use ubuntu disk to install like triple boot with win, ubuntu and e.g. kubuntu?09:52
mi3I have installed cairo-dock and am running it with no effects, when I hover down the mouse at the bottom of the window, the dock does not appear, I have enabled the setting, still it wont work, any suggestions ?09:52
reisioAsmir: yup09:52
BlueEaglelucian: Do you get the grub boot menu?09:52
reisioAsmir: you can also try KDE and Unity (GNOME 3) from a single Ubuntu install09:53
dr_willisAsmir:  no ned to install kubuntu in its own partition. you can have both desktops on a single ubuntu install09:53
lucianBlueEagle: yeah, and the purple tinted blank screen afterwards. then it's black + boot sound09:53
BlueEaglelucian: Then edit the default boot entry and remove splash.09:53
lucianBlueEagle: and if i go through recovery mode, i get the graphical corruptions09:53
lucianBlueEagle: i think i might have to use the live usb for that09:53
Asmirah I see, last time I used ubuntu was 2005, so lots has changed :D09:53
dr_willisAsmir:  actually it was the same in 2005... ;)09:53
BlueEaglelucian: No, you press E to edit and then find the LINUX line and go to the end of that and remove where it sais -splash09:53
dr_willisAsmir:  linux has supported multiable desktops since its been out.09:54
Asmirwell I didn't have ssd back in 2005 :D09:54
lucianBlueEagle: ah09:54
* dr_willis misses what ssd's have to do with Kubuntu and Ubuntu ;)09:54
Asmirthe problems I am having I meant :)09:55
dr_willisinstall ubuntu, install kubuntu-desktop package. select desktop at the login screen.09:55
Asmirbecause in 2005 did dual boot with no problem :)09:55
lucianBlueEagle: I removed the work "splash" from the line, i get the same thing09:55
dr_willisi imagine the raid is the issue.. not the ssds09:55
Asmiryeah, damn, didn't want to install win 7 all over again, will try to search if its possible to unraid without loosing wini 7 install, but I doubt it09:56
Asmiror I might just go ubuntu all the way and piss on win 7 :D09:56
seb_Why speak french  here ?09:57
hello_hihi room Q: animated character on ubuntu desktop , possible? url ?09:57
dr_willishello_hi:  clarify what you mean...09:57
Asmiranyway, thanks guys, you have been most helpful09:58
hello_hidr_willis : plz don't think i am a pervert or something but i am talking something like www.virtuagirl.com except i want to modify it to make a chat bot09:58
LjL!fr | seb_09:58
ubottuseb_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:58
dr_willishello_hi:  check out 'hotbabe' in the medibuntu repos perhaps.09:58
sagarchalisehi guys it is not a ubuntu specific question per say but i need to echo a command from bash script which includes something like `geany -g $PROJECT_PATH$GEANY_DIR$GEANY_TAGS$PROJECT_NAME'.'$FILETYPES'.tags' $(find $LIBRARY_PATH -name '*.$FILETYPES')` with proper variable replacement how do I do that09:59
MonkeyDusthotbabe is no longer there, already checked10:00
Guest1Try (hd0,0): Fat32 : error: "prefix" is not set10:00
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  weird.. i installed it just last week i belive10:00
Guest1what does this mean?10:00
OnkeltemWould you recommend a e-reading application for Ubuntu which supports integration with dictionaries? I need click-on-a-word-to-translate function?10:00
dr_willissagarchalise:  i find with complex bash lines like that.. start small , test it. expand it..10:00
dr_willissagarchalise:  use of $() instead of the backticks is also  easier to read10:01
MonkeyDustdr_willis  yes, but *you* are a geek, you find ways ;)10:01
hello_hidr_willis i remember using hotbabe its very old and cartoon , whereas virtuagirl is very realistic and has more options10:01
dr_willissagarchalise:  and you may be using single quotes when you need to be using doublle quotes10:01
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  just endalbed gthe repo and insgtalled it...10:01
lucianBlueEagle: yeah, same thing regardless of splash or acpi settings in boot10:01
reisioGuest1: probably that GRUB is confused about what you want to boot10:02
BlueEaglelucian: After you edited the line did you press F10 to boot or did you press ESC+Enter?10:02
lucianBlueEagle: F1010:02
Guest1reisio How do I tell it I want to boot ubuntu on the 2nd partition?10:02
BlueEaglelucian: Try adding this then: nomodeset10:03
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dr_willishello_hi:  but both do the same core thing.. displays images on the desktop. i dont know what you are reallly looking for a premade app to do it all? or source code to start as a base to write your own..10:03
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dr_willishello_hi:  there may be google gadgets  tha t might acomplis similer tasks also.10:04
lucianBlueEagle: not it boots to the login screen, but only half the screen is used, and there are graphical corruptions10:04
dr_willislucian:  the whole screen works in the bios menus?10:05
BlueEaglelucian: So removing splash and setting nomodeset doesn't fix it... Then I am not sure what to try next, sorry. :(10:05
LjLOnkeltem: Calibre has dict.org lookup, but as far as i can see it's only English-English10:05
hello_hidr_wilis bundle of thanks . first i want to find my desried app which looks realistic like virtua and its sourcecode then willl try to make a chat bot out of it10:05
sagarchalisedr_willis: what I want is the command not to execute but just echo but its executing10:05
BlueEaglelucian: Do you have a camera so you can take a picture of the graphical corruption. The nature of it may help determine teh cause.10:05
luciandr_willis: yes, and it also did using the live usb. but it had the same issue on the screen where you get to choose before "try ubuntu" and "install"10:05
lucianBlueEagle: i'll try to make a video10:06
dr_willissagarchalise:  just echo the whole line.. use single quotes to prevent bash-expansion of the variables around the whole line.. i belive...10:06
BlueEaglelucian: even better. Make sure to include some full frontal nudity as well! :D10:06
dr_willissagarchalise:  not on a ubuntu box to test but similer to..    echo ' this $VARIABLE is not parsed'10:07
icerootwhat is the best way to sync a folder (200 files, ~100mb) between different ubuntu-pcs, smartphone and a windows-pc? ubuntu-one? or do we have other options too?10:07
dr_willissagarchalise:  not on a ubuntu box to test but similer to..    echo "this $VARIABLE IS parsed"10:07
dr_willisiceroot:  ubuntuone works very well10:07
dr_willisplus its 5gb for free. ;)10:10
icerootdr_willis: but a cloud for critical data...10:10
MonkeyDusticeroot  there's also dropbox and minus https://minus.com/pages/help10:10
dr_willisiceroot:  if its critical. you should have redundant copies...10:10
busfahrerHi. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and a pretty default install of that. I used CompizConfig to configure it so that when I move the mouse to the bottom left corner, all the currently windows are exposed so I can pick one of them. This works, but when I log out and back in, it doesn't work anymore. When I check, the setting is still there, but it's being ignored. Any way to fix this?10:10
icerootdr_willis: critical like "passwords"10:10
sagarchalisedr_willis: the first part of command echoes but it has nested find command which executes10:10
dr_willisiceroot:  its a bit vage as to why/what you are wanting to do exactly10:10
sagarchalisedr_willis: how do i echo the nested command as well10:10
dr_willissagarchalise:  add another  layer of ' '10:10
dr_willisaround the whole thing perhaps.10:10
icerootdr_willis: sync keepass-files between different devices for example10:10
dr_willismy 'critical' data  - are pictures  of the grandkids... ;P10:10
sagarchalisedr_willis: it echoes with the variable name rather than the variable value on nested thing if i add quotes10:11
dr_willissagarchalise:  i thought that was what you wanted.. nothing expanede to the value.10:11
luciandr_willis: BlueEagle: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/317039/VID_20120622_110931.m4v10:12
VectorXhi, i changed the LightDM.conf to try multiseat and something went wrong, so i booted a live cd and reverted the file back to original, i am not getting the display back on, is there somethiong else i need to fix ?10:12
luciandr_willis: BlueEagle: and it doesn't just happen in lightdm, i get the same behaviour after i log in10:12
lucianbut it did work fine from the liveusb10:13
sagarchalisedr_willis: geany -g /home/sagar/Projects/nlocate/.geany/tags/djangotoolbox.py.tags $(find $LIBRARY_PATH -name "*.$FILETYPES") I would want those $variables to rreplace as well10:13
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sagarchalisedr_willis: those inside find10:14
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skramer_busfahrer: I also found the same problem on my Ubuntu 12.04 box. To get it working, I have to start CCSM, uncheck the settings related to screen corners & then re-enable them. However, some reboots it works fine & sometimes you have  to go back to CCSM...10:14
dr_willisbbl gotta head home.10:15
sagarchalisedr_willis: finally found out what my problem was thank for the help10:16
busfahrerskramer_: Yeah I know about that workaround. I don't want to set the setting each time. No fix?10:16
BlueEaglelucian: Well it definetly looks like a graphics driver error... And pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 doesn't give you a text terminal? What does it give you then?10:16
lucianBlueEagle: it does now, with nomodeset10:16
lucianterminal looks fine10:16
BlueEaglelucian: Ok, then you want to stop the login manager and simply run startx from the console.10:17
skramer_busfahrer: unfortunately not. But do you have to set these settings each time you log in?10:17
OnkeltemLjL: its odd to get into such a trouble on a Desktop - not finding a reading application with translation abilities :) Even my android phone can do this.10:17
skramer_busfahrer: myself, I found that it sometimes works without problems & sometimes I need the workaround...10:18
lucianBlueEagle: that seems to work perfectly! should i just replace lightdm with gdm or something?10:19
BlueEaglelucian: It is worth a shot.10:19
sourcer_I'm having some problems connecting to samba from windows, can anyone give me some tips ?10:21
BlueEaglesourcer_: Try posting any error messages you may be receiving.10:22
BlueEaglesourcer_: Also make sure you have a samba user account on the server for whom ever you are trying to log in.10:22
sourcer_BlueEagle: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password10:22
sourcer_BlueEagle: I did a smbpasswd -a my_username10:23
sourcer_and restarted samba10:23
lucianBlueEagle: ah, sadly gdm has graphical corruption too10:23
sourcer_I tried almost everything I found online10:24
BlueEaglelucian: Then you can drop the login manager all together I guess.10:24
lucianBlueEagle: it does use more of the screen, i guess10:24
sourcer_lucian: romanian ?10:24
luciansourcer_: as it happens, yes10:24
BlueEaglesourcer_: When you log in do you use servername\username or just username?10:24
sourcer_BlueEagle: I edited windows Credentials and put in only the username10:25
sourcer_initialy it was using WINDOWS-PC\username10:25
BlueEagletry servername\username instead. See if that helps10:26
sourcer_BlueEagle: now it's saying that I do not have permision to access \\SERVERNAME10:27
X-tonichow do i search archives on http://planet.ubuntu.com/ ?10:29
sirriffsalotSupposing I have a computer that has several spaces for hard disks... is it possible to transfer data between two having connected them in the same computer?10:30
lucianBlueEagle: xdm appears to work. butt ugly, but works10:31
jribsirriffsalot: of course10:31
sirriffsalotjrib, how would I go about doing this then? Using ubuntu on both:P10:32
jribsirriffsalot: boot your system, click on the hard drive in nautilus, copy and paste10:32
sirriffsalotjrib, nothing more?10:32
jribsirriffsalot: nope10:32
sirriffsalotjrib, now that I'm so used to a challenge in linux, this was disappointing:D10:32
sirriffsalotjrib, cheers then:)10:33
jribsirriffsalot: if you can't find the hard disk (it used to get displayed in the sidebar), you can usually find the partitions mounted in /media10:33
BlueEaglelucian: Well, I'm not one for eye candy myself. :P10:33
lucianBlueEagle: hmm, 3d stuff is also off. at least it's using unity2d10:34
luciannot great10:34
=== Julieta_ is now known as Julieta
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
dddbmtHey guys. My Spotify client suddenly start crashing when starting up. If I do "strace -e spotify" it ends with a "Segmentatin fault".10:37
dddbmtAny ideas?10:37
BlueEagle!msg | sourcer_10:40
ubottusourcer_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:40
geirhadddbmt: Not much #ubuntu can help you with I think. Spotify is non-free, so you'll have to report that bug to spotify.10:40
dddbmtgeirha, Alright, I'll try #spotify first and then send a bug-report - thanks :)10:41
sourcer_BlueEagle: sorry for that, you know any other things that I could try ?10:41
BlueEaglesourcer_: Apart from re-reading the documentation and starting from scratch, nope.10:42
BlueEaglelucian: That may indicate a broken 3d-driver. Try looking for an upgrade.10:42
lucianBlueEagle: it's a fresh install10:43
BlueEaglelucian: Which is why looking for an upgrade is a good idea.10:43
BlueEaglelucian: If it doesn't work out of the box it may need to be fixed. :)10:44
sirriffsalotjrib, yeah, that much I've gotten the hang of:) Cheers10:45
oupateddieanybody with help how to het flashplayer installed in 11.10. I've tried all I could find in the forums by the flash player does not work in Firefox, it crashes and no site with flash in it runs10:45
hello_hihi wine doesnt show virtuagirl on desktop :(10:45
ActionParsniphello_hi: have you checked the appdb?10:45
ActionParsnipoupateddie: can you give a PASTEBIN of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'10:46
iceroothello_hi: only on your windesktop10:46
iceroothello_hi: not on your ubuntu-desktop10:46
iceroothello_hi: wine-desktop10:47
blackOps_wavemon shows no wireless interface, even when aircrack-ng works on it, what can i do10:47
RoastedAttn: ActionParsnip, since I know you'll have the magical answer. Do you know of a way to mass rename the extension of files, from say, JPG to jpg?10:47
geirhaRoasted: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/03010:48
ActionParsnipRoasted: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/4517/rename-.jpg-to-.jpg-recursively10:48
hello_hiiceroot thanks for response i am using ubuntu , what is wine-desktop?10:48
blackOps_Roasted rename *.JPG to *.jpg10:48
oupateddieActionParsnip ho do I do a PASTEBIN action. I have the output ready to paste somehwere10:48
ActionParsniphello_hi: in winecfg, enable a virtual desktop and set a resolution smaller than your screen10:49
iceroothello_hi: wine has its own desktop10:49
Goeland86hey guys, question, I'm trying to setup ubuntu 12.04 server with encrypted-homes for users, but when I do adduser --encrypt-home <user> it fails10:49
ActionParsnipoupateddie: go to http://pastie.org and paste the text there and hit paste, when the page changes, copy the new URL in the address bar and paste it here10:49
iceroothello_hi: you cant use a windows screensaver inside the real ubuntu system, just running it with wine in the own wine desktop10:49
ActionParsnipRoasted: source: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=bash+rename+JPG+to+jpg&kp=1      nothing special...10:49
RoastedActionParsnip, the first link you had worked10:51
Roastedfind /path/to/images -name '*.JPG' -exec rename "s/.JPG/.jpg/g" \{\} \;10:51
oupateddieActionParsnip  http://pastie.org/413156610:51
Goeland86guys, anyone working on Server 12.04 that can help me setup ecryptfs properly?10:51
ActionParsnipRoasted: all I did was search though, which you could have done.....10:51
Goeland86I get the error "ecryptfs module not loaded"10:51
RoastedActionParsnip, I know, but I knew you'd do it for me. :)10:51
RoastedActionParsnip, kidding actually... I did google but I kept finding ones that didn't work.10:52
cotigao_i have written a small test application..10:52
cotigao_i created the necessary .desktop file & added the entry in /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/10:52
cotigao_ i can see my app listed in under the "chat" icon in the tab10:52
cotigao_but i was wondering how can  i show some messages under the my app10:52
ActionParsnipoupateddie: what browsers have yu tested10:52
jribRoasted: you should probably change /.JPG/ to /.JPG$/ in case you have files named like: AJPG.JPG :)10:52
ActionParsnipRoasted: try duckduckgo too, different results10:52
jribRoasted: you should probably change /.JPG/ to /\.JPG$/ in case you have files named like: AJPG.JPG :)10:53
cotigao_for eg. for empathy/pidgin, the icon turns blue & shows the incoming message's ID name10:53
oupateddieActionParsnip Firefox Latest version and Opera. Google's Chrome seems to work at tiems but crashes most of the times/10:53
oupateddieFirefox is 13.0.110:54
ActionParsnipoupateddie: try:  sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:54
oupateddieWill do and report back standby please10:55
Ny0hi everyone. I've got some problems with ubuntu 12.04, acer aspire5920g and audio drivers.10:55
Ny0is there someone  how can help me?10:56
reisioNy0: help you... explain your problem?10:56
MonkeyDustNy0  start with a question10:56
thyshi, I just installed rtorrent on my ubuntu server and according to the tutorial I am following there should be a .rtorrent file and rtorrent in home folder but there are none. Where should I look?10:57
MrHey may you could help me, how can i set the clook /day of the week/date/hours/min/sec.?? [12.04.gnome classic]10:57
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angsI have ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop, can I format it without booting from CD/DVD or usb?10:58
Ny0reisio: when i put in headphones the audio still continues to play from speakers10:58
reisioNy0: is it a laptop?10:58
ActionParsnipMr: you can use the date command10:58
Ny0reisio: yes acer aspire 5920g10:58
ActionParsnipNy0: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh10:58
rainbowwarrior2hello , i am running Ubuntu 12.04 Lts on a compaq cq60 laptop with a Nvidia MCP77/78 sound card and my sound has stopped working, anyone got any idea how i can fix this please ?10:59
aaamy machine gets stuck a few times a week. how can i diagnose the problem?11:00
jgrepActionParsnip: http://youtu.be/IVpOyKCNZYw11:01
zvedawhich wine version should i try first11:01
zvedato run this cd11:01
Ny0ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054067/11:01
zveda1.0 ?11:01
Ny0ActionParsnip: you think is normal more than 1000 lines'11:02
MonkeyDustzveda  wine is to run windows programs, what do you mean exactly?11:02
ActionParsnipNy0: yes its a tonne of info11:03
zvedai have this windows cd11:03
zvedacd with windows stuff on it11:03
zvedai wanna try run it with wine11:03
zvedashould I try wine1.0, 1.1, 1.3 first ?11:03
zvedaI have limited downloads..11:03
oupateddieActionParsnips - This is a result http://pastie.org/413162411:04
ActionParsnipNy0: try:    echo"options snd-hda-intel model=auto position_fix=011:04
ActionParsnipNy0: sec11:04
ActionParsnipNy0: try:    echo "options snd-hda-intel model=auto position_fix=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null11:05
ActionParsnipNy0: then reboot11:05
ActionParsnipjgrep: why do I need that?11:06
ActionParsnipzveda: windows won't run in Wine, you need virtualbox11:06
MrActionParsnip: how does the date comand works.?11:06
ActionParsnipMr: read the man page11:06
zvedauits not windows11:06
ActionParsnipzveda: "zveda> i have this windows cd11:06
zvedaActionParsnip: sorry if I wasnt clear.. its just a cd with .exe stuff11:06
zveda<zveda> cd with windows stuff on it11:07
ActionParsnipzveda: what other conclusion can I draw?11:07
Ny0ActionParsnip: ok, done i reboot tnx11:07
zvedamy next line see11:07
ActionParsnipzveda: check the appdb for compatibility11:07
zvedaI dont even know what Im running tho11:07
oupateddieActionParsnip - This is a result http://pastie.org/413162411:07
zvedait's some medical cd11:07
* rainbowwarrior2 bashes head on laptop11:08
senotemzveda: better use virtualbox11:08
zvedahm.. but I have very limited downloads11:08
zvedaand I dont have a windows cd to install11:09
ActionParsnipzveda: then you'll just have to try, install wine and it will pull in a decent version11:09
aaamy machine gets stuck a few times a week. how can i diagnose the problem?11:10
ActionParsnipoupateddie: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin11:10
zvedaActionParsnip: senotem; ok thx guys, will do11:10
reisioaaa: stuck?11:10
quixotedonaaa: do you know the process when it was stuck?11:10
Ny0ActionParsnip: it works :) tnx a lot11:10
oupateddieActionParsnip Busy... stand by please11:11
fidelaaa: can you login via ssh to that box if it is 'stuck'11:11
fidelor in other words - could you define 'stuck'11:11
reisiofidel: little proof he can even respond to a question as yet11:11
rainbowwarrior2hello , i am running Ubuntu 12.04 Lts on a compaq cq60 laptop with a Nvidia MCP77/78 sound card and my sound has stopped working, anyone got any idea how i can fix this please ?11:13
aaait's tsuck , so the mouse and keyboard don't respond. i don't know what is ssh, but without keyboard and mouse i can't do anything...11:13
aaait's get stuck while only aMule is active11:14
fidelaaa: you could try pressing: 'ctrl' + 'alt'+'f1' next time to see if the box reacts on that ....but this makes only sense if you are used to tty/terminal11:14
senotemtry to update aMule11:14
senotemor google for such a problem11:14
emillohello, I have a problem with fonts in libreoffice documents: all is good under gnome/unity, but in wmaker the fonts are rendered not as good inside the document11:15
reisioemillo: use gnome/unity11:15
emilloscreenshot http://gnufunk.org/~emillo/oognome.png11:15
aaawhat is tty/terminal? ctrl+alt+f12 didn't respond last time11:15
reisioaaa: try F2, and try another nick name11:15
emilloreisio: it's too slow11:15
reisioemillo: try Xfce, then11:16
lucianBlueEagle: you were right, lightdm appears to work now11:16
emilloreisio: no hopes for wmaker?11:16
=== aaa is now known as bestdnd
bestdndthat nick is better?11:16
quixotedonbestdnd: have you tried logging as a different user ? (as said by reisio)11:17
reisioemillo: you'd have to learn the dark arts of manual text rendering configuration11:17
reisiobestdnd: infinintely11:17
reisioand also infinitely11:17
bestdndi only have one user. should i make a new one?11:18
quixotedonbestdnd: no, u don't have to, try logging as a guest11:18
osirisx11hi, could someone please help me figure out what happened to a pet bug, 974905? i JUST got an email about it, but when I went to the URL https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/974905 it is a 40411:18
ubottuError: malone bug 974905 not found11:18
bestdndi can't know i advance that it crashes, it can take a few days11:18
emilloreisio: thanks11:19
oupateddieActionParsnip still not working... shows File: libflashplayer.so as the installed plugin11:20
quixotedonbestdnd: so, can u try again?11:20
JLuci'm going to install ubuntu with dual boot on a brand new Windows 711:22
rethussomeone run xvidcap on 12.04?11:22
JLuci wish to share datas on a special partition11:22
rethuswhich sound device have i to choose, to record audio?11:22
JLucand i wonder how big has ubuntu partition to be ?11:22
bestdndmy user works for a few days, and suddenly gets stuck. while it's stuck, i can't switch user, and after a reset, my user works again until the next time. i can copy my data to a new user, and work on it, but it will take a few days until its gets stuck again11:23
geirhaJLuc: Depends on how much you'll be using it, but 30GB should be more than enough for the system itself. I wouldn't go much lower than 10G though11:23
oupateddieActionParsnip it seems when I run Opera which uses that same plugins set as Firefox, is retursn with a plugin has crashed.11:23
quixotedonbestdnd: ok, so, your app might be a problem, have you tried upgrading it?11:24
quixotedonbestdnd: anyway, what version are you using?11:24
JLucok geirha does that include programs  too ?11:24
JLucon this other computer where i am now all files except home folder occupy 382Go !!!11:24
bestdndamule 2.3.1 on ubuntu 12.04. it doesnt update itself with the regular updates?11:25
JLucsi i am a bit worried...11:25
JLucand dont know  if 30Go will be fit11:25
geirhaJLuc: Yes, if you install alot of applications, you'll likely hit 10GB11:26
wookienz_guys i need some help trouble shooting a computer or router issue. When i ssh , scp, ftp the computer stalls. I have tried without the router and it works fine. However with a router and it initially starts at a huge pace then dies. Router is Cisco e4200 with dd-wrt. Where do i start?11:26
JLucIs it possible to change the data partition later once ubuntu has allready run ?11:26
geirhaJLuc: The main space usage for an Ubuntu system is stuff like music and photos, but if you have a shared ntfs drive for that...11:26
jiohdiJLuc, possible yes, dangerous, maybe11:27
JLucso i have to compute how much space is needed and organise things now11:27
oupateddieActionParsnip : It seems as if Chrome has a different flash player. It so stupid that flash is not working after the upgrade to 11.10. I have a number of site which uses flash which I use to get information from and now they all seem to not work11:28
bestdndused "sudo apt-get update" to update everything. amule version didn't change11:29
jiohdioupateddie, you can down load a tar.gz from adobe... then just copy the lib. into /usr/share or some other shared folder and it tends to work11:29
ActionParsnipoupateddie: I always clean install, fewer issues :)11:30
jiohdioupateddie, there is a mozilla folder you can drop it into that seems to let everything share it as well11:30
ActionParsnipbestdnd: did you run:  sudo apt-get upgrade    afterwards?11:30
IdleOnebestdnd, apt-get update only updates, you need to use sudo apt-get upgrade to actually upgrade the available packages11:30
oupateddiejiohdi thanks let me see as it is a bugger now.... that mozilla folder is that a dot folder in the home folder?11:31
bestdnddoing it now11:31
JLucis it safer to resize the partitions later on jiohdi ? (than to change the data's partition)11:31
reisio"change the data's partition"?11:32
JLucspecify a special partition for datas11:33
ActionParsnipbestdnd: update only rereads the repos, which will see new versions of packages if there are any updates, upgrade wil install them11:33
JLucpfff thats heavy system admin ...11:33
geirhaJLuc: the latter is safer11:34
reisioJLuc: a 'data partition' is simply a partition that has no purpose, that you put data on :p11:34
bestdndis there a way to schedule the upgrade?11:34
geirharesizing and moving partitions always has a risk to it; so always make sure you've backed up the important stuff before doing that.11:35
mok0Trying to install nautilus-dropbox on Precise, it's stuck at "Downloading Dropbox 99%"11:35
ActionParsnipbestdnd: you could cron a script to run an unattended upgrade11:35
jiohdioupateddie, user/. mozilla/plugins/11:35
bestdndhow do i do that?11:36
ActionParsnipmok0: the dropbox servers are a bit busy maybe, or kill the process, fix the packages then restart the install11:36
ActionParsnipbestdnd: look into cron11:36
ActionParsnipbestdnd: or you can use gnome-schedule for a gui11:36
mok0ActionParsnip: I've tried that a couple of times... removing the package and reinstalling11:37
oupateddiejiohdi thanks I'm busy downloading it. I then unpack this, corredct? Which files do I copy to the .mozilla/plugins folder?11:37
jiohdioupateddie, it has a text file w/instructions but there is only one lib file to move11:39
oupateddiejiohdi sorry stupid again, do I move the lib file/folder to my home/user/.mozille file or to a folder in the system area?11:40
jiohdioupateddie, you can do both... but to copy to a systems folder you have to be root11:40
jiohdior sudo11:41
bestdndwhen using gnome-schedule, to "apt-get upgrade", do i need sudo? do i need to enter the password somewhere?11:41
oupateddiejiohdi I have checked in the .mozilla folder there is no plugins folder, must I create one there and copy the unpacked tar in there?11:41
jiohdibestdnd, just type sudo apt-get upgrade and it will prompt you for password11:42
jiohdioupateddie, check the text file for instructions first... but you can sure11:42
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bestdndis there a way to avoid the prompt for password every time? i want to to be unattended11:43
ActionParsnipbestdnd: you can cron as root, so no sudo needed :)11:43
oupateddiejiohdi will do that11:43
IdleOnebestdnd, I don't know about gnome-schedule but yes you need to use sudo to upgrade11:43
jiohdibestbnd you can type sudo -s   password at the prompt and it will give you permanent sudo until you type exit11:44
JLucis an option proposed during install so as to install data on a dedicated partition (different than the system) ? (since i dont see that on the internet site install documentation, but i was once told this is how i should have done)11:44
jiohdibestdnd, but be really careful what you run as sudo because running some user programs as root can mess things up big time11:45
ActionParsnipbestdnd: run:  gksudo gnome-schedule    and you can cron as root, make one job run to run:  apt-get update    then one 10 mins later to run:  apt-get -y upgrade       and you have automated upgrades :)11:45
JLucor maybe this is in the "expert mode"11:45
JLuc(but i'm not sure i'm an expert !!!)11:46
asad2005network backup app suggestion ?11:46
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:49
