
matchaw_hi, has anyone seen this bug with Kmail : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29469001:26
ubottuKDE bug 294690 in general "Kmail/akonadi creates duplicate messages with slow IMAP connections" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]01:26
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MiguelitoHey - trying to get my dvd to work right with decryption and all but i seem to be missing something04:24
lorddeltahey um guys? Though you might like to know the wiki is being flagged as containing malware by google.05:04
lorddeltaApparently someone doesn't like you guys very much. =/05:04
dnivrahello. I running Kubuntu 12.04 on a sony vaoi vgnfw260j. My left button on my touchpad has stopped working-the right button works fine. Could someone tell me how can i make the left touchpad button work?05:06
dnivrai was here sometime back asking about this. few suggestions such as sudo Xorg -configure didn't work. i still can't use left button on touchpad.05:07
dnivraany help in fixing this would be appreciated.05:07
phoenix_firebrddnivra: Did you check for any hardware issues?05:11
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: sorry got disconnected. well it stopped working right after the last update of xserver-xorg-input-evdev.05:30
dnivrait was working fine till then.05:31
phoenix_firebrddnivra: does it work when using a live disk?05:31
dnivrai didn't try it out. i don't have access to one now.05:32
phoenix_firebrddnivra: try this command  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:32
phoenix_firebrddnivra: then restart and see if it works05:33
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: okay will try that.05:34
phoenix_firebrddnivra: waiting05:36
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: just rebooted. i tried ~25 clicks. two random ones worked.05:41
dnivrabut otherwise, it is still the same. left button still doesn't work.05:41
phoenix_firebrddnivra: can you wait?05:42
dnivrasure. i'll be here.05:42
phoenix_firebrddnivra: you there?06:14
dnivrayes phoenix_firebrd06:14
dnivrajust creating a live CD. could only managed to get my hands on a 32bit kubuntu 11.1006:14
phoenix_firebrddnivra: did you check the current xorg for any known issues?06:14
phoenix_firebrddnivra: good06:15
dnivrayou mean check the xorg logs?06:15
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: did you want me to check xorg logs? i forgot to add that I tried xev and it doesn't detect left click-it detects right click and scroll bar but nothing is registered for left click.06:18
phoenix_firebrddnivra: what is xev? x environment variable?06:22
dnivraxev prints contents of x events.06:23
dnivrasomeone in this channel told me to check it out yesterday.06:23
phoenix_firebrddnivra: ok. tell me when you finished checking with the live disk06:25
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: just booted live cd, rebooted and observed something. a small portion of the touchpad's left button works fine.06:36
phoenix_firebrddnivra: is there a hardware problem?06:36
dnivraso I guess that's a hardware issue?06:36
dnivrahow can I find out if there is a h/w issue?06:37
phoenix_firebrddnivra: does it work with bois menu>06:38
dnivraby hardware you meant phsical device has an issue right?06:38
phoenix_firebrddnivra: does it work with bios menu?06:38
dnivrawell I didn't try-i've never booted the bios menu. i'll find out how to enter that and check it out.06:39
phoenix_firebrddnivra: wait06:39
dnivraand when you said 'does it work', you meant that the cursor works fine right?06:39
dnivraalright. i'm going to check out the bios menu then.06:39
phoenix_firebrddnivra: do you use grub menu while booting?06:39
dnivrayes I do.06:40
phoenix_firebrddnivra: i dont think you can check the touchpad hardware state in bios as far as i know, try your luck06:42
dnivraokay. if I can't, should I do something in grub?06:43
phoenix_firebrddnivra: no06:44
dnivraokay. let me check the bios settings then.06:45
phoenix_firebrddnivra: are you new to linux?06:45
dnivrabeen using it for ~3 years I'd say.06:46
dnivraslightly more maybe.06:46
phoenix_firebrddnivra: dont mistake me, do you have a windows install disk, vista or windows 706:46
dnivrai have a vista recovery partition-i don't have any discs.06:47
dnivrarecovery partition came along with the laptop.06:47
