pleia2 | well, thanks everyone! | 00:00 |
knome | thanks | 00:00 |
pleia2 | next session is starting in a moment :) | 00:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Finding Helpful Resources - Instructors: OutOfCountrol | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 00:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Finding Helpful Resources - Instructors: OutOfControl | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 00:02 |
pleia2 | ok, looks like our speaker for this session got a bit delayed, hopefully he'll be able to start soon :) | 00:05 |
OutOfControl | Hi, and welcome to Finding Helpful Resources session | 00:07 |
OutOfControl | i am better known as Benonsoftware around here and I will be running though that is useful | 00:08 |
OutOfControl | first of is IRC | 00:08 |
OutOfControl | There is plenty of ubuntu channels out there for support | 00:09 |
OutOfControl | #ubuntu being the main support channel | 00:09 |
OutOfControl | And #ubuntu-beginners another channel | 00:10 |
OutOfControl | many LoCo teams provide support on their channels also. | 00:10 |
OutOfControl | also if there is any questions asked them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat starting with QUESTION: | 00:11 |
OutOfControl | another great resource is the classroom sessions like this, the classroom team does a great job running the sessions. | 00:12 |
OutOfControl | now onto | 00:13 |
OutOfControl | On that site is two types of support, official docs and the community run one at | 00:14 |
OutOfControl | You can find almost everything to help you there and if not you can create your own article on the community docs | 00:15 |
OutOfControl | All you need to edit is a launchpad account | 00:16 |
OutOfControl | for those that want to get help but want to turn it into a game is | 00:18 |
OutOfControl | you reputation if people vote your questions and answers | 00:19 |
OutOfControl | any questions so far? | 00:20 |
OutOfControl | Okay then, there is which is another resource and support avenue | 00:21 |
OutOfControl | sorry... Phone crashed | 00:24 |
OutOfControl | there a mailing lists which is in my opinion one of the most important resources | 00:26 |
OutOfControl | shows all ubuntu mailing lists | 00:26 |
OutOfControl | most lists there provides support and different ubuntu flavors have there own lists there like Lubuntu-users and xubuntu-users | 00:27 |
OutOfControl | any questions so far? | 00:28 |
OutOfControl | launchpad mailing lists are also used by teams as a resource and support for users | 00:29 |
OutOfControl | To see if a team uses launchpad lists go to their team page and on the lower left hand corner you can deep if they have a mailing list or not. | 00:30 |
OutOfControl | As we are on the topic of launchpad, launchpad provides a question and answer section for each project | 00:32 |
OutOfControl | there are many users who likes to or wants to help and support users, you can find them on any resource I've listed so far. | 00:33 |
OutOfControl | Say if you've found a bug in a program and it uses launchpad, is the right place to head to. | 00:34 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: Do you need a Launchpad account to make questions? | 00:35 |
OutOfControl | yes, to answer and ask questions, report bugs, edit a launchpad account is the gateway to post and edit there | 00:36 |
OutOfControl | Https:// is a good guide on how to report bugs on launchpad | 00:37 |
OutOfControl | LoCo teams; most, if not all LoCo teams provides support for users, their IRC channels and mailing lists are a good place to start | 00:40 |
OutOfControl | LoCo teams may also have a sub fourm which also can provide support in your native language | 00:42 |
OutOfControl | For example the Ubuntu Australia fourm is | 00:42 |
OutOfControl | Any more questions? | 00:43 |
ClassBot | kanliot asked: what if my bug aint looked at or some dev marks it opinion? | 00:45 |
OutOfControl | kanliot: ask the dev who marked it has opinion or ask in #ubuntu-bugs | 00:46 |
ClassBot | kanliot asked: what's the proper way to contact devs | 00:48 |
OutOfControl | if you know exactly who then check their launchpad page and you can either email them or contact them via IRC | 00:49 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 00:50 |
OutOfControl | If you need a range of devs send a message to the Ubuntu-devel mailing list | 00:50 |
OutOfControl | if there is no more questions then that just about ends this session | 00:53 |
