
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach
wiphi, what a story, just before my vacations i wanted to install ubuntu-studio but my superdrive (what a crap) was refusing to boot from the dvd!01:18
wipit turns out that it was the lens that was dirty...01:18
wipso now i am finally ready to install ubuntu studio! but now i am getting this message: Select CD-ROM boot type:01:19
wipthey say that i need a special version!?! of ubuntu what to do?01:19
len-dtwip, probablt start with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64+mac.iso and then try to drop ubuntustudio-desktop on top of that.02:13
wiplen-dt: i would prefer a clean install, but maybe it's almost like a clean one?02:15
wip(i mean starting with 12.04-alternate and dropping studio on top)?02:15
len-dtOops, that was the alt install, there is also (in the same dir) ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso02:16
len-dtI'm not sure which is best to start with. For just an install maybe the alt is best.02:16
len-dtIf there was a xubuntu that would be closer.02:17
len-dtBut they don't have the mac install02:18
len-dtwip, it should be pretty clean. All the stuff up till login will be the same. and if you select the ubuntustudio session you won't run the extra stuff ubuntu has in the session.02:20
len-dtthe ubuntustudio-desktop should pull in the low latency kernel too.02:20
wipi will try to extract the iso and rebuild it...02:20
len-dtAs always let us know how it goes.02:22
wipwill do02:22
sirriffsalotMay I recommend showing what side of the partitioning scaler will be the ubuntu studio install?:P12:57
sirriffsalotIn the 12.04 version that is12:57
astraljavasirriffsalot: Could you elaborate a bit? I don't really understand what you're referring to.14:17
zybiskihi there14:19
sirriffsalotastraljava, well, the installer gives you the option of installing alongside another partition.. but when that size-configuration-pointer-mover-thing comes it doesn't tell what side is going to be the install location..15:37
sirriffzalotI've now shrunk my /dev/sda1 (windows) partition, and now there are three partitions, the middle one being empty.. Is there a way to merge the empty one with the ubuntustudio one?:P15:47
rachelgso, idiot question but I looked around on the Internet and wasn't sure.15:49
rachelgIs Ubuntu Studio still being actively developed?15:49
sirriffzalotrachelg, why is that an idiot question..?15:50
sirriffzalotYes it is15:50
sirriffzalotOh lol15:52
sirriffzalotrachelg, yes it is being actively developed15:52
sirriffzalotrachelg, 12.04 is released in studio-form:P15:53
astraljavaSorry, a little preoccupied with the release meeting and phone calls. rachelg, Studio is still developed, though for quantal we don't seem to get anything done.15:54
astraljavasirriffzalot: You can file bugs against ubiquity, that's really not Studio-specific at all.15:54
sirriffzalotastraljava, uhm ok. Can you help me with the gparted issue though?:P15:55
astraljavasirriffzalot: Yes, you can make size adjustments to the Studio partition. I forget how it is used, and since I don't have any empty partitions, I can't give a hands-on examples, but there should be a way to enlarge it as there is empty space in the disk.15:56
rachelgSorry, the project looked a little abandoned lol.15:56
sirriffzalotastraljava, experimenting then:)15:57
astraljavarachelg: Yeah, the website is going to have a facelift sometime soon, though I cannot give an ETA as it seems to take ages, as with anything we engage with these days. :)15:57
rachelgWell as long as it works :3 I'm gonna try installing it via Wubi for now.15:58
rachelg...if that's possible.15:58
astraljavaI don't think we support Wubi, sorry.15:59
sirriffzalotrachelg, it works fantastically now15:59
sirriffzalotastraljava, by the way, with ubuntu studio 11.10 I tried the command "alsa_in -dhw:1" for jack, but it would crash with infinite delay=xxx messages, and if I would try to do the command I'd get hw input/output error etc...16:00
rachelgaww that's a bummer sirriffzalot :p I was hoping to out-cool my Mac friend16:00
sirriffzalotrachelg, Mac isn't cool at all, no brains just money:P16:01
sirriffzalotIn my humble opinion16:01
astraljavasirriffzalot: I'm really not very educated with the apps we ship, I just try to tie them together. Sorry, you're gonna have to ask someone else. :)16:01
sirriffzalotConsumer lock-in too..16:01
sirriffzalotastraljava, alright, going livecd to do this partitioning thing anyway, cheers for all the help!!16:01
rachelgI agree, but it's peer pressure. If you graphics design, you must have a Mac.16:01
astraljavaYeah well, their policies and business models don't belong to this channel, thanks.16:01
rachelg...or if you starbucks :p What desktop environment...?16:02
astraljavarachelg: In graphics (and video) we're unfortunately far behind Macs and Windows. Tips and contributions are warmly welcome.16:03
rachelgDoes Wine run Photoshop...decently?16:03
astraljavarachelg: I wouldn't know, but winehq site has the apps catalogue, you can check there before you make any purchases.16:04
rachelgastraljava: purchase? Oh right, purchase. It looks like I can run, but not install, Illustrator...16:07
astraljavaIt's not perfect, but works for some cases.16:08
rachelgaww. I guess emulating Windows wouldn't exactly be fast, either.16:43
astraljavaEmulating Windows. Where did that come from?17:39
astraljavaBut that's not emulating.19:15
Unit193Wine == WINE Is Not an Emulator.19:19
rachelgI meant actually emulating this time... with VirtualBox etc19:20
rachelgbut that wouldn't be fas.t19:20
DudeSpudwnay it wouldnt19:24
astraljavaThat'd be virtualization, not emulation. :) And the guest OSs usually aren't that much slower.19:24
rachelgmuch? But it IS windows.19:24
rachelg...and then using Linux wouldn't really be worth the fast.19:25
rachelgfeels bad man19:25
astraljavaI'm sorry, I don't follow.19:27
rachelgwell, the whole purpose behind linux vs mac was saying it could run the processor-intensive programs too :p19:29

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