
slowzxubuntu uses lightdm00:26
slowzbut i dont see why it would be a issue to use xdm00:26
ballDoes lightdm work with xdmcp?00:35
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Ormiei am a newbie to linux03:18
OrmieAbiword and Genumeric doesn't suite my needs and also i have a high performance computer, i want to use libreoffice and uninstall abiword and genumeric how can i do that?03:20
Ormieanyoone here can help me?03:24
Ormiei am totally new to linux...03:24
slowzsudo apt-get remove abiword genumeric --puge ; sudo apt-get install libreoffice03:24
Ormiewhat's that?03:25
slowzok. use synaptic and search for the packages you want to remove and install03:26
Unit193YOu can either paste that into the terminal, or use synaptic to find it and remove.03:26
Ormiewhat is a terminaal?03:27
Ormiethere is also something i'm hiding :D03:28
slowzOrmie, hiding that you're trolling?03:29
Ormiei am not03:30
OrmieI am a linux geek faking to be newbie because i am researching about how community can help newbies.03:31
Ormieso i can examine and see how much satisfication linux newbies to linux are.03:31
Ormieslowz, also speaking like what you did wasn't nice.03:32
slowzOrmie, you tried to hard.03:33
Unit193Except that doesn't exactly work, and since it isn't support.... This is a suppoort channel.03:33
Ormieanyway i've got stats XD03:33
Ormiethx, bye03:33
roasted_does the application startup manager not work for some reason with custom scripts?03:35
roasted_I put in a sleep 30; rsync -az /blah/foo /over/here but it doesnt run03:35
roasted_runs manually if I launch it in terminal tho (the command, that is)03:35
Unit193Already have a script file? You may need to mark it as executable.03:37
roasted_nah, I'm doing that now. In Gnome I just set the command right in the command field.03:37
roasted_Gnome, Unity, whatever.03:37
roasted_My fiance runs XFCE tho so that's the box I'm on at the moment.03:38
roasted_I was trying to do the same thing but I suppose it's not capable of launching just raw commands, but moreso, needs a script?03:38
roasted_hm, works with the script03:39
roasted_running now03:39
alazare619what login manager does xubuntu use?04:17
alazare619and display manager04:18
alazare619is it lightdm?04:18
alazare619then how do i get it to look all slick and not like the ubuntu one04:19
alazare619i did a minimal install of ubuntu and install xfce etc04:19
alazare619but i want the look of the xubuntu login without the special package that came from xubuntu-desktop04:19
pleia2probably want to use xubuntu-desktop04:19
pleia2ah, I'm not sure04:19
alazare619aww well atleast i know it is lightdm04:21
alazare619ill look through lightdm's confs then04:21
alazare619im sure thats where its at04:21
alazare619thanks tho :)04:22
pleia2good luck :)04:22
Unit193lightdm-gtk-greeter, with xubuntu-default settings or -artwork04:22
Unit193Right, it's the gtk-greeter with the Greybird theme, IIRC.04:27
fuzzynurfhurterhi yall05:54
baizonhi hi05:58
fuzzynurfhurterwhats happining tonight??06:07
baizonFrance vs Spain :D06:31
fuzzynurfhurterhi how do u and a launcher for the different things in the menu ??06:34
baizonfuzzynurfhurter: im sorry i dont understand your question :)06:36
fuzzynurfhurteri think i know now i have to try it real quick lol brain fart06:38
baizonok :)06:42
fuzzynurfhurteri lost where it was to open it man lol06:44
fuzzynurfhurterbaizon i found what i was talking about its the xfce4 menu editor07:19
baizonok :)07:20
fuzzynurfhurterbut i dont understand it07:20
fuzzynurfhurteri gmy badot it now07:21
fuzzynurfhurteri got it now sry lol07:21
fuzzynurfhurterhow do u get icons to the desktop??07:52
fuzzynurfhurteri need alittle help i have a linksys wireless usb card but it wont show up in the network manager08:29
well_laid_lawnfuzzynurfhurter: does it show up when you do   lsusb   in the terminal ?08:31
fuzzynurfhurterwhat do i do with it08:35
well_laid_lawnthere's a guide in the wiki08:53
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:53
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ChintuHello guys!10:10
hobgoblinhello Chintu10:10
ChintuI can't login to root in my xubuntu :/10:12
