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hobgoblinanyone awake and got a minute :)14:34
holsteinhobgoblin: i got a minute... maybe 514:36
holsteinwhats up?14:36
hobgoblinif grub fails during an install - do I file bug against grub or ubiquity? :)14:36
hobgoblinwell it installs but to the wrong drive :)14:37
holsteingood question...14:37
holsteini would think grub for that14:37
hobgoblinokey doke 14:37
knomei'd say ubiquity... :)14:37
holsteinsince its installing but grub is putting it in an unexpected place or whatever14:37
knomebecause ubiquity tells grub what to do14:37
holsteinyeah... thats a very good point14:38
holsteinwhich one is failing14:38
knomeif it should be against grub, someone more knowledgeable will move it anyway14:38
hobgoblinknome: okey doke :)14:38
hobgoblinI'm of the opinion that it's critical - in this case I already had grub from 12.04 in sda so it booted, but the whole drive install to sdc put grub in sdb for some reason14:39
hobgoblinknome: ^^ what do you think?14:39
knomeyes, it's critical14:39
hobgoblinjust going to do one more daily then that's it for today 14:40
hobgoblinback later14:40
pleia2astraljava: around? I'll be a few minutes late, have a couple of things to take care of before meeting15:56
astraljavapleia2: Yeah I'm around. I'm very unprepared, though, I have some pressing issues that require my attention, but let's see how it goes.15:58
pleia2ok, I'll be back soon15:59
hobgoblinastraljava: r/l trumps everything :)16:00
astraljavaYes it does. And the issues being in a totally new professional field, they _really_ consume all available time.16:00
astraljavaRight, so was there someone here for the QA meeting?16:01
astraljavaLet's have a show of hands.16:02
hobgoblinwell I'm here 16:02
hobgoblinpretty sure one of those who were here last week said they'd be missing 16:03
astraljavaI seem to recall something to that effect too.16:03
hobgoblinboth are missing :)16:04
astraljavaLet's give it a few more minutes. Unless we get any more traffic, I'm going to postpone this.16:04
hobgoblinI've only really got one question anyway 16:05
hobgoblinhi Os_Maleus 16:06
Os_Maleushi hobgoblin!16:06
hobgoblinastraljava: so 2 and you now 16:09
astraljavaOh right.16:09
astraljavaHi Os_Maleus, you're here for the QA meeting?16:09
hobgoblinbut I've no problem with whatever 16:09
Os_Maleusyes, that one I am.16:11
astraljavaOk, cool. Let's give it a few minutes, my right hand (she's often called pleia2) said she's gonna be a few minutes late. I'll use that time to quickly glance over last meeting's minutes, and you can prepare some questions I'm sure were left hanging after the last session.16:13
Os_Maleusfrom my side, the things are clear. 16:13
hobgoblinonly got the one question at the moment 16:14
Os_Maleusjust listening a bit around. perhaps I am hearing some new stuffs. :-)16:14
hobgoblinyea - questions can arise then :)16:15
pleia2ok, back :)16:16
hobgoblinwb :)16:17
pleia2I have a few questions16:17
pleia2first is for hobgoblin!16:17
astraljavaLet's have the questions piled up until now first.16:17
hobgoblinI would just like a definitive on whether a daily test is a fail if anything from the short list fails. 16:17
astraljavahobgoblin: That one is a firm yes.16:18
hobgoblink - thanks :)16:18
pleia2how fail does it have to fail? I couldn't precisely match up hobgoblin's bugs with very specific things on the short list (maybe I missed them though)16:18
astraljavahobgoblin: Testers need not to worry about whether it feels right or not. The testcase authors have to make sure the cases are logical and really required, and also worded right.16:19
pleia2(and actually, this was my question)16:19
astraljavaThat does not mean that you couldn't suggest changes to the testcases.16:19
hobgoblinI might have a suggestion for testcases 16:19
astraljavaBut as a rule of thumb, while doing the testing, you follow it to the point, and if anything goes wrong, the test is marked as failed.16:20
astraljavahobgoblin: Sure, let's wait for those until later, though.16:20
astraljavaThanks for a good question! Anything else?16:20
hobgoblinnot from me16:20
astraljavaOs_Maleus? pleia2? Anyone else?16:21
pleia2I guess my question is which of hobgoblin's tests where on the Short list16:21
hobgoblinthe fails?16:22
pleia2I think one was a USB one16:22
hobgoblinyea - that has been a consistent fail - all of my tests had that16:22
