
bigcalmBoo Beep09:18
bigcalmchristel: my darling :) *hugs*09:19
* christel hugs bigcalm 09:21
christelIT IS NOT THAT LONG UNTIL RAT! \o/09:21
bigcalmSunday morning hugs are the best!09:21
bigcalmI look forward to getting drunk with you :D09:22
bigcalmRemind me to buy your train tickets, I still owe you09:22
bigcalmMmmmm, tea09:25
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:25
brobostigonhi bigcalm09:26
bigcalmPoptarts munched, tea slurped. Shower time!09:33
brobostigonmorning popey09:36
christelpopey: your new kitty is very cute09:39
dauberschristel: Did you just eat the popeycat?09:45
christelsssh! ;)09:45
Neoti_Laptophey peeps... can anyone recommend a good SIP Router, what i mean by router is something like opensips thats takes the SIP messages and routes them to an asterisk server based on load etc.... i have asterisk set up in the back end but on the front end i want some thing to load balance requests to differant servers.... i dont want the router to get involved in media just sip set up etc.....?09:56
bigcalmI want a kitten!09:59
MartijnVdSNeoti_Laptop: so.. a SIP load balancer?09:59
MartijnVdSbigcalm: talk to popey :)09:59
Neoti_Laptop<MartijnVdS> Yes. :)10:00
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I have a feeling that he won't want to give up the kitten he's just aquired10:00
MartijnVdSbigcalm: he might be able to hook you up with a kitten provider10:01
MartijnVdSa purveyor of felines10:01
SuperEngineernomnom - kitten & chips!10:01
bigcalmMartijnVdS: kittens aren't hard to find10:01
SuperEngineerbigcalm: but they are hard to cook!10:02
SuperEngineer[morning peeps]10:02
christelthey are? i can't say i've tried10:06
MartijnVdSchristel: they won't stay put10:07
christelah yes.. weigh them down perhaps?10:07
* SuperEngineer imagines popeycat now running to a hiding hole10:11
gordgetting replacement keys for my thinkpad is really tricky... i thought i'd be able to go on amazon and get a bag of random keys for a few quid or something10:11
MartijnVdSgord: replacement keys? you locked yourself out?10:11
gordof my thinkpad house?10:11
MartijnVdSwell a "pad" is a name for a house10:13
MartijnVdS"This is my think-pad"10:13
MartijnVdS"But I misplaced the keys"10:14
gordthis joke isn't really working is it? ;)10:14
* gord sounds the abandon joke alarm10:14
SuperEngineerdarn! just as I was about to do the "lost private key" becoming a "found public key" front door joke!10:16
* SuperEngineer cancels facebook party invite to gord's house10:17
AlanBellmorning all10:19
AlanBelloh come round to my house instead then10:20
AlanBellno failed jokes here10:20
jacobwmorning AlanBell10:20
Seeker`AlanBell: careful, someone might turn up!10:20
AlanBellyes, please do!10:20
Seeker`AlanBell: you're one of the crazy hampshire people?10:21
AlanBelland crazy, yes10:21
Seeker`thats no closer :P10:22
SuperEngineerAlanBell - "still crazy after all these years"10:22
gebbionewhat is a good way to see if a program is running and with what options?10:27
MartijnVdSgebbione: 'ps' can do it10:27
gebbionetrue i ll run a watch10:27
MartijnVdSbut programs can change the string ps shows10:27
gebbioneyea the string is plain :/10:29
MartijnVdSgebbione: what are you trying to do?10:29
gebbioneMartijnVdS, as a linux user i have problems with silverlight streams on akamai, and most important dont know a way to save the streams into a file for later viewing10:36
gebbioneone of the sites that uses silverlight is rai.tv10:36
MartijnVdSthat's sort of the point of using silverlight -- making saving harder :)10:36
gebbionethere is a firefox plugin that uses mplayer10:36
gebbionebut it does not give a save option10:37
gebbionesure, i agree with that only if the streams worked well natively10:37
gebbionethe problem is that they dont10:37
gebbioneand i have to look for workarounds for watching them and with these workaround sometimes they dont work10:38
MartijnVdSgebbione: do you have the URL of the stream? (mms probably?)10:40
gebbionethe html that builds the video object is not so straight forward to read10:46
