
=== heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid
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Ghost0sHello :)17:04
Ghost0sis there plans to get ubuntu work on arm proc17:16
gildeanGhost0s: it has been working for quite some time, if you count powerpc-versions too17:20
Ghost0si dont undertand sorry17:21
gildeanwhich part?17:22
Ghost0sit has been working for quite some time17:22
gildeanehich part of that is unclear?17:23
Ghost0splease i want to know if i canr run ubuntu on arm17:25
Ghost0sif no is there plans to make it run on arm17:25
gildeandepends on the hardware and ubuntu version17:25
gildeancurrent version only works on armv717:26
Ghost0sno sorry arm v617:26
gildeanthen you either have to use and older ubuntu, or check out debian17:26
Ghost0swhat are those old ubuntu's17:28
Ghost0shello gildean can you help please17:40
gildeanGhost0s: iirc maverick was the last one to support v617:40
gildeanyou could just google for yourself17:41
gildeanwhat device/board are you using exactly?17:41
gildeandid you read the /topic ?17:48
Ghost0ssorry but my progect consist of ubuntu17:49
gildeanwell, i think i've seen someone say you might be able to run jaunty (9.04) on the pi17:53
gildeanbut other than that, the only thing i can do is point towards debian17:54
Ghost0sthanks but i found that ubuntu 11.04 work on arm v617:55
Ghost0sis it gooood17:55
gildeanwell you'll have a hard time running a desktop on the pi, but something like a lightweight nodejs server might work17:56
gildeanor just any light server usage17:57
Ghost0sno problem with pi17:58
gildeani haven't heard anyone using ubuntu on the pi18:00
gildeanbut it doesn't mean it can't be done18:00
gildeanyou'll have to try for yourself18:00
gildeangood luck18:00
Ghost0sok thanks a lot man but i know raspberry but until now i dont understand what mean Pi18:01

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