hobgoblinthe fix is on the way though I believe16:22
astraljavaFor Xubuntu, this should be fixed in tomorrow's images.16:22
pleia2does it mount the disk, thunar just doesn't allow browsing?16:23
hobgoblindmesg sees it - but nothing else16:23
astraljavaYou can track the progress of it on bug #101463216:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014632 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Drives/partitions not showing in left pane" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101463216:24
hobgoblinthe test doesn;t include installing udisks2 and rebooting16:24
pleia2oh, I thought we were talking about 101707616:24
Os_Maleusastraljava: like told before: I was just signed in automatically here to listen around what news I am hearing and to catch up some ways to solve those. 16:24
astraljavabug #101191716:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1011917 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar not allowing USB inserted browsing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101191716:25
hobgoblinsame bug I think pleia2 16:25
hobgoblinit'll be fixed iwth udisks2 if that is the cause of 101463216:25
pleia2hobgoblin: does it show up in "mount"?16:25
astraljavaSeems a dupe.16:25
pleia2ok cool, that was my main worry16:25
Os_Maleusastraljava: otherwise, I am fighting around with some kind of pneumonia. for which there is no solution offered here, I guess. 16:25
hobgoblinastraljava: I think it is too16:25
pleia2the test case is very exclusively "If you have a USB drive, plug it in and check it is mounted"16:26
pleia2not "can you open it" ;)16:26
astraljavaOs_Maleus: Ok, take care soon. Sadly our bug-ridding won't help you there.16:26
hobgoblinmmm - semantics pleia2 :)16:26
pleia2hobgoblin: semantics? this is important, I don't know that I would have marked it as a fail16:26
astraljavapleia2: Yep, that was partly why I mentioned the testcase wordings just above.16:26
pleia2(well, if it showed up in "mount" I wouldn't have)16:27
hobgoblinI would - a usb that mounts in the system but is useless without fiddling is useless16:27
pleia2if the test is "If you have a USB drive, plug it in and check it is mounted and browseable" we should make it "and browseable"16:27
astraljavaIt's hardly interesting to know that the system can mount a removable disk. It should be browsable, too.16:27
hobgoblinreword it then :)16:27
pleia2ok, we should reword it16:28
astraljavaHold your horses, we'll get there.16:28
pleia2next question is bug 1014632 :)16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014632 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Drives/partitions not showing in left pane" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101463216:28
pleia2how is this a fail? we don't even mention Thunar in the short test16:28
hobgoblinpleia2: which is where a usb would be browseable from 16:28
pleia2but the test asks nothing about the behavior of thunar, by this logic anything wrong with thunar at all is a fail16:29
hobgoblinwell mark it as a pass ;)16:29
astraljavaNo, again, it's the same thing as we just went through. We don't really care whether the system is able to mount removable drives. Well we do, but we also want to be able to browse them.16:30
astraljavaLike we just agreed, we'll reword the test.16:30
pleia2I really am just using these as examples16:31
pleia2trying to figure out how strict the wording on Short is16:31
astraljavaSure, and these examples are just about the same problem, unless I'm seeing something differently.16:31
hobgoblinthey are 16:31
astraljavapleia2: It seems to be really strict, as I understood from the last QA community meeting.16:31
astraljavaSo, again, we have to carefully reword the cases.16:32
pleia2thanks :)16:32
astraljavaThey need to describe things we really care about, like in this case is very evident.16:32
hobgoblinthanks :)16:32
astraljavaGood points, thank you! Do we have any further questions?16:33
* pleia2 has a few, but others should go if they have some :)16:33
hobgoblinnone here16:33
astraljavaI believe we can go through yours, pleia2.16:34
pleia2I see the same questions coming up from testers over and over: 1) Where do I know where to submit a bug 2) what to put in the "hardware profile" url link16:34
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found16:34
pleia2sorry ubottu 16:35
* pleia2 pet pet16:35
pleia2are these documented somewhere?16:35
