
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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AlanBellhi all17:59
AlanBell#start meeting IRCC17:59
AlanBell#startmeeting IRCC17:59
meetingologyMeeting started Sun Jun 24 17:59:59 2012 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic:
AlanBellhi all18:00
AlanBellwho is here for the meeting?18:00
DJones /18:01
Picier, \o18:01
jussio/ vaguely, crying baby18:02
AlanBell#topic Review last meetings action items18:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Review last meetings action items
AlanBellso actions from last time, lets see18:03
AlanBellalanbell to sort out removal of eir18:04
AlanBellso I was going to do this because uBOTu-fr was going to take over, but it was missing18:04
AlanBelllets come back to that whole question a bit later when we have a topic dedicated to it18:04
AlanBell#topic Welcome to the new IRCC member18:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Welcome to the new IRCC member
AlanBellwelcome Tm_T \o/18:05
IdleOneWelcome and congrats Tm_T !18:05
topyliyay Tm_T !18:05
PiciWoo, Tm_T!18:05
DJonesCongrats Tm_T18:05
IdleOneNo new taxes!18:05
topylifinns love taxes, beware18:06
AlanBellthe results of the election were announced by the Community Council the other day and Tm_T is now our 5th IRCC member18:06
AlanBelllaunchpad groups and channel access and suchlike has been set up18:06
Picilaunch codes, etc.18:07
AlanBellif only18:07
IdleOnePici: not the abort codes right?18:07
AlanBell#topic Open items in the IRCC tracker18:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Open items in the IRCC tracker
pleia2just a quick note, I added his expire time as the same as the rest of you, but that's just because it's not something we've discussed18:07
pleia2we (CC and IRCC) should probably pick that up at some point18:08
AlanBellpleia2: yeah, I saw that, thanks18:08
AlanBellpleia2: setting the expire time the same was something we had planned and stated a few times18:08
topylihm, wasn't that in the initial announcement that we're looking for the missing member?18:08
pleia2even better18:08
Piciooh, problem solved already? I like this.18:09
pleia2me too :)18:09
IdleOneitem closed.18:09
jussitoo good to be true, watch it...18:09
AlanBellok, so the tracker, we do have an open item in it relating to the user mcloy18:09
AlanBellI closed it once and it reopened :(18:09
AlanBelland we have another email today relating to some kind of appeal18:10
IdleOnewhat is the issue exactly with mcloy?18:10
IdleOneor can we not discuss that here?18:10
PiciWhich was sent to both lists, but we'll be taking it18:10
AlanBellso it was18:10
topylii rejected the message to the irc-team list and accepted the one to the council18:11
topylipublic vs private and all that18:11
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AlanBellgood stuff18:11
Picitopyli: oh, good, good.18:11
AlanBellShano56 is the user involved in that appeal18:12
topylipersonally i think it's being handled just fine by ops18:12
AlanBellIdleOne: I would rather not discuss individual stuff here as a general rule, just being open about what appeals are going on18:12
PiciI think we should just talk about it 'offline' (so to speak).18:12
PiciAlanBell: which is what I was trying to get at.18:13
IdleOnesounds good. the Shano56 thing I think was handled properly.18:13
AlanBellok, so that is the tracker18:13
AlanBell#topic Review Bugs related to the Ubuntu IRC Council18:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Review Bugs related to the Ubuntu IRC Council
AlanBellno new bugs18:14
AlanBell#subtopic bug 892500 eir is still not fit for purpose in #ubuntu -ikonia18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892500 in ubuntu-community "eir is still not fit for purpose in #ubuntu" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89250018:14
AlanBelllets come back to that one in a sec18:14
AlanBell#subtopic bug 913541 there are a number of people with Ubuntu IRC cloaks who have expired from the ubuntumembers group18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913541 in ubuntu-community "there are a number of people with Ubuntu IRC cloaks who have expired from the ubuntumembers group" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91354118:14
AlanBellPici: have you had a poke at this one?18:14
