
pittiGood morning05:43
didrocksgood morning06:19
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?06:36
didrocksguten morgen pitti, ça va bien! et toi?06:36
pittia bit tired, but quite well, thanks!06:36
pittitook the Italians way too long to win last night :)06:36
pittididrocks: sorry for your team!06:38
didrockspitti: quite happy in fact ;) this will stop this "all is only about football" madness in France :)06:39
didrocksjibel: pitti: hey (and small question ;)). If I want to do a test that requires a fresh account and login into it, so that we can run that daily in the QA infra, what is possible to do? is there any existing tests I can look at?07:20
pittididrocks: hm, I'm not sure that we currently can run tests in a running user session; at least we can't with DEP-8, only under xvfb07:25
didrockspitti: yeah, here the idea is to ensure that we don't make any dconf write on session start, so creating a new user session and running it (somewhere)07:29
didrockssil2100: hey, will you run the second/third run of autopilot to ensure that the new autopilot tests failing are just noise?07:32
pittididrocks: we might be able to hook that into the iso tests, though07:34
didrockspitti: you mean, manual tests?07:34
didrocksor is it automagic?07:34
pittididrocks: i. e. add a post-install check that dconfd is not running, and/or there is no ~/.config/dconf ?07:34
pittididrocks: I mean the automatic ISO tests07:34
didrockspitti: I need to add some env variable (before the session is started for the first time for that user), run the session and run a command in it07:35
didrockspitti: any pointer from where I can look at for this?07:36
sil2100didrocks: we ran another batch of tests through the weekend on a single machine07:36
pittididrocks: I'm afraid I don't know enough about these to answer that; jibel is a better person to answer here07:36
sil2100didrocks: I'll write down the results in a moment07:36
didrockssil2100: thanks!07:36
didrockspitti: ok, I'll wait for him then, thanks for the pointer :)07:36
didrocksjibel: FYI ^ can you help me on this by pointing me to the right direction?07:37
Sweetsharkjibel: I got the LibreOffice build worked around. It was a gcc-4.7 issue ...07:39
Sweetsharkricotz: would you be interested in backporting LibreOffice-3.6.0beta2 from quantal to precise in libreoffice-prereleases? I will push a version there today i think.07:40
Sweetsharkricotz: IIRC there are not many things to watch out for.07:41
sil2100didrocks: from the look of things this time, there's even LESS difference between tests, so it's good! \o/ Since now we've run all autopilot tests on one machine07:42
Sweetsharkjibel: (fixing the issue is mindboggling though ...)07:42
sil2100First without our SRU packages (on the precise ones) and then with the new packages07:42
didrockssil2100: ah great, so you will have a status soon and investigate about the new failures?07:42
sil2100Editing the docs now07:42
sil2100didrocks: tests written08:07
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:07
* didrocks refreshes08:07
seb128hey sil210008:07
didrockshey Laney08:07
Laneygood, enjoyed the football yesterday ;-)08:07
sil2100Hi seb128!08:07
Laneyhow are you?08:08
didrockssil2100: can you just try +FAIL: test_window_buttons_minimize_button_disabled_for_hud (autopilot.tests.test_panel.PanelWindowButtonsTests) by hand?08:08
seb128Laney, I'm good thanks, the game yesterday was great, though probably not the outcome uk wanted ;-)08:08
didrockssil2100: like, triggering, see the hud state and confirm it's just noise/race?08:08
sil2100didrocks: I tried manually, I mean, I open the hud and clicking minimize does nothing08:09
didrockssil2100: great, please state it on the report :)08:09
sil2100didrocks: I wrote that in the report below the diff ;)08:09
sil2100Anyway, autopilot seems really strange - even popey noted that when launched in an VM, much more tests are failing08:10
sil2100Just because it's in an VM :/08:10
Sweetsharkseb128: heya!08:10
didrockssil2100: ah, indeed, just wasn't clear you tested it or it was the test intention :)08:10
seb128Sweetshark, hey08:10
seb128Sweetshark, how are you?08:10
didrockssil2100: yeah, it's really flacky to be useful without double human checking :/08:11
didrockssil2100: so, seems that the SRU is good to go, isn't it?08:12
didrockssil2100: no more blocker?08:12
jibelSweetshark, Great. I've seen doko's upload and was wondering if that would fix the build failure. Will you upload a version that uses gcc4.7 to the libreoffice PPA ?08:12
didrockssil2100: oh, about the vapi file, did you try it? I didn't see a stenza about the fix working08:12
ricotzSweetshark, hi, yeah, i might take a look08:13
sil2100didrocks: could you refresh my old, blurry memory about the vapi thing..?08:15
didrockssil2100: it was the libunity import fix08:16
sil2100didrocks: you mean the gir typelib thing..?08:17
didrockssil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/libunity/+bug/893688/comments/508:17
ubot2Ubuntu bug 893688 in gobject-introspection "Unity.ActivationResponse does not work properly for python scopes" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:17
sil2100didrocks: I'll write it down in the SRU-1 testing08:18
sil2100Since I have confirmed that there is no more seqfault in this case now08:18
Sweetsharkseb128: fine, thank. a bit disappointed that we wont see a germany-england match. it always has the best headlines.08:18
