
alo21I made a patch and applied it. How can I buikd the package?04:48
alo21I hava a problem applying patch. If I run edit-patch, it gives me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1055443/05:19
alo21philipballew: can you help me, please?05:54
philipballewIm not very good at this stuff. but someone will halp eventually05:54
alo21kklimonda: could you help me, please?06:37
alo21kklimonda: sorry, I make a mistake06:39
alo21kancerman: could you help me, please?06:39
astraljavaalo21: Could you pastebin the rejects file? should be something like hello.c.rej or similar.07:37
alo21astraljava: yes, herehttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1055443/07:38
astraljavaThat's the same output you pasted before.07:38
alo21astraljava: o yes.. sorry should I pastebin .patch?07:39
alo21astraljava: I also followed this guide (http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html)  the build succesfull ends, but seems patches were not applied07:40
astraljavaWell if there are no reject files, then yes, the patch, please.07:48
alo21astraljava: wait... maybe I am making a mistake. Should I download from LP?07:49
astraljavaalo21: I wouldn't know what you should be downloading from LP. :)08:03
alo21astraljava: the source code08:04
astraljavaalo21: Well it depends. The patch could be against a certain version. Was that done by you, or someone else?08:06
alo21astraljava: the patch?08:06
astraljavaalo21: Yes, the patch that fails to apply as per your pastebin entry just above.08:08
alo21astraljava: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1055581/08:14
astraljavaalo21: Try adding a whitespace at the end of the patch.08:23
astraljavaSorry, newline of course.08:23
alo21astraljava: what do you mean: at the end of the patch  ?08:24
astraljavaalo21: The patch has on the last line some text, it might need an additional newline so the last line is empty. Just go to the end and press enter, that should do it.08:25
alo21astraljava: I try to make the package.... just for informations: I am working with hello (quilt)08:27
astraljavaalo21: Yeah, I figured. I tested against the precise version of hello.08:27
alo21astraljava: Should I run thi command to apply my patch:  patch -p1 < debian/patches/file.patch ?08:29
astraljavaalo21: If you are using debuild to build the package, then it should detect a patch if it's in the same directory, and offer you to add it as a proper patch under debian/patches/08:31
astraljavaalo21: But you can of course test the patch that way, but then you cannot use it as a debian/patches/ patch anymore, as it of course has been applied already.08:32
alo21astraljava: Should I see the patch applied in both cases?08:32
astraljavaalo21: You will want to see the patch applied as the end result, yes. You have two choices in making it happen, apply it with patch manually, or let the debuild handle it.08:34
alo21astraljava: to build my package I used: debuild -us -uc08:37
alo21astraljava: hello packages succesfully, but I can not see any changes08:37
alo21hello was built succesfully*08:38
astraljavaalo21: Look one directory up.08:38
alo21astraljava: I have just installed .deb package08:39
alo21astraljava: but if I run hello, I can not see any change08:39
alo21astraljava: when you sad: "add a newline ad the and", did you meant this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1055616/  ?08:44
astraljavaalo21: Yes.08:47
alo21astraljava: it is so weird08:48
alo21astraljava: any suggestions?08:52
astraljavaalo21: Hang on, I'll try something. (and on the phone, brb)08:55
astraljavaalo21: My inexperience is showing, I'm afraid, but when I prepare a debdiff out of it, apply that to a pristine source, then build it, the change is effective. Perhaps someone else can guide you better in the other methods.09:25
alo21astraljava: how did you make a debdiff?09:26
astraljavaalo21: I think I linked that page to you earlier already, but here it is again: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff09:29
alo21astraljava: does metter if I use nano instead of vi?09:30
astraljavaalo21: Certainly not. :) Any editor will do.09:31
alo21astraljava: The link above, is how to propose a maerge09:31