phoenix_firebrddnivra: so you can boot into vista?06:47
dnivrano I can't-that's only a recovery partition. I've to install it but don't have space to do so :(06:48
phoenix_firebrddnivra: in that case, you better take it to the store and check for any hardware defects06:48
phoenix_firebrddnivra: was your touchpad working normally in 12.04 before the update?06:50
dnivraphoenix_firebrd: ah okay will do. thaks for your help! i'll get in touch with the store.06:50
dnivrait was working even after 12.04 install.06:50
dnivraxserver-xorg-input-evdev (2.7.0-0ubuntu1, 2.7.0-0ubuntu1.2) udpated messed it up I guess. i don't see any other culprit.06:51
phoenix_firebrddnivra: but when using the livecd it should have worked well, its probably the hardware06:52
phoenix_firebrddnivra: good luck06:52
dnivraoh yeah that is true. thanks! i'll get in touch with the guys!06:52
phoenix_firebrddnivra: yw06:52
aetoxxWhen visiting https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging, I get warned for malware.08:15
hateballaetoxx: the whole wiki has been marked as malware by Google08:18
hateballfor whatever reason, I'm guessing some bot-attack08:18
aetoxxhateball, a bot-attack shouldn't do that.08:19
aetoxxhateball, only if some actual content containing some virus file which is automatically executed on some platform should trigger that.08:19
aetoxxhateball, e.g. someone uploading some specially crafted content which breaks a browser.08:20
hateballYes, that's what I meant08:20
hateballsomething automated that edits public wikis08:20
hateballbut who knows08:20
aetoxxIs there some way to secure Kubuntu in some way?08:20
aetoxxI.e., install all kinds of kernel security patches, etc.?08:21
aetoxxRandomized stacks, etc.08:21
aetoxxAnti-libc return meaures, etc.08:21
Smurphyaetoxx: yes - install all the updates as they come in.08:27
matchaw_hi, has anyone seen this bug with Kmail : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29469008:29
ubottuKDE bug 294690 in general "Kmail/akonadi creates duplicate messages with slow IMAP connections" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]08:29
aetoxxSmurphy, and how do I know that the KDE people are not evil?08:32
aetoxxSmurphy, are there 'signoffs'?08:33
noaXesshey all08:34
noaXessin dolphin i have still the problem, that on double clicking a xml, firefox will be called.. instead of kate, which is the default: http://i.imgur.com/Zh2vq.png08:36
noaXessany idea? thought this was solved?08:36
Smurphyaetoxx: If you want to check everything - you have to review the code all by yourself. Help yourself-  the entire code is available :)08:37
Smurphydefine signoffs ?08:37
aetoxxSmurphy, google: signoff site: lkml.org08:37
SmurphynoaXess: did you configure the default applications ?08:37
noaXessSmurphy: you mean, right click, open as kate, set default app.. yeas... sometimes..08:38
Smurphyaetoxx: That should definitly exist. the KDE folks are very organized.08:38
SmurphynoaXess: Nope - in system settings. (Hold on - have to find it myself first).08:38
noaXessSmurphy: check my screenshot i made08:39
SmurphynoaXess: System Settings -> Workspace Appearance and Behavior -> Default Applicatins08:39
SmurphyCould be it has priority ...08:39
SmurphynoaXess: Saw the screenshot08:39
noaXessSmurphy: ok.. lmc08:40
ronromi have installed kde and login in kde but the gtk apps appear with big fonts, already tried "kcmshell4 kcmgtk" but the fonts remain the same, any help?08:49
Smurphyronrom: System Settings -> Style - System Settings -> GTK+ Appearance - just configure it right.08:52
SmurphyI tell it to use my KDE Fonts in GTK+ aopplications.08:52
ronromSmurphy: thats what i said, i runned "kcmshell4 kcmgtk" but the fonts remain the same08:52
Smurphyyou have to log out and log in again.08:53
ronromi did08:53
Smurphyit won't take these on the fly.08:53
Smurphythen - I have no idea...08:53
noaXessSmurphy: ok.. i'm in default apps... what you want to know? for Web browser, firefox is set to be default for http and https08:58
SmurphyWhat was your problem before ? Editor or Browser ?09:01
noaXessSmurphy: from dolphin, double click on a xml file, firefox will be used instead of kate09:02
SmurphynoaXess: Yes - Firefox is better at handling xml code (to view it actually).09:03
noaXessSmurphy: but i want edit it.. not vew it09:03
noaXessview ^09:03
noaXessi want, that kate will be opened if i double click a xml file09:03
