
TheLordOfTimewhats the name for the metapackage that installs all the packaging related tools?01:14
=== sikon is now known as lucidfox
LaneyTheLordOfTime: I guess you mean packaging-dev09:01
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=== Guest61908 is now known as vibhav
=== vibhav is now known as Guest37517
=== Guest37517 is now known as vibhav
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds!14:12
IdleOnePriceChild: ?14:15
PriceChildwhat up my homey14:16
IdleOnewhy did you call for ops?14:16
PriceChildto be banned14:16
PriceChildkline me14:16
* tumbleweed has no idea why anyone would want to be banned14:16
PriceChildi do! i get high easily14:17
tumbleweedI suppose we al have odd persuits...14:17
IdleOnePricey: if you could remove your troll self :)14:18
PriceChildyay the real pricechild is here to kline me!14:18
PriceChildban me14:18
PriceChildi want to get high!14:18
PriceChildban me14:18
IdleOneimpersonating a channel op and staff member to boot, good idea.14:18
PriceChildi am a mental retard by the way14:18
tumbleweedah, normality14:19
PaoloRotoloHi all!14:39
scarneiroPaoloRotolo: Hi15:16
PaoloRotoloscarneiro, hi!15:18
TheLordOfTimecan i use Lintian on Ubuntu to check for lintian cleanliness for a Debian-destined package?15:47
jbichaTheLordOfTime: yes, lintian on Debian and lintian on Ubuntu is basically the same15:52
TheLordOfTimejbicha:  so i pretty much just need to run Lintian on the package to find whether its lintian clean, and fix any warnings and/or errors that arise?15:52
jbichayes, being lintian clean is important :)15:53
TheLordOfTimei once had a package that was lintian unclean by only one error, and that error was i forgot to change the standards number xD15:54
TheLordOfTimeand they were like "You're x.x. 1 behind in the standards number, fix it"15:55
tumbleweedsponsoring is an opportunity to teach, so many of us tend to be pretty pedantic sponsors16:02
TheLordOfTimealthough having said this, the debian people rejected a package even though it was lintian clean because they "Didn't agree with the way the source was run after installation"16:03
TheLordOfTimeso.. i kinda gave up on trying to get packages into Debian (then again, i havent had any need to get anything into Debian lately, so... :P)16:03
tumbleweedwas it totally crazy?16:04
TheLordOfTimesource code without any compiled executable (because the entire thing was 100% python...)16:05
TheLordOfTimeprobably, although its irrelevant now16:05
tumbleweeddid the sponsor have any experience with python?16:06
tumbleweedevery DD has their own requirements and foibles16:06
TheLordOfTimei know right?16:07
TheLordOfTimedon't know, but idc anymore :P16:07
jbichaDebian teams are awesome, if you can find a team that would be interested in your package16:08
jbichait makes sponsorship easier and reduces the MIA Debian maintainer problem16:09
tumbleweedteam-maintained packages++16:10
TheLordOfTime^ that16:12
TheLordOfTimebut i digress :P16:12
AmberJErr... this is weird. Upstream compiles fine if I run: 'cmake .' and then 'make'. But if fails on PPA as well as locally (when using debuild).18:42
AmberJHere's the PPA buildlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055180/ (please scroll down to line 3883)18:42
AmberJI don't understand why the build exits with error when using debuild. It builds fine when using 'make'.18:42
AmberJ(Timezone repost)18:43
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds!18:59
Yankees52ban me18:59
Yankees52ban me18:59
Yankees52ban me18:59
ubottuhey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, dax, stew, or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)19:00
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds!19:00
* iulian sighs.19:00
Yankees52lucas: ban me19:00
Yankees52yay ban coming!19:00
bazhangYankees52, lets stop this19:00
directhexi'm confused.19:02
james_wAmberJ, could it be a gcc version difference?19:07
james_wlooking at opencog-0.1/opencog/learning/moses/main/moses_exec.cc:828 might give some clues19:08
AmberJ_james_w, you mean the build breaking maybe because of using a different version of gcc/g++?19:11
james_wAmberJ, yeah, possibly19:11
AmberJ_Unfortunately, I'm unable to understand what is wrong with 828 of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~opencog-dev/opencog/trunk/view/head:/opencog/learning/moses/main/moses_exec.cc19:11
