
ratcheerSire: One of the main reasons I got a new computer was because I couldn't get ALSA to work with an Audigy 200:01
iHarpalchemist9: picked up dmg2img. worked well. the paths you gave me worked as well00:02
Sireratcheer: from what I've seen, the Audigy 2 is a different breed. I've gotten this audio card working in GUI-Ubuntu, but I'm currently trying to get it to work in a headless build.00:03
arno_hi everybody. how do I known my version of catalyst drive ? fglrx package is  2:8.960 and it seems not related to catalyst version driver00:03
ratcheerarno_: Search in file /var/log/Xorg.0.log for fglrx00:05
glitsj16Sire: what mpd is concerned .. did you have that working before? did you check its configuration to see which audio output is active (can be alsa, pulseaudio, ...)?00:06
Loshkigrendal: so are you saying you want to turn of automatic updates?00:06
Loshkigrendal: of -> off00:07
arno_ratcheer: I got the same Version: 8.96.400:07
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ratcheerarno_: In Ubuntu 12.04, I believe that is the correct version.00:08
Sireglitsj16: mpd was recognizing the default alsa device until I updated/installed alsa manually with `sudo apt-get install alsa`00:08
SireI didn't have confirmation on function due to another issue with mpd, though.00:08
arno_ratcheer: but from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI it seems like current upstream version is 12.4 at least00:08
glitsj16Sire: debugging audio issues is rarely easy .. tried the pulseaudio output with mpd yet?00:10
Sireglitsj16: let me see if I can manage something.00:10
Sireglitsj16: actually, that's already failing: "Assertion 'm' failed at pulse/thread-mainloop.c:232, function pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(). Aborting."00:11
ratcheerarno_: Yes, 8.96.4 is correct. I believe that is external version 12.4. They do not number the modules internally the same way.00:11
glitsj16Sire: is pulseaudio running at all?00:12
Sireglitsj16: no, and it doesn't want to start.00:12
SireI'm still working on getting headless audio working for the first time.00:12
Teduardois there a good APF style firewall for Ubuntu 12.04?00:12
Teduardoapf doesn't work with 3.200:12
arno_ratcheer: ok, thanks00:15
glitsj16Sire: never done that .. you also mentioned updating alsa, from the precise (12.04) repositories, ppa?00:16
Sireglitsj16: whatever `sudo apt-get install alsa` did.00:17
glitsj16Sire: i thought you updated, my bad00:18
wolfgangI'm trying to find a good screen recorder that won't add lag to make videos, any recomendations?00:18
wolfgang!screen recorder00:18
GardenHosequestion: is there any way to fix a youtube bug where the video does not maximize to full screen? it sort of becomes bigger, takes about a quesrter size of the screen at the center, but everything around it is pretty much black00:21
GardenHosei run dual monitors if that makes a difference00:22
physically_fitwolfgang, did you try recordmydesktop? it comes with ubuntu.00:22
SireGardenHose: I heard that it was a plugin issue and dual monitors doesn't help it.00:22
SireThe issue getting better, that is.00:22
physically_fiti've used recordmydesktop succesfully in the past, wolfgang00:23
hopeless8009what up00:40
physically_fitdo you need help?00:41
hopeless8009no i just thought i would say hi i like to watch the line to learn00:41
physically_fitbut everyone is gone, partying. friday night, you know.00:42
hopeless8009yep me also I'm hosting a lan party00:42
teamcoltra|mbaAdding: "tuebl ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ebook-convert" to my sudoers file should allow any user to type "sudo tuebl /usr/bin/ebook-convert" and not get prompted for a password, correct?00:43
HDScorpiohow do I join a different server?#00:44
teamcoltra|mba(because it's still asking for a password)00:44
physically_fitHDScorpio, i think it's /server <something>00:44
teamcoltra|mbaphysically_fit I was also going to tell him that if it's xchat it's /newserver or he will get disco'd from his current one. but he already left :P00:45
schnuffleteamcoltra|mba: wrong the user tuebl is allowed to run ebook-convert as root00:45
teamcoltra|mbaschnuffle I was reading something on this "sudo(8)" which should allow me to run a script as another user00:46
teamcoltra|mbabut I am really not wrapping my head around it00:46
schnuffleteamcoltra|mba: wait I'll check and give you a line to test00:46
teamcoltra|mbaI need to run ebook-convert as another user (tuebl) but I will be doing it in a script, so I can't give feedback when it asks for a password... and honestly I don't care if anyone on the server runs this command through this user00:47
whitneyHi, so, I'm using Wubi right now and I'm wanting to switch to a Live CD and boot it alongside Windows.  Two questions, would I have to first delete my Wubi install, and two, would switching to booting from a CD increase the amount of space I have to work with within Ubuntu?00:48
HDScorpioSorry if this is in the wrong place but is the Freenode thing the only IRC server I can connect to? Are there other IRC clients that allow me to connect with other servers?00:49
teamcoltra|mbaHDScorpio type /newserver irc.whatever.net00:50
LoungeHDScorpio: yes there's irc.effnet.net but imo freenode is better as it supports sll00:50
teamcoltra|mba(whatever.net is not an actual server to connect to)00:50
schnuffleteamcoltra|mba: it should be something like:  %staff ALL = (tuebl) NOPASSWD: /your/command and then everybody  needs to be in the staff group00:50
HDScorpioDo I type that in the freenode thingy or do I type it here?00:50
SireOk, so I'm trying `speaker-test` to figure out how to get audio, but I get the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055236/ What can I do?00:51
Loungeis your in irssi i think "/connect irc.freenode.net"00:51
schnuffleHDScorpio: doesn't matter but better to use the freenode thingy00:51
Loungei'm incorrect.. it's chat.us.freenode.net, ssl port 669700:53
schnuffleSire: looks like your card is not recognized00:53
Sireschnuffle: how could I go about getting it recognized? The alsa configuration file shows that it sees the audio card, or at least has data indicating that it's there.00:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:55
SireWell, http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin is 404.00:56
schnuffleSire: for sound I think others are better suited then me00:56
Loungesometimes when getting a scratchy sound out of one ear, doing "killall pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload" fixes it, pulseaudio restarts right after00:56
whitneyIs there anybody who could help me out?00:56
SireLounge: I haven't gotten any audio out successfully configured, yet.00:57
i7cwhitney: just ask00:57
whitneyI did.  I'll repost.00:58
whitneyHi, so, I'm using Wubi right now and I'm wanting to switch to a Live CD and boot it alongside Windows. Two questions, would I have to first delete my Wubi install, and two, would switching to booting from a CD increase the amount of space I have to work with within Ubuntu?00:58
LoungeSire: i had a similar issue, no sound, turns out ubuntu was looking for sound from my ati gpu00:59
i7cwhitney: you want to boot from cd without installing it, did i get this right?00:59
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whitneyI want to install it alongside windows.  Would this pretty much be the exact same thing as Wubi, because now tht I think of it it seems so.00:59
hopeless8009does anyone know of a good genaric laser printer driver for 12.04. i have a dell 1130 laser printer01:00
i7cwhitney: well it would need its own partition01:00
terafl0pshopeless8009, have you looked at the CUPS project?01:00
i7cwhitney: afaik Wubi just uses the windows partition itself. installing it along side windows will need a seperate partition01:00
terafl0pscommon unix printing system01:01
Loungeati radeon cards have that HDMI audio out, so that can conflict with alsa on which one is hooked up to speakers01:01
hopeless8009terafl0ps,  no whats it about01:01
terafl0psI think Ubuntu installs CUPS by default and has it running on port 631.01:01
terafl0psTry http://localhost:63101:02
SireLounge: well, I might have conflicts between the C-Media motherboard audio and the Creative Audigy PCI card.01:02
i7cwhitney: and also afaik you don't need to remove Wubi, but an own ubuntu installation will install GRUB to select which OS to boot. i dont exactly know how this gets along with the windows boot selection01:02
Loungeso i when into alsa audio preferences and disabled the ati01:02
whitneyOkay.  I'm asking because I've been trying to increase the partition size of my Wubi install but no matter what I try I can't get it to work.  I've tried the wubi resize thing that you have to run from the terminal but it never wants to work.  I'm not familiar enough with script to do it manually, either.01:02
LoungeSire: in the alsa audio preffs under the hardware tab, see if there's more than one device01:02
SireLounge: how could I do that on the command line? I'm working on a headless server.01:02
i7cwhitney: i just recommend installing it on an own partition. you can still have dual boot with windows. and it runs faster that way. if you use win7 you can shrink your ntfs partition (if enough free space available) and you can just create a new partition within the ubuntu installer01:03
LoungeSire: alsamixer and then hit f6 to switch sound cards01:04
Loungein terminal, type alsamixer01:04
whitneyOkay.  Sorry if this is a stupid question but could you tell me how to do that, or send me to a site that explains that to me please?01:04
terafl0pshopeless8009, If it's running , you should be able to go into the administration tab and try adding your printer from there.01:04
i7cwhitney: don't worry about "stupid" questions, please. what exactly do you wanna know? shrinking a volume or the installation or both? ;)01:05
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whitneyOkay.  :)  Both, please.01:05
hopeless8009terafl0ps, does it come packaged with Ubuntu01:05
SireYES! AUDIO!01:06
terafl0psI believe so.01:06
terafl0psWere you able to go to http://localhost:631 ?01:06
i7cwhitney: ok. in windows you press start and then right click "Computer" and select the thingy with the shield symbol. i think it's called computer management or so01:06
LoungeSire: ok good, from now on it should use that sound card01:06
terafl0psIt can be installed with apt if you don't already have it.01:07
BrianHHey guys, I have a GPS system with a Holux M-91 chipset and I'm trying to connect to it with my linux system.  Anyone have experience with this?01:07
Loungeubuntu doesn't know which card is actually plugged in01:07
i7cwhitney: there you look for "disk management". you'll see your windows ntfs partition. right click it and select shrink volume01:07
BrianHIt's a bluetooth GPS, but I'm trying to pull the serial data from USB.  dmesg returns a lot of errors like "unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" when I plug it in.01:08
i7cwhitney: you need enough free space to shrink it. if not enough available maybe remove Wubi or something else.01:09
SireMusic success!01:09
whitneyi7c:  I think I should.  By the way I'm just writing these down so because I'm on ubuntu atm.01:09
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Guest45523Good morning all01:09
JohnTeddyI have to manually use my mouse to put volume down/up. My hot keys aren't working anymore.. not sure why.01:09
i7cwhitney: after shrinking the volume you just let the rest of your harddrive without partition. you need to make a live CD or a usb flash drive now, to install ubuntu01:10
Guest45523I'm having a rough time getting a Geforce GT 520M working with Ubuntu. Can anyone help me?01:10
i7cwhitney: you can easily make that within your ubuntu (google will help, it's very easy. the software comes with ubuntu, it's called startup disk creator")01:11
whitneyi7c: Okay, thank you.  Just to be sure, could I go back into windows and expand the ntfs partition at some point in case I want to use windows more?01:12
OerHeksGuest45523, Optimus ?01:12
Guest45523Yes, optimus01:13
Guest45523Should I just off myself now? :P01:13
i7cwhitney: you can expand the ntfs partition again, yes. but you will lose the partitions that are "in the way".01:13
OerHeksGuest45523, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee & the #bumblebee irc here on freenode, those guys are up2date01:13
whitneyi7c: Okay, so, if I installed Ubuntu on the remaining partition, and then expanded ntfs, ubuntu would disappear?01:14
Guest45523Ok, I tried installing Bumblebee before, didn't have much luck, but honestly, I probably didn't do it correctly01:14
Guest45523I'll head over there, thanks01:14
Guest45523Hey, real quick, how do I change my nick?01:14
GiddeonI used apt-get to install some packages. When I logged out and logged back in I see a message that the server needs a reboot.  Is there a command I can run after running apt-get to see if the system needs a reboot?01:15
TheLordOfTimeGuest45523:  /nick newnick01:15
Guest45523Ok, tried that01:15
Guest45523I'll try again01:15
TheLordOfTimeGuest45523:  use something other than newnick, and FYI, IRC-related questions in #freenode01:15
i7cwhitney: you cannot expand if there is another partition. you will have to delete the ubuntu partition and then you can expand. but - alternatively - you can shrink your ubuntu partition. but this will need a lot of time cuz it needs to move everything on the partition to the end of the disk01:15
Guest45523Oh well, no biggie. Off to the Bumblebee channel01:15
i7cwhitney: bottom line: you are flexible in moving and resizing partitions. but if you steal to much space of the ntfs and you want it back it will take quite some effort.01:17
whitneyi7c:  Okay.01:17
whitneyi7c:  As for the installation, how would I differentiate between the separate partitions?  I've never done this sort of thing before (obviously).01:18
whitneyi7c: (so that I install on the correct one)01:18
i7cwhitney: hold on a second01:19
whitneyi7c: Okay.01:19
terafl0psCan anyone recommend any favorite disk backup software?  I tried duplicity for awhile because deja-dup is built-in, but it seems really immature and broken.  I keep getting CRC errors from it just writing its own temporary files, and I know the disk is good.01:20
newuserhi 4 everybody01:20
wolfgangI am looking for a good quality easy to use screen recorder, any recomendations?01:20
i7cwhitney: http://media.bestofmicro.com/Linux-Ubuntu-9-04,X-7-209851-13.png01:20
terafl0pswolfgang: RecordMyDesktop01:20
wolfgangterafl0ps, where do i find it for linux?01:20
i7cwhitney: during installation when installar asks you how to install ubuntu you do NOT select "install alongside windows"01:21
i7cwhitney: you select "something else". then you'll see something like the pic i sent you, just that "free space" should be much bigger01:21
wolfgangterafl0ps, i looked at it on the sourceforge website but i couldn't find a dl01:21
terafl0pswolfgang: sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop01:21
i7cwhitney: whithin the free space you have to add new partitions using the "new partition" button.01:22
wolfgangok thank you also how do i remove kazam?01:22
newuserI have a box with Lucid installed... I also installed ecryptfs to crypt my home dir. This was working for a long time, but after an system update and a reboot my home dir wont mount anymore... any tips?01:22
i7cwhitney: for each partition you have to select a mount point. but it really depends on how much space you have available. maybe you should do the shrinking first and then ask again.01:23
wolfgangI used sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop and searched for it but its not there01:24
wolfgangit installed01:24
Loungenewuser: are you saying it won't auto mount or won't mount even manually?01:24
whitneyi7c:  Okay.  One last thing before I brb, with skrinking the ntfs partition, would I still be able to use and do the same things on Windows I did before?01:25
terafl0pswolfgang:  What version of Ubuntu are you running?01:25
newuser<Lounge> it won't mount even manually01:25
wolfgang<terafl0ps> 12.0401:25
matti_ have an inspiron e1705 with 2.1 system but only the left speaker sounds, will i need some kind of  mixer to get sound in the other speakers on my laptop or what is missing ...01:25
i7cwhitney: yes. make sure the shrinking is not interrupted. your windows will work just as before. you only have less space available.01:26
newuserI tried to unwrap the passphrase without success01:26
terafl0pswolfgang:  Hmm.  It should be in there.  I'm running 12.04 also.01:26
wolfgangwhere would it be?01:26
escottnewuser, did you backup the unwrapped key01:26
wolfgangi searched in the dash01:26
whitneyi7c:  Okay then, that sounds awesome.  I'll be back momentarily after the shrinking process.  :)01:26
i7cwhitney: and be patient. it takes some time without response. totally normal.01:26
Loungenewuser: try to see if your files are recoverable01:27
L3top!info gtk-recordmydesktop | wolfgang01:27
ubottuwolfgang: gtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop screencast tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-4.1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 118 kB, installed size 795 kB01:27
wolfgangOk but where is it?01:27
whitneyi7c:  okay!  Thank you so much for all your help.  Talk to you soon.01:27
i7cwhitney: you're welcome.01:28
terafl0pswolfgang:  Did apt say that it installed it?01:28
L3topwolfgang:  sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop01:28
wolfgangit says setting up01:29
wolfgangtthen it stops01:29
terafl0psThanks l3top, I forgot about the gtk frontend package.01:29
wolfgangits there not01:29
wolfgangthank you01:29
wolfganghow do i record with my mic?01:30
newuser<escott> yep, but I lost it. I think it was also recorded on wrapped-passphrase file at .ecryptfs01:30
tbocsTalking about record desktop, I wonder how I can take a screenshot of another display. I have another display run by gdmflexiserver, which I want to take a screenshot of :-)01:30
tbocsthank you.01:30
escottnewuser, thats the wrapped version. so you have to have the password to unwrap it.01:30
wolfganghow do i record wih mic? or does it do that auto01:31
newuser<escott> No, only my user pass01:31
escottnewuser, by default that password is the user password01:31
newuserbut I changed my user pass over time01:32
terafl0pswolfgang:  It may do it automatically.  I disabled it because I didn't need sound.  Don't forget to make sure your microphone volume is up.01:33
wolfgangthank you01:33
newuserit needs to be the one I had when I installed it or could be what I'm using now??01:33
escottnewuser, the last one that work01:33
newusergreat, and how can I try it to mount my crypted home dir?01:34
escottnewuser, each password change should setup a new config to unwrap it, but you could also try the original one if you know it01:34
newuserok, please, let me know how to do that?01:35
HaltingStateubuntu unity 12.04 is snapping my windows to the wrong size.  I am changing the size in blender of the window and it keeps reverting it to a size i cannot use!!!01:36
HaltingStatestuff is going off the screen and it wont let me keep the window small01:36
escottnewuser, i believe there is supposed to be a script in your $HOME with instructions01:37
escottnewuser, you can also try things like http://www.kaijanmaki.net/2009/10/26/recovering-files-from-ecryptfs-encrypted-home/01:37
KingFisherhow do I download a web page and save it to a .txt file that i have on my computer01:38
KingFisherlike wget www.example.com >> example.txt01:39
newuserso, I can do that via an SSH connection to my box?01:39
escottKingFisher, there is a -O option01:40
escottHaltingState, does it think the window is larger than what is being displayed?01:41
HaltingStateescott, i resize the window to be small01:42
HaltingStatethen it reverts the resize01:42
HaltingStateescott, i disabled grid in ccsm and its better now01:45
HaltingStatealso animations seem to introduce lag into when i click something01:45
HaltingStatei want to unminimize window and it lags; even if animations is disabled; needs to be fixed01:45
HaltingStatei want UI events to be responsible and fast; not lagged intensionally01:45
trying2codemy terminal says RHLogin required01:49
L3topHaltingState: what is your GPU? lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'01:49
HaltingStateL3top, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV630 [Radeon HD 3600 Series] [1002:9598]01:51
HaltingStatenot nvidia01:51
L3topHaltingState: did you dare invoke fglrx?01:51
escotttrying2code, mine says "hulu.com."  if you need help you need to give more details01:51
HaltingStateL3top, whats that01:52
L3topBeacuse you can't01:52
L3topThat is ATI's proprietary driver.01:52
trying2codeoops, wrong channel escott01:52
L3topThey do NOT support your GPU.01:52
L3topHaltingState: apt-cache policy fglrx | grep -i 'installed'01:53
HaltingState  Installed: 2:8.960-0ubuntu101:53
L3topthat is why.01:53
HaltingStateL3top, is that the proprietary drivers?01:53
L3topone moment01:53
HaltingStatewhat is that01:53
HaltingStateL3top, when i installed packages i took a list of packages from 11.10 installation and just reinstall all of them, so bad things might have been installed01:54
L3topHaltingState: ATI has dropped support for... MOST of the chipsets on the planet. You will have to use the open source drivers... which are decent... but... it is a shameful regression.01:55
HaltingStateL3top, what?01:55
L3topgive me a moment.01:55
tomas_hello how i know if i have installed nano in ubuntu ?? and if is not how i installed01:58
escotttomas_, nano is part of core01:59
escott!info nano01:59
ubottunano (source: nano): small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico. In component main, is standard. Version 2.2.6-1 (precise), package size 175 kB, installed size 584 kB01:59
i7ctomas_: in general you can type the following to list installed software:   dpkg --get-selections02:00
i7cin terminal.02:00
thedarkhello everyone I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and have installed compiz settings manager, enabled zoom, and have rebooted multiple times, however zoom is not working02:02
thedarkalso, I have desktop effects set to medium02:02
thedarkbut the zoom is not working02:02
thedarkcould anyone please help me get compiz zoom working?02:02
stopbitHey all new to the channel02:03
tomas_thank you very macuh i ll try that i7c02:04
i7ctomas_: youre welcome. you can filter it with grep btw. so looking for nano would work like this:   dpkg --get-selections | grep -i "nano"02:05
L3topHaltingState: ATI dropped support for MOST of the chipsets out there with 12-5... but... this long predates that. Based on 10.04.. if       lspci | grep 'VGA' | grep -Ei '((R.)([2-7])|(9|X|ES)(1|2?)([0-9])(5|0)0|Xpress)                 returns a result then it's game over... that doesn't even address the HD 2xxx-4xxx series they dropped this year. Follow this pastebin http://pastebin.com/GjeV2tQ502:05
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i7cit will only print the lines containing nano.02:05
L3topHaltingState: you will need to reboot after that02:06
Whitneyi7c: Hey, it's Whitney from before.  I just shrunk my ntfs partition and it said there was about 83 gb unallocated.  I  haven't yet made the disk.02:06
i7chi Whitney. ok, 83 GB is not too much but enough for ubuntu i guess :)02:07
L3topHaltingState: my soul dedication at this point is to autodetection/install of GPU drivers. I promise I am correct.02:07
Whitneyi7c:  Would it be a smart idea to get rid of the Wubi install?02:07
L3topOk my primary dedication02:08
glitsj16thedark: not sure exactly how compiz is configured on 10.04, one (obvious) question is whether you have checked in ccsm if you're performing the correct key/mouse actions you have there?02:09
i7cWhitney: that totally depends on how much space you need. my ubuntu with some software installed only needs 8GB. if you wont have large files that have to be on the linux partition it's no problem02:09
Whitneyi7c:  Okay.  You just sounded unsure about the 83 gb I had free for Ubuntu.  So I should be fine with this amount, then?02:10
thedarkfor the keyboard I set Super+Up02:10
thedarkdoesn't work when I press Super+UP02:10
i7cWhitney: it will work perfectly fine, yes.02:10
Whitneyi7c:  Okay, thank you.02:11
glitsj16thedark: one moment please, i only have mine set for mouse action .. i take it you already tried other key combo's yourself?02:11
i7cWhitney: i just checked. on my netbook i use ubuntu on a 60GB partition and i installed a lot of stuff still ;)02:11
thedarkthank you very much for helping me02:12
Whitneyi7c:  Okay, sounds good!  I should be able to install music and all that, no problem, right?02:13
i7cWhitney: yep. and you can also access your windows partitions or external harddrives.02:14
glitsj16thedark: no problem, if it only was getting somewhere heh .. i can use that key combo here btw .. do you have a working mouse to check whether that works out? loads of key combo's on modern UI(s these days, perhaps it conflicts ..)02:14
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WhitneyOh cool!  So no matter what I can make use of whatever space is on the computer from within Ubuntu.02:15
thedarkI have it set to use the mouse as well02:15
thedarksuper+ button 402:15
thedarksuper+button 502:16
thedarkbut nothing happens when I hold super and scroll up or down or press any of the buttons02:16
i7cWhitney: if you do not use "strange" filesystems, yes. i think linux can't handle extNTFS or whatever it's called. but ntfs and FAT are no problem02:16
Whitneyi7c:  Excellent!  Thank you again for your help.02:17
Peckerjust be careful with windows partitions and external devices tho02:17
Peckerive had soem fun times with those02:17
i7cWhitney: you're welcome. if you are online during installation i'm sure you'll find help here. but actually it isn't hard. with 80GB of space you can put everything on one partition.02:18
Whitneyi7c:  Alright.  I'm currently downloading the iso.  I'll stay connected and stop back in if I need any more help.02:19
glitsj16thedark: irritating indeed .. again, not sure about compiz/lucid, but are you using the 'zoom desktop' or 'enhanced zoom desktop' plugin?02:24
gfhghfCan someone help me?02:27
thedarkokay, I got it working02:27
i7cWhitney: well i'm off, going to sleep. tomorrow i'll be back and can help you. or just ask here in the channel ;) night02:27
thedarkit doesn't work when I have the monitors clones02:27
thedarkbut it works with expanded desktop02:28
Whitneyi7c:  Thank you, see ya!02:28
TheLordOfTime!someone | gfhghf02:28
ubottugfhghf: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:28
thedarkthanks for trying to help me glit, I am really happy to get it working02:28
thedarktake care02:28
glitsj16thedark: likewise, thanks02:28
gfhghfI download FTD5, its a tar.gz file how do I install it?02:28
Garr255Hey all, when I try to clone a hdd using either dd or its successor I get an I/O error. Any reason to this madness?02:28
TheLordOfTimegfhghf:  what's FTD5?02:29
gfhghfFDT sorry02:29
TheLordOfTimewhat's FDT (i dont know that)02:29
gfhghfIts a Developement suite for haxe02:29
Guest30287any way to get rid of unity?02:30
gfhghfHow do I instal it?02:30
ceti331_Can linux on pc hardware detect 3 finger trackpad gestures02:31
jagginessanyone knows if they have tmpfs for /tmp (mount<enter> tells me it isnt with my raid setup)02:31
jagginessceti331_, maybe, if there's a project for it then i see why not.. (perhaps the latest coders for gnome3 are doing something like this)02:32
ceti331_but do you even know if pc trackpads can detect 3 fingers02:32
ceti331_I know mine detects two. Ubuntu has 2 finger scroll fine02:33
ceti331_Better than windows at least02:33
ceti331_i can see its picking up two finger tap right click too02:33
ceti331_3 finger drag on mac osx is actually really nice, as is 3 finger desktop swipe02:35
Cache_MoneyWhat does "E: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate"02:38
nUwbHi everyone, I bought a extra hard drive for my pc and plan on using it as storage. How should I format it, ext4 fat32 ntfs? And how do I access it from linux? I mount it right?02:38
celthunderCache_Money: its not in a repository...02:39
jagginessCache_Money, its in universe02:39
celthunderCache_Money: enable multilib02:39
escott!fstab nUwb02:39
escott!fstab | nUwb02:39
ubottunUwb: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:39
jagginesscelthunder, hi remember that triple boot? I got it working yesterday hehehe02:39
escottjagginess, by default /tmp is not a tmpfs02:39
nUwbescott: got it, thanks02:40
jagginessescott, ok.. just checking (thought i saw it somewhere on a distro-- using a raid setup here)02:40
celthunderjagginess: awesome02:40
escottjagginess, fedora is using/switching to tmpfs on /tmp02:40
Cache_Moneyjagginess: I'm attempting to follow the directions for installing the Android SDK on my 32 bit Ubuntu VM, but when I tried the command $ apt-get install ia32-libs I got the above message02:41
jagginesscelthunder, apparently the ubuntu installer didnt make a 1 meg Boot Bios partition for the drive.. that's all i was missing ( I cant blame the installer because, I'm not supposed to have an EFI partition on the GPT drive, which was made by osx, but it's not even being used for booting anyways)02:41
escottCache_Money, look for an updated instruction. you should directly install the packagename:i386 dependencies02:42
jagginessCache_Money,  use the ubuntu's update manager, add in the other repos .. (here i see its available via the 'universe' repo)02:42
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:42
Erealzis there a terminal based email client?02:43
jagginessCache_Money, ?02:43
Erealza good one02:43
jagginessCache_Money, you're trying to install ia32-libs on a32-bit ubuntu ?02:43
jagginessCache_Money, that wouldnt make any sense...02:43
escottErealz, mutt02:43
iHarpcan you resize the main hard drive while it's running?02:44
escottiHarp, no02:44
glitsj16jagginess: have you already tried changing /tmp to tmpfs? i don't use raid but my /tmp has been mounted as tmpfs for quite a while now without issues02:44
Cache_Moneyjagginess: sorry, took a phone call.  I'm following the Android guidelines... So, maybe I can't install the Android SDK on this VM... ?02:44
Cache_MoneyI think I need to create a new Ubuntu VM using the 64-bit version instead of the 3202:45
aaksideI've got a mac with speakers and an ubuntu desktop without (both machines connected via ethernet to my router). Can I have the audio from ubuntu play in my mac speakers?02:45
ceti331_Join gnome02:45
escottaakside, pulseaudio can export to networks but im not sure how you would get mac to read that stream, unless you have pulse running on the mac02:47
celthunderaakside: escott mpd to an http stream02:48
celthunderescott: aakside or any mpd client on the mac should be able to connect and play02:48
aaksideescott: are there any mac binaries for pulse?02:49
aaksidecelthunder: how should I stream my audio to HTTP?02:49
escottaakside, follow celthunder's advice. he knows more than i do02:50
aaksidenever mind, I don't mean to ask stupid questions. I'll look into mpd and ask again if needed. Thanks guys02:50
celthunderescott: aakside basically mpd is music player daemon as such it doesnt actually output anything it just tells the client what to output...hence you connect to it with another client on another sstem it plays on that client02:51
celthunderassuming you have it setup right anyway it does.02:52
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aaksidecelthunder: can it stream all audio (and not just particular files)?02:53
celthunderaakside: erm...not really :(02:54
ubuntuFails88hello all, i'm trying to install ubuntu via wubi on an old HP box running XP, and get this error: "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem"...02:54
ubuntuFails88any ideas what's causing this?02:54
celthunderthough the pulse setup for it should give you a good start on getting what you want.02:54
escottubuntuFails88, why not do a real install?02:55
aaksidealright. I'll look into pulse. thank you escott and celthunder02:55
celthunderhmm I hate the people that came up with the idea of wubi it has no real or practical use or efficiency of any sort that doesnt already have a better method02:55
ubuntuFails88escott, tried installing from disk and USB, and kept on getting "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error02:56
escottubuntuFails88, sounds like you might be burning the cd wrong02:56
celthunderubuntuFails88: scsi drives/raid?02:56
ubuntuFails88pretty sure i did it right, i've installed ubuntu from version 6 on other machines02:57
celthunderer wait live fs...02:57
celthunderwhat the hell02:57
ubuntuFails88no scsi or anything exotic, just an old machine02:57
celthunderdid the squashfs commands fail at any point?02:57
escottubuntuFails88, when are you getting that error? when booting the live*** or after installing02:57
ubuntuFails88escott, when booting, can't get to install... i get to 12.04 loader image, then it fails with that message02:58
ubuntuFails88tried playing with boot order in bios, setting USB/DVD as 1st, etc02:59
escottubuntuFails88, sounds like a bad burn. does the disk boot on any other machines?02:59
ubuntuFails88md5's matched up02:59
ubuntuFails88let me try another machine02:59
catmistakeare services down? why can't I log in?02:59
celthunderescott: ubuntuFails88 are the grub mount points /filesystems correct?03:00
Garr255Hey all, when I try to clone a hdd using either dd or its successor I get an I/O error. Any reason to this madness?03:01
escottGarr255, bad drive?03:01
celthunderGarr255: bad sector/cluster?03:02
jimmy__it is possible03:02
Garr255well that sucks.03:02
jimmy__did you try at the ubuntu help forums??03:02
sounddonkeyhi, my speakers are working, but my sound is not working for some reason. any pointers on how I can find the name of my soundcard driver?03:02
Garr255it transfers a few hundred mb correctly... is there any way to avoid that sector?03:02
sounddonkeyI'm using Ubuntu 12.0403:02
sounddonkeywhen I boot up, at the end bios screen at the beginning, the sound works, but once the kernel and OS load, there is no more sound03:03
jimmy__sounddonkey its possible you need to install a proprietary driver03:03
sounddonkeythe sound worked yesterday, but today it stopped working03:03
ubuntuFails88<celthunder, not sure how to check the grub points03:03
ubuntuFails88escott, disk booted fine on another machine03:03
escottubuntuFails88, and its not a 64bit/32bit issue?03:04
ubuntuFails88burned the 32 bit version, downloaded the 32 bit wubi...03:04
ubuntuFails88very frustrating03:04
ubuntuFails88what exactly causes that error?03:04
jimmy__sounddonkey you still there?03:04
escottubuntuFails88, "downloaded the 32bit wubi"???? how is that relevant to an insall?03:04
jimmy__if you are you should try system testing03:05
sounddonkeyjimmy__ yes still here03:05
ubuntuFails8864-bit won't run on an old machine, no?03:05
sounddonkeyhow do I do a system test?03:05
escottGarr255, there is an option to tell dd not to stop on an io error03:06
jimmy__you are using ubuntu 12.04 correct or what distro?03:06
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Garr255escott, what would happen then?03:06
sounddonkeyyes ubuntu 12.0403:06
L3topHaltingState: You have me worried.03:06
jimmy__okay go to dash home and type system testing03:06
jimmy__you should see an icon that looks like a computer with a green check mark03:07
escottubuntuFails88, this could just be a bios issue. although its odd to have that when booting by cd, usually thats well tested03:07
escottGarr255, it would fill with 0s03:07
jimmy__sounddonkey go to dash home and type system testing03:07
Garr255escott, should I try 0ing the whole thing before attempting another clone?03:08
escottGarr255, no why?03:08
escottGarr255, are you getting io errors on your destination drive?03:08
ubuntuFails88i messed with BIOS settings, but nothing really there... no SCSI options, none of the other stuff mentioned on the forums applies03:09
escottGarr255, why not just use /dev/null as the destination drive. it would be faster?03:09
sounddonkey`jimmy__ ok doing it now03:10
KingFisherHello there. I'm trying to save some text to a particular txt file but its not working. Can anyone tell me why03:10
KingFisherwget -o www.google.com text.txt03:10
escottKingFisher, that would try to download text.txt and save it to a file named www.google.com03:10
jimmy__sounddonkey alright when done you should get a system report as well03:11
KingFisherescott, but it saves "wget -o www.google.com text.txt03:11
KingFisherI mean it saves "Saving to: `index.html.6'" to text.txt03:11
KingFisherhow do i get it to save the html to text.txt03:12
escottKingFisher, -O vs -o03:12
KingFisherThanks mate.03:12
nodestoolcan i use like 192.163.* for ListenAddress in openssh ?03:14
DarkAceZChromium keeps crashing in U12.03:14
escottubuntuFails88, its hard to say what it could be. sounds like the cd bootloader is starting, maybe even pulling up a kernel and initrd (not sure how the bootstrap works on the cd), but the bios isn't passing the correct device to the system as root.  how is the cd drive connected to the computer? directly? usb? some strange adapter port?03:14
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Guest71893Why it's too slowly download flash player when using firefox.03:19
glitsj16DarkAceZ: any error messages showing up?03:20
nodestoolGuest71893: flash support in linux is not as good as in windows or mac03:20
Guest71893no, i checked it in terminal. there show is downloading adobe-flashplugin_**file.03:21
nodestoolGuest71893: if you are watching youtube you can try HTML503:21
DarkAceZglitsj16, actually, in the terminal there was one. I'd need to crash it again though to see. Lemme try.03:21
Guest71893but this progress have half an hour03:21
nodestoolGuest71893: oh, just the plugin is a problem, then that might be adobe being slow03:21
glitsj16DarkAceZ: funtask heh03:21
glitsj16Guest71893: any reason you need to download flash plugin from adobe and not via ubuntu's packages?03:24
nodestooli have ubuntu 12LTS 64bit, server addition how can i set it to automount usb storage drives, like it does in desktop addtion?03:27
escottnodestool, udisks mounts disks on behalf of logged in users in the "plugdev" group03:28
escottnodestool, so you would need udisks, but you also need a logged in user to take ownership of those plugged in drives03:28
nodestoolescott: so i have to install udisks03:28
jiohdinodestool, /etc/fstab entry?03:28
nodestooljiohdi: i want it to be like where anyone can plugin in a usb drive, so fstab might be to restrictive03:29
escottnodestool, if you are only going to be dealing with ext4 or other unix drives you could put an entry in fstab and just assume the device comes across as /dev/sdY1 where Y is the next drive letter after your internals03:30
nodestoolescott: i can't assume just ext403:30
escottnodestool, and you can't mount fat/ntfs usably without defining an owner03:30
nodestoolbasically the way that the desktop addition does it is right for me03:30
fuzzynurfhurtermy ntfs auto mounts i didnt do nothing to it03:33
nodestoolfuzzynurfhurter: yeah exactly in desktop it does03:33
jiohdithe desktop assumes the user is the owner though, right?03:33
nodestooli cant figure out how to do it in server addition03:34
nodestooljiohdi: what would be your fstab entry?03:34
nodestoolmaybe there is something about fstab i don't know03:34
escottnodestool, being logged into a cli is not the same as being logged into a gui. the server setup is not configured to recognize a "primary" [cli] user the way the desktop has a primary gui user03:34
jiohdinodestool, I misunderstood, I assumed you were talking the same usb stick over and over03:35
nodestoolescott: that makes sense03:35
glitsj16nodestool: have you looked into usbmount? it does automounting specifically on servers i believe, could be a simple install03:35
nodestoolno i have not i will look now03:35
escottnodestool, if you are a member of plugdev you can just call udisks --mount as needed03:35
Guest71893i am the newer ubuntu, when i open firefox. and visit a website, there show miss plug , so i click and get it .03:36
escottnodestool, but the desktop process of udev sending dbus message to gnome-disk-??? calling out to udisks isn't going to happen because you dont have a gnome session03:36
glitsj16nodestool: i'm getting this from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB btw03:36
fuzzynurfhurternode oh ive never used the server ubuntu03:36
sarsaeolhi all, i have a weird issue where my 3tb usb drive is not being fully recognized in 10.04. In disk utility i see the bridge device... essentially the controller inside my external enclosure... output of dmesg for the drive is here: http://pastebin.com/PEj9TTpY03:40
jalskSo I don't quite know how to google for this question, so I figured I'd ask it here... I'm trying to get my server running, and it goes through the install process just fine, but on first boot it won't show the console to log in. I can ssh into the box, but I don't see anything when I plug in a monitor locally. I'm running ubuntu server 12.04 LTS. Does anybody know what steps I might go through to help troubleshoot this issue?03:40
escottsarsaeol, what do you mean "not fully recognized"03:42
nodestoolusbmount isn't giving me much luck now03:42
nodestoollet me read that http page03:42
escottnodestool, udisks --mount /dev/sdX#03:43
escott!nomodeset | jalsk03:43
ubottujalsk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:43
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sarsaeolescott: meaning that in disk utility it shows the bridge adapter (usb to sata bridge) but says 'no media recognized"03:44
Spyder83I'm having an issue when using ifconfig to shut down my eth0 interface. It will shut down for a minute but then re-enables. Any ideas?03:44
rainbowwarrior2hello, i am running Ubuntu 12.04 Lts and now when i log in i get a message saying " network disconnected " before my wireless use to connect to my network automatically and now i have to type in " sudo rfkill unblock all " then " iwlist wlan0 scan " log off and log back in again and press the wifi button on my compaq cq60 laptop and it connects ok, how can i fix this please so it connects to the network automatically like it use to03:45
escottsarsaeol, where does it say no media recognized03:45
rainbowwarrior2before ?03:45
sarsaeolescott: srry, in Disk Utility under system>disk utility03:45
sarsaeolsystem>admin>disk utility**03:46
nodestoolescott: ah thats pretty good03:46
escottsarsaeol, what does /proc/partitions say? what does sudo parted -l /dev/sdb say?03:46
nodestoolnow i just need to set up something to listen to dmesg or some such to do that auto magically03:46
Spyder83Would there be a reason why an interface would re-enable itself after being shutdown?03:46
escottnodestool, you can setup a rule for udev or listen for the dbus message, but how are you going to decide what user to set as the owner?03:48
sarsaeolescott: http://pastebin.com/4tE9tWEe03:48
sarsaeolonly sees the local drive03:48
escottsarsaeol, i guess there could be some kind of issue with the adaptor for large disks (perhaps something gpt related) but i don't know enough about usb mass storage to say03:50
jalskubottu & escott: thanks! Looks like I have a working terminal now!03:50
ubottujalsk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:50
nodestoolescott: its just one owner its a private network all on 192.*03:51
escottnodestool, in that case make an entry in fstab03:51
nodestoolescott: what entry?03:51
sarsaeolescott word, ill google a bit thanks for the help... and for running the show right now03:51
zamNhey i just recently installed ubuntu after having arch linux and I guess ubuntu doesnt add entries to the grub file automatically(?) so now my grub wont start :x....error 1603:51
