
sambagirlthe current release00:00
wingnut2626anyone have any experience sshing into a linux box from a chrooted linux android phone?00:00
sambagirll3top LinuxMCE-8.10-final.iso00:00
L3topYou should use my 1004 snapshot. Much kinder... The 810 installer is not likely to be happy with wubi.00:00
dualityso how could i copy ssh keys from my server so i don't have to type password? :) i know there is a command for it, just forgot it -.-00:01
sambagirlcan i have it or is it private for developers? i even have it on my iphone :D00:01
L3topsambagirl: http://linuxmce.iptp.org/snapshots/00:01
sambagirldo you use your iphone to control stuff?00:01
sambagirlis zoneminder incorporated or are they using somethign else?00:01
[deXter]wingnut2626, Yes00:01
L3topthis is a bit off topic for ubuntu sambagirl. They explicitly do not support lmce, and I feel that I am monopolizing the chat. Feel free to drop into #linuxmce and I will prattle on as much as you can stand.00:02
wingnut2626ok dexter, what am i doing wrong here?  i started the service 'sudo service start ssh'  then chrooted into my debian on the phone, ran the command 'sudo ssh 'username@ipaddress' and im get 'connection timed out'00:02
fuzzynurfhurterl3top this what im getting  Package avant-windows-navigator is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:03
fuzzynurfhurterThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or00:03
fuzzynurfhurteris only available from another source00:03
fuzzynurfhurterE: Package 'avant-windows-navigator' has no installation candidate00:03
[deXter]wingnut2626, you don't need sudo ssh, just go ssh00:03
L3topfuzzynurfhurter: apt-cache search avant00:03
[deXter]wingnut2626, also the problem could be the ip addressing.. are both devices on the same local network?00:03
init[dot]dfuzzynurfhurter, do you have the correct repos in sources.list?00:03
fuzzynurfhurteri dont know00:04
Loungei need to restart X whats the command?00:04
th0r[deXter], try service ssh start00:04
wingnut2626yes both are on the same LAN....im using the wlan0 inet address as the accesspoint00:04
[deXter]th0r, that's for wingnut2626 not me. :P00:04
th0rLounge, startx?00:04
init[dot]dLounge, sudo kill x && startx00:04
sambagirlit's amazing that they even have a iphone app for it :D00:04
th0r[deXter], yup...was too busy making sure I had it right <smile>00:04
L3topYou should see what is happening with qorbiter00:05
[deXter]wingnut2626, well first of all see if you can ping your ubuntu box from your phone00:05
Loungeinit[dot]d: that returned garbage process x00:06
init[dot]dnother reboot to clean up00:06
sambagirli was in a webinar for orbiter last year00:06
fuzzynurfhurterl3top it showed a bunch of stuff00:06
init[dot]dLounge,  sudo ps aux | grep x00:06
init[dot]dthen use the PID to sudo kill (PID) && startx00:06
wingnut2626ping is successful00:07
[deXter]wingnut2626, hmm, well looks like you'll have to configure the ssh service on your ubuntu box first..00:08
wingnut2626configure what exactly?00:09
wifimanwingnut2626: does  ssh localhost  work from your ubuntu box?00:09
[deXter]wingnut2626, like which accounts are allowed ssh access and stuff00:09
fuzzynurfhurterl3 do i need to dl that??00:10
wingnut2626ssh localhost is successful00:10
wifimanwingnut2626: probably either you have the wrong IP address or you have a firewall blocking port 2200:10
wingnut2626the address is correct....its the 'inet' address on the wlan0 since its all wireless here......would a verizon router have a firewall built in?00:11
orchatamessed up my sources list. It is empty now. What to do?00:11
wifimanwingnut2626: wlan0 on the ubuntu box, right?00:12
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fuzzynurfhurterl3top i found it in the software center lol00:12
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tbrown2012fbWatching the Social Network:) I love this movie:)00:13
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OerHeksorchata, you didn't make a backup first? you can generate a fresh sources list @ http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/00:13
hylianhello all.00:15
fuzzynurfhurterhi ya00:15
wifimanwingnut2626: do you have any firewall rules on the ubuntu box?  (iptables -nL  if in doubt)00:16
wifimanoops sudo iptables -nL00:16
orchataOerHeks: thanks00:16
wingnut2626i dont see any values that would reject port 2200:17
jagginessanyone knows the theora codec ? (good?)00:17
OerHekswingnut2626, did you make ssh pub & private keys?00:18
orchataOk. Now I have another problem. When I open update manager and check for updates it give me no internet error00:18
wifimanwingnut2626: might also be a firewall rule on the phone00:19
hylianwingnut2626: never heard of theora..?? what file type is the codec for?00:19
Jordan_U!anyone | jagginess00:19
ubottujagginess: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:19
ClientAliveis there someone who can help me with my screen resolution issue? The vm is useable but only used about half the real estate on my monitor.00:20
wingnut2626i did not make public and private keys00:20
wingnut2626would that cause a connection time out?00:20
IveBeenBitHow do I turn off all the "so and so joined" and "so and so" left messages in IRC? Is there a command for that?00:20
hylianwingnut2626: who are you asking?00:21
jagginessJordan_U: it's not a poll, there's very few open source codecs out there.. so i dont see how it can be one..00:21
init[dot]dwingnut2626, no00:21
wifimanIveBeenBit: i suspect it would be specific to your client00:21
wifimanwingnut2626: no00:22
IveBeenBitwifiman - I'm using the web client so probably a slash command - / ....?00:22
Jordan_Ujagginess: I don't understand your question at all. Please rephrase it.00:22
jagginessJordan_U: I doubt you know theora.. that's fine to me..00:22
wifimanIveBeenBit: never used it but /help might give you a command list00:22
wingnut2626so im just beat it seems....00:23
IveBeenBitOK never mind. I tried finding something earlier. Thanks tho.00:23
IveBeenBitI'm trying to install Ubuntu right now and am not sure where to go from here. I need to choose the correct partition to put it on, but the problem is I have 4 HDs in my computer and don't want to overwrite anything important. I already have Windows 7 on and am trying to get a dual boot. I want both Win 7 and Ubuntu to be on my "system" drives, which are 2 x 300 GB drives that are RAID striped via the bios for a total of 600 GB.00:23
wifimanwingnut2626: no relevant firewall rules on the phone?00:24
IveBeenBitMy 600 GB (total) drive is partitianed already with windows on 1 partiton and the other one is blank00:24
init[dot]dIveBeenBit, A fast google search will show you some great tutorials00:24
IveBeenBitinit[dot]d - you mean on ubuntu or on IRC?00:25
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.00:25
IveBeenBitI think I read that already00:25
init[dot]dI was looking it up00:25
IveBeenBitlet me see00:25
init[dot]dSo where are you at now?00:25
wingnut2626how would i find those?00:26
wifimanwingnut2626: iptables -nL  should work fine inside the chroot00:26
IveBeenBitYeah I read that already. My problem is the Ubuntu install is asking me what partition. I have 4 hard drives, 2 in a RAID 0 and 2 in a RAID 1 partiton00:26
IveBeenBitI just want to make sure I put Ubuntu in the right place. I have a choice of 12 according to the installer00:27
IveBeenBitotherwise I will overwrite Windows and stuff00:27
hylianwingnut2626: who are you talking to, me? And about what exactly? I never did quite understand your question...00:27
IveBeenBitThere's all this "/dev/mapper" stuff that refers to some existing partitions that I don't want to screw with.00:28
Loungei've gotta a major issue wtih x, everything went to hell after i removed compizconfig-settings-manager, it tainted fglrx, had to reinstall that, no whenever i try to login its just goes right back to the login screen00:28
wingnut2626negative hylian, im talking to wifiman00:29
wingnut2626and no wifiman, iptables is not a valid command inside of the chroot00:29
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inashdeen.j #ubuntu-motu00:29
skypcehello people00:30
skypcecan you helpme to parse a redirect parameter to this url:https://www.odesk.com/jobs/rss?from=find-work&q=css&q?=_redirect00:30
wifimanwingnut2626: might be worth checking outside the chroot as well; some phones ship with it00:31
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=== Guest26816 is now known as TyroneSlothrop
wingnut2626checked the iptalbles from the native OS and i have nothing there either, no rules00:32
orchatahi guys, I try to update using update manager and at the beginning it starts updating then suddenly "Failed to download repository information. Check you internet connection " error appears00:32
wingnut2626i started a thread on ubuntuforums too to see if there is any support....man this is wack00:33
mindmeltIm using Debian but I was wondering how many programs Ubuntu has that can be downloaded?00:33
wifimanorchata: suspect your internet connection or your ubuntu mirror (if you selected one)00:33
orchataInternet connection is fine00:33
OerHeksmindmelt 30000+00:33
mindmeltOerHeks apt-cache pkgnames | wc -l00:34
TyroneSlothroporchata: also verify that you do not have the Install CD as a repo00:34
mindmeltOerHeks I just got 3665000:34
mindmeltOerHeks Could you  plz give me the actually number and the version of Ubuntu you are using.00:35
domino14i'm trying ot install python 2.6 on ubuntu 12.04 and i found this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/deadsnakes00:36
init[dot]dwhere did Lounge go?00:36
OerHeksmindmelt i did not count them actually, i am on 12.0400:36
domino14i wanna know if there's a good way to tell that the PPA is trusted00:36
domino14i.e. that it's not full of iranian trojan russian viruses00:36
init[dot]ddomino14, python is in the us Ubuntu mirrors00:36
mindmeltOerHeks this cmd will tell you apt-cache pkgnames | wc -l   you don't need sudo.00:37
domino14python 2.6 isn't on precise00:37
IveBeenBithow about #ubuntu4btc? :-D00:37
OerHeksmindmelt, 3841100:38
mindmeltOerHeks dang. Do you have the Universal stuff and non free enabled?00:38
orchataafter about half of the updates it gives me this http://pastebin.com/TaW3rcGi00:38
OerHeksmindmelt, yes, and partner and some ppa's so my count is not representive00:39
xanguaorchata: natty is no longer supported00:39
xangua!eol | orchata00:39
ubottuorchata: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:39
mindmeltOerHeks OK that might explain a bit then. Thx for the info.00:39
ceti331is there debug in ubuntu that can reveal if the trackpad supports 3 fingers (e.g commandline debug..)00:40
orchataso how to I upgrade to 12.04? Because my update managers suggests me to update to 11.1000:40
zykotick9!natty | xangua doesn't seem EOL to me?00:40
ubottuxangua doesn't seem EOL to me?: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110400:40
xanguazykotick9: still june, lost track of time :P00:41
init[dot]dorchata, is your distro 10.10?00:41
Daekdroomorchata, it looks to me that you're using PPAs that no longer exist or that no longer support natty.00:41
orchataIt is netbook. I left it alone for about a year00:41
orchataand now wanted to upgrade00:41
wifimanceti331: /var/log/Xorg.0.log should have it00:41
init[dot]dorchata, whats your sources.list look like? sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:42
MageofHopedoes anyone know if there's a00:43
wifimanceti331: there should be a line like  (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: buttons: left right double triple00:43
MageofHopeupdated repository for synaptics drivers?00:43
orchatainit[dot]d: http://pastebin.com/T1YBFFN600:43
MageofHopeMy synaptic touchpad is only recognizing two fingers, but on windows i've got support for at least three00:43
MageofHopeI assume the issue is with precise because apparently it's happening for others00:44
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init[dot]dorchata, and what is the error when you try to upgrade?00:46
wifimanMageofHope: just guessing here; what output do you get from  synclient|grep Button300:47
MageofHopei get a 000:48
wifimanMageofHope: aha, try  synclient TapButton3=200:48
wifimanor 3 for right-click00:48
orchatainit[dot]d: first it starts downloading at pretty much high speed. Then suddenly window with update progresses closes, opens new one with Failed to download repository information Check your Internet connection.00:49
MageofHopewifiman: the terminal accepted the command but i'm not sure how to check if it worked00:49
MageofHopeholding down 3 fingers with the touchpad still doesn't seem to do anythign00:49
wifimanMageofHope: what is that supposed to do?00:50
MageofHopeI don't know, nothing really? In Unity I understand that using three fingers acts as a middle mouse click and lets you move the window around00:51
MageofHopeI've been hoping to enable three fingers to activate the gnome shell overlay00:51
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wifimanMageofHope: that command should map a three-finger tap to a middle-click, and it should work for tap-and-drag in the same way as for one finger00:53
ClientAlivehas anyone heard if the fixed the spice bug with ubuntu vm's?00:53
MageofHopeit doesn't seem to be doing anything, no :(00:53
MageofHopeunless i have middle clicks disabled somehow?00:53
MageofHopei guess...that'd explain it?00:53
wifimanyou could probably test by opening a terminal, selecting some text, and middle-clicking (which should paste the selected text)00:54
MageofHopeit just opens the right-click menu00:55
Kitty_What is currently the best release for Ubuntu?00:55
MageofHopeas if i was tapping with two fingers00:55
ceti331has anyone here got "touchegg" working for 3finger gestures on a sony laptop (synaptics trackpad ?)00:55
MageofHopeI've been trying! But touchegg is broken for Precise :')00:55
MageofHopeGotta wait for the dev to update touchegg00:55
ceti331ah thats what i'm getting00:56
ceti331running touchegg , it crashes;00:56
ceti331Precise = 12.04 ?00:57
ceti331oh well i've got 2 finger scroll at least which is better than windows..00:57
ceti331did touchegg work in 11.0800:57
MageofHopeceti331: my understanding is that it did00:58
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MageofHopeIt broke/breaks with every update, and the dev has to update it to complement the new API00:58
wifimanMageofHope: i'd guess either the terminal's being weird or the touchpad isn't detecting fingers reliably (in which case you might try spacing them further apart and making sure they hit the surface at about the same time)00:58
MageofHopebut so far the dev hasnt done so yet00:58
wifimanMageofHope: oh, you could check the terminal by pressing the hardware buttons at the same time to send a middle-click00:59
MageofHopeoh nevermind it totally works00:59
ceti331damn apple mac... got me addicted to 3 finger desktop switching & expose00:59
MageofHopebut it seems that when i do it on the terminal at least it tries to start a program called "ton3"01:00
MageofHopeon any other window, it does nothing01:00
MageofHopethanks for the tip about spacing them out, wifiman01:00
MageofHopei'm not sure what you mean about hardware buttons?01:00
ceti331maybe OT here, but does "touchegg" work with other distros01:01
MageofHopethe problem isn't really with the distros themselves01:01
wifimanhardware buttons as in mechanical buttons around the touchpad01:01
MageofHopeit's the version of uTouch that precise has01:01
MageofHopeoh, ok01:01
MageofHopeyeah! i tried it again01:02
MageofHopeit works01:02
init[dot]dorchata, you still around?01:02
orchatainit[dot]d: yes01:02
MageofHopeis there any way i can configure the middle click to do a specific action besides copy pasting things, wifiman?01:02
MageofHopealso, hopefully find out if I can use more fingers, i guess? Touchegg doesn't work so i've been trying to configure multi touch settings by hand for now01:02
orchatainit[dot]d: http://pastebin.com/hYjYEfLg01:03
orchatainit[dot]d: already opened01:03
MageofHopeceti331: The problem isn't distros, it's the version of uTouch, which is a framework for multitouch input01:03
MageofHopein the newer distros, utouch has been updated, and now touchegg's API is out of date from utouch's and won't work01:03
Kitty_Okay, anyone know how I update graphics drivers? Using an Intel 82945G and seriously need an update.01:03
MageofHopehence why we have to wait for a touchegg update.01:03
MageofHopeHopefully if the dev can't do it soon someone with programming skills will pick it up and patch it themselves? that'd be nice01:04
wifimani wonder if there's still a mesa PPA01:04
ceti331i am a C/C++ coder01:05
ceti331but i dont know much about x11, device drivers..01:06
wifimanMageofHope: afaik the synaptics driver doesn't support more than three fingers; the man page seems to confirm this01:06
ceti331I'd be willing to try and patch it01:06
ceti3313 fingers is enough for me01:06
MageofHopeI thought the xorg-edgers ppa included updates to intel/nvidia/ati drivers?01:06
MageofHopewifiman: thank you. Yeah, its enough for me too as long as i can configure it. I was just curious01:06
ceti3313 finger up=expo down=scale left=next workspace right=prev workspace, that would be fine01:07
MageofHopeIt'd be cool if I could get zoom in/out and swipes working but they arent too big a deal except to show off :')01:07
ceti331on the contrary MageofHope01:07
ceti331i found multitouch trackpad + expose/spaces allowed a small laptop to punch above its weight for screenspace01:08
ceti331i think its genuinely useful- its easy to remember gestures and free up hotkey combos01:08
MageofHopeanyway, ceti331 you...might wanna at least take a look at the code then and try it, I guess? As far as I understand the code is already all...there. it just needs to be updated to the current uTouch language, apparently?01:08
MageofHopeI know nothing about code so i wouldn't even know where to start :')01:09
MageofHopealso, I actually agree01:09
ceti331its worth a try, if i can get this i'll be truly pleased01:09
MageofHopebut i never used gestures before01:09
MageofHopei had a macbook but i guess it just01:09
MageofHopenever occured to me?01:09
MageofHopeto try them?01:09
MageofHopebut now with gnome shell, I see how useful they would be01:09
ceti331it was the combination of expose+spaces... 2 zoom levels - it was awesome - the best desktop environment ever01:09
MageofHopeand i kinda wanna experiment and see what i can do01:09
FloodBot1MageofHope: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
MageofHopei've been trying to make it work for like a month oh...oops sorry01:10
ceti331MageofHope: i even miss "mission control" , the gestures made it good01:10
MageofHope:') yeah01:10
ceti331i fried my mac.. leaky rucksack :(01:11
MageofHopeif you get it working make sure you let me know! Do you want a link to the issue page that says what's wrong with precise and stuff?01:11
ceti331i've found that page01:11
MageofHopeoh ok, yay. Well I'll be happy to have been of help if you get it working :') i'd really love to make gestures work01:12
tonesfrommarsHey all, I've been hanging back in 10.10 for a while since this box is my workhorse and I just haven't had the time or courage to sally forth into another version. But now I want to check out GIMP 2.8. Am I asking for trouble if I try to build it myself?01:12
ceti3313finger drag is another awesome mac option01:12
MageofHopeas much as i dislike macs they really do have multi touch down, pat01:13
ceti331OSX is great - just such a bitch to install hehe01:13
MageofHopei hope touchegg is that useful. have you ever used it before or?01:13
ceti331never heard of it till 30 mins ago01:13
MageofHopepersonally i like linux more than OS X, i guess i just really like Gnome Shell honestly I prefer the interface to just about anything i'm in love :')01:14
MageofHopetonesfrommars: have you ever compiled anything before?01:14
MageofHopeanyway,  i dont think you're likely to break your system or anything, it's just gimp01:15
tonesfrommarsyeah, I compiled a newer version of Octave recently, so I've dabbbled a bit.01:15
ceti331when MissionControl gets "expose" back in mountain lion , it will be the best desktop-manager01:15
wifimantonesfrommars: if you install it to /usr, yes; if you install it to /usr/local, it might be a pain to uninstall all the various files if you decide to remove it; if you install it to its own prefix, no, but it'll be more of a pain to set up paths and whatnot01:16
wifimantonesfrommars: even better would be building it as a package so you can install it to /usr but still have it managed01:17
tonesfrommarsthanks MageofHope: can you recommend any resources on that approach? (I don't quite grok what the difference would be)01:18
MageofHopepersonally? I'd just try and find a .deb file somewhere or look for a repository specifically for Gimp01:19
MageofHopeshouldn't be too hard to find, probably01:19
MageofHopebut if you want to build it yourself im not sure what to say, other than to make sure you have build-essential installed as well as configure?? i'm kind of a simpleton with compilation sorry :(01:20
ring0_good morning01:21
idlemonkeygood morning01:22
blackbear008ring0_, are you in Asian?01:22
Loungethis is terrible, i can't get past the login screen >.<01:22
Loungekeeps comming back to login01:22
ring0_Who had used the OWASP zap?01:22
wifimanLounge: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old01:23
Loungewifiman: give me a moment01:23
ring0_yes asia01:23
ring0_How do you know?01:23
blackbear008I am in morning.01:24
bazhang!ot | blackbear008 ring0_01:24
ubottublackbear008 ring0_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:24
wifimanLounge: also might want to check .xsession-errors in your home directory; if the session crashed it cause exactly that problem01:24
Loungewifiman:  i can't pastebin, i'm in ttys atm01:24
wifiman*it would01:24
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:24
wifimanLounge: curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us < /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old01:24
bazhangLounge, install pastebinit01:24
OerHeksor wifiman way01:25
IceGuest_77Okay, so01:28
IceGuest_77I installed umbuntu to my flashdrive01:28
IceGuest_77and it booted up fine01:28
MageofHopesigh im so dissapointed that theres no easy way to downgrade packages01:28
IceGuest_77but when i created an account01:28
IceGuest_77and rebooted01:28
IceGuest_77my account wasn't there01:28
IceGuest_77I tried this multiple times01:28
MageofHopehas anyone here ever USED touchegg? I'd like to know how well it works :(01:30
BlueEagleMageofHope: That is something that Ubuntu is not good at. Well it's an issue with debian at large I guess. Installing older versions of packages was easy enough on Gentoo iirc.01:30
OerHeksMageofHope, there is an #ubuntu-touch irc channel here on #freenode, maybe they can help?01:31
MageofHopeoh! ok, I wasnt aware01:31
ceti331+i saw interesting youtube video of multitouch window dragging on a tablet01:31
Loungewifiman: that line doesn't work, says unsupported in libcurl01:32
bazhangLounge, then install pastebinit01:32
Loungebazhang: what do i do with that?01:32
OerHeksLounge, works here fine > http://sprunge.us/MPPf01:33
bazhangLounge, read the bot link about it above01:33
BlueEagle!pastebinit | Lounge01:33
wifimanBlueEagle: still is, although occasionally one needs to pull the ebuild from the attic or something01:33
ubottuLounge: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:33
L3topMageofHope: you can pin versions of packages to be used... but downgrading is explicitly unsupported.01:34
MageofHopeyeah it seemed super..complicated also i couldn't do it because the version i needed was from an earlier release of ubuntu01:34
L3topMageofHope: what package are you trying to get at what version?01:34
L3topMageofHope: version being package version01:35
MageofHopethe entire utouch architecture from Oneiric01:35
MageofHopesince that's the only way to make it...work :')01:35
MageofHopei'm not sure what number version i need01:35
Loungei think01:36
L3top!info utouch oneiric01:37
ubottuutouch (source: utouch): A meta-package to install gesture libraries and tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB01:37
fuzzynurfhurterhi all01:37
wifimanLounge: looks like it's still trying to use fglrx; probably an issue with /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:37
Loungei thought fglrx was correct01:37
L3topwifiman: did you ever give me the output of lspci | grep VGA01:37
wifimanoops, i may have misread something you said earlier01:37
MageofHopeI guess it's 1.101:37
wifimanL3top: i think i missed that message… one moment01:38
MageofHope!utouch Precise01:38
wifimanL3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5430 Series]01:38
MageofHope!info utouch precise01:38
ubottuutouch (source: utouch): Metapackage to install gesture libraries and tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 26 kB01:38
MageofHoperight. yeah, i need 1.101:38
L3topyes, you should use fglrx wifiman.01:38
Loungewifiman: i have an ati radeon, what driver should it be using?01:38
wifimanLounge: fglrx for good 3D performance, radeon for everything else01:38
MageofHopebut i dont know if downgrading utouch would downgrade all its associated packages, either01:39
wifimanexcept apparently HDMI audio on some setups01:39
wifimanL3top: well, i guess i'm screwed01:39
Loungeim not so sure if its the drivers, this all started when i removed compizconfig-settings-manager01:39
L3topfglrx is closed source. The only reason not to use it if you can is personal ethics IMO01:39
Loungeand after reboot i cant get past the loging01:40
wifimanwhen i last used it i remember its Xv support was terrible, although it's been a few years now01:40
L3topwifiman: this was an hdmi audio problem to begin with yes?01:40
Loungedoes anyone have an idea on how to get the login to work when i can see the desktop again?01:41
wifimanL3top: my only issue is the audio01:41
wifimanL3top: everything else works fine on my system01:41
BlueEagleLounge: could you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf aswell?01:41
L3topwifiman: can I get that aplay -l paste again? You probably have to blacklist01:41
Kaizen /j #monit01:42
wifimanL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105830601:42
L3topcan I also please get a pastebin of your /etc/asound.conf wifiman?01:43
wifimani've tried unloading both radeon and snd_hda_intel (which creates the HDMI alsa device) and then reloading just radeon with audio=1, didn't work01:43
wifimanone moment01:43
Loungealright, i think its a setting in my /home somewhere01:43
wifimanLounge: do you have the fglrx kernel module loaded?  (lsmod|grep fglrx)01:44
L3topwifiman: lastly lsmod | grep snd01:44
aaksideCan I use this kernel with with Precise? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.5-rc4-quantal/01:45
wifimanL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058429/01:45
Loungeyes but i just created a new test-user and it logged in successfully01:45
bazhangaakside, no01:45
wifimanL3top: confusingly, snd_hda_intel is also the driver for the onboard audio in this system01:46
aaksidebazhang, thanks01:46
Loungeso its gotta be somewhere in my home settings01:46
tbrown2012fbI been trying to install wine on OpenSuse?01:46
wifimanLounge: i'd bet .xsession-errors in your home directory has something interesting in it01:46
L3topone second wifiman... making files for you01:47
Loungewifiman:  ok i'll cat it and see01:47
=== yugnip is now known as CharlieBrown
=== c4hank is now known as hank
L3topbriefly wifiman... does speaker-test -c 2 -t sine -D hw:2,3        make noise?01:50
L3topspeaker-test -c 2 -t sine -l 1 -D hw:2,3    is probably less annoying.01:51
fuzzynurfhurteri cant get in software package manager anymore says at-get is doing something with it01:51
wifimanL3top: no sound01:52
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, you need to wait til it's finished01:52
L3topwifiman: using sudo... and does it return errors?01:53
wifimanL3top: also, i'm getting “Time per period” lines showing about 0.5 when it has run less than .25 second, so i'm guessing it's also running too fast01:53
wifimanL3top: using sudo, yes; no errors01:53
L3topwifiman: try speaker-test -c 2 -t sine -D -l 1 plughw:2,301:54
wifimanALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM -l01:55
wifimanmoved -l 1 to the end of the command and it ran once01:55
L3topthat should have gone before the -D sorry01:55
L3topsloppy edit01:55
L3topOf course made no noise... right wifiman?01:56
L3topplease add: options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=0 index=-2         to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf01:56
=== Guest65515 is now known as myhero
L3topyou will need to reboot wifiman after ^01:56
wifimanreloading snd_hda_intel won't work?01:57
L3topwifiman: you could also add: options snd-hda-intel model=auto          as well frankly01:57
L3topwifiman: I am just running through the process I have automated after heaps of testing to do this without interference. Depending on what is using once, simply reloading can cause problems, so I recommend rebooting. Doesn't take that long.01:58
L3toprun aplay -l when you return and see if anything has changed w regards to assignment01:59
wifimanunfortunately i'm using that machine for NAT also; i'll test a module reload first and then reboot if that fails01:59
=== exocaesa1 is now known as exocaesar
L3topno problem wifiman.01:59
=== exocaesar is now known as Guest82232
myherohow to install flash player offline....(dont ask why...and suggest software center or apt-get)...i have flashplayer***.deb and its dependency libnspe***.deb but then its downloading adobeflahplayer***.tar.gz.....when i downloaded the same to the same directory as flash***.deb and libnspr***.deb then also its downloading adobeflash****.tar.gz....and without downloading its giving errors....what to do ?02:00
=== Guest82232 is now known as exocaesar
bazhangmyhero, why offline02:00
myherobazhang: brother dont ask why....02:01
bazhangmyhero, why not02:01
bazhang!offline > myhero02:01
ubottumyhero, please see my private message02:01
myherobazhang: very long story....02:01
bazhangmyhero, check the bot link02:01
fuzzynurfhurteri dl avant window navigator and it wond even appear02:02
myherobazhang: yea read it...02:02
fuzzynurfhurterwhen i clicak on it02:02
vientosolarHi to all. How I can solve this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058442/02:02
bazhangmyhero, if you want help, then you need to answer some questions.02:02
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, downloaded it from where02:02
myherook thnx....02:03
fuzzynurfhurteron software center02:03
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, it wont appear when you click on it? what are you clicking on then02:04
fuzzynurfhurterit did then would never let me back in to it then i rebooted02:04
fuzzynurfhurterthe icon in the menu for it02:04
L3topvientosolar: it looks like you have a malformed/bad sources.list can you pastebin the output of /etc/apt/sources.list and ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?02:04
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, for USC? for AWN? or what02:04
L3topvientosolar: the first should read cat /etc/apt/sources.list    sorry02:05
fuzzynurfhurteri dont know what that is02:05
bazhangubuntu software center = usc02:05
bazhangavant window navigator = awn02:05
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, ^02:05
Anxi80anyone else having trouble downloading Quickly off the Ubuntu Software Center?02:05
fuzzynurfhurteri still think im lost man02:06
vientosolarThis is sources.list L3top02:06
sacarlsonAnxi80: if it's slow you might try change the repository window to another country02:06
sacarlsonAnxi80: change to another mirror repository02:07
Anxi80sacarlson: it's not that its slow but that it fails everytime02:07
sacarlsonAnxi80: I have you tried another repository mirror already?  like japan?02:07
L3topThat looks pretty normal vientosolar... gimme a minute to look closer.02:08
Anxi80sacarlson: I have never tried to switch repositories for things I get through USC02:08
xi32I have a modem that is compatible with the csc acm driver although Ubuntu does not detect/load/setup everything upon insertion that it should. It uses the same chipset as another modem (but with a different device id) that is detected and does get setup automatically. if I plug that modem in first, unplug it, and then plug in the other modem everything works.02:08
xi32any idea how to fix this?02:09
sacarlsonAnxi80: I norrmaly get fast connections from univisity thailand but at times there repository is incomplete or in the process of sync, so I change and it works02:09
fuzzynurfhurterbazhang it says its install on the system but i cant get it to start up02:10
bazhanghow are you trying to start it fuzzynurfhurter02:11
Anxi80sacarlson: Can I change the repo just for this particular application in USC or does it change the repo for all apps in USC?02:11
bazhangAnxi80, all02:11
Anxi80bazhang, ok thanks02:11
fuzzynurfhurterdouble clicking it in the menu02:11
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, try alt f202:11
sacarlsonAnxi80: it's a simple change in the synaptic gui,  you can change it back later when USC works02:12
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, what did you do, and what was the result02:12
fuzzynurfhurterwhat do u mean??02:13
sacarlsonAnxi80: the repo is the same it's just a different mirror,  just the files needed for the app installed are effected02:13
pmp6nlHello, does anyone know how to supress the following error from being logged? Thanks.  [UFW BLOCK] IN= OUT=wlan0 SRC= DST= LEN=140 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=21327 DPT=21327 LEN=12002:13
luweijoin #linuxjournal02:13
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, type alt f2   a run box will appear. in the run box type the name of the application02:13
fuzzynurfhurter i installed it it did it closed it all then tried to get into software center again and it wouldnt02:14
fuzzynurfhurteri did that already it did nothing02:14
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, you're not listening to my instructions02:14
conleyIs there a way to set multimonitor settings for the login screen?02:15
Anxi80sacarlson, thanks for the help02:15
fuzzynurfhurteri did alt f2 and put in avant windows navigator and it did nothing02:15
sacarlsonAnxi80: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors02:15
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, what exactly did you type.02:15
loneclockwhat command can i use to mount my windows directory to my desktop i tried sudo mount -ro /dev/sda2 mnt02:16
fuzzynurfhurteravant and then something came up on it and i selected that 102:16
yugnayGuys, How amule relevant to Firefox with Ed2k ?02:17
bazhangavant-window-navigator   <----- cut and paste that exactly into alt f2 fuzzynurfhurter02:17
yugnayFreshman in Ubuntu Studio02:17
bazhangyugnay, thats not on topic here02:17
fuzzynurfhurterit wont let me cut and paste of of irc chat02:17
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, sure it will. highlight it then middle click to paste it02:18
fuzzynurfhurterno such file or directory02:18
fuzzynurfhurterit just give me the settings stuff when i do that02:19
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, open the terminal, and type it then02:19
sacarlsonloneclock: that might work if the directory mnt exists02:19
merk_Hello all. Can anyone tell me how to restart x.org and unity using the command line? My graphical interface has crashed =/02:20
fuzzynurfhurterbazhang  (avant-window-navigator:2256): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_load_from_data: assertion `length != 0' failed02:20
fuzzynurfhurter** ERROR **: awn-app.vala:87: Unable to retrieve panels config value: Key file does not have group 'panels'02:20
fuzzynurfhurterTrace/breakpoint trap02:20
sacarlsonloneclock: note you didn't put /mnt  so it might end up at ~/mnt I guess02:20
FloodBot1fuzzynurfhurter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
StrategosHeya hiya.02:20
=== Htbrdd is now known as zz_Htbrdd
fuzzynurfhurtercould i apt-get it again and try to get the files??02:22
fuzzynurfhurterwhat is command to remove stuff the apt get02:24
Strategos sudo apt-get remove "package-name"02:25
StrategosNo quotations.02:25
wifimanL3top: cards 0 and 2 (onboard and HDMI) got swapped; same symptoms except aplay with /dev/urandom no longer shows underruns (but top reveals it's still running way too fast)02:25
merk_Does anyone know how to restart the x server using the command line?02:26
Strategossudo restart kdm02:26
ldurosstartx starts it02:26
L3topand can you test audio with the speaker-test and appropriate card?02:27
wifimanL3top: speaker-test had exactly the same result02:27
fuzzynurfhurterwill just have to uninstall it and do over again lol02:27
merk_unknown service kdm02:27
merk_and it's already starrted, i need to restart it02:28
merk_because the graphical interface crashed02:28
wifimanmerk_: try gdm or lightdm in place of kdm02:28
L3topwifiman: to be clear... you have opened alsamixer and unmuted everything right?02:28
merk_and apparently ctrl-alt-baackspace/delete doesn't work anymore in the new ubuntu02:28
wifimanL3top: the only control for HDMI (now card 0) is S/PDIF, and it is unmuted02:28
L3topwifiman: if not... you can just run sudo amixdigital=$(amixer | grep "Simple" | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6 | sort | uniq); for output in $amixdigital; do amixer sset $output unmute; done 2>/dev/null; alsactl store02:29
merk_thank you wifiman, that did it02:29
L3topskip the sudo actually wifiman...02:29
StrategosHeya hiya, Xmint.02:29
xmint9have a good day02:29
L3tophmmm... ok wifiman... I am going to give you a very different asound.conf... so back yours up in /etc02:30
StrategosI'm so glad there's hardware support in Ubuntu.  This is running so much better than PC-BSD.02:30
StrategosAnd there's actually support documentation that's current.02:30
L3topIm sorry wifiman... I need to see your current aplay -l again now that things are different.02:33
=== RiXtEr-Home_ is now known as RiXtEr-Home
Nom-Anyone know if there's some backported slapd 2.4.31 packages around for lucid?02:34
wifimanL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058472/02:34
Guest58658I am new to programming just building things with my brother trying to get some experience he is camping and I cant remember what command in terminal for copying what i just did so that it shows on local host.02:36
L3topwifiman: and just to be clear, speaker-test on 2,1 produces nothing?02:36
guest-KVmtZJOk so now whenever I log into my main account it flashes a black terminal for a second and then restarts02:37
guest-KVmtZJBut when I log into my guest account its fine02:37
wifimanL3top: 2,1 is the optical output i've been using (when it was 0,1), and there's no cable connecting the mainboard to the video card, but i can check anyway02:37
guest-KVmtZJThis is right after I tried to sudo restart lightdm to get it working after the graphical interface crashed02:37
L3topwifiman:  I expected that it was toslink... just wanted confirm02:37
guest-KVmtZJThat worked into restarting the x server but then I couldn't log into my main account02:38
guest-KVmtZJAnyone? When I log into my main user accoutn right after I authenticate with the password it immediately restarts the lightdm so I have to relogin ad nasaeum02:40
guest-KVmtZJBut when I use the guest account it's fine02:40
wifimanL3top: confirmed; it's still running optical and not HDMI02:40
matti_hi what package supports 2.1 speaker system on laptops ?02:40
wifimanmatti_: the kernel should handle that out-of-the-box; you can get a list of the devices it detected with  aplay -l02:41
Anxi80sacarlson, finally it turns out running Software Updater and rebooting fixed my problem. Quickly installed successfully through USC. Thanks again for the help.02:41
sacarlsonAnxi80: oh I should of thought of the update,  good move02:42
wifimanmatti_: 2.1 systems are usually just treated as stereo, with the hardware doing mixdown for the subwoofer, but it might be wired separately02:42
L3topwifiman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058476/   give that a try... but... I really do want you to reboot. Reloading alsa is just... not remarkably foolproof... but.. your call.02:43
Linux_Guymost 2.1s use the standard jack that I've seen02:43
wifimanL3top: i rejoined after rebooting with the module options you gave me02:43
matti_wifiman, well the test fails and the sound sound only in the left speaker and not the right one  ...02:43
ylmfos    02:44
Strategos 02:44
matti_and is at max tried with alsa mixer but no good result, i remember that i used to have some kind of alsa mixer to control all speakers but can not remember now ...02:44
wifimanL3top: the Download as text link is redirecting me to some sort of login page02:44
Valtamhave an issue on 12.04, keyboard repeat is not working, even though it is enabled02:45
=== guest-KVmtZJ is now known as notguest
L3topwifiman: http://pastebin.com/1HEeQebU02:46
notguestWhenever I log into my account on lightdm it restarts lightdm, but not with my guest account, can anyone help?02:46
Dr_WillisValtam:  as a test. see if it works in the  console. i recall seeeing similer bugs in the past.. but its been a long time02:46
Linux_Guyhave you tried making another user account?02:46
notguestTHis is right after my graphical interface crashed so i tried to sudo restart lightdm on my commandline, now it won't stop restarting it02:46
ValtamDr_Willis, works in a terminal02:47
Dr_Willisnotguest:  try stopping  lightdm totally.  and then from the console. try startx to see if it works,, and if any error messages show up.02:47
Dr_WillisValtam:  you mean the alt-ctrl-f1-f6 consoles?02:47
Linux_Guyand try a system reboot if you have not done that already02:47
Dr_WillisValtam:  or you mean terminals in X ?02:47
wifimanL3top: aplay: main:660: audio open error: No such file or directory02:48
ValtamDr_Willis, I mean terminals in X02:48
wifimanL3top: i'll retry with hdmi:0,3 instead of hdmi:002:48
