
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
KombuchaKipI have a bundle file someone sent me of their changes to my branch. I'd like to apply their changes, but selectively. Is there a GUI manual merge technique?00:59
luke-jrI got disconnected during a long branch (from a remote branch); is there a way to use the already-downloaded data when I try again?01:56
javeI'm playing with fastimport/export. For example, the emacs bzr repo. A conversion takes: Exported 121365 revisions in 1:36:5911:42
jave(I use a gitbzr script for convenience)11:42
javewheres the bottleneck? I dont think the server used is super slow at least11:43
rawrprofile it and find out.11:46
jelmerjave: are you fastexporting directly from the server?11:48
jelmerjave: that won't be very fast, it'll be trying to manually extract all full texts11:48
javejelmer: no theres a local bzr emacs checkout I convert from11:50
wgzdo you mean checkout? because that's just the tree state, you need the whole repository locally#11:51
javesorry im not too good with the bzr terminology. I meant an entire copy of the emacs repository.11:52
javecan I, say, convert the repo disk format to something that is space-inefficient but fast?11:54
qaghanGuys, I have a problem. I cannot push files onto Launchpad. I created an SSH key, copied and registered it on Launchpad, have the files in my /.ssh folder and the trunk of my project that I want to push14:34
qaghanbut I still keep getting the permission denied(publickey) error14:34
qaghanI did do $ bzr launchpad-id thingie also14:35
xuedihello there, this might be a stupid question, i installed bzr-gtk on debian ... Does someone know the name of the binary to start the gtk frontend? bzr-gtk does not exist17:02
kbulgriendpkg -L <package_name>19:30
kbulgrienWhy do people ask questions and leave only minutes later...19:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
SteveAgood evening!20:52
SteveAI'm introducing bzr to a team that is using Eclipse on Ubuntu, and looking for a recommendation of whether to suggest QBrzEclipse or BzrEclipse.20:53
SteveAhi beuno, BjornT, bob2, elmo, jamesh, james_w, herb, jelmer, kirkland, lamont, lifeless, mthaddon, mwhudson, Ng, spiv, verterok! Look me up if you're in London.20:58
SteveAhi jam too20:59
lifelessSteveA: hi :)21:04
lifelessI think qbzreclipse has more cycles being put into it21:04
lifelessbzreclipse is a little unmaintained at the moment I think, verterok is flat out with $otherstuff21:04
SteveAthanks lifeless21:37
SteveAany recommendations on what the best svn integration is right now?21:37
lifelessbzr to svn, or eclipse to svn ?21:37
lifelessbzr-svn if you mean the former.21:38
SteveAsvn to bzr and back, although for the back journey, we'll most likely produce hand-crafted patches and manually commit to svn21:38
SteveAso, mainly taking an svn branch at a particular revision, and want to make a bzr branch of that21:38
SteveAand be able to pull updates from that svn branch over time21:39
lifeless'bzr branch svn:///.... '.... wait, bzr pull at later date21:39
lifelessit will do some fairly extensive number crunching if the repo is big, on first execution.21:41
lifelessThis maps out the whole history etc. It stores it in a db in ~/.bazaar/svn/ IIRC. So its fast on second and third etc21:41

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