escottnodestool, /dev/sdY1 /media/external1 noexec,owner=you03:52
PeckerzamN: reinstall grub?03:52
nodestoolis sdY1 a wild car or is that hard coded?03:52
Peckeror get into the os you can get into and update-grub?03:52
zamNi think i found something of use on google03:52
escottnodestool, hard code it to what your first external will come up as03:52
zamNThe reason for grub error 15 is very simple and so is the solution. The error gives you a message “Error 15: File not found!”03:52
fuzzynurfhurterim having a prob running an iso of linux says cant access tty; job control turned off??03:53
nodestoolescott: so if i have 3 usb ports just do that for each one basically?03:53
nodestool/dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2/ etc...03:53
OY1Rq: will removing cron/at have any negative effect on my system ?03:53
nodestoolall on there own line03:54
escottnodestool, if you have two internals then the first external you plug in post boot will come up as sdc, the second external sdd etc. so its all a matter of how many you plan to plug in03:54
OY1Rthe only thing i noticed it (cron/atd) do was to use 99/100% cpu recourse, and heating the laptop.03:55
Spyder83if I run the command "ifconfig eth0 down" shouldn't the interface stay down even though it's plugged in?03:55
escottnodestool, you will still have to call mount /media/external1 (to be honest calling udisks --mount /dev/sdb1 is probably just as easy)03:55
escottSpyder83, drop a line referencing that interface in /etc/network/interfaces and networkmanager should take its hands off the device03:55
escottOY1R, something is broken then. both cron and atd are using 100%03:56
Peckerescott: not exaclt, you need to list in [keyfile] unmanaged-device03:56
Peckerotherwise nm goes crazy03:56
OY1Rescott, atd was using 100% but i had to remove cron to fix it.03:57
escottSpyder83, ^^^ Pecker what is [keyfile]?03:57
Peckerit goes in the networkmanager conf03:57
Peckerif you specify anything in /etc/network/interfaces without setting the unmanaged deivce in nm cfg, nm goes crazy and wont stop managing the interface03:58
Spyder83escott: it still comes back up after removing the it03:58
nodestoolescott: ok if i do that and mount with udisks, i get permission errors for a normal uers03:58
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escottPecker, good to know. i was under the impression that putting something in interfaces was how you told NM to take its hands off03:58
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Peckerthats how i assume its suppsoed to be03:58
zamNwhat version of grub does ubuntu come with?03:59
nodestoolescott: sudo /media/my-disk works03:59
nodestoolbut not without sudo03:59
Peckerbut I just went throuigh this the other day setting up LTSP on exisiting install03:59
psusiubuntu has been using grub2 by default since 9.1003:59
escottnodestool, they would need to be a member of plugdev, but if they aren't they won't be able to modify any external drives that are fat ntfs anyways03:59
Peckerescott: see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200632303:59
Guest95988Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu to a new partition via live disk.  I already have 80some gigs of free space and I'm confused at this point.  When I get to the screen where is asks which partition to choose, and I click "add", what do I choose as the mount?  And what do I choose as the filesystem type?  I really don't want to mess anything up.  Please help.  Thanks.04:00
escottzamN, yes04:00
PeckerGuest95988: mount as / and filesystem type: ext404:00
Guest95988Okay, thank you so much!!04:00
nodestoolescott: so how do i add them to plugdev,04:01
escottOY1R, did you try sudo service atd restart04:01
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escottnodestool, usermod -a -G plugdev username04:01
OY1Rescott, no i did sudo services atd stop every time i started the system.04:02
KingFisherHow do I parse HTML with wget, for example I want to get a list of all the <a href= tags and tag contents04:03
KingFisherIs there a way of using wget with this or should I use curl04:03
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escottKingFisher, grep/sed/perl/special purpose html parsers04:04
nodestoolescott: thanks 1<<20 for your help, i am going to work on this more in the moring. :D04:05
nodestoolKingFisher: lynx -dump might be helpful as well, but if you really want to get deep into scraping look into the node.js tools, not really a ubuntu question04:07
KingFishernodestool, I want to do it in bash04:07
KingFisherI know how to do it in Python but I want to get better at bash04:07
puppy3ghzhello room.04:08
ClientAlivemy screen resolution in 12.04 is too small (way too small). What's the best way of dealing with that? (Also, there are two monitors on the machine).04:08
nodestoolKingFisher: wget and an curl just return html, so you can use grep/sed/awk to do your magic04:08
b4rl3byPython and awk are more efficient large file parsers than bash, in my experience.04:08
nodestoolmaybe lynx -dump will help04:08
PeckerClientAlive: type display in launcher04:08
sacarlsonKingFisher: the ruby lib watir has fancy html parsing and browser control  features that uses the ruby language http://watir.com/04:08
nodestoolotherwise you are on your own04:08
Peckerset your resolution to something higher04:08
ClientAliveI'm booting that machine up now. I'll check it out.04:09
sacarlsonKingFisher:  you will find you can't scrape sites that use java or java scripts with wget04:10
uofm49426is there a xchat from ubuntu one installers04:10
uofm49426ie windows version04:11
PeckerClientAlive: also go in terminal and type in "lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'04:11
Peckercurious about what graphics card you have... or if you need to instal ldrivers for it04:11
ClientAliveI see the settings for display. (1) It thinks this is a laptop (it's not). (2) It's set to 1024 x 768 but my monitor is something like 1920 x 1280 (something like that). If I click the drop down there is one other option there (even smaller size) but it is only visible if I hold the mouse button down. When I let the button go the drop down closes. I'll do a lspci... hang on04:14
ClientAlivelspci -nn | grep 'VGA' shows: "VGA compatible controller [0300]": Cirrus Logic GD 5446 [1013:00b8]04:15
Peckernever heard of the gfx card before04:16
damms005help guys. Why does the command:  dmesg | tail -f  just print last ten lines and exit. I thought the -f switch means tail need to keep an eye on that and follow it04:16
damms005Pecker: Why does the command:  dmesg | tail -f  just print last ten lines and exit. I thought the -f switch means tail need to keep an eye on that and follow it04:16
damms005ClientAlive: Why does the command:  dmesg | tail -f  just print last ten lines and exit. I thought the -f switch means tail need to keep an eye on that and follow it04:17
Peckerhere we go with last person who said something highlighters04:17
jribdamms005: stop.04:17
psusidamms005, you have to give it a file for -f to follow, it can't follow a pipe04:17
jribdamms005: and you want to use "watch" I guess or use tail on an actual file04:17
psusidamms005, you want tail -f /var/log/kern.log04:18
ClientAlivenot sure about that one brother. (damms005). I've only used a handful of stuff as necessary so not tooo experienced  :)04:18
damms005psusi: Is that what dmesg reads to stdout?04:18
Peckerdont worry abou t him04:18
ClientAlivemy video card is a gt 440 (dual head card) btw04:18
Peckerone of those to get a naswer highlight everyone who has said something since he joined04:18
zamNdo i want grub installed on all disks04:19
zamNor only my linux disk?04:19
psusidamms005, no, dmesg reads the current kernel message ring buffer...  syslog writes new messages in the kernel ring buffer to /var/log/kern.log04:19
AbhijitzamN, only on linux disk04:19
PeckerzamN: install grub to the HDD where the BIOS is set to boot from04:19
ClientAliveI wonder if that "Cirrus Logic GD 5446" is what one would use as the identifier in an xorg.conf file ?04:19
zamNhow do i know which one that is Pecker04:19
Peckerlspci -nn | grep 'VGA'04:19
Peckergrr copy aste04:19
Peckergo in BIOS and check04:20
damms005psusi: that mean the "tail" command is a lazy dude...lol...can't even follow avpipe04:20
damms005psusi: that mean the "tail" command is a lazy dude...lol...can't even follow a pipe04:20
Peckerbut yeah installnig grub to disk you installed linux on should be ok04:20
zamNPecker: so i wouldnt just install it to /boot ?04:20
psusidamms005, no, pipes can't be followed because there's nothing more being written to it once dmesg exits04:20
Peckerhave you installed grub before?04:20
zamNwell sort of04:20
zamNi think arch did this for me04:21
psusizamN, /boot is a directory... you install grub to a disk... i.e. /dev/sda04:21
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zamNi understand that04:21
zamNbut do i put this to my /boot partition04:21
zamNor root04:21
damms005psusi: so tail -f  /var/log/kern.log is what does that. right?04:21
zamNor the whole disk in general04:21
psusizamN, you don't need a /boot partition... you want to install grub to the whole disk, not a partition04:21
zamNokay thank you then04:21
psusidamms005, does what?  follows /var/log/kern.log?  yea04:22
ClientAlivedoes anyone know if there's anything special about generating an xorg.conf with ubuntu 12.04 or can I just go off instructions for any distro?04:22
Guest85368Can somone help me to install entangle on ubuntu 12.04?04:22
psusiClientAlive, ubuntu doesn't use xorg.conf by default04:22
damms005psusi: tail -f  /var/log/kern.log  does follow new kernel messages...like plugin new dongle...etc.04:22
psusiX tries to be automagical these days04:22
puppy3ghzhello room. is android linux based and do the tablets such as nook and fire share the same programing?04:23
psusidamms005, yes04:23
Peckerid look to see if graphics drivers are installed for yuor computer04:23
AbhijitGuest85368, how you are trying to install it?04:23
Peckeras 1024x768 seesm to be standard ubuntu res for no drivers04:23
Alchemist9puppy3ghz: the kernel yes everything else not so much...04:23
ClientAlivepsusi: yes, I understand. I though it was just that the x server tries to auto detect the displays if there isn't one. I thought I can create one and it will use it bc it looks for that file first. Doesn't it?04:23
rainbowwarrior2hello, i am running Ubuntu 12.04 Lts and now when i log in i get a message saying " network disconnected " before my wireless use to connect to my network automatically and now i have to type in " sudo rfkill unblock all " then " iwlist wlan0 scan " log off and log back in again and press the wifi button on my compaq cq60 laptop and it connects ok, how can i fix this please so it connects to the network automatically like it use to04:23
rainbowwarrior2before ?04:23
Guest85368<Abhijit> Well im trying to compile from source as a last resort and am running into major dependancy issues...04:24
Peckerpuppy3ghz:  android is linux based as far as programming tho idk.04:24
psusiClientAlive, yea, it will use it if you have it, but if it doesn't find a display on its own, a config file isn't likely to help04:24
puppy3ghzi m using eclipse to start with04:25
AbhijitGuest85368, install the depencxies first04:25
ClientAlivewell it finds both displays but it has my resolution way too low. Not sure the best way to deal with it other than xorg.conf (if that would even work).04:25
PeckerClientAlive: graphics drivers?04:26
psusiClientAlive, system settings->displays?04:26
AbhijitGuest85368, you are talking about this http://entangle-photo.org/04:26
Alchemist9android makes use of java code, although the javavm is davlek i think...04:26
Guest85368<Abhijit> I keep on running into issues... I tryed installing GetDeb but after that (what apeared to be a sucsessfull install) it dosn't show up in the software center... (id loke to avoid comiling from source if it's possible..04:26
Guest85368<Abhijit> Yes i am...04:26
* Alchemist9 pokes ubottu04:27
Abhijitis there on getdeb? i cant found it. if its installed from getdeb then just try to launch it from terminal04:27
AbhijitGuest85368, ^04:27
ClientAliveI think mine is one of the things you normaly need a driver from 'additional drivers' but it never came up this install04:27
ClientAliveit's that or the whole jockey route04:27
psusiGuest19554, software center shows packages in the ubuntu repository, so anything installed with getdeb isn't going to show up there04:27
Peckerthen run jockey in launcher04:28
puppy3ghzyes i belive that is some of the things i have read about andorid.. stuff is still new to me.04:28
Peckersee what comes up04:28
ClientAlivesystem settings has no options avail other than what it is (and it thinks that computer is a laptop)04:28
Guest85368Abhijit, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/getdeb_apps/precise/apps/getdeb/entangle04:29
AbhijitGuest85368, try launching it from terminal04:29
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Guest85368<Abhijit> As in just typing 'entangle' ?04:30
ClientAliveI'll just try to wing it I guess. Maybe I can fig it out.04:30
AbhijitGuest85368, yest first try that. if not worked then type entagle and press tab several times that will show you available commands04:30
AbhijitGuest85368, several times continuously04:31
Peckerid still check graphics drivers...04:31
Guest85368<Abhijit> nothing shows...04:32
AbhijitGuest85368, what it says when you type just entangle04:32
Guest85368Abhijit, entangle04:33
Guest85368No command 'entangle' found, did you mean:04:33
Guest85368 Command 'untangle' from package 'sgt-puzzles' (universe)04:33
Guest85368entangle: command not found04:33
zamNhey how can i edit the grub2 config? they say dont edit grub.cfg manually but i dont know what else to do...its being stupid04:33
Abhijit!grub2 | zamba04:33
ubottuzamba: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:33
AbhijitzamN, ^^^^04:34
AbhijitGuest85368, try to build from source and read the INSTALL file first carefully04:35
Guest85368<Abhijit> http://www.getdeb.net/software/Entangle04:35
Abhijitand README04:35
Abhijitthats great. why not install from getdeb then Guest85368 ?04:35
Peckergoodnight fellw IRCers04:36
Guest85368<Abhijit> When I hit the "install" the software center opens and says no packages match...04:36
AbhijitO.o Guest85368 no idea about it. you may try building from source04:37
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Guest85368<Abhijit> Ehh... I was afraid of that... Thanks for the help though!04:38
manskihi. is there a way of getting rid of the "gfxmode" line in grub 2 under ubuntu 12.04?04:46
DarkAceLaptopglitsj16, it won't crash! DX04:52
manskihi. is there a way of getting rid of the "gfxmode" line in grub 2 under ubuntu 12.04?04:54
wilee-nileemanski, it is commented out to begin with, maybe you can tell us what is up.04:55
manskiwhen I leave this line in, my whole screen goes white and I can't read anything on it anymore04:55
manskiand I'm talking about the line when you edit the boot configuration from within grub04:56
manskinot /etc/default/grub04:56
saleemhi, i just installed latest lubuntu and it installed 3.2.0-25-generic-pae rather than the ubuntu generic kernel , is this normal ???04:56
wilee-nileemanski, sounds more like a graphic problem that line if no # is in front is just the grub menu's resolution.04:56
glitsj16DarkAceLaptop: well that's awfull :p .. so all well?04:57
manskiwilee-nilee: the problem is that it is commented out in /etc/default/grub but still grub uses it (set it to "$linux... something")04:58
wilee-nileemanski, I will assume you know to run update-grub if you alter /etc/default/grub, sounds to me as though your are Frankensteining the adjustment04:59
manskiwilee-nilee: but I haven't touched anything. I just installed Ubuntu and it doesn't work out of the box.05:00
manskimaybe my graphics card is too new or something05:00
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | manski05:01
ubottumanski: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:01
fuzzynurfhurterne 1 know what error 17 in grub is?05:10
wilee-nileefuzzynurfhurter, that is a grub legacy error what OS and release is thi?05:11
fuzzynurfhurteri had windows vista and linux mint dual booting and deleted mint and tried to install something else but it gives me that error when it starts up05:12
manskiwilee-nilee: nomodeset didn't work. here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about: http://imgur.com/CzuDt05:13
manskiI need to remove this "gfxmode" line05:14
wilee-nileemanski, in a install that line is commented out it is not part of the boot as far as I know.05:14
fuzzynurfhurteri know how i can do it with a live usb but at the moment i have to update it all and gonna take awhile lol05:15
manskibut it's not at my box (for whatever reason)05:15
wolfgangi am having trouble with sound and video it sounds and looks laggy05:18
wolfgangjust alltogether05:18
manskiwilee-nilee: btw, here's what I get if I don't delete this line: http://imgur.com/yRVf905:19
wolfgangwhat do i do?05:19
fuzzynurfhurterhow could i get it to grub rescue when it boots up??05:20
wolfgangdoes anyone know05:21
manskiwilee-nilee: well, I fixed it. I uncommented the "GRUB_TERMINAL" line and not it work. Thanks anyway :)05:23
fuzzynurfhurterhow could i get it to grub rescue when it boots up??05:23
wolfgang i am having trouble with sound and video it sounds and looks laggy05:23
fuzzynurfhurteri sry wolf i dont know noob hoere lol05:24
wolfgangdoes anyone else know?05:24
wolfgangim on ubuntu 12.0405:24
fuzzynurfhurteris it grub-install  or grub2-install??05:25
wolfgang i am having trouble with sound and video it sounds and looks laggy.05:25
fuzzynurfhurteris it grub-install  or grub2-install??05:27
samkanwhere can i find liboverlay and overlay-scroll bar package on ubuntu?05:35
samkanI just installed inkscape and it takes 100% cpu,05:35
samkani found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/139116/how-can-i-make-inkscape-run-fast-without-using-these-tricks05:35
samkanso where can i find those package?05:35
Spectacle_KUbuntu 12.04 is my main OS, I tried installing Windows 7 as a side-OS to play games on. Somehow with Gparted my main partition was unmounted and I can't mount it. If I try and boot into it it says 'missing operating system'05:36
Spectacle_KI know my stuff is still there.05:36
Spectacle_KHow do I get back to it? Does anyone know?05:36
aaustinreinstall grub05:36
Spectacle_Kaaustin, was that directed at me?05:36
Spectacle_KWill reinstalling GRUB delete my data or OS? Or will it all be there still?05:37
aaustinSpectacle_K, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu05:37
fuzzynurfhurteri have to do that toget back in to my windows at the moment sucks ass05:37
aaustinSpectacle_K, I would reinstall grub and not mess with dd :)05:38
aaustinSpectacle_K, will need a live cd05:39
Spectacle_K"dd"? I won't mess with it but will reinstalling grub delete my data? Or will my stuff be there? I'm sorry I'm so new to Ubuntu I only started about a month ago.05:39
aaustinSpectacle_K, the link I sent you offers to method for restoring your MBR, the second method uses the util called dd05:40
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aaustinSpectacle_K, it won't delete your data or OS if you do it right :P05:41
Spectacle_KOh boy...05:41
Spectacle_KAt least if I do it right my stuff will still be there.05:41
aaustinSpectacle_K, Pretty hard to mess up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstall_from_the_LiveCD05:41
glitsj16samkan: use synaptic or software-center, search for overlay-scrollbar and remove/purge from there05:42
Spectacle_KThanks, umm, so I'll need a live CD does this need to be a DVD or will a regular CD do fine?05:42
aaustinSpectacle_K, just the cd you used to install ubuntu05:42
Spectacle_KI'm working off of a USB with Ubuntu 12.04 installed on it.05:42
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Spectacle_KI used a USB to install Ubuntu05:42
drennenregular cd will work i believe05:43
Spectacle_KWill the USB work, or should I go ahead and burn ubuntu to a cd?05:43
aaustinSpectacle_K, actually, there is a super simple utility called Boot-Repair05:43
aaustinSpectacle_K, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair05:43
aaustinI forgot about it :)05:43
Spectacle_KSo... this app will do the work for me?05:44
Spectacle_KAnd... all my data will be there when I finally boot back into Ubuntu?05:44
anth0nywhat's the easiest way to find out where apt-get installed a package?05:44
Spectacle_KI want to say I love you, but that might come off as creepy, so I'll settle with 'thanks'.05:44
samkan@glitsj16, is that problem?05:46
SuperMiguelany one running ubuntu on a 2011 iMac?05:46
axisysis there a way to find out the diff between 2.6.32 ubuntu kernel for lucid lts and 2.6.18 kernel of centos 5.x ?05:48
MK`I have ram available, but some of my memory is still in swap after some heavy load. Is there a way for me to sort of push that back into my ram?05:48
aaustinaxisys, That's a very odd question.05:48
samkanthere isn't any package called liboverlay or overlay-scrollbar05:48
axisysnot exact diff .. but somewhat what's new up until 2.6.32 since 2.6.1805:49
aaustinaxisys, kernel.org has change logs05:49
aaustinaxisys, ubuntu probably applies specific kernel patches though05:49
axisysaaustin: i just want to find out if we should go with ubuntu server or centos server .. i prefer ubuntu .. but i need some amunation05:49
aaustinSo, you'll miss out on those05:49
glitsj16samkan: those packages are responsible for drawing gtk widgets, so disabling/removing them will change your UI (ever so slightly) .. perhaps try to disable before removing .. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-disable-overlay-scrollbars-in.html05:50
aaustinaxisys, start here http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/longterm/v2.6.32/ChangeLog-
glitsj16samkan: you are using ubuntu 12.04?05:50
samkan@glitsj16, what is the problem behind inscape very slow ?05:50
samkani did fresh install ubuntu and install inkscape05:51
aaustinaxisys, its going to be at a level that doesn't make much sense to end users though05:51
samkanbut it takes 100% cpu, i am on corei7 processor05:51
axisysaaustin: well wondering what improvement is made on 2.6.32 since 2.6.1805:52
aaustinaxisys, your best bet is to get a list of hardware you have an hope the later kernel has better drivers for the hardware05:52
guest3141592join #hoeltgen05:52
axisysaaustin: i am hoping so too.. some data to back that up would be great05:52
glitsj16samkan: no clue, i don't have it installed .. why not try disabling? look around in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu for possible issues05:53
axisysaaustin: i have a specific server in mind.. x4170 m205:53
axisysand hp dl380 .. so two hardwares05:53
samkani did it, but still it takes 100% cpu :(05:54
aaustinaxisys, why not go with a UBUNTU LTS release?05:54
axisysaaustin: for new install yes.. but these are lucid lts vs centos 5.x05:55
glitsj16samkan: how did you do it?05:55
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aaustinaxisys, It's going to be hard to compare specific kernels. You might have problems because perhaps there is a regression in the LTS kernel that is not in the centos kernel that affects you :)05:56
aaustinaxisys, I suspect that is unlikely though05:56
aaustinaxisys, you could also try http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux26Changes05:57
aaustinaxisys, since that's more human readable05:57
aaustinaxisys, in fact, that's probably exactlty what you want05:58
axisyseasier read05:58
axisysfilesystem is always an interesting one05:58
aaustinaxisys, except you are probably just going to run extX05:59
axisysFix async commit mode using a barrier, fs_mark benchmark shows a 50% improvement  on ext4.. that's a very reason to go with higher kernel05:59
whitneyHi, I'm having some trouble with Wine and Java.  First of all, when I was using Wubi, Wine worked perfectly fine, but now that I have Ubuntu on its own partition and wine installed and everything, it refuses to work.  Secondly, I can't get Java to install no matter how many times I try.  I'm following the instructions on the official site.  Please help.05:59
axisyss/very reason/very good reason/05:59
aaustinaxisys, Yes, I would always run a latest stable kernel :)05:59
axisysaaustin: now that you put yourself in the spot.. let me trun around and ask you why?06:00
axisysaaustin: i am trying to gathher ammunation06:00
glitsj16samkan: do you have any errors/warnings when you start inkscape from the commandline?06:00
axisysthis newbie page is really good06:01
aaustinaxisys, Unless there is a reason, a higher kernel version means progress. I see no reason not to.06:01
aaustin*unless there is a regression06:01
samkan(inkscape:6505): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",06:02
samkan(inkscape:6505): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",06:02
samkan(inkscape:6505): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",06:02
samkan(inkscape:6505): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",06:02
samkanRoot id is svg206:02
FloodBot1samkan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
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samkanthis is the command i got06:02
axisysaaustin: centos guys seems to be very conservative.. they think going with centos offer more stability.. since the code has been there longer..06:02
saleemwhats the difference bwetween pae and generic linux???06:03
axisysaaustin: centos guys at work that is06:03
aaustinaxisys, You're not getting the increased stability without a version bump06:03
aaustin2.6.18 is no more stable than the day it was released06:03
SetiAmonanyone here hooking up to their flat panels via hdmi?06:04
axisysi should have started this discussion in #ubuntu-server.. oh well.. since we are going to use it on server.. the ext4 fs improvement is a big win06:04
axisysaaustin: ^06:04
aaustinSetiAmon, I use hdmi06:04
damms005help photorec error: premission denied (but I am the owner and group user on permission tab properties)06:05
aaustinaxisys, Yes, there should be plenty of stuff over 3 years :(06:05
aaustinerr :)06:05
moorejohn90Hi, I want to connect to internet with my qualcom CDMA modem. I have a problem . Ubuntu show "Bus 005 Device 003: ID 05c6:1000 Qualcomm, Inc. Mass Storage Device" when I type "lsusb" but I can't find ttyusb0 or ttyusbmodem in "/dev"06:05
SetiAmonAAustin:my old system died(Mobo died) so i bouught a new pc.anyhow long story short i hooked it up via hdmi and i get audio but in windows(i've only had it 4 days) it downmixs all audio to stereo if it isn't "hdcp"06:06
SetiAmonaaustin:does linux have issues with HDCP06:06
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moorejohn90Hi, Can any one help my problem.06:08
aaustinSetiAmon, I think it is an issue. I misunderstood I don't actually use any DRM video over hdmi. Maybe look here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25847/06:09
SetiAmonI am not interested in pirating anything i just want to operate with hdcp up my back06:10
Spectacle_KHey aaustin, it's K. Thank you so much it worked. I'm back in my own system . Thanks a lot!06:11
aaustinSpectacle_K, awesome!06:11
Spectacle_KI think I'll leave partitions and dual booting Windows alone for a while, I'm just happy to be back in my OS.06:11
Spectacle_KAdios ;_)06:12
lucid_hey. My laptop sometimes starts up WITH wireless, sometimes without. Any explanations?06:12
lucid_Damn, no one on?06:13
* init[dot]d doesnt do wireless06:15
moorejohn90Hi, I have a problem with my qualcomm USB CDMA modem when try to connect to internet.06:16
melo_2123324Hi, I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I have installed mythtv. I have two questions about it: Why it opens an additional user on system? And how can I sop the service which runs always on background even I have not open mythtv on this session... Thanks!06:20
init[dot]dAnyone on github in here?06:21
sacarlsoninit[dot]d: me06:21
hoijuimelo, i would guess you can stop the service in the settings - service menu somewhere06:21
hoijuinot sure how to get there (am not using normal ubuntu)06:21
hoijuimy problem: network manager applet ... or networking is kind of broked06:21
hoijuiit often fails to execute most of what i order it to do after a hibernate (nm-applet that is) and it often tries to reconnect to something..06:22
hoijuii have no idea t owhat, and i dont know how to display it06:22
hoijuibut it fucks up my otherwise stable connections06:22
hoijuireally.. it shows the reconnect symbol, but when hovering over it wiht the mouse, it does not show what it is tryign to conenct to.. why?06:23
hoijuiand.. can i replace the nm-applet compleetly with something else, wiht more controll and better info display?06:23
hoijuiand why are there two packages called eclipse, and two packages called wicd .. without any hint for which to install?06:24
glitsj16hoijui: you mention not using 'normal' ubuntu, what version of ubuntu are you using?06:28
hoijuithe x.... desktop thing06:28
glitsj16hoijui: xubuntu?06:28
hoijuii installed ubuntu, and then changed to xubuntu somehow06:28
hoijuii dont know if that makes me ubunut or xubuntu06:29
hoijuii changed the desktop i mean06:29
hoijuixfce or what ti is called06:29
hoijuihmm.. i guess you dont have the nm-applet in normal ubuntu anymore?06:29
hoijuiand thats why it is so bad?06:30
glitsj16sure it is still used06:30
totesmuhgoatshoijui: they are all ubuntu, its just a matter of having a different desktop installed06:30
hoijuiok :-)06:30
hoijuinow i installed wicd (one of them), and .. when i try to start it, it just stops again :D06:31
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hoijuiah.. deamon...06:31
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glitsj16hoijui: what do you mean one of them? are you using the software-center to install/remove packages?06:32
hoijuiahhh.. wicd-client.. will try if that works better06:32
hoijuiyes i am06:32
hoijuiad if i search for wicd06:32
hoijuiit shows two packages with that name06:33
hoijuione has a generic icon, and is called meta packae06:33
Resounding_Rattli have ubuntu 12.04 and after some recent updates my dash home won't go full screen anymore. it's a quarter of the size of the screen and i don't know how to make it full screen. does anyone know how?06:35
glitsj16Resounding_Rattl: there should be 3 classic window icons top left on the dash, i believe it's the right one of those to switch to/from fullscreen06:37
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Resounding_Rattlwell i feel stupid.06:37
eprom_Hello everyone06:38
glitsj16i am stupid .. trade ? :p06:38
hoijuiouh maaaan06:43
hoijuinow using wicd06:43
hoijuiwhen i tell it to connect to the wired network06:43
hoijuiit disconnects all networks and tries to reconnect to them06:43
hoijuiis this the stoneage?06:43
hoijuithen it connects to eth0, and after a while, wireless is connected, and then it disconnects eth006:44
hoijuinot even windows was ever this bad06:44
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rocketmagnetmorning everyone from vienna06:48
slackin#pugbot NEEDS 2 TO START NOW!06:48
rocketmagneti've a question (and that in an irc channel ;): does someone know how i can find out what each user is about ?06:49
slackinwhats pugbot? where'd that come from?06:49
rocketmagnetlike the staff user06:49
rocketmagnetfor example06:49
rocketmagneti want to know what each user is used for after isntalling a fresh ubuntu install06:50
rocketmagnetcan someone give me a hint please06:50
hoijuisounds like a very badly chosen username06:50
hoijuimaybe use google06:50
glitsj16rocketmagnet: hi, i don't think that kind of info is available, but #freenode might help06:51
hoijui(i mean.. badly chosen by whoever wrote the code that genreates that user)06:51
hoijuithis kind of stuff happens when people care more about the animations of the desktop env then about the network stuff working properly (ok ok.. i'll stop)06:52
SecretFirehow can i display my cpu speed in a command in terminal in kubuntu07:01
SecretFireisn't it grep ^c or something07:02
Benkinoobyhi, my laptop seems to power itself on at/after a unknown time while being in sleep. often i leave my laptop in sleep-mode (on battery) to find it warm and without power later. how can i find the cause? i run ubuntu 10.04 (minimal install and fluxbox so there are hardly any gnome-services running)07:07
Benkinoobyi wasn't able to google any useful info about that problem because my search terms seem to be too generic07:09
satish_anyone decent with web servers?07:11
glitsj16satish_: why not ask a specific question? :)07:14
sebas-89Hi friends!07:16
glitsj16Benkinooby: what do you use in fluxbox for power management?07:17
Benkinoobyglitsj16, hm, i don't think i'm using anything. let me check 'ps -A'07:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:18
Benkinoobyglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055530/07:19
Benkinoobyglitsj16, i don't see anything that would point to powermanagement in my process list07:21
glitsj16Benkinooby: i believe you're right .. have you tried xfce4-power-manager together with xscreensaver yet?07:22
Benkinoobyglitsj16, my laptop is pretty slow (that's the reason for fluxbox) and i'd like to avoid any unnecessary load. i have not tried xfce power manager yet. i use 'sudo pm-suspend' to set my laptop to sleep07:24
Dawn262I forget what the terminal command line is to edit grub 2 in 12.04.07:24
glitsj16Benkinooby: or gnome-power-manager / gnome-screensaver .. been a while since i was on 10.04, but i guess either of those combo's are worth a shot07:24
Benkinoobyglitsj16, i think i'll go for one of these solutions. i really wonder what makes my laptop to power on while being in sleep07:25
glitsj16Benkinooby: yes using pm-suspend is fine, but something seems to be interfering .. and without either of those it is very hard to determine what is active right now qua power settings07:26
Benkinoobyglitsj16, it's strange anyway. when I do 'cat messages' i see messages from jun 22 12:53. I know i set the laptop to sleep at 6 pm or so. the next messages are is jun 23 07:41:06 box kernel: [125532.583377] PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.07:27
Ormiei accidently permanently delete a folder with all my docs, how do i recover it?07:27
nsadminOrmie, how large is your usb stick?07:27
Ormiensadmin, 2 GB07:27
nsadminok, do you have another partition at least 2.5g free?07:28
BenkinoobyOrmie, there are tools for that in the ubuntu repo... don't know the name right now07:28
Ormiensadmin, no07:28
nsadminOrmie, ok, hmm... how much free space do you have?07:29
enginamaOrmie...list out your mounts and un partition space07:29
enginamaby size07:29
nsadminenginama, df will do that part07:29
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
nsadminOrmie, try df /07:30
nsadminand show that07:30
nsadmin*: trying to back up the stick07:30
Ormiensadmin: /dev/sda1      310131568 8490032 286117340   3% /07:31
nsadminyou have wayyy plenty of space07:31
Ormiensadmin, http://pastebin.com/Z0GKEXDX07:31
nsadmincould you pastebin the output of df07:33
nsadminjust want to make sure of something07:33
Ormiensadmin, http://pastebin.com/8wbWAG0b07:34
nsadminso all of your data is on sda107:35
nsadminare you logged in as root?07:35
Ormiensadmin, no07:36
nsadmintry: sudo bash07:36
nsadmin(be careful while you're in that)07:36
Ormiensadmin, done07:36
* Ormie tries not to type "rm -rf /root"07:37
* enginama laughs at ormie07:37
nsadminok, the command you want to run, is: dd bs=1024k if=/dev/sdb1 of=/root/usb-image07:38
nsadmincount to ten before hitting enter, make sure it's exactly right07:39
Ormiedo i have to mount the usb?07:39
* enginama falls off his chair at NS's code!!!07:39
* Ormie prepares for the big moment07:39
nsadminall we're doing now, is writing a copy of the entire filesystem to a backup file07:40
Ormiei shall press enter... *shaking*07:40
nsadminit will take several seconds07:40
enginamayou already lost it...dont be scared07:40
Ormieit will be amazing to see things in slow-motion as i hit enter.07:41
oCeanenginama: can you please stop with the irrelevant noise?07:41
Ormiensadmin, is this the way to recover USB folder i lost?07:41
* nsadmin wants to see jessica alba in slow motion07:41
* alchemist9 rolls eye's at the dramatics07:41
enginamawatch your life pass ebfore you..and then feel the warmth of getting it back07:41
oCeanenginama: stop the offtopic now07:41
nsadminthis is a small measure of protection07:42
Ormiensadmin, 2003522560 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 105.284 s, 19.0 MB/s07:42
Mytosim trying to make apache2 use portal.php instead of index as a default page, anyone able to help?07:42
nsadminok, now type: sync07:42
Ormiensadmin, me?07:42
nsadminOrmie, yes07:43
Ormiensadmin, done07:43
nsadminok, here's where you are now07:43
Ormiensadmin, and then...?07:44
nsadmin - you have this unmounted usb stick with those files you want to undelete07:44
nsadmin - you have a backup copy of the usb07:44
Ormiensadmin, it's one specific folder07:44
hichamatquestion : microSD usb adapter >rmdir /media/usb/boot :  rmdir: failed to remove `boot': Read-only file system *** mount -o remount,rw /media/usb/ : mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sdb1 read-write, is write-protected *** # badblocks -vw /dev/sdb : badblocks: Read-only file system while trying to open /dev/sdb *** and there is no read only switch in usb adapter,, any solution ??07:44
Ormiensadmin, i don't have a backup copy yet.07:45
nsadminthe dd produced the backup07:45
Ormieso what do i do?07:45
Ormiensadmin, what do i do, then?07:45
nsadmin(don't do this now but) you can restore it if you have to, using this:07:46
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
nsadmindd bs=1024k if=/root/usb-image of=/dev/sdb107:46
nsadminif you have to do that, you would do it with the stick NOT mounted07:47
reisiowhere /dev/sdb1 needs to be very much a partition you are happy to nuke :p07:47
nsadminunderstand so far?07:47
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Ormiensadmin, so i do that command?07:47
oCeanMytos: add that filename to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf (those are the directory indexes)07:47
nsadminno, only if you need to restore the image (which we hope is never)07:48
reisioactually you'd probably of to the entire device, not a partition07:48
Mytosalready figured it out07:48
Ormiensadmin, so what do i do now? D:07:48
nsadminreisio, well not that particular image, but noted for future reference07:48
Mytoshad to add DirectoryIndexs portal.php to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default07:48
nsadminOrmie, mount the stick again07:49
reisiowhat what, fancy images?! :p07:49
nsadminreisio, the image in question is of /dev/sdb107:49
reisiooh :p07:49
Ormiensadmin, done07:49
nsadminnow, try to undelete...07:49
nsadminif it succeeds, you're done07:49
Ormiensadmin, using mc?07:50
oCeanMytos: that is an option too. Editing the dir.conf would change the directive for all sites in the webserver07:50
nsadminif not, you can retry by unmounting, restoring the image, mounting, and try again07:50
nsadminOrmie, the mc thing, I'm not familiar with07:50
nsadminit's perfectly safe to try it because you have the image backup07:51
Ormiensadmin, error: Cannot chdir to "/undel://sdb1"07:51
nsadminone sec07:53
ActionParsnipseems a bit of a convoluted backup method..07:53
enginamaI got lost after join #ubuntu channel ;)07:54
nsadminActionParsnip, simply a precaution07:54
oCeanenginama: if you do not have a support question, please stop the offtopic remarks. Last warning07:54
oCeanwhat is this mc utility?07:55
ActionParsnipoCean: cli based file manager07:55
ActionParsnipoCean: midnight commander07:55
oCeanaah, now I understand07:56
nsadminActionParsnip, now that we have your attn, here's what we need to do: he has files which he effectively ran rm on... some dirs may have been involved; he wants to undelete them07:56
Benkinoobycan some1 help me find out why my laptop powers on itself from sleep?07:57
ActionParsnipnsadmin: no regular backup?07:57
nsadminnot that I know of. this is a 2g usb stick07:57
ActionParsnipnsadmin: sigh :(07:57
ActionParsnipnsadmin: tried foremost?07:57
ActionParsnipnsadmin: is it Ormie with the issue>07:58
nsadminsure didn't... would you mind assisting Ormie?07:58
nsadminhere are the precautions we took: we unmounted the stick as quickly as possible, then we wrote an image of the filesystem to an image file in his /root07:59
ActionParsnipOrmie: why did you not take a backup, regularly, of the 2Gb stick?08:00
Ormiei am lazy o.o08:00
ActionParsnipOrmie: 2Gb is nothing and would save your data...08:00
ActionParsnipOrmie: use foremost on the stick itself, you can possibly recover data. Once again; backup your stuff if it's important08:01
Ormiewhat's foremost?08:01
reisioa package08:01
nsadminit's on the late side for that :P yes, it's great to have foresite... hindsite being 20/20, he is where he is, and he just needs some help08:01
ActionParsnipOrmie: go find out08:02
Ormienvm, that directory is not hard re-create anyway :( thanks for your help.08:03
ActionParsnipOrmie: even with the simplest search: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+foremost&safe=active   you would find this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery08:03
ActionParsnipOrmie: foremost is a forensic tool to recover data08:03
Ormiensadmin, what does sync do?08:03
Ormiensadmin, what does "sync" command do?08:04
nsadminOrmie: the memory can store things that are getting ready to be written out to the disk08:04
Dawn262what is the command line to edit grub2 in 12.04?    I remember i have to update-grub, but don't recall the line to get to edit...08:04
Ormiensadmin, can i undo it? Because  i don't wanna recover now?08:05
tenXDawn262: might be looking for /etc/default/grub or /boot/grub.cfg08:05
oCeanDawn262: use your favorite editor to edit /etc/default/grub08:05
nsadminOrmie, sync makes all that up to date by doing the writing of all that to all the disks/places they want to be written to08:05
* Dawn262 huggles tenX and oCean08:06
nsadminthe reason we did the sync was to make sure everything from the dd command got written to the image file08:06
Ormiensadmin, oic08:06
ChiragHi all08:06
nsadminOrmie, ok. if you don't want to recover now, you're all set: your stick is mounted and ready to use in any manner you want08:07
nsadminand with that... I'm all done here!08:08
aetoxxIf I get a message like NO_PUBKEY <some id>, how do I know which gpg command I need to execute to get the key?08:09
mike09well, my first time to use ubuntu. just trying irc chat.08:10
mike09ok, my internet sucks. brb.08:11
mike09just guessing08:11
Dawn262oCean: it is a read only in etc/default/grub  i remember there was a sudo command in terminal i could use to edit in terminal.  Help?08:13
exetronmike09: try /08:13
GotSanityis it still possible to blur the gnome-terminal transparency? I tried using ccsm on 12.04 but it didnt work08:13
ActionParsnipDawn262: sudo nano /etc/default/grub    will allow you access to the file in CLI, or if you have a desktop UI, run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub08:14
oCeanDawn262: indeed. If you are using a cli editor, then you can use sudo vi /etc/default/grub08:14
Dawn262that is it!!!!     I need a new in-head memory system!08:15
ActionParsnipaetoxx: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a     Thanks08:15
* Dawn262 huggles ActionParsnip and oCean 08:15
aetoxxActionParsnip, why don't they keyservers run via https?08:16
ActionParsnipaetoxx: no idea, I can give a command to import the key you need if you give the dettails08:17
anildigitalanybody know good link to setup pptp vpn on ubuntu?08:20
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN08:20