ChintuSu root10:12
hobgoblinthis going to be fun - quick reply and wait ...10:13
ChintuI am trying to log in as root, but, can't login :/10:23
knomeChintu, root account is not enabled in ubuntu, for a reason10:24
knome!root | Chintu10:24
ubottuChintu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:24
knomeChintu, please use sudo.10:24
hobgoblinsu is disabled by default chintu - use sudo - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:24
knomeeither he has a really bad internet connection, or he thought again "wait, i can try *this*" ...10:25
hobgoblindid you get those links Chintu ?10:25
ChintuYeha :)10:26
Chintuthanks :)10:26
hobgoblinoh good10:26
ChintuTcl is already installed bt where is tclinc?10:27
hobgoblinhi tim_db10:50
snitridehello everyone, i hope someone can help me, i am using xubuntu 12.04 with xfce destop, now what i want to do is, put the reboot, shutdown button back into main menue i followed this howto http://windows7forums.com/linux/42676-create-desktop-launcher-shortcut-shutdown-restart-ubuntu.html this also works but only if i execute the python script in a terminal, as soon as i add it as launcher in the mainmenue the python script asks me for11:29
snitridefor clarification: script works with out asking for sudo password if executed in terminal, but starts asking for sudo password if i add the command "python /pathtoscript/.pythonscript"11:31
snitrideto main menue as launcher11:31
snitridesorry wrong link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342763 :)11:34
jochench habe häufig das lästige Problem, dass beim Booten meines xubuntu die alte Sitzung wieder hergestellt wird. Häufig fehlt dann auch die Fensterleiste. Löschen des Ordners ".cache" löst das Problem. Wie kann ich das Hochfahren der alten Sitzung dauerhaft verhindern?13:04
hobgoblin!de | jochen13:05
ubottujochen: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:05
jochensorry. Hatte mich vertan... das wollte ich eigentlich inn #ubuntu-de-offtopic gefragt haben, nachdem in #Ubuntu-de niemand geantwortet hat...13:08
knomeenglish, please.13:09
SkippersBossjochen: if you ask your question in English inhere or #ubuntu you probably will get some answers on your boot problmes13:10
SkippersBoss!patience | jochen13:11
ubottujochen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:11
jochentnx. I am not as good in english language to write my question there, but I will have a look there...13:16
xubuntu748anyone knows how to decrease volume balloon time out13:31
xubuntu748..or whats it called13:32
xubuntu748volume indicator time out13:32
SandJxubuntu748, hang on in there.  Looking...13:34
hobgoblinxubuntu748: I thought there should be a notification setting in the settings manager - but I've got xfce4.10 here and it appears to be missing13:40
xubuntu748the same with me13:40
SandJxubuntu748, Start menu, settings, settings manager, notifications, Disappear after [ ] seconds.13:40
hobgoblinxubuntu748: settings manager - settings editor - xfce4-notifyd13:41
hobgoblinmy expire timeout is at 113:41
SandJAnd changing "xfce4-notifyd" DOES change it in " Start menu, settings, settings manager, notifications" so it is the same thing.13:43
SandJxubuntu748, thank you for raising that question - I have been meaning to work out how to do that for weeks!13:43
xubuntu748so easy!13:44
SandJ... when you know how!13:44
xubuntu748thank you very much!13:45
SandJIf I'm running Xubuntu 12.04 and have all the updates installed, why do I have xfce4.8 and you have xfce4.10 ?13:46
hobgoblinI installed 4.10 - it's in a ppa13:47
SandJOh, I see.  That game me enough to Google with:  "XFCE 4.10 was released about two weeks ago, too late to be included in Xubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin. But you can install the latest XFCE 4.10 in Xubuntu 12.04 using a PPA."13:48
hobgoblinyep - but it's not supported afaik13:48
SandJHmm.  And its list of features seem to be all available to me anyway.  E.g. I have moved the 2nd panel to the left and my top panel is 2 rows.   I stay with the supported stuff.  :-)13:50
hobgoblinpanel has deskbar option and it will also tile apps13:52
