=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk] | ||
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero | ||
theblaze | Just a question: couldn't you use ubuntulog in place of chanserv if you /op him | 04:50 |
=== SmilyBorg_l is now known as SmilyBorg | ||
* Kilos Waves | 06:10 | |
SmilyBorg | hi Kilos | 06:13 |
Kilos | hi SmilyBorg | 06:14 |
Kilos | whew vodacom signal is so poor today only see first little bar on network manager | 06:49 |
Kilos | 22% it says | 06:50 |
superfly | hi Kilos and SmilyBorg | 07:54 |
Kilos | hiya superfly | 07:54 |
zeref | zomg, eclipse + python +pyqt+pydev = awesome :D | 08:52 |
Kilos | yo zeref psydroid | 08:52 |
psydroid | hi Kilos and zeref | 08:52 |
zeref | hi Kilos | 08:53 |
Kilos | toods zeref | 08:59 |
Kilos | wb zeref | 09:10 |
sflr | morning guys | 10:10 |
Kilos | hi there sflr | 10:10 |
Kilos | methinks everyone has gone shopping | 10:11 |
sflr | hey Kilos | 10:11 |
Kilos | lo highvoltage Hodgestar drussell | 10:23 |
Kilos | yo theblaze | 12:01 |
theblaze | Hi | 12:01 |
theblaze | Anything interesting happen? | 12:02 |
Kilos | nope saterdays are normally quiet till late avy | 12:02 |
theblaze | Coll | 12:17 |
theblaze | Cool* | 12:17 |
Kilos | yo smile | 12:46 |
smile | hallo Kilos :) | 12:57 |
Kilos | be back now now | 12:57 |
Kilos | got to do some manual labour quick | 12:57 |
smile | ok :) | 13:01 |
Kilos | bbl | 14:57 |
smile | kilos is gone :o | 15:27 |
smile | theblaze: hi! :D | 15:32 |
theblaze | Hi | 15:32 |
theblaze | A bit quite today | 15:34 |
smile | theblaze: how are you? :) | 15:54 |
theblaze | Smile : good and you | 15:54 |
smile | i'm fine! :D doing what I have to do: using Nitro to manage my tasks :) | 15:55 |
theblaze | Nitro? Never heard of it | 15:55 |
smile | Nitro Tasks :) It's a relatively new task manager :) | 15:56 |
smile | (not for managing processes, but for real tasks in your life) | 15:56 |
theblaze | Cool | 15:56 |
theblaze | Have to go | 15:57 |
smile | theblaze: goodbye :) | 15:58 |
superfly | Maaz: tell Kilos HAPPY BIRTHDAY OOM!!!! | 16:41 |
Maaz | superfly: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode | 16:41 |
Kilos | ty superfly | 16:53 |
Kilos | my modem always start flashing orange then flashing green then solid green | 16:54 |
Kilos | today its red when connected | 16:54 |
superfly | Kilos: how has your day been today? | 16:57 |
smile | hi Kilos & superfly | 16:58 |
smile | :) | 16:58 |
Kilos | not too bad ty superfly just coldish | 16:58 |
Kilos | hi smile | 16:58 |
smile | Kilos: I read your blog for 45% :) | 16:59 |
Kilos | haha | 16:59 |
Kilos | have i died yet? | 16:59 |
smile | Kilos: no :) | 17:01 |
inetpro | Kilos: Happy Birthday! | 17:04 |
Kilos | ty inetpro | 17:04 |
Kilos | im catching up to langjan | 17:05 |
Kilos | lo theblaze sakhi | 17:10 |
sakhi | hi Kilos | 17:12 |
theblaze | Hi | 17:13 |
Kilos | Maaz, coffee on | 17:15 |
* Maaz starts grinding coffee | 17:15 | |
theblaze | Maaz what can you do | 17:17 |
Maaz | theblaze: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. | 17:17 |
Maaz | Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. | 17:17 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with decisions | 17:17 |
Maaz | theblaze: I use the following features for decisions: choose and poll | 17:17 |
Maaz | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 17:17 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with silly fun stuff | 17:18 |