anildigitalActionParsnip: I want to set it up as server08:23
ActionParsnipanildigital: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html08:23
ActionParsnipanildigital: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ubuntu%20vpn%20server&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CJsBEBYwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdinomite.net%2F2010%2Fcreating-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu%2F&ei=Cn3lT_mNL4iHhQePw_nhCQ&usg=AFQjCNHoOIhkfvR7Gy_pSNCI32x3SICxQg08:24
ActionParsnipstupid google08:24
FloodBot1ActionParsnip: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
OrmieActionParsnip :D08:24
ActionParsnipanildigital: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56559/how-do-i-set-up-a-pptp-vpn-on-my-own-ubuntu-server08:25
* ActionParsnip switches to duckduckgo :)08:25
haxxpopCan ubuntu use OpenGL?08:26
Ormieunity uses opengl08:28
Ormiehaxxpop, what version of ubuntu are you using?08:31
ActionParsniphaxxpop: absolutely, 3D games in Linux use opengl08:32
sl33k_what are some good laptop battery enhancer softwares?08:32
haxxpopOrmie: 12.0408:32
ActionParsnipsl33k_: use a lighter DE< like LXDE08:33
Dawn262ok  this REALLY has my panties in a knot.   I am trying to edit grub2 for nomodeset without having to edit it every time i boot into 12.04.  Now it is saying 'no modeset available' when i do update-grub.  HELP!08:33
Ormiehaxxpop, unity runs on OpenGL and unity also on compiz and compiz is also on OpenGL, so u have openGL working. Try supertuxkart.08:33
Dawn262is another no brainer, but i am not at my best at four in the morning08:33
sl33k_ActionParsnip: oh ok so my default DE that came with 10.04 would be gnome?08:36
ActionParsnipDawn262: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   find this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   and change it to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"08:36
ActionParsnipDawn262: save the new file, close gedit and run:  sudo update-grub08:37
Dawn262are those quotes right??08:37
Dawn262ok  will try it08:37
ActionParsnipDawn262: when you open the file, you will see exactly what is needed08:37
Top-top-topmates, need help with problem: i don't have pts/2 and pts/11 while working. I mean opening terminal will go pts/0 pts/1 and then pts/3 ... pts/10 pts/12 any suggestions where the problem can be? Ubuntu 12.0408:38
Dawn262i tried to pit the nomodeset outside the quotes08:38
ActionParsnipsl33k_: yes, gnome2. lxde is a bit lighter, which allows your CPU to run slower, saving power08:38
=== fl0w_cloud is now known as fl0w
ActionParsnipsl33k_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/indicator-cpufreq-cpu-frequency-scaling-indicator-applet   also try that and scale your CPU down08:39
EDawg878I have an issue mounting my NTFS Drive, Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.08:39
ActionParsnipEDawg878: you mount an ntfs partition, not drive08:39
rgenitorunning ubuntu 11.04, kernel 2.6.30-something08:39
rgenitoi just insert a usb storage device... how do i access / mount the partition?08:40
EDawg878Umm yeah i forgot i partioned it08:40
ActionParsnipEDawg878: is the partition healthy? have you chkdsk'd it recently?08:40
EDawg878Thats the problem I can't run check disk because i don't have Windows08:40
sl33k_ActionParsnip: thanks for the response. never installed another DE, any links or advice that would push me in the right direction?08:40
EDawg878Any way to run chk dsk without Windows?08:41
* Dawn262 higgles the crap out of ActionParsnip and oCean !!08:42
Dawn262thx guys!08:42
Dawn262it works08:42
reisioEDawg878: ntfsresize -fi /dev/foo#08:42
EDawg878and what does that do?08:43
ActionParsnipDawn262: that's how you add boot options, it will be applied to subsequent kernels for you too08:43
EDawg878Thanks I'll try it now08:43
ActionParsnipDawn262: I also suggest you add the boot option: ipv6.disable=1    if you don't use ipv6 :)08:44
ActionParsnipEDawg878: chkdsk is a windows command, makes sure the data is consistent08:44
EDawg878Yes, I know08:44
Dawn262ok  but my router uses it for my utp stuff, so am gonna keep it, thanks08:44
Dawn262gotta support the p2p community also!08:45
sl33k_ActionParsnip: Also the link is for 11.04. I've 10.04, is it really needed to upgrade to 11.04?08:45
EDawg878ERROR(5): Opening '/dev/sdc2' as NTFS failed: Input/output error NTFS is inconsistent. Run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it TWICE!08:45
EDawg878I don't have Windows installed atm....08:45
reisioEDawg878: kind of silly to use a Windows FS, then08:46
Top-top-topdoes anybody know why system is using pts for root? ubuntu 12.0408:46
EDawg878reiso I had Windows installed but removed it because I never use it08:46
reisioEDawg878: kind of silly to use a Windows FS, then08:46
rgenitoWOW, mounting a usb thumb drive under ubuntu is a serious pain in the ass08:46
EDawg878and its 3tb so i can't move the data anywhere else08:46
bazhangrgenito, no cursing here08:46
reisioEDawg878: is it external?08:46
EDawg8783tb internal08:46
reisioEDawg878: well you would have had to buy more disk storage eventually anyways08:46
reisioyou can probably fsck it from a Windows install image, though08:47
ActionParsnipsl33k_: just check the PPA supports lucid08:48
EDawg878reisio: The install disk?08:48
=== sdiaz_ is now known as sdiaz
reisioEDawg878: yeah08:48
ActionParsnipEDawg878: is it an internal drive or a USB thing?08:48
ActionParsniprgenito: right click device -> eject    how is that any different to WIndows/08:49
vibhavEDawg878: /window 1208:50
vibhavEDawg878: Sorry for the hilight08:50
ActionParsnipEDawg878: if it's internal and you don't have windows, why are you using NTFS?08:51
reisiohe said he doesn't have the space to transfer & reformat08:51
vibhav!cn | rqsong08:51
ubotturqsong: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:51
Lord_Havoc_Hey! Wanna learn how to hack from people who actually "know" how to manipulate computers/networks?! Well you can right now by just joining our chat and asking questions. We're all patient and help people who dont understand. Join chat.us.freenode.net (6665) chan #hl2 See ya online!08:51
EDawg878Because I removed Windows a while ago and don't have anywhere to transfer the 3tb drive08:51
ActionParsnipEDawg878: so what if the drive fails, where is your data?08:52
EDawg878Its still there08:52
=== jess is now known as Guest59774
EDawg878It just that the FS is not in the best shape08:52
reisioEDawg878: he means what if the hardware dies08:53
reisioyou have no backup system08:53
ActionParsnipEDawg878: if the drive IDE dies and isn't detected in BIOS, what do you do?08:53
EDawg878The 3tb is for backups08:53
reisiogetting more storage would solve both your issues (1: getting rid of NTFS 2: having a backup system)08:53
reisioEDawg878: ah08:53
reisiowell two backups is better than oneses :)08:54
buzzy2hi, I need some help setting up my graphics cards. I have one ATI Radeon HD 3450 (with 2 monitors) and one GeForce FX 5200 (with 1 monitor). However, only the ATI one works, thus I only see picture on 2 monitors. I do see the propriatary drivers in the "Additional drivers" section, but if I activate the nvidia ones, the ATI gets dissabled and the other way around. How can I fix this?08:54
EDawg8783tb drives are expensive now though08:54
ActionParsnipEDawg878: your call08:54
reisiono, they're just not as cheap as they were briefly a handful of months ago08:54
* ActionParsnip draws up an 'i told you so flag'08:54
reisiothey're still really cheap08:54
EDawg878i just bought 32gb ram and a 240gb ssd so yeah08:54
reisiothey were just reallllllly cheap for a moment there08:54
reisioso yeah, you're clearly rich08:54
EDawg878its a server...08:54
reisioand can afford another hard drive08:54
EDawg878I'm using my own earned money I'm only 15....08:55
reisiobut anyways, you can use Windows' chdsk thing from an install image08:55
reisioEDawg878: so? rich is rich08:55
ActionParsnipEDawg878: i suggest you grab a barftpe bootable CD and chkdsk the partition, you are making you life harder by keeping NTFS when you don't need it as you have no windows OS08:55
reisioif it's a backup already, deleting it, reformatting, and re-backing up wouldn't be an incredible risk :p08:56
EDawg878The thing is that it is not completely full so I think i can shrink the partition and make the remaing ext4 and so on08:56
reisiobut just getting another hard disk is simplest and sanest08:56
reisioyeah you could do that08:56
reisioNTFS shrinks better when it's not corrupted, and is defragged, though08:57
reisioif you haven't been using Windows, it's probably not defragged08:57
EDawg878I hate NTFS08:57
`VladHello all!08:58
`VladI want to install Ubuntu 12.04 from image with VMware player!08:59
reisio`Vlad: okay then08:59
`Vladbut it wants password08:59
ActionParsnipEDawg878: its great if its needed as Windows is crippled. Otherwise, yep it sucks08:59
reisiowhat does?08:59
EDawg878I hate windows and its terrible filesystem08:59
`Vladsolved :D08:59
FloodBot1`Vlad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
ActionParsnipEDawg878: ntfs isn't too shabby, you just need to know how to treat it :)09:01
reisioyes it is, but knowledge overcomes everything, doesn't it09:01
EDawg878compare it to ext4 I mean defragging09:01
reisioits approach to avoiding fragmentation is comparatively crap, yes09:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:02
Guest59774Hello. could someone help me whit wifi problem?09:02
bazhanglets get back to support please09:02
buzzy2so, anyone know how to solve my issue with ATI + nvidia card in the same machine?09:02
buzzy2activating one drivers is dissabling the other one09:02
EDawg878you have 2 graphics cards of 2 different types?09:03
ActionParsnipEDawg878: if you setup partitions like Linux then it's not bad :)09:03
buzzy2EDawg878: Yes, http://pastebin.com/PMJuPx7E09:03
buzzy2EDawg878: API RAdeon HD 3450 + Nvidia GeForce FX 520009:04
EDawg878Why would you think they are compatible?09:04
buzzy2EDawg878: Compatible with what? Each other or Ubuntu? They work just fine in Windows09:04
rgenitohmm, i have my usb storage devices automatically mount to /media/usb09:04
rgenito...how can i give anyone in the "usbdrive" group the ability to read, write, and execute anything in /media/usb ?09:05
buzzy2EDawg878: And the "additional drivers" shows them both09:05
bazhangrgenito, its in ubuntu or debian09:05
EDawg878well installing nvida drivers usually blacklist others09:05
rgenitobazhang, actually ubuntu 11.0409:05
rgenito(or at least the ability to read/write anything in /media/usb)09:05
EDawg878thats what it does to nouveau or whatever its called09:05
reisiobuzzy2: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/X.Org/Dual_Monitors#Configuring_X09:06
EDawg878check /etc/modprobe.d/ for a potential black list09:06
rgenitobazhang, any idea?09:07
buzzy2reisio: Yeah, that was what I was thinking. That I need to edit the xorg.conf manually. That is why I need help .O)09:07
* rgenito sigh09:07
reisioyou just need 1) the right drivers (modules) loaded 2) the wrong ones not 3) and a config09:08
buzzy2I tried running nvidia-xconfig, but that command does not even seem to exist on my system09:08
reisiobuzzy2: then you probably don't have the nvidia drivers package installed09:08
buzzy2reisio: Well, when I install the ATI one, it removes my nvidia.. and the other way around09:08
reisiofor i in `dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia`; do dpkg -L "$i" | grep -i xconfig; done09:09
reisioright, then you'll have to more manually install one or the other09:09
rgenitohmm, how can i give my user permissions to write files to my usb drive???09:10
rgenito(without having to "sudo" every time)09:10
silv3r_m00nif I put a bash script inside /etc/init.d will it run at startup with root privileges ?09:11
ActionParsniprgenito: you can remount it rw, did you safely remove it last time you unplugged it from a system, or did you just pull it out?09:11
wormrgenito: why just run commands with root privileges? sudo su09:12
ActionParsnipworm: sudo -i    is advised.09:12
rgenitoworm i dont want to do that09:12
reisiochown might be apt, too09:12
buzzy2Seems I have to create the xorg.conf file before running the nvidia config09:12
rgenitoActionParsnip, just set this partition/filesystem up09:12
ActionParsniprgenito: what file system?09:13
ActionParsniprgenito: have you chowned the mount point to your user?09:13
rgenitoActionParsnip, :09:13
rgenitodrwxrwxr-x  3 root worker 4096 2012-06-23 04:55 usb0/09:13
rgenitomy user "w05" is part of the worker group09:14
rgenitoand /dev/usb0 is the mount point09:14
themacguyhi. newbie question on installing on Mac OSX 10.6 --How to get Ubuntu to BOOT properly?09:14
themacguyany ex-Mac users around? or dual-boot Mac&Ubuntu?09:14
rgenitoActionParsnip, don't those permissions look right?09:15
ActionParsniprgenito: /dev/usb0 is not the mount point09:15
ActionParsniprgenito: if you run:  mount | grep usb0   what is output?09:16
rgenitoActionParsnip, sorry, i meant /media/usb009:16
ActionParsniprgenito: ok then run:  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/usb009:16
ActionParsniprgenito: and it will be owned by your user and you should have access09:16
rgenitoActionParsnip, yes, but i want anyone else from "worker" to be able to access it as well09:17
themacguy--is there a Ubuntu-on-Macintosh IRC channel?09:17
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages09:17
EDawg878Windows won't let me use the cmd prompt from the install disc because it doesn't see a windows install....09:18
BlueEaglethemacguy: Apperantly, all you have is a wiki-page.09:18
EDawg878Is there a livecd equivalent so i can run check disk?09:18
ActionParsniprgenito: you can make a group and add users you want to have access to the group, then run:  sudo chown -R $USER:groupname /media/usb009:18
BlueEagleEDawg878: I am not sure if fsck runs on NTFS.09:18
ActionParsniprgenito: the ext4 will retain the ACL :)09:19
reisioBlueEagle: it doesn't09:19
themacguythanks ubottu... I've been all over this page before... alas I'm having  trouble finding "sufficiently granular" instructions (ie: I'm a total Linux "newbie", with 30 years technical experience on Mac... no help there, unfortunately, Linux is NEW TERRITORY for me!09:19
rgenitoACL = ? :D09:19
ActionParsnipEDawg878: Windows CD can chkdsk NTFS partitions09:19
reisioEDawg878: you could try ntfsfix, though09:19
ActionParsniprgenito: access control list09:19
rgenitoah ok09:19
EDawg878ActionParsnip: it wont let me09:19
ActionParsnipEDawg878: I'd go for bartpe then09:19
EDawg878it sees that i dont have Windows installed09:19
rgenitoAcidRain2012, why tho would i set $USER as the owner?09:19
themacguysomething called "rEFIt" is supposed to make is "easy" to boot into Ubuntu, but I can't make it work--been trying for SIX WEEKS now...09:20
ActionParsniprgenito: so that your user is the administraor, you can set it as you wish09:20
reisiothemacguy: you can use GRUB2 alone these days09:20
themacguyahh.. I've heard the term "grub" but have no idea what it is or how to use it on a Mac...09:21
ActionParsnipthemacguy: its a boot loader09:21
BlueEaglethemacguy: You could google it I guess. GRUB stands for Grand Unified Boot Loader.09:21
themacguyis there a discussion on this with instructions--do you know? :-)09:21
rgenitoActionParsnip, but still, users from group "worker" are unable to create files on that device09:21
reisiothemacguy: all over the internet, IIRC09:21
ActionParsniprgenito: does the group have write access?09:21
rgenitothat MUST be possible... there's something here i dont understand i guess...09:21
reisiothemacguy: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22mac%22%20%22grub2%2209:21
rgenitoActionParsnip, yes: drwxrwxr-x  3 root  worker 4096 2012-06-23 05:20 usb0/09:22
ActionParsniprgenito: sudo chmod -R g+w /media/usb009:22
rgenitoActionParsnip, already did that =\09:22
themacguyokay,,,  "Alphabet Soup for breakfast" around here.... have to keep unravelling acronyms... ;-)09:22
ActionParsniprgenito: I see, is the device mounted as writable?09:22
themacguythank-you.. I'll go dig through that for a while (hopefully LESS than another six-weeks' worth!))09:23
rgenitoActionParsnip, yes: when owner is set to "w05", i can do touch /media/usb0/filename ... and that works fine09:23
themacguyttul...  B4N  <wave>  etc..   :-)09:23
rgenitoActionParsnip, however, when owner is set to "root" (even though group is "worker"), i cant do touch /media/usb0/filename09:23
rgenitooh wait....do i need to reload something ?09:23
rgenito(i just created the group about 10 minutes ago...and then added my user to the group by doing usermod -a -G worker w0509:24
ActionParsniprgenito: should be ok on the fly, but you could unmount and eject then reinsert, may help09:24
ActionParsniprgenito: you need to log off and on to make new group membership active09:24
rgenitoActionParsnip, ah ok... i'll try that... instead of running source ~/.bashrc lol09:25
rgenitothanks :D09:25
ActionParsniprgenito: its the same in windows too09:26
EDawg878How do I make a DOS bootable disk in Ubuntu?09:26
oCeanreisio: please don't send people to google. They know google exists, they come here for specific answers to specific questions09:26
rgenitoActionParsnip, thanks, that helped :)09:26
EDawg878Well bootable usb drive  i mean09:26
rgenitoActionParsnip, i dont use windows, so i wouldnt kno =\09:26
reisiooCean: do they really... and where is your alternative09:26
StarryNightf windows ;)09:27
ActionParsnipEDawg878: just put CMD.exe on a floppy, or if you have a WIn98 CD around, boot that. Neither will have access to NTFS09:27
oCeanreisio: lots of users here have the setup he was asking for. If you don't have that, let others handle it09:27
ActionParsniprgenito: i'm guessing you have at some point though :)09:27
StarryNighti noticed that ntfs is unstable09:27
reisiooCean: name one user, and then explain why they didn't speak up09:27
reisiolots of users on the internet have the exact same setup, too09:27
rgenitoActionParsnip, hmm, i dont think that point in time mattered... did win98 have groups? lol09:27
tenXStarryNight: unstable?09:28
EDawg878ActionParsnip:  a bootable cmd wont be able to run check disk?09:28
ActionParsnipStarryNight: its been the default since windows 2000, Its used in servers all over the globe. I doubt it's unstable09:28
oCeanreisio: eh, because there were afk? Anyway, not discussing channel policy here. If you wish to do so, /join #ubuntu-ops09:28
ActionParsnipEDawg878: use an XP install CD or similar and it will be checkable09:28
reisiooCean: funny it seemed like you were, I was happy not discussing it myself :p09:28
StarryNightyes i always had issues with it ok i had users problems with it09:28
oCeanreisio: no, not suggesting/discussing it, I'm telling you not to do it again.09:29
StarryNightif they didnt know how to use it they just fried the drive09:29
reisiooCean: uhhh, you started the discussion, if you don't want me to respond to you, don't msg me09:30
* reisio shrugs09:30
=== yrg is now known as gry
EDawg878okay i hope xp doesnt check if i have windows installed like the windows 7 disc did09:30
ActionParsnipEDawg878: when you boot the XP CD, press R and you will get a prompt (its funny how I know this stuff as a non-desktop user of Windows)09:31
EDawg878ActionParsnip:  thanks for the help i dont know much about Windows09:31
StarryNighti have this kid who thinks he knows how to reinstall windows :)09:32
ActionParsnipStarryNight: what put restore CD in and boot to it :D09:33
StarryNightok yea right ;) try that it is not easy when you try to restore from linux09:33
dayaIs there separate iso or I can use the same to run ubuntu in Android in chrooted env?09:35
ActionParsnipdaya: you can chroot into the ubuntu ISO if you want09:39
ShinkaI simply want to know if, with Cinnamon (Linux Mint), you can move your mouse at the upper-left corner to get an overview of all windows like in Gnome 3 (sorry I don't know the name of this feature)09:40
ShinkaI know it's not the right place but the Linux Mint room is rather inactive.09:40
dayaActionParsnip, Actually I have Google it found http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-build-chroot-arm-ubuntu-images-for-android/,09:40
EDawg878Windows XP cd was booting and guess what...09:40
bigblack** BLACK CAVIAR - Racing Today for 22 WINS from 22 Races - Show your support! - JOIN @ http://www.BlackCaviarForum.com **09:40
EDawg878Blue Screen of death09:40
oCeanShinka: that still does not make in ontopic for this channel.09:41
dayaActionParsnip, does the same iso for i386 work for Android Nexus S09:41
StarryNightok in linux how big of hard drive a user needs?09:41
neliowhere i need to go to have assistance09:41
ActionParsnipdaya: no idea, not something I do but you can chroot into ISOs09:42
ActionParsnipnelio: for what?09:42
ActionParsnipnelio: in Ubuntu?09:42
neliosince i install ubuntu i dont have sound09:42
ActionParsnipnelio: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh09:42
dayaActionParsnip, ok: Actually I want to install ubuntu in my Android09:43
nelioits this what you want?09:43
ActionParsnipnelio: perfect :)09:43
ActionParsnipnelio: if you run:  alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted?09:44
nelioim newbi on ubuntu09:45
neliowhats alsamixer09:46
FloodBot1roodypoo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:46
reisionelio: it's ALSA's (Linux's sound system's) mixer, and a command09:46
ActionParsnipnelio: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/8081809:46
nelioi will try09:47
gopikrishnanhow does i install ubuntu classic desktop in U 12.04 ?09:51
=== keith_ is now known as keefer
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity09:52
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:52
ActionParsnipgopikrishnan: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed09:53
ActionParsnipgoraxe: source: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+12.04+classic09:53
neliohelp again09:54
ActionParsnipnelio: hi....09:54
nelioaction remember my problem sound?09:55
StarryNighthard drives? whats the best capacity if u run linux?09:55
ActionParsnipnelio: yes09:55
ActionParsnipStarryNight: depends on needs, there is no single best09:55
nelioi dont know how to resolve with that link you send to me09:55
StarryNightwell i was looking at external storage09:56
reisioStarryNight: you'll have trouble finding a hard drive these days with a capacity so low for it to be a factor09:56
neliocan you teach me step by step please09:56
StarryNighti have 1.5tb internal atm09:56
ActionParsnipnelio: you need to add the lines in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf09:56
ActionParsnipStarryNight: again, depends on needs09:56
reisioStarryNight: a 30GB hard drive, for example, is far more than enough09:56
reisioand I'm not even sure where you'd buy something so small09:56
neliogrr how i add lines in etc/......09:56
ActionParsnipnelio: its all there, step by step. I can copy and paste the lines from the link if you want09:56
reisionelio: fstab?09:57
nelioyes please09:57
ActionParsnipnelio: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf09:57
StarryNighti have 500gb external but it is less what i need atm cause it is full09:57
nelioput this on terminal?09:57
reisioStarryNight: well that's another problem :p09:57
ActionParsnipnelio: see step 4 in Mark's reply?09:57
oooaaaoooohi guys, quick question, is ttf-mscorefonts-installer a must when installing wine or is there anyway to install wine without it?09:57
StarryNightyes sir :)09:57
StarryNighti was looking at 2tb hitachi09:58
ActionParsnipStarryNight: sounds fine09:58
reisiooooaaaoooo: really shouldn't be an issue...09:58
oCeanStarryNight: how is this an Ubuntu problem?09:58
ActionParsnipnelio: can you see the step on the page?09:58
ActionParsnipnelio: then why are you asking?09:58
StarryNightocean it is not but i want to see community to see what is the best one for linux09:59
ActionParsnipnelio: no...serious question09:59
ActionParsnipnelio: why are you asking, when its on that page?09:59
neliomy problem its step 209:59
oCean!requirements | StarryNight these are minimal requirements, the rest is up to you09:59
ubottuStarryNight these are minimal requirements, the rest is up to you: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu09:59
ActionParsnipnelio: you don't need step 209:59
nelioinstal alsa version10:00
nelioreally grrr10:00
ActionParsnipnelio: you have a decent enough alsa, just add the lines10:00
neliothanks one more time10:00
AipacWhoreAnybody here sick of negros?10:00
AipacWhoreI am!10:00
AipacWhoreThat is why I am a member of Chimpout Forum!10:01
ActionParsnipdid dr_willis leave the troll cage open again ;)10:06
Tm_TActionParsnip: please stop with offtopic comments10:06
HowDoIDo the overlay scrollbars in Ubuntu work with XChat's main text window?  Were there ever scrollbars in this window in XChat?10:08
oratedHello! I came to know that Python is pre-installed in Ubuntu. How can I find the names of those packages required to use Python?10:09
blackshirtyes, python was deault installed10:10
oratedblackshirt: Yes, how can I find the names of those pre-installed packages?10:11
nibbier iptables -I OUTPUT -f -d $HOST -j DROP; ping -s30000 $HOST   <-- this should only let the fragments leave my box that start the package, right? (is not working, receiving host sees all fragments, and replies :(10:12
blackshirtorated, what you need? Python interpreter? Or python modules?10:12
xfceспросить можно?10:12
oratedblackshirt: Basic packages name to start working on Python10:13
DJones!ru | xfce10:13
ubottuxfce: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:13
ActionParsniporated: dpkg -l | awk {'print $2}' | grep pyton10:15
blackshirtpython2.7 or newew10:15
blackshirtNewer python310:15
ActionParsniporated: dpkg -l | awk {'print $2}' | grep python    spelling10:16
oratedYes, corrected it while typing it on terminal ActionParsnip. Thanks10:17
oratedThanks blackshirt10:17
share#archlinux is full of idiots. thank you and bye10:18
An_Ony_Moosehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1055732/ can anyone help me? I don't see why this won't compile.10:20
geirhaAn_Ony_Moose: Try ##c++10:25
fuzzynurfhurtercant u download leafpad to put on another pc??10:31
DJones!offline | fuzzynurfhurter10:31
ubottufuzzynurfhurter: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:31
DJonesfuzzynurfhurter: That last info from ubottu should help10:32
fuzzynurfhurteri dont understand  how the generate package download works10:33
eph3meralhi, I need a little help troubleshooting my wireless device, I installed the STA driver from the Additional Drivers panel but it doesn't show up in ifconfig10:33
eph3meralall I have in ifconfig is lo and eth010:33
DJonesfuzzynurfhurter: You can also use pakages.ubuntu.com to download .deb files http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/leafpad10:33
fuzzynurfhurterim gonna dl the tar file and try to install it that way10:33
eph3meralthe network "control panel" isn't much help, I don't see a way to add connections10:33
sacarlsoneph3meral: does it show up with iwconfig?10:33
DJonesThats for 12.0410:33
eph3meraland it only has the wired connection10:33
eph3meralsacarlson, ahh let me check thx, one sec10:33
icerootfuzzynurfhurter: please try to use debfiles instead of tar.gz10:33
fuzzynurfhurteri cant get my wireless card to work at the moment10:33
eph3meralsacarlson, nope, still just lo and eth010:34
eph3meralthey both just say "no wireless extensions"10:34
sacarlsoneph3meral: is the device a usb device?10:34
DJonesfuzzynurfhurter: If you're looking for a version for precise, go to the bottom of that page, there's a link to download an i386 or AMD64 version10:34
eph3meralsacarlson, nope, just the build in Broadcom Wifi card on my laptop10:34
eph3meralsacarlson, I just installed 12.04 after a full wipe/reformat10:35
eph3meralsacarlson, I was just on 11.1010:35
eph3meralit was working fine on 11.1010:35
fuzzynurfhurtermine wont find it at all10:35
sacarlsoneph3meral: I think it just needs the firmware package10:35
eph3meralsacarlson, I would basically assume that it's close to working, maybe I just need to ifup?10:35
eph3meralsacarlson, ok, what firmware package is that? do you know the name?10:36
takethisHi, I wonder if someone can help me?  I'm trying to get hold of a package under ubuntu called "libxrender".  I've tried sudo apt-get libxrender and the like, and yet it seems there is a repository problem.  After a while after agreeing to install, it fails with "Unable to connect to http://update.onlinehome-server.info/ubuntu and connection time outs and finally just eventually "Failed to fetch".  Any thoughts, do i nee10:36
takethisd to change a repository look up somewhere, or equivalent?  Thanks ....10:36
sacarlsoneph3meral: might if we knew what device it was10:37
eph3meralsacarlson, BCM431110:37
fuzzynurfhurterits not in the deb files10:37
fuzzynurfhurterall i could find is tar10:38
=== haxxpop is now known as Guest78417
fuzzynurfhurterim having a prob trying to get a linksys wireless usb card to be identified by linux10:38
sacarlsoneph3meral: b43-fwcutter10:39
eph3meralsacarlson, ok i'll try that10:39
sacarlsoneph3meral: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter;10:39
lea102hi guys!10:40
nafcoollea102: hey!10:41
eph3meralsacarlson, ok, so now that I have that package, what do I do?10:41
eph3meralsacarlson, I'm wary of running anything other than the jockey install process10:41
lea102could someone explain how to get the window options on the window panel on unity?10:41
eph3meralsacarlson, last time I tried to do this without jockey I really royally screwed up my install10:41
lea102I'm using Ubuntu 12.0410:41
sacarlsoneph3meral: then maybe should reboot after the jockey in hopes that fixed it10:42
eph3meralyeah ok I guess I'll reboot once more, we'll see10:42
sacarlsoneph3meral: also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:42
fuzzynurfhurterwhere would u find the source code for linux??10:43
fuzzynurfhurteron the 1 ur running??10:43
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: what part?10:43
fuzzynurfhurteri dont know im trying to install a tar file10:44
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: sudo apt-get source $package10:45
fuzzynurfhurterit says to find the sorce code directory in terminal and then type ./config and all that10:45
ActionParsniplea102: window options in what sense?10:45
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: why are you installing a tar file is the package you need not in the repository10:45
fuzzynurfhurterno i cannot get on the net at the moment with my rig10:45
lea102ActionParsnip sorry English is not my native language, I mean I want File, Edit , Tools ... on my window10:46
lea102and not on the panel up there10:46
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: you should learn about the apt-get system of ubuntu as I assume you may not need to compile anything10:46
multiHYPwhy is debian so much larger than ubuntu?10:47
fuzzynurfhurteri know it man10:47
=== Jizzmeister is now known as Railroaded
fuzzynurfhurterbut i am on a laptop now in ubuntu and i have another pc that cant get the the net yet10:48
silver_star_iriI install monit , after config and starting I could not reach the panel it give connection reset10:48
silver_star_iriwhy ?10:48
lea102ActionParsnip: Do you know what I mean?10:49
fuzzynurfhurterk i got it10:49
fuzzynurfhurterit says the intltool scripts were not found10:50
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: to compile things you need a set of development tools that you must not have installed10:50
fuzzynurfhurterits a fresh install never updated or anything10:51
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: and as you don't have an internet connection you will need to find a method to install offline10:51
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: by default the development and compilers are not present10:51
=== vibhav is now known as Guest61908
fuzzynurfhurternot even on the dvd of it??10:52
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: but what is this package you are trying to compile?10:52
fuzzynurfhurtercan any 1 help me with a linksys wireless usb??10:52
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: I'm not sure what's on the dvd distrubution10:53
fuzzynurfhurterk i never got that 1 lol friend gave me these10:53
eph3meralsacarlson, so I still don't have the option to connect to a wireless networks10:53
eph3meralusually I get a list of wireless networks, also I usually have an option to "enable wireless" along with the option to "enable networking" but the only option I currently have is to "enable networking"10:54
fuzzynurfhurtermines no even theret10:54
eph3meralthere is no "enable wireless" option10:54
eimisI'm wondering if anyone here has dv7-6153ea laptop and were able to install official switchable gfx ATI driver..?10:54
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: you do realize there is already leafpad in the ubuntu repository the is precompiled?10:55
fuzzynurfhurternot in this 110:56
fuzzynurfhurteri have abiword10:56
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: you will need to install the package offline10:56
fuzzynurfhurterim trying to10:56
Arashhello , how can I fix my bootpage ?10:57
ArashWin7 doesn't seem to boot up10:57
ActionParsnipeph3meral: what wireless chip are you using?10:57
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: abiword has quite a lot more features than leafpad..10:58
ActionParsnipArash: if you run:  sudo update-grub    does it list Windows?10:58
fuzzynurfhurterit wont op edititen a file to10:59
Arashlet me see10:59
Arashyes It does10:59
Arashbut the problem is I edited the Win7 (Loader)10:59
ActionParsnipfuzzynurfhurter: there is gedit in a default Ubuntu, also there is vi and nano default installed for CLI based editting10:59
Arashwith EasyBCD10:59
silver_star_iriWho works with monit ?10:59
fuzzynurfhurterk well im gonna just have to move it to the router room and connect to the net lol11:00
fuzzynurfhurterand get it all11:00
eph3meralActionParsnip, bcm431111:00
eph3meralActionParsnip, I've got the STA drivers installed through jockey11:00
ActionParsnip!broadcom | eph3meral11:00
ubottueph3meral: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:00
eph3meralActionParsnip, aka "Additional Drivers"11:01
eph3meralActionParsnip, yeah, i read that already, I'm wary of doing any of those things because last time I tried to install my wireless without using jockey i really screwed up my system11:01
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: sounds like you should look at the program keryx that runs on multiplatform to gather needed deb packages to enable you to install offline https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware11:01
fuzzynurfhurterk i will check that out later11:02
sacarlsonfuzzynurfhurter: oh ya if connecting to an wired net is an option you should have done that instead11:02
AnalDialateAnybody here sick and tired of fucking nigger apes?11:03
AnalDialateI am!11:03
FloodBot1AnalDialate: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:03
AnalDialateThat is why I am a member of a forum called Chimpout Forum!  The link is here! http://www.chimpout.com/forum11:03
AnalDialateJoin us today!11:03
AnalDialateThis special niggerhating forum is not white supremacist!11:03
AnalDialateI myself am a Mexican!11:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:03
judgenplease stop11:04
judgenubuntu = an south african distro for all humans11:05
Tm_Tjudgen: ignore that spam11:05
elkyjudgen, they're bored kids being trolls. we're dealing with them as they show up11:05
Arashstill having the problem11:05
sacarlsoneph3meral: maybe rfkill?11:06
eph3meralsacarlson, tried it11:06
eph3meralsacarlson, didn't do anything useful that i could see11:06
sacarlsoneph3meral: does it even see the device?11:06
eph3meralsudo rfkill unblock wifi;11:06
eph3meraldid nothing11:06
eph3meralsacarlson, define "it"?11:06
eph3meralyou mean rfkill?11:06
eph3merali don't really know what rfkill is, I just read a random command on a blog11:07
Aitor¿Me ayudais?11:07
eph3meralsacarlson, ActionParsnip https://bugs.launchpad.neAt/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/97755011:07
sacarlsoneph3meral: rfkill list; ?11:07
Tm_Thello Aitor11:08
AitorHelp me.11:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:08
eph3meral0: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN11:08
sacarlsoneph3meral: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Documentation/rfkill11:08
eph3meralsoft-blocked: no11:08
eph3meralhard-blocked: no11:08
Arashany help ?11:09
sacarlsoneph3meral: ok11:09
ArashI need help with my bootscreen11:09
eph3meralsacarlson, sorry, that documentation is pretty meaningless to me11:09
eph3meralsacarlson, "rfkill is a tool to manage rfkill" <- circular definition :(11:09
sacarlsoneph3meral: well from you show it sounds like it's not rfkill so ; sudo lsmod11:10
sacarlsoneph3meral: you will need to pastebin that11:10
eph3meralsacarlson, http://pastie.org/private/vt7fbjsipyc8jb0lif53a11:11
BlueEagleArash: Well just restore the backup you made before the edits and you should be OK again I guess.11:12
sx_usr__guys, how do I setup my ubuntu 12.04 to make my Planex USB dongle act as AP?11:13
Northstargood morning folks11:14
ActionParsnipeph3meral: do you dual boot?11:14
eph3meralActionParsnip, yes11:14
ActionParsnipeph3meral: in WIndows disable the ability for the interface to wake up the OS as well as disable the power management11:15
sx_usr__anyone here running kernel 3.4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 and having problem running VMWare Workstation?11:15
eph3meralActionParsnip, ok, do you happen to know where I go to do that?11:15
eph3meralwhich control panel etc11:16
ActionParsnipeph3meral: device manager11:16
ActionParsnipeph3meral: it can affect it because windows is junk11:16
sacarlsoneph3meral: oh now I see this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/97755011:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977550 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Wifi Broadcom BCM4311 is not working on precise" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:16
eph3meralActionParsnip, so, just to be clear, disable power management on the device itself specifically or disable power management in the OS completely?11:16
sx_usr__how do i import vmware images into virtualbox?11:16
eph3meralsacarlson, yes, I pasted that earlier11:17
eph3meralsacarlson, that has a link to the rfkill command11:17
eph3meralthe rfkill command did nothing for me11:17
aetoxxI get the following error: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. What is the command to show all held broken packages?11:17
ActionParsnipeph3meral: just on the device, as well as disable its ability to wake the OS up11:17
eph3meralActionParsnip, btw, afaik this device was working fine under 11.1011:18
jiohdiaetoxx, you can see them in synaptic11:18
eph3meraland I didn't need to touch anything related to power etc on the device in windows11:18
aetoxxjiohdi, how?11:18
jiohdiaetoxx, you can try to repair them with apt-get install -f11:18
ActionParsnipeph3meral: its worth removing to be sure its not affecting it11:18
aetoxxjiohdi, I pressed the button to repair them and it gave no response.11:18
jiohdiaetoxx, synaptic has a category for broken11:18
ActionParsnipeph3meral: its just the device only, not all of windows11:18
s1привет, есть русскоговорящие?11:19
oCean!ru | s111:19
ubottus1: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:19
|Long|hi my desktop sharing apps keep crashing, is there a cmd to restart it?11:20
sx_usr__|Long|, yes, ctrl+alt+del11:20
deepspeed_Guys, what are the good audio production/recording chans on this server?11:20
oCean!alis | deepspeed_11:20
ubottudeepspeed_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:20
|Long|sx_usr__, thanks11:21
sx_usr__deepspeed, audio control pro11:21
MonkeyDustdeepspeed_  try #ubuntustudio11:22
aetoxxjiohdi, apt-get install -f shows no problems after running it, but running an apt-get install <list of packages> does.11:22
jiohdiaetoxx, remove and reinstall?11:22
Ashishcan someone help me ??11:25
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eph3meralActionParsnip, ok so that didn't change anything11:25
sx_usr__Guest94737, yes, i can help you11:25
eph3meralActionParsnip, I did disable power management on the wireless device specifically, through the device manager in windows11:26
sacarlsoneph3meral: so you already tried this sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source as it shows here http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ubuntu-11-10-getting-wireless-bcm4311-working/11:26
sx_usr__eph3meral, no way...is this windows or ubuntu?11:26
eph3meralrebooted, i'm back in Ubuntu now, and I still don't have anything labeled "enable wireless"11:26
sx_usr__eph3meral, you are in deep shit, reinstall ubuntu11:27
oCeansx_usr__: mind your language here11:27
ActionParsnipeph3meral: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm    does it say anything about missing firmware?11:27
eph3meralsx_usr__, I'm trying to get my wireless installed in Ubuntu 12.0411:27
sx_usr__eph3meral, or try kernel 3.4.011:27
eph3meralActionParsnip, one sec11:27
aetoxxjiohdi, that makes no sense. Reinstall what?11:27
ActionParsnipsx_usr__: its a wifi driver only, nothing 'deep' at all11:27
jiohdiaetoxx, whetever is broke11:27
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eph3meralActionParsnip, [   13.198831] [Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work.11:28
eph3meralis the only message I have when I run dmesg | grep -i firm11:28
sx_usr__ActionParsnip, ok11:28
ActionParsnipeph3meral: is that it?11:28
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eph3meralActionParsnip, yep, that's it11:28
aetoxxjiohdi, yeah, really helpful.11:28
ActionParsnipeph3meral: cool, ok if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see SSIDs?11:28
eph3meralone sec11:28
eph3meralActionParsnip, nope11:29
eph3merallo        Interface doesn't support scanning.11:29
eph3meraleth0        Interface doesn't support scanning.11:29
eph3meralthat's the only output i get from sudo iwlist scan11:29
sx_usr__eph3meral, i get that too11:29
sx_usr__eph3meral, but my wifi works11:30
eph3meralI can in fact add "connections" under "edit connections"11:30
eph3merali added one wireless connection11:30
eph3meralbut it still doesn't show up as something I can actually connect to11:30
sx_usr__eph3meral, i think u need to be in promiscuous mode to scan it11:30
eph3meraland again, as I said, I am used to having to menu items "enable networking" and "enable wireless"11:30
eph3merali don't have "enable wireless" only "enable networking"11:30
sx_usr__eph3meral, i would suggest you install kernel 3.411:31
oCeansx_usr__: don't suggest a kernel that is not in the repositories11:32
idontkn0w123do you know why its possible that wireless doesnt work for me with kernel 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 but with 3.4.1 it does?11:32
eph3meralyeah i somewhat doubt that kernel 3.4 will fix the problem11:32
oCeanidontkn0w123: 12.04 does not come with 3.4 kernel11:33
cucuhi all11:33
sx_usr__eph3meral, can u use 12.10 instead?11:33
oCeansx_usr__: just stop if you don't know how to fix his issue11:34
eph3meral12.10 is out already?11:34
idontkn0w123yes i know. i have 3.4.1 installed and everything works. but if try 3.4.3 or .4 my wirless network card is no recorganized anymore11:34
MonkeyDustsx_usr__  12.10 ?11:34
oCeaneph3meral: no, just ignore that advice11:34
oCeanidontkn0w123: 3.4 is not supported here11:34
idontkn0w123ah ok. i thought perhaps someone knew a possible solution to my problem :)11:35
Ashtrickshelp me i tried installing Ubuntu precise using wubi and selected 30 gb installation and now i have 73 Gb left out of my 180 gb partition !!11:35
