=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga | ||
JamesTait | Happy Friday, people! :-D | 09:03 |
selinuxium | Hi guys, I appear to be having issues with the U1 on one of my PCs. I disconnected via the website and logged it back on via the application. I am getting File Sync Disconnected after I have logged in through the app. | 09:13 |
selinuxium | Is there anyway of deleting the local cache and starting afresh ? | 09:19 |
scarleo | selinuxium, You could try u1sdtool -q and then u1sdtool --start, usually solves my sync problems | 09:35 |
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk | ||
selinuxium | scarleo cheers. I believe the U1 site is having issues anyway atm but I will give it a go :) | 09:42 |
Madkiss | hi there. | 09:50 |
Madkiss | When can I expect Ubuntu One to be back online? I didn'T see a downtime announcement ... :) | 09:50 |
Madkiss | ah, the status. | 09:51 |
Madkiss | hm, i think the hour is over. | 10:20 |
Madkiss | Something has gone wrong | 10:37 |
Madkiss | hmkay. | 10:37 |
selinuxium | Like not updating the status page... :/ | 10:46 |
Madkiss | well, now it says "xSomething has gone wrong" | 10:49 |
Madkiss | I think SaaS doesn't work. -sigh- | 10:49 |
mandel | selinuxium, Madkiss, do you guys one meet to get you some more info? | 10:50 |
mandel | there should be someone from the servers I can find | 10:50 |
selinuxium | mandel, It is ok. Just the site isn't giving me a fault. just We're performing hardware upgrades Friday, June 22, 2012 at 9 GMT/5 EDT with service being out up to an hour. | 10:54 |
Madkiss | uckage. | 10:56 |
Madkiss | err. suckage. | 10:56 |
mandel | selinuxium, Madkiss, so from the server guys: 'we're seeing some oopses, particularly on web, investigating | 11:00 |
mandel | <gnuoy> mandel, investigating at the moment' | 11:00 |
mandel | so, we shall wait, these upgrading things are always a PITA | 11:01 |
Madkiss | I wonder what crackport had the idea of doing it at 9am GMT | 11:04 |
rye | i am also here | 11:04 |
Madkiss | I mean, seriously, that's when 100% of europeans are working. | 11:04 |
rye | api slaves seem to be up | 11:04 |
rye | interesting, edge is up | 11:05 |
rye | mandel: reason is found, and sidnei is working on that | 11:08 |
gatox | good morning! | 11:11 |
mandel | Madkiss, well, the issue is that you have to choose to be inconvenient to a time zone, right? a US citizen would say the same if we did it in their morning | 11:13 |
mandel | Madkiss, I'm sure that the people that planned the work did it so it would be the best for the general population | 11:14 |
mandel | gatox, morning! | 11:14 |
gatox | mandel, hi | 11:14 |
mandel | gatox, I have fixed local rescan :) | 11:14 |
gatox | mandel, great!! | 11:14 |
gatox | mandel, i'm still trying to fix the tests for darwin after the refactor :( | 11:14 |
gatox | mandel, but i have already 2 branches for review... if you are bored :P | 11:15 |
mandel | gatox, I did approve one already AFAIK | 11:15 |
* gatox checking.... | 11:15 | |
mandel | gatox, let me tests my fixes (that is, we start syncing again) and I'll take a look | 11:15 |
gatox | ohhhh the first one is merged! | 11:15 |
mandel | gatox, yes, I'm merging trunk with mine atm.. major pain in the ass :) | 11:16 |
Madkiss | mandel: Err. three hours earlier would have been been 9PM PDT, 10PM CDT, 11PM EDT and 8AM CEST, so *way* more convenient for europeans and slightly less convenient for Americans. | 11:17 |
rye | Madkiss: the timing is not only for the end user, but for high coverage in case of failure and since it is friday - more time to get things stabilized for weekend | 11:19 |
Madkiss | okay. | 11:20 |
Madkiss | Any ETA For it? | 11:20 |
mandel | Madkiss, but I'm pretty sure he is not a crackpot, about 100% sure about that | 11:20 |
rye | Madkiss: api slaves are working (which are the synchronization ones for the client). The web UI outage on main servers is being fixed as we speek. There is an edge service also - https://edge.one.ubuntu.com which may be used to get access if main web site does not work, that's where the code gets staged for pre-production before hitting the main server | 11:20 |
Madkiss | rye: great, thanks :) | 11:21 |
rye | Madkiss: the control panel will not show quota and account info properly. Is edge working for you now? | 11:25 |
Madkiss | yes | 11:25 |
rye | Madkiss: ok, one.ubuntu.com is up and running now | 11:26 |
rye | Everybody, sorry for extended outage and inconvenience this has caused you | 11:27 |
Madkiss | yeah, no worries, there's enough time left to do this | 11:30 |
Madkiss | (what i need to do) | 11:30 |
mandel | rye, where is the metadata stored, I forgot | 11:30 |
mandel | rye, is it in ~/.cache or ~/.local? | 11:30 |
rye | mandel: ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/ | 11:31 |
mandel | thx | 11:31 |
mandel | sweet! darwin is back to work with no encoding issues :) | 11:32 |
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga | ||
gatox | it seems i'm back :P | 11:34 |
mandel | gatox, go away! ;) | 11:35 |
mandel | gatox, so, how do you feel about doing a unicode review? :) | 11:35 |
gatox | mandel, it would be nice to start the weekend right now..... but i can't jeje | 11:35 |
