
imbrandonSpamapS: btw , you have to really strech it to say omg isnt using juju anymore :) heh i posted that showing the fact it was using 3 suborniates, only one other exists in the store :)00:00
imbrandonSpamapS: yea but dident it just use the service name not the proto00:00
imbrandone.g. it sees mysql and local:mysql and cs:precise/mysql all as the mysql service00:01
SpamapSI did not say they'r enot using juju00:01
SpamapSthey're using juju BEAUTIFULLY00:01
SpamapSI'm saying they're not using the charm store00:01
imbrandonSpamapS: oh for sure, but its the FIRST, and also still very much down in my spare time00:01
SpamapSimbrandon: the service name? no. It uses the charm name to figure out if there is a new charm to upgrade to00:01
imbrandonso there are things to improve etc etc for sure, but also try to not cowboy stuff either :)00:02
SpamapSimbrandon: yeah don't sweat it. I'm frustrated with us for not making this easier, not you for not contributing more. ;)00:02
imbrandonoh yea, i dident mean it like that eihter00:02
imbrandonkinda came out wrong :)00:02
imbrandonbut ya know what i mean, and yea juju is still very veyr young too, as well as this is the first one, trust me it could be ALOT worse00:03
imbrandoni think considering those two things its fantasitic00:03
imbrandonpersonally :)00:03
imbrandonSpamapS: omg has picked up quite a bit of traffic too since we all started00:09
imbrandona few months ago on it, like almost doubled actually00:09
SpamapSimbrandon: I'm not surprised. Its *WAY* faster now.00:09
SpamapSthat matters to people00:09
SpamapSas google has shown00:09
imbrandonlike the surge from 12.04 never backed back off00:09
imbrandonand its even increaced a bit00:10
imbrandonSpamapS: got him on with that new advertiser too00:11
imbrandononly a few days ago though so not much inventory yet, and the impressions is aoff00:11
imbrandonbut still impressive, and may make him some more money :)00:12
EvilMogI like the whole MaaS but I keep running into nodes getting stuck in comissioning00:12
EvilMogeven when their clocks are sync'd00:12
EvilMogso I'm tryign to run initial trials with a bunch of small desktops before I go and rebuild my cluster00:12
EvilMogbut once I get that ironed out and the comissioning rock solid, this will definately be handy00:14
imbrandonEvilMog: thats the plan00:18
imbrandonwoot, blitz.io t-shirt showed up today01:38
imbrandonmore swag heh01:38
=== m_3_ is now known as m_3-backstage
m_3ok, really appreciating that I can run mixed series environments right now15:13
m_3byobu-classroom internals work a little better with the default settings from oneiric15:13
m_3guess maybe that was the switchover from byobuscreen to byobumux15:14
m_3really would like to just have tmux-classroom at this point15:14
* m_3 fingers relearning split adjustments for the irc talk15:15
imbrandonoh cruft, i got that class today15:26
* imbrandon goes to polish the presentation15:27
jkyleI have juju set up on osx and I've configured the ec2 variables for my openstack install (type: ec2), but I"m getting connection errors. (euca2ools works with the same configuration)17:03
jkyleI used this as a reference for the environments.yml file: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd17:04
m_3imbrandon: so `juju deploy cs:oneiric/byobu-classroom` works pretty well as long as there're only 20 or so users17:06
m_3imbrandon: it sets up an ajaxterm in ec2 with user/pass of guest/guest... precise's doesn't work though so you have to subsequently ssh from there to a precise instance if you're showing precise-specific cli stuff17:07
* m_3 add a note to fix byobu-classroom to work with byobumux instead of byobuscreen17:07
m_3or actually just frickin write tmux-classroom17:08
jkylehow do I enable debug logging in juju?17:10
m_3jkyle: `juju debug-log`?17:10
imbrandonnice, yea i was gonna ask you if that was charmed17:10
imbrandonbrb afk17:10
m_3jkyle: did you get your multiple environments straightened out?17:10
jkyledebug-log doesn't seem to do it17:12
imbrandondebug-log runs in a seperate term while you do the commands17:12
imbrandonkeep it running17:12
jkyledidn't know they were crooked17:12
jkylethe issue is a failure to connect17:12
m_3jkyle: there're some bugs with what it logs too17:12
jkyleI opened the connect.py at the error point and noticed it has decent logging to the debug facility17:13
jkylee.g. log.debug("Failed using url: {0}".format(url))17:13
m_3jkyle: hmmm dunno17:13
jkyleand I'd like to enable that17:13
m_3does your dns work on your openstack install?  I know there've been issues with that in the past17:14
jkylethis is a running install17:14
jkylehas dozens of users and vm's on it17:14
jkylemy endpoints are ip's, e.g.