PiciAlanBell: I did, and then I got terribly busy with work stuff.  Keep it on my docket, I'll make some time to deal with it.18:15
AlanBell#topic alignment of launchpad teams and channel access lists18:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: alignment of launchpad teams and channel access lists
AlanBellI did some of this and sent a few mails to the lists about it18:15
AlanBellI ticked off the big channels18:15
IdleOneticked off as in upset?18:16
AlanBellheh, hope not18:16
Picias in marked the checkboxx.18:16
IdleOneah, k.18:16
AlanBellthen there was the IRCC election stuff and other things which distracted me18:16
AlanBellbut I will continue with that and get it to a point where we can automate it18:17
AlanBellthere was also a kubuntu council election which changed some kubuntu stuff18:17
IdleOneCongrats to jussi for being elected to Kubuntu Council18:17
PiciGrats Jussi!18:17
AlanBellyes indeed!18:17
* jussi blushes and hides18:18
AlanBellany comments on the access list processing so far?18:18
PiciNo issues from over here.18:19
AlanBell#topic Review #ubuntu-ops-team (Quarterly)18:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Review #ubuntu-ops-team (Quarterly)
AlanBellthis is a standing item we insert quarterly18:20
topyliwe've done this a couple of quarters now, and been generally happy. i think we could stop reviewing it18:20
AlanBellthe #ubuntu-ops-team channel is an invitation only channel for operators and a few others who are invited18:20
jussiPici mentioned about offtopic in there - do we want to talk about that?18:20
topylithat doesn't mean we shouldn't address any specific issues18:20
Piciknome, Unit193 and I had a good discussion the other day about offtopicness in -ops-team18:21
AlanBelljussi: sure18:21
topylijussi: well, there are a couple of valid but somewhat contradicting views, so it deserves discussion18:21
topyli1) offtopic stuff isn't coordination. 2) not all ops are in the same offtopic channels and thus will miss each other lolcats if they're not allowed in -ops-team18:22
PiciI had originally suggested to move the offtopicness into #ubuntu-offtopic, but there were problems with that suggestion, mainly that its very #ubuntu centric (Rather than #x/#k#/l etc).  So the comprimise that we agreed on was to try to seed some of the good conversations that we have been having there into the various offtopic channels.18:22
AlanBellI am quite comfortable with the concept of #ubuntu-ops-team, I think it is really useful to separate that from the #ubuntu-ops channel18:23
guntbertseeding good conversations into ot channels sounds *very* good18:23
topyliAlanBell: absolutely. that's why i'm suggesting we stop reviewing its existance18:24
PiciBut publicly reviewing anything that we may have brought up in there (that should be made public) isn't probably good.18:25
Picier, s/isn't/is/18:25
Tm_Tsorry for my late arrival18:26
AlanBellhi Tm_T18:26
IdleOneo/ Tm_T18:26
topylihi Tm_T. welcome to the meeting and to the council :)18:26
PiciAnyway, the point was to be conscious of the offtopicness, and try to bring it into our offtopic channels if the parties involved are there as well.18:26
AlanBelldoes anyone think we should review the #ubuntu-ops-team channel in a further three months, or not bother as per topyli's proposal?18:26
jussithe point of the review is to make sure it isnt becoming clique and being abused18:26
PiciAnd again, this isn't a blanket ban on being able to socialize in there, just something to keep in the back of your head.18:26
topylii think jussi and Pici are saying the same thing18:27
IdleOneAlanBell: I think keeping the review process is a good thing and won't hurt.18:27
AlanBelltopyli: I am thinking that 5 minutes per quarter isn't a big deal, but we should focus on how we are using it rather than whether it should exist18:27
IdleOneWill serve as a reminder to us to try and keep the channel on topic as much as possible.18:28
AlanBellok lets move on, and I will swap the next two agenda items18:28
jussiAlanBell: ++18:28
AlanBell#topic Make #ubuntu-offtopic +r (discussion on the merits of this)18:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Make #ubuntu-offtopic +r (discussion on the merits of this)
AlanBellthis was something ikonia asked us to think about18:29