OutOfControl | Next up we have pleia2 and kanliot presenting about Xubuntu & Lubuntu | 00:54 |
OutOfControl | And the classroom team, well done on another well run User Days | 00:55 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 00:55 |
OutOfControl | if anyone wants to contact me ping either benonsoftware or email me at benny AT | 00:56 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Ubuntu Flavors: Lubuntu (LXDE) and Xubuntu (Xfce) - Instructors: kanliot, pleia2 | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 01:00 |
pleia2 | Hi everyone, welcome to our session on Ubuntu Flavors: Lubuntu (LXDE) and Xubuntu (Xfce) | 01:00 |
pleia2 | I'm going to quickly cover what these "Desktop Environment" things are, like "LXDE" and "Xfce" before handing things off to kanliot to talk abut Lubuntu, and then I'll cover Xubuntu | 01:01 |
kanliot | :) | 01:01 |
pleia2 | A "Desktop Environment" or "DE" is a full interface, including Window Manager, panels, menus, engines, tools and often applications which are put or built to work together | 01:01 |
pleia2 | In Ubuntu you *used to* get the Gnome2 Desktop Environment, but today Ubuntu uses Unity (it does still use lot of Gnome) | 01:02 |
pleia2 | LXDE and Xfce are alternatives to this default | 01:02 |
pleia2 | So, why would you want to switch from Unity to a different Desktop Environment? | 01:02 |
pleia2 | One popular reason is simply preference. Give another one a try! You may like you find out how customizable the panels that are in Xfce, or how fast LXDE is | 01:03 |
pleia2 | Another is speed/performance. Some let you slim down your environment by loading up fewer things by default, some are faster (usually by sacrificing eye candy), some work with lighter window managers which may run better on your system | 01:03 |
pleia2 | Lubuntu and Xubuntu are full distribution flavors of Ubuntu which not only use these alternate Desktop Environments, but ship a lot of their own tools geared toward their user base | 01:03 |
pleia2 | Any questions so far? | 01:04 |
pleia2 | Ok, kanliot please go ahead and tell everyone about Lubuntu! :) | 01:04 |
kanliot | please Join #ubuntu-classroom-chat and type in the question there. Thanks! | 01:04 |
kanliot | Welcome to the Lubuntu class. Lubuntu uses the "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment" (LXDE) is the official LXDE derivative of Ubuntu. | 01:04 |
kanliot | Lubuntu uses LXDE, which is a lightweight desktop environment. It uses less RAM, and less CPU. | 01:05 |
kanliot | Having fewer automatic features is really a plus for productivity. It makes it much easier to get to the Ubuntu goodness. | 01:05 |
kanliot | I really love Lubuntu's traditional interface, and the low ram usage is very nice thing to have. | 01:05 |
kanliot | Lubuntu offers a suite of tools to change preferences and settings, although the settings may not be where you expect them. | 01:05 |
kanliot | We include Chromium as our default web browser. It's pretty nice. | 01:05 |
kanliot | We have included a full suite of lightweight applications, even if you already have favorite applications, you will enjoy exploring new lightweight apps. | 01:05 |
kanliot | 01:05 | |
kanliot | Try the Lubuntu LiveCD tonight! You will truly agree that Lubuntu is a lightweight, functional system. Lubuntu alwasys does what you tell it to do, and that makes Lubuntu the sweet spot between Speed and Simplicity. | 01:05 |
ClassBot | phillw asked: does Lubuntu have access to all the *buntu list of applications, installations? | 01:11 |
kanliot | Yes Lubuntu does have access to all the *buntu applications. That's the ubuntu goodness I was talking about. | 01:11 |
kanliot | If you have more questions about hte applications Lubuntu comes with you can read this | 01:12 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: Is there any way to install LXDE without re-installing my complete system? | 01:13 |
kanliot | yes, that works well for lots of people. please read this link: | 01:14 |
kanliot | that will also install all the lightweight apps that come with Lubuntu | 01:15 |
kanliot | and you will have to option, (when you login) to boot into the lxde desktop | 01:15 |
ClassBot | genii-around asked: What would be minimum system specs to use Lubuntu on? | 01:15 |
kanliot | we support less than 4GB hard disk on the alternate installer (2.something) | 01:16 |
kanliot | and Lubuntu runs very very slowly on 64-128MB of ram | 01:16 |
