
theblazeHi everyone please check out the Ubuntu-za channel in zello. Zello is a cross-platform push to talk client which works on windows,  Linux (with wine),  android, iPhone and blackberry09:52
theblazeData usage is quite low09:53
Banlamwhy isn't there a dedicated version for linux?09:53
theblazeThey haven't developed one 09:54
Banlamwell yeah, but are they going to09:54
theblazeNot sure09:56
theblazeIll submit a request09:57
Banlamag, i was just curious09:57
Banlamhow are you involved wtih Zello, or are you purely a user?09:57
theblazeJust a user09:58
theblazeBut try it out its quite nice09:58
Banlamwill give the mobile version a go later09:59
theblazeare u ios,  blackberry or androud09:59
theblazeGood me 209:59
Banlami'm quite content with my desktop client atm09:59
theblazeUr irc client? 10:00
theblazeI'm talking about " [11:59] (Banlam) i'm quite content with my desktop client atm"10:01
Banlami'm using XChat on my desktop10:01
theblazeOK btw this isn't irc in case you understood wrong 10:02
Banlamoh right10:02
Banlami see now10:02
Banlami just assumed10:02
Banlambecause you mentioned viewing this channel with it10:03
theblazeNah. Its a push to talk program eg.  Push a button and u can talk 10:03
theblazeMade a channel with same name 10:04
smilehi :)12:54
charlhi smile 13:12
charlhi Kerbero 13:12
smilehi charl :)13:37
smilehow are you? :)13:37
charlsmile: i'm good thanks yourself?13:59
charlthis channel is a bit slow today13:59
charloh here's Kilos !13:59
Kilosafternoon all13:59
smilehallo Kilos :)13:59
charlhi Kilos, how's your weekend been going13:59
smilecharl: I'm fine also :)13:59
Kiloshad big modem vodacom hassles since last night13:59
smileKilos: you fixed it? :p13:59
charlah no, that sucks, what happened13:59
Kilospidgin and xchat couldnt connect 14:00
Kilosmy modem normally shows green when connected, was showing red which it never does14:00
Kilos1 bar signal strenth on nm and then 3 then 1 14:01
Kilosmust be vodacom14:01
charlyeah weird14:01
charlglad it's better now so you can come back on irc :)14:01
Kilosi think its the mobile provider smile 14:01
charlbeing offline sucks14:01
smileKilos: no good provider out there? :o14:02
Kilosyeah sucks being offline14:02
Kilosnope smile. each as bad or worse than the next14:02
smileKilos: Do you know - you were offline about 20 years ago - could you imagine? :)14:02
Kilosall well here guys?14:02
theblazekilos why don't you get an adsl line? 14:02
smileyes i'm fine, thanks Kilos :)14:02
charltheblaze: adsl? now it is going from bad to worse :)14:03
charlmy mom uses that, not good14:03
Kilosno lines to the plot theblaze fone wires got stolen too often so telcom refused to replace them14:03
charlyeah i had that same story even in crowthorne 10 years ago14:03
charlcrowthorne in midrand14:04
charlthis is ironical, we were living right behind a telkom satellite station and still had no copper cable just a few kilometre down the street14:04
charli think it was called mercury road14:04
charlyeah can you believe it14:04
theblazeKilos , Charl: did u see what I posted about zello. 14:05
Kilosposted where14:06
theblaze[11:52] (theblaze) Hi everyone please check out the Ubuntu-za channel in zello. Zello is a cross-platform push to talk client which works on windows,  Linux (with wine),  android, iPhone and blackberry14:06
charllinux with wine.... eish :)14:06
charlyou have to use it drunk?14:06
charljust kidding :)14:06
Kiloslol wine has crashed me a coupla times14:06
theblazeNit sure hey14:06
charlyeah no i don't want to touch it14:06
charli used wine a few times with varying results14:07
charlbesides, i prefer to drink beer :)14:07
Mezenirhi all14:07
charlespecially if it's belgian beer14:07
theblazeKilos, Charl: that sucks. Was hoping I could use Linux for gaming14:07
theblazeOnly play open source then I guess14:07
Mezenirvalve confirmed they are working on a steam client for linux14:08
Kilostheblaze, lots of guys do but im still on 10.1014:08