TheLordOfTimei'm not on the ircc, but would ikonia care to explain the background of this?18:29
PiciWe breifly weighed the pros and cons, but we suggested that he add it to the meeting agenda anyway.18:29
AlanBellas one possible way to improve conversations in -offtopic and stop a little bit of random abuse18:29
IdleOnemaking the channel +r will make it more difficult for the #ubuntu ops to direct new users to the channel when needed18:30
TheLordOfTimei agree with IdleOne on this one18:30
TheLordOfTimea majority of #ubuntu is unregistered18:30
jussiwhatever happened to #ubuntu-discuss? wasnt it part of the master plan?18:30
AlanBellI asked ikonia to figure out how much of #ubuntu-offtopic was unregistered18:30
Picijussi: still up in the air.18:30
topylithere is some obvious merit. less random noise, and also easier bans :)18:30
IdleOnemeaning, not only do we have to explain that they are off topic and to change channel but then explain how to register. if the channel is open then we can take the registration "support" and help the user in -ot18:31
TheLordOfTime^ that18:31
Tm_TI don't like restricting -ot nor necessarily the idea of extra -discuss18:31
PiciIdleOne: I think we already have enough pain when trying to direct folks to ##java, and simiular channels.18:31
topyliIdleOne: good point18:31
DJonesThere's a lot of occasions when new users are directed to -ot rather than #u when they want just general info, they're unlikely to be registered (new to IRC etc), which will cause confusion & potentially push them away from ubuntu18:31
IdleOnePici: in #u you mean? yes, why add to it by restricting -ot?18:32
PiciIdleOne: Exactly.18:32
IdleOneok :)18:32
guntbertto my eyes "abuse" has diminished significantly - there have even been some quality discussions18:32
PiciWell yeah, but only when we're not scaring off our -offtopic operators ;)18:33
Piciguntbert: but seriously, I agree.18:33
Tm_TI have my hope on leading by example (not by me necessarily)18:33
IdleOne-1 to setting -ot +r18:33
PiciAnd the folks who are determined to troll aren't going to be deterred by it being set +r, just the folks who want to casually chat.18:34
IdleOnealso, sometimes a two hour chat about kittens is quality18:34
AlanBellok, it sounded quite an appealing suggestion to me, but those are good points about directing new people to it18:34
topylii'll say -1 too. -ot is an old channel and hasn't really become any *worse* over the years. this whispers to me not to rock the boat18:35
AlanBellbut I do think that new people should be directed to somewhere to discuss Ubuntu rather than kittens18:35
Tm_Tit would just make -ot even more of a place for limited circle instead of whole community18:35
AlanBell(or other small fluffy/feathery creatures)18:35
topyliAlanBell: i think the lolcat discussions most often pause when real ubuntu discussion is starting to take place18:36
* TheLordOfTime agrees with Tm_T's view18:36
IdleOneAlanBell: We discuss Ubuntu a lot in -ot, just that some people take great offense to Ubuntu being put down. e.g. UNITY SUCKS!18:36
guntbertAlanBell: as long as one discussion doesn't drown the other, I see no problem with discussing pets18:36
PiciA UNITY SUCKS discussion is neither a) constructive nor b) something that 99% of the folks there want to discuss.18:36
* AlanBell is all in favour of chicken related discussions18:36
IdleOnemany of the people who start out with that sort of comment about Ubuntu end up having excellent points18:37
DJonesPossibly a different thought process needs to be gone through from #u etc when directing people to -ot, at times it possibly gets used to redirect non-coc comliant conversations to to -ot rather than just asking them to stop the conversation all-together, not by ops, but by general #u users18:37
topylithere's very good unity criticism there as well, worthy of being directed to #ubuntu-desktop or similar really :)18:37
PiciIdleOne: true, but then again we've heard most of the arguments for/against it already. but lets not get too sidetracked.18:37
IdleOnePici: I hear you18:38
AlanBellyeah, this item was about setting it +r, and it seems on balance that isn't going to be a good idea, so lets not do that then18:38
PiciDJones: I've been pretty quick to point that out to folks who mash !ot instead of telling people to stop.18:38