aetoxxHow do I install latest Kubuntu on precise?09:05
SmurphynoaXess: What does the xml file look like ? make a: file bla.xml09:05
aetoxxI mean, some kind of nightly version.09:05
Smurphyaetoxx: the last stable one or unstable ?09:06
SmurphyGot 4.8.3 here ... :)09:06
noaXessSmurphy: XML document text09:06
aetoxxSmurphy, unstable, I think.09:07
Smurphyaetoxx: unstrable is the 4.9.1 branche currently. If you are good with linux/KUbuntu - you'll know how to do it. if not - I advise you to stay with 4.8.309:07
aetoxxSmurphy, uhm, no, because I don't know where the ppa or debs are.09:09
SmurphynoaXess: Are you sure that kate is not embedded in your browsewr  ?09:10
noaXessSmurphy: ??.. no.. there was/is a bug in dolphin i know.. but can't remember...09:11
SmurphynoaXess: Guess the bug still exists. Has the same effect here. Will use the default browser to open the file (xml) here too - even though I have emacs configured.09:12
SmurphyGuess you have to open a bug-report :)09:12
noaXessSmurphy: yes, thats what i mean ;)09:12
Smurphyaetoxx: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.4 chck this out.09:13
Smurphy4.8.4 is out already.09:13
aetoxxSmurphy, I already have
Smurphyaetoxx: then check this out: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.9009:14
aetoxxSmurphy, which .kde does the beta use?09:21
Smurphyaetoxx: the .kde ...09:27
aetoxxSmurphy, I mean which settings directory does it use?09:28
aetoxxnepomuk works when you have <10,000 files to index or when you leave your kde session running for at least 5 days or so.09:32
aetoxxEven then, it occassionally crashes.09:33
aetoxxJust look at bugs.kde.org for the tons of problems that people report related to it.09:33
aetoxxSince most people login and logout and turn off their machines, the model is flawed.09:33
aetoxxThis is, btw, well-known by the developers.09:34
aetoxxIf I would be managing the KDE-product, I would have classified as a nice work in progress experimental tech-preview which has no place on a user's desktop and most importantly no path to any real viable implementation.09:36
aetoxxNow, anyone disagreeing with me on this is either ignorant or a developer who wants to remain relevant for something which in fact is just a bad idea.09:37
lorddeltaSo there's a problem with my gstreamer.10:24
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lorddeltaBy problem, I mean big giant problem that makes it seem like my system can't play any audio files, even though this is a lie and all my audio works pat fine. Any ideas about what I can do to fix this? I've tried to create a new gstreamer configuration by deleting the registration database and regenerating it with gst-inspect, but the gstreamer validly can't find device-audio/x-vorbis, which is the cause of some of my errors10:27
lorddeltaAnyone know how to fix this?10:27
lorddeltaFor now I've just switched backends, vlc is a pretty solid, robust interface, but I'd prefer to use gstreamer if possible...10:27
lorddeltaSince it seems to be more of a defacto framework.10:28
lorddeltaThat and if someone/something breaks vlc I'd like to have a backup. :D10:28
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BluesKajHey all12:08
AndChat251264Kde is... very ugly.12:16
SmurphyAndChat251264: Go troll somewhere else ... or - if you don't like it -> Participate to make it better ...12:19
AndChat251264The window borders just see to chunky and cluttered, especially around buttons12:20
ikoniaAndChat251264: do you need help ?12:20
SmurphyAndChat251264: -> themes ? Change it.12:22
AndChat251264Any way to make windows more like gnome? And is kubuntu  close to stable now?  It always crashed lots for me.12:22
SmurphyUsing it all the time - didn't crash in ages ...12:23
SmurphyAndChat251264: If you want to use Gnome, why don't you use it ?12:23
SmurphyYou have "that" choice under linux12:23
* Smurphy never liked gnome - started with KDE on version pre 1.0 :)12:24
TEldeebhello all,12:33
TEldeebIn ubuntu, I can remove all user settings by deleting .gnome*12:33
TEldeebis there a similar thing in kubuntu?12:34
BluesKajTEldeeb, that's pretty drastic , what user settings exactly  , in system setings , in user management ?12:36
TEldeebi mean dolphin bookmarks, panels, ..12:37
qbitTEldeeb: each user in their home directory most KDE configs are stored in .kde directory, if that's what you mean12:38