m_3I've got bacon, egg_white_s, and raw spinach upstairs... the latter two are bacon-offset(TM)17:16
m_3jkyle: is your bootstrap node directly accessible from your client?  (i.e., with a public address)17:16
m_3jkyle: nothing works from the client if it can't talk directly to the bootstrap node... iirc, haven't used juju against openstack in a bit17:18
* m_3 gonna go eat.. ttyl17:18
jkylejuju bootstrap                                                                                                                                                                                            1 ↵17:19
jkyle2012-06-23 10:19:34,212 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'pao1' (type: ec2)...17:19
jkyleConnection was refused by other side: 61: Connection refused.17:19
jkylecan't create bootstrap node17:20
jkylelike I said, failing to connect to the endpoints ;)17:20
jkylemaybe it's a version thing, does juju only work with essex or something?17:25
m_3jkyle: hmmm it sounds like it's not reading your environment17:28
m_3`juju bootstrap -e<environment_name>`17:28
jkyleah, my other openstack install seems to behave more17:28
jkylenope, timed out. but not connection refused17:29
m_3~/.juju/environments.yaml should have a top-level 'default: <environment_name>' if you've got multiple environments17:29
m_3don't know where things are stored on the mac client17:29
jkyleis it required that you have an s3 endpoint?17:29
m_3dunno for openstack... lemme see what I have17:30
jkyleright, I have default:pao1 and it's using that definition17:30
jkyletoo bad juju doesn't have a nova provider yet.17:30
m_3ec2-uri, s3-uri, default-image-id are all there17:31
m_3pretty sure the first two are requied17:31
m_3jkyle: it's there just in review... not in trunk yet17:31
jkyleyeah, looks like juju requires s317:31
jkyleI'm not running an s3 service17:31
m_3there'll be a 'honolulu' release in a couple of weeks with that provider17:31
m_3yeah, that's a problem17:32
jkylebig problem, I don't think we're offering that on any of our clouds17:32
m_3there may be workarounds to get an s3-like service up (rados and stuff like that)17:33
m_3you can run rados from euca-tools, then use _that_ endpoint url for juju17:33
m_3haven't seen that actually working before though... just ideas thrown around17:33
m_3trick is to configure to accept the same creds as nova17:34
jkylewhy is s3 needed?17:34
m_3caching charms mostly17:34
m_3you want the set of charms you've deployed to be sort of frozen17:35
m_3then you can deploy additional units of a service using the _same_ version as the already-deployed ones17:35
m_3two months later17:35
* m_3 gonna get rid of the classroom setup... brb17:39
jkylewell, this is disappointing.17:39
EvilMogso heres my question, is there a way to force a username and password onto newly comissioned nodes so that I can log into them during their comissioning phase and sync their times and otherwise force them to complete comissioning?17:59
m_3EvilMog: would keys work?  it's easy to have juju inject keys into every instance's startup... environments.yaml there's a per-environment key:value for authorized-keys (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056340/ indent is important in yaml heredocs)18:02
EvilMogas long as I can sudo, my big problem is I have 5 nodes stuck in comissionign and only 1 that made it to ready during the Ubuntu MaaS setup18:03
EvilMogso this is prior to juju being even installed18:04
m_3ah, dunno the maas ramifications sorry18:04
jkyleEvilMog: maas is just a fancy frontend to pxe18:08
EvilMogyeah, but the image it pushes never fulyl syncs its nodes18:09
EvilMogsyncs to its master18:09
EvilMogand sicne the image doesn't have a username and password attached to it I can't go in and fix it18:09
jkyleEvilMog: right, but you can modify the pxe preseed file to install pubkeys if you wish18:09
jkyleor do any other kind of preconfiguraiotn18:09
jkylentp, packages, netowkr config, etc18:10
jkylem_3: I think I'll give puppet a try, just looking for something other than chef18:11
imbrandoncapify :)18:11
* imbrandon hugs ruby18:11
jkylethey serve different purposes, eh18:11
jkyleI'm lukewarm about ruby hehe18:11
imbrandonwell kinda, so do puppet and juju in that sense :)18:11