IdleOneAnyway, I want to be able to send new Ubuntu/IRC users to -ot without having to send them to #freenode first to get help registering18:38
guntbertDJones: so we should decide if !ot is to be used or some other factoid (in #u)18:38
PiciAlanBell: agreed.18:39
AlanBellok, so moving on once more18:39
AlanBell#topic ubottu, uBOTu-fr and eir18:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: ubottu, uBOTu-fr and eir
PiciLets try to get through the rest of the agenda, and then we can move back to the State of Offtopic afterwards if we have time.18:39
AlanBellso, bots18:39
Picican't live with'em, oh... wait, thats somethinjg else...18:40
topylieir database is growing by the minute, as ikonia reminded us today in -irc-council18:40
AlanBellI was going to get eir removed so we could focus on uBOTu-fr18:40
AlanBellbut uBOTu-fr was missing in action, and m4v raised some points about the test suite not passing18:40
IdleOneAlanBell: do we have a working ubotu-fr to use in #ubuntu yet?18:41
PiciSounds like we might not.18:41
AlanBellI grabbed a copy of the source today to have a look at what it does18:41
IdleOnethen I say we hold off until there is a known working replacement for eir18:41
Tm_TI'd say first u-fr up to shape and then drop eir18:41
IdleOneeir is not perfect but it is better than nothing for now18:42
m4vI don't want to maintain a supybot fork for stuff that should be in a plugin.18:42
PiciI think it might be good to trial u-fr (once it gets back up to spec) in some of our other high traffic channels18:42
oCeanWe should not start with trials with any bot, until we have a agreed on set of requirements18:43
PicioCean: I thought we already had a list somewhere18:43
AlanBellrequirements ^^18:43
Unit193May see if you can get some of that into a plugin, and general stuff into an existing fork.18:43
oCeanPici: we had a list of bugs for eir, the link AlanBell posted is where I started a little while ago18:44
oCeanThis could be where to start from. Decide which are the Must/Could/Should haves etc18:44
AlanBellyeah, I like the list oCean18:44
m4vwell, there's the stuff we wrote for the next bt http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Spec/Bantracker18:45
oCeanm4v: yeah, that is another point. The BT18:46
oCeanwe should not see those to apart from each other, is what I think18:46
IdleOnethe requirements look good to me18:46
oCeanthose two*18:46
m4voCean: another? isn't the BT the point we're discussing?18:46
oCeanm4v: we have focussed on bot functionality a lot18:47
m4vthere's the idea of using ubotu-fr because our bt doesn't have automatic removal of bans18:47
oCeanfor example, we started with eir, while we knew there was no integration with the BT18:47
AlanBellyeah, I am not sure why we don't just write ban expiry into the existing ubottu channel plugin18:48
AlanBellor a separate plugin18:48
oCeanYes, I'm all for that, AlanBell18:48
oCeanhowever, I don't have the knowledge/skill to do that18:49
m4vAlanBell: ubottu bantracker plugin, ubotu-fr channel plugin is a rewrite of a supybot core plugin.18:49
AlanBellyeah, I saw that18:50
PiciI think we have enough python/supybot skill here to make that happen, but the issue was that we sort of felt that the current Bantracker system needed a lot of love in various places to bring it up to spec.18:50
IdleOnewhich m4v gave it did he not?18:50
oCeanPici: Indeed, it still does18:50
m4vwell, I have been looking how to add automatic removal in ubottu, I think it can be done, but are we going to have ubottu +o all the time?18:50
oCeanm4v: eir isn't +o all the time18:51
PiciI personally don't have a problem with that, as long as she doesn't go haywire.18:51
AlanBellm4v: maybe, or can it just talk to chanserv?18:51
IdleOnem4v: ubottu only needs +o when setting the modes18:51
PiciAlanBell: chanserv can't unban people.18:51
PiciWell, other than yourself.18:51
m4vok, so needs to request op when needed.18:52
IdleOneAlanBell: something about accountability and not abusing chanserv to do nasty things18:52
PiciBeing opped all the time is less noise that opping up, unbanning, and deopping.18:52
AlanBellah, ok, unban is only for self18:53
m4vPici: is also easier to implement, that's why I asked18:53
Picim4v: right.18:53
IdleOneI would be fine with ubottu holding @18:53
AlanBellany downside to always being @18:53
