
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stlsaintntwrk_keith: wlan through command?00:59
msdaisyhow do you restart a service (in particular the nfs server) in command line?02:54
msdaisyI'm typing sudo nfs-kernel-server restart and I get "command not found"02:54
msdaisyduh. forgot the 'service'02:56
SoxHow do I install an earlier kernel? The one that comes with 12.04 doesn't have drivers that support my equipment and I know the earlier kernels did.06:10
JoseeAntonioRSox: You should install a previous version, then.06:15
SoxI guess that probably would work best. Do you know where I can find older versions of Ubuntu to download?06:15
JoseeAntonioRSox: sure, http://releases.ubuntu.com06:16
SoxOkay, great! One more question:  How do I keep the distro from updating to the newest version.06:16
JoseeAntonioRjust don't upgrade the version, just the packaged06:16
JoseeAntonioRyou will be prompted with the option, but don't choose it06:17
SoxOkay, so when my distro's auto-update tries to update the version, I'll deselect it and just let it update the various packages, right?06:17
SoxThanks a lot. Have a good one!06:18
JoseeAntonioRyou too!06:18
alo21ji all08:24
alo21can someone help me just for a while, please?08:25
drsa2i was using ubuntu 10.1009:44
drsa2i use whole 320 gb hard disc for ubuntu09:44
drsa2i would like to upgrade 10.10 to 12.0409:44
geirhaIf you had 10.04, you could've upgraded directly to 12.0409:45
drsa2my question is am i able to partition ubuntu as in windows09:45
geirhabut from 10.10 you have to upgrade to 11.04, then 11.10, then 12.0409:45
drsa2like c drive and d drive so on09:46
drsa2no i downloded 12.04 from the forum09:46
geirhaYou want to install 12.04 alongside 10.10?09:46
drsa2you know in windows we got c drive  we install OS09:47
geirhayou can split your system into multiple partitions, yes, but there's no c: d: etc. Instead you assign them directories09:47
drsa2how do i do09:48
StarChild_Hi everyone. I have a problem09:48
geirhawhat's the goal here?09:48
drsa2after making directories if i upgrade from my current os to 12.04 will i loose data09:49
geirhaa common setup is to have a smaller partition (15-30GB) for /, the rest for /home09:49
geirhadrsa2: If you upgrade, no. If you install, yes09:49
geirhaSo it sounds like you want /home on a separate partition09:50
StarChild_When I install Ubuntu server 12.04 with lvm encrypted partitions I cant use GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub. It's working great without the encryption09:50
drsa2ok then you know if i do /home in a seperate partition am i able to update os with out loosing the data09:51
drsa2update / install09:51
geirhadrsa2: You'll be able to install the new os over the old without wiping your homedir09:51
StarChild_ /boot isn't encrypted, so I dont understand why this shouldn't work? (I have run update-grub)09:51
drsa2ok i need that09:51
drsa2i use tomboy notes alot09:52
ubot2Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving09:52
drsa2and my photos and other libreries09:52
geirhaStarChild_: Not my area of expertice, but I'd also expect that to work regardless of encryption09:53
geirhadrsa2: And your photos and music etc, are stored somewhere under your homedir, right?09:53
StarChild_yeah, I ripped my hear off until I found that a clean install with encrypted trough the installation program was the problem, and exactly the same installation procedure but without encryption dosn't work.09:56
geirhadrsa2: Try following that guide. Ask in here, if anything is unclear09:56
StarChild_And I cant find anyone with the same problem when I google it, maybe I cant google..09:57
StarChild_sorry, "without encryption it works"09:57
poltui am some geting problem with my usb device10:09
poltuany body can help me?10:10
poltuUSB pendrive is not working in my ubuntu 12.0410:10
StarChild_poltu: what does it say then?10:11
poltuno respond10:12
StarChild_fat32 pendrive on a Ubuntu desktop edition machine?10:12
poltuntfs MSI netbook U27010:13
StarChild_and it's not a virtual mashine?10:13
poltudawonload vartual usb analyzer10:14
poltuwhat can i do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:16
geirhadoes it work on other machines/operating systems?10:18
poltuyes work it10:18
geirhaIf it has ntfs, the most likely reason for it to fail is that it was not properly unmounted, i.e. forgetting to do "safely remove usb"10:20
geirhaOnly windows can deal with that since ntfs is a proprietary filesystem10:20
geirhaso, if you have a windows system available, plug it in there, do a filesystem check on it, then choose to "safely remove"10:21
geirhasee if it works on your Ubuntu system after that10:21
poltunot working10:24
poltuwindows dedect and working but ubuntu not working what hapend i dont know?10:25
StarChild_is it working in ubuntu if you format it to fat32?10:29
poltui do this10:30
poltuwhen i insart pendrive just few second blink than off no respond?10:35
alo21hi all12:06
alo21can someone says me where all config file in thesource are?12:06
s-foxHi :)13:46
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