Sketcy_fictionhi channel does anyone know a good web designer channel?11:49
ActionParsnipasad2005: I'd go for SFTP on the clients and rsync :), or alternatively setup a central store of data and then you only backup that11:49
asad2005i mean like deja-dup but i want to back up to my network drive11:50
bestdndall set up as <ActionParsnip> said. thanks for all the help11:50
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SkippersBossjluc ?? are you talking about /home ?? I think most of us have that setup in that way11:51
ActionParsnipasad2005: what system is it sharing with?11:51
asad2005ActionParsnip: its a synology server11:53
ActionParsnipasad2005: what does it use to share the files?11:54
ActionParsnipasad2005: samba? sftp? ftp?11:54
asad2005i can set it as nfs or samba at least11:56
JLucyes SkippersBoss i want /home in a dedicated partition and look forward on the way to achieve this while installing ubuntu11:58
MonkeyDustJLuc  select 'something else', then create a / a /home and a swap partition ... you can do this with gparted, while in the live session11:59
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ActionParsnipasad2005: samba will make it easily accessible over LAN and easy to backup11:59
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: set 10Gb as /, same amount as swap as you have RAM and the rest for /home12:00
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  I already have it, I was advising JLuc12:00
IdleOneActionParsnip, I am finding that 10GB for / is not enough anymore.12:01
MonkeyDustidd, I have 15GB /12:01
ActionParsnipIdleOne: really, my installs rarely go above 4Gb12:01
ActionParsnipJLuc: see above12:01
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: d'oh :)12:01
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IdleOneActionParsnip, yeah the install is about 4 but after you start installing all kinds of stuff it grows pretty fast. 10GB should be enough for most users though.12:02
ActionParsnipIdleOne: try uninstalling what you don't use as well as adding ;)12:02
SkippersBossJluc: Like monkeydust suggest during the install when you  will be ask to partion your drive just select "something else" although i am quiet sure this option is called Manual in the installation process :-)12:02
ActionParsnipIdleOne: I always rip out a tonne of guff that is in a default install12:03
geirhaIf you install all the games from the latest humblebundle, it'll probably use 5-6GB12:03
IdleOneAnyway, I took us off topic. sorry folks.12:03
JLucthe swap will also find place in the newly created / partition ?12:04
geirhaJLuc: No, swap has its own partition12:04
ActionParsnipgeirha: urban terror is probably the biggest game I play :)12:04
JLuci go on uninstalling HP software on w7 so as to get max space for data and ubuntu12:05
reisioJLuc: don't forget to defrag12:06
MonkeyDustJLuc  like so : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054136/12:06
* mi3 is away: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, PHRICK!12:07
* mi3 is back (gone 00:00:10)12:07
SunTsumi3: den don#t public away anyway12:07
DJones!away > mi312:07
ubottumi3, please see my private message12:07
mi3yeah, ok!12:07
ubottuscorpion54131: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:08
JLucthank you for advises12:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:08
JLucit takes longer to uninstall unwanted softs that to install w7...12:08
reisioit's funny whoever told the bot about !list clearly is an "offender" :p12:08
MonkeyDusti say! !list should show the !it factoid!12:09
reisioMonkeyDust: which one is that12:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:10
zykotick9MonkeyDust: that was a "hello" followed by "!list", not "ciao"12:11
qdbhello. if i install 10.04, is there ppa for it with new 3.4... kernel with intel gma 3600 driver enabled, and after installing it bcmwl-kernel-source - wifi driver should work. i have searched in 10.04 ppa page yesterday but have not found ..12:14
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reisiodoesn't matter, why would you install 10.0412:14
qdbreisio, this netbook is not mine, its owner has said he dislikes unity and gnoem3 and they are buggy . i am not sure whether it is possible to install gnoem 2 to them... i asked him he said it is possible as i remember12:16
ikoniaqdb: gnome 2 is dead12:17
qdbikonia, stable debian uses it ) and also it uses firefox 3.....12:17
ikoniaqdb: that does mean it's not dead, gnome 2 is dead. You should consider a migration plan12:18
morsnowskiqdb: i hate unity with a passion but i can tell you from experience with 12.04 and gnome 3 that it works great12:18
morsnowskiget 12.04 install gnome and you are golden12:18
ActionParsnipqdb: gnome2 is dead, install xfce is my suggestion12:19
ActionParsnipmorsnowski: the default Ubuntu install uses Gnome already, no need to install anything else if you want Gnome12:19
morsnowskiActionParsnip, maybe it's my fault but when 12.04 came out of the box i did not have a gnome desktop available12:20
ManDayUbuntu comes without python 3 o_O ?!12:20
ActionParsnipmorsnowski: 12.04 uses gnome desktop12:20
ActionParsnipmorsnowski: it just uses a different shell (Unity)12:20
reisioqdb: right, and Firefox 3 is dead as well12:20
reisioqdb: Xfce is a lot like GNOME 2, if that's what you're after12:21
* morsnowski is going to install it in a vm once more12:21
jribManDay: it's in the repositories12:21
ManDayjrib: I'd have thought it would be default, thanks12:21
vibhavjrib: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python312:21
ActionParsnip!find python312:22
ubottuFound: postgresql-plpython3-9.1, python3, python3-all, python3-all-dbg, python3-all-dev, python3-apt, python3-apt-dbg, python3-bsddb3, python3-bsddb3-dbg, python3-cairo (and 151 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python3&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all12:22
mint_hi! am moving my ubuntu install to ssd..i copy/pasted data via live cd..i am chrooted in my install, but grub does not install..help12:22
ActionParsnipmint_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video12:23
qdbhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386 i could not find here .. with "kernel", "3.4" , "linux" ...12:23
ActionParsnipqdb: the 3.4 kernel is not suitable for Lucid12:24
qdbActionParsnip, why ?12:25
mint_ActionParsnip: I need help regarding the fs of the 2mb partition and how to make it active AND install grub12:25
qdbActionParsnip, as i know people have compiled it to get intel gma 3600 driver12:26
ActionParsnipqdb: if it was it would be in the repos, wouldn't it12:27
qdbActionParsnip, yes12:27
ActionParsnipqdb: the 3.4 kernel is in Quantal which is currently pre-release12:27
qdbActionParsnip, may be just people do not need it?12:27
wingnut2626i have jaunty on a mobile phone.  how can i add more current repositories so that i can get more software?12:27
ActionParsnipqdb: you may install it but you will not be supported here, your call12:27
qdbbtw i am downloading quantal12:28
ActionParsnipqdb: quantal is supported in #ubuntu+1 until release day in October12:30
qdbok thank you12:30
ActionParsnipmint_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:30
OerHekswingnut2626, jaunty is EOL, so you better put something new on your mobile thing.12:35
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alex_underroot@user-desktop:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-2/power# echo suspend > level12:43
alex_underbash: echo: write error: Invalid argument12:43
alex_underwhy does this not work ?12:43
rootsalut tous le monde12:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:45
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Guest60111join #ubuntu-fr12:46
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L3topalex_under: can I see an ls12:50
L3topalex_under: you should quote what you echo, but I am not convinced that is the issue, so echo "suspend" > level12:51
ActionParsnip!rootirc | root12:51
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:51
alex_underActionParsnip: I'm not running as root I just ran sudo xterm ...12:53
alex_underActionParsnip *12:53
ActionParsnipalex_under: don't use sudo for gui apps, use gksudo12:53
inashdeenHi, can someone point me to the translators irc?12:53
ActionParsnipalex_under: you can run: echo "suspend" | sudo tee /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-2/power/level12:53
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
alex_undertee: level: Invalid argument12:54
TethI have some questions about SSD drives and Ubuntu12:54
ActionParsnipTeth: ask away12:54
alex_underecho "suspend" > level12:54
alex_underbash: echo: write error: Invalid argument12:54
Tetharen't SSD drives write once?12:55
Tethif so, how do I handle using it for ubuntu?12:55
Tethis there support for it?12:55
Slinghow can i permanently set my resolv.conf without loosing it on reboots?12:55
TethI am pretty sure I would have to place my swap partition, applications, and everything that isn't the OS itself on the HDD12:55
DJonesTeth: No, SSD's are just like a big USB key, rewriteable etc12:56
ActionParsnipalex_under: try my command12:56
Tethreally. a few years ago a friend was telling me that they were write once12:56
Tethhow much rewriting can they sustain?12:56
alex_underActionParsnip: tried it12:56
alex_underStill Invalid argument: level12:56
Tethalso, how can I create a clean separation between my OS and applications installed on the SSD and data/media files/personal info/projects on the HDD12:57
spacemanSling: set a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces12:57
ActionParsnipalex_under: as root would be:  echo "suspend" | tee  /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-2/power/level12:57
L3topIt is interesting alex_under. It does not appear that that is a valid state... and it will not allow the write.12:57
mint_someone please suggest to mark guid partition as 'active'12:58
ActionParsnipTeth: you'd make a seperate /home partition in the install and your user data and settings will be seperate to the OS files, this is ideally stored on a platter based drive :)12:58
Kingsyguys, I am on my machine right now.. and my mouse seems to have crashed..12:58
ActionParsnipmint_: use fdisk, its got near zero meaning in Linux though12:58
Kingsyit moves but I cant click on anything..12:58
ActionParsnipKingsy: unload and reload the psmouse module12:58
Kingsythe pc is still fine however because I can type (lol as you can see)12:58
KingsyActionParsnip: how?12:59
hyper_chhi there, I'm trying to debootstrap ubuntu but whenever I chroot into the rootfs to run the second stage I get:  bash: /debootstrap/debootstrap: No such file or directory12:59
ActionParsnipKingsy: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse12:59
spacemanSling: sorry use /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf using prepend domain-name-servers12:59
Slingspaceman: its set to static already13:00
mint_ActionParsnip: fdisk is for MBR only..I guess and can corrupt partition...if only ubuntu had cgdisk a cfdisk like program13:00
Slingill check the domain-name-servers13:00
alex_underL3top: I did it in Debian and it worked just fine13:00
alex_underL3top: It stopped the device as it should13:00
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inashdeencan anyone point me to translators irc?13:01
TethI suppose that was a really silly question to ask. I could have not been lazy and looked at my file hierarchy to figure that much out :P13:01
Tethstill, are there any other places I should look in order to keep application data on the platter?13:01
ActionParsnip!info cfdisk13:01
ubottuPackage cfdisk does not exist in precise13:01
Slingspaceman: so its dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces, can I add search and domain there too?13:01
ActionParsnipmint_: why do you want to mark a partition as active?13:02
drPoohow can I mount a remote drive using sshfs automatically at startup?? The command that Im using is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054206/13:02
L3topalex_under: "(In kernels up to 2.6.32, you could also specify "suspend", meaning that the device should remain suspended and autoresume was not allowed.  This setting is no longer supported.)   http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/usb/power-management.txt13:03
spacemanSling: prepend domain-name-servers is in /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf not /etc/network/interface (my mistake), if you restart your interface now you will screw it up13:03
ActionParsnipmint_: it doesn't make any difference if you use Grub.13:03
Slingspaceman: im not using dhcp13:03
c0rnelhello all13:05
Kingsy_ActionParsnip: this is impossible..13:05
spacemanSling: if that's the case then /etc/resolv.conf shouldn't change13:05
Kingsy_how do you use the keyboard to alternate between terminal tabs?13:05
c0rnelis there a way to install a 64bit virtual machine in ubuntu?13:05
spacemanSling: you can have a static IP but a dynamic DNS server13:06
alex_underL3top: now it makes sense, thanks.13:06
Kingsy_anyone.. how do you alternate through terminal tabs using the keyboard?13:06
zykotick9c0rnel: do you get coloured output from "egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo --color=always"?13:07
L3topKingsy_: I would detatch them with Ctrl Shift H and alt tab like a human.13:07
Slingspaceman: i have a fixed dns server, fixed dns search + domain and fixed ip address13:07
Slingand in /etc/network/interfaces i have no dhcp anywhere13:07
Kingsy_L3top: Ctrl shift H does nothing13:07
L3topnp alex_under. I learned something out of it, so thanks!13:07
ActionParsnipKingsy_: tried Unity2D session?13:07
L3topsorry Kingsy_... I am in KDE13:07
Kingsy_ActionParsnip: no, I don't know what that is.13:07
drPoohow can I mount a remote drive using sshfs automatically at startup?? The command that Im using is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054206/13:08
Kingsy_ActionParsnip: I tried restarting the mouse but I could remember what you typed.. and I couldnt go back to check..13:08
Kingsy_total nightmare13:08
spacemanSling: then what's the problem?13:08
ActionParsnipKingsy_: log off, and click the ubuntu logo near your nick and select Unity2D, then log in13:08
Slingspaceman: resolv.conf being empty after a reboot13:08
c0rnelzykotick9, i'm asking for a friend, so it may take some time until i'll get the answer13:08
Slingbut now i've put it in interfaces and it seems to work after a networking restart13:08
Kingsy_ActionParsnip: what will that do?13:08
ActionParsnipKingsy_: means yu will be using Metacity instead of stupid compiz13:09
Kingsy_ActionParsnip: cant I just restart something as you mentioned?13:09
L3topif he can click...13:09
zykotick9c0rnel: i see.  that string determines if your CPU supports virtualization - you'll need it to create 64bit VMs13:09
Slingi guess the init script for interfaces fills resolv.conf with whatever is prepended with dns-13:09
c0rnelzykotick9, i see, so maybe something is disabled in bios13:10
zykotick9c0rnel: that's possible as well13:10
spacemanyes in addition to the servers set by dhcp13:10
ActionParsnipKingsy: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse13:10
L3top<ActionParsnip> Kingsy: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse13:11
zykotick9c0rnel: 64bit VMs makes almost no sense... (are they giving it 4GB+ RAM?)13:11
Slingjust the dns-domain i set isnt there, but hostname -f still reports the domain extension13:11
Slingperhaps thats only on reboot13:11
ActionParsnipzykotick9: virtual SQL servers love 64bit goodness13:11
SkippersBossactionparsnip: he said Almost :-)13:12
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i can see it for specific use cases - but there are only a couple, and for stuff like that - i'd think a native setup would be better ;)13:12
c0rnelzykotick9, ok, we have vmx13:12
c0rnel in output13:12
zykotick9c0rnel: that's intel's Virtualiaztion - so it should be possible :)13:13
ActionParsnipzykotick9: oh true but if you have acres of RAM and loads of CPU power it's good (we do it here :D )13:13
spacemanSling: the only explanation I have is that your static DNS are being overridden by DCHP or by network manager, prepend domain-name-server would be a temporary solution13:13
shaneohi guys im using the nightlie builds of XBMC and used the XBMC Nigtly ppa from lanchpad to install. For some reason im not getting the updates even though the nigtlies say the last build was yesterday and the latest I have is the 17th. Any idea how to fix this so that my nightlies stay updated13:13
ActionParsnipshaneo: ppa's aren't supported here13:13
shaneoActionParsnip, ok thanks13:13
ActionParsnipshaneo: I'd contact the ppa maintainer13:13
shaneook will do13:14
spacemanand yes it would probably require a restart13:14
ActionParsnipshaneo: there is xbmc in the repos you know13:15
ActionParsnip!info xbmc | shaneo13:15
ubottushaneo: xbmc (source: xbmc): XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:11.0~git20120423.cd20772-1 (precise), package size 24793 kB, installed size 36907 kB13:15
shaneoActionParsnip, Yes i know thank you but i use TraktUtilities that depends on nigtlie builds13:16
Kingsytotal waste of time, I just rebooted.13:16
ikoniaActionParsnip: that's useful to konw, I didn't know it was int he repo now13:16
ActionParsnipikonia: yeah suprised me a while back too :)13:16
Kingsybut wtf.. nothing worked there.. I couldnt alt tab, I couldnt do much.. what crashed?13:16
ActionParsnipKingsy: did you try Unity2D13:16
Kingsyis it possible to find out?13:16
ikoniaKingsy: tone it down please.13:16
KingsyActionParsnip: not yet.. heh but I couldnt log out in order to try it13:16
Kingsyor are you saying try it as a alternative ?13:17
ActionParsnipKingsy: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run;  killall -u $USER    would do it13:17
ActionParsnipKingsy: log out and try the other session13:17
KingsyActionParsnip: I pressed Ctrl + Alt and every key on the keyboard.. they did nothing13:17
ActionParsnipKingsy: CTRL+ALT+F1 would drop you to a terminal, or you could have even pressed CTRL+ALT+T to get a terminal13:18
KingsyActionParsnip: it didnt13:18
Kingsyit did nothing.. heh honestly I tried it :P13:18
ActionParsnipKingsy: sounds like more than just the mouse then13:18
AbhijitKingsy, what are you trying to do?13:19
Kingsyyeah.. but nit was weird, I could type and such.. open new windows was ok too13:19
KingsyAbhijit: just trying to figure out what went wrong a moment ago13:19
ahhughesI need to convert a m2ts video file to a mpeg2 (or similar), but avidemux is no good. Are there any cli options to de/compress this to video / audio or both.13:19
KingsyIs there a log that would tell me more about this?13:19
Abhijitahhughes, mobile media convertor13:19
ahhughesI'll try that Abhijit13:20
ilyail3hi, can you help me with apt-get?13:21
ilyail3I keep getting:13:21
ilyail3ERROR: Can't find the archive-keyring13:21
ilyail3Is the ubuntu-keyring package installed?13:21
ilyail3even when I run: sudo apt-get -f install ubuntu-keyring13:21
ilyail3How do I cancel current apt-get operation?13:21
FloodBot1ilyail3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
Abhijitilyail3, ctrl + c13:21
tyler_dhere's my question; where do you change the default browser within 12.04 please?13:22
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Abhijittyler_d, i think you should to go in settings of that browser and click on set it as default?13:22
ilyail3hi, can you help me with apt-get? http://pastebin.com/bwsSDq7Q13:23
Abhijitilyail3, hi. hello. can you read me?13:23
ActionParsnip!info archive-keyring13:24
ubottuPackage archive-keyring does not exist in precise13:24
ActionParsnipilyail3: its not a package13:24
ilyail3So what do I do to resolve that?13:24
Mandalord!info archieve-keyring13:24
ubottuPackage archieve-keyring does not exist in precise13:24
suomyhello somebody can help me ? I have bactrack I m from italy and my ip is invisible for another (sombody ping my ip and result request time out) how can a do to not to be invisible my ip (another person ping me and my ip respond13:24
SkippersBosstyler_d: DO this in Preferred applications in  settings => settings manager13:24
DJones!backtrack | suomy13:25
ubottusuomy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:25
tyler_dSkippersBoss: don't see that in settings....13:25
llutz!info debian-archive-keyring13:25
ubottudebian-archive-keyring (source: debian-archive-keyring): GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive. In component universe, is optional. Version 2010.08.28 (precise), package size 19 kB, installed size 64 kB13:25
Abhijithe can not read me. unabe to answer him.13:25
ActionParsnipsuomy: ask in #backtrack-linux for backtrack support please13:25
suomyi have and windows xp vista seven and my ip is invisibe to13:26
suomynot only for bactrack13:26
ActionParsnipsuomy: your distro isn't suported here13:26
suomyi thing13:26
suomyit is some configuration from the router13:26
SkippersBossoops sorry.. Ubuntu.13:26
ilyail3Abhijit: Yeah, I know about ctrl+c, I need to cancel an operation I already issued13:26
ActionParsnipsuomy: backtrack isn't supported here13:26
AbhijitIleden, you may get some help here http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/apt-get-how-to-fix-very-broken-packages/ and thank you for replying me so quickly.13:27
suomybrbe right bach with xp13:27
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suomybe right back13:27
ActionParsnipsuomy: xp is supported in  ##windows13:27
DJonessuomy: You need to ask in either the Backtrack or Windows channels, or possibly ##hardware if its just your router, if you just want to hide your ip on freenode irc, you can ask in #freenode13:27
suomybe right back with ubuntu13:27
suomynot is probelm13:27
suomyfrom the system operating13:28
suomyit is a problòem from my router13:28
llutzsuomy: you won't get any support here, neither for XP nor bt nor for your router13:28
suomyi don t want to hide my ip13:28
ActionParsnipsuomy: then ask in ##networking if it's your router13:28
ActionParsnipsuomy: why would your router be supported here, if here is an ubuntu support channel and nothing else?13:29
suomyfor example if you want now ping me my ip don t reponse to you13:29
suomyhow can i fix this13:29
ilyail3This is the complete command I try to run: http://pastebin.com/PEqhfW7z, anyone have a clue how I can abort the upgrade13:29
llutz!it | suomy ask there if yor don't understand english13:29
ubottusuomy ask there if yor don't understand english: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:29
Ashaelubuntu software center is stuck in the middle of an installation. trying to cancel it doesn't work. what can i do?13:30
qdbhello. i runned git clone git://... source . process stopeed, somehow, maybe netbook has gone to sleep, i have pressed ctrl +c . then  how to resume it - in #git they say it is not possible. also i started it from beginning. how to prevent ubuntu from sleeping?13:30
suomy /join #ubuntu-it13:30
ActionParsnipsuomy: without the leading space :)13:30
Abhijitsuomy, without the space before /13:30
Mandalordwhy do you guide him to Italian channel?13:31
llutzMandalord: <suomy> hello somebody can help me ? I have bactrack I m from italy ...13:31
qdbit s easy ...13:31
Mandalordllutz: ah, just think I need my eyes checking...13:32
suomyllutz can you speek very good italian language what you want from me13:32
Ashaelubuntu software center is stuck in the middle of an installation. trying to cancel it doesn't work. what can i do? is there a way to close it so i can try to remove the packages and reinstall?13:32
IdleOnellutz, a better place would have been an italian backtrack channel13:33
AbhijitAshael, not sure about the remove and reinstall pacakge part but to force software center to close go to terminal and do killall software-center13:33
llutznon sarà possibile ottenere alcun supporto qui, né per XP, né BT né per il vostro router.13:33
ActionParsnipAshael: you can ill the app then run the aptfix commands13:33
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Ashael13:33
ubottuAshael: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:33
NeedSomeHelpI have just installed php, apache and mysql with synaptic. Apache works, but browser just downloads the php files. Do I need to manually configure lots of config files also ?13:33
MandalordAshael: Ctrl+Alt+F1, type "top"13:33
SkippersBosstyler_d:  sorry did you fins it ?13:33
llutzIdleOne: maybe13:34
nacii4pisac do mnie plissss13:34
koskodoes useradd has interactive mode(asks for password and name etc.) ? am i understand right that on some distros this interactive mode is on by default , is so how this mode is called, and how do i switch on this mode on the system that doesnt have it by default?13:34
IdleOne!pl | nacii413:35
ubottunacii4: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:35
koskoon one of my vps's i have non interactive mode on13:35
koskoon another i have this interactive mode13:35
koskoall vps's are ubuntus13:35
ActionParsnipkosko: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/ncurses-adduser-or-graphic-useradd-in-linux-486034/   possibly13:36
llutzkosko: interactive useradd = adduser?13:36
koskollutz: one of them is interactive?13:37
llutzkosko: adduser is13:37
ActionParsniphmm, adduser is just a perl script13:37
koskollutz: thanks13:38
koskollutz: this is it13:38
llutzadduser is just a perl script t make useradd interactive .) ActionParsnip13:38
koskoActionParsnip: thanksk13:38
ffvI know that Chrome has its integrated flash player but i can't find and enable in the plugins page13:39
ActionParsnipffv: its enabled by default, if you install flash plugin as normal then it will be used13:40
ffvActionParsnip: no, I 've installed it from software centre but it didn't work13:43
ActionParsnipffv: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'13:43
ffvActionParsnip: okay please wait13:44
ffvActionParsnip: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Release:12.04 Codename:precise Linux ubuntu 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ii  flashplugin-installer                             Adobe Flash Player plugin installer13:45
ActionParsnipffv: can you use a pastebin, as I asked. something like http://pastie.org13:46
skunkworksWe just switched over to 12.04 running samba.  I am having an odd issue with some older software that uses 8.3 file format.  Instead of it doing something sane myfile~1.dwg - it does 17uz8q~h.dwg.  I have done some research on mangled names - but am coming up nil.  Thanks13:46
ilyail3how do I add ssl cert to trusted certs of wget?13:46
ActionParsnipskunkworks: i'd ask i #samba too13:47
ffvActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/413236013:47
skunkworksActionParsnip: thanks!13:47
ActionParsnipffv: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer13:48
escapeplebvillei have just installed ubuntu 12.04, are there any system admin gui tools for viewing processor usage etc. like windows permon ?13:48
ActionParsnipffv: then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package, you will get 64bit flash for your 64bit OS13:48
JAZANTHEPUSShaving a problem reading a hfsplus dvd in 12.04 64bit13:49
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:49
warlochanyone open to a question or two?13:49
Abhijit!ask | warloch13:50
ubottuwarloch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:50
JAZANTHEPUSSgot it mounted, cannot cd into it  it says permission denied.. tried to chmod it 777 and then ls-l has all files looking like this http://pastebin.com/m0c0h5TL13:50
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: set the ACL when you mount it13:51
JAZANTHEPUSSwhat does that mean?13:51
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: who can access it and so forth13:51
ActionParsnipacl == access control list13:51
ffvActionParsnip: I have finished your first step. but what do you mean "<ActionParsnip> ffv: then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package, you will get 64bit flash for your 64bit OS" can you paste the command?13:52
JAZANTHEPUSSwell i did this to mount it mount -t hfsplus /dev/scd0 /media/mountpoint13:52
JAZANTHEPUSSsr0 not scd013:52
escapeplebvilleare there guyi tools like perfmon and task manager equivalents in ubuntu, is if so where can i browse them to see what is available13:52
JAZANTHEPUSSsystem monitor13:52
JAZANTHEPUSSis included13:52
ActionParsnipffv: you can use software centre or manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list13:52
warlochok. I was going to switch to xp x64 to access more RAM on my puter. Will the x64 bit ubuntu allow my puter to access higher amounts of RAM also/ And, how much RAM will the linux os use to run? is it going to suck RAM like vista or windows 7?13:53
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: add:  -o user,uid=1000,ro13:53
ffvActionParsnip: which repository?13:53
Abhijitwarloch, whats a puter?13:53
ActionParsnipffv: the partner one..13:53
OerHekswarloch, how much ram depends on the services you want. and the things you do, but usually less than you used to use.13:54
ActionParsnipwarloch: you can access up to 64Gb in 32bit in Ubuntu as it uses the PAE kernel by default13:54
ActionParsnipwarloch: 64bit can effectively access up to 4Eb of RAM13:54
warlochso, I can run the x32 ubuntu and access up to 64gigs of ram?13:54
ActionParsnipwarloch: yes with the PAE kernel, its the 32bit kernel with a cheap hack to access more RAM13:55
ffvActionParsnip: can you be more precise because  I'm a new user~~ Like pasting the url? PLEASE13:55
JAZANTHEPUSSActionParsnip I added those lines13:55
ActionParsnipffv: use software centre and edit your sources, there will be a pretty GUI13:55
JAZANTHEPUSSand it mounted but with same problem13:55
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: if you run:   mount   do you see the options applied ok?13:56