Dr_WillisValtam:  in gnome-terminal? or some other terminal app?02:49
matti_wifiman, how do i check what kind of sound card it have detected ???, aplay -l does not work for me with ubuntu 12.0402:49
L3topthat was going to be the suggestion... but... I do not expect that is the issue. It will usually just fire... I think it is the converter plugs02:49
=== umadbro is now known as notguest
Valtamxfce terminal emulator02:49
notguestSo yes I created a new account and I can log into that just fine02:49
Linux_Guygrep | sysinfo I think it is02:49
notguestBut I need access to the account that is crashing02:49
notguestWhy would lightdm restart upon successful login?02:50
ValtamDr_Willis, it is not working anywhere in the system, web browser etc etc02:50
Dr_Willisnotguest:  you could reset various desktop settings in the problem account.02:50
wifimanL3top: that's odd… the line before that is a dmix error, but dmix isn't in that PCM chain02:50
Linux_Guyor migrate to the new user account and delete the problematic one02:50
Dr_WillisValtam:  so it works in xfce terms, but not in gnome-terminal, or in firefox. or gedit.02:50
wifimanL3top: and root has no ~/.asoundrc02:50
Valtamin anything02:51
Valtamdoesnt work in anything02:51
Valtamsystem wide02:51
Dr_Willisyou justsaid it worked in terminals...02:51
ValtamValtam> Dr_Willis, it is not working anywhere in the system, web browser etc etc02:51
notguestDr_Willis, how would I do that?02:52
Dr_Willistry the CONSOLE on alt-ctrl f1 and see if it works there.02:52
wifimanmatti_: if aplay -l shows no cards, then there's probably no driver loaded, and i wouldn't know where to go from there… sorry02:52
xmint9what is "guake", is it the duplicate of gnome-terminal? or else?02:52
notguestxmint9, it's a terminal that overlays your working environment, its pretty neat. try it out I use it for all my terminal needs =]02:52
matti_wifiman, the function aplay does not exist as an command in mine .. what repo have that command ??02:53
Dr_Willisnotguest:  theres various . directories that hold most of the users settings.  you could rename them. the webupd8 blog site has the proper commands to totally reset unity, and compiz also.02:53
matti_wifiman,  or install it separately with package manager02:53
xmint9notguest: so is it... hai wakarimashita...02:53
sacarlson!find aplay02:54
ubottuFound: libkmediaplayer4, alsaplayer-alsa, alsaplayer-common, alsaplayer-daemon, alsaplayer-esd, alsaplayer-gtk, alsaplayer-jack, alsaplayer-nas, alsaplayer-oss, alsaplayer-text (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=aplay&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all02:54
Dr_Willisthey really need tomake some backup/restore/reset user settings tool....02:54
Linux_Guyubuntu tweak02:55
Dr_Willisan official tool...02:55
sacarlsonDr_Willis: agreed02:55
Linux_Guyeven so02:55
Dr_Willisone that could  arvchive to your ubuntu one account would be nice.02:55
=== conley is now known as conley-afk
Linux_Guyyes it would02:56
Dr_Willisive seen  some  hacks to sort of do that with your actual settings. linking them to your U1 dir.. but i bet that could cause even worse issues. ;)02:56
Valtamfixed it, System, Keyboard, Layout, unticked 'Use System Defaults'02:56
Linux_Guybut then regular backups should be everyone's philosophy :)  I try to do it often.. don't always do it as I should but hey, no one is perfect02:56
Valtamfunny that System Defaults are fail02:57
* L3top takes that as an excellent cue to start a backup... been a minute.02:57
Dr_Willisbackup your backups while backing up...02:57
L3topwifiman: I am very confuzled by your circumstance.02:57
matti_wifiman,  alsa-utils was missing, working now yahooooooooooooo02:58
Linux_GuyI know I borked my user account. backed up everything to a new account and that solved it02:58
matti_wifiman,  Thnak you02:58
matti_wifiman,  Thank you very much02:59
L3topwifiman: frankly, if you have it in aplay and cant test it... and it isn't muted... (which that long command I gave you would make sure it isn't) then... not much I do trying to configure it to use it automagic is going to really work.02:59
Linux_Guymatti_,  that is awesome :) always good to have sound working02:59
matti_yes, it is like night and day ...02:59
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
matti_alsa-utils not installed but i installed it with synaptic package manager that i installed separately ... :)03:00
Dr_Willis!info alsa-utils03:00
ubottualsa-utils (source: alsa-utils): Utilities for configuring and using ALSA. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.25-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 1079 kB, installed size 2052 kB (Only available for linux-any)03:00
Dr_Willisodd tht you  needed to install that..03:00
Linux_Guyyeah sometimes you have to go outside the usc03:01
L3topIt is not an auto dl with alsa-base... but... as a general distro install it would be weird03:01
Dr_Willis.. only avail for 'linux-any'  hmm.. that just seems.. weird also..03:01
matti_ubottu,  should be installed, saves a lot so head ache ...03:01
ubottumatti_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:01
=== me is now known as Guest97416
bugalooguys... I have a .so file, like /usr/lib/something.so... is there any command to find what package this is part of?03:04
Dr_Willis!info apt-file03:04
bugalooI mean... I want to know what package installed it03:04
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB03:04
bugalooubottu, thanks03:04
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:04
bugaloomy "thanks" should go to Dr_Willis then, haha03:05
bugalooanyway... let me try here :)03:05
Dr_WillisYou're welcome! But keep in mind......03:05
Dr_Willisirc bots talking to each other on irc.. learning.. evoloving..03:06
bugalooit worked great, that's what I needed, thanks again03:08
wifimanL3top: i suspect it's some sort of driver or firmware issue03:09
wifimanL3top: in any case, thanks for your help03:09
matti_Hi, well get the soubnd to work but now the volume control is not as expected, missing something else except alsa-utils03:09
brian418_does anyone have an idea as to why I cannot run ltsp build-client w/o getting a 'failed getting release file' error? 10.04 LTS server.03:10
wifimanit's a shame AES/EBU never became popular for this stuff…03:10
fuzzynurfhurterhow in the lxde session can i change the desktop?03:10
bugaloomatti_, what's the version of ubuntu and your sound card?03:10
matti_ubottu,  other usefull alsa -utils programs03:10
ubottumatti_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:10
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, get back to the login window and select there03:10
matti_i have 12.0403:11
bazhangmatti_, /msg ubottu03:11
bugaloomatti_, it's not a vaio laptop, is it? hehe03:11
fuzzynurfhurterno i mean im in lxde but i cant change the background screen03:12
matti_bugaloo,  ubuntu 12-04 but i can not check sound car version , no it is dell inspiron e170503:12
bazhangfuzzynurfhurter, the wallpaper?03:12
wifimanmatti_: maybe try running alsamixer and playing around with the controls03:12
=== mellowasjellow is now known as MellowasJellow_
SrPxIs there a replacement for Everything on Ubuntu?03:12
bugaloomatti_, can't you check it on lspci?03:13
matti_wifiman,  that workls but one on youtube only one speakers is controlled ...03:13
bazhangSrPx, whats that mean03:13
matti_bugaloo,  let me try the aplay -l did not exist, pretty strange ... hold on03:13
SrPxbazhang: everything , a tool that indexes all your files and lets you search fastly03:15
bazhangSrPx, the system db?03:15
SrPxpardon bazhang03:15
matti_bugaloo,  can not find it but i guess it is intel03:16
bazhangSrPx, db = database03:16
bugaloomatti_, if you can't see it on lspci, something very strange is happening hehe03:16
matti_bugaloo,  sorry here it is : Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (r03:16
asterismohey i need help with something03:16
asterismoi'm using xubuntu 12.0403:16
matti_asterismo,  just ask the question  and somebody will try to help ...03:16
asterismoi'm trying to set a keyboard shortcut in XFCE03:17
asterismothe the command i want to run is "amixer set Master toggle"03:17
asterismoand the key is XF86AudioMute03:17
asterismoand the command does not execute03:17
asterismoit does execute with other key combination03:18
asterismobut that key is in my keyboard indicating the mute funciton03:18
asterismowhy it cannot be setup like this?03:18
wifimanasterismo: maybe something else already has that key bound; probably the XFCE volume control applet03:19
asterismothe key does not work for anything else03:19
asterismoi press and nothing happens03:19
Linux_Guyeven so it may still be bound03:19
asterismoso i want to associate that key to run the mute command03:19
wifimantry running the command    xev03:19
Linux_GuyI've seen that happen before03:19
wifimanthen click on the window that appears and press the key03:20
sacarlsonasterismo: I think in gnome you can go to System>preference>keyboard shortcuts,  but I'm not sure how xfce is setup03:20
wifimanif the terminal that xev was run from doesn't show anything about XF86AudioMute when you press or release it, then something else has already grabbed the key03:20
asterismosacarlson, sorry, in #xubuntu channel nobody answers me since 2 days03:20
arooni-mobile\seeking recommendations for the idea EQ setting for my ubuntu 12.04 laptop;  i normally listen to electronic music through my ultimateears earphones03:21
asterismoso i'm asking here03:21
fuzzynurfhurterk i got it now bazhang03:21
sacarlsonasterismo: maybe try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/90513/how-do-i-change-my-keyboard-shortcuts-in-xubuntu03:22
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: crank then noobs till you like what it sounds like,  that's what the noobs are for03:23
sacarlsonDr_Willis: ya knooobs03:24
Dr_Willisnoobs.. sounds.. dirty. ;)03:24
agc93Anyone else here getting regular segfaults in the nvidia driver??03:24
asterismosacarlson, that is for changing of workspace03:25
Noc2I did running arch.  But not with ubuntu lts03:25
asterismoi'm trying to launch a command from a keyboard shortcut03:25
asterismothe command is "amixer set Master toggle"03:25
asterismobut the shortcut do not work, althought it works from terminal03:25
asterismothe command works from terminal...03:26
sacarlsonasterismo: you can use a keyboard short cut to do anything you want that was just there example03:26
asterismoso i do not see why it would not work from a key combination03:26
wifimanasterismo: if you can prevent the volume control from running at login, it should work03:26
wifimani think it's something like Settings→Config Manager→Session and Startup03:26
asterismovolume control?03:27
asterismowhat is that app?03:27
asterismoxfce4-volumed you mean¿?03:27
asterismowifiman, so you say that xfce4-volumed captures the key before the actual key shortcut applies?03:28
wifimanasterismo: pretty much yeah03:28
Noc2anyone had a chance to tinker with a raspberry pi yet?03:28
wifimanasterismo: and yeah disabling xfce4-volumed and logging out and back in should make it work03:28
wifimanasterismo: although this will probably remove the normal behavior of any other volume keys03:28
asterismowifiman, but would i lost my volume notifications?03:28
wifimanasterismo: possibly, idk03:29
asterismono i setup manually every key03:29
OerHeksasterismo, "amixer --quiet set 'Master Front' toggle" > http://www.ubunturoot.com/2011/08/control-volume-via-keyboard.html03:29
asterismois there anyway to get rid of pulseaudio and still have banshee and totem in XFCE?03:30
asterismobecause i don't like parole or gmusicbrowser03:30
asterismoOerHeks, but still have to disable xfce4-volumed03:30
wifimanasterismo: i was thinking at least banshee supports alsa03:31
ironhoofI am installing ubuntu on a friends machine, and he has a USB camera mic, I loaded pulse audio volume control, and selected the mic but it gives a timed out error and it hangs for a moment.03:31
fuzzynurfhurter3 hrs to get wine sucks ass03:31
ironhoofit works sometimes, but its lost on restart03:32
IdleOnefuzzynurfhurter: please watch the language03:32
fuzzynurfhurtersry almost worse than a sailor03:32
asterismoand totem is older than pulseaudio, so it must support alsa03:32
ironhoof kernel: [  494.217647] 3:3:3: usb_set_interface failed03:33
AbazaMerhaba. Nasılsın?03:33
wifimanironhoof: does unplugging and re-plugging the camera do anything?03:34
ironhoofYes it shows back up in pulse, and seems like it works, but when trying to initialize it as default in pulse audio control it gives a time oout error03:34
ironhoofi also found this:  mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 8 was not an MTP device03:35
fuzzynurfhurterhey how would u get the session to be saved??03:37
ironhoofI think i found another error03:39
ironhoof[alsa-source] alsa-source.c: Failed to set hardware parameters: Input/output error03:39
sambagirlsave a session?03:39
sambagirlrun it as a vm?03:39
fuzzynurfhurteryeah it never loads the wallpaper i want it to03:40
prime_@search secret codes03:40
sambagirlwhat os are you using?>03:40
sambagirli run 10.10 never have a problem with anything03:40
sambagirlyou snhould just set your wallpaper03:41
fuzzynurfhurterlxde xubuntu 11.1003:41
sambagirlumm i didnt like 11.10 so i kept to 10.10.03:41
sambagirlsorry i can't help you03:41
fuzzynurfhurteri want it to load when linux does03:41
sambagirloh you mean like a splash screen?03:41
fuzzynurfhurtersambagirl Linux Laptop 3.0.0-21-generic03:42
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fuzzynurfhurtershould i update??03:44
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kantianchristian bale has been tapped to play jerry sandusky in "American Pedo"03:47
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kantianjerry lewis is suing sandusky, claiming he has the trademark on "jerry's kids"03:48
OY1Rhow can i look at what is coming in the serial port in the terminal ?03:51
Dr_WillisOY1R:  years ago you could do somthing like 'sudo cat /dev/ttyS0'03:52
Sam_LHow would I give one of my users permission to edit/mike files owned by www-data?03:53
Dr_Willisor whatever device the serial port is03:53
vexati0nHow do i mount a CIFS share from /etc/fstab, so that all users on my system have full read/write access?03:53
vexati0nfile_mode/dir_mode apparently have no effect at all.03:53
OY1RDr_Willis, how do i set the baud rate to 4800 ?03:54
wifimanSam_L: you'll either need to make those files writable by a group the users belong to, or add an ACL to each file for each user03:54
Dr_WillisOY1R:  i recall there being a setserial command. last i messed with serial ports was like 6+ years ago03:55
Sam_Lwifiman: I did make a group and added my user to it then chowned the files, but it still won't work. Do you know of any good tutorials to setup ACL?03:55
wifimanOY1R: picocom -b 4800 /dev/ttyS003:55
asterismowifiman, i removed pulseaudio03:55
asterismoand the keys work very nice03:55
asterismototem wont play a souund03:55
Dr_Willisterminal app makes things easier. :) if thats what you want03:55
asterismoas well as gnome-mplayer03:55
wifimanSam_L: note that chown only sets group if you use a colon, and you'll need to chmod as well03:55
asterismonow i only have alsa03:55
Sam_Lwifiman: I did set the colon. What would I need to chmod?03:56
keo-whrm, i just moved an ubuntu box from one esxi server to another and its missing its nic now. anyone seen this?:)03:56
bugaloook, one problem solved :) let's to the next... I have a vaio laptop that doesn't recognize Fn buttons. I'd like to get it to work, specially the Brightness controle, for battery save mostly... any leads?03:56
Dr_Willisplayers need to be set touse alsa instead of Pulse audio perhaps03:56
OY1Ri have serial port term installed, i just wanted to know how to see it in the normal terminal03:56
wifimanSam_L: all the files need to be group-writable (chmod g+w file1 file2…)03:56
asterismoparole vs totem?03:56
Sam_Lwifiman: Does that open up any exploits? Since these are web files.03:56
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wifimanSam_L: group writable only means that the file group now has write access; if any web scripts run with that group, you might want to create a different group for this purpose03:57
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curiouserandcuriim just a curious person, how does one get a VIRUS on a linux system, i know its pretty hard to do, but how does a virus get ONTO a linux computer?03:58
Sam_Lwifiman: Thank you.03:58
wifimancuriouserandcuri: same way it gets onto a windows system; security hole, someone downloading and running an untrusted program, someone tampering with the computer…03:58
curiouserandcuriwifiman, hmm i havent gotten one since *shrug*03:59
wifimanOY1R: picocom will run in a terminal, but if you want to access the port directly, you might be able to set the baud rate with stty03:59
notkevin have a MacBook Pro (MacBookPro5,4 if it matters) and the touchpad is too sensitive, almost to the point of not being usable.  Anyone have any tips? I have been playing with synclient for a few days but I can't seem to find the right settings.  I am having lots of accidental clicks and when I do try to click the pointer jumps around.04:01
wifimancuriouserandcuri: using proper package management reduces the attack surface significantly; you only have to trust the package repositories you use, instead of some random website a program was downloaded from04:02
curiouserandcuriwifiman, oh yeah haha i have that common computer knowledge, i just wondered if there was some secret way04:02
Sam_LAlso, I'm trying to setup a simple mail server so that PHP can send mail. What would be the utmost easist way to do this?04:04
wifimannotkevin: you might be able to reduce the sensitivity with the synclient program04:04
wifimannotkevin: synclient|grep Speed04:05
waterfoul_I was trying to move /home onto another partition and now every time I try to login to the gui It kicks back to the login screen.... I went digging around and found "** (nautilus:1858): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_status_info_get_online: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_STATUS_INFO (sinfo)' failed" in ~/.xsession-errors How do I fix it?04:05
wifimannotkevin: and then set the MinSpeed and MaxSpeed values lower with a command like   synclient MinSpeed=.5 MaxSpeed=.504:05
notkevinwifiman: i have tried playing with the different setting but I cant seem to find which ones control what, there seems to be a serious lack of documentation on it. The man page is not helpful.04:06
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wifimannotkevin: this might also mean that the touchpad's dimensions are set wrong, which could be fixed with the various Edge parameters04:07
wifimannotkevin: the parameters are specified in the synaptics man page04:07
notkevinwifiman: I have not looked into the dimensions yet. Thanks for the tip about the info in the synaptics man page, I didn't know that information was in there.04:08
waterfoul_I was trying to move /home onto another partition and now every time I try to login to the gui It kicks back to the login screen.... I went digging around and found "** (nautilus:1858): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_status_info_get_online: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_STATUS_INFO (sinfo)' failed" in ~/.xsession-errors How do I fix it? (P.S. I can get into the guest account)04:09
SeedThisBooktoo soon for 12.10?04:10
wifimanwaterfoul_: just guessing here… maybe a file was in use during the move?04:11
Dr_Williswaterfoul_:  as a test try making a new user. see if it works for them. if it does. that would point to a problem with  the problem users settings files. perhaps an ownership issue04:11
waterfoul_thanks thats it!04:11
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Dr_Willisi always copy, then remount home to the new place. :)) never just move..04:12
waterfoul_is there any way to get the .* globbing to not catch ..?04:12
wifimanwaterfoul_: .[!.]* will match a dot followed by a non-dot04:13
waterfoul_ok thanks.... every other linux distro's bash binaries' globbing woudl avoid this problem.....04:13
tr3ntonin a dual gpu system, is there any way to actually find which gpu is in use?04:14
wifimanwaterfoul_: i think you can set GLOBIGNORE to avoid matching . and ..04:14
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wifimanoops, i should've included ..?*04:16
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jerry_lhello room04:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:21
xiangjianfenghello jierry_l04:21
Sam_LI'm trying to setup a simple mail server so that PHP can send mail. What would be a simple way to do this?04:21
xiangjianfengsorry,i don't know04:23
jerry_lgot new android tablet os 2.3.4 with ubuntu kernel ver ..... checking booting...04:23
jerry_lsam is smtp already set up?04:23
eph3meralso I made my own shared lib with gcc -shared but I cannot for the life of me get it installed in the library path04:24
eph3meralLD_LIBRARY_PATH is deprecated on Ubuntu as I found out04:24
eph3meralyou're allowed to use /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf though, so I added my own file there04:24
eph3meralwith /usr/local/lib/mylib in it04:24
eph3meralbut when I attempt to use -lmylib i keep getting not found04:25
Dr_Williseph3meral:  you rerean sudo ldconfig ?04:25
jerry_lkernel @ubuntu #004:26
Dr_Willisbeen ages since ive messed with  libs. ;) i recall each tome you add a new dir to the pathyou rerun ldconfig to get it cached/scanned/used04:26
eph3meralDr_Willis, yes04:26
eph3meralDr_Willis, sudo ldconfig -v04:26
jerry_lhow do i get the rox file manager from puppy linux on to my tablet?04:26
eph3meralis what I ran04:26
eph3meralso I realized this, though it hasn't been mentioned in *any* of the docs I'm reading04:27
Dr_Willisjerry_l:  its in the repos last i looked04:27
eph3meraldo I need to add my header file(s) ?04:27
Dr_Willisjerry_l:  called rox-filer i think04:27
eph3merallike to /usr/local/include for example?04:27
Dr_Willis!info rox-filer04:27
eph3meralor is that a m00t point with an .so file?04:27
ubotturox-filer (source: rox): A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.10-1.1fakesync1 (precise), package size 1517 kB, installed size 4220 kB04:27
wifimaneph3meral: header files are only used by the preprocessor, at compile time04:28
eph3meralalso, does anyone happen to know which is more lightweight, openbox or fluxbox?04:28
eph3merali know it seems trivial, but this virtual machine runs pretty darn slow04:28
Dr_Williseph3meral:  i would guess they are very very close..04:28
wifimaneph3meral: any reason you can't install it in /usr/local/lib directly?04:28
jerry_li just bought an android tablet 7" and it has an okay file manager... but is there a way to get the rox from puppy onto my tablet?04:28
eph3meralwifiman, uhh, well no, but i don't see why that would matter either04:28
eph3meralI don't believe /usr/local/lib is default for ubuntu04:28
eph3meralonly /lib and /usr/lib04:28
Dr_Willisjerry_l:  if its running android.. check out the various android file maangers.. i tend to use astro04:28
eph3meralthere's a couple folders in /usr/local/lib already one for python and something else i don't remember04:29
wifimaneph3meral: i suspect it's in the default ld.so path, but i'm not sure04:29
eph3meralaight i'll try at least, why not, one sec04:29
jerry_li read that astro was replaced with what came on my tablet..  ES FILE EXPLORER.04:29
eph3meralwifiman, huh, ok yeah so that does work04:30
Dr_Willisjerry_l:  havent noticed the name change here.. you may want to check in #android04:30
eph3meralwifiman, when I just place it directly in /usr/local/lib it works fine04:30
wifimaneph3meral: LD_DEBUG=libs will make ld.so display its search path04:30
eph3meralwifiman, so what's up with the /etc/ld.so.config.d/mylib.conf not working?04:30
eph3meralok one sec04:30
wifimanjerry_l: that wouldn't happen to be an A10?04:30
eph3meraler, wait, LD_DEBUG=libs where? :)04:30
jerry_l#android requires registration04:30
eph3meralwhere do I put that04:30
Dr_Willisjerry_l:  so regiester your nick..04:31
wifimaneph3meral: before the command will work04:31
eph3meralsorry to be so verbose/thick/etc but04:31
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:31
eph3meralwifiman, which command? :P04:31
wifimaneph3meral: whatever needs to load that library04:31
jerry_llevano a1_0704:31
jerry_lthanks ubott.. trying to do laundry at same time...04:32
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eph3meralwifiman, hmm, ok well that wasn't really very informative for me, unfortunately :/04:33
eph3meralit didn't say anything at all about my library during the linking process04:34
eph3meralwifiman, also, it appears to be retrieving from ld.so.cache, is there a way to force regeneration of the cache file?04:34
eph3meraldoes that happen on boot?04:34
wifimaneph3meral: i think that's what ldconfig does04:35
eph3meralwifiman, ok yeah I reran ldconfig, but the library doesn't seem to be getting found when it's in its own folder04:35
wifimaneph3meral: this wouldn't happen to be a program with an apparmor policy?04:38
eph3meralwifiman, nope, it's pretty super simple actually04:38
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eph3meralit's just a handful of functions, that's about it04:38
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eph3meralit uses sockets, but other than that it's pretty much just POSIX standard-ish04:38
eph3meralregular old C04:38
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wifimanincidentally, the socket function is in POSIX04:39
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wifimani'm guessing making a symlink in /usr/local/lib wouldn't be useful04:40
eph3meralwifiman, eh, I dunno, I just wanna understand how this whole shared linkning subsystem works04:40
eph3meraland be able to use the basics of it myself04:40
eph3meralwifiman, it works if I use -L. with gcc04:40
eph3meralit works if I just specify the .so on the command line04:40
eph3meralit works if I put it in /usr/local/lib04:40
wifimanohh build-time04:41
eph3meralbut not if I put it in my own folder in /usr/local/lib and then add that folder to the /etc/ld.so.conf/mylib.conf file04:41
wifimani think that's handled by some binutils config file somewhere04:41
wifimana common way to handle this is pkg-config, although then you need all the .pc files in a system directory anyway…04:41
eph3merali mean, there's plenty of stuff in /lib it all works, there's a number of files already in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ so I assume that subsystem "works" but I don't know how to get it to work for me :(04:42
eph3meralwifiman, hmm, ok what it pkg-config?04:42
eph3meralderp, s/what it/what is/04:42
eph3meralis it necessary to use pkg-config if I want to add an .so to a custom place in the library path?04:42
wifimantool for keeping track of CFLAGS and LDFLAGS/LIBS additions for using libraries04:42
wifimanit shouldn't be04:42
wifimanbut generally that's how non-standard library paths are handled04:43
wifimandoes your additional library path work at runtime?04:43
eph3meralwifiman, no04:43
IronbuttI'm looking for a bit of help with the ubuntu software center04:43
eph3meralwifiman, i created a folder /usr/local/lib/mylib and in it i placed a file, /usr/local/lib/mylib/libmylib.so04:44
eph3meralwifiman, then I did, essentially, this: echo "/usr/local/lib/mylib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/mylib.conf04:44
xiangjianfengwhat's wrong with the ubuntu software center?04:44
eph3meralbut I did it manually, just using sudo vim04:44
eph3meralxiangjianfeng, it sucks :)04:44
IronbuttSo my problem is, I'm trying to download psychonauts from it, it's a 4GB download.04:44
eph3meralxiangjianfeng, use aptitude or synaptic instead :)04:44
Ironbuttmy internet drops out for a few seconds every now and then, usually at about 1GB or 2GB04:45
wifimaneph3meral: so after the program is linked with an -L option pointing to the library directory, it won't run?04:45
Ironbuttwhich then causes the software center to seemingly delete the download cache, and start over.04:45
eph3meralwifiman, er, I was hoping not to have to explicitly use -L04:45
Ironbuttit's unnaceptable for me as I don't have unlimited download quota04:45
eph3meralwifiman, i can build the software, now I want to try building it as a library04:45
eph3meraland "installing" that library in the system so I can build other software against it04:45
wifimaneph3meral: so it uses the correct library path at runtime but not at build time?04:45
eph3meralby just specifying -lmylib04:45
eph3meralwifiman, er, well I can't even get it to build :)04:46
eph3meralso I have no idea what it does at runtime04:46
Dr_Williswonder if you can wget that games .deb from somewhere.04:46
IronbuttI got it via humble bundle04:46
IronbuttI can probably torrent the .deb04:46
Dr_Willisthey may have a direct download link. but torrents would be  more easially resumed04:46
Ironbuttit would be better ifthis issue was fixed04:46
Ironbuttand at the same time, the .deb from the humble bundle might not work for ubuntu, I'm not very good with linux.04:47
Dr_Willisive never seen a single 4 gb .deb04:47
IronbuttBut as far as I know, debian .deb files don't work with ubuntu04:47
wifimaneph3meral: i'm confused04:47
Dr_WillisIronbutt:  i doubt if they have differnt debs for ubuntu and debian.  only one way to find out i guess..'04:47
eph3meralwifiman, hahah, sorry, um... let me give you some background, one sec...04:47
Ironbuttwell I guess I'll be doing that approach04:48
eph3meralwifiman, I'm just re-learning/re-teaching myself C and C++, I've written an app using basic sockets, it works fine04:48
Ironbuttwhere can I complain about this lack of a download cache for the osftware center?04:48
eph3meralwifiman, I know there are many libraries for sockets and many other things, but I'm doing this for learning, so I don't really care04:48
Ironbuttsomething that definitely needs fixing04:48
Dr_WillisI recall getting that game for windows ages ago.. had to find a no-cd crack for it to evcen run..04:48
eph3meralwifiman, I now have about a dozen or so functions, all that are my own handy wrappers around the regular linux system calls for sockets04:48
eph3meralwifiman, right now I build the app about like this:04:49
eph3meralwifiman, gcc -c mysock.c server.c client.c; gcc -o server server.o; gcc -o client client.o;04:49
eph3meralwifiman, pretty simple. each of those other files simply does an include "minsock.h" which I have in the main project-root of my source tree, same place as all the other *.c files04:50
Ironbuttthis download from the torrent from umble bundle, it's a bin file04:50
eph3meralwifiman, anyway, now, I want to compile mysock.c into a shared library so that I can build "other software" on top of that library04:50
Ironbutthow do I run those? do I just open the terminal in the folder and type the name in?04:50
eph3meraland I want to have it "installed" in the main system, similar to if I do sudo apt-get install libsomething-dev04:50
eph3meralso I can build software with it/against it04:50
niocoraIronbutt: .bin files?04:50
wifimaneph3meral: /usr/local would be the standard prefix for doing exactly that04:51
eph3meralwifiman, yes like I said, I put my lib in /usr/local/lib and it works fine04:51
Ironbuttyeah I think it is a .bin file04:51
eph3meralbut when I try to use /etc/ld.so.conf to add my own custom folder04:51
eph3meralit no workey04:51
Ironbuttdoesn't explicitly say .bin, it actually says -bin04:51
wifimaneph3meral: why are you putting it in its own lib directory?04:51
eph3merali just get "-lmysock not found" when compiling04:51
eph3meralwifiman, cuz I can? :P04:51
eph3meralI thought that was my ability to do, using /etc/ld.so.conf.d files?04:52
niocoraIronbutt: Double-click does?04:52
Ironbuttalright, I'll try that04:52
eph3meralwifiman, again, i'm really just learning, just trying to understand how these systems work04:52
Ironbuttgotta wait for it to download first04:52
eph3meralI thought it was a legit thing to create my own folder, like, just for the hell of it04:52
eph3meralif that's a "Bad Idea (TM)" then I believe you and that's cool04:52
niocoraIronbutt: Are you sure it is for linux?04:52
wifimaneph3meral: typically stuff gets installed in standard prefixes; if a lib uses custom directories then it needs a way to configure that, like pkg-config04:52
eph3meralagain, i'm just learning, and none of these darned online tutorials learned me much of anything good yet :P04:52
Ironbuttit's for linux04:53
eph3meralwifiman, ok cool that's what I needed to know, thx then :)04:53
wifimaneph3meral: fwiw, performance suffers when you add extra directories; filesystems cannot optimize for that situation04:53
infinituxafter my ubuntu 12.04 install failing to upgrade i've finally got apt-get -f install to work, now x doesn't want to start up. reinstalled the driver and x runs, but for some reason lightdm won't load the login greeter.04:53
eph3meralahh, gotcha04:53
eph3meralok no worries, i'll just stick with /usr/local/lib04:53
Ironbutti ot it from te umble indie bundle 504:53
eph3meralwifiman, it's this kind of information that's lacking in so many tutorials04:53
Ironbuttalso my  and  keys aren't workin04:53
eph3meralreal world applications and stuff04:53
Ironbuttwats u wit tat04:53
Ironbuttgghhh oh there we go04:54
wifimaneph3meral: likewise you'll probably want to put the relevant header file in /usr/local/include04:54
infinituxsomebody please help?04:54
niocoraIronbutt: It is kind of hard to understand your abbreviations, please try to write clearly.04:54
niocorainfinitux: What driver?04:55
eph3meralwifiman, ok that was going to be my next question, thanks04:55
Ironbuttsorry, I wasn't abbreviating, my g and h keys had stopped working for a bit04:55
eph3meralwifiman, I've got more flexibility there, right?04:55
eph3merallike I can put it in a folder there, I just have to reference said folder in the include statement right?04:55
eph3meral#include "somefolderofmychoosing/mylib.h"04:55
wifimaneph3meral: yup; no performance issues or special flags, you can just change #include <somefile.h> to #include <somedir/somefile.h>04:55
tronnvidia doesnt work well with linux04:55
eph3meralyeah ok cool thanks04:55
niocorainfinitux: From the repositorie or nvidia website?04:55
infinituxnvidia website.04:55
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
Ironbuttoh here's a problem. I'm downloading with transmission bittorrent program. I checked the speed limit to 100kb/s04:55
Ironbuttbut it's still downloading at 500+kbps04:56
infinituxit didn't work from the repo either04:56
infinituxi'm gonna leave irc04:56
eph3meralwifiman, awesome, ok so what would be the easiest way to make that in to a package then? a .deb?04:56
infinituxi'll come back for support later. thanks for trying to help but i've gotta go04:56
wifimaneph3meral: #include <blah> and #include "blah" have different search behaviors; <> is used for system dirs and "" is generaly for stuff in the source directory04:56
eph3meralwifiman, it's like 3 commands, the gcc command to build, copy .so to local/lib and copy .h to local/include04:56
eph3meralwifiman, yep ok I did know that about "" and <> thx :)04:57
wifimaneph3meral: i don't know much about debian/ubuntu packaging, but i know there are some tutorials04:57
eph3meraleh, so far they've all sucked :(04:57
eph3meralthe tutorials on packaging that is04:57
wifimaneph3meral: with multiple source files you'll probably want to use a Makefile to simplify building (so you can just run make and have it recompile changed files)04:58
eph3meralI have a makefile alread04:58
wifimanoh awesome04:58
eph3meralyeah I'm not totally n00b :)04:58
wifimanand you should usually have -fPIC in CFLAGS if you're building a .so04:58
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Loshkieph3meral: I couldn't agree more. If there's a good packaging tutorial, I haven't found it yet. I suspect it's deliberate, to keep the riff-raff away...04:59
eph3meralonly like 3/4 n00b when it comes to C and C++... I started on them 10 years ago and then got stuck in the web world04:59
eph3meralwifiman, yeah I used -fPIC04:59
eph3meralwifiman, the lib works fine, I was just trying to wrangle the ld system, but now i've got more clarity on it04:59
eph3meraland everything is building fine04:59
Ironbuttit won't slow down arg05:00
eph3meralLoshki, happen to know the easiest way to package a lib like that?05:00
=== WanderingEnder| is now known as WanderingEnder
wifimanmight be worth fetching some .dsc files as examples05:00
niocoraIronbutt: Total traffic 500 or download?05:00
Loshkieph3meral: also, gcc -L <path> will get passed to the loader for library searching. See man ld05:01
Ironbuttin transmission bittorrent, it is saying at 400 to 600 kB/s05:01
eph3meralLoshki, yeah it's all working now, thanks05:01
Ironbuttdoesn't matter what I set the option to limit the speed to05:01
eph3meralLoshki, now I wanna figure out how to make a basic .deb out of this thing05:01
eph3meralalso, aside, jeez, IDEs are not so smart these days :)05:01
niocoraIronbutt: Set the upload speed as well.05:01
eph3meralCode::Blocks is not so hot, all I have to say on that05:01
Ironbuttyeah, they were both checked05:02
Loshkieph3meral: you ask them faster than I can type. For simple, personal packages, I use checkinstall. It doesn't always work, and apparently the result isn't a 'true' debian package suitable for distribution, but it's quick and easy...05:02
eph3meralhmm, yeah I have read about that05:02
eph3meralthere's another tool that's similar, but yeah I heard they don't make "good" packages all the time05:02
IronbuttI guess transmission must be broken or something05:04
serdotlinhow about dh-make, guys? Is it easy to compile?05:04
Ironbuttoh well, guess I'll just have to live with it05:04
bsdfreak< bsdfreak> anyone have experience working on hybrid video setups in ubuntu 12.04/x64?  having some issues with an intel/amd configuration on a lenovo ideapad y470p.05:05
wifimaneph3meral: try picking apart something relatively simple like xtris  http://mirrors.xmission.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xtris/05:05
serdotlinsince i'm using Ubuntu, i want to know the right way to compile sources tarball and make a .deb packages for an easy compilation.05:06
wifimaneph3meral: iirc the .orig.tar.gz file is unpacked, the diff is applied, and the .dsc file specifies metadata like dependencies05:06
Ironbuttsoftware centre did it again, dropped connection while installing wine05:06
Linux_Guyurban terror still fighting with me05:09
serdotlinIronbutt: try synaptic05:09
mynameisthomhello, I'd like to ask about how could I remove the pic album on my-every mp3???05:09
niocoramynameisthom: You mean remove the album cover?05:10
serdotlinyou can try delete it from terminal.05:10
mynameisthomniocora: yep. That's what i mean05:10
niocoramynameisthom: Right-click properties.05:11
niocoramynameisthom: Click the album cover then press open on a directory.05:12
niocoramynameisthom: Or use a music player program like Amarok and remove the album cover for the whole album at once.05:13
mynameisthomniocora: Ach so..  I dont know if the picture on properties is clickable.. -___-"05:14
Dr_WillisPsyconauts for linux runs in wine?05:14
mynameisthomThank you niocora :) I owe you :D05:14
Dr_Willisdefinatly passing on that game then...05:14
niocoramynameisthom: I only just discovered that out then trying to find the answer for you.05:14
IronbuttI'm getting a native linux psychonauts as far as I know05:14
Dr_Willisthen why are you needing wine?05:15
Linux_GuyI'm hoping this "optimized" urban terror install actually works05:15
niocoraDr_Willis: Other programs?05:15
Ironbuttfor steam of course05:16
Dr_Willisso you are now trying to get psyconauts to work  in steam? or did i miss somthing...05:17
Ironbuttyou missed something05:17
Dr_Willisspend all day downloading games.. instead of playing them... ;P05:17
Ironbutthere's another querie I have05:18
Ironbuttthis amd flgrx driver05:18
Ironbuttin the proprietary drivers manager, there is a post release updates thing05:18
Ironbuttwhat does that mean? I try to install it but it never works05:18
niocoraIronbutt: Use that one without question.05:18
Ironbuttso I install the other one, but now I have a AMD Unsupported hardware05:18
Ironbuttwatermark on my desktop05:18
niocoraIronbutt: post-release updates means it uses the most up-to-date driver from AMD.05:19
Ironbuttit just fails to install the post release updates one05:19
niocoraIronbutt: That is the driver I use.05:19
IronbuttI should note that I'm using an NCG 775005:19
IronbuttGCN I mean05:19
IronbuttGraphics Core Next05:19
niocoraSearch fglrx-updates in the software center.05:20
niocoraIronbutt: ^05:20
Ironbuttwhen wine finally finixhes installing, I shall05:20
Linux_Guyso amd cards are not as bad on linux as they used to be?05:21
Ironbuttwish me luck05:21
niocoraIronbutt: Luck.,05:21
rapevan _          _ _       05:22
rapevan| |__   ___| | | ___  05:22
rapevan| '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \ 05:22
rapevan| | | |  __/ | | (_) |05:22
rapevan|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/ 05:22
FloodBot1rapevan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
Ironbuttwell that was interesting05:23
wifimantotally wasted on my variable-width font05:23
IronbuttI'm gonna restart my computer05:23
Ironbuttsee what happens05:23
wifimanah that explains it05:23
niocoraHe should have used -k05:23
niocoraWhich stops the letters from smooshing together.05:23
Arashhello :-)05:25
niocoraArash: Hi.05:25
Ironbuttalright I'm back05:27
Ironbuttthe unsupported hardware message is still there05:28
Ironbuttbut at least the computer hasn't ceased functioning05:28
niocoraIronbutt: Good news.05:28
* niocora typed that last message before the message about the hardware.05:28
* niocora did not mean it is good that Ironbutt's hardware is unsupported.05:28
Ironbuttthe computer seems to still work in a useful state05:28
Ironbutti.e. blender seems to work fine in 3d05:29
