
cerjam-g71what is that about?00:00
bazhang<cerjam-g71> bazhang is a real dunce.00:00
cerjam-g71you want me to pastebin a log because my keyboard mispelt channnel00:00
cerjam-g71am i wrong?00:00
IdleOneCocytus: Can I help you?00:01
Cocytusgreetings....no help needed at the moment.00:02
bazhangis this Yankees52?00:02
IdleOneCocytus: we have a no idling policy. Please part now if there is nothing the ops team can do for you.00:02
bazhangCocytus, thats you?00:02
CocytusFarewell, I will depart then. I was just planning on observing for a while.00:03
Cocytusno, bazhang.00:03
IdleOneCocytus: /msg ubottu !logs if you wish to observe00:03
Cocytusthanks for the advice. I will remember that for future reference.00:04
bazhang* [Yankees52] (~john@c-76-24-90-249.hsd1.ma.comcast.net): Sabathia00:07
bazhangguess not00:07
IdleOneto close for comfort00:08
genii-aroundThose comcast ones all seem to look alike after a while00:08
ubottuBudwesier called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()00:37
JoseeAntonioRGuys, constant abuse from Budweiser. He's now on #u-irc00:38
elkywe're aware.00:39
JoseeAntonioROk, thanks.00:39
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ubottuBudLight called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:38
bazhang<Sarah> Jimmy_Chunga, buy MS Office! O.o01:45
genii-aroundbazhang: Strangeness abounds tonight.01:52
bazhangSarah just PM'ed me, and is defending telling people to just google it, as a sane approach to support02:00
IdleOnein that case she doesn't need #ubuntu for support and can stay banned?02:02
bazhangit was a remove02:02
bazhangit will be a ban if he tries to rejoin and continues like that02:03
bazhang@mark #ubuntu Sarah none@h50n3-sbg-a11.ias.bredband.telia.com simple remove from channel for constant offtopic, belittling and unhelpful commentary02:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:15
bazhang<wolfgang> im banned from #minecraft for asking about cracked minecraft02:58
bazhangcracked minecraft?02:58
JoseeAntonioRGuys, who should I ask permission to create a channel in the namespace?04:16
IdleOnenobody, go for it :)04:17
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks04:18
JoseeAntonioRjust for your information, I'll create the #ubuntu-on-air channel, which will be used for a project that has been discussed during UDS04:18
JoseeAntonioRthanks again!04:18
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (PorraQuente appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)06:52
chuMight want to just remove him from the channel, it's a bot anyway.06:57
LjLikonia: fwiw i didn't understand the thing about the parsing of the disk either. it seems fair to let people know why they shouldn't recommend something, especially when they were humbly suggesting they used it *while* pointing out it wasn't recommended11:02
ikoniaLjL: basically when it "parses" the disk for displaying (read or write mode) it's been known to mess up the file system11:04
ikoniathe write mode causes a lot more problems because it's designed to change the file system, but the read only mode also causes issues with it, especially in ext3 and 4, less so with 211:05
LjLikonia: so the read-only mode actually writes to the filesystem as well?11:05
ikoniaLjL: it seems to yes, if it's an actual right or just the "pass through" of the ext driver on windows I don't know11:06
ikoniaI don't think "write" is the correct word, but I can't think of a better way to describe it11:06
LjLikonia: why don't you say what you've said to me now to StarChild as well? i'm sorry to insist about this stuff but this is another instance where you seem to be bossing people around, when it would be easy to instead share what you know about the issue and let them see your point of view :\11:08
ikonia"bossing someone around" asking them to not recommend something that's dangerous11:08
LjLwell maybe it's just me11:09
LjLbut i re-read the conversation, and it sounds as bossing around.11:09
ikoniano problem then11:09
ikoniaI'll let him recommend ntfs home directories11:09
LjLkeep drawing users away from #ubuntu by being scorching, i've kind of stopped caring11:11
ikoniahow is telling someone that the ext driver in windows is actually unstable when they are recommending NTFS home directories drawing people away ?11:11
ikoniarather than stopping someone making a real mess of their machine ?11:12
LjLikonia: you haven't explained why you couldn't just tell them what you've told me here, instead of "it's not recommended full stop"11:12
