
=== cseslam is now known as eslam
=== eslam is now known as cseslam
NSpirit /msg chanserv owner #linux-community06:49
Tux-Tnhello guys12:49
Tux-Tnanybody here ?12:49
Tux-Tnif someone reads this plz ping me i stay on this channel12:49
os__Tux-Tn: i am here13:06
=== os__ is now known as os_
Tux-Tnthx os_ for answering13:10
Tux-Tnos_, there is any ubuntu-eg events on august or september?13:11
Tux-Tni think i am going to egypt and want too discover your community13:11
os_Tux-Tn: i don't know :)13:17
os_i am not a member in this team13:18
os_i just join this channel for supporting13:18
os_even i don't use ubuntu ... i use fedora13:19
os_seiflotfy: is there any ubuntu-eg events on august or september?13:19
seiflotfyos_: not sure13:20
seiflotfyhi ashams_13:20
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
ashamshey seiflotfy o/13:20
ashamswaiting for the presedential commision O.o13:21
seiflotfyme 213:34
=== os_ is now known as konqueror
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams

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