TEldeebyeah .. i'll try it ..12:38
qbitdon't have to kill the entire thing12:38
qbitfor extreme testing you can just rename it and log out and back in again12:38
TEldeebwhat's ".kdevduchain/"12:38
TEldeebthanks qbit12:39
qbitbut under .kde is a directory share/config, you'll find them all in there,  you can either rename or delete individual configs12:40
qbitif you delete one and log out of KDE and back in again you'll get it replaced with a default one12:40
BluesKaji get the impression that it's the defaults that he wants to change :)12:41
TEldeebno, i just want to get back to defaults12:42
TEldeebi shall try12:42
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brad_I can't get java to install. I've been trying different script from forums and whatnot but it's not happening...14:08
BluesKajbrad_, did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras ?14:10
* genii-around slides BluesKaj a coffee ( or tea if you prefer )14:11
BluesKajhey thanks genii-around , coffee is great :)14:12
genii-aroundAnytime :-)14:12
brad_no, I'll try14:15
brad_niiiice, it's working now, thanks14:21
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amarhi all15:41
amaryou are on ubununtu right15:43
amaryou are on ubununtu right ?15:43
BluesKajkubuntu support here , amar15:43
DarthFrogGood morning amar.  This is the Kubuntu support channel.15:43
DarthFrogamar: If you want support for Ubuntu, please try #Ubuntu.15:44
amarno i'm using kubunutu15:44
DarthFrogSmart lad.   And good looking, too. :-)15:45
amarit's a message from another user who made me think so15:45
amaris there a way to remove kwallet, it's boring me, i've tried apt-get remove purge, but he is not gone15:47
DarthFrogIf you remove kwallet, you will be even more bothered with applications asking for passwords.15:48
genii-aroundI just give kwallet no password and it doesn't bug me again15:49
amari suppressed his asking effect, but he is not gone by itself, and no it's better without him15:49
amarthe big prob is with wirelless networks15:49
amari have about a dozen with different passwords15:49
amarat the time when i used ubunutu i was good but now !15:50
lordievaderGood evening16:20
genii-aroundlordievader: Good afternoon!16:23
lordievadergenii-around: Noon has already past here, it waved his(/her?/it16:26
lordievader's?) goodbye16:26
genii-aroundlordievader: I'm on GMT-4 here16:27
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qw[UA]/join #help16:37
qw[UA]why i am not jiun in the channel ?16:37
genii-arounduse only one /16:37
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lordievaderqw[UA]: Not sure if this applies, but maybe you have a server commands field, if so you should try it there.16:39
qw[UA]help me please16:46
qw[UA]i joinid in russian server but i see ierogliph16:47
qw[UA]what i am use codepage ?16:47
genii-aroundutf8 usually16:49
genii-aroundjithin: Hello. If you have some question regarding your Kubuntu, please just ask the channel in general and someone will hopefully be able to resolve it.17:14
jithinis any diary writing  application for kubuntu  ?17:15
MiguelitoHello - can someone explain how in K3B to write a DVD image? I see the RIP options but it doesnt seem to do anything17:15
DarthFrogMiguelito: Under the "Tools" menu, will be "Burn Image".17:16
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BluesKajMiguelito, or right click on the image file and choose open with k3b17:18
MiguelitoThe Burn Image is to write to a DVD - I want to RIP the DVD and put an image on my computer17:20
MiguelitoSorry for not speaking it clearly17:21
genii-around!info almanah | Jikan17:25
ubottuJikan: almanah (source: almanah): Application to ease management of a personal diary. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-6 (precise), package size 164 kB, installed size 809 kB17:25
genii-aroundBah tab-fail17:26
BluesKajMiguelito, no need to rip the image with k3b , just copy it to your HDD17:26
genii-aroundJikan: Apologies, misdirect, was for jithin but they left17:26
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BluesKajMiguelito, http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2769/ubuntu_how_to_create_iso_image_from_cd_dvd/17:29
BluesKajgenii-around, have you ever tried using dd to copy a dvd to a drive ?17:30