Mezenirso it is coming14:08
Kilosso old wine and all14:08
charltheblaze: you can try steam if you want https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux14:08
theblazeYeah I know about steam coming. Ea too I think14:08
theblazeStill don't have a PC :/14:08
theblazeYeah.  Motherboard replacement costs r350014:09
charlthat's quite expensive just for a motherboard14:09
charl350 euro? you could buy a whole new pc for that14:09
theblaze3500 Rand and I know14:10
theblazeGoing to get CPU and ram from laptop then build a pc14:10
theblazePity I can't save the graphics card ... but it was nvida anyway14:13
theblazeDoes anyone know if intergrated graphics are part of CPU or motherboard? 14:14
smiletheblaze: you don't need nvidia ;)14:14
smiletheblaze: it's integrated on the motherboard, I think :)14:14
theblazeI know :) shit14:15
theblazeGina need a goodish motherboard then14:15
smiletheblaze: I have AMD :) (ATI)14:16
theblazeCool. Intergrated ?14:16
smileno. A card :)14:17
smile& Intel integrated graphics, I think14:17
theblazeOK. I don't think Intel intergrated graphics is too bad is it? 14:19
theblazeAt the moment I can probobaly spend r50014:20
smiletheblaze: no, it works fine. :)14:21
smileI only need the video card for my bad monitor, which needs the RAM inside the card14:22
theblazeGood. And the prices?  Can I get one under r50014:22
theblazeI want to be able to play waste land 214:22
Kilostheblaze, what does your mb do exactly14:29
theblazeWhat do you mean? 14:30
Kilosthey dont often crash beyond repair14:30
Kiloshere and there14:30
Kiloswhat happens when you try boot14:30
theblazeIt switches on but doesn't display anything. It starts fan etc but not the screen. Then it switches off after about 5 secobds14:31
theblazeSeconds *:14:31
Kilosand if you go into bios and leave it there does it also switch off?14:32
Kilosor only after bios has loaded14:33
theblazeIt doesn't switch screen on and I can't remember which kek14:34
Kilosoh so you dont even see the bios setup?14:34
smiletheblaze: well, mine was about 950r :)14:35
Kilostheblaze, lappy?14:35
theblazeOK gotta save up for a few more months then14:35
theblazeKilos ys14:35
theblazePretty good one too. Almost perfect compatibility on linlap. Com14:36
Kilostry taking it to the agents or a good pc shop and ask for a quote on repairs14:36
Kiloswhat make?14:36
theblazeWe took it to Acer and they said r4100 for mobo and labour14:37
theblazeAcer aspire 5741g 14:37
Kiloswhew they not shy hey14:37
theblazeYep.  In the meantime a USB stick with persistence is good dnough14:38
Kilosbooting from where theblaze ?14:40
theblazeSchool has computers14:40
Kilossorry if i ask stupid questions14:40
Kilosoh ok14:40
smiletheblaze: well, I don't know how much you earn :p14:41
theblazemy parents give me r50 per week14:41
charlthat is not going to go very far14:43
charlthat's 5 euro14:43
theblazeYeah.  Have to save up for a few months14:43
charlphew no kidding14:43
theblazeCurrently at about 50 euro14:44
theblazeJust a question : which is best - vi or emacs 14:56
Kerberonano :P14:57
theblazehoping to start flame war :(14:58
theblazeYeah nano  is quite nice14:58
charlvi is for the old school14:58
charlnano is for noobs14:58
=== theblaze is now known as theblazephone
charlemacs are for gnubies14:58
theblazephone+1 to charl14:58
theblazephoneBtw what is different between vi and vim 14:59
charlvim is vi improved14:59
charlit is the awesomesauce14:59
charland has extra desu14:59
theblazephoneI know it stands for improved. What is improved? 14:59
charlit also has more win and more nyan14:59
charlalso more caramell15:00
charlsheesh i just referenced like 10 memes15:00
=== theblazetablet is now known as theblaze
theblazephoneHaha yeah15:01
theblazephoneWatch #linux :)15:03
Kiloswhew too many peeps there15:09
charlbrb going out to the shop to get something to eat15:14
charlon my own tonight15:14
Kiloslol ok charl 15:14
theblazephonePosted question on omegle as well.  Don't think people will know what I'm talking about15:16