niocoraIronbutt: glxgears in a terminal.05:29
niocoraIronbutt: Alt+Z?05:29
niocoraTextured mode?05:29
Ironbuttalt z isnt opening a terminal05:30
niocoraIronbutt: I meant in blender.05:30
niocoraIronbutt: But glxgears in a terminal.05:31
Ironbuttaparently i have to install it with mesa-utils05:31
niocoraIronbutt: And textured mode in blender?05:32
Ironbuttglxgears seems to be working fine05:32
niocoraIronbutt: What fps?05:33
Ironbuttyeah, textured mode works fine05:33
Ironbuttguess there is some vsync going on there05:33
niocoraIronbutt: Then your GPU is working fine.05:33
Ironbuttthe monitor just wont turn off05:33
Ironbuttso i have to push the button05:34
Linux_Guyfigured most people would push the button05:34
* niocora gets 2109.773 FPS.05:34
Ironbutthow do i disable frame locking05:35
=== CrustyBarnacle is now known as Guest86120
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
Spectacle_KI have a laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 on it. I hook it up to a bigger monitor and want to have a dual-screen. Everything works but all my apps and windows open on the laptop screen off to my left instead of the big monitor in front of me. How do I get windows and apps to open on a certain monitor only?05:45
niocoraSpectacle_K: Use your driver settings to pick your default monitor.05:46
Spectacle_K"driver settings"?05:46
Spectacle_KWhere would I access this?05:46
niocoraSpectacle_K: What graphics card do you have?05:46
Spectacle_KIntel Core i3.05:47
Spectacle_KIntel HD Graphics05:47
niocoraSpectacle_K: Sorry, I only know how to do it for AMD or nvidia users.05:47
Spectacle_KDoes the graphics card have everything to do with getting windows to open on a certain monitor?05:48
wifimansome particular drivers include utilities that change that05:48
Linux_Guyintel graphics drivers in linux dont seem to work as nicely as a real gpu05:49
Spectacle_KAhh, so that's why I've been getting all the crashes and whatnot.05:49
wifimanthey're pretty much known for low-power stuff05:49
niocoraSpectacle_K: Yes, the driver chooses which monitor is the default and then ubuntu starts programs on the main monitor.05:49
Dr_Willisif you are using 2 monitors as one 'wide' desktop. the compiz/ccsm plugins may  be able to force them to optn at specific positions05:49
Dr_Willisto open. ;)05:50
Spectacle_KWell the toolbar at the top of the screen copied itself on both monitors, does anyone know how to make the toolbar disappear on one monitor and stay on another?05:50
Dr_WillisSpectacle_K:  setting in the displays tool.  top right gear icon, displays.05:51
Dr_Willisi think you can have it only appear on the primary monitor05:51
Spectacle_KOk well thanks.05:52
mehmetaliregular user can mount anything but when try to umount same location why need to be root?05:53
jrdnnmehtali So user can't umount somewhere with files used by system and replace with their own drive?05:55
madpupyou can do it with a live cd05:55
Dr_Willisi think more details may be needed.  like what filesystems are you refering to.05:56
Dr_Willisif the fs. is in use. a user would be  restricted from unmounting it.. root could forcethe unmount.05:56
mehmetalii used curlftpfs05:56
sudododoim downloading an ubuntu iso and im getting reddy to install ubuntu, any pointers?05:56
wifimana regular user can do FUSE mounts but they're only accessible to that user05:56
Dr_Willissudododo:  make backups of inpporntant stuff first.05:56
sertaconaysudododo good luck05:57
wifimanand they can be unmounted with  fusermount -u05:57
sudododonah its a computer i dont care about theres nuthing on it i care about lol05:57
madpupsudododo: tick the install codec tick box, oh and good luck05:57
sudododoi hope its not slow and clunky for my hardware05:58
mehmetaliHmm, thank you wifiman.05:58
Dr_Willissudododo:  theres always Lubuntu ;)05:59
sudododowhats that?05:59
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:59
madpupits really good05:59
=== AAA is now known as AliBinDuden
sudododohmm i didnt see that dl in the repo06:00
dj_ryananyone know whys?06:00
troncause its a mac06:00
tronlose the caps, no need to yell06:00
sudododo^  XD06:00
dj_ryantron: shut upt06:00
dj_ryanalso i love caps06:00
madpupi think you have to do a weird key combo on boot to get in to the ufi boot selecter06:00
dj_ryanmadpup: intriguing06:01
fidelpressing ALT on macs usualy shows all booting devices (this is at least valid for a default osx install without refit etc)06:01
sudododohey how can i get lubuntu iso file?06:01
dj_ryanyesss i did the alt, but the USB thing doesnt show up06:02
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!06:02
fidelsudododo: in case you have ubuntu installed-  there is no need to reinstall. just install the related lubuntu-packages06:02
sudododoim useing win2k06:03
madpuplooks like your going to have to burn a cd.................sorry bro06:03
dj_ryancds are dead06:03
dj_ryanditto dvds06:03
sudododoits kule, i got plenty of cdrs06:03
madpupdo it!!!06:03
dj_ryani wont ahve my machines or servers adulterated with wasted space of cds06:03
sudododotheres always one annoying person in ever chatroom... *cough* djryan06:04
dj_ryansudododo: yay!06:04
madpupmy ears are bleeding........06:05
dj_ryanits pride weekend, dont be homophobic06:05
sudododogayppl =   :(06:05
glitsj16can we keep things ubuntu support related please06:05
dj_ryanubuntu advanced the gay agenda06:05
Linux_Guysudo shut up06:06
oCeanok, stop bickering06:06
oCeandj_ryan: start behaving06:06
glitsj16dj_ryan: and how is that support related exactly?06:06
madpuphow did we get from macs to gays??? im getting the troll-repelant spray06:06
oCeanlet's move on please06:06
sudododomacs = gay / gays06:06
madpupdamn i fed a troll06:07
oCeannow STOP and move back to support topic06:07
dj_ryanok well why doesnt my mac see my usb key06:07
tronmove it to #ubuntu-offtopic06:07
LenovoG470hello, my 11.10 built-in mic is cannot record06:07
dj_ryanalso ubuntu y so crashy06:08
oCeantron: guidelines apply there as well, so that is not good advice06:08
dj_ryani think i'll just make those canonical dudes who are moving into my office to fix it06:08
madpuphope this helps06:09
madpupbye all06:09
robotdevilubuntu on dual core smart phone yet?06:13
jerry_lkindle fire is supposed to be a dual 1ghz cpu @ $199.9906:15
* Linux_Guy still likes "real" tablets, rather than e-readers posing as them06:16
=== ring0 is now known as Guest42787
jerry_ldual 1ghz cpu and 16gb internal storage and touch screen does not work as a real tablet? i would like one. mine is a levano 1ghz/ 16gb/ 7"/ 512mb06:21
vodoo_hi all06:22
vodoo_when i using a 32 bit ubuntu. one file size is showed as 1g but when I using 64 bit ubuntu it is showed less then 1gb WHY?06:22
vodoo_when i using a 32 bit ubuntu. one file size is showed as 1g but when I using 64 bit ubuntu it is showed less then 1gb WHY?06:25
jerry_lvodoo it is a matter of preferances- 1gb = 1024mb and if you want to round up or down then:06:25
Dr_Willisvodoo_: how are you displaing the sizes and whats the exact sizes they are showing06:25
vodoo_it is displayed in my file manager app06:25
jerry_l999mb rounds to 1gb even though the 1gb is actually 1024mb.06:25
NictraSaviosHello, would it be safe to use the same partition for /tmp on two separate ubuntu installs?06:25
vodoo_yes i know but it is different under 32 and 64 bit OS06:26
vodoo_it is interesting so anyone know WHY?06:26
Dr_WillisNictraSavios:  may be safer to have them both use differnt directories In some place you mount that partition to.06:26
jerry_lyes /tmp can be shared but i would use a script to empty it at sutdown.06:27
NictraSaviosjerry_l, Wrong. One MB is 1GB _is_ 1000MB. 1GiB is 1024MiB.06:27
NictraSaviosjerry_l, Never mix your notations :P06:27
LenovoG470Appreciate it if any one can help out why my built-in mic is dumb, but the VU meter of the mic in  alsamixer Volume control is moving.06:27
NictraSaviosDr_Willis, Alrght06:27
=== mattw is now known as Guest34388
NictraSaviosjerry_l, 1GB _is_ 1000MB. 1GiB is 1024MiB.* Sorry, Screwed up the sentence when I got distracted.06:28
jerry_lvodoo for a much better answer look at byte on wiki06:29
jerry_lme to. trying to android program and type and tv at same time and web hunt android help/06:29
NictraSaviosvodoo_, Here how it works. Anything like KB, MB and GB uses powers of 1000. KB is 1000, MB is 1000^2, GB is 1000^3. got that?06:30
vodoo_when i using a 32 bit ubuntu. one file size is showed as 1g but when I using 64 bit ubuntu it is showed less then 1gb WHY? this is my question06:31
jerry_lvideo games megaICE,gigaHEALl,teraFIRE06:31
NictraSaviosvodoo_, But KiB, MiB and GiB use powers of 2 (or 1024 if you want), KiB is 2^10, (1024), MiB is 2^20 (or 1024^2), GiB is 2^30 (1024^3)06:31
vodoo_i know what is GB what is MB i want to know why it is different under different OS 32 bit and 64 bit06:31
jerry_lquestion is about WUI06:32
tronvodoo your question has been answered06:32
vodoo_in Linux it just 1000 MB = 1 GB in windows it is 1024MB = 1GB06:32
NictraSaviosvodoo_, Its like meters and feet. Different ways of measuring. And, maybe its how they address them or maybe 64 uses the powers of 2 scheme while 32 uses powers of 1000.06:32
jerry_lit is rounding up or down and not telling you which one it is.06:32
Dr_Willisactually ive seen differnt linux apps use 1000 or 102406:32
tronmore like meters/yards06:32
jerry_ltrue tron :)06:33
Flannelvodoo_: Exactly how big is the file?06:33
NictraSaviosvodoo_, Other way around. Windows AND Linux uses 1000 system. But In Linux its also very fragmented (we all know that) so some use the 1024 sceheme06:33
vodoo_1.0 GB (1,033,324,394 bytes)06:34
* dzup /join #windoze06:34
NictraSaviosvodoo_, OSX and I *think* BSD use the 1000 system by default.06:34
Flannelvodoo_: And what does the 32bit one say it is?06:34
Flannelvodoo_: Also, what versions of Ubuntu are each, the 32 and 64bit?06:34
vodoo_so you means ubuntu 32 bit uses 1000 schema and ubuntu 64bit use 1024 schema06:34
NictraSaviosWhoops, Messed up, Windows and linux use 1024* , but some linux apps use 1000.06:34
dzupnaaaa 1024 , where you get 100's bsd uses 102406:34
vodoo_1.0 GB (1,033,324,394 bytes) this is the 32 bit OS says06:34
FlannelFor those of you who (apparently) haven't been paying attention: Ubuntu 32bit says "1GB" and Ubuntu 32 says something else.  He's not mixing OSes, please stop answering the wrong question.  Thanks.06:34
Ironbutthey, how do i check how much ram my ubuntu studio is using?06:35
NictraSaviosdzup, Thank you aha.06:35
dzupand 1000 is not by anymeans a right way to messure bytes, its 102406:35
vodoo_64 bits says some number around 9xx06:35
Flannelvodoo_: And then the 64bit version says what?06:35
Flannelvodoo_: Alright, and what versions of Ubuntu are each of these?06:35
Dr_WillisIronbutt:  the  'free' command i recall06:35
NictraSaviosAnd are you sure one isnt using the 1024 system and one is using the 1000...06:35
Ironbuttjust into terminal?06:36
dubey I am getting this error on Ubuntu 12.04 : FATAL: Module jfs not found.06:36
vodoo_12.04 both 32bit and 64 bit06:36
Ironbuttyep, thanks06:36
Flannelvodoo_: They're both 12.04?  Are you sure?06:36
NictraSaviosdubey, Are you using the jfs file system?06:36
vodoo_yes sure06:36
Ironbutthmm, I can't tell in detail what's going on though06:36
Flannelvodoo_: That's interesting.06:36
dubeyNictrasavios: yes06:36
dzupand if windows or any other OS messures hardspace or memory or  whatever in 1000s , they must be in other dimension06:36
uglyoldbobI have bunch of files with a name of the format "DSC_xxxx.tif". How can I rename them to "DSC_xxxx+1.tif" (Where xxxx is some number that should be incremented)06:36
Dr_WillisIronbutt:  we dont know your full problem. ;)06:36
Flanneldzup: Hate to break it to you, but recent versions of Ubuntu does.06:36
Ironbuttoperating systems measure memory in 102406:36
vodoo_yes so it is interesting question it may be something about the VFS module inside kernel06:37
dzupin this dimension where am at is 1024's06:37
NictraSaviosdubey, Then there's your problem :P, chroot in and install jfs-utils then rebuilt the initrd image06:37
Ironbutthard drive manufacturers measure them in 1000s06:37
vodoo_or the block device module06:37
Ironbuttmy problem is I want to know how much memory is currently being used in gigabytes/megabytes06:37
Ironbuttthe task manager gives me a percentage06:37
vodoo_ok thx anyway it should be the same06:37
Ironbuttbut it's not much to work with06:37
dubeyNictraSavios: can you pls. guide me or any good doc, i never tried to rebuiild initrd image06:37
dzupFlannel:  really? thats weird, i never ear that, probes? links?06:37
Flannelvodoo_: Yeah, there's something odd going on.  Your best course of action is probably to file a bug, that'll get it answered, and maybe fix the problem for the next guy who comes along.06:38
Dr_Willisuglyoldbob:  theres several bulk rename tools in the repos. or you could use some script.  I cheat and use wine and the 'bulk rename utilty' tool.. just because im so used to that speccific tool. or on linux i use the 'qmv' tool combined with a text editor06:38
vodoo_it should be the same, right? this is the question06:38
NictraSaviosdubey, initrd -u is the command I belive06:38
Flanneldzup: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy06:39
NictraSaviosdubey, But in a chrooted system, I suggest you specify :P initrd /boot/{kernel image}.img06:39
Flannelvodoo_: They should be the same, yes.  Unless you've configured one to use SI and th other to use IEC or something, but if you haven't done that, yeah, they should be the same.06:39
Flannelvodoo_: That's why the different-ubuntu-version question came up, because there has been some changes related to default display somewhat recently06:40
vodoo_i will pay a attention06:40
NictraSaviosdubey, As for chroot.... Commands are: "mount /dev/{root} /mnt" and any other partitions you have (/boot? /var?) (/mnt/boot? /mnt/var?). then "cd /mnt" "mount -t proc proc proc/" "mount -t sysfs sys sys/" "mount -o bind /dev dev/" "mount -t devpts devpts dev/pts"06:41
NictraSaviosdubey, Finish it off with "chroot ./ /bin/bash"06:42
dzupFlannel: wow thats really wierd, but i belive is for "calling stuff" so people knows more easy, in reallty this is just nots06:42
troneww sonic06:42
dubeyNictraSavios: can you guide me step- by - step06:42
NictraSaviosdubey, Not for Ubuntu, but these commands are universal. Heres a guide > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Install_from_Existing_Linux#Chroot06:42
vodoo_what is SI what is IEC Flannel ?06:43
NictraSaviosdubey, Plus, if you don't know stuff like this.. what are you doing with a jfs file system? Stick around ext3,ext4 aha :P06:43
NictraSaviosdubey, Don't mind all the "Pacman" and "networking" bull in that guide, skip to the block with 4 commands.06:44
NictraSaviosAnd if anyone has a better chroot guide... send it to dupey06:45
LenovoG470can some one help me on an dumb built-in mic with Ubuntu 11.10? Thanks06:46
bugalooLenovoG470, did you try "alsamixer" on terminal? check the volume there06:48
LenovoG470bugaloo, yes, i did06:48
LenovoG470Bugaloo, and even the VU bars in PulseAudio Volume Control is moving, but no sound recorded06:50
beelzebobbyWhat's the easiest way to get a minimal Ubuntu system (without stripping it manually from Server)?06:56
glitsj16LenovoG470: what setting is active in pavucontrol's 'Configuration' tab for Built-in Audio? i guess it needs analog stereo duplex06:57
LenovoG470@glitsj16, yes, i got analog stereo duplex highlighted [and this is a new machine, Arhhh]06:59
=== exocaesar is now known as Guest42896
IronbuttI need some help07:03
IronbuttI'm trying to copy a file from one directory to another07:03
Ironbuttit gives me an error: no such file or directory07:03
blackbear008show me your command07:04
glitsj16LenovoG470: what do the sound preferences say for input and connector?07:04
Ironbuttright click copy07:04
Ironbuttright click paste07:04
blackbear008sorry,  I usually use command07:04
Ironbuttdrag and drop seems to have worked07:05
Ironbuttlinux is still pretty unstable07:05
Ironbuttyou would think with thousands of developers it would be a teeny tiny bit better... oh well, it's still cool.07:05
blackbear008not linux. may be your Xwindow problems.07:05
glitsj16LenovoG470: this time not from pavucontrol, but the sound preferences opened through the sound indicator applet07:05
vsMSIs it possible to use something similar to DPkg::Options {"--force-confnew";} in debian-insitaller?07:06
saint|2It seems like my net is really slow on ubuntu, is there any fix to this?07:06
Ironbuttsaint 207:07
Ironbuttare you on wireless?07:07
Ironbuttwell it's a problem with driver clashes07:07
blackbear008check your driver.07:07
IronbuttI don't know how to fix, the simplest way is to just buy another usb wireless card, or use a wired connection07:07
vsMSand if it's possible: How do I do it?07:07
Ironbuttbut you can fix it07:07
saint|2How do I check my driver?07:08
IronbuttI don't know how though07:08
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jenwhat can I use for animation or to make an animated pixel image?07:10
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Guest68815its linux I cant use photoshop07:10
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Ironbuttis there any way to hide this amd unsupported hardware message07:11
fuzzylinuxwhat can I use for animation or to make an animated pixel image?07:12
Ironbuttyou can use blender maybe?07:12
Ironbuttthat has a video editor07:12
Thor^^or gimp?07:13
LenovoG470glitsj16, sorry I just miss your last line, I was out thanks07:13
Dr_Willis Ironbutt  i seem to recall there being an option in the  ati control panel. or you can set in the xorg.conf file to hide that.07:14
Dr_Willisgimp has animation addons07:14
glitsj16LenovoG470: np07:15
fuzzylinuxx-x im lost on gimp07:15
fuzzylinuxi need windows, i need someone to teach me how to dual boot windows on here07:15
Dr_Willisfuzzylinux:  install windows...leave part of the hd unallocated to install linux on.. install linux07:16
IronbuttI would recommend virtualisation over a dual boot07:16
fuzzylinuxbut I dont wanna loose all my crap07:16
Dr_Willisor better yet - seperate hd for each os07:16
fuzzylinuxmy virtualbox sucks big time07:16
IronbuttI've got a separate hard drive07:16
Dr_Willisfuzzylinux:  more details would be.. handy07:16
IronbuttI dont have a dual boot set up07:16
IronbuttI just unplug the linux hard drive07:17
Ironbuttand boot into windows07:17
fuzzylinuxabout what?07:17
Dr_Williswe dontknow what your current setup is...07:17
fuzzylinuxubuntu ocelot, im so lost in updates i dont even know07:18
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111007:19
Dr_Willisok.. so you have ONLY linux on the machine?07:19
fishbaithow do i install macbuntu 12.0407:19
fishbaithow do i install macbuntu on ubuntu 12.0407:19
Dr_Willis fishbait  best advice... DONT... dont even try.. forget macbuntu even  exists07:20
fishbaitwhy broken packages?07:20
Dr_Willisits outdated, and a dead project. and caused issues when it was being updated07:20
Dr_Willisand its broke many an install back then..07:20
fishbaitah ty i was lucky then i already attempted buth the dock didn't work how do install just the theme then?07:21
Dr_Willisplus you  i imagine its not 'oficially supported' bu this channel either.07:21
Dr_Willisfishbait:  the theme may  be for gnome2. so wont work in 12.0407:21
Dr_Willisthere are differnt docks in 12.04 you can use.07:22
fishbaitit did only the dock didn't work07:22
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.07:22
dwakari am using Natty now, and i'm considering to upgrade to 12.04, but i tested it in my virtual box , the mouse wheel doesn't work on any program, should I upgrade?07:22
Dr_Willisavant and cairo are both  themable to look like osx07:22
fishbaithmm i shall have to do it manually then07:23
Ironbutthey, so I just launched natural selection 2 via wine07:23
Ironbuttit crashed07:23
Ironbuttand then I was stuck with the crashed screen07:23
Ironbutthad to force a restart of my computer07:23
fishbaithow do i activate cairo-dock?07:23
Ironbuttis there any way I can alt tab like stuff in windows?07:23
Dr_Willisfishbait:  install it and run it..07:23
dwakari am using Natty now, and i'm considering to upgrade to 12.04,  but i tested it in my virtual box , the mouse wheel doesn't  work on any program, should I upgrade?07:25
dwakaris there a workaround07:25
fishbaiti'm getting dependencies error it won't install07:25
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LenovoG470anyone would like to bother about setting a dumb built-in mic right in Ubuntu 11.10?07:26
Dr_Willisdwakar:  perhaps  you need the vbox guest addations.07:26
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox07:26
dwakarDr_Willis so it is not 12.04 bug?07:26
Dr_Willisdwakar:  my mouse wheel works fine... you could test it with a live cd...07:26
Dr_WillisI dont use  ubuntu in vbox..07:27
Ironbutthey, is there a wine channel anywhere?07:27
linuxmanhi everyone07:27
Dr_Willis #wineh07:27
Dr_Willis #winehq07:27
linuxmanim new to linux07:27
SEEVCarhi linuxman07:27
linuxmancan you help me?07:27
wookienzthats nice!07:27
dwakarok will do Dr_willis07:27
sx2020anyone know why if i run: # node script.js   it works, but not if i run: # node ./somedir/script.js   ?07:27
sx2020i thought the script's reference path would be relative to where it is located, not from where it is called.07:28
wookienzlinuxman, just ask what you want07:28
linuxmanim using ubuntu 9.0407:28
linuxmanwhy wont .exe files work in ubuntu 9.0407:28
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.07:29
Dr_Willis!wine | linuxman07:29
ubottulinuxman: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:29
linuxmanwhat do you mean by wine?07:29
linuxmani dont drink07:29
kaiserfarrell<linuxman> ubuntu 12.04 better07:29
Dr_Willisread what the bot said....07:29
fishbaitsudo ap-get install docky gets me E: unable to correct problems you have held broken packages how do i fix this?07:29
IronbuttWINE Is Not an Emulator07:30
linuxmandoesnt ubuntu 12.04 have like a 500 pound waist size unity?07:30
Ironbuttjust get lubuntu07:30
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Ironbuttor ubuntu studio07:30
Ironbuttor xubuntu07:30
Dr_Willisfishbait:  pastebin the whole of the error message perhaps. If your 'macbuntu' script sort of worked.. it may have things in a confused state07:30
Ironbuttor any other ubuntu that isn't ubuntu07:30
FloodBot1Ironbutt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
Dr_Willisfishbait:  a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' might make it install whats needed..07:31
Dr_Willisfishbait:  or sudo apt-get -f install07:31
sacarlsonsx2020: that would depend on how the script is writen07:31
linuxmanhow can ir be ubuntuif it isnt ubuntu?07:32
linuxmanlike zorin?07:32
Ironbuttlike lubuntu07:32
Dr_Willislubuntu is an official ubuntu variant07:32
Dr_Williszorin is not.07:32
Ironbuttwhich is ubuntu, it has access to all the ubuntu programs, interfaces etc but it comes pre loaded with a different set of programs, and also has the lfcxe or however you say it interface which is very light weight and fast07:32
=== Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi
linuxmanisnt lununtu still ubuntu but with the letter L?07:33
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:33
linuxmanwhat is lxde and what is garden gnome?07:33
Dr_Willisgo read the wiki page.07:34
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.07:34
Dr_Willisi think that dock list is a little out of date.07:34
linuxmanwhats a wiki page?? is it someting you read when your on the can?07:34
Kartagisokay, I installed cairo-dock. how do I configure it?07:34
LenovoG470anyone in the mood of helping me getting my dumb built-in mic to record? Thanks alot07:35
Dr_Willisrun it.. click on its configure icon in the dock it made, or right click on the panel it made07:35
Sam_LAnyone alive that can help me with postfix?07:35
BlueEaglelinuxman: It is ok to ask questions, but please avoid ones that can easily be answered by typing them into google.07:36
linuxmanok so i google it07:36
BlueEaglelinuxman: Well, sir, the questions you are asking are reminiscent of those a troll would ask.07:37
sacarlsonLenovoG470: be sure to read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting07:37
linuxmanno its just that im new to linux07:37
linuxmanand i need help07:37
linuxmani want to get the full experience of linux07:37
fishbaithmm i'm on the gnome-session fallback would installing gnome development files work?07:38
BlueEaglelinuxman: "What is lubuntu", "what is a wiki" "how do I run .exe-files in linux" are all very well answered by Google.07:38
BlueEagle!enter > linuxman07:38
ubottulinuxman, please see my private message07:38
Armageddonsudo apt-get install gentoo07:38
glitsj16Kartagis: cairo-dock is complex, visit http://www.glx-dock.org/index.php and check the wiki from there ... has a wealth of info07:39
linuxmanok army ill try that07:39
ArmageddonI still get these weird errors when I try to sudo apt-get install gentoo07:40
MyrttiArmageddon: did you have a Ubuntu question or a problem? a real one?07:40
linuxmanso sudo apt-get install gentoo will install gentoo 12.04 LTS?07:40
Dr_Willisgentoo is a dual pane file manager.. and a disrto.07:40
Dr_Willis!info gentoo07:40
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.12-1 (precise), package size 728 kB, installed size 1934 kB07:40
ArmageddonMyrtti, see07:41
moggyis that a fork of unbuntu07:41
hellyeahi have a problem about grub i cannot use my keyboard  nothing worked when grub was open07:41
intoregood morning, i have problem with the microphone of my dell laptop. The reproduced sound after registration has loud noises and i don't know how fix it. could you hlep me please?07:41
Dr_Willisthe gentoo file manager. has some neat features. ive used it a lot in the past07:41
fishbait... ins't gentoo the distro that custom compiles to fit the machine but has a super complex install process?07:41
Armageddonyes it is07:42
hellyeahpls help07:42
Dr_Willisgentoo is a dual pane file manager.. and a disrto.........07:42
Kartagiscan you help me figure out why chrome won't show up in alt-tab list? it only happens with chrome07:42
vibhavfishbait: There are 2 gentoos : A file Manager, and a linux distribution07:42
Armageddonand super complex is relative07:42
fishbaitvibhav: i know i was talking about the distro07:42
moggywhere do you get gentoo07:42
BlueEaglehellyeah: You may need to enable legacy usb support for keyboard in your BIOS. Please check your motherboard manufacturer documentation for how to do so.07:43
fishbaitmoggy: the file manager?07:43
Armageddonmoggy, www.gentoo.org07:43
sacarlsonhellyeah: a none working keyboard in grub might be you have a usb keyboard, if so make sure to activate legacy keyboard in your bios at boot07:43
Kartagismoggy: the distro? gentoo.org07:43
moggyis that debian07:43
Kartagisbah, I was slow07:43
linuxmanor is it puppy linux07:43
SEEVCarhas anyone tried Opera 12 in ubuntu 1207:43
linuxmanis gentoo puppy linux?07:43
Armageddonwell it kills puppies07:43
fishbaituh no its a whole other base distro07:43
BlueEagleSEEVCar: I have.07:43
hellyeahsacarlson:  actually it has worked  two days ago i start not working07:43
Kartagisis it a bird? is it a plane? no, it's gentoo07:43
BlueEagle!ot | EVERYONE07:44
ubottuEVERYONE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:44
Dr_WillisIs it OT? ... yes...07:44
fishbaitquick turn on the gentoo signal!07:44
SEEVCarBlueEagle: how did it go?07:44
linuxmani use fedora 1707:44
fishbaitbut back to the issue at hand07:44
BlueEagleSEEVCar: It went well.07:44
ArmageddonI use a real OS07:44
Kartagislinuxman: if you have an ubuntu related support question, ask. otherwise, refrain from trolling,07:45
SEEVCarBlueEagle: fast ae?07:45
BlueEagleSEEVCar: It is suitable for my needs. I am not going to start a flame war over browsers in here.07:46
BlueEagleSEEVCar: If you are contemplating using Opera in Linux please install it and try for yourself. Don't rely on others to make up your mind.07:46
SEEVCarBlueEagle: better than the bogged down firefox and chrome07:47
vibhav!ot > SEEVCar07:47
ubottuSEEVCar, please see my private message07:47
vibhavSEEVCar: We provide support here, instead of debating browsers07:47
SEEVCaroops sorry07:48
SEEVCarjust bad experence with other browsers07:49
BlueEagle!ot | SEEVCar07:50
ubottuSEEVCar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:50
aetoxx /j #coq07:50
hellyeahwtf i removed grub-pc when i try to reinstall it gives dependaency error07:51
hellyeahwtf wtf wtf07:51
fishbaithmm i think dock-managaer is broken07:51
BlueEaglehellyeah: Not sure why you would want to remove grub-pc to begin with. Would tiy mind pastebin-ing your error message(s)?07:51
BlueEaglefishbait: I think it has been spelled wrong. :P07:52
hellyeahBlue1:  my keyboard didnt work on grub i cannot pick os07:52
BlueEaglehellyeah: Did you enable legacy keyboard support in BIOS?07:52
fishbaitwell it showed as broken when i did it through synaptic pacakage manager07:52
moggyhi all07:53
BlueEaglehellyeah: ...as two people has already suggested in here.07:53
hellyeahBlue1:  it was working dude07:53
preechermoggy---mog dog?07:53
moggygood a07:53
hellyeah2 days ago this happened07:53
Dr_Willistry a ps2 keybord. if you got a ps2 port?07:54
hellyeahmy keyboard working now07:54
Dr_Williscould be bios got reset and legacy usb got turned off also..07:54
BlueEaglehellyeah: Why did you not say so in your original help request? What happened to your system two days ago? Is your keyboard connected to a powered USB-hub? Have you tried removing all power cables?07:54
hellyeahit is not working on grub only07:54
Dr_Willisive had to enable legacy usb on several pcs to get grub menus workingith them.07:55
hellyeahi have a laptop and i am using keyboard of laptop07:55
sacarlsonhellyeah: did you look in bios at boot for legacy?07:55
BlueEaglehellyeah: That would also have been useful information.07:55
Dr_Willisdead bios battery in one pc - i had to enable the legacy usb every boot up.07:55
hellyeahi dont have  "boot for legacy" in bios07:55
hellyeahi didnt see any menu like that07:56
BlueEaglehellyeah: It would read more like "legacy usb support". Do you have anything at all connected to your laptop? Monitor? Extra mouse? Extra keyboard? Docking station? USB harddisk?07:57
Dr_Willis 'Legacy USB  device support'07:57
BlueEaglepower supply?07:57
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sacarlsonhellyeah: and if your using the built in laptop keyboard maybe try a usb keyboard if you have one around to try07:58
fishbaitokay cairo dock install and macbuntu is functioning perfectly07:59
hellyeahunfortunately i dont have07:59
fishbaitnow how do i make gnome not show the bottom bar?07:59
hellyeahthe only thing i dont understand not i am in ubuntu my keyboard works07:59
hellyeahbut on the grub it didnt work07:59
Guest1are there any PCs that meet the minimal requirements for ubuntu, but yet are for some reason incompatable?08:00
sacarlsonhellyeah: then last option you can install grubcustomizer gui so you can pick the next system that will boot by default08:00
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BlueEaglehellyeah: That is because Ubuntu does have other USB keyboard drivers installed.08:00
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BlueEagleGuest1: I don't understand the purpouse of the question. Are you asking if there exists any low-cost hardware at all that does not have a linux driver and if such hardware is known to exist in any commercially available packages?08:01
hellyeahgrubcustomizer is a package08:02
hellyeahthere is no package like that08:02
Guest1BlueEagle, I'm asking if there are just certain PCs, that even though they are well and above the system requirements, just impossable to install ubuntu on (more specifically 12.04)08:02
sacarlsonhellyeah: http://askubuntu.com/questions/100232/how-do-i-change-the-grub-boot-order08:02
BlueEagleGuest1: I do not know of such a PC, however I do not have a list of every conceivable piece of hardware that has ever been produced so your question is impossible to answer.08:03
hellyeahha yeah i got it08:03
hellyeahthere is a file grub.conf or something08:03
MyrttiGuest1: meeting minimal requirements doesn't outrule the possibility of other parts of hardware not working after the install08:03
berniukas_traukii have an encrypted partition. And after power down an error comes up with subsequent "press ctrl+d for mainteinance". How do i make the partition not to mount and cause no "ctrl+d" in case of server restart?08:04
BlueEagle!hardware | Guest1: This may help08:05
ubottuGuest1: This may help: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:05
donkeyboyI am connecting to a windows server 2008 instance via remote desktop viewer using RDP protocol. How can I make it fullscreen? it only uses a tiny portion of the screen. If I select fullscreen, it then fullscreens on my side the small view window still08:05
Guest1Myrtti It won't even install. Every time, no matter how I do it, I get a message saying "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again"08:05
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linuxinori have an encrypted partition. And after power down an error comes up with subsequent "press ctrl+d for mainteinance". How do i make the partition not to mount and cause no "ctrl+d" in case of server restart?08:05
Dr_Willisberniukas_trauki:  theres the  'noauto' option in fstab. but then you  would have to mount the partition some other way when needed08:05
BlueEagleGuest1: Are you using RAID in any way shape or form?08:06
linuxinorDr_Willis, like for example "mount" command?08:06
Guest1BlueEagle let me google what that is, I'm guessing no, since I don't know what it is08:06
BlueEagleGuest1: After you have found the anwer it would also be helpful to know which install media you are using and where in the install process the error is occuring.08:07
Dr_Willislinuxinor:  but when to mount it...  from rc.local?  let the users auto mount..  what if it needs fscked.. then what. ;)08:07
Guest1BlueEagle I burned a cd for 12.04, Im not using raid, my hard drives are IDE, and look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall08:08
linuxinorDr_Willis, one partition is encrypted in some way and after reboot its unrecognizable. So if a pc reboots, i will have to run some kilometers to manualy reboot it as it is stuck on ctrl+d:) And i will also have to rob some employee of his monitor, what i really dont want:)08:08
Guest1BlueEagle, my install craps out after figure 7 but before figure 808:09
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ikoniaGuest1: as I told you yesterday stop using phrases like "craps out" - explain the problem, "craps out" gives no information to the person helping you08:09
Dr_Willislinuxinor: souinds like its failing a fsck. may be  aa sign of a deeper issue.08:09
BlueEagleGuest1: When you enter info into the "Who are you"-window, do you enter a computer name that may already exist on your network?08:10
Dr_Willislinuxinor: dirty work around woulld be to use noauto in fstab and mount the partitions from rc.local08:10
linuxinorDr_Willis, no its not. as i mentioned, a partition is encrypted in some special way. and if it boots normally, some other wise guy that did the encryption would ssh and complete the fixing08:10
Dr_Willisspecial way? ...  no idea tthen08:11
Dr_Willisother then let him also ssh in and mount it.08:11
Guest1BlueEagle, no, I tried entering "Ubuntu" for the name, but it told me there was already that name on my network (thats news to me...). So I entered "UbuntuPC" as the name08:11
linuxinorLUKS or some other stuff. i dont know. and if the pc is stuck on ctrl+d then he wont be able to ssh.08:12
linuxinori guess i will just have to mess with rc.local08:12
Dr_WillisUbuntu name was the live cd system. :)08:12
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sacarlsonlinuxinor: what is in the encrypted partition?  anything from /home/?08:13
BlueEagleGuest1: You could try it again and call the computer Betelguse and see if that helps. If someone on your network is using the same netbios name this may cause such an issue.08:14
linuxinorsacarlson, no. some data the company owner wants to protect:)08:14
Kartagiscan you help me figure out why chrome won't show up in alt-tab list? it only happens with chrome and unity. on cairo-dock it's there08:14
linuxinorthat partition is on another physical disk08:14
sacarlsonlinuxinor: ok then I guess it shouldn't be needed at boot so can be mounted manualy or at some later time08:15
aetoxxWhen visiting https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging, I get warned for malware.08:15
BlueEaglelinuxinor: It seems to me that the initrd may not know how to decrypt your encrypted partition and as such is having a fit. That is just guesswork by me, but it does seem to fit the bill. Updating your initrd so it knows how to decrypt the partition may help. Note: I don't know how you would go about making the changes nor which changes would need to be made.08:15
Guest1BlueEagle what is a computer Betelguse? Google is not helping me with that term.08:17
BlueEagleGuest1: It's a name that noone else on your network i using. You could call it Antarctica, but there are no ants on the north pole so that doesn't make any sense.08:17
linuxinori guess i will just edit the rc.local so the pc starts up08:18
linuxinorand let the wise guy do the rest of work08:18
linuxinorthank you, guys and gals:)08:18
Guest1BlueEagle OOOOH, I completely misunderstood the context of what you were saying. I thought you were telling me to call someone, on the telephone, but didn't know who you were talking about.08:19
amitphukanhi all! i had installed Ubuntu on my flash drive. yesterday i updated it but since then, the mouse, the touchpad is not working. i tried to do a sudo apt-get upgrade and now whenever i boot up, i land in a initramfs shell08:19
sacarlsonlinuxinor: I think I would just take it out of /etc/fstab until you find a solution or add the noauto08:19
BlueEagleGuest1: Yes, that would fit the context perfectly.08:19
Dr_Willisamitphukan:  a live-cd install or a full normal install?08:19
fishbaithow do i hide the bottom bar in gnome?08:19
amitphukanDr_Willis: it was from the USB creator software in Windows08:20
amitphukanI had downloaded the DVD ISO from Ubuntu08:20
sacarlsonlinuxinor: I have a scripts to mount and umount  encrypted file systems from files08:20
amitphukani am having to try to run application using alt+f208:21
Dr_Willisamitphukan:  so its a live install wwith a pereistant save file. those can break if you update/upgrade them and the kernels tries to get updated i find.. I always do full normal installs to flash drives for  'real work'08:21
Guest1BlueEagle Another thing I'm noticing is the cursor doesn't click at the point, it clicks at the bottom of the cursor. Is there a way to align that?08:21
Dr_Willisthe live cd setup on flash - is good for light ussage. if you dont install to muuch and dont try to upgrade the whole os.08:21
amitphukanDr_Willis: how to do full normal installs in a flash drive ?08:21
amitphukanusing the same Windows software ?08:22
BlueEagleGuest1: I have never encoutnered such a scenario so I don't know. May be an issue with your graphics driver.08:22
Dr_Willisamitphukan:  boot the cd or flash and install to  a differnt flash/external usb. be sure grub installs to the external hd/flash also08:22
Dr_Willisthew windows tool only makes 'live cd' setups with a optional  persistant save file08:23
amitphukancurrently i am on Fedora. from here (if I have the DVD ISO), can i make my pen drive (8GB) a full normal Ubuntu install ?08:23
Guest1BlueEagle, does ubuntu keep a log of what errors occured? I'm going to try to make the PC name something random, but I doubt thats the problem.08:23
fishbaithow do i hide the bottom bar in gnome on ubuntu 12.0408:24
Dr_Willisfishbait:  using the gnome fallback session?08:24
joel135amitphukan: i was where you are now a couple of years ago. back then, i should have just booted the livecd and installing on the usb like any other disk. don't know about now though08:25
BlueEagleGuest1: Do you boot the LiveCD and then start the installation from the desktop or do you start the installation from the GRUB boot menu?08:25
killer_when i  minimize the applications it just disappears and does not show in unity panel...any help?08:25
Guest1BlueEagle LiveCD. I'm seeing the menus in that link I sent you, and between figure 7 and figure 8 is where it dies.08:26
joel135amitphukan: or, if you don't fancy rebooting, you could install the proprietary version of virtualbox to get usb support08:27
amitphukanjoel135: i am just trying to figure out what will make my Pen Drive a working Ubuntu OS so that I can use it, update it, install software etc in future ?08:27
psycoseI am using Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit, with an encrypted home folder for user bob. All was great until I made an upgrade (still on 11.04), without bob connected to the system, there are lot's of /home/bob/.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED* folders. When I log usign bob, there are some missing file and folders. How could i try to recevoer the missing files ?08:28
joel135amitphukan: just install on it like you would install on any hard drive. i can give you instructions for setting up virtualbox, if you like?08:28
Ritchiecould someone help me a bit, please? What does it mean when in termanal after executing a command the next line is empty and only the cursor is blinking?08:28
Guest1BlueEagle, do you think using ext3 instead of ext4 could help? I originally wanted to use NTFS, since I know what that was, but everyone told me that you can't use NTFS for installing ubuntu this way.08:28
amitphukanjoel135: let me download the ISO. it was on a different laptop and I don't have it now :)08:28
joel135amitphukan: i'll be around for some hour08:29
=== Nealk_ is now known as Nealk
jollynipsdarknite: hallo08:31
KartagisTurkish repository is giving me a hard time. how can I get a complete list of us repositories?08:31