gebbionein the network i see. ..10:46
jacobw~500ms latency today :(10:57
jacobwhey hamitron11:01
hamitronhi :)11:01
SuperEngineersee you all later folks.  Formula1 brmmm brmmms coverage started ;)11:11
hamitronty for reminder11:12
SuperEngineerhamitron: np enjoy11:12
Seeker`HD F1!11:27
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Seeker`MartijnVdS: see that pit stop? 2.9 seconds?!12:27
MartijnVdSSeeker`: when? :)12:29
MartijnVdSI saw a 6.x second one12:29
Seeker`MartijnVdS: Hamiltons12:32
MartijnVdSyeah McLaren are quick12:32
Seeker`MartijnVdS: whoa at senna?12:43
MartijnVdScan someone bring some valium to the commentary box please? :P13:06
* nperry waves bye to Vettel.13:09
MartijnVdSGrosjean winning would rock :)13:10
nperryHe'll come with the white flags soon.13:10
MartijnVdSwho? Teflonso?13:10
MartijnVdSIncident #523213:12
nperryHe has the white flags out there :D13:18
MartijnVdSWhat's up with cars breaking13:19
MartijnVdSVettel, Grosjean13:19
nperryAlternator failed on Grosjean13:19
nperryVettel, we prob wont hear until after the race.13:20
MartijnVdSnperry: well BBC have Lee, she gets news out of everyone :)13:21
MartijnVdSnperry: See?13:24
nperryThe stewards are being kept busy...13:32
nperryThat would teach him13:45
MartijnVdSBye bye Hami13:46
Seeker`that wasn't his fault13:46
nperrySeeker`, Hamilton forced him off the track..13:47
Seeker`nperry: no he didn't13:47
Seeker`Maldinardo tried to go round the outside of him in to the corner, and ended up off the track, and then turned in to hamilton13:48
nperryI believe he did. Hamilton had some room to move over.13:48
Seeker`He could have moved over, but he didn't leave the racing line13:49
nperryBut then again I'm not a fan of Hamilton.. I don't like his driving attitude.13:49
Seeker`He has no obligation to move off the racing line to let someone else in13:49
Seeker`Hamilton has been far more mature this year13:49
nperryYeah but i still remember last year, I give him that this year has been better.13:50
Seeker`he's been a different person this year imo13:52
s-foxHi :)13:58
jacobwhey fox14:09
jacobwlo SuperEngineer14:11
SuperEngineerlo2u jacobw14:15
SuperEngineerMicrosoft Blocks FSF Donation Website As a 'Gambling Site'14:20
SuperEngineer[sorry - should have short-url'd that]14:20
gordmore realisticly, automated bot makes mistake, slashdot puts another layer of tinfoil on their crazy hats14:25
RaycisCharlesSuperEngineer: another example of how Slashdot trolls for pageviews.14:25
RaycisCharlesgord, exactly.14:25
RaycisCharlesAccidentally blocking sites happens all the times when maintaining content filter blacklists.14:25
SuperEngineerslashdot = slashtrot ;)14:25
SuperEngineerkeep an eye on newsfeed few the occasional gem tho - like that little foopah14:26
RaycisCharlesAlso, who cares about the FSF anyway? It's like finding out the cops busted a lemonade stand.14:26
SuperEngineerRaycisCharles: now who's the troll!!!14:26
SuperEngineerRaycisCharles: u?14:27
RaycisCharlesI'm a Windows/VMWare sys architect, what do you expect?14:27
* SuperEngineer guffaws14:27
SuperEngineer[& passes on his pity]14:28
RaycisCharlesYes, I wish I knew how to architect technologies as usable, capable and popular as Ubuntu and KVM.14:31
s-foxHi jacobw , sorry didn't see ping because missed the s on my irc nick :)14:53
s-foxHow is everyone?14:53
AlanBellhi s-fox14:53
s-foxHi AlanBell  :)14:53
* penguin42 is rather sleepy today15:06
* bigcalm returns16:15
daubersLawn mowed with only one medical incident!16:23
penguin42to whom?16:24
mgdmthe grass :(16:24
daubersMe. Burnt myself on the exhaust while changing the cutting height16:24
penguin42daubers: You know the problem there don't you?16:25
dauberspenguin42: No?16:25
penguin42daubers: You've got a mower with an exhaust16:25
dauberspenguin42: Heh :) I borrowed one as it was a bit of a jungle! Leccy mower would have struggled16:26
bigcalmmgdm: ta for the single char last night. It allowed me to write a script for updating a WordPress database after it has been moved to a new domain (bloomin' serialised arrays as table variables)16:33