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hobgoblinI managed to dig out the hardware profile thing the other day for ccInc I think it was 16:36
astraljavaThey probably are not, very well at least.16:36
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage is ok for installed systems, but it's really hard for iso testing16:36
pleia2I talked to a BugSquad person the other day and he said people can ask in #ubuntu-bugs too16:37
hobgoblingood idea16:37
astraljavaThat's one thing. Sometimes people just aren't available. I wouldn't mind if people filed the bugs against the project, unless there are some release-specific items on LP.16:37
astraljavaI'll mark that one up for research.16:38
astraljavaSorry, don't have a good answer right now.16:38
pleia2no worries, I'd rather it made it somewhere xubuntu-ish rather than just another of the thousands of bugs against ubuntu when people don't know16:39
pleia2having it linked in the QA tracker helps make it not get lost, so maybe I'm too worried :)16:39
astraljavaWell it sort of does, but the current problem of losing the results when the next image is spun makes them difficult to find, at the moment.16:40
pleia2actually, there is now a "Bugs to look for" at the top of each test submission thing16:41
pleia2"List of bugs that were previously reported for this testcase."16:41
pleia2they are testcase specific, but they aren't lost anymore16:41
astraljavaI'm not sure whether people saw that, but on yesterday's (excellent, if I might add) classroom QA session, phillw mentioned work is being done on the tracker so that results can be found easier.16:41
pleia2yeah, that too16:41
pleia2is there a project for the QA tracker in launchpad? (my google fu is failing horribly)16:42
pleia2I'll see if there is a bug open to add a note to "hardware profile" telling people they can just include any link, that would sort the other tedious problem16:42
pleia2thanks hobgoblin :)16:42
hobgoblinthe onlky thing I found about hardware profile is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/U+1/iso-testing-qa#Step_2:_Hardware_Profile16:43
hobgoblinbut I never have used it myself in the tracker16:43
pleia2ah, the scattering of documentation between 40 qa projects16:43
pleia2ok, I'll submit a bug on this16:44
astraljavaYeah, thanks hobgoblin. I'll try to make a short howto of that for this upcoming milestone testing call.16:44
hobgoblinok 16:45
pleia2my next question is because of my annoying time zone16:45
hobgoblinastraljava: or I could do it - I have spare time if it helps you16:45
astraljavahobgoblin: I'd appreciate it muchly. :)16:45
hobgoblinastraljava: ok :)16:45
pleia2I often only get time to test isos in the evening, which is like 03:00 UTC, and dailys come out around this time, annoyingly I often download an iso and then by the time I get it to my test machine it's the next day16:46
hobgoblinpleia2: I've had that happen 3 or 4 times 16:46
pleia2what channel/mailing list/whatever should I follow to get an idea of when dailys are made?16:46
pleia2I might just wait until my time in the evening when the next comes out ,but right now I only know by refreshing the qa site (dislike)16:47
astraljavapleia2: They're cron-based, it seems today's images came out at 0958 UTC (most likely, unless the page makes it to my timezone automagically).16:48
pleia2so it really is just checking websites for images to show up16:48
astraljavapleia2: Yep, I don't think Xubuntu receives email about it. I could ask for one, Studio gets one but I'm not sure why.16:49
hobgoblinpleia2: seems they are always at that time 16:49
pleia2that would be lovely :)16:49
pleia2I mean, I could write an hourly script to go check http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/nextday and send myself an email ;)16:50
hobgoblinpleia2: daily lives appear to be 10:20 ish16:50
astraljavapleia2: Err... so you won't need email to be sent from the cdimage process, then?16:50
pleia2hobgoblin: hm, that hasn't really been my experience16:50
pleia2astraljava: I think it's still useful, these questions aren't all about personal needs, I think they're useful to others too16:51
pleia2if we can figure out how studio gets one, that'd be nice :)16:51
astraljavapleia2: Ok. I'd like to discuss with the team, first, though. Not sure everyone will want the "spam". :)16:52
pleia2yeah, we may want to set up a separate qa list for the noise16:52
