
Kilosmorning superfly and other early birds05:58
Kilospc couldnt boot in the cold06:00
Kilosthats the modern way of explaining it06:00
Kilostruth is finger couldnt reach the pc from my bed06:00
superflyMorning Kilos, glad to see you survived the night.06:01
Kiloshehe ty superfly everything is frozen here06:02
Kilosand 14°c max today06:02
Kilosall well with the fly's superfly ?06:03
superflyThat's too cold.06:03
Kilosyou got some yucky weather and more coming06:04
superflyJust rainy06:04
Kiloscape of storms06:05
Kiloshi psydroid 06:05
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as Smilyborg
Kilosafternoon Smilyborg 06:07
Smilyborghehe. Morning06:07
Kilosyou wont survive here06:08
Kilos14°c max today06:08
superflyAfternoon Smilyborg06:08
Smilyborghey superfly06:08
psydroidhi Kilos Smilyborg and superfly06:08
superflyyo psydroid06:08
Smilyborghey psydroid06:09
psydroidit's too early on the day, we're barely awake06:12
Kilosthe fly has already got to the station and is yawning on the train06:13
Kilosdid that once, and woke up three stations past my get off point06:14
superflyKilos: I get off in Cape Town, no way to miss my station06:16
Kilosoh not stop at robbin island06:16
superflyKilos: the trains are not fitted for underwater use, I'm afraid06:19
superflytalking of which, here's the station06:22
Kilosgo safe superfly 06:22
Kilosmforgot no power today. didnt charge fone either. sigh06:42
Kilosmsee you all late avy. be good. have a successful day06:43
=== Smilyborg is now known as SmilyBorg
MaazSymmetria: By the way, Charl on freenode told me "tell Symmetria http://i.imgur.com/QMw9m.gif" 2 days, 23 hours, 8 minutes and 11 seconds ago07:35
Symmetriamirror.ac.za ram will be going in during the course of the day 07:36
Kerbero[dsp]so then it will be back up07:43
Symmetriaits running at the moment and up, but util that ram goes in it probably wont be stable07:44
* Symmetria looks at this network he has to fix and ponders07:46
Symmetriaits a flat /16 network, with 600 edge switches, countless pcs and we have to break it down and subnet it and introduce some structure to it07:46
Symmetriawhile the campus is running and live07:46
Symmetriathis is going to be? fun? if the definition of fun is some masochistic version of suicide07:47
Kerbero[dsp]what campus if i may ask?07:49
Symmetriano comment :)07:54
Kerbero[dsp]haha ok07:59
Kerbero[dsp]at least i know our campus runs a lot of /24 /23 and /22 subnets08:00
Kerbero[dsp]but interestingly enough i saw a /16 on a telecommunications university in france's network08:01
magespawnhowdy all09:18
magespawnhow do I get a command to run on a boot or reboot of ubuntu server?09:29
Kerbero[dsp]the word rc.local comes to mind for some reason09:30
Symmetriamirror going down for the next hour or 2 for a ram upgrade 09:31
Symmetriathey just taking it down adding some more chips and bringing it back 09:31
ReenenHow up to date are you guys with hardware?09:38
sflrhi all09:39
ReenenI have a Biostar TA770E motherboard (http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=418) and am not 100% sure if I can load DDR3 ram onto it... "Moreover, AM3 CPU supports both DDR2 /DDR3 memory module and accelerates data transfer rate by up to 5200MT/s via HyperTransport 3.0 technology." but under memory support in the last tab no DDR3 memory is named09:39
Reenenlo sflr09:39
magespawnhi sflr09:40
tumbleweedReenen: the board will support either DDR2 or DDR3, but they are physically incompatible09:40
magespawnKerbero[dsp], so i just add the command I want to run to that file save, reboot and that is that?09:40
Kerbero[dsp]magespawn: something like that i think yes09:41
Kerbero[dsp]just google to make sure09:41
magespawnty Kerbero[dsp] 09:42
Reenentumbleweed: when you say physically incompatible, you mean that the pin configurations won't allow me to insert DDR3 memory into the board (as I know I have ddr2 at the moment)09:43
Reenenor I can't use DDR2 and DDR3 at the same time?09:44
tumbleweedReenen: correct. the notch is in a different place09:44
sflrReenen: you cant mix the 2 types09:45