astraljavaalo21: It's how you work with debdiffs. Like I said, it works for me when I do it that way. Others can help you with some alternative routes.09:33
alo21astraljava: thanks09:33
alo21Can somebody else help me with patch?09:33
astraljavaalo21: Sorry I couldn't be of further assistance.09:34
alo21astraljava: is ok.... thanls a lot for your assistance09:34
astraljavaalo21: Actually, now it works. I don't know what I did wrong there earlier.09:45
alo21astraljava: debdiff?09:45
astraljavaalo21: No need for debdiff.09:46
alo21astraljava: what did you use?09:46
astraljavaThe procedure is simple; apt-get source hello; cd hello<tab>; patch -p1 < <path/to/patch>; dpkg-source --commit; dch -i; debuild -S; dpkg-buildpackage09:47
alo21astraljava: why commit?09:47
astraljavaalo21: Because otherwise debuild will refuse to continue building.09:49
alo21astraljava: I ha this "error running debsign failed" when I run debuild -S09:52
alo21astraljava: it seems that I have no an gpg key or something similar09:52
alo21astraljava: I cannot sing changes and any dsc files09:54
astraljavaalo21: You didn't update the changelog with `dch -i`, or your gpg key doesn't have the same identifier that you put in changelog.09:54
astraljavaalo21: But you can get around that with `debuild -S -us -uc`09:54
alo21astraljava: If I run dpkg-source, it tells: info: there are no local changes to record10:07
astraljavaalo21: Then your patch didn't apply correctly.10:09
alo21astraljava: why?10:10
astraljavaalo21: I wouldn't know. You need to pastebin the output of that command.10:11
alo21astraljava: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1055724/10:15
astraljavaalo21: I don't know what is going wrong, for me it suggests a new patch name. Double-check that you have the new, untouched source tree, and the patch is correct.10:18
alo21astraljava: wait... when I create a patch, should I download the source again and apply that patch to the new sorce?10:22
astraljavaalo21: Yes, the patch won't do anything on changed sources.10:24
alo21astraljava: I tried it... the patch and source rae ok.10:37
alo21astraljava: I built the package, but I cannot see any change10:37
astraljavaalo21: Did you follow the work flow exactly like I posted above?10:40
astraljavaalo21: Are you sure you're executing the correct binary after the change? Did you install the new .deb?10:41
alo21astraljava: yes... but I used debuild -S -us -uc10:41
alo21astraljava: sudo dpkg -u <package>.deb  ?10:42
astraljavaHeh, that's why you won't see the change. :) `sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb`10:42
alo21astraljava: sorry I meand -i10:43
alo21astraljava: what could going wrong?10:46
=== vibhav is now known as Guest61908
astraljavaalo21: I would need the output of the whole work flow. Prior to that, make sure the patch is secure, then start in a clean directory, and also remove the existing hello package to be sure you're running the right binary.10:54
alo21astraljava: even how I created the patch?10:56
alo21astraljava: I run: sudo apt-get remove hello to remove hello, but it is still installed on my system10:57
astraljavaalo21: You can check which package provides the binary with: `dpkg -S `which hello``10:59
astraljavaalo21: O11:02
astraljavaalo21: Sorry, I'm going out for a while, I'll be back in an hour or so to see your progress.11:02
alo21astraljava: ok.. thanks again11:02
astraljavaActually, scratch that. It just started raining.11:03
alo21astraljava: it works11:05
alo21astraljava: I removed hello (programm) in usr/local/bin11:06
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alo21hi all13:22
alo21Can I upload patches on Launchpad?13:22
penguin42alo21: Yes13:24
alo21penguin42: thanks13:24
penguin42alo21: You can attach a patch to a bug as an attachment, you can also if you feel up for it, you can submit the patch to the bzr source code repository and ask for it to be reviewed13:25
penguin42alo21: Is it a patch you wrote?13:25
alo21penguin42: what do you mean with wrote?13:26
penguin42alo21: Is it a patch you got off the net somewhere, or did you figure out the problem and change the code13:26
alo21penguin42: second one13:26
penguin42ok; it's always good to say that so people can track it13:27
alo21penguin42: so... can I upload the patch as an attachment on Launchpad in tgis case?13:29