gatox | mandel, better than having to fix it... so shut | 11:35 |
rye | aquarius: is u1.to sources anywhere reachable? | 11:35 |
rye | are | 11:35 |
mandel | gatox, super easy: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/better-encoding/+merge/111580 | 11:35 |
aquarius | rye, lp:youoneteeoh | 11:36 |
rye | aquarius: no freaking way! | 11:36 |
aquarius | yep :) | 11:36 |
mandel | gatox, on mac os x naïve is represented as nai"ve, does it make sense? | 11:36 |
aquarius | you can't name projects u1* without approval ;) | 11:36 |
gatox | mandel, noop.... it should "encode it weird" rather than really changing the string..... or that is the encoding? | 11:37 |
mandel | gatox, cry => http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9757843/unicode-encoding-for-filesystem-in-mac-os-x-not-correct-in-python | 11:38 |
gatox | fuuuuuuuuuu | 11:39 |
rye | aquarius: hm, do you mind if i insert a renderer of tomboy XML to pretty-pretty HTML? Markdown - why is it there? | 11:39 |
aquarius | rye, not at all. All patches to u1to are welcome | 11:40 |
aquarius | markdown is there with the idea that you can edit notes in markdown | 11:40 |
aquarius | editing notes in HTML and then trying to translate that HTML back to tomboy XML is a doomed, doomed idea | 11:40 |
gatox | mandel, unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(path, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')........... <sarcasm>yes, that was totally obvius, didn't you know that?</sarcasm> | 11:40 |
aquarius | however, I never finished the markdown editor. :) | 11:40 |
gatox | ejeje | 11:40 |
mandel | gatox, yeah, is just crazy but we only have to deal with the pats going out, when you try to write the os does the right thing for you, just to make it simpler.. | 11:41 |
rye | gatox: how could you normalize a unicodedata to near field communication! | 11:41 |
gatox | :P | 11:42 |
gatox | mandel, +1 | 11:46 |
mandel | gatox, awesome, that means we are back on track since the fix is more or less ok although we will have issues when we move to python 3, but we do know about it :) | 11:48 |
mandel | gatox, did you see the tests? do they make sense? | 11:49 |
mandel | gatox, i had to change the make_link ones but nothing else | 11:49 |
gatox | mandel, they seem valid to me | 11:50 |
mandel | gatox, mya I have a review for: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/fsevent-is-directory | 11:53 |
mandel | gatox, I'm so close to merge everything in that project :) | 11:53 |
gatox | mandel, reviewing... | 11:53 |
mandel | gatox, and I also have good news, we support : in finder they show as / but they work :) | 11:54 |
gatox | jaaj | 11:54 |
gatox | mandel, +1 | 11:59 |
mandel | gatox, superb! | 11:59 |
mandel | gatox, it is starting to look like we might have something for the mac owners in the team :) | 11:59 |
mandel | gatox, so quick catch up, I have to patch keyring to provide remove on mac os x and try to land the changes in trunk | 12:00 |
mandel | gatox, merge your code and the fsevents daemon + packaging from mmcc (with the control panel issue) | 12:01 |
gatox | mandel, ok..... i'm trying to fix the tests here..... once i have this.... all the branches will be ready to propose | 12:02 |
thisfred | http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-pep8 A configurable pep8 checker. May be worth checking out. | 12:11 |
alecu | hello, all! | 12:11 |
gatox | alecu, hi | 12:11 |
mandel | alecu, morning! can you take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/better-encoding/+merge/111580 | 12:17 |
mandel | alecu, tests update to use the testfile to be naïve which is translated to nai"ve on mac | 12:18 |
mandel | alecu, running sd with that atm for local rescan etc.. also added the nomalization in the u1-client side for the paths from the daemon | 12:18 |
alecu | mandel: looking | 12:19 |
=== vds` is now known as vds | ||
mandel | ok, lunch time | 12:37 |
mandel | gatox, I'll do the second review once I've fixed the merge issues with the one that already landed on trunk, is that ok? | 12:37 |
gatox | mandel, ok.... i've some comments from alecu to fix there..... but i want to finish with this tests first..... they are killing me! | 12:38 |
mandel | ack | 12:38 |
* mandel lunch | 12:39 | |
alecu | mandel: I've got more ideas on the normalization issue. Please, let's discuss them when you return. | 13:07 |
dobey | is there no way to avoid using u'' or unicode() on python2? | 13:08 |
gatox | dobey, using import from future to get the new strings (which are unicode)? | 13:08 |
alecu | dobey: yes: "naïve".decode("utf-8") | 13:12 |
alecu | dobey: (as long as you know the right encoding of your source) | 13:13 |
dobey | alecu: so i guess this should be path.decode('utf-8') instead: | 13:14 |
dobey | + return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(path, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8') | 13:14 |
ralsina | dobey: yes, you want unicode literals from future | 13:14 |
alecu | dobey: no, it's the same. | 13:14 |
dobey | alecu: what do you mean, the same? | 13:14 |
dobey | unicode() doesn't exist in python 3 | 13:15 |
alecu | path.decode('utf-8') is the same as unicode(path, 'utf-8') | 13:15 |