JAZANTHEPUSSthats everything i did13:56
Ashaelhey guys, thanks for the help13:56
Planeticcan I access the usb port like serial port?13:56
Ashaelkillall worked13:56
warlochok one more. is there any advantage to the x64 ubuntu over the x32?13:56
warlochfor a regular user I mean..13:57
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Planeticwarloch: you can use more memory on x64 systems13:58
Planeticcan I access the usb port like the rs232 port?13:58
JAZANTHEPUSSi use pyusb13:58
JAZANTHEPUSSand then ftdi drivers13:59
FloodBot1JAZANTHEPUSS: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
Jarrydx26Can i connect my mobil phone to ubuntu and use as modem ? why is it so hard , Than in windows ?13:59
warlochright, thats the issue. I only have 2 dimm slots on my motherboard and want to put bigger dimms in, but my 32bit xp wont see all the ram if I do.So I am lookin for an alternative that will give me the most ram I can access13:59
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: how about:  sudo ls -l /media/mountpoint/     please pastebin that13:59
ActionParsnipJarrydx26: sure, what phone?13:59
senotemwarloch: if you get used to xp then try win seven14:00
ActionParsnipJarrydx26: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:00
ActionParsnipwarloch: larger RAM space, video and audio conversions benefit a lot14:00
Jarrydx26Action - i havent tried yet on ubuntu , i got a nokia C3 i wana connect to ubuntu pc14:01
JAZANTHEPUSSActionParsnip: here is the pastebin and at bottom me trying again to cd into it14:01
SkippersBossJarrydx26: hard ??14:01
warlochok guys thanks alot. have a good day all14:01
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: hmm, ok run:  cat /etc/passwd | grep 501     what is output?14:01
JAZANTHEPUSSActionParsnip:nothing was the output14:02
ffvActionParsnip: So... I need to type in a url(something like?) to add a repo, then which?14:02
ActionParsnipJAZANTHEPUSS: ok then the mounts are owned by an old username who has since been deleted14:02
Jarrydx26SkippersBoss : i mean it looks easier to do it on windows , ubuntu got more codes and stuff to enter14:03
ActionParsnipffv: no, the repo is already in your OS, just not enabled14:03
JAZANTHEPUSSActionParsnip:impossibe I only installed ubuntu today14:03
SkippersBossJarrydx26: to tether or to access14:03
ActionParsnipffv: if you run:  lsb_release -sc     what is output?14:03
senotemJAZANTHEPUSS: maybe will help to unmount, then chmod 777 mountpoint, then mount again14:03
JAZANTHEPUSSwill try now thanks14:03
ffvActionParsnip: precise14:04
Jarrydx26To tether14:04
ffvActionParsnip: I mean the output is precise14:04
Devilzhello everyone i wanted to ask that is it possible to configure a transparent proxy in squid with password authentication??...14:04
ActionParsnipffv: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list       find this line: #deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner    and remove the hash character, as well as on the line below, save the new file, close gedit and run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin14:05
ActionParsnipDevilz: should be, yes14:05
JAZANTHEPUSSsenotem: did all that, nothings changed14:05
JAZANTHEPUSSall still this 501 dude14:05
linux_is_my_herohow do i make keyboard remaps permanent?14:06
BassBugI have a 64 bit machine and can't get my scanner to work using 12.04 - it does work using 11.10 . Has anyone solved this problem?14:06
SkippersBossJarrydx26: hmm: let me think. what about following the wizzard in the nm-applet14:06
ActionParsnipBassBug: what scanner?14:06
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: Via xmodmap? Put them in ~/.Xmodmap14:06
=== twoEnemy93 is now known as twoEnemy98
BassBugCannon lide 10014:06
ActionParsnipBassBug: why did you not add that to the initial question?14:06
linux_is_my_heroim new to this.  can you elaborate?14:06
Rojhow i can download multi media codec for install ofline?14:06
linux_is_my_herolike put the codes i used into a file called .xmodmap using gedit?14:07
Jarrydx26SkippersBoss: thanks bro , i will try the dirty way , since i got programming experience ,im sure i wont break my lappi .lol14:07
SkippersBossJarrydx26: nm-applet :> edit connection =>mobile broadband and take it from there14:08
PlaneticJAZANTHEPUSS: thank you14:08
SkippersBossJarrydx26: don't try te re invent the wheel14:08
kodo_has anyone installed the last version of java jdk? I need it for programming android apps on eclipse14:08
JAZANTHEPUSSPlanetic: I am confused why am I being thanked? my problem isn't solved lol14:08
senotemRoj: download it with synaptic, then look in /var/cache/apt/archives14:08
ActionParsnipBassBug: why didn'y you addthe make and model in the initial question rather than being ambiguous and saying 'scanner'?14:09
linux_is_my_herogeirha: can you elaborate?  i'm kinda new to this14:09
senotemRoj: after that usual apt-get install *.deb14:09
BassBugBecause it is possibly a 64 bit vs a 32 bit issue , as sane has a backend for my scanner for some time.14:09
ffvActionParsnip: My file do not have any hash characters?14:09
ActionParsnipffv: it will have, the default sources.list file is full of comments14:09
ActionParsnipffv: or you can simply just add the line I gave14:09
yandex3819kodo_: Just a warning: I found the Android emulator very slow under Linux, and switched to dual-booting Windows to use it14:09
ActionParsnipBassBug: if you run: sudo apt-get install libsane sane-utils    are they both up to date?14:10
kodo_yandex3819 thanks a lot for your advice14:11
Roji access internet with windos7 and need to download all package14:11
JAZANTHEPUSSActionParsnip: looks like someone else is having this problem too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97139014:11
kodo_gonna follow your advice14:11
ActionParsnipBassBug: run:  gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules    and add this text: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054300/     reboot to test14:11
yandex3819kodo_: If you have an Android phone it's ok, because you can just test on that. The emulator is purely for testing against old versions of the Android OS14:11
Lunar_LanderUhello I got a lubuntu question that might be stupid: Where is the Software Center?14:11
BassBugThanks I'll check that out.14:11
kodo_yep i've got an android smartphone14:11
Lunar_LanderUor do I need to install stuff via apt-get?14:11
ActionParsnipbasepi: just found that online: http://www.codeunit.co.za/2010/12/19/ubuntu-and-the-canon-lide-100-scanner-fix/14:12
kodo_the point now is how to install jdk on ubuntu 12.0414:12
Papa_SmurfHi fellas14:12
ActionParsnipkodo_: for web browsing?14:13
linux_is_my_herohow do i make keyboard remaps permanent?14:13
quixotedonLunar_LanderU: try this, from terminal type "software-center"14:13
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: How are you making the remaps now?14:13
ActionParsnip!shortcut |linux_is_my_hero14:13
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts14:13
ActionParsnipkodo_: is 1.7 java ok for you?14:13
Papa_SmurfI want to change my screen resolution to another that does not appear doing xrand but it is supported, how am i do it? THANKS!!14:13
linux_is_my_herogeirha: using xmodmap14:13
ActionParsnipkodo_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:13
kodo_think it could be good for mu purpose14:13
=== john_60 is now known as ki4ro
Lunar_LanderUquixotedon: thanks!14:14
Lunar_LanderUsee you!14:14
ActionParsnipkodo_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer14:14
quixotedonLunar_LanderU: works fine?14:14
ActionParsnipkodo_: easy peasy14:14
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap  # then edit ~/.Xmodmap14:15
Papa_SmurfI want to change my screen resolution to another that does not appear doing xrand but it is supported, how can i do that? THANKS!!14:15
ActionParsnipgeirha: nice!14:15
SkippersBossRoj: what is it you want to do ??14:15
kodo_i think it's not a good thing14:15
ActionParsnipkodo_: why not14:15
kodo_cose the total gpg examinated 114:16
kodo_not midified 114:16
=== nibbler_ is now known as nibbier
Roji need to download multi media codec and quickly for install offline in other system with ubuntu 12.4 with out access to internet14:16
OerHeks!offline | Roj14:16
escapeplebvillehow do make chrome launchable from the ubuntu launch bar14:16
ubottuRoj: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:16
escapeplebvillecan you only launch chrome from the command line14:17
ActionParsnipRoj: download and install them on an online system then copy the debs from /var/cache/apt/archives14:17
kodo_i've followed your instructions but i didn't installed anything!14:17
ActionParsnipescapeplebville: press ALT+F2 and run it there, once it's running you can right click it in the unity launcher andlock it14:17
linux_is_my_herogeirha: then what?14:17
Papa_Smurfhow can i see all the screens resolution that my card support? (no xrandr please)14:18
ActionParsnipkodo_: ycan you pastebin what is in the terminal please14:18
ki4roescapeplebville: Start Chrome.  When it shows up in the launch bar right click on the icon and tell it to stay in the launch bar14:18
=== christ_ is now known as multiball
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: ~/.Xmodmap is read when you log in14:18
geirha(if it exists)14:18
chandru_inIs there a terminal for gnome which does autocompletion from the contents of the terminal?14:18
escapeplebvilleCHEERS !!!14:18
linux_is_my_herogeirha: don't i have to add a code to it, or did it just copy the active ones it was using into a permanent file?14:19
kodo_i have to translate it in english14:19
kodo_hold on14:19
=== Afteraffekt is now known as Afterraff`
ActionParsnip!find libtelepathy-farsight14:20
ubottuPackage/file libtelepathy-farsight does not exist in precise14:20
kodo_oracle-java7-installer  is set for manual installation14:20
ffvActionParsnip: I add your line but I got errors14:21
ActionParsnipkodo_: ok then run:  sudo apt-get -f install14:21
ActionParsnipffv: can you pastebin the text please14:22
kodo_done and now?14:22
=== Papa_Smurf is now known as Papa-Smurf
ActionParsnipkodo_: What is output please?14:24
kodo_0 updated  0 installed  0 removed 0 eliminated14:26
ActionParsnipkodo_: ok and run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install oracle-java7-installer14:27
ffvActionParsnip: May I have your e-mail for further contact?14:27
ActionParsnipffv: I'm here most days14:28
samuelHello. Can someone help me?14:28
kodo_pdate-binfmts: warning: current package is oracle-java7, but binary format already installed by openjdk-614:28
kodo_Oracle JDK 7 installed14:28
kodo_Oracle JRE 7 browser plugin installed14:28
samuelI can't watch videos with Firefox.14:28
SkippersBosswhat kind of videos ??14:29
samuelYoutube, etc14:29
SkippersBossFlash ??14:29
twoEnemy98I think ffv: has a crush on ActionParsnip14:29
kodo_it seems it's been installed14:29
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:29
ActionParsnipkodo_: sounds good, ok kill all browsers then rerun and go to http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp14:29
Mandalord|awaysamuel: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin14:29
ffvActionParsnip: what text?14:30
ActionParsnipffv: how do you mean?14:30
mac__hello Sir14:30
ActionParsnipffv: oh, pastebin the output of the command I gav14:30
kodo_the test is ok14:30
ActionParsnipkodo_: 1.7 java?14:31
mac__any one  help me ?14:31
ActionParsnipmac__: ask a question and see14:31
DJones!anyone | mac__14:31
ubottumac__: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:31
L3top!info adobe-flashplugin14:31
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in precise14:31
ffvActionParsnip: you asked me to post the text14:31
ActionParsnipffv: yes, of the command I gave14:31
L3topMandalord|away samuel: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:31
samuelThanks a lot.14:32
linux_is_my_herogeirha: I'm not sure what just happened but after i rebooted to test it, the keyboard maps work before ubuntu is loaded (scroll lock controls the led backlighting), but it froze on loading ubuntu.  then i turn it off and back on, and when it gets to the "i didn't boot properly" menu for grub, it doesn't respond to keyboard inputs :-(14:32
kodo_java SE 7 Update 0514:32
ActionParsnipkodo_: sweet you are done, it will automagically update too when the PPA is updated14:32
=== Mandalord|away is now known as Mandalord
OerHeksffv why do you want it the hard way, as a beginner? just open software centre, edit ( on top panel) and select software sources, in the new menu you can add partner repo14:32
linux_is_my_heroall hail mandalord, lol14:33
JAZANTHEPUSSadded a new admin on computer but they are not showing up on the login screen14:33
JAZANTHEPUSSjust me still14:34
OerHeksJAZANTHEPUSS, type the new name manually, first login14:34
kodo_so i won't manage it anymore...14:34
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: hm. keyboard not working in grub is unrelated to xmodmap, but that it works in lightdm was surprising. Perhaps lighhtdm is reading your .Xmodmap too.14:34
kodo_now i can install eclipse14:34
kodo_Thank YOU14:34
ActionParsnip!info eclipse | kodo_14:35
ubottukodo_: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB14:35
inashdeenhi, if i like to create a new keyboard layout for ubuntu, where can we register it?14:35
linux_is_my_heroi don't know what that means.  how do i fix it? (I'm not a computer guy i just switched to linux bc i had it up to here with security vulnerabilities in "other" mainstream OS's :-D )14:35
ActionParsnipkodo_: its in the universe repo14:35
inashdeeni mean, for a new language14:35
kodo_the last version?14:36
ActionParsnipkodo_: the version 3.7.214:36
JAZANTHEPUSSOerHeks: that didn't work14:36
JAZANTHEPUSSno where to type name, just has my name and guest session.. i am on 12.0414:36
drPoocan somebody point me towards a RAID tutorial that makes use of "PARTED" and GPT partitions please?14:37
linux_is_my_herogeirha: i don't know what that means.  how do i fix it? (I'm not a computer guy i just switched to linux bc i had it up to here with security vulnerabilities in "other" mainstream OS's :-D )14:37
kodo_thans ActionParsnip14:37
OerHeksJAZANTHEPUSS, odd, works here fine.14:37
kodo_you saved precious hours of my time14:38
JAZANTHEPUSSwhere do you type? like my name is just a label not a text box14:38
linux_is_my_hero!info | lightdm linux_is_my_hero14:38
ubottu'lightdm' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable14:38
samuelI have installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras but the videos don't run.14:39
JAZANTHEPUSSOerHeks: How would you add a user who you could then log in with?14:39
linux_is_my_herogeirha: what is lightdm?14:39
ki4rodrPoo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID14:40
samuelthe screen goes blank.14:40
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: the login screen14:40
drPooki4ro, Ive seen that article. But my OS is already installed and I would like to use parted14:40
linux_is_my_herogeirha: i mean it only works during the bios and post test, once it goes to load ubuntu it doesn't work14:41
drPooki4ro, in particular I do not know how to mark a disk for use in raid with PARTED ala fdisk14:41
ki4rodrPoo: Sorry, that is all I know14:41
OerHeksJAZANTHEPUSS, added users should be visible ?all i know is that i entered my account name first time loging in.14:41
linux_is_my_herogeirha: also after I rebooted to test the xmodmap file it froze so now it goes to the grub menu to let me pick which kernel to load, and because its not responding to the keyboard, my comptuer is useless14:41
Mandalordsamuel: videos on web such as youtube?14:42
Mandalordsamuel: first, make sure you have flashplugin and enable plugins in youtube14:44
Mandalordsrr in firefox14:44
geirhalinux_is_my_hero: You might need to change something in the BIOS to make the keyboard work during boot.14:45
linux_is_my_herowow.  this sucks.  i think ill just reinstall and not have a light-up keyboard.14:46
samuelYes, I have flash plugin for Mozila.14:46
Mandalordsamuel: did you enable it? its name is Shockwave flash or so14:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:47
samuelyes shockwave flash 11.2 r20214:47
inashdeenhi i want to make a jawi keyboard layout (traditional Malay ms) . It is based on arabic with some extra characters. I look into /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ara , but i don't really understand how to edit it. i dont see a single arabic character. any help?14:47
Mandalordwell, the last thing is:  youtube is having a trial of Html5 now and still have some errors and drawbacks. You shoul leave the trail14:48
morsnowskiActionParsnip, you there?14:48
Mandalordsamuel: here you go http://www.youtube.com/html514:49
gr33n7007hHow can i change the little ubuntu icon near application menu to one of my own?14:50
drPoocan anybody point me to a tutorial explaining how to use parted and mdadm for creating a >3TB raid0?14:50
samuelAnd what I have to do?14:50
Mandalordsamuel: look at the web page and click at the link "Leave the html5 trail", its located at the end of the page14:51
samuelok I did it14:51
ubottulist: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:51
Mandalordsamuel: and now try some videos and tell us the result:D14:52
ffvActionParsnip: Not successful14:53
samuelI can't watch the videos. Do you recommend me try with Google Chrome?14:54
younginAnybody know why my WD My Book 250GB external harddrive just got so extremely slow? http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f16/wd-my-book-250gb-extremely-slow-651747.html14:55
Mandalordsamuel: now i cant think of any possible way anymore, just try something if you feel it will work!14:55
wp-developerdefrag it youngin14:56
ffvActionParsnip: nonono! I succeed! Thank you.14:56
vicky_hi everyone ... i just installed latest ubuntu base system and wanted to know how to install gnome 2.3 on it...can anyone help me14:56
OerHeksyoungin, seems like a general problem, better ask in ##hardware, this is ubuntu support.14:57
gr33n7007hHow can i change the little ubuntu icon near application menu to one of my own?14:57
wp-developerhttp://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ vicky14:57
ActionParsnipmorsnowski: sup14:57
morsnowskirememeber we talked about 12.04 comes out of the box? here is a screen shot of a 12.04/32 that was installed simply following the installer http://imagebin.org/21745614:58
L3topvicky_: You cannot to my knowledge. Gnome2 is done.14:58
L3top!nounity | vicky_14:58
ubottuvicky_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:58
ubottulist: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:59
OrpheonL3top, I thought there were some efforts to keep it alive14:59
DJoneslist: That info hasn't changed since you asked 10 and 3 minutes ago14:59
genii-around!it | list14:59
ubottulist: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:59
Orpheonnot sure how it's called14:59
DJones!botabuse > list14:59
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:59
vicky_thanks all15:00
genii-aroundDJones: It's an italian idiosyncracy for !list, thay have some local system there which uses it15:00
younginOerHeks: cool thanks man15:00
DJonesgenii-around: I know why they do it, but not 4-5 times in 10 minutes15:01
morsnowskiDJones, practice makes perfect15:01
DJonesmorsnowski: :)15:02
morsnowskihmm wriong window15:03
=== Mr is now known as come
BobMarley /msg NickServ identify alibaba15:05
comehello does some one use unity?15:05
iceroot!aynone |  come15:05
comeand has installed my unity?15:05
icerootcome: what is the real question?15:06
=== liam_ is now known as Guest33034
comeah maybe this is more off topic,,15:06
comebut i have a other question15:06
ICWienerCan someone help me install Debian on my computer? The ppl at #Debian on the Debian servers are assbags15:06
physically_fiti shot the sheriff15:07
icerootICWiener: #debian15:07
ICWienerI've been there15:07
icerootICWiener: this is not the support channel for debian15:07
ICWienerThey accused me of trolling and refused to help me15:07
comehow can i make the clook shows the weedday/date/hours/min/sec (12.04. gnome classic)15:07
icerootICWiener: this is not the support channel for debian15:08
ICWienerI just need to know how to get help15:08
MonkeyDustICWiener  last time they were friendly, you sure you were not the problem?15:08
ICWienerI'm sure15:08
ICWienerI told them my problem and they said I was trolling and being a n00b15:08
icerootICWiener: please stop it15:08
icerootICWiener: we told you that we dont support debian here and that it is offtopic here, thank youz15:09
ICWienerI still need help, just point me in the right direction, will you? A gas station sells gas, but if I ask for directions there, they'll probably help me out.15:10
oCeanICWiener: last warning, stop asking about Debian15:10
icerootICWiener: #debian15:10
OrpheonICWiener, the right direction really probably is #debian, or their forums15:10
DJonesICWiener: We do not support debian, please ask in the #debian channel, or maybe in the ##linux channel15:10
MandalordiCWiener: nice answer:D http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual15:10
TwinlatorHow to backup the whole Ubuntu?15:11
ActionParsnipTwinlator: depends how much data you have15:12
iceroot!backup | Twinlator15:12
ubottuTwinlator: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:12
ActionParsnipTwinlator: oh, thought you said how long :(15:12
Twinlatorabout 16GB15:12
OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling the Crystal Space 3d engine. The tutorials and readmes and stuff say that one should first execute "./configure" and then "make". Here's the log of the configure; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054397/ and as for the log of make, I would upload it if I managed to open it (gedit crashes because it's 1.8 mB large)15:12
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
ActionParsnipTwinlator: the links ubottu gave are pretty decent :)15:12
ActionParsnipTwinlator: 16Gb will be a fast backup :)15:13
TwinlatorActionParsnip: Yes, I'm reading it.15:13
L3topTwinlator: I am very fond of clonezilla15:14
TwinlatorL3top: I have learn about Clonezilla, but i think it is a little difficult.15:15
L3topTwinlator: It is very simple... but it can seem confusing because of the number of options you have available with regards to whole disk/partition backup to whatever location you want. What are you trying to back up to?15:17
=== kbizzle is now known as KBizzle
TwinlatorL3top: I have installed the whole Ubuntu in the /dev/sda6, i want to backup it.15:18
L3topWHAT do you want to back it up TO Twinlator?15:18
MonkeyDustTwinlator  where do you want to put and keep your backup?15:19
Twinlatorback it to /dev/sda1 in the same hard drive.15:19
comeusually i can click on the time in the panel, and can choose the settings, but since i'v used (gnome classic) it dosent work like this. the clock should show me the day of the week, date, hours,min. and seconds. how can i manage this?15:20
L3topOk so you will load clonezilla, you will do a partition clone, you will select the destination partition/folder to drop the image in, select the partition to be cloned, and it will do what it does. Just pay attention to the verbiage and use the default options.15:21
L3topTwinlator: ^15:21
TwinlatorL3top: ?15:22
L3topI meant for you to read the line above.15:23
L3topTwinlator: I am terrible about directing comments, so I added your name after I wrote the line.15:23
Seven_Six_TwoI have moved my /var/lib/mysql to /home/myuser/devfolder where devfolder is private share with ubuntu one. I've updated apparmor profile, and symlinked from old location to new. Database starts fine, but ubuntu one won't share, due to folder permissions. Is there a "best" set of permissions that will allow ubuntu one to share, while still allowing mysql to start?15:23
zeroasteriski have used ubuntu server for years (debian before) and am trying desktop now on a machine which ran fine with 11.10 desktop64.  I have just installed 12.04 desktop64 (twice) and though the GUI installer completes the install and the GUI loads on boot to display a login prompt…. as soon as I login the screen either goes black or gets a crazy pattern on it.  further more, when I do CTRL+ALT+F2 i'm getting "out of range" messages o15:24
zeroasterisk(I assume it's a video card driver issue or something, but I'm not sure where to start with that, since I can't get logged in nor drop out to a shell)15:25
L3topWhat is the GPU zeroasterisk? lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'15:25
L3topzeroasterisk: can you ssh?15:25
tim5733hi. Can I set freenx to share the desktop rather than have a new session ?15:26
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zeroasteriskL3top: i have tried to SSH and it's getting connection refused15:28
zeroasteriskI assumed sshd wasn't started on a default install, or a firewall setting or something15:28
zeroasteriski have a photo of my screen i can share if you want entertainment… it's exciting [/sarcasm]15:28
wylde!nomodeset | zeroasterisk: maybe this will help you get logged in to install drivers15:29
ubottuzeroasterisk: maybe this will help you get logged in to install drivers: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:29
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OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling the Crystal Space 3d engine. The tutorials and readmes and stuff say that one should first execute "./configure" and then "make", followed by executing a demo program. Here's the log of the configure; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054397/ and as for the log of make, here is what fitted in the console log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054435/ Any ideas?15:29
zeroasteriskexcellent — thanks guys, I will read this and attempt implementation… I'll come back when done15:30
L3topI was not sure about nomodeset... I was going to suggest a quick hack. Will save it in case that fails zeroasterisk.15:30
Orpheon(using this package: http://www.crystalspace3d.org/downloads/release/crystalspace-src-1.4.1.tar.bz2 )15:31
zeroasteriskwylde, ubottu, L3top: one point of clarification on "nomodeset" before i go off… should I re-install the OS with this flag set?  since I can't get to a shell, i can't setup in the current environment… further, i'll restate that the install process and boot up and all the way to login prompt all work fine… pretty display and all… but post login it craps out.  still think "nomodeset" is the way to go?15:33
JLucso i am now at it15:34
JLucthere was 110Gb free partition15:35
L3topzeroasterisk: you should be able to get to a grub menu which will give you the ability to add the parameter with an edit (I believe tab key) if you hit shift like a crazy man during boot.15:35
morsnowskizeroasterisk, no press esc when booting to get into the grub menu15:35
morsnowskitoo late as usual15:35
JLucthe "other wat" option proposes to create / change partitions si i created a swap space and a ext4 partition for system15:35
JLucbut now there is no way to create a NTFS partition with left sapec15:36
OerHeksJLuc, you can do that after installation15:36
theGrgHow do I go about resizing my ext4 / partition?15:36
JLucNTFS option has disappeared since i created the ext4 partition15:36
JLuci have 50Go free space that i could use for that partition15:37
JLucso its not a matter of size15:37
L3toptheGrg, gparted15:37
ActionParsniptheGrg: run a full backup, then boot to liveCD and you can do it there15:37
JLuci want /home on that NTFS partition15:37
ActionParsnipJLuc: it causes issues15:37
kodo_has anyone installed eclipse for java developers and android sdk on ubuntu 12.04?15:37
L3toptheGrg: listen to ActionParsnip.15:37
theGrgActionParsnip I just resize it with gparted?15:37
theGrgNo extra steps?15:37
JLuci want to share docs with w715:37
ActionParsnipJLuc: you can have your user data like pictures and junk on NTFS, just not things like config folders for apps and such15:38
ActionParsnipJLuc: see above15:38
JLucyes i agree15:38
ActionParsniptheGrg: yes resize away, the partition must be unmounted15:38
JLucso the solution is to not use  /home for my docs ?15:38
theGrgAlright thanks.15:38
JLucbut use a dedicated /mydocs  in a dedicated partition...15:39
MrActionParsnip: the advice withe the time managment comand dosent work how i accpect15:39
OerHeksJLuc, you don't need NTFS to share docs, you could use samba15:39
JLucusing samba just to share docs on the same computer seems a bit overtoomuch for me...15:40
zeroasteriskwylde, ubottu, L3top: well, i hit shift on boot and got into grub… and it immediatly started saying "out of range" again on my monitor.  POST/BIOS and my RAID all displayed normally, just fine until GRUB would display, then "out of range".  I thought this was so strange I just switched out my monitor for a spare and I'm still getting it.15:40
JLuci'm no expert15:40
SkippersBossJLUC: You do NOT want your home partition to be NFTS15:40
ActionParsnipJLuc: you don't use samba to share docs between OS es on the same physical system15:41
OerHeksJLuc, then add a NTFS partition after installation15:41
JLucokok i was told it too  SkippersBoss , because of programm configs15:41
MonkeyDustJLuc  /home also contains technical config files of your programs, not just personal docs15:41
ActionParsnipJLuc: keep an NTFS partition and download all your images and junk to that, keep your actual home folder as Ext4 or you will get issues15:41
SkippersBossJluc, we didn't mean to "shoot you down" sorry15:42
JLucno problem SkippersBoss15:42
ravingHello everybody. I am using Fluxbox and I noticed gnome-power-applet has been changed to indicator-power. Does anybody have any idea how to get Gnome3's indicators to work with other WMs?15:42
