
inashdeenhi, I would like to enquire, how do i send my program for consideration by motu to put in ubuntu software cneter?00:31
RAOFinashdeen: It depends on what you're after; what is your program, and what is your desired outcome?00:32
inashdeenRAQF : can i explain it here? ok, it is a keyboard layout for traditional malay (jawi). it is based on the arabic writing. this is the link to the project. https://launchpad.net/jawi/jawi-keyboard-0.5.7-precise currently, i just built a .deb. i tried to make a ppa, but it requires source. my program doesnt have a source00:35
dholbachgood morning06:59
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:02
dholbachhey ajmitch07:02
vibhavThe number of items in the sponsor queue is increasing again >_<07:13
* vibhav adds some more items07:14
micahgvibhav: that's what happens over the weekend, it should go down again as people do their piloting shifts (unless we're getting a swarm of contributions, which isn't really a bad thing), high number in queue isn't as bad as old requests not being addressed07:20
micahgin fact, I'd posit that a large queue is good as long as they're all recent submissions :)07:21
vibhavIts good that there not old requests07:21
iulianMorning dholbach, evening ajmitch.08:02
dholbachhi iulian08:02
ajmitchhi iulian08:02
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LoTnot sure if you get bug notifications, but... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-django-openid-auth/+bug/101746212:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017462 in python-django-openid-auth (Ubuntu) "Please remove python-django-openid-auth from the repos" [Undecided,New]12:51
* LoT was watching the announcements list, noticed that the package "maintainer" for this was MOTU12:51
tumbleweedoh, good, was waiting for that12:51
LoTwasnt sure how to mark it, so i just came here to say "Here, its yours, deal with it"  </delegation>12:52
LoT(in terms of status / importance)12:52
tumbleweedit's a special, workflow bug12:53
* LoT returns to multitasking, watching the bugs announcements list and working on a report for work.12:53
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=== LoT is now known as LordOfTime
arandHow would I go about flagging bug #540035 for "please-SRU-with-Debian-stable-sync"14:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540035 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "pango-graphite causes several applications to crash" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54003514:18
tumbleweedwe don't actually sync into stable (that I've ever seen)14:21
tumbleweedyou'd just prepare an SRU as usual14:22
badfoxdholbach,  ping : After uploading a PPA into my launchpad from terminal , how much time is going to taken  for applying changes in PPA  ?14:25
dholbachbadfox, if you have a look at your ppa page, it should give you an estimate14:26
dholbachbadfox, do you have a link to your ppa?14:26
badfoxyes dholbach14:27
dholbachcan you share it? :-P14:27
badfoxdholbach,  https://launchpad.net/~genupulas/+archive/accountsservice-0.6.21 and i have uploaded successfully14:28
badfoxdholbach,  i have seen the message too states that uploaded successfully14:28
dholbachbadfox, did you get an 'accepted' email after uploading?14:28
dholbachI'm asking because I can't see anything on the ppa page14:29
dholbachmaybe you could ask the fine people in #launchpad?14:29
arandtumbleweed: Ah, ok, I figured it would be nicer in the case it was possible.14:29
badfoxdholbach,  yeah thats what i am also saying . i have uploaded successfully . i am sure . i have seen the message too in my terminal ,14:30
dholbachno, not in the terminal14:30
dholbachan email14:30
badfoxok i will ask there dholbach14:30
tumbleweedyou should get a ne-mail within 5 mins14:30
dholbachok good14:30
badfoxdholbach,  i think i didnt14:30
tumbleweedif you don't you didn't sign it correctly14:30
dholbachor you don't have your associated key in LP14:31
LordOfTimethat may be the case14:31
dholbachok, you have gpg keys in LP14:31
badfoxdholbach,  No , just now i have got a mail14:31
badfoxsaying as rejected :(14:31
badfoxlemme try one more time14:31
LordOfTimebadfox: hwat did it say14:31
dholbachdoes the mail give a reason?14:31
LordOfTimeit should say why it was rejected14:31
badfoxdholbach,  yes it does "Rejected:14:32
badfoxUnable to find distroseries: unstable14:32
badfoxFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.14:32
LordOfTimeuse quantal, precise, natty, oneiric, etc.14:32
LordOfTimenot "unstable"14:32
LordOfTime(the PPAs cant yet build Debian Unstable packages)14:32
badfoxthank you dholbach  LordOfTime14:32