tumbleweedand you can't have a socket on a motherbaord that'll accept either type09:45
sflryeah, that would be weird!09:45
sflrhi magespawn 09:45
Reenencan I run nvidia card on a AMD motherboard?09:47
magespawnsome of the really old boards had slots for two types of ram, i never tried two types at the same time though09:57
Kerbero[dsp]i'm currently on a mobo like that10:08
Kerbero[dsp]you have to choose in the bios which slots to use10:08
Kerbero[dsp]can't be both at the same time10:09
magespawnnever had a look, the boards are that old, i did not have a power supply for them.10:10
smilehi all :)11:07
* superfly has internet at work again... at last11:14
smilesuperfly: :D11:25
Symmetriaaalston@mirror:~$ free11:39
Symmetria             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:39
SymmetriaMem:     132288096   37805640   94482456          0      29140   3363963211:39
Symmetria-/+ buffers/cache:    4136868  12815122811:39
SymmetriaSwap:     19530748          0   1953074811:39
Symmetriaheh that should solve some issues11:42
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
magespawnif I plug a flash drive with m$ virus on it into my ubuntu pc, it sees those as *.exe files, can I just copy those files off?12:48
superflymagespawn: presuming those are the actual virii, yes12:48
magespawnsuperfly the files are named after other files and folders on the flash drive with a autorun file that points to them.12:49
magespawnand one that is cleverly named recycler12:50
superflymagespawn: heh.13:15
* Kilos waves \0/13:17
Kilosyo magespawn 13:17
Kiloshi Ghanatraveller 13:17
Kilosyou got a funny name  --default12313:18
superflyhi Kilos13:18
Kilosgc wb13:18
gcThanks Kilos It was a bit of a struggle getting here.13:18
Kiloshi fly power returned13:18
Kilosyo tonberryE352 13:19
superflyKilos: great stuff oom13:23
Kilosdankie my vriend13:23
Kilosyo zeref 13:24
KilosGhanatraveller, are you new here?13:25
Ghanatravellerhm yes13:25
Kiloswhere are you at the moment?13:25
Kilosand welcome to ubuntu-za13:26
Kilosdag inetpro voor jy begin werk13:26
Kilosyo Reenen 13:40
Reenenhow do I execute a command, and send the output to another command?13:40
Reenenhi Kilos 13:40
ReenenI am trying < 13:40
Reenenbut not quite working13:40
Kilosexplain what you want to do nicely and someone will help you13:41
Kilosjust be patient13:41
tonberryE352command1 | command213:41
Reenenok... (windows cmd, but similar thing)... start < type file.txt13:42
tonberryE352windows can pipe over stdio?13:42
Reenenwell, that doesn't work13:43
tonberryE352ok what exactly are you trying to do?13:44
Reenenlol I have a huge folder full of garfield comics... each named ga19780901 (etc)  so I want to save "where I am" to a text file called readspot.txt... so I do copy con readspot.txt  ga19780913.gif ^z13:45
Reenenthen I want to start at the spot I left off by typing start < type readspot.txt13:46
Reenenbut this is not working13:46
tonberryE352in linux?13:46
Reenenwell, I have mingw13:46
tonberryE352start < readspot.txt13:46
Reenenso most bash commands available13:46
Reenenwell, that starts a texteditor with readspot.txt13:47
smileKilos: !! :p13:47
tonberryE352type is the windows cat?13:47
Reenenactually start <&1 readspot.txt does that... start < readspot.txt just starts another shell13:47
Kiloshi there smile 13:48
Reenenwell I have cat as well13:48
tonberryE352what does start do?13:48
smileKilos: what did you do today? I've read your blog for 100% :)13:48
Kiloslol i had no power all day and now its time to cook supper13:48
smileKilos: well that's a shame13:48
smilei would go to their office and take a generator with you :D13:49
Reenenstart trys to start a file with whatever association it has13:49
Kilosactually it might be better smile they have connected to an upgraded new power line13:49
Reenenso a .gif file gets opened by the image viewer, and html by the default browser etc.13:49
smileKilos: well do they have one? :)13:50
tonberryE352start $(type readspot.txt)13:51
Kilosone what smile ?13:51
smilewell, a good power line for you :)13:51
smile@ Kilos 13:51