JLucyou're all very helpfull15:42
arey_Hi, When I try to install libpulse-dev, I get these errors:http://pastebin.com/8HavF97q15:42
OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling the Crystal Space 3d engine. The tutorials and readmes and stuff say that one should first execute "./configure" and then "make", followed by executing a demo program. Here's the log of the configure; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054397/ and as for the log of make, here is what fitted in the console log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054435/ Any ideas?15:42
JLucbut its a bit much at once for me15:42
ravingOrpheon, I'll take a look really quick15:43
wyldezeroasterisk: hrmm..that's a new one on me. First time I've heard of the out-of-range at grub.15:43
MonkeyDustarey_  what ubuntu version?15:43
arey_MonkeyDust: 12.0415:43
L3topzeroasterisk: that is... very odd. very very odd. What I would do at this point is boot a live disk, chroot into the install, cp /etc/X11/default-display-manager /etc/X11/ddm; echo "/bin/false" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager          and see if I could boot to terminal to try and figure this stuff out.15:44
JLuc10 go for swap is probably too much isnt ?15:44
ravingOrpheon, my guess is because you have -Wall on and have warnings15:45
MonkeyDustarey_  it says 'broken packages.... type *sudo apt-get -f* to fix them (without the stars)15:45
ScroogeDoes anyone know is there any upper limit on the number of OS one can have on his system, considering he has no limit on the disk space?15:45
morsnowskizeroasterisk, L3top there is a cse documented for 11.04 server that sounds similar15:45
theGrgCan I move my existing /boot to another partition?15:45
ravingErr, actually, Wall doesn't stop on errors15:45
arey_MonkeyDust: I tried that, it says; 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 41 not upgraded.15:46
ravingtheGrg, sure. Are you talking about on the same drive or on a different one?15:46
theGrgsame drive15:46
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theGrgWhat should I do, just mv it then edit fstab?15:47
ravingtheGrg, well there's probably one more step15:47
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Scroogebe right back after some time, will continue with the querry then15:47
wyldezeroasterisk, L3top: http://askubuntu.com/questions/52910/signal-out-of-range-when-starting-grub-after-server-installation perhaps?15:47
ravingtheGrg, once you move everything, you need to reinstall grub so it knows where to look for /boot15:47
sirriffzalotI've now shrunk my /dev/sda1 (windows) partition, and now there are three partitions, the middle one being empty.. Is there a way to merge the empty one with the ubuntustudio one?:P15:48
ravingtheGrg, you can do this with the grub command15:48
zeroasteriskwylde, ubottu, L3top: i've also just downloaded the 12.04 desktop32 version… I'll try that one and see if my results differ… I'll then try the "during install" debugging too…  thanks for suggestions… and thanks for that link wylde, looking through it too15:48
theGrgraving I see, so I reinstall grub.15:48
ravingtheGrg, yeah, but not through apt; I suppose that description is a bit misleading15:49
ActionParsnipJLuc: just go slow and think, plan partitions, your actual home needs to go on Ext4 but you can store casual userdata like MP3s and such on NTFS without issue15:49
ravingtheGrg, there's grub-install on 12.0415:49
theGrgOh ok15:49
wyldezeroasterisk, L3top: there's this on too that may be helpful. Easier too. Pretty simplistic but you never know. heh.15:50
quixotedon!gparte | sirriffzalot15:50
MonkeyDustJLuc  what ActionParsnip describes, I have that15:50
quixotedon!gparted | sirriffzalot15:50
ubottusirriffzalot: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:50
ravingHello Kartagis15:52
KartagisI'm downloading the ubuntu dropbox package, but it's stuck at 99%. what to do?15:52
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Riddy@Katagis, I suggest just waiting15:53
KartagisRiddy: I've been doing that for the last 5 minutes or so15:54
jimi_I do not have an /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file, is it OK to create it?15:58
sirriffzalotMy windows partition is displayed on the furthest to the left of gparted... I can resize that over the now unallocated space, but not the ubuntu partition15:59
wyldeanyone know if it's possible to run multiple instances of yakuake. eg one on each of my 3 monitors?15:59
sirriffzalotPerhaps I should do this from a live cd15:59
sirriffzalotFingers crossed:)15:59
OnkeltemWould you recommend a ebook-reading application which supports integration with dictionaries so that a word translation can be done via click?16:00
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sk8|Onkeltem, i like the idea of that16:01
Onkeltemsk8|: that is how it works on my android phone with fbreader + colordict16:02
sk8|what android device?16:02
sk8|i may have to look in to that, having the ability to go english/german/spainish in one session would be spectacular16:03
Onkeltemsk8|: it doesn't important, any one. I own Motorola Defy, which I hate from my heart16:03
lapionanyone here have any experience using grub-efi on older intel macs ?16:04
sk8|Onkeltem, do you have an android tablet that you could use your current combination of apps to achieve your goal?16:04
gmi_I'm trying to update dnsmasq-base/utils with a fix that was pushed to the precise-proposed repo but I cannot seem to find it; I'm pretty new to Ubuntu, so I followed the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed but with no luck16:04
Onkeltemsk8|: unfort. not yet.16:05
sk8|gmi_, did you do it manually or via the gui?16:07
ScroogeDoes anyone know is there any upper limit on the number of OS one can have on his system, considering he has no limit on the disk space?16:08
gmi_I ran "apt-get update -t precise-proposed" and then "apt-cache policy dnsmasq-base"16:08
sk8|Scrooge, at one time i think the max was like 3 maybe 416:09
sk8|this may have changed but the MBR could only handle a few if i recall correctly16:09
lapionScrooge, depends on how many grub mbr's you want16:09
lapionI'd say that ther eis no limit sk8|16:10
sk8|last time was years ago16:10
Scroogehow do i decide the number of mbrs?16:10
sk8|so it very well could have changed16:10
Scroogesk8l, what/who decided that?16:10
lapionScrooge, each hdd has an mbr, you can install on each mbr a grub loader and let them chain load each other16:11
sk8|decided what16:11
samster34heya, I'm trying to wipe a disk form a live ubuntu...but using dd from /dev/zero and/or dev/urandom is just soooo slooowwwwww. Is there any way to monitor th eprogress of a ATA secure erase? or estimate beforehand how long it will take?16:11
idlephilosopherAny pointers to a good tutorial on setting up xmonad in 12.04?16:11
sk8|it was just a limitation of the MBR at one time16:11
Scroogethe max no of OS should be 3/416:11
Scroogeand now more than that16:11
sk8|technology obviously changes16:11
Scroogeoh yes, fine16:11
oldschoolhi does anyone know how to install thumbnail me on ubuntu 12.04 or 10.04 caues when i try to install useing ubuntu 10.04 with gdeb package installer it freezes up and wot install it and with useing ubuntu 12.04 ubuntu software centre it starts to install but never installs it is there any other of installing this program16:12
Scroogelapion, so one hdd has one mbr, is it?16:12
JLuci knew the partitions in w7, and the only way i had to recognise these partitions in ubuntu was their size : neither the position nor the name were the same16:12
lapionsamster34, just use badblocks -vvwt 0x00 /dev/sd???16:12
JLucits quite frightening16:12
JLucif the partition size had been the same i could not have recognised them16:13
JLucor i could have forgotten16:13
MonkeyDustJLuc  correct, linux works with partitions, that is, parts of a HDD16:13
samster34lapion: ? I want to wipe the disk,not find bad sectors16:13
lapionScrooge, yes but each partition can have it's own boot sector and if you install grub on the mbr or as a boot partition you can infinitely boot from one partition to another..16:13
JLucfor such important consequences as destroying a partition in installing ubuntu, i would expect to be more aware of what is proposed exactly16:13
lapionsamster34, overwrites the drive with 0x00 and verifies if the write was correct16:14
zeroasteriskwylde, ubottu, L3top: using the live CD I was able to set GRUB to console only, and I edited the grub file to do "nomodeset" and now I can get to the prompt on CTRL+ALT+F2…  hooray for progress… the GUI is still crapped out after login, but at least I can get in and do stuff...16:14
MonkeyDustJLuc  partitioning is the hardest part, you'll get used to it, like we all did16:14
zeroasterisk$ lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'16:14
zeroasterisk00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] [10de:03d0] (rev a2)16:14
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samster34lapion: so, wouldn't that be even slower? I have several disks to wipe, and waiting days to wipe just the smallest one seems kinda lengthy16:15
Scroogethanks lapion, sk8l16:15
lapionyou can break the process once it has finished writing and is starting the reading part...16:16
nibbier iptables -I OUTPUT -f -d $HOST -j DROP; ping -s30000 $HOST   <-- this should only let the fragments leave my box that start the package, right? (is not working, receiving host sees all fragments, and replies :(16:16
ActionParsnipzeroasterisk: use the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=116:16
samster34lapion: still, I'm looking at weeks of wipe time here16:16
lapionsamster34, you can also use different block sized for dd..16:16
KartagisI am on 12.04, chrome never sits in the running programs list when you do alt+tab16:17
Kartagiswhy is that?16:17
ActionParsnipKartagis: are you using Unity or Unity2D?16:17
sk8|Scrooge, after a brief look around I continue to see 4 as the number and beyond that there may be some added difficulties16:17
KartagisActionParsnip: I'm not sure, how do I check?16:17
L3topzeroasterisk: you could also sudo apt-get install nvidia-current16:17
Scroogecan u explain what might be the difficulties16:18
ActionParsnipKartagis: run:  ps -ef | grep compiz | grep -v grep     do you get an output16:18
Kartagisunity is on the left tho16:18
lapionsamster34, as writing 512byte sectors it usually requires 15 reads and 16 writes to overwrite a 4k block hdd16:18
KartagisActionParsnip: I get /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator along with compiz16:19
sk8|there is a limit to the number of primary partitions that can be created16:19
Scroogewhat difference does it make, if I install an OS on a primary partition or on an extended partition..16:19
ActionParsnipKartagis: then its Unity, not 2D. If you use a different ALT+TAB plugin is it there?16:19
sk8|you could create extended partition beyond that in side those primary partitions16:19
ActionParsnipsk8|: 4 is max16:19
Shano56possible to burn and install ubuntu with a cd-r ? :)16:19
ActionParsnipsk8|: oh, thought you were askin16:20
KartagisActionParsnip: I don't16:20
KartagisActionParsnip: it's a fresh install16:20
Scroogeyes, so the max no of primary partitions is 4, not the max no of OS right?16:20
ActionParsnipKartagis: yes, its in a default install16:20
sk8|ActionParsnip, he wants to know if there is a limit to the number of OS's taht can be installed16:20
sk8|I say Yes16:20
ActionParsnipKartagis: try using the ring switcher instead16:20
sk8|lapion,  says unlimited16:20
KartagisActionParsnip: where is that?16:20
sk8|Scrooge, you could install more than 2 linux distro on the 2 ext# partitions but the shared resources between say bds and debian may not play nice16:21
lapionsk8|, nope you can also boot from extended partitions16:21
Shano56anyone know - [09:19] <Shano56> possible to burn and install ubuntu with a cd-r ? :)16:21
Kartagisis it this ActionParsnip?16:22
Scroogecan you please be verbose, sk8l? I mean what do you mean by shared resources, swap?16:22
wylde!patience |Shano56: and yes16:23
ubottuShano56: and yes: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:23
ActionParsnipsk8|: I believe you can have a large number of logical partitions, it will be finite16:23
lapionsamster34, you need to specify to dd what size blocks to write16:23
ActionParsnipKartagis: in ccsm16:23
ActionParsnipKartagis: or simple-ccsm, either is fine16:23
sk8|Scrooge, the test will to be to try it16:24
lapionsamster34, dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sd? bs=4k16:24
Kartagisyea, I get ccsm in alt-f2, it doesn't start16:24
zeroasteriskActionParsnip, L3top: thanks… I tried [apt-get install nvidia-current] and it said it was already installed and current…  i also found [apt-get install nouveau-firmware] but not sure if that would help me out… here's my /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054522/16:24
lapionsamster34, or check what the optimal block size is16:24
samster34lapion: yeah I tried a few and 4K seesm to be faster16:24
Scroogehahaha, i would need a spare hdd for that then! :P kidding16:24
samster34lapion: although there isnt much fo a difference between 4K and 32M...16:25
Shano56I repeated myself because the channel is moving pretty fast and a lot of people are joining and timing out :P thanks though!16:25
Scroogeanyway, thanks sk8l for the info!16:25
KartagisActionParsnip: how can I disable all and switch to alt+tab? I'm most comfortable with that16:26
llutzsamster34: lapion you want to use /dev/zero, not /dev/null16:26
samster34llutz: yeah16:26
samster34copying from /dev/zero with bs=4K gives me a speed of 110MB/s, 7dev/urandom gives me 6.5MB/s16:27
sk8|Scrooge, i've never had more than 316:27
lapionScrooge, given that the avarage minimal size for a linux install is 8G you could split up a 1tb into a a lot of partitions given the fact that the /dev/ only gives you room for 16 ( unless you specify at boot differently)16:27
Scroogesk8l, we usually don't feel the need to16:27
sk8|i'm not sure of the actual in practice limitation or difficulties involved16:28
Scroogeis 16 the max no of partitions, lapion16:28
mbeierlsamster34, random number generation from /dev/random is very cpu intensive.  it produces data at a very low rate16:28
samster34mbeierl: will wiping with 00 and FF a few times suffice?16:30
Scroogehow do you specify the no of partitions on boot, lapion?16:31
Scroogeif that is what you said16:31
colin_i dont get how to edit PLACES menu16:31
panduhey, ineed help about my libre office16:32
mbeierlsamster34, well, as I'm not a forensic specialist, I cannot confirm that it will completely erase things.  The only way to be completely sure is to do permanent physical damage.  However, a series of different (00 then FF, or others) is effectively the same as a series of random numbers as it is the subsequent writes that I think you want16:32
lapionScrooge, you have to hack the kernel, and I do not know if grub accepts it16:32
samster34mbeierl: and what about using the ATA secure erase command16:32
L3topcolin_: what are you trying to do, in what desktop?16:32
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Scroogelapion, is 16 the max no of partitions?16:33
samster34mbeierl: with dd I can at least monitor progress,16:33
zeroasteriskActionParsnip, L3top: thanks… I tried [apt-get install nvidia-current] and it said it was already installed and current…  here's my /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054522/ Here is some similar info related to my video card http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.dri.devel/5398016:33
ActionParsnipKartagis: you will need a plugin for compiz to use to handle the alt-tab as it is the responsibility of the WM to handle that16:33
colin_ubuntu12,  with gnome-session-fallback enabled16:33
lapionScrooge, sda1-sda16 but it's only a kernel limmitation afaik16:33
SunTsusamster34: if you want to be sure use DBAN - overwriting once or twice with random stuff should be enough, except you know people who would pay lots of money to recover your data16:33
lapionsamster34, /dev/null works a LOT faster16:33
HeridanHi. I have a little problem with ubuntu 12.04 and gnome-session-fallback (on an Asus Notebook): In the top right corner I cant see my battery power status where it should be...16:33
colin_i have applications and places16:33
colin_cant edit places16:34
samster34lapion: yeah, /dev/null finishes in less than a second ;)16:34
Scroogethanks lapion!16:34
lapionoverwriting everything with any value will erase good enough16:34
mbeierlsamster34, where are the disks going after the wipe?  and how sensitive was the old information?  Unless you really, really need to protect them, a simple pass with dd ought to be good enough16:34
samster34SunTsu: I can't seem to run dban. in fact I can't run any linux without specifying the "noapic" kernel boot option, but I don't know how to boot dban with that option16:34
lapionsamster34, there a no mythical methods for extracting data from hdd once everything has been overwritten..16:35
mbeierllapion, just checking - you do know that /dev/null is EOF immediately and therefore nothing is actually written :)16:35
lapionsamster34, unless of course during the lifespan of the hdd it has had many sector reallocations..16:36
ScroogeHey, I had another doubt, how do I edit the labels on the top menu in my Ubuntu 11.10, such as "Turn Off" for "Shut Down...". Which file do I edit?16:36
samster34lapion: lapion: it has 1 reallocated sector16:36
colin_its beeing annoying again, i need to make a folder in usr/lib, but got no permissions16:36
lapionsamster34, well I gather that those 4k could not statistacally contain such important data that you would like to destroy the whole hdd16:37
colin_i can do it in mint, but not ubunut16:37
SunTsulapion: there are theoretical measures because the heads are not 100% precise, but it's good enough and nobory will want to recover data by hand with a microscope16:37
SunTsunobody even16:37
MonkeyDustcolin_  why make a folder outside /home ?16:38
lapionSunTsu, those are hollywood myths16:38
colin_java installation16:38
colin_i need to put jvm in16:38
ActionParsnipcolin_: mint isn't supported here16:39
ActionParsnipcolin_: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html16:39
colin_i know, im using ubuntu16:39
SunTsulapion: even if they are not, it's beyond the grasp of joe Blow who will buy a harddisk16:40
jacerAnyone have any experiencing getting ZFS installed via fuse or within userspace?16:40
colin_is that the sdk?16:40
samster34from /dev/zero is stabilizing at 96MB/s16:40
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colin_ill try it16:41
ActionParsnipcolin_: its the jdk16:41
colin_so it shud come with javafx16:43
OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling the Crystal Space 3d engine. The tutorials and readmes and stuff say that one should first execute "./configure" and then "make", followed by executing a demo program. Here's the log of the configure; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054397/ and as for the log of make, here is what fitted in the console log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054435/ Any ideas?16:43
manskihi. is it possible that the Ubuntu 12.04 server image (for i386) is somehow broken?16:43
ActionParsnipcolin_: no idea, I use it to install the web browser plugin. Have a try16:43
ActionParsnipmanski: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:43
manskiactionparsnip: yes, it checks out.16:43
ActionParsnipmanski: what issue are you having?16:44
manskiwhat's strange is that when I choose "Check for error" in the boot menu in a virtual machine, it work's fine.16:44
tkingHello, guys i have WINE installed, but am wondering no EXE file16:44
manskiwhen I do the same on the computer where I want to install ubuntu, it says that the GCC package is corrupt16:45
ActionParsniptking: exe file for what?16:45
mbeierltking, wine is not an .exe, it allows certain MS Windows programs to run under an emulator16:45
mhalliganwhat's the magic command to reinstall a package including it's configuration files and scripts? I thought it was apt-get install --reinstall but it's not clear that does much16:45
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manskiI tried it with two different usb sticks and burned a cd. it's always the same problem.16:45
mhalliganit certainly doesn't modify the config files and it poops all over itself if I delete them16:45
jacerWine isn't an emulator.16:45
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ActionParsnipmbeierl: although it's not an emulator :)16:45
* mbeierl knew that16:45
Orpheonmhalligan, not as good, but you can try apt-get purge and then apt-get install16:46
mbeierlI was waiting for the smackdown as soon as I hit enter :)16:46
colin_this is gonna screw thigns up, i can tell16:46
colin_would rather just do it the normal way16:46
tkingfor instance a friend of mine installed dreamweaver on his linux but I can't am getting an error16:46
tkingsame version16:46
ActionParsnipcolin_: it just installs a package to install java 1.7 for your system and web browser16:46
ActionParsniptking: did you check the appdb for guidance?16:46
tkingnever heard of appdb16:47
BluesKaj_mhalligan, best to purge an app to get rid of it's config files then reboot and install again , if that's what you're looking for.16:47
tkinglet me google appdb16:47
ActionParsniptking: well now you have, go check it out :)16:47
MonkeyDusttking  use windows in vbox to use dreamweaver16:47
ActionParsnipor use bluefish16:47
ActionParsnipor kompozer16:48
manskiActionParsnip: when I tried to install Ubuntu, I get "The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 139).16:48
ScroogeHey, I had another doubt, how do I edit the labels on the top menu in my Ubuntu 11.10, such as "Turn Off" for "Shut Down...". Which file do I edit?16:48
_riz_anyone got a suggestion for a channel I can go to with questions about preseeding?16:48
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colin_i cant even edit the menu16:48
arey_Everytime I install libstl-dev, I get this error: libsdl1.2-dev : Depends: libpulse-dev but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:48
ActionParsnipmanski: could use the minimal ISO and install from the web :)16:48
HeridanHi. I have a little problem with ubuntu 12.04 and gnome-session-fallback (on an Asus Notebook): In the top right corner I cant see my battery power status where it should be... If I try to change the settings for this in the System configuration it won't save the values I set. Can anyone help me with this?16:48
mbeierltking, you might also want to try over at #winehq once you've checked out the appdb16:48
ActionParsnipcolin_: what menu?16:48
oldschoolhi whats a good Video thumbnail generator to use in ubuntu16:48
manskiactionparsnip: where do I get this?16:48
marcothere's a very good html editor that is not very popular called BlueGriffon16:48
ActionParsnip!minimal | manski16:49
ubottumanski: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:49
manskithanks, I will try this16:49
bjrohanI could use some help with my network connections via various desktops. I messed something up16:49
Shano56okay i have one more question, I got the ubuntu instalation on the cd, and its on the installtion screen. I currently have a windows 7 partition and a OEM recovery partition. I already have everything i want off of it, so i want to compeletely wipe the hard drive clean and install ubuntu, so there is only ubuntu MBR, files, and partitions on the laptop. How would I go about doing this? Last16:49
Shano56time I tried running the installer, it just automatically added it alongside windows, and made it a dualboot. I dont want that16:49
marcotking: there's a very good html editor that is not very popular called BlueGriffon16:49
FireAllianceNXJust installed ubuntu on VMWare, but the resolution is super high, where can I change it with keyboard shortcuts? I can't click very well lol16:50
tkingmacro thanks, i am familiar with it16:50
ScroogeShano56, i think the installer asks you whether to install alongside or remove Windows and install only Ubuntu16:50
tking<mbeierl> seen it appdb but my dreamweaver is there16:50
bjrohanI was running Ubuntu wtih stock Unity (uity 3D doesn't work on my laptop). I installed Enlightenmen for poops and giggles, which I installed connman as suggested. I went back to Unity, and no internet, so I tried reinstalling network manager, that is where it has all gone awry16:51
Shano56Scrooge, okay i didn't see that last time. Now that i think about it, it was kubuntu that i installed last time.16:51
Shano56i will see if it asks :p16:51
arey_Everytime I install libstl-dev, I get this error: libsdl1.2-dev : Depends: libpulse-dev but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. I have tried apt-get clean, dpkg --configure -a and apt-get instal -f. But no luck. Can anybody provide me with a default sources.list16:51
Shano56it gives the option try ubuntu and install ubuntu...im clicking install ubuntu16:51
tkingmbeierl my version of DW is on the site but I still get errors installing it16:51
BluesKaj_arey_, run sudo dpkg --configure -a , it might help16:52
glitsj16oldschool: ffmpegthumbnailer comes to mind ... have you already tried something?16:52
bjrohanI have uninstalled connman, and reinstalled network manager, which appears to work fine in enlightenmnet, but NOT in unity. In unity it says I am connected both via ethernet and wireless, yet I can not get out onto the internet via browser, Konversation, etc. any help?16:52
KonichuaHello! I have a problem with my ubuntu. Well, it isn't a problem as such..16:52
KonichuaHow do I bind keys?16:52
OrpheonI'm having trouble compiling the Crystal Space 3d engine. The tutorials and readmes and stuff say that one should first execute "./configure" and then "make", followed by executing a demo program. Here's the log of the configure; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054397/ and as for the log of make, here is what fitted in the console log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054435/ Any ideas?16:52
arey_BluesKaj_: done,it doesn't do anything :/16:52
Scroogeeven if it doesn't Shano56, while alloting partitions, just format the partition on which Windows is installed and overwrite it with Ubuntu :)16:52
KonichuaI am on 11.04 I think, maybe 11.10 or 12.0416:53
Scroogegot is Shano56?16:53
Scroogegot it, i meant... :P16:53
zallxany sony ps vita sdk for linux ?16:54
zallxhowto port it from win to linux ?16:54
oldschoolglitsj16 ffmpegthumbnailer yeah lil hard to use i was trying to install thumbnail me but wont install16:54
BluesKaj_ok, I posted it just you explained  what you had done. arey_  ...try sudo dpkg --clear-avail16:54
Shano56Scrooge, okay, do i do that after the installation ? :)16:54
Scroogewhile installation, it will ask you to allot partitions, may i know, whether it is the first/second time that you are dual booting?16:55
rohan1sorry, if anyone responded to my plight for networking, I lost my connection16:56
Shano56this is the second time, but it is on a different computer16:56
BluesKaj_arey_, if all else fails , check the /var/log files for the dependency errors and remove the dependency conflicts with , sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends nameofpackage(s)16:57
Shano56lets just say dual-booting wasn't a good experience :p16:57
Scroogethat's fine, so it asks you to either allocate space automatically(not recommended) or you allocate manually, which i recommend16:57
arey_BluesKaj_: I tried that as well. No luck. Seemas that the problem occurs only while installing libsdl-dev and related packages. I have just installed synaptic and ack-grep without problems16:57
arey_BluesKaj_: ok, looking in that also16:58
Scroogedid u see that option when u dual booted for the first time, Shano56?16:58
Shano56I don't recall, but it was a tramatic experience that i want to put behind me :P16:58
Scroogeya, it usually isn't if you don't have a guide besides you to help you out with these issues.... hahahaa :D16:58
Scroogenever mind, you'll master it with a few careful dual-boots :)16:59
colin_ActionParsnip it didnt work at all, its just screwed things up16:59
arey_BluesKaj_: is there a specific file I should look into /var/log, there are a lot of files16:59
colin_now i gotta remove it16:59
Shano56hehe :D hmm internet doesnt want to connect16:59
ActionParsnipcolin_: then remove the PPA and remove the package, hardly screwed up is it..16:59
Shano56guess i can install updates after instalation16:59
colin_i donno how16:59
Scroogeif i got u right, ur installation is in progress, right Shano56 ?16:59
Natherulhey all, anyone got any idea on why sometimes ubuntu refuse to ifentify mouseclicks, I can move the mouse but not click on anything....17:00
Scroogeis it sometimes Natherul or everytime?17:00
ActionParsnipcolin_: sudo apt-get --purge remove oracle-java7-installer; sudo apt-get install ppa-purge; sudo ppa-purge ppa:webupd8team/java17:00
Shano56not yet, i tried connecting ethernet cable to connect to the internet, however it doesn't wnat to connect. probably doesn't like my router :p17:00
Natherulwell, not all the time but it happens frequently17:00
Natherulfor example, its happened right now -.-17:01
Scroogeneed not connect it now, Shano5617:01
tkingsomeone using a windows email me a ms word file .doc but I can open it, pls help17:01
colin_all i wanna do is make  a folder17:01
Natheruldoes that make any sense to you Scrooge?17:01
Scroogeif it happens, occasionally, it "might" be a problem with your touchpad, is there anyway you can verify?17:01
ActionParsnipcolin_: you can make a folder with mkdir, or sudo mkdir    if it is outside your home17:02
