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morphispopey: ping07:33
popeysil2100 / didrocks I got the auto testing working in a VM last night btw07:37
popeymorphis, pong07:37
didrockspopey: oh nice!07:38
morphispopey: see private dialog07:41
sil2100popey: oooo, how?07:42
popeysil2100, rebooting :D07:42
sil2100...you're kidding ;)?07:43
popeysadly not07:44
popeymore tests fail in a VM than on bare metal unfortunately07:44
popeybut at least it gives us more options for testing07:44
AlanBellmorning all09:25
AlanBellI have been doing a bit of work to try and get some code to add text cursor tracking to compiz enhanced zoom integrated09:26
AlanBellI did a bzr branch lp:compiz and added the code and pushed it to lp:~alanbell/compiz/texttracking09:27
AlanBellI understand there is some packaging information at lp:~didrocks/compiz/ubuntu09:27
AlanBellwhat I want to do is build a package of the code I have using the packaging from that other branch09:28
AlanBellvarious people have been helping me to use bzr bd, but that builds the compiz code in the packaging branch, not the code I want it to build09:28
gordAlanBell, i could tell you how i do it, but i'm pretty sure i am very very wrong ;) didrocks? ^09:29
didrocksAlanBell: it's really easy with this kind of branch09:29
didrocksAlanBell: but I would just urge you to wait for later today, as I'm pushing the new compiz09:30
didrocksthen, I'll show you how to do it like a breath :)09:30
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nafcooli hv installed the libunity-dev10:22
nafcooland got unity.h10:22
nafcoolbut when i try to compile a simple program using the header file10:22
nafcool it says glib.h not found10:22
nafcool plz. help10:22
gordnafcool, sudo-apt-get build-dep libunity10:23
gordnafcool, sudo-apt-get build-dep libunity910:23
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nafcoolgord: alright.......i'll install them, too10:23
gordnafcool, no this is a different command, install installs packages, build-dep figures out what dependencies a package needs to build and installs those dependecies10:24
nafcoolgord: ah......ok :D10:25
nafcoolgord: ah.......i need to install 17.8 MB of required packages ;)10:25
nafcoolgord: thanx!10:25
nafcoolgord: again the sam eprob. :(10:44
nafcoolgord: In file included from unity.cpp:1:0:10:45
nafcool/usr/include/unity/unity/unity.h:7:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory10:45
nafcoolcompilation terminated.10:45
nafcoolI've installed the dependencies10:47
nafcooland then also the source file isn't compiling10:47
nafcoolplz. help10:47
sil2100nafcool: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:48
nafcoolsil2100: 12.0410:49
nafcoolsil2100: u want my app's source code?10:49
sil2100nafcool: not sure what gone wrong with the dependencies here, but you can just try installing (or checking if it's installed) libglib2.0-dev10:50
sil2100(if it's looking for glib.h and cannot find it)10:50
nafcoolsil2100: it is installed on my PC10:50
sil2100nafcool: could you pastebin the code somewhere then?10:50
nafcoolsil2100: http://pastebin.com/gWmEyj3g10:50
sil2100nafcool: how are you building it?10:51
nafcoolsil2100: using g++10:51
nafcoolsil2100: is there some problem?10:53
sil2100nafcool: one moment, need to finish something10:53
nafcoolsil2100: np at all........i'll be waiting10:54
nafcooltill then :D10:54
mhr3nafcool, you're not using proper cflags or ldflags10:55
sil2100nafcool: you need to put the proper -I and -L -l flags there10:56
nafcoolmhr3: ah......what are those?10:56
sil2100nafcool: best use pkg-config for that10:56
mhr3nafcool, g++ ... `pkg-config --cflags --libs unity`10:56
sil2100nafcool: it's as mhr3 says10:56
nafcoolah....it worked10:57
nafcoolunity.cpp:11:14: error: ‘gtk_main’ was not declared in this scope10:57
mhr3add gtk+-3.0 after unity10:57
mhr3nafcool, also, it's much simpler to do this with python first :)10:58
nafcoolmhr3: I'm a C++ developer :(10:58
nafcoolmhr3: adding gtk isn't working :(10:58
nafcoolbtw, I'm following : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175844310:59
mhr3do you have gtk dev packages?10:59
mhr3also you could just spin your own mainloop, no need for gtk11:00
nafcooldunno :P11:00
mhr3GMainLoop *ml = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run (ml);11:00
nafcooli'm installing gtk+-3.0-dev11:01
mhr3also, your main include is wrong, it should be just #include <unity.h>11:01
nafcoolok, i edited that11:02
nafcoolcool, its done!!11:03
nafcoolmhr3: i got the executable.....what to do now?11:03
nafcoolbtw, my code now looks like this:11:06
nafcool#include <unity.h>11:06
nafcoolint main(int argc, char **argv)11:06
nafcool    g_type_init();11:06
nafcool    UnityLauncherEntry* xx = unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id("evolution.desktop");11:06
nafcool    unity_launcher_entry_set_count(xx,12);11:06
nafcool    unity_launcher_entry_set_count_visible(xx,TRUE);11:06
nafcool    GMainLoop *ml = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);11:06
nafcool    g_main_loop_run (ml);11:06
nafcoolreturn 0;11:06
nafcoolsil2100: ^^11:07
mhr3run it? :)11:14
nafcoolmhr3: nothing's happening11:15
mhr3do you have evolution in the launcher?11:16
mhr3that's why11:16
nafcoolnope i don't have it11:16
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nafcoolmhr3: it isn't working :(11:20
nafcoolmhr3: ah....actually i don't hv evolution11:21
nafcoolah......if i want to set it to vlc.desktop.....will it11:22
nafcoolmhr3: cool! its working!11:24
nafcoolmhr3: thanks a lot!11:24
nafcoolmhr3: now, if i want this to be included in my app, what all dependencies will i have?11:24
marcoHi! Where is unity icon list actually stored?11:54
marcoI mean, when I add in icon to the dash, what actually (which file) is modified to persist it?11:55
scriptwarlockgood day anyone i have some cyber cafe concerns regarding how to limit customers from changing the unity panel app shortcut12:05
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smoseranyone have thoughts on this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/155833/how-can-i-make-the-launcher-disappear-after-notication ?16:05
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ubot5Announcement from my owner (jussi): #ubuntu-discuss can-voices17:03
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