Maaz | theblaze: I use the following features for silly fun stuff: bash, choose, coffee, duel, dvorak, fml, fortune, insult, mlia, morse, nickometer, random, redirect, rot13, saydo, tfln and werewolf | 17:18 |
Maaz | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 17:18 |
theblaze | Maaz tfln | 17:18 |
Maaz | theblaze: I can't reach that site | 17:18 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 17:19 |
Kilos | Maaz, ty | 17:19 |
Maaz | You are welcome Kilos | 17:19 |
smile | Maaz: you fixed Kilos' scanner? :p | 17:24 |
Maaz | smile: Sorry... | 17:24 |
smile | you did! :p | 17:25 |
smile | but you are bot :( | 17:25 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with south African stuff | 17:25 |
Maaz | theblaze: I use the following features for south african stuff: lotto | 17:25 |
Maaz | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 17:25 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with software development | 17:26 |
Maaz | theblaze: I use the following features for software development: base64, retest and rfc | 17:26 |
Maaz | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 17:26 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with monitoring yhingse | 17:28 |
Maaz | theblaze: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. | 17:28 |
theblaze | Maaz help me with monitoring things | 17:29 |
Maaz | theblaze: I use the following features for monitoring things: coffee, http, icecast, meeting and ping | 17:29 |
Maaz | Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. | 17:29 |
theblaze | How do I use coffee | 17:29 |
theblaze | Maaz [19:29] (theblaze) How do I use coffee | 17:29 |
Maaz | theblaze: If you say so | 17:29 |
theblaze | Maaz How do I use coffee | 17:29 |
Maaz | theblaze: Times coffee brewing and reserves cups for people. You can use it like this: | 17:29 |
Maaz | coffee (on|please) | 17:29 |
theblaze | Maaz coffee please | 17:30 |
Maaz | theblaze: There isn't a pot on | 17:30 |
theblaze | Maaz coffee on | 17:30 |
* Maaz starts grinding coffee | 17:30 | |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for theblaze! | 17:34 |
theblaze | Maaz coffee please | 17:34 |
Maaz | theblaze: There isn't a pot on | 17:34 |
theblaze | Maaz lol | 17:34 |
Maaz | theblaze: Huh? | 17:34 |
* nuvolari peeks in | 17:43 | |
smile | :p | 17:48 |
theblazetablet | Mass I'm tired. Coffee please | 18:22 |
theblazetablet | Maaz I'm tired. Coffee please | 18:22 |
Maaz | theblazetablet: Go get it yourself! | 18:22 |
smile | doei! :) | 18:31 |
magespawn | Howdy all. | 18:39 |
superfly | hey magespawn | 18:43 |
magespawn | I hear you had a look at my shop. | 18:43 |
superfly | magespawn: well, I don't know if it was your shop, or just the post office | 18:44 |
superfly | I couldn't see too clearly on Google Street View | 18:44 |
superfly | magespawn: but it looks like both your devices are flat | 18:45 |
magespawn | When I last looked the street view was before I put my signs up. | 18:45 |
magespawn | Say what? | 18:45 |
superfly | magespawn: have you got them? | 18:46 |
magespawn | Got what? | 18:47 |
superfly | the devices | 18:47 |
magespawn | Oh no not yet. | 18:47 |
superfly | ah, OK | 18:47 |
magespawn | Sorry blond moment. | 18:47 |
superfly | That would explain things :-) | 18:47 |
magespawn | Though you meant my phones. | 18:47 |
theblazetablet | [21:13] ** paulfantom has left ##linux ("Konversation terminated!") Just saw this in ##linux. That's a great quit line | 19:14 |
Banlam | /me yawns | 21:40 |
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