mgdmbigcalm: cool - glad it helped16:34
DJonesAfternoon all16:41
alexcockellHi all...17:28
* bigcalm throws his code onto his ranty blog for people to mock :)17:39
DJonesHows the new phone bigcalm17:42
mgdmbigcalm: show me :)17:43
bigcalmmgdm: http://www.myrant.net/2012/06/24/updating-a-wordpress-database-with-new-domain-details/17:53
bigcalmDJones: very pleasing :)17:53
DJonesI'm jealous, probably going with that one in November, unless something better comes along17:54
bigcalmmgdm: it requires a lot of refactoring, but it works :)17:54
bigcalmAfternoon, popey17:57
bigcalmDJones: Hayley doesn't like me having a new phone. She's now looking to replace hers17:58
DJonesbigcalm: We're the same, Emma has been looking at phones for the last 6 months despite our contracts running until November18:00
mgdmafternoon popey18:00
bigcalmmgdm: no mocking? :P18:01
mgdmbigcalm: not reafd yet, on the phone :)18:01
bigcalmFair enough :)18:02
bigcalmYikes, it's gone 7pm18:06
mgdmevery time I go to write a blog post I end up fiddling with the CSS instead18:07
bigcalmOne of the reasons why I use an existing CMS and theme18:08
mgdmMine's all custom now18:08
bigcalmI started out that way18:08
mgdmwell, the HTML is - it's generated by Jekyll, which I didn't write18:08
mgdmit entertains me to have to type 'make' to rebuild my blog18:08
alexcockellCurious as to why IRC throws me out..18:10
bigcalmMaybe it wants you to have a productive life ;)18:11
mgdmYeah, that 'peer' guy is big on productiviy18:11
mgdmCounter Retort18:12
bigcalmWhich will make me more productive tonight? a) ale, b) wine18:12
mgdmObservation that you create a vacuum18:13
bigcalmI'd have to trawl bash.org to find more of that conversation18:13
mgdmand as to your question, I have no idea18:13
mgdmAye the noo?18:14
bigcalmIf you insist :)18:14
* bigcalm goes to eat left over enchiladas instead18:14
bigcalmOld Elpaso make it look as though I'm a really good cook18:15
alexcockellOh - who else is unaffected but watching the Natwest debacle?18:15
DJonesalexcockell: I'm affect at work, can't access info on our accounts for the last 2 working days18:16
alexcockellBeen reading the followign Register thread about it - http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/4/2012/06/22/rbs_natwest_outage_fourth_day/18:17
penguin42someone there must have been having an awful week18:20
ubuntuuk-planet[Iain Cuthbertson] Updating a WordPress database with new domain details - http://www.myrant.net/2012/06/24/updating-a-wordpress-database-with-new-domain-details/18:23
DJonesHas the wendyball finished yet?18:43
penguin42don't think so yet18:45
penguin42TV this summer is mostly going to be complete balls18:45
penguin42footballs, tennis balls, and various types of olympic balls18:46
* bigcalm returns18:46
* DJones wonders at times if he's the onle male in the UK that couldn't give a monkey's about football18:48
penguin42DJones: Well, there are at least 2 of us18:48
Seeker`a monekys about what?18:48
Seeker`never heard of this 'football' :P18:48
DJonesyay, I'm not alone18:48
alexcockellBBC4's got a Julius Caesar variant running19:02
MartijnVdSalexcockell: set in "a modern African state", according to the website19:03
ali1234the UEFI specification makes no sense and contradicts itself :(19:04
MartijnVdSali1234: it was written by a committee and Microsoft. What did you expect?19:05
ali1234i didn't expect any different19:05
MartijnVdSali1234: what's your complaint specifically?19:07
ali1234section 27.5 says that "The authenticated UEFI variable that stores the key exchange keys (KEKs) can always be read but19:09
ali1234only be written if: The platform is in user mode and the provided variable data is signed with the current PKpriv;19:09
ali1234or if The platform is in setup mode."19:09
mgdm'KEKs' *snigger*19:09
ali1234but section 7.2.1 says "If the variable is the global PK variable or the global KEK variable, verify that the signer's19:10