Reenencan't find $(type13:52
tonberryE352is that a windows cmd promp or some unix like terminal?13:52
Reenenjust windows command prompt...13:53
Reenenok, don't worry, just trying to be cute13:53
tonberryE352my cmd fu is a bit lacking13:54
Kiloshiya maiatoday you well girl?13:54
Kiloswhats news with results?13:55
maiatodaygot the results, they like the practical but I have to do "elaborations" on the written part. No rewrite but it all has to be done by 14 Aug. The difficult part is figuring out what they want me to change13:55
Kiloseish maiatoday sterkte13:56
magespawnhey Kilos14:08
Kiloshi psydroid 14:47
psydroidhi Kilos14:49
smilebye :)15:13
superflyOh yey. Train fun.15:30
Kiloslol what now15:30
Kilosor isnt it funny?15:31
magespawni am on my way home later all15:33
superflyKilos: trains are delayed, not running, and standing still in the middle of nowhere15:35
Kilosaw sorry to hear that superfly 15:35
Kilossuperfly, are you on your way yet?15:47
superflyNo, been sitting here for half an hour15:48
Kilosare there buses that run the same route15:48
Kilosi know taxis are expensive15:48
superflyKilos: we're in the middle of nowhere, not a station or road in sight15:49
Kilossuperfly, is the place at least crowded? not you alone?15:51
zerefheeeehhh; theblaze asked me if i know what linux is o0o0?15:52
Kiloshes a funny guy15:53
zerefthat was at 06:1315:53
Kilosthen you must be a diplomat zeref 15:57
superflyKilos: I am with friends15:57
Kilosoh thats ok then superfly 15:57
Kilosi worry about my friends15:58
superflyKilos: I'll be fine :-)16:03
Kiloswb magespawn 16:41
magespawnHey kilos16:41
magespawnLooks like gc is a casualty of the power failure.16:42
magespawnsuperfly who is in charge of the ubuntu-za forums?16:43
magespawnI need to set her up with a ups and to restart after a power failure16:44
Kilosyeah that could help16:44
Kiloshow long will the ups maintain16:44
magespawnNormally a small one will do about  10 to 15 minutes for a normal desktop.16:45
magespawnBut a head less ubuntu server should use a lot less power than a m$ desktop16:46
Kiloscan they be coupled to a car battery to make it live longer magespawn 16:46
magespawnYes  think so.16:47
magespawnWould be better to use a deep cycle battery. Car size voltage, but mattains a charge for a lot longer.16:48
Kilosor park your car outside the window and run jumper cables to the battery16:49
magespawnPetrol much.16:49
Kerberoyou should watch out16:49
Kilosyeah its a prob nowadays hey16:49
Kerberobecause a lot of ups's can overheat if they run too long16:50
Kerberoeven though the battery can last longer16:50
KerberoAPC's are ok in general though16:50
Kerberoas far as i heard16:50
magespawnJust need good ventilation etc.16:51
Kilosah ty for that info Kerbero 16:51
Kerberomore like forced cooling with extra computer fans @ magespawn 16:51
magespawnThats an idea.16:52
Kerberoor buy that one16:53
magespawnI was looking at the Tedelex intellipower series.16:53
Kerberowhen one buy a lcd, you buy a samsung16:54
Kerberocpu, intel16:54
Kerberoups, apc16:54
Kerbero^ just examples16:55
magespawnI also do some business with Eaton.16:55
magespawnQuite happy with my Phillips screens.16:55
Kerberoi will agree that philips make nice screens16:56
Kerberobut i will buy samsung if i have a choice16:56
Kerberoat this stage anyway16:56
Kerberowith the news about oled's it might change to sony in the future16:56
magespawnI have got some small ups without batteries, so I will try those first anyway.16:58
magespawnModify them to work with the deep cycle batteries, maybe a solar charger if i can.16:59
magespawnI like the idea of hot swappable batteries.17:00
=== AndChat|68096 is now known as magespawn
smilehallo Kerbero:)17:09
Kerberodag smile17:10
magespawnOne for the programmers ^^17:10
smileKerbero: how are you? :D17:11
smilemagespawn: python! :D17:11
magespawnThat is the authors opnion too I think, me I do not know enough.17:12
Kilossuperfly, train come yet?17:19
Mezenirhi all17:22
Kiloshi Mezenir 17:22
Mezenircan anyone think of a reason many devices would suddenly start suffering from fsck errors on startup ?17:23