Picioblivious people ask it questions.18:53
Tm_Tmore private messages18:53
Unit193Questions may be directed directly more.18:53
Picilike we get with the floodbots.18:53
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  not unless the bot starts spitting out random errors18:53
AlanBellubottu: do people talk to you already?18:54
ubottuError: I haven't seen people.18:54
ubottuAlanBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:54
oCeanI don't think eir opping and deopping is too much noise for anyone18:54
Tm_Thave to be afk now, sorry18:54
m4vAlanBell: well, maybe the channel's "temperature"?18:54
IdleOnewouldn't be any more noisy then eir18:54
guntbertm4v: she cannot get into an argument, so will not raise the temperature, I guess18:54
DJonesI can't see a problem with ubottu being +o other than spam from users, most regulars know that ubottu is a bot and will normally advise users of that when they see somebody speaking directly to her18:55
m4vguntbert: I guess so :P18:55
AlanBellit seems fine to me, I can't imagine any security concerns about it, if someone can impersonate ubottu then they can cause a similar amount of nusiance either way18:56
oCeanGetting into the details already :(18:56
PiciWhy don't we see how feasible it is to make ubottu's current bantracker handling unbanning (and all that jazz), and then we can see how we want to handle the opping status.18:56
m4voh right, I'll get ops in #ubuntu through ubottu >D j/k18:56
IdleOneI still don't know why you don't have ops in #u18:57
AlanBellso m4v, want to have a crack at implementing that? I am happy to help a bit and I am sure others will too18:57
PiciAs am I.18:57
m4vAlanBell: I already started looking at it, it will be a hack, but meh.18:59
PiciIsn't everything ;)18:59
DJonesIf ubottu fell off freenode and somebody was alert enough to spot it, could they /nick to ubottu and gain ops in the 30 seconds before nick enforce took priority18:59
m4vDJones: nope, it would need to identify18:59
IdleOnenot without knowing the nickserv pass18:59
IdleOnewhich is not HUNTER218:59
IdleOneI tried.18:59
topyliyeah i changed it the other day19:00
PiciThe enteries in the access list are account names, not nicks.19:00
jussiits not 123456789 either :P19:00
Picijussi: thats the same password I have on my luggage :o19:00
DJonesThat sounds like it would restrict any 3rd party potential for abuse anyway19:00
AlanBelllets do some actions19:01
topyliok, so eir stays and a mega ubottu hackfest is commensing. we can then retire eir tuesday by lunchtime? :)19:01
AlanBell#action m4v Pici AlanBell to look into adding ban removal to ubottu cababilities19:02
meetingologyACTION: m4v Pici AlanBell to look into adding ban removal to ubottu cababilities19:02
AlanBellby tuesday lunchtime19:02
AlanBell#agreed ubottu can hold +o in channels where ban expiry will be used19:02
m4vok, you guys never took a look at bantracker code? welcome to the madhouse.19:03
Picim4v: no, I've already lost my mind looking at it a few times before.19:03
jussibantracker is a huge mess19:03
topyliby lunch is not realistic?19:03
IdleOneWhy can't something new be used in its place?19:03
PiciIt always has been, lets blame Seveas, hes not really heere.19:03
PiciIdleOne: because we can't seem to do that fast enough for anyone's liking.19:04
jussitopyli: give them till dinner :P19:04
AlanBellthis is just adding ban removal, how hard can it be?19:04
AlanBell#topic Linking IRCC 'contact this team' in launchpad with osticket19:04
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  on a timer, HARD19:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Linking IRCC 'contact this team' in launchpad with osticket
IdleOnePici: sucks to be them.19:04
topyliok fine, volunteers and all19:04
m4vIdleOne: something new would take a lot of more time.19:04
AlanBellso who added this suggestion?19:04
topylii did19:04
oCeanWhat is the progress with the BT, can both bot and bt developments combined?19:04
IdleOnem4v: I understand that but it would be better than hacking stuff together and hope it doesn't explode19:05
PiciI though the 'contact this team' thing just sent all the team members an email.19:05
AlanBellit does, but it seems we can direct it to a specific email address19:05
TheLordOfTime|^ that19:05