kanliot | It runs lightweight apps on systems with 128MB -512MB... and you get the idea | 01:17 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: Is Lubuntu released in the same way Ubuntu is? | 01:17 |
kanliot | JoseeAntonioR, yes it is, we share quality support process and other things | 01:17 |
kanliot | We also have special versions for PowerPC, and macintosh | 01:18 |
kanliot | we share release dates, but we currently don't put out an LTS version. | 01:18 |
kanliot | so Lubuntu releases are supported with bugfixes for 18 months | 01:19 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: Is there a Lubuntu Server? | 01:19 |
kanliot | We do have a minimal Lubuntu download, but correct me if I am wrong, it's the same as the minimal Ubuntu ISO | 01:20 |
kanliot | I don't think Lubuntu is a server, since it boots into LightDM | 01:20 |
kanliot | although Lubuntu is very good about running fewer services | 01:20 |
pleia2 | thanks kanliot :) | 01:21 |
pleia2 | Ok, on to Xfce and Xubuntu! | 01:21 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: What do you recognize is the best part of Lubuntu, and why would you recommend it to an user? | 01:22 |
kanliot | can i answer 1 more please | 01:22 |
kanliot | Best part of Lubuntu is the simple environment, less automatic stuff to trip you up | 01:22 |
kanliot | It's very simple to understand for a windows xp user | 01:23 |
kanliot | so really no surprises | 01:23 |
kanliot | pleia2 I think I am done | 01:23 |
pleia2 | ok, we'll have more time for questions at the end too :) | 01:23 |
pleia2 | so, as I mentioned earlier, Xfce is the Desktop Environment that comes with Xubuntu, you can find some details about it over at | 01:23 |
pleia2 | Here's a screenshot of the default you'll see when you load up Xubuntu 12.04: | 01:24 |
pleia2 | It's a pretty familiar layout for most people, no big surprises | 01:24 |
pleia2 | The mouse icon at the top left is your menu, at the bottom of the screen you have a panel which you can easily add and remove stuff from | 01:24 |
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pleia2 | Now Xubuntu with Xfce itself differs from Ubuntu not just in environment, it doesn't come with Open Office, instead it comes with lighter-weight "abiword" for word processing and "gnumeric" for spreadsheets | 01:25 |
pleia2 | Additionally, Xubuntu ships with The Gimp for image editing (Ubuntu used to, but doesn't anymore) | 01:26 |
pleia2 | It currently uses gmusicbrowser by default for music, but that's up for discussion pretty much every cycle :) | 01:26 |
pleia2 | Parole Media Player is the default for movies | 01:26 |
pleia2 | It uses Thunar for a basic file manager, as seen here: | 01:27 |
pleia2 | As you can see it's a pretty basic file manager, there are a bunch of wishlist items for expanding it but that work is done upstream (details at | 01:27 |
pleia2 | Xfce uses the XFwm by default for the window manager | 01:27 |
pleia2 | Just like Ubuntu, it comes with Firefox and Thunderbird for web and email clients | 01:28 |
pleia2 | The Xfce panels (at the top and bottom in the screenshots) have their own items you can add, including pagers, sound control, weather applet | 01:29 |
pleia2 | One of my favorite things is that you can add multiple clocks :) I have three timezone clocks in my panel: | 01:30 |
pleia2 | one is home, one is UTC (for Ubuntu meetings and classroom sessions!) and the third is where the main office for the company I work for is based | 01:30 |
pleia2 | also have the weather for home and work office | 01:30 |
pleia2 | Most of what you'll find app-wise is that Xubuntu takes apps from elsewhere | 01:31 |
pleia2 | You can even run the Gnome and KDE services in the background so things launch more quickly even on Xfce (that's in the settings under > Session and Startup and in the "Advanced" tab) | 01:32 |
pleia2 | For me, configurability and simplicity are what I love about it, before Xfce I used Enlightenment and fluxbox, both of which were also simple but at the time required a lot of manual editing of config files to configure | 01:32 |
pleia2 | Xfce gives me simple + pretty configuration dialogs! | 01:33 |
pleia2 | Any questions? | 01:33 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: Does Xubuntu has LTS releases? | 01:34 |
pleia2 | It sure does! | 01:35 |
pleia2 | Flavors have the option of doing a 3 or 5 year LTS when Ubuntu does an LTS, so this time around for 12.04 we're doing a 3 year LTS | 01:35 |
