
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  IdleOne:  launchpad ID = trekcaptainusa-tw00:49
TheLordOfTimepleia2:  wouldnt let me apply, was the problem00:50
* TheLordOfTime blames LP evilstupidity00:50
TheLordOfTime(and sorry for disappearing, the train is evil)00:50
pleia2yeah, you don't go to launchpad to apply for membership, you go to a membership board (or in the case of IRC or Forums, the IRC or Forums council)01:24
TheLordOfTimeso asking in here for access would get that done (since i already have membership)?01:32
pleia2you'd probably want to contact an IRCC member, but they hang out here01:35
TheLordOfTimei know AlanBell's on IRCC, last I checked.  i know a few others here are too01:45
TheLordOfTimei'll poke em tomorrow, i'm more interested in the breaking news that i just heard about01:45
* TheLordOfTime shifts attention to the news01:45
IdleOnepleia2: I am guessing I don't have the ability to add users to teams?02:16
pleia2you're on a membership board, so you have access to add people to the ~ubuntumembers team02:16
pleia2but I'm watching!02:17
IdleOnewhat i am not seeing in that case is how it is done02:17
pleia2if you go to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers while logged in you should see that you can add people02:17
IdleOneah, I see.02:18
IdleOnethank you02:18
TheLordOfTimeand now i'm done with the news02:19
TheLordOfTimewhoops sorry wrong channel02:20
* TheLordOfTime hates laptop touchpads02:20
IdleOneI had a blast chairing the first 22:00 UTC meeting yesterday :)02:22
IdleOneI'm such a geek lol02:22
TheLordOfTimeanyways, i would like to be on that group, so... whenever someone with access gets around to adding me to the IRC Members team, my ID is trekcaptainusa-tw on launchpad.02:25
TheLordOfTime*returns to reading the news*02:25
IdleOneTheLordOfTime: AlanBell will see the pings and take care of it02:26
TheLordOfTimesounds good02:26
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AlanBellTheLordOfTime: done07:41
Tm_Tthanks unit, ninnnu and genii (:08:15
=== vibhav is now known as Guest61908
=== Guest61908 is now known as vibhav
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=== Guest37517 is now known as vibhav
ubot2PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()14:13
lubotu2PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-cn ()14:14
ubot2PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-doc ()14:14
tumbleweeddo we have any idea what's behind all these drive-by "!ops" people/bots ?14:15
tumbleweedmeh. there seems to have been a lot of it recently14:16
ubot2PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()14:19
IdleOneAlanBell: ^14:21
IdleOnePricey: * JanC (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC) has joined #ubuntu-irc14:22
IdleOne<ubot2> PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()14:22
IdleOne<lubotu2> PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-cn ()14:22
IdleOne<ubot2> PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-doc ()14:22
IdleOnemultiple channel, think this falls into network issue :)14:22
Tm_TPricey: what did you do? (;14:23
ubot2PriceChild called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()14:23
ubot2Rimjob called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners-team ()14:27
IdleOnesorry about the ping JanC was a mispaste14:44
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  thanks.15:51
vibhavWhat is the channel #ubuntu-ops-monitor for?16:30
Tm_Tvibhav: unanswered questions goes to there and people can monitor those if they want to pick one of them16:33
vibhavTm_T: It invite only?16:34
Tm_Tnot that I know16:34
vibhavIt is*16:34
vibhavTm_T: Cannot join to channel #Ubuntu-ops-monitor (You must be invited)16:34
TheLordOfTimeyou should learn the /mode function, new irc council member16:34
TheLordOfTime* Channel #ubuntu-ops-monitor modes: +imnrstz16:34
TheLordOfTime/mode #channel16:35
TheLordOfTimeon freenode, it returns whatever modes are on that channel16:35
TheLordOfTimeeven if you're not in it16:35
TheLordOfTime(won't show you details when you're not in it, but...)16:35
TheLordOfTimeits invite only16:35
Tm_Tsee, I too often forget how long In My Time of Dying actually is /:16:35
TheLordOfTime*probably* because its behind the ops team's screen16:35
Tm_Tmy head is fudge, I was talking about #ubuntu-meta (:16:35
* TheLordOfTime is being extraordinarily hypercritical in this instant16:35
Tm_Tvibhav: ops-monitor is for ops purposes16:36
vibhavah, got it16:36