theblazephoneQuestion to discuss: vi or emacs15:18
theblazephoneQuestion to discuss: Linux is the best os15:20
theblazephoneFaith in humanity restored15:20
Kilosyo psydroid 16:39
Kilosreally serious winter in pta tonight16:40
Kiloshi goar superfly inetpro nuvolari 16:40
superflyhi Kilos16:40
psydroidhi Kilos16:40
psydroidhi zeref16:40
psydroidKilos, doesn't the heating work?16:41
psydroidhi superfly16:41
Kilosno man some took the sun away16:41
superflyhi psydroid16:43
Kilossuperfly, please tell everyone i say hi there. its much too cold to sit here tonight16:54
Kilosnight all you guys. sleep tight16:54
superflykry warm oom16:54
Kilossjoe. sal probeer dankie16:55
charlare there any recommendations for buying a new laptop?17:45
charlmy old one is getting... well... old17:45
tumbleweedthinkpad x1 is probably available soon17:48
tumbleweedI see the x230 has appeared, but still has a fairly low screen resolution17:48
charltumbleweed: yeah at this point i am strongly considering the thinkpad18:34
charlthat might be a good route to go after all18:34
smilebye :)18:37
Mezenirif you want to use truecrypt look for a laptop which cpu supports aes-ni instructions18:58
charlthat's a good tip Mezenir although i don't really use truecrypt19:09
Mezenirim definitetly going for that in my next laptop thou19:10
charlcould make a difference indeed19:11
Mezenirgnite all19:19
charlnn all19:49
Banlam"You can find a kulula plane at the following destinations: ...George (Near PE and Knysna) George Airport ..."20:05
Banlamvan wanneer af is george naby aan PE?20:05
Banlamwrong channel :/20:06
superflyBanlam: but a good question20:07
Guest2099hw r we21:31
zerefwe are good :D21:31
=== Guest2099 is now known as nathi
nathicool...am Nathi...from East London21:33
superflyhi nathi, come to find out if there are any other Ubuntu users in East London?21:33
zerefwelcome to ubuntu-za21:33
superflyI know there's a Vijay on the mailing list who lives in EL21:33
nathiyeah something like that...21:34
superflynathi: Are you using Unity, or Gnome Shell?21:34
nathihey...thanks for welcome21:34
superflyor are you a KDE fan?21:35
nathinot sure what's that is all abt...jst new here...21:35
nathima bad...what u guys chat abt here?21:36
zerefmainly about ubuntu linux distribution21:36
magespawnEvening all21:36
superflyhey magespawn21:37
superflynathi: it's a free alternative to Windows21:38
magespawnHey superfly21:38
* superfly needs to get some sleep21:38
superflymagespawn: uh, I guess you could say that21:39
superflyyeah, go away twit21:40
superflywe don't need any desperate guys looking for girls to sext21:40
superfly%^$%^$% chatmosphere21:40
zerefwhen i saw that i was like *sigh*21:41
superflyzeref: that's why I instantly launched into talk about Unity/Gnome/etc21:41
superflyas soon as they see that we're not a bunch of girls waiting for desperate guys, they quit21:42
magespawnThat is just sad. If you can't talk to people face to face how are going to do it here.21:42
magespawnDo any girls do that?21:43
superflyanyways, I need to get some shuteye... night guys21:43
zerefperma ban *.@chatmosphere.org21:43
zerefciao superfly 21:43
magespawnLater superfly21:45
magespawnI always miss the interesting ones.21:45
zerefbtw magespawn: since its holidays i'e started working on my little python project, im just busu readiing up on using Git, then i'l put it there.21:47
magespawnHolidays? zerefnarenyou a student or a teacher?21:51
magespawnzeref are you a student or a teacher?21:51
magespawnAhh right. What are you studying?21:52
zerefcomp eng21:52
magespawnI seen to hit n when going for the space bar21:52
zereftroll keyboard21:52
magespawnLets us know when it is up, I will help when I can.21:53
magespawnTouch screen keyboard, and typing with my thumbs AND not reading what I type before I hit send.21:57
magespawnWell with that I am off too, night all22:14

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