penguin42alo21: Yep13:29
alo21penguin42: and when should I upload it via bzr?13:30
penguin42alo21: What's the bug number?13:30
alo21penguin42: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sessioninstaller/+bug/98877513:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 988775 in sessioninstaller "typo in ../sessioninstaller/core.py:915 -- follwing" [Low,In progress]13:30
alo21penguin42: is a bitsize13:32
alo21penguin42: I am new in this group, but I know quite good C and Python13:32
penguin42alo21: nod; I'd attach the patch first13:32
alo21penguin42: should I set "Assigned to" as Nobody, once the patch will be approved?13:37
penguin42alo21: I'm not quite sure the right way to use the assigned-to; it's used more where people are handing out bugs for others to ix, or to make sure people know that you are looking at it13:38
* penguin42 tries to find the page on howto submit stuff using bzr; it's moved from my bookmark13:38
alo21penguin42: ok13:39
alo21penguin42: you are very helpful and open13:40
penguin42alo21: Here we are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix13:40
* alo21 feels very comfortable here at Ubuntu13:40
alo21penguin42: thanks again, I keep it in mind13:41
penguin42no problem13:41
alo21penguin42: have noticed that people who use Ubuntu, but not contribute to make Ubuntu everyday better are not very polite?13:42
penguin42alo21: Oh politeness varies a lot - this channel tends to be good13:43
alo21penguin42: yes... this is very good...13:43
alo21penguin42: I am sorry, but I have to go.. thanks for your assistance and have a nice day13:44
penguin42no problem - come back!13:44
alo21hi all16:24
alo21Hoq can I know wich source contains some functionalities?17:14
TheLordOfTimealo21:  what do you mean?17:17
alo21TheLordOfTime: If I would fix a bug, I should know where the bug is17:17
TheLordOfTimealo21:  if you are going to fix a bug, then the bug in question is bound to the specific source package17:18
alo21TheLordOfTime: for example, I would like to fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/83501817:18
ubot2Ubuntu bug 835018 in software-center "Can't select description text in software item screen" [Low,Confirmed]17:18
TheLordOfTimeand you should fix in Quantal17:18
TheLordOfTimealo21:  check in 12.0417:18
TheLordOfTimedoes this still exist in 12.04?17:18
TheLordOfTimeUpdated for Software Center version, Ubuntu Precise Beta 2, as the package title and subtitle are selectable in this version. Only the description field remains unselectable.  <--17:18
alo21TheLordOfTime: yes.17:18
TheLordOfTime  Version 5.2.1 (precise)  <--17:19
alo21TheLordOfTime: I downloaded the sources, but there are a lot of file .py17:19
TheLordOfTimewell, the bug in its *original* form was fixed, you can select the title and version17:20
TheLordOfTimeyou can't select the description17:20
alo21TheLordOfTime: How do I know whichfile.py manages descriptions?17:20
TheLordOfTimehow should i know17:20
* TheLordOfTime isnt a dev in that package17:20
TheLordOfTimeyou'll have to dig around17:20
TheLordOfTimeand find out17:20
alo21TheLordOfTime: are joking?17:21
alo21are you*17:21
TheLordOfTimei'm not a dev on that package, i cant help find where the stuff is that needs fixing17:21
TheLordOfTimeright now, i'm working on an nginx package, so i am a tad busy17:22
alo21TheLordOfTime: ok, anyway... thanks17:22
TheLordOfTimesorry i couldnt be of more help, but the bug squad doesnt directly analyze each package17:24
TheLordOfTimewell... that's not true, i know the internal workings of the nginx package, but i'm on that team, so...17:25
TheLordOfTimehttps://launchpad.net/software-center  <-- you might be able to ask one of the people who develops this17:26
TheLordOfTimealo21:  ^17:26
TheLordOfTimethey'd know the internal workings17:26
alo21TheLordOfTime: thank you17:26
alo21this bugs (http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/) does not seem all bitsize17:41
TheLordOfTimeits tied in to the 'bitesize' tag.  and bitesize bugs may still take a bit of work17:42
TheLordOfTimemost of the bugs you'll see require people who have programming and dev skills17:42
TheLordOfTime'tis why my name isnt on many patches xD17:43