hobgoblinbut yea stay with supported stuff :)13:53
uskerinehi, i am running the live xubuntu distribution, how could I change xsession so i run mwm/lesstif instead of xfce?14:02
uskerineor... how can login be enabled in xubuntu live cd?14:04
Kingsyguys, the volume control icon has literally vanished from my notifaction area.. how do you get it back?14:25
KingsyI still have sound tho14:25
ChintuRight click on Panel 1>> Then, Item tab >> add << Maybe, it'll help you, I guess!14:27
KingsyChintu: that wont get anything back in the notifaction area14:28
Kingsyits not even a part of that. its a seperate thing14:29
ChintuHmm, You're talking about Notification , I thought, Taskbar..14:29
Kingsyit worked tho14:30
KingsyI added it to the panel14:30
ChintuHmm, I am new with these Linux thing, I just guessed that :)14:30
Kingsyhmm yeah that actually isnt it..14:31
KingsyI can see the icon but the way it works isnt the same..14:31
Kingsyso yeah I need to add it to the notifaction area again I assume14:31
ChintuXubuntu has Notification Sound? :o14:32
ChintuI thought, It doesn't play any sound :/14:33
ChintuAs it is in mine :/14:33
Kingsyno, not notifaction sound.. just a sound icon in the notifaction area14:34
hobgoblinKingsy: have you removed something ?14:34
Kingsyso you can increase / decrease the sound14:34
Kingsyhobgoblin: umm I removed gmusicbrowser..14:34
Kingsyapart from that I don't know14:34
hobgoblinthat shouldn't do it afaik14:34
Kingsyhobgoblin: what is the package called that displays that icon? I will try and install it.. see if I have it or not14:36
hobgoblinindicator-sound I believe14:36
hobgoblinkingsy have you got the network and messaging icons?14:36
Kingsyindicator-sound is already the newest version.14:37
Kingsyhobgoblin: yeah I get networking notifactions and such14:37
Kingsybanshee also tells me when its changing tracks14:37
hobgoblinnot sure then - sorry14:40
en1gmai just installed xubuntu on my laptop a few mins ago and did all the updates. i then hooked up my lcd to the vga port on my laptop15:26
en1gmahow do i extend my desktop? my laptop physically sets BELOW my lcd and is centered too15:26
en1gmawhat do i do to fix this? right now i think its just cloned15:26
en1gmaand my LCD is lower then my laptop as far as the software is concerened15:27
Sysitry arandr15:27
en1gmai have to move my mouse (on the lcd) towards the top to get the cursor to show up on the laptop15:27
en1gmawhats arandr15:28
Sysitool to adjust (multiple) displays15:29
en1gmaits in the software center?15:29
en1gmathanks. but is that pretty much what people do when they have multiple displays? i mean usually i just click in the display manager or w/e and you can move the displays around and extend or w/e. just checking to make sure this is the standard app people use in xubuntu as i am new to it and usually use ubuntu15:30
hobgoblinit's what I use15:32
en1gmaok. will grab it then after i finish installing some other apps15:32
en1gmabtw xubuntu is basically what i wind up with whenever i get done uninstalling all my office stuff from ubuntu and setting my power options and getting back my old UI (i hate unity) so good work whoever put this all together15:33
en1gmafeels nice and fast and no bloat15:33
* Chintu is away "auto away after 20 minutes idling" • Log: on • Pager: off15:45
=== Chintu is now known as Chintu[away]
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
ThePirateBay_seIs it possible to recreate this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4G4yKrMI7p4/TZY1dqN3YII/AAAAAAAABRs/oa4501Z2qgI/s1600/Screenshot3.png on Xubuntu?16:08
ThePirateBay_seSuggestions appreciated folks! :)16:08
pleia2recreate what exactly?16:13
ThePirateBay_seCan that theme work on XFCE and can that dock be put?16:14
ThePirateBay_seAlso what about the Mac-like app menu?16:14
Sysixfce uses same themes as gnome (notice gtk2 + gtk3), you can use any dock you like, there should be globalmenu available some way16:15
ThePirateBay_seI do wonder if someone can look up for a globalmenu compatible with the latest Xubuntu..16:20