pleia2 | Any other questions about Lubuntu, Xubuntu or flavors in general? :) | 01:39 |
ClassBot | JoseeAntonioR asked: What does Kubuntu use as a DE? | 01:41 |
pleia2 | Unfortunately we couldn't have a Kubuntu person join us this time, but they use KDE | 01:41 |
pleia2 | where Xfce and LXDE are on the "lighter" end of the spectrum, KDE is known for being more flashy and running better on newer systems | 01:42 |
ClassBot | Unit193 asked: When is Lubuntu and Xubuntu going GTK3 | 01:42 |
pleia2 | for Xubuntu, we're in the painful process now :) | 01:42 |
pleia2 | you actually may notice for 12.04 that some of the themes don't look quite right, that's because they don't fully work with the GTK3 elements yet | 01:43 |
kanliot | for Lubuntu, we are still going through the same changes | 01:46 |
kanliot | If you have more questions join #lubuntu and ask unit193 he's incredibly helpful | 01:47 |
pleia2 | ah, channels! | 01:48 |
pleia2 | for support the Xubuntu project has #xubuntu, and our development work is over in #xubuntu-devel | 01:48 |
pleia2 | we also have a #xubuntu-offtopic where we talk about random things, like what beer we're planning on having after User Days ;) | 01:49 |
pleia2 | so if you're interested in joining us, those are great places to start | 01:49 |
kanliot | :) | 01:50 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 01:50 |
pleia2 | ok, well thanks everyone for coming, and for the great questions | 01:54 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 01:55 |
ClassBot | the_hydra asked: once Canonical not funding kubuntu anymore, what is the impact? | 01:56 |
pleia2 | it turns out that Kubuntu was mostly self-sustaining (just like the other flavors) even before Canonical officially announced they wouldn't fund it anymore | 01:57 |
pleia2 | but there is another company, Blue Systems, that stepped up to pay some developers :) | 01:57 |
pleia2 | I think the only difference most folks will see is that they won't get Kubuntu CDs in the CD packs from Canonical anymore | 01:59 |
pleia2 | just Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server | 01:59 |
pleia2 | (these are the packs sent to approved LoCo teams and conferences) | 01:59 |
pleia2 | they'll still use the same infrastructure and tools hosted by Canonical, just like the other flavors | 01:59 |
pleia2 | (launchpad, etc) | 02:00 |
pleia2 | anyway, out of time! thanks all | 02:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Using screen - Instructors: the_hydra | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 02:00 |
the_hydra | hi guys, pleasure to meet you all in this great morning :) | 02:01 |
the_hydra | or maybe, in UTC, very early after midnight | 02:01 |
the_hydra | okay, we're going to discuss this unique tool called "screen" | 02:02 |
the_hydra | first of all, for those who doesn't know what screen is, here is short description | 02:02 |
the_hydra | screen is technically a tty multiplexer | 02:03 |
the_hydra | oups, sounds like a tool to do rocket science things | 02:03 |
the_hydra | not really, it basically "splits" your current terminal, be it inside Konsole, gnome terminal or plain text console into virtual screen | 02:04 |
ClassBot | genii-around asked: Is there a way to allow non-priveleged users a way to change the tty speed? | 02:04 |
the_hydra | here comes first question, and my answer is: honestly I don't know :) | 02:05 |
the_hydra | ok, so what screen does, visually is the same thing when you open new tab inside terminal emulator | 02:05 |
the_hydra | I assume you guys at least once ever did that, be it inside Konsole, GNOME terminal or else | 02:06 |
the_hydra | pay attention that plain xterm doesn't have built in capability to spawn new tab | 02:06 |
the_hydra | then, if these terminal program could already do that, why do we need screen? | 02:07 |
the_hydra | there is more one appealing feature of screen | 02:07 |
the_hydra | ever want to run a long lasting application, such as uploading tons of important files to your company HQ ftp server? or perhaps rendering certain frames in command line? things that might take hours ....but, you want to log off ...and at the same time want these apps proceed in the background? | 02:09 |
the_hydra | you might think, let's append "&" to these commands....thing is, when you log off, they die :) | 02:10 |
the_hydra | "wait, there is no hup"...gotcha, almost smart....another thing is, nohup AFAIK works if the program doesn't attached to any tty | 02:11 |