AshtricksAnd last time it took the whole of 180 Gb11:36
sx_usr__Ashtricks, we only support native ubuntu installation here11:36
Segnale007hello folks11:36
MonkeyDustAshtricks  wubi is inside windows, you may want to install normally, alongside windows11:36
eph3meralActionParsnip, oCean, the odd part is that my wireless driver shows up as installed/activated and "working" in the "Additional Drivers" panel11:36
eph3merali know i've gotta be so close, I can almost taste it11:36
Ashtricks@ Sx_usr11:36
ActionParsnipeph3meral: is the system a laptop?11:37
eph3merali just don't know this subsystem well enough to know how to actually poke around enough to see what got misplaced11:37
Ashtricksi tried navite install also there are errors11:37
eph3meralActionParsnip, yep11:37
oCeansx_usr__:  nonsense! Ashtricks wubi is supported  also11:37
Segnale007I have realized Ubuntu 12.04 is a little bit too much slow on my vaio I3 2.4GHZ 4GB ram 1033mhz and 500GB hdd 5400rpm11:37
ActionParsnipeph3meral: have you got fully updated using a wired connection?11:37
Ashtricksthanks <oCean>11:37
Segnale007when I open like the browser or thunderbird, the nautilus11:37
Segnale007or whatever11:37
eph3meralSegnale007, use something like XFCE instead then, or maybe OpenBox/FluxBox11:37
eph3meralActionParsnip, yes I'm on the ethernet right now11:37
Segnale007it takes some time to open up the apps11:37
idontkn0w123install 2d session^^11:37
ActionParsnipSegnale007: probably not installed the display driver11:37
eph3meralActionParsnip, ethernet works fine on this laptop, it's built in, no issues there11:37
ActionParsnipeph3meral: cool, that makes life a lot easier11:37
Segnale007ActionParsnip, I did installed the driver correctly11:38
Segnale007its an ATI 5000HD11:38
ActionParsnipSegnale007: what gpu do you use?11:38
ActionParsnipSegnale007: gotcha11:38
Segnale007and I downloaded, compiled and installed the driver11:38
Segnale007from ATI website11:38
Segnale007its just the UI slow responding11:38
eph3meralActionParsnip, yeah, i do need the wireless though, this is my work laptop and gotta be able to get on to wireless at the office11:38
mooperdhttp://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/31659 - Petition to put Alan Turing on the next £10 note.11:38
eph3meraldon't think they've got any physical jacks there11:38
Segnale007eph3meral, I actually like Unity though11:38
eph3merali'm actually lucky I even found an ethernet cable for my house11:38
oCeanmooperd: don't post such silly things here. It's quite offtopic11:39
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eph3meralSegnale007, well if it's slow, then it sounds like there's something you don't like about it11:39
sx_usr__mooperd, kudos11:39
Segnale007thats true too11:39
eph3meralSegnale007, you don't really have much of a choice, stick with unity because you "like it" and admit that you "like it" enough that the speed tradeoff doesn't matter11:39
Segnale007do u guys experience any slowness in hunity ?11:39
Ashtricksits now almost 3 hours its installing and keep on installing !!11:39
eph3meralSegnale007, or install XFCE, LXDE or Fluxbox11:39
sx_usr__guys, vmware to virtualbox, howto do it?11:39
sx_usr__Segnale007, unity, no, hunity, wtf is that?11:40
Segnale007I think Ill give lxde a try11:40
Segnale007unity I meant11:40
Segnale007lol sorry11:40
oCeansx_usr__: how is that an ubuntu issue? Maybe ask in #vbox11:40
idontkn0w123try unity2d perhaps its faster11:40
Segnale007uhm ok idontkn0w12311:40
Segnale007I am gonna give it a try11:40
Segnale007yes I dont really care about 3d effects11:40
Segnale007I disabled all that compiz stuff11:41
sx_usr__Segnale007, upgrade your graphic card?11:41
Segnale007its a laptop11:41
idontkn0w123for me 2d session is running good. even with onboard gpu11:41
Segnale007and the graphic card is pretty good11:41
sacarlsonsx_usr__: might just create a new virtualbox and see if it will accept the file format of your vmware image disk,  I think it does11:41
Segnale007ATI 5000HD .. its a 1GB dedicated gpu11:41
eph3meralbesides, if my wireless card doesn't work11:41
eph3meralthen I can't use my laptop while i'm on the john :P11:42
cucuguys iam new to linux and need help11:42
sx_usr__sacarlson, huh? virtualbox and vmware different11:42
sx_usr__cucu: help is on the way11:42
sx_usr__Segnale007, nice...11:42
cucu:) ok11:42
sacarlsonsx_usr__: virtualbox accepts like 3 different vitual disk image formats and has some tools that can convert them11:42
eph3meralActionParsnip, any other ideas of things I can poke at to investigate this issue?11:43
oCeancucu: just ask your question in the channel11:43
sx_usr__sacarlson, okay, teach me please11:43
morsnowskieph3meral, I didn't follow this from the start what adapter do you have?11:43
cucui have a labtop "toshiba l300-25411:44
cucuand ubuntu 12.04 cant get the vga right11:44
sx_usr__cucu: okay, and then?11:44
eph3meralmorsnowski, bcm431111:44
eph3meralmorsnowski, generic broadcom/dell driver11:44
sx_usr__cucu: why vga??!! u should use higher than that11:44
sx_usr__cucu: vga is old11:44
eph3meraler, well not very generic, otherwise it wouldn't have a proprietary driver and it would actually work :/11:44
sacarlsonsx_usr__: I didn't even know you had to convert them but you can do it that way http://zeldor.biz/2010/12/convert-vmware-image-vmdk-to-virtualbox-image-vdi/11:44
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cucu:) ah, yea i mean the graphics chipset11:45
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cucuits intel gm45011:45
eph3meralSegnale007, do you have the ATI drivers installed?11:45
morsnowskieph3meral, i take it you already trie all these http://askubuntu.com/questions/38327/how-can-i-get-broadcom-bcm4311-wireless-working11:46
sx_usr__cucu: hmmm....never heard of that chipset11:46
eph3meralSegnale007, that could actually be your problem, the 5000s aren't great, but they're real, if you've got the driver installed you should be able to use compiz no problem11:46
sacarlsonsx_usr__: but the easy way http://blog.hutzoft.com/2010/10/18/importing-vmware-vmdk-disk-to-oracle-virtualbox/11:46
Segnale007eph3meral, yep I installed the latest ATI driver11:46
eph3meralmorsnowski, i've read a few things, lemme take a look11:46
AshtricksOk after three hours it comes like this the error msg11:46
sx_usr__sacarlson, thanks!11:46
AshtricksNone type object has no attribute'get info'11:46
Segnale007eph3meral, its actually unity the problem .. being slow ..11:47
cucuthe graphics acc. is Mobile Intel® GMA 4500M11:47
Ashtricksfor more information see the log file11:47
Segnale007even when I boot the computer, it takes a little while to load the window manager after the login11:47
eph3meralSegnale007, yeah i can't stand unity, I didn't like many of the other options either, KDE sucks and GNOME 3 is only minorly worse than unity11:48
eph3meralSegnale007, i use XFCE these days and I'm actually really liking it a lot - XFCE gets so many things right that gnome2 got wrong11:48
Segnale007I dont really know what to go with11:48
eph3meralSegnale007, you might want to just try plain GNOME 311:48
eph3meralnot unity, but actual factual GNOME 311:48
Segnale007I dont want a poor window manager like twm or fluxbox on the laptop11:48
eph3meralSegnale007, the two are in fact slightly different11:48
eph3meralSegnale007, yeah XFCE is actually really nice these days, you might be surprised, it's pretty full featured11:49
eph3meralSegnale007, honestly, one thing that really pissed me off about GNOME 3 and the latest OSX11:49
Segnale007last time I played with xfe was 4 years ago on freebsd11:49
eph3meralSegnale007, was the fact that they removed the ability to put your virtual desktops in a grid11:49
eph3meralyou only get to have them in a row up and down, or sideways11:49
Segnale007yea I have seen that..11:49
eph3meralSegnale007, that single handedly made them unusable for me11:50
Segnale007even unity its more like OSX style .. and funny thing is I just got rid of my macbook pro a month ago11:50
eph3meralalthough, I have seen that at least on OSX, there is now a 3rd party app for getting back your grid desktops11:50
eph3meralbut still11:50
Segnale007and I jumped back to linux after 7 years with mac11:50
eph3meralXFCE lets you have grid desktops11:50
Segnale007will give it a try then11:50
Segnale007thanks :)11:50
eph3meralit really works pretty much the way you would expect the "traditional" "PC-ish" style computer would work11:50
eph3meralSegnale007, i don't remember exactly the command, I'm about to install it right now, myself11:51
eph3merali'll let you know11:51
eph3meralI think it's xubuntu-desktop or something11:51
Segnale007should be something like that11:51
cucuhow to i install the driver of the Mobile Intel® GMA 4500M graphics chipset in ubuntu 12.04 ?11:51
Segnale007I am watching some xfce video on youtube11:51
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Segnale007so that I can have an idea of how it looks like11:51
idontkn0w123cucu,  you cant11:52
cucuok, then should i install ubuntu 11 instead ?11:52
idontkn0w123why? there does not exist any proprietary intel driver for 4500gma11:53
cucuis there any way that i can get the labtop colors to be correct and not use windows ?11:54
ActionParsnipeph3meral: then use xfce if it does what you want...11:54
eph3meralActionParsnip, i do...11:54
ActionParsnipeph3meral: problem solved11:54
eph3meralbecause, it does... o.011:54
eph3meralthere was no problem with XFCE11:54
snitride369hello everyone, i hope someone can help me, i am using xubuntu 12.04 with xfce destop, now what i want to do is, put the reboot, shutdown button back into main menue i followed this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342763 this also works but only if i execute the python script in a terminal, as soon as i add it as launcher in the mainmenue the python script asks me for sudo password... anyone? for clarification: script w11:54
eph3meralit was an unrelated conversation between me and Segnale00711:55
_raven9 hours webcam recording using vlc is broken. ffmpeg, mencoder,avidemux and vlc cannot open it. how to repair this avi?11:55
idontkn0w123cucu, colours with external monitor or laptop display?11:55
cuculabtop display11:55
sacarlson_raven: file size to big for disk partition?11:56
MonkeyDustcucu  note: it's laptop, not labtop11:56
cucuok thankyou11:56
idontkn0w123strange that your colors are not good by default oO. perhaps via system settings -> colors.11:56
_ravensacarlson no its ext4 - vlc seemed to crash anyway but it was not obviously11:56
_raven~7 gb11:57
cucuit says it need an up to date color profile to be color managed11:57
idontkn0w123cant you add one?11:57
cucui add a profile but it wont do calibration11:58
kodomohi folks - I'm having trouble starting gdm on an ubuntu 12.04 alternate installation - unfortunately, I don't see any real error message in syslog a warning that the client immediatly exited again... are there known bugs?11:58
cucui think its using a generic driver instead of the intel one11:58
theadminsnitride369: Use this command to shutdown as a regular user (you MAY need to be in the "power" group, not sure if that's the case anymore): dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop11:58
kodomos/syslog a warning/syslog... only a warning/11:59
oycucu, the profile needs to fit to your device11:59
cucushould it do that by default ?11:59
oycucu, it can come either from the device vendor, a friends measured device or a own measurement of your specific device12:00
sacarlson_raven: I see this bug but it's old what version of vlc do you run https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/29413612:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294136 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc has issue playing large (~7GB) dvr-ms files" [Undecided,Fix released]12:00
oycucu, do you have such a profile?12:00
theadminsnitride369: Or, you can allow the "poweroff" and "reboot" command to be ran without a password using sudo, and simply use "sudo poweroff" or "sudo reboot"12:00
cucuno i tryed to search for drivers made for ubuntu but it seems like i Dont get the concept of ubuntu and drivers12:01
oycucu, device colour management runs mostly on top of drivers for Linux12:02
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_ravensacarlson i do not think so because its not vlc in special but some other tools too12:02
oycucu, perhaps you can find a profile here(?) ->  http://icc.opensuse.org/12:03
cucuok will chick that12:03
oycucu, you mentioned windows, if that comes with a profile, or on e from your vendor, then you can use that as well12:04
cucuu mean i can use the windows xp drivers with ubuntu ?12:05
oycucu, no, but the ICC profile for your monitor device12:05
cucuah i c,, ok searching12:06
cucuno intel or toshiba in the menu12:08
idontkn0w123your monitor is not intel^^12:09
cucuok, here is a question, how to i change the display resolution to a value thats not on the settings ?12:09
cucuforget that, i dont think thats the problem12:11
cucuhow can i know the name of the driver the system is currently using for graphics ?12:11
idontkn0w123lshw -c video12:11
_ravenusr13 right, skype is a gui app - how to run it more than one time with different usernames?12:12
oCeancucu: lshw lists hardware. lspci -k lists the kernelmodule (driver) in use for each device12:12
idontkn0w123in the line configuration: driver= ...12:12
oCeanidontkn0w123: isn't that just the suggested driver, or the driver actually in use? I'm not sure..12:12
oooaaaoooohi guys just wondering is aptitude still included in ubuntu ?12:13
oCean!info aptitude12:13
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager (terminal interface only). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.6-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 2297 kB, installed size 6964 kB12:13
oooaaaooooin component main, is optional= not included?12:13
theadminoooaaaoooo: Not by default.12:13
theadminoooaaaoooo: You can apt-get install it though12:13
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idontkn0w123oCean, for me lshw -c video show i915 and with lspci -k its also i91512:14
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idontkn0w123oCean, for me lshw -c video show i915 and with lspci -k its also i91512:15
idontkn0w123ah double post srry12:15
oCeanidontkn0w123: yeah, both give probably the actual driver12:16
idontkn0w123cucu, for you it should also be i91512:16
idontkn0w123startet my notebook with gma 4500m like yours, and it uses by default i915 driver12:16
cucuyes its i91512:17
idontkn0w123but as someone said above, the issue with the colors is not problem with gpu but with your display12:17
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cucuok, nothing useful in the display settings, diffrent resulotions changes almost nothing with the quality of display12:20
Segnale007I am trying gnome 312:20
Segnale007it looks nice and its way faster than unity12:20
Segnale007I am sure not as fast as an xfce or fluxbox12:20
cucubrb, will try external monitor12:20
Segnale007but its good enough12:20
Segnale007however windows cannot be minimized in gnome 3 ?12:21
morsnowskiSegnale007, sure you can minimize windows12:21
Segnale007how ?12:22
Segnale007I cant see the bottom12:22
Segnale007to minimize window12:22
morsnowskiok go into to compiz settings manager and enable them12:22
Segnale007oh ok12:23
theadminSegnale007: The windows in Gnome Shell are managed in the Activities dashboard, just like about everything else.12:23
Segnale007theadmin, yes I have seen I can arrange them there12:23
theadminSegnale007: Well, that's where you find the minimized windows too12:24
Segnale007close applications or move to another desktop12:24
cucuhey , the external display works great12:24
cucunow i want my laptop screen to be like that12:24
idontkn0w123yopu need to find out you display name12:25
sachaelis ubuntu 12.04 using plymouth for the boot splash screen?12:25
theadmin!info plymouth12:25
ubottuplymouth (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - main package. In component main, is required. Version 0.8.2-2ubuntu30 (precise), package size 119 kB, installed size 421 kB12:25
theadminsachael: Yes.12:26
cucuhow can i do that ? "sorry 4 being so clueless "12:26
idontkn0w123whats your notebook name and type?12:26
sachaelso i installed xfce4 to try it, it changed the boot splash. I would like to get it back to the default one, or, ideally, preview some of the themes available without restarting for each one12:26
theadminsachael: There are plymouth-... packages in APT, just install one of them12:27
cucuits toshiba l300-25412:27
idontkn0w123Satellite L300-254 ?12:28
BobMarleymy xchat crashes so many times, is that normal?12:29
theadminBobMarley: No, obviously.12:29
BobMarleytheadmin, so, why it crashes ?12:30
theadminBobMarley: Well nobody can explain that without decent information. What's the last message on stdout or stderr before the crash?12:30
aetoxxWhat are the proper permissions for ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs ?12:30
kevininspainHi. I am teaching my mother of 90 years old how to use Ubuntu !!. I need a screen caster but which shows a coloured circle where the mouse pointer is, any ideas please12:31
jribaetoxx: mine are 60012:31
morsnowskiBobMarley, what do you mean by crashinf12:31
BobMarleytheadmin, how do i see that stdout or stder?12:31
theadminBobMarley: Launch xchat in the terminal, see the messages it prints when it crashes12:31
BobMarleymorsnowski, well i am talking on irc and it crashes suddenly12:31
morsnowskilike in the window goes away or in connection lost or you get kicked ?12:32
BobMarleytheadmin, you mean to run the xchat from the terminal?12:32
theadminBobMarley: Uh yes, that's what I just said.12:32
BobMarleymorsnowski, i dont know but the xchat closes sometimes and i dont know why, there is no connection lost12:33
morsnowskigo with theadmin hint12:34
BobMarleyi never have done similar things, but after the xchat closes how do i check the stdout or stder?12:35
morsnowskiwatch the terminal window when it crashes12:35
BobMarleymorsnowski, is that safe to run apps from the terminal?12:36
=== mike is now known as Guest74421
morsnowskiis it safe to run xchat from the the link ?12:36
BobMarleymorsnowski, well, theadmin, told me to run the xchat from the terminal, and i want to know if that is safe to run apps from the terminal! i have read somewhere that it is not very safe to run apps from the terminal12:39
IronSightBobMarley, it's not safe to run xchat in the terminal logged in as root...12:39
theadminBobMarley: You misunderstood whatever you read.12:39
morsnowskias long s you run them in your user context its ok12:39
eph3meralso, the b43 driver does appear to "work", i now get a list of available wireless networks12:39
IronSightbut if you are logged in as your user it's safe :)12:39
theadminBobMarley: Simply open a terminal and type "xchat"12:39
eph3meralhowever, when i attempt to connect, it hangs forever, and then just comes back and asks me for the password again12:40
eph3merali know the password is good, I'm copying and pasting it from the same document that I used when I copied and pasted in to my windows wireless settings12:40
theadmineph3meral: Is wpa_supplicant installed? (just making sure)12:40
eph3meraltheadmin, yes /sbin/wpa_supplicant12:40
eph3meraltheadmin, originally I had the STA driver installed, but I wasn't getting any wireless anything, nothing in my network icon in the taskbar, nothing12:41
eph3meraltheadmin, I uninstalled the STA driver and installed firmware-b43-somethingorother12:41
eph3meralas suggested by a few posts, but, as I said, it just sits there forever and won't actually connect12:41
* noob 12:42
IronSightThere has got to be about a million posts about that driver in the forums12:42
IronSightit has been a pain in the butt for years now12:42
morsnowskieph3meral, good to see your making progress. did you reboot after installation ?12:42
theadmineph3meral: Hm, if you do something along the lines of: sudo -i, and after that wpa_passphrase your_ssid "your_password" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && echo "ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && dhcpcd -- does that connect?12:42
eph3meralmorsnowski, yes i rebooted12:42
=== vibhav is now known as Guest37517
eph3meraler, I thought I was fairly good with bash, but... what does "foo" >> "bar" > /some/file do?12:43
eph3meraloh wait, i'm reading that wrong12:44
morsnowskieph3meral, is that a hidden ssid?12:45
eph3meralmorsnowski, nope12:45
eph3meralmorsnowski, i can see it in the list of networks when I click on my network icon12:45
morsnowskithan I'm out12:45
eph3merali can select the network to attempt connecting12:46
eph3meralit asks me for a password, as it should12:46
eph3meraland then about 2-3 minutes later, it comes back and asks me for the password12:46
morsnowskican you play with one of the nwetworks and try different encryptions?12:46
eph3meralthis never ends, just keeps asking for the password every 2-3 minutes12:46
lijilmysql 5.1 on ubuntu lucid: strange situation where SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo WHERE id IS NULL returns a COUNT of 1! Happens on two tested 5.1 servers, not on 5.5. Anyone aware of a bug or change that could cause this? id is autoincrement and notnull12:46
eph3meralmorsnowski, this was working fine on 11.1012:46
=== Guest37517 is now known as vibhav
Eagleman7Can some 1 help met with creating a VLAN between my router and my server ( there is also another Switch between ) they all support tagged VLAN's12:47
eph3meralactually, I recall having some various issues with it on 11.10 but, as of a few hours ago (prior to installing 12.04) this self same wireless card was working on Ubuntu 11.1012:47
eph3meralthough, tbh, i can't remember if it was STA or the B43 driver that I was using on 11.1012:47
Eagleman7I am trying to assign a WAN address to my server by using DHCP ( to get the ip from my ISP )12:49
Eagleman7I just cant get it to workm i've been trying it for like 5 hours12:49
woox2kanyone good with ubuntu on ppc here?12:49
theadminEagleman7: Shouldn't just running "dhcpcd" do the trick?12:50
Eagleman7theadmin the server isnt directly connected to the router12:50
Eagleman7there is a switch between with 2-3 more devices12:51
theadminEagleman7: Oh... wow12:51
Eagleman7Thats why i need a vlan12:51
morsnowskiEagleman7, are you certain that your router has dhcp taversing enabled?12:52
morsnowskiby default those boxes don't allow dhcp traffic to pass12:52
Eagleman7its running openwrt12:52
morsnowskiso ?12:52
Eagleman7Well before getting an IP address from my isp12:53
Eagleman7i need to get the vlan working12:53
Eagleman7if i am right12:53
ffvwhat are u guys talking about?12:54
DJonesffv: This is the Ubuntu support channel12:54
morsnowskii thnik that as long as you are behind the router you are going to have an issue, the router is actually to route traffic from your network to the isp's else you'd be looking for a switch12:54
Eagleman7I've been told that it is possible12:55
Eagleman7but i cant get the configuration right12:56
ffvDJones: i just want to know what i can help12:56
markulableI need help12:56
Eagleman7ffv you have some knowledge of vlan's?12:56
markulableI need help12:57
DJones!ask | markulable12:57
ubottumarkulable: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:57
_ravenusr13 right, skype is a gui app - how to run it more than one time with different usernames?12:57
morsnowskiEagleman7, what is it you are trying to achieve12:57
markulablei need help with ubutnzu12:57
markulablei need help with ubuntu+12:57
markulableshitty keyboard i meant:12:57
markulablei need help with ubuntu12:57
_ravenhow to run skype two times on the same system? any kind of "run as $user" possible?12:57
markulable_raven: sudo skype12:58
Eagleman7morsnowski i want my server to have a 84.107.***.*** address ( WAN IP Address )12:58
Eagleman7in ifconfig12:58
markulablei need help with ubuntu12:58
Eagleman7markulable where do you need help with.....12:58
markulablewith ubuntu12:58
jrib_raven: I wouldn't sudo skype....  But yes, you can run it as another user or check for configuration options that let you use another config option12:58
jrib_raven: I wouldn't sudo skype....  But yes, you can run it as another user or check for configuration options that let you use another config directory12:58
Eagleman7spam day or something?12:58
morsnowskiEagleman7, why12:58
ffvEagleman7 : haha so far i just know wlan.. hey dont speak foup language12:58
markulablehelp me12:59
markulablehelp me12:59
=== shaneo is now known as Lemmiwink
DJonesmarkulable: You haven't explained what your problem is yet12:59
DJones!details | markulable12:59
ubottumarkulable: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:59
=== Lemmiwink is now known as shaneo
markulablewell i think ubuntu 12.04 is not compatible12:59
Sidewinder1!details | markulable12:59
markulablewith my pc12:59
_ravenjrib i wont sudo skype for some reasons ;) but how to run it "as-user"?12:59
jrib_raven: you can use su - -c12:59
markulablewell i think ubuntu 12.04 is not compatible13:00
markulablewith my pc13:00
Eagleman7morsnowski so i can devide local network and external network13:00
morsnowskiwell what you'd usually do is have the server behind the router on your network and route the traffic as required13:00
markulablewell i think ubuntu 12.04 is not compatible13:01
markulablewith my pc13:01
Eagleman7like port forwarding13:01
ffvmarkulable with what of ur computer is it malfunction?13:01
Eagleman7But thats not what i want to achieve13:01
morsnowskiif you want it on the wan you'd have to physically or at least logically place it there, but i doubt that openwrt is going to allow that13:01
_ravenjrib will this run skype as user $user or as root? i WILL NOT run it as root!13:02
jrib_raven: you need to pass the user...13:02
jrib_raven: in more detail: su - -c COMMAND USER13:02
Eagleman7morsnowski i've been told that thats where vlan kicks in13:02
Eagleman7should make it possible13:02
morsnowskiwell the vlan could do it but then openwrt would have to allow you to ad a vlan that connects to the wan port and i doubt that is going to happen13:03
_ravenjrib tnx ill try that13:03
morsnowskiwhat you coudl do would be a switch into which you plug you modem the router and the server13:04
Eagleman7That would give me 2 times the same WAN address right?13:04
morsnowskino why?13:05
Eagleman7BTW i'm able to create a bridge between the VLAN and the WAN interface13:05
morsnowskithe router and the server would indipendently request IP's13:05
morsnowskithe switch is a layer 2 devices that works on MAC13:05
Eagleman7yes you are right, but i the problem is that i dont want to buy an extra piece of hardware13:06
Eagleman7would be the simplest solution but i want it to get it to work with VLAN's13:06
morsnowskii have no openwrt device here so i'm limited in what i can advise but like said i doubt that you'll be able to convince it to put the wan interface onto an internal vlan13:07
morsnowskibut while we talk i do have some old router and maybe able to iron openwrt onto it  :)13:07
* morsnowski starts looking for routers13:08
Eagleman7I would really appreciate it if you could help me13:08
Eagleman7I've been trying to get it to work for hours13:08
morsnowskii'd love to because that's an interesting question13:08
Eagleman7Another guy told me the same in the openwrt channel13:08
Eagleman7Still no results :(13:09
morsnowskiso the openwrt guys told you that this isn't going to work ?13:09
Eagleman7he told me it was possible13:10
Eagleman7he didnt told me how to do it13:10
Eagleman7well he tried but it didnt worked13:10
morsnowskiok if I find an old router that can be upgraded I'll look at it13:10
eph3meralok any other thoughts on how to check what's going wrong with this wireless driver?13:11
eph3meralit's so weird13:11
eph3meralwhen I uninstall the STA driver, I actually get back some wireless related stuff in my network task-tray-icon13:11
morsnowskieph3meral, did you try to mess with the encryption protocols of the network ?13:11
eph3meralwhen I INstall the STA driver, all the wireless anything and everything, any mention of wireless anything, is now gone from the network menu13:12
eph3meralmorsnowski, er, no not yet, like I said, this was working a few hours ago on 11.1013:12
eph3meralno change in encryption protocols13:12
eph3meralI'll keep that in the back of my head as a last resort, but it's pretty low on the list IMO13:12
eph3meralat this moment, I don't think encryption protocols on the router has anything to do with anything13:13
eph3merali don't even get a list of wireless networks13:13
morsnowskino but maybe the abilities of your driver are not compatible with those of your router13:13
morsnowskiwell a few minutes ago you said you did13:13
eph3meralmorsnowski, yeah that was the b43 driver13:14
eph3meralwhich appears to sort of work13:14
_ravenjrib su - -c skype [user] asks for a password but it does not do anything then13:18
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nokia_xxxxsssneed channel for mobile services on freenode server?13:23
nokia_xxxxsssanybody help me13:23
reisionokia_xxxxsss: mobile services?13:23
reisiolike what?13:24
nokia_xxxxsssi have problem with nokia phone13:24
reisiowhich one?13:24
reisionokia_xxxxsss: which phone?13:24
nokia_xxxxsssnokia x2-0013:24
reisiowhat a terrible model name :p13:25
nokia_xxxxsssdo you know channel for mobile support13:25
reisiothat phone has "Nokia OS"13:26
reisiowhich I'm going to go ahead and assume is incredibly unpopular, and closed source13:26
reisionot good ways to get a freenode channel13:27
reisionokia_xxxxsss: you should probably call nokia support13:27
Eagleman7morsnowski on the bottem is an example13:28
nardevis there anyone who can tell me how to change "document author" that i create?13:30
nardevi started samba somehow and now what ever i do, create new file, commit something on github, it says that i did it as "[Samba guest account]" who can i change that?13:30
reisionardev: maybe change the uid for the mount13:31
nardevreisio, hmm, who does those two things connect?13:32
nardevreisio, if i "touch somefile" than "somefile" as Owner in "file properties" have "nardev - Samba guest account"13:33
reisionardev: a file that's in a samba share, or not?13:33
nardevreisio, where ever i create file under this user13:33
reisionardev: in ~/ ?13:34
nardevhas same Qwner13:34
reisioand you're sure you're not logged in as a Guest or something like that?13:35
nardevwell, i'm, since this username that i use is "older" than samba nstallation13:35
reisioread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=827310&page=2#post11188296 maybe13:36
nardevthis "Samba guest account" started appearing since i was trying to share some folders with other windows clients in sam e network13:36
nardevreisio,  this "Samba guest account" started appearing since i was trying to share some folders with other windows clients in sam e network13:36
eph3meraland happily ever after13:36
eph3meralwireless finally works13:36
eph3meraland I'm not sure why :/13:36
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)13:38
reisionardev: think you already said that13:39
reisioeph3meral: I took my foot off your tubes13:39
nardevreisio, in case you missed it :(13:39
reisioZoBiVan: hi13:43
Erealzis there a ubuntu secuirty channel?13:43
ZoBiVanI search someone to have some informations about ubuntu server.13:44
Eagleman7morsnowski You still have the option to test it on my device13:45
reisioErealz: nope13:46
reisioErealz: there's #ubuntu-hardened, I guess13:46
morsnowskiEagleman7, I'm not going to connect to your router, i just don't like the thought of it13:47
morsnowskibut thanks for the trust13:47
Eagleman7And what about a RDP Connection to my pc so i can see what you'r doing on my router?13:47
induzMy 4Gb Sandisk SD card used to get recgnised but now I dont get it on Places???? its not getting mounnted...13:49
induzhow can I mount 4GB SD Sandisk card13:49
morsnowskiEagleman7, no I'm not going to connect to your systems. I'm sorry but that is no option.13:50
Eagleman7Ok, thanks for helping anyway13:50
morsnowskiLike said sorry I couldn't help you better13:50
Eagleman7I think i have to physically connect it then13:51
Eagleman7and buy another switch13:51
Eagleman7since all ports on the router are in use13:51
induzhow can I mount $GB Sandisk SD card, its not getting recognized13:52
morsnowskithe ports your router provides are most likely all behind the routing part of the router, you are trying to get in front of that part13:52
kodomohi folks - anybody else running ubuntu with an alternate window manager (non-gnome, non-kde, non-lxde)? I've just installed ubuntu 12.04 and am shocked to see that even more tools and applications are either missing or not interoperable anymore - maybe someone knows some workarounds...? (specifically: gnome-power-manager seems no longer available as separate daemon, and trayer doesn't display a lot of applet icons anymore?)13:54
reisiokodomo: GNOME things usually require GNOME deps, has ever been thus13:55
kodomoreisio: the first may be - the latter definitely not13:56
eph3meralwhat are the rules on installing to /opt13:56
Eagleman7morsnowski i was able to get a WAN address from the router using a virtual adapter13:56
reisiokodomo: k, what's the latter, again?13:56
kodomoI've used gnome tools in hardy - no problem13:56
Eagleman7I used this guide: http://www.flexjunk.com/2010/01/06/utilizing-att-u-verse-static-ips-with-openwrt/13:56
nardevreisio, "grep -r" gave some clues how to find it, thnx anyway13:56
eph3meralI am considering a better mount point than just /media/MyFiles for this partition13:56
reisiokodomo: what's the problem?13:57
induzhow to  mount 4GB sandisk sd card ???13:57
eph3merali have seen things in /opt from time to time13:57
reisioinduz: plug it in?13:57
induzits not getting recognized13:57
eph3meralis it ever officially sanctioned that packages or daemons might place something in /opt?13:57
reisionardev: how to find what?13:57
kodomobefore, most things were modular - so you had a free (mostly independent) choice of X, WM, and tools/applets, as long as you installed required libraries13:57
induzreisio, after plugging it, nothing happens13:57
eph3meralor is /opt always supposed to be for the user? ala /usr/local for example?13:57
kodomoreisio: basically, I'm a xmonad user13:57
reisioeph3meral: /opt is for random proprietary binary nonsense, typically13:57
nardevwhere "Samba guest account" appears which means, i was able to realize why it appears13:57
nardevreisio,  where "Samba guest account" appears which means, i was able to realize why it appears13:58
eph3merallike is it a safe place to mount my own personal files partition and be able to reliably know that it won't get cluttered up by other apps/programs/systems/daemons/demons/dragons/vampires etc13:58
reisionardev: oh right13:58
reisionardev: gj13:58
kodomoand I used to have trayer running in the corner, along with some applets (e.g., nm-applet, bluetooth-applet,...) and some daemons in the background (e.g., gnome-power-manager)13:58
eph3merali mean, /media/MyFiles isn't too horrible to type, but as often as I end up typing it, /opt would be a lot easier13:58
kodomoreisio: seems no longer possible...13:58
reisioeph3meral: use a unique dir inside /mnt/ for long term mounts13:58
reisioeph3meral: uhhhh, that's just silly13:58
reisiobesides /mnt is easier to type than /opt13:59
reisiobut if you want you can use a symlink or alias to make your life "easier"13:59
alankilaeph3meral: I always use /data for my external data partitions, or just mount it as /home and leave it at that13:59
eph3meralactually i disagree because m and n use the same finger. opt is three diff fingers :P13:59
ActionParsnipeph3meral: just use TAB to autocomplete, easier14:00
eph3meralalankila, yeah my only problem with mounting it as /home is that config files always seem to change between distros14:00
eph3meralActionParsnip, I do already14:00
eph3meralmostly I use CTRL-r actually14:00
reisio/data? :p14:00
eph3meralbut still, it's minor, but true, i would for my own personal ocd reasons like to use /opt for this personal-files mount14:00
ActionParsnipeph3meral: so just start your mount points with a different letter and it's easy ;)14:00
alankilaeph3meral: yes, sharing configs between multiple linux distros might not work too well. But why run multiple linux distros.14:00
eph3meralreisio, yeah I might :)14:00
reisio/m is easier to type than /o14:01
reisioand you have to move and use your weakest finger twice for opt14:01
eph3meralreisio, ahh, yeh i suppose14:01
reisiopinky, ring, moved/pinky, pointer14:01
induzits not mounting14:01
eph3meralalankila, nah, it's about when i have to upgrade, part of the point of having /home on a separate partition is that you don't have to loose your files or worry as much about backup14:01
reisiovs pinky, pointer, pointer, pointer14:01
eph3meralalankila, but I always end up finding my configs to be really wonky after I wipe the root drive and reinstall, but keep the same /home partition14:02
eph3meralupgrade problems on ubuntu!? no! :P14:02
reisioif you worry when you upgrade, you should find another distro14:02
reisioit should be worry free14:02
uskerinehi, i am running the live ubuntu distribution, how could I change xsession so i run mwm/lesstif14:02
induzi connected sd card to ubuntu but nothing happens14:02
alankilaeph3meral: well, it isn't too much trouble to just remove all the dot files, although you have to be careful to not actually execute rm -rf ..14:02
eph3meralreisio, right, so I don't bother with a separate home drive, and I keep a plain files partition, I consider /home to be more of a /user_settings folder14:02
eph3meralalankila, er... wtf?14:03
eph3meralremove dot files? lol, what are you smoking :P14:03
eph3meraloh, wait, you mean hidden files14:03
eph3merali thought you mean ./ and ../14:03
alankilaeph3meral: well you said they get wonky between upgrades, so I suggest removing them, that way wonkiness is gone14:03
ActionParsnipI just clean install each new release, fewer issues14:03
reisioeph3meral: not sure what that has to do with what we were just discussing, but ok :p14:03
induzit has some pics on it, how to get them back??14:03
eph3meralwell, I was discussing mount points14:03
ActionParsnipinduz: does it show up in:  sudo fdisk -l14:03
eph3meralsafe canonical ones, are there any or should I just make up my own14:04
uskerineor how can i enable user login in ubuntu live cd?14:04
reisiouskerine: ?14:04
reisiouskerine: hi14:05
induzActionParsnip, no14:05
uskerinereisio, i would like to use mwm (lesstif) instead of the standard wm, where should I change xsession to allow that, or at least, how can i enable login to select session?14:05
induzActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055977/14:06
reisiouskerine: is it just a wm?14:07
induzsd card was working fine on win7 but I removed it suddenly...now no sd card is getting regonised14:07
ActionParsnipinduz: does the system ahve a make and model?14:08
uskerineyes it is just a wm14:08
reisioinduz: what does sudo blkid show?14:08
uskerineso i would like to change the standard session to FVWM, or OpenBox, or MWM (this being my specific case)14:08
reisiouskerine: just on their own, or Unity with mwm?14:09
induzActionParsnip, its 4 Gb sandisk SD card...dell dimension e310 is syetm14:09
uskerineon their own14:09
uskerineno unity14:09
induzreisio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055977/14:09
uskerine(I can hardly think how weird would be motif window manager with unity) :)14:10
ActionParsnipinduz: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb14:10
ActionParsnipinduz: is the sd card part of the system?14:11
opalepatrickfaffing around trying to get error logging for lamp install. Any pointers/sources to set for dev server?14:12
opalepatricksorry my dev desktop not server14:12
battlehandshow do I dock my terminal?14:13
induzActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055991/14:13
induzActionParsnip, card is not part of the system. Its from a camera. It was working fine...I replced the sd card but that also not getting recognized14:14
opalepatrickApologies, it was there all the time... Dunce#14:14
ActionParsnipinduz: but is the reader part of the system or is it a usb device14:14
vanderjI tried to upgrade from ubuntu 11.10 to ubuntu 12.04, but when I download all upgrades and re-start the pc it still using 11.10... Why?14:17
induzActionParsnip, its a USB device...but when i insert the card direct to the  Dell comp, nothing happens14:17
ActionParsnipinduz: have you tried a precise liveCD to see if it works there?14:18
bjrohanDoes anyone have experience with an older laptop and ATI Radeon X1400/drivers? I used to be able to get Unity 3D working, after 12.04 upgrade, it no longer does.14:18
reisiobjrohan: check dem ati drivers14:19
induzActionParsnip, i tried these card on win7 system and ubuntu system, not getting recognosed...maybe a program have formatted them differently...now i want to get back my pics first14:19
induzActionParsnip, precide Live CD??14:19
vanderjI don't  want to use it.14:20
vanderjI only want to upgrade14:20
bjrohanreisio, how do I do that, I have seen many items all of the internet, not sure what to do (I am a noob at Linux). Would you be willing to help me, and get me in the right direction?14:21
reisiobjrohan: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI14:22
ActionParsnipinduz: precise, Ubuntu 12.0414:23
vanderjI was trying to upgrade using the the system update..14:24
bjrohanreisio thank you, I will have a go14:24
vanderjI do not like the CD it is an old tech14:24
induzActionParsnip, these card used to get recognised on Ubuntu10.04[the current system]...i dont have a cd to run 12.04 live...is there any s/w i can get my pics from these sd cards??14:25
ActionParsnipinduz: it'll need to be seen by the OS first, you may need to make a udev rule. I suggest you check the latest release to see if the newer kernel makes it work ok14:25
Sinokalh synexeia :-)14:26
Bunkastudnátok segíteni?14:27
vanderjI have linux mint 12 dvd, but I want to use ubuntu. because I can use soft RAID and mint do not support it.14:27
bjrohanreisio: I don't see my card listed, I have a dell inspiron 6400 with AMD ATI Radeon x1400, AMD/ATI site lists Radeon HD or a x1200 series, any thoughts?14:27
bjrohanreisio: unless I go with a desktop, then it shows me a Radeon x1xxx series although I have a laptop14:28
battlehandshow do I create a directory and a folder in unbuntu terminal?14:29
induzActionParsnip, its not getting by OSs-win 7 and ubuntu14:30
reisiobjrohan: listed w here?14:30
reisiobattlehands: mkdir directory14:30
vanderjmkdir /home/foldername14:30
reisioprobably won't work14:31
reisiobut mkdir foo in ~/ probably will14:31
vanderjwhy not?14:31
kodomoreisio: Do you know what happened to the gnome-power-manager daemon? Is there a replacement? I can't figure that power management now only works when a user is actively logged into a gnome X session, does it?)14:31
reisiobecause /home/ isn't usually owned by non-root14:31
reisiokodomo: there are a number of power management packages, they do tend to be related to desktop environments, though14:31
bjrohanon the ati/amd site listed on the link you sent me earlier. When I entered Desktop, then radeon, then x1xxx series (I have Radeon X1400) it shows a list of products that do not include x1400 (like x1050, x1200), and says it is a legacy driver, and to use Catalyst 9.3 from 200914:31
reisio(not just GNOME, however)14:31
bjrohanreisio: How do I tell what driver I am currently running14:32
reisiobjrohan: so check the 9.3 list14:32
reisiobjrohan: lspci -k | less14:32
vanderjit always works14:32
lea102hello guys14:33
lea102how are you?14:33
reisiovanderj: I doubt that works14:33
induzis there any s/w to get back pics from a sd card??14:33
