
=== vibhav is now known as Guest61908
=== Guest61908 is now known as vibhav
=== vibhav is now known as Guest37517
=== Guest37517 is now known as vibhav
locodir-usergood evening14:04
locodir-userany body here?14:06
ButterflyOfFireYopla locodir-user hello14:08
locodir-userhello everyone14:54
locodir-userjs wondering if someone can help me with ubuntu isnatallation14:54
YoBoYlocodir-user, hi, this is not a support channel, you can find help on the #ubuntu channel14:56
locodir-userhow can i go there?14:57
YoBoYjust type this command here :14:57
YoBoY /join #ubuntu14:57
ButterflyOfFire /join #ubuntu14:57
ButterflyOfFire;) YoBoY 14:57
YoBoY(starting with the /14:57
YoBoYtrop tard ButterflyOfFire :)14:58
locodir-userjoin #ubuntu14:59
locodir-userok thanks14:59
ButterflyOfFirelocodir-user,  start your command with a slash /14:59
ButterflyOfFireor clique on #ubuntu with the right button of your mouse then join #ubuntu15:00
locodir-useroh yes thanks 15:00
YoBoY(don't know if this work on the web client… :p)15:00
ButterflyOfFireheu *click15:00
ButterflyOfFireOn irssi YoBoY don't know :p15:01
ButterflyOfFireAh okay locodir-user is yousing the web gateway of freenode !15:01
YoBoY /join #ubuntu15:01
YoBoYno right click on the irc web client :D15:02
YoBoYbut you can double click on it :D15:02
ButterflyOfFire^^ really15:03
ButterflyOfFireWe have yo invent the triple click ! I know bad idea :p15:04
YoBoYor the long click15:04
YoBoYlike the long press on touch screens ;)15:04
ButterflyOfFireHumm yep that a good one YoBoY 15:05
ButterflyOfFire*that's (oula my keyboard)15:05
* YoBoY retourne plier des tshirts orange ^^"15:06
* ButterflyOfFire souhaite bon courage à YoBoY 15:07
=== vibhav is now known as Guest69218

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