AmberJ_james_w, I tried building in the same VM... The build breaks with debuild but works fine when manually using cmake/make. (I guess same VM/install cannot have two different versions of gcc)19:13
james_wAmberJ, it might be something in the environment then19:13
AmberJ_Not sure if this is the cause but I noticed something... The debuild build breaks when I manually copy orig.tar.gz and debian/ from another repo. The same debuild build works fine if I use 'bzr dh-make' for debianization..19:15
AmberJ_I thought that 'bzr dh-make' only creates orig.tar.gz and copies template debian/ files.... but it seems ot19:16
AmberJ_*but it seems that it (i.e. bzr dh-make) is doing something else as well... Maybe doing with build environment as you suggest)19:17
* AmberJ_ is reading dh_make source19:19
james_wAmberJ_, might it be that MOSES_BZR_REVNO has no value when it breaks?19:25
james_whmm, doesn't sound right though19:25
james_wbut yeah, that error doesn't seem to have much to do with the file as you say19:25
=== vibhav is now known as Guest69218
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
TheLordOfTimehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1056521/  <-- anyone able to tell me what's missing?  i told the system to use all the components20:27
TheLordOfTimeCOMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"  <-- defined in ~/.pbuilderrc20:28
TheLordOfTimefor all users20:28
jtaylorTheLordOfTime: try with PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD="/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi" in .pbuilderrc20:29
jtaylorit gives better error messages in my experience20:29
TheLordOfTimebleh, pbuilder base got purged20:31
* TheLordOfTime is not pleased20:31
TheLordOfTime(the base.tgz)20:31
TheLordOfTimewill that base be rebuilt when i specify distribution 'quantal' instead of precise or when i specify 'natty'?20:31
jtayloruse pbuilder-dist for easy multi distributions20:32
jtayloror set BASETGZ/BASEPATH appropriately20:33
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  This package is uninstallable20:43
TheLordOfTimeDependency is not satisfiable: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~)20:43
TheLordOfTimenot sure what its on about...20:45
TheLordOfTime(since this is being caused by the 'juju' source package from quantal)20:45
TheLordOfTimeand juju's in main, if this is triggered in Quantal, bad things'll happen20:46
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  still around?20:49
jtaylorTheLordOfTime: debhelper 7 not available in quantal?20:49
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  <ubottu> debhelper (source: debhelper): helper programs for debian/rules. In component main, is optional. Version 9.20120419ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 594 kB, installed size 966 kB20:49
TheLordOfTimenot sure wth's going on20:49
jtaylorjust use pbuilder-dist20:50
TheLordOfTimeand that's with a pbuilder-dist quantal create20:50
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  i *did* i was just typing that20:50
TheLordOfTimeso unless pbuilder's gone wonky and is bugged20:50
TheLordOfTimepbuilder-dist *20:50
jtaylorcan you login and install the dependencies?20:50
TheLordOfTimepbuilder-dist quantal login --save-after-login right?20:53
TheLordOfTimeah there it is20:54
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  i'm going to edit the debian/control20:54
TheLordOfTimei think the ~ is throwing it off (its yelling at python, ended with a ~ too)20:55
TheLordOfTimeI: Installing the build-deps20:55
TheLordOfTimeThis package is uninstallable20:55
TheLordOfTimeDependency is not satisfiable: python (>= 2.6.6-3~)20:55
TheLordOfTimeunless pbuilder-dist is literally broken20:55
TheLordOfTimeunless you're willing to do me a favor and try to build juju in Quantal yourself20:56
TheLordOfTime(its directly synced from Debian, so i wonder if its breaking)20:56
TheLordOfTimeeven installing python myself doesnt fix it20:57
TheLordOfTimehow much do you want to bet that pbuilder-dist is broken20:57
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  ^20:57
jtaylornot sure what the problem20:58
jtaylorlikely something with components20:58
TheLordOfTimewell that's unlikely20:58
TheLordOfTimedebhelper's main20:58
TheLordOfTimeso's python20:58