ikoniabecause he seemed he was struggling to grasp it and I was doing multiple other things11:12
ikoniaplus I didn't have the best way to describe it as I've just tried to do to you with pretty poor wording11:13
ikoniaLjL: he still seems itnerested, if you can think of a better worded way to explain it, it seems it would be worth while11:16
ikoniainterested even11:16
LjLikonia: well, the thing is, if you don't know something with 100% accuracy, i think it's still worth to say what you know (and state what you don't) rather than dismiss the person11:17
ikoniaI've not dimissed him11:17
ikoniaI just can't think of a good way to word it11:17
ikoniaLjL: any better ?11:19
LjLyes. do you have a source about this, anyway? i've googled "ext2fsd read-only dangerous" but that didn't turn up too much11:21
ikoniaLjL: nothing to hand, I've not used it much since the issues it caused with ext311:21
ikoniaext2 was bad enough11:21
ikoniaI'm sure I can dig something out11:21
ikoniathere are some solid documentation on the features currently available/not available http://www.ext2fsd.com/?p=7411:31
LjLmight this be an issue?  13, FIXME: don't do journal replay for devices set as readonly11:35
ikoniaI was just having a poke around that11:36
ikoniathere was some other notes about ext4 unclean marks causing a failure to mount or a forced mount corruption11:36
ikoniaalthough that stuff doesn't appear to be as well noted11:36
ikoniahas anyone noticed people complaining about http://ppa.launchpad.net  being dead11:42
ikoniaI can't get any of the hosts under it's dns to resolve/respond11:42
ikoniasomeone in #ubuntu is complaining it's been like that for days, but that seems unlikley11:42
oCeanHmm, I think I noticed that yesterday, or maybe even friday11:43
oCeandidn't think much of it then11:43
ikoniaseems pretty serious11:44
AlanBellit resolves for me11:52
AlanBellthere might be 404 errors if someone has upgraded to a release and the PPA they added doesn't publish to that series11:53
ikoniathe whole host isnt responding for me11:56
AlanBellworks for me12:21
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cipher__i am running an optimus laptop (xps15z), and recently optirun / bumblebee ceased working. i purged bumblebee and reinstalled nvidia-current (proprietary gpu driver). In /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf i forced the gpu to nvidia and here is the output: http://pastie.org/4142847 ... I recall when i originally got this working, i believe i had to change my x.org conf file. I'd really appreciate help14:16
oCeancipher__: ?14:17
oCeancipher__: you realize this is the #ubuntu-ops channel?14:17
cipher__no, not really :S14:18
PriceyPici: is it just me, or has mcloy been a pain for years?18:10
PriceyLiterally years. I've been absent some time but that nick just jumps out at me.18:11
PiciPricey: I think he was known as another nick that I can't remember right now, but you're probably right.18:11
PriceyPerhaps I'm missremembering. I fail to find logs to back up my wild accusations.18:14
topylii think it's more like a few months only18:16
PriceyMmhm, I only see back to March.18:21
PriceyAnd activity at that, not bad activity.18:21
IdleOneis KingOzzy banned from -ot?18:44
ikoniahe was18:54
ikoniadon't know if he still is/should be18:55
ikoniahe's a real pain in the neck18:55
IdleOneyup I saw the BT comments18:55
IdleOnea user informed me of possible ban evasion is why I asked18:56
IdleOne King_OnTheGo18:56
ikoniaI know he was banned, I don't know if anyone has removed the ban/should remove the ban18:56
ikoniafrom my impression of him, he can go and find another community18:56
bioterrordont they all find their way to arch linux nowdays?19:02
Picibad bioterror.;19:02
IdleOne-!discuss is <reply> Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.19:41
IdleOneanybody like, dislike, not care about this new factoid?19:41
Myrttiall of it?19:42
IdleOnealright then.19:43
Jordan_UWhat does #ubuntu-discuss provide that #ubuntu-offtopic doesn't?19:43
IdleOneJordan_U: from the topic19:43
IdleOne Welcome to #ubuntu-discuss. This is a channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions about Ubuntu.19:43
IdleOne!discuss is <reply> Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.19:44
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne19:44
IdleOnefactoid approved. edit if you feel you can do it better19:44
topyliit does make me feel like i can't talk about ubuntu in -ot anymore :\21:52

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