sil2100(during the sprint)08:18
seb128Sweetshark, hehe, you wanted an easy game for Germany? ;-)08:18
Sweetsharkseb128: nah, just one with tradition ;)08:19
jibeldidrocks, I think we can do something with the system that tests isos. Prepare the account during initial installation with a late_command, reboot, auto-login and execute the test script through autostart. Would it work ?08:19
didrockssil2100: good :) so all green for the SRU?08:19
* Laney clings to 196608:19
Sweetsharkseb128: although germany never beat italy. time to change that.08:19
didrocksjibel: looks perfect to me :)08:19
didrocksjibel: is there any doc about writing such things? what to branch and so on?08:20
Sweetsharkjibel: so, there are multiple gcc-4.7 issues. the internal compiler error seems to be fixed indeed, but there is still bug 1017125 -- we can build LibreOffice with 4.7, it is just not stable.08:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017125 in df-libreoffice "LibreOffice crash in xmloff.Impress.XMLContentImporter::com::sun::star::document::XImporter with gcc-4.7" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101712508:21
Sweetsharkjibel: I rather have a stable product until that one is cornered and fixed. Dunno yet if it is a gcc or a LibreOffice bug.08:22
jibelSweetshark, ok, understood.08:22
Sweetsharkjibel: so, I will upload a gcc 4.6-build package to the ppa.08:22
jibeldidrocks, not really and we should migrate the existing iso testing to a new system soon. But if you can give me a script that prepares the session and the test to run after login, I can try to fit it in the current system.08:25
sil2100didrocks: looks like it, one moment ;) !08:25
didrocksjibel: doing so, exiting 0 == PASS, exiting 1 == FAIL, for the test I guess? (and stdout will be printed?)08:25
jibeldidrocks, ideally, python unittest with assertions, otherwise 0 = PASS,  !0 = FAIL08:26
didrocksjibel: ok, can do, will be really simple :)08:28
didrocksjibel: thanks!08:28
jibeldidrocks, yw08:28
diwicronoc, seb128, good morning08:38
ronochey seb128 diwic08:38
diwicseb128, ronoc and I (well, mostly ronoc to be fair) are working on the upstream of the sound settings UI and we're wondering how to best test that08:39
seb128diwic, ronoc: hey08:39
diwicseb128, to make sure that the stuff we submit is actually working08:40
seb128diwic, ronoc: you guys have a git on top of upstream's one right? way not just build and run that one?08:41
diwicseb128, I was able to get the upstream gnome-control-center tree to compile on 12.04 with some commenting out of building some of the panels08:41
didrockssil2100: hum, for the libunity fix08:41
didrockssil2100: you did an inline patch that isn't upstream08:41
didrockssil2100: in that case, I would really prefer doing it in debian/patches08:41
didrockssil2100: can you fix it, please? (restart from a new branch I would say to remove the clutter)08:42
diwicseb128, among the things I commented out was the gnome-control-center exectuable :-/08:42
seb128diwic, you can do that or use jhbuild to get an updated platform, but commenting some panels seem fine as long as those are local hacks ;-)08:42
sil2100didrocks: I can do that - or I can push it upstream as a MRQ08:42
didrockssil2100: no, as for next release, it will be dealt with the new vala08:42
seb128diwic, well, that's fine, for testing just copy libsound.so from the builddir to /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libsound.so08:42
sil2100didrocks: ok, so I'll create a patch for that then on a clean tree08:43
didrocksthanks sil210008:43
diwicseb128, would I then install gnome-shell or is there a way to start libsound and not libsoundnua under unity?08:43
seb128diwic, then run "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-control-center sound"08:43
seb128diwic, ^ that's the way08:43
seb128diwic, or just copy libsound.so over /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libsoundnua.so08:44
seb128diwic, and test soundnua, that would work as well08:44
diwicseb128, any subtle stuff to look out for when copying those .so's - I've noticed earlier with that approach, that some of the icons stopped working08:45
seb128diwic, nothing subtle, maybe they added some icons in trunk that are not installed by the precise package...08:46
diwicseb128, the icon example was when testing stuff during the 12.04 cycle, so then it was ronoc's sound-nua tree I copied from.08:48
seb128diwic, ok, dunno then, let me know if you hit any issue with the copy .so approch and I will have a look, but that should work just fine on precise08:49
diwicseb128, ok, thanks for your help08:49
pittibonjour seb12808:49
seb128pitti, hey, how are you?08:49
pittiseb128: a bit tired (that game lasted long last night :) ), but otherwise fine, thanks!08:50
pittiseb128: sorry about your team losing08:50
seb128pitti, that was great game though! ;-) (not like ours)08:50
pittithe second half looked a lot better, but still not enough to beat Spain..08:50
pittiseb128: indeed it was08:50
seb128pitti, what are you speaking about? Germany in still in :p (that's the point of the competition I decide to be german again ;-)08:51
* pitti will be glad when this is over08:51
pittiI had a sore throat after Friday evening in the beer garden (awesome game), and everybody is just talking about football these days08:51
seb128pitti, but yeah, France is not there yet and the game was a bit boring, 1/4 is as good as they could hope with how the team is atm08:52