the_hydra | so, "screen" is life saver here, first run screen, run that program inside screen, detach....log off | 02:12 |
the_hydra | and you can safely log off | 02:12 |
the_hydra | and the program would progress in background | 02:12 |
the_hydra | in near future, just log in again and reattach to that screen session | 02:12 |
the_hydra | any question so far? | 02:13 |
the_hydra | regarding the screen meaning :) | 02:13 |
the_hydra | let me stress that screen only manage text based program | 02:13 |
ClassBot | OutOfControl asked: Is there a different command to attach to screen? | 02:14 |
the_hydra | i'll explain that later, but for the impatient, my recipe is usually screen -DD -R | 02:15 |
the_hydra | that would mean "i need to re attach to last not attached session, and I don't care how to attach to it...just do it..." :D | 02:15 |
the_hydra | any other? | 02:16 |
the_hydra | i just don't want people start with having very less idea on what screen is :) | 02:16 |
the_hydra | ok, have your terminal ready | 02:16 |
the_hydra | konsole, gnome terminal, or even xterm | 02:17 |
the_hydra | if you think you don't have screen installed, just type "sudo apt-get install screen" | 02:17 |
the_hydra | that should do it | 02:17 |
the_hydra | once finished, type "screen" then | 02:18 |
the_hydra | what did you see? | 02:18 |
the_hydra | "uhm, I see nothing change" you might think | 02:19 |
the_hydra | okay just leave it as is for now :) | 02:19 |
the_hydra | let's learn the basic key strike to invoke help menu | 02:19 |
the_hydra | it's Ctrl-a ? | 02:20 |
the_hydra | how do you suppose to do that? | 02:20 |
the_hydra | easy (and slowly), press Ctrl+a first...release them, and follow it by pressing ? | 02:20 |
the_hydra | no need to rush between releasing Ctrl+a and pressing ? | 02:21 |
the_hydra | people, can you do that combo? | 02:22 |
the_hydra | if it's right, you shall see the help menu | 02:22 |
the_hydra | that would be life saver if you forgot the screen key combos | 02:23 |
the_hydra | press Enter when you're done checking at it | 02:23 |
the_hydra | so, you're back at the first "screen" | 02:23 |
the_hydra | try to do something, let's say "find /" | 02:24 |
the_hydra | mind you, that would traverse everything starting from root dir | 02:24 |
the_hydra | while it spews chars like crazy, press Ctrl-a c | 02:24 |
the_hydra | if you do it correctly, another "screen" appear | 02:25 |
the_hydra | and find output seems disappear | 02:25 |
the_hydra | how is it people, so far so good? :) just yell if not :) | 02:25 |
the_hydra | seems okay to me | 02:26 |
the_hydra | alright, we got new screen which is brand new | 02:26 |
the_hydra | let's do another command here, like "while true; do echo screen; sleep 1; done" | 02:28 |
the_hydra | you will see | 02:28 |
the_hydra | "screen" words echoed every 1 sec | 02:28 |
the_hydra | uhum, "so doc, how on Earth to get back to my find result?" | 02:29 |
the_hydra | press Ctrl-a Space | 02:29 |
the_hydra | gently people, press Ctrl-a, release, press Space | 02:30 |
the_hydra | do you get back to the screen where find is executed? | 02:31 |
the_hydra | it might be still on progress, depending on how much files/dirs you have in entire mounted disks | 02:32 |
the_hydra | press Ctrl-a Space again, you will get back to 2nd screen that echoes '"screen" repeatedly | 02:32 |
the_hydra | you can do Ctrl-a c again this time, spawning yet another screen | 02:33 |
the_hydra | the 3rd one | 02:33 |
the_hydra | at this point, you might think "okay, i am done today and wanna go home, I need to log off" (but you leave the computer powered on,not shutdown) | 02:34 |
the_hydra | this is where "detaching" comes useful | 02:35 |
the_hydra | press Ctrl-a d | 02:35 |
the_hydra | you will thrown back to the prompt right before you run screen plus a message "[detached]" | 02:36 |
the_hydra | can you do that people? | 02:36 |
ClassBot | kanliot asked: where does the screen process live, i mean if i can't kill it when i close the terminal, will it just stay around forever and ever? | 02:36 |
the_hydra | kanliot: from my observation, when you run screen, there is somekind of master screen process that become direct child of init process | 02:37 |
the_hydra | that's why it can't be killed when someone just log off | 02:37 |
the_hydra | yes, it stays around until either: you explicitly kill it OR you (in)accidentally switch runlevel e.g by doing telinit (i found this case accidentally) | 02:38 |