TheLordOfTimemost of my packages are minor fixes, or patches derived from upstream changes (especially with nginx)17:43
TheLordOfTimebut yeah, it requires a tiny bit of development skills in the languages being used on programs17:44
TheLordOfTimes/tiny bit/bit/17:44
* TheLordOfTime notices he has a build that's exploding17:44
* TheLordOfTime shifts attention17:44
alo21TheLordOfTime: what do you mean with: "dev skills"?17:46
TheLordOfTimedev skills ina specific language17:47
TheLordOfTimei.e. development knowledge of python, dev knowledge of C, etc.17:47
TheLordOfTimedepending on the langauge and package17:47
TheLordOfTimein your case, python17:47
TheLordOfTimebut also a knowledge of what file works with what17:48
* TheLordOfTime needs to divert his attention before pbuilder eats up all 6 cores in his CPU and all 16GB of memory on his packaging system17:48
alo21TheLordOfTime: how do the other developer know a lot of packages structure?17:50
TheLordOfTimefirst off the developers of a package helped to *build* the package (or at least the uploader did)17:50
TheLordOfTimeand if they built the package they understand the source code17:51
* TheLordOfTime swears17:52
TheLordOfTimejust what i didnt want to have happen...17:52
* TheLordOfTime moves off to go fix a hard-crash on the computer that he does his packaging on17:52
TheLordOfTimeanyone here agree with me this report looks more like a question than a bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/101693218:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1016932 in gnome-system-tools "Setting user to Adminstrator does not allow software installation" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:20
TheLordOfTime(read the details)18:20
knomeit's a bug. maybe a better description would be "Setting user as administrator doesn't give him sudoing rights"18:21
knomewhether this is intentional or not, i don't know, but that's what the bug was filed against18:22
pleia2TheLordOfTime: "him"? really?18:41
pleia2knome: ^^18:41
knomepleia2, in the bug, the OP refers to "joey"18:42
pleia2yeah, I confirmed and both users are not him ;)18:42
pleia2but yeah, it's a bug18:42
pleia2exists in 12.10 too :(18:42
knomein that case, sorry. definitely no sexism intended :P18:55
alo21I have a problem building juju19:46
alo21this is what I see: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1056476/19:47
LordOfTimehelp2man: can't get `--help' info from bin/juju  <--19:59
LordOfTimealthough first off, packaging help in -packaging, but why're you building JuJu again19:59
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
TheLordOfTimealo21:  ^20:08
alo21TheLordOfTime: to test my patch20:08
TheLordOfTimelooks like your patch broke something20:09
TheLordOfTimealo21:  is there a bug tied to this thing?20:09
TheLordOfTime(and did you upload your patch there)20:09
alo21TheLordOfTime: here the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/95600020:10
ubot2Ubuntu bug 956000 in juju "'juju bootstrap' with no arguments gives confusing message" [Low,In progress]20:10
alo21TheLordOfTime: I haven't uploaded the patch yet20:10
TheLordOfTimecan you pastebin the patch for me?20:10
* TheLordOfTime will see if he can replicate your build issues20:10
alo21TheLordOfTime: here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1056505/20:11
alo21TheLordOfTime: I have to sat that inside debian/patches I have a dirrefent type of file20:12
alo21TheLordOfTime: whene i run: patch -p1 < /home/alo21/hello/juju-0.5+bzr531/debian/patches/confusing-message.patch20:13
TheLordOfTimedont do that20:13
TheLordOfTimeuse quilt20:13
TheLordOfTime(which the packaging guide says to use)20:13
alo21TheLordOfTime: the file inside debian/patches is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1056509/20:14
TheLordOfTimethat's DEP320:15
TheLordOfTimefor build testing, DEP3 isnt really neede20:15
TheLordOfTimeand since that's all I'm doing, build testing, its irrelevant20:15
TheLordOfTime(won't be when the package gets fixed, but that's a differents tory)20:15
alo21TheLordOfTime: but it should be a .patch20:16
TheLordOfTimeso you save it as a .patch20:18
TheLordOfTimei'll help you with that later20:18
* TheLordOfTime dgets the juju source20:18
alo21TheLordOfTime: is ok if I download the source with: aot-get source juju?20:19