seb128pitti, hehe08:52
Laneyjust wimbledon then the olympics to go, then we'll be done with sport for a while :P08:52
seb128pitti, one week to go and it will be back to normal ... until the olympics ;-)08:52
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:52
ogra_well, the french were a lot better than at the world championship08:52
seb128oh, wimbledon, that's starting today right08:52
Laneyhi chrisccoulson08:53
seb128wonder if they broadcast it on one of the channels I get08:53
chrisccoulsonhi Laney08:53
seb128ogra_, not difficult to do better than they did in 2010, it would have been difficult to do worst ;-)08:53
ogra_haha, indeed08:53
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you? had a good w.e?08:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it wasn't too bad thanks. and you?08:54
pittihey chrisccoulson08:54
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?08:54
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks! how about yourself?08:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, quite good thanks :)08:55
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks, we have rainy sucking weather again though08:55
chrisccoulsonheh, so do we ;)08:55
sil2100didrocks: I see you already merged in my previous gir patching (which didn't work) into the precise branch08:58
sil2100didrocks: should I use that branch as a start? i.e. remove the previous one and add the debian/patches one?08:58
didrockssil2100: give another branch to me, I'll --overwrite08:58
didrocksbamf uploaded to both precise and quantal09:02
* Laney eyes svn.d.o09:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, do you remember who asked about a problem with the pentadactyl addon and the menubar in firefox remaining on screen? i think you highlighted me, but i don't remember which channel i saw it in, or which day. or perhaps i just dreamt it ;)09:12
Laneychrisccoulson: I'm seeing that right now, if that helps :-)09:13
chrisccoulsonLaney, which addons do you use?09:13
Laneyadblock plus, download statusbar, greasemonkey, https everywhere, lastpass, lazarus, monkeysphere, vimperator09:14
LaneyI can try disabling some if you want09:14
chrisccoulsonLaney, it would be useful, just so i can make sure that it's the same issue09:15
Laneyall of them except vimperator?09:16
chrisccoulsonLaney, if you think that might be the cause of it :)09:16
seb128chrisccoulson, #ubuntu-unity.log:juin 21 15:18:41 <smoser>i upgraded to quantal yesterday. i use pentadactyl with firefox. pentadactyl released version has some issues with newer firefox so i'm using a nightly build from pentadactyl.09:17
LaneyI just know that it thinks it's hidden the menu, but I can still see it ;)09:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks09:17
seb128chrisccoulson, yw09:17
seb128didrocks, \o/ SRUs!09:17
sil2100didrocks: lp:~sil2100/libunity/precise_SRU_quilt <-09:18
Laneyit's to do with the global menu09:18
didrocksseb128: and finally will be able to push compiz trunk soon09:18
didrocksthen, unblocking compiz sru09:18
didrocksand this libunity branch09:18
sil2100didrocks: if that's ACK, it's all Green09:18
didrocksthanks sil2100 :)09:18
seb128didrocks, double \o/09:18
Laneychrisccoulson: this laptop isn't using unity or any global menu stuff09:18
Laneychrisccoulson: but when I turn that extension off it goes away09:18
chrisccoulsonLaney, oh, you're actually talking about a different issue09:18
didrockssil2100: finishing preparing the bug list for compiz trunk right now09:18
seb128didrocks, don't forget to use -proposed, a2 week ;-)09:18
Laneyknown one?09:19
didrocksseb128: didn't for bamf yet (and we don't have hard freeze?) :)09:19
didrocksseb128: but yeah, compiz with abi break -> proposed :)09:19
seb128didrocks, yeah, bamf is ok, that's bug fixing and we are only monday morning, but compiz ... better to use it ;-) thanks!09:19
didrocksyep :)09:20
chrisccoulsonLaney, yes, that's bug 101608109:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1016081 in firefox "Both menu bar and "firefox" menu display at the same time." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101608109:21
Laneychrisccoulson: ah, nice09:21
Laneyglad I'm not seeing that other bug then :P09:21
LaneyI can never decide whether to use pentadactyl or vimperator09:22
sil2100didrocks: for trunk? That's probably a LOT of bugs...09:22
chrisccoulsoni don't use either ;)09:22
chrisccoulsoni only use addons that i wrote + adblock :)09:22
didrockssil2100: yeah, I'm listing those now09:23
chrisccoulsoni prefer to keep a clean browser ;)09:23
Laneyyour life needs moar keyboard09:23
chrisccoulsonright, enough with crappy firefox addons causing problems with my addon. time to do something productive :)09:50
sil2100didrocks: you need help with that? Since I think we're essentially finished with libunity/compiz/bamf SRU09:50
didrockssil2100: no, please focus on unity release and SRU now :)09:51
sil2100didrocks: so unity for quantal, yes? ACK09:51
seb128chrisccoulson, like close your pgo benchmark work item by writing down the results of your testing? ;-)09:51
didrockssil2100: indeed, and see what can be backported as a SRU09:52
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:53
sil2100didrocks: we're already having a nice list for that, but we'll keep on managing that one09:53
seb128TheMuso, hey, you have a "[themuso] think about and provide accessibility support for the overlay screen: TODO" wi for a2, is that still likely to happen for this week?10:08