dobey | yes, so path.decode() should be used instead, to make our lives easier when we have to make this work on py3 :) | 13:15 |
alecu | dobey: if we are certain that path is bytes, then yes. | 13:15 |
dobey | or we can just port everything to !python | 13:16 |
alecu | dobey: and inside syncdaemon when running on python 3 all paths will be bytes initially, so yes. | 13:16 |
dobey | and save ourselves from unicode hell | 13:16 |
dobey | :) | 13:17 |
alecu | dobey: there's no escaping unicode hell. | 13:17 |
dobey | as long as there is an infinite supply of kit-kats | 13:18 |
ralsina | sorry, the kit-kats are only available in the future | 13:18 |
ralsina | dobey: pretty please re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/u1db/cmake/+merge/111076 ? | 13:20 |
alecu | dobey: I'm finishing the review of mandel's branch. Should I add the comment about .decode ? | 13:20 |
dobey | alecu: i just added the comment; but didn't vote | 13:20 |
alecu | ack | 13:20 |
alecu | we are going to have to fix oh so many tests for python3. This is not funny: | 13:23 |
alecu | >>> str(b"naïve", "utf-8") | 13:23 |
alecu | File "<stdin>", line 1 | 13:23 |
alecu | SyntaxError: bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters. | 13:23 |
alecu | there's no escaping | 13:23 |
dobey | yep | 13:23 |
dobey | i have nearly got dirspec ported to python3 | 13:23 |
dobey | and it is hello | 13:24 |
dobey | err, hell | 13:24 |
alecu | "hello" is a hell made of jello | 13:26 |
dobey | yes | 13:26 |
dobey | ralsina: yes it's on my list | 13:27 |
ralsina | dobey: ack, thanks | 13:27 |
ralsina | well, better to learn the tricks now than later | 13:27 |
dobey | gatox: can i get some reviews from you? | 13:28 |
gatox | dobey, yes.....s hut | 13:28 |
dobey | https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-dirspec/+merge/111481 | 13:28 |
dobey | https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/u1sync/use-dirspec/+merge/111480 | 13:29 |
dobey | https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/use-dirspec/+merge/111484 | 13:29 |
gatox | alecu, ping | 13:34 |
gatox | alecu, so i can finish with this, i have the branches with the refactoring working....... i want to fix the second one, with your comments..... review dobey's and propose the rest.... BUT I HAVE A QUESTION | 13:35 |
gatox | wel.. i can add the answer to the MP..... never mind | 13:36 |
alecu | gatox: ask, ask! | 13:37 |
gatox | alecu, here you say: The implementation in add_watches_to_udf_ancestors is *very* specific to windows, so it needs to be moved to windows.py | 13:37 |
gatox | alecu, but actually.... in windows a value is being assigned there..... and in mac i use it as None.... so i can share more common code | 13:38 |
gatox | alecu, juazzzzzzz | 13:40 |
gatox | i paste the wrong comment | 13:41 |
gatox | alecu, this one: FILESYSTEM_MONITOR_MASK gets broken in this branch because filesystem_monitor_mask seems to always be None. | 13:41 |
gatox | alecu, with my same answer | 13:41 |
alecu | gatox: ???? | 13:41 |
alecu | gatox: I don't understand what's wrong with my comment | 13:41 |
gatox | alecu, actually.... in windows a value is being assigned there..... and in mac i use it as None.... so i can share more common code | 13:42 |
gatox | so it's not broken, and that is how i'm using it | 13:42 |
* mandel back | 13:48 | |
mandel | alecu, tell me | 13:48 |
gatox | alecu, anyway..... branch updated, and comments added to the MP | 13:49 |
mandel | dobey, alecu, MP updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/better-encoding/+merge/111580 | 13:55 |
gatox | mandel, alecu i have this one for review too: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/darwin3-fsevents/+merge/111599 | 13:56 |
gatox | mandel, alecu and the previous 2 has been updated with alecu 's comments | 13:56 |
gatox | now.... to review dobey branches | 13:57 |
mandel | gatox, I see a conflict here: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/darwin2-fsevents/+merge/111427 | 13:57 |
mandel | gatox, is that right? | 13:58 |
gatox | mandel, ah... maybe with yours...... checking.... | 13:58 |
mandel | dobey, have all the tests from ubuntu-sso xdg been moved to dirspec? | 14:00 |
dobey | mandel: yes of course | 14:00 |
mandel | dobey, sweet, approving then :) | 14:01 |
gatox | weird..... i see a different conflict that the one in the page | 14:02 |
mandel | dobey, dirspec branches already have 2 * +! | 14:02 |
mandel | s/!/1 | 14:02 |
dobey | mandel: thanks, but it's not monday :) | 14:03 |
alecu | gatox: yet another needs fixing | 14:03 |
gatox | grrrr i hate conflicts: can't delete folder | 14:03 |
mandel | dobey, I wanted to take a rest from u1-client code hehe | 14:03 |
dobey | ralsina: http://askubuntu.com/questions/154202/problem-to-sync-files-between-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-04-with-ubuntu-one | 14:04 |
dobey | mandel: yeah, i was taking a break from packaging; and shaving an overly hairy yak | 14:04 |
ralsina | dobey: looking | 14:05 |
mandel | dobey, I hate the fact that we have that many international users.. | 14:05 |
mandel | gatox, is there a conflict then? | 14:05 |