jkylelanguage is cool, working in the environment is painful18:12
imbrandoni personally like to use juju for orchastration and fabric or capistrano for code deployment and config mgmt18:12
jkylekinda, but I'd say puppet and juju are much closer. cap is just a app deploy tool pretty dialed in for ruby apps18:12
jkyleimbrandon: I'd say that's typical18:13
imbrandonnah, i use it for php apps mostly18:13
imbrandonther are alot of plugins for many langs, even drupal and wordpress specific ones18:13
jkylemy condolences ^_^18:13
imbrandon( in cap )18:13
imbrandonhaha , i actually _like_ php :)18:13
jkylecolor me perplexed :P18:14
imbrandongood php is a beuitiful thing, there is alot of bad out there, but there is bad js and python too18:14
imbrandonphp is easy, good php is hard, but good php is rockin, and it powers 77.9 % of the net :)18:14
jkylephp drives me mad, it's like they just took a bunch of ideas and threw them in a bag and shook them up18:14
jkyleno consistency in language design18:15
jkyledocs are great though18:15
imbrandonsure but same thing can be said about perl too18:15
jkyleperl? what's that?18:15
imbrandonand perl is the foundations of ubuntu and debian :)18:15
imbrandonas much as people want to think python is18:15
imbrandoni hear ya18:15
jkyleperl is an old gray beard for sure...not sure I'd say it's as bad as php though18:15
imbrandonnope, your right, its worse :)18:16
* m_3 goes to watch tv now that the discussion has turned to religion :)18:16
imbrandonit just dont get as much press since its not powering 77% or more of the net18:16
jkyleI see perl as much closer to ruby than php18:16
jkyleor ruby close to perl, rather18:16
imbrandonphp was built on perl :P all the way till version 318:16
imbrandonversion 3 introduced the compiled code / zend engine , before that php was a ton of perl functions18:17
imbrandon( and a bit of C, nothing like today tho, its come a LONG way, even just in the last 3 years with 5.3+ )18:18
imbrandonit got its big boy pants arround 5 or 5.1 when they started doing releases right, and ppl like me could stand behind it with a streight face :)18:19
imbrandonruby is awesome for one thing, and one thing only, but its a HUGE thing18:20
imbrandonruby EVERYTHING is an object , EVERYTHING18:20
imbrandonand THAT is awesome, it has a TON of implecations most dont even consider18:21
imbrandonlike ... "hi".repeat(4)  class String  def repeat self * N end ; puts "hi".repeat(4)  >> "hihihihi"18:22
imbrandonthats psudo code, but very very close to exact18:22
jkyleimbrandon: in python as well18:23
jkyleeverything is an object in python18:23
imbrandonnah, i mean EVERYTHING is an object, not so in python18:23
imbrandonalot is18:23
imbrandonand its very OO18:23
jkylewhat's not an object in python18:23
imbrandonbut not EVERY SINGLE THING18:23
imbrandona string18:23
imbrandona literal in ruby is a object18:24
imbrandonno extra code18:24
imbrandonetc, right off the bat18:24
imbrandon== 5018:25
imbrandonthe litteral 5 has a method18:25
imbrandonjkyle: check this18:26
jkylestrings are objects in python18:26
imbrandoni'm not saying that cant be done in python but its a diff beast18:27
imbrandoni was pretty sure python litterals and strings and such wernt in the same way18:27
* imbrandon will dig into it tho18:27
jkyleI like that functions are first class objects in python18:28
imbrandonpython has the whitespace downfall tho :)18:28
jkyleI like the whitespace :)18:28
imbrandonyea same in ruby18:28
jkyleimbrandon: no, in ruby they are not18:28
imbrandonsure they are, and you even can mask them as builtins18:28
imbrandonir they seem like it when used18:28
jkyleimbrandon: no, methods in ruby cannot be assigned or passed as normal variables18:29
imbrandonsure they can, rbuy def has lambdas and the like18:29
jkyleyou have to use a proxy object, this is the purpose of Proc18:29
imbrandondef soemting do |func|18:30
imbrandonfunc blah blah18:30
jkyleimbrandon: it's a side effect of ruby's being designed around messaging18:31
imbrandondef weightedknn(data, vec1, k = 5, weightf = :gaussian) ... weight = self.send(weightf)18:32
jkyleimbrandon: pastie an example of directly assigning a function object to a variable18:32
imbrandonjust use .send18:33
jkylesend is aproc object18:33
jkylelike I said, you can't assign a function to a variable18:34