BlueEagleGuest1: You didn't answer my question. When you first boot from the CD you are asked if you want to start Ubuntu or install Ubuntu (not sure of the exact wording). One will start the installation procedure directly. The other will boot a Ubuntu desktop and then you have to click on the "Install ubuntu" icon.08:32
darknitei want to ask something about ubuntu08:32
BlueEagleGuest1: This is an important distinction because it does effect memory consumption and may even effect which modules that are loaded.08:32
jollynipsdarknite: go ahead08:32
Guest1BlueEagle, I go straight to install08:32
darkniteI want to change settings of my ubuntu but need root password where i forgot08:33
BlueEagleGuest1: Then I suggest you try booting the desktop. (If you had booted the desktop I would have suggested the direct install). :)08:33
darkniteso how to get the root password?08:33
amitphukanjoel135: thanks08:33
BlueEagle!root | darknite08:33
ubottudarknite: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:33
jollynipsdarknite: what are you wanting to do exactly?08:33
BlueEaglejollynips: He's breaking into someone elses computer. :)08:34
darknitei want to change my normal user settings08:34
jollynipsblueEagle: this was my first thought lol08:34
Guest1BlueEagle what if after I go straight to install, it fails, and then it goes to the desktop, and I tried from there? Or do you want me to start over, turn the PC off, and start from scratch going straight to desktop?08:34
fideldarknite: what setting would that be?08:35
jollynipsdarknite: if you want to change normal user settings theres many things you can change through the noraml settings menu08:35
darknitemy display settings08:35
BlueEagleGuest1: Well, I ofcourse do assume you have rebooted and tried again before asking for help. Especially since you already asked yesterday. If however you have tried and have the desktop check the /var/log directory for an installation log that may help shed some light on stuff.08:35
BlueEagledarknite: Did you read the link Ubottu posted for you?08:36
darkniteyeap..i have BlueEagle08:36
sacarlsondarknite: many if not most display settings don't even require sudo to change,  each user sets his own preferences08:37
BlueEagledarknite: So the question is no longer how to get root access but how to change your desktop resolution?08:37
HaltingStateAHHH windows wont stay where I put them, they keep moving to bottom of screen and snapping; WTF!?!?!08:37
HaltingStatewho design 11.10, this is a nightmare08:37
BlueEagleHaltingState: Did you turn on gravity on your desktop? </joke>08:38
Guest1BlueEagle, I'm at the Home folder, from here how do I go to /var/log ?08:39
HaltingStateBlueEagle, I want to kill someone; this is ridiculous; why is this happening; i just rebooted and it was not happening before08:39
HaltingStatei cant even click outside of the windows focus without it moving the window!?08:39
jollynipsHaltingState: download compizconfig-settingsmanager and check window management settings, see if it can tell you anything08:39
BlueEagleGuest1: you want to find "Filesystem" in the menu to the left. There you will find the folder "var" and under that a folder called "log".08:39
HaltingStatejollynips, I disabled CCS08:40
HaltingStatei disabled everything i can in cssm08:40
darknitethanks for the help..i'm still new in ubuntu 12.0408:40
jollynipsHaltingState: you did this after the windows starting going funky?08:40
Guest1BlueEagle thank you, I'll see if any of these files/folders can tell me anything08:41
HaltingStatejollynips, it only happens on xterm terminal and only on certain windows soi just open windows until i get one that does not move when i defocus it08:41
BlueEagleGuest1: I am guessing /var/log/installer/syslog (requires sudo to access) could tell you something useful. The last few pages would most likely hold some clue.08:43
jollynipsHaltingState: thats preeetty odd by the sounds of it! can't really think of why it would go like that08:43
ronromi have installed kde and login in kde but the gtk apps appear with big fonts, already tried "kcmshell4 kcmgtk" but the fonts remain the same, any help?08:44
BlueEagleHaltingState: Just to be sure. It only happens to xterm terminals and no other windows? Not even gnome-terminal?08:44
Guest1BlueEagle I'm in /var/log/installer/ but see no syslog. Whats this sudo I need?08:44
HaltingStateBlueEagle, i dont know08:44
juan_hola alguien me puede decir al go de xubuntu08:44
BlueEagleHaltingState: Could you try opening a gnome-terminal and see if it happens to it?08:47
jollynipsjuan: if you want the spanish ubuntu channel, i think its #ubuntu-es-es08:47
BlueEagle!es | juan_08:47
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:47
BlueEagle!xubuntu | juan_08:47
ubottujuan_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:47
BlueEagleGuest1: Hmm.. I would have expected there to be a syslog in there. It may be that it is moved to that catalog only upon successful completion. Check if you find a /var/log/syslog that may help. You might have to scroll back to the time when the installation failed though.08:51
x26sMigrated my dual boot (win7 and BT5R2) to a larger hdd and resized the partitions. Now BT throws a shell after the message "alert /dev/~ uuid does not exist"08:53
x26stried some forums.... renamed the right uuid in fstab after checking with sudo blkid08:53
Guest1BlueEagle, yes there is, and i'm looking through it now, although its a bit over my head08:54
BlueEaglex26s: You may also have to regenerate an initrd.08:54
x26sfdisk -l shows physical/logical endings different08:54
x26sBlueEagle:thnx... how to do that08:54
=== anonymous_ is now known as digitalrain
KartagisTurkish repository is giving me a hard time. how /where can I get a complete list of US repositories?08:55
BlueEagleGuest1: cat /var/log/syslog |grep -iC5 error08:56
BlueEagleGuest1: That will show 2 lines above and below any line in syslog that contains 'error'08:56
huhmasterFUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuu assholes08:57
Guest1BlueEagle, I use the search for text feature, and enter what you typed?08:58
BlueEaglex26s: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitramfsUpdates may help08:58
psycoseI use Ubuntu 11.04 with an encrypted home folder, if i connect througgh ssh, there are some folders that are duplicated, like Documents appear twice, but the only one I can ls is empty, do you know if this is normal ?08:58
BlueEagleGuest1: No, that's a terminal command08:58
BlueEagleGuest1: You could use it in conjunction with !pastebinit08:58
digitalrainanybody know why a terminal would freeze up?08:58
BlueEagle!pastebinit > Guest108:59
ubottuGuest1, please see my private message08:59
BlueEagledigitalrain: Because it's too cold?08:59
ronromi see that the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt exist, where is xorg.conf now?08:59
BlueEagleronrom: In most cases you don't need xorg.conf any more. However if you do need one feel free to create it in /etc/X11/09:00
jollynipsdigitalrain: define freeze up, does the prompt not appear?09:00
ronromBlueEagle: so how am i gona configure my graphc crads drivers?09:00
Guest1BlueEagle, ok, and now where do I find the terminal?09:00
digitalrainjollynips:   when i use terminal then go do somthing else when i come back its froze09:01
jollynipsguest1: press ctrl + alt + t for terminal09:01
Guest1ubottu thanks09:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:02
x26sBlueEagle: I have booted from a usb bt5. I have to update initrd for the internal hdd partition.09:02
jollynipsdigitalrain: sorry so as in you cant input commands, does it seem busy with a process or does the whole terminal window freeze up and you can't move it or anything?09:03
Guest1jollynips nothing happened.....if it matters, I'm on a liveCD desktop session09:03
digitalrainjollynips: yup the whole terminal frezzes and it wasent in proccess09:03
BlueEagle!chroot | x26s09:03
ubottux26s: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot09:03
jollynipsguest1: well you need to make sure you press them all @ the same time, its just a shortcut, otherwise search for the terminal in dash home if you're in 12.0409:04
BlueEaglex26s: What you want to do is to mount your root partition, bind mount your dev and sys and then chroot into that environment before running the ramfs-update.09:04
x26sBlueEagle: One last question: on fdisk -l, I also get physical and logical endings are different. Can this be the reason for my problem (alert no uuid, dropping a shellshell)?09:05
jollynipsdigitalrain: got no clue sorry09:05
Guest1jollynips, yeah, I was holding it down all down for a good 5 seconds, luckily searching for it did bring it up, and I am on 12.0409:05
BlueEaglex26s: It should not be. All that indicates is that there is disk space going to waste. Usually not more than a fraction of a percent of the total capacity.09:05
Dr_Willistheres that round to  boundries that the partition tools try to do these days. may be the reason x26s09:06
Dr_Willisround to nearest cylinder? (i cant rember now) its 5 am ;)09:06
x26sBlueEagle: so this is a grub2 and initrd problem. Thanks again!09:06
x26sDr_Willis: thnx!09:07
jollynipsguest1: hm strange, maybe you dont have that shortcut then, should do though im sure its a standard shortcut09:07
BlueEaglex26s: I don't think grub is part of it09:07
Dr_Willisthe logical ends befor the  physical = ok..   physical ends first.. well thats not ok. ;)09:07
bipulBlueEagle:  grub is a part of wht ?09:07
BlueEagle(unless I've misunderstood something, that is)09:07
BlueEaglebipul: The problem09:08
Guest1BlueEagle I typed this exactly "cat /var/log/syslog/ |grep -iC5 error" without the quotes. It says "Not a directory"09:08
x26sbipul: I had a problem with the bt5 dropping to a shell coz uuid does not exist09:08
bipulBlueEagle: what problem you have?09:09
BlueEagleGuest1: Seems you've got a / too many.09:09
omidohi.newbie here. i have few questions about java. why java is not available by default? which java package i have to install ? java 6 or 7 or icedtea? and what about Oracle(sun) java? where can i find it ?09:09
bipulx26s: ? can you explain you problem09:09
BlueEagleGuest1: syslog is a file, not a directory so it should be /var/log/syslog09:09
DJones!java | omido09:09
ubottuomido: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:09
Dr_Willisomido:  the gpl iced tea java is in thee repos..09:09
BlueEaglebipul: I'm not the one with the problem.09:09
Dr_Willis!java | omido09:09
Dr_Willisomido:  what are you going to be doing ith your java?09:10
bipulBlueEagle:  i need to know the problem ?09:10
x26sbipul: hold on09:10
DJonesomido: Its not available by default because of the licencing required, you had to manuall download & install from the official website now09:10
bipulok x26s09:10
x26sbipul: Migrated my dual boot (win7 and BT5R2) to a larger hdd and resized the partitions. Now BT throws a shell after the message "alert /dev/~ uuid does not exist"09:10
x26s tried some forums.... renamed the right uuid in fstab after checking with sudo blkid09:10
x26sbipul: still no use09:10
bipulx26s:  give me a time09:11
x26sbipul: windows booting ok.... can get a entry to bt5 from easybcd09:11
ikoniawhy are we discussing backtrack in here ?09:12
x26sbipul: but the boot from bt5 drops a shell09:12
x26sikonia: not specific to bt509:12
Dr_Willis x26s  check the /boot/grub/grub.cfg to se eif its got the right uuid for the linux install also.  both that and fstab need to be correct09:12
Guest1BlueEagle. Ok, I have a copy of the log file. If I were to e-mail it to you, would that be the fastest way to show you it's contents?09:13
ikoniax26s: backtrack and it's components can be discussed in #backtrack-linux, not here09:13
bipulx26s:  let's move to #backtrack-linux09:13
x26sikonia: this is not a problem about backtrack09:13
ikoniax26s: but you're testing it with backtrack09:13
x26sikonia:it is a problem about linux installation failing09:13
x26sikonia: u can assume it is ubuntu09:14
ikoniax26s: tack it to #backtrack-linux please.09:14
ikoniax26s: no, I'm not, take it to #backtrack-linux please.09:14
bipulx26s:  are you facing this ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/3 does not exist. Dropping to a shell09:14
x26sikonia: my problem is i have moved my  dual boot os to a larger hdd; the linux is going into a shell09:15
ikoniabipul: stop09:15
x26sbipul: yeah09:15
ikoniax26s: so take it to #backtrack-linux09:15
BlueEagle!pastebinit | Guest109:15
ubottuGuest1: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:15
ikoniabipul: this channel picks up ubuntu support, not variations like backtrack09:15
abhinavmehtaI want to transfer files between 2-computers, within the local network using peer-to-peer mechanism. I know smb and servers-side methods…but as I said, I'm looking for peer-to-peer mechanism..is that possible..? Like this app does: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/worml/id463103644?mt=1209:15
x26sikonia: u a moderator?09:15
ikoniax26s: yes09:15
x26sbipul: lets move to bt09:15
x26sikonia: am surprised09:15
bipulx26s: Hy just come here #backtrack-linux09:15
x26sikonia: lol09:15
x26sikonia: cant you see?09:15
BlueEagleGuest1: cat /var/log/syslog |grep -iC5 error |pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:16
Guest1BlueEagle, the computer I am on in this chat is not the ubuntu computer.09:16
ikoniax26s: I can see fine,09:16
BlueEagleGuest1: Is the ubuntu computer connected to the internet?09:16
bipulikonia:  i am not discusing anything here regading bt509:16
abhinavmehtawant to transfer files between diff. os'es like windows, mac, ubuntu…and my current local network is have wireless wifi setup.09:16
Guest1BlueEagle yes09:16
Dr_Willisabhinavmehta:  not clear on what you mean by peer to peer.. comapred to using scp for example09:16
x26sikonia: yeah i just realized.... see you dude09:17
ikoniathank you09:17
BlueEagleGuest1: Then I suggest you install pastebinit if it is not already installed and apply the command.09:17
abhinavmehtaDr_Willis: in sep, router will play the role or not..09:17
howlymowlyhi poeple..  I am sshing into an embedded version of ubuntu (beagleboard hardware)  I want to know:  if I shut down the BB ssh won't automatically log me out. In that case for example <ctrl>-<c>  or <ctrl>-<z>  will not work anymore, I guess, because ssh "swallows" those key combinations..  is there a workaround?09:17
Dr_Willisoh. a peer peer networked.. ;) not  a peer to peer service.09:18
abhinavmehtaDr_Willis: is it possible to do direct nic-connection between the computers…provided the initial handshake is done using wit router support.09:18
abhinavmehtaDr_Willis: yeap09:18
Dr_Willisad-hoc networking. :)09:18
abhinavmehtaDr_Willis: yes.09:18
Dr_Willisi got to many cheap routers sitting around. :) rarely do ad-hoc - rarely ever got it working either..09:18
abhinavmehtaDr_Willis: the benefit of doing this…you may get good transfer rates. SO, for example in current setup my wifi-router is of G-series..but nic-cards are of N-series…and thus router max transfer rate is 54Mpbs while nic-cards can transfer my data at much higher rates..09:20
abhinavmehta..and I found this in CrashPlan-app…they are transferring data between two computers at 100Mpbs++ rates…so now I also want to have my own such setup.09:21
abhinavmehtaso anyone who can tell me how to setup simple and quick per-to-peer file sharing service for a local-network..?09:22
Guest1BlueEagle, the only software I found in the Ubuntu software center by searching for that is nautilus pastebin configurator. Thats not it, is it?09:24
eddiejoin #UaPush09:26
Guest1BlueEagle, would this work? Installing from the links on here? http://linuxers.org/article/pastebinit-command-line-pastebin-client09:27
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: I guess samba as that will also work for window boxes as well09:29
abhinavmehtasacarlson: thats very slow…I want something which can transfer at 100Mbps++ rates.09:29
k1l_Guest1: "sudo apt-get pastebinit"09:29
k1l_Guest1: "sudo apt-get intall pastebinit"  sry typo09:30
k1l_*install that is. sry its too early for me :/09:31
Guest1k1l_ it says unable to locate package pastebinit09:31
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: I'm not sure why samba might be any slower than others but might compare it to sshfs09:31
abhinavmehtasacarlson: is it like sep/sftp..?09:31
Ritchiewhy does it happen that after executing "apt-key add -" nothing happens, I only see the cursor blinking?09:32
k1l_Guest1: can you show a "lsb_release -a" in nopaste.info ?09:32
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: yes sftp  all that is needed is install of ssh-server09:32
elkyk1l_, new  rule: consume caffeine before trying to help people :D09:32
Guest1k1l_ i'm not sure what your asking.....should I type that in terminal?09:32
abhinavmehtasacarlson: thats again a CLI tool…is there some good GUI-app for that..?09:32
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: nautilus supports sftp09:33
k1l_Guest1: yes, type that in terminal and copy the output into the page and show the link here (like uploading a picture :) )09:33
k1l_elky: yep, it was too early, i even forgot that :)09:33
abhinavmehtasacarlson: ohh..interesting. lemme check.09:34
amitphukani have downloaded Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop ISO image. Can I install it to my Pen Drive using a dd command ? Or is there any other way ?09:34
Guest1k1l_ says no LSB modules are available09:35
k1l_Guest1: and the other lines?09:35
buharinkto podpowie jak naprawic ten debilizm09:35
buharinwlaczam skype09:35
buharinalbo wesnoth09:35
k1l_!pl | buharin09:36
ubottubuharin: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:36
buharini jak gdzies przeklikne np. na przegladarke09:36
Guest1k1l_ Distributor ID: Ubuntu, Description: Ubuntu 12.04LTS, Release 12.04, Codename: Precise09:37
rob_hi, any upstart gurus about? im having a strange problem where i can run 'start myscript' and it works fine but for some reason the job isn't starting on boot even though i have 'start on started network-services'09:37
k1l_Guest1: so this is a clean original ubuntu? or any spin off?09:38
Dr_Willisamitphukan: dd can work09:38
Guest1k1l_ clean original ubuntu, and at the moment its running off of a liveCD because for some odd reason, I cant install it. I've tried over 12 times now. Keeps dieing in the same place every time.09:39
sacarlsonGuest1 did you try boot a usb instead of cd?  as I have problems with my old cd drivers09:40
amitphukanDr_Willis: dd if=/ubuntu-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdb1 ?09:40
sacarlsonGuest1 also maybe try some older versions of ubuntu like 10.04 or other09:41
Dr_Willisamitphukan:  sdb  not sdb109:41
k1l_Guest1: you shold try the alternate installer09:41
k1l_!alternate | Guest109:41
ubottuGuest1: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:41
Guest1sacarlson the only USB I have is an SD card and then an SD card reader. I dont have a thumb drive09:41
amitphukanDr_Willis: ok09:42
sacarlsonGuest1 I think those should work as well as it's seen the same as a usb flash as long as it has at least about 700mb in size09:42
Guest1sacarlson, and it doesn't matter which usb port it is?09:43
sacarlsonGuest1 seems some of usb ports work better than others, I just trail and error but I think some are usb 1.0 and the other is usb 2.0 ports09:46
jollynipsim currently dual booting 12.04 with win7, intend to delete it after 1yr warranty goes, when i eventually get to it, do i use grub to delete windows or do i have to do it another way?09:46
BlueEaglek1l_: He's in a recovery system.09:46
sacarlsonGuest1 they maybe both work but one is slower09:46
abhinavmehtasacarlson: I started experimenting using ssh-method, but file transfer rates are < 1 MB/sec :(09:46
k1l_jollynips: remove the windows partitions. extend you ubuntu partitions. run update-grub. thats it09:47
Ironbutthey, I'm trying to watch a secure video on 3dbuzz.com and it won't load09:47
jollynipsk1l: kk thanks09:48
k1l_BlueEagle: ok. but he should use the alternate installer.09:48
Ironbuttthis is an issue with linux. I think it's to do with the fact it's a secured video, that needs authentication09:48
Dr_Willisironbutt if secure means it has 'drm'  protection.  most likely linux cant play it09:49
Ironbuttit means that it establishes a secure connection before loading09:49
Ironbuttbecause it's a subscription based video streaming site09:50
Dr_Willishulu and hulu plus work in linux.. and it has a subscription option.09:51
Dr_Willisso im not sure how the ';secure' part would be causing the issue.09:51
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: this guy notes getting  90 MB/s out of samba and 9mb/s from sftp http://www.freelance.com/en/mission/view/Development-of-a-Windows-USB-driver/dbf92bec379da3c00137c0c70c2270b2   so maybe you have some other problems09:51
Guest1If I type multiple peoples names in a row, will all those people see their name in red?09:51
Dr_Willisguest1  their irc clients normally look for mention of their own nicks in any line.. so yes.09:52
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: what systems do you have on each side?  both ubuntu?  if so what versions?09:52
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: what bandwidth are your hard disks?  as that can also be the slow point in the chain,  what is copy speed from one local hard disk to another?09:53
IronbuttGuest1, Dr_Willis, sacarlson well does it?09:54
Dr_Williswhen someone mentions my nick on this irc client THEIR nick shows up in green. ;)09:54
Guest1BlueEagle, sacarlson, k1l_, ubottu, thank you all for your help, but now it's time I went to bed. So I guess I'll keep trying tomarrow.09:54
Guest1Ironbutt, I saw it09:55
abhinavmehtasacarlson: so sorry for late-reply..I was away from syste,.10:01
abhinavmehtasacarlson: I'm having Ubuntu12.04 and Mac, with 7200rpm and SSD on each side respectively. And my nic-cards are of N-series, but router is of G-series. (nic=wifi cards)10:02
abhinavmehtasacarlson: and thanks, lemme check that link.10:02
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: oh you expected wifi transfer rates of faster than 100mb/sec ?10:03
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: try a wired net to verify what the real limits might be10:04
abhinavmehtasacarlson: yes…10:04
abhinavmehtasacarlson: hmm..thts good for smb tests.10:05
amitphukanDr_Willis: the dd command is still going on .. seems like it will not end.. is there any other parameter to pass ? it does have a VFAT formatted partition in it10:05
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: don't expect every packet to even make it in wifi, maybe 10% failure rate with retry10:05
abhinavmehtabut what I'm saying was: I've seen wifi-transfer rates at 100Mbps++ while using CrashPlan-app…and thus I found that this is possible rate for data-transfer within local-network….now I'm pretty sure that can't have same with my G-series router…but thought this is possible with peer-to-peer networked.10:06
abhinavmehtaso..know coz I know that this could be achieved over current setup with wifi…now question is how to get same in-general file/folder sharing.10:07
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: are there rates calculated before or after compresion?10:07
himanshu_m786<himanshu_m786> hi ... i want to know  how to change the default setting in linux of python 2.7 to python 3.x10:08
abhinavmehtasacarlson: compression is definitely could be the factor..and I don't know whether that app does that compression or not.10:08
abhinavmehtasacarlson: but even though if its a runtime compression..100Mbps is still a awesome rate.10:08
abhinavmehtainfact sometime it hits 200Mbps++ rates10:09
abhinavmehtaso that rate is awesome, I guess.10:09
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: well if crashplan works faster then use that10:10
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: what is your local hard disk to local hard disk transfer rate?10:11
abhinavmehtasacarlson: hmmm:) guess I could…but that do only for its own…it doesn't provide me interface for file-transfer…it just backups the data..and that too with the encryption.10:11
abhinavmehtasacarlson: mac is having SSD and Ubuntu is having 7200rpm10:11
abhinavmehtaBTW: crash plan screen: http://cl.ly/3j2n2n0a1a2u373W1d3N10:11
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: that's not a speed what mbps?10:11
abhinavmehtaohh..lemme check10:12
Ironbuttlol, that's not a speed10:12
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: but they should blaze10:12
abhinavmehtasacarlson: lemme check.10:12
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: than what else you think is that..?10:13
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: rpm is revolutions per second10:13
abhinavmehtasacarlson: I know. I thought Ironbutt is saying about screenshot.10:14
pengwhi all10:14
pengwfffffff is =???10:15
pengwhow can i check my GPU mem size10:15
Ironbuttlooks good to me10:15
abhinavmehta7200RPM disk having 6GB/sec and SSD having 230Mb/sec10:16
IronbuttI don't think it's possible10:16
Ironbuttfor a 7200rpm to have 6gbps10:16
scriptwarlockpengw: could it be lspci -v | less10:16
Ironbuttif you have a hard drive of those speeds, send it back to the labs so they can make more of them10:17
serdotlinpengw: terminal> lspci -v -s `lspci | awk '/VGA/{print $1}'`10:17
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: sorry, my mistake..7200rpm having 1030Mb/sec10:17
abhinavmehtacan find more details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_disk_drive (Under heading Data transfer rate)10:18
IronbuttI doubt it can sustain that for lots of small files10:19
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: there could be several such factors…which can hinder or lower the rate…but that the max I guess, under controlled env.10:20
Ironbuttyeah, that makes sense10:20
Ironbuttooh new overgrowth video10:20
abhinavmehtaand thats why I never think-off to have 1000Mbps transfer rate…but can think of 10% of it, I mean 100Mbps..isnt it..?10:21
vampirnataI'm having some issues with byobu keybindings. I can't seem to get C-a! working to disable byobu. Also Shift-F2 to split window doesn't work. Haven't tried any others. Anyone have a second to try and help?10:21
Ironbuttgeneral transfer rate for a 7200rpm should be between 40 and 100mbps10:22
IronbuttI use green drives and sometimes get 100mbps on them, usually 40mbps though10:22
joachiblis it still true that NetworkManager's dnsmasq configuration is hardcoded?10:22
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: ok…I'm happy with 10Mbps too….but not with 1Mbps….but how to get even 10Mbps speed..?10:23
joachibli'd like to add a few lines to the dnsmasq to add PXE/TFTP booting, but i can't figure out where do change this10:23
Ironbuttmaybe your sata cable is busted10:23
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: hmmm ;)10:23
IronbuttI've had that before10:23
Ironbuttwith a dvd drive10:23
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: ohh..and even after busting it could work...?10:23
Ironbuttbusted sata cables work, just very slowly10:24
abhinavmehtaIronbutt: okay..if you insist…I check local-file-transfer rates on both of my machines.10:24
Ironbuttseek times are what kill speeds on a good hard drive, because they just physically cannot move a write head faster than they can spin a disk10:25
abhinavmehtaOn ubuntu I'm getting around 25Mb/sec and on Mac getting 42Mb/sec…10:26
joel135amitphukan: i'm sorry i left. my irc client crashed or something10:26
ZehleHello! :)10:27
Ironbuttooh, you can buy magazines here10:29
=== Raines is now known as Rains
Zehlelly just need to write EXIT and it starts to boot, but it would be nice to be able to skip that for all because it's a server pc, I don't want to need to use screen and keyboard to start it :)10:31
ZehleWhy did all my text dissapear? :S10:31
ZehleTwo problems with Ubuntu:10:31
Ironbuttand don't forget two10:32
Zehle1. I get a boot menu. I just want to boot the first alternative directly.10:32
Zehle2. I get Busybox with initframs. i can write EXIT and it starts ubuntu but it would be nice to be able to start the PC without using keyboard and Screen10:32
Ironbuttyeah, sometimes I get that boot menu, sometimes I don't... it's weird10:32
ZehleI want it to go wawy :P10:33
Ironbutttry eating your keyboard10:33
ZehleIt's just interupting....10:33
ZehleSomeone serious here?10:33
joel135Zehle: you want to follow these instructions http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/bootmenu10:36
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joel135Zehle: setting "GRUB_TIMEOUT" to 0 should skip the boot menu10:37
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ZehleJowl1135: Thanks, I'll try that, what about the BusyBox? You know anything about it?10:39
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AnwarShahCan anyone help me?10:47
ikoniaAnwarShah: if you ask a question/explain the problem, people can try10:47
* nafcool agrees with ikonia10:48
AnwarShahI want to configure nautilus to open ntfs partition with `exec` permission10:48
ikoniaAnwarShah: this maybe a silly question, but this isn't because you can't open something in wine is it ?10:49
AnwarShahNo, I can mount ntfs partition, but i want them with exec permission like Lucid, because there are some scripts there, which i have to regularly execute10:50
ikoniaAnwarShah: scripts ? as in shell scripts, or Windows scripts ?10:50
AnwarShahIn Lucid, whenever i double click on a script, it asks to execute10:51
AnwarShahshell script10:51
ikoniaAnwarShah: that's interesting so you are suggesting the partion needs an executable flag, rather than the actual script ?10:51
AnwarShahmay be. I am not sure10:52
ikoniaAnwarShah: give me a moment, I'm just checking, the exec mount option does appear to be valid10:52
ikoniaAnwarShah: I'm alarmed to read the default nautilus mount options for NTFS are compiled in, but I find that hard to believe, so I'm just researching10:54
AnwarShah@developer, hello10:54
nafcooldeveloper: hello!10:54
ikoniaAnwarShah: there is an interesting suggestion that these settings can be edited with gconf editor, I have the path to the option if you want to check ?10:55
AnwarShahyes, very good.10:55
AnwarShahSorry, i am new to irc. first time10:56
ikoniasee if that is still valid10:56
AnwarShahso i don't know how to ping10:56
fAz4i've added my test.conf to /etc/init/ , should i add anything else to bringing up my service ?10:56
ikoniaAnwarShah: if that doesn't appear valid any more it does suggest that the options are compiled in, which is terrible10:56
developerAnwarShah, ping<space>IP10:56
AnwarShahthanks, how to know the IP10:57
tgahey, for quickly setting up a temporary mail server is there anything better than postfix?10:57
AnwarShahping AnwarShah10:58
ikoniatga: better is really down to personal opinion10:58
ikoniatga: it works fine10:58
tgain your personal opinion then10:58
edwinkcwtga: use gmail10:58
ikoniatga: there is nothing wrong with using postfix if your comfortable with it10:58
tgawell, I'm not, what's the easiest one to configure?10:58
edwinkcwtga: gmail as smtp , almost no config is needed10:59
ikoniatga: depends on your skill/awareness, postfix is pretty straight forward10:59
AnwarShahping ikonia: can you please paste that key again.10:59
tgaedwinkcw: thanks, but the reason I need a temporary mail server is because a gmail screwup10:59
AnwarShahi accedently cleared all the messages10:59
ikoniaAnwarShah: you don't need to type "ping", just say my name10:59
tgaikonia: mmkay, just checking10:59
ikoniaAnwarShah: /system/storage/default_options/ntfs/mount_options10:59
ikoniatga: if you're ok editing text files and understand how MTA works, you'll be fine with postfix11:00
tekoniveloi'm getting an decoding error with Deja-dup... should i report it under duplicity or deja-dup?11:00
tekonivelothe error is "log.Debug(_("Selecting %s") % subpath.name)11:00
tekoniveloUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 44: ordinal not in range(128)"11:00
mustinetHi all, how can i see server status of repos. my repo adresses prefix is tr. but i cant fetch any content from repos. always returning "failed to fecht http...... connection failed"11:00
ikoniamustinet: view the repo in your browser, it's just http11:01
AnwarShahikonia I do not find the key in gconf-editor.11:01
ikoniaAnwarShah: how dissapointing11:01
ikoniaAnwarShah: it does appear the settings are compiled in then.11:01
mustinetikonia: server not found. connection is aborted11:02
ikoniamustinet: there you go then11:02
TheBadger412on eagle pcb all of my windows are opening up but unity is not showing them, every time I click the eagle icon it just opens another version of eagle11:03
TheBadger412if i minimise the windows they just dissapear11:03
ikoniaeagle pcb ? what has that got to do with ubuntu ?11:03
TheBadger412no forget its eaglepcb, just another program.. I created the unity icon for the program11:03
AnwarShahikonia , so i cannot edit them, without recompiling? am i correct?11:04
TheBadger412but i dont know how to get unity to display the open windows, the icon i made just opens up another full package11:04
ikoniaTheBadger412: please don't lie11:04
ikoniaTheBadger412: you've just told us it's eagle pcb11:04
TheBadger412I think you are massively confused11:04
ikoniaam I  ?11:04
ikoniahow ?11:04
TheBadger412I created the icon myself, for a program I want to use. Say it was my own program, how do I get unity to integrate open windows in it11:05
ikoniaoh I see11:05
ikoniamy apologies.11:05
wasanzyplease how do I restart or reset my dchp on ubuntu?11:06
TheBadger412wasanzy: $ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?11:07
snigilhi  all11:10
sacarlsonwasanzy:  or do you mean dhcpd  the server side?11:11
Kartagis!info svn11:12
ubottuPackage svn does not exist in precise11:12
Kartagis!find svn11:12
ubottuFound: libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-perl, libsvn1, python-svn, python-svn-dbg, bzr-svn, cvs2svn, esvn, esvn-doc (and 43 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=svn&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all11:12
Kartagishow do I know what repo <package> is in?11:15
wasanzysacarlson: may be yes11:15
SkippersBossKartagis, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=svn&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all11:16
sacarlsonwasanzy: then it might be sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart or equiv upstart11:17
fAz4i have to call " start task" to bringing up my app in Upstart11:17
fAz4is it anyway to register it ?11:18
KartagisSkippersBoss: svn is in universe, I have the line deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise universe multiverse in my sources.list, yet I get subversion has no installation candidate11:18
sacarlsonKartagis: you should look at git instead of svn but that's just my preference11:19
Kartagissacarlson: kvirc is on svn11:20
scriptwarlockis there any way we can lock unity panel or icons?11:21
scriptwarlockis there any way we can lock unity panel or icons from changing?11:21
yandex2318scriptwarlock: Yes, I think it's possible11:22
scriptwarlockyandex2318, how, i'd like to use precise for my cyber cafe and limiting the guests11:22
MrokiiHello. Not sure if this is directly Ubuntu related, but I have recently downloaded a game that uses Flashplayer. The problem is that when I put Flashplayer in Full screen, it doesn't accept keyboard-input anymore. What I noticed is that Flashplayer seems to be V.10, even though the Flash-plugin is 11.11:23
SkippersBoss!find subversion11:23
ubottuFound: python-subversion, python-subversion-dbg, subversion, subversion-tools, hgsubversion11:23
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yandex2318scriptwarlock: Create a custom user group for the guests, and restrict their permissions11:24
scriptwarlockyandex2318, yes i know guest limits but locking the unity panel from changing is what i was looking for. does guest account limits the use or editing of unity panel?11:25
JediMasterI'm having problems trying to get Ubuntu 12.04 64bit installed on a XCP 1.5 host (aka XenServer 6), I couldn't get it to recognise the CD ROM, but I've got the netinstall to get past that and I get: "failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg --force-depends", looking on the console logs, I can see "Illegal Instruction" - the host has 2x12 core AMD 6238 cpus, and the VM is assigned 16 of those11:26
JediMastercores and 100GB of ram11:26
yandex2318scriptwarlock: Not specifically, it might be a bit of work for you to set it up11:27
sacarlsonKartagis: oh seems I see it on gitorios and github also https://github.com/Voker57/kvirc/commits/master11:28
sacarlsonKartagis: maybe not the same version or branch11:29
scriptwarlockyandex2318, pessulus is a nice idea but i think they pulled from repo11:29
SkippersBoss!find pessi11:30
ubottuFile pessi found in libopenmpi-dbg, libopenmpi1.3, libopenmpi1.5-2, libopenmpi1.5-dbg, ruby-activerecord-2.311:30
SkippersBoss!find pessulus11:31
yandex2318scriptwarlock: If you can find how the Unity panel is configured (an XML file or similar), it would probably be easier to just initialize it upon login each time rather than lock it down11:31
ubottuFile pessulus found in ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu11:31
sacarlsonKartagis: I also note it's in the ubuntu repository kvirc precompiled11:31
scriptwarlockyandex2318, guest acc and unity lockdown from changing is a win for public use i think.11:32
marcoscriptwarlock: what exactly is this unity lockdown?11:34
Kartagissacarlson: I was told to get svn, as I have issues with the current one11:34
fAz4what's runlevel [!2345] ?11:35
anggahow to make link from /var/www to /home/user/www ??11:35
KartagisfAz4: runlevel 111:36
Kartagisangga: man ln11:36
anggahow to use ??11:36
Dr_Willisangga:  apache has a feature to allow users to host web sites in their home. Or you can set /var/www where the users can access it.11:36
anggayap.. but i want to set in my home folder. its to complicated if still in /var/www11:37
scriptwarlockmarco, i tried one machine from my shop and configured the usual icons customer uses like firefox, g chrome, libreoffice and some. problem is the customer keeps changing the app shortcuts in the panel so i was thinking of limiting them by locking the panel11:38
Kartagisangga: load user module11:38
Dr_Willisangga:  link /home/user/www TO /var/www  not the other way. that way teh actual data is still in /var/www11:38
Dr_Willisthen set the groups for the user where they have access to /var/www   would be the 'best' way i belive11:38
anggai'll try :D11:39
anggaone more.11:39
Dr_Willisangga:  askubuntu.com has variantions on your question....11:39
marcoscriptwarlock: and what prevents you from giving him a guest account or an account for him only to use?11:39
Dr_Willisseveral good hits there.11:40
Dr_Willisbest one seems to be --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/46331/how-to-avoid-using-sudo-when-working-in-var-www11:41
greg606I need your help11:42
scriptwarlockmarco, an account for every customer?11:42
greg606I have two monitor I cannot set next to each other11:42
marcoscriptwarlock: hmmm, you mean the machine is exposed for anyone to use?11:43
greg606requested position/size for CRTC 148 is outside the allowed limit: position=(2541, 0), size=(1920, 1200), maximum=(4096, 4096)11:43
greg606could you help?11:43
Dr_Willisgreg606:  what video card/chipset are you using?11:44
scriptwarlockmarco, es for the public anyone can use thats why i was thinking of just putting some standard panel setup for commonly used app11:44
greg606ati hd4870x211:44
greg606it always worked11:44
greg606not in 12.0411:44
marcoscriptwarlock: wait.. I'll think of something11:45
Dr_WillisYou are using the flgrx driver? or are you using the open sourced driver?11:45
mortishathere is a problem while I was trying to install ubuntu, error was no proper bios file found. Can anyone help me???11:45
Dr_Willisgreg606:  you tried the ati/amd config tool to rearange monitors?11:46
greg606it only works stacked under each other11:46
L3topgreg606: it should be noted that the 12-5 version of fglrx/catalyst has dropped support for your card.11:46
scriptwarlockmarco, is it possible to edit in unity shell.qml?11:46
greg606L3top: i guess i have 12.411:47
marcoscriptwarlock: I'm thinking of changing the permission of the files that store the configuration11:47
Dr_Williswhats the pixle with of the monitors greg606 ?11:47
marcoscriptwarlock: btw, not sure, but I think that .qml is only for unit-2d11:47
Dr_Williswhats their resolutions11:48
greg6062560x1600 + 1920x120011:48
scriptwarlockmarco, right11:48
Kartagisheh, I rebooted and my problem with chrome not appearing in alt+tab list goes away11:48
Dr_Willisso 2560 is the width. (wow thats a wide one) and  2560+1920 =11:48
L3topgreg606: Just a heads up is all... http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?70500-AMD-To-Drop-Radeon-HD-2000-3000-4000-Catalyst-Support11:49
KartagisDr_Willis: how do I replace unity launcher with cairo-dock?11:49
greg606Dr_Willis: 448011:49
Dr_Willismaximum=(4096, 4096)11:49
Dr_Willisso the way i read the errors.  greg606  is the card cant do those wide of a displsy. try changeing the res on one of the moniotrs to somthing lower then see if you can set them side by side.11:50
Dr_WillisKartagis:  just make a custom session that runs compiz and your dock. You dont replace the launcher. :) you just dont use it...11:50
greg606Dr_Willis: yes it helps11:50
greg606but it worked in 10.1111:51
Dr_Willisgreg606:  id bet its some sort of memory/gpu limit..  is all i can say.11:51
ilmenitei have puppet 2.7 installed, how do i downgrade to 2.6?11:52
Dr_WillisI thought when you installed cairo-dock it added several sessions to the lightdm login screen to run it with differnt window managers.  I may be thinking of AWN however..11:52
Dr_Willis!info puppet11:52
ubottupuppet (source: puppet): Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.11-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 19 kB, installed size 336 kB11:52