arandpango-graphite needs SRUing somehow in lucid: Bug #893559 which I'll be marking a dupe of Bug #540035 shortly.20:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 893559 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "Installing pango-graphite breaks display manager" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89355920:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540035 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "pango-graphite causes several applications to crash" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54003520:59
TheLordOfTimeyep, i think this is a bug in pbuilder20:59
TheLordOfTimebecause i even *installed* python20:59
arandThis appears to fall into the "upstream microrelease" SRU category. Would it be appropriate here to simply request a sync from debian squeezy for the SRU?21:00
jbichapersonally, I use sbuild instead of pbuilder http://wiki.debian.org/sbuild21:00
TheLordOfTimejbicha:  i dont have it installed21:00
arandTheLordOfTime: This is a qq pbuilder and qq juju source?21:07
TheLordOfTimearand:  precise pbuilder, quantal juju source21:08
TheLordOfTimealthough i have a tarball now built for quantal21:08
TheLordOfTime(for the pbuilder)21:08
TheLordOfTimei'm just testing a package build21:08
TheLordOfTimenot actually *producing* the debs here21:08
* TheLordOfTime tests any and all debian package builds prior to submitting debdiffs for bugs21:08
TheLordOfTimearand:  and using pbuilder-dist also breaks21:11
TheLordOfTimeit doesnt correctly identify that the debhelper and the python is valid21:11
TheLordOfTimeunless quantal's bootstrapthingy is wrong21:12
=== fedora is now known as ia
TheLordOfTimeoh hang on21:15
arand"pbuilder-dist quantal build juju_0.5+bzr542-1.dsc" seems to work for me from Debian21:19
TheLordOfTimemeh might just be pbuilder21:20
arandprecise doesn't have the python packages/versions that the quantal juju depends on.21:20
TheLordOfTimei'll reinstall everything for it later21:20
TheLordOfTimearand:  but it was a quantal pbuilder-dist21:20
TheLordOfTimei *confirmed* that21:20
TheLordOfTimeit should have still built within the chroot21:20
TheLordOfTimei.e. pbuilder-dist quantal build ...21:20
arandIs it old and in need of an update?21:21
arand(the base tgz that is)21:21
TheLordOfTimei just recreated it21:21
TheLordOfTimeso i doubt it21:21
* TheLordOfTime had to recreate it today after an unfortunate nuking of the cache21:22
arandHmm, I'm seing your exact dependency errors on the precise base and not on the quantal one...21:31
TheLordOfTimearand:  then i'm going to file a bug against pbuilder at this rate21:31
TheLordOfTimepbuilder-dist quantal build did those errors21:31
TheLordOfTimeit even said * distribution is quantal21:31
* TheLordOfTime will purge pbuilder stuff and reinstall then test21:32
TheLordOfTimeif it comes up i'll be filing a bug21:32
TheLordOfTimecomes up after reinstall*21:32
arandYour first log from above is from precise though?21:33
TheLordOfTimein pbuilder21:33
TheLordOfTimebut then i remembered i keep a build-tests ppa on lp21:33
TheLordOfTimeso i just used that21:33
arandSo you tried it in a precise base.tgz then in a PPA on quantal, then in a quantal base.tgz?21:36
arand*PPA quantal pocket21:36
* TheLordOfTime sighs21:41
TheLordOfTimearand:  i uploaded to a plain old PPA on Launchpad21:42
TheLordOfTimeafter i said "screw it" to pbuilder locally21:42
* TheLordOfTime assumed that would have been understood immediately21:42
TheLordOfTimethe package is targetted against Quantal, so it tried to build in a quantal chroot within the PPA builders21:42
TheLordOfTimeso it got past the random crap i was seeing in pbuilder21:42
TheLordOfTimeand stuff21:43
TheLordOfTimei'm on a different issue now21:43
arandWell, I FTBFS:ed as well, on a bunch of testcases...21:43
arandhttp://paste.debian.net/176022/ But the depends bit you were seing went ok.21:45
TheLordOfTimewait, so it FTBFS in Quantal?21:51
TheLordOfTimearand:  ^21:52
arandLooks like it, but later on in the build preocess than in your case... weird.21:53
TheLordOfTimearand:  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/108472904/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.juju_0.5%2Bbzr542-1.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  <-- that's what i'm getting when trying to help someone fix a bug (via an LP builder)21:55
TheLordOfTime(see -bugs if you're not there already)21:55