arandDoes a SRU need a changelog entry, or would it be reasonable to use only the Debian changelog for a SRU that is a straight sync from Debian?14:51
tumbleweedevery upload needs a changelog entry14:52
tumbleweedfor this case, you can just copy Debian's changelog entry (crediting it) but change the version and release to appropriate values14:52
tumbleweedit also has to close the SRU bug, naturally14:53
arandtumbleweed: So I'd replace the Debian one or add an extra after it?14:55
tumbleweedreplace it14:56
arandHmm, 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 is appropriate? (0.9.3-0.1 is the based-off package in Debian, 0.9.2-3.1 current in Ubuntu).15:04
tumbleweedso you're SRUing anew upstream release?15:10
tumbleweedyes, that seems an appropriate version15:10
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arandtumbleweed: Yes, but should *hopefully* qualify as microrelease.15:12
Zhenecharand, uhm, 0.9.3-0.1 >> 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 afaict15:13
Zhenech % dpkg --compare-versions 0.9.3-0.1 le 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 says so15:14
arandZhenech: Hmm, I'm wondering if that would be a prolem though...15:17
tumbleweedarand: what package?15:18
arandThough using 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu0.1 might be prudent, still.15:18
Zhenecharand, not "ubuntu1" then?15:18
badfoxdholbach,  you here ?  Success , i have uploaded :D15:19
arand0.1 is a SRU-indicator afaik.15:19
Zhenechah ok15:19
tumbleweedarand: there is a 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu1 in natty15:19
badfoxdholbach,  one more thing i wanna do , lemme see15:20
badfoxdholbach,  :)15:20
tumbleweedso 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 should be fine15:20
RhondaIf it is based on 0.9.3-0.1 it should be 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu0.115:21
Rhonda0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 is smaller as 0.9.3-0.1, as Zhenech pointed out. :)15:21
tumbleweedwhich is what we want15:21
RhondaBut it's a wrong "upstream" version part.15:22
Rhonda0.9.3-0.1~ubuntu0.1 it should be then?15:22
tumbleweedit's an SRU, getting the Debian revision rnight is less important than beingh smaller than the next Ubuntu release15:22
RhondaSo changing the "upstream" version is correct?15:23
RhondaThe next ubuntu release has 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu1 I thought?15:23
arandBut 0.9.3-0ubuntu0.1 vs 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu0.1 doesn't matter in Ubuntu, right?15:23
tumbleweedRhonda: yes15:24
RhondaSo being precise doesn't matter in Ubuntu? :)15:24
ZhenechRhonda, not since quantal :>15:24
tumbleweedmeh, I can't say I care too much abou tupstream versions in SRUs15:24
tumbleweedit's a fork in the revision history that'll go away at some point15:24
RhondaSo if the next ubuntu release has 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu1 why is 0.9.3-0.1ubuntu0.1 being considered an issue?15:24
tumbleweed0.9.3-0.1ubuntu0.1 would be fine15:25
arandI'll go with that15:25
RhondaThere is a guideline for the versioning, and I don't understand the reason for why it is wanted to ignore that.15:25
tumbleweedthe guidelines for versioning in SRUs don't cover new upstream versions15:25
RhondaIt covers how it ensures proper upgrading possibilities, and that is the 0.1 at the end?15:26
arandWell, I'm kind of basing it off the Debian version but still not, at the same time (since removing the Debian changelog entry for 0.9.3-0.1, which seems a bit odd)15:26
RhondaAnd/or the addition of the release name, which sorts nicely?15:27
tumbleweedarand: I'd keep the changolg entry if you are using that version15:27
RhondaRemoving changelog entry?  So removing the changes?15:27
arandRight, heh.15:27
tumbleweedRhonda: I tend to just consider SRUs as a targetted patch to a stable ubuntu release. Even if the patch makes it equivalent to a known debian version. I'll append an SRU .1 to the version / bump an existing one. I'll only touch the upstream version if I'm uploading a .orig too, which is fairly rare for SRUs15:30
LaneyI think I've had enough of apt-cacher-ng15:31
Laneywhat's a good alternative?15:31
tumbleweedsquid? (with totally different semantics)15:32
Laneyi'm more tempted to buy some extra storage and run mirrors15:32
tumbleweedyes, I have a home mirror. it rocks15:33
jpdsLaney: squid-deb-proxy(-client).15:33
tumbleweedbut it will be a little more stale15:33
Laneyjpds: how painful is it to configure?15:33
jpdsLaney: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2010/02/04/introducing-squid-deb-proxy/15:35
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