topylithis item is about avoiding mail via launchpad in our inboxen and into the ticket system19:05
Picitopyli: that sounds like a much better idea to me.19:05
Picican I send all my own mail there too? ;)19:05
jussiI like this idea19:05
jussiPici: no :P19:06
AlanBellA confirmation message has been sent to 'ircc-appeals@ubottu.com'. Follow the instructions in that message to confirm the new contact address for this team.19:06
AlanBellok, we have a new appeal to deal with ;)19:06
Picitopyli: you need to actually read the appeal message first ;)19:07
jussiNoooo!!! :(19:07
AlanBellok, so we can finish that off later, but it seems like a good idea19:07
AlanBell#topic Any Other Business19:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | IRCC Meeting | Current topic: Any Other Business
Picicool cool fcool19:07
topyliyeah we can handle it ourselves19:07
AlanBelldoes anyone else have any other topics they would like to raise?19:08
jussiargh, I had somethign, but Ive forgotten19:09
IdleOneAlanBell: We have been having issues with certain persistent people trolling our less active channels that have hardly any access for the ops team. Would it be possible to create a spec ops team account and add this account to those smaller channels?19:09
jussino doubt it will come to me after the meeting19:09
PiciIdleOne: Isn't that what the ircc account is for?19:09
IdleOnePici: there are only 5 of you and they seem to know your schedules19:10
topylijussi: it always does doesn't it :)19:10
AlanBellsome don't have the ubuntuirccouncil account in the access list (-beginners is the example that springs to mind)19:10
PiciIdleOne: Is freenode-staff on those access lists?19:10
IdleOneAlanBell: which brings me to my next suggestion make it mandatory that IRCC be in all channel access list in the namespace19:10
IdleOnePici: some but staff is not always available either19:11
jussiIdleOne: can you name specific time when this has happened?19:11
AlanBellright now it is suggested that we are in the access lists, and we can get staff assistance if we are not and need to be19:11
TheLordOfTimeoh, i have one other thing of business to bring up, when you're done with this issue you're discussing.19:11
TheLordOfTimeregarding access lists.19:11
TheLordOfTime(you just reminded me AlanBell)19:12
IdleOnejussi:19:00 to 21:00 my time19:12
topylii would enjoy being sure without checking that ubuntuirccouncil is on the access list of any channel with an emergency19:12
IdleOnejussi: the times vary19:13
TheLordOfTimethere are a few channels which have Ubuntu Members in their access lists.  Given that freenode has been starting a policy of secondary-cloaks being project.accountname rather than project.role.accountname, Ubuntu Members with newer secondary cloaks are not able to have access to channels which use the primary-cloak, and old-secondary-cloak access formats19:13
TheLordOfTimei.e. if we see the -irc access list, you see ubuntu/member/* and ubuntu.member.*19:13
IdleOnepoint is that channels are being harassed for far longer then should be allowed IMO19:14
jussiTheLordOfTime: ahh yes, those need fixing19:14
PiciI thought we updated those somewhere...19:14
TheLordOfTimejussi:  indeed, and preferably globally, there's a few other channels still having that19:14
AlanBellso what would be the correct mask?19:14
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  for newer secondary cloak formats (as an example, mine),19:14
Piciubuntu/* and ubuntu.* should cover everything19:14
TheLordOfTime^ that19:14
TheLordOfTimeor rather for the secondary format...19:15
Picier, right19:15
AlanBellPici: can you take that one, needs fixing in -meeting and -irc for starters19:16
AlanBellI will only get the mask wrong19:16
AlanBell#action pici to review masks for Ubuntu Member access to channels19:16
meetingologyACTION: pici to review masks for Ubuntu Member access to channels19:16
jussiId also like to have the discussion/decision about #ubuntu-discus19:17
jussi#ubuntu-discus could be fun though :D19:17
AlanBellIdleOne: can we start by finding channels that lack ubuntuirccouncil and see if we can just fix them one by one?19:17
AlanBellmaybe search with alis for #ubuntu-* having more than 10 people in the channel and check the access lists19:18
IdleOneAlanBell: sure but it won't help solve the problem. What i am suggesting is lightning the load for the IRCC19:18