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I find something like sudo dd if=dev/sr0 of=filename.iso   usually works17:30
BluesKajgenii-around, :>)17:30
genii-aroundput a leading / there in front of dev/sr0 , typo ...17:31
BluesKajyup , asamof I have used that command. I have in my CLI_Commands text file17:32
MiguelitoBluesKaj: Thanks!17:32
BluesKajMiguelito, read genii-around`'s post as well , it's probly easier to use17:33
bimmelHi, I try to connect my sshd over internet but the connections time out before any authentication takes place. The machine is directly connected and the port is opened.17:37
genii-aroundbimmel: does not seem to be reachable17:40
bimmelthats not the ip17:40
bimmeloh well it is, it changed secs ago17:40
bimmelits port 66617:40
genii-aroundbimmel: Ah, OK. Interestingly, traceroute on that ip shows it is being routed through ip numbers which are reserved for private use17:41
bimmelprivate use of whom? its just a mobile connection17:42
BluesKajgenii-around, is a generic IP ,probly a german ISP17:42
genii-aroundbimmel: traceroute results from here: http://pastebin.com/YUdYZmHe17:42
genii-around( it just sticks on the last address forever )17:43
genii-aroundSo it looks like some routing isssue and not some sshd issue17:43
BluesKajgenii-around, bimmel , http://www.infosniper.net/index.php?ip_address=
bimmelthats odd17:43
bimmelit even happens when I try to connect on my wan adress from the same machine17:44
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I usually just do: whois <IP/FQDN>   at command-line :-)17:45
bimmelhow could i resolve that? i dont use any network. so it does not reach me17:46
BluesKajyeah genii-around I use traceroute as well when the IP won't resolve on infosniper17:47
BluesKajgenii-around, whois in the terminal doesn't work here, is it part of apackage ?17:50
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genii-aroundBluesKaj: The package is same name17:54
genii-aroundwork, afk17:54
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BluesKajyes this is kubuntu , support18:12
genii-aroundBluesKaj: His issue looks like some network misconfiguration starting at DTAG.DE18:13
genii-around( bimmel )18:14
BluesKajgenii-around, I didn't understand his sshd reference18:15
genii-aroundBluesKaj: "<bimmel> Hi, I try to connect my sshd over internet but the connections time out before any authentication takes place. The machine is directly connected and the port is opened."18:16
genii-aroundWas his original question... So I tried to reach port 22 on his ip, which failed... so then traceroute to see where it ends... then I discover somewhere in between is routing stuff through private IP ranges and traffic will never get to hip IP18:17
genii-around*his/her IP18:17
BluesKajgenii-around, he mentioned the port was 66618:19
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Yes, you can make ssh daemon run on any port you want instead of 2218:20
genii-aroundSomething higher than 1024 might have been better...18:20
lordievaderGood evening18:28
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JoeSomebodyhi, change partition is resize? and if so is it safe? wanna cut win7 drive in half and install19:15
BluesKajJoeSomebody, yes , how large is the partition?19:17
ikoniaJoeSomebody: do it from a livecd and reduce the risk19:17
lordievaderJoeSomebody: It is safe, if you have a verified backup. Also use gparted, the kde partion editor is not very great.19:17
genii-aroundMight also want to do a chkdsk from in windows first19:17
JoeSomebodyabout 500gb for some reason it says 43019:18
JoeSomebodyso gparted resize bofore install is recommended?19:18
ikoniaJoeSomebody: it's up to you when19:18
JoeSomebodyok will do a backup , and then gparted19:19
ikoniagenii-around's tip is VERY important if you are changing ntfs19:19
JoeSomebodyjust wanna do whatever is best19:19
JoeSomebodyyes chkdsk understood19:19
lordievaderJoeSomebody: It has been my experience that the kde one hangs and not does any resizing, gparted would resize it fine. Note I am talking about an external drive.19:19
BluesKajJoeSomebody, hope you have patience , resizing can take many hrs ...I also prefer to repartition before installing another OS ..as suggested gparted live-cd is a good  method19:20
BluesKajheh, more advice there than enough :)19:21
JoeSomebodyyeah i know it takes awhile on that size19:21
