
dupondjeHi, any plans on new version of Lightning ?12:19
dupondjechrisccoulson: ? :)16:31
chrisccoulsondupondje, when i don't have anything else to do? ;)16:32
dupondjeI don't know if it that much work? Else I could prepare the package if wanted :)16:33
micahgchrisccoulson: I can probably upload lightning a bit later if you like (it's blocking me from upgrading to the beta channel ATM)16:38
dupondjeIt would be cool to have my calendar working again :) but no stress :D16:40
dupondjeIf I can help, let me know16:40
micahg(that is I can upload if it's just 1.5.1 without changes :))16:41
dupondjemicahg: guess we need 1.6b116:53
dupondjeVersion 1.6b1 Released June 14, 2012 4.0 MB Works with SeaMonkey 2.11 and later, Thunderbird 14.0 and later16:54
micahgdupondje: need is a strong word16:57
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder if baby will arrive this week?20:58
micahgchrisccoulson: is the crash reporter still of in quantal for thunderbird?22:02

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