topylii'm still a bit sceptical about -discuss. we have topical channels and -ot19:19
AlanBellhaving a second account for op access across other channels is a bit of a big topic for the any other business section IdleOne :)19:19
jussitopyli: I think it is a very topical channel - its for discussion of specifically ubuntu related things that dont fit into #ubuntu's supportarea19:20
Tm_Tagree with AlanBell, needs some preparation that discussion19:20
IdleOneAlanBell: indeed. I brought it up, you folks can shoot the idea around and make a decision. let us know at some point before December :)19:20
AlanBellI like the idea of #ubuntu-discuss as a place for on-topic non support discussions19:20
IdleOneisn't that what -ot is for?19:20
AlanBelland somewhere that Ubuntu marketing materials from LoCos and Canonical can direct people to19:20
jussiubuntu in the news, improvements to ubuntu, etc etc19:20
Tm_TI like the idea of #ubuntu-offtopic as aplace for all non-support discussion that is suitable to our community spirit19:20
IdleOneon topic non support19:20
topylijussi: that's -ot IMO19:21
jussiIdleOne: no, -ot is a break room type area, for just relaxing19:21
AlanBellso why is it called "off topic"?19:21
IdleOnejussi: but it can also be for cool ubuntu news and stuff19:21
topylijussi: i disagree :)19:21
PiciI'd like to see some folks willing to staff -discuss that will actually be able to answer questions before we set it up19:21
jussitopyli: topic says so :P19:21
Tm_TAlanBell: good question, similar channels on other communities are called cafes etc19:21
jussiPici: hrm?19:21
topyliAlanBell: historical reasons. it was created to move non-support away from #ubuntu back in 200519:21
Picii.e. not all us ops are knee deep in Ubuntu to know enough to respond to everything .19:22
AlanBellTm_T: yes, a community cafe or something sounds about right19:22
topyliforums have a community cafe19:22
topyliso that would fit19:22
Tm_Tthat's pretty much what our -ot is19:22
IdleOneit sounds like another off topic channel19:22
PiciIsn't that what community-team is for?19:22
* topyli is defensive of -ot :)19:22
Tm_TPici: good point19:23
jussiPici: nah, community team is for jono to organise calls :P19:23
AlanBellok, so maybe community cafe is more what offtopic is19:23
PiciNo.. thats what he uses it for, but its also where the community teams coordinate things19:23
AlanBellCanonical sent out a bunch of emails a while back relating to ubuntu phones or Ubuntu for Android asking people to "join the conversation in #ubuntu"19:23
topylimy sauna is getting cold :(19:23
AlanBellwhich I had to point out to them was not really what #ubuntu was all about19:24
jussiAlanBell: exactly the type of discussion we want in -discuss.19:24
Tm_TI wish -ot would be in shape for that kind of use19:24
PiciA lot of people use -ot as a place to relax, they don't want to have to deal with that sort of stuff in there.19:25
topyliubuntu phones an ubuntu for android have nothing to do with the community afaik, and nobody knows nothing about them...19:25
AlanBelland no, I don't think #ubuntu-offtopic is an appropriate place to direct people to, partly because the name is weird for that kind of thing, and partly because the conversations are a bit random at times19:25
jussiI really think that -ot isnt for that, its not somewhere we send people for that type of discussion. its not that it cant happen in -ot, but that its nice to have a dedicates area19:25
AlanBelltopyli: not entirely true, but anyhow, this is a general point about marketing Ubuntu19:25
Tm_Ttopyli: ...so best option is no channel in that case19:25
PiciSo, instead of going around in circles.... do we want to trial this?19:26
topyliwell, canonical can set one up19:26
AlanBellsabdfl's response was that perhaps they should direct people to askubuntu.com and not IRC at all19:26
topyliTm_T: iirc #ubuntuone is working fine19:26
jussiPici: I would like to trial it19:26
AlanBellI would like to trial it19:26
jussiAlanBell: you guys want to have a vote? ;)19:26
PiciAlanBell: unfortunately, sabdfl has a bit of a history of not exactly getting what we do.19:26
Tm_Ttopyli: yup, because there's canonical folks answering19:26
topyliwe can trial it, see if people will join when encouraged, and what becomes of it19:27