Natherulwell its not a touchpad, its a cyborg R.A.T. 7 mouse... and its no problem in windows (yes i dualboot)17:02
colin_yeh but then ive gotta put stuff in it17:02
colin_just wanna copy and paste a folder17:03
Shano56Scrooge: i got 3 options, im ignoring the first bcuz i dont want that, last 2 options: erase disk and install ubuntu or something else17:03
FireAllianceNXHow do I change the screen resolution for the system default?17:03
colin_i tried it with a file yesterday, and it screwed up the name17:03
ScroogeShano56, the 2 option, erase disk and install ubuntu17:03
Shano56okay :)17:03
ScroogeShano56, wait17:03
ScroogeWarning: It will erase Windows, are you sure?17:03
Shano56yes. fk windows :p17:04
Scroogethe disk will be completely empty17:04
Scroogefine, go ahead17:04
ScroogeUbuntu is all yours!!!17:04
Shano56okay, 2 partitions will be deleted, use advanced partitioning tool for more control17:04
Shano56i got everything i needed off the disk :p17:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:04
colin_i cant even close windows, cuz top bit gets hidden below panel17:05
colin_very annoying17:05
glitsj16oldschool: where did you get thumbnail package? can't find it in ubuntu 12.04 .. also wondering if you're looking for a standalone thumbnailer or to get it with nautilus or any other file manager you use17:05
BluesKaj_arey_, systemlog17:05
ScroogeNatherul, couldn't search your problem on the net, did you get any clue?17:05
nathalii have some problems with installing wi-fi card...17:05
ActionParsnipnathali: what is the issue?17:06
Shano56Scrooge, should i delete /dev/sda1 and 2 or will the installer do it automatically17:06
ActionParsnipcolin_: hold ALT and you can drag windows from anywhere17:06
Shano56sda1 is the recovery partition and sda2 is the windoze one17:06
Scroogei hope there is checkbox where u ask it to format the partition, right?17:06
NatherulScrooge: No idea, and its been bugging me for some time, was not a problem 2 version of ubuntu back, now and the last version though -.- And i really want to know more about ubuntu and linux so I could eventually move from windows... but I need a worrking mouse to learn anyway -.-17:06
Shano56there is checkboxes to format, theres also an option to delete, which i assume will delete the partition17:07
tkingsomeone using a windows email me a ms word file .doc but I can open it, pls help17:07
Scroogeyou can delete the partition, which would make it free, yes, delete the partition, Shano5617:07
NatherulScrooge: and what puzzles me is that its actually letting me move the cursor, but just wont let me click something... so the mouse is sending signals at least.... -.-17:08
arey_BluesKaj_: ok, looking. By the way, does this info help in zeroing the prolem: http://pastebin.com/XdEh6D6g ?17:08
oldschoolglitsj16 i got it from here http://www.thumbnailme.com/ its not in ubuntu 12.04 download it its a deb17:08
Scroogewhat i wonder is why is happening only occasionally and not always17:08
d1gitalI just tried to extract something via drag-n-drop from file-roller to pcmanfm, and now my cursor is stuck in a dragging state, and I can't use it to click.  I really don't want to restart X and all of my applications right now... is there a way to fix the cursor without restarting X?17:08
Shano56Scrooge should i create a new partition or let the installer do that17:09
NatherulScrooge: indeed, but once it happens i pretty much have to alt+f4 out of the current window to get back click functions... such is the case as of right now17:09
Scroogecreate a partition for "/", "/home", "/boot", Shano5617:09
Scroogeand a "swap" area too17:09
Scroogehuh, not getting you Natherul , how do you get it back to work?17:10
starlockeanyone want to suggest an "office worker friendly" name for a file server?17:10
theadminstarlocke: file_server17:10
glitsj16oldschool: looking around there, i'll report back in a minute17:10
d1gitaltheadmin beat me to it.17:11
theadminstarlocke: Seriously though, this sounds like a question for #ubuntu-offtopic17:11
NatherulScrooge: I can get the clicks to work again by closing the current active window.... I also just relised that it seems to be another problem at the same time... I cant switch what window is active atm with alt+tab like i normally can either....17:11
oldschoolglitsj16 ok thanks17:11
starlockeperhaps... i suppose it's not strictly an Ubuntu problem.17:11
d1gitalfor the logs:   `killall file-roller` did the trick.17:12
Scroogeso "Alt+ tab" does not work when the mouse-clicks don't work, right?17:12
NatherulScrooge: so it would seem17:12
Scroogenow this is interesting, Natherul17:12
Scroogewhat do these share in them?17:12
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NatherulScrooge: it seems like ubutu has placed some kind of lock on whats the active window or something17:13
guntbert!enter | Scrooge17:13
ubottuScrooge: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:13
Scroogecan you just to switch workspace and see if these mouse-clicks work, Natherul ?17:14
IsarraShould booting ubuntu from a live cd take much longer than booting xubuntu from a live cd?17:14
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NatherulScrooge: how do you want me to do that? since alt tab is not working.... jsut also noticed that clicks are allowed inside the active window... I cant press the maximize button or close on the window but I CAN select text in the chat with the mouse....17:15
theadminIsarra: Not too much. The graphical environment may start longer, but "boot" times as such should be about the same17:15
Scroogetry "Ctrl + Alt + right/left navigation key" to switch workspaces17:15
glitsj16oldschool: i tested the 64bit version, installed ok here (and it works) .. did you get any error messages while installing? and you have the correct .deb for your system (32bit or 64bit)?17:16
DCheck2hello, i have been having some problems getting a computer to boot from cd, i have just downloaded the plop manager since upon boot i get the message the bootmgr is missing, are there any other tools i could possibly need and could all the isos be loaded to one disc?17:16
NatherulScrooge: it worked... but I could not click anywhere17:16
melkorI'm using gnome-shell, and I can no longer see files on the desktop or right click to get a context menu.17:16
CrardaHello, I'm a new Ubuntu user. Could someone help me install my HP Printer?17:16
ActionParsnipmelkor: press ALT+F2 and run:  nautilus -117:17
ActionParsnip-q   sorry17:17
Isarratheadmin: Okay, what would cause the graphical environment to just not start?17:17
IsarraIt started yesterday.17:17
Scroogedoes the right click work, Natherul ?17:17
FireAllianceNXHmmm  how do I change the screen resolution for all users?17:17
theadminIsarra: From the same CD?17:17
Jordan_UCrarda: Usually you just plug it in and it will work. I'm guessing though that that wasn't the case or you probably wouldn't be asking :)17:17
theadminFireAllianceNX: xorg.conf is usually the answer for system-wide X configuration.17:18
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FireAllianceNXoh boy :/17:18
NatherulScrooge: nope, the mouse buttons seems to only register inside the chat window atm, nothing outside of it works17:18
ScroogeCrarda, if you are using Ubuntu 11.10 there is a "Printers" option in the top-left menu17:18
FireAllianceNXwas hoping not have to edit that. thanks17:18
ActionParsnipDCheck2: which client?17:18
CrardaMy printer is supported by hplib but it doesn't show up in the driver list. http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/deskjet_aio/deskjet_3070_b611_series.html17:18
Isarratheadmin: I have no idea if it was the same one; all I really know is that xubuntu was fine, a ubuntu that may or may not have been the same one was fine, and windows just crapped out.17:18
ActionParsnipDCheck2: no, which IRC client17:18
melkorActionParsnip: that closed my nautilus window, but I still cannot see files on the desktop17:18
ActionParsnipmelkor: run it again17:18
IsarraExcept now windows is magically working again, so uh.17:18
ActionParsnipDCheck2: no, the client is the program you are connecting to freenode with, freenode is the server17:19
melkorcool now they're back.17:19
theadminFireAllianceNX: Several graphic card drivers, such as the propertiary NVidia and ATI drivers, come with tools to generate xorg.conf (nvidia control thingy and amdcccle), if you have those you may be in luck17:19
ActionParsnipmelkor: yep, nautilus draws the desktop, it crashed so it restarted17:19
DCheck2ie browser17:19
FireAllianceNX@theadmin: I'm on a VMWare17:19
tkingpls how do i open .doc file in Linux ?17:19
FireAllianceNX@theadmin: uhhh I'm using***17:19
tkingit keeps crashing17:19
ActionParsnipDCheck2: ahh, thats better. I believe there is an options section in the top left..17:20
oldschoolglitsj16 i useing ubuntu 12.04 64bits let me see if am useing the correct .deb17:20
DCheck2yeah i tried that, thats what i copy pasted i forget how to do commands on irc17:20
CrardaIt can't find a driver online and it's not listed under models.17:20
DCheck2i think i got it to work17:20
ScroogeNatherul, try playing with the "Mouse and Touchpad" option in "System Settings", that's all I can say for the moment. Will let you know soon if get to know something different.17:21
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Shano56Scrooge which irc client do you use :)17:21
Shano56hopefully not xchat?17:21
Papa-SmurfHi Guys17:21
Scrooge:P why?17:21
oldschoolglitsj16 no i am useing the i386 deb lol were did you find the 64bit one17:22
sh4rm4how can i disable the network manager in 10.10 ?17:22
Papa-SmurfWhere is the startup script for Lightdm?????17:22
Shano56I just didnt like it :p probably because i wasn't used to it17:22
Shano56i love mirc, but its for windows not linux :(17:22
Orpheon<Shano56> hopefully not xchat?17:22
Orpheonwhat's wrong with xchat?17:22
Orpheon(using it)17:23
CrardaAny idea on how I can find the driver for my deskjet_3070_b611_series?.... it's covered under hplib but I don't know how to install it.17:23
ScroogeI works very well with me, I like it! Which one do use for Ubuntu?17:23
FireAllianceNXhmmm is xorg.conf moved?17:23
theadminCrarda: sudo apt-get install hplip17:23
melkorFireAllianceNX: removed17:23
glitsj16oldschool: heh, it's on the site, you need to click the x64 folder17:23
ActionParsnipShano56: runs in Wine, Irssi has scripting ability (even more so) than mirc17:23
theadminFireAllianceNX: It's under /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- but it's not present by default.17:23
Shano56I will try wine. I have nothing against xchat, I'm just used to mirc17:23
ActionParsnipFireAllianceNX: its just not default installed, if one exists though it will be obeyed17:24
Shano56i never tried xchat on ubuntu, maybe it will be better than on windows17:24
oldschoolglitsj16 will check right now17:24
Shano56or maybe i will just have to get used to it :p17:24
MandalordShano56: how about pidgin?17:24
ActionParsnipShano56: what is it you like in Mirc?17:24
Scroogeso which one do use for Ubuntu, Shano56 ?17:24
ActionParsnipMandalord: gotta love pidgin :)17:24
Shano56i dont have ubuntu yet Scrooge! its installing now :p17:24
FireAllianceNXWell then I have no idea how to create one to manipulate the system default screen resolution. lol17:24
Crarda@theadmin I've installed it, but it still can't find a driver for my printer.17:24
Scroogeoh yes!17:24
Shano56Haven't tried pidgin, do you like it Mandalord17:25
ActionParsnipShano56: what is in mirc that you use?17:25
Shano56Idk what exactly i like about mirc, maybe im just comfortable with it17:25
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:25
glitsj16oldschool: http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/thumbnailme/Linux/Debian/x64/Thumbnailme_2.1_amd64.deb in case you missed it (i have seriously customized my browser, so i might have another 'view' on that page as yourself)17:25
Scroogehope there are no issues till now, Shano56, are there?17:25
BluesKaj_arey_, why are you installing libpulse-dev , is there some special device you want to configure with pulseaudio ?17:25
L3topFireAllianceNX: Xorg -configure        should spit one out into ~/xorg.conf.new17:25
ActionParsnipShano56: I'd try some native irc clients, there are quite a few17:25
MandalordShano56: love pidgin so much, work well with yahoo, gtalk and irc:D17:25
arey_BluesKaj_: I am trying to install libsdl-dev17:25
Orpheon(like xchat)17:26
FireAllianceNXNah, no command found17:26
L3topFireAllianceNX: you will need to stop x to do that17:26
Shano56Scrooge i dont think there are any problems...laptop just turned off, hopefully normal D:17:26
arey_BluesKaj_: but while installing it I get this eror:Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libsdl1.2-dev : Depends: libpulse-dev but it 17:26
ActionParsnipMandalord: I only use it for IRC but I used it waaay back when it was Gaim, it's habit now. I SSH home and use irssi from work17:26
Scroogegood luck, here you go!17:26
Shano56hope it didn't die, i had to hack a new d/c jack on it which has given me problems before17:26
arey_BluesKaj_: so just tried installing libpulse-dev. But the error lop never ends17:26
Shano56ooh installation complete! rebooting now :_17:26
Shano56ActionParsnip, i will try them all!17:27
RujaunHello all. I'm ditching my windows 7 becuase of lamp requirements. I have worked om Ubuntu a bit. Any tips?17:27
Shano56does xchat have the ability to join all favorites at once?17:27
FireAllianceNXI think I will just leave the login screen at that 5k x 4k resolution... lol I don't understand the system well enough. Thanks tho!17:27
Shano56hey Rujaun, just switching to ubuntu from windows 7 now  ;)17:27
L3topxserver-xorg-core would have to be installed FireAllianceNX... but the command will be found.17:27
RujaunShano56 Cool =)17:28
CrardaBlah I guess I'll have to return to windows to get this stuff printed.17:28
ActionParsnipShano56: may as well, they are free :)17:28
ActionParsnipShano56: irssi can join a list of channels at ogin17:28
Shano56can it connect to different servers at login as well?17:29
theadminShano56: Sure17:29
Shano56i got some channels on abjects and some on efnet as well17:29
ScroogeHey does anybody know how do i change the labels in the top-menu in Ubuntu 11.10, like changing "Shut Down..." to "Turn Off" or something else?17:29
bekor hi, anyone here using ubuntu 12.04 with xfce?17:29
Shano56Hmm seems like it froze on Asking all remaining process to terminate...17:29
JLucubuntu  install has set some special bit on the windows partition and i cannot defrag it anymore17:30
BluesKaj_arey_, I don't see  libsdl-dev listed in synaptic , unless it's a ppa you're trying to install from , but I do see libsdl-console-dev listed.17:30
JLucis that the way it has to be ?17:30
theadminbekor: Just ask your question. Also, there's #xubuntu for Ubuntu with Xfce specifically (though most questions will be answered here as well)17:30
RujaunWho uses Ubuntu without Unity?17:31
samster34plenty of people, apparently it's cool to not like unity :)17:31
theadminRujaun: WAY many people -- I think a more appropriate question is, who uses Ubuntu WITH Unity?17:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:31
Rujauntheadmin: So you use gnome 3?17:32
* OerHeks uses Unity with a fast SSD17:32
theadminRujaun: Meh, I'm an Xfce person myself. I also used MATE at some point, but I find Xfce more functional while still retaining the Gnome 2 style and philosophy.17:32
Rujauntheadmin: I must say gnome 3 is a bit overdoen17:33
colin_me rujuan17:33
colin_i use gnome217:33
theadminWell to be honest polling is offtopic here, this is a support channel17:33
Rujauncolin_ Ubuntu 12.04?17:33
nelson777brhello, what exactly ubuntu does when we select the option "securely remove drive" ? how can I do this from command line ?17:33
Scroogenelson777br, which version of Ubuntu do you use?17:34
theadminnelson777br: sudo eject /dev/sd...17:34
Scroogewhen does it asks "Securely"?17:35
Shano56hehe all booted into ubuntu!17:35
Shano56time to find a irc client :D17:35
ScroogeCongo, Shano56 !17:35
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:35
nelson777brScrooge: 12.0417:35
llutznelson777br: sudo sync && sudo umount /mountpoint17:36
Scroogenelson777br, when does it ask you to "Securely remove drive"?17:36
nelson777brtheadmin: it can't be sudo anything, 'cause it doesn't ask for password17:36
nelson777brllutz: it can't be sudo anything, 'cause it doesn't ask for password17:36
theadminnelson777br: It doesn't use sudo, it uses the crazy dbus authentication mechanism (ConsoleKit or whatnot), but that's how you'd do it with commandline. Also see "fusermount".17:36
nelson777brI want to do it in a script17:36
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colin_dam it17:37
nelson777brtheadmin: will take a look17:37
colin_java -jar abc.jar wont work17:37
Scroogei think "gvfs-mount -u /dev/<device name>" will work17:37
colin_it doesnt know what java to use17:37
Monotokoos[Linux 2.6.32-41-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[4 x AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 5.8GB, 64.8% free] disk[Total: 408.0GB, 84.2% free] video[1002:68f9] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB1: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic]17:37
ActionParsnipcolin_: sudo update-alternatives --config java       and you can set it17:38
colin_i thnk that command before messed it all up17:38
zallxcan i wine sony dev suite studio for psvita ? it use simuklator and usb ?17:38
colin_says none17:38
ActionParsnipcolin_: that command will give you the list of registered Java's and you can choose the one you want17:38
Shano56any graphics driver i need to install ?17:39
colin_its already installed, why install again17:39
theadminzallx: Probably not, Wine isn't too great with external hardware.17:39
colin_doesnt make sense17:39
ActionParsnipShano56: what video chip do you use?17:39
ActionParsnipcolin_: you aren't installing anything17:39
Shano56ATI Mobility Radeon HD 425017:39
Shano56this is the laptop http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/C650/C655D-S504117:40
ActionParsnipShano56: use the additional drivers app and it will install the driver for you17:40
colin_i did that command , says no alterantwives17:40
zallxcolin_: u can install something with wine ?17:40
colin_wine is just another headache17:40
ActionParsnipcolin_: then you can reinstall the openjava package and it should add itself17:40
colin_but maybe17:40
zallxits okey just wont let u adress hw17:40
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samster34I can't boot ubuntu without specifying the "noapic" kernel boot option on any of my computers...does this mean anything? should I be worried? or are intel chipsets just that way...17:40
colin_ill try that17:41
colin_wine might be a good idea17:41
Shano56Hmm, ActionParsnip it says no proprietary drivers are in use on the system17:41
colin_can i use netbeans in wine?17:41
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theadmincolin_: What's the point? There's a Linux version.17:41
colin_javafx isnt good enough yet17:42
colin_cant install open java17:43
oldschoolglitsj16 its not working for me caues the i386 is install but not working am now i cant install the 64 bits one how would i remove the i386 one useing terminal17:43
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:43
colin_ sudo apt-get install openjava17:43
colin_doesnt work17:43
nelson777brScrooge, llutz, theadmin: thnx for your help17:43
genii-aroundoldschool: apt-get install packagenename:i386  ( or :amd64 )17:44
glitsj16oldschool: 'sudo apt-get purge thumbnailme' to get rid of the i386 one and 'sudo dpkg -i <path/to/64bit.deb>' to try with the 64bit17:45
genii-aroundoldschool: That installs either 32 or 64 bit. To remove, apt-get remove packagename:i386 ( or :amd64)17:45
genii-around( with sudo in both cases of course )17:45
oldschoolglitsj16 that to remove program or install program i need to remove17:45
Mrhello people, can you help me to install widelands? build 17, im using [12.04]. i just dont get it, what to do.17:46
glitsj16oldschool: you double-clicked when installing the first time i guess, it's easier to see any installation problems from commandline with that second one17:46
genii-aroundMr: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:widelands-dev/widelands-daily17:48
oldschoolglitsj16 am getting this here17:49
oldschool•Emmanuel_Chanel• Unable to locate package Thumbnailme_2.1_i386.deb17:49
oldschool•Emmanuel_Chanel• Couldn't find any package by regex 'Thumbnailme_2.1_i386.deb'17:49
Mrand this is the official build 17?17:49
NatherulScrooge: I am now in windows since my raid is about to start, but I found some additional information that might be of relevance, http://askubuntu.com/questions/112547/i-cant-switch-from-one-window-to-another    any way to get completly rid of compiz?17:49
FireAllianceNXwhat are we raiding today? ^^17:49
genii-aroundMr: Seeing as the PPA is labelled "daily" this would be whatever the most latest is17:49
ironhalikGuys - can I use ddrescue on a directory?17:49
Emmanuel_ChanelWhy am I called on this channel???17:50
Mrgenii-around: ok nice i know how to install ppa, thx17:50
glitsj16oldschool: take it from the top ... first: sudo apt-get purge thumbnailme17:50
Emmanuel_Chaneloldschool: Why?17:50
genii-aroundMr: After adding the PPA ny the command I gave, it will be available from Software Center etc17:50
genii-aroundMr: You're welcome17:50
oldschoolsorry about that17:51
Mrgenii-around: i just don't shure if this is the uptodate like th 17 buuild, gracias17:51
Scroogeto be easy and simple, go to Software Center, type compiz, remove the "ticked" ones!17:51
Scroogebut is that the problem, Natherul ?17:52
Mrgenii-around: when i install trough softwarecenter, its just build 16, i allready did that.17:52
colin_how  much space does wine take up17:52
NatherulScrooge: its worth a shot, what they describe on that there webpage resembles what I have as well apart from that I cant click another window to later get it as fokus.... so it seems worth a shot to see if it is compiz that makes the trouble :P17:53
Scroogetry logging in a different theme at boot, Natherul , by changing the theme, at log-in screen, hope you are aware of how to do that, aren't you?17:53
glitsj16oldschool: no worries, let us know when you are ready to install the 64bit version .. it's crucial in this step to feed the command with the exact path of Thumbnailme_2.1_amd64.deb, otherwise it will not find it .. that's the logic17:53
icerootcolin_: ~20mb17:54
NatherulScrooge: indeed i know how to do that, I never liked unity, but the same error is in gnome 3 -.- those are however the only ones I have tried17:54
Scroogethe problem persists in both the themes, right?17:54
genii-aroundMr: The filenames at that PPA https://launchpad.net/~widelands-dev/+archive/widelands-daily indicate version 1717:55
Shano56hmm 279 updates nice :p17:55
Natherulboth the 12.04 normal theme and in gnome 3, yes17:55
Scroogethen try removing compiz as they said, anyway we don't have a better solution17:55
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NatherulScrooge: will try it after the raid tonight, and if everything screws up I can always just reinstall wubi :P no biggie :D thanks for the help anyway :D17:56
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Scroogeoh sure Natherul !17:56
glitsj16oldschool: ok, as example .. 'sudo dpkg -i $HOME/Desktop/Thumbnailme_2.1_amd64.deb' will try to install it if you downloaded it to ~/Desktop .. the $HOME is a shortcut to your home/<username> ..17:57
glitsj16oldschool: do you know where you downloaded it?17:57
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amazinghey is there a support channel just for gnome (classic)? cause gnome classic is so amazing-backfall that i have to go there. :P17:59
ActionParsnipamazing: its in the repos, so is supported here17:59
amazingActionParsnip: Ok i understand, thanks for the information.18:00
ActionParsnipamazing: :D18:00
nickoeis ubuntu.com down?18:01
AsterHow do I log someone out via SSH?18:01
tyler_dAster: last | less18:01
Astertyler_d, what?18:01
tyler_dAster: get the tty, then do ps aux | grep for the tty18:02
Asternickoe, no, that logs the current user out.18:02
tyler_dAster: then kill -9 on the pid of the tty18:02
AsterHow do I get the tty?18:02
nickoeAster, yes, was that not desired?18:02
tyler_dAster: by typing last | less in a console18:02
Asternickoe, someone usually means not me.18:02
tyler_dAster: or alternately `w`18:02
nownotlooking on assistance on creating  a udf 2.5 iso, can someone lend me a hand?18:04
AsterIt says that the user isn‘t logged in.18:04
AsterBut when I try to delete it, it tells me that it IS logged in.18:04
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ActionParsnipnownot: ISO of what?18:05
AsterGot it to work.18:05
AsterThanks anyways,18:05
nownotActionParsnip: i have a blu ray structure id like to turn into an iso18:05
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ActionParsnipnownot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182476818:06
micr0beHi there.. Since yesterday, my login screen is restarting while i try to enter my password to start a session18:06
rhizmoeis it basically impossible to change NotifyOSD notification timeouts to anything less than 10sec?18:08
rhizmoenotify-send -t doesn't have any effect on precise18:08
micr0bei tried to use "dpkg-reconfigure-gdm", i tried to power-off, remove battery, deleted Xorg.conf , ... But i'm still stuck at login screen18:08
rhizmoemicr0be: *while* you're typing your pw?18:09
samster34I can't boot ubuntu without specifying the "noapic" kernel boot option on any of my computers...does this mean anything? should I be worried? or are intel chipsets just that way...18:09
Papahello guys does anyone know here how to overclock nvidia 7300 gt ?18:10
genii-around!info nvclock18:10
ubottunvclock (source: nvclock): Overclock an NVIDIA card. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8b4+cvs20100914-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 61 kB, installed size 187 kB18:10
micr0berhizmoe: when i press"login" after i have tiped my password18:10
Papado u know how to oc it in windoze 7 :P18:10
genii-aroundPapa: That's not a question for this channel, try ##windows for that18:11
samster34rivatuner (does that still exist?) nvidia inspector18:11
Papado u give me more info abt ocing?18:11
blitzkrieg766 /join ##freebsd18:11
ActionParsnipPapa: if youuse the coolbits option in xorg.conf it opens up more options in nvidia-settings and you can overclock18:12
samster34ActionParsnip: he wants win7 though18:12
Papahey i don't have any cooling soln18:12
rhizmoemicr0be: select a different wm (the gear icon)18:12
Papai feel my cpu and gpu needs to be oced18:12
ActionParsnipasherkin: win7 what?18:13
Papathis card is very old google is not giving me any good links18:13
rhizmoegoogle is a much better source of info for that than #ubuntu18:13
samster34Papa: I'm not sure how much overclocking headroom there is on a 7300...18:13
oCeanPapa: this channel is specifically for ubuntu, not windows of hardware support18:13
ActionParsnipsamster34: sorry,, win7 what?18:13
samster34ActionParsnip: he's asking how to oc it on windows :)18:13
ActionParsnipsamster34: oic18:13
ActionParsnipsamster34: thanks18:14
Papamy ubuntu has problem with internet so am talking in ubuntu using ekschat :D18:14
ActionParsnipPapa: ask in ##windows for windows support, this is ubuntu support only18:14
Papawindoze :D18:14
glitsj16rhizmoe: i believe you need a patched notify-osd to get extra features .. have you seen http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/closable-movable-notifyosd.html yet?18:14
oCeanPapa: it is called Windows. Please don't use silly mispellings18:14
ActionParsnipit's so old18:14
JLucbaobab is great18:15
Papafoss works good in windoze too :D18:15
Shano_56hehe windoze18:16
oCeanShano_56: enough18:16
ActionParsnipShano_56: there are many, its pretty lame18:16
IdleOneShano_56, repeating others stupidity will earn you the same result they got plus a little extra18:16
Shano_56there are many what ActionParsnip18:17
rhizmoeglitsj16: yeah, that page is a last (or first, really) resort after confirming :/18:17
ActionParsnipShano_56: lame ways people write windows to sound cool18:17
Shano_56yeah i know. they all piss me off except i dont mind windoze too much18:17
IdleOnetried to warn him...back to support now please18:18
val_if i write localhost in my webbrowser the system translates the name into this ip address, what file should i edit to create more dns entries ?18:18
micr0berhizmoe i tried to change it from "backbox session" to "Xfce session", but it dont work.. the only thing that works is "Recovery console"18:18
Dave_LIs this the wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com ?18:19
IdleOneit is18:19
Dave_LI couldn't find a link to it, so I had to search for it.18:19
rhizmoemicr0be: what did you change?18:19
Dave_LDoes it have a "front page", with a list of contents?18:20
samster34does anyone have an idea how I could make ubnutu beep on the system speaker after a specified process has finished?18:20
Jordan_Usamster34: Depends on the process. "insmod pcspkr && sleep 20 && beep".18:20
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rhizmoedo motherboards still have beep speakers? :)18:21
samster34this one does18:21
samster34although I opted not to install one on my newest board18:22
val_rhizmoe: backweird compatibility18:22
samster34backweird...sounds about right :p18:22
Jordan_Usamster34: You'll probably have to "sudo apt-get install beep" as well, and for a more permanent solution you'll probably want to remove Ubuntu's blacklist of pcspkr.18:22
rhizmoehow could i not have heard that term until now?18:22
samster34aw, shucks18:22