didrocksogra_: hey, my dear Oliver, living in a country where you are still harassed with football, do you have a minute for a compiz armel fun? :)10:15
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
didrockssil2100: libunity done :)10:25
sil2100didrocks: \o/ Thanks10:26
didrockssil2100: thanks to you :)10:28
didrockssil2100: keep me posted about the new releases10:28
chrisccoulsonlibunity done? are you breaking ABI again? ;)10:29
ogra_didrocks, whats up ?10:30
sil2100chrisccoulson: hi!10:31
didrocksogra_: so, I have a beautiful compiz package ready to be uploaded10:31
didrocksogra_: it's still using series.armhf and so on10:31
ogra_oh, for quantal ?10:31
didrocksogra_: but uploading to a ppa, it seems the additional patch is not applied: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/108567391/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armhf.compiz_1%3A0.9.8%2Bbzr3249-0ubuntu1~ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:31
didrocksogra_: yeah, for quantal10:31
sil2100chrisccoulson: I have asked the unity-2d guys to give a look at the branch you prepared for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/1016386 in natty10:32
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1016386 in unity-2d "Thunderbird drop downs still don't work in unity 2D" [High,Triaged]10:32
chrisccoulsonsil2100, cool, thanks10:32
didrockschrisccoulson: no ABI break :)10:32
* chrisccoulson breathes sigh of relief10:32
sil2100chrisccoulson: just to make sure - you tested it on natty that it works?10:32
ogra_didrocks, looks to me like no patch is properly applied actually10:32
chrisccoulsonsil2100, yeah, it works with that patch10:32
sil2100chrisccoulson: cool!10:33
didrocksogra_: it seems they are applying once10:33
didrocksogra_: then, trying to replying them10:33
didrocksisn't it?10:33
ogra_ubuntu-config.patch ... not sure what that is, but it definitely fails10:33
didrocks(but even on the "try to apply once", there is not the armhf one)10:33
didrocksogra_: looks above10:33
didrocksogra_: Applying patch ubuntu-config.patch10:33
didrocksand it works10:33
didrocksI'm under the impression it's applying (succesfully) debian/patches/series10:34
didrocksand then, it tries to reapply debian/patches/armhf.series10:34
ogra_yeah, why is that patch in there ?10:34
didrocksfails on the first one10:34
didrocksogra_: ah, so armhf.series are only the *additional* patches?10:34
ogra_an arm specific patch cant be in both series files10:34
didrocksok :)10:34
didrocksthat explains10:34
didrocksso let's fix that10:34
didrocksand see if the patch fails to apply now10:35
didrockswhich I fear it will against trunk :/10:35
ogra_so ubuntu-config is what you call the gles patch ?10:35
ogra_i would suggest a better name :)10:35
didrocksogra_: no10:35
didrocksogra_: it's the ubuntu configuration10:35
didrocksfor default plugins10:35
didrockscompiz-package-gles2.patch is the patch name you gave10:35
didrocksand I'm still using that name10:36
ogra_oh, ok10:36
ogra_it slipped from series to series.armhf, not the other way round, now i get it10:36
didrocksyep :)10:36
* didrocks tries to add what's needed for the patch and cross fingers that it will apply in the "one source"10:37
ogra_i thought it was applied upstream now10:37
ogra_iirc the agreement was that it would be prior to A210:38
didrocksogra_: yeah, agreement was that opengles was ready at some point by upstream10:39
didrocks but they are late10:39
didrocksso again, distro to take the burden…10:39
Sweetsharkjibel: libreoffice beta2 uploaded to ppa.10:41
Sweetsharkjibel: (for quantal)10:41
jibelSweetshark, it is building on albali10:43
Laneyhmm, could it be that nouveau's power management is much worse than nvidia?10:51
Laneymy laptop seems to run hotter and have a shorter battery life since I switched10:51
* didrocks tries to apply and readapt opengles patch on compiz, but it's no fun :(11:01
didrocksalf_: do you think you will have some time to help here? ^11:03
alf_didrocks: looking11:14
ogra_didrocks, its easier to re-pull freshly after alf_ rebased the linaro branch11:15
didrocksogra_: yeah, I tried to refresh manually, but too complicated11:15
seb128Laney, not sure how it is nowadays but yeah, it had this reputation for a while, "use nouveau if you want your laptop to run out of battery in an hour"11:15
didrocksalf_: be warned that the lp:compiz now contains all plugins (with -main and -extra)11:15
seb128Laney, check with mlankhorst for details ;-)11:17
Laneynot sure I can handle the details :P11:18
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
alf_didrocks: ogra_: I am not convinced that it makes sense to try to adapt the precise patch for the new (quantal) compiz. It's a significant amount of work that will be invalidated soon, when upstream official releases GLES2 support, which has a lot of changes relatively to the patches.11:27
didrocksalf_: right, but we are quite blocked in a lot of ways, do you have insight when the official release of gles support for compiz will be?11:28
ogra_alf_, right, and i wouldnt cry if it wouldnt work yet since we have no working GLES drivers from TI for quantal yet11:28
didrocksalf_: because this prevents us to upload a new compiz version in quantal11:28
ogra_but we cant leave it in ftbfs status11:28
didrocksyeah, that's the issue :/11:28
didrocksso compiz SRU in precise is blocked on this on quantal as the fix won't be available in the new release11:29