Dr_Willisilmenite:  is the 2.6 version in the repos? if so you can 'pin' the older version11:52
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:53
greg606Dr_Willis: thanks11:53
KartagisDr_Willis: any guides on making a custom session?11:53
scriptwarlockmarco, be right back checking guest account if system settings is limited. ping you back11:53
Dr_WillisKartagis:  check the lightdm login screen gear menu first.11:53
ilmeniteDr_Willis, how do i figure out if its in the repo?11:53
Viedzminhi there i have a question i use ubuntu 10.04 and i want qt 4.7 is there an existing repository with this qt?11:53
Dr_Willisilmenite:  fire up synaptic perhaps.11:53
ilmeniteDr_Willis, on the terminal11:53
Dr_Willisilmenite:  no idea.11:53
Viedzminbecause i don' want to make this qt from backports11:53
LenovoPC2342I compiled wine-1.5.7 using the automated compile script and installed to /usr/local/bin/wine.      But it won't run from the terminal, although /usr/local/bin is in the $PATH.   error:  /usr/bin/wine: No such file or directory11:54
DJonesnnnnnnnnnnnnn: Don't post that11:54
Dr_WillisLenovoPC2342:  the bash shell is rembering the old path/cached it.. try opening a new terminal window.11:54
Dr_WillisLenovoPC2342:  or i think the 'rehash' command makes it rescan11:54
geirhaLenovoPC2342: or run hash -r in the current11:54
Kartagishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/54507/add-a-new-custom-session <--- Dr_Willis are you talking about this?11:54
LenovoPC2342Dr_Willis..worked. Thanks.11:55
Dr_WillisKartagis:  theres dozens of guides on it.. and as i said it MIGHT allready have an entry in the sessions list on the lightdm login screen11:55
ikoniacould someone please check the "about" tab in nautilus in ubuntu 12.04 for me and confirm which version number it's showing11:55
Kartagisokay, brb11:55
Dr_Willis /usr/share/xsessions/cairo-dock.desktop11:56
Dr_Willis;) one allready made.. several in fact11:56
Kartagisikonia: 3.4.111:56
ikoniaKartagis: thank you11:56
geirhaikonia: 3.4.2 here11:57
ikoniathats fine, more than enough, thank you11:58
Kartagisthanks a lot Dr_Willis, it works11:59
Dr_Willisthe devs made the .desktop and session files. :) I just hapened to notice they were there.12:00
scriptwarlockmarco, if we come up empty today shall we post my concern to Uforum?12:00
echoMikehi everyone12:03
marcoscriptwarlock: maybe you can try in #ubuntu-unity or unity-design mailing list12:03
echoMikei m like a newbie on empathy :/12:03
scriptwarlockmarco, sure12:04
Wiz_KeeDguys i cannot friggin kill a process12:04
Wiz_KeeDi do kill pid and nothing happens12:04
scriptwarlockmarco, thanks for the time12:05
WomkesWhen I try to make a screenshot in Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop I only get the background of my desktop or a complete black screen. I already tried another tool like Shutter but it has the same problem. Im running Ubuntu inside a Virutal Box environment.12:06
geirhaWiz_KeeD: If there's no error message from the kill command, that means it successfully sent the SIGTERM signal to the process. If that process doesn't die, that program is broken.12:06
WomkesAnybody got an idea what the issue might be?12:06
WomkesI want to grab some screenshots from application windows12:06
Wiz_KeeDwell i accidentally pressed ctrl+z in the terminal12:06
Wiz_KeeDand the process i was running went in background12:06
PiciWiz_KeeD: type fg12:07
Wiz_KeeDwhat does that stand for?12:07
PiciWiz_KeeD: yep12:07
Wiz_KeeDwow, thanks man12:07
Wiz_KeeDwhat if there are multiple procceses in the background?12:07
geirhaWiz_KeeD: Ah, use  "jobs" to list processes, then  kill %1  to kill job number 1.  A process cannot be killed while suspended, but when you kill it with %, the SIGCONT signal is sent first, to wake it up so it can receieve the TERM signal12:08
PiciWiz_KeeD: I believe  you can specify which job you want to bring to the foreground, use `jobs` to determine which one12:08
Wiz_KeeDhmm now that i do ctrl+z and do jobs i can see [1]+ Stopped12:09
geirhaWiz_KeeD: See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/JobControl to learn more12:09
Wiz_KeeDand how do i return to the process without killing it?12:09
Wiz_KeeDthanks for the refference geirha12:09
Wiz_KeeDah it allready does that except i didn't see any output12:10
AdvoWorkhi there, trying to allow a user to ssh into my machine, have openssh installed/running, ive made a new user with a password, i can ping the computer but can't ssh to it. eventually it says connection timed out?12:10
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  you may want to look into screen/byobu/tmux if you are doing a lot of bashing and need better 'job' controll12:10
JediMasterhas anyone managed to install Ubuntu 12.04 64bit on a xen vm?12:11
JediMasteror XCP or XenServer12:11
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  try ssh -v  (or -vv or even -vvv) for verbose error messages.12:11
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  if you can get to the remote box physically be sure you can 'ssh localhost' to it.12:11
Wiz_KeeDah guys i wanted to ask, does anyone here have the slightest clue why when i use my ubuntu 10.04 for wireless connection, if i let it boot and auto-conenct to the wireless network in a few minutes the whole laptop freezes and if i disconnect and try to connect to the network it will keep asking for the password and never connect12:11
Wiz_KeeDbare in mind that when i use windows or my android device it connects succesfully with the given password to the wireless network12:12
Cyclohexanehow do you add something to startup?12:13
AdvoWorkDr_Willis, i can ssh localhost fine, i tried ssh -v user@ip and get ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out12:13
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  this is going through a router on a local lan?12:13
AdvoWorklocal lan, or should be, its all on the same network, so im trying to ssh from 192. to 192.12:14
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  both box's are Ubuntu?12:15
Dr_Willistimed out - points to it being some firewall or other blockage. Not the server refuseing connection.12:16
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chmacMy mouse pointer is stuck as the link icon from one web site. Closing firefox has no effect. I'm unable to click on anything, but I can still use the keyboard fine.12:16
chmacAny advice on how to resolve without a restart?12:16
Dr_Willischmac:  sure its not just the pointer thats invisible?12:17
chmacDr_Willis: I can see the cursor, move it around, but clicking / right clicking / etc has no effect...12:17
Dr_Willischmac:  that is.. original.. ;)12:18
chmacDr_Willis: Twice in a row on the same web site, I thought it was a fluke the first time, apparently not, it's reproducible!12:18
Dr_Willischmac:  unplug/plug the mouse back in perhaps?12:18
chmacDr_Willis: Apologies, didn't say, laptop!12:18
Dr_Willischmac:  whats the url?12:18
Dr_Willislaptop? turn it upside down and shake it... oh wait.. thats an Etch-a-sketch12:18
chmacDr_Willis: It's the post page for a forum, so you'd need to register an account first, but here's the url http://riviera.angloinfo.com/forum/post.asp?method=Topic&forum_ID=10612:19
chmacDr_Willis: I wrote a post, selected a word, made it into a link, and once I clicked the "OK" button on the javascript prompt, boom, my cursor has been taken over...12:20
Dr_Willisso just a Forum site.. thats weird that it would mess things up. now a game site or somthing special that would want to grab the cursor.12:20
chmacRight, just a fairly bog standard wysiwyg editor...12:20
Dr_Willisgotta love help wanted classifieds.. so you were replying to some post and it messed up.12:21
chmacDr_Willis: I was writing a new post, happened before, I rebooted, then tried to post again, and the same thing happened.12:22
chmacI was able to submit the post this time anyway, I used the keyboard.12:22
chmacThere must be something I can kill which will free up the mouse I reckon, just not sure what to look for in `ps auxww`...12:22
Dr_Willisother then killing the whole browser.. i cant think of anything12:23
chmacDr_Willis: Even the whole browser won't make any difference, at least it didn't last time.12:23
Dr_Willisthats why i was wonderinf if the pointer was there but invisible.. :) but you said you could move but not click.. sounds like some issue with the touchpad driver.12:23
Dr_Willischeck the output of the 'dmesg' command in a termial when you click the buttons a few times.. also check if 'xev' regiesters the clicks12:24
AndChat251264Try running 'sudo rm -rf /*'12:24
daniel___im running natty, what happens if i add a precise repo to my sources? i need to install a package that is only in precise12:24
chmacAndChat251264: Are you crazy?12:24
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:24
daniel___i dont want all my packages upgrading to these versions though12:24
Dr_Willisadding a precice repo to a natty system - is not a good idea12:25
chmacCan somebody be banned for such a post? I'm guessing AndChat251264 is a disposable account anyway :-(12:25
joachiblshouldn't ubottu kick/ban people who say that?12:25
daniel___oh man, i just ran that command12:25
Dr_Willisthey dont want the bots riseing up against us.. so their botty powers are limited..12:25
chmacdaniel___: You're kidding?12:25
daniel___yeah :D12:26
chmacI was curious as to the use of /* instead of simply /, but that kind of malice is just not cool.12:26
chmacAnyway, back to topic...12:26
chmacDr_Willis: I'll try dmesg now...12:26
chmacDr_Willis: xev does not appear to register the clicks12:27
chmacDr_Willis: dmesg produces output and then stops, it's too quick to try clicking while it's running I think.12:27
Dr_Willisyou just want to look at tghe end of dmesg12:27
daniel___how can i safely apt-pin a certain package to use a future ubuntu repository, but only that package?12:28
AdvoWorkDr_Willis, i've done sudo ufw disable but same problem, any idea what else could stop it?12:28
GeeksOnHugsI have all my music on Google Play music and my main web browser is chromium but it doesn't appear work on chromium.  It does work on firefox.  Is there anything I can do to try to fix it?  would a google chrome build be worth a try...I don't necessarily prefer chromium over that12:28
chmacGeeksOnHugs: Does it rely on flash?12:29
GeeksOnHugsI just wonder how it could possibly not work...other streaming music works fine with chromium12:29
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  check sudo iptables --list to be sure all rules are gone.  instad of the ssh localhost test.. try 'ssh the.ip.of.the.server' from the server and see if it connects12:29
GeeksOnHugsit works on chrome on windows12:29
chmacGeeksOnHugs: AFAIK, the main difference between chromium and chrome are plugin stuff.12:30
GeeksOnHugsit's like html 5 stuff12:30
Dr_WillisAdvoWork:  on my home lan here. i just install the ssh server. and start shsing around...12:30
chmacGeeksOnHugs: If I were to guess though, I'd say it will work in chrome.12:30
chmacGeeksOnHugs: You could file a bug against chromium.12:30
daniel___can i install a package that isn't in any of my sources repositories, by specifying the repo in the command or something?12:30
GeeksOnHugsOK...so the ubuntu app store only had chromium...i'm a linux noob, so a regular install is scary :P12:30
chmacdaniel___: You can download a .deb and install it?12:30
GeeksOnHugsbut I willing to try12:30
Marco75Hi to the channel, is there an ubuntu distribution that still uses the gnome desktop?12:31
chmacGeeksOnHugs: It's pretty easy, you can get a .deb file from google, you download, double click, click install, done.12:31
Dr_WillisMarco75:  if you mean gnome2 - theres no official ubuntu vcariants.. there are Unofficial ones.12:31
Dr_WillisMarco75:  check the disrtowatch site. they mention some12:31
GeeksOnHugsOK, wow, it seems like most things I look at installing have an instruction manual for installing12:31
Dr_WillisMarco75:  check for ones that use 'mate' also.12:31
chmacDr_Willis: Ok, I don't see anything in the end of dmesg about clicks, it's all UFW block messages.12:31
GeeksOnHugswhat is a .deb fire12:31
k1l_Marco75: did you try xubuntu, it looks like gnome212:31
daniel___chmac: i could, is there a way of apt-getting it though?12:32
GeeksOnHugsdeb is like auto installer?12:32
Dr_WillisMarco75:  lubuntu, xubuntu, or the gnome fallback sessions are  the official options12:32
chmacGeeksOnHugs: A .deb file is a package that you can install.12:32
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.12:32
Marco75hmmm ok, I'll try...can't stand unity.12:32
chmacGeeksOnHugs: A standard file format that allows ubuntu to install software in a predictable way, so it can be easily removed, etc. Wikipedia will no doubt tell you more.12:32
punk45rocklinux mint has a spin of MATE12:32
SkippersBossGeeksOnHugs, you might have to install the gdebi package first12:33
chmacMarco75: You tried unity-2d?12:33
GeeksOnHugsi see...cool.  so it's only ubuntu then?  they should have a standard for linux overall IMO, don't you think?12:33
chmacMarco75: You can also select gnome-classic in 12.04, I did for a while until I settled on 2d.12:33
GeeksOnHugsoh nooes lol skipperboss what is gdebi12:33
Arashhello ;)12:33
chmacGeeksOnHugs: I'd suggest being mindful of deciding what "they" "should" do... :-)12:33
Arashhow can I use net command ? and what are the right syntaxes ?12:33
Marco75what's unity 2d... never heard of it12:33
chmacGeeksOnHugs: There are 2 major formats, .deb on debian / ubuntu / etc, and RPM on Redhat / CentOS / etc.12:34
GeeksOnHugsOK...yah I've seen RPMs12:34
chmacMarco75: When you log in, you can click the icon next to your username, and change login options. There are 4 I believe.12:34
GeeksOnHugsI think I've seen more of them12:34
GeeksOnHugsI didn't know what to do with them...so they don't work on mine12:34
Marco75get it... I'll try.12:34
Sidewinder1!rpm | GeeksOnHugs12:35
ubottuGeeksOnHugs: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)12:35
compdocAdvoWork, youve installed openssh server on one or both of the boxes? you only need to edit sshd_config and disable root login. then restart the service12:35
GeeksOnHugsbut thanks for the tip, now I'll look for deb files out there, that should open up my software options12:35
Arashcan anybody help me about net command ????12:35
GeeksOnHugs!APT = .deb??12:36
ubottuGeeksOnHugs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
GeeksOnHugsi hate that fucking bot12:36
chmacGeeksOnHugs: Language please12:37
GeeksOnHugsis chmac a bot12:37
GeeksOnHugsj/k :P12:37
chmacOk, I tried killing metacity, still no cursor...12:37
GeeksOnHugsokies, I'm gonna give chrome a go...wish me luck12:37
GeeksOnHugsdo you think I ought to remove chromium first?12:38
GeeksOnHugswaiting on a suggestion, I'd think no but want to do this as well as possible12:39
chmacDr_Willis: Oh shoot, turns out killing firefox did work this time, DOH!12:39
chmacGeeksOnHugs: No need, I run them both.12:39
GeeksOnHugsOK, cool...why BTW?12:39
chmacGeeksOnHugs: .deb files include conflict data, so if one package needs another to be removed, you'll be warned when you try to install and asked what you want to do.12:40
GeeksOnHugsok yah I've come across that in a previous fliritation with linux12:42
GeeksOnHugsI've flirited half a dozen times, but this time is for keeps.  On my newest computer, no windows at all (though I'm weaning off RDPing into an old windows machine)...the deb file is great, it actually opened up the app store that I got chromium from to do the install12:43
GrnLntrnusing chatx, are there some commands that will suppress all theses "joined" "quit " messages ?12:44
GrnLntrnI think I want gpg but software center shows five different files.  I don't know which I need?  Anyone?12:45
GeeksOnHugsmy first was in the 90s, like mentrix or....mandrake, yah...it was so obnoxious...I see in the OS section of the computer store, a boxed mandrake linux package...so I'm like sweet, it'll be like installing dos (it was back in the day)...and so I buy it and in the box is nothing but a big heavy book stuffed in it12:46
GeeksOnHugsno CD...it says download the latest version on the internet12:46
ikoniaGeeksOnHugs: don't need your life tale in here12:46
ikoniaGeeksOnHugs: try #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat12:46
GeeksOnHugsok sorry12:46
ikoniaor #defocus, or ##linux-social12:46
ikoniaGeeksOnHugs: it' is not a problem12:47
GeeksOnHugsok yay, chrome installed, and play music works on it :)  ty...have a good one...12:51
salvatoreHi how i can install IE 9 on ubuntu 12.04? is it possible in wine/playonlinux avoiding a virtualbox?12:52
GeeksOnHugsactually one last on topic question...can I get an RDP *server* for ubuntu?  (not VNC)12:53
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ikoniaGeeksOnHugs: why don't you want vnc ?12:53
tolsalvatore: why do you want IE 9????12:53
yandex2318salvatore: You can try IEs4Linux: http://www.tatanka.com.br/12:53
Tm_TGeeksOnHugs: I've successfully used google play music with chromium12:53
compdocGeeksOnHugs, ther is none12:53
tolikonia: RDP is much faster12:53
GeeksOnHugsI don't RDP seems more solid, I forget I'm remoting in with RDP, usually VNC somehow doesn't feel as nice12:53
yandex2318salvatore: It's not that reliable though, I just use a Virtual Machine12:53
salvatoreI need it for website testing..12:53
sacarlsonsalvatore: you can fake a site into thinking your running IE9 or any browser with an added plugin12:54
GeeksOnHugsalso I paid for a nice rdp client on my xoom lol already12:54
sacarlsonsalvatore: by running firefox with a plugin12:54
salvatorei use wine for ie6 testings12:54
yandex2318sacarlson: That doesn't mimic the rendering engine of Internet Explorer. I don't think you know what you're talking about12:54
sacarlsonyandex2318: no but it gets me into my bank that won't let anything in accept IE12:55
salvatorei know about those plugin...but think that a solution with wine might be more clean12:55
GeeksOnHugsTm_T not sure why it didn't work for me, but Chrome's doing nice...it might be faster.  It's a 64 bit build, I mighta had the 32 bit chromium, not sure (whatever was in the ubuntu app store)12:55
ikoniasalvatore: if your bank needs IE, I would not run IE on anything but a native windows platform12:55
buharinwho can help me?12:56
compdocGeeksOnHugs:   XRDP Server12:56
yandex2318salvatore: I wouldn't trust online banking which _requires_ IE as the only browser, it smacks of technical incompetence12:56
sacarlsonyandex2318: salvatore: for render testing and just to be sure my sites work with windows I just use virtualbox12:56
GeeksOnHugscompdoc righteous thanks...lemme see12:56
salvatoremmmm ok i'll check this anyway IEs4Linux: http://www.tatanka.com.br/12:57
sacarlsonyandex2318: some sites for reasons uknown require IE and they aren't all banks12:57
compdocGeeksOnHugs, type in RPD into the software manager and make sure you uncheck the 'hide technical items'. Then read reviews of any you find12:57
BluesKajwhat kind of bank restricts it's platform to winows only browsers ...there a lot of mac users too12:58
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  heard some Korean banks have to use ActiveX for security12:58
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  some grandfathered in thing.12:58
Dr_Willisbut thats just what ive heard korean users in here say. So who knows. :P12:59
sacarlsonBluesKaj: http://toastytech.com/good/badsitelistframe.html12:59
salvatoremmm do not want to reccomend that...i'll use a virtual box then....thanks!12:59
GeeksOnHugscompdoc XRDP not in software manager (the app store thing?)...but I found http://www.xrdp.org/ ... sweet exactly what I want...but downloads as a tarball, that means no fun installing? :P13:00
tolGeeksOnHugs: try with apt-get13:00
compdocGeeksOnHugs, try:  sudo apt-get install xrdp13:01
GeeksOnHugsBluesKaj seriously...windows is on the way out...well I'm hearing good things about windowsrt/windows 8, not sure if it's fanboism or real13:01
WeThePeoplewhen using virtualbox what version of backtrack works best.. img, iso, or vmware?13:01
tolGeeksOnHugs: I'm using xrdp at home and it works great13:01
BluesKajactiveX as a secrity feature , wow that's precious :)13:01
GeeksOnHugsthat's awesome...can you have a windows client?13:01
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  grandfathered in from years ago when korea was cutting edge.13:02
Dr_Willisbut its getting OT.13:02
sacarlsonBluesKaj: the banks need it so they can rob you of your money from your other banks13:02
GeeksOnHugstol / compdoc I will, I'll wait till later in case I run into issues, I've been procrastinating starting some work lol...I might give the tar file a try first, then go to the command line second if I have troubles13:02
sona1111hello, can anyone help me cconfigure iptables for transmission-daemon13:03
BluesKajGeeksOnHugs, don't hold your breath , 90% of windows users don't know what an OS is ...it's just a "computer"13:03
GeeksOnHugsBluesKaj yah, the only reason I gave it a second thought is I came across a decent techie and he was swaring up and down how the new windows changes everything and all...though on the flip side he's a .NET programmer so...13:04
scriptwarlockDr_Willis, halo boss, no more gui for user management in precise?13:04
Dr_Willisscriptwarlock:  theres a user config tool i recall seeing.. I rarely need to do user management13:05
sunsonI have a separate SMTPD. I'd like the simple 'mail' utility to work from another ubuntu host. What is the right way to do this?13:05
sacarlsonsona1111: would turning off the firewall completely be enuf?13:05
Dr_Willissystem -> user accounts13:05
sunson(MX record exists for the recipient domain)13:05
yandex2318BluesKaj: 90% of Linux users don't know what an OS is either...13:06
sacarlsonsona1111: if so then I think sudo ufw disable ; might work13:06
Joshua_MGthere are any straightfoward way to install old python versions (as 2.6) on ubuntu?13:06
sona1111i have another interface i want all traffic for transmission to go through that13:06
GeeksOnHugsyandex2318 true, these days...took me a second, but you're right13:06
scriptwarlockDr_Willis, yes creating but managing13:06
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GeeksOnHugsyandex2318 or more correctly 90% of linux users don't know they are linux users13:07
sacarlsonsona1111:  then I guess we need more details with a pastebin of sudo iftables -L;  oh then it's a route isue not an iptables one13:07
sona1111one sec i will ssh13:07
milliganI've got a virtual machine running on vmware. I increased the processor count on it (went from dual to quad) and rebooted the machine. Looking at the CPU load, it's still at ~1.0, and checking top it seems that mysql is running @ 100% on one core, instead of utilizing them all. What could be causing that?13:08
yandex2318milligan: Some programs don't use threading or run on multiple cores... perhaps MySQL is one example?13:08
yandex2318milligan: Apparently MySQL is multi-threaded (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/faqs-general.html#qandaitem-B-1-1-8), but probably not for individual queries13:11
sona1111well i could pastebin13:11
sona1111but theirs no router at all in the output13:11
sacarlsonwhat's the difference of a proxy and a gateway,  I wonder if you had 2 nics with 2 ISP if you could just setup one as default and point other apps to the other with proxy settings13:11
sona1111all that i managed to do so far was set the default route to the main13:12
sacarlsonsona1111: I don't have 2 nics with 2 ISP not to verify or not that a proxy setting on your torrent client would work or not13:12
sona1111i understand. thank you for trying to help13:13
DarkStar1Hi all I have a 10.10 server and just edited the sudoers file to allow admin group to be able to sudo, now I have been booted out of the sudoers list13:13
sacarlsonsona1111:  but you might research or just try the posibility13:14
ikoniaDarkStar1: that is the default config13:14
ikoniaDarkStar1: the admingroup can already sudo13:14
DarkStar1ikonia I thought the % meant that line was commented out13:14
ikoniaDarkStar1: no13:15
ikoniaDarkStar1: hence how you must have used "sudo" to edit the file, meaning "you can use sudo" meaning "the %admin" line is not a comment13:15
ikoniaDarkStar1: if it was a comment it wouldn't have allowed you to have sudo privileges to edit the file13:16
sacarlsonsona1111: oh I forgot the other posible solution but it would require that your torrent client ran on another system or in a virtualbox where you setup dhcpd to point that box to a different gateway of the other ISP13:16
Dr_Willis# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges13:16
Dr_Willis%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL13:16
DarkStar1ikonia: I  added myself specifically a while ago so my name was already in it13:16
ikoniaDarkStar1: why did you add yourself when you where already part of the admin group ?13:16
Dr_Willis% means 'group'13:16
frakkHi! Not entirely sure if this is the right channel, but here goes: Is it possible to use 'crunch' with the -t option (fixed characters), but at the same time tell crunch to mix the cases?13:17
DarkStar1but I removed my name and figured I mayas well "enable admin" group :(13:17
ikoniaDarkStar1: and for you to be able to add yourself you must have already been able to use sudo, eg: the admin group13:17
ikoniaDarkStar1: how did you think you where able to edit the sudo file in the first place to add your name ?13:17
DarkStar1I added my name in last year sometime. to the sudoers list13:17
frakklets say I want to generate a wordlist of the word goat in all possible variants of upper and lower cases followed by two numbers. E.g goat00, Goat01 ... GoAT99 etc.13:17
ikoniaDarkStar1: yes, how did you get permission to add your name in......13:18
frakkIs this possible to do with crunch? Any other tool that could do the task in an apropriate manner?13:18
DarkStar1ikonia: I set it up back then. I figured I disabled the admin group back then13:18
DarkStar1I guess I didn't13:19
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sacarlsonfrakk: I don't know what crunch is but I would us a ruby script to do it13:20
DarkStar1crap I'm locked out now13:20
yandex2318I wouldn't use Ruby, it will take a few hours for the script to complete13:20
agc93Anyone here know if its safe to delete the ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache folder ??13:20
ikoniaDarkStar1: use recovery mode or a livecd13:20
ikoniaagc93: it's just cache13:20
DarkStar1ikonia It's a remote virtual server13:21
bouubuntu 11.04, thunderbird 13.0.1 , says "connected to server" but it is not even asking for a password, not downloading, nothing13:21
agc93as in safe to delete ikonia? I just want to make sure before i break something :P13:21
boui have googled, similar problems date from 2006 or so, have uninstalled and installed again ..13:21
fidelagc93: ifi you are afraid -backup it first ...but i see it similar to ikonia ...its cache ;)13:21
ikoniaDarkStar1: ask one of the onsite guys to add you back in then13:21
DarkStar1Will have to13:22
frakksacarlson: hm, it's not a one time job and I'm not experienced enough to write a script like that myself. Seems to me like a task that should be doable with a already existing script, given that there are so many wordlist tools:/13:22
DarkStar1ikonia: thx anyways13:22
fidelbou: i can ensure you that TB 13 itself is working13:22
fidelare you setting it up the first time? feel free to give su some more details13:22
maitehi i am trying to install java so I can run a jar file on ubuntu.13:22
sacarlsonfrakk: ya like jack the ripper or something might already do it13:23
maiteit works on windows, but in ubuntu it's just lots of jar and .class files13:23
boufidel, thanks. no , had been using it for at least a year, as far as i am aware i had changed nothing, just one day it started to not checking emails13:23
maiteI have java installed - 6 and 7, but nothing happens when I chose "open with java" etc13:23
fidelbou: used to terminal?13:23
boui am now checking my emails with mozilla seamonkey13:23
yandex2318maite: What output do you get running it from the terminal?13:24
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boufidel, not really, but can deal with it13:24
fidelbou: personaly i would start by checkinf it TB really connect to your mailserver13:24
maiteyandex2318, how do I run it from the terminal? is it just "java filename.jar"?13:24
maiteI will pastebin it13:24
yandex2318maite: Using the command "java -jar jarfile"13:24
maiteaah okay13:24
fidelbou: TB or seamonkey `or why are you mentioning both?13:24
boufidel, apart from connecting to mailserver via ssh and checking log, i can see from my pc that it is not even connecting to mail server13:25
boui mentioning seamonkey because seamonkey "does" work, from same pc13:25
fidelbou: is there a local firewall maybe blocking TB/seamonkey/inser-random-mailclient-here13:25
maiteinvalid or corrupt jarfile.. Ahre download then...13:25
frakksacarlson: hm, I'll look more into the documentation of john. Crunch was less complex, something I saw as an advantage:), but it might not do what I want to13:26
boufidel, no: otherwise seamonkey would not manage to check emails either13:26
Kartagisdo you guys happen to have an idea why dropbox stalls at 99% when downloading?13:27
bouand, TB does work from another pc on same network13:27
sacarlsonfrakk: I just ran the johntheripper or jacktheripper with default settings and the added worklists that openwall provided13:27
frakksacarlson: yeah, I did even pay for the extended openwall edition :) but in this case I want to experiment with just one particular word in combination with numbers in different places and cases13:29
sacarlsonfrakk: but if you want to run the openwall list with your added uper lower case thing to generate a bigger list then add a script to remove dupps13:29
frakkalthough the order of the letters must always be the same13:29
yandex2318Kartagis: No idea, but it probably generates logfiles13:29
sacarlsonfrakk: in that case write your own script not hard in bash or ruby13:30
Kartagisyandex2318: happen to know where if it does?13:30
frakksacarlson: ok. tips to what commands to start to research? (I think I prefer bash, because I have some limited experience here)13:31
yandex2318Kartagis: Probably in your home folder, otherwise just grep for it13:31
agc93theoretical question (thank god): rm * will remove all files from the current directory, yes?13:41
agc93but will it remove hidden files?13:41
ikoniaagc93: files, not directory13:41
ikoniaagc93: . will include hidden files13:41
chuxxssshi all13:42
agc93ikonia: so hang on, rm * will delete every file in PWD, but not hidden ones. Whereas rm . will delete every file in pwd, including hidden?13:42
ikoniaagc93: yes, but not directories13:42
ikoniaagc93: try it13:42
ikoniaagc93: (assuming you can do so safly)13:42
agc93ikonia: I'd tried rm . but didnt know how * behaved13:42
agc93and you would obviously need -r before your directories were in danger13:43
ikoniaagc93: and f to force13:43
agc93The real problems start when you start invoking / in an rm command :P13:43
bousomthing in my compuer is stopping TB from checking my emails but I can't figure out what13:43
zwnedI am having issues with a diskless ubuntu install. I have an intel Pro HBA that is configured to boot from SAN via iSCSI. I can complete the isntallation, reboot, and see the boot volume (stored on the SAN). But then the boot process hangs on 1500 MTU DHCP RARP.13:44
agc93zwned: thats your network interface i think13:44
chuxxsssHow would I expansed my ubuntu 12.04 if I installed it on to a windoz 7 laptop?13:44
zwnedagc93 all NICs are reporting the same thing13:44
agc93at least a 1500 MTU configured by DHCP is the standard eth0 interface configuration13:44
zwnedeth0 - eth5 are reporting the same13:45
agc93and the boot process stops there?13:45
zwnedeth0-3 are network eth4 and 5 are iSCSI13:45
zwnedyes sir13:45
agc93well, that is seriously odd. I've got nothing :/13:45
zwnedI have done the rescue boot option, statically assigned ALL my interfaces and I still get that13:46
LantiziaI've got a bunch of .jpg's in a dir, how can I tell 'cp' to copy only those with numbers before the .jpg ? (and not any with a single alphabetical character)13:46
spillereinstalled gnome-core, now when I try aptgetting i get the error No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already13:46
spillereany idea how to fix that?13:46
zwnedI was told that the problem is initramfs doesnt have support for iSCSI by default and that the kernel is blowing chunks durring boot13:47
zwnedhavent seent a good place to get information for this issue13:47
r0f5have not seen the error "kernel blowing chunks". Be specific, please.13:48
zwnedr0f5, 1500 MTU DHCP RARP is the error13:49
zwnedI asked around on the debian channel and was told that initramfs didnt have support for iSCSI by default13:49
sacarlsonzwned: I'm not sure but maybe add in the dhcpd server to make sure that it always gets the same IP address for that mac13:50
zwnedI have tried to rebuild the image with iSCSI support but dont know if it is successful as it is still not booting correctly13:50
L3topzwned: I believe that is NIC related. Is this by any chance pxe booting?13:50
zwnedsacarlson, isnt there a way to completely kill DHCP? shouldnt it be loking at me network configs or is that not seen until the machine fully comes up13:51
yandex2318Lantizia: Just write a simple script13:51
zwnedL3top, No - I have gone through the BIOS numeros times and killed the PXE boot as well as the option for DHCP on startup for the card.13:51
sacarlsonzwned: to boot pxe it needs the dhcp,  with 5 nics I would think at least one would be supported by the kernel13:52
zwnedI mean I guess it is possible but I wouldnt know how to fix it other than actually removing the other interfaces for the urpose of testing13:52
sacarlsonzwned: but with 5 nics pluged in I wonder how it pics witch to boot from?13:53
zwnedAll are supported by the kernel (INTEL Pro 1000) , I dont want PXE I want iSCSI completely diskless boot13:53
zwnedThe hardware controller handles that13:53
zwnedI specify iSCSI target and configure the initiator13:53
sacarlsonzwned: oh you just used pxe to install13:53
zwnedthat part is working or I wouldnt get the grub menu13:53
zwnedI dont want PXE - at all13:53
zwnedcompletely iSCSI13:54
PiciLantizia: something like: find /path/ -maxdepth 1 -iregex [^a-z]\.jpg -exec mv {} /other/path/ \;13:54
PiciLantizia: replace -exec with -echo to test that it grabbed the right files... although that particlar command won't work well for files that have spaces in the,.13:54
zwnedshouldnt need PXE as the hardware controller is "mounting" the iSCSI target and presenting it to the OS as a SCSI volume13:55
L3top<Pici> Lantizia: something like: find /path/ -maxdepth 1 -iregex [^0-9]\.jpg -exec mv {} /other/path/ \;        perhaps?13:55
KornKage2wel.. im having this problem.. wireless laptop is connecting to the wireless router, but its not opening any pages13:55
LantiziaPici, L3top, I actually needed to use mcopy in the end anyway and did this....    mcopy -i mmc ::.images/[0-9][0-9].jpg MyDocs/.image13:55
spilleremy apt-get is broken, how do I clean '5 not fully installed or removed', because when trying t insyall gnome-core I get this error No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already13:55
zwnedthe only problem is that after grub and kernel selection it hangs for some reason, I dont know if anyone has any experience with initrd and iSCSI13:55
LantiziaPici, L3top, just need to now figure out something similar for copying any jpg that has an alphabetical character in it13:56
zwnedspillere, apt-get install -f13:57
DeltaHeavyHey, after installing XFCE my sound stopped working. Is there a fix for this? Anybody care to help me troubleshoot?13:57
spillerezwned: this happens when I try to apt-get something http://pastie.org/414852013:58
spillereill purge thse and try to reinstall13:59
sacarlsonzwned:  I've never used this iscsi thing did you read this? http://etherboot.org/wiki/sanboot/ubuntu_iscsi13:59
mohanr2222guys.. I'm new to gtk and I have questions.. Is this the right place to ask?14:00
sacarlsonzwned: I see in that doc they use initramfs-tools that must add the needed drivers to the kernel at boot time14:00
d3f4ultr0hey folks, how do I check if a package is installed? In redhat or centos, I run rpm -qa|grep xml14:06
bucaneirohello from persia14:07
philinuxd3f4ultr0: apt-cache policy packagename14:07
Twinkletoesd3f4ultr0: dpkg --list |grep <name> ?14:07
d3f4ultr0which one?14:07
Twinkletoesd3f4ultr0: try them both14:08
Tzunamiidpkg --get-selections | grep -i <package name>14:08
d3f4ultr0trying it now14:08
d3f4ultr0thanks folks14:08
bucaneirohow to copy a file from one place to another using the persian ubuntu?14:08
bucaneirohei , this is a valid question14:09
rumpe1bucaneiro, use cp or rsync or scp or dd or ...14:09
sacarlsond3f4ultr0: or maybe dpkg --status packagename ; might also work14:09
bucaneiroyes, this is a valid answer14:09
d3f4ultr0i used --list and grep, worked like a charm :D14:10
d3f4ultr0thanks folks14:10
* Twinkletoes cheers wildly14:10
TzunamiiI'm not so sure about --list14:11
TwinkletoesTzunamii: it just seems to give a more verbose output then --get-selections14:12
Tzunamiidpkg --get-selections is the proper way with dpkg14:12
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wokkoHow's ubuntu going nowadats14:18
OniklusPING PRIVMSG #ubuntu :asdasd14:19
chrisfairfaxrunning 12.04 64 bit here14:19
chrisfairfaxI like it so far14:19
wokkowhich de14:19
psypher246hello all. Is there anyone here who perhaps knows how I can restart unity, without having to reboot, when unity has crashed completely and all I am left with are the windows of the apps that were open. I cannot click on the windows to bring into the foreground, i cannot alt tab, I cannot alt-f2, effectively the ONLY thing I can do, other than click on the apps that are already open, is to go to tty and restart lightdm, loosing all my work and patien14:20
IdleOneunity -reset14:21
joachiblyou'll need to `export DISPLAY=:0` in the tty first i think14:21
joachiblyou may have to restart compiz as well14:22
yandex2318psypher246: Unity has a reset command on the command line I think14:22
yandex2318psypher246: In the long term though, I recommend leaving Unity. It's not stable.14:23
Jessica_LilyI think i have a firefox problem, when an extenal program xdg-open for example gives it a link to open, it'll lock my system up for a while.14:23
psypher246yandex2318: I have no cli to work with other than the tty which will not run the unity reset command in the active session14:23
psypher246yandex2318: unfortunately I cannot "leave unity" I would prefer to find the bug and fix it14:24
Jessica_Lilyi'm running 12.04, fully up to date by the way, version 13.0.114:24
Jessica_Lily(of firefox)14:24
yandex2318psypher246: Your choice of course. But in my experience, isolated projects like Unity don't get the development they need. Gnome Shell has the advantage of being used by many different distributions14:24
joachiblpsypher246: did you try to run `export DISPLAY=:0` first?14:24
TwinkletoesIn the same way that setuid and setgid, force inheritance of owner/group, is there any way to force inheritance of rwx attributes?14:25
psypher246joachibl: sorry if tghe3 export command first or after unity --reset14:25
joachiblpsypher246: you'll have to run the export command first, so the unity command knows which display to reset14:26
philinuxpsypher246: unity --replace will do. reset will loose you all customisations.14:26
drag0niusi've problem installing ubuntu server, it does not detect my hdd14:26
drag0niusit was previously used as RAID14:27
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: SCSI or IDE/SATA?14:27
drag0niuswd800AAJS-00PSA0 is the model14:28
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Is it detected in the computer's BIOS?14:28
drag0niusi had similar problem with installing ubuntu desktop on other comp14:28
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: and when are you getting the message?14:28
sacarlsondrag0nius: did you or could you delete the partitons on the previosly raid drive?14:29
drag0niusat disk detection it asks me if i want to activate SATA RAID device14:29
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Say no14:29
drag0niusi had it formated ~3 times already14:29
drag0niususing for different purposes14:30
drag0niuswindows has no probs with both disks14:30
sacarlsondrag0nius: do you want to continue to use it as raid?14:30
drag0niusi'm using one of disks for ubuntu desktop on my normal comp14:30
drag0niusand wanna use second for ubuntu server14:30
shishireBeen out of the desktop game for a version or two.  What's the name of the package which installs the correct version of grub for Precise?  Are we still using grub-pc?14:30
L3topLantizia: did you figure it out?14:31
drag0niuseither way only option im getting is using iscsi volume14:31
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Did you reply "no" to the question about activating a RAID device?14:32
drag0niusi remember at desktop installation on second hdd i just turned off nodmraid or sth14:32
LantiziaL3top, yeah I did *[a-z]*14:32
drag0niusat server enabling it under F6 does not help14:32
Mandalorddrag0nius: did you setup windows yourself?14:32
OerHeksshishire, no, grub214:33
sacarlsondrag0nius: so you didn't try just delete the partitons and start it from there?  otherwise it will be lvm partitioned and ?14:33
drag0niusi assemble parts and install all stuff myself14:33
zoraelIs there a bootloader that does os-probing each time at boot?14:33
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: are BOTH hard drives currently connected?14:33
L3topLantizia: that wont find upper case chars I do not believe. If I understand you correctly, I think this will work: find  -maxdepth 1 -iregex ".*[a-zA-Z].jpg" -exec mcopy {} MyDocs/.image \;14:33
drag0niusthey're at separate computers14:33
drag0niusand were used as separate storage-drives for couple months14:33
drag0niusjust ubuntu installations give me problems14:34