samster34live cd doesnt seem to like my ethernet chipset18:22
samster34so no internet18:22
rhizmoethat's odd. soviet motherboard?18:23
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rhizmoei'd think all ethernet was at least tulip-compatible18:23
samster34nforce something18:23
micr0berhizmoe i did not change something, yesteray all i did on my netbook was trying to launch some standart programm from my distro ( airodump, nmap, ...)18:23
rhizmoemicr0be: so it worked, and then it didn't? for how long (generally)?18:24
samster34how do I list the system specs?18:24
samster34settings -> system -> details doesnt list a whole lot18:24
oldschoolglitsj16 did you install useing deb install software18:25
rhizmoeglitsj16: interestingly, that ppa actually registers the patched version as a plain upgrade. simple!18:25
micr0berhizmoe it worked until yesterday, and i get this problem today, durint the night18:25
val_nobody can't help with this DNS thing ? what is the file to edit to associate an ip to a name ?18:26
rohan2can someone help me with running nm-applet on startup of enlightenment? I have systray enabled, and can run nm-applet from command line, at which time it appers in the systray. When I go into system settings, Apps, Startup Apps, I don't see how to add it there.18:26
rhizmoeval_: /etc/hosts18:26
rhizmoemost simply, i should say18:26
glitsj16oldschool: thumbnailme? yes i tried the .deb .. still having issues?18:26
glitsj16rhizmoe: indeed, i only deal with simple i'm afraid :p18:27
val_mattafact wasn't so hard18:27
hammitohi everybody how can i join another channel like centos from here ???18:27
hammitosorry ..18:28
rhizmoe/j #centos18:28
hammitocan not need to register or something alike ....18:28
bazhang!register | hammito18:29
ubottuhammito: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:29
caemiroh, sorry :)18:29
bazhanghammito, join #freenode for help with that18:29
hammitothank you18:29
barry2hi do i install wine, i donno which one it is in software manager18:32
xanguabarry2: sudo apt-get install wine18:33
ZaehlasHow do I override the network manager?  I have an /etc/interfaces file but it seems to ignore it18:34
Zaehlasis there something else new in 12 04 I need to change to force manual settings for my ethernet connections?18:35
genii-aroundZaehlas: Perhaps try setting managed=false in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf18:36
ZaehlasI'll give that a try18:37
oldschoolglitsj16 got it install and everything working fine now thanks for your help18:37
Zaehlasunder [ifupdown] it's already set to managed=false18:38
deinolAnyone here an expert on smb/cifs?18:38
Zaehlasdo I need to specify the eth0 / eth1 specifically in that file?18:38
Jordan_U!anyone | deinol18:38
ubottudeinol: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:38
bazhangdeinol, #samba18:39
samster34I'm trying to hook my computer running ubuntu up with the one running win7 which has the internet connection...IPs are for the win7 one, for the ubuntu one, gateways set to the respective other one, win7 one is set as the dns server...but both computer list the other's IP as unreachable18:39
deinolok, fair enough. I have an ubuntu server that I have been rsyncing to a windows 7 machine over a cifs mount for backup purposes. However, after some time the Windows 7 machine becomes really, really slow and effectively goes offline.18:40
dnovoselsamster34: Physicall they are connected directly together, or through a switch?18:40
samster34dnovosel: directly18:41
samster34the cable is a crossover one18:41
Jordan_Usamster34: What do you mean by "gateways set to the respective other one"? That sounds wrong.18:41
samster34Jordan_U: host has as a gateway and vice versa18:41
dnovoselsamster34: The gateway thing is technically wrong, but since they are on the same subnet, it won't matter.  Neither system will try and use the gateway to communicate with each other.18:41
dnovoselsamster34: What did you use for subnet masks18:42
Jordan_Usamster34: That's a terrible idea, it will create a routing loop.18:42
samster34Jordan_U: for some reason, I've HAD to do this to hook up two win7 PCs forever now18:42
Jordan_Usamster34: It's wrong, you shouldn't do it.18:42
samster34but I had to :p18:42
micr0beMy primary user account cant acces to a gdm session, it keep restart gdm to the login screen. I just tried to set up a new user, and it works with that new user ... Any idea ?18:43
Zaehlasno change..  something in my network settings is overriding the interfaces file and picking a wrong ip address.  no idea how or why18:43
samster34so, what else am I supposed to do18:43
dnovoselsamster34: You shouldn't need a gateway at all if they are only going to talk to only each other.18:43
Zaehlastried restarting the network manager, and all the interfaces18:43
dnovoselsamster34: What are you trying to accomplish?  Just having the two machines talk to one another?18:44
genii-aroundZaehlas: Probably whatever you networkmanager applet in your desktop environment is set to do18:45
samster34sharing the internet connection from win7 over ethernet to the ubuntu pc18:45
Jordan_Usamster34: Set things up properly and they will probably work. I don't know what problem your configuration had but creating a routing loop is not the correct solution.18:45
samster34Jordan_U: what IS the proper setup though :)18:45
Zaehlasboth the network manager is set to a static ip, and the ionterfaces file..18:45
Zaehlasbut both are being ignored18:45
dnovoselsamster34: Okay, so in this case the windows 7 machine will use it's own default gateway on the internet connection.  The ubuntu machine should use the windows 7 machine for its gateway and possibly dns as well.18:46
samster34that's what I figured18:46
rynkananyone have any experience working with virtualization of server instances?18:47
Jordan_Usamster34: The default gateway for the Windows box should be the ip address of the device providing you a connection to the internet. The default gateway for the Ubuntu machine should be the Windows machine (since for the Ubuntu machine, that is the device which is providing a connection to the internet).18:47
alchemist9I've got an odd problem, a usb hdd keeps jumping to the next drivepath as soon as I read something from the disk, could it be hardware or software?18:47
samster34Jordan_U: the gateway of the LAN connection to the other computer should be the address of the router?18:47
Jordan_Usamster34: A computer has only one default gateway, it's not an interface specific setting.18:48
dnovoselrynkan: Define experience?18:48
samster34Jordan_U: so I don't enter a gateway at all?18:48
samster34since I already have one.18:48
dnovoselsamster34: On windows 7 you don't need to add a default gateway on that connection.  You only need to set the IP and subnet mask.18:49
rynkanI'm trying to figure out how it would be posible to host a couple of server with only one external IP-address18:49
Jordan_Usamster34: If the Windows GUI is presenting you with an option to enter a default gateway in a dialog otherwise for configuring the interface connected to the Ubuntu machine, yes, you should not provide any default gateway option there.18:49
alchemist9the root hub compains it can't enumerate the drive... strange..18:49
dnovoselrynkan: Are you planning on running this off a single machine?  Do you own the hardware for this and can physically access it?18:50
rynkandnovosel: I've got an hp server on the way, it will be run from my apartment (I've got two external Ip's)18:51
samster34Jordan_U: alright, well that's how it's set up now.18:51
samster34still, both hosts are unreachable from the other one18:51
Jordan_Usamster34: Can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig" from the Ubuntu machine?18:52
PokinawaJordan_U: Hey! How's it going? :)18:52
samster34Jordan_U: with a little flash drive magic, perhaps..18:52
AlexzAKHi, what to do if maintainer of some package not response to the bugs too long?18:53
dnovoselrynkan: Okay, well you have a few options.  Personally I'm really onboard bare-hardware virtualization, and I use VMWare ESXi which you can use for free on a single machine.  I would then do one of the following (or both if you want).  First, use an external router and only forward the ports required to the internal virtual machines.  And two, what I typically do is always run Vyatta and using ESXi build a virtual network, so that my external interface18:54
AlexzAKDose Ubuntu community some method to handle such sittuations?18:54
TheLordOfTimeAlexzAK:  depends on the package, which package is it18:54
OerHeksAlexzAK, how long is "too long" ?18:54
AlexzAKfor example readline618:54
TheLordOfTimeAlexzAK:  link to the bug?18:54
AlexzAK5 years18:54
* TheLordOfTime likes links to bugs18:54
samster34Jordan_U: here you go http://pastebin.com/7WejD6XT18:55
kingramI'm having trouble install 12.04 Server. Failing to get Mysql and thereby stalling the remaining install.18:55
rynkandnovosel: can you tell e more about alternative two?18:56
Jordan_Usamster34: And "ping" fails?18:56
AlexzAKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/readline6/+bug/103986 or new one from me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/readline6/+bug/101574418:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 103986 in base-files (Ubuntu) "Update inputrc config and bash config" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015744 in readline6 (Ubuntu) "Bash history navigation keys should be enabled in the config" [Undecided,New]18:56
samster34Jordan_U: win7 host is ..3.1, ubuntu host is 3.218:56
samster34and yes18:56
kurtwp_dnovosel: doesn't vyatta cost money to use18:57
rynkandnovosel: I know about portforwarding, portforwarding creates a problem when two servers need the same port (port80)18:57
samster34"destination host unreachable" on ubuntu, and a timeout on windows18:57
dnovoselsamster34: Sorry, I'm running two conversations now. Maybe check the routing table on both sides, and it's possible windows 7 is blocking pings.18:57
ashmew2Hi , trying to install gnome-sudoku from source but it gives me an importerror in Python , help please.18:57
rynkandnovosel: I'll read up on vyatta18:57
dnovoselkurtwp_: There's a community edition.18:57
malibuIn Brasario, how do I change the file mode?  I need type-1 instead of jouliet18:57
samster34dnovosel: windows can't ping the ubuntu host either, and connecting to other windows hosts works18:58
AlexzAKTheLordOfTime: OerHeks: How long is "too long", actually? And dose some methods exists to handle such sittuations?18:58
dnovoselrynkan: Basically with ESXi you can build a virtual network.  So I build out 3 or 4 networks typically.  The outside network is wired to the physical interfaces on my server.  I then create a vyatta virtual machine and create interfaces (2 one for each physical port and IP) for vyatta.  Then for each of my other networks (typically Servers, Clients, Testing) I create more interfaces for vyatta, and attach them to each of these internal virtual switches19:00
kingramI get this from Aptitude during install:19:01
hogarflo Hi there, I can't see content of trash folder (just with nautilus Ctrl+H from /home, but I don't wanna do it everytime!!) Any idea?? Thanks! (Gnome 3.2.1)19:01
kingramE: I wasn't able to locate a file for the mysql-server-5.5 package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.19:02
kingramE: Internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download.19:02
OerHeksAlexzAK, cannot confirm your 'bug' " Default bash shell setup should allow history navigation with page up and page down keys. "arrow up/down works great19:02
dnovoselsamster34: Under windows 7 can you pull up CMD and do "route print"  You should see the network to ubuntu, and the interface used.  Can you confirm that lines up?19:03
samster34dnovosel: resolved the issue...I have been configuring the wrong LAN connection in windows. I don't know why I have 3 all of a sudden...19:03
dnovoselsamster34: Okay, that's good.19:04
KorvinSzanto"VPN connection failed because the VPN service failed to start."19:04
OerHekskingram, are you on 12.04? aptitude is depreciated, since Pangolin is multi-arch19:04
AlexzAKOerHeks: No, it is not. Try default bash setup from Gentoo linux. PageUp dose different thing from UpArrow. It preform search backward in history with string that you already typed19:04
kingramYes. 12.0419:04
dnovoselrynkan: Obviously a lot of it depends on exactly what you are trying to accomplish.19:04
AlexzAKOerHeks:  Try to uncomment lines in /etc/inputrc file19:05
KorvinSzantoWhat's the issue with my vpn connection19:05
rynkandnovosel: thats inpressive i'll have to read up on it more. I see that thers vyatta.org thanks19:05
dnovoselrynkan: Look into ESXi as well.19:05
OerHeksAlexAv, ic auto-complete from history19:05
dnovosel(That's VMWare, you need to register for it though.)19:05
rynkandnovosel:  was mostly looking to isolate different applications into their own server instances19:05
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
samster34okay, now the windows host sees the ubuntu host, but not the other way around19:06
samster34it did briefly, but the stopped19:06
rynkandnovosel: also to e able to have a dev/test/prod/etc-instance of the same application19:07
eprom_Hello everyone19:07
kingramI chose manual package select. Should I start over?19:07
AlexzAKOerHeks: My Gentoo friend showed it to me. It is very comfortable to work in this setup. And then i found bug report about it dated as year 2007. All work that should be done is to uncomment to lines in config19:07
=== john is now known as ki4ro
rynkandnovosel: thanks for taking the time and explaining!19:07
OerHeksAlexzAK, i was looking at this 'error', maybe any help > http://askubuntu.com/questions/142994/bash-completion-doesnt-work-in-root-user19:07
kingramWhat's the equivalent of apt?19:07
AlexzAKOerHeks: It is work well in Gentoo Linux for years19:07
guntbertkingram: use apt-get19:08
dnovoselrynkan: Okay, well ESXi will allow that, since you can spawn as many system as you want.  It's quite probable you can come up with other methods of accomplishing the same thing, but bare-metal virtualization is a good way to go.19:08
kingramI start over?19:08
samster34ping on ubuntu has now stopped producing any output whatsoever :/19:09
AlexzAKOerHeks: I have no problem described here http://askubuntu.com/questions/142994/bash-completion-doesnt-work-in-root-user19:09
=== jack is now known as Guest62539
KorvinSzantoMy VPN service is failing to start19:10
KorvinSzantoubuntu 12.0419:10
KorvinSzantohow can I fix this19:10
kingramI'm in the middle of the initial install. Should I just start over?19:10
dnovoselrynkan: No problem.  If you have questions again in the future, I'm not on that often (although I'm trying to be more), but you can always hit me up on email.19:10
barry2how do i install stuff in wine?19:10
dnovoselsamster34: So it was working, and now has stopped working?19:11
guntbertkingram: "in the middle of install"? did you loose network connection?19:11
AlexzAKEverybody: What to do if maintainer not fixing small and very easy bug for years?19:12
kingramNo. It can't download Mysql, and it stopped everything at that point.19:12
alchemist9barry2: wine /path/to/executable/program.exe should work as far as I can remember..19:12
guntbertAlexzAK: fix it yourself?19:12
kingram: I wasn't able to locate a file for the mysql-server-5.5 package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.19:12
kingramE: Internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download.19:13
AlexzAKguntbert: I attached patch. But I think it can be ignored19:13
barry2so how would i run a jar file in wine?19:14
barry2asuumign jar file is on desktop19:14
guntbertAlexzAK: ask about it in #ubuntu-bugs19:14
molochdoes anyone have a sound fix?19:14
AlexzAKguntbert: right! thanks19:15
guntbertAlexzAK: no problem :)19:15
theadminbarry2: Why would you even... You need to install Java, I suggest you use winetricks for that... Next you do something along the lines of "wine start ~/Desktop/blah.jar" I guess.19:15
alchemist9barry2: jar files would be run with a java vm19:15
barry2i dont get it19:15
barry2it doesnt work in linux19:15
phunyguybarry2: java is multi-platform19:16
samster34dnovosel: apparently, if I DISable the windows firewall, the connection stops working19:16
theadminJava apps would work in Linux just fine19:16
barry2i think i put something in and it screwed up19:16
barry2java -jar abc.jar doesnt work19:16
theadminbarry2: What is the error?19:16
dnovoselsamster34: If you disable the firewall it stops working?19:16
dnovoselsamster34: That's wild.19:16
samster34dnovosel: yeah..19:17
phunyguysamster34: HOW are you disabling the windows direwall?19:17
barry2now that i instlled openjava.. it says i need javafx2.1.019:17
barry2but i already instaleld that19:17
samster34services -> windows firewall -> stop :)19:17
phunyguysamster34: thats the wrong way19:17
barry2worked fine on mint without openjava19:17
phunyguysamster34: you do it in control panel19:17
alchemist9barry2: try this command gij -jar file.jar19:18
dnovoselsamster34: To be clear, if the windows firewall is operationally, everything is working?19:18
phunyguyi think stoppping the service, stops other things as well19:18
samster34I'm fairly sure it doesn't need the firewall service to run internet connection sharing though, I've been using it that way for months. probably just needs a restart with it disabled19:18
phunyguybut you don't want to disable the service, you just want the rules to be accept...  lol19:18
samster34dnovosel: yes19:18
phunyguysamster34: trust me.19:18
samster34no :p19:19
phunyguyor not.19:19
phunyguywhat do I know... just a tech in a microsoft shop.19:19
samster34why do I want the firewall to be running when it's doing nothing? :)19:19
phunyguy(Engineer level19:19
Eagleman7Hello, i'm trying to assign vlan 10 to my eth1 device19:19
barry2installing gij19:19
Eagleman7what should i do?19:19
phunyguysamster34: because thats how it works19:19
samster34I prefer it when it doesnt work, so to say19:20
Eagleman7This is my current configuration for vlan 10 on eth1 http://pastebin.com/Mp4VTP7M19:20
phunyguysamster34: like i said, a firewall service can be running all day, but if it is told to accept everything, and deny nothing, then whats the problem?19:20
phunyguyit still needs to be enabled in windows.19:21
phunyguyi will test my theory in a VM.19:21
phunyguywait one.19:21
guntbertEagleman7: vlan? thats something for switches - not for nodes as far as I know19:21
samster34phunyguy: it needs to be enabled to do certain things, like enable internet sharing. once it's on though, it's not required anymore19:22
Eagleman7guntbert its something i need for openwrt19:22
phunyguysamster34: PM me if you want19:22
alchemist9anyone care to explain why a powerpc cpu clocked at 400mhz can compile a kernel faster than a i386 clocked at 1.2ghz? T.T19:22
dnovoselguntbert: Depending on the exact setup, there are various reasons for why you might need a VLAN on an endnode.19:22
barry2might just go back to mint9, stuff seems to work there19:22
kurtwp_Eagleman7: Are you trying to have one interface on the system to be accessed from different subnets19:22
=== newbie is now known as Guest56185
Guest56185I've a Belgian ID card reader.  It gives me an error message when loading the info from my Belgian ID card.  How to fix the problem??19:23
Eagleman7kurtwp_ i'm trying to assign a WAN address to one of my NIC's on the server19:24
Eagleman7By using openwrt vlan19:24
Eagleman7Since there is a switch between my server and my router19:24
barry2colin@colin-TPower-I45:~$ gij -jar MyCubes.jar19:25
barry2Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from MyCubes.jar19:25
ThimbletackHi everyone, I just wanted to ask if I upgraded from ubuntu 11 to 12, will I have to reinstall all my programs?19:25
D[4]nicould anyone explain to me why some packages have Conflicts: with itself?19:25
ThimbletackLike will it reformat or anything?19:25
=== Guest62539 is now known as wN_
alchemist9barry2: is it the same error you where getting from your previous  try?19:26
D[4]niThimbletack: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade19:26
barry2last time it wanted fx installed19:26
D[4]nithis way it will not reformat or something similar19:26
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
barry2i think il just install mint919:27
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
barry2i do like the panel in ubuntu though19:27
ThimbletackOk, yeah I had the upgrade window come up, It just didn't mention whether or not it would mess up my setup19:28
ThimbletackGlad to know It will keep my things!19:28
guntbertEagleman7: obviously no help from me - just for my own learning: were you following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan ?19:28
ThimbletackThanks D[4]ni19:28
newbie|2I read the error message on Google, I have 12.04 LTS 64 bit, but don't understand what to do to fix the problem19:28
alchemist9barry2: so you need the fx package do you have the java runtime installed or the dev kit?19:28
barry2i installed the jdk for it19:29
barry2pasted it inot    /usr/lib/jvm19:29
=== Senix_ is now known as Senix
barry2the dev kit19:29
guntbert!enter | barry219:29
ubottubarry2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:29
barry2well it does work... just had program running in netbrans19:30
newbie|2It says that beid-tools interferes with beidgui and the mozilla plugin because it installs pcscd and another daemon19:30
barry2i wasnt using it as punctuation19:30
barry2it was separate comment19:30
icdevHello I recently bought a Microsoft Lifecam and I'm trying to get it working with skype, i've tried several things i found online and nothing has worked thus far, anyone here have any suggestions?19:30
* alchemist9 pats ubottu on the head throwing a spare bolt his way19:30
Eaglemanguntbert yes i was19:30
guntbertEagleman: thx19:31
DeltaHeavySometimes my computer suffers intense lag for ~30 seconds then all text colours seem to randomize. It's happend more than once, and the colours are different every time. It happened while in GNOME 2 fallback mode and recently again after switching to XFCE (no reinstallation). It effects CLI, as well as GUI apps. Anybody have any idea of what's going wrong?19:31
zukirepanyone know if ubuntu works well with laptops (i.e. using wireless internet?)19:31
zukirepthe newest version of ubuntu i mean19:31
zykotick9!gender | alchemist9 her way ;)19:32
ubottualchemist9 her way ;): yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)19:32
zukirepanyone active in this chatroom?19:32
guntbertzukirep: download the live CD and try for your piece19:33
bazhang!patience |zukirep19:33
ubottuzukirep: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:33
* alchemist9 hangs head in shame....19:33
zukirepwell the laptop im looking at is my parents19:33
zukirepand its only got a usb slot19:33
bazhangso try th e live cd zukirep19:33
zukirepso i would need to purchase a flash drive, but I wanted to double check first19:33
DeltaHeavyzukirep: It's a netbook?19:33
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org19:33
species_4981ere's a minor confusion i would like some help with please - I have upgraded my OS and due to a mistake, I now have *two* partitions containing systems on my HDD. One is the active one, and the other is now not needed. How do I determine which is which? It isn't obvious but I suspect it should be ...how do I detect the explicit mount point via terminal?19:34
zukirepsort of like a small ibm laptop that doesnt have cd drive19:34
The_Other_Guyzuki: It really depends on the laptop. As B.A. said, boot from the live disk and see if everything works.19:34
guntbertzukirep: you can try from a "live USB stick" too19:34
ki4rozukirep: My Toshiba Satellite works great...make sure to make a swap area and you'll be fine19:34
zukirepok ill check out the live disk19:34
B0g4r7My asus netbook works almost great.19:34
barry2ubuntu is starting to do my nut, sorry, im leaving for mint19:34
zukirepyea i only asked bc my old hp had issues with wifi on ubuntu19:34
barry2thx for the help19:34
CrawlBot#e3bot Where bots talk to each others ! :D JOIN NOW! #e3bot Where Bot Frenzy Action takes place! You want to have sex, meet or talk with a bot? Come to #e3bot ! Best place on earth for bot ! Bot are being taken care of ! Be part of the revolution and join #e3bot ! The future is #e3bot where people will never have to talk with humans again !! #e3bot !19:34
zukirepbut ill check out live cd if that is something that can just be downloaded and simulated19:34
B0g4r7If it didn't have the doesn't-always-wake-from-suspend issue I'd love it.19:35
c0deMasterhow to find the wireless driver name?19:35
guntbertzukirep: that is an iso, you can use it to create a bootable usb thumb drive19:35
guntbertzukirep: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:36
zukirepguntbert kk appreciate it19:36
ki4rozukirep: Sounds like the laptop might be a little old...you might want to check here before you try:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements19:36
atomopawnHello all.  Why I run kbuildsycoca, I get a bunch of warnings about missing semicolons in .desktop files.  What is the appropriate channel for submitting patches for these?19:37
zukirepki4ro thanks19:37
samster34....crap, I think my ubuntu has frozen :/19:38
samster34the mouse still moves every couple of seconds, but nothing else updates19:38
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toogfoI got pinged!19:40
ki4rosamster34: Is you hard drive showing a lot of activity?19:40
samster34ki4ro: how do I tell19:40
samster34it's not a noisy one, so that doesnt help19:40
upgrayedddHello, I am trying to change my shell with chsh, but everytime I try to I get chsh: PAM authentication failed. I don't think I use a password at all, because I ssh into this Ubuntu box that I'm trying to change the shell for with a key file19:41
upgrayedddHow would I go about changing the shell then?19:41
ki4rosamster34: Should be a light on the PC19:41
upgrayedddwithout a password when prompted ?19:41
samster34ki4ro: no light. though I suppose it should be pretty busy, I've been wiping it and all...19:41
toogfoI got pinged!19:42
guntberttoogfo: stop19:42
bazhangtoogfo, stop that19:42
ki4rosamster34: Well my computer used to do that until I realized that I had neglected to give it a swap file or swap partition when I installed it.  I created a swap file on it and its been running great ever since19:42
sburwBeidtools problem. Conflict with beidgui and mozilla plugin. Anyone wamna help?19:43
samster34ki4ro: the OS is not on the hard disk. I'm running a live one from USB flash memory19:43
rynkanstupid synology messing up ipkg...19:43
sburwI've 12.04 lts19:43
ki4rosamster34: I C...don't know its needs in that case...maybe someone else has an idea19:43
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
toogfoI got pinged!19:44
MonkeyDusttooogfo is a bot19:44
IdleOneand it is gone19:44
c0deMasterhow to creat hostspot on the wifi interface?19:44
bazhang!ics | c0deMaster19:45
ubottuc0deMaster: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:45
EaglemanI am trying to get a WAN IP Address assigned to my eth1 device using vlan's ( becuase there is a switch between my server and the router ) But i cant get it to work, Here is my current configuration on the server: http://pastebin.com/9B125jFm And here is my toplolgy: http://imageshack.us/f/217/99320623.png/19:45
r3dLunchb0x_ identify !l0veJ3ss19:45
IdleOner3dLunchb0x_: you may want to change your nickserv password now19:45
samster34okay, things are udpating again, cpu usage is at nearly 100% for all 4 cores though....wha19:45
HunterTUgghh I am using Drupal and QuickStart 2.0 and I am trying to create a symlink to websites/dgd7/web (web being my core drupal folder). I want to make it so dgd7.localhost will work as a url.19:45
Hetep-AFKhola, the update is suggesting sudo (1.8.2-1) unstable, then gives a prompt (END). What is necessary to proceed with the update?19:46
tkingpls i cant open .doc file sent to me19:46
guntbertEagleman: what errors do you get? did you load the 8021q module successfully?19:47
r3dLunchb0x_thanks idleone, stupid xchat19:47
Eaglemanyes i did guntbert19:47
EaglemanI think the error is on openwrt ( router OS )19:47
IdleOner3dLunchb0x_: put your nickserv pass in the server field under network list19:47
guntbertEagleman: any error messages for us?19:47
IdleOner3dLunchb0x_: that will autosend it to the server on connect and will avoid you having to type it or typing it into a channel19:48
alchemist9Hetep-AFK: hit q19:48
Hetep-AFKcan anybody help with the Ubuntu update?19:48
EaglemanWell does my network file looks legit?19:48
r3dLunchb0x_i did, but it freaked out and left me with my pants down.... :/19:48
EaglemanI want to be sure the problem is not on the router19:48
ki4roHetep-AFK: What is the question/problem?19:48
DeltaHeavySometimes my computer suffers intense lag for ~30 seconds then all text colours seem to randomize. It's happend more than once, and the colours are different every time. It happened while in GNOME 2 fallback mode and recently again after switching to XFCE (no reinstallation). It effects CLI, as well as GUI apps. Anybody have any idea of what's going wrong?19:48
Hetep-AFKgracias ki4ro19:50
Hetep-AFKgracias alchemist19:50
ks07Hey all - I've installed a package from a .deb which is also available from the repos as a newer version, hence apt-get upgrade shows it as requiring an update. How would I go about telling apt-get to ignore this?19:50
HunterTCan anyone help me create the symlink that I am trying to create19:50
DJones!pinning | ks0719:51
ubottuks07: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:51
ks07I've tried dpkg --set-selections, but it hasn't seemed to have worked19:51
