
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKdebfx: Excellent.  I'll have a look.01:33
ScottKdebfx: Why did you bump down MINIMUM_KDEPIM_VERSION?  It's not mentioned in debian/changelog for meta-kde.01:36
starbuckhi, anyone knows if there is a deb package for 2mandvd?08:29
shadeslayerhmm .. nothing in the official repos08:47
shadeslayerstarbuck: I see a package for lucid08:48
shadeslayerstarbuck: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=2mandvd08:48
shadeslayerI guess getdeb might have something08:50
shadeslayerand it does : http://www.getdeb.net/app/2ManDVD08:50
starbuckhey shadeslayer, thanks for spotting that :)08:54
shadeslayernp :)08:59
jussiwhat package contains the plasma active viewer? 10:00
Tm_Tjussi: wallpaper viewer or?10:00
shadeslayerplasma active viewer?10:01
shadeslayerwhat's that10:01
jussiTm_T: nah, the equivalent of gwenview... I somehow got it and everytime I open a photo it opens with that10:01
Tm_Tactive-imageviewer then10:02
shadeslayerheh :P10:02
Tm_Tplasma-active-imageviewer: /usr/bin/active-imageviewer10:02
shadeslayeryou could also make KDE prefer one app over the other10:02
shadeslayerso if you want, you could keep p-a-imageviewer10:03
jussishadeslayer: but then i have to do it for all the different mimetypes...10:03
jussibah, got to run. leave me some suggestions. :D10:03
shadeslayerjussi: well .. true10:03
Tm_Treinstall gwenview, I believe newest install is most preferred10:04
shadeslayercould someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/digikam12:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kcouncil12:18
jussiAny of the council about? 12:19
jussiRiddell: apachelogger?  12:19
jussiTm_T: no help there Im afraid12:24
jussialso ryanakca if you are around Id love to ttalk to you12:33
BluesKajHowdy all12:47
debfxScottK: hm, can't remember but having different version for pim and the rest of kde doesn't really make sense for us. anyway it doesn't really make a difference what version is in there.14:15
shadeslayerScottK: should I request a backport of digikam or just upload it to the kubuntu backports ppa?15:51
shadeslayerI guess kubuntu backports then official backports 15:52
ScottKdebfx: OK.  Thanks.15:57
ScottKdebfx: Accepted.15:57
ScottKI'll try and look at the rest later today or tomorrow.15:58
ScottKMoving the second child into University today.16:01
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PingatorHi, someone working on kmix here? I want to find the place, where the increment of volume on hotkey press is defined16:45
ScottKPingator: We mostly package KDE.  I'd try #kde-devel.16:55
ScottK(I think that's it)16:55
Pingatorthx /join #kde-devel16:55
Pingatorhm  i cant chain text and cmds16:55
ScottKNo.  The / has to start the line.16:56
ScottKdebfx: I accepted the first batch of packages.  I included kde-workspace by mistake, so it'll need a retry after kdepimlibs is built.19:16
ScottKagateau: I'd appreciate it if you'd look at Bug 101700 and see if you can figure anything out.19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 101700 in Silva "zip-file import: option "title for assets" unnecessary (?) and usability issues" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10170019:51
ScottKerr Bug 101700519:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017005 in quassel (Ubuntu) "Quassel uses knotify instead of libnotify" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101700519:51
jussiScottK: heya20:00
jussiScottK: Had freenode staff come to me about #kubuntuforums-* asking for a group registration, i assume our policy is to redirect such things to the ubuntu ircc ?20:01
ScottKjussi: Not necessarily.  I'd talk to claydoh first since he knows Kubuntu Forums people and it's really not managed through the rest of the Kubuntu project.20:02
jussiScottK: right, thanks. Ill wait for claydoh then 20:03
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yofelfirefox/google fun: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/ffx_katt.png - http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?client=Firefox&hl=en-US&site=https://wiki.kubuntu.org/21:13
shadeslayerafiestas_: ping21:28
shadeslayeryofel: same here21:29
afiestas_shadeslayer: pong21:33
shadeslayerafiestas_: pm plz21:34

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