gatox | mandel, Conflict: can't delete ubuntuone/platform/xdg_base_directory because it is not empty. Not deleting. | 14:05 |
gatox | mandel, but the page says something else | 14:05 |
ralsina | dobey: answered | 14:05 |
dobey | gatox: do you have .pyc files in there? | 14:06 |
dobey | gatox: bzr doesn't automatically delete files it doesn't control | 14:06 |
mandel | ralsina, dobey, I wonder if there is a way for the people in ask ubuntu to set our usernames as u1 developers so that our answers are taking more seriously | 14:06 |
dobey | gatox: so if you merge a dir deletion into a branch that has extra files in there, you get that "conflict" | 14:06 |
dobey | mandel: there isn't | 14:07 |
ralsina | mandel: start the answer with "hello, I am manuel, I work in the Ubuntu One team." | 14:07 |
gatox | dobey, thxxxxx.... i wasn't thinking about .pyc | 14:07 |
mandel | ralsina, meh, that looks like I want to date the guy.. hehe | 14:07 |
dobey | mandel: you answer questions and get reputation points :) | 14:07 |
dobey | mandel: tell him how you like taking walks on the beach | 14:08 |
ralsina | mandel: you can do a troy mcclure "you may know me form answers like..." | 14:08 |
mandel | lol | 14:08 |
dobey | heh | 14:08 |
dobey | Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge. | 14:09 |
gatox | mandel, conflict resolved | 14:11 |
mandel | gatox, I think you can do the following 'from blah import (common, windows as filesystem_notifications) | 14:16 |
mandel | gatox, line 8 of the diff | 14:16 |
gatox | mandel, ohhhhh right | 14:16 |
mandel | gatox, line 112 import windowspath as os_path, same for is_valid_syncdaemon_path and for is_valid_os_path unless is due to a flakes issue.. | 14:18 |
gatox | mandel, flake | 14:19 |
gatox | mandel, you can't see it there | 14:19 |
mandel | puto flake.. | 14:19 |
gatox | mandel, but you will see it in the darwin branch | 14:19 |
gatox | mandel, alecu ok, the branch has been updated with your comments | 14:22 |
mandel | gatox, alecu, I don't know about you, but I'd feel better if we raised not implemented errors in those methods in the super class that most be implemented by the children, what do you think? | 14:23 |
mandel | I'd like to have a way to know we forgot that is very obvious | 14:23 |
gatox | mandel, i thought about it.... but wasn't sure to do it.... if you think is best +1 from me | 14:24 |
mandel | gatox, I prefer to fail in a very noticeable manner | 14:24 |
dobey | doh | 14:25 |
gatox | dobey, little help, i having this problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1054316/ running the tests for: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-dirspec/+merge/111481 ....... i have u1-client up to date in my dir, and i've done an upgrade | 14:25 |
gatox | mandel, ok..... doing that | 14:25 |
mandel | gatox, also, I would set the event codes in the windows module and not how you are doing in line 114, just to keep everything in the platform module, does it make sense? | 14:27 |
gatox | mandel, mmmmm but i need to access them from common..... and windows is importing common.... if i do common to import windows too.... problem | 14:27 |
alecu | gatox: right: we usually do the imports the other way: | 14:28 |
alecu | __init__.py import windows.py that imports common.py | 14:28 |
mandel | gatox, I think alecu ways makes more sense.. | 14:29 |
alecu | __init__.py => windows.py => common.py | 14:29 |
dobey | gatox: you don't have u1-client trunk in the PYTHONPATH i guess | 14:29 |
gatox | dobey, i'll try | 14:29 |
gatox | alecu, but..... in that way..... i also can't put the event_codes in windows..... if i want to access them from common...... | 14:29 |
gatox | or i am missing something? | 14:29 |
mandel | gatox, set them as none or a class attribute and make the child set them | 14:30 |
mandel | for example | 14:30 |
dobey | gatox: is that on osx? | 14:31 |
gatox | dobey, linux.... | 14:31 |
alecu | mandel: right, a class attribute is much better. | 14:31 |
dobey | gatox: ah, you need client revno 1264 i think | 14:31 |
dobey | gatox: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade :) | 14:31 |
gatox | alecu, mandel class attribute is the same problem for me...... because is being access from different classes...... | 14:31 |
dobey | and make sure you have nightlies | 14:31 |
gatox | and if i do from Watch: | 14:32 |
gatox | WatchManager.event_codes inside common | 14:32 |
gatox | is going to look for WatchManager inside Common | 14:32 |
gatox | ahhhhhhhh.... i understand now | 14:32 |
gatox | :P | 14:32 |
mandel | ein? | 14:32 |
mandel | je ne compre pa! | 14:32 |
gatox | i'm going to do that change and run the tests | 14:33 |
gatox | mandel, with class attribute it fails, or i need to define the COMMON_ACTIONS, etc, at the bottom.... i'll try to put it in the __init__ or something | 14:41 |
mandel | gatox, but if common actions is a class atribute, how come it fails? | 14:42 |
gatox | mandel, what? | 14:43 |
dobey | bah. i have to move the u1sync landing to the -trunk tarmac | 14:43 |
dobey | evil u1sync | 14:43 |
dobey | maybe i should just make it not depend on u1-client | 14:43 |
gatox | mandel, you mean to change COMMON_ACTIONS from a dict to a class? | 14:43 |