ali1234certificate chains to the Platform Key."19:10
penguin42most security docs are like that19:10
ali123427.7.3 says "authenticated UEFI variables that store the signature databases (db, or dbx) can always be read but can only be written if: The platform is in user mode and the provided variable data is signed with the private half of a previously enrolled key exchange key (KEKpriv), or the platform private key (PKpriv);"19:12
MartijnVdSali1234: assume the most restrictive one is true19:13
MartijnVdSor whatever windows does19:13
ali1234windows does not have PK or KEK keys19:13
ali1234it just has certs that are trusted19:13
ali1234and revoked certs that are not19:13
MartijnVdSthen good luck with this :)19:13
MartijnVdSdon't expect bios builders to build this19:14
penguin42ali1234: Looked at the code?19:14
ali1234wait i understand it. "global KEK variable" means the KEK database as a whole19:14
ali1234yes, i've looked at the code. it follows the less restrictive interpretation19:15
daubersstupid ssh sessions19:24
Azelphurali1234: did you see ASIC just hit19:29
MartijnVdSif I watch TV on the same transponder/sat as I'm tuned to from my PC, the PC loses 5% signal strength19:30
alexcockellUmmm - ASIC???19:30
Azelphuralexcockell: tis bitcoin stuff19:30
MartijnVdSAzelphur: mining asic?19:31
alexcockellAh; never been anywhere near that stuff.19:31
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yea19:31
Laneycan someone try www.nwolb.com please?19:34
LaneyI don't think it is down, but there is something up with SSL here.19:35
AzelphurLaney: wfm19:35
Laneyon which browser?19:35
Laney"Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error."19:35
popeychrome is fine here19:36
Laneybroken on both FF and chromium for me19:36
* Laney sees a ca-certificates update19:37
popeyfine in chromium on quantal here too19:37
Laney[5674:5695:101097611225:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_nss.cc(1534)] handshake with server www.nwolb.com:443 failed; NSS error code -5938, net_error -10719:38
Laneyget it on both of my machines :(19:50
* Laney fires up a vm19:50
MartijnVdS(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻20:01
dogmatic69how can I run tcpdump on a remote machine and not have all the stuff showing from the ssh connection streaming the tcpdump20:02
popeyfirst hit for "tcpdump exclude ssh" on google :)20:02
dogmatic69that site comes up for anything linux related20:03
Davieyettercap is another tool that supports regex style limiting20:25
MartijnVdScapture everything, then ignore the ssh strea20:26
DavieyLaney: confirmed, FF and Chrome, up-to-date Quantal.. works here.20:27
Laneyyeah I tried loading it in The Cloud and it worked, but broken on both of my machines20:28
Laneyweird eh20:28
* Laney remembers there is a cheeky macbook air running precise20:33
Laney… which is also broken in the same way …20:35
* Laney gets suspicious20:35
Daviey"The Cloud"... i love it.20:38
DavieyLaney: do a proxy check..20:38
LaneyI do indeed now suspect skulduggery from vM20:39
DavieyLaney: google for "proxy check" :)20:40
DavieyI've started VPN'ing all my traffic, as i don't really trust my ISP.20:41
LaneyDaviey: I see, you mean like that. Apparently not. I did think that virgin had one, but this site is SSL.20:42
* Laney should do the VPN thing20:42
DavieyLaney: Squid recently added support for SSL MITM'ling.. whic freaks me out.20:49
LaneyHuh, that is scary20:51
LaneyI wonder if employers would have to inform you if they're doing that20:51
ali1234you can just look at your certificate store20:52
ali1234if you see "FooCorp certificate for SSL snooping" then you know they are doing it20:53
Laneyyes, most people definitely know to do that20:53
ali1234if you don't, and they try it, you'll get a big fat "untrusted certificate" warning on any SSL website20:53
ali1234most people don't understand https to start with and either assume all traffic is secure by default no matter what, or all traffic is insecure by default no matter what20:54
Laneyoh, that's ok then20:55
