
wavdedSpamapS: here is the script: http://pastebin.com/UuBcRTws13:51
resmo_i created a upstart conf for node but but when I try to start myserver I get a Unknown job14:32
resmo_any hints what I am doing wrong?14:32
resmo_config is in /etc/init/myserver.conf14:33
wavdedresmo_ that is the correct location, what is the contents of your upstart script?14:46
SpamapSwavded: hm, that looks ok14:56
SpamapSwavded: one side note, you do not need the 'script' and 'end script' bit14:56
SpamapSwavded: and you might consider dropping the log redirection too, and just use 'console log'14:57
SpamapSwavded: that will log to /var/log/upstart/your-job-name.log14:57
SpamapSwavded: could you raise log-priority to info (sudo initctl log-priority info) and start your job.. then pastebin any logs that end up in /var/log/syslog from that action?14:59
wavdedSpamapS: sure15:05
wavdedSpamapS: one question, does restart <job> not reload the config if it changed?15:08
SpamapSwavded: no it does not15:17
SpamapSwavded: stop/start to do that15:18
wavdedahh learned that yesterday, the hardway :)15:18
wavdedok its not starting now for some reason: I get: un 22 10:17:26 adc-staging-web2 kernel: [307549.693232] init: redi respawning too fast, stopped15:19
SpamapSwavded: should give you an exit code too15:20
jodhwavded: I'd guess /usr/bin/node is failing since HOME is not set for user sawyer.15:20
wavdedstatus 215:20
SpamapSjodh: hey howdy btw. :) Really loving job logging, btw15:21
jodhSpamapS: hi - how's things?15:21
SpamapSjodh: oh 'bout the same15:22
jodhSpamapS: :)15:23
SpamapSjodh: yourself? About done with that rewrite of upstart in go? ;)15:23
wavdedok, i tried adding env HOME=/home/sawyer to the config, didn't help, should i do it some other way?15:23
SpamapSwavded: you should have some logs giving you a hint as to why it is failing15:25
* SpamapS goes afk for a bit15:25
jodhSpamapS: well I was thinking fortran might make a comeback...15:26
wavdedahh checked upstart log, looks like the /var/log/node/redi.log wasn't writable by sawyer15:28
wavdeddoes 'console output' handle that stuff15:29
wavdedahh nm, got it, console log works, thanks for your help15:32
jodhthis might come in useful for others in the future: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#checking-how-a-service-might-react-when-run-as-a-job15:48

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