mandel | gatox, no, common actions is a dict that maps the action with the pyinotify action, therefore you and add a class attribute to the watch or watchmanager called actions map and use that one | 14:44 |
mandel | gatox, or something of the kind | 14:44 |
gatox | mandel, ahhh... i understood something else previously | 14:45 |
dobey | wtf. my emacs is going nuts | 14:46 |
mandel | dobey, :q! | 14:48 |
dobey | no, it's like it's not using the right font, or something weird. like i just opened an emacs window and it was really wide, rather than the size it normally is | 14:49 |
dobey | anywya | 14:50 |
dobey | mandel, briancurtin: i changed https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/u1sync/use-dirspec/+merge/111480 a bit, so u1sync uses its own log dir, instead of infesting the ubuntuone-client dir; if you could give a quick re-review | 14:51 |
briancurtin | dobey: will do | 14:51 |
mandel | dobey, sure | 14:51 |
mandel | dobey, god.. hate u1sync, I think we should kill it, who uses it? | 14:52 |
dobey | server tests | 14:52 |
gatox | dobey, +1 https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/use-dirspec/+merge/111481 | 14:53 |
dobey | gatox: thanks | 14:53 |
gatox | dobey, should i set it to globally approve | 14:53 |
dobey | i just did | 14:53 |
gatox | dobey, you already have 2 approves here: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/u1sync/use-dirspec/+merge/111480 | 14:54 |
gatox | dobey, and here: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/use-dirspec/+merge/111484 | 14:54 |
dobey | yes i know | 14:54 |
dobey | thanks :) | 14:54 |
gatox | me | 15:01 |
alecu | me | 15:01 |
mandel | me (writing notes) | 15:01 |
* mandel is done | 15:03 | |
alecu | dobey, ralsina, thisfred, briancurtin, mmcc: standup? | 15:03 |
briancurtin | me | 15:03 |
ralsina | me | 15:03 |
dobey | me | 15:03 |
thisfred | me | 15:03 |
mmcc | Me | 15:04 |
alecu | gatox: go | 15:04 |
gatox | DONE: | 15:04 |
gatox | Couple of reviews. Update the branches, and almost done with the refactoring. | 15:04 |
gatox | TODO: | 15:04 |
gatox | Propose the remaining branches, reviews. | 15:04 |
gatox | BLOCKED: | 15:04 |
gatox | No | 15:04 |
gatox | alecu, go | 15:04 |
alecu | DONE: lots of mumbles, many reviews, starting with py3k for sso | 15:04 |
alecu | TODO: some osx reviews, visit the doctor, more py3k | 15:04 |
alecu | BLOCKED: no | 15:04 |
alecu | NEXT: mandel | 15:04 |
mandel | DONE: bug 1015672 and bug 1016459. Several reviews. Merge fsdaemo brnaches. | 15:05 |
mandel | TODO: fix lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/less-error-prone per reviews | 15:05 |
mandel | BLOCKED: no | 15:05 |
mandel | COMMENT: need to leave a little earlier, friend ins getting married. | 15:05 |
mandel | briancurtin, please | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1015672 in Ubuntu One Client "File names encoding is not correctly handled on darwin" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1015672 | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1016459 in Ubuntu One Client "test_set_application_name fails on darwin" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016459 | 15:05 |
briancurtin | DONE: 3.0.2 is complete. started gathering up info on the SSO port to python 3 along with the dependencies | 15:05 |
briancurtin | TODO: more gathering/organizing, looking over the diff and the projects, hopefully coming up with some estimates | 15:05 |
briancurtin | BLOCKED: no | 15:05 |
briancurtin | NEXT: ralsina | 15:05 |
ralsina | DONE: team call, dash call, 1-1s, planning, canonicaladmin, cmake tweaks, lots of minor stuff TODO: code something, get the cmake branch fixed if needed, help around, bug triaging. BLOCKED: no NEXT: dobey | 15:05 |
dobey | DONE: team call, bug #1016151, some python3 pokery for dirspec | 15:05 |
dobey | TODO: reviews, not packaging. | 15:05 |
dobey | BLCK: None. | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1016151 in Ubuntu One Servers "Code duplication with dirspec" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016151 | 15:05 |
dobey | thisfred: | 15:05 |
thisfred | DONE: Bug #999574 Bug #999569 (sidenote: json-c is very peculiar) TODO: bug #999562 BLOCKED: no NEXT: mmcc | 15:05 |
mmcc | DONE: cable modem failed, working on reactor installation problems TODO: track down imports that install reactors, fix UI freeze BLOCK: none, unless my monitor dies for real this time | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 999574 in U1DB "deal with database files copied between machines and backup restoration" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/999574 | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 999569 in U1DB "invalid json errors. ensure its a json object" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/999569 | 15:05 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 999562 in U1DB "retry logic on 503 " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/999562 | 15:05 |
ralsina | Ok. Comments? | 15:06 |
mandel | ralsina, the one I posted in the standup :) | 15:06 |
ralsina | I forgot: TODO: finish setting up Q VM, and figuring out the breakage with Qt on Q | 15:06 |
ralsina | mandel: ack | 15:06 |
briancurtin | dobey: re-approved dirspec branch | 15:10 |