TheLordOfTimeif you're not running Quantal yourself, i wouldnt do that20:20
TheLordOfTimesince if you're on Precise the default apt-get source will get you Precise's20:20
* TheLordOfTime always relies on dget anyways20:20
TheLordOfTimeits just a thing i do20:20
TheLordOfTimeanyways, i got the source, i've applied your patch, running build tests20:20
alo21TheLordOfTime: i run this command: atch -p1 <  <path/to/patch>; dpkg-source --commit; dch -i; debuild -S -us -uc; dpkg-buildpackage20:21
TheLordOfTimefor the record, i dont trust dpkg-buildpackage20:22
TheLordOfTimei dont trust one-liners eithier20:22
TheLordOfTimewhere'd you get that one-liner from20:22
TheLordOfTimeor rather that string of commands20:22
astraljavaMe, and for the record, it's not meant to be a one-liner. Just a list of commands. :)20:23
astraljavaAs you can obviously see it wouldn't work as such anyway.20:23
alo21TheLordOfTime: I did not run theme on one line20:23
TheLordOfTimei personally dget the source, then *manually* import the patch using Quilt (i take the patch in raw format and save it somewhere on my system), then dch -i, then debuild -S, and then i testbuild the package with pbuilder20:24
alo21does you building work?20:24
TheLordOfTimea little bit more stuff needed, but...20:24
TheLordOfTimei just started the build process20:24
TheLordOfTimeand like the LP PPA builders..20:25
TheLordOfTimeit has to generate a base chroot20:25
alo21TheLordOfTime: could you tell me all the command you run, please?20:25
TheLordOfTime... ***REALLY***?20:25
TheLordOfTimewell fine then20:25
* TheLordOfTime hates you too20:25
* TheLordOfTime is annoyed at builder20:26
alo21TheLordOfTime: if you do not want20:26
TheLordOfTimenah its something unrelated20:26
TheLordOfTimegive me a bit20:26
alo21TheLordOfTime: ok20:26
TheLordOfTimethis problem with pbuilder always happens when i start on a new system20:28
TheLordOfTimeeither that or a dependency is broken (unlikely)20:28
alo21TheLordOfTime: did you complete packaging?20:31
TheLordOfTimealo21:  oyi, you need to learn patience20:32
TheLordOfTimepatience is required with bugs and when having someone help you20:32
TheLordOfTimemy *strong advice* is you wait until i tell you if it worked or not20:32
alo21TheLordOfTime: I tought you had another problem... so... sorry.20:32
alo21I wait here20:33
TheLordOfTimethe problem i'm having is with pbuilder itself, unrelated to building your package20:33
TheLordOfTimeso i'm rebuilding the pbuilder tarball that is based on everything20:33
alo21TheLordOfTime: wow... why are there so many differnt techniques to build a package?20:34
TheLordOfTimealo21:  there just are20:34
TheLordOfTimeand personally i do ***NOT*** recommend dpkg-buildpackage20:34
TheLordOfTimeunder any circumstances20:35
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  ^20:35
TheLordOfTimei'm redoing my blog, once i do that, i'll write a blog about how i do things20:35
TheLordOfTimeand just give a few reasons as to why i do things that way20:35
TheLordOfTimeand what commands I write20:35
astraljavaTheLordOfTime: Calm down, I wouldn't use it for devel cycle bugfixing either. :) It was just a simple patch check-up on same release that the user was running.20:35
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  :P20:36
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  i'm writing the blog anyways, so i know the blog works on planet :P20:36
astraljavaThe package was GNU hello. *smirk*20:36
TheLordOfTimewith the hello package, well... :p20:36
TheLordOfTimei should write up a helpdoc...20:36
alo21TheLordOfTime: you use pbuilder to do not stain you system, right?20:36
TheLordOfTimepost it on the wiki under my namespace or some crap20:36
astraljavaTheLordOfTime: But I agree with you otherwise, just haven't used quilt before, but since it's the de-facto patching system nowadays, I will.20:37
TheLordOfTimealo21:  my packaging system is a desktop that I built that has 6 cores running at 3.2GHz each, with 16GB of memory available to it20:37
TheLordOfTimeits ***sole purpose*** is a dev environment20:37
TheLordOfTimethat includes ruby, GNU C, GNU C++, python, perl, and a few other languages20:37
TheLordOfTimeas well as all the debian build stuffs20:37