pleia2alright, I think that's all my questions16:52
pleia2thanks :)16:52
astraljavapleia2: I can find out how we (Studio) get it, for sure.16:52
astraljavaOk, thanks for all of your great questions!16:53
astraljavaSo, as I really haven't had time to prepare a real agenda for today, let me just freely go through a few things that I have on my mind regarding the near future.16:54
hobgoblinone quick one from me 16:54
astraljavaOk, shoot.16:54
hobgoblinwhat do you want me to do with the hardware profile thing once I've done it? 16:55
hobgoblinor rather where do you want me to do it - wiki page, e-mail ... 16:55
astraljavahobgoblin: A wiki page would be lovely, under Xubuntu/Testing/, please.16:56
hobgoblinok :)16:56
* hobgoblin is quiet now16:56
Unit193There's a "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" under the ISOs, as well as a WIP subscriptions page.16:57
GridCube(is today another testers meeting?)16:57
* astraljava sighs16:58
astraljavaFirst, Unit193, want to elaborate a bit on that one? Second, GridCube, yes, as announced on our mailing lists. :)16:58
GridCubeo: i must have missed it16:59
GridCubeits there anything you might need from me?16:59
GridCubeoh, yes16:59
GridCubei read that, i just forgot16:59
astraljavaGridCube: I dunno, if you have anything to contribute. :)16:59
GridCubei need to start to use some kind of scheduling thingy17:00
GridCube:) astraljava i have a small comment17:00
astraljavaIt shoulda been in the Xubuntu calendar. Ask pleia2 for details.17:00
pleia2Unit193: wow, I spent like 10 minutes the other day trying to find how to Subscribe (btw http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscription is sad)17:00
pleia2it is in the calendar17:00
GridCubethe other day i fall into the qa tracker meeting, just happened to be around at the time17:00
astraljavaThanks, pleia2.17:01
Unit193pleia2: Quite.17:01
hobgoblinpleia2: I might have found it ... 17:01
pleia2Unit193: hm, I see an option to subscribe to the test cases17:01
hobgoblinyea that 17:02
pleia2not the isos themselves17:02
GridCubeand asked the guy who was chairing it to if he could see for my idea of this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bug/99481617:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994816 in Ubuntu QA Website "Buttons for adding bugs found in previous builds of a product" [Wishlist,Fix committed]17:02
GridCubehe said he would look into it and that he liked the idea :317:02
Unit193Like http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/defects or http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/bugs ?17:03
pleia2Unit193: are you referring to the test cases or ISOs? if ISOs, where?17:03
pleia2ok, you said ISOs, I am looking for when the ISOs are ready each day17:04
astraljavaGridCube: Yes, I think that is already being worked on, but not sure. Nonetheless, good if you got your message through.17:05
GridCube:D i did17:05
astraljavaUnit193: pleia2: Is your matter still being handled?17:06
GridCubei would also have said that works where being done rewriting the testcase procedurals, but i was afraid of making a mistake17:06
astraljavaOh, they are. I will talk more about them when they are in place.17:06
astraljavaIn fact, I just asked about it on -testing.17:07
astraljava...or something related to that.17:07
astraljavaUnit193: I ask because I am not sure what you're referring to.17:07
Unit193I'm done, yep.17:07
astraljavaUnit193: No, I mean, I'd like to know. :)17:08
astraljavaOh, sorry, missed a line, there.17:09
pleia2astraljava: I'm all set17:09
astraljavaRight, so any more questions/worries from anyone?17:09
pleia2I still need to review the Long test, I have an email from knome in my inbox17:09
astraljavaYes, me too.17:09
hobgoblinis that on the way - generally speaking17:10
astraljavaOkay, so that's one thing I wanted to say. The /Long testcase is being rewritten, and I'll post about it once we get it into a little better shape.17:10
astraljavaWe need to do it soon, as we're entering the Alpha-2 week now.17:11
astraljavaThe purpose is to release the milestone on Thursday, 28th of June.17:11
astraljavaSo if you have time this upcoming week, pay attention to our mailing lists.17:11
astraljavaAs this is an important thing in our QA process, I won't spend too much of our time on other issues right now. I'll just briefly mention a few other things that are going on in the QA-side of things for this cycle.17:12