ali1234if people don't understand certificates, then they wouldn't understand if the employer told them either20:56
ali1234so yeah it would be nice of them, but largely pointless20:56
Laneyyou think it is impossible to express it in a simple way?20:56
ali1234it's impossible to make it simple enough that people would understand it in combination with all the other "simple" guides to internet security out there20:57
ali1234ie it's impossible to simplify it without making it contradict everything people have previously been told about security20:57
ali1234the only way to understand it is to actually really understand it properly20:58
Daviey"To maintain corporate internet useage policy (filtering), and to make best use of our bandwith; we intercept https connections.  This means that we can technically see your 'secure' content - such as online banking"20:58
Davieysans typos20:58
dogmatic69ok, my issue I have been having with server dropping out all the time seems to not be the server but rather my pc :(20:58
ali1234Daviey: "but the help screen in internet explorer says that https connections cannot be intercepted"20:59
dogmatic69Tracking traffic with tcpdump, when its breaks there is nothing being sent at all.20:59
daubersDaviey: YOU'RE screening my interwebz?20:59
Davieydaubers: Indeedy21:00
daubersDaviey: So thoes Ninjas... I didn't mean to send them to you....21:00
Davieydaubers: And i'd share with the rest of the channel what you had been recently looking at.. but it's not family friendly.21:01
DavieyThose poor goats, is all i can say.21:01
daubersDaviey: That's your browser history! Not mine21:01
Davieydaubers: next you'll be saying it was for 'research purposes'.21:02
daubersDaviey: Maybe it was.....21:02
daubersBah, why can't all circuit boards have 0.1mm seperated headers. Would make my life a lot easier21:03
daubersor 1mm even21:03
daubers****OUT OF TEA ERROR****21:03
ali1234because the standard is 0.1 inched21:04
DavieyLaney: TBH, if it's a 'work maintained' machine.. i'd expect them to have vnc (or equivalent).. making https almost as insecure.. so it's no massive change.21:04
daubersali1234: In this house we respect the laws of thermodynamics and the metric system21:04
LaneyDaviey: Indeed (and that does have to be in a computer code of use AFAIK). It just makes it easier to automate.21:05
Laney(and to process the results)21:07
emaren't you guys watching the football?21:09
Laneysure am21:09
popeycricket without bats daubers21:11
dauberspopey: Surely that's not legal?21:11
daubers(although it's been some time since I listened to the cricket I have to admit)21:11
bigcalmGit people who run private local repos! What's your favourite web interface?21:22
bigcalmali1234: for personal use only, or do you protect bits for members to view stuff?21:22
ali1234i don't share proprietary code21:23
ali1234let me put that another way21:24
ali1234i only share code publicly or not at all21:24
bigcalmI'm sure I can lock things down with a .htaccess file21:25
jacobwand england are out :)21:25
diddledantrue to form21:25
diddledanso is that hodgson out of a job now? :-p21:26
popeylooks like bed time21:34
bigcalmIs there a web interface to manage merge requests in git?22:16
AlanBelllike github?22:18
bigcalmAlanBell: yes, like it for privately hosted git repos22:18
bigcalmAlanBell: just been there22:18
AlanBellI was looking there the other day22:19
bigcalmI have gitweb running, but it only lets you view. Doesn't offer management tools22:19
AlanBellwent with redmine which isn't quite the same thing22:19
bigcalmgitorious looks nice22:20
bigcalmUg, getting tired22:23
ali1234hmm you know i just noticed that tiano doesn't actually follow the EFI specification22:25
ali1234quote "If the image’s signature is not found in the authorized database, or is found in the forbidden database, the image will not be started and instead"22:27
ali1234that isn't true. OVMF will run an image if it is signed with the KEK certificate, even if it's signature is not present in the authorized database (DB)22:27