imbrandonits just diuff synctax not any less able to pass functions18:34
jkyleno, it's the definition of a first class object.18:34
jkyleit must support the assignment operator18:34
imbrandonthe variable its self is an object with functions too, its just syntax sugar18:34
imbrandonat that point18:34
jkyleno, it's not syntactic sugar. it's a core language feature >.< it has significant implications in how the language can be used and how binding works18:35
imbrandonohh crap, 30 minutes untill my talk, gotta start up VM;s and such, i'd love to finish this later with ya tho, but i do disagree that they arent first class, kinda have to be as objects18:36
imbrandongive me an hour to give this user days cli thing :)18:36
* imbrandon will open the tab for later18:37
jkylethat's not 100% accurate as they _are_ objects, just not first class objects18:37
jkylethat's what's implied by "not objects like strings and numbers"18:38
imbrandonthats not entirely true either, look at :name18:38
imbrandonbut i really need to get started, sorry :(18:38
imbrandonotherwise i'll be mobbed in #ubuntu-classroom lol18:39
imbrandonm_3 is a nother ruby person i think, i dont claim to know ruby well, but i do like it quite a bit more than python ( but thats mostly due to my hatred of whitespace delemited things like yaml heh )18:40
imbrandonbut yea they are very very similar , in utility and placed to use them wisely18:41
jkyleimbrandon: btw, you can monkey patch python like your example too. though not builtins, this is by design. effecting core classes at the global scope is the cause of many problmes with ruby18:45
imbrandonyea class String undef_method :blah18:46
imbrandonis fun :)18:46
imbrandoni'm thinking more like    a = "blah"   [1,2].each do |func|  puts func.*a18:47
imbrandonkinda bastardized but yea18:47
imbrandonbtw on the s3 thing, s3ql works great18:50
imbrandonfor that18:50
imbrandonoh wow, i fail at reading the clock18:59
imbrandoni have one more hour :)18:59
imbrandonjkyle: yea i used s3ql the frist time the other day as a single machine s3 replacement, seems to work ok for limited use things like that19:00
imbrandonits designed for like use ona dev machine to practice on the api etc19:00
imbrandonbut works well for non-critical data like that19:00
imbrandonor seems to, not used it a ton yet19:00
JoseeAntonioRimbrandon: ping19:53
imbrandonjust about ready19:53
imbrandonrunning about 30 secoinds late19:54
imbrandonm_3: heh , left a lil toss out to ya at the very end of my cli session ( after explaining aliases a lil bit )21:05
imbrandon15:59:27 <+imbrandon> OK well with that, i'll leave you with this last thought21:05
imbrandon15:59:33 <+imbrandon> alias pushit='git push && afplay ~/Music/saltnpepa-pushit.mp3'21:05
imbrandon15:59:50 <+imbrandon> ^ m_3 that ones just for you brother :)21:05
* imbrandon goes to work on the nginx charm a little more, spent the first half of today on it, and will spend the last half too, it _IS_ getting to the review queue today ... $sometimes21:06
imbrandonjkyle: i dug a little more into what you were saying about the ruby stuff, and yea your are exactly right , but really i dont see that as a drawback really as the alternatives or "work arounds" how ever ya wannna look at them are solid and such, e.g. it dont seem like a phpish cludge^Hhack21:18
imbrandonseems more like a codeing style type thing, like the diffrence between Pascal and Bordland Turbo Pascal :) hahahaha21:19
imbrandoni mean hell , lamda functions are awesome and a staple in JS, server and client, and as close as syntax wise JS and PHP are ( scarry really ) php also has the same lambda and closure function ability ( its very awesome actually , dont know why its not used more ) but rarely used , esp in "production" code with the exception of Symphony2 and one other small framework i cant think of the name right off21:22
imbrandonbut definatly not the norm21:22
imbrandon2012-06-23 20:06:52,707 ERROR Cannot connect to environment: DNS lookup failed: address 'ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com' not found: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.21:43
imbrandonhazmat: can you reach your aws stuff ?21:43
imbrandon( or anyone around )21:43

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