astraljavaTwo other things are on my plate, and they were also mentioned in the first meeting announcement; Boot-time speed-up, and Compositor usage.17:13
astraljavaOf the first, we have a blueprint at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-q-xubuntu-optimize-boot17:14
astraljavaAs you can see, it's in its initial state, still. I'll work on it right after we get Alpha-2 nicely outta oven.17:14
astraljavaIf you have lots of time on your hands, though, you can already get educated on bootcharting.17:15
astraljavaIt's one valuable tool that we can use to gather information about our product and how it behaves at the boot-time.17:16
astraljavaIt's not enough alone, though, but it'll get us started. We will then discuss about our findings once some preliminary analyzing of the results is done.17:16
astraljavaAgain, stay tuned for our meetings when we proceed with this.17:17
astraljava...if you're interested, that is. :)17:17
astraljavaThe other thing, compositor, and whether to enable it by default or not, is another matter.17:17
astraljavaPractically there are two schools of thought, here.17:18
astraljavaFor some it seems to provide a more pleasing desktop experience.17:18
astraljavaFor some others, it seems to make it hideous.17:18
astraljavaThere doesn't seem to be much middle-ground here.17:18
astraljavaFor this I haven't yet been able to draw any plans, really. So if you are a usability expert, or have some thoughts about it generally, please do let us know. Any forum is fine.17:19
astraljavaBut basically, in the end I'm after some hard facts on what things seem to factor in to the end results, and once we have those, we want to find out whether there's something we can do to act on borderline cases.17:20
astraljavaI'll post about this on the mailing lists, again, when I have a moment to focus on it better.17:22
astraljavaRight, that's about what I have to say at the moment. Did anyone think of any new questions based on the things I babbled about above, or some completely other topics?17:23
hobgoblinbootchart - I assume that you'd want it installed into quantal for it to make sense ?17:24
astraljavahobgoblin: Yes. This means that you cannot scrub the new install that you do when going through our ISO testing. :)17:25
hobgoblindepends how many bootcharts you want :)17:26
astraljavaBut then again, it's only for a short period of time. It's not particularly interesting to test it on very old installs.17:26
astraljavaGood, any others?17:27
hobgoblinnot from me 17:28
astraljavagoing once...17:29
astraljavagoing twice...17:29
hobgoblinthanks astraljava - time for food and stuff before the italians get a hammering for me 17:30
astraljavaThanks for everyone! Good questions, nice conversation.17:30
pleia2thanks astraljava :)17:30
astraljavaHah. :) Well, quite frankly, never been a fan of the italian team. Hope you guys win. :)17:30
hobgoblinastraljava: I'll work on that wiki page tomorrow17:31
hobgoblinastraljava: me too and then 5-1 against the germans would be good - can't see it though lol17:31
astraljavahobgoblin: That's great if you can do that. Please ping me when you have something ready.17:31
hobgoblinastraljava: I will :)17:31
astraljavaOh yeah, I didn't think we needed another meeting very soon, but pleia2, didn't we agree earlier that we'd have these every third week=17:32
astraljava= == ?17:32
pleia2astraljava: yeah, something like that :)17:32
pleia2so July 15th?17:33
astraljavaOk, can you mark it in the Xubuntu calendar? 15th of July, same time same place.17:33
astraljavaHeh, nice.17:33
astraljavaI'll note it in the minutes as well.17:33
pleia2ok, adding to calendar now17:33
astraljavaYou rawk!17:33
pleia2thanks, sorted :)17:34
micahgmr_pouit: did you discuss the gegl change with the desktoppers?17:48
alazare619can soemeone get me a copy of the preseed file for xubuntu19:42
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ You can.19:44
mr_pouitmicahg: nope, because the merge from jbicha was incomplete (he wanted to drop libavcodec-dev, but kept libavformat-dev, which depends on libavcodec-dev...)20:05
mr_pouitmicahg: if they're not happy, they can say it (it has been broken since the merge and nobody took action, so I guess nobody cares)20:06
alazare619Unit193, how do i download the preseed file from there?20:18
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