the_hydra | another question? | 02:39 |
the_hydra | so, you're detached now...later you want to "get back" | 02:40 |
the_hydra | so far, we assume you only have one session of screen | 02:41 |
the_hydra | to re-attach, type screen -R | 02:41 |
the_hydra | it will reattach to first session available (which is not attached by another user) | 02:41 |
ClassBot | kanliot asked: so when i run screen on my pc, everything dies when my pc loses power? | 02:42 |
the_hydra | yups :) | 02:42 |
the_hydra | no doubt | 02:42 |
the_hydra | if you want something that "restore situation" right before your pc loses power, you might need to google about "checkpointing" | 02:43 |
the_hydra | it's a feature usually found in clustering | 02:43 |
the_hydra | it's OOT so I can't discuss that now :) | 02:43 |
the_hydra | ok, let's proceed folks | 02:44 |
the_hydra | get the screen back? | 02:44 |
the_hydra | good | 02:44 |
the_hydra | anyway, moving around screens is good, but once you got a lot of screen, you might become confuse on which screen contains apps/output you need | 02:45 |
the_hydra | that's why, screen provide "label" | 02:46 |
the_hydra | it's a way to name the individual screen | 02:46 |
the_hydra | press Ctrl-a A | 02:47 |
the_hydra | that's Ctrl-a, release, press Shift+a | 02:47 |
the_hydra | you will get a prompt asking you new name | 02:47 |
the_hydra | type any name you like, e.g "admin" "copying" etc | 02:48 |
the_hydra | when you're done, press Enter | 02:48 |
the_hydra | move around with Ctrl-a Space and label each session as you like | 02:48 |
the_hydra | or better, once you spawn a session, label it right away | 02:49 |
the_hydra | it will be useful for switching later | 02:49 |
the_hydra | press Ctr+a " | 02:49 |
the_hydra | that's double quote :) | 02:49 |
the_hydra | see the menu? left column is the screen number, right one is the label | 02:50 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 02:50 |
the_hydra | now you switch to certain screen by pressing up or down to select it | 02:50 |
the_hydra | and press Enter | 02:50 |
the_hydra | just notice the label | 02:51 |
the_hydra | so you don't need to wander by pressing Ctrl-a space | 02:51 |
the_hydra | another way is by pressing Ctrl-a <screen number> | 02:52 |
the_hydra | please notice that session number start from 0 (zero) | 02:52 |
the_hydra | so its ctrl-a 0, ctrl-a 1 and so on | 02:52 |
the_hydra | any question so far? | 02:52 |
the_hydra | at this point, you might think that "screen is nice, but can I make it nicer?" | 02:53 |
the_hydra | yes, just install byobu | 02:53 |
the_hydra | sudo apt-get install byobu | 02:53 |
the_hydra | think byobu like screen wrapper | 02:53 |
the_hydra | with improvement like better shortcut (IIRC F2 instead of Ctrl-a c for new session etc) and status line in the last rows of your terminal output | 02:54 |
the_hydra | okay wait, Unit193 told me that screen might use tmux in the latest release | 02:55 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 02:55 |
the_hydra | FYI, tmux is similar to screen, but with many difference deep down | 02:55 |
the_hydra | i think I already cover the very basic of screen | 02:56 |
the_hydra | hopefully it's useful for you all to start tinkering with it | 02:56 |
the_hydra | remember folks, ctrl-a | 02:56 |
the_hydra | ctrl-a space, ctrl-c, ctrl-a d | 02:56 |
the_hydra | (i began to feel like that karate kid teacher "wax on wax off") | 02:57 |
the_hydra | questions? | 02:57 |
ClassBot | kanliot asked: why would i ever need tmux? | 02:58 |
the_hydra | tmux...uhm, to make it simpler, AFAIK is alternative to screen | 02:58 |
the_hydra | i am not sure which one is better | 02:58 |
the_hydra | so you might need to experiment to find which one suits your need | 02:59 |
the_hydra | there is another one, that simply runs your program in "detached" mode straight away | 02:59 |
the_hydra | but i forgot its name | 02:59 |
the_hydra | ok guys | 02:59 |
the_hydra | looks like my time is almost over | 03:00 |
the_hydra | thanks for coming | 03:00 |
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at | 03:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || | ||
abe | assalamu alaikum | 10:50 |
=== H is now known as Guest82549 | ||
=== rolfrb is now known as rolf | ||
=== rolf is now known as rolfrb | ||
=== rolfrb is now known as rolf_away | ||
=== hg is now known as Guest77778 |
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