LantiziaL3top, can't use find when mcopying out of a disk image :P but I get what you mean14:34
drag0niuseverything else works perfectly fine14:34
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Is theis the only hard drive in this computer?14:34
philinuxshishire: yep14:34
shishirephilinux: thanks14:35
nsahooubuntu 12.04 unity, alt-tab is too slow to switch between windows. Is there a way to speed it up?14:35
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Did you hit F6 and turn OFF dmraid?14:35
psypher246philinux: i tried your suggestions, had some really unexpected results, couldn't gety desktop to function again after trying unity --replace, compiz --replace via tty or the terminal window I finally got access to.14:35
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: I thin kI'm out of ideas, sorry14:35
drag0niusF6 -> arrows & space to select nodmraid -> esc to go out of menu14:35
Mandalorddrag0nius: are you using win 7 or win xp? (just to exclude some ideas...)14:35
nsahooany idea?14:36
sacarlsondrag0nius: worst case just dd some zeros into the partition table to be sure you can just repartitoin it14:36
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Yes, do what sacarlson said ^^^14:36
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: you can do that from the live CD or any resuce CD type distro14:36
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<device> bs=512 count =1    should do it14:37
drag0niusi've that hiren bootcd14:37
drag0niusits before installation right?14:37
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: It's not part of the installation, we just want to make sure your hard disk isn't presenting any raid signatures etc.14:38
sacarlsondrag0nius: yes that's done before attempting install14:38
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: So, from another OS, do the above14:38
fr-zHi all. Anyone familiar with GRIVE?14:39
Twinkletoesdrag0nius: Whatever boot CD you choose, when you're in, type: fdisk -l    and if that doesn't show you your disk device, try:  dmesg|grep -i disk14:39
sacarlsonTwinkletoes: I don't think fdisk supports lvm that this disk is presently partitioned14:40
MrokiiHello. Can somebody point me to a site where building themes for Ubuntu 12.04 / the Unity-Desktop is explained?14:40
Twinkletoessacarlson: Ok. I was just trying to get something to at least *show* the device so he can use dd14:40
Twinkletoessacarlson: Hopefully dmesg should spit out something useful14:41
yandex2318Mrokii: You'd need to make a theme for GTK3/GTK214:41
sacarlsonTwinkletoes: ya I would think it would still see it a drive but partitioned as ??14:41
yandex2318Mrokii: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=158737614:42
wingnut2626how do i stop a firewall in ubuntu 11.0414:42
Mrokiiyandex2318: Cool, thanks!14:42
yandex2318Mrokii: Programs are split between using GTK2 and GTK3, so you'll need to make a theme for each, otherwise your theme won't apply consistently as far as I know14:42
yandex2318Mrokii: Firefox for example still mimics GTK2 themes14:43
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drag0niuscould i do that zeros writing with ubuntu server usb installation stick?14:44
Mrokiiyandex2318: Oh, I thought it would be purely GTK3 only. I've experimented with a GTK2 theme in the past and thought I could transform that to GTK3.14:44
drag0niusthe other stick fuckd up and i've just one right now ;/14:44
bazhangdrag0nius, no cursing here14:44
zoraelIs there a bootloader that does OS probing at every boot? GRUB probes and saves all found OSs upon calling update-grub (writes into /boot/grub/grub.cfg), so if I install onto an usb drive and boot it from another computer, device nodes will be different and boot will fail :V14:44
yandex2318Mrokii: All the latest GNOME software is using GTK3 of course, but external software like Pidgin, Inkscape etc. all use GTK2 and will do for a while. I'm pretty sure GTK3 themes aren't backwards compatible14:45
yandex2318Mrokii: I've tried the latest Fedora, and it's noticeable that some programs aren't themed the same as others14:45
Mrokiiyandex2318: Okay, thanks for that info. Guess it won't be just a clean transition from GTK2 to 3 only. :/14:46
sacarlsonzorael: I guess to boot the usb from another system you would just have to be sure that the bios boot sequence was to boot usb first14:46
sacarlsonzorael: I guess the device nodes you must mean like /dev/sdXX?   that should be handled by UUID14:47
zoraelsacarlson: Certainly, but surely bioses don't reorder the booted drive to /dev/sda?14:48
zoraelsacarlson: Yes, except for set root='(hd0,1)'14:48
sacarlsonzorael: you must boot from old grub not grub2?14:48
zoraelsacarlson: Not at all, I'm free to try whatever14:48
sacarlsonzorael: in grub to root can be set to a UUID14:49
sacarlsonzorael: or I should say in grub2 it can be14:49
zoraelsacarlson: So the set root line and the search line replace eachother? Sec, pastebinning14:49
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zoraelsacarlson: http://pastie.org/4148721 -- ignore boot parameters14:50
zoraelsacarlson: Does the search function override set root? If so, it will probably do fine14:51
fr-zDoes anyone here uses grive? i just installed it and only some of my files are displayed on the grive folder14:51
sacarlsonzorael: as seen here db601797-752f-446f-b7f8-0480ed0d7413  must be the UUID14:51
zoraelsacarlson: Yes, I'm concerned about (hd0,1)14:52
zoraelmakes sense if it's overridden14:52
sacarlsonzorael: I'm not sure maybe it looks there first and if fails to find it then it searches14:53
thothstrianglehey guys what would be a good ubuntu way to view my windows cloud server console cause the website console sucks14:53
zoraelsacarlson: All right, so let's say GRUB2 can boot the usb drive by UUID regardless of standard device node. It's still not possible to have it probe and list other installed operating systems, right? Such as if the boot flag for the Windows partition has been removed14:54
zorael(obviously I could boot into a full linux environment and fix that, but still)14:54
LantiziaPici, you know 'find /path/ -maxdepth 1 -iregex [^0-9]\.jpg -exec mv {} /other/path/ \;'  you said?  that doesn't seem to find anything :S14:54
LantiziaPici, needs to find any jpg files that just have numbers (doesn't matter how many numbers) - any ideas?14:55
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sacarlsonzorael: no it will only boot what was known when the usb was booted as root and update-grub run14:56
PiciLantizia: use -iregex [0-9]*\.jpg instead of what is there.14:56
drag0niusok writing zeros worked, thanks for help14:56
sacarlsonzorael: unless they happen to be the same on this other system but not lickly14:57
lobihello. i have a problem with USB speed transfer14:57
zoraelsacarlson: right. Know of any alternative boot loaders with this functionality, by any chance?14:57
lobiwhen i try to transfer huge file on portabel disk, transfer speed is onyl 280kb/s14:58
sacarlsonzorael: maybe plop14:58
LantiziaPici, well it seems to find one file but says "paths must precede expression"14:58
lobii have ubuntu 12.414:58
nibbierLantizia, find /path -expressions14:59
Lantizianibbier, yeah that's how I have it14:59
zoraelsacarlson: That one looks promising, I'll google around. Many thanks14:59
sacarlsonzorael: good luck15:00
LantiziaI just want to list them for the time being - so I have... find . -maxdepth 1 -iregex [0-9]*\.jpg15:00
Lantiziabut I get find: paths must precede expression: 48210.jpg and line aboue Usage15:00
MrokiiIs there a way to automatically check if manually added PPAs have updated for 12.04? What I mean is: I have some PPAs which URLs only mentioned an earlier Ubuntu-version when I added them and It would be nice if they could be updated automatically somehow if they support 12.04 meanwhile.15:01
_rubenLantizia: do -iregex '[0-9]*\.jpg' to prevent the shell from expanding the *15:01
snigilhello all15:01
MonkeyDustMrokii  PPAs are not supported here as they are not official, better contact the maintainer15:02
llaskinso i have a VPN connection that i set up via GNOME...how can I connect to the vpn from the command line?15:02
bazhangMrokii, since PPA are disabled on version upgrade, you'd need to re-enable them if a higher compatible version exists15:02
llaskinlets say I called it "VPN connection"15:02
bazhangMrokii, some PPA *might* work with a difference in version, though that would be risky and depend on the nature of the PPA15:03
LTxdahi all, anyone available to help me iron out an Apache2 and SSL issue?  I think I have it figured out but wanted confirmation.15:03
fajarhallo all15:04
bazhangLTxda, tried #httpd yet15:04
Mrokiibazhang > Mrokii, since PPA are disabled on version upgrade, you'd need to re-enable them if a higher compatible version exists15:04
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MrokiiI know but the real problem is that I have to check each PPA manually if they're updated.15:05
bazhangMrokii, thats correct, was there some question about that?15:05
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LTxdabazhang, will do that now, thanks.15:05
bazhangMrokii, thats what is necessary to the best of my knowledge, as the ubuntu system wont check it for you15:06
Mrokiibazhang: I'm not talking about re-enabling as such. As it stands at the moment, I have to visit each of the PPAs and check if they have updated the source to 12.0415:06
GFWhello where is chinese channel??/15:06
MrokiiThat's what I wanted to know, thanks.15:06
BluesKaj!cn | GFW15:06
ubottuGFW: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:06
bazhangMrokii, it would complain if the version was causing problems, thats about it15:06
MrokiiMonkeyDust: Contacting the maintainer wouldn't solve the problem, as I was wanting something to check all the PPAs I have added.15:07
bazhangMrokii, I think he missed the context of your question15:07
MrokiiThat's why I explained it. :)15:08
lobislow usb transfer ubuntu 12.415:09
lobiany hint???15:09
OerHeks!details | lobi15:10
ubottulobi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:10
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swebwhat is package name for file mime magick data ?15:11
Lantizia find . -maxdepth 1 -iregex '[0-9]*\.jpg' does zip all15:12
erkulesdoes having a apparmor profile, automatically load that profile( apparmor is activated)? Having a look into /etc/init/mysql.conf it looks like it is loaded by the init script15:15
Lantiziaperfect: :D find -maxdepth 1 -regex './[0-9]*.jpg' -exec echo {} \;15:16
sacarlsonerkules: yes as far as I know apparmor is active in ubuntu as default,  not sure what apps use it like bind9 and apache2 ??15:18
jxkAny idea why, when I boot Ubuntu from the live CD, my speakers work fine; but, when I install Ubuntu to my HDD, the speakers don't work?15:18
bazhangjxk, check alsamixer in terminal and see nothing is muted15:19
sacarlsonjxk: sure it's not just muted?15:19
jxksacarlson: Yah, I'm sure.15:19
jxkbazhang: I checked alsa from terminal. My sound is on max on all speakers and headphones.15:20
bazhangjxk, set PCM to around 80%15:20
xrealI hate this ... "Can't find the Boost unit test libraryIs it bad, if LD_LIBRARY_PATH starts with a : ?; install libboost-test-dev." ... but it's installed...15:21
xrealsorry, messed up post.15:21
jxkbazhang:  Just curious, why would that work?15:21
xrealIs it bad, if LD_LIBRARY_PATH starts with a : ?15:21
sacarlsonjxk: I would assume that the live cd and installed end up with the same kernel version?   uname -a to verify15:22
DeltaHeavyHey, after installing XFCE my sound stopped working. Is there a fix for this? Anybody care to help me troubleshoot?15:23
axisyshow to request the hash of shadow so I can paste it in /etc/shadow before a user can login with his known password? openssl passwd only prints des3 hash15:23
sipiorxreal: setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH is considered poor practise in general. you might have a go unsetting the variable and see if that improves the situation.15:23
jxksacarlson: yep. it's the same kernel.15:23
csaba_papHi! Anyone know a solution for the slow startup on ubuntu 12.04?15:24
DeltaHeavycsaba_pap: WHat's your hardware like? CPU?15:24
sacarlsonaxisys: I guess it's sha512 http://www.infond.fr/2010/04/linux-ubuntus-password-management-with.html15:27
OerHekscsaba_pap, disable IPv6 if you have an IPv4 adress, solved me 9 sec boottime15:28
sacarlsoncsaba_pap: and slow is what?  10 minits?15:28
DeltaHeavyWhy in gods name does Ubuntu come with IPv6 enabled by default?15:28
axisyssacarlson: so I need to tell openssl to generate sha512 hash of the  passwd, I guess15:29
axisyssacarlson: thanks15:29
csaba_pap[   12.339978] EXT4-fs (sda4): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)    [   33.496618] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready15:29
DeltaHeavyI doubt IPv6 will ever take off for intranets. Maybe for Ubuntu Server I could see that bu I don't understand why people would use it otherwise.15:29
sacarlsonDeltaHeavy: because we were suposed to run out of ipv4 numbers like 201115:29
BluesKajjxk, pastebin the output from , sudo lshw -C sound15:29
DeltaHeavysacarlson: But no internal networks are running out of IPv4 addresses. IPv4 will still be used via LAN over IPv6.15:29
sacarlsonDeltaHeavy: so what heppens when the internal networks need to start access the ipv6 wan addresses?15:30
sipiorDeltaHeavy: sacarlson: #ubuntu-offtopic.15:31
DeltaHeavysacarlson: That's all taken care of by the routers15:31
xxiaohadoop+openstack, anyone tried that on ubuntu 12.0415:32
csaba_papsacarlson: 20 sec15:34
DeltaHeavycsaba_pap: Without knowing your hardware, or at very least your CPU, for all we know everything is fine and dandy.15:35
r0f5sacarlson: You can disable ipv6 by adding the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf : net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=115:35
csaba_papDeltaHeavy: i3 M330 2.13GHz15:36
Hellz_Bellzhello, I'd like two things, succinct informtaion on how to prevent ANY window from stealing focus in ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, and I would like one of the knowledgable members or staff of the ubuntu community to tell me why this latest version of ubuntu is beginning to remind me of windows...15:36
Hellz_Bellzis the menu bar REALLY the only part of the "Appearance" i should be allowed to control?15:37
csaba_papDeltaHeavy: 3GB RAM15:37
Hellz_Bellzwhat happened to all the options to configure the OS from the menus that I had previously?15:37
bazhangHellz_Bellz, looking like windows is pure opinion, and not on topic here15:37
Hellz_Bellz"LOOKING" is not what i meant15:38
bazhangHellz_Bellz, try myunity15:38
MonkeyDustHellz_Bellz  there's MyUnity to modify Unity, or you could use something different, like LXDE or XFCE15:38
bazhangHellz_Bellz, its still not on topic here15:38
Hellz_Bellzintersting that the configuration gui for unity does not come installed with it15:39
bazhangHellz_Bellz, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat15:39
Hellz_Bellzyet ubuntu comes with things not necessary for operation like OO15:39
bazhangHellz_Bellz, libre office15:39
MonkeyDustHellz_Bellz  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions15:39
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bazhangMonkeyDust, he's gone15:40
drag0niusis there some tutorial how to set up ubuntu server to run without graphics?15:40
bazhangdrag0nius, thats the default15:40
drag0niusi mean i turn off gpu15:40
drag0niusand access it only through lan15:40
bazhangdrag0nius, you mean ssh?15:41
drag0niusyeah think so15:41
Jagst3r15so, when ubuntu 12.10 is released that means 12.04 just stays the same correct?15:41
Jagst3r1512.04 will only get minor updates from what i understand15:42
MonkeyDustdrag0nius  that's what I have, a remote headless PC, I connect to it over SSH and NFS15:42
drag0niusi'm kinda newb into servers15:42
drag0niuswhats the tool to set up ssh?15:42
bazhangJagst3r15, point releases. 12.04.1 etc15:42
MonkeyDustdrag0nius  openssh-client and openssh-server15:42
zykotick9MonkeyDust: nfs across internet?15:43
MonkeyDustzykotick9  I must have missed that part, it's my local network15:43
Jagst3r15bazhang but for a personal user u should upgrade to 12.10 when its out?15:43
Jagst3r15because it seems like the LTS are more for businesses?15:43
zykotick9MonkeyDust: ok, "remote" through me off ;)15:43
bazhangJagst3r15, matter of choice. the LTS are five years support (12.04) for both desktop and server15:44
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Jagst3r15ok thanks :)15:44
drag0niusok so i guess i'd set up NFS too15:44
drag0niusprolly main reason to run home server :)15:44
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r0f5drag0nius: I guess you could tunnel NFS through SSH if you were determined enough.15:45
drag0niusto be honest right now i've no idea what to do15:46
zykotick9r0f5: ssh can do file transfers, why tunnel nfs over it unnecessarily?15:46
drag0niusits first server im ever using and didnt use ubuntu itself for long enough ;d15:46
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BluesKajr0f5, drag0nius , NFS is sufficient all by itself for servers15:46
MonkeyDustzykotick9  it's two rooms away, with powerlan/powerline :-) </offtopic>15:46
drag0niusi want to run ts3 server etc on it too15:46
r0f5BluesKaj: You have a point.  Maybe I am complicating things too much.15:47
Segnale007I am trying to make an h.264 movie with kdenlive15:47
BluesKajdrag0nius, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo15:47
Hellz_Bellzmyunity doesnt allow control of window focus , why did you tell me to use it?15:47
Segnale007the problem is that it renders no sound15:47
Hellz_Bellzhow do i remove focus stealing behavior?15:48
Segnale007I tried using libmp3lame instead of acc as someone suggested on internet15:48
Segnale007but no difference .. any idea ???15:48
Segnale007sometimes I hell miss my make sigh :(15:48
MonkeyDustHellz_Bellz  maybe this link helps (10.10) http://askubuntu.com/questions/8494/prevent-windows-from-stealing-focus15:49
Hellz_BellzMonkeyDust, you can see in the other replies that that does not stop focus stealing15:50
MonkeyDustHellz_Bellz  maybe you find something useful in it15:50
Hellz_Bellzi did...15:50
Hellz_BellzBUT... are you certain that that is not something i have already tried?15:51
sipiorHellz_Bellz: how the hell would he know that?15:51
MonkeyDustHellz_Bellz  i wasnt sitting on your lap while you tried15:52
Hellz_Bellzoh yeah... also, that post IS FOR MAVERICK15:52
graingert_ufoI want to install a copy of apache 2.2.1615:52
graingert_ufowhat's the easiest way of doing this?15:52
carpediembabyhi. i installed phpmyadmin on ubuntu and added a symbolic link to /var/www but i see a directory listing instead of phpmyadmin interface15:53
graingert_ufocarpediembaby: you don't need any symlinks15:53
graingert_ufocarpediembaby: the standard install should do15:53
graingert_ufosudo apt-get install phpmyadmin15:53
carpediembabygraingert_ufo: well, i think i do. it never works since the last 5 years i've been using it. didn't work this time also (got 404), so i added the symlink15:54
graingert_ufocarpediembaby: let it install using the autoconfig script15:54
graingert_uforemove that symlink, purge phpmyadmin and apache15:54
graingert_ufothen install phpmyadmin15:54
carpediembabygraingert_ufo: what do you mean by the autoconfig script? the screens that follow after the install, which asks for mysql password? i already installed it that way15:55
graingert_ufocarpediembaby: and there comes a stage where if you just press enter fails15:55
graingert_ufoit's where it asks if you want to config apache or https15:55
carpediembabygraingert_ufo: i chose apache215:56
graingert_ufoyep it should "just work"15:56
alecjwhi, how can i enable speaker output in precise?15:56
graingert_ufoalecjw: that's a very wide question15:56
carpediembabygraingert_ufo: ok, purging and reinstalling if you insist.15:56
graingert_ufodescribe your hardware15:57
alecjwgraingert_ufo: thinkpad t400. only get sound through headphones15:57
graingert_ufoalecjw: does it work on other OSes?15:57
genii-aroundgraingert_ufo: Have you tried like: sudo apt-get install apache2.2=2.2.16-1ubuntu3.515:57
alecjwthis happened on and off. i used to get around it by changing the sound profile from analog stereo duplex to something else and back again but now that doesnt work15:58
graingert_ufoE: Version ‘2.2.16-1ubuntu3.5’ for ‘apache2.2-common’ was not found15:58
alecjwgraingert_ufo: i havent tried, but i dont think its a hardware problem15:58
graingert_ufogenii-around: ^15:58
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oCeancarpediembaby: after install and choosing apache, you should have a /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf, this file is symlinked to /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf15:58
Jagst3r15bazhang does chromium recieve updates through the update manager mate?15:59
graingert_ufo/etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf is symlinked to  /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf afaik15:59
bazhangJagst3r15, should do15:59
graingert_ufoJagst3r15: yes mat15:59
zykotick9Jagst3r15: do you mean security updates, or version updates?16:00
oCeangraingert_ufo: oh, that can be (I did that from memory..)16:00
* zykotick9 doesn't think chromium has the same exception to versioning that firefox does... could be wrong?16:00
genii-aroundgraingert_ufo: The versions in repository are here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/apache2/    the 2.2.16 versions look to be just 2.2.16-1ubuntu3 and 2.2.16-1ubuntu3.516:01
trismit does, but we are way behind at the moment16:01
aithoxhello.. i've got problem with installing software..16:01
genii-aroundgraingert_ufo: Maybe use apache2 as packagename instead of apache2.216:02
zykotick9aithox: what software? and more importantly - how are you trying to install it?16:02
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aithoxdpkg error:16:02
aithoxdpkg: error: cannot read info directory: No such file or directory16:03
drag0niusso basically when i run ubuntu server without monitor connected it will automatically listen on ssh?16:04
Jagst3r15zykotick9 chrome for windows and mac gets auto update but chromium does not i see16:04
Jagst3r15therefore i wonder if it gets upodate thru update manager for both cosmetic updates and security/bug fix16:04
zykotick9Jagst3r15: "chromium" should only get updates from ubuntu16:04
israeldrag0nius, that's right16:04
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Jagst3r15so yes through update manager zykotick9?16:04
israeldrag0nius, but you need to install it first ssh16:04
aithoxzykotick9: here is my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1059277/16:04
drag0niusyeah i installed it16:04
zykotick9Jagst3r15: what you need to understand - is it won't get version updates16:05
Jagst3r15zykotick9 oh ok. thnx for clarification :)16:05
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zykotick9aithox: you apt database seem messed up.  try "sudo apt-get update" then try again16:05
mystiiqhey, is ther any way to safely resize Windows 7 partition in order to install Ubuntu onto the PC along with win716:05
qdbis there ready way/script published in the internet, to automatically regenerate c:/grub.mbr  for windows/bcd loader, after new kernel is added as default in grub boot menu.16:06
OerHeksmystiiq, yes, use the diskmanagment tools in win7, this will tell you how much you can decrease safely16:06
aithoxzykotick9: i've done it before16:06
mystiiqOerHeks: ok, will look into this16:07
drag0niushow do i properly turn off ubuntu server? xD16:07
israeldrag0nius, sudo halt -p16:07
israeldrag0nius, sudo init 016:08
israeldrag0nius, sudo shutdown -h16:08
zykotick9aithox: dpkg appears to be missing something.  it's what is erroring out - and that's bad, 'cause dpkg does all the physical installs onto the system.  sorry i don't really have any suggestions :(  the "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code" isn't very helful (to me).  good luck.16:08
zykotick9aithox: actually i guess the "dpkg: error: cannot read info directory: No such file or directory" is the real error - but still no help for me.  good luck16:09
aithoxthx zykotick916:09
zykotick9aithox: "i accidentally deleted /var/lib/dpkg" is that you - it is.16:10
aithoxzykotick9: is there another way to reinstall apt-get ? or some things that needs to get it work?16:10
joachibli'm trying to set up an encrypted partition with an lvm volume group on it that isn't automatically mounted on boot – how would I go about doing that?16:11
Kitty_Guys, I was wondering exactly how I hide the navigation bar on the side when I maximize an app. Any help?16:11
joachiblthis will be a remotely administered system, so I can't enter a password on boot16:11
zykotick9aithox: not that i'm aware of.  i can't help further.16:12
nibbieraithox, you can copy the deleted folder over from somewhere else16:12
DJonesKitty_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141516:12
zykotick9nibbier: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2009399 aithox already did ;)16:12
DJonesKitty_: About half way down that page, it shows where the Auto-hide the launcher settings can be changed16:13
zykotick9nibbier: or whatever "status" is?16:13
spantherKitty_, nothing more easy than that :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197569216:13
nibbieraithox, run strace -eopen sudo apt-get install php516:13
drag0niuswhen i disable integrated gpu in bios, how could i possibly turn it back on?16:13
ikoniadrag0nius: re-enable it in the bios16:14
drag0niusyeah, but how do i know where am i without a screen ;d16:14
spantherI have some issues with sound inside 12.04 64bit. With VLC while playing videos (skype too) sound effects or sound output is scratchy as if you would play sound with 8bit SID commodore 64 chipset XD16:14
ikoniadrag0nius: get a screen then16:14
genii-aroundaithox: If it just can't read whatever is in /var/lib/dpkg/info/       then just do sudo apt-get update ...16:15
Humble313i tried to do a live demo of ubuntu on my pc. using the same cd i installed for my dad. it just ends up freezing when loading16:15
zykotick9drag0nius: don't disable your gpu in bios - even without a monitor connected - you want to be able to plug a monitor in for emergencies16:15
rymate1234how do I get fixed bitmap fonts in ubuntu?16:15
Humble313but it works when i put it in my dads dvd drive16:15
drag0niusk ty16:15
spantherHumble313, your dad has another pc does he? :)16:15
ikoniaHumble313: sounds like a problem with that computer / incompatiability with ubuntu16:15
Humble313i installed ubuntu on his pc. only problem with wireless settings. so i tried to see if that problem would happen with my pc. it's all in one with built in wireless.16:16
Humble313the cd hangs at one point16:16
zykotick9Humble313: have you tried nomodeset?16:16
Humble313whats that?16:16
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:16
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Humble313basically mine get so the part where you see ubuntu16:17
Humble313then you have the bars under it that change colour16:17
Humble313at one point the colour stays the same and nothing happens16:17
oCean!afk> VGoff_afk16:18
ubottuVGoff_afk, please see my private message16:18
Kitty_Okay, so it says to run MyUnity, but for some reason it won't launch for me. Any ideas?16:18
rangoNokia dismissed Qt department, but I am just at the beginning of qt study, I am wondering the future of qt, but I like qt,what shall I do?16:18
ikoniarango: ask the QT guys16:18
ikoniarango: not really an ubuntu issue16:19
rangobut I want to develop ubuntu application with qt16:19
ikoniarango: yes, but ubuntu doesn't maintain QT, so can't answer the question of "what is the future of QT"16:19
IdleOnebut it isn't an ubuntu issue. ask the Qt people16:19
rangolack of applications is where linux sucks16:19
zykotick9lol another /ignore16:20
Humble313can i do a live demo of ubuntu from a 250gb portal hard drive?16:21
IdleOnezykotick9: no need to advertise ignores, it just aggravates the person being ignored and making them continue to do whatever it is that caused the ignore16:21
musculihello, how can i start videos without sound using vlc and ubuntu 12.04?16:21
musculivlc settings dont work16:21
yandex2318rango: Qt is widely used by lots of companies. It's not going to disappear anytime soon.16:21
drag0niusis there way to hmm open multiple terminal windows through ssh?16:22
DeltaHeavyEver since installing XFCE (xfce-desktop) my sound hasn't been working at all. I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, and was using GNOME2 fallback mode priorr to this. Anybody know of a fix or care to troubleshoot it?16:22
zykotick9IdleOne: i'm sorry.  i usually don't.  but some statements are just so annoying.  i won't repeat sorry.16:22
yandex2318drag0nius: GNU Screen16:22
IdleOnezykotick9: we have #ubuntu-offtopic where you can express frustration within the !guidelines of course :)16:22
spantherthis is how ubuntu 12.04 can look like with some theme tweaks and gnome classic mode :D  http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2932/ghq4px4q_png.htm#16:23
ikoniaspanther: we don't need to see that, you've already posted it in #ubuntu-offtopic with no relevence to any discussion16:23
WavelightI have a securitty related question - is it easier to hack a router with a small flash "" plastic router "" or a special distribution like Ubuntu Server?16:23
ikoniaWavelight: makes no difference16:24
sacarlsondrag0nius: yes16:24
dwakarmusculi see vlc --help16:25
Wavelightso, it is possbile that a "" plastic router "" to be compromised without even know it, I mean even all the setting in the GUI are allright?16:25
ikoniaWavelight: this isn't an ubuntu question, nothing to do with ubuntu, try "##security"16:25
DeltaHeavyWavelight: I doubt it hacked. Without any background information nobody can help you.16:25
Wavelightlet-s make it clearer - I want to install a Ubuntu Server distribution, then make a live cd from it, already configured, IS THIS POSSBILE ?16:27
ikoniaWavelight: yes, although I can't see a value to it16:27
yandex2318Wavelight: it's possible for almost anything to be hacked, look at Stuxnet, that was incredible. It's unlikely your router has been hacked however16:28
arianaWavelight, it seems U wanna your server on CD16:28
Wavelightyes, it-s safer, no ?16:28
genii-aroundikonia: Could be usefule for something like NAS16:28
arianaWavelight, it is better idea to have it on USB stick16:28
spantherhe just wants everything pre-configured perfectly to his needs on a CD he can use to reset if needed :-)16:28
ikoniagenii-around: I wouldn't want to run something like that in ram,16:28
nibbierWavelight, if the server on cd is for security: either it has a security flaw, so it will be rehacked after reboot in no time, or it does not have, then a harddisk would just be... nice to have :)16:28
arianaWavelight, you can rewrite it16:28
arianaWavelight, but interesting idea16:31
musculidwakar: isnt working either; ubuntu audio preferences seam to remind the last settings of vlc16:31
PeckerAnyone have any ideas as to why ubuntu 12.04 wont boot after installing nvidia drivers? (sits at blinking _ screen)16:31
OerHeksPecker, try nomodeset16:32
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:32
WavelightI-am thinking what would look like a dual media router - a part that has all the major command written on a cd or on tape, and the other part on a regular hdd16:32
musculidwakar if i close i muted video the next will start without sound but if i turn it on the next video will start with this volume16:32
ikoniaWavelight: that is a bad design16:32
aithoxi've run apt-get update, but still got the same errors.16:33
aithoxdpkg: error: cannot read info directory: No such file or directory16:33
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genii-aroundaithox: Does that directory exist?16:33
rymate1234bitmap fonts are so much better than ttf fonts for terminal16:33
Arashwhat does ln -s do ?16:34
ikoniaArash: creates a symbolic link16:34
ArashI know It creates a symlink16:34
Arashbut why -s ?16:34
ikoniaArash: ln is a link, -s is symbolic16:34
drag0niuswhat is some good way to share files on ubuntu server with windows clients?16:34
arianaWavelight, like mirrors??16:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:34
ikoniadrag0nius: samba16:34
zykotick9ikonia: soft isn't it?16:34
Wavelightif, for example, I put acces to router only from ip ..., mac ..., at the time from .... to ... on the cd part, how in the world would some hacker change this ?16:34
aithoxgenii-around: where can i find that dir?16:34
dwakarmusculi you wanted to start a video without a sound right? if not i did not understand your problem16:34
ikoniazykotick9: symbolic = soft yes or "not hard"16:34
ikonia       -s, --symbolic16:34
drag0niusdoes it support like real-time access to videos?16:35
ArashThanks for answer guys16:35
ikoniadrag0nius: it's a file share, it supports real time access to the file system16:35
DarthExpeditorHey everyone!16:35
genii-aroundaithox:  /var/lib/dpkg/     should have a subdirectory there called info16:35
DeltaHeavydrag0nius: Do you want to stream these videos or just have people access it?16:35
Arash@DarthExpeditor hi16:35
arianaDarthExpeditor, heya16:35
detrateanyone using a panel alternative in 12.04?16:35
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h00kWavelight: you're probably better to talk with ##security, as this isn't necessarily Ubuntu related.16:35
zykotick9ikonia: tisk, tisk on me - should have read the man first ;)  my bad.16:36
drag0niusi mainly want to get access to videos from wifi16:36
aithoxgenii-around: there is no , can i create it manually?16:36
DeltaHeavyWavelight: You will probably never have anybody attepmt to hack you, or succeed.16:36
drag0niuslike when i share it windows - windows i can just open the file in media player16:36
DarthExpeditorWhen you guys get a sec, I have a version of ubuntu on a diagnostic CD and I would like to clone it to my flash drive so I can use that instead of the CD.16:36
DeltaHeavydrag0nius: Ask #web16:36
ikoniazykotick9: to be honest, it could have been either, it means exactly the same thing "not hard link"16:36
genii-aroundaithox: sudo mkdir  /var/lib/dpkg/info16:36
zykotick9ikonia: i was just thinking hard vs soft16:36
Wavelightyes, I want in the first step to do a mirror from one Ubuntu Server allready configured and running16:36
genii-aroundaithox: Then try again with: sudo apt-get update16:36
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: why ask #web for file system shares ?16:36
DeltaHeavyikonia: It seems he wants to stream video from his server.16:37
ikoniazykotick9: that's exactly what it is, "not a hard link" so -s = soft is correct also16:37
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: so why is that "web"16:37
arianaDarthExpeditor, I have ubuntu on my usbstick and I wanna clone on DVD :)16:37
DeltaHeavyikonia: I hang around there mainly and we get questions like that every day. If he wants to watch it in media player nvm that comment though.16:37
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: go for it if you feel it's ontopic there16:38
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DeltaHeavyI'ts not if it's for WMP streaming. In that case I havn't a clue16:38
linguiniMy family has an ubuntu machine that is about 4-5 years old.  Recently, it has started to turn itself off randomly.  Is there some way to find out /why/ it is turning off?16:39
ikonialinguini: possibly overheating ?16:39
graingert_ufogenii-around: k16:39
DeltaHeavyActually SAMBA would do that well enough. I thought he wanted it to stream over various networks16:39
arianalinguini, /var/log16:39
nibbierlinguini, turn off like initiate shutdown sequence, or like all off suddenly?16:39
arianalinguini, I had the same problem with overheating16:40
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nibbierlinguini, anyway, download and use the livecd, if error occures its most likely hardware (like dust-stuffed fan, see arianas comments) if it runs stable it might be some software/installation issue16:40
DeltaHeavyEver since installing XFCE (xfce-desktop) my sound hasn't been working at all. I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, and was using GNOME2 fallback mode priorr to this. Anybody know of a fix or care to troubleshoot it?16:40
graingert_ufogenii-around: E: Version ‘2.2.16-1ubuntu3.5’ for ‘apache2’ was not found16:41
Wavelighttry with another hdd some burnin test and monitor temperatures16:41
Toph2DeltaHeavy,,, i had the same issue,, i uninstalled Pulsemixer , installed alsamixer and am fine16:42
Wavelightsee bios setting, shut down temperature, fan speed, etc16:42
linguininibbier: I think it just turns off.  I don't know because the computer is several hundred miles away, but I'll ask.16:42
Toph2DeltaHeavy,,, it seemed the 2 mixers were interfering with one another16:42
genii-aroundgraingert_ufo: Interesting. Well, you caould manually just do something like: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/apache2/apache2-mpm-itk_2.2.16-1ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb    ( or the i386 version, whatever your platform is) , then sudo dpkg -i <deb-filename-you-downloaded>16:43
DeltaHeavyI'll give it a go16:43
linguiniikonia: Thanks, I'll have them run sensors immediately after the computer is restarted after such an episode.16:43
DeltaHeavyCan't test if it worked now but will later. Thanks16:45
linguiniI'll also have them try a live CD (and do a mem test, I guess).16:45
arianahow could I install wxwidget media library? I cant find it anywhere?16:45
nibbierlinguini, memtest is a good idea, but there might be plenty of defective hw on a 5yr old pc16:45
arianaI tried to compile dvd styler 2.2 but err: wxwidget media library missing16:46
arianaI installed wxwidgets but where could I find wxwidget media library?16:46
sacarlsonariana: maybe ppa?16:47
arianasacarlson I tried google everywhere but it seems my Google doesnt know... crazy..16:48
ZeloZelosariana maybe try getting the development wxwidget (if there is one)16:48
sacarlsonariana: I used to use wxwidgets lib for bitcoin that I got from ppa but not sure they have the lib for ubuntu 12.0416:48
aithoxgenii-around: thx so so so so so much :D i got it work16:49
arianaok, thanks for info people, I keep searching...16:49
genii-aroundaithox: You're welcome16:49
OerHeksariana, there is a PPA > https://launchpad.net/~dvdstyler-maintainers/+archive/ppa16:49
aithoxoop ! one more errors16:50
carpediembabyhi, can someone help me install java? i'm trying to add the ppa (add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/java), but its timing out. is this the only (and right) way?16:51
deepspeedGuys, I have an off-topic question..   I want to put avlinux on a pc that only has a cd-drive and no usb-boot support, but the .iso is 2 gigs.  Can I make a multi-disk copy of the .iso and install it like that?16:52
arianacarpediembaby, I installed it by sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-jdt16:52
carpediembabyariana: but i dont need eclipse16:53
arianacarpediembaby, OK sure there is another way I think16:53
OerHekscarpediembaby, "Failed to build Failed to build Failed to build" >>  https://launchpad.net/~eugenesan/+archive/java16:53
Morclyecarpediembaby, I'm very new to linux but I managed to install java via Software Center, OpenJDK Runtime 716:53
erkulessacarlson: thx16:53
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:53
ki4roSo tired of these apps that supposedly run on Ubuntu....tried to install dropbox this morning and got no where.  So sick of this stuff.  Sorry, I'm off my soapbox now16:54
carpediembabyso i can install the package default-jdk?16:55
graingert_ufoki4ro: what was the error message16:55
OerHekski4ro, known issue > http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=6294616:56
OerHeksthere are some workarounds, also dropbox works fine here.16:56
ki4rograingert_ufo: No error messages just didn't run...just gave up at that point and uninstalled it...thanks DerHeks16:56
graingert_ufoki4ro: how did you install it16:57
OerHekscarpediembaby, sure, see the !java message from ubottu16:57
graingert_ufoki4ro: install from the .deb https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx16:58
=== lub`afk is now known as lubmil
fidelgraingert_ufo: afaik using nautilus-dropbox viaapt should be a self-runner16:58
fidelends up in a maybe not up-to-date version compared to the forums builds - but just works16:59
ki4rograingert_ufo: Following directions here:  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/16:59
drag0niusis there way to set up Ubuntu Server so i could get videos on lan like windows <-> windows sharing (simply opening em in player through lan)?17:00
fideldrag0nius: samba?17:00
OerHeksdrag0nius, install XBMC ?17:01
fidelsamba might be a mess configure-wise (only in detail) but should offer what you are asking for17:01
kyle__Has anyone here tried orchestra on 12.04 server?  I see articles about it being used on 11.x desktop.17:03
oCean!info orchestra | kyle__17:04
ubottukyle__: orchestra (source: orchestra): Ubuntu Orchestra Services suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.28-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 35 kB17:04
oCeankyle__: ^ that is in the ubuntu repositories17:05
drag0niushow could i limit bandwidth usage of server?17:05
drag0niussth like netlimiter17:05
kyle__oCean: I know.  It's an ubuntu specific thing.  I was wondering about experiences using it on 12, since people in chan often are quite knowlegable.17:05
WavelightI-ve read that on the installation process I must choose from static ip or dhcp but my ISP gave me a user name and password17:06
PeckerWavelight: u using DSL?17:06
=== DeltaHea1y is now known as DeltaHeavy
Peckerhwo are you connected to the net17:06
kyle__drag0nius: I _think_ you can limmit it someways using iptables, but IIRC non trivial.  It's easy to do with a proxy like squid however.17:06
Wavelightno, fyber link17:06