lea102I got one problem that really annoys me on unity.  Is there any way to stop a window's title bar merging with the panel when maximised?14:34
kodomoreisio: that's what I feared... There seems to be a new philosophy that everything should be centered around a user X session... tough luck if one wants to use the terminal or keep Wifi connectivity for SSH access when logged out of a laptop :P14:34
reisioinduz: what filesystem was on it?14:34
reisiokodomo: not really...14:34
reisiopeople who don't want to use a DE do things manually14:34
bjrohanreisio: so this would be what I am have installed, the radeon kernel module?14:34
induzreisio, FAT but I guess now it is just WFD14:34
reisiobjrohan: that is at the very least what you are _using_14:35
reisioinduz: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-recover-deleted-files-from-a-fat32-volume-in-linux-739511/ for example14:36
bjrohanwhat else may I be using? I don't recall installin Catalyst at all, however I have been battling this problem for months on my own with no resolution. Basically, no 3D acceleration for all the cool things14:36
lea102if someone don't have answer to my question at least tell me that I am not the only one that unity annoys me with that global menu14:36
reisiobjrohan: may have swapped during your upgrade, I couldn't speak to that14:36
reisiobjrohan: find out what you _should be using_, and then make sure you -are using it-14:36
induzreisio, let me read and try that site14:36
reisiobjrohan: I'm guessing fglrx14:36
kodomoreisio: it's not about doing things manually that I complain... having a system bus, management daemons and controlling applets is one thing... but integrating daemons and applets into a monolithic WM is another (I don't grasp the advantage of the latter but see the crippling effect in flexibility and exchangeability of components...14:36
reisiokodomo: what is it you want to have happen?14:37
bjrohanhow would I find out what more I am using, such as catalyst or fglrx? Here is the site for the x1400 specs14:37
kodomoreisio: is this a serious question?14:37
bjrohanleading me to believe I should have 3D rendering14:37
reisioyou're using radeon, as previously determined14:38
reisiokodomo: nice talking with you14:38
alankilaI personally support monolithic integration. It's much simpler, from the total system point of view, than allowing alternate implementations.14:38
bjrohanreisio: OK, you had just said at the very least, I thought that perhaps I may have something else overtop of that in use14:38
dazappahi I'm having some problems with HDMI audio. I installed nvidia prop drivers and can see an HDMI audio device in the settings, but I cannot select it to be the device to play audio, and testing audio from the CP after selecting plays from laptop speakers. I found my HDMI device using aplay -D hw:1,9 testsound.wav where, 1,9 is the device that plays over HDMI successfully. How can I set the audio settings to use this? 12.0414:39
reisiobjrohan: so follow the instructions I gave you earlier, but download the 9.3 version instead of the 12 version14:39
reisiodazappa: still using pulseaudio as far as you know?14:40
bjrohanreisio: Gotcha, is fglrx catalyst?14:40
vanderjthis mean that ubuntu 12 is not ready to use yet14:40
dazappareisio: I have not poked around the internals after doing a fresh install, so yes I think it's still using pulse14:40
L3topdazappa: do you have an /etc/asound.conf file?14:41
whoamihey guys What are you use Ubuntu.14:41
L3topdazappa: if so please pastebin it14:41
reisiowhoami: what are?14:42
reisiobjrohan: yes14:42
dazappaL3top: no, VI returns new file and checking in the file manager I don't see it either14:42
L3topone second...14:42
whoamiThe amount of Well14:44
reisiowhoami: maybe you should talk to #ubuntu-cn14:45
danawar2Hey i am trying to mount a filesystem.squashfs but once i have it mounted i cant copy stuff of it, it say permission denied how do i solve this?14:46
L3topdazappa: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1668737.html   that should probably still be relevant14:46
bjrohanreisio: In the instructions you sent it says to uninstall the fglrx  drivers. I do not have those installed correct, so I just install the driver necessary?14:46
reisiobjrohan: sounds right14:46
L3topbjrohan: you will want to purge fglrx if you intend not to use it. It causes multiple conflicts14:47
kodomoreisio: if it was an actual question: I'd like a WM-independent configuration interface for non-WM-relating aspects (e.g., connectivity, power management), and I'd like system daemons to run independent of X sessions if they are not relating to X .14:47
reisioL3top: he intends to use it14:47
dazappaL3top: thanks I'll look into that14:47
reisioL3top: the guide says to uninstall older versions before attempting to install a new version14:47
amageehey i'm trying to install the ATI proprietary driver via ubuntu's utility for that, and I get an error:  "Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log".  where should I report this?14:47
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SkippersBossdanawar2:  what was the full mount command you used14:47
danawar2just sudo mount filesystem.squashfs /media/testdrive14:48
reisiokodomo: DE-related power management things _are_ wm-independent14:48
reisiokodomo: they simply have deps that they have14:48
reisiokodomo: if you can detail a specific problem, though, maybe we can get somewhere14:48
SkippersBoss!mount |danawar214:49
ubottudanawar2: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:49
kodomoreisio: ah - ok... this way: I'd like to run xmonad and be able to suspend my laptop with the suspend-key14:49
munzxhi ! thanks for ubuntu 12.04 lts , i installed dropbox and it took to much time so i canceled the operation but the cancellation took more than 3 hours and still even though i restarted my laptop several times!!! btw , i had ubuntu reinstalled and before that dropbox was warking fine14:49
SkippersBossu need to tell mount that ur regular user can write as well14:49
* L3top wants to see lspci -nn | grep 'VGA' output for both ATI questions amagee and bjrohan14:50
kodomoreisio: I don't want to spare display surface for a broad taskbar I don't use14:50
bjrohanreisio: I ran into an error:14:50
bjrohanGenerating package: Ubuntu/precise14:50
bjrohanError: Distro Version entered incorrectly or not supported, use --listpkg to identify valid distro versions14:50
amageeL3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Juniper [Radeon HD 5700 Series] [1002:68b8]14:50
bjrohanL3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Radeon Mobility X1400 [1002:7145]14:50
kodomoreisio: likewise, I'd like to run a trayer and applets to configure wifi/bluetooth/... in xmonad14:50
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bjrohanamagee: that was cool14:51
danawar2SkippersBoss: Sorry that is not very helpful for me14:51
SkippersBossdanawar2,  adding -o rw should do the trick. please read    'man mount' for complete option14:51
L3topthat should be no problem amagee. Can you pastebin the entire session and the jockey.log?14:51
munzxhi ! thanks for ubuntu 12.04 lts , i installed dropbox and it took to much time so i canceled the operation but the cancellation took more than 3 hours and still even though i restarted my laptop several times!!! btw , i had ubuntu reinstalled and before that dropbox was warking fine14:51
L3topbjrohan: I do not believe you will be able to use the fglrx driver14:51
amageeL3top: what do you mean "the entire session"?14:51
SkippersBossall mounts are mounted read only14:51
SkippersBossto other users then sudo14:51
danawar2SkippersBoss: I am not trying to write to it14:52
bjrohanL3top: Any suggestions? Unity 3D was woking fine when I had 11.10 installed, upgraded to 12.04 and then no systray, no 3D rendering :-(14:52
L3topI am sorry amagee, I install everything through terminal. What happens if you type sudo apt-get install fglrx14:52
danawar2SkippersBoss: Im trying to copy the contents to a folder14:52
L3topThey broke support ATI side bjrohan. One moment.14:52
kodomoreisio: these are my current problems - the wifi-without-X-issue was something that annoyed me when I installed hardy many years ago ;)14:52
SkippersBossthats me out then14:52
amageeL3top: is that equivalent to what the "Additional Drivers" app does?14:52
munzxcan any one help me plz14:52
munzxhi ! thanks for ubuntu 12.04 lts , i installed dropbox and it took to much time so i canceled the operation but the cancellation took more than 3 hours and still even though i restarted my laptop several times!!! btw , i had ubuntu reinstalled and before that dropbox was warking fine14:53
smithzvHello, my HUD on my fresh 12.04 install isn't showing interesting options, like menu items (copy, paste, save, etc.)  Is there anything I need to do to populate the HUD?14:53
L3topShould be amagee.14:53
sacarlson!mksquashfs | danawar2:14:53
smithzvit seems to be showing global stuff like indicator options and printer setup14:53
sacarlsondanawar2: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/mksqoverview.html14:54
kodomoreisio: the suspend-to-ram functionality used to work (along with volume control hard keys when the gnome-power-manager daemon was started... but that one seems to have been eliminated in precise(?)14:54
bjrohanL3top: when I ask for packages I do get:14:54
mi3Hi, the minimize, maximize, close buttons as well as the Title is missing from firefox , and suggestions ? http://imagebin.org/21757114:55
sacarlsondanawar2: or better maybe with mount /some/file.sqfs /mnt -o loop  http://archive.atomicmpc.com.au/forums.asp?s=2&c=16&t=456914:55
munzxhi ! thanks for ubuntu 12.04 lts , i installed dropbox and it took to much time so i canceled the operation but the cancellation took more than 3 hours and still even though i restarted my laptop several times!!! btw , i had ubuntu reinstalled and before that dropbox was warking fine14:55
L3topbjrohan: yes... that is no longer supported. That looks like you have a PPA you are trying to get it from. Newer drivers will not work.14:55
amageeL3top: apt-get install fglrx seemed to actually work.. it's asking for a restart so i will try that, brb14:55
danawar2sacralson: tryed that : /14:55
munzxi installed dropbox and it took to much time so i canceled the operation but the cancellation took more than 3 hours and still even though i restarted my laptop several times!!! btw , i had ubuntu reinstalled and before that dropbox was warking fine14:56
mi3I am not using unity, I am using cairo-dock session.14:56
mi3Hi, the minimize, maximize, close buttons as well as the Title is missing from firefox , and suggestions ? http://imagebin.org/217571 . I am not using unity, I am using cairo-dock session.14:56
sacarlsondanawar2: tried mount with loop?14:56
bjrohanL3top: what do you mean a ppa trying to get it from? the drivers? I downloaded the file from the ATI/AMD site14:57
danawar2trying with -t now14:57
bjrohanL3top: What do you recommend I try to do?14:57
sacarlsondanawar2: maybe you didn't look at the link?14:58
Mandalordmi3: right click on the extreme top, and select undecorate14:58
L3topI recommend you use the correct driver... and purge all pieces of the prorpietary one which will not work on your HW bjrohan. One moment.14:58
bjrohanL3top: thank you for helping me, this has been plaquing me for months14:58
mi3Mandalord: it worked, thanks !14:58
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sacarlsondanawar2: mount /some/file.sqfs /mnt -o loop  ;rsync -aP /mnt/ /somewhere/big  ;umount /mnt  ;(do edits to /somewhere/big)  ;mksquashfs /somewhere/big /some/new-file.sqfs14:59
kwtmHi. Where on a Kubuntu system are the system sound files?  WOuld like to use some for notification sounds on a different computer.14:59
reisiokodomo: you can manage all of those with simple commands that don't require GNOME if you want15:00
locodir-userjs wondering if someone can help me with ubuntu isnatallation15:00
amageeL3top: hmm, that seemed to work15:01
amageenow when I open "Additional Drivers" it has a green light on "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" but not the one that says "(post-release updates)"15:01
L3topCertainly should have amagee :)15:01
xxiaoi got used to aptitude until 12.04, wherer aptitude is no longer the recommended method15:01
amageeis there an analogous command to install that via command line?15:01
sacarlsondanawar2: as mount requires sudo in some cases maybe chroot if you don't have sudo access?15:01
kodomoreisio: are you talking about throwing away all configuration applets and going back to editing wpa_supplicant config files? ;)15:02
xxiaoto do 'aptitude search pkg', what should i use now?15:02
xxiaoapt-cache search pkg gives too much info15:02
L3topbjrohan: http://pastebin.com/aC95khK6          you can just dump all that into a terminal and it will do everything you need. Then reboot15:02
reisiokodomo: no, in the case of wireless you could use, for example, wicd's ncurses frontend15:02
Mandalordapt-cache search <package> | grep <some word to be matched up>15:03
danawar2sudo mount filesystem.squashfs /media/testdrive -o loop15:03
danawar2mount: warning: /media/testdrive seems to be mounted read-only.15:03
danawar2That is fine by me but if i try to do any thing with the mounted15:03
xxiaoMandalord: sigh, why do they ditch aptitude, seems very user fridenly to me15:03
bjrohanL3top: Line by line correct, not all at once15:03
L3topamagee: post release updates in your case will do nothing for you I do not believe. Keep in mind also that the 12-5 version removed support for all of the HD 2xxx-4xxx cards. Yours is a 5xxx so you wont have an issue with that, but I expect your chipset is next to be dropped... so... latest is not often best with ATI15:03
danawar2I get access denied, as far as i remember if somthing is read only you can still copy it and read it15:03
sacarlsondanawar2: as noted in the link you copy the read only files system to a place that you CAN edit change it then squash it15:04
amageewell the drivers i'm using atm seem to be broken, which is why i want to upgrade15:04
danawar2sacarlson: but i cant copy it that is the problem even as root15:04
L3topbjrohan: if you sudo something and enter your password, you can just drop the whole thing in at once. Otherwise go line by line. Taking weird commands from a stranger in IRC would make me want to do it line by line... but it is all good.15:04
amageesome webpages behave very oddly in ways that are clearly not problems with the webpage or the browser15:04
sacarlsondanawar2: oh I missed that part so maybe the squash is corrupted?15:04
sacarlsondanawar2: or you don't have priv?15:05
bjrohanWhy is my laptop smoking?15:05
escottdanawar2, what are the permissions on the mountpoint and files15:05
danawar2sacarlson: I have no idea :/ i dont think it is corrupt15:05
sacarlsondanawar2: at the point you try to copy it TOO15:05
soft_hi people15:05
soft_i have an hp15:05
L3topamagee: this is still the case with the fglrx driver installed?15:05
L3topamagee: if so, it is probably flash related15:05
ActionParsnipsoft_: ease up on the enter key dude15:05
amageeL3top: yes, it's exactly the same15:05
soft_when i change brightness15:05
danawar2escott: that doesnt matter because im root so i should have ownership over all correct?15:05
soft_and reboot pc15:05
amageeL3top: i thought that, but it happens also on websites that don't have flash15:06
soft_i get back the old brightness set15:06
L3topamagee: can you take a screenshot please?15:06
amageewill try15:06
escottdanawar2, correct15:06
sacarlsondanawar2: no some DESTINATION directories may also be uwritable to root15:06
ActionParsnipsoft_: again, ease up on the enter key, you can type very long lines, it doesn't cost any more and breaks up your question less, making it actually readable15:06
L3top!pastebin | amagee there is a link in here to place screenshots.15:06
ubottuamagee there is a link in here to place screenshots.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:07
Mandalordxxiao: if you want something friendly, i suggest to use Synaptic15:07
soft_#l3top please help15:07
sacarlsondanawar2: can you cd into the loop mounted disk and view files in it?15:07
ActionParsnipsoft_: if you reboot and run:  echo 5 | sudo tee sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness      is it ok?15:07
danawar2sacarlson: yse15:07
smithzvNevermind, sloppy focus => no global menus => no (working) HUD... :(15:08
ActionParsnipsoft_: if you reboot and run:  echo 5 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness      is it ok?15:08
sacarlsondanawar2: then maybe the problem is on the DESTINANTION directory,  can you touch a file in the directory you plan to copy it too?15:08
L3topsoft_: I do not remember how to fix that... It may be an acpi=off addition to kernel load... I will have to check.15:08
L3topsoft_: follow ActionParsnips instructions15:08
danawar2danawar@danawar-desktop:/media/testdrive/var/www$ sudo mv zap-wave /home/danawar/Desktop/15:09
danawar2mv: cannot remove `zap-wave/index.php': Read-only file system15:09
danawar2mv: cannot remove `zap-wave/zap-wave.readme.txt': Read-only file system15:09
kodomoreisio: *sigh* ok - I guess I have to really go back to curses- and cli- interfaces... I was hoping the gnome-tools that worked in hardy could be convinced to work in precise (or just had been renamed)15:09
soft_what is  follow ActionParsnips instructions15:09
sacarlsondanawar2:   touch /your/planed/path/to/test.txt15:09
kodomofrustrating - but thx nonetheless :)15:09
L3top<ActionParsnip> soft_: if you reboot and run:  echo 5 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness      is it ok?15:09
escottdanawar2, use cp not mv15:09
danawar2sacarlson: ofc i can access my home drive if i am root :)15:09
ActionParsnipsoft_: if you run it, does the brightness change?15:09
amageeL3top: here's an example http://imagebin.org/21757715:10
sacarlsondanawar2: not if it's encrypted15:10
amageeL3top: i should probably point out that i'm using xubuntu15:10
amageei haven't tried gnome lately15:10
danawar2escott: cp: omitting directory `zap-wave/15:10
soft_i don't think15:10
soft_where i must write this code15:10
danawar2sacarlson: fair point but its not encrypted :)15:10
escottdanawar2, did you cp -r?15:11
L3topamagee: oh yeah... that's... thats way wrong... do not expect it is flash.15:11
danawar2escott: no ill try that now never used -r15:11
amageeit's very interesting.. it only happens on webpages, and only on some web pages15:11
amageebut happens across chrome and firefox15:11
L3topa terminal soft_.15:11
bjrohanL3top:  I ran every line in the pastebin, restart now?15:12
L3topyes bjrohan15:12
sacarlsondanawar2: or as given rsync -aP /mnt/ /somewhere/big15:12
PervertedMonkhey lads having a problem getting both my usb drives to auto mount (came back from holiday to find a bash:- Permissiong denied error. So here is the paste bin of what I did http://pastebin.com/qKeZ4RCN Please advise15:12
amageeL3top: also, on some web pages it doesn't even update when i type text in a text box or click a check box15:12
amageeie. the text box works, but i can't see anything15:12
danawar2sudo cp -r testdrive /home/danawar/Desktop/ caused a long pause which is promising :)15:13
ActionParsnipsoft_: does the command change the brightness ok?15:13
danawar2although it wouldn't work before o.o15:13
escottdanawar2, cp without the -r recursive flag only copies regular files not directories15:13
sacarlsondanawar2: follow ALL the instructions15:13
amageeoh actually i lie, that issue i just showed you doesn't occur on that page in firefox15:14
danawar2Ahh ok great i now have it on my desktop :D15:14
escottPervertedMonk, don't use sudo with udisks15:14
danawar2ty :) now to change the permissions :D15:14
escottPervertedMonk, udisks means "user disks" its meant to be run by regular users15:14
PervertedMonkescott but when I tried it without sudo I got :  /usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sdb1Mount failed: Not Authorized15:14
amageeactually i'm not getting any issues in firefox anymore.. maybe it is somehow flash screwing everything up15:15
PervertedMonkthat's why i tried using sudo after that15:15
escottPervertedMonk, what is the output of "groups"15:15
PervertedMonkgmathews adm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev users lpadmin sambashare admin15:15
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soft_yes it's change15:16
escottPervertedMonk, so from your current state do "sudo udisks --unmount /dev/sdb1" and verify it is unmounted by running "mount" and checking that sdb1 does not appear. then run udisks --mount /dev/sdb1 and please paste that error15:16
soft_it will still run until reboot15:17
L3topamagee: I am tempted to agree with you, though I have not had this experience... something is funky with the driver... can you open catalyst and check the settings there?15:17
sacarlsondanawar2: also don't guess that we know what you typed as command show us all so we have an idea what might have gone wrong in the future15:17
L3topsoft_: you should direct your comments to ActionParsnip.15:17
L3topActionParsnip: <soft_> yes it's change15:17
soft_ActionParsnip: <soft_> yes it's change15:18
PervertedMonkescott: gmathews@gmathews-ProLiant-MicroServer:/media$ udisks --mount /dev/sdb115:18
PervertedMonkMount failed: Not Authorized15:18
amageeL3top: how do i open it? if i try to run it from the menu, nothing happens15:18
escottPervertedMonk, can you run "ps aux | grep udisks" and verify that udisks-daemon is running15:18
danawar2sacarlson: Its very confusing for me you must understand that O.o i'm still learning15:19
PervertedMonkroot      1489  0.0  0.3  24244  3660 ?        Sl   17:04   0:00 /usr/lib/udisk /udisks-daemon15:19
L3tophmmm... one sec amagee.15:19
bjrohanL3top: I am back after completing your pastebin lines and rebooting. Now what15:19
sacarlsondanawar2: we are all learning, no one know it all15:19
PervertedMonkroot      1490  0.0  0.0   6328   732 ?        S    17:04   0:00 udisks-daemon: not polling any device15:19
PervertedMonkit's running right?15:20
PervertedMonkdont know what caused this change ;/15:20
L3topamagee: I would try sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle-updates15:20
escottPervertedMonk, what version of ubuntu and what desktop environment are you running15:20
L3topbjrohan: Nothing. Everything should be working as well as it can :)15:20
amageeL3top: all already installed15:21
PervertedMonk3.0.0-17-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 8 17:34:21 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux15:21
PervertedMonkits xbmc-ubuntu though15:21
ActionParsnipsoft_: then add that in /etc/rc.local   above the exit 0 line...15:21
L3topamagee: apt-cache policy fglrx-amdcccle | grep -i installed15:21
PervertedMonkbut it;'s basically xbmc eden installed over ubuntu15:21
escottPervertedMonk, so thats an 11.04 base15:21
mahrainhi guys, I love the fact that the i855gm graphics chip is properly supported in 12.04 LTS, thanks!15:22
PervertedMonkescott, yea i think so15:22
escottPervertedMonk, can you verify that /media is empty by running ls -l /media?15:22
amageeL3top:   Installed: (none)15:22
PervertedMonkescott: yes it's empty15:22
escottPervertedMonk, ok. do you have an entries in fstab referencing sdb115:23
L3topamagee: hmmm... I would try installing that. (me wonders how you got the updates without specifying...)15:23
PervertedMonkescott: just /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda515:24
PervertedMonkone is the ext4 partition and the other the swap15:24
PervertedMonkescott: note that I have never changed antyhing in /etc/fstab15:25
PervertedMonkescott: and it was working fine for about two months15:25
bjrohanL3top: How can I tell if 3D on my card is working properly?15:26
bjrohanhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/radeon.4.html does show that I should be set right15:26
reisiobjrohan: glxinfo | grep -i 'direct rendering'15:27
bjrohanbjrohan@bjrohan-MM061:~$ bjrohan: glxinfo | grep -i 'direct rendering'15:27
bjrohanbjrohan:: command not found15:27
escottPervertedMonk, maybe a polkitd issue. verify polkitd is running with ps aux | grep polkitd. you can also check what actions are allowed with pkaction -v | grep -C 5 udisk15:28
ActionParsnipsoft_: you don't strictly need the sudo in the command as all commands there will run as root15:28
reisiobjrohan: use apt-file to find the package that provides it15:28
reisioprobably mesa-utils or the like15:28
amageeok i installed fglrx-amdcccle and then fglrx-amdcccle-updates15:29
L3top3D is not going to work "properly" on your chipset. It will work in a limited capacity... It will work "ok" assuming your settings are correct. You can apt-get install mesa-utils and run glxgears15:29
amageesystem restart required, apparetnly.. brb15:29
L3topbjrohan: ^15:29
soft_i've already runned the  gui15:29
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
bjrohanI have done a restart amagee :-)15:30
L3topsorry bjrohan... the line above... amagee was also restarting15:30
bjrohangotcha :-)15:31
lea102I got one problem that really annoys me on unity.  Is there any way to stop a window's title bar merging with the panel when maximised?15:31
L3topThat's a "feature" lea102... I believe you will want to turn off... sticky edges perhaps... I am not sure to be honest.15:32
PervertedMonkescott: http://pastebin.com/g1zMWeAm15:32
PervertedMonk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15:32
PervertedMonk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15:32
PervertedMonk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15:32
PervertedMonk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15:32
FloodBot1PervertedMonk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
PervertedMonkescott: http://pastebin.com/g1zMWeAm15:32
lea102reisio I did that already15:32
bjrohanL3top: How do I use the mesa-utils (they are already installed) and run glxgears?15:32
reisiolea102: done15:32
lea102reisio: the title bar is still merging with global menu15:32
lea102resio: although the window menu bar is fine now15:33
pixelatedI have a pentium d system@2.6Ghz with 1Gb RAM, and anytime it launches an app, the %wa goes up to 90% and %si hits around 5%, and takes 30-40 seconds for apps to come up. This is a semi-fresh 11.10 install. any ideas on where i should look for probelms?15:33
stddhello, i really need some help recovering a lvm partition.. fdisk -l lists the hard drives but says Disk /dev/mapper/<disk> doesn't contain a valid partition table.. can anyone point me to the right direction on what to do next? I'm a little scared to run commands i randomly find on google as I might destroy the harddisk further. Or should I take another direction in rescueing this data?15:33
L3topbjrohan: type glxgears15:33
bjrohanI did, it worked15:33
bjrohanL3top: It showed me gears working, yippee15:34
escottPervertedMonk, im not sure what is going on here. that looks alright and if polkitd is running, and dbus is running then udisks should be able to connect to it.15:34
bjrohanL3top: So it is working as best it could then?15:34
reisiobjrohan: glxinfo | grep -i 'direct rendering'15:34
L3topCorrect bjrohan15:34
bjrohanbjrohan@bjrohan-MM061:~$ glxinfo | grep -i 'direct rendering'15:35
bjrohanr300: DRM version: 2.12.0, Name: ATI RV515, ID: 0x7145, GB: 1, Z: 115:35
bjrohanr300: GART size: 509 MB, VRAM size: 128 MB15:35
bjrohanr300: AA compression RAM: YES, Z compression RAM: YES, HiZ RAM: YES15:35
bjrohandirect rendering: Yes15:35
FloodBot1bjrohan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:35
bjrohanreisio: Why did it say it wasn't working a few minutes ago?15:35
reisiobjrohan: maybe it wasn't working a few minutes ago15:35
PervertedMonkescott: its worrying. I plug the  HDD in to my  windows machine and it's all good15:35
lea102reisio: it is really annoying because I could not minimize, maximize without touching the gnome panel15:35
bjrohanthanks you very much resio & L3top15:35
amageehey L3top -- i installed those things and rebooted.. still can't open the catalyst control centre from the menu but "amdcccle" from terminal works15:35
amageecan't really see anything interesting but i'm gonna head off to bed now15:36
amageethanks for your help though!15:36
bjrohanreisio: SHould I now be able to log into Unity 3D?15:36
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escottPervertedMonk, you could setup a fstab entry that hardcodes the appropriate owner value. but something is evidently broken in the xbmc session or in polkit. i'm not familiar enough with either to diagnose15:39
stddany ideas where to start fixing a broken lvm partition? when I try to mount the lvm directly I get following error: wrong fs type, bad superblock on <partition>.. try dmesg15:39
soft_ok i'm on thr channel15:40
stdddmesg just gives me an i/O error at the end15:40
Mandalordstdd: try this http://www.tcpdump.com/kb/os/linux/configuring-lvm/intro.html15:40
PervertedMonkescott: i changed this in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy -> allow any to yes15:40
PervertedMonkand it works ;p15:40
reisiosoft_: right hurr15:40
PervertedMonkdunno if it's the correct way15:40
vmarsoh.what are you talking about15:42
stddMandalord: thanks, running fdisk, then n says default partition number is 3.. should I still use one as described on the website or 3?15:42
VbAhi anybody can help me15:45
VbAi got this errors15:45
VbACan't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/p15:45
ActionParsnipVbA: what causes the errors15:45
VbAwhen i running perl script15:45
ActionParsnipVbA: have you asked in #perl too15:46
VbAnot yet sir15:46
ActionParsnipVbA: i suggest it, they may have a cheeky fix :)15:46
VbAi will sir, thanks15:46
sacarlsonI think you just need to fix a corrupted super block  I'm not sure what disk you have problem but http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/recover-bad-superblock-from-corrupted-partition/15:47
stddsacarlson: I tried looking for backup superblocks, tried all of them, but none of them worked. (short-read error)15:48
bjrohanL3top: and reisio THANK YOU THANK YOU, I can log into Unity 3D and it worked, my Cairo dock also works.!15:48
sacarlsonstdd: well if more than 3 supper blocks fail I guess you broke it?15:49
ActionParsnipsacarlson: thats gotta take some talent15:49
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sacarlsonActionParsnip: to break stuff?  I an expert at breaking stuf  me >>talented<<15:49
stddsacarlson: how do you mean i broke it? it was an idle-file server i didn't do anything with.. the latest backup is a few days old and i really need the new data i put on there... this morning it was running fine, then suddenly it stopped working :/15:51
stddis there any way to recover (maybe just part) of the data?15:51
sacarlsonstdd: full forensic recover is where you do a dd dump of the image on the disk then work on that to recover so you don't break the original15:52
L3topnp bjrohan :) Glad you are working.15:52
sacarlsonstdd: it depends on the value of the stuf on the disk how much effort to put into recovery15:52
stddwell.. i'd certainly be willing to pay something to the person who helps me recover the data15:53
ActionParsnipsacarlson: hehe special weapon: dd15:56
stddand doing a dd backup would not actually help me recover the data but only ensure i'm not doing any further damage right?15:56
ActionParsnipstdd: if you had a backup you won't have this issue15:57
ActionParsnipstdd: I'd look into foremost15:58
ActionParsnipstdd: a cheap USB HDD will save you a LOT of hassle15:58
stddit was the one thing i didn't set up a backup for as it was new and then this happened... it taught me (yet another) lesson about backups but that doesn't help me much right now15:59
sacarlsonstdd: I found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DriveImaging16:02
sacarlsonstdd: that gets you to create an image of the bad partition and create a file of it,  but you need the space on a working drive to put it on16:03
IgnitI have this netbook (MSI GE-620) with a software-based EJECT button. It doesn't work when using Ubuntu. Is there a way to eject my DVDROM when there is no disc inside?16:05
ActionParsnipstdd: foremost can work on the drive as is, but you'll need a big enough partition mounted writable to spit all the data to16:05
The_Other_GuyIgnit: It doesn't have a button on the outside of the DVD drive?16:06
ActionParsnipIgnit: sudo eject /dev/sr016:06
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IgnitThe_Other_Guy: No, it doesn't, the EJECT key is in the middle of the Keyboard16:06
stddsacarlson: i just got a usb drive to put the data onto... i'll now try to follow the steps in the link16:07
sacarlsonstdd: then you need the oposite side to mount and recover the dd image http://rackerhacker.com/2010/12/14/mounting-a-raw-partition-file-made-with-dd-or-dd_rescue-in-linux/16:07
The_Other_GuyIgnit: Then use the command sudo eject /dev/sr0 in your terminal window.16:07
stddsacarlson: ah great, that was the part i didn't understand yet :) i'll give it a shot and report as soon as i have news16:07
sacarlsonstdd: I"ve never done any of this stuff so good luck16:07
bouworking from a windows machine to install ubuntu (and wipe windows off)16:07
IgnitActionParsnip: sorry doesn't work without a CD in the drive16:08
bouwhat would be the advantages of using a usb drive with ISO image etc. over simply using the windows installer?16:08
escottThe_Other_Guy, Ignit shouldn't need the sudo16:08
ActionParsnipIgnit: should jack it out regardless16:08
escottbou, you mean a real install vs wubi?16:08
ActionParsnipbou: you will need to not use the windows installer if you intend to wipe windows off16:08
The_Other_GuyDoesn't matter escott.16:09
boudunno what is wubi, escott, but it is not live cd or live usb, itis real install16:09
bouActionParsnip, it seems windows installer option is far easier, hence my question ...16:09
stddsacarlson: thanks for the confidence:) bt as my alternative is to just lose the data it's much better than nothing :)16:10
escottThe_Other_Guy, the point is not to throw sudo on things unnecessarily. i would say 15-20% of the problems I see here are caused by people who immediately reach for sudo when they have difficulties16:10
sacarlsonstdd: yes and with the image file you can posibly recover the data in the future when you figure out how it can be done or you get an expert to help16:10
escottbou, wubi (the windows installer) installs on top of windows. there is no linux partition and windows cannot be removed16:11
subz3r0hi there. How do i check on 12.04 if the sambadaemon is runnin or not?16:11
IgnitActionParsnip: Only works if there is something in the drive16:11
Peckerpid samba?16:12
escottsubz3r0, ps aux | grep smbd or service samba status (not sure if the service name is samba or not)16:13
The_Other_Guyescott: You need appropriate privileges to access the device files. Running as root or setuid root is required to eject some devices (e.g. SCSI devices).16:14
subz3r0escott: serive samba status does not work. but "status smbd"16:15
bouthanks escott16:15
subz3r0has to be "service smbd status". thx16:15
escottThe_Other_Guy, one can always come up with some convoluted situation where sudo is necessary16:17
The_Other_Guyescott: Give me a break. sudo is sometimes needed. We'll just have to disagree and move on.16:18
sachaelcan anyone recommend me a light-weight pdf viewer? I'm using evince; tried avplv and zathura, which are supposed to be what I need, but are actually slower than evince.16:18
ActionParsnipescott: smbd is the service name :)16:18
escottActionParsnip, yeah i dont run it on mine so i couldn't look it up, but subz3r0 figured it out16:19
ActionParsnipescott: groovy16:19
escottsachael, in what way is evince not light-weight enough for you?16:20
ActionParsnipsacarlson: xpdf maybe16:21
ActionParsnip!info xpdf16:21
ubottuxpdf (source: xpdf): Portable Document Format (PDF) reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.02-21build1 (precise), package size 129 kB, installed size 375 kB16:21
ActionParsnip!info evince16:21
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 202 kB, installed size 1053 kB16:21
scueyHi, does anyone have a Nvidia 675m working with Bumblebee that they can confirm?  I would feel a lot better about my (potential) decision to buy one of someone could confirm it.16:21
sachaelescott: it is actually lightweight, I'm just wondering if there is perhaps something else. (there is also rudimentary vim-like keybindings in evince, I love that :)16:22
ActionParsnipescott: xpdf is a third the size16:22
sachaelxpdf is kinda uglo tho :(16:22
escottsachael, it sounds like evince is not too hot and not too cold, but just right16:23
ActionParsnipsacarlson: who cares, you are looking at the document16:23
frank_Hello all16:23
sacarlsonyou need my aproval for sachael ActionParsnip: for xpdf?  I just use the default pdf reader16:23
frank_how is everyone doing today?16:23
frank_anyone has issues with their wireless not working?16:23
frank_the drivers are detected that is and it will not accept the passphrase?16:24
sachaelActionParsnip: are you perhaps respoing to my queries? it was me asking about pdf readers16:24
The_Other_Guyfrank: We need more info than that. What distro, hardware, etc. are you using?16:24
frank_well i recently discovered how to fix this16:24
frank_well hold on16:24
sacarlsonfrank_: solved your own problem?  cool16:25
frank_Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG16:25
frank_that is the addapter16:25
frank_well all i needed to do is restart my network services to get it to work16:25
ActionParsnipsachael: yeah, bad TAB16:26
sacarlsonActionParsnip: oh ya first same 3 leters16:26
ActionParsnipsacarlson: indeed16:26
frank_i have been looking for a solution for this issue for a while now16:26
sachaelEvince is actually one of the few gnome programs I like16:26
frank_well i don't know who needed this help but i was hoping that more people would be having issues with ubuntu 12.04 and wireless16:27
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frank_its all over the internet with wireless and ubuntu issues16:28
ActionParsnipfrank_: not had a wireless issue ever, since gutsy when I started with Ubuntu and even before then :)16:28
frank_oh thats nice16:28
sacarlsonfrank_: ya alot but mostly with broadcom devices,  what's the command line you use to restart the network?16:28
frank_ok hold on16:28
frank_sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:29
frank_thats it16:29
ActionParsnipfrank_: if you buy compatible stuff it works nicer :)16:29
frank_ya but most people these days run windows16:30
The_Other_Guyfrank:  Noooooo! Don't use SUDO. You'll incur the wrath of the overlords!!!!  JK!16:30
frank_so they don't really care about what hardware they have16:30
Kroachis there a blue variant of the Ambiance theme from Ubuntu 12.04, so that everything would be the same, just blue instead of orange?16:30
escottfrank_, "sudo service networking restart" is preferred to calling /etc/init.d directly16:30
frank_windows is overpriced thats for sure16:30
The_Other_GuyOh, the irony!16:31
frank_escott, oh ok16:31
douglanyone know/have any experience with apcupsd and cgi webinterface for daemon running on my 12.04 install - how do I look at my ups config in my browser?16:31
ActionParsnipfrank_: most companies give more love to windows, if you buy the ones that support your OS, you will help secure support :)16:31
vibhav!ops | manpussy16:31
ubottumanpussy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!16:31
frank_i understand ActionParsnip16:31
Pecker!language | manpussy16:31
ubottumanpussy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:31
jribkb manpussy16:31
* jrib saves the / for later16:32
frank_i wanted to find out how much system resources i am using in ubuntu..how can i do that?16:32
escottfrank_, gui or cli tools?16:32
frank_gui if i could please16:33
escottfrank_, gnome-system-monitor then16:33
frank_oh ok thanks escott16:33
frank_have a good one guys..16:35
frank_take care for now16:35
ActionParsnipdf -h    is easier...16:38
morsnowskior you could get conky16:41
kevin_takeshiHey guys16:42
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
kevin_takeshiWhile running the software eclectus I encountered this message and the software is not getting initiated16:42
kevin_takeshiGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work16:42
kevin_takeshiWriting to db: sqlite:////home/sudarshan/.kde/share/apps/eclectus/dictionaries.db16:42
kevin_takeshiAttached db: cjklib, sqlite:////usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libeclectus/libeclectus.db, sqlite:////usr/local/share/eclectus/cmn-caen-tan/cmn-caen-tan.db, sqlite:////usr/local/share/eclectus/chi-balm-hsk1/chi-balm-hsk1.db16:42
kevin_takeshiTraceback (most recent call last):16:42
kevin_takeshi  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/eclectusqt/renderthread.py", line 334, in run16:42
FloodBot1kevin_takeshi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
kevin_takeshi    classInstance = entryClassObject(*args, **param)16:42
induzthe usb sd card is not getting recognized by 'photorec' or 'testdisk'16:47
stygzyis it mounted16:48
ActionParsnipinduz: if it doesn't show up in: sudo fdisk -l     it won't, installing apps won't make it appear16:49
stygzyso is this the channel where i ask help?16:50
lebedevHi! Tell me what the default display manager runs in 12.04? Where is the configuration of windows managers?16:50
k1llebedev: lightdm is the standard display manager16:52
induzActionParsnip, its not getting identified by the system and here is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056244/16:52
ActionParsnipinduz: use the lsusb output and search for guides and/or bugs for the 8 character hex ID16:53
lebedevk1l: Thank you!16:54
induzActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056251/16:54
ActionParsnipinduz: '0644:0200 TEAC Corp'   is the ID16:56
induzActionParsnip, its a Sandisk sd card 4Gb16:57
lorddeltahi, is gcj important to have? I'm in the middle of solving some problems, and in prep. I'm cleaning house, and making sure all my packages are up-to-date; but upgrading cpp-4.4 for instance requires the removal of the gcj packages, so I'm wondering if its important to keep them around. I'm not personally using them, I dev with the official oracle jdk, if and when I dev java.16:58
ActionParsnipinduz: thats irellevant, the SD card reader isn't working. You could jam a 400Gb SD card in and it would be the same16:58
murdocCan someone please tell me how to start troubleshooting my mythbuntu 12.4 system? it broke Xserver after a ubgrade from 10.10. root can start X but the user cannot and the x log says something about x server being unavailable. During the bootup it never makes it to the X server and I'm trying to start from a terminal, is this why X is busy?16:59
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ActionParsnipmurdoc: did you upgrade to 11.04 and 11.10 in between?17:00
lorddeltaIf no one tells me otherwise, I'll just un-install the gcj packages.17:00
induzActionParsnip, I insert the sdCard on the slot built onto the dell system and also I used usb cardReader..the sd card is not getting recognised...i used another card and its the same17:00
ActionParsnipmurdoc: or did you upgrade from Maverick to Precise directly?17:00
stygzyI'm trying to map the extra buttons on 3 use mice that i use simultaneously, 2 Gyration Air mice and a Logitech marblemouse. Do I do that through the configuration file or would a program work better17:01
murdocAction: yes it broke after the first upgrade and then I doubled down thinking it would fix itself in one of the upgrades. I got x back for a while after resolving an .Xauthorty issue but then another update and X was gone17:01
ActionParsnipinduz: thats because the SD card reader isn't being used right17:01
murdocyes i went from 10. to 11. to 11. then 1217:01