TheLordOfTimebut if you're saying the original package isnt building from that source, then that's a bigger problem=21:58
arandTheLordOfTime: From what I can tell that build log tells the exact same story as the one from pbuilder-precise-base... Just that it's using a different builder than pbuilder. But I've a hard time imagining that the QQ pocket in a PPA would confuse the series. I have no clue what's up there...22:04
arandI would say it's indicating that it's not a pbuilder bug though.22:04
AmberJ_ok thanks james_w ... I won't settle until I find the source of this bug.22:10
arandTheLordOfTime: I'm wondering if it's the latest python that's in flux, and being only half-published on some servers or so, hence everything that's depending on python suffers...22:12
arandHmm, no I misread the publishing dates there, seems pretty unlikely to be python..22:18
TheLordOfTimei'm thinking there's an error in the juju code22:22
TheLordOfTimeespecially if its FTBFS without any patches22:22
TheLordOfTimes/any/any additional/22:22
arandTheLordOfTime: Which package server were you using for your pbuilder by the way?22:25
arandOh, I meant http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu or?22:27
TheLordOfTimeoh, um...22:27
* TheLordOfTime checks22:27
TheLordOfTimehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  <--22:28
TheLordOfTime(from the sources.list in the base tarball)22:28
TheLordOfTimei could try it off of the us archive though22:29
TheLordOfTime(the US mirrors)22:29
arandWell, we were using the same mirror, so that can't be the dependency mismatch either o_o22:29
TheLordOfTimebut if the main archives have a major regression issue, then the mirrors wont be much better22:29
TheLordOfTimehence why i'm going to uninstall and reinstall pbuilder22:29
AmberJ_Where is dh_make repo? I can see dh_make source on packages.debian.org but isn't there's supposed to be a version controlled repo as well?22:30
TheLordOfTimearand:  is dh-make needed?22:30
* TheLordOfTime isnt seeing dh-make installed on his system22:30
arandIt's only for making packaging starter templates22:31
TheLordOfTimejust making sure22:31
TheLordOfTime(although i do need that)22:31
arandIt's time-saving, though doesn't help you in doing the actual work :)22:32
TheLordOfTimeit prevents me from having to bzr branch my debian templates22:32
TheLordOfTimebecause i'll just recreate em22:32
* TheLordOfTime keeps debian/ templates on a junk branch22:32
AmberJ_Found it http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/collab-maint/deb-maint/dh-make/ (dh-make svn repo on alioth)22:35
arandAmberJ_: It's http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/dh-make.git;a=summary nowadays actually.22:41
TheLordOfTime^ that22:42
arandTheLordOfTime: alo21's patch does cause a separate (earlier) FTBFS issue, it seems.22:51
TheLordOfTimeah, so then his patch is invalid22:51
arandNow we've got three of em' :D22:51
TheLordOfTime(good thing he didnt upload, i'd have been strict)22:51
AmberJ_Thanks arand!22:51
TheLordOfTimearand:  if you can narrow down the FTBFS issue, that'd be awesome.22:51
arandhttp://paste.debian.net/176033/ is the one with alo21's patch22:52
arandI'm doubting I'll have much luck with it, but I'll gather as much as possible for a bug report though.22:59
AmberJ_james_w, I think I now get what you meant by "[00:55] <james_w> AmberJ_, might it be that MOSES_BZR_REVNO has no value when it breaks?"23:14
AmberJ_In fact, I strongly suspect that MOSES_BZR_REVNO getting no value is the culprit :)23:15
AmberJ_I'm doing a build now to see if we are right..23:15
arandThough, now it's turning night here.23:19
AmberJ_It does NOT matters if I run debuild from package/debian or from package/ .... right?23:28
TheLordOfTimearand:  at the least, on the bug report, i'd recommend pointing out it FTBFS as well (although note he didnt upload his patch yet)23:29
arandAmberJ_: Should not.23:29
arandTheLordOfTime: Yeah, when I said Bug I meant a new one for the current-version ftbfs23:30
TheLordOfTimefile it and subscribe me?23:30
TheLordOfTime(trekcaptainusa-tw is my LPID)23:30
ubottuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpds!23:53
Yankees52ban me =)23:53
ubottuhey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, dax, stew, or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)23:53

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