kencauseyI've just installed xubuntu on a laptop I want to lend a friend.  I started by creating an account for myself.  I then created an account for my friend.  I want my friend to be able to install software without needing to know my password, and other related things.  If he trashes the laptop it's no problem. I've gone into users and set him as administrator.  But nonetheless when I try to install16:47
kencauseysoftware as him it always asks for my password.  Help?16:47
pleia2why do you think it's asking for your password?16:48
pleia2put his password in when the prompt comes up16:48
kencauseyIt says my name16:48
pleia2in his user?16:48
kencauseyI login as him, his name appears at the top right16:49
kencauseyYet in the password field to authorize software installation it says my name16:49
kencausey'Password for ken:'16:50
kencauseyand entering his password is not accepted16:50
SkippersBosskencausey, has he been added to the list of sudoers16:50
kencauseySorry, old laptop, takes a bit of time to logout and in to another account...16:52
kencauseyHe is not listed, but then I am not either16:53
kencauseySo I checked the groups16:53
kencauseyWe are both in adm16:53
kencauseyhe is not in sudo though, while I am16:53
SkippersBosshe should be :-)16:53
kencauseyFine, I can do this16:54
kencauseyBut this indicates something is messed up16:54
kencauseyin the user configuration16:54
knomekencausey, is it an upgrade?16:54
kencauseyNo, clean install from iso downloaded today16:54
SkippersBossinly first installed user will be automaticly assigned to the sudo group16:54
kencauseyWhat does it mean then to set a user to Administrator?16:55
pleia2kencausey: oh wow, I was able to replicate, it looks like a bug16:55
pleia2let me try some things16:55
kencauseyI know how to get around this of course16:56
SkippersBossi leave u to it then16:56
kencauseyI'm just pointing out that my expectation was wrong or not met.16:56
knomei wonder if this relates somehow to the thing that some group was renamed last cycle, iirc16:56
knomemight be a regression16:56
kencauseyIt is confusing that admin is setup as a trusted group in sudo yet the group I'm in is adm16:56
kencauseys/the group/a group/16:57
pleia2yeah, looks like it16:59
pleia2if you: sudo adduser newUser sudo16:59
kencauseyalready did that, but thanks16:59
pleia2and then log in as that newUser again it's ok17:00
pleia2kencausey: can you submit a bug?17:00
pleia2I'll check if this is still the case in 12.1017:00
kencauseyOK, where?  This is the first time I've ever tried ubuntu.  I'm a Debian user myself.17:01
kencauseyerr xubuntu17:01
kencauseyI have setup ubuntu for a family member or two17:01
kencauseybut not xubuntu before17:01
pleia2kencausey: thoughts on what to submit this against?17:01
pleia2err knome ^^17:01
kencauseyyeah, I'm not sure :)17:01
pleia2but you'll want to use: ubuntu-bug package17:01
pleia2once we figure out what package ;)17:01
kencauseyok, so to ubuntu, great17:02
kencauseyI'll wait17:02
knomepleia2, i'm not sure. maybe the users configuration dialog, or just ubuntu core17:02
pleia2yeah, let me figure out what package the users admin tool is in...17:03
pleia2that should do17:03
kencauseyOK, will do, thanks again17:04
pleia2boo, still exists in 12.1017:06
pleia2kencausey: let me know the bug number once you are able to submit it, I can confirm17:07
kencauseypleia2: sorry delayed there by a phone call and reading the suggested existing bugs: 101693217:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016932 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "Setting user to Adminstrator does not allow software installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101693217:22
pleia2kencausey: thanks!17:22
kencauseythank you for your help17:23
en1gmaalright i cant stand arandr to do my screens17:47
en1gmathere has to be something else17:47
en1gmaomg xrandr is driving me insane18:07
en1gmahow the heck do i do an extended desktop? it shouldnt be this hard18:07
Unit193Try using arandr, it's a GUI for xrandr.18:08
en1gmai am but it dont let me move or even extend the desktops18:08
en1gmayea i mean im using arandr18:08
en1gmai tried grandr but it dont even show up anywhere18:08
