
=== Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi
webmindlxpanel crashed very often here07:47
webmindjust so you know07:47
nperryIs the menu in lubunt able to be edited by alacarte?12:02
nperryAny changes I make don't seem to be taking effect12:03
blackgatocatnegr nperry, probably because is a different desktop environment, any tools for gnome or unity will not work.12:04
nperryblackgatocatnegr, Wasn't to sure if it would. What program can we use to remove options from the menu?12:05
blackgatocatnegrnperry, sorry, I don't know. try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCAEHwde-Ik12:09
nperryblackgatocatnegr,  thanks.. that is a tad annoying.12:14
blackgatocatnegr nperry:, lubuntu is made to be lightweight, not easily customizable.12:15
truskoi need to create a live usb from within lubuntu17:29
truskobut usb-creator-gtk isn't within the repositories17:29
truskotried installing unetbootin using a tarball17:29
truskobut apparently "make" isn't installed17:29
truskoand isn't in the respositories either17:29
truskocan anyone help?17:29
ChrisWereHey guys, do you know why I need a root password to mount my NTFS partition?17:37
ChrisWereanyone about?17:39
smilebye! :)18:32
deitarionDoes anyone know of a version of (or patch for) the Lubuntu-default widget theme to make scrollbar handles (at least on the active window) blue rather than almost the same color as the scrollbar track?18:50
deitarions/to make/which makes/18:50
bioterrorit's from the GTK theme18:50
deitarionbioterror: Obviously. For all intents and purposes, "widget theme" and "GTK+ theme" are synonymous when you're talking about GTK+ apps.18:52
bioterrorwas it widget, cant remember :D18:52
deitarionHowever, that doesn't solve my problem of having scrollbars so hard to use on long pages that they break my train of thought sometimes.18:53
deitarionI'd fix the problem myself, but I have no experience customizing GTK+ themes and, unlike CSS, there's no Firebug to let me learn as I go.18:54
bioterroruse pgdown and pgup ;)18:54
deitarionbioterror: Not helpful. I don't like having to move my hands back and forth between mouse and keyboard when doing a copy-paste and, if I'm seeking to a specific spot, it's too bothersome to not seek directly by drag-and-drop.18:56
deitarion(One hand on Ctrl+X/C/V, the other on the mouse)18:56

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