TheLordOfTimeso in this case it doesnt strain my system20:38
alo21TheLordOfTime: ahaha20:38
astraljavaalo21: pbuilder is handy for two reasons (that I care about, anyway, there are probably others): 1) always clean, no left-over dependencies that might skew the results, and 2) you don't need to run the devel cycle release on your desktop, and still are able to test on it.20:39
astraljavaTheLordOfTime: It was 'stain', not 'strain'.20:39
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Do you ever get even vaguely close to using the 16GB?  I rarely do on my quad core 8GB machine, even when doing a -j10 build20:39
TheLordOfTimepenguin42:  only if/when i'm running 18 things at once :P20:40
TheLordOfTime(and most of that's python)20:41
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  meh, not really20:41
penguin42TheLordOfTime: It is nice to be able to run a large VM with say a different distro in to build on that and be able to give the VM a good chunk of resource20:42
TheLordOfTimei do that for Debian20:42
alo21astraljava: do you create a new pbuilder environment every time you build a new package?20:42
TheLordOfTimealo21:  its a chroot environment, the base exists all the time, but each chroot gets the additional required packages as determined by the debian package20:43
astraljavaTheLordOfTime: Not really what?20:43
TheLordOfTimei.e. if it requires iamtheevil, and iamtheevil is not in the base tarball, it'll get those20:43
alo21TheLordOfTime: it seems you are very proud of your spacecrafr20:43
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  its not really a stain on my system20:43
astraljavaTheLordOfTime: I mean the question was "you use pbuilder to [] not stain you[r] system", as in it won't leave cruft on your own system.20:45
alo21TheLordOfTime: you run pbuilder-dist <distro>  --save-after-login, all your installed deps stay there20:45
TheLordOfTimeastraljava:  i purge my cache pretty often20:45
TheLordOfTimeusually once a week20:45
TheLordOfTime(at least for pbuilder, minus the base tarball)20:45
TheLordOfTimealo21:   i dont do that intentionally20:45
TheLordOfTimei know that's what happens, but all the extra cruft goes away20:45
astraljavaI don't think that's the point. You want to be sure the dependencies are set correctly for a package. If you don't test on pbuilders, you won't know which dependencies have already been installed by something else.20:46
alo21TheLordOfTime: good20:46
TheLordOfTimei dont *care* whether dependencies are saved20:47
TheLordOfTimethe reason i dont save those dependencies is because the *point* of a pbuilder base tarball is to have the *absolute basics*20:47
TheLordOfTimeand then get the rest including dependencies20:47
TheLordOfTimethe same general thing happens in the ppa builders20:48
TheLordOfTimeexcept that they rebuild the base environment for each build20:48
TheLordOfTime(from observations)20:48
TheLordOfTimeas well as install the dependencies and the likes for the build process20:48
TheLordOfTimeafterwards, the chroot gets erased20:48
penguin42yeh the danger is having a package installed that turns out to have been a dependency but wasn't listed20:49
TheLordOfTimethen the package needs bugfixed :P20:49
TheLordOfTimepenguin42:  if a dependency is needed, and not listed in debian/control, that package needs burninated with fire until a replacement comes out20:51
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Indeed - but that's what I mean about the danger that a clean pbuilder removes20:51
TheLordOfTimeoh i see20:52
* TheLordOfTime misunderstood your intent :)20:52
* TheLordOfTime yawns20:52
* penguin42 admits to not liking pbuilder, but I only do an occasional fix - if you're doing stuff all the time I can see it would be easier20:52
TheLordOfTimei cant seem to get pbuilder to work21:12
* TheLordOfTime checks his ppas21:12
TheLordOfTimeooh i have a 'randombuilds' ppa :P21:13
* TheLordOfTime uses21:13
TheLordOfTimebug or no bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/101697221:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1016972 in owncloud "Owncloud 4.0 release, will 12.04 update be available?" [Undecided,New]21:21
TheLordOfTime(for the other bug squad peoples)21:21
jtaylorit might make sense for backports21:25