topyli(-discuss i mean)19:27
PiciWorst thing that happens is that its a bust and we end up forwarding it to somewhere else.19:27
AlanBellok, lets have a little vote on this19:27
Tm_Ttrue, but I'm bit worried of the idea that Canonical points people to us and we have to clean up the mess, to put it bluntly19:28
jussiops should also direct people who have that kind of discussion in #ubuntu to there as well19:28
AlanBell#vote set up a #ubuntu-discuss channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions of Ubuntu as a trial to be reviewed at a later date19:28
meetingologyPlease vote on: set up a #ubuntu-discuss channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions of Ubuntu as a trial to be reviewed at a later date19:28
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)19:28
DJonesWhat area's of the community would you staff it from? core ops, members, canonical employee's, community-team etc?19:28
meetingology+1 received from topyli19:28
AlanBell#voters AlanBell Pici topyli Tm_T19:28
meetingologyCurrent voters: AlanBell Pici Tm_T topyli19:28
jussiDJones: all of the above ?:D19:28
meetingology+1 received from AlanBell19:28
meetingology+1 received from Pici19:28
DJonesjussi: Agreed, it would have to be a mixture19:29
meetingology+0 received from Tm_T19:29
topylii suspect jussi would like to set it up :)19:29
meetingologyVoting ended on: set up a #ubuntu-discuss channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions of Ubuntu as a trial to be reviewed at a later date19:29
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:119:29
meetingologyMotion carried19:29
PiciI can think of a few folks that would at least be willing to idle there and answer questions19:29
IdleOneI'm still not sure about the idea but I'll be idle in there and happy o help out19:30
topyliwould be nice to lure some canonical staff there19:30
AlanBellok, any more stuff?19:30
PiciIs someone willing to send out a mail to the list so that the rest of the folks not present today will know about it?19:30
Picior... will the meeting notes be enoughj19:30
AlanBellyeah, I will do that19:30
PiciAlanBell: great, thaks.19:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Sun Jun 24 19:30:38 2012 UTC.19:30
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-06-24-17.59.moin.txt19:30
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-06-24-17.59.html19:30
PiciI need new fingers today.19:30
AlanBellthanks everyone19:30
topylii suppose the meeting minutes will take care of it19:30
IdleOneThank you.19:30
topylithanks all, i'm off to sauna :)19:30
Tm_Tyay, I voted on IRCC meeting, did I win something?19:31
IdleOneyes, responsibility19:31
topyliTm_T: a trophy in the ubuntu accomplishments game!19:31
Tm_Ttopyli: ooooooo shiny!19:31
AlanBellIdleOne: does that come with great power?19:31
IdleOneit does peter19:31
IdleOneit does.19:31
Tm_TIdleOne: I would have expected that even without IRCC position19:32
* AlanBell wonders off to get cake19:32
SeveasPici, ?20:07
IdleOneSeveas: you have been blamed during a meeting and were given ample time to respond. meeting is now over and your opinion no longer matters. Thank you for playing.20:09
* IdleOne hugs Seveas :)20:09
* Seveas slaps IdleOne 20:15
Seveaswhat did I get the blame for this time?20:16
SeveasBritish Telecom?20:17
IdleOnebad taste20:17
IdleOnethe ban Tracker20:17
Seveasis that still in use?20:17
IdleOneheh, yeah20:17
Seveasit was falling over years ago already20:17
Seveassurprised it hasn't yet20:17
IdleOneit has been given a cane but is limping badly now20:17
Seveasyou've had years to replace it, blame the lazy buggers who didn't20:17
Seveasor the muppets who made me quit :-)20:18
IdleOnename calling is not going to help us get a better ban tracker20:18
Seveasnope, someone will need to write one20:19
Seveasand it ain't gonna be Seveas20:19
IdleOneif interested and have the spare time talk to AlanBell and Pici about helping them out with this, also m4v20:19
Seveasnope, not even a little bit20:19
IdleOneJust so you know I do appreciate that you did write it in the first place. I think we all do.20:20
IdleOneWe tease you because you got that thick skin :)20:20
IdleOneHow you been, any kids yet?20:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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