theadminks07: echo "packagename hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections # Should work.19:51
samster34alright, first pass of the disk wipe just finished, but the system remains unresponsive...I have nothing else running?19:51
HunterThmm this isn't working ln -s /home/ben/code/dgd7/web /home/ben/workspace/dgd719:52
sid__i'm in a problem19:52
sid__can anybody help me19:52
guntbertEagleman: what does    sudo vconfig    say? (I am only fishing around)19:52
alchemist9sid__: post your problem..19:53
sid__i'm trying to install g++ on my ubuntu 12.0419:53
IdleOnesid__: We won't know until you ask a question19:53
ks07theadmin, ah right it has worked, it just still shows up, thanks19:53
theadminsid__: sudo apt-get install build-essential g++19:53
sid__i'm giving thi "sudo apt-get install g++"19:53
guntbert!enter | sid__19:53
ubottusid__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:53
sid__it shows can't find the package19:53
theadmin!info g++19:53
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.112ubuntu5)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 34 kB19:53
sid__why its coming like thid?19:53
Eaglemanguntbert showing me a help meny xD19:53
IdleOnesudo apt-get install build-essential - That should be enough19:54
sid__i tried tat also19:54
steveccc_i have a usb stick in the back of a machine so that a cron job can do a weekly backup to it. Does having it constantly powered instead of plugging it in each friday reduce its lifespan - is it pure reads and writes?19:54
guntbertEagleman: I should have guessed - but there will be a switch to make it show the status19:54
* alchemist9 hands the pupetmasters bolts to feed ubottu19:54
theadminsid__: Which Ubuntu version are you on?19:55
* theadmin suspects an EOL user here19:55
ki4rosteveccc_: My experience with computers (since 1970) would indicate, if you have a good power source, to leave it plugged in...powering up and down and up and down is what is not good for electronics generaly19:55
tkingtheadmin pls  do u know how i can open19:56
theadmintking: "open"?19:56
r3dLunchb0x_is there a channel for ubuntu server?19:56
tking.doc file19:56
theadmintking: With any sane office suite. LibreOffice, which comes preinstlaled, can do it.19:56
zykotick9r3dLunchb0x_: #ubuntu-server19:56
sid__eading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-input-mtrack19:56
r3dLunchb0x_sweet zykotick9, ty19:57
DJonesr3dLunchb0x_: #ubuntu-server19:57
r3dLunchb0x_ty DJones19:57
tkingtheadmin - you are right but am surprised bcos i received the .doc file from my university so it is clean and i have opened it on windows b4.19:57
genii-around!info xserver-xorg-input-mtrack19:57
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-mtrack (source: xf86-input-mtrack): Multitouch X input driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.0-2build2 (precise), package size 23 kB, installed size 99 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:57
theadminsid__: Again, which Ubuntu version are you now?19:57
tkingcouldn't check my timetable19:57
mattiaubuntu studio19:58
theadmintking: Hm. Try "swriter path/to/your.doc" and see if that opens it -- broken file associations or something maybe19:58
genii-aroundsid__: So when you try to install g++ it tells you it can't find e xserver-xorg-input-mtrack ?19:58
steveccc_ki4ro: thanks19:59
tkingtheadmin tking@TKing-HP-PC:~/Downloads$ swritter "L5 BSCS GRP1_57.doc"20:01
tkingcommand not found20:01
theadmintking: There's only one "t" in "swriter"20:01
tkingyes i tried it20:01
tkingwith 120:01
theadmin!find /usr/bin/swriter20:01
ubottuPackage/file /usr/bin/swriter does not exist in precise20:02
theadmin...Where does LibreOffice even install to?20:02
tkingtheadmin find / -iname u52nnKr-xIE 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/swriter20:02
theadmintking: Try "lowriter" instead20:03
theadminSeems like some naming change in a recent version, not sure when exactly... Didn't track my upgrades too well20:03
tkingtheadmin  error poped up saying file bla bla bla20:04
theadmintking: Err, "bla bla bla"?20:04
tkingyes i cant copy the error cos its a dialog box20:04
theadmin!screenshot | tking20:05
ubottutking: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:05
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
DJonestheadmin: lowriter should be in /usr/bin/lowriter20:06
theadminDJones: Yeah, but apparently "swriter" is all gone now20:06
* alchemist9 worries about theadmin over the serious bot usage...20:06
theadminalchemist9: Well, typing out what can be accessed by a factoid easily is pointless :P20:07
DJonestking: Which version of ubuntu are you using20:07
tkingtheadmin i know, cant find the dialogue box anymore bcos i switched to this Xchat client, and when i tried re-running the file20:07
tkingnothing happen20:07
tkingDJones 12.0420:08
DJonestking: Thats the same as me20:08
DJonestking: Can you run this command "which lowriter"20:09
=== irina is now known as Guest43384
tkingDJones it shows usr/bin/lowriter20:10
samster34hmmm...I just completed a single pass of writing 0xFF to the entirety of my 750GB disk, inspecting it with hexdump it is full of gibberish though??20:12
alchemist9samster34: bad sectors?20:13
samster34alchemist9: unlikely, it has a single bad sector20:14
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
upgrayedddHi, how can I change my shell without a password?20:16
samster34if I write a couple hundred MB worth of 0x00 or 0xff to the disk right from the beginning, and hexdump it again, those show up20:16
samster34but that's what I've been doing before, where does the gibberish come from20:16
theadminupgrayeddd: Will need to be root for that I think20:16
upgrayedddI use a keyfile to ssh into my ubuntu computer, and don't use a password. I wish to change the default shell from bash to zsh with chsh -s /bin/zsh. It prompts for a password however20:16
genii-aroundsamster34: Maybe the last bits didn't get flushed from the write buffer yet20:16
upgrayedddtheadmin: doesn't Ubuntu's root not have password/isn't accessible by default?20:17
jribupgrayeddd: have the admin do it20:17
samster34genii-around: I've been writing ~750GB worth of FF to the disk20:17
theadminupgrayeddd: Well we haz sudo20:17
genii-aroundupgrayeddd: Correct20:17
zykotick9upgrayeddd: just because you use an sshkey to loging does NOT mean you don't have a password - you do20:17
upgrayedddjrib: I am the admin... and su -l root doesn't work20:17
samster34I doubt it could all fit in any buffer20:17
jribupgrayeddd: then use sudo.20:17
r3dLunchb0x_upgradeddd: what exactly are you trying to do?20:17
theadminupgrayeddd: "sudo" is the only way, the default root password isn't present (or rather, the hash in /etc/passwd is set to "!" which is just an impossible value, no entry will match that)20:18
r3dLunchb0x_do you want to keep that shell permanently?20:18
jribupgrayeddd: (as whatever user you have with sudo access)20:18
upgrayedddr3dLunchb0x_: I'm trying to change the default shell from bash to zsh.20:18
upgrayedddtheadmin: I've tried sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh, no dice20:18
theadminupgrayeddd: Well, that probably changed root's shell20:18
zykotick9upgrayeddd: no sudo - just "chsh"20:18
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
upgrayedddzykotick9: right, then I'm prompted for a pass...20:18
r3dLunchb0x_upgrayeddd: for what user?20:18
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theadminupgrayeddd: Just use chsh, yes, I don't see why that's really a problem to enter your password20:18
zykotick9upgrayeddd: right - type it in20:19
upgrayedddr3dLunchb0x_: ubuntu. I don't have  password20:19
zykotick9upgrayeddd: yes - you do!20:19
loculinuxhay espña20:19
zykotick9!es | loculinux20:19
ubottuloculinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:19
r3dLunchb0x_upgrayeddd: not the root user, but one you login all the time?20:19
upgrayedddzykotick9: is there a default one or something I'm missing?20:19
lxz6516theadmin: if you log in with ssh public key auth, you don't need the password for the account20:19
upgrayedddyeah r3dLunchb0x_, the default one given for a 12.04 EC2 micro instance20:19
zykotick9upgrayeddd: "default" no - it's what you set it too20:19
lxz6516theadmin: so upgrayeddd is logged in without knowing the password20:20
theadminupgrayeddd: If you don't have a password, you may set it with passwd easily.20:20
upgrayedddYep lxz6516, just with a keyfile20:20
lxz6516theadmin: passwd will prompt for the old password first...20:20
r3dLunchb0x_upgrayeddd: edit the .bashrc for that user on that host, add /bin/zsh to the last part of that file20:20
r3dLunchb0x_upgrayeddd: then type ". ./.bashrc"20:20
loculinuxalguien habla esppañol20:20
theadminupgrayeddd: On the other hand, "sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh your_username" will change the shell without asking for your password (and "sudo passwd username" will also work in a similar manner)20:20
zykotick9r3dLunchb0x_: lol - that's funny.  use .bashrc to change shell20:20
jribupgrayeddd: if you can't sudo and don't have a root password, then you aren't the admin by definition20:21
upgrayedddjrib: I just used sudo passwd and made a new UNIX password20:21
* jrib sighs20:21
r3dLunchb0x_zykotick9: or .profile20:21
upgrayedddthanks for all the help. and yes jrib, I was sudoer by default with this ubuntu user20:21
theadminupgrayeddd: Uh, with "sudo passwd" you changed the root's password (I think), which is bad20:22
zykotick9chsh shouldn't have anything to do with sudo!  it's just the users' password that is required20:22
theadminloculinux: Just ask the question already.20:22
theadminzykotick9: Yes, but if it's not there, well, we need to get around somehow20:22
KorvinSzantohow do I connect to smb?20:22
jrib!es | loculinux20:22
ubottuloculinux: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:22
theadmin!es | loculinux20:22
loculinuxhablo poco imgles20:22
zykotick9theadmin: the password is there - the user just doesn't know it.20:22
llutzzykotick9: and how did he use sudo then?20:22
zykotick9llutz: ? i doubt they could20:23
llutzzykotick9: <upgrayeddd> jrib: I just used sudo passwd and made a new UNIX password20:23
SkippersBoss!ask | locolinux20:23
ubottulocolinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:23
upgrayedddHmm, what you are saying is right theadmin. I managed to make a password for the root and am able to do su -l root now, but when doing passwd on the normal ubuntu user, it asks for the old pass...20:23
loculinuxno emtiendo20:23
upgrayedddhow can I create a password for ubuntu as root?20:23
zykotick9!noroot | upgrayeddd20:24
jribupgrayeddd: what password do you enter when you sudo?20:24
ubottuupgrayeddd: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:24
llutzupgrayeddd: as root "passwd username"20:24
upgrayedddjrib: none20:24
upgrayedddjrib: I can sudo as user ubuntu with no password prompt, I thought it was odd too..20:24
Jordan_Uupgrayeddd: Are you using a LiveCD/USB?20:24
upgrayedddJordan_U: nope, Ubuntu 12.04 micro instance on AWS EC220:25
upgrayedddI've noticed this same exact behavior before on EC2 as well, but I forgot how I solved it last time...20:25
Jordan_Uupgrayeddd: What is the output of "whoami"?20:25
upgrayedddok, thanks llutz that solved it. I made a new pass for user ubuntu as root with 'passwd ubuntu'20:25
samster34so, does anyone have an idea how after hours of writing 0xff to the disk, it can be full of random gibberish?!20:26
guntbertllutz: while that helped in this case it may call troubles if the home directory is encrypted20:27
llutzguntbert: true20:27
lxz6516samster34: how excactly did you write to the disk?20:28
samster34lxz6516: sudo dcfldd pattern=FF pf=/dev/sda bs=4k20:29
samster34of, not pf20:29
lxz6516samster34: i don't know dcfldd but i guess it's a pimped version of dd20:29
lxz6516samster34: and /dev/sda is the correct block device?20:30
dr_willishow are you reading the disk.. and why all this effort20:30
samster34yes...I tried it on smaller segments first, and it worked. I ran it again, just to be sure, and it overwrote the gibberish with FF20:30
samster34it's the ONLY device20:30
lxz6516samster34: so you are running a live system from cd?20:30
samster34from USB, yes20:31
lxz6516samster34: if you run the live system from USB stick or disk, there must be /dev/sdb or something20:31
lxz6516samster34: or is it a USB cdrom?20:31
samster34no, usb flash memory20:32
samster34it's listed as /dev/loop020:32
samster34ah, no, /dev/sdg20:32
lxz6516samster34: /dev/loop0 is just a loop device, it must be connected to something20:32
lxz6516samster34: see output of   losetup /dev/loop020:33
samster34yes, there's two flash memory drives on sdg and sdf respectively20:33
benwalburndoes anyone know how to fix the screen resolution for games under wine? I set the resolution to = to my screen, but there's a huge blank spot on the right20:33
samster34I'm sure I didn't overwrite those, because the live system still boots from them20:33
lxz6516samster34: okay20:33
samster34also, they don't have a capacity of 750GB20:33
lxz6516samster34: and how do you read the disk?20:33
samster34sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=4k | hexdump -C20:34
samster34maybe not the best way to check the whole thing, but it showed discrepancies in the first bytes already20:34
killerI keep getting low space messages, but I'v hardly used any disk space20:35
* alchemist9 waves back at killer20:35
triadsome alternatives for SPSS ?20:35
lxz6516samster34: i'd suggest using hexdump -Cv since it doesn't leave out the null bytes20:35
samster34lxz6516: ok20:35
lxz6516samster34: but that doesn't explain reading non-ff bytes20:35
samster34it shows the 0x56 and 0xff patterns I wrote to the disk for testing just now...20:36
lxz6516samster34: maybe this pimped version of dd is buggy?20:36
s0m3nak3dguydespite following multiple tutorials for several weeks, I have yet to get my rtl8187 up and running.  Anyone available to help me out?20:36
samster34lxz6516: I don't think it's THAT buggy, as I said I tested it for a few GB before, and just now again, at I see the expected values on the disk20:37
lxz6516samster34: hmm20:37
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Jordan_Usamster34: Try with normal dd and if=/dev/zero, just to rule out odd things we might not know about this tool.20:39
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zykotick9killer: can you pastebin "df -h"20:39
samster34I've done dd with /dev/zero20:39
samster34also works20:39
samster34hold on, I'm installing some more ram..20:40
Jordan_Usamster34: What do you mean by "also works"?20:42
samster34Jordan_U: I wrote a couple GB of zero to the disk, and they showed up20:42
r3dLunchb0x_smaster34: what other command were you trying?20:42
Jordan_Usamster34: Then what problem are you having with dd?20:43
samster34Jordan_U: it doesn't let me write 0xFF for example20:43
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: dcfldd20:44
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: is that  a different dd package?20:44
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: yes, it also allows writing of custom patterns20:44
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: looking at the homepage now.20:45
samster34anyway, the problem is...they all appear to write to the disk fine20:45
samster34but after it was done it was suddenly filled with gibberish20:45
samster34not that I wouldn't want a random write, but dd from /dev/urandom is incredibly slow20:46
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this?20:46
s0m3nak3dguycan anyone point me to some detailed wireless troubleshooting? I can't get a rtl8187 to work properly..20:46
samster34I want to wipe the disk20:47
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: using /dev/urandom||/dev/random it has to wait till those get some "random" data in them to write20:47
alchemist9s)m#nak3dguy: what part of the process are you having issues with?20:47
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: doesn't really matter to me why it's slow, it just is :)20:48
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: do a for loop on the command line and dev/zero one time, /dev/urandom for dd20:48
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: The device is seen, a interface is created, however; I can't connect or see any scan data20:48
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: ?20:49
alchemist9s0m3nak3dguy: let me think a second..20:49
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: ok, ty and take your time, i've got a ll day lol20:49
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: how big is the disk?20:49
samster34750 GB ~ 715GiB20:49
samster34I've been letting it write 0xff for hours..20:50
oCeans0m3nak3dguy: the devices are not blocked? What is the output of  rfkill list?20:50
samster34only to find it full of everything but that20:50
genii-arounds0m3nak3dguy: Are you using some older Ubuntu version? I'm pretty sure that chipset was supported after about 9.04 ( Jaunty)20:50
s0m3nak3dguygenii-around: i'm using a recently installed 12.0420:50
s0m3nak3dguyoCean: rfkill list no blocks20:50
oCeangenii-around: exactly, it "should" work easily20:50
alchemist9s0m3nak3dguy: okay try configuring it with iwconfig it should pop out an error message on why it isn't connecting...20:50
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: look at this: http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_wipe_a_hard_drive_clean_in_Linux20:51
pretenderdoes anyone know how to install Peer Guardian  linux in ubuntu 12.0420:51
oCeanexetron: use #test for that20:51
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: tried that with network-manager disabled(can't think of anything else I should disable), i will find a place to list my dmesg.20:51
benwalburndoes anyone know how to fix the screen resolution for games under wine? I set the resolution to = to my screen, but there's a huge blank spot on the right20:51
skomorokhi hadn't updated my laptop for a few weeks. did that, saw a bunch of packages so i rebooted. now i have no mouse--it's a thinkpad with the touchpad turned off.  i note that xorg vmmouse and evdev has point releases, anyone else have a porblem with those?20:52
* alchemist9 waves at Idestem20:52
r3dLunchb0x_skomokh: you'll have to go into terminal and type "sudo apt-get -f install"20:52
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: that#s what I#ve been doing...only writing 0xff for now instead of random data, since I can't wait a week for this thing to do two passes20:52
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r3dLunchb0x_samster34: its a 750GB disk....dd does byte-by-byte....are you planning on using this disk again?20:53
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: first thing i tried, alas, no dice20:53
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: also not seeing much informative in the xorg log20:53
* alchemist9 wished a kernel compile didn't take 8 hours T.T20:54
r3dLunchb0x_skomorokh: you'll have to go into terminal and type "sudo apt-get -f install"20:54
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: yes20:54
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: ah, gotcha...20:54
kyle__alchemist9: What on earth are you using?  A 200mhz ARM processor?  It didn't take 8 hours back in the PII days!20:54
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: thanks, but i've done this to no effect20:54
r3dLunchb0x_skomorokh: did you also do "sudo apt-get update"20:55
alchemist9kyle__: it's only been 4, only took 4 hours on a 400mhz powerpc but i'm running a i386 1.2ghz...20:55
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: pastebin.com/kba87QtN20:55
kyle__alchemist9: O_o 1.2ghz 386?20:55
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: what about shred? you tried that?20:55
alchemist9kyle__: I'm a sucker for antiques?20:56
kyle__alchemist9: Oh, you mean 32bit.20:56
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: yeaup, that's very much how it found the packages that got installed. i just checked and i'm not using any xorg.conf either (thought maybe i'd need to regenerate that)20:56
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: nope. is there a way to monitor it's progress? I'd like to be able to tell how far along it is..20:56
kyle__alchemist9: Eh, I think my netbook is barely faster than that...1.4, 1.6 maybe...20:57
alchemist9s0m3nak3dguy:post the url again...20:57
mrsuchyPLHi everone20:57
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: http://pastebin.com/kba87QtN20:57
alchemist9kyle__: I have no clue why it's taking longer on the 386 than it did on the powerpc..20:57
samster34urgh, what...now my live system won't boot anymore20:58
kyle__alchemist9: Yea...especially considering gcc never made terribly great code for PPC, so gcc built with gcc is slow on ppc.20:58
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: what about creating a new filesystem on it....20:58
samster34kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector: kernel stack is corrupted in : fffffffff8152a07f20:58
genii-aroundsamster34: http://linuxcommando.blogspot.ca/2008/06/show-progress-during-dd-copy.html20:59
kyle__samster34: Have you run a memory test?  Memtest86 probably is on that live-cd boot :)20:59
r3dLunchb0x_skomorokh: and you're mouse pad still doesn't work? what laptop are you using?20:59
samster34RAM wasnt all the way in21:00
* kyle__ does recall building gcc 2.9 with 3.x, because 3.x was so damn slow, but produced faster code, and gcc 2.9 was fast. 21:00
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: whew, I thought maybe you ran a dd from that last site on /dev/sda.... glad that's not the case.21:01
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: nah, I even recreated the flash drive from the iso, so that couldnt have been it21:01
alchemist9kyle__: gcc 3.x isn't too horible on powerpc ran rather smooth sucks on i386, works fine on i686... slackers... XD21:02
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: you're going to sell this drive then? are you working for DoD or something and you don't want the content possibly retieved?21:02
kyle__alchemist9: because we all know what a big audience i386 is vs the fringe processors like xscale core-2 and opteron ;)21:03
* kyle__ blinks21:03
kyle__wait...xscale is one of the antique arm variants isn't it... errr.  I mean ARM821:03
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: if I was, I couldn't talk about it :p21:04
samster34alright, this time after a reboot, the data I wrote to the disk for testing is still there....as you'd expect from sort of permanent storage >_>21:05
r3dLunchb0x_samster34: lol. well if you're not then I would think creating several partitions on it and filesystems would overwrite anything *important*21:05
probyhello , when i run synaptic or gdebi it always run as superuser without prompting to a password , anny suggetions how to make the password prompt back??21:05
alchemist9kyle__: like I said I'm a sucker for antiques...21:06
samster34r3dLunchb0x_: there's also the option of using the ata secure erase command, but I don#t think you can monitor the progress of that at all :/21:06
proby hello , when i run synaptic or gdebi it always run as superuser without prompting to a password , anny suggetions how to make the password prompt back??21:06
kyle__alchemist9: I have a color-next pizza box in my office.21:06
reisioproby: hit CTRL+ALT+t, then type 'whoami', then ENTER21:06
r3dLunchb0x_kyle__: that is impressive.21:06
tyler_dproby: you have probably modified your sudoers file, verify the contents by doing visudo21:07
probyreisio am the user21:07
kyle__r3dLunchb0x_: When I get some of that mythical "downtime", I'm going to hook it up to the network, try it as a daily use terminal.21:07
probytyler_d yes i had modified them21:07
mkanyicyproby, try to investigate whether the NOPASSWD option is set for you by running something like 'sudo visudo'21:07
reisioproby: what does it say21:07
r3dLunchb0x_kyle__: that would be awesome. ;-)21:07
johnjacobjingerhi'm trying to find a reliable speedtest to test my internet speed from my ubuntu server21:08
johnjacobjingerhanyone know anything that works from a command line interface?21:08
munchorI have installed emacs 24, but it comes in the name of emacs-snapshot. How can I symlink it with emacs? Thank you.21:08
probytyler_d am having debianuser ALL=(ALL) ALL is that wrong??21:08
tyler_dproby: you will need to restore from a backup, or alternately I would suggest reading the manual... man visudo21:09
tyler_dproby: that does however look right21:09
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: Lenovo t520... using the trackpoint, trackpad off in bios. This always Just Worked.21:09
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: apologies for blip, was restarting X and took a sec to realise it wasn't spotty cell service and that somehow I needed to restart network-manager21:10
laggerHello could someone answer me a quesiton about a non-ubuntu live cd21:11
r3dLunchb0x_skomorokh: its all good. I have encountered different issues with ubuntu update from 11.04 to 12.04, so just giving you what I figured out for those items21:12
alchemist9s0m3nak3dguy: try bringing both rtl interfaces down then bringing your problem device back up and connecting the device, I got to jet..21:12
skomorokhr3dLunchb0x_: yup yup... this was on 12.04, thses are just updates from the last week or so21:12
s0m3nak3dguyalchemist9: will try again, thx for the help and consideration21:12
BluesKajlagger, ask in the the distro distro support chat21:12
laggerwhere is the distro distro support chat21:13
laggerI did, I asked in #kororaa, no one is there21:13
* alchemist9 waves at the people time for work...21:13
BluesKajerr just distro21:13
laggerall I want to know is how to open a terminal21:13
tyler_dlagger: ctrl-alt-t21:14
exetroni am just starting irssi, nickcolor.pl does not seem to do anything21:15
reisio"Kororaa was born out of a desire to make Linux easier for new users" :p21:15
reisioexetron: #irssi21:15
BluesKaj#fedora , maybe lagger21:16
genii-aroundreisio: If tyhey wanted to ease the way, they should offer better online support, apparently21:16
reisiogenii-around: or actually ease it :p21:16
=== lagger is now known as raggel
GiddeonI just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04.  When I log into the terminal, I now get to see some stats about the server.  Is there a command I can run to print those stats on demand?21:18
tyler_dGiddeon: stat21:18
tyler_dGiddeon: uptime, sar, top21:18
tyler_dGiddeon: uptime21:18
tyler_dGiddeon: :p there are lots and lots :)21:19
reisiomight be clear what it is from /etc/issue or something21:19
r3dLunchb0x_Giddeon: htop, but you might have to install that via sudo apt-get install htop21:19
GiddeonThanks guys.  I just tried them all and nothing seems to match the output that's being displayed at login.  htop doesn't appear to be installed yet21:22
reisioGiddeon: might be clear what it is from /etc/issue or something21:22
Giddeonwould something like this be kicked off by bashrc?21:22
zane78219hi, i have a gateway ma7 with a broad com wireless card that isnt21:22
reisioGiddeon: if it's after login, yeah maybe21:22
reisiozane78219: which card?21:23
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zane78219reisio, bcm431121:24
zane78219reisio, no luck I tried that already21:26
reisiodefine no luck21:26
zane78219no change, iwconfig shows no wlan21:26
barry2how do i change directory to my usb stick in temrinal21:28
VolisonI installed Ubuntu on my laptop.21:29
VolisonBut now it won't boot21:29
VolisonI get a black screen and a blinking cursor21:29
machicolaanyone good at math? how does 100 - 25 * 3 % 4 = 9721:30
barry2i think...21:30
machicolaahh screw it, i should move on anyways21:30
VolisonI found on google that if I will hold shift button during hold that will get me to GRUB, but that doesn't work.21:30
barry225*3 = 75, 75%4 =3  so 100-3=9721:30
barry2machicola, see?21:30
r3dLunchb0x_machicola: you have to tell it what part to do first with ()'s, or it will do the math it's own way and some of those get parsed before others.21:31
Picimachicola: ##math21:31
barry2no, im a mathematician21:31
barry2i can explain21:31
barry2if he would reply21:31
Piciits offtopic for *this* channel though21:31
barry2well i answered  him anywya21:31
zane78219^^^ this21:31
KorvinSzantoMy VPN service keeps failing to start21:32
KorvinSzantohow can I fix this21:32
machicolaoh yeah! thanks barry.... messed up by looking at the remainder as a fraction of the dividing number21:32
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machicolai was doing 75%4=.7521:33
barry2use brackets if u want that21:33
LynnthearHi. can anyone point me in the right direction. I'm trying to use emacs and org-mode while not under X. And when I press Alt Right arrow I switch to the next TTY. Where can I find how to deal with this?21:33
machicolalet me just go jump off a cliff now21:33
barry2carry on machicola21:34
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VolisonHow does pressing shift key to get GRUB work?21:35
VolisonI am pressing the shift key but I don't get GRUB.21:35
genii-aroundVolison: Is it the shift key on the left side of your keyboard?21:36
machicolabarry2: that won't be possible once both legs have been shattered21:36
forevertheunipeeps is there anyway to change the temp the fan starts to spin much more? I need my laptop fan to start spinning to the max much earlier. cause well cpu is fresh but gpu gets hot because fan is not at max.21:36
DJonesVolison: are you pressing the left shift key, from memory thats the only one that does it21:36
machicolawill need the ambulance to 'carry me on'21:36
OerHeksVolison, how did you install, using Wubi ?21:37