oCeankyle__: aah. You could try #ubuntu-server channel too17:06
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Peckeranyways for ppoe passwrod i think networkmanager does that in the DSL tab of connections window17:07
Peckeraltho personally if you have to have a password to get online, id set theuser and pass setup at the router level17:07
Wavelightthank you, I-ll try this17:08
Peckerthat way any computer can use the net connection without needing to knwo apssword17:08
Guest58575hello i must first boot into windows befor i can boot in to ubuntu without any freeze  like this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1185574617:08
leeechcould use a little help17:08
Wavelightthank you, have a nice evening17:08
Peckeroh Guest58575 you just grought back wifi memories17:08
leeechfor some reason i cant log in with gnome it fallsback on me17:09
leeechsorry im a bit of a noob here17:09
Peckeri rmember having to boot winodws 1st before ubuntu would see wifi adapter..was so weird17:09
Peckerleeech: whats your system you are running on17:09
leeechoh um hp g7117:09
Guest58575what must i do pecker any easy solution17:09
leeechit was working fine17:10
leeechuntill i tried updating the nvidia graphics card17:10
leeechi got nividia-currents installed17:10
Guest58575perhaps you can speak german17:10
leeechthis is annoying me cuz i cant find a fix.. which is rare normally i always find one with a simple google17:11
xapelwhen will the latest skype be available in the repositories?17:13
Guest58575why it gohow i can grought back wifi memories pecker?17:13
lesshasteI normally print from the command line with 'lp -d printer -h server -U username . How can I set up printing in ubuntu so I can print from applications?17:14
Guest58575how i can grought back wifi memories pecker?17:16
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:16
PeckerGuest58575: i told ya17:17
Peckeri rmember having to boot winodws 1st before ubuntu would see wifi adapter..was so weird17:17
Guest58575ubuntu see wifi without booting first into windows17:18
CottusPecker, it's like it was enabling it in the hardware17:18
fidelPecker: i'Ve seen that too once in the past - IIRC a bios update fixed that issue here17:18
fidelbut its for sure years ago in my case17:18
Peckeryeah i rmeember 1st trying ubuntu 8.10 on thi s machine17:19
Peckerhad to upgrade BIOS in order to properly use HDD17:19
Jagst3r15  /join #thematic17:19
Peckeroh leeech nice... having problems with nvidia drivers on 12.04 here too17:20
leeechpecker i think that is what causing me to fallback17:21
leeecham i wrong in saying that nividia should show up in propirety drivers17:21
leeechbecause when i run a search i dont see it17:21
Peckeryeah it should show up there17:21
Peckerit did for me on geforce gt24017:21
Peckerexcept now for me it wont even bot into 12.0417:22
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Peckeranyways try sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current17:23
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hrolfHi #ubuntu, I had a note in Tomboy Notes and now when I open Tomboy it says that a note cannot be loaded. How do I retrieve it back?17:25
hrolfI cannot even open the file in a text editor17:25
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magnushello! I have a small problem with ruby (rvm) and Ubuntu. I set my default ruby version to using 1.9.3, but when I use sudo, it uses the old version 1.8.7 . Is there a way to alter the ruby-version when using "sudo"?17:27
OerHekshrolf, Gnote is now the preferred replacement for Tomboy, can it open your notes?17:28
drag0niuscan fdisk resize partitions?17:28
OerHeksdrag0nius, i would use gparted.17:28
drag0niusi need something for cli17:29
drag0niuson server17:29
jiffe98I'm trying to restart apache and I'm getting [Mon Jun 25 11:28:24 2012] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't create accept lock (/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock.20868)17:30
applei need help17:30
jiffe98any idea what's causing this?  /var/lock is a tmpfs17:30
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jiffe98I reboot the machine to get it back but it wasn't out of memory before I reboot17:30
Guest84389I have a Intel Pentium B960  but i can seem to be able to find a download to get that driver install17:31
OerHeksdrag0nius, fdisk will do, make sure the partition is unmounted.17:31
Guest84389is ubuntu driver downloads down?17:32
OerHeksGuest84389, driver for what? a cpu does not need a 'driver'17:33
hrolfOerHeks: I cannot even open the file with a text editor17:33
Guest84389i nned the driver for my laptop but when I do a search nothing comes up for Intel Pentium B96017:33
Guest84389i looked at intel.com and they do not have any linux downloads for it either17:34
Guest84389I even google for Intel Pentium B960  driver for linux and nothing17:34
hrolfSkipping a note. /home/hrolf/.local/share/tomboy/85111e00-ddad-4724-8e70-1637ebbe556d.note can not be loaded - Error loading file!17:35
hrolfOerHeks: Skipping a note. /home/hrolf/.local/share/tomboy/85111e00-ddad-4724-8e70-1637ebbe556d.note can not be loaded - Error loading file!17:35
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
Guest84389i switch to ubuntu because I was told ubuntu has the most driver and software in their repositories guess he who told me that was wrong since I can find any intel driver I found AMD but does me no good17:37
OerHeksGuest84389, driver for what? a cpu does not need a 'driver'17:37
PeckerGuest84389: what exactly is your problem?17:38
Guest84389If my laptop has a driver I need its software OerKeks If there were useless they wouldn't build them inside a laptop don't you think? So asking me a driver for what its a silly question cause it be for whatever I will need that Intel Pentium B960  in the future17:39
PeckerI still dotn get what you are trying to fix ith your computer Guest8438917:40
lwizardlwhat application can I use to take pages from a pdf file and export them into another pdf file?17:40
Guest84389BUT since you repositories do not have any driver it make the whole Ubuntu OS useless compare to windows or apple right??17:40
OerHeksPlease, don't get me wrong, driver for what? videocard ?17:41
IdleOneGuest84389: What is not working exactly?17:41
PeckerGuest84389: your ranting wont hwlp us help you fix whatever is going on17:41
Guest84389I do not fine the drive for my Intel Pentium B960   on my laptop that the problem17:41
Peckerso does the laptop work in ubuntu without any problems?17:42
IdleOneGuest84389: no, the problem is we still have no idea what you are trying to get fixed17:42
Guest84389i seach everywhere even on intel.com for it17:42
Peckerso does the laptop work in ubuntu without any problems?17:42
DarthExpeditorhow do I install LVM support?17:42
OerHeksGuest84389, your processor B960 is supported in the kernel.17:42
IdleOne!lvm | DarthExpeditor17:42
ubottuDarthExpeditor: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:42
Guest84389well when I got to additional drivers and do a search it tells me NO drivers found and when I try to use compiz it tells me no drivers are install or support graphics17:44
PeckerGuest84389: thats NOT a CPU problem17:44
Guest84389so no driver = lose of some uses on my laptop17:44
Peckerthats you need graphics drivers17:45
IdleOneNow we are getting somewhere17:45
JemmmIm downloading Ubuntu on my netbook right now is there anything I need to do?17:45
PeckerNOT cpu drivers17:45
OerHeksGuest84389, open terminal and give us the output of "  lspci | grep VGA  "17:45
Peckerok Guest84389 in a terminal type this: lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'17:45
Peckeraw OerHeks you beat me to the punch17:45
Peckerer wait the -nn part gives the HW ids17:46
Peckerwhereas normal lspci doesnt17:46
Guest84389lspci -nn | grep 'VGA' with the 'VGA' just like that?17:46
PeckerJemmm: are you planning on installing ubuntu with windows?17:47
Chimera2Hello, does anyone really like gnome3 / unity?17:47
PeckerChimera2: IMO wrong channel to ask that. Personally me unity Im not a fan of, everyone else on here might be fanboys17:48
arcaosChimera2, getting used to it and quite enjoying it lately17:48
Erealzcan some visit airtime.com17:48
Chimera2Well good for you ppl, I've tried out Xfce, and it's basically a gnome2-like17:48
Erealzlaunch the app and let me know if you can click on the adobe pop up17:49
IdleOne!discuss | Chimera217:49
ubottuChimera2: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.17:49
Chimera2Sorry guys.17:49
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:49
JemmmNo I planned on installing the full version17:49
Guest84389lspci -nn | grep 'VGA'17:50
PeckerJemmm: er i meant dual boot with windows, so you can sue both windowes and ubuntu17:50
Peckeror are you going to wipe windows off ur netbook17:50
PeckerGuest84389: yes, what did the terminal say back when you ran that17:50
Erealzhow to you get airtime to work on ubuntu?17:51
Guest84389compatible controller [0300]: Intel corporation 2nd  generation core....17:51
Peckerand Jemmm IDK what a full version of ubuntu is... lol17:51
JemmmYea thats what i mean17:51
Peckerwhat is 'what'17:51
JemmmWipe windows off17:52
Erealzanyone ?17:52
Peckerfor that once setting up ubuntu erase the windows partitions then17:52
PeckerGuest84389: is that all it said?17:52
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OerHeksGuest84389, 2nd generation, you might need updated intel driver > https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates17:53
asterismoi'm going to install Ubuntu 12.04 in a AMD Athlon 64 4100+ processor17:53
asterismowhat is the best architecture, i386 or amd64?17:53
Peckerasterismo: depends on what you want to do. i386 WONT support more then 4gb of ram tho.17:53
OerHeksasterismo, depends on your sytem memory, you could run 64 bit17:53
Guest84389not it goesn on with processor family integrated graphics controller [80086:0106] 9rev 09)17:53
asterismois worth amd64 bit architecture in the AMD Athlon 64 bit 4100+ single core processor??17:53
asterismothe machine has 1.5 GB of RAM17:54
asterismoand it is for my mother17:54
Erealzthose airtime.com work on ubuntu 64bit?17:54
zykotick9asterismo: use 3217:54
Peckeryeah use 3217:54
Peckerespecially if you need ful lspoort for 32-bit code17:54
Guest84389the my name:~^C17:54
Peckerok Guest84389 see the link OerHeks gave you above in chat17:54
asterismoI noticed that Canon MF4150 multifunction printer has problems with 64 bit installs17:55
Guest84389no it passsed but i will find it17:55
Peckerwell if you mom is going to use that printer then use 32 bit ;)17:55
PeckerGuest84389: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates17:55
Guest84389ok that works17:55
Jemmm:( The Ubuntu download finished then It showed a disk burner thing and this netbook doesnt have one17:55
Peckeryou can use a USB drive to instal ubuntu17:56
Peckerses usb instructions on dl page17:56
Guest84389go to that link and download stuff from there?17:56
PeckerGuest84389: see "Adding this PPA to your system"17:56
Peckeryou want to add that to softwatre sources17:56
Peckerin launcher type software sources17:57
asterismoUbuntu 12.04 does not provide advanced configuration for printers like in previous versions17:57
asterismowhy is that?17:57
asterismoi cannot change the PPD file for my printer17:58
Peckerid say 12.04 = crap.. but I won't say that here...oh wait I just did. Oops17:58
asterismomaybe in next verison wont come with a terminal either17:58
Peckerwouldnt surprise me17:59
asterismoPecker, what distro you use?17:59
Peckerubuntu 10.0417:59
mrsuchyPLhow to change screen effect in gnome Ubuntu 12.04 ??17:59
asterismobut you are gonna end up without updates soon17:59
glitsj16asterismo: have you tried browsing to http://localhost:631 yet, the CUPS interface?17:59
Nytelifeis the only real difference between ubuntu and xubuntu just xubuntu-desktop versus Unity??18:00
Guest84389Awesome! its fixed! THanks!18:00
asterismoXFCE lacks a couple of things18:00
asterismobut it is what i'm using right now18:01
Chimera2I prefer Xfce, and I miss Gnome2....anyone tried out the gnome2 fork mate?18:01
Nytelifeyeah I installed U 12.04.. but getting both screens to behave with XBMC was a nightmare18:01
Nytelifeso I installed XFCE4.. prob solved18:01
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.18:01
IdleOneplease keep this channel strictly for support18:01
Mewmouseim trying to merge the panels or drop the minimize buttons down into the lower panel in liveusb of ubuntu 1218:02
Mewmousehttp://s16.postimage.org/4rp6xm84k/Untitled.jpg    <here is a picture of my desktop18:02
Peckerasterismo: in 2 years maybe18:03
Peckernot soon18:03
Mewmousethen after I move everything to the lower panel I want to remove the panel on top of it or merge the panels if possible18:03
AlanBelljoin #ubuntu-discuss18:04
chaotixhi guys...  could you point me to the best method for how i could create a custom install iso disk of (x)ubuntu?18:04
IdleOne!remaster | chaotix18:05
ubottuchaotix: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:05
chaotixthanks IdleOne18:05
glitsj16chaotix: if that weren't enough options, there's also https://code.google.com/p/ubuntu-builder/ .. works great and has 12.04 support18:06
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chaotixthank you glitsj1618:06
chaotixi installed xubuntu 12.04, love it18:07
chaotixim going through a distro sampling phaze the last few weeks18:07
rypervenchechaotix: That's the best way to do it^^18:08
chaotixive tried lots of other good stuff too...  i was orig very melancholy about the direction of gnome, and the stuff thats out now, but so much creatioin has gon on since then and there are even more options now18:09
rypervenchechaotix: Which others have you tried?18:09
chaotixmate has surely surprised me, and cinnamon has come along...  and gnome 3 isnt terrible, just not my favorite, but i do relaly like what they did18:09
IdleOnePlease keep this channel for support only. #ubuntu-disccus or #ubuntu-offtopic are great places to chit chat18:09
PeckerI liek the  shell concept18:09
Peckerto where you have gnome backend, but totally different frontends all you want18:10
chaotixlets see, mint 12 64 bit mate and cinnamon versions, ubuntu 12.04, xubuntu 12.04, fedora 17 with gnome 3, and backbox linux which has xfce, and bacltrack 5r2 gnome which is gnome 218:10
chaotixand i think thats almost it18:11
chaotixtheres a few more18:11
chaotixbut im not on that partition with all my vboxes18:11
IdleOnechaotix: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?18:11
chaotixIdleOne, i asked it befre and got my answer...  rypervenche had asked me what other distros i had been trying lately and i answerted him, but i can take a hint and move to #ubuntu-offtopic if that  would be better18:12
IdleOneit would :)18:12
chaotixok  :)18:12
chaotixtotally understand...  i used to be annoyed at the strictness of this channel, but after seeing how bad some of the lax ones can be, like the undernet server for instance, i get it18:13
drag0niushow much ram ubuntu usb requires to run?18:15
Peckersame as livecd iirc18:15
drag0niusguest 512 mb not enough? ;d18:16
ikoniadrag0nius: should be18:16
drag0niusit hangs up when i try to start gparted ;d18:17
ikoniadrag0nius: define "hangs"18:18
Mewmousehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/69576/how-to-customize-the-gnome-classic-panel forget it I fixed it by following this guide18:18
drag0niusstops responding to mouse/keyboard18:18
Pecker 512 shoudl be ok for gparted18:18
drag0niusi'm downloading standalone gparted18:18
ikoniadrag0nius: so the mouse no longer moves ?18:18
ikoniadoes the capslock / numlock keyboard light still change18:19
drag0niusno idea, turned it off18:20
drag0niusforget it18:20
drag0niusare there any ram requirements for media streaming ubuntu server?18:21
sebubaHello,  anyone know if there is a limit of interfaces into "/etc/nework/interfaces"  ?18:22
FriedPetI've got a question:  If the only way to run the LiveCD is to use nomodeset, what changes should I make after a successful installation to ensure trouble-free booting?18:24
RBVFriedPet: Add that to your boot line in grub18:25
FriedPetRBV: I tried, but it doesn't work. :/  Have no idea why not.18:26
mrsuchyPL@sebuda I think is's not18:27
reanimation911Sorry, new here ...18:27
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reanimation911Ok so i just installed the latest ubuntu and i had 8.10 and an XP partition before. Been a long time since i used this laptop. I wanna keep the old ones....how?18:28
glitsj16FriedPet: how did you add it to grub? if you made changes to /etc/default/grub .. don't forget to run 'sudo update-grub'18:29
sebubamrsuchyPL, I can not add more than 5265 (eth0: 5265)18:30
FriedPetglitsj16: in the grub menu I pressed 'e' and replaced "quiet splash" with "nomodeset". I have not made any changes to any files yet. Can't get into Ubuntu. But now I'm baffled - I just rebooted my system and it works. I didn't even do anything! Why would Ubuntu sometimes not work and other times do!?18:34
bars0FiedPet: what graphic card do you have?18:34
reanimation911<b>Can anybody help me with keeping my old partitions after installing 12.04??<b\>18:34
WeberEIncAnyone know anything about Evince (PDF Reader/Writer)18:35
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glitsj16FriedPet: so many things could play a part in the boot cycle.. without a detailed view from logs that's hard to answer18:37
reanimation911Not very good for getting help on here huh...? -.-18:37
SkippersBoss!patience | reanimation91118:38
ubottureanimation911: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:38
glitsj16WeberEInc: questions with anyone and anything are quite difficult to answer .. evince not working for you?18:39
FriedPetbars0: I have some nvidia card. not sure which one - it's an old laptop, around 5 years old.18:40
FriedPetglitsj16: no worries, I understand. thank you though18:40
beakyIn what ways will Ubuntu compete with Windows 8?18:41
fidel!ot > beaky18:41
ubottubeaky, please see my private message18:41
reanimation911Skipperboss and ubottu: I've looked EVERYWHERE and im lost :/18:42
oscarreanimation911, just prepare some space for 12.04, you can shrink partitions from the live cd and create new ones which you install 12.04 on18:42
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baszhi how do i install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poco? I think I need to add a ppa ? but what ppa code would do that? "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:someppa/ppa"18:44
genii-aroundbasz: Yep, that's the syntax18:45
baszwhat would I use for someppa/ppa if I want that poco library?18:45
baszor where can I find it?18:45
reanimation911oscar: i used a USB stick and im at the installation page now to not delete my 8.10 and XP but im lost now18:46
reanimation911oscar: new partition table??18:47
BluesKajbasz, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:poco/ppa18:47
glitsj16basz: those are in the regular repositories, no need for a ppa18:47
reanimation911sorry for all the noob questions -.-18:47
ubottudln: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:48
baszhmm, "Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~poco/+archive/ppa) to get PPA information, please check your internet connection."18:49
BluesKajbasz, what app are you tring to get ?18:50
trismbasz: sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev; that will get you what you need to build against the library18:50
trismbasz: no ppa required as glitsj16 said above18:51
reanimation911Can anybody help me with keeping my old partitions after installing 12.04??18:51
ikoniareanimation911: they won't change18:51
basztrying to install https://github.com/OpenRTMFP/Cumulus/wiki/Installation18:51
reanimation911ikonia: well i didnt select delete the old ones, but now idk what to do to keep the old ones and have 1218:52
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baszgot libpoco installed! thanks… continueing my quest18:53
ikoniareanimation911: select advanced, and just don't change the partition table18:53
reanimation911ikonia: try to hit INSTALL NOW and get error "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partition meu"18:54
ikoniareanimation911: your partitions are gone then18:54
petoothere is some problem with /tmp18:54
ikoniapetoo: what problem18:55
reanimation911ikonia: idts cuz it said that i had both 8.10 and XP...18:55
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petoowhenever I try to download something it says it is full18:55
ikoniapetoo: is it ?18:55
petoowhen I tried df18:55
JoshuaBransonWould blacklisting unused kernel modules speed up my computer? Can someone give me a link where I can find documentation to all kernel modules?18:55
petooit showed overflow in front of df18:55
petoo /tmp*18:56
=== k0s is now known as qw[UA]
ikoniapetoo: right, so it's full then, what's the problem18:56
petooikonia, while downloading anything it gives me same error and can't downloading anything.18:56
reanimation911ikonia: pretty much all i want to do is keep all my music, docs, what not but still install 1218:56
llutzJoshuaBranson: it won't make sense. the kernel only loads modules it needs18:57
ikoniapetoo: yes, if /tmp is full.......the error "/tmp is full" is valid, what do you expect ?18:57
bars0FriedPet: does your laptop boots? If yes, try to inatall openssh-server. Just swich to virtual console, login, and type 'sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server' type your password and wait 2-4 minuts (depending of your connection speed) Then reboot: 'sudo shutdown -r now'. Try to log-in from another machine via ssh. Install nvidia driver via command line.18:57
ikoniareanimation911: it appears the partition table is gone, or you've not got a root partition defined (which you should have if you are re-using your 8.10 partitions)18:57
WeberEInc1glitsj16: Evince opened a PDF Form and allowed me to fill it out, save it and re-open it... Now, however, when I send it as an attachment (plain or zipped) to myself or a colleague - Acrobat Reader v9 an v10 cannot open it18:57
reanimation911ikonia: any way to go from here then? and thx for the help btw...18:58
petooikonia, is it alright if delete some of the items from /tmp folder18:58
ikoniapetoo: it's just temp data, sure18:58
ikoniareanimation911: it really depends what state your disk is in, if you look at it in the partition editor, do you have any partitions ?18:58
JoshuaBranson llutz: lsmod showed my computer has joydev loaded. That module apparently works for joysticks. I don't have a joystick on my laptop.18:58
reanimation911ikonia: i have no idea...been a while since i used ubuntu so im kinda lost :/18:59
llutzJoshuaBranson: blacklist it, you won't see any difference18:59
ikoniareanimation911: boot from a cd and open the partition editor and look19:00
reanimation911ikonia: im booting from USB at the moment....does it make a difference?19:00
ikoniareanimation911: not really19:00
glitsj16WeberEInc1: no problem directing that to me, but i don't know the first thing about PDF manipulation :) .. in our earlier exchange i was merely trying to point out that more details were needed .. now the whole channel knows your situation and can chime in19:01
JoshuaBransonllutz: thanks for the help. :) Do you know of a website where I could enter joydev or some other module name and find what hardware it supports?19:01
petoook , it doesnt seem to be helping me19:01
FriedPetbars0:  It booted just now without me doing anything! It gave a few errors (can't remember exactly :s). I downloaded the new drivers and rebooted for the update to take effect. Now I'm back to step one - doesn't want to boot! Funny thing I noticed: I tried booting 3-4 times now and everytime it gives a different error - first only a purple/black screen, then screens similar to http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=28upbux&s=6 but with the19:01
llutzJoshuaBranson: there should be documentation about it in the kernel-sources19:01
bars0http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=28upbux&s=6 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=28upbux&s=619:02
ki4roWhat's the terminal command to make a list go 1 page at a time instead of big long list?19:02
petoothere is not enough space to save /tm/*** file19:02
Fuchski4ro: | less19:02
rypervencheki4ro: less19:02
Fuchski4ro: or any other pager, like more or most19:03
ki4roFuchs: and Rypervenche thanks19:03
FuchsYou're welcome19:03
FriedPetbars0 - can you see it? http://i48.tinypic.com/28upbux.jpg19:04
WeberEInc1Hello all - Evince (Ubuntu's PDF Reader) opened a PDF Form and allowed me to fill it out, save it and re-open it... Now, however, when I send it as an attachment (plain or zipped) to myself or a colleague - Acrobat Reader v9 an v10 cannot open it19:04
Anxi80I have a machine running OS X, if I install Ubuntu over it, will it import pictures and media into Ubuntu?19:04
zenwrylyHow can I route forwarded traffic through eth0 but route all traffic for the gateway itself through tun0?19:04
ikoniaAnxi80: doubtful19:04
KotBehemothi there is it possible to install qt >= 4.7 on ubuntu lucid lynx19:04
ikoniaAnxi80: it's going over the top, not along side19:05
reanimation911ikonia: ok gimme a min19:05
Anxi80ikonia: yes, replacing previous OS19:05
rypervencheAnxi80: No, it will replace them. Save them all to an external hard drive before installing.19:05
ikoniaAnxi80: right, so it can't import from something it needs to format before it can write to19:05
bars0FriedPet: sorry, I need to go. Repeat your questions. Good luck!19:05
FriedPetbars0. thank you19:06
Anxi80ikonia: it can if someone wrote some fancy swap partition mid installation. No worries. Thanks for help19:07
ikoniaAnxi80: no, it can't19:07
MrokiiHello. I want to edit a pre-existing GTK3-theme and have a tutorial, but in the time .css-file is this line: '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/evolve/gtk-main.css");' and I have no clue where that path is pointing to. Can somebody help?19:07
John_901HI! How to make people in group sudo not get asked for password to use sudo?19:10
reanimation911ikonia: ok, instead of install i just booted from USB and opened gparted...now what am i looking for?19:10
Anxi80ikonia: make partition both OS can read/write. Fill with media from outgoing OS. Install new OS in other partition. New OS imports from media partition. New OS consumes media partition. done19:10
ikoniareanimation911: do you have partitions19:10
reanimation911Looks like it, yea19:10
ikoniaAnxi80: the installer won't be aware of that partition, it looks in standard locations for "dual boots" not replacments19:10
reanimation911ikonia: ^^19:10
ikoniareanimation911: tell me what you have19:10
ZyewniPartitioning question: I have 125GB unallocated. Am trying to create two partitions out of it but when I go to create the first, Windows says the maximum number of partitions has been reached. Is this an actual thing, or is Windows just being lame again? If I make the partitions with GParted, is it going to cause a problem in Windows?19:11
ikoniaZyewni: you can only have 4 primary partitions19:11
ikoniaZyewni: it's nothing to do with windows19:11
Anxi80ikonia: is it impossible to change that?19:11
ikoniaAnxi80: no19:11
John_901will echo "" > file create the file if it doesn't exist?19:11
llutzJohn_901: yes19:11
ikoniaJohn_901: it will create a file called file19:12
ZyewniOk, that's interesting19:12
reanimation911ikonia: ill name them in order: /dev/sda1 -- /dev/sda2 -- /dev/sda5 -- unallocated19:12
llutzJohn_901: just >file   would do19:12
John_901ok ty19:12
ikoniareanimation911: ok, so what are the file systems that are on them19:12
John_901how to make people in group sudo not get asked for password to use sudo?19:12
beakyI've got a new ASUS zenbook with Ubuntu installed. Should I be aware of any issues with the solid-state drive or sleep or anything else?19:12
llutzJohn_901: "man sudoers" (nopasswd)19:12
trismMrokii: sounds like you are editing the Adwaita theme, which is packed in the .gresource file, it is possible to unpack files individually with the gresource command but it is a pain, probably better to: apt-get source gnome-themes-standard;19:12
i7chi, my ubuntu calculates the remaining battery time. unfortunately it is wrong by hours... any chance linux will "learn" my battery?19:12
trismMrokii: that way you can work with the unpacked theme19:13
John_901llutz: can I just edit the already existing sudo group?19:13
glitsj16KotBehemot: you can search for it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas .. i found https://launchpad.net/~euroford/+archive/kde19:13
llutzJohn_901: you could, but its basically a bad idea19:13
reanimation911ikonia: sda1 is linux-swap. sda2 says extended. sda5 says ext3. unallocated says unallocated19:13
rrva_Hi! I lost sound output from a long-time working alsa setup. What I did was installing oss-linux, and then deinstalling it. After deinstalling I had ALSA sound working fine, although I had to do alsa force-reload a couple of times. Now I lost sound completely (but a sound card is detected). I checked all mixer levels. speaker-test is silent but gives no error. How to check why sound is mute? I have an intel hda compatible chip.19:13
bestdndmy computer freeze so i need to do hard reset (no keyboard, no mouse, no ping). how can i check what happens?19:13
John_901llutz: so add another line "%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL"?19:14
ikoniareanimation911: you only have one linux partition19:14
llutzJohn_901: general "NOPASSWD" always is a bad idea19:14
John_901llutz: that's for sudo users??19:14
i7cbestdnd: maybe syslog?19:14
ikoniareanimation911: is the data on that partition the one you want to keep ?19:14
ShapeShifter499Do I need a ext file system to run ubuntu in a chroot?19:14
ikoniaShapeShifter499: no19:14
reanimation911ikonia: yes. ok, so what do i have to do during the installation to keep that?19:15
bestdndwhat is syslog and how do i use it?19:15
ikoniareanimation911: you need to create a new partition to act as your new systems "root" file system19:15
reanimation911ikonia: so then what's "extended"?19:15
ShapeShifter499ikonia: So I can dump all my files into a directory and chroot it?19:15
reanimation911ikonia: sorry, but how? :S19:15
dazzelare there any luks cryptsetup experts here?19:15
ikoniareanimation911: an extended partition,19:15
ikoniaShapeShifter499: no,19:15
i7cbestdnd: it's just a file.  look in /var/log/syslog   or to print it open a terminal and type:   cat /var/log/syslog19:15
z999I have the strangest problem, it's probably a bad install. I installed 12.04 and it doesn't boot if I don't connect the usb drive that I used to install. It isn't a live cd because I installed several programs and they were saved, but it boots only when the install usb is connected.19:16
rypervenchedazzel: Many of us use it. What's up?19:16
ikoniaShapeShifter499: you need a working install in a place that the running system can access19:16
ShapeShifter499ikonia: Um19:16
ikoniareanimation911: the partition tool should allow you to create one19:16
John_901llutz: so should i add that to the existing %sudo line, or create another line?19:16
ShapeShifter499Ok let me start from the beginning19:16
JoeSomebodyhi, change partition is resize? and if so is it safe? i wanna cut win7 drive in half and install on second half19:16
rypervenchez999: You installed the grub boot loader to the USB probably.19:17
z999oh dammit. How did I do such a big mistake?19:17
llutzJohn_901: do what you like.19:17
dazzeli am making an automated script for cryptsetup luksFormat, thing is i am trying to make a nice frontend to get passphrases but it seems luksFormat does not accpet string or std inputs..19:17
drag0niushow do i need to set up samba so i can use it from windows 7?19:17
reanimation911ikonia: how? i right clicked everywhere and 'new' is grayed out...19:17
Jordan_Uz999: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:17
ZyewniIkonia, if I expand the extended partition, which currently holds the linux swap, my / and my /home,  by the unallocated 125GB, can I then chop it up there as two NTFS partitions, using one as an Ubuntu/Windows Share and the other to install Windows 8?19:17
ikoniareanimation911: you need to do it in the unallocated area19:18
llutzJohn_901: just keep in mind, that might be a security issue19:18
i7chi, my ubuntu calculates the remaining battery time. unfortunately it is wrong by hours... any chance linux will "learn" my battery?19:18
ikoniaZyewni: what about it ?19:18
dazzelrypervenche, i tried everything.19:18
ZyewniWould that work?19:18
z999Jordan_u: I'll go ahead and do that, what does this command do?19:18
Jordan_Uz999: That command will ask you a few questions. One of them will be which devices to install grub's boot sector to.19:18
reanimation911ikonia: ok yea it works there. but it says max size 2 MiB19:18
caveman_hello there19:18
rypervenchedazzel: What exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:19
ZyewniCould I run Windows 8 out of the same primary partition as Ubuntu?19:19
ShapeShifter499ikonia: I have a jailbroken iPhone 4s, idea is to chroot a Ubuntu system then use a vnc/ssh or some client to view the chroot system. The system on my iPhone doesn't allow for ext file systems only hfs.19:19
dazzelrypervenche, anyway that is not even the main problem, the main problem is that i would setup a secondary luks logical partition in the encrypted partition.19:19
ZyewniSorry, not primary partition19:19
ikoniaShapeShifter499: sorry, you can't do that on the iphone19:19
ShapeShifter499ikonia: To be mounted19:19
ikoniaZyewni: not from the same partition19:19
z999joradn_u: ok thank you, I really love this channel, I always get an answer within minutes. Thank you very much.19:19
ShapeShifter499ikonia: Why not?19:19
ikoniaShapeShifter499: it won't run on the A419:20
John_901llutz: ok thanks for the advice. does > '%sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' look right?19:20
Jordan_Uz999: Keep the other settings at their default, use space bar to select/unselect a device from the list and hit Enter to continue.19:20
Zyewniikonia: So really I'd need an entirely separate drive to install a 3rd OS?19:20
ikoniaZyewni: no, just a seperate partition19:20
llutzJohn_901: "man sudoers" see examples19:20
ShapeShifter499ikonia: Not even arm based Ubuntu?19:20
ikoniaShapeShifter499: no19:20
ZyewniThe first three partitions are already being hogged by Win 7, and the extended partition is where my Ubuntu lives its happy life.19:20
ShapeShifter499ikonia: I still fail to see why19:20
ikoniaShapeShifter499: then do it19:20
ikoniaShapeShifter499: and fail,19:21
Mrokiitrism: Actually I tried to edit the "evolve"-theme that was mentioned as a good starting point in a short tutorial I found. But it seems that this one does use the Adwaita-engine.19:21
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
dazzelrypervenche, i am trying to let a new user setup his own private directory which will  be a separate encrypted logical partition that is encrypted for the second time using ecryptfs.19:21
Jordan_Uz999: The device you want selected is your internal hard drive, like "sda", *not* a partition like "sda1".19:21
WeberEInc1OK - for anyone interested: A PDF file (with embedded fonts and a form) created on Windows will have some of their fonts substituted by Evince when the form is opened and filled out in Ubuntu.  Then, when Evince saves the file, it saves it with the substituded fonts that are not recognized back on Windows.  Converting the pdf file using ImageMagic re-builds the files with full headers which allows Windows to re-substitute the fonts. ... FYI...19:22
dazzelso cryptsetup luksFormat -L 1000 -n /dev/whatever /dev/location/of/volumegroup19:22
reanimation911ikonia: so do i just make it 2 MiB, create it as my pramary partition as a ext2 file system?19:22
ikoniareanimation911: no19:22
ikonia!install | reanimation91119:22
ubottureanimation911: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:22
z999Jordan_U: ok, done. I'm restarting, going down and back up in a few minutes. Will keep you updated19:22
digital_ownageI have a little question19:22
digital_ownageI want to programm apps19:22
ikoniareanimation911: read that link it will give you an overview to the install process19:22
digital_ownageI know a little vb.net19:22
digital_ownagebut what should I choose19:22
dazzelrypervenche, and then ecryptfs -u blabla (which is on /dev/whatever)19:22
digital_ownagevala or python?19:22
drag0niusany chance i could get some help setting up samba for sharing with windows?19:23
arianadigital_ownage, U should choose right book19:23
reanimation911ikonia: ok i'll see if it helps, thx :)19:23
digital_ownageI know thenewboston makes epic python tutorials19:23
digital_ownagefor vala I need to search :p19:23
digital_ownageBut what one is better for making simple programms19:24
z999Jordan_u: thank you so much!  it worked!19:24
dazzelrypervenche, but cryptsetup does not accept strings or anyother std so i always have to pop-up an xterm screen with my script..i would rather not..19:24
digital_ownageI know a bit vb.net, but I want to learn a real language. Vala or Python?19:25
bazhangdigital_ownage, wrong channel for that19:25
digital_ownagewhich one?19:25
digital_ownagevalavspython xD?19:25
bazhang##programming digital_ownage19:25
digital_ownageok thanks19:25
Mrokiitrism: I also have already installed the "gnome-themes-standard" package, though I don't see how that is helping, as that is what contains the Adwaita-Engine with a similar url in the css-file.19:25
maurizi0I need advise about upgrading the new nvidia driver 302.17: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/19:25
Zyewniikonia: here's my HD: sda1 PQSERVICE (NTFS) 20GB for Win 7; sda 2 SYSTEM RESERVED (NTFS) 100MB for Win 7; sda3 Windows 7 (NTFS) 270GB also (obviously) for Win 7; Unallocated 125GB; sda4 (50GB) contains /, /home, and linux-swap.19:26
ZyewniI'd like to add a Win 8 partition and a Linux Windows Share partition. Is there a way to do it?19:26
bazhangmaurizi0, thats a PPA. it's not supported. use it at your own risk19:26
dazzelrypervenche, is it clear or is my explanation vague?19:26
skise-mouvote for the best muscle man (from powermen,muscle hunks and muscle gallery) please vote to all groups and pages thanks19:26
bazhangskise-mou, wrong channel19:26
ikoniaZyewni: if you have space, sure19:27
maurizi0bazhang, ok, so, how many days do I have to wait untill it comes official from Ubuntu packages?19:27
Zyewniikonia: but if I can't run Windows 8 out of the extended partition where I have Ubuntu, where can I put it? The three primaries are all taken by Windows 7 stuff.19:28
trismMrokii: I understand the issue now, if you have the unpacked theme (found the version for precise here: https://launchpad.net/~satyajit-happy/+archive/themes/+files/evolve-gtk-theme_2012.06.25-0~satya164~precise.tar.gz ) that file is just gtk-main.css in the base directory19:28
bazhangmaurizi0, PPA are independent of ubuntu repositories, no timeline to give you on that19:28
ikoniaZyewni: you'll need to move data around19:28
Mrokiitrism: Okay, I'll see if I can find that one. Thanks.19:29
ZyewniIs it safe to combine the PQSERVICE and SYSTEM RESERVED partitions?19:29
maurizi0bazhang, Because i have a little problem with my screen resolution: I try to fix it to 1080p and I cannot do it from the start. I have to manually set it every time I login to my Ubuntu account, 12.04 and 11.10, same problem with Nvidia driver 295.59. maybe I have to manually configure the xorg.conf file.19:30
ikoniaZyewni: no19:30
Zyewniikonia: sorry, but I just don't understand then. You say it's possible if I move data around, but I don't see what I can move around that would let me create that a new partition.19:32
ikoniaZyewni: then you can't do it19:32
ZyewniFair enough19:32
kapzeach time I boot my lapto I get a dialogue asking to unlock my keyring with a message: the login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into...while my other identical setup does not ask for it...why19:33
Zyewniikonia: could I safely put a working NTFS windows/linux share logical partition in the extended partition with Ubuntu?19:34
ikoniaZyewni: don't see why not19:34
Mrokiitrism: Can you tell me what kind of file "gtk.resource" is? Zip or rar or some other packed file?19:34
lapionanyone know if grub is arch specific on intel ?19:34
ikonialapion: what ?19:34
sokayHello. I have been unable to find a solution to a problem when using xampp/lampp.   I would like to change my mpm module from prefork to worker19:34
Zyewniikonia: Thanks for your help. Sorry if I was obnoxious :D19:35
ikoniaZyewni: not at all19:35
lapioncan I boot amd64 from grub32 ?19:35
KotBehemotglitsj16: thx19:35
lapioncan I boot amd64 from grub x86 ?19:35
ikonialapion: "yes",19:35
sokayIs this possible under lampp?  I have found instructions for the base apache2 install but can not find anything for lampp19:36
ikonialapion: depending on what exactly you are using, but the bottom line is "yes"19:36
reanimation911ikonia: NOTHINF -_- forget it, im just gonna erase everything and just install from scratch :/19:36
ikoniareanimation911: ok19:36
glitsj16KotBehemot: no problem19:36
sobersabreWhat chipsets except ATI and nVidia are there for "consumer" level h/w accellerated graphic card?19:36
lapionI have a x86 grub installed and as soon as I load the amd64 kernel all partition information is lost19:36
reanimation911ikonia: thanks for the help though19:36
ikoniasobersabre: intel19:36
ikoniareanimation911: welcome19:37
sobersabreikonia: I am currently on it and I'm suffering.19:37
glitsj16bye all19:37
ikonialapion: that is impossible, it will not delete your partition table19:37
ikoniasobersabre: that is the only other real option19:37
lapionikonia, no not deleted just lost until reboot19:37
sobersabre(my main complain is X hogging the memory with growing footprint.)19:38
ikonialapion: what OS have you installed ?19:38
trismMrokii: I believe it is a special glib format, as I said, the /usr/bin/gresource command from libglib2.0-bin will allow you to list and extract files from it individually, but I haven't found any tool to extract the whole file at once19:38
