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alo21 | hi all | 05:18 |
alo21 | how can I build a dep-package? | 05:18 |
alo21 | hi all | 06:33 |
alo21 | Can I set a bug as "Fix Commtied" once I attach the parch? | 06:34 |
alo21 | patch* | 06:38 |
alo21 | rsalveti: hi | 06:39 |
alo21 | hi all | 08:24 |
alo21 | TheLordOfTime: hi | 08:30 |
alo21 | TheLordOfTime: did you find some solution last night? | 08:30 |
alo21 | u | 09:04 |
alo21 | hi all | 11:01 |
alo21 | where are all config files in a source? | 11:08 |
arand | alo21: I commented on your patch suggestion for juju, it seems to break the build in that help2man fails to get output from "--help" or "-h", somehow, you probably need to rework your patch so that this doesn't happen. | 11:24 |
arand | (I'm not sure why exactly it fails) | 11:24 |
arand | alo21: When you attach a patch, you would add a "patch" tag. | 11:26 |
arand | "Fix commited" is for when the fix is incorporated into the project but not released, as a rough description. | 11:27 |
larsduesing | are "Bugs" which are more a wishlist-item ok in launchpad? or how to handle them? | 12:53 |
larsduesing | (after reading https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage I'm not really sure.. | 12:53 |
penguin42 | can you give an example of the bug? | 12:54 |
larsduesing | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aiccu/+bug/797268 | 12:54 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 797268 in aiccu "aiccu configuration should warn users that extra steps are needed in order to configure a tunnel" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:54 |
penguin42 | larsduesing: Right, first note that the dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage is for bugs in launchpad itself as opposed to Ubuntu bugs | 12:55 |
penguin42 | larsduesing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance is a better reference for ubuntu bugs | 12:55 |
larsduesing | oh.. ah | 12:56 |
larsduesing | ok.. so anybody should flag it as wishlist | 12:56 |
larsduesing | I'm not capable to do it :) | 12:56 |
* penguin42 can | 12:57 | |
larsduesing | it would be nice, if you could do it :-) | 12:57 |
larsduesing | thanks | 12:58 |
larsduesing | :) | 12:58 |
penguin42 | done - now probably the right thing is to ask him to raise it with the developers of aiccu upstream; I'm guessing it's unlikely the ubuntu devs are going to pick it up themselves, unless one of them happens to want to do it | 12:59 |
larsduesing | penguin42: I happen to be the only one who is actively maintaining the ubuntu part of aiccu... | 12:59 |
penguin42 | ah right! | 12:59 |
larsduesing | but I'm not really sure about this proposal... | 13:00 |
penguin42 | larsduesing: So I don't know anything about aiccu; normally the thing would be to file a corresponding bug in the upstream bug tracker - but I can't see one | 13:01 |
larsduesing | there is no upstream bug tracker | 13:01 |
larsduesing | (if you do not talk about debian, which has of course...) | 13:02 |
penguin42 | larsduesing: Is most of aiccu's development done upstream or by people in debian/ubuntu? | 13:02 |
larsduesing | I'm not really sure | 13:04 |
larsduesing | but a version-string 20070115-15ubuntu3 says nearly all :-) | 13:04 |
penguin42 | hmm is there a newer upstream or debian version? | 13:04 |
larsduesing | it seems to be done in debian | 13:04 |
larsduesing | that is current merge from debian | 13:05 |
penguin42 | sounds like nothing much has happened there then | 13:05 |
larsduesing | https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/aiccu/+changelog | 13:05 |
larsduesing | yes | 13:06 |
larsduesing | all done was some dependencies for kfreebsd :) | 13:06 |
penguin42 | http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=aiccu&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all | 13:06 |
penguin42 | so nothing happened there either | 13:06 |
larsduesing | yes | 13:07 |
larsduesing | it is quite often used, it works, fine :) | 13:08 |
penguin42 | and the last version on https://www.sixxs.net/tools/aiccu/ is 2007.01.15 (for Unix) | 13:08 |
larsduesing | yes | 13:08 |
larsduesing | that's it as I said | 13:08 |
penguin42 | so to be honest it looks like a dead project except for Windows which they're still doing updates for - is the right thing to see if the functionality is in something like network manager? | 13:09 |
larsduesing | so nothing really happens there | 13:09 |