Volisonoh, ok. I'll try that with left shift key21:37
VolisonOerHeks: No. Fresh install.21:37
OerHeksOke, then left shift should work as genii-around + DJones say.21:38
VolisonIt doesn't work.21:38
VolisonI keep on pressing it right from the time I press the power button.21:39
Volisonbut it still halts with black screen and blinking cursor.21:39
zane78219additional drivers tells me the driver is active but not in use21:39
VolisonI guess I'll simply do a fresh install again.21:40
VolisonI had done it today only.21:40
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EtaleHi people. I'm trying to get the hang of newsgroups. I used to use them many, many, many years ago, but I can't figure out how hey work now. Is a "news server" a bunch of particular newsgroups? In trying to make a newsgroups account in thunderbird, it would only let me make an account for a particular news server. Meaning that for every news server I have to open a new account.21:46
EtaleIs that reasonable? Is there a way to make one account with which I can get into many news servers?21:46
melow01If I want to encrypt a JPG file for FTP use, is GPG the best method on Ubuntu?21:47
TheLordOfTimeEtale:  what do you mean by newsgroups?21:48
TheLordOfTimeif you mean that ancient obscure thing...21:48
KorvinSzantoI'm trying to connect to l2tp>ipsec vpn21:48
KorvinSzantoths l2tp-ipsec-vpn isn't working21:49
EtaleTheLordOfTime, I do indeed mean that ancient obscure thing.21:49
Etale(As ancient and obscure as IRC...)21:49
dougltrying to configure my UPS on 12.04 => does anyone know what port apcupsd is using to communicate with my mac and windows clients?21:51
BluesKajEtale, nothing obscure about irc , unless you just use IMs and jabber clients etc21:52
zallxKorvinSzanto: whats that ?21:52
douglthe server and ups on on my ubuntu machine and I want my mac and pc to shut down when on batt backup and my ubuntu server to remain running as long as possible.21:52
EtaleBluesKaj, I've started using IRC again for the first time in more than a decade very recently. Back when I used it, it was a very different place. I thought I should give the ol' newsgroups a revisit. See what happened to that world...21:53
zallxwrite me a linux to ps vita project exported21:53
BluesKajdougl, check port 910021:53
zallxall libs in one tarlib21:53
douglBluesKaj, thanks - giving it a try now21:54
zallxhow do i fix my tvtuner in ubuntu ?21:54
BluesKajEtale, yeah newsgroups are still around I think , but I haven't used them for 10 yrs either21:55
reisioPsi-Jack: and yet I don't see you participate much here, do you pay attention? :p21:55
BluesKajzallx, check out tvtime21:55
douglBluesKaj, no cigar - but thanks for thinking of me :)21:55
zallxi got a a alarm clock that plays radio mp3 avi pics ... can i hook the radio wire toa cable coax ?21:55
EtaleBluesKaj, I've been seeing the word "usenet" a lot recently. Is it synonymous with newsgroups?21:55
BluesKajdougl, usenet is a commercial venture afaik21:56
zallxby her majecsty the queen21:56
KorvinSzantothe l2tp-ipsec-vpn isn't working, I can't connect21:56
zallxits the first email server ?21:56
zallxusenet ?21:57
BluesKajnever used usenet21:57
xxiaounder 12.04, how can I get the button to display a clean desktop?21:57
xxiaoi.e. swap between lots of stuff on window, and nothing on window21:57
zallxnntp descramble be-nl-vl21:57
xxiao could not find it21:57
* xxiao is trying to love unity21:58
KorvinSzantoI'm running ubuntu 12.04 and I need to connect to this vpn: http://kb.iu.edu/data/algk.html21:58
Etalezallx, is it synonymous with newsgroups?21:58
zallxi want a key from a descramble pic and use that usenet key broadcast to descramble my coax descrambled input dvb21:59
zallxthats about the most use of usenet21:59
cybernetanything interesting around here ?21:59
zallxDay changed to 23 Jun 201222:00
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xxiaohow to switch back/forward a blank and full-of-terminal desktop under 12.0422:01
xxiaogosh, why is it that hard22:01
zallxhowto dvb-t in ubuntu ?22:01
zallxand bugtrack it ?22:01
douglBluesKaj> dougl, usenet is a commercial venture afaik - I am sorry... I dont understand what this means to me?22:01
SkippersBosszallx: me-tv will do fime. If you start it from terminal you get what you want mayb: me-tv -v22:04
OerHekskekko try !list22:06
BluesKajdougl, it costs mobey to use http://www.usenet.net/22:07
BluesKajer  money22:07
|Long|what is the best irc client for ubuntu 12.04?22:15
bazhang!best | |Long|22:15
ubottu|Long|: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:15
|Long|bazhang, LOL22:16
W8KWA|long| Gome-xchat, or x-chat, or Kvirc22:16
bazhang|Long|, dont poll here22:16
exetronhow do u refer to a nother user when sending a message with irssi?22:16
|Long|W8KWA, thanks22:16
MeistarinCan anyone help me to get to the rtorrent config file on terminal ?22:16
* W8KWA nods22:16
MeistarinTried to google a lot of stuff but no can do :s22:16
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zykotick9Meistarin: ~/.rtorrent.rc22:16
MeistarinWhat to write before that ?22:17
MeistarinI'm totally new to ubuntu22:17
|Long|W8KWA, do you know the package name for irc apps?22:17
KorvinSzantothe l2tp-ipsec-vpn isn't working, I can't connect22:17
W8KWAuse the software center, xchat is in there, so is Kvirc22:17
|Long|W8KWA, thanks again22:18
L3topKorvinSzanto: are you using linuxmce or vera/mi casa verde?22:21
L3topJun 22 14:47:21.662 ipsec__plutorun: Starting Pluto subsystem...      <=-------- that is pluto... the only remnants of pluto are those two projects afaik22:23
KorvinSzantothen I'm not sure22:23
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KorvinSzantowhat are the implications of tht22:24
L3topWell... it is an automation platform... and if it was LCME then I wrote the current installer/snapshot creator and this would be my fault, and you should be in another room.22:25
L3topBut if you are unaware of it, then you are not likely using it... it is sort of all encompassing.22:26
KorvinSzantoyeah I haven't actively installed either of those things22:26
L3topand I have fixed all of the ipsec stuff on the current install22:26
exetronhow can i repeat ones nick to refer to?22:27
KorvinSzantoL3top, what would you suggest I attempt to fix this?22:27
KorvinSzantoI have 0 experience before today with VPN22:27
iHarpAny luck with Opengl support for Intel GMA 950 on linux?22:27
exetroniHarp: old revision opengl22:28
iHarpCan I downgrade?22:28
L3topI am not really sure... I am more curious what is using pluto.22:29
L3topI will see what I can figure out... brb.22:29
exetrontHarp: glxinfo | grep gl  shows your current supported version22:30
upgrayedddHi, how can I add a  GTK theme in Ubuntu 12.04 with normal Unity?22:31
upgrayedddI have a .tar.gz gtk theme file. Previously in GNOME, I could just drag it in the Appearance window22:31
iHarpexetron: http://pastebin.com/947NxsxF22:31
iHarpexetron: I'm using a macbook 1,122:32
upgrayedddI've tried extracting the theme and moving its folder to /usr/share/themes/ but it doesn't show up in the Appearance > Themes window in Settings22:34
L3topok KorvinSzanto... http://linux.die.net/man/8/ipsec_pluto     nothing to do with us.22:34
L3topI just naturally assumed.22:34
trismupgrayeddd: the themes in Appearance are hardcoded in 12.04, extract the theme and then use myunity or gnome-tweak-tool to select the theme22:35
|midnight|does anyone can recommend a ubuntu based distro for a 1gb netbook? ubuntu 12.04 are slow.22:36
upgrayedddthanks trism22:36
KorvinSzanto|midnight|, lubuntu22:37
iceroot|midnight|: lubuntu22:37
iceroot|midnight|: and please remove the | from your nick. its not nice to write that on qwertz22:37
iHarp|midnight|: Check out xubuntu. Do some reading on it22:37
|midnight|how about netrunner kde 4.8?22:38
|midnight|is this too heavy?22:38
KorvinSzantoI would say so22:38
MonkeyDust|midnight|  type /nick midnight, pls22:38
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icerootmidnight_: kde is to heavy22:38
iHarpmidnight_: xubuntu and lubuntu are both nice. (lighter)22:39
icerootmidnight_: lxde (lubuntu) is the best you can find for small hardware22:39
midnight_i dont want to use xfce or lxde22:39
icerootmidnight_: then use kde, gnome, unity22:39
MonkeyDustmidnight_  there are light ubuntu based distros, but they are not supported here22:40
midnight_well thank you guys22:40
iHarpexetron: did you get my pastebin link ^^22:42
UNGhello, anyone knows, where can I locate the pbr file?22:42
icerootUNG: what should a pbr file be?22:43
UNGwell, i don't know if it is a file, but i need to acces the partition boot record, any ideas on how to do it?22:44
icerootUNG: you want the partition table? or the master boot record?22:44
icerootUNG: and why you want them?22:44
UNGpartition table22:44
L3topI am sorry KorvinSzanto, I do not have any insight as to your problem, my fix was a permissions error which I created...22:45
UNGi want them, because gparted screw up one of my partitions22:45
UNGit resized it with an error22:45
UNGand i need to fix it22:45
KorvinSzantothat's alright L3top it seems to be something that hasn't been fixed yet22:45
TheLordOfTimeUNG what errors are they throwing?22:45
TheLordOfTimes/are they/is gparted/22:46
KorvinSzantomaybe it's a feature that isn't used too often or something22:46
KorvinSzantoalso I could be doing it wrong22:46
UNGit says, that the device size is diffeent, then the volume size22:46
icerootUNG: the partition table is not a file, its part of a specific byte-range from the hdd22:46
icerootUNG: and of course you should have make a backup first of that layout22:46
UNGhow can i do that?22:46
icerootUNG: dd the first 512bytes from the hdd22:46
icerootUNG: BEFORE you destroy it woith gparted22:47
iHarpIs it possible to upgrade a macbook's EFI from linux?22:47
UNGdd if=/dev/sda of=/some/where/myCurrentPbr.pbr bs=512 count=1 skip=63 i found this command, and i wondered what to tpy in the pbr directory22:47
psusiiHarp, what do you mean?22:48
UNGor does it just copy the pbr into a file to a directory, that i just choose?22:48
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L3topUNG if=Input "file"    of=output "file"22:49
psusiUNG, it copies sector 63, which may or may not be a pbr, into a file somewhere you specify22:49
iHarppsusi: There is an EFI upgrade for my macbook. But I only have linux installed. However the upgrade is only available in .dmg format.22:49
UNGwell, lets suppose i put instead 63, the sector, where my ntfs partition starts, is there the pbr stored?22:50
psusiiHarp, I'm guessing you mean it's a firmware upgrade, and the .dmg probably contains a mac program to flash it... so you would need macos to do that22:50
alchemist9iHarp: afaik EFI is firmware based updatable in apples confused os...22:50
psusiUNG, it would be better to not specify any sector and point if to the partition instead22:51
icerootUNG: as i said, the partition table is stored in the first 512bytes22:51
psusiUNG, why would you want to do this though?22:51
icerootUNG: of the device22:51
Prenukafaik (U)EFI is a replacement of the old BIOS22:51
psusiiceroot, it's the first 512 bytes of the partition, not the whole disk22:52
iHarppsusi: Yes, it is a firmware upgrade. So there is no way to do that from linux then?22:52
L3topUNG: I did not backread... but it is FUNDAMENTAL that you do not dd a partition/drive that is mounted22:52
icerootpsusi: no, the whole disk22:52
psusiiHarp, not unless apple provides one, which is unlikely22:52
UNGpsusi: i need to edit the pbr of that partition, because it got corrupted, when resising in gparted22:52
icerootpsusi: first 512bytes of /dev/sda22:52
psusiiceroot, no... pbr stands for partition boot record22:52
icerootpsusi: and i am talking about partition table22:52
Jordan_UiHarp: It's probably possible to just copy the right file to your EFI System Partition and reboot, but given that this is pretty important stuff I wouldn't trust "possible". Use OSX to configure firmware upgrades.22:52
UNGL3top: no worries, gparted made sure, that i cant mount it now ;)22:52
Jordan_UiHarp: I meant, wouldn't trust "probably" :)22:53
psusiUNG, oh dear... are you sure?  and how do you know what needs edited in it?22:53
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=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
iHarpJordan_U: Is it possible to upgrade it with virtualbox? I understand that it uses virtual hardware, soooo... lol22:53
alchemist9iharp: or mount the dmg and see if the program inside is a shell script...22:53
UNGpsusi: i found this tutorial: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=1393722:53
Jordan_UiHarp: Again, probably. So again, I wouldn't try it if I were you.22:54
iHarpwell.. It's nothing a clean install wouldn't fix.. :p22:54
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iHarpthen again it coud probably brick it22:55
aguiteli have NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] ,what is the correct driver in 12.04 ?22:56
L3topaguitel: lspci -nn | grep VGA22:56
aguitelL3top, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] [10de:0322] (rev a1)22:57
psusiUNG, did you use a 3 year old version of gparted?  if not it seems unlikely that this would have happened to you... but if you want to try this, I'd suggest dropping the skip argument and point the file argument to the partition instead of the whole disk22:57
L3top!info nvidia-17322:58
ubottunvidia-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.30-0ubuntu11 (precise), package size 10750 kB, installed size 33148 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)22:58
L3topaguitel: nvidia-17322:58
iHarpfile stage1-decrypted.dmg22:58
micr0beHi, i need help; I cant start a gdm session with my primary user ... After i wrote my password on login screen, it seems that gdm reboot ( black screen then logon again ) ... I had to set up a new user to start a gdm session...22:59
aguitelL3top,nvidia-173 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-10 but it is not installable Recommends: nvidia-settings but it is not going to be installed23:00
micr0beI'm looking for a way to reset all the gdm configuration, or better solution...   ( natty )23:00
L3topaguitel: do you have any ppas installed? (ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d)23:00
alchemist9micr0be: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3?23:01
aguitelL3top, let me see23:01
UNGpsusi: it did happen, and I used the version that I downloaded today from the software center :(23:01
pretender_can anyone tell me how to install peer guardian for linux in ubuntu 12.0423:01
micr0beI'll try ... But i tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"23:01
arguserhope someone here knows a little about drbl23:01
psusiUNG, that seems unlikely... what exactly is the error you get when you try to mount it?23:01
L3topUNG: sorry to backtrack, but can you tell me the original problem, and if you have run fsck?23:01
Miguelitohaving commercial dvd playing problems23:01
alchemist9micr0be: what version of ubuntu are you using?23:02
arguseri've made 2 partitons images, but when i want to restore it only show me one23:02
UNGL3top: i did not run fsck, what does it do?23:02
micr0bei'm on natty23:02
arguserthe last i've made23:02
micr0beyou want my "uname -a" output ?23:02
L3topUNG: fsck = file system check... but before that, tell me the original problem please23:02
alchemist9micr0be: natty used gdm2 if I remember correctly..23:03
micr0bealchemist9, its a backbox distro, based on ubuntu ... It is installed on a netbook 1201HA with a GMA500 for graphics23:03
UNGL3top: well i tried to resize my ntfs partition, and I did, but with an error: Current NTFS volume size is bigger than the device size23:04
TheLordOfTimemicr0be:  unless its an official ubuntu derivative, its offtopic here23:04
Miguelitodvd playback23:04
micr0beSorry, but i'm sure there is someone who can help ...23:05
glitsj16pretender_: https://launchpad.net/~jre-phoenix/+archive/ppa offers a PPA for peerguard, have you tried that?23:05
UNGpsusi: the error in gparted is: error: Current NTFS volume size is bigger than the device size23:05
micr0beA list of config files/folder to delete to force reconfiguration ?23:05
L3topUNG: fsck probably is not the answer. I would try to run chkdsk from a win machine... but... this is a bit outside of my area... I don't deal with NTFS except for detection.23:05
alchemist9micr0be:let me check something...23:06
UNGL3top: ok, thanks for you trying to help :)23:06
L3topUNG: chkdsk -f23:06
Jordan_UUNG: Wait before doing anything (I'm reading complete scrollback).23:06
L3topUNG: listen to Jordan_U... he is much more clever than I23:07
micr0beTheLordOfTime, i dont know if its an official distro or not ... all i know is that it is one distro that runs well on my netbook23:07
UNGL3top: i tried that too, but it couldn't do that, because it said, that some proccess is using the disk, and it can't do anything23:07
UNGL3top: ok23:07
alchemist9micr0be:ls /etc|grep gdm should tell you what version of gdm you are running, and if dpkg fails to reconfigure it the way you want then try sudo gdmsetup23:09
micr0beOkay, wait a minute please :)23:10
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* alchemist9 goes AFK for a smoke..23:11
UNGJordan_U: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=13937 this is where there might be an answer for my problem, but now i'm not sure about doing anything with the pbr23:12
micr0bealchemist9, the output for ; ls /etc | grep gdm       is "gdm" ...23:12
micr0begdm --version output : GDM 2.32.1    alchemist9 .. now i'm gonna try sudo gdmsetup ... Does i need to close any gdm session before ?23:14
pretender_glitsj16  No will try now thanks23:14
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r3dLunchb0x_question, trying to setup secondary nic attached to a switch I have no control over using private IP to connect to another server attached to the same switch with another private IP...not getting ping response.23:15
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schnuffler3dLunchb0x_: so you have two nics on the same switch?23:16
glitsj16 pretender_: if you were familiar with its predecessor 'moblock' and 'mobloquer' the transition should be smooth .. going over the configuration files is always informative .. enjoy23:16
r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle: yeah, 2 different servers.23:16
schnuffler3dLunchb0x_: okay so two server each with a nic on the same switch and what is the problem?23:17
Jordan_UUNG: Did GParted complete the resize without any error message?23:17
r3dLunchb0x_not getting a ping response, server1 IP, server2 IP are setup according to the nic's usign those IP's23:18
UNGJordan_U: it did with an error message, I have a whole log with details23:18
r3dLunchb0x_not getting a ping response, server1 IP, server2 IP are setup according to the nic's usign those IP's23:18
Jordan_UUNG: Please pastebin the complete log.23:18
schnuffler3dLunchb0x_:  paste /etc/network/interfaces23:19
r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle: done on the command line as this will be temporary....want the ifconfig -a?23:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:19
UNGJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/sFZbTJk7 some of the sentences are polish, but I hope you will understand most of the stuff23:20
Ezimis it true that ubuntu have plan to switch to rolling release instead of 6 month release cycle?23:21
UNGJordan_U: poczatek = begining, koniec = end, rozmiar = size23:21
micr0besorry alchemist9, my gdm has bugued, i'm back with a console irc client, so i hope i will not get disconnected again23:21
smw_Ezim, nope23:21
smw_Ezim, that seems quite unlikely23:22
Ezimsmw: ok. thats bad.23:22
smw_Ezim, it is bad?23:22
UNGJordan_U: sprawdzanie błędów systemu plików na /dev/sda5 i naprawianie w miarę możliwości  00:00:06    ( UDANE ) = checking file system errors on /dev/sda5 and fixing them (succsesfull)23:23
sphinxHello fellas.23:23
schnuffler3dLunchb0x_: does one of the servers has more nics23:23
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r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle: both servers have multiple nics23:24
sphinxThe last version of Wine is available ?23:24
r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle: these nics have never been used before23:24
Ezimsmw: yeah 6 month release cycle to get the latest package feels wrong23:24
smw_Ezim, it feels right to me23:24
smw_Ezim, it makes things much more stable23:24
smw_especially when using an lts23:24
schnuffler3dLunchb0x_: aha, but each server has only one active, the one connected to the switch?23:24
smw_Ezim, there are many rolling release distros for you to use23:25
sphinxI'm asking this because one bug from Wine 1.5.6 while opening the Office 2010 was solved and the developers team released the 1.5.723:25
Ezimsmw_: lts is really god, but I feel it should be 1 version for lts and other can use rolling release.23:25
schnuffleI'm off for 10 minutes23:25
r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle, no the eth0 on both hosts are active and have different IP's and are connected to a different switch which I have no access too23:25
Ezimin some way rhel (lts) is for fedora23:25
smw_Ezim, I disagree. If I wanted rolling release, I would not use ubuntu23:25
pretender_thanks installed via ppa23:26
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Ezimsmw_: :) I am not using ubuntu. I wanted to ask if ubuntu/canonical such a plan to switch to rolling release or not.23:26
* alchemist9 hides from ubottu23:26
john38Anybody know how to do a search 12.04 LTS directories??23:27
r3dLunchb0x_schnuffle: http://pastebin.ca/216398323:28
alchemist9john38: find23:28
zykotick9john38: could you be more specific?  "find /path/to/start/from -iname foo"23:28
Jordan_UUNG: OK, I was trying to make sure that the problem wasn't simply that the partition table was modified before the resize completed successfully, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's a little frustrating that the error message points to an ntfsresize FAQ which is on a page that appears to be down.23:29
john38alchemist9, im trying to map an exe to desktop i just dont know what directory its in?23:29
john38zykotick9, im trying to map an exe to desktop i just dont know what directory its in?23:29
alchemist9john38:okay it's installed in wine?23:29
Jordan_UUNG: I'm not sure where to go from here, sorry.23:29
sphinxDoes anybody knows when the Ubuntu will package the Wine 1.5.7 for I get the binaries ?23:29
ubuntuanaocompatriots, I am a linux newbie. Could you please provide me with guidance on how I can open a text file, edit it, and save it, using the terminal?23:30
john38alchemist9, no its a lightscribe software23:30
UNGJordan_U: well i think i found a solution here: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=13937 maybe it will work for me23:30
r3dLunchb0x_ubuntuanao: use vim, learn vi commands23:30
Ezimubottu: gksudo gedit23:30
jimi_I am configuring my system to verify logins against ldap... does this apply to ssh as well? or does this apply only to graphical logins?23:30
alchemist9john38: .exe denotes typically windows software...23:30
glitsj16sphinx: have you tried the launchpad pages for the Ubuntu Wine Team yet? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine might have more detailed info on development trunk status ..23:30
Ezimubuntuanao: gksudo gedit23:30
john38alchemist9, well not exe but the file that runs the program it downloaded it for linux23:31
john38alchemist9, i just want to do a search for files in directories like the old ubuntu let me do23:32
Miguelitoquestion - is there any program for linux that is close to Roxio's DVD Creator?23:32
ubuntuanaoEzim and others, thank you, how would I 'save as' using command line?23:32
r3dLunchb0x_Ezim: ubuntuanao did say on the terminal23:32
sphinxglitsj16, I talk with them and the answer was that I gotta to wait until the Wine was packaged.23:32
Ezimr3dLunchb0x_: okey. then nano is easy.23:33
alchemist9john38: hmm try this "find /|grep lightscribe" should search the entire root directory23:33
john38alchemist9, thanks23:33
john38alchemist9, in terminal?23:33
glitsj16sphinx: i'm definately not overuling that :) .. but what stops an experimentally inclined mind from checking out the bzr code from launchpad? ;) https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/vineyard/trunk has a list of latest revisions you might check before going that route23:34
alchemist9john38: yes, i don't know where lightscribe software installs though..23:34
* alchemist9 kernel build time counter 5:22:36 on a pentium celeron i386 1.2ghz.. T.T23:35
sphinxglitsj16, I'll check. Thank you.23:35
=== zz_Htbrdd is now known as Htbrdd
john38alchemist9, doest work23:36
MiguelitoAnyone have any suggestions23:36
john38alchemist9, permission denied..i even tried sudo find /|grep lightscribe23:36
physically_fitMiguelito, what do you want to accomplish?23:36
r3dLunchb0x_Miguelito: sudo apt-get install k3b or use package manager23:37
ratcheerjohn38: Do you know the name of the file you are looking for?23:37
alchemist9john38: whoops forgot sudo.. sudo find / |grep lightscribe23:37
r3dLunchb0x_ubunuanao: in vim/vi I use these key sequences" esc, then : (this will give you a command prompt at the bottom) wq!, enter"23:38
KingFisherhow do iterate through a .txt document with sed while replacing one word with another23:38
john38ratcheer, well i can run program in terminal..."4L-gui23:38
KingFisherlike if i want to replace a .txt document with "hello world" and replace "world" iwth "everyone"23:38
KingFishercat test.txt | sed s/world/everyone23:38
KingFisherhow could I make that work?23:39
r3dLunchb0x_KingFisher: doesn't he need to end that with "/g"23:39
KingFisherR33p3R, what is /g?23:39
john38ratcheer, i just want to make a shortcut on desktop23:39
zykotick9KingFisher: global23:39
john38alchemist9, that didnt work either23:39
ratcheerjohn38: I thought you were looking for a file. Sorry.23:40
alchemist9john38: you downloaded the .deb packages correct?23:40
r3dLunchb0x_Kingfisher: that is the global tag, so for every "worl" it finds it will change it, then you'll wanna re-direct that to another file with this on the same command line" >> ./filename.txt23:40
john38ratcheer, im looking for file to make its executable file on desktop23:40
john38alchemist9, yes23:40
r3dLunchb0x_KingFisher: typo, meant "world" lol23:40
KingFisherthank you23:41
Miguelitophsyically_fit, to be able to burn various file types to create a menu based dvd and also a good audio dubber would be nice23:41
alchemist9john38: ok let me find the file hierarchy23:41
ratcheerjohn38: Ok. Do you know the filename?23:41
r3dLunchb0x_Miguelito: k3b I believe does this....23:41
john38ratcheer, no...i just type 4L-qui in terminal to load program23:42
ratcheerjohn38: Anyway, the proper command is: sudo find / -name <filename>, where the actual filename is substituted for <filename>23:42
* malkauns eyes his 52 days laptop uptime :)23:43
grendalhow do you turn off automatic updates on 12.0423:43
zykotick9ratcheer: don't use sudo unnecessarily...23:43
john38ratcheer, i'll try that23:43
smw_grendal, ubuntu does not have automatic updates by default23:43
Miguelitor3dLunchb0x_, downloading that now - trying to transition completely from winblows - use to be a lot more involved with linux but Unbuntu has come highly recommended23:43
iHarpDoes anyone know if "UnetBootin " will allow me to mount an OSX dmg file to boot on a mac from linux?23:43
ratcheerzykotick9: He needs it if he is searching from root, or he will get tons of "cannot open" messages.23:44
john38ratcheer, thanks found it!23:44
zykotick9ratcheer: 2>/dev/null ;)23:45
alchemist9iHarp: no it wont23:45
aguitelL3top, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] [10de:0322] (rev a1)23:45
ratcheerzykotick9: OK, thanks.23:45
grendalsmw when you install it it askes if you want automatic updates23:45
aguitelhow install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?23:46
grendali seleted yes on accident, now it will download and install updates as they are released23:46
alchemist9iHarp: to mount .dmg files in linux try sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop /path/to/dmg.dmg /path/to/mount/directory23:47
grendali selected yes on accident23:49
grendalnow i will occationally log into the box and it will have already applied the updates and need a system reboot.23:50
grendalthat machine is a kvm host for about 7 machines.23:50
SireIs there an easy way to update mpd to 0.16.8 without getting dependencies for compiling from source when apt-get supplies 0.16.5?23:50
L3top!info nvidia-173 | aguitel this is the correct driver23:54
ubottuaguitel this is the correct driver: nvidia-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.30-0ubuntu11 (precise), package size 10750 kB, installed size 33148 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)23:54
L3topaguitel: sudo apt-get install nvidia-17323:55
L3top!es | de23:55
ubottude: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:55
grendalI want my team to go through an aproval process for anything that is going to requre a system reboot.  there are downtime23:56
grendalthere is i mean23:56
jimi_When I boot up, how can I choose ldap instead of local accounts? right now i can only see accounts listed23:57
KorvinSzantoI have a pending grf-f,23:57
KorvinSzantocan I get the status on that23:57
glitsj16sphinx: my apologies .. turns out that i gave you the wrong url .. http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/ is the latest wine from git23:59
SireI just installed ALSA, but that seems to have screwed up mpd, how can I configure one or both so I can use the Creative Audigy eX PCI that I have installed?23:59

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