ralsina | EOM | 15:10 |
dobey | thanks | 15:10 |
mandel | dobey, same here, +1 | 15:15 |
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc | ||
gatox | ohhhh.... the latest changes broke a lot of tests...... fixing tests again..... | 15:21 |
dobey | ugh. i might need to open up the power supply for my new computer and replace the fan in it, with one that isn't so damn loud | 15:24 |
briancurtin | mine is on the way out | 15:24 |
ralsina | dobey: I amgoing fanless with everything except my notebook, which is luckily on the quiet side | 15:25 |
ralsina | dobey: CPU power is overrated | 15:25 |
dobey | ralsina: it was hard enough finding a power supply to meet the requirements of this board/cpu, in a 1U design. trying to find one without a fan too would be impossible. | 15:27 |
ralsina | dobey: yes, fanless u1 is tricky | 15:28 |
ralsina | 1u | 15:28 |
ralsina | dobey: since they are meant to be stacked without any place for passive cooling | 15:28 |
dobey | my 1u server is really quiet though | 15:28 |
dobey | but it's also only got a 200w power supply, and it's a 35w core i3 | 15:29 |
ralsina | a 200w like a pentium! :-) | 15:29 |
dobey | but new workstation hardware is 65w core i7, and power supply is 520w 1u supply | 15:29 |
ralsina | yikes | 15:29 |
dobey | it's a 2u case, but requires a 1u supply | 15:29 |
mandel | alecu, gatox, ralsina, when syncing I'm getting errno 13 on mac (permission denied) | 15:33 |
mandel | so, we also have an issue there, I'll look closer into the issue | 15:34 |
ralsina | mandel: ack | 15:34 |
alecu | mandel: do you have a trace? | 15:34 |
mandel | alecu, yes I do, also it looks like bzr had the same issue bug 187426 | 15:36 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 187426 in QBzr "mac os x: bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187426 | 15:36 |
mandel | alecu, problem is, the branch that fixes that has another 10 bug fixes.. :( | 15:36 |
dobey | ok. time to get lunch. bbiab | 15:36 |
mandel | alecu, paste.ubuntu.com/1054450 | 15:37 |
mandel | alecu, ralsina, gatox, mmcc we are doing something wrong with the rights bug 1016614 | 15:41 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1016614 in Ubuntu One Client "Permission denied error on darwin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016614 | 15:41 |
mmcc | Mandel ,Looking | 15:41 |
ralsina | mandel: looking | 15:42 |
ralsina | mandel: you are opening a file with only read permissions as wb | 15:43 |
mandel | ralsina, also all files only have r permission which is the problem | 15:43 |
mandel | ralsina, and all those files have been added by a previous sync | 15:43 |
ralsina | mandel: well, people may change their file permissions, that doesn't mean u1 should break on it. So there are 2 problems | 15:44 |
ralsina | mandel: 1) you are creating them with the wrong permissions | 15:44 |
ralsina | 2) If they have the wrong permissions, you need to reset them | 15:44 |
mandel | ralsina, yet this has not happened on windows or linux AFAIK | 15:44 |
ralsina | mandel: let me try a little experiment | 15:44 |
ralsina | mandel: on linux, in the same situation, it gives the same error | 15:45 |
ralsina | mandel: you can't open w a file with r-only permissions | 15:45 |
mandel | ralsina, I think the main problem right now for the port is 1, 2 is a diff story | 15:46 |
ralsina | yes, 2 looks like a crss-platform thing | 15:46 |
ralsina | So, it's maybe your umask or something like it? | 15:46 |
mandel | ralsina, I'm looking at it, re syncing to see if I can reproduce the error | 15:47 |
ralsina | mandel: ok | 15:47 |
briancurtin | alecu, ralsina: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuOne/Python3Port (no numbers yet, just listing what works, what we have to make work, etc) | 15:54 |
ralsina | briancurtin: reading... | 15:54 |
alecu | briancurtin: awesome! | 15:56 |
mandel | briancurtin, ralsina, alecu, looks like a great excuse to get mocker out :) | 15:56 |
alecu | briancurtin: pil should not be needed, we might replace it with straight PyQt | 15:57 |
briancurtin | alecu: that's what i thought i remembered reading somewhere | 15:58 |
ralsina | alecu, briancurtin: yes, if we get the image plugins to behave | 15:58 |
ralsina | OTOH, on ubuntu we don't need even that | 15:58 |
ralsina | and on windows we are stuck with python2 | 15:58 |
ralsina | briancurtin: qt4reactor is only useful on windows, so we don't quite need it with python3 yet | 15:59 |
ralsina | alecu: or maybe we do for tests? | 15:59 |
mandel | ralsina, I think we are on 2 (previous write error problem) than on 1, the files I added came from a samba share so I might have copy them over with the wrong rights | 15:59 |
briancurtin | if it's just for windows i can slide it under the windows section | 15:59 |
mandel | briancurtin, yes, PIL was added as a work around py2exe not being nice with the jpeg qt pluging | 16:00 |
mandel | plugin* | 16:00 |
ralsina | mandel: you could test i the same thing happens on linux | 16:00 |
mmcc | Qt4reactor also on Mac. . | 16:00 |
ralsina | mmcc: is py2app py3-ready? | 16:00 |
mmcc | I believe I can fix the plugin problem | 16:00 |
mandel | ralsina, yes, copy the same data form the samba share, makes sense | 16:00 |