larsduesing | not really | 13:09 |
larsduesing | it is an ipv6-gateway | 13:09 |
penguin42 | back in about 10mins | 13:09 |
larsduesing | np | 13:10 |
larsduesing | sixxs gives away ipv6-nets and routes them over ipv4 - aiccu is the client which gives ipv6-connectivity to the local net | 13:11 |
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penguin42 | larsduesing: Isn't that a pretty common thing to do with ipv6 - or is it a different way each provider does it? | 13:20 |
* penguin42 wonders hth to mark a bug of mine as a dupe in kde's bugtracker | 13:24 | |
penguin42 | ah found it | 13:28 |
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alo21 | hi, can someone help me with this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju/+bug/956000), please? | 16:46 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 956000 in juju "'juju bootstrap' with no arguments gives confusing message" [Low,In progress] | 16:46 |
* penguin42 looks | 16:47 | |
alo21 | penguin42: i tell you more in detail | 16:48 |
alo21 | penguin42: in the last messagge, Cli wrote "<edit>". Does it mean aplly the patch? | 16:48 |
penguin42 | not obvious to me whether that's just a bug in the docs he was using | 16:48 |
alo21 | apply* | 16:48 |
penguin42 | ok, I see | 16:49 |
alo21 | penguin42: ok | 16:49 |
penguin42 | alo21: Yes where he says <edit> he means apply the patches or make your changes | 16:49 |
alo21 | penguin42: in this case, the patch I made | 16:50 |
penguin42 | alo21: Because upstream juju is maintained in bzr/launchpad it makes it easy for you to submit the patch directly to it | 16:50 |
penguin42 | alo21: But note comment #5 about there being a problem with your patch | 16:50 |
alo21 | penguin42: In fact they would see what problem is it | 16:51 |
alo21 | it is* | 16:51 |
alo21 | penguin42: can I ask more one question? | 17:06 |
alo21 | one more* | 17:07 |
alo21 | ypwong: hi | 17:12 |
penguin42 | alo21: Sure | 17:27 |
alo21 | penguin42: can I add tags, if necessary? | 17:28 |
penguin42 | alo21: Yes, there is a list of common ones | 17:28 |
alo21 | penguin42: ok... what should I know to fix bug.... | 17:28 |
alo21 | penguin42: For example I know C and Python, but, for , me is very hard to fix bitsize bugs | 17:29 |
alo21 | penguin42: because I cannot find the, | 17:29 |
penguin42 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags | 17:29 |
alo21 | penguin42: have you got any suggestion? | 17:30 |
penguin42 | alo21: Sometimes it helps if you pick a group of packages or one package and get to know it well | 17:30 |
penguin42 | alo21: Then you get used to how that package fixes bug upstream and where in the code things are, so maybe you can fix a few bugs at the same time | 17:31 |
alo21 | penguin42: how can I know a package very well? The common applcations I use are Thunderbird and Firefox | 17:31 |
penguin42 | alo21: Those are huge packages - they take a lot of experience I think | 17:31 |
alo21 | penguin42: where did you start? | 17:32 |
alo21 | from* | 17:32 |
penguin42 | alo21: If you are interested in fixing bugs in them it might be best to look at those projects upstream and their wikis for small bugs in them, but not all packages are as complex as firefox | 17:32 |
alo21 | penguin42: what about Unity? | 17:32 |
penguin42 | alo21: I don't know much about Unity, I think there might be a channel specially for unity dev; I suspect it's simpler than firefox say - and all (?) of the dev is done in Ubuntu rather than upstream | 17:33 |
alo21 | penguin42: ok, thanks | 17:34 |
penguin42 | alo21: I tend to mostly fix bugs that annoy me or when I spot them in lp bugs where I know the package or where it's easy to understand | 17:34 |
alo21 | penguin42: I would like too... but most of this bugs are a little bit tricky her (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize) | 17:36 |
alo21 | penguin42: they required a good knowledge of each package | 17:37 |
penguin42 | alo21: hmm I'm not sure why some of those are bitesize | 17:38 |
penguin42 | alo21: I'd say pick a package that you understand how to use well, and isn't too big and see if you can pick some bugs off that | 17:39 |
alo21 | penguin42: ok, thanks for your advices | 17:40 |
TheLordOfTime | alo21: also, your patch from yesterday | 17:40 |
TheLordOfTime | it causes an FTBFS issue on the juju package | 17:41 |
TheLordOfTime | (separate from current FTBFS issues) | 17:41 |
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