nhandlerTm_T: Also, I think you were thinking of #ubuntu-meta for the unanswered question channel16:36
TheLordOfTimehe just said that?16:36
vibhavthanks Tm_T16:36
Tm_Tnhandler: see I noticed that myself (;16:36
nhandlerAh, missed that line (was scrolled up partially)16:36
* Tm_T feels the love of ubuntu irc community16:37
k1lall guys here still drunk form last nights parties? :)16:37
TheLordOfTimethere were parties last night?16:37
Tm_Tk1l: considering I drank only coffee and water, yes, very (;16:38
k1lwell it was friday night. so the chances of partie were quite high :)16:38
Tm_Talso http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midsummer#Finland16:38
k1land football eurochampionchips :)  at least for the german fellows ;p16:39
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
bfortifiedhello just trying out IRC17:12
ubot2Yankees52 called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()19:01
ubot2Yankees52 called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()19:03
m4vhe did the same in #ubuntu-co ^19:05
AlanBellsame as the PriceChild person earlier I presume19:05
m4vAlanBell: yes19:06
AlanBellwe should set up #ubuntu-histrionics for such people19:06
bazhangPricechild was staff, last I checked19:06
Fuchshe still is, if you check now19:07
Fuchseven in this room, just under the shorter name19:07
AlanBellbazhang: yeah, someone grabbed the nick, presumably in the services upgrade19:07
FuchsAlanBell: huh?  /msg nickserv info PriceChild19:08
PriceyHe used a few nicks similar to mine, including my actual 'PriceChild'19:08
Fuchseither he just used it within the period before enforcement, or he spelled it in a different way. We would be a bit silly if we would allow staff nicks to expire in such a prune.19:08
AlanBellso how did he do that then?19:08
nhandlerAlanBell: He wasn't identified19:09
nhandlerThis is why it is important to check that a person is identified to the account before assuming they are actually that person19:09
PriceyOh and enforce was not enabled on my nick.19:09
AlanBellbut shouldn't he have been renamed to guest pretty quickly?19:09
Fuchs30 seconds if enforce was enabled, which it wasn't19:09
PriceyEnabling cap identify-msg ftw.19:09
Fuchsbad Pricey ;p19:09
PriceyFuchs: meh19:10
ubot2Yankees52 called the ops in #ubuntu-kernel ()19:16
ubot5ChildPrice called the ops in #ubuntu-unity ()19:23
ubot5Budwesier called the ops in #ubuntu-unity ()19:24
ubot5Budwesier called the ops in #ubuntu-unity ()19:25
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== init is now known as Exio
Spyder99Hi guys, Im trying to get a cloak please, im a launchpad member21:51
JoseeAntonioRSpyder99: What's you Launchpad ID?21:51
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:52
TheLordOfTimek1l:  not necessary:  <Spyder99> Hi guys, Im trying to get a cloak please, im a launchpad member21:53
Spyder99its spydersphere@gmail.com21:53
TheLordOfTimethat's your email21:53
TheLordOfTimenot your launchpad id21:53
Spyder99ah sorry, spydersphere21:53
TheLordOfTimeyou're not on the members team yet21:54
JoseeAntonioRSpyder99: But you can get a cloak21:54
Spyder99ah ok21:54
k1lTheLordOfTime: he needs to be an ubuntu member, not only a user in launchpad.21:54
TheLordOfTimek1l:  ah i misread21:54
Spyder99can i join?21:54
JoseeAntonioRSpyder99: Please, go to #freenode and ask for an unaffiliated cloak21:54
TheLordOfTime!membership | Spyder9921:54
ubottuSpyder99: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:54
k1lSpyder99: read the wiki page about the membership (which the bot just posted)21:54
TheLordOfTimek1l:  i misread what he said, sorry21:54
Spyder99thanks for the help ill do it now21:54
Spyder99Ah well, i dont think i can join, I cant program/code21:55
k1lSpyder99: its not only about coding21:56
Spyder99Im really interested in linux/ubuntu and have been to some local LUG meetings21:56
k1lSpyder99: just find your way to contribute to the ubuntu community. there are different ways to become a ubuntu member21:56
Spyder99I've been into linux for about 10 years now21:56
k1lSpyder99: just read the wiki page about membership. it explains what is needed for an mmebership and what the procedure is21:57
Spyder99ok cheers21:57
k1lsidenote: whe banned this guy from the german channels already because of the same trolling23:01
k1l@ bazhang23:02
bazhangk1l, ok23:02
bazhangno idea why he was asking for java when he needed flash23:02
Fuchsoh, ubu23:03
Fuchsunfortunately he switches hosts every now and then, but the ident stays23:03

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