en1gmaarandr (for me anyways) lets me activate both my screens, adjust resolution and rotation18:09
en1gmai dont see where i can make each screen independent18:09
en1gmaand move the screens in position i need18:10
Unit193http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/ lists it as able to.18:10
en1gmaits only showing one of my desktops on its main gui screen it appears18:11
en1gmathats prob why i cant do anything18:11
en1gmanm they were overlapped18:12
en1gmai couldnt tell there was 2 there18:12
Unit193Heh, alrighty.18:14
en1gmayea but its still not right18:15
en1gmaon moved my laptop screen (under the lcd screen) but the lcd is m primary i mean my X-menu is on my lcd18:16
en1gmait should be on my laptop (how do i tell arandr which monitor is my primary)?18:16
SkippersBossen1gma, you have tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177652018:18
alazare619does anyone know the official means that xubuntu is built with18:40
alazare619i know its not uck18:40
alazare619but is it live-build?18:40
en1gmaSkippersBoss sorry to respond so late but my step uncle came over and i had to talk to him. i looked at that link and it says the default monitor can not be anything besdies the laptop monitor but it is19:08
en1gmathe default monitor (where the xubuntu menu is) is on my TV (lcd vga)19:08
en1gmai can move the vga-lcd UNDER my laptop in anadr and its all ok19:09
en1gmabut irl my vga-lcd (tv is hanging on my wall and is HIGHER) then my laptop19:09
en1gmaso it would be in reverse19:09
en1gmai would have to move my mouse down to get it on the TV which really should take me moving the mouse up19:10
Sysidrag them where you want with arandr19:10
en1gmai did19:10
en1gmai put my TV abover my laptop19:10
en1gmaand now my default screen is the TV19:10
en1gmait should be my laptop still19:10
SkippersBossyeah but the --primary tag should take care of that19:11
SkippersBossone sec19:12
en1gmai dont know what you mean by that. do i need to add that to xrandr somewhere?19:12
en1gmaoh wait19:13
SkippersBossgo to the panel19:13
en1gmai see something....on my laptop which is lower then the tv (the menu at the bottom of the screen is on the laptop) and the top menu is on the TV19:14
en1gmathe hover menu (not sure what you call it in xubuntu) is at the bottom of my laptop screen (which should be correct if its primary) but the top of my TV screen is the Xubuntu menu and toolbar19:14
en1gmawhich should be on the primary im thinking19:15
SkippersBosspanel preferences display output :select lvds19:15
en1gmak 1 sec19:15
SkippersBossi now have that panel including menu icon on my lvds screen19:17
en1gmai dont see display output19:17
en1gmawiat i see it19:18
en1gmais that all i should have to do?19:18
SkippersBossworked 4 me19:18
SkippersBossand now i have put it back again :-))19:19
en1gmathanks man19:20
en1gmathat did the trick19:20
SkippersBossur welcome19:20
SkippersBosshave fun19:20
en1gmathanks again19:20
xubuntu925Hello all,21:49
xubuntu925I am unable to configure the internal microphone on my Thinkpad T61.  Using Precise Pangolin 12.0421:49
xubuntu925anyone have insights?21:49
GridCubexubuntu925, open pavucontrol and set it up again21:52
xubuntu925GridCube, I have it open.  What do I do next?21:52
xubuntu925I go to "Input Devices"21:53
xubuntu925Show:  All Input Devices21:53
GridCubexubuntu925, do you have the program you need to use the mic open now?21:54
xubuntu925the one I would like to use is Google Voice21:54
xubuntu925for phone calls.21:54
xubuntu925"Hardware Input Devices" shows nothing21:55
xubuntu925"Virtual Input Devices" shows nothing21:55
GridCubeand recording?21:56
xubuntu925"Monitors" seems to be doing something, but looks like it is responding to whatever Youtube's doing21:56
GridCubemmh it should21:56
xubuntu925"Recording" shows absolutely nothing21:56
xubuntu925I've tried playing around with ALSA, to no avail21:56
GridCubexubuntu925, record will show something if you open a program that records like audacity21:58
GridCubei dont know xubuntu925 here it works21:58
GridCubechange the volume level on the mic?21:58
xubuntu925GridCube, there is no way to work the mic volume levels.  Are you talking about Alsa controller?21:59