ali1234however, it won't run it if it is signed with PK22:27
ali1234either PK or KEK should allow signatures to be added to the DB22:28
ali1234the spec says nothing about allowing an image to run if it is signed by an enrolled KEK22:29
ali1234it also says nothng about disallowing an image that is signed by PK but not KEK22:29
ali1234it does however say that DB updates may be signed with either KEK or PK22:30
ali1234so if signing the image with KEK implicitly allows it to run because the signer could have added the sig to DB, then signing it with PK should have the same effect22:31
ali1234but in the implementation it does not22:31
AlanBellali1234: I think it might be a good thing to send some of your investigations to the ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com list22:39
ali1234i will do, when i've got everything straight22:40
ali1234i'm building a set of batch files to automatically generate the keys, certificates, and binaries for the tests22:40
ali1234you can help by following along and checking i have not made any obvious mistakes22:41
AlanBellgreat, but now I am off to bed. Night all o/22:42
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bigcalmBeddybies time :) o/22:55
ali1234so on page 40 of the efi signing document they attempt to show what happens if you try to run an unsigned efi binary with a screenshot23:10
dogmatic69Ok, I keep getting something like ' > ICMP udp port 2032 unreachable'23:10
ali1234except that the screenshot clearly gives the "command not found error" rather than the "access denied" error you get when you actually try it23:11
dogmatic69after that I can not load web pages from the box via chrome23:11
ali1234dogmatic69: that's crazy23:12
dogmatic69anyone know what ICMP is?23:12
ali1234it's the packet type used to establish a connection23:12
dogmatic69ah ok23:12
ali1234like if you try to connect to an unopen port, the server sends back a "connection refused" message, right?23:13
ali1234well that message can't be sent over tcp or udp because those require a port23:13
dogmatic69192.168.0.2 is a blade server I use for web dev at home, its running bind9 catching *.dev and passing anything else23:13
ali1234and since there is no port, that won't work23:13
dogmatic69every now and then the site is unavaiable23:13
dogmatic69and that seems to happen at the exact moment23:13
ali1234so it is sent using ICMP instead23:13
dogmatic69once this connection drops no amount of F5 does anything. there is no tcp traffic at all23:14
dogmatic69or udp, tcpdump is just quiet23:14
ali1234i don't use chrome23:14
dogmatic69then it seems I get http://bin.cakephp.org/view/200345366823:15
dogmatic69and it works again23:15
dogmatic69well the bit after un reachable23:15
ali1234look at that ARP stuff23:15
dogmatic69its normally down for 10 20 seconds23:15
ali1234your blade server is disappearing off the netwrk for no good reason23:15
dogmatic69well ssh still works23:16
ali1234who knows?23:16
dogmatic69I can ls in another terminal23:16
ali1234also why do you have a blade server in your house?23:16
dogmatic69for dev23:16
ali1234what's wrong with just using a normal computer?23:16
ali1234btw if ARP goes away for some reason established connections persist, just new ones break23:17
dogmatic69takes up much more space, blades are cheap and its closer to the real deal come deploy time23:17
ali1234there's a lot of ways that can happen23:18
ali1234and they all involve misconfigured networks23:18
dogmatic69I have been apt-get removing everything possible23:18
ali1234for example, mac address conflict or ip address conflict can cause weird stuff like this to happen23:18
ali1234it won't be caused by a package23:18
dogmatic69I have mostly everything on a fixed IP23:18
ali1234it will be caused by something specific that you did, either that or the hardware is faulty23:19
dogmatic69will look for some conflicts23:19
dogmatic69Ill try reboot the router then23:19
ali1234i doubt that will help23:20

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