induzActionParsnip, i used ebooster, a program to boost RAM via usb memory...after that it all is happening17:01
murdocdurring the first attempt to start X I see the nvidia flashscreen17:02
murdocthen i loose it.17:02
ActionParsnipmurdoc: I'd suggest a fresh install personally17:02
RiddlaHi guys, I've just created a 12.04 portable install on a WD 500Gb MyPassport. It works fine on my laptop, but stalls on the boot screen on my desktop, the mouse cursor appears and responds, but the boot screen never drops to reveal the desktop. Are there any common causes for this or resources I could take a look at please?17:02
ActionParsnipinduz: usb is slow as anything, you'll get better performance from the swap space in your internal storage17:02
murdocI get that but I'd like to not chance loosing any of the data from my myth backend17:02
Riddla(Sorry, you guys seem really busy!)17:02
induzActionParsnip, so my inbuilt cardReader and usb cardreader and both sd cards are gone bad17:03
ActionParsnipmurdoc: your backups will prevent data loss17:03
ActionParsnipinduz: possibly, use the hex IDs to find guides17:03
Peckerare the laptop and desktop similar CPUs?17:03
murdocAction: true17:03
centoooshi all, my bluetooth  is disable on ubuntu 11.10. what can i do plz?!17:03
induzActionParsnip, that ebooster I used on win7 syatem17:03
RiddlaPecker: The desktop is an i7 2600k and the laptop is a mobile i5 3ghz17:03
RiddlaSo essentially, yeah :|17:04
RiddlaThat's what I though :|17:04
centooosmy bluetooth is disable, can any one give me his/her file /etc/init.d/bluetooth ?17:05
Peckercentooos: reinstall bluez?17:05
centooosPecker, no17:05
lorddeltaNothing broke yet! 8D17:05
ActionParsnipinduz: its still going to be slow, USB access is slowwww17:06
RiddlaPecker: Would it be possibly caused by my lack of an on board graphics chip? I run a P67 chipset gaming motherboard with a GTX 580 and it doesn't have integrated graphics like the laptop does.17:06
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PeckerRiddla: that would rpobably do it17:07
bjrohanAnyone here have experience with Cairo-Dock?17:07
Peckercentooos: i meant reinstall bluez package... as we arent going to give you files like that17:07
oCeanRiddla: control your language here, please17:07
RiddlaoCean: ... okay.17:07
escott!nomodeset | Riddla17:07
ubottuRiddla: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:07
Riddlaescott: Lovely, I'll take a look, thanks :)17:08
centooosPecker, i reinstall that now , but is disable still.17:08
induzActionParsnip, what should i do now???? plz help17:08
yuri__Hello. I don't see jabber in the list of empathy protos after update to 12.10.17:08
yuri__Is that empathy app in upper right corner?17:08
oCeanyuri__: Quantal/12.10 is a development release (still Alpha). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion17:08
bjrohanI have Cairo installed, it works fine with transparency in Gnome, but in KDE it has a black background :-(17:08
escottRiddla, you'll end up needing two different boot options. one with nomodeset for the gtx, and the other with modeseting for the intel. you could even try installing the nvidia drivers and somehow blacklisting them but that would probably break things17:09
Riddlaescott: I was considering installing them on the laptop (since the installation is portable) and seeing if that fixes things on the desktop17:09
escottinstalling nvidia will almost certainly break things when its not present17:10
ActionParsnipinduz: search for the IS I posted, like I already said.17:10
ntwrk_keithHello. I have a question... I have 2 shares, one which I want users who are in smbpasswd to be able to access it and another share where I only want 1 specific user to be able to access it17:10
RiddlaI'll give nomodeset a go and investigate from there, thanks for the help Pecker and escott :)17:12
yuri__how is that it's still alpha if it was written LTS?17:12
yuri__it was proposed by update manager. why do you propose unstable things?17:12
jribyuri__: 12.10 hasn't been released17:13
oCeanyuri__: you said 12.10, the LTS is 12.04, use the command lsb_release -a to see your current version17:13
BrixSat1Hello i have a patch file and i would like to apply it using a guy or view what will change and where17:13
yuri__says 12.0417:13
jribBrixSat1: what?17:13
oCeanyuri__: ok, so no 12.10 :)17:14
yuri__where's my jabber then?17:14
BrixSat1jrib:  i have a software (source code) and i would like to patch it but view what will change (since the patch is a little bit older thant the source)17:14
oCeanlolwut2: do you have a support question?17:14
jribBrixSat1: read the patch file17:14
BrixSat1i dont understand that17:14
ntwrk_keithPecker: I put that under the share?17:14
centooosi use "sudo apt-get --reinstall install bluez" but my blutooth is still disable. wta should i do?please17:14
Peckerin the smb.conf yes17:15
jribBrixSat1: what don't you understand?17:15
Peckeri think thats was how it worked17:15
BrixSat1jrib:  that is only +++ and --- with some code :/ hard reading17:15
ntwrk_keithPecker, dont think that worked17:16
Peckerlet me get on my linux machine...17:16
escottBrixSat1, im not sure its going to get much easier. there are chunks between the +++ and --- with line numbers after the @ symbol. the chunks have a + on lines that are added a - on lines that are removed and " " in front of context lines17:16
yuri__online accounts => only windows live & google.17:16
yuri__id like to have my jabber chat back17:16
escottBrixSat1, but if you had to have a side by side comparison you could put it all into a git or mercurial archive and setup meld as your diff util17:17
jribBrixSat1: read through diff's man page if you want to know about the syntax.  But basically, there will be a header for each chunk that tells you where the change is going to happen, and lines prefixed by '+' will be added while lines prefixed by '-' will be removed17:17
induzAcidRain2012, thanks i am searching and following the steps but nothing so far17:17
BrixSat1escott:  i have meld but i cant seem to be abble to view where i put the path file for comparison, or would i have to apply it first and then compare?17:17
jribBrixSat1: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1237 here some baby steps17:18
escottBrixSat1, meld doesnt work with patch files. you would have to apply the patch file and then use meld to compare pre and post patch variants. tools like hg and git will make those copies for you if you know how to use them17:18
WeThePeopleis there anything akin to windows batch file for linux, to open up chrome with multiple tabs?17:18
GobShiteyer there called scripts17:19
Peckerntwrk_keith: valid users = @specificusergroup17:19
ntwrk_keithwhat if its just one username17:20
ntwrk_keithand not a group17:20
yuri__looks like that's a different settings17:20
Peckerntwrk_keith: all uesrs have their own group17:20
GobShiteWeThePeople, just make a new empty txt file on your desktop and then17:20
GobShiteright click it and make it executable17:20
Peckereg if your user is 'ubuntu' there is a group 'ubuntu' that is only ubuntu in it17:20
GobShiteput wut you want inside it and save17:21
GobShitethen start it like a bat17:21
ntwrk_keithvalid users = @ubuntu17:21
wylde_!bash | WeThePeople17:21
ubottuWeThePeople: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:21
Peckerchange 'ubuntu' to whatever the username if obviously17:22
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.17:22
ntwrk_keithOk let me try17:22
escottWeThePeople, any file marked executable is presumed executable (things like .bat and .exe mean nothing) but you do need to tell the system what interpreter to run the commands with (in windows command.com runs the .bat's) and that is done with a shebang #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/perl on the first line17:22
yuri__also, i've got some strangeness with status bar  - i can't get batteryt indicator on it17:23
yuri__the setting is empty, when i select it, it doesnt'[ save17:23
ntwrk_keithNope not working :(17:23
yuri__next time i open the selector, it's empty again. definitely bug in configuration registry of gnome17:23
ntwrk_keithis there a way to view user groups?17:23
yuri__how do i cure it?17:23
escottntwrk_keith, "groups" on the cli17:24
ntwrk_keiththat does not work17:24
Peckerdid you restart samba17:24
escott!work | ntwrk_keith17:24
ubottuntwrk_keith: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:24
ntwrk_keithI restart samba after every change17:24
ntwrk_keithkc@server:~$ groups17:25
ntwrk_keithkc adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare17:25
Peckerso your use is 'kc17:25
Peckerer user is kc17:25
ntwrk_keithI created another user17:25
Peckerwhats that username17:25
Peckerso valid users = @xbmc17:26
Peckerthen make sure xbmc is in that group17:26
ntwrk_keithand it said the account didnt have permissions17:26
Peckeropen launcher and go to users&groups17:26
escottPecker, on 12.04 a lot of the functionality of that has been removed. i can't figure another way to do it than the cli17:26
ntwrk_keiththis is a ubuntu server, only CLI17:27
escottntwrk_keith, to add a user to a group it is "sudo usermod -a -G groupname username"17:27
BobMarleyhi, i have the xchat installed in my system, but when i do17:27
BobMarleybob@bob-laptop:~$ xchat17:27
BobMarleyThe program 'xchat' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:17:27
BobMarleysudo apt-get install xchat17:27
BobMarleythe xchat is not opened17:27
kolyaIs it possible to ask a very very basic question about installation in here or is there a better place?17:27
fungmendear master i want asking something17:27
escott!ask | kolya fungmen17:28
ubottukolya fungmen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:28
DaraelBobMarley: How did you install xchat?  If you did something other than using the Software Centre, Synaptic, apt-get, or similar, remove it and get it from the repositories.17:28
escottBobMarley, type xchat[TAB]17:28
oCeanBobMarley: the message "xchat is currently not installed" seems to indicate otherwise17:28
fungmen!rules | kolya17:28
ubottukolya: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:28
Peckerso ntwrk_keith what does groups xbmc say17:29
oCeankolya: sure, basic questions are welcome too17:29
wylde_go ahead and ask kolya17:29
ntwrk_keithit says xbmc : xbmc17:29
Peckerok so xbmc is par of xbmc group17:29
Peckerso valid users = @xbmc17:30
kolyaI plan to run the Windows installer on a laptop where there are two partitions: C & D. I'm not sure which one I should choose for the installation. What information should I give you to help me work out which one to use for the installation?17:30
Peckerthats under the sahre you want to restirct correct?17:30
ntwrk_keithtelling me I dont have permissions still17:30
escottkolya, you can also shrink partitions with gparted. thats usually preferable to removing them entirely. boot the livecd and the use paste.ubuntu.com to send us the output of sudo parted -l17:31
Peckerok for the shrae folder does xmbc has permissions to view the folder17:31
Daraelkolya: "C" and "D" are Windows-specific identifiers.  Your Windows install is almost certainly on C:\, and will have "Program Files" and "WINDOWS" folders in it.  If you don't want to remove either, I advise following escott's advice.17:31
ntwrk_keithIt should, yes17:31
Peckerntwrk_keith: thats wcheck, not i think so17:32
Peckercheck to see if xbmc has rwx permissiosn for the folder which samba shares from17:32
ntwrk_keithits ch*** ?17:32
ntwrk_keithbut I'm newb, please refresh my memory17:33
kolyaMy plan is to be able to run windows normally and Ubuntu occasionally. I hadn't planned on removing windows. I'm afraid I don't understand anything about shrinking partitions at the moment.17:33
BobMarleybut when i run : xchat it says it is not installed17:33
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escottkolya, we can walk you through it17:33
kolyaThat would be very helpful escott17:34
stygzyi think its in control panel under administrator tools17:34
Peckerntwrk_keith: sudo chmod -R 0775 /pathto/samba/share/folder17:34
escottBobMarley, what does it say when you type xchat[TAB][ENTER]17:34
escottBobMarley, what does it say when you type xchat[TAB]17:34
BobMarleybob@bob-laptop:~$ xchat[TAB]17:34
BobMarleyxchat[TAB]: command not found17:34
oCeanBobMarley: you installed the package xchat-gnome, which is different from xchat. See what escott says, type xchat and hit tab, it should autocomplete the command to xchat-gnome17:34
PeckerBobMarley: NOOB!17:35
escottBobMarley, by [TAB] i mean the TAB key17:35
oCeanBobMarley: use the tabk key17:35
ntwrk_keithPecker, did that, still a permissions issue17:35
Pecker[TAB] means PRESS TAB17:35
GobShitesudo apt-get install xchat17:35
escott!tab | BobMarley17:35
kolyaWould it be easier for me to download ubuntu onto a USB and use that to install it I wonder? Is there a page which can explain to me the differences between the two methods of installation?17:35
ubottuBobMarley: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:35
wylde_Pecker, not helpful17:35
oCeanPecker: dont do that ever again17:35
Peckeridk what the hell happened17:36
Peckerall of the sudde i quit17:36
oCeanPecker: I removed you17:36
Peckercould soemoen fill me in on what happened17:36
GobShiteBOOT !17:36
Peckerremoved for what17:36
escottPecker, don't say NOOB its not polite17:36
Peckeri didnt do anything17:36
oCeanPecker: you cannot ever call anyone a noob17:36
BobMarleyah, when i press tab it gives : xchat-gnome17:36
Peckeryou could haev said that without a kick17:36
kolyaI'd happily get called a noob17:37
oCeankolya: let's move on17:37
GobShitewe all noobs even nix gods are kinda noob ;)17:37
DaraelPecker: You mocked someone for not knowing something.  That's unhelpful.  Yes, oCean could have done so without the removal, but I doubt it'd stick quite so well.17:37
Peckeranyways ntwrk_keith reboot the system just to make sure it isnt going crazy17:37
stygzymy other nick is no0basaurs17:37
The_Other_GuyNow "noob" is a dirty word? Puhleeeze....17:37
stygzyyou guys can always talk dirty to me17:37
Peckerall that did was piss me off oCean17:37
The_Other_GuyMe too!17:37
DaraelThe problem, as I see it, is not the word "noob", but the associated mockery of someone who didn't know something.17:37
DaraelNow can we move on?17:37
GobShiteno, its not but if its used to demean it kinda put off people coming to learn17:37
wylde_!coc | Pecker17:37
ubottuPecker: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv17:37
The_Other_GuyOh, well now that the "adult" has spoken. :/17:38
oCeanPecker: you mind your language here, i already told you before17:38
Peckeryou get to even sign the coc? thats new17:38
stygzyits not the word but the thoughts being expressed by the words that are the problem, words are just a tool for communication.17:38
escottkolya, are you in the livecd yet?17:38
kolyaI've opened the windows installer17:38
escottkolya, so thats wubi thats something different17:38
kolya*downloaded and running the windows installer17:39
HelloWorld321Is there a preferred alternative to SAMBA ?17:39
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HelloWorld321(besides not letting windows users hit your server ... heh)17:39
Daraelkolya: I would avoid using WUBI if it's practical to do so; there are some irritating problems with it and it's marginally slower.17:39
kolyaah ok17:39
escottkolya, you have three install options basically. (a) a real install with its own partition (b) wubi which uses part of the windows filesystem but not a partition and (c) a virtual machine like virtual box17:39
kolyaI think I might be best to download to USB in that case17:39
HelloWorld321I started with WUBI, and it led to problems later.  But it's a mild way to get started17:39
DaraelHelloWorld321: Depends on your application.  FTP, NFS, WebDAV...17:39
ubuntuuserI recommend vbox, I've just got ubuntu working on that :) I'm new to linux17:40
wylde_!nfs | HelloWorld321 works nicely here.17:40
ubottuHelloWorld321 works nicely here.: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:40
escottkolya, i don't like (b) because its the worst of (a) and (c) without any advantages. its slower than (a) [not as slow as (c)] but you cant run both windows and ubuntu simultaneously like (c)17:40
kolyaIs there a page which outlines the differences between the 3 installation possibilities that I can read?17:40
kolyaah thanks escott17:40
stygzyI'm trying to map the extra buttons on 3 use mice that i use simultaneously, 2 Gyration Air mice and a Logitech marblemouse. Should I do it via the i xorg.conf.d config files or is there a program you guys can recommend?17:41
escottkolya, if you are just trying things out then wubi or virtualbox or a persistent liveusb are good choices, but if you plan to use it regularly and don't mind rebooting/don't want to deal with vm overhead then you want (a)17:41
ubuntuuserOnly problem I've noticed with vbox is that the scroll wheel doesn't work but that shouldn't be a massive issue for you.17:41
brandonjI've never had scroll wheel problems in vbox17:42
Daraelstygzy: Depends what you want to do.  Quite a lot can be done with ccsm, but I don't think that allows per-mouse settings.  xorg.conf.d is almost certainly your must flexible solution.17:42
ludlowanyone having problems install dropbox?17:42
ludlowerry, installing dropbox?17:42
Darael!anyone | ludlow17:42
ubottuludlow: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:42
ubuntuuserbrandonj, doesn't seem to affect everyone from what I can tell17:42
ludlowdoes anyone having problems installing dropbox?17:43
kolyaWell, my school uses ubuntu but my laptop is windows. I think i might start with something easy to handle and then change once I'm more comfortable. This weekend is crucial for me to get it working mainly to use OpenShot to edit some videos for presentations to the school on Monday.17:43
Daraelludlow: Presumably you.  Why not provide the channel with a little more information on the problems you're encountering, and see what can be done?17:44
wylde_ubuntuuser: have you installed the 'virtualbox-guest-additions' ? That tends to help those types of issues.17:44
ubuntuuserwylde_, I believe so. I didn't spend too much time on trying to fix it as what little info I did find suggested it was a compatibility issue between windows host and guest17:45
ubuntuuserthough I would like to know if it's normal that you can't ctrl+arrow left/right to skip words in ubuntu?17:45
escottkolya, how powerful is your laptop?17:45
stygzydarael: I want to enable and map the 3 extra buttons on the Gyration air mouse(which i only use one reciever and switch them out when one needs to charge, the logitech marble mouse has 2 extra buttons that are mapped back and next. i want to emulate a scrol well for that mouse so when i hold the back button and scroll the track ball i can scroll a page17:45
MeistarinHow do I get acess when it says: You are not the owner so you can't change these permissions17:45
escott!sudo | Meistarin17:45
ubottuMeistarin: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:45
zthanyone know of a notes-applet (like tomboy) for 12.04/unity, that looks fairly realistic? like post-its? i think tomboy and the other alternatives i've seen looks too "ugly"17:46
ntwrk_keithPecker: I'm at a loss...17:46
kolyaescott: what tells me how powerful my laptop is? Is it the GB?17:46
Daraelstygzy: Probably an xorg config-file deal, then, yes.  Not an expert on that, I'm afraid, but you'll probably find one in here somewhere.17:46
escottkolya, CPU and memory are most important here17:46
MeistarinOk how do i get to the var folder ?17:47
Meistarinon terminal17:47
escottMeistarin, you could run sudo chown .... or sudo chmod .... depending on if you need to change the files owner or permissions. but you should be doing this infrequently if at all. so what are you trying to change and why17:47
MeistarinTrying to change a.php file17:47
escottMeistarin, why?17:47
MeistarinA config file for a program17:47
DaraelMeistarin: It's in /var/www, presumably?17:48
MeistarinFor a rss feed17:48
MeistarinTo get it to update more frequently17:48
stygzyDarael, I think i know what to do for the marble mouse  but i havent been able to find to much documentation on the remapping the gyration air mouse in linux17:48
ludlowDarael, When I try to install dropbox it just sits there at about 99% finishing up and nothing happens. I click on the dropbox icon and it prompts me to type my password that has already been typed when I clicked on "install" inside the ubuntu software center17:48
escottMeistarin, you should "cd /var/www" "ls -l filename.php" and figure out what the permissions on the file are. if the group permissions include writing add yourself to the group17:48
kolyaescott - RAM is 3GB, CPU is 2.53GhZ - are those the right numbers to use? I went to system properties to get them17:49
ntwrk_keithOk let me ask this... If I've already connected to a share with another user, is there a way to disconnect that user from the CLI?17:49
Daraelludlow: Are you sure the password it's asking for is your login password?  It may be asking for your Dropbox password there.  I assume you've tried both?17:49
ActionParsnipludlow: there is a fix for that17:50
escottkolya, thats a bit RAM constrained to run VBox. you could try it, or buy more RAM, or use wubi or the livecd part of the install cd17:50
Daraelntwrk_keith: an SMB share?  How did you connect with the other user?17:50
ActionParsnipludlow: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-dropbox/+question/20118317:50
ludlowActionParsnip, thanks. I will have a look at it17:50
ntwrk_keithI connected from this Windows machine with another user at one point on a diff share17:51
ivan__hello please I need help to play games of play station on Ubuntu 10.04 of 64 bits17:51
ntwrk_keithSo is there a way to kill that "session" from the CLI17:51
kolyaok many thanks - I'll think I'll try using wubi and see how it goes for now. In wubi when it asks for the drive I use for installation, should I use C (111GB free) or D (27GB free)?17:51
escottMeistarin, its preferred that you stay in channel. so that everyone can see and make sure you aren't being given bad advice or that anything is being missed17:51
brandonhello i just found my old usb drive and installed xubuntu are their anyway to try unity on it?17:51
escottMeistarin, start by posting to paste.ubuntu.com the output of "ls -l /var/www" assuming your file is in /var/www17:51
Daraelivan__: Take a look at pcsx, for a start.  Or is that 32-bit only?17:51
kolyaAlso, for size of installation it appears I have many options and it automatically selected 18GB - is that recommended?17:52
ivan__Somebody knows How install emulator of play station on ubuntu 10.04 64 bits???17:52
brandonoh and also i cant mount my phone with a sd card17:52
Daraelivan__: If it's 32-bit-only, upgrade to Precise (Ubuntu 12.04), where multiarch is enabled by default, and then it should be installable.17:52
Daraelivan__: I already gave you a suggestion.  pcsx.  Look for it in the Software Centre.17:52
escottkolya, i would imagine you would rather go with C as you have more space17:52
ivan__ok, thank U...17:52
kolyaok thanks17:53
The_Other_GuyI've got a buddy with a windows box who wants to try out Ubuntu. I'm thinking about recommending Wubi, but I've never tried it myself. Do you gents use it? If so, what do you think of it??17:53
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MeistarinYeah its the easiest17:53
escottThe_Other_Guy, i don't use it, but i dont like the technology behind it. Vbox or a real install makes more sense to me17:53
DaraelThe_Other_Guy: A live CD or USB is probably better for a trial.  Wubi is slower than a full install, but doesn't have the advantage of simultaneous Windows and Ubuntu like a VM.  It is, however, easier than either.17:53
MeistarinThen he can uninstall at at any time17:54
kolyaFor size of installation, are there any guidelines to which number to choose? It has automatically selected 18GB.17:54
brandonim so happy! this is so much faster then on wubi17:54
lesslesshey guys, what bitcoin client do you recommend? bitcoin.org's bitcoin-qt require libdb4.8++ which i cannt find :(17:54
stygzyThe_Other_Guy, I recommend installing the iso on a sd card if he has a reader.17:54
Daraelivan__: The package might be pcsxr (note the r) - I forget which release that changed in.17:54
escottkolya, at least 10GB17:54
SkippersBosskolya, as you are using the wubi to get acquainted with Ubuntu and openshot in particular17:54
ActionParsniplessless: there are no recommended apps for any situation, you just have options17:55
The_Other_GuyYeah, he's kind of a noob (oops! I said "the word"). So I was thinking about wubi, but I agree that VM is probably better in the long run.17:55
Daraelkolya: As much as you feel you can comfortably spare from your Windows side? ;)17:55
brandonis it possible to install unity on xubuntu17:55
SkippersBossescott,kolya,  wants to use openshot a bit more would be preferable17:55
ActionParsniplessless: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc17:55
escott!info unity-desktop | brandon17:55
ubottubrandon: Package unity-desktop does not exist in precise17:55
DaraelThe_Other_Guy: If a VM would be the long-run solution, do it from the start.  If the long-run solution would be a dual-boot, I'd suggest that from the start, but Wubi would make /some/ sense.17:55
BlueEaglebrandon: I never thought I'd acutally see anyone ask that...17:56
lesslessActionParsnip, precise17:56
ActionParsnipbrandon: sure, you can install the Unity2D panels and launcher if you want and set them to run at login17:56
escott!info ubuntu-desktop | brandon sorry, this should pull in unity17:56
kolyathanks escott and SkippersBoss and Darael - so 18GB could be a good number to choose? or the max is 30GB would that be better? What would be a disadvantage of choosing 30GB for example?17:56
ubottubrandon sorry, this should pull in unity: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.267 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 57 kB17:56
The_Other_GuyDarael: I love the dual-boot option, personally. But, he's terrified of GRUB, etc.17:56
Daraelkolya: The amount you choose will be unavailable to the Windows side.  That's the only disadvantage I can think of.17:56
shahriyarguliyevMy gnome panel crashed..Now it shows both Ubuntu Unity panel(on the left side) and Gnome panel at the same time. How can I cure Gnome panel?17:57
ActionParsniplessless: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install bitcoin17:57
escottkolya, it WILL use that much space on the drive, and since it is layering filesystems there are increased risks of corruption with larger files, but those should be minimal17:57
HelloWorld321"Linux 64bit: put that file in VLC folder (or in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, usually /usr/lib64/)" .... I don't have a /usr/lib64 (tho I'm running 64 bit), so where is the VLC folder?   /usr/share/vlc?  And where in vlc, there's nothing in that folder but sub-directoreis17:57
brandonit just feels diffrent then wubi where i pick which os to boot on a on the microsoft boot loader now it starts with gru17:57
kolyaok thanks Darael and escott for the feedback. Thanks to everyone for their assistances so far!17:57
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: if you put it in /usr/lib  that is where your 64bit libs go17:58
shahriyarguliyevMy gnome panel crashed..Now it shows both Ubuntu Unity panel(on the left side) and Gnome panel at the same time. How can I cure Gnome panel?17:58
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HelloWorld321tx Parsnip17:58
ActionParsniplessless: considering the power consumption and electrical cost, bitdcoins are fairly worthless to mine17:58
DaraelHelloWorld321: I suggest /usr/lib/vlc/17:58
The_Other_GuyHe had tried the dual-boot option, messed it up, deleted the *nix partition and messed up his Windows MRB. I fixed it with a boot disk and everything is fine, but now he's really gun shy. He thought he had deleted Windows from his HD.17:58
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: you can query the standing lib files to check they are 64bit with the 'file' command17:59
lesslessActionParsnip, i do not want to mine, i want to try em for fun :)17:59
escottActionParsnip, thats why you use a windows botnet to do all your mining. DUHHH17:59
lesslessActionParsnip, and so do need a client, not a daemon17:59
brandonhelp :/ how to install unity 2d stuff18:00
kolyasorry I have one more question when using wubi. It asks for a username and password. I use windows without a password to enter but it appears I need to enter one. Does anyone know where I could find the password it expects me to enter?18:01
kolya(or is this a password I'm choosing for the future?)18:01
Daraelkolya: If you're still on the setup, then that's where you choose one.18:01
BlueEaglebrandon: You could search the repository with synaptics or some such package manager.18:01
kolyaah sorry - feel free to ridicule me!18:01
escottkolya, you should eventually also need the windows admin password18:02
Daraelkolya: My advice, if you want to go passwordless, is to choose something easy to remember and then set up auto-login after the system's up.18:02
kolyaok thanks18:02
The_Other_GuyWhile we're on the subject of Wubi, does it use the Windows monitor, sound, network card, etc. drivers? Or does it use Linux drivers??18:02
ActionParsnipkyle__: its a new process to you so its ok :)18:02
escottThe_Other_Guy, its a "normal" boot (ie no emulation) but on top of a loopback disk image inside NTFS18:02
DaraelThe_Other_Guy: It uses its own.  Windows doesn't actually boot, it just uses the Windows bootloader and has its filesystem in a disk image on top of NTFS.18:02
brandonok when i try to install unity 2d from usc i get this error The following packages18:03
brandonunity-2d: Depends: metacity (>= 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu8) but it is not going to be installed18:03
brandon have unmet dependencies:18:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:03
The_Other_GuyOkay, so it's kind of like GRUB Lite.18:03
ActionParsnipbrandon: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc18:03
brandonhold on18:04
BlueEaglebrandon: Does it say why it won't install metacity?18:04
ActionParsnipbrandon: it's a terminal command..18:04
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.18:04
brandonaction precise18:04
Darael!tab | brandon18:05
ubottubrandon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:05
ActionParsnipbrandon: try:  sudo apt-get install metacity18:05
The_Other_GuySo Wubi modifies the Windows MBR and boots Linux from a directory in the NTFS file system.18:05
brandonE: Package 'metacity' has no installation candidate18:05
DaraelThe_Other_Guy: Not exactly.  It adds an entry to the Windows boot-loader config that chainloads GRUB from a file on the NTFS system, and uses another (huge) file to store its own filesystem in.18:06
The_Other_GuyDarael: Oh, okay. Thanks, mate!18:07
brandonaction E: Package 'metacity' has no installation candidate18:07
ludlowthanks Darael and ActionParsnip for helping me with the dropbox issue.  works fine now.  Looks like a problem nautilus daemon but there is a workaround18:07
The_Other_Guyescott: Thanks for your help, as well!18:07
escottThe_Other_Guy, de nada18:08
Daraelludlow: Glad to hear it, not that I deserve any of the credit.18:08
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
ludlowDarael, no problem but thanks18:08
ludlowdid I just spam the channel?18:08
HelloWorld321Which Java to use with the latest Eclipse on Pangolin?  Sun or OpenJDK ?18:08
alankilaHelloWorld321: openjdk is the future. I've never had trouble with openjdk and eclipse myself.18:09
escottHelloWorld321, sun no longer allows canonical to distribute sun jvm18:09
brandoni have a qeostion os thier anyway to uninstall ubuntu if i wanted to18:09
The_Other_Guyludlow: Not that I'm aware of.18:09
ludlowThe_Other_Guy, thanks. I pressed the TAB button and all this text flew onto the channel screen. lol.18:10
escottbrandon, yes the exact method depends on how you install it18:10
nottiredofthisHello, I've downloaded a browser called Iron into Ubuntu 10.04, but I can only get it to open from the Terminal, how can I add it to the Ubuntu GUI's menu next to Firefox?18:10
The_Other_Guylulow: "D'oh!!!"18:10
brandonlol but i need help when i try to install metacity i get this E: Package 'metacity' has no installation candidate18:10
ludlowhmm wonder way Box.net doesnt have a linux client ? (18:10
nottiredofthishelp plz18:11
escott!info alacarte | nottiredofthis18:11
ubottunottiredofthis: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu4 (precise), package size 91 kB, installed size 1116 kB18:11
Daraelbrandon: Yes, but it depends how you installed it.  If you replaced Windows, you'll need to back up your data and install another OS over the top.  If you put it alongside Windows, you'll need to restore the Windows boot-loader, and then remove the Ubuntu partitions.  If you used WUBI, just remove it from the Windows add/remove programs tool.18:11
nottiredofthishmm ill check it out escott18:12
Daraelbrandon: In each case, you'll need to move any files you've got in Ubuntu off it *before* you delete it, for reasons I hope are self-evident.18:12
brandonlol im not saying i will but just if something happend18:12
brandonyeah ;;;;;;;;;;;;18:13
rhizmoeis there a way to enlarge resize handles?18:13
Daraelbrandon: Fair enough.  It's always good to know your exit route, even if you never expect to need it.18:13
resnoim having a issue with my video not displaying. and i have unmet dependencies from a botched update.18:14
brandonbut i need help really i cant install unity 2d because i odnt have meta city and when i try to install metacity i get an errir18:14
BlueEaglebrandon: Metacity is in my repository tbh.18:16
nottiredofthiswhere is the opt directory in ubuntu 10.04?18:18
escottnottiredofthis, /opt18:18
bazhangbrandon, what does apt-cache search metacity return    pastebin it please18:18
bazhang!paste | brandon18:18
ubottubrandon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:18
escottnottiredofthis, ?? you asked where opt is well its /opt18:18
bazhangnottiredofthis, what do you need to install in /opt18:19
nottiredofthisi think i need to move the iron package into the /opt directory to install it18:19
nottiredofthisbut i may be wrong18:19
bazhangnottiredofthis, whats the full package nam18:19
brandonbaz nothing i just installed should i run sudo apt-get update?18:20
BlueEaglebrandon: That might help.18:20
nottiredofthisi've put the iron-linux.tar.gz in the desktop18:20
BlueEaglenottiredofthis: Grats.18:21
BlueEagle!enter | nottiredofthis18:21
ubottunottiredofthis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:21
nottiredofthislol thx18:21
nottiredofthisOk :)18:21
bazhangbrandon, yes. update and then sudo apt-get upgrade18:21
brandonbaz im using precise areadu18:22
escottnottiredofthis, we don't know what iron-linux.tar.gz is. but you should (a) check if it is apt (b) if not inspect this tarball you downloaded and figure out how it is to be installed (c) either extract to /opt or ./configure WITH A --PREFIX then make and USE CHECKINSTALL18:22
bazhangbrandon, that will simply make certain all your packages are the most recent, secure, etc. it does not change version of ubuntu18:23
brandonum i get E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:23
brandonE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/18:23
bazhangescott, it's a browser18:23
bazhangbrandon, close synaptic, u buntu software center or others first18:23
brandonbaz i did18:24
BlueEaglebra: Then close the other package manager(s) you have running.18:24
bazhangbrandon, use tab complete18:24
bazhangbrandon, if you are installing something now, you have to wait until it is finished18:25
resnoim having a issue with my video not displaying, i get driver errors on boot. i have tried resetting xorg with no luck and i have unmet dependencies from a botched update. i have tried apt-get update -f with no luck. lastly dpkg is displaying errors on updating :(18:25
brandonim not :/18:26
resnobrandon: you're error is saying something other update or install or manager process is running18:26
xworldhello guys !! I got an HD 1890 p  movie but when i open the movie in vlc the video is were highly jittery and the audio seemed to be plagued with something that seemed to be white noise  (sounds like white noise, but it definitely is not white noise). I was using VLC media player for playback18:26
nottiredofthisAnyway, I tried to move the Iron package to the opt directory by doing cd /opt/iron-linux/ and it said no such file or directory. Do I have to create  a subdirectory inside the opt directory, because if so, I don't know where the opt directory is to start with?18:26
bazhangxworld, what does mplayer do18:26
resnonottiredofthis: you need to make the directory before it will exist18:26
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1507446  nottiredofthis have a read18:26
escottnottiredofthis, / is the root of the filesystem so /opt is the "opt" folder in the root of the filesystem. does that remove some confusion?18:27
xworldsame as vlc18:27
xworldbazhang, same as vlc18:27
brandonshould i restart my cp18:27
bazhangxworld, so the video is corrupt18:27
bazhangbrandon, no18:27
bazhangbrandon, you are using sudo with those commands, yes?18:27
brandonwell i cant get it to work is thier anyway to make the xubuntu have running apps too18:27
brandonyes baz18:28
escottnottiredofthis, something like relative/path/to/folder means the same as ./relative/path/to/folder where . means "current working directory" so thats the same as `pwd`/relative/path/to/folder where `pwd` is something like /home/username18:28
xworldno i watched the movie from my friend laptop but it is working fine in that18:28
bazhangbrandon, a bit of patience would be in order, and tab complete other's nicknames18:28
nottiredofthisnot really, all i know is the instructions on the forum I'm reading them from say to write that into terminal, to move the iron package to opt for some reason or other, and a second later someone else is telling them to use gksudo nautilus, but neither one nor the other makes any sense to me. here's the forum link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135699418:28
xworldbazhang, no i watched the movie from my friend laptop but it is working fine in that18:28
xworldbazhang, the movie is abt 8 gb18:29
bazhangxworld, so it's a sound issue? set pcm in alsamixer to around 80%18:29
nottiredofthisWhy he would open nautilus as root is something I don't understand, what one thing has to do with another, and they all speak as if it's common knowledge18:29
escottnottiredofthis, i discourage using nautilus as root. just run "sudo mkdir /opt/iron" and then "sudo mv iron-linux.tar.gz /opt/iron" "cd /opt/iron" "sudo tar -xzvf iron-linux.tar.gz18:29
xworldbazhang, the video is also gittery18:30
brandoncan i put gnome on xubuntu18:30
bazhangbrandon, lets solve this issue first18:30
escottnottiredofthis, a normal unprivileged user will not be able to modify files outside of their $HOME and /opt is not in /home/username. but using gksudo nautilus could lead to confusion because naut can start multiple windows and you might not close all of them18:31
CM_Junki want to piggybank on brandon's question too when we get there :)18:31
resnois there another method to fix unmet depencies outside of apt-get install -f?18:31
brandonbazhang i think an restart would fix it18:31
nottiredofthisHow can I logout of nautilus-as-root? as in logout elegantly without having to close terminal?18:31
xworldbazhang, is ther any codecs i want to install18:31
bazhangbrandon,  one step at a time, and a bit of patience is in order. you can install gnome kde4 or the others quite easily yes, once this issue is resolved.18:31
brandonhey cm junk dont be mean to cm punk hes awespme18:31
Yoshi2889Hey guys, how can I change which desktop environment is set by default?18:31
brandonok how to fix this though18:32
nottiredofthisI'll just close the root window that sprung up when I initialized this nautlus gdu extension thingy18:32
bazhangxworld, win32codecs perhaps as well as ubuntu-restricted-extras18:32
brandoncm just playing around cm punk my fav wrestler18:32
BlueEagleYoshi2889: I thought it defaulted to the last one selected in the login manager.18:32
bazhang!ot | brandon18:32
ubottubrandon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
xworldbazhang, ok18:32
Yoshi2889BlueEagle: Quite possible, but I thought there maybe could be a setting for it :)18:33
bazhangxworld, medibuntu.org is where win32codecs is, iirc18:33
Yoshi2889See, I mostly use multiple applications and Unity just doesn't work too good with multi-tasking at least how I do it18:33
brandonik should i just restart that would probely make it faster18:33
GobShiteapt-get install codec-ugly18:33
bazhangbrandon, thats not right at all...18:34
bazhangGobShite, theres no package like that18:34
resnobrandon: ubuntu only needs rebooting for kernel updates18:34
GobShiteno ?18:34
brandonbaz hang to solve the lock problem im pretty sure watch brb18:34
GobShitek let me check18:34
brandonnot reinstall just turn on and off lol18:34
nottiredofthisescott, I seem to have been successful in your sudo mkdir /opt/iron step as it might have done something. But it's the next step that doesn't work for me. Sudo mv iron-linux.tar.gz gives me cannot stat no such file or directory18:34
=== Ps is now known as Guest1750
resnounmet depencies?18:35
escottnottiredofthis, then you arent in the folder where you saved the tar.gz its probably in ~/Downloads/ so "sudo mv ~/Downloads/iron-linux.tar.gz /opt/iron18:35
resnoshould i just go head and reinstall ubuntu?18:36
bazhangresno, for what18:36
resnoim having a issue with my video not displaying, i get driver errors on boot. i have tried resetting xorg with no luck and i have unmet dependencies from a botched update. i have tried apt-get update -f with no luck. lastly dpkg is displaying errors on updating :(18:36
HelloWorld321I installed R from a CRAN repository, and now whenever I run "sudo apt-get update" I get "W: GPG error: http://cran.stat.ucla.edu precise/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 51716619E084DAB9" after reading the package list.18:37
bazhangresno, what are the exact errors18:37
resnobazhang: im not sure how they interelate but they happened all together18:37
Yoshi2889Also, can I select which audio output is my main-primary one? I have two now and they are both used, which sucks18:37
bazhang!gpgerr | HelloWorld32118:37
ubottuHelloWorld321: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »18:37
escottHelloWorld321, you mean you downloaded a copy of R from the web?18:37
resnobazhang: on boot, nvidia says drivers are now missing. ive tried reconfiging xorg, but it never helps.18:37
GobShitek try apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly18:37
Munzhi! how can i remove dropbox while its in the "applying changes" process!!!! plzzzzz help18:38
nottiredofthisescott, thanks but I've put the tar in the desktop, and I seem to have forgotten how to find out where my desktop is in the hierarchy of directories. I thought it might have been username/desktop18:38
bazhangGobShite, thats part of ubuntu-restricted-extras18:38
brandon__ok let me try bazhang18:38
HelloWorld321escott: I followed a guide on installing R that had me add "my favorite mirror" to my repository file18:38
resnoMunz: applying changes? as in an update?18:38
escottnottiredofthis, /home/username you can also use the shortcut ~ which is the same as /home/username there is also $HOME which expands to /home/username18:38
bazhangMunz, you dont do it at that point.18:38
Munz@resno : no as in "download"18:39
resnoMunz: you cant. youve got to wait it out18:39
bazhangMunz, let it finish18:39
brandon__baz sudo apt-get  update worked after reboot18:39