GridCubein pavucontrol21:59
xubuntu925Do you have a T61?21:59
GridCubeunsilese the mic22:00
xubuntu925How do I unsilence the mic?22:00
xubuntu925the thing is that Pavucontrol shows no microphone options22:00
GridCubeon input devices?22:01
xubuntu925AlsaMixer has no options for the "Internal Mic"22:01
GridCubexubuntu925, use pavucontrol...22:02
xubuntu925GridCube "All except Monitor" shows a blank window with "No input devices available" message22:03
GridCubeooookay then you have a problem my friend22:03
xubuntu925Of course I do22:03
xubuntu925the setup is not detecting the microphone22:03
GridCubedo lspci | grep "Audio"22:04
xubuntu92500:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:04
xubuntu925(that is the output of lspci | grep Audio)22:04
GridCube:D i know22:05
=== zz_Htbrdd is now known as Htbrdd
GridCubexubuntu925, ok22:13
GridCubeso it seems like you need to tell alsa what intel you are using22:13
GridCubelets try something ok?22:13
xubuntu925OK, let's try it, GridCube22:13
GridCubepress alt-f2 and write gksu leafpad /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:14
GridCubeand at the end of the file add this line:22:14
GridCubeoptions snd-hda-intel model=lenovo22:14
xubuntu925basically, edit that file?  I'll open it in Vim22:14
GridCubeyup ok22:15
GridCubexubuntu653, it says lenovo because that one uses the same sound card22:15
GridCubenow restart alsa22:16
xubuntu925alsa force-reload ?22:16
GridCubei would unload it first22:16
GridCubejust to be sure22:16
xubuntu925how do I unload?22:17
xubuntu925terminating processes ...22:17
GridCubeif you type alsa and hit enter it will say all the options22:17
xubuntu925alsa force-reload22:17
GridCubeit should have taken the new configs22:18
xubuntu925Should I see the 'Lenovo" statement in the Loading ALSA sound driver modules?22:18
GridCubei dont honestly know22:18
xubuntu925Loading ALSA sound driver modules: snd-hda-codec-analog snd-hda-intel snd-hda-codec snd-hwdep snd-pcm snd-timer snd-page-alloc22:19
GridCubebut i dont think so22:19
GridCubexubuntu925, check with pavucontrol now22:19
xubuntu925well, whatever it is, it reloaded itself22:19
GridCubeor alsamixer22:19
xubuntu925nope, still nada22:20
xubuntu925Internal Mic is still a blank22:20
GridCubemmmhm i see22:20
GridCubemaybe, maaaaaaaybe, you need to reboot?22:20
xubuntu925is this a current list:22:21
GridCubeor better why dont you ask on #ubuntu-studio they use xubuntu as their base now, and they should know much more about sound stuff than us22:22
GridCubemaybe you can find people there who knows what they are telling you for sure22:22
xubuntu925"options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad"22:22
GridCubesure try that22:22
xubuntu925it seems like that would correspond to my model22:23
xubuntu925but that is more or less what ALSA is looking for22:23
GridCubebut i dont know if alsa is taking the new configs or not22:23
xubuntu925let me reboot22:23
xubuntu925I will be back,22:24
xubuntu925my new nick will be22:24
HmblEfrtNChaoswhat does the auth to services widget option do on this web irc connect?22:28
knomeHmblEfrtNChaos, if you have a freenode account, you can sign in to that via the webchat.22:29
T61_problemsGridCube, it didn't work22:29
GridCube:( T61_problems22:30
GridCubei don't really know much more22:30
GridCubeT61_problems, please go to #ubuntu-studio and ask there, im pretty sure someoner there should know22:31
T61_problemsI have a windows partition on the machine, let me check the mic via that22:31
T61_problemsdiscount an outright hardware issue22:31
HmblEfrtNChaosKnome, thanks and thank you for being the first person ever to respond to me on IRC it's sad im 27 had access to a computer since 16 and only now lol22:32
knomeHmblEfrtNChaos, no problem :)22:32
HmblEfrtNChaosknome, well my main question reason for here was if i get the torrent download i can just install from my current windows desktop22:32
knomeHmblEfrtNChaos, i'd suggest burning the ISO to a cd, that way you can try xubuntu live from the cd first, without installing22:33
HmblEfrtNChaosyeah i only have a 5gb system with no burner22:33