JoeSomebodyacer was good they used to make a data partition on half of it was easy with those ones19:21
lordievaderHey rainer_ how are you?19:26
MiguelitoWhat would be the command to show the list of devices on my system - for example /dev/sda119:26
lordievaderMiguelito: Do you mean sudo fdisk -l?19:26
Miguelitolordievader: does that show the device list?19:26
BluesKajMiguelito, df -h19:27
MiguelitoBluesKaj: thanks again19:29
MiguelitoBluesKaj: the link you sent me to rip a dvd using the cat command returned a input/output error19:33
BluesKajMiguelito,yes , using dd is a better method , sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 of=filename.iso19:39
MiguelitoBluesKaj: It completed the process like in a second - i looked in the dir and it looks like the file is there - its like 850megs - is there a way to verify it?19:45
BluesKajMiguelito, yes use VLC , it plays multimedia iso files19:46
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:46
BluesKajif it's amedia file19:46
BluesKajI assume it's a media , Miguelito19:46
BluesKajmedia file19:47
MiguelitoBluesKaj: yes it is but it did nothing when i tried to load it with VLC19:48
MiguelitoBluesKaj: when i went to load it from the dvd it worked19:49
genii-aroundThe newer DVDs sometimes use a protection scheme now where they make a track at the beginning which has nothing on it and close that off, then make a second track with the actual data on it19:50
BluesKaj850mb doen't copy instantly , Miguelito it's probly still copying19:51
MiguelitoBluesKaj: yea i know that but i havent seen any activity on dvd or hdisk19:51
BluesKajMiguelito, do you have libdvdcss2 installed ..the dvd may ne DRM'd19:52
BluesKajgeni what's the workaround if the phony track is on the dvd?19:53
Miguelitoyes i do19:54
MiguelitoBluesKaj: im so use to windows that i wasnt reading that number as raw data - its only 847k not megs - sorrys its been like 10-12 years since working with Linux19:56
ScuniziIs there a way within Dolphin using split screen/directory to quickly move the right pane to the same directory as the left?19:58
genii-aroundMiguelito: Do you have more than one dvd drive?20:01
Miguelitogenii-around: no sir20:05
Miguelitogenii-around: it works fine - i have no problem copying - i just want to be able to write ISO's for data storage20:05
BluesKajwhat kind of data Miguelito ?20:06
genii-aroundMiguelito: Yes, I understand. At our house we make iso files and store them on a central machine which can stream to whichever computers in the house20:06
MiguelitoBluesKaj: its a  playable dvd20:11
Miguelitogenii-around: not sure why i am having such a hard time :(20:12
BluesKajMiguelito, right click on the iso, open with vlc , if you have vlc installed20:14
genii-aroundMiguelito: Well, you can also use k3b to make an iso.20:14
MiguelitoBluesKaj: its not and ISO - its a regular DVD20:15
Miguelitogenii-around: i am using k3b to copy but have not been able to get it to make the ISO - probably because im not familiar with it20:16
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:17
genii-aroundMiguelito: Tools... Copy Medium...check off "Create Image" under options tab...specify a path in your home directory in the image tab20:18
BluesKajsorry Miguelito . I misunderstood /:20:18
genii-aroundMiguelito: Make sure "remove image" is *NOT* checked off in the options tab20:19
MiguelitoBluesKaj: np sir - thanks to both of  you for helping this rusty old linux guy out :)20:19
Miguelitogenii-around: do i do a rip or a copy - i seen the check box that your talking about but that was when i was copying20:23
genii-aroundMiguelito: copy medium ... the first one at the top of the menu usually20:23
gits1225Some help here please. I unticked Apply colors to non-KDE4 applications from Application Appearance -> Colors and now the fonts don't look the same.20:24
gits1225I tried changing to defaults and still doesn't revert to how the fonts looked in the default install.20:25
Miguelitogenii-around: BluesKaj, thank you both for your help - i am testing a burn from the ISO now - will let you but i feel confident20:38
Miguelitogenii-around: BluesKaj- it was successful20:47
BluesKajMiguelito, good to hear20:48
genii-aroundMiguelito: Cool.20:48
MiguelitoDoes any IRC client come highly recommended - currently using the default of Quassel20:49