GobShiteOH so your telling me how im all doing it wrong and to stfu, but i dont see you giving the correct answer, as least im trying not just trolling people for trying STFU !18:39
escottHelloWorld321, then you installed a ppa and you need to follow what bazhang/ubottu sent you18:39
Munzits in the "stage" since hours18:39
HelloWorld321gotit: found the key at CRAN18:39
Munzi had reinstalled ubuntu because i fix it but it happned again18:40
resnoMunz: slow internet? busy machine?18:40
dualitywould it be possible to setup a irc server :)?18:41
Munznothing at all!!! ... i have fast connection and i dont have any problem with the machine18:41
Munzall other downloads went just fine18:41
nottiredofthisescott, more fail from me. Now I can't believe it, but bash has literally told me /home/user/desktop/iron-linux.tar.gz: No such file or directory, and yet it's sitting right in front of my nose on the desktop18:41
tbrown2012fbI been trying to search for installing drivers to make my sound work I did it before but I cant remember what I installed. When I try to push my sound button it says xmixer or something?18:42
resnonottiredofthis: your user isnt "user"18:42
nottiredofthissure, it's ubu18:42
OerHeksnottiredofthis, Desktop with Capital D18:42
nottiredofthisomg case sensitive fff18:42
Guest1750  /quit18:42
HelloWorld321Thanks guys, that totally worked and was simple (aside from finding who's key did the signing)18:42
Munzplz if there is anyway to just stop it ... i can not install anything i even cant update the system!18:43
escottnottiredofthis, yep case sensitive. there are some shopt variables you can set to make bash a bit easier to work with and you can use tab completion18:43
tbrown2012fbI need to install sound on ubuntu how do I do it??18:43
nottiredofthisOerheks and escott, now I'm told Permission denied18:43
resnoMunz: you can likely exit on it , but you risk unmet depeneices18:43
escottnottiredofthis, i like to add "shopt -s histverify" to my ~/.bashrc.    Did you use sudo?18:43
nottiredofthisyes i used the sudo you recommended18:44
Munzi'll go for anything .... i dont want to re-reinstall ubuntu!18:44
escottnottiredofthis, give us the exact command you ran18:44
nottiredofthisWhat is histverify and where do I add it? Have I encrypted my pc or something, I could have sworn this time around I hadn't encrypted it, which had been the problem I'd had yesterday, trying to access directories that were encrypted18:45
tbrown2012fbCome on people help me I need to install sound on my ubuntu this should be easy for me but I cant remember what I installed last time:)18:45
nottiredofthissudo mv squigglyline/Desktop/iron-linux.tar.gz18:45
escottnottiredofthis, sorry i didn't mean to give you histverify... thats another shopt i use but not relevant. cdspell would allow you to "cd desktop" and it would correct it to cd Desktop18:45
Munzso ... any solution!18:46
escottnottiredofthis, you want sudo mv /home/squigglyline/.... or sudo mv ~/Desktop or sudo mv Desktop18:46
escottnottiredofthis, but sudo mv squigglyline is really sudo mv /home/squigglyline/squigglyline18:46
nottiredofthisSure but right now bash has gone from telling me the file doesn't exist because I hadn't written Desktop as case sensitive, to telling me permission is denied when I finally got the case sensitive issue resolved18:46
escottnottiredofthis, you also have to set the target sudo mv path/to/iron-linux.tar.gz /opt/iron18:47
nottiredofthisYes, but I'd given up on using the opt directory as I hadn't been able to localise it18:47
nottiredofthisohh ok one second18:47
nottiredofthisOk so now I've moved it to the opt directory finally. What is the next step?18:48
nottiredofthisDo I build as in: ./configure, then make then sudo make install?18:49
escottnottiredofthis, now you move "yourself" to the opt directory "cd /opt"18:49
escottnottiredofthis, and verify its there "ls -l" should list the file18:49
nottiredofthisCool, I'm there18:49
PupuserHi guys18:49
escottnottiredofthis, now untar it "sudo tar -xzvf iron[TAB]18:49
nottiredofthisyes a blue iron is there18:49
PupuserCan anyone tell me how much ram I would need to be able to run Ubuntu?18:50
oCean!requirements | Pupuser18:50
ubottuPupuser: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu18:50
Pupuserubottu, Thank you18:51
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:51
nottiredofthisOk it seems to have done a lot of things, to have run through the iron files or something or other, is it done?18:51
joel135Pupuser: I wouldn't run it on less than 512 MB ram18:51
nottiredofthisIron hasn't appeared as a browser option on my ubuntu GUI yet so I don't think so18:51
escottnottiredofthis, it extracted it. i don't know if what was extracted was a binary or source code18:51
escottnottiredofthis, it won't automatically appear as an option. you will have to add an entry to the menu with alacarte18:52
nottiredofthisDoes that mean you don't know what to do with it?18:52
Pupuserjoel135,It doesnt run on 192k for sure :)18:52
nottiredofthisSo it's installed now, all I have to do is download alacarte from ubuntu software center?18:52
resnoPupuser: 192k?18:52
Pupuseryes an old Dell laptop18:53
joel135resno: probably mb18:53
nottiredofthisOK, a search for alacarte in Ubuntu Software Center gives me 'Main Menu', which is already installed it seems. How can I add an entry in the main menu now?18:53
resnonottiredofthis: you have not installed it, you only unziped the file to the directory18:54
escottnottiredofthis, before you start messing with alacarte you need to figure out how to run the program18:54
cypher-neoPupuser, If you are that constrained by RAM then I would use the Alternative CD to install either "fluxbox" or one of the other x-window managers18:54
PupuserYes I understand18:54
resnois apt-get install -f the only way to resolve unmet dependencies?18:55
nottiredofthisHow can I figure this out? by finding out if its a binary program?18:55
icerootresno: no18:55
cypher-neoresno, You can also use "apt-get dist-upgrade"18:55
icerootresno: but it depends why there are unmet dependencies18:55
resnocypher-neo: dist-upgrade? really?18:55
escottnottiredofthis, you have to look at what you extracted. see if there is an executable program in there18:55
resnoiceroot: lftp for open office18:55
cypher-neoresno, dist-upgrade upgrades programs which have unmet dependancies by installing the dependancies and then upgrading those programs to their highest version18:56
nottiredofthiswill an executable show up as .exe or as absolute empty without the usual / to signify a subdirectory?18:56
escottnottiredofthis, no. it will show up as a file with executable permissions. usually green in the terminal18:57
bazhangnottiredofthis, there are no .exe apart from things you run via wine18:57
dualityi want to connect to my irc server with xchat it says that it fails, but when i connect with irrsi it works (other irc client, terminal client) in xchat i do /server to connect but fails, and in irssi i do /connect and connects the machine running irssi is the server :)18:58
escottduality, firewall?18:59
arooni-mobilecan any recommend a good ftp app for ubuntu?  filezilla?19:00
dualityescott, i don't have a firewall on this machine and the server (as far as i know, how do i check?)19:00
escottduality, iptables -L19:00
nottiredofthisOk, yes there are a few green files here, one of them is called iron, and the others are libvacoded kind of files19:01
escottnottiredofthis, then try ./iron19:01
resnocypher-neo: when i did apt-get dist-upgrade it directs me to use apt-get install -f. which tells me, dpkg is having issues19:02
dualityescott, FATAL: Error inserting ip_tables (/lib/modules/3.2.0-25-generic-pae/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko): Operation not permitted19:02
escottduality, you need sudo for iptables19:03
resnocypher-neo: ill expand on said issues if you going to help, otherwise ill just save my finger typing19:03
escottduality, but if the module isn't even loaded then it doesnt matter19:03
cypher-neoresno, In that case use apt-get install -f19:04
resnocypher-neo: did you finish reading what i said?19:04
dualityescott, gives output what do you want to know? says chain input accept, chan forward accept chain output accept19:04
cypher-neoresno, What might have happened was you had packages either downloading and the download failed, or they were installing and the install was terminated before it was complete.19:04
himanshu_m786hi ... how get ring switcher ... in unity ,,19:04
nottiredofthisescott, this has opened the iron browser for me, but how can I ge the browser to show on my main menu?19:05
escottduality, if the chains are empty there is no firewall (but since you had to modprobe that was known)19:05
cypher-neoresno, install -f will resume downloading needed packages, or resume installs that have failed19:05
resnocypher-neo: dpkg says package not found, status not found priority not found, new line unexpected19:05
escottnottiredofthis, does the browser run?19:05
nottiredofthisBut I don't see myself going to terminal ever time I want to run it19:05
resnocypher-neo: i know how this typically should work, but its really broken19:05
cypher-neoresno, One sec19:05
escottnottiredofthis, then you can put an entry in alacarte the entry needs to list the full path to the browser which should be /opt/iron/iron19:05
resnocypher-neo: i tried recovering using a "status" file but it hasnt helped19:06
squaregoldfishJust upgraded to 12.04, and can't start MySQL: Getting the following error: AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld at line 44: Could not open 'local/usr.sbin.mysqld'.    File is missing - where can I get a copy?19:06
dualityescott, yea nothing else there :) so what else could it be :)?19:06
himanshu_m786. how get ring switcher ... in unity ,,19:06
bazhanghimanshu_m786, via ccsm?19:07
himanshu_m786compiz ..19:07
escottduality, configuration of the server19:07
bazhanghimanshu_m786, yes, compizconfig-settings-manager19:07
dualityescott, i see i apperently forgot to set somthing up :P19:08
bazhanghimanshu_m786, set it there, help in #compiz as well19:08
himanshu_m786bazhang   ok if i on it than how to use it ...?19:08
cypher-neoresno, What package are your trying to install?19:10
resnocypher-neo: the one thats erroring is lftp a dependency for open office19:10
cypher-neoresno, OpenOffice?19:10
cypher-neoresno, Why not use LibreOffice?19:11
cypher-neoresno, Just curious19:11
resnocypher-neo: i dont care about either honestly, i use google docs19:11
himanshu_m786bazhang   ok  i have on it than how to use it ...?19:11
escottresno, then use libreoffice19:11
cypher-neoresno, OpenOffice isn't open anymore. Which is why it is only limited supported in the Ubuntu repositories19:12
bazhanghimanshu_m786, I dont know the exact plug in to check for ring switcher, which is why I suggested you ask in #compiz19:12
cypher-neoresno, You might try doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lftp" though19:12
dualityescott, thanks for the help it works now ! :)19:12
himanshu_m786bazhang   ohh i got that .. thanks ..19:12
nottiredofthisInstead of alacarte, my ubuntu seems to have something called Main Menu, is this OK?19:13
resnocypher-neo: escott: this is skating around my issue, cause openoffice has already been uninstalled19:13
nottiredofthisIf so, how can I get Main Menu to run and add the Iron.exe to my start menu?19:13
cypher-neoresno, Are you trying to install it, uninstall it, or do something entirely else?19:13
resnocypher-neo: this is a system update gone terribly wrong.19:14
resnocypher-neo: my issue at this moment is dpkg19:14
zenmasterI just created a Raid 5 array on my PERC controller in my Dell PowerEdge 2800. What should I choose when partitioning it?19:14
resnoescott: cypher-neo apt-get -f install errors on dpkg file being screwed up19:14
escottnottiredofthis, alacarte is an older program so it shows the older hierarchy in the menu. that doesn't exist but i believe adding an entry should make it visible in gnome-shell/unity19:15
cypher-neoresno, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a"19:15
zenmasterDrop down is Master Boot Record Guid Parition Table Don't partition and Apple.19:15
zenmasterThis is just storage exspansion drive. Not for boot.19:15
escottzenmaster, gpt if it is >3TB19:16
nottiredofthisSo I add an entry of the iron extension into gnome-shell/unity?19:16
cypher-neoresno, Then "sudo apt-get install --reinstall dpkg" should finish it up and restore dpkg to working order.19:16
zenmasterescott: It is 900gig.19:16
resnocypher-neo: dpkg error with acpi not installed19:16
zenmaster4 300g SCSI 10k U320.19:16
zenmasterRunning Raid 5.19:16
resnocypher-neo: ill try the second one19:16
escottzenmaster, then either gpt or mbr are fine19:16
zenmasterescott: Thank you!19:16
resnocypher-neo: nope, didnt work. dpkg errors abound.19:17
cypher-neobazhang, You're practically the god of dpkg. Could you help resno... I'm stumped.19:17
halt_hi everyone19:18
cypher-neoresno, I've exhausted my ideas... One of the nerds in this room will definitely help though.19:18
resnocypher-neo: ive got a cascading series of issues, so im hoping to get through this to the others19:18
resnocypher-neo: and openoffice is not installed, so why lftp is needed... ill never know19:19
halt_I'm looking for the Pro Puppet Book, in epub format is it exists or just in pdf?19:19
cypher-neoresno, Ooh. That's not good... I certainly hope you are able to get help to fix it.19:19
bazhanghalt_, thats offtopic here19:19
resnocypher-neo: im close to just starting over, i havent gotten much help/resolution thus far19:19
resnocypher-neo: thanks for trying19:20
halt_ok bazhang sorry, any idea where it is not offtopic ?19:20
resnohalt_: #puppet19:20
Siegel-hello. i have a kodak easyshare camera that will only allow me to put the photos on my computer via their program. the setup file is .exe how can i open it? i choose "open with' and then "wine" but it only opens up a small window saying "kodak" and nothing happens and i cant even close that window then19:21
resnobazhang: ive heard you know a thing about dpkg19:21
yuri__where's that konsole fixed font? i'd like to use it for gnome-term19:21
nottiredofthisescott, i'm sorry but I don't understand, did you mean to add the iron executable into the gnome shell? If so, I don't know how to do that, thanks19:21
resnoSiegel-: it may not be supported in wine.19:21
zykotick9Siegel-: what model camera specifically?19:22
escottSiegel-, that almost certainly won't work.19:22
resno!wine | Siegel-19:22
ubottuSiegel-: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:22
escottnottiredofthis, add a new entry with alacarte, and reference /opt/iron/iron as the executable19:22
Siegel-escott: how come?19:23
Siegel-zykotick9: i have the box, im looking19:23
escottSiegel-, because it needs to talk to the camera, and it will use windows api's to do so, not linux api's19:23
Siegel-zykotick9: m535019:23
nottiredofthisescott shall I download alacarte from somewhere online?19:23
escottnottiredofthis, sudo apt-get install alacarte19:23
Siegel-escott: how come it needs a stupid program? most cameras just open up a folder19:23
escottSiegel-, because its a stupid camera19:23
Siegel-escott: so it seems19:24
nottiredofthisescott, do I have to be in any specific directory while I do the sudo apt-get?19:24
zykotick9Siegel-: this might help? (untested) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170171919:24
escottSiegel-, its because you don't speak kodak. "easy" means hard, and share means "locked down" and kodak means [censored]19:25
Siegel-escott: i see, so kodak is problematic19:25
escottnottiredofthis, no. apt-get is a program in the $PATH so you can run it from anywhere19:25
resnoSiegel-: which is why kodak is in trouble as it is19:25
Siegel-resno: i see19:25
escottSiegel-, i don't know about kodak in general, but with this camera it certainly is true19:25
resnoany help recovingering a dpkg that spits out various errors?19:26
Siegel-zykotick9: it says i need the device id number where can i find it?19:26
aaksidedoes ubuntu server come with apache?19:26
Flynnhey users of urxvt in here?19:26
nottiredofthisescott, it says alacarte is already the newest version so it's probably installed already. if so, what do i do now?19:26
ikoniaaakside: not pre-installed19:26
resnoaakside: not by default19:27
escottnottiredofthis, you can also use the cli tools desktop-file-validate and desktop-file-install to validate and install a "desktop" file which is just a text file in a particular format named "program.desktop" which lists the programname and the path to the executable19:27
escottnottiredofthis, so run alacarte19:27
Flynni cant seem to find out how to patch URXVT with the colour patch, it isnt included in the sources from deb repositories19:27
zykotick9Siegel-: 1st just try installing gphoto2 and trying to connect.  http://gphoto.org/doc/manual/FAQ.html#FAQ-easyshare-dock19:27
Flynnanyone use it and know how to find patch file?19:27
resnoikonia: you want to help me right :)19:27
aaksideI'm helping someone with an EC2 instance of ubuntu server and I'm trying to remove apache2 but my regular method of apt-get remove apache2 doesn't do it19:27
ikoniaresno: sorry what ?19:28
Cottushi romi19:28
escott!test | romi19:28
ubotturomi: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:28
nottiredofthiswhats the command for run, sorry, and how do I find the location of alacarte?19:28
resnoaakside: ive noticed that too on certain templates. i typically just stop it19:28
bazhangromi, whats the support question19:28
romiim in chat ubuntu19:28
resnoikonia: dpkg issue. ill explain if you are want.19:28
bazhangromi, yes19:28
escottnottiredofthis, "alacarte" if you want to know where the executable is (it doesnt matter its in the path) "which alacarte"19:28
aaksideresno: thanks. that's what I've done19:29
ikoniaresno: is there a reason you're asking me ?19:29
romitré bien jai un problem avec skype19:29
ikoniaresno: eg: have we been discussing this earlier and I can't remember ?19:29
bazhangromi, #ubuntu-fr for french19:29
resnoikonia: nope, just hoping you might help me19:29
rominn english19:29
nottiredofthisits in usr/bin/alacarte, so is the command run /usr/bin/alacarte?19:29
ikoniaresno: I can certainly try if you explain the issue19:29
bazhangnottiredofthis, alt f2 alacarte19:30
zykotick9bazhang: does alt+f2 has tab completion?19:30
resnoikonia: ok, apt-get install -f because of unmet depencies. it errors and says dpkg has issues "package not found" "status not found" priority not found and "new line unexpected"19:30
bazhangzykotick9, does here19:30
nottiredofthisalt f2 gives me ;2Q19:30
Cottuszykotick9, you can try gmrun as an alternative19:30
zykotick9bazhang: good to know thanks19:31
Cottusit does?19:31
ikoniaresno: do you have any PPA or 3rd party repo's configured ?19:31
resnoikonia: i do, and on apt-get update they err19:31
zykotick9Cottus: it's super+r in awesome ;) [i was just curious if TAB worked in the regular alt+f2 in unity/gnome]19:32
ikoniaresno: that will be the problem then19:32
HelloWorld321I was running Synergy server on Win7 and Synergy client on Ubuntu, but had a bunch of "known issues" (like couldn't open explorer in the Win machine, left-shift doesn't map).  Is the Ubuntu synergy server more robust with fewer side-effects?19:32
ikoniaresno: the packages from the PPA will have upgraded certain software which will cause packages from the ubuntu repo's to have unmet dependencies19:32
ikoniaresno: which PPA's do you have installed19:32
nottiredofthisI don't seem to have the run command installed19:32
ikoniaresno: (can you also pastebin the error you are seeing please)19:32
zykotick9nottiredofthis: what DE/WM are you using?19:33
nottiredofthisWhat is DE/WM?19:33
resnoikonia: i cant because my video card driver is broken. im actually logged in using recovery.19:33
nottiredofthis10.04 ubuntu19:33
zykotick9nottiredofthis: sorry - desktop environment / windows manager19:33
nottiredofthisI'm inside a virtualbox19:33
HelloWorld321DE: Desktop Environment ./ WM: Windows Manager19:33
resnoikonia: let me try accessing from anotther computer.19:33
ikoniaresno: ok, well it sounds like your machine is a mess, and I'd put a solid bet on the PPA's you are using being a big factor of that19:33
nottiredofthisHow can I run an alacarte that's sitting inside my /usr/bin/ directory?19:34
ikonianottiredofthis: /usr/bin/alacarte19:34
ikonianottiredofthis: it's that simple19:34
zykotick9nottiredofthis: open a terminal and type "alacarte"19:35
m477how can I find path to MySQL on my pc?19:35
escottm477, which mysql19:35
zykotick9m477: "whereis mysql" might work19:35
ikoniam477: the client or the server daemon ?19:35
resnoikonia: is there any reason to work with it or just dump it?19:35
m477ikonia: Idk19:35
ikoniam477: what is the problem you are trying to solve19:36
ikoniaresno: depends on a.) what PPA's you have b.) how important the data is on your machine currently c.) how much time you want to invest19:36
Siegel-didnt work19:37
Siegel-the kodak thing19:37
nottiredofthisthanks guys yes it really was that simple19:37
m477escott: zykotick9 ikonia I meet this response is it correct?19:38
ikoniam477: what is the problem you are trying to solve ?19:38
m477ikonia: I need to know path where is installed mysql ...19:38
escottm477, you got two responses "which mysql" or "whereis mysql"19:38
ikoniam477: why do you need it....what is the problem you are trying to solve19:38
Siegel-zykotick9: it didnt work. isnt there a way to just open the files from a folder or something?19:38
ikoniam477: if you don't know if you want the client or the server, you must have an idea what you want to do19:39
zykotick9Siegel-: have have no further suggestions - good luck.19:40
Siegel-zykotick9: ok thanks.19:40
m477escott: as you see which mysql returns other response than whereis mysql, what is a bit strange for me19:40
Siegel-escott: do you have any?19:40
ikoniam477: what is the problem you are trying to solve19:40
ikoniam477: tell us the REAL problem and we can give you the answer19:40
escottm477, they are different programs and return different things. you have to interpret what they tell you19:40
m477ikonia: you wont be able to do that so I am asking about that path19:41
ikoniam477: what is the REAL problem you are trying to solve ?19:41
escottSiegel-, look for the kodak hardLocked camera maybe it will work :). unfortunately im not familiar with that type of camera so i dont know. if its not supported by libgphoto2 then you are pretty much SOL19:42
m477ikonia: my real problem is that it doesnt work http://ideone.com/MzDBt19:43
m477I mean it is my problem19:43
ikoniam477: what are you actually doing that's triggering that19:43
m477ikonia: I'm installing some software which requires path to mysql19:44
paulfantomHi, has anyone used amarok and it's DAAP client plugin with any DAAP server? 'cos on my machine amarok does segfault after detection of any DAAP server in local network. Can anyone help?19:44
ikoniam477: it clearly already knows the path as it's launching the client that's calling the libraries19:44
ikoniam477: the problem is that they are incompatible with the function being referenced19:44
ikoniam477: the client is actually in /usr/bin19:45
ikoniam477: however that won't change anything as looking at that output the client is being called sucessfully19:45
m477ikonia: so what do you suggest to do?19:45
ikoniam477: give me more info19:45
ikoniaI can't help while you're holding back information19:45
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.19:46
m477ikonia: I am not but there is a bit mess with code19:46
resnoikonia: ok, here's the error i am getting http://dpaste.org/wpSnj/19:47
ikoniam477: then I can't help you, contact the people who wrote the code19:47
dualityquestion how do i unzip/unpack a .tar in command line :)?19:47
ikoniaduality: tar xvf $tarfile_name19:47
escottduality, tar xf (add a z or j if it is gzipped bzipped19:47
ikoniaresno: what are you actually trying to install ?19:47
dualitywhat does v do?19:47
JanCv = verbose19:48
ikoniaso you can see it doing stuff19:48
dualityah cool :)19:48
JanCshows the files being unpacked19:48
resnoikonia: nothing. i believe this is an update that failed. my machine automatically shuts down, and when i rebooted this is part of what i came to19:48
m477ikonia: for me obviously there is problem with mysql19:48
ikoniam477: then you are wrong19:48
sgerbinoanyone know how safe my machine is to have developers using svn+shh with a user that's shell is set to /dev/null or something?19:49
ikoniaresno: I asked you to get my a list of the PPA's you have installed19:49
m477ikonia: 'ERROR in module [ MySQL ]' Iam worng ...19:49
ikoniam477: correct19:49
ikoniam477: you are wrong19:49
resnoikonia: /etc/apt/sources.list correct?19:49
JanCescott: z, j, etc. are not necessary if the filename indicates the compression used19:49
ikoniaresno: /etc/apt/sources.list.d too19:49
niteshuse window 819:50
escottJanC, i didnt know that. thats nice. does it work with tgz and tar.gz?19:50
Daraelsgerbino: Pretty safe.  I have a faint memory of there being a shell intended for svn-over-ssh, but I may be being confused by another VCS.  I've used too many.19:50
niteshsimple n smart19:50
bazhangnitesh, dont do that here19:50
ikonianitesh: windows 8 isn't released yet so don't offer silly suggestions19:50
Daraelnitesh: Funnily enough, #ubuntu is in window number 8 of my irssi right now, so I actually am using window 8.19:50
frustroI'm looking to fix my music collection.  the files and folders got beat up by a windows app years ago.  Amarok, Banshee or RythmBox?  Opinions?19:50
sgerbinoDarael: interesting, thanks for the info19:50
bcuraboyhow can i set guayadeque as my default player in ubuntu 12.04??19:51
JanCescott: it should work with all the usual extensions (and maybe it can even use 'file', did'19:51
JanCescott: it should work with all the usual extensions (and maybe it can even use 'file', didn't test that19:51
resnoikonia: i just commented out the top part http://dpaste.org/XjwEo/19:52
escottJanC, i'll probably never break the habit of putting it in the command but its nice to know19:52
paulfantomfrustro: try renaming with picard then I recommend Amarok19:52
ikoniaresno: there is a massive ammount of rubbish in there19:52
resnoikonia: agreed lol19:52
ikoniaresno: why have you got all those PPA's in there and mixed software versions19:52
escottsgerbino, better to use an auth_key that restricts their commands19:52
ikoniaresno: you should do a clean install and be more careful with what you are adding to the sources19:52
ikoniaresno: that is the honest/best solution for that mess19:53
m477ikonia: in /usr/bin/ is only mysql_config19:53
sgerbinoescott: what kind of auth_key?19:53
resnoikonia: im curious, can you clean up ppas after using them?19:53
ikoniam477: how did you install mysql ?19:53
ikoniaresno: yes, but not that mess19:53
ikoniaresno: you're way to far gone for that, especially mixing versions19:54
escottsgerbino, in your authorized_keys file you can specify that a key is to only be used with specific commands. combined on top of an invalid login shell they really can only do *ONE* thing19:54
frustropaulfantom, names are good, just need to get them back into some sort of order19:54
Daraelresno: There's an app called ppa-purge, but as ikonia says, not in your unusually complex case.19:54
escottsgerbino, http://kristiannielsen.livejournal.com/2982.html19:54
sgerbinoescott: very cool, i didn't know about this thanks19:55
m477ikonia: I am not sure if I had done this but I did apt-get install  libmysqlclient-dev19:55
escottsgerbino, and i think you would want /bin/false as the shell not /dev/null (shouldn't matter either way though)19:55
beniaminI've added "sleep 20 && conky" to startup applications, but it doesn't work, how can I check any logs from startup or anything, that can tell why it doesn't work19:56
resnoikonia: typically, how would you have addressed this? ill stay it a bit longer19:56
resnoikonia: what was your next idea to handle this, aside from wiping19:56
escottbeniamin, you should not assume that commands in gnome-startup are running in a shell. && doesn't mean anything outside of a shell19:57
aTypicalHello, all.  A friend used wubi to install 10.04.  Does uninstalling wubi remove Ubuntu as well or just the installer?19:57
TijlHi, can  not find a driver for my wifi card (Dell Wireless 1370) on a Dell Latitude D410 notebook. Anyone could help me out?19:58
paulfantomfrustro: picard looks for tags in musicbrainz database, then it can save files accordingly to those tags ex. main_folder/artist/album/music_files19:58
DaraelaTypical: It'll remove Ubuntu as well; you'll need to migrate it.  There's a document on doing that; hang on while I dig it out.19:58
m477ikonia: is it helpful for you?19:58
bcuraboyhow can i set guayadeque as my default player in ubuntu 12.04??19:58
beniaminescott, so there isn't any chance to find out why conky doesn't start?19:58
aTypicalThanks, Darael19:59
escottbeniamin, take the sleep 20 && out for starters19:59
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
beniaminI'll try, reboot20:00
david__ /quit20:00
DaraelaTypical: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi20:00
escottbcuraboy, does it not appear in the "preferred applications" part of system settings AKA "details"20:00
frustropaulfantom, thanks for the clarification on picard, I'll check it out!20:00
aTypicalDarael, thanks again.  I want to uninstall and then install fresh from disk.  Given that, is there still a need for migration?20:00
bcuraboyas not when i pick an mp3 file and try to set it to open with...20:01
aTypicalI'll setup my own partitions20:01
dualityhmm somehow i can't join my own channels anymore on my own server... illegal channel name, while i am in that channel in this client :)20:01
escottbcuraboy, then it probably not registered for that mime type. but i have no idea how one sets that up20:01
beniaminescott, works fine, thanks20:01
escottbeniamin, in general don't put any kind of shell control into anything unless you KNOW its a shell20:02
DaraelaTypical: No, but you'll need to remember to back up user data.  All application settings (assuming no server software) are under $HOME, though, so that shouldn't be too hard.20:03
lesslesshow can i see memory speed?20:03
bcuraboyescott, what if i remove rhythmbox??20:04
escottbcuraboy, won't help. you need to add guyaquil or whatever to the mime types for mp3s and other music files20:04
bcuraboyescott, and how can i do that??any help?20:05
escottlessless, dmidecode perhaps?20:05
escottbcuraboy, i dont know20:05
bcuraboyescott, i'll make a google search then20:05
Ryoshiaalright, I've got a question.. it's about themes and gnome-tweak..20:05
bcuraboythank's anyway20:05
DaraelaTypical: Additionally, remember to uninstall the Wubi copy of Ubuntu from within Windows in order to free up the hard drive space used by the disk image, and to prevent the potentially-highly-confusing chain HDD-grub->Windows-bootloader->WUBI-grub->WUBI-Ubuntu ;)20:06
DaraelaTypical: (unless, of course, you're wiping the hard drive and starting over)20:06
RyoshiaI am trying to install a theme, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Lili-Sakura-?content=148970 to be more precise..20:06
Ryoshiaand when I followed the creator's instructions I was told I didn't have the priviliges..20:07
Spectacle_KIs there a way to install multiple fonts at once? I backed up some of my old fonts from my last computer and wanted to install some of them (in mass) there's about 153 fonts. I know how to install them individually (i.e. double click-->click 'install') but how to do it all at once? Like in Microsoft Windows you just right click on all the selected fonts and choose 'install fonts'.20:07
escottSpectacle_K, just drag and drop them to ~/.fonts20:07
lesslessescott, thank you20:07
Spectacle_Kescott, and that will install them?20:08
escottSpectacle_K, i believe so20:08
Dr_willisRyoshia,  what exactly is the theme for? and what ubuntu release are you using?20:08
karthick87Is it possible to convert current ubuntu installation to live cd ?20:10
Dr_williskarthick87,  theres some live-scripts out i recall.. but  it can get to be a finicky and complex job.20:11
Dr_williskarakedi,  and a normal install may not fit on a cd after you install your various apps and updates.20:11
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility20:11
Daraelkarthick87: Many ubuntu installs, if they're on removable media, will boot quite happily on another machine.  Getting it to then be installable is a whole other issue, and as Dr_willis says, it's not exactly straightforward.20:12
escottkarthick87, a persistent liveusb is probably easier20:12
bioevolgenecHello. I've written a perl/gtk+ application for the Ubuntu App Developer Contest. I'm trying to get the Unity launcher to recognize the application's logo. When I start the app from a custom .desktop file, the logo shows just fine. However, when I start the application from terminal a question mark appears. I've moved the .desktop file to /usr/local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications/ but nothing changes. I'm clueless.20:12
Dr_williskarthick87,  i just do a 'full' install to a decent sized flash drive. :) and use it as a portable ubuntu20:12
cknoxwhere do I find the whois command that's listed here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/whois.1.html20:12
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  double check the path to the logo? perhaps its using a relative path.20:13
Dr_willis!find whois20:13
ubottuFound: libnet-xwhois-perl, whois, gwhois, jwhois, libnet-whois-parser-perl20:13
Dr_willis!info whois20:13
ubottuwhois (source: whois): intelligent WHOIS client. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.15ubuntu2 (precise), package size 27 kB, installed size 140 kB20:13
DaraelDr_willis: I do that, too, but by the time I have everything I want there's not enough room for docs &c on an 8G flash drive.  Lucky I have a 16, I suppose.20:13
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Dr_willisDarael,  got a 32gb flash for under $30 last week. ;P20:13
xpistosHey everyone I am having a slight problem. I am trying to flash my WRT54G with DD-WRT from my Ubuntu 12.04 laptop. The Eth0 connects fine at first, but I have to repower the router, my connect does not come back up unless I reboot. Any ideas what I am doing wrong/20:14
Darael...Why is there an option in my kernel configuration for the Playstation 2 Trance Vibrator driver?20:15
OerHeksxpistos, just plugout and plug back in your eth cable.20:15
escottDarael, because someone wrote a driver for it20:16
* Dr_willis imagines theres lots of devices you have never heard of.. in your configuration options..20:16
Daraelescott: I gathered that.  Nevertheless.  That's slightly terrifying.20:16
xpistosOerHeks:  no go. it won't see it again unless I reboot my laptop. even logout doesn't work20:16
DaraelDr_willis: Oh, yes.  Plenty.  That's just the scariest one yet.  Although what's slightly scarier is that I've actually heard of it before.20:17
zykotick9xpistos: "sudo ifdown eth0" then "sudo ifup eth0" and see if it comes back20:17
xpistoszykotick9: I will give that a shot20:18
* cknox imagines Darael has heard of it because Darael owns one...20:18
korn333Coul anybody help a total noob. I just installed ubuntu 12'something?'20:18
Daraelxpistos: Also try "sudo restart network-manager" if that doesn't work.:  n-m can sometimes do evil things.20:18
xpistosDarael: acknowledged20:18
bioevolgenecDr_willis: Nope, even with an absolute path, it still doesn't work. Does it have to do with the fact that my logo is 48x48 large? Should I make a bigger logo and retry?20:18
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  no idea. I dont code. :)20:19
Daraelcknox: In point of fact, no.  It's an after-market extra (IIRC) for a game called REZ.  Interesting game, with a "synaesthesia" concept, but never tried it with the tactile element.20:19
bioevolgenecDr_willis: Thanks, anyway! :)20:19
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  im not even sure what you mean by 'logo'20:19
bioevolgenecDr_willis: The png file that represents my application.20:20
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  as a test you could try making a script that launches the program from differnt dirs..20:20
Darael!anyone | korn33320:20
ubottukorn333: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:20
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  yes.. i know what a logo is.. but apps normally have ICONS... not logos...20:20
bioevolgenecDr_willis: Oops, sorry :P20:20
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  or do you mean an image file IN the app?20:20
Daraelkorn333: Please, just ask the question.  If anyone knows (and with 1596 nicks in channel, someone probably will) they'll help :)20:20
bioevolgenecDr_willis: No, no, the icon is a standalone png image.20:21
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Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  as a 'test' copy the .desktop file to your desktop. see if the icon is correct.. if not try right clicking on it, and selecting 'properties' and use the icon at the top left to select the proper image..  (im just doing basic trouble shooting things i can think of)20:22
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  not sure how else to narrow down the issue. except to try things. :)20:22
bioevolgenecDr_willis: Thanks for your effort! :) The icon looks perfectly fine at the desktop and when launched from that launcher, the icon shows just fine. The problem is when the app starts from terminal. :/20:23
korn333How exactly  do i manage to learn about how my hdd is partitioned in ubuntu... I mean i don't know where stuff goes and is rightnow. like: i had  a c:/(windows) and a d:/(my data) partition... I don20:23
korn333i don20:24
Dr_willisbioevolgenec,  you mean the icon that the left side panel is showing right?20:24
escottkorn333, the gparted utility of the disk utility will tell you20:24
bioevolgenecDr_willis: yes.20:24
xpistosDarael: sudo restart network-manager did it20:24
korn333Thank you esscott.20:24
genii-around!fhs | korn33320:24
ubottukorn333: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:24
xpistosDarael: Thank you20:24
Dr_williskorn333,  a normal install of ubuntu has a / and swap partion. many people setup  a / a /home and swap.20:24
Dr_williskorn333,  extra hard drives can be mounted anywhere. but normally to into /media/20:25
korn333as i recall i have  a / a swap and a filesystem ... if it is right what i said?20:25
paulfantomCanthar: beer?20:25
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Cantharpaulfantom: OK :)20:25
Dr_williskorn333,  every partion basically has a filesystem for you to use it. :)20:25
xpistosDarael: Is there anyway to fix this so it doesn't continue to happen. I don't usually use eth0 on this box but I do tend to forget things. Like I used to use ffmpeg -i x.avi y.mp3 to rip audio and now it is avconv I have to keep checking on it every time I use it20:26
escottkorn333, that would be pretty standard a swap and a /20:26
Dr_willisyour / is most likely using the ext4 filesystem. swap uses the swap filesystem20:26
OerHeksxpistos, how often do you flash your router?20:26
xpistosThis is a brand new router20:26
korn333Ok, is there any really really noob book on issues like this i could read to get smarter... as i see i don't understand nothing you talk about.20:27
Dr_willislast i looked ffmpeg was an alias to avconv so it dident matter. :)20:27
bazhang!partition | korn33320:27
ubottukorn333: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:27
sebastianffxhey guys20:27
xpistoskorn333: LOL. It takes a little bit of time. But after a few weeks it will start to click man20:27
Daraelxpistos: I can't think of anything off the top of my head.  Perhaps a cron job that checks if it's gone down and restart network-manager?20:27
xpistoskorn333: I was where you are now not long ago. Now I am at the conscious incompetence stage. LOL20:28
korn333I really want to break free from windows... it is a little hard though... since I do graphics and stuff like that....20:29
xpistosDarael: Hopefully it won't be too complex for me to remember sudo restart the damn nm!20:29
xpistosAnd FYI "sudo make me a sandwich" does not work on non linux spouses. Just saying.20:29
Daraelxpistos: If you don't need VPN in your network management software, you could try switching to wicd.  Maybe that wouldn't have the issue.  Otherwise, put an alias in your ~/.bashrc for restart.20:29
xpistosIt gets translate to sudo give me dirty looks20:30
ubottuubuntumaury_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:30
Daraelxpistos: Not true!  It works on OSX ones, too.  And any other *nix with sudo installed.20:30
bazhang!ot | xpistos20:30
ubottuxpistos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:30
xpistosDarael: Roger!20:30
xpistosbazhang: sorry20:30
bagahey guys, i recently started having constant 100% cpu usage at least on one of my cpu cores, this has been happening for a few days now. any ideas? ubuntu 12.04 (tried rolling back to previous kernel, didnt work)20:31
Daraelbaga: run top (or install and run htop for something marginally friendlier) and find out what's using all the cpu time?20:32
escottbaga, what process is it? check with top or htop20:32
Spectacle_KThank you escott the font suggestion worked.20:32
bagaactually no specific process O.o20:32
EDawg878How do I recover a deleted ext4 partition, It has not been overwritten yet20:32
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.20:32
bagaat least it doesnt show up in system monitor20:33
schnuffle1EDawg878: you mean you change the partitio table but nothing else?20:33
Daraelbaga: the system monitor app is a little unreliable - it has a tendency to use a fair amount of CPU /itself/, thus messing up the monitoring.  See what top says for us, please?20:33
escottEDawg878 just restore the listing in the mbr20:34
EDawg878_And how would I do that?20:34
escottEDawg878, if all you touched was the table then all you need to restore is the table20:34
escottEDawg878_, do you know exactly where the partition started and stopped?20:35
DaraelEDawg878_: If that doesn't work, or you don't know quite where it began and ended, try installing and running testdisk20:35
EDawg878_It was between sectors 5545959424 and 586053316720:35
escottEDawg878_, then with fdisk or parted make a new partition of the correct type that starts and stops in exactly that spot. DO NOT FORMAT that partition20:35
bagaDarael: top says dropbox was using 100% cpu :/ i started installing it a few days ago and it never got to finish, guess that was it :) killed it and all fine, thanks!20:36
Dr_willisescott,  :) its scary the # of hard drives i have partijned that way... I always Tag them "Flakey1001" and "Flakey2" and so forth,20:37
Loungewhere can i set it towhere mounts are shown on the desktop?20:37
EDawg878_escott:  Can you look at my gparted screenshot to make sure im doing this right http://imgur.com/WLzfJ20:39
escottEDawg878_, i would be a little careful with gparted. it might want to format the new partition (AND YOU DO NOT WANT THAT)20:39
EDawg878_so its safer with fdisk?20:40
escottEDawg878_, so review the actions it is proposing to take and make sure formatting is not in that list20:40
escottEDawg878_, yes20:40
EDawg878_okay ill try it with fdisk20:40
escottLounge, i think there is an option in gsettings/gconf/dconf under applications->nautilus20:41
korn333Is reading ubuntu linux  for dummies  from 2007  a good starting point if  run ubuntu 12?20:41
bazhang!manual | korn333 try this20:41
ubottukorn333 try this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:41
bazhang!rute | korn333 this may help too20:41
ubottukorn333 this may help too: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com20:41