seb128didrocks, how much work would it be to get it to build even if it doesn't run?11:29
didrocksseb128: a lot from what I see11:30
didrocksalf_: do you confirm? ^11:30
didrocksseb128: changes in the interface and such11:30
seb128didrocks, can we just build with opengl rather than opengles?11:30
alf_didrocks: I don't know, I guess Sam or Daniel will be able to give you some estimate about new compiz releases.11:31
seb128like would it build, even if no hardware can run it?11:31
alf_didrocks: I suggest just dropping the patch11:31
alf_seb128: right11:31
didrocksalf_: well, still doesn't fix the FTBFS issue, isn' tit?11:32
alf_didrocks: why not?11:32
didrocksyou have the opengl normal packages on it?11:32
didrocksthat mean also rebuilding nux and unity with opengl11:32
didrockson armel11:32
didrocksbut ok, let's try that11:32
ogra_just drop the arm arches from the control file for this upload11:32
alf_didrocks: ahh, right11:32
didrocksogra_: hum, I prefer that TBH :)11:32
ogra_unless you do heavy transitions or so11:33
didrocksogra_: it's an heavy transition, but for next release, I can cheat on the version11:33
didrocksseb128: agreed on that? seems the safest to me11:33
ogra_well, as i said, we dont have any GLES drivers for the current quantal kernel11:33
ogra_so its moot to have compiz atm11:33
didrocksagreed, it's just that a FTBFS will be seen as bad and blocking everything11:34
didrockseven if it's not pratical11:34
didrocksso let's drop the arch11:34
didrocksfor now11:34
seb128didrocks, works for me11:35
didrocksok, I'll just do some exercice outside while it's not raining and will do that once I'm back11:35
seb128didrocks, enjoy11:36
didrocksseb128: "enjoy… exercice?" doesn't fit :p11:36
didrocksbut thanks! ;)11:36
ogra_didrocks, oh, wait11:37
ogra_didrocks, that will make imagebuilds impossible11:37
didrocksogra_: argh11:38
ogra_didrocks, but not applying the patch should make the build fall back to mesa, it used to build on arm all the time even before we applied the patch11:41
ogra_so i would assume it still does11:41
sil2100micahg: hi13:09
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
jbichaseb128, cyphermox_ : was there a final decision about gnome-nettool removal? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-June/035305.html13:46
Laneycould someone merge lp:~laney/+junk/gcc-libxkbfile-bd into g-c-c13:49
Laneyit builds with that but I guess it's not worth uploading with 3.5.3 coming13:49
* Laney just wanted to test libpwquality, which is being uploaded to exp now13:51
seb128jbicha, not really, I'm not sure there is ever one in such cases ;-)13:57
seb128Laney, done13:59
seb128Laney, that reminds me I need to comment on your application wikipage ;-)13:59
LaneyI found that the python bindings weren't being installed properly btw ;-)13:59
Laneyoh yes!13:59
Laneypitti: do you see any reason why cracklib2 couldn't be multiarched? We could then have a MA libpwquality AFAICS14:00
Laneymaybe you're not so actively maintaining that one any more *cough*14:01
pittiindeed I'm not, it's Jan's now14:01
pittiLaney: as long as you don't break the pam module, that sohuld be fine14:01
Laneyok, maybe I'll just send a patch14:01
Laneylibpam-cracklib itself is already multiarched14:03
larsuhey ChrisCoulson, thunderbird.desktop is missing "Messaging Menu" from OnlyShowIn for the Compose and New Message actions - is that intentional?14:04
larsuseems to me like this commit did it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird-trunk.head/revision/56014:04
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
seb128Laney, is the gcc-libxkbfile-bd fix having an visible result?14:47
seb128Laney, like fixing a runtime issue or some option not turned on?14:47
Laneyseb128: ftbfs15:00
seb128Laney, ok, I've included it in my upload anyway, I wanted to get some soundnua fixes out to prepare a potential SRU15:00
LaneyI guess it's an additional check in the new upstream15:00
Laneyah, it wasn't even a configure check15:04
LaneyIn file included from gnome-region-panel-input.c:30:0:15:04
Laney/usr/include/gnome-desktop-3.0/libgnome-desktop/gnome-xkb-info.h:34:37: fatal error: X11/extensions/XKBrules.h: No such file or directory15:04
Laney(it's probably better in libgnome-desktop then)15:05
seb128Laney, hum, yeah15:06
Laneyyeah looks like it was just missed from the new upstream15:08
seb128Laney, do you want sponsoring, or should I do the change and upload? it's basically adding libxkbfile-dev to the libgnome-desktop-3-dev depends?15:11
Laneyseb128: You can do it15:14
seb128Laney, ok15:14
Laneydo you think something should be in the pkg-config file?15:14
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Laneyslomo_: Are you interested in applying something like https://launchpadlibrarian.net/108578461/gstreamer-remove-dependency_libs.debdiff to gstreamer0.10 in Debian?15:24
Laneythe clean-la.mk from cdbs isn't smart enough (so the real fix would be to beef it up there, but a workaround in the meantime would be nice)15:24
micahghi sil210015:28
Sweetsharkso ... If I have a package in dep-wait and upload a newer one, will the depwait cancel itself?15:37
SweetsharkLaney: thx15:39
seb128Laney, I dropped your g-c-c change from the vcs btw15:44
Laneygood, thanks15:44
seb128Laney, and uploaded gnome-desktop3 with the depends15:44
seb128Laney, yw15:44