Kilosmany devices?17:24
Mezeniryeah like a bunch of computers17:24
Mezeniri cant imagine linux would do anything to cause that17:25
Kiloseverytime they startup Mezenir 17:25
Kerberopower dip17:25
Mezenirno after i do a manual fsck repair17:25
Mezenirthey seem fine17:25
Kilosbugs from the internet17:25
Kiloshackers or something17:25
Mezeniror the hardware supplier is giving us poor stock17:26
Mezenirsince its a file system error17:27
Mezeniri guess its probably related17:27
Mezenirto the harddrive17:27
Mezenirsystem log shows nothing unusual though17:27
Kilosonce you done fsck are they fine after that17:28
Kilosand for how long17:28
Mezenirive only actually had one in my posession17:28
Mezenirjust mentioned an error manual fsck required17:28
Mezenirso i ran fsck -y on it17:28
Mezenirto say yes to all prompts17:28
Mezenirand after that it booted17:29
Kilosmaybe from power dips or cuts17:29
Kilosi used to get probs when i used msn on pidgin but not anymore17:30
Mezenirwhat kind of probs ?17:30
Kilosdo you know the force fsck command17:30
Mezeniryeah fsck -f -y17:30
Kilospc wanted to run filesystem checks17:31
Mezenirbut thats only in case it doesnt think the filesystem has problems17:31
Mezenirfor ext3 file systems17:31
Mezenirthe default for most systems is to run fsck -p17:31
Kilosoh i have done this when things werent happy17:32
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck17:32
Mezenirwhich fixes "safe" errors automatically17:32
Kilosthen it does fsck on next boot17:32
Kiloswhat do the -f -y do?17:32
Mezenirstrange that using msn would trigger that thou17:32
Mezenir-f = force17:32
Kilosits microsoft17:32
Mezenir-y = yes to all prompts17:32
Mezenirit only applies to ext2/3/4 filesystems thou17:33
Mezenireach filesystem checker has different options17:33
Kilosi have even had pidgin hang and not want to close17:33
Kilosalso pc hang17:33
Kilosbut since no more msn no more probs17:34
Mezeniri wanted to use pidgin for gtalk17:34
Kilosthats fine17:34
Mezenirbut i got a warning that the certificate17:34
Mezenircould not be verified17:34
Mezenirtalk.google.com or something17:34
Kilosi use gtalk aim and mxit and twitter on pidgin17:34
Mezenirso i decided not to17:34
Kiloson pidgin gtalk is xmpp17:35
Kilosworks fine17:35
Kilosonly msn gave probs17:35
Kilosi use pidgin all the time17:35
Mezenirit chats fine17:36
Mezenirjust didnt like the certificate warning17:36
Mezenirmaybe going via the browser is safer then17:36
Kilosto gtalk?17:37
Mezenirmaybe its been fixed17:37
Mezeniri havent tried in a while17:37
Kilosmine has been fine with xmpp for years17:37
Kiloswb psydroid 17:38
psydroidty Kilos17:38
psydroidhi Mezenir17:39
Mezenirhi psydroid17:39
Kilosinetpro, ping17:40
inetproKilos: .17:41
Kilosyoohoo hoe gaan dit17:41
Kilosnog n duitsertjie hier17:41
KilosGhanatraveller, meet inetpro 17:41
Kilosoh my hes gone fishing or something17:44
charlevening all17:47
Kiloslekker koud ne boetie17:47
Kiloshiya charl 17:47
Mezenirhi charl17:47
Kiloslol the pro is acting clever again17:48
Kilosold saying, keep your mouth shut and peeps think you are stupid17:49
Kilosopen it and they know17:49
charlhi Kilos 17:50
charlhi Mezenir 17:50
inetproKilos: eh17:50
* inetpro needs a weekend to rest from the weekend17:51
Kilosha ha ha17:51
inetprocharl: good evening17:51
charlhi inetpro 17:51
KilosMaaz, seen steven17:53
MaazKilos: I don't know who steven is17:53
KilosMaaz, seen sflr17:54
MaazKilos: sflr was last seen 8 hours, 8 minutes and 25 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-06-25 02:45:42 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-06-25 04:04:52 PDT17:54
magespawnYou know the first 5 days after the weekend are the hardest.18:01
magespawnThis might be a bit of a loaded question but here goes.18:14
magespawnI have got either a full virus/malware from a flash drive somebody brought into my shop, or part of it.18:15
magespawnHow do I take it apart so I can look at the language.18:15
Kilosyou wanna see and understand how it was written magespawn ?18:16
magespawnAnd see what ir was trying to do.18:16