TheLordOfTimeshould i repoint this to backports?21:25
jtayloryou should check if a newer version packaged21:25
jtaylorif yes point the reporter to the wiki page on backports21:26
jtaylordepending on the rdeps it might be simple21:26
TheLordOfTimealo21 https://launchpadlibrarian.net/108472904/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.juju_0.5%2Bbzr542-1.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:26
TheLordOfTimesame error you're getting21:26
alo21TheLordOfTime: could it be a bug?21:27
TheLordOfTimesince the non-modified source builds perfectly21:27
TheLordOfTimea MOTU tested that21:27
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  its already in Quantal as 4.0.221:27
TheLordOfTimeso i'll point them to the backports wiki page21:28
jtaylorTheLordOfTime: good, it has no rdeps so its a straightforward backport21:28
jtaylorthough if its brand new it might make sense to wait a while to let it stabilze21:28
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  it looks brand new-isn (2012-06-17), but should i still post about the backport process, and then close the bug i already referenced (assuming in the description i mention it should sit a while and be tested before filing a backport request)21:30
jtayloryou could leave the bug open21:33
jtaylorjust reassign it to backports21:33
jtayloralso debian has a 4.0.321:33
jtaylorso its probably not very stable yet if it throws out so many bugfix releases21:34
TheLordOfTimeits the precise-backports project, right?21:35
* TheLordOfTime wants to make sure he doesnt break it21:35
jtaylorthough it should be checked if it builds in precise unmodified21:37
TheLordOfTimewell, given my system is fubar'd... :P21:37
TheLordOfTime(you've seen -MOTU with the issues i'm having)21:37
TheLordOfTimei'll dget it and use my buildtests ppa21:38
TheLordOfTimeand for the record, i love whomever set up the -bugs-announce system :P21:40
TheLordOfTimeits nice to be able to see new bugs come out :P21:41
* TheLordOfTime has a highlighter to see if 'nginx', 'display-dhammapada', or 'php5' are mentioned21:41
TheLordOfTimegood, the PPAs are fast today :)21:43
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw/+archive/build-tests/+build/3600637  <-- built without incident21:47
TheLordOfTimealo21:  hang on a minute21:51
alo21TheLordOfTime: ok21:52
TheLordOfTimearand:  (from -motu) i was trying to help confirm whether there was a build problem caused by a patch or caused by the original source for the bug that alo21 was working on21:56
TheLordOfTimethat bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/95600021:56
ubot2Ubuntu bug 956000 in juju "'juju bootstrap' with no arguments gives confusing message" [Low,In progress]21:56
TheLordOfTimetheir patch applies with quilt, afaict, but it does not build21:56
TheLordOfTimewas trying to figure out whether it was failing to build because of the patch or because of the original package from Quantal21:57
TheLordOfTimearand:  but if you're saying the original package isnt building from that source, then that's a bigger problem=21:59
arandYeah :/ I'm not sure if the failures in the test cases are serious, the fact that they fail are enough to abort the build though.22:01
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
alo21TheLordOfTime: should I comment this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/956000) and say that is no possible to fix the bug due to instability?22:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 956000 in juju "'juju bootstrap' with no arguments gives confusing message" [Low,In progress]22:20
TheLordOfTimeabsolutely not22:21
TheLordOfTimearand and i are still debating what the problem is22:21
alo21TheLordOfTime: ohh.. I did not read it22:21
TheLordOfTime(what we do know is the version that exists in Quantal fails to build from source (FTBFS))22:21
TheLordOfTimewell, we're debating in #ubuntu-motu, they were helping me with pbuilder, now we're on a diagnosis-of-problem issue22:22
alo21TheLordOfTime: I am so sorry, but I have to go. Could send me by email what did you decide, please. You can find my info here: https://launchpad.net/~alo2122:24
alo21TheLordOfTime: thanls again and have a nice day22:25

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