HmblEfrtNChaosI only really use this to do minimal text editing and surf the net so nothing fancy22:34
HmblEfrtNChaosso that should work though right just torrent and I can install from my current desktop>22:35
xubuntu653Hi. Anybody know how to increase the window border width on window edge grab space? It's one pixel and given my 8000x6000 resolution it's hard to grab.22:37
knomeHmblEfrtNChaos, with wubi, yes, but i'm not sure if 5GB is enough. using a usb disk is another option22:37
knomexubuntu653, see http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/22:37
HmblEfrtNChaosYour cool knome thanks i'm reading some documentation now i was just excited to try and get an answer on irc and now my irc career has started thanks pal22:38
HmblEfrtNChaosI'm off all the best22:38
xubuntu653I tried alt-rightclick-drag and it doesn't work? What am I doing wrong? Is it too much to ask to make the borders bigger? How do I do that?22:40
xubuntu653I wouldn't mind using the alt-rightclick-drag except I use 7 different machines and to have to remember to do this special thing on this one is silly.22:41
knomexubuntu653, that would need editing the theme. you can change the xfwm theme though, that should help22:41
T61_problemsGridCube, the microphone works fine, window's side.22:41
T61_problemsit isn't hardware.22:41
T61_problemswhat was that other room you suggested?22:41
knomethat would be #ubuntustudio22:41
T61_problemshow do I go there?  IRC I am not familiar with22:41
knomeT61_problems, /join #channame22:41
xubuntu653I tried changing the theme 600 different ways, what exactly do I change?22:42
th0rT61_problems, I just fixed my new xubuntu install...couldn't get the mic to work in skype. Just uninstalled pulseaudio22:44
knomexubuntu653, you'd need to change the pictures if you wanted to change the border with.22:44
T61_problemsth0r, did uninstalling pulseaudio fix it?22:44
knomexubuntu653, to change the theme to some other, go to settings manager -> window manager -> tab 'style'22:44
T61_problemsth0r, alsamixer shows nothing for the internal mic.22:44
GridCubeknome, #ubuntu-studio works aswell22:44
knomeGridCube, didn't know that. :)22:45
th0rT61_problems, yup. But I have to admit, alsamixer did show the mic previously, but it just didn't work22:45
GridCubewell i never knew it was without the - :P22:45
T61_problemsth0r, is yours the T61 or is it the T61p?22:45
T61_problemsmine is the T61, and the hardware is fine, as verified by checking within the Windoze partition22:46
th0rT61_problems, I didn't even think about it til a few minutes ago when I saw your question. I have just gone back to xubuntu from suse and hadn't even installed skype yet22:46
T61_problemssudo apt-get uninstall pulseaudio?22:46
GridCubexubuntu653, you need to change the theme on the window manager options22:46
th0rI am using a gateway netbook. But I had similar issues with other laptops so had previous experience with pulse.22:46
th0rT61_problems, yea...that simple. If it doesn't work, you can always put it back22:46
T61_problemsso you ran into this issue in your T61, not your Gateway22:47
th0rT61_problems, not a T61....don't have one. On the gateway, and previously on a dell d600.22:48
T61_problemsnope, no dice22:48
T61_problemsthis issue is hard to track down22:48
th0rT61_problems, ah well....was worth a shot22:48
xubuntu653changing the theme doesn't help, because all of the themes have 1 pixel borders. I don't care what theme I use, but how do I change a theme to have thick borders?23:15
knomexubuntu653, as i said, you'll need to edit the pictures in the xfwm subdir of the theme23:16
xubuntu653I tried that, but I'll try again, thanks.23:25
xubuntu653one moment.23:25
xubuntu027Does anyone know the recomended system requirements to run OS23:35
xubuntu653so I changed /usr/share/themes/Greybird/xfwm4/top*.png to be bigger and rebooted, and no change. What am I doing wrong?23:41
David-Axubuntu653: what do you want to happen? (no need to reboot, just logout/login)23:45
knomexubuntu653, you might want to change the theme to something else and back, that might work.23:45

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