macoi like quassel, but i use it with the "core" running on my server and a client on my desktop that connects, so i dont miss what happens when i'm offline20:49
JoeSomebodyok now it says my free area is unusable20:50
JoeSomebodyafter a resize20:51
JoeSomebodydid chkdsk, resized under linux in another machine20:51
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JoeSomebodyand then put drive back in, it says my free area is unusable20:52
Miguelitomaco: yea its pretty straight forward just not sure how feature rich it is20:53
BluesKajwhat says it's unusable JoeSomebody ?21:00
JoeSomebodythe unallocated area21:00
JoeSomebodyduring install21:01
JoeSomebodya different distro i tried while waiting says its "empty" kubuntu says unusable, i seen this before, don't remember ...21:03
BluesKajjoe did you try to format the unallocated partition?21:03
=== amar is now known as cham
=== cham is now known as amar
JoeSomebodyi see the problem now toshiba has made too many partitions21:04
amarhey lamine21:04
JoeSomebodygoodbye windows recovery crap21:04
amarare you there21:04
* JoeSomebody hovers over the delete key ...21:05
macoMiguelito: i really like the feature where you can see whats going on in all the channels you're joined to at once21:05
Miguelitomaco, i just switched to XChat21:09
BluesKajMiguelito, i was going to mention Konversation21:10
BluesKajmaco, what feature is that ? ..altho I'm not fan of sidebars21:11
macoBluesKaj: click the checkbox in View -> Chat Monitor. it's not a sidebar. it splits the conversation pane, so all channels are up top and current channel is bottom21:12
macoBluesKaj_: did you see that?21:13
macocham: hi21:13
=== cham is now known as amar
BluesKajmaco, yeah , I did , only got one monitor up besides the default21:16
BluesKajI didn't bother configuring the chat list21:20
amaris there any command help in irc21:21
amarsomething like --help in terminal21:22
BluesKajamar, pls explain in more detail21:22
amarif someone is stuck or forgoot a command like /msg nickserver identify, how to make the list of command appear21:23
BluesKajamar, /nickserv help21:24
BluesKajin the server textbox21:24
amarthank you blueskaj21:25
BluesKajyou're welcome amar21:25
mikeeeymy laptop is overheating with kernel 3.1, is this problem solved in the kernel provided in kubuntu 12.04 ?21:36
mikeeeyor in 3.4 ?21:36
genii-aroundmikeeey: What makes you think the overheating is related to the kernel you are running?21:37
mikeeeythis is what I have read21:37
mikeeeyover the past 15 minutes21:37
mikeeeyit's not that I'm using a CPU / GPU intensive app, and the laptop stays cool on Windows21:39
genii-aroundmikeeey: There is also an opensuse channel on freenode to ask in, since that's what you're using.. #opensuse21:46
mikeeeyI thought this is a well known issue on all distros21:47
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f1zz3ri know this question is too bad :X   how can i open a folder in konsole?23:43
genii-aroundf1zz3r: You can't really "open" them in that sense. You can list what's in them however, by: ls foldernamehere23:44
f1zz3rmy problem is i cant find /home/<user>/.kde/Autostart23:45
genii-aroundf1zz3r: The folder .kde is hidden from ls command because it begins with a period.23:46
genii-aroundf1zz3r: However, it does exist. If you are in konsole, and you want to go into that directory: cd ( by itself, that puts you in home directory) , then cd .kde/Autostart23:48
f1zz3rso i do---> ls /home/<user>/.kde/Autostart???????????23:48
genii-aroundf1zz3r: Yes, that is another way, specifying the entire path23:48
f1zz3rbut i dont want to open the folder in konsole23:49
f1zz3ri want to open the folder23:49
genii-aroundf1zz3r: If you cd to some directory, that means you are entering into it. Then when you do the ls command, you do not need to specify the entire path23:49
f1zz3ryah i know... i already have done ls /home/<user>/.kde/Autostart but nothing happens.. i know i am a noob but the question is how to open this in normal way23:51
f1zz3rin dolphin how can i see hiden folderS?23:52
genii-aroundf1zz3r: If you put another / with an asterisk after Autostart  like: ls /home/$(whoami)/.kde/Autostart/*          does it say file not found?23:54
f1zz3rls: cannot access /home/f1zz3r/.kde/Autostart/*: No such file or directory23:55
genii-aroundf1zz3r: So it means that directory is empty23:56

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