ralsina | mmcc: because if it's not, then we are python2 in mac too | 16:00 |
mmcc | ralsina: Good question. | 16:01 |
briancurtin | ralsina: i'll finish the port of py2exe to py3 myself if i have to. i know it's done and i know mark hammond did some work on it in the past. (this would just be on the side, i know ubuntu is #1 priority for this due to release) | 16:01 |
briancurtin | s/i know it's done/i know it's partially done/ | 16:02 |
ralsina | briancurtin: good attitude :-) | 16:02 |
mmcc | I think it is a work in progress, but he's working on it this week | 16:02 |
ralsina | briancurtin: if you could fix their braindead log-stderr-where-the-binary-lives thing, it would save us some pain, too ;-) | 16:02 |
mmcc | So py2app should be ok for py3, as it had the maintainers attention right now | 16:03 |
ralsina | mmcc: awesome | 16:03 |
ralsina | so we may go py3 on all platorms more or less at the same time. That's good. | 16:04 |
mandel | ok, got to leave for a wedding.. boring... | 16:04 |
mandel | see you all on monday! | 16:04 |
mmcc | Have a good weekend mandel! | 16:05 |
briancurtin | mandel: have a drink or several while you're htere | 16:05 |
briancurtin | there | 16:05 |
mandel | briancurtin, I have to drive there.. I might ask the mother out hehehe | 16:05 |
briancurtin | :) | 16:05 |
gatox | mandel, your common_actions change is ruinning my life.... | 16:10 |
gatox | i don't know why..... but everything is broken, and i can't find why yet | 16:10 |
gatox | lunch for me | 16:10 |
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch | ||
mmcc | Hey,do I was | 16:21 |
mmcc | Whoops. Just a sec | 16:21 |
alecu | lunch! | 16:28 |
mmcc | Right, so I looked at the comment in the code that uses PIL, and I think the problem with Qt image plugins on bundled windows might be related to the qt.conf reading issue I ran into. I think we should be able to make it work without PIL | 16:28 |
mmcc | Ok, lunchtime | 16:39 |
dobey | oi | 16:39 |
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox | ||
* briancurtin lunch | 17:49 | |
dobey | ralsina: how the heck does one install stuff with cmake? | 17:59 |
ralsina | dobey: if it doesn't have an install target, it's that I didn't add it | 18:00 |
ralsina | dobey: since the goal of that branch was to get it building | 18:00 |
ralsina | dobey: I can either add it there or do a second branch | 18:00 |
dobey | hrmm. just need +30 more rep on askubuntu today | 18:06 |
ralsina | dobey: want me to ask something? ;-) | 18:08 |
dobey | you can just vote up my answers if you want :P | 18:11 |
ralsina | dobey: the clean problem there is not really cmake's it's the top-level makefile and setup.py's | 18:13 |
ralsina | dobey: so I will do another branch that removes that Makefile, and does a "manual" clean | 18:13 |
dobey | ralsina: but if i do "make -C src clean" it still doesn't actually clean anything | 18:14 |
ralsina | dobey: if you cd src; make clean it does | 18:14 |
dobey | not here | 18:14 |
ralsina | dobey: it deletes the libu1db.a and the object files here | 18:16 |
dobey | it removed libu1db.a and that's it | 18:16 |
dobey | afaict | 18:16 |
* gatox realize the only option is to run a diff with the branch in a working revisoin........ fuuuuuuuu damn broken tests | 18:16 | |
ralsina | dobey: the .o files are not in the same folder, but they are deleted | 18:16 |
ralsina | dobey: and so is the generated .c file | 18:16 |
dobey | what generated c file? | 18:16 |
dobey | oh the sql schema | 18:17 |
ralsina | wait, it isn't | 18:17 |
ralsina | but the .o files are | 18:17 |
dobey | u1db_schema.c is deleted | 18:17 |
ralsina | yes it is, looked at the wrong moment | 18:17 |
dobey | and libu1db.a, but that's it | 18:17 |
ralsina | dobey: CMakeFiles/u1db.dir/u1db_http_sync_target.c.o | 18:17 |
ralsina | dobey: and similar | 18:17 |
dobey | and there's no way to do maintainer-clean | 18:18 |
ralsina | dobey: usually, cmake is run in another folder and you just delete that folder entirely :-( | 18:18 |
ralsina | dobey: it was a pain to do that with the top-level Makefile, but I will fix that now | 18:19 |
ralsina | whoa launchpad is lazy today | 18:26 |
* mmcc is looking through WWDC slides, hoping I don't actually have to sit through all these videos | 19:21 | |
dobey | alecu: did you see the test failure in your pycurl-1-4 branch? | 19:43 |
alecu | dobey: this one, right? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/use-pycurl-1-4/+merge/110636 | 19:44 |
dobey | yes | 19:44 |
alecu | dobey: I've not looked at it yet. Do you have any idea what may be the cause? | 19:44 |
dobey | no idea | 19:45 |
alecu | dobey: it does not look like something changed in the branch. | 19:46 |
briancurtin | dobey: how granular should i make the bug reports for the Python 3 porting? at least for right now I'm planning to tackle one type of change at a time. one bug per one type of change, or just one big py3 bug? | 19:46 |
dobey | alecu: indeed | 19:46 |
dobey | briancurtin: one bug per type of change i think. so we can track what is fixed more easily, since one branch isn't going to fix all the py3 issues | 19:47 |
alecu | briancurtin: I guess a few bugs would work better than a huge "py3" bug | 19:47 |