seb128Laney, maybe we should open an upstream bug to have xkbfile added to the gnome-desktop3 .pc as well?15:46
Laneyseb128: I guess so. Should it be Requires or Requires.private?15:46
seb128Laney, it's .private I think15:46
seb128Laney, can you open the bug?15:47
Laneyyeah, doing15:47
seb128Laney, thanks15:49
Laneyhm, is anything blocking the g-s-d update?16:45
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Laneyyay, got g-c-c building with jhbuild16:55
jbichaLaney: I think we were just waiting for libpwquality which isn't in main yet16:55
Laneyseems you need XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME for it to show the region stuff16:55
* Laney recalls that we patch that16:55
Laneyjbicha: I see the MIR is filed16:56
LaneyI can't remember the process, is it approve then upload or the other way around?16:56
Laneynm, off to the cinema now16:58
* Laney waves16:58
didrockshave a good night everyone!17:21
seb128bryceh, hey17:57
seb128bryceh, so the xkeyboard-config-fr-oss bug got a suggested patch on the upstream bugzilla ... do you want me to SRU it or will you do that? (I'm still on precise so I can easily do the SRU update,testing if you want)17:59
brycehseb128, already on it :-)18:04
brycehseb128, I was happy to see that in my inbox, thanks for verifying the upstream patch18:04
seb128bryceh, excellent, thank you! ;-)18:04
seb128bryceh, yw, I've personal interest in it so I'm happy to test ;-)18:04
brycehperfect :-)18:05
IkeyHi, where would I contribute a patch for Totem? ATM Totem uses Symbolic Icons everywhere, resulting in stretched/skewed icons. I wrote a patch that makes it use normal icons instead, and leaves view-sidebar as symbolic (as its not present in most icon themes). I made it because we're "fixing" gnome fallback in our distro, and I know it affects others.18:23
IkeySaid patch: http://pastebin.com/yx8BVbeZ18:24
jbichaIkey: we're not going to get rid of symbolic icons in Ubuntu18:40
IkeyOk but its clearly buggered in Totem18:41
IkeyWas just offering ^^18:41
IkeyAren't you the guy I spoke with before?18:42
seb128Ikey, report it upstream on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=totem if you want but you should probably just fix your icon theme to provide those icons18:42
jbichaIkey: it works fine here, but we're on Totem 3.4.2 now18:42
Ikeyseb128, Nothing's wrong with icon theme lol18:42
seb128jbicha, it works fine in precise as well as far as I can tell18:43
Ikeyjbicha, I spoke with Vincent btw18:43
IkeyRegarding the panel18:43
jbichaIkey: instead of patching all of GNOME, you could add "symbolic" icons to your SolusOS theme18:43
IkeyI didn't have an issue with missing icons jbicha18:43
IkeyI had an issue with GNOME going trigger-happy and sticking them in everywhere18:44
IkeyAnd breaking compatibility with existing iconsets18:44
IkeyAnd not displaying them properly18:44
IkeyAnywho. Vincent started the discussion about fallback mode vs llvm, you see it?18:44
IkeyOh he's here lol18:45
jbichavuntz: hi :)18:45
IkeySo obviously I don't know how thats going to turn out, I guess I'm best off maintaining my gnome-panel patches separately.18:45
IkeyI remember you saying you were interested in them18:45
IkeyWhat extent were you willing to go wrt. the patches?18:47
jbichathe one that reverts the need to hold down the Alt key to modify the panels is interesting, maybe GNOME or Debian would like the patch too18:47
IkeyOk,but you'd need the one for re-combining the menus too18:47
Ikeyan applets right click already works18:48
IkeyBut you need alt+right click for the edit menu18:48
IkeyThey have to be recombined into one menu before you can remove the need for alt+ modifier18:48
jbichaI don't know if we'd take those patches for Ubuntu if no one else does though18:48
IkeyI was kinda thinking the same18:48
IkeyWould be as shame18:49
IkeyAnywho. Offer is always there18:49
vuntzfor the record, I'm not that much interested in this patch upstream (at least for now), unless this change is controllable with a gsettings key18:50
Ikeythought as much18:51
Ikeyshould be pretty easy to achieve tbh18:51
vuntz(and I'd accept the gsettings key only if several distros tell me they really want it)18:51
vuntzbut if the discussion on ddl leads to a "ok, we don't need the fallback mode anymore", things might be different :-)18:52
IkeyI think it's going to be the same outcome as always vuntz18:52
IkeyFallback really hasn't been needed for a while18:52
IkeyBut just to cover peoples backsides it'll be kept18:53
vuntzIkey: I guess general would work for the schema, yes18:54
IkeyDoesn't bother me I maintain my own repos and patch where I like. Just I know a lot of other people want it. However The Powers That Be are stubborn18:54
IkeyEveryone is either vested in Shell or Unity18:54
IkeyBy accepting the patches its almost an admission of defeat18:55
IkeyUnity and Shell are better! (TM)18:55
IkeySo I can't really see any project accepting them18:55
IkeyHeck they even removed the ability to create desktop launchers in Nautilus so we would use shell18:55
seb128Ikey, that was never in nautilus18:56
Ikeywanna bet?18:56
seb128the "create launcher" ui was shipped with gnome-panel18:57
Ikeyi know18:57
IkeyBut the shortcut was in nautilus18:57
seb128right, but nautilus can't depends on gnome-panel18:57
seb128it's used on desktops where gnome-panel is not there18:57
IkeyThen split the functionality into another package18:57
seb128nobody is actively against that18:57
seb128it's just that nobody stepped up18:58