charlwhat format is it... is it a binary?18:17
Kiloswhat have you tried so far to open it18:17
charlor is it some macro virus18:17
charlif it's a binary you could start with a hex editor18:18
magespawnNot really sure theav scanner said was a trojan but there are few .exe files and such.18:18
charlalthough unless you know what you're looking for ...18:18
magespawnThis one took the name of every folder on the flash drive and put .exe behind it.18:19
charlflash drives are infection machines18:19
magespawninf file at root of the flash pointed to .exe files.18:21
magespawnJust thought it would be interesting to see what itmwas supposed to do.18:22
Kiloswhew, you playing with fire18:23
charlyeah classic18:23
charlwell, if you're on linux you should be safe from a windows virus18:23
magespawnYup my shop is, thats one of the reasons I choose it.18:24
Kilosunless it goes deep and affects boot sector18:24
charlyeah but then it will still need to execute first18:24
charland that's the thing - an .exe compiled for windows won't normally execute on linux18:24
charlall of a sudden it finds itself on a posix system18:25
Kiloswould actually be interesting to see how trojans are written18:25
superflyKilos: ek's tuis nou oom18:25
charlyeah would actually18:25
magespawnThe other is I can just redo the shop pc's without the problems of windows activation.18:25
Kiloswhew dankie superfly 18:25
Kiloshow many pcs affected magespawn ?18:26
magespawnNone of mine.18:26
superflyKilos: was actually home about half an hour ago, but I needed to eat first18:26
Kilosdo you know who brought it in magespawn /18:26
magespawnI can zip the files and load them on dropbox or something.18:26
Kilosnp superfly as long as you home safe now18:27
magespawnA customer wanted to print something, they brought the drive in, and I saw all the wierd files 18:27
Kilosdid you tell them18:28
charlyeah did you tell them "your stick is infected with a virus" and they are like "oh no i got aids"18:28
charland you're like "no that's not what i meant" etc18:28
charlsorry bad joke but couldn't help it18:29
Kilosclever though18:29
magespawnYes and cleaned it for them too. Thing was they had last used a friends pc because theirs broke.18:29
Kiloshow did you clean it magespawn ?18:30
charlmy boss used to tell us to not walk around with our sticks in town and stick it into strange computers we don't know18:30
Kilosantivirus ?18:30
charli swear to you, we burst out laughing in the office18:30
magespawnLinux bitdefender18:31
Kilosah not clam18:31
magespawnFriend of mine called hers her dipstick.18:31
smilebye! :)18:32
charlciao smile 18:32
Kilosbye smile 18:32
magespawnNo got a free key because i retail the windows version18:32
magespawnCheers smile.18:32
smilesee ya all :D18:33
Kilossleep tight smile 18:33
smilethanks :)18:33
sflrevening all18:42
charlhi sflr 18:45
superflyyo sflr18:45
sflrhi charl, superfly!18:46
magespawnHey sflr18:46
Kiloshi there sflr 18:46
magespawnsuperfly did you catch my questiin earlier?18:46
sflrhowzit Kilos! where you been today? :)18:46
Kilosthey connected to a new power line sflr 18:47
Kiloswas here inna morn and came on to say power gone with a cell with flat battery18:48
Kilossflr, when you gonna finish with the site and give me the link/info to tweet?18:49
sflroh sorry to hear that. hope the power is better now :)18:49
Kilosseems same we will see if its more reliable18:49
superflymagespawn: not sure... which one?18:49
magespawnThe ubuntu-za forums, who runs them?18:50
superflymagespawn: not sure... Canonical, I think. They use vBulletin, which is a pay-for proprietary system18:52
magespawnJust could not log in that all.18:53
magespawnThat is just ironic.18:54
Kiloshehe they been watching you and scared you bring trojans with you18:56
magespawnNight all.19:22
Kilosnight magespawn 19:22
Kilossleep tight19:22
Mezenirim out too19:23
Mezenirnite all19:23
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight . see you tomorrow19:25
Kilosweather permitting19:25
charlnn all19:51

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