dobey | briancurtin: and please target the bugs to trunk and stable-4-0 series, and add the ubuntu task as well with "also affects distribution" and nominate for Quantal series for the ubuntu bug | 19:48 |
briancurtin | will do | 19:48 |
dobey | thanks | 19:48 |
gatox | alecu, i don't know if you saw the emails, the branches has been updated | 19:56 |
alecu | gatox: cool | 19:57 |
briancurtin | dobey: both existing py3 MPs are now associated with bugs, and i'll keep doing that as i move forward | 20:06 |
dobey | briancurtin: great, thanks | 20:06 |
briancurtin | dobey: does this look like it was done properly with all of the right buttons and knobs pushed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/1016707 | 20:06 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1016707 in Ubuntu "Convert dict iter* methods to their Python 3 equivalent" [Undecided,New] | 20:06 |
dobey | briancurtin: for the ubuntu task, you need to specify the package as well | 20:08 |
dobey | briancurtin: and you should set the statuses to triage/in progress as appropriate | 20:09 |
dobey | briancurtin: but otherwise good, yeah :) | 20:10 |
briancurtin | dobey: i'll get the statuses straightened out. what's the package name? (i could guess, but not being a regular ubuntu user i'll leave it up to someone knows) | 20:10 |
dobey | briancurtin: the source package names are the same as our projects | 20:10 |
briancurtin | ah | 20:10 |
dobey | briancurtin: so ubuntu-sso-client, dirspec, etc... | 20:10 |
briancurtin | easy enough | 20:10 |
dobey | oh | 20:11 |
dobey | looks like your branches conflict with my branch that removed xdg_base_directory | 20:11 |
dobey | so you'll also need to merge trunk in and fix the conflict | 20:11 |
briancurtin | i'll get it updated | 20:11 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
briancurtin | dobey: conflicts resolved | 20:35 |
gatox | ok...... eod for me..... a couple of tests more and the last branch will be ready..... but no today, brain failing :P | 20:36 |
gatox | have a nice weekend everyone! | 20:36 |
dobey | by gatox | 20:40 |
dobey | bye even | 20:40 |
ralsina | bye gatox! | 20:40 |
gatox | ralsina, dobey bye! see you on monday! | 20:40 |
* dobey haing brain problems too | 20:40 | |
gatox | dobey, the end of the week tend to have that effect | 20:40 |
dobey | hrmm | 20:41 |
dobey | https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-windows-installer/prefer-dev-devtools/+merge/111463 | 20:41 |
dobey | can someone else give that an approval? | 20:41 |
ralsina | dobey: looking | 20:42 |
dobey | briancurtin: ./ubuntu_sso/qt/tests/test_common.py:365:34: E502 the backslash is redundant between brackets | 20:51 |
dobey | briancurtin: looks like you added a \ back that i removed in my branch to satisfy pep8 :) | 20:51 |
briancurtin | dobey: ah, fixed and pushed | 20:53 |
dobey | return path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()).encode("utf-8") | 20:57 |
dobey | that line of code is currently the bane of my life | 20:58 |
ralsina | dobey: are you trying to python-3-ize it? | 20:58 |
dobey | ralsina: yes | 20:58 |
ralsina | and what's path, bytes? | 20:59 |
dobey | a str apparently | 20:59 |
ralsina | then it should work as-is | 20:59 |
dobey | because py3 complains it doesn't have decode() | 20:59 |
ralsina | if it's unicode it's very broken | 20:59 |
dobey | str only has encode in py3 | 20:59 |
ralsina | dobey: then it's a str in python3, right | 20:59 |
dobey | bytes has decode | 20:59 |
dobey | right | 20:59 |
ralsina | then assume the decode() has already taken place | 21:00 |
ralsina | which of course breaks it for py2 | 21:00 |
dobey | well it used to be a unicode i think; but i removed all the u'' and unicode() references, for py3 | 21:00 |
dobey | so now one test is failing in py2 because of that | 21:01 |
ralsina | if it was unicode and we were doing a decode on it, we were Doing It Wrong | 21:01 |
ralsina | but have to EOW | 21:01 |
dobey | maybe i should just remove this method | 21:01 |
dobey | or deprecate it and have it return the input | 21:01 |
dobey | # on windows, environment variables are mbcs bytes | 21:02 |
dobey | # so we must turn them into utf-8 Syncdaemon paths | 21:02 |
dobey | bah | 21:02 |
ralsina | Have a good weekend! | 21:19 |
dobey | man, i just need someone to accept an answer on askubuntu | 21:23 |
dobey | later all | 21:32 |
mmcc | bye everyone, I'll be popping in over the weekend to try to catch up... | 22:46 |
alecu | dobey: I think this may interest you: http://python3porting.com/noconv.html#more-bytes-strings-and-unicode | 22:55 |
alecu | unicode_literals plus "text_type" and "binary_type" sounds like the best approach. | 22:57 |
alecu | or even using the "bytes" type that already exists in py2.6 | 22:59 |
alecu | and doing "string = unicode" or "string = str" depending on the version. | 22:59 |
dobey | right, i'm doing unicode_literals | 23:05 |
dobey | i need to do something else than stare mindlessly at broken python though | 23:09 |
alecu | dobey: sorry about that :-) | 23:10 |
alecu | dobey: have a great weekend though! | 23:10 |
dobey | you too :) | 23:12 |
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