IkeyI put it back into our build of nautilus18:58
seb128in fact w have https://launchpad.net/unity-launcher-editor18:58
IkeyYeah I seen that18:58
seb128hum maybe that's the wrong url18:58
seb128but somebody started on a launcher editor18:59
IkeyOh btw what's the story with gnome-screensaver support in ubuntu?18:59
seb128but it didn't get anywhere18:59
seb128if you want to resume work on the launcher editor that would be good18:59
IkeySuits me18:59
IkeyI was checking out http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-screensaver/commit/?id=76d2c9ff6acf4a98bfa1569a62fafe14e89f4118:59
seb128we would be happy to ship a launcher editor18:59
IkeyI've been working since last night on reversing that particular commit18:59
IkeyAnd re-implement xscreensaver support19:00
IkeyDunno if anyone wants it19:00
IkeyProlly just me ^^19:00
seb128Ikey, oh, great, we do want it19:00
seb128Ikey, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-screensaver19:00
IkeyThinking though19:00
IkeyDo you want it in the capplet or separate app?19:00
Ikeylike it used to be19:00
IkeyCoz you guys are running with your own control center soon right?19:01
seb128Ikey, well, our control center is basically gnome-control-center patched to support external panels and with some tweaks19:01
IkeyAh ok19:01
Ikeyso capplet is the ticket19:02
Ikeyyou're all more than welcome to fork/redo/repackage (bad packaging) my solusdesktop tool btw19:02
Ikeymetacity + gtk theme previews/changing19:02
Ikeyvery very simple. all python19:02
Ikeygreat for gnome classic though19:02
Ikeythe previews are done via external python scripts19:03
Ikeyembedded via GtkSocket's19:03
Ikeyand use DBUS to talk19:03
Ikeykinda cool19:03
seb128I personally don't have time to look at that but maybe jbicha or others are interested19:03
Ikeythat thing19:03
Ikeydude needs to fix his javascript on that page..19:04
jbichasolusdesktop is basically a duplicate of gnome-tweak-tool just with theme previews19:10
IkeyThink you got that a bit wrong19:10
jbichaI meant that as a question19:10
Ikeygnome-tweak-tool copied mintdesktop in design, which i wrote19:10
IkeyIt does everything via gsettings basically19:10
Ikeyin a designed way, not we scripted this to hell way19:11
jbichaok, well gnome-tweak-tool is an unofficial GNOME app that's in nearly all GNOME distro repositories19:11
IkeyI know19:11
Ikeyit sucks :)19:11
Ikeyhad potential but feels unfinished19:12
Ikeymines not even finished yet in fairness. need to make it a bit prettier19:12
jbichaI don't think live preview is needed if changing the theme goes into effect immediately like it does19:12
Ikeyits not immediate on ours19:13
IkeyGot an apply button19:13
jbicharight, but that's not necessarily an improvement19:13
IkeyLol no offence but that is such a GNOME attitude19:14
jbichawell we are talking about GNOME tools... ;)19:14
IkeyYou realise some people have slower computers and changing themes takes a few seconds, in some cases the lack of speed causes crashes due to constant theme changes19:14
IkeyRight. And the reason why people like me do what they do is because gnome's tool aren't The Answer19:15
Ikeygnome-tweak-tool only shot into existence because of GNOME trying to emulate  Mac tactics and lock you into what they think is  The Look and The Desktop19:15
jbichawhat I meant is that I expect you'll have trouble getting solusdesktop sponsored into either Debian or Ubuntu19:16
IkeyI'm not looking for sponsoring :) As I said from the beginning. The tools are there. If people want them, they can have them19:17
IkeyI'm fully aware of how upstream works and how they lock themselves into decisions and can't change course, or lose face19:17
IkeyPeople want 'em they can have em19:17
IkeyI've made the effort. That's my conscience at rest :P19:18
seb128mterry, hey, could you review bug #1017285 or get somebody from mir team to do it?19:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017285 in libpwquality "[MIR] libpwquality" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101728519:25
chrisccoulsong'ah, it's finally just clicked why firefox tests still keep hanging in PPA builds19:30
micahga browser epiphany?19:32
mterryseb128, ok19:41
seb128mterry, thanks19:41
mterrymicahg, :)19:42
mterryjdstrand, you around for a (hopefully) quick security review?19:52
jdstrandmterry: I am here, but unfortunately a) extremely busy trying to get a security update out, and b) off Tue-Thu this week. feel free to point me at it and I'll get to it when I can though19:53
mterryjdstrand, hrm, is another security member available?  I'm doing the libpwquality MIR, and it looks fine from a packaging/maintainability point, but it has a pam module, so I felt a security person should look it over19:55
jdstrandmterry: it needs to happen *today*?19:55
mterryjdstrand, no, I wanted to get the MIR approved so it could make A2, but i suppose I can defer the security review and promote for now19:56
jdstrandmterry: that would work from my perspective-- it would be easy enough to yank out I suppose?19:57
mterryjdstrand, no worries, I'll assign the MIR to you after some comments19:57
mterryjdstrand, eh...  it's used by gnome-control-center, so not sure19:57
mterryjdstrand, but the pam module probably is easy enough to demote by itself if needed19:57
seb128jdstrand, mterry: it's a lib to generate good password coming from redhat security guys, I'm sure we will be find at the end19:57
mterryseb128, I agree19:57