Loungeescott: i'm sorry im not used to this unity setup, i can't find 'applications'20:42
escottLounge, you would need to install gconf-editor or dconf-utils20:42
escottLounge, gconf-editor is sorta like regedit on windows20:42
Dr_willisLounge,  the myunity tool may have a toggle for that setting.20:42
Loungeescott: yeah thats gnome, its gonna download all the gnome stuff back as a result :)20:43
escottLounge, well if you arent using gnome what is drawing your desktop?20:43
Loungeescott: I have no idea anymore >.<20:44
Dr_willisgotta love it when people fail to mention basic infomation...20:44
escottLounge, ok. what gui do you select on login?20:44
escottLounge, not that any of this will change my answer, which is going to be "i don't know" but maybe someone else will know20:45
Loungewell its just stadard brandnew desktop that came installed with 12.0420:45
ubuhi, cant install java, "sudo apt-get install <filename.rpm> is that correct?20:45
escottLounge, if its the standard then its unity which is gnome based20:45
escott!rpm | ubu20:45
ubottuubu: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:45
Dr_willis!java | ubu20:45
ubottuubu: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:45
Dr_willisubu,  you dont use the rpm packagte. :)20:46
korn333Thank you for the links... this should get me goin g:)20:46
Loungeescott: everything has changed beyond recognition20:46
EDawg878_escott: How do I create a partition in fdisk between certain sectors?20:46
escottEDawg878_, you may have to do some CHS calculations20:46
ubuhm and now?20:46
Loungei was using 10.10 for over two years20:46
Loungebefore 12.0420:46
escottEDawg878_, there are CHS calculators online that can help20:46
escottLounge, yes welcome to 12.0420:46
EDawg878_What exactly would i be calculating the size?20:47
Dr_willisLounge,  the MyUnity Tweaking tool has the settings in its desktop tab.20:47
escottubu, sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre20:47
Dr_willis!info myunity20:47
ubottumyunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB20:47
escottEDawg878_, im not comfortable advising you beyond saying "use a tool you understand how to use" "double check what you are doing" "take a backup if you can"20:48
LoungeDr_willis: Can't find it does it need installed?20:48
EDawg878_escott: alright20:49
Dr_willisLounge,  its in the universe repo. sudo apt-get install myunity20:49
Dr_willisUnless you have universe not enabled20:49
escottEDawg878_, in principal all you need to do is lay down a new table matching the old one. but its not something that i can really walk you through20:49
Loungeok well i just installed gnome-tweak-tool and it took care of it20:50
escottLounge, they are all hitting the same backend gsettings/dconf20:51
Loungeanother question is, can i disable network-manager without removing it? I'd rather just use ifupdown instead and I don't want nm to start up again after booting20:51
DaraelLounge: You'll need to edit /etc/init/network-manager.conf (from memory) and remove the "start on" line.  There may be a better way.  Hang on while I see if I can find one.20:52
escottLounge, there is a way to disable nm on specific devices20:53
LoungeDarael: ok20:53
Loungeup in the top corner i've disabled it, just wanna make sure it doesn't auto enable20:54
darkc0dercan anyone help me with some of the issue i am having with ubuntu20:54
DaraelLounge: If it's per-device, it can be done in a neater way; see escott's advice.  I can't immediately see a "don't start on boot" option in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf so I assume editing the Upstart job is the best way to disable its autostart without removing it.20:54
Darael!anyone | darkc0der20:54
ubottudarkc0der: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:54
escottLounge, see /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections20:55
Darael!ask | darkc0der20:55
ubottudarkc0der: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:55
darkc0derwell i cannot get compiz fuson to work.. i have it installed but it's not wanting to do any of the effects such as wobbly windows. I have the video drivers installed and everything.20:55
escottLounge, here it is. look at /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and then read the manpage http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man5/NetworkManager.conf.5.html sections on keyfile and ifupdown20:57
Daraeldarkc0der: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?  Compiz Fusion hasn't existed for some time: it got folded into compiz.  Is compiz running?  (you can check by, for example, "ps -C compiz")20:57
darkc0derubuntu 12.0420:57
darkc0deri wanted to use an older version of ubuntu such as 10.04 but it wont work with my wireless card.20:57
escottLounge, so you could either (a) list the interface in /etc/network/interfaces OR you could add an unmanage-devices= line to a new [keyfile] section in the conf20:58
Daraeldarkc0der: How did you install compiz fusion?  It's not supposed to have existed.  All you needed to do was install compizconfig-settings-manager and use ccsm to enable the wobbly windows.  Nothing to do with Fusion necessary.20:58
Loungeok thanks guys20:58
darkc0deri have it installed and it's up as we speak and wobbly windows is enabled but they aren't wobbly.20:58
Daraeldarkc0der: Is compiz running?20:59
darkc0deryes it is running. i have it open atm20:59
Dr_williswobbly windows... what a .. lovely invention...20:59
Daraeldarkc0der: No, not ccsm, /compiz/.  The window manager itself.20:59
darkc0derI'm not sure20:59
darkc0derI'm a newbie to linux. hehe.20:59
Daraeldarkc0der: As I said, you can check with "ps -C compiz", or "ps -e | grep compiz", in a terminal.  It should be, on stock 12.04, but you never can be sure.21:00
darkc0deri am running old gnome btw with no global menu/sidebar and it did nothing in terminal when i put it in.21:01
Daraeldarkc0der: How can you possibly have gnome2 on Ubuntu 12.04?  Did you install gnome-panel, or something?21:02
darkc0derno i installed a tweak using the terminal that got rid of the globalmenu and it allows me to log into gnome classic as it says on login21:02
Daraeldarkc0der: Ah, sounds like the fallback mode.  Yeah, that doesn't use Compiz by default as I recall.  Press alt+f2 and run "compiz --replace".21:03
darkc0deralt and f2 does nothing for some reason21:04
darkc0derit does on regular ubuntu21:04
Daraeldarkc0der: Then run it in a terminal.  I've not used gnome-session-fallback (which is what I think you're using), so I wasn't aware it wouldn't work, but running it from a terminal should.  Actually, run "compiz --replace &" so you can close the terminal afterward.21:06
darkc0derthat got rid of my borders i see no titles no or anything21:06
Daraeldarkc0der: They should come back, or you should at least get something vaguely interesting in the command log.  Otherwise, use "metacity --replace &" to get them back.21:07
darkc0derI'm gonna log back on the regular ubuntu and come back in here and try it. I'll brb. thanks for the help. :)21:08
SetiAmonhey anyone here know if there is issues with hdmi not allowing 5.1 audio in ubuntu/linux21:08
bfortifiedlooking for some help setting up a visual mail indicator for evolution on gnome321:08
deitario1Since usbview has been unavailable for several releases now, apparently because "lsusb does it all now", can anyone tell me how to make lsusb show a GUI and not require being run with `sudo`? (Failing that, what GUI do YOU recommend as a usbview replacement?)21:10
Dr_willisi cant really recall ever neeind to use 'usbview'21:12
deitario1Dr_willis: I find it much more comfortable than lsusb's verbose output for finding the vendor and product IDs of  cheap chinese devices (just follow the tree view to the appropiate hub's list of children) and looking up a device's power draw.21:13
deitario1...among other things.21:13
Dr_willisnever needed to do that I guess. ;)21:13
rickb06hey guys. anyone use the lvm encryption at bootup?21:14
Dr_willisI do belive theres some other more general hardware info tools in the repos. I havent looked at whats there for them recently.21:14
rickb06I want to try to change the splash screen image but can't find where iti s21:14
Dr_willisrickb06,  its not a simple image.21:14
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »21:15
rickb06ah ;)21:15
rickb06Dr_willis: <321:15
Dr_willisI tend to disable plymouth where it dosent show any animation. :) theres a text theme for it.21:16
Dr_willisit just seems to cause more issues then its worth21:16
TransitTycoonI was snaking around with ccsm, and now my mouse can't drag windows; not even when holding alt. Any suggestions?21:17
Munzplz help!!!!! how can i stop dropbox its in "applying changes" process since more than 5 hours i have reinstalled ubuntu because of that error and i dont want to do that again21:19
Munzhow can i kill this process?!21:20
xanguaTransitTycoon: restart you user sesion or reset compiz settings if that doesn't work21:20
Munzif there is no solution then just plz tell me so!!!21:22
listrophyhey all. i'm temporarily in sweden, i have a linode running 11.10, and my brother is about to be on NBC in ~1 hour, which is restricted to US viewers. I've started setting up a VPN, but the instructions assume a NAT, which I don't have. Some quick help would be GREATLY appreciated21:24
saliakI'm adding a new disk to my ubuntu system and when using fdisk to create my partitions, I get the "Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary." message.  how do you figure out where the physical sector boundary is?  i'm just starting at cylinder 1, which seems to be wrong.21:24
deitario1Munz: Clarify your problem. What do you mean by "applying changes"?21:25
deitario1Munz: And why can't you just quit it?21:25
listrophyfirst question: given a machine with a dhcp address, how do i create a NAT internal to the machine?21:27
listrophylinks to guides are perfectly sufficient and welcome :)21:27
Munzdeitario1 : i downloaded dropbox and the last step of the "installation" it says "applying changes" but it freezes and i can not quite i tried to restart my laptop several times but this did not work as "ubuntu software center" starts and do the same thing again!21:28
nd456Can anyone help me to install Entangle on Ubuntu? http://entangle-photo.org/download/21:28
bagaMunz,  same thing happened to me, try "sudo killall dropbox"21:28
Munzbega : i'll try it now21:29
bagaMunz, if it doesnt work try killing it with htop21:29
TransitTycoonSorry, computer crashed when fiddling with ccsm. Still have this problem where I can not move windows with my mouse, not even while holding alt, or by trying the new unity handles21:29
OerHeksnd456, just click the url http://www.getdeb.net/software/Entangle and hit 'install"21:29
TransitTycoonor for that matter, by right clicking the window manager and clicking "move"; any ideas?21:29
Dr_willisTransitTycoon,  theres some command line commands to reset ccsm and gnome and unity back to defaults.21:30
nd456<OerHeks> I'm not that much of a noob... According to the software center, there isn't a package in the repository for it...21:30
bagaMunz, i still havent managed to install dropbox, so i killed the process and removed it from the software center. using the web client for now21:30
th0rMunz, I had the same problem. I solved it by uninstalling both dropbox and nautilus-dropbox, then installing the tar.gz for the server. Dropbox is trying to download the proprietary driver, but the deb is bad21:31
Dr_willisTransitTycoon,  i belive they are mentioned at a webupd8 blog posting. i alway s have to look for it by searching for 'reset unity'21:31
darkc0derLooks like i have to re install ubuntu all over again. I've never had this many issues with the previous version of ubuntu such as 10.04 and under. Only reason i am not using them is because my wireless card doesn't work for 10.04. Any older version i can download that will work?21:31
TransitTycoonDr_willis: I might have to try that. I had tried setting ccsm to its default profile named unity, but it just turned everything off, and made my problems worse21:31
TransitTycoonill give that a try, thanks!21:31
th0rbaga, try installing the tar.gz from here....http://www.getdropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x8621:31
Dr_willisTransitTycoon,  mseeing with ccsm.. can be fun. ;P21:31
Munzthanks baga , thanks th0r :)21:31
TransitTycoonDr_willis: I don't remember it being this troublesome. Oh well, I love unity, and I am willing to suffer a few growing pains.21:32
DaraelTransitTycoon, Dr_willis:  "unity --reset" is the unity-and-compiz-back-to-defaults-and-restart-unity command, for reference.21:32
bagath0r, will do, thanks :)21:32
burd_tubeen searching and searching for the solution to green screen, no sound, and no boot menu for i915 hdmi output, could anyone possibly point me to a defacto solution somewhere?21:32
TransitTycoonokay, here goes21:32
OerHeksnd456, ic, then build it yourself?21:32
Dr_willisDarael,  actually theres a specific command to reset compiz back to defaults.. not just unity --reset21:33
TransitTycoonDr_willis: Look at that, my hero21:33
DaraelDr_willis: "rm -r .compiz"? :)21:33
th0rbaga, Munz, put the .dropbox-dist folder in your ~, make dropbox and dropboxd executable, and call dropbox at login21:33
xanguaDarael: unity-reset does not reset compiz  settinsg21:33
Dr_willisrm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig/*21:33
Dr_willisis  what the url suggests..21:33
Daraelxangua: ... nor it does.  My mistake.21:33
TransitTycoonDr_willis: how much do they pay you to be so helpful?21:33
darkc0deris there any older version of ubuntu ( older then 10.04 ) that will work with my belkin n150 wireless card?21:33
nd456<OerHeks> That's what i've been trying to do... But im inexperienced in the area and am having issues with dependacy's...21:33
th0rbaga, Munz, make sure you remove the deb dropbox and nautilus-dropbox firsst21:34
Dr_willisTransitTycoon,  7 digits.. but they are all zeros...21:34
TransitTycoonDr_willis: surely this advice is not out of the kindness of your heart~21:34
Daraelnd456: Before building it yourself (whatever "it" is; not been paying enough attention) have you checked if there's a PPA for it?21:34
Dr_willisTransitTycoon,  i just dont have a life...21:34
Dr_willis;) brb21:34
TransitTycoonDr_willis: lol21:34
TransitTycoonDr_willis: If you are ever in vancouver, I'll buy you a beer21:35
bagath0r, gotcha21:35
nd456<Darael> It's entangle (a tetering application for Dslr's) I havent been able to find one and I think that my GetDeb reposatory somhow isn't working...21:35
ewertonboa noite21:36
Daraelnd456: I've not been able to get GetDeb to work for quite some time.  I keep getting 403 Forbiddens on the repo.  Not sure, sorry, just thought I'd check if you'd tried for PPAs.21:37
nd456<Darael> Yeah... On a sidnote, dose "sudo apt-get update" upgrade your system? or jsut what you are working on?21:38
Daraelnd456: Neither.  It just updates the available-packages information.  You need to follow it with a "sudo apt-get upgrade" to actually install the updates.21:39
nd456<Darael> Ahh... Stay tuned though... I think I may have figured it out...21:39
=== karolina is now known as Guest86423
OerHeksIf you need raw dslr editting, i like darktable21:40
nd456<Darael> Got it! Thanks for the help + Info!21:41
ewertonhow can I close terminal in ubuntu 12.04, exit and save?21:42
saliakok, well, the answer is to use fdisk in sector mode (-u)21:44
Dr_willisewerton,  save?21:44
bagaewerton, i assume you have a running process in the terminal and you want to quit the terminal?21:44
Dr_willisewerton,  the exit command causes a bash shell to exit. thus closeing the terminal.21:45
LordDragonhey all21:47
LordDragonupdate manager says i have updates available. i am running 64 bit version of 12.0421:47
LordDragonbut when i try to update i get this error21:47
LordDragonFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/nautilus_3.4.2-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]21:47
LordDragoni tried rebooting21:48
LordDragonbut i still get this error21:48
LordDragonanyone know anything about that?21:48
SetiAmonis there a hdmi audio protect21:48
HelloWorld321Is the default Ubuntu (Precise Pangolin) desktop xdm, kdm or gdm?21:48
alankilaHelloWorld321: lightdm21:48
Dr_willisHelloWorld321,  those 3 are all LOGIN Managers.. not 'desktops'21:49
Dr_willisLightdm is the default login manager, Unity is the default ubuntu Desktop21:49
HelloWorld321heh, so where do I put my pre-login synergy startup script?21:49
Spyder99hi guys, any admins please who can provide me a cloak if I provide my launchpad details please?21:49
Dr_willisHelloWorld321,  You need it to work on the Login screen?21:49
Dr_willis!cloak | Spyder9921:50
ubottuSpyder99: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.21:50
FuchsSpyder99: for a member cloak, if you are one, see #ubuntu-irc. For a generic cloak please go to #freenode21:50
Fuchsoh, there is a factoid, how neat21:50
Spyder99thanks guys21:50
Dr_willismore factoids then you can shake a bot at...21:50
LordDragonhas anyone else with 12.04 had trouble updating their install today?21:51
LordDragoni keep getting this21:52
dalek_I can't get tangerine sharing to work at all in ubuntu 11.04. Clients can see the share and connect, but no music populates the list. Not even if connecting from the host computer. Is this a known bug? It seems to work on Ubuntu 11.10, but the music host machine will not run 11.10. IS there any way I can fix this?21:52
c_smithHello, Brasero is giving me SCSI errors when I try to burn, well, anything, I tried K3B, and K3B gives me a notice that Wodim was unable to fixate the disk after an error which I can fix by setting permissions. is there anything I can try?21:53
genii-aroundc_smith: Is your user in the cdrom and plugdev groups?21:54
c_smithgenii-around: let me check21:55
xworldhai guys , When i ping to google I got this [[[  64 bytes from maa03s05-in-f17.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=56 time=2655 ms ]]] WHAT is it means !! ??21:55
SuperLagLordDragon: what if you try a foreign mirror?21:55
c_smithgenii-around: yes.21:56
WanderingEnderQuestion: What is a good source to find GNOME 2-like indicators for the unity top panel?21:56
c_smithand as I said, brasero gives me some sort of SCSI error21:56
c_smithI have k3b open.21:56
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
=== Alacrity is now known as Shadowfire
Daraelxworld: Google's servers are all actually under 1e100.net (because 1 x 10^100 is a googol, get it?).  icmp_req=1 indicates it's the first packet of the ping (lets you see if any drop or arrive out of order).  ttl is Time-To-Live, it's about hops in the chain.  time is how long (in milliseconds) it took.  Press ctl+c to stop the ping if you didn't pass -c, and you'll get some overall stats.21:58
xworldDarael, Thanks man !21:58
dalek_Please help!! My music list is EMPTY in tangerine DAAP music sharing on ubuntu 11.04 - anyone know why?21:59
Daraelxworld: If you're used to the Windows world, you may want to get into the habit of "ping -c 4", which will make it stop after four packets, as the Windows version does.21:59
Daraeldalek_: I realise the machine won't run 11.10.  Have you tried 12.04?21:59
LordDragonSuperLag, yep the canadian source seems to be working. i guess it was the USA one i was on21:59
xworldDarael,  ohh22:00
dalek_Darael.. machine can't run anything higher than Darael due to it's inability to run unity22:00
DaraelLordDragon: There's several within a country, in many cases, but the load-balancer was clearly giving you a dodgy one from the US pool.  "mirrorselect" is a useful thing to look at.22:00
dalek_Darael, I meant anything higher than 11.04 :P22:01
Daraeldalek_: I assume you've already looked at and discarded other desktop environments?  gnome-shell?  xfce?  lubuntu?  (and incidentally, yes, I guessed; last time I checked I wasn't an Ubuntu version :P)22:01
c_smithgenii-around: I tried K3B with the burning group, no luck.22:03
SJrHow do I get autofs to mount a fuse filesystem as a different non-root user22:04
dalek_Darael, I have not tried any different desktop.... the thing is, that machine belongs to another person and they don't want to shift to a different desktop environment.22:04
enroxorzHey Guys, i have a USC issue. Where should I go for help?22:05
Daraeldalek_: Ah.  That's that, then.  Well, unless they could be convinced about the gnome2 workalike... what's it called?22:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:05
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DaraelGnome Fallback, that's the bunny.  Anyway, dalek_, have you tried running one of the client apps from the terminal and inspecting for any likely-looking error messages?22:06
dalek_Darael, the music list generated by the tangerine sharing did populate with the music the first time we ran it, but then it disconnected on the client machine and ever since the list has been empty.22:06
Daraeldalek_: Interesting.  And you say this happens whatever you use on the client machine?22:08
dalek_Darael, no. Only running banshee as client at the moment.22:09
Daraeldalek_: Hum.  Nothing springs to mind, I confess.22:10
dalek_Darael, another odd thing with tangerine... it still continues to share (from the 11.10 machine) even when it is not enabled.22:11
dalek_Darael, I get no error messages show up in terminal.22:12
dalek_Darael, it is like tangerine has created it's own list of the music, which has consequently been wiped, and won't re-scan the music library to re-populate its list.22:14
James37im new here22:15
Gygeshi James3722:17
c_smithgenii-around: I ran the ISO through cdrecord, and this is the output I got: http://pastebin.com/PN8ZzyHN22:18
genii-aroundc_smith: It's saying "medium error" there... Is the cd/dvd/etc you have inserted compatible with the DVD+RW format you have selected to burn in?22:21
c_smithgenii-around: I have no clue.22:22
c_smithgenii-around: the disk is a DVD-RW if that's what you mean.22:22
hsnmckhello, I would like to know what x2 and y2 means here: xsetwacom set "tablet" Area x1 y1 x2 y222:22
hsnmckhow can I calculate them22:22
|Long|have someone here run glftpd and zipscript on ubuntu 12.04?22:23
c_smithmight as well try a fresh disk.22:23
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WeThePeoplei would like to run windows xp on lucid LTS does vmware do this?22:26
c_smithgenii-around: I tried a fresh disc, same output. so I can only assume it is my drive. >.< I don't have the money to replace it.22:26
genii-aroundc_smith: It seems possible that the laser which reads the media is going/kaput22:27
bagaWeThePeople, try virtualbox, better in my opinion22:27
rajhi, how can I get to a terminal in 12.04?22:28
nibbierWeThePeople, i' generally suggest virtualbox or kvm, way better supported on ubuntu22:28
c_smithgenii-around: and I have no money to get it repaired.22:28
WeThePeopleyeah, thanks.. just found that22:28
nibbierraj, alt-f2 -> xterm / gnome-terminal22:28
xanguaraj: Control+Alt+T like always22:28
c_smithgenii-around: funny thing is is that it reads just fine.22:28
* nibbier takes note of ctrl-alt-t22:28
ubottupistoman: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:31
rajwhere is the whole application menu that used to exist?22:32
rajit had terminal and every other installed app in there22:32
bfortifiedok now that i have xchat installed ctrl-alt-T starts a terminal session that starts xchat. What did I do?22:32
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.22:33
ubuubottu: java doesnt work22:33
ubottuubu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:33
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
bonny_Hi, what are some good fps games for ubuntu?22:33
Gygesbonny_, nexuiz !!22:34
JVCUbottu's last comment is especially salient given today's date.22:34
ubucan anybody help with java..the online game doenst work22:34
bonnyIs it any good?22:35
rajwhere is the old application menu that used to exist, which showed all installed applications?22:35
bonnyIs it like... alien or realistic22:35
Daraelraj: That menu (assuming Applications, Places, System) is gone, I'm afraid.  However, you can see all your installed apps by pulling up the dash (press and release <super>, or hit the Ubuntu icon at the top of the launcher) then clicking the ruler/pen/pencil icon at the bottom, and then clicking "show more".22:35
Gygesnot the one on the site,22:35
Gygesit's a multiplayer22:35
ubufuck ubuntu22:36
Darael!ohmy | ubu22:36
ubottuubu: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:36
tomas_hello i need to install netbeans to pratice java but i dont know if i have thr JDK ????22:36
genii-aroundc_smith: What is the result of: wodim -scanbus -vV22:36
rajDarael: thank you :)22:36
Daraelubu we can't help you unless you tell us /which/ game you're talking about, and exactly what you mean by doesn't work.  After all:22:36
Darael!work | ubu22:36
ubottuubu: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:36
Gygestomas_, you can search applications in synaptic22:37
tomas_all right thank you Gyges22:37
Daraelraj: No probs.  Hope it does what you want.  Be aware you can search from the Dash home, as well, if you know the name.  It's reasonably smart; learns what you use a lot and stuff.22:37
rajoh, good to know22:38
ubujava at the browser no plugin found22:38
rajthanks for the 41122:38
Daraelubu: And which game are we talking about?  That may prove relevant.22:38
ubuits skat22:38
Daraelubu: Try installing the icedtea-plugin package (sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin) and restarting your browser.22:39
ubuok mom22:40
Daraelubu: See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java22:40
ubuis that for all browser?22:41
Daraelubu: No.  There's a "browser plugin" subsection, which is relevant.  The icedtea-plugin package should depend on anything else you need anyway.22:41
ubuok firefox restart but nothing22:43
ubuDarael: plz help need java for skat22:44
=== luke is now known as Guest46886
jagginessubu: you tried default-jre ?22:46
ubujava version "1.6.0_24"22:46
ubuOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-4ubuntu3)22:46
ubuOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)22:46
FloodBot1ubu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
Daraelubu: all I can turn up on a quick ddg for "skat" is an RL card game.  A link would be helpful.  And we keep to the channel around here, so that other people don't miss out.22:46
jagginessubu: install, galternatives (then run it from the menu, and see if that java is the default for jre)22:46
ubuDarael: inetplay.de22:46
WeThePeoplehow do i set my filesys. for root commands22:46
impiratÎöåíèòå ñàéò --> http://impirat.com Ìíå ÷èñòî äëÿ ÒÈÖ è ÑÅÎ :D22:47
impiratThis is the site --> http://impirat.com22:47
impiratÎöåíèòå ñàéò --> http://impirat.com Ìíå ÷èñòî äëÿ ÒÈÖ è ÑÅÎ :D22:47
FloodBot1impirat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
impiratThis is the site --> http://impirat.com22:47
jagginessubu, that uses flash...22:47
jagginess!ops impirat22:48
ubuno its java22:48
ubuother games are flash22:48
jagginessubu, make sure multiverse repo is setup22:48
jagginessubu, about:config in url should say java for you..22:49
ubuabout:config at mozilla?22:50
ubuis a big list22:50
ubuwhy cant install the fuckin java about the software centre22:51
jagginessno, in the url "about:config" <enter> (url address box)22:51
rajif I safely remove a usb drive, is that exactly equivalent to unmounting?22:51
ubujeah about:config is the website22:52
ubuurl box22:52
jagginessraj: dbus automounts drives on the desktop.. that gets mounted under the user's context (gvfs)22:52
rajjagginess: so how can I unmount the drive?22:53
rajvia terminal only?22:53
TheLordOfTimehow do i upgrade to the next release of Ubuntu?  11.10 here (proxy-question)22:53
ubujagginess: and now?22:54
trismTheLordOfTime: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades22:54
TheLordOfTimetrism:  what about via the command line?22:55
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:55
ubujagginess: accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation22:55
MonkeyDustTheLordOfTime  d-release-upgrade22:55
trismTheLordOfTime: see the upgrade for servers section22:55
MonkeyDustTheLordOfTime  do-release-upgrade22:55
Gyges!permission | tomas_22:55
ubottutomas_: please see above22:55
TheLordOfTimethen what does dist-upgrade do in apt-get?22:56
trism!dist-upgrade | TheLordOfTime22:56
ubottuTheLordOfTime: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.22:56
DaraelTheLordOfTime: It's named for historical reasons, and see above.22:56
ubuDarael: inetplay.de22:57
TheLordOfTimethere we go, thanks.22:57
lebedevHi! How setup keyboard layout in xmonad + Ubuntu? Which configuration files do i edit?22:59
ubudiarrhea makes my ass bloody...23:00
Daraelbazhang: Thanks.  That was really getting on my nerves.  Was just reaching for the op-call factoid.23:02
fuzzynurfhurterwhy cant i change the desktop background in xubuntu??23:03
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
harushimodoes anyone have a suggestion on a good UI designer tool for ubuntu23:04
rajhow can I plug in a usb drive and not have ubuntu mess with it?23:05
raji need it unmounted23:05
kolyaIs it considered bad form to post a question on the newbie forum and then also ask in here?23:05
bazhangkolya, not at all23:05
bdcsupdate your post with your answer tho : )23:05
kolyaok great23:06
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
tkinghello guys pls i need help; I have a VPS servers with (user/pass and IP) login info, I am looking for a way to use the VPS info via terminal to change my IP using localhost or
Darael!elaborate | tking23:08
ubottutking: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:08
OerHekskolya when you find your answer, do not forget to reply on your own post.23:08
tkinghello guys pls i need help; I have a VPS servers with (user/pass and IP) login info, I am looking for a way to use the VPS info via terminal to change my IP using localhost or as the local IP of my current machine (VPN sers)23:08
Daraeltking: That's probably a bad idea.  What are you actually trying to achieve?23:08
tkingDarel , thanks23:08
kolyaI am using Xchat and it doesn't appear in my list of open programs when I do Alt+tab. When I click on its icon in the dash on the left it opens a new instance of xchat rather than taking me to the already opened one. Is there something I've missed in trying to locate the open instances of xchat?23:08
tkingDarel , sorry, i mean to change my IP address23:09
MonkeyDusttking  your local ip address?23:09
WeThePeoplewhat is the best bit torrent anonymizer23:09
tkingDarel, I used to use tunnelier on windows23:09
Daraeltking: Having localhost refer to any machine other than localhost is almost certainly not what you want.  You want to change your machine's IP?  Is it already set up for static addressing?23:09
Daraeltking: Ah, you want to proxy through your VPS, yes?23:09
OerHekskolya there are 2 xchat versions, i think xchat-gnome causes these hide issues23:09
harushimohi I'm looking for a UI designer. What are some good programs23:10
kolyaso there possibly isn't a way to navigate to hidden instances?23:11
MonkeyDustharushimo  glade23:11
Daraeltking: You're probably best off using ssh -D, and then setting things to use a SOCKS proxy on localhost.23:11
harushimooh okay23:11
harushimowhat is better qt vs glade?23:11
tkingDarel, yes my VPS ip in USA would be the proxy/ip/socks which I will be locally. I have23:11
BrixSatHello, im having a problem, rfkill says my wifi is hardlocked and i dont have any hardware switch (ps this is a fresh 12.04 64bits install)23:11
harushimoI just saw glade on the website23:11
harushimoit looks really cool23:11
tkingyes mean ssh connecting to port 2223:12
MonkeyDustharushimo  'better' depends on your skills and what you prefer23:12
Daraeltking: If you run "ssh -D 8080 user@vps" then you'll get a tunnel to the server. If you then set things up to use localhost:8080 as SOCKS proxy, everything will be sent via the tunnel.23:13
tkingDarel, i lost the code before (in terminal I used to type user@ with some other stuffs)23:13
impiratCOMThis site is full of XXX* --->  http://impirat.com23:13
impiratCOMP.S. add my link to your site if you have it. It will be very nice for me! (use words "Ñîçäàíèå è ïðîäâèæåíèå ñàéòîâ â Ìîñêâå")23:13
impiratCOM*-this means something, but not what you waiting for.23:13
Darael!ops | impiratCOM23:13
ubottuimpiratCOM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:13
Daraelmutter mutter spammers mutter.23:14
bekks24 seconds to get k-lined. :)23:14
Daraeltking: If you make the "-D" into a "-DN", you won't even get a shell on the server, it'll just set up the tunnel.  Might be useful to know.23:15
genii-aroundThat was an impressive K-Line response time for sure.23:15
BrixSatbekks:  :D like that23:15
tkingDarel, sorry what do you mean shell, am a dummie yet in linux23:15
Daraeltking: Normally when you run the ssh command you'll get a command-line on the server.  If you run ssh with the -N flag you won't.  It's useful when all you want to do is forward ports or set up tunnels.23:16
MonkeyDusttking  shell is the command prompt23:16
BrixSathow come the live cd detects my wifi card and connects and the installed version (fresh one) does not "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" that i dont have :(23:16
MonkeyDustgenii-around  test factoids with /msg ubottu, pls23:17
DaraelBrixSat: Do you perhaps have a key-combination that turns off the wifi?  That counts as a hardware switch as far as Ubuntu's concerned.  Try hitting that.23:17
BrixSatgenii-around:  rfkill unblock all did not work23:17
BrixSatDarael:  ya not making any diference23:18
DaraelBrixSat: And presumably "rfkill list" shows it as hard blocked, yes?23:18
tkingDarel thanks it workd23:18
BrixSatDarael: yes and the unblock all does not make a diference23:18
Daraeltking: No probs.  Incidentally, the tab key will autocomplete a nick, helping you spell it :P23:19
DaraelBrixSat: Yeah, it wouldn't, that'd only remove a soft block.23:19
BrixSatDarael:  so what can i do?23:20
DaraelBrixSat: I've seen machines take ages for a hardware-unblock to go through, but it always has done eventually.  Not sure what could be going on.23:20
tkingDarael, wow thanks23:20
kolyaI have a red triangle on the top of my screen which tells me my updates are outdated. When I click on the show updates option I get an error message about not being able to update the package information. Any ideas on what the next step should be?23:20
harushimoqt and glade do web UI development?23:21
BrixSatDarael: hummm solution?23:21
harushimoI'm specifically looking for web UI development23:21
tkingDarael, how do I learn all this terminal stuff to help me do things :)23:21
ZoohouseHello everyone. With other systems I used to edit /etc/initab when I wanted to boot into terminal, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to have this. How would I go about doing this in Ubuntu?23:21
MonkeyDustkolya  make sure there are no EOL repos active23:21
Darael!terminal | tking23:21
ubottutking: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:21
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:21
kolyathanks MonkeyDust - how do I make sure there are no EOL repos active?23:21
DaraelBrixSat: No idea here, sorry.  Stick around; someone will surely know.23:22
BrixSatDarael:  thks23:23
MonkeyDustkolya  do you know what repos are and whar EOL means? go to synaptic, settings, repositories23:24
kolyaMonkeyDust, I'm afraid I don't but I will attempt to go where you suggest23:25
=== john is now known as ki4ro
tkingDarael, i tried the ssh -DN didn't work23:27
MonkeyDustkolya  EOL means End Of Life, no longer valid or supported23:28
tkingDarael, Bad Dynamic forwarding specification 'N'23:28
Daraeltking: That would be because I got it wrong; -D takes arguments.  Make it -ND and it will.23:28
k1lkolya: which ubuntu do you use?23:29
harushimodoes glade have the functionality to do website UI design?23:30
MonkeyDustharushimo  try kompozer for websites23:31
harushimooh really? I was looking into qt23:31
jungejas_Hello, I just upgraded my ubuntu from 11.xxx to 12.4 LTS. Now after I logged in, it doesn't show the system bar (I guess it's from Unity). How can I fix it? I don't have a terminal available onth desktop.23:32
RUSSIAHi! I need help!23:32
harushimogo to the ubuntu symbol23:32
=== RUSSIA is now known as Guest16702
harushimotype in terminal23:32
harushimoand drag it to the launcher23:32
harushimothat is what I did23:32
MonkeyDust!who| harushimo23:33
jungejas_harushimo: there is no ubuntu symbol at all23:33
ubottuharushimo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:33
jungejas_there are only some pictues I had on the desktop.23:33
harushimo12.04 LTS23:33
Guest16702My site DON"T work in the ubuntu!!1 Why???77 http://impirat.com :(23:33
harushimoyes there is an square with an ubuntu symbol on it23:33
bekks!ops | Guest1670223:33
ubottuGuest16702: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:33
harushimoits the dash home button23:33
harushimoI'm sorry23:33
BrotherHi WORLD!23:33
harushimojungejas: are you running 12.04 LTS23:34
Brotheri lve ubuntu and android 4 LIFE!23:35
jungejas_harushimo: yes.23:35
Guest16702!ops | bekks23:35
ubottubekks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:35
harushimojungejas: the first icon is called dash home23:35
BrixSathow do i enable wifi when network manager says "disabled by hardware switch" (i dont have hardware switch)23:35
harushimojungejas: it is the top most button23:35
jungejas_harushimo: the whole bar is missing23:36
harushimojungejas: oh okay23:36
harushimojungejas: did you upgrade or do a full install?23:36
jungejas_I upgraded form 11.xxx. Don't remember the exact version.23:37
fuzzynurfhurteri need some help with a no boot says job control turned off23:37
OerHeksBrixSat, i have an unusual solution: disable powercord , remove battery, hold powerbutton 10 sec pressed, and put the battery & powercord back in and boot, sometimes this helps unlocking.23:37
jungejas_harushimo: I upgraded form 11.xxx. Don't remember the exact version.23:37
BrixSatOerHeks:  thks be right back then :)23:37
harushimojungejas: try doing a restart23:37
jungejas_harushimo: tried several times.23:38
harushimojungejas: then I don't know. You may need to do an full re install23:38
fuzzynurfhurtersays image is broken23:38
harushimojungejas: sorry I couldn't be of any help23:38
fuzzynurfhurterim in the debugging shell23:39
Brotherthis is the longest version ever of LINUX. The12.04LTS. WHY??? please.23:39
jungejas_harushimo: if I reinstall, all the files will be lost, right?23:39
harushimojungejas: did you do a back up of the files?23:40
harushimojungejas: yes23:40
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
harushimojungejas: try the repair option first23:40
BrixSatOerHeks:  not working :(23:40
jungejas_harushimo: is there a way that I can get the terminal?23:41
harushimojungejas: you can do a re install without formatting the partitions. I've done it23:41
fuzzynurfhurterany 1 good in shell??23:41
harushimojungejas: I don't know23:41
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, #bash23:41
OerHeksBrixSat, what wifi chipset is this exactly?23:42
fuzzynurfhurterwhich ever23:42
kolya_I had a previous question but my xchat window disappeared so I'm afraid I will have to repeat it. I have a red triangle saying my updates are outdated and yet when I click on "show updates" I get an error message related to line 6 in my sources list. Someone told me to go to Synaptics. When I search for synaptics it takes me to a .dll file. Can anyone help me further?23:42
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, thats a channel23:42
jungejas_Brother: thanks!23:42
fuzzynurfhurterit says i have a broken image23:42
jungejas_harushimo: thank you very much!!23:42
BrixSatOerHeks: Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless Adapter23:42
harushimojungejas: not a problem. I always forget that command23:42
fuzzynurfhurterhow can u point it in the right direction??23:42
BrotherYour Welcome23:42
[deXter]cerjam-g71, watcha doin in #ubuntu?!23:43
cerjam-g71i need your help23:43
genii-aroundkolya_: Linux does not have .dll files23:43
cerjam-g71check the other channel dexter, youll understand23:43
Brotherto  do what with .dll files??23:44
k1lkolya: which ubuntu do you use?23:44
fuzzynurfhurteroh ok thx bazhang23:44
cerjam-g71from what i hear23:44
=== john is now known as ki4ro
cerjam-g71bazhang is a real dunce.23:44
cerjam-g71whats up with that?23:44
FloodBot1cerjam-g71: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
[deXter]cerjam-g71, Still. Never knew you were the linux type. :P23:45
cerjam-g71i prefer debians.23:45
DaraelI'm using Precise, and I can't switch keyboard layouts.  The indicator shows up when more than one layout is set up, and the icon will change if I select another layout from its menu, but the item with the dot in the menu doesn't change and nor does my effective keyboard layout.  I can't change even if I remove the one I'm in from the list, and the extra options don't work.23:45
BrotherWhy Debians? pls23:45
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
cerjam-g71because ubuuntus r noobs23:46
BrotherNot a Firm Awnser-<23:46
genii-aroundBrother: They are just trolling23:46
kolya_genii-around: I'm not sure what to say in that case. Someone told me to go to synaptic, when I searched for synaptic on the dash search it took me to a file called libsynaptics.dll23:47
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, lets move on23:47
cerjam-g71that was rather strange23:47
fuzzynurfhurterjust wondering23:47
fuzzynurfhurterim chatin with them on it baz23:47
thefootI've just downloaded Ubuntu Server for the Cloud because I wanted to check out OpenStack.  I installed hte Virtualization package during install.  Is there documentation on what to do next?23:48
BrixSatOerHeks:  i think the prob is no fn keys...23:48
Brothergoogle Earth On Ubuntu The Best ;)!23:48
OerHeksBrixSat, that should be fixable23:49
BrixSatOerHeks:  how?23:49
jungejas_harushimo: is 12.4 LTS a good version to install? Since it has the problem after the upgrade, I worried about its stability.23:50
harushimojungejas: you will no problem23:50
harushimojungejas: I only do full install of ubuntu versions23:50
OerHeksBrixSat, i can't find it in history, what brand/type laptop?23:51
BrixSatOerHeks:  toshiba l30023:51
frustroanyone know how to import a plugin into rythmbox?23:51
harushimojungejas: my history with ubuntu upgrades have not been good but I still love the software23:51
iSIEMENS?what is the language on this site ---> IMPIRAT.COM23:54
OerHeksBrixSat, this bugreport involves your issue > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/99536723:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 995367 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Precise] Fn function keys not working with Toshiba Satellite L300 notebook" [Low,Incomplete]23:55
BrixSatOerHeks:  i formated pc a few hours ago and they where working :(23:56
OerHeksBrixSat, on live cd, you said?23:57
gr33n7007hBrixSat, L300 do have a hardware switch on the front of laptop23:57
BrixSatgr33n7007h:  no nothing at all23:57
kolya_I've got this from gedit of my sources list: http://mibpaste.com/qi9Uuy - can someone help me to work out what's wrong with it as I think this might be the problem with my software center opening and then closing immediately. I'm using wubi install from today 64 bit version23:57
BrixSatOerHeks:  i had 12.04 since the 1st day it came out and 5 hours a go i messed it so bad that only format was the solution. All fn keys where working. I installed 12.04 downloaded today and :( no fn keys23:58
fuzzynurfhurterppl n #bash just being dicks about it23:59
genii-aroundfuzzynurfhurter: Please watch the profanity23:59

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