seb128ups, find -> fine19:57
mterryseb128, but I don't like to rubber stamp pam modules  :)19:58
seb128worst case we can revert the commit which added the depends at the end of the cycle19:58
jdstrandwell, demote is fine-- I just didn't want to be in a situation where I said it is ok to pre-promote, then we are stuck19:58
seb128mterry, yeah, me neither, I'm just confident we will be happy with it before the end of the cycle19:58
seb128jdstrand, mterry: thank you19:58
jdstrandif there is an exit strategy of some sort, feel free to pre-promote and assign to the security team19:59
jdstrand(feel free to say as much in the bug)19:59
seb128there is one, just revert the commit that use it and do what we were doing before19:59
mterryseb128, commented on the bug20:02
chrisccoulsoni wish people would stop running software with sudo, then reporting a bug when things break21:06
hyperairi wish people would stop asking others to "try running it with sudo" when things break.21:07
chrisccoulsonhyperair, we make a note of this automatically in firefox bugs now, and i'm quite surprised at how many reports come in where the user has files in their firefox profile with the wrong ownership21:08
chrisccoulsonbug 101762821:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017628 in firefox "In the menu in french, "Rechercher sur Google..." is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101762821:08
chrisccoulson"startupCache/startupCache.4.little (0644, wrong owner)"21:10
chrisccoulsoni suspect a read-only startup cache is likely to break things quite quickly21:10
TheMusoseb128: No, will fix that up.22:23
seb128TheMuso, hey, thanks22:30
brycehseb128, heya22:42
brycehseb128, on bug 1013881 it looks to me like it's a matter of personal preference rather than an actual bug-bug22:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1013881 in xkeyboard-config "Right-Ctrl key broken on French OSS keyboard" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101388122:43
brycehseb128, on the one hand, the patch brings precise closer to how upstream is doing things, so it is more standard.  Yet on the other hand, it brings in a change to existing precise users which might be surprising to them.22:43
brycehseb128, on the original bug that asked for this change (bug #221112) you had confirmed it improved things; so can you make the judgment call about which way things should go for fr(oss)'s right control key?  Your French is a bit better than mine :-)22:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 221112 in xkeyboard-config "Can't use space bar in search bar when using french alternative keyboard" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22111222:45
seb128bryceh, ok, I need to read again the bugs and comment yesterday22:50
seb128bryceh, I confirm that fixing the space bar issue in rhythmbox is a real win and we want to keep that, I'm not sure to understand what the "regression" is about22:51
brycehseb128, if I understand it, they liked the way the key worked prior to the rb fix22:53
brycehseb128, but you're right, maybe we need to understand their issue better first22:54
seb128bryceh, well, comment #11 suggests a way to have both set of users happy22:54
seb128bryceh, but I don't know enough about xkb details to figure out if it's right22:55
brycehseb128, it looks like they've proposed those same changes on the upstream bug report(s), however there is not a response from the upstream maintainer yet22:56
seb128bryceh, the rb issue is basically that pressing space in the search entry would trigger play,pause22:57
seb128so you want the type "the doors" and you get "the" and then you pause your music22:57
brycehyep, I remember that bug22:57
brycehseb128, so maybe we wait for upstream's response first on the proposed solution, and decide what to do then?22:57
seb128bryceh, yeah, the current situation is better than what we had in release22:58
brycehthen I'll go ahead with filing the sru on just the fr(oss) breakage, and catch that ctrl key issue later when it's clearer what to do.22:59
seb128bryceh, sounds good, thanks23:01
seb128bryceh, reading the upstream bug again there is no good solutions, you get to choose between23:01
seb128- can't type space in rhythmbox search entry (for example)23:02
seb128- can't use r-ctrl23:02
* bryceh nods23:02
brycehyeah that's how I was interpreting it23:02
seb128- have a keymap that let you enter nbsp too easily23:02
seb128I will try to check tomorrow what we had on lucid, but I think it was what we have in proposed now23:03
seb128not sure also if many people use rctrl, I don't and I never saw people around me use it as a regular key either23:04
seb128bryceh, so yeah, let them settle on something and get the fr-oss fix out meanwhile ;-)23:04
brycehsounds good23:04
slomo_Laney: not sure, dependency_libs are empty here... what does it improve? please write me a mail with details :)23:27
robert_ancellRAOF, have you noticed that colord is depwaiting?23:43
RAOFI have not, no. What's it depwaiting on?23:44
robert_ancellIt seems to be blocked on libgusb, which seems to be straddling universe and main23:44
RAOFSigh. Let there be a MIR.23:47
robert_ancellRAOF, but the libgusb says it should be in main23:49
robert_ancellperhaps the binary packages just need to be shifted over?23:49
RAOFHuh, so it does.23:50
RAOFIt should show up in component-mismatches soon, then.23:51

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