ikonialapion: what OS are you trying to boot ?19:38
Mrokiitrism: ah, sorry, missed that info, but thanks, I'll take a look.19:38
sobersabreany considerations to ATI or to nVidia ?19:39
lapionlubuntu amd6419:39
LmAtMy Linux installation keeps turning off the screen about every ten minutes.  I don't have X.  What should I do?19:39
sobersabreas of now...19:39
lapionthe previous install was a ubuntu x8619:39
LmAtI'm running on Virtual Box.  I'm pretty sure VB doesn't have that setting in it.19:39
dazzelLmAt, buy a new monitor ;)19:39
ikonialapion: when you installed lubuntu it should have updated grub19:39
LmAtdazzel: I doubt it's the monitor  since the monitor is virtual :)19:39
lapionikonia, did not19:39
ikonialapion: what is the error you get when you try to boot ?19:40
lapionikonia, I have to commandline boot with x86 modules19:40
dazzelLmAt, has it some thing to do with the acpi drivers?19:40
lapionx86 grub modules19:40
ikonialapion: right, so you know the 32bit install can boot it then, it stands to reason there is something wrong with your grub config19:40
dazzelLmAt, you could try boot with acpi=off19:40
ikonialapion: I would suggest re-installing grub, or re-installing lubuntu and force the grub update (make sure it happens)19:41
LmAtdazzel: Is that in the grub kernel line?19:41
dazzelLmAt, yes. press shift while boot, then 'e' to edit your boot line19:41
LmAtdazzel: I use grub2.19:41
dazzelLmAt, and the 'x' to boot the new boot arguments19:42
LmAtdazzel: cool19:42
lapionikonia, I wanted to do a manual grub-boot19:42
ikonialapion: right, so configure grub properly then19:42
dazzelLmAt, it would only be cool if it works for you..it might be something completly different..19:43
lapionikonia, got it19:44
lapionthe instructions incorrectly made me set the prefix for grub as well19:44
dazzelLmAt, when i for used linux (i think red hat 4.1) i resseted always when i got a bluescreen, i later found out it was the screensaver in x! ;)19:45
lapionsince the grub is x86 I should not have changed the grub directory prefix to that of the amd64 grub modules19:45
lapionikonia, ?19:45
ikonialapion: that seems reasonable19:45
aaustinDoes anybody know where ubuntu installs eclipse.ini in the settings, and if this file is overwritten when ubuntu updates the package?19:45
lapionikonia, it worked19:45
dazzeltip: if you want to make executables of your c shell scripts use: shc19:46
aaustinnevermind /etc/eclipse.ini19:47
sirriffsalotSupposing I installed another ubuntu version alongside another, but I am not given the options to choose between them, how do I make it do that again?:P19:47
drag0niushow do i set up samba so i could log into it with system's users?19:47
OerHekssirriffsalot, hold left shift @ boot to enter grub menu19:47
sirriffsalotOerHeks, sure, but kinda tiring in the long run..:)19:47
sirriffsalotOerHeks, no more permanent solution?19:48
OerHekssirriffsalot, you could set your choice as standard, i dunno if that still works after updating kernel.19:49
SPYGAMEhey, apt-get python-django is not working. here's the shell output http://pastie.org/415018619:50
sirriffsalotOerHeks, I wanna be prompted to the grub menu automatically=(19:50
sirriffsalotSPYGAME, sudo apt-get install ?:P19:50
LmAtWell, Let's see if it works.  If it does' I'll need to figure out how to apply it to my /etc/default/grub :)19:51
OerHekssirriffsalot, that option should be in the manual19:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:51
SPYGAMEsirriffsalot, yeah that was a typo, but it didn't even work with apt-get install python-djanog19:51
sirriffsalotSPYGAME, can't help you then:D19:51
JenniferB2seriusly but I just want to start off by saying two things ( probably not so smart here if I want some help, but I am fucking frustrated): 1. Fuck gnome 3 and fuck unity ... 2. Fuck the buggy and crippled ubuntu ... I have been trying to install version 10.04 and 10.10 for several days and cant get past the initial black screen with different errors ... I have now burned over 5 cds and used more a usb with several versions .. it won19:51
JenniferB2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1466946&page=2 ... now with 10.10 I am getting through the start of it because of some executable bit security bullshit... seriously  .. i remember ubuntu being buggy .. but if something takes days to install ... that is probably not a very good indicator for the future ..19:51
FloodBot1JenniferB2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
SPYGAMEsirriffsalot, alright, thanks19:52
sirriffsalotSPYGAME, no problem:P Gonna reboot and hold shift:P19:52
LjL!language | JenniferB219:52
ubottuJenniferB2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:52
JenniferB2seriously .. but I am frustrated :(19:52
icejavahave lubuntu 12.04 on hard disk and full install on flash drive want access to files on hard disk with flash drive19:52
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  beside you, there are other children here too, who may be offended by such language19:52
martinramehi, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome Classic. I would like to configure it so, some applications can use the full screen. I.E., VirtualBox VMs. Currently the app window starts below Gnome toolbar.19:53
JenniferB2I dont think so monkeydust .. but I will19:53
travisneidsI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Server.  I have a client using a Windows File Share where they save Access Database files.  What would be the best approach to connect to the file share and run queries on the database?  VPN to file share, grab database dump?  Ugg.  Wish they had a web server.19:53
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JenniferB2is it possible to run gnome 2 ( without hundred tweaks ) and ubuntu 12 ?19:54
resnotravisneids: to me, vpn.19:54
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resnotravisneids: someone may have a smarter suggestion in#ubuntu-server if no onechimes in19:54
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  try fallback, it looks like gnome219:54
travisneidsresno: oh didn't realize there was ubuntu-server heh.  Thank you!19:54
JenniferB2@MonkeyDust ... i dont want to install something that will end up being a buggy environment .. i want to keep this installation for long ... what if you install ubuntu server edition 12 and then sudo apt-get install gnome something ?19:56
sirriffsalotOerHeks, uhm, my previous ubuntu install is not to be seen in the grub menu...:O19:57
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  it will be the same gnome19:57
sirriffsalotThe files are all still there in the partition19:57
JenniferB2you cant specify version ?19:57
sirriffsalotOerHeks, but not in the MBR I guess?19:57
Jordan_UJenniferB2: XFCE is a very GNOME2 like DE, and they have no plans for radical redesigns any time soon.19:57
JenniferB2Jordan_U stable with U12 ? How about unity ? will that be present ?19:58
OerHekssirriffsalot, then you did not side-by-side, check gdm at login.19:58
Jordan_UJenniferB2: XUbuntu 12.04 LTS does not come with Unity.19:59
sirriffsalotOerHeks, oh, lol, side-by-side is THAT close side by side?:D19:59
andy8856hi all20:00
Jordan_UJenniferB2: Note that it's not "Ubuntu 12", but "Ubuntu 12.04". The next release of Ubuntu will be "Ubuntu 12.10".20:00
sirriffsalotandy8856, hey!20:00
andy8856i am wondering if somebody can help me, i am having a problem with sites that have webcam chat, I am unable to click on accept on the dialog box that appears, any suggests?20:01
sirriffsalotandy8856, in what chat application?20:02
andy8856its a website?20:02
sirriffsalotAh, read in a hurry20:02
sirriffsalotHmm, no clue then, sorry=(20:02
agoodmis there a slick way to disable compiz effects in unity 3d so that they dontimpact game performance, but be able to switch them back on after im finsihed somehow?20:03
detrateis there anyway to disable the keyboard shortcuts menu?20:04
detratei.e. when you hold super20:04
sirriffsalotagoodm, try in terminal "unity" then tab, see if there are any options like disable?20:04
usr13adan0s: How does skype or google-talk work?20:04
agoodmsirriffsalot, there are not20:04
usr13andy8856: How does skype or google-talk work?20:05
agoodmI installed fusion icon which should run metacity --replace and compiz --replace for me20:05
agoodmhowever it crashes the window manager and I wind up restarting xorg to fix it20:05
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xanguaagoodm: use unity-2d20:07
bindi_greetings. my friend downloaded the latest desktop ubuntu off the website, and attempted to boot up memtest from the live usb he created with unetbootin. it simply said "canot load ramdisk with old kernel image" and that's it :p20:07
xanguaagoodm: log out your user session, clic on the little icon next to your username and select unity-2d session20:07
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:07
h00kbindi_: ^ try this20:08
JenniferB2bindi_: welcome to the ubuntu world20:08
JenniferB2your first headache came as soon as you inserted the disk20:08
agoodmxangua, I am trying to avoid doing that since its an uggly solution to the problem20:08
JenniferB2move aways20:08
JenniferB2move away20:08
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  please don't, if you don't like it, don't use it20:09
agoodmbindi_, use memtest from ultimatebootcd or something20:09
h00kJenniferB2: please keep the discussion helpful in here.  We're not here to steer people away from support.20:09
bindi_agoodm: his pc is really broken apparently, it might not work either :-)20:09
BaaazingaWhat is considered a great book regarding understanding Unix routing tables?20:10
sirriffsalotOerHeks, my old Ubuntu isn't in the login selection prompt either:S20:10
BaaazingaI want to try and grok the whole picture20:10
JenniferB2seriously but it shouldnt be that hard to install an operating system .. that should be priority number one .. I have a normal computer with normal hardware .. fedora 17 worked just fine until I saw gnome 320:11
Baaazinga...and I kind of like books rather than electrons20:11
ikoniaJenniferB2: what is the problem you are having ?20:11
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andy8856has anybody had problems with webcam chat sites and the flash dialog box?20:12
matreya6I' m trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop, but I want my home-dir on a softRAID array. I' m using the alternate install CD. How do I do this, since the installer clearly states that I cannot make any changes to my partitions? (including mountpoint designations). Should I just install home on a another partition at firstm before setting up the SoftRAID array and move my data to a new partition on the softRAID afterwards? seems a bit a bit convolut20:12
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JenniferB2ikonia: I cant get into the installer or live cd20:12
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  installation went like a charm here20:12
ikoniaJenniferB2: define "can't get into"20:12
lduroshow can I change the lists of programs that run at startup (Unity 2D) from ssh?20:12
genii-aroundBaaazinga: http://linux-ip.net/html/routing-intro.html is not a bad place to start20:13
sirriffsalotOerHeks, any ideas..? Starting to get worried:/20:13
JenniferB2ikonia: with version 10.10 I am getting a different error ( read that someone had it wokring with that version instead ) .. the error is that some security executable bit in bios is turned off or something .. rings a bell ?20:13
Baaazingagenii-around: ty20:13
thothstriangleis it standard procedure to remove a confliting file if its owned by the registered owner?20:13
bindi_h00k: it gave "OK" on each file20:13
JenniferB2ikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144131520:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: you need to tell me the actual error20:14
matreya6!softraid > matreya620:14
OerHekssirriffsalot, sudo fdisk -l should show if the partitions are still there20:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: that person is trying to install something on an existing install,20:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: you said you can't get into the installer20:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: that sounds different - totally different20:14
guntbertthothstriangle: what is the problem?20:14
sirriffsalotOerHeks, they are all still there20:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: why don't you tell me your problem20:14
JenniferB2ikonia: well i get the same message20:14
ikoniaJenniferB2: you boot a cd to install correct ?20:15
thothstriangleguntbert:  well i was installing a package and it said error 3 files already exist20:15
Baaazingaoompah...LaLaLa OOmpah...LaLaLa...OOOM-PAH lalala OpenBSD!20:15
ikoniaBaaazinga: please stop that20:16
JenniferB2ikonia: I have tried that with 10.04 but with 10.10 I am using the usb installer20:16
guntbertthothstriangle: and how did you react?20:16
ikoniaJenniferB2: ok, so you boot the installer, do you get a desktop ?20:16
Baaazingaikonia:  sorry, its my fav song20:16
JenniferB2no .. let me run it again20:16
sirriffsalotOerHeks, must be pretty narrowed down by now:S20:17
JenniferB2ikonia: first I get a vesmenu.c32 not a com32r image .. boot: ( i have read how to get on to the next step ... type live and press enter ) ... next page :20:17
thothstriangleguntbert:  well axctually i just thought about it agian then was too lazy to google it so i asked here to see if anybody could help me get a good conversation going about this20:17
ikoniaJenniferB2: ok, so your install media is messed up20:17
linsysWhen I try and apt-get install -y mdadm Ubuntu attempts to install postfix and I get a "Please Select the mail server configuration type" and it breaks my scripts... any way to have the postfix install not prompt and accept some default?20:18
drag0niusis there some nice tutorial to set up samba to connect from win7?20:18
sirriffsalotOerHeks, is there no way of making a new MBR or bootloader in gparted..?20:18
ikonia!samba > drag0nius20:18
ubottudrag0nius, please see my private message20:18
BobMarley hi people, i would like to know what u think about the windows 8 certification?20:18
guntbertthothstriangle: you are making me confused - I cannot understand your problem at all - sorry20:18
JenniferB2well.. I have downloaded it as a torrent .. so it should be valid .. then I used the usb installer to "move it"20:18
ikoniaJenniferB2: sounds like it failed to move correctly20:18
thothstriangleguntbert:  well ok then it will come when the time is right20:19
andy8856the windows 8 certification is a a waste20:19
JenniferB2ikonia: well, I have had this issue numerous times20:19
ikoniaJenniferB2: I'm sure you have20:19
JenniferB2with 10.04 as well20:19
guntbertandy8856: keep to ubuntu support here please20:19
ikoniaJenniferB2: ok - you need to get me the exact info, as the forum post is nothing like the situation you are describing20:19
JenniferB2ok, but perhaps I am choosing the wrong version .. in the usb installer20:19
OerHekssirriffsalot, i dunno, any 'old' ubuntu should be seen in grub2.20:20
JenniferB2ikonia: the next step is the forum post like issue20:20
ikoniaJenniferB2: I'm sorry, I don't accept that20:20
sirriffsalotOerHeks, the hell..:S20:20
ikoniaJenniferB2: I don't believe you are providing accurate information at this time.20:20
JenniferB2"your cpu appears to be lacking expected security protections ... bla bla .. Please check bios ... "20:20
ikoniaJenniferB2: ok, that is normally a bios setting20:20
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JenniferB2yes.. but I do not have that bios setting20:20
JenniferB2at least not that I am aware of20:21
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ikoniaJenniferB2: ok, so that maybe a limitation of your motherboard/bios20:21
ikoniaJenniferB2: you need to research that and check it20:21
linsysAnyone? Besides -y what other way can I get apt-get to not promopt for configuration information?20:21
ikoniaJenniferB2: the setting is "NX" protection20:21
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genii-aroundlinsys: Make an /etc/apt/apt.conf file and put whatever you want as the defaults for it in there. apt-config dump   will show you the list of things you could set in there if you want.20:23
drag0niusanything i do on samba server in win7 i have denied permissions20:23
drag0niuseven though i logged in20:23
ikoniadrag0nius: I suspect you have not created the "samba" usernames/passwords correctly20:24
JenniferB2okej, I googled it and found it ... altered it .. and now I am not getting that error but for some reason I just have a terminal20:24
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ikoniadrag0nius: and you are relaying on the ubuntu/windows usernames/passwords20:24
ikoniaJenniferB2: I suspect your install media is messed up as I said earlier20:24
drag0niusthey're supposed to be synchronized20:24
ikoniadrag0nius: not really20:24
drag0niuseven if not i added em manually20:24
ikoniadrag0nius: it depends were/how you have told it to authenticate20:24
genii-aroundlinsys: man apt.conf for syntax of how to add entries20:25
drag0niusi managed to get asked on entering folder20:25
ikoniadrag0nius: being prompted is not the same as sucessfully authenticating correclty20:25
drag0niusim authenticated in net use20:25
drag0niusand can go into folder20:25
ikoniadrag0nius: you're not20:25
ikoniadrag0nius: as you can't write20:25
JenniferB2ikonia: it is ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso    from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.10/20:25
ikoniadrag0nius: so either a.) your permissions are wrong b.) your not authenticated20:25
drag0niusthen how to actually check if im logged in?20:25
ikoniaJenniferB2: you are messing me around, you said you had torrented it 5 minutes ago20:26
ikoniaJenniferB2: now you are saying you downloaded it from old-releases.ubuntu.com20:26
BobMarley_excuse-me but i lost the internet connection20:27
BobMarley_ i would like to know what u think about the windows 8 certification?20:27
linsysgenii-around: I just put it in puppet.. I didn't want to wait20:27
ikoniaJenniferB2: you also appear to be saying you are using debian in #debian20:27
ikoniaJenniferB2: I don't believe you are giving truthful/accurate information20:27
MonkeyDustBobMarley_  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:28
JenniferB2ikonia: no, in debian .. i am asking to figure out if I should drop ubuntu .. but not sure20:28
JenniferB2ikonia: I am20:28
h00kBobMarley_: you can talk about Windows in ##windows20:28
ikoniaJenniferB2: bottom line is you need a sane install source,20:29
ikoniaJenniferB2: get one20:29
ikoniaburn it to a CD - install20:29
BobMarley(xchat-gnome:3924): Gdk-CRITICAL **: _gdk_pixmap_new: assertion `(width != 0) && (height != 0)' failed20:29
BobMarleySegmentation fault20:29
BobMarleythats is what i get when the xchat crashes20:30
BobMarley__(xchat-gnome:3924): Gdk-CRITICAL **: _gdk_pixmap_new: assertion `(width != 0) && (height != 0)' failed20:31
BobMarley__ Segmentation fault20:31
BobMarley__ thats is what i get when the xchat crashes20:31
usr13ikonia: You think CD is more reliable than USB install?20:31
strangehey guys my keyboard stopped working today under ubuntu works fine on other os but in ubuntui cant even turn num lock light on/off20:31
FriedPetI've installed 12.04 sometime last week. I had trouble with the livecd, so tried it with a USB disk which also gave me problems - i eventually managed to install by using "nomodeset". did a few updated and rebooted the system. now it doesn't want to load ubuntu - at first it gave me a purple/black screen right after GRUB, but the next boot gives me this: http://i48.tinypic.com/28upbux.jpg and that number changes with every restart. 20:31
matreya6!ot | BobMarley_20:32
ubottuBobMarley_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:32
ikoniausr13: I think the process of burning a CD is compared to transfering the iso to usb20:32
usr13ikonia: I don't think there's a difference.  I've done both and I prefer USB20:32
ikoniausr13: good for you20:33
usr13but just because USB is quicker and easier.20:33
sirriffsalotWhat's that program that configures grub from a gui?20:34
imarki believe its just called startup manager20:35
matreya6sirriffsalot, it's called grubconf20:35
drag0niuscan i change owner of the folder?20:35
drag0niusso its not root, but one of users?20:35
morsnowskii've 12.04 running on two screens just nicely, niow o itried to use vlc and it doesn't give me the full screen it appears as if the right hand side of the screen is just black. almost as if wasn't seen y vlc? . anybody ever seen this?20:36
sirriffsalotmatreya6, cheers20:36
morsnowskiwhere do these letters come from :O20:36
sirriffsalotmatreya6, any idea why I can't find it in synaptic?20:36
morsnowskisame with totem btw20:37
i7cweird thing: if i turn off bluetooth my wifi dies also..!?20:37
matreya6sirriffsalot, probably because you'll need an extra repo or PPA that includes this tool20:37
morsnowskian the second screen it works just fine20:38
sirriffsalotmatreya6, I'll just get it from the webpage, cheers:)20:38
niklasfihey, i have the problem that mpd tells me it is playing music, but i can't hear anything. what should i do?20:38
matreya6sirriffsalot, sorry for the noise, it seems that thi project has been abandoned long ago.20:39
usr13niklasfi: alsamixer #See that volume is turned up and nothing is muted.20:39
i7cniklasfi: see if the outputs of mpd are configured correctly20:39
Robert_Qiancan anybody see what I typed?20:39
aaustinRobert_Qian, sure20:40
i7cRobert_Qian: yes :D20:40
sirriffsalotmatreya6, no problem20:40
niklasfiusr13: i checked that weirdly the progress bar moves way to fast in ncmpc as well20:40
JenniferB2ikonia: Why isn't usb versions offered on the ubuntu site anyway? why do we have to "convert" them ourselfs ?20:40
JenniferB2and use a third party program20:41
ikoniaJenniferB2: what is a usb format ?20:41
giotana kanw mia erwtisi?????20:41
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  the .iso can be burned on cd or used on usb stick20:41
ikoniaJenniferB2: what is a usb format ?20:41
JenniferB2ikonia: usb installer images duh20:41
ikoniaJenniferB2: what is a usb installer image ?20:41
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  it's the same .iso20:41
Myrtti!gr | giota20:42
ubottugiota: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes20:42
JenniferB2MonkeyDust: but you cant just drop it on the usb ? or extract it .. will that work ?20:42
ikoniaJenniferB2: the usb disk is just a disk20:42
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  use unetbootin20:42
antonio_i need ubuntu.it20:42
ikoniaJenniferB2: you need to uncompress it and position it the same as you would to a hard disk20:42
MonkeyDustantonio_  type /j#ubuntu-it20:42
MonkeyDustantonio_  type /j #ubuntu-it20:42
ikoniaJenniferB2: hence why there is no such thing as a usb install image20:42
Spectacle_KDoes anyone know how to completely remove a font from the computer? I've tried just deleting the font from the font directory in home but it still shows up in LibreOffice.20:43
sirriffsalotI installed ubuntu studio 12.04 alongside ubuntu 12.04 but in the grub loader I can't access the old one, but the partition is still there:( What's going on?20:43
JenniferB2ikonia: well.. what ever files end up on the usb .. the same files could be zipped and provided on the site20:44
ikoniasirriffsalot: define can't access20:44
ikoniaJenniferB2: no they couldn't, hence why they don't20:44
JenniferB2ikonia: so a user just need to unzip it there20:44
sirriffsalotikonia, can't login to it in any way, but the files are still in the same partition as always20:44
ikoniaJenniferB2: you need a tool20:44
ikoniasirriffsalot: does it boot ?20:44
sirriffsalotikonia, grub only shows options for ubuntu studio20:44
h00kJenniferB2: to create a persistent file if required, and to make it bootable.20:44
sirriffsalotikonia, no, not at all20:44
ikoniasirriffsalot: right, so you need to update grub to have the second option20:44
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  do you want to install *on* a usb stick, or *from* a usb stick?20:45
Jordan_UJenniferB2: For BIOS based booting you need a boot sector, among other things, for the drive to be bootable. Just extracting files to a filesystem is never enough.20:45
sirriffsalotikonia, isn't there some way of making a new grub bootloader that takes into account both OS?20:45
ikoniasirriffsalot: the sad truth is grub2 is not a good option to be able to boot 2 linux distros20:45
JenniferB2MonkeyDust: from a usb stick20:45
ikoniasirriffsalot: yes, you need to update grub's config and run the update-grub command20:45
sirriffsalotikonia, well I've been always been able to before:D20:45
JenniferB2Jordan_U: ok, thanks for the lesson20:45
sirriffsalotikonia, alright, what do I do?20:45
sirriffsalotikonia, and why did this not happen automatically?20:45
Spectacle_KHow do I uninstall a font from my computer?20:45
MonkeyDustJenniferB2  ok, then use unetbootin to put the iso on the usb stick, boot from usb, install20:45
fallenangellooking for a little help. i installed 12.04 and i seem to be having some scrolling issues. depending on my window i have to scroll the other way. down for up and up for down. Im using a touchpad on my laptop. i can't find a setting for it and can't seem to work out what is the same between the windows that seem to flip the scroll direction. any ideas ?20:45
ikoniasirriffsalot: update the grub config in your host system in then run update grub20:45
sirriffsalotikonia, how?:$20:46
ikoniasirriffsalot: it didn't happen automatically as I've just said, it's not the best tool to dual boot linux systems any more20:46
FriedPetwhat does this error screen mean: http://i48.tinypic.com/28upbux.jpg20:46
sirriffsalotikonia, hmm, ok20:46
Jordan_Uikonia: sirriffsalot: While it's true that grub2's default behavior with other OSs is not ideal, it can be fairly easily configured to work well. See: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Multi_002dboot-manual-config and note that you don't really need a separate grub partition, you can simply designate one OS as the "controlling" OS, and add menu entries for the others to /boot/grub/custom.cfg .20:47
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ikoniaJordan_U: totally agree on that,20:47
ikoniaJordan_U: wasn't saying it can't be done, it's just a different approach to how it used to20:47
Jordan_Uikonia: sirriffsalot: s#other OSs#other GNU/Linux OSs#20:47
sirriffsalotJordan_U, eh?20:47
sirriffsalotJordan_U, dear god I don't have time to understand all of this lol:D Is there really no easier way?:S20:48
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Could you give a quick recap of what you're trying to do / what problem you're having?20:49
sirriffsalotJordan_U,  I installed ubuntu studio 12.04 alongside ubuntu 12.04 but in the grub loader I can't access the old one, but the partition is still there:( What's going on?20:50
fallenangellooking for a little help. i installed 12.04 and i seem to be having some scrolling issues. depending on my window i have to scroll the other way. down for up and up for down. Im using a touchpad on my laptop. i can't find a setting for it and can't seem to work out what is the same between the windows that seem to flip the scroll direction. any ideas ?20:51
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: So you're currently booted into Ubuntu Studio? If so, please run "sudo os-prober" and tell me the output.20:51
sirriffsalotAre you a developer?20:52
sirriffsalotJordan_U, uhm, no output at all20:52
sirriffsalotJust a new :~$ line20:52
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sirriffsalotJordan_U, this is bad.. right?20:53
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Normally it would list your other Ubuntu install. Could you run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt which it produces (ubottu will give you instructions for doing this).20:53
i7cweird thing: if i turn off bluetooth my wifi dies also..!?20:53
strangehello guys my keyboard doesnt work right of hte bat after boot it works in other OS tried ps2 and usb keyboard both just freeze cant turn on/off caps lock light or anything mouse does work and i can access the box through ssh. any suggestions?20:53
Jordan_U!bootinfo | sirriffsalot20:53
ubottusirriffsalot: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:53
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Well, something's not working properly. I'm sure that we can get it working though (as long as you really still do have that other Ubuntu partition).20:54
sirriffsalotJordan_U, alright, hang on20:55
sirriffsalotJordan_U, there you go http://pastebin.com/GUaJqhia20:56
sirriffsalotJordan_U, I sure do:)20:57
sirriffsalotJordan_U, the previous ubuntu install is at /dev/sda620:58
Spectacle_KI installed a font by mistake (it was the wrong font) and now I want to get rid of it so I can install the right font under the same name. How do I completely remove this font?20:58
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: You have two ext2 partitions, and 3 ext3 partitions, but only one partition containing a /etc/fstab. Can you explain why /dev/sda6 appears to not have a /etc/fstab (which any GNU/Linux install should have in its root filesystem)?20:59
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Wouldn't it just overwrite the old font if you'd install the new, correct font if it's the same name (and presumably filename)?21:00
sirriffsalotJordan_U, I have no clue.. I probably installed wrong when I partitioned things around..21:01
Spectacle_KI guess... but still in the future if I ever want to remove a font how would I do that? Because just deleting them out of the .font directory in home doesn't seem to do it?21:01
sirriffsalotJordan_U, so do we sort this out or am I screwed?:D21:02
i7cwhat do i have to do to disable bluetooth completely?21:02
Spectacle_KMrokii: Do you know how to uninstall a font from Ubuntu, is it as simple as deleting it from the home folder's '.font' directory? I remember trying it that way before and the font still showed up in LibreOffice.21:03
i7cuninstall a package or something?21:03
MrokiiSpectacle_K: I don't know, sorry. I only remember that I read a text a long time ago, saying that it's a mess because there is more than one folder in which fonts are.21:04
b_Spectacle_K, /usr/share/fonts ?21:04
theodorehow do you reinstall ubuntu without any external media?21:04
=== amar is now known as cham
MrokiiSpectacle_K: How did you install the font, btw?21:04
Zubinhow to install a usb modem in Xubuntu?21:04
theodorei'm trying to sell this laptop before the next hour21:04
=== cham is now known as amar
theodoreneed to wipe all my files21:04
sirriffsalotJordan_U, come on, we're so close!!:D21:04
Spectacle_KWell, I double-click it usually and press 'install'. If there's a mass of fonts I want to install I unhide the .font folder in home and drag and drop the fonts there. Works the same way. That's the only place the installed fonts are.21:04
mortenhello, is there really no way to access a pubkey protected SSH server with the Pangolin Nautilus app?21:04
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Can you pastebin the output of "ls /media/7d60beb5-f612-4d87-a451-e39e61ef2cb0"? It will contain a list of all of the files in the top level of the filesystem, so if you have any filenames that you don't want public check the output before posting it.21:05
OerHekstheodore, install fresh the same way you installed before.21:05
theodorei have no USB's21:05
theodoreisn't there a way to do it via inside the operating system?21:05
sirriffsalotJordan_U, well what are you after?21:05
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Maybe this will be of help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts21:05
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: I want to get an idea of what really is in that partition.21:06
sirriffsalotJordan_U, the output is: "backup  lost+found  sirriffsalot"21:06
Spectacle_KMrokii: This tells me everything except HOW to uninstall the font. I don't think it'll be much help. :/21:07
Jordan_Utheodore: The easiest way is to boot the netboot installer image (which you *don't* need to actually netboot, you can load it from the HD normally using grub) and do a standard install. It will grab everything from the internet, so it will likely take longer than an hour to finish.21:07
Zubinhow to install a usb modem in Xubuntu?21:07
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Further down on that site are several locations mentioned where fonts could be and how to update the font cache.21:07
OerHekstheodore, maybe you can mount an iso to grub, but that needs its own space.21:07
Zubinhow to install a usb modem in Xubuntu?21:08
mortenhello, is there really no way to access a pubkey protected SSH server with the Pangolin Nautilus app?21:08
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Well, that partition certainly doesn't contain an Ubuntu installation then.21:09
Zubinhow to install a usb modem in Xubuntu?21:09
h00k!patience | Zubin21:09
ubottuZubin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:09
sirriffsalotJordan_U, it did:O21:10
sirriffsalotThe hell..21:10
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Bottom line, for whatever reason, you only currently have one Ubuntu installation.21:10
Spectacle_KMrokii: Yes, I see that... but from what I'm reading... it's not telling me how to remove the fonts from the system.21:10
Spectacle_KI mean, do I just delete them from the folder and update the cache... oh wait...21:10
sirriffsalotJordan_U, that can't be:S How do we fix this?21:10
Spectacle_KIs that how I do it?21:10
sirriffsalotJordan_U, is there no way?:P21:10
MrokiiSpectacle_K: sure.21:10
mortenZubin, it really depends on the modem. Some don't require installation, others need software.21:10
b_Spectacle_K, its a file manager job + update the cache21:10
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Are you sure that it wasn't just a separate /home partition?21:10
sirriffsalotNo, the one I installed ubuntu studio on was a seperate partition meant for storing stuff on21:11
sirriffsalot/dev/sda3 was the ubuntu 12.04 install21:11
Spectacle_KDon't get me wrong when I say this, I love Ubuntu it's the best system I've ever used... but it's supposed to be more simple than this. In other OSes you just go to the font folder and delete it. Here you need to write codes into the Terminal.21:11
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Then can you mount /dev/sda3 and tell me what files are there?21:11
Zubinmine is a micromax 3g usb modem. I installed it in ubuntu by changing the modules folder and loaded the modules but in xubuntu i cant change the folder.21:12
sirriffsalotJordan_U, for some reason my filebrowser crashes when I try to open the partition, hang on21:12
Spectacle_KTwo more questions: Does Ubuntu accept .otf fonts? And how come I can't install certain .ttf fonts on Ubuntu?21:12
niklasfiwhen i run  sudo -s -u user why do i get "bash: /home/niklas/.bashrc: permission denied?"21:12
mortenZubin, what do you mean by changing the modules folder?21:13
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Delete the font and update the font cache. That should do it.21:13
Spectacle_KMrokii: OK, I will. Does Ubuntu accept .otf fonts?21:13
sirriffsalotJordan_U, ok this is strange.. the "421 GB Filesystem" that is /dev/sda3 can't be opened through the desktop.. I have to go via the filesystem21:14
MrokiiSpectacle_K: I think it should.21:14
Zubini just edited and made my own modules using gedit.21:14
sirriffsalotJordan_U, well anyway, I did list what files were there a moment ago... backup  lost+found  sirriffsalot are the only things there:S21:14
sirriffsalotJordan_U, I setup my boot and root stuff differently21:15
sirriffsalotJordan_U, does that matter?21:15
Spectacle_KLast question Mrokii: How come I can't install certain fonts in Ubuntu, they always come up as 'installation failed'.21:15
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Differently from what?21:15
sirriffsalotI'll show you, hang on21:15
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Sorry, I'm not that much of an expert. How do you try to install these fonts, btw?21:15
=== cham is now known as amar
YagoI need help setuping up Ubuntu21:16
Spectacle_KEither through font viewer (double-click font and click the 'install button) or if it's a mass of fonts I drag and drop them into the .font folder in the home directory.21:16
sirriffsalotJordan_U, ups, /dev/sda6 is where my ubuntu install was:P Anyway, putting a screenshot up of gparted so you can see21:16
Spectacle_KBut the ones that fail to install I've double-clicked and tried to install with the button in the font viewer.21:16
sirriffsalotJordan_U, http://picpaste.com/51_PM-yV6X5gOz.png21:17
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Sorry, no clue why the installation could fail.21:18
Spectacle_KOK thanks.21:18
MrokiiSpectacle_K: Maybe see if you can find the font in a different format and retry.21:18
sirriffsalotJordan_U, does that make things more obvious?:P21:19
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: So the only partition which you're not using in your current installation is sda6, which we've already determined does not contain an Ubuntu installation. If you want another Ubuntu installation you'll need to install Ubuntu again.21:19
sirriffsalotJordan_U, how can that be? The install was there without a shadow of doubt:S:S21:20
sirriffsalotJordan_U, is the boot partition or root partition playing any part here?21:20
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Maybe you didn't have any doubt, but that doesn't mean your weren't still wrong.21:20
sirriffsalotJordan_U, when you have the option to "install ubuntu studio alongside ubuntu 12.04 LTS" it's pretty obvious that there was something there before:D21:21
Spectacle_KMrokii: THANKS! The font remove method worked! Thank you so much.21:21
Mrokiispacebug-: you're welcome. :)21:23
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Did you actually use that option, or did you just see it? I'm assuming that you used the manual partitioning option instead, is that correct?21:24
sirriffsalotJordan_U, yes..21:24
sirriffsalotJordan_U, did not format or touch /dev/sda3 or /dev/sda6 in any way though..21:24
sirriffsalotJordan_U, I can't imagine that the entire install is just gone21:25
JkesslerI installed some software yesterday and now my Brosix client crashes when I try to start it giving error "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40801) with this library (version 0x40800)"  any ideas?  Thanks.21:26
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: I think you were mistaken that /dev/sda6 contained your root partition. I think that it contained your /home/, and you accidentily overwrote your actual root partition. That's still pretty good news though if it's correct, because all of your really valuable data was probably in your /home/, which is still intact.21:26
sirriffsalotJordan_U, nono, /dev/sda6 was my home partition, /dev/sda2 as you can see in the screenshot is root21:27
supertuxc'est génial ce bidule21:28
jihedamineHi. Unity dash's search field keeps the last typed query. Is there a way to have it reset each time it is called21:28
supertuxdslé je suis un petit nouveau dans le mon de linux21:29
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: OK, so you know that /dev/sda6 was only your /home/ partition, which means that it didn't have most of your old "Ubuntu installation". So where do you expect your old Ubuntu installation to be?21:29
Jordan_U!fr | supertux21:29
ubottusupertux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:29
supertuxinsttall new version where is your prob????21:29
supertuxjean-maurice est partis21:30
sirriffsalotJordan_U, no clue.. where would the install be?:S:S21:30
niarghfresh install of 12.04 server amd64 on dell dimension c521 - boots fine until it tries to switch to some graphic mode and then console hangs - but can still ssh to machine - how can I completely disable any graphic stuff and get a simple cli?21:30
supertuxjean cule est partis heu jean-luc21:30
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Nowhere. It looks to me like your old root partition was on one of sda1, sda2, sda7, or sda8. All of which you're using in your new installation currently so it was probably overwritten.21:31
pretenderinstalled peer guardian linux on 12.04 but it seems to be blocking all internet cant even access google.com   How can i fix this21:32
sirriffsalotJordan_U, lol, you're right21:32
sirriffsalotJordan_U, I formated the root partition /dev/sda221:33
omegalimitHey guys, is there a specific chat for Wine and/or PlayOnLinux?21:33
Allex944hi, do you know some "note" soft?21:33
sirriffsalotHow could I be so dumb21:33
supertuxprobléme with install lubuntu 12.o4 grub not stable with windows21:33
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: Please watch your language, abbreviated or otherwise.21:33
niarghany way to get cli only on 10.04 server? somehow my fresh install looks like it's trying to start some GUI21:33
sirriffsalotJordan_U, you don't swear?21:33
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: It's against this channel's policy.21:34
sirriffsalotJordan_U, so no:D And alright, sorry21:34
codepimpI never quite got a list of what are bad words.21:34
jihedamineHi. Unity dash's search field keeps the last typed query. Is there a way to have it reset each time it is called ?21:35
codepimpI am a medical student. Is vagina OK to say?21:35
Myrtticodepimp: did you have a Ubuntu support issue or a question?21:35
sirriffsalotJordan_U, and thank you very much for your time:)21:35
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: You're welcome :)21:35
penihello, I have hybrid ati/intel gfx and I would like to use the ati card with the open source drivers. how is this possible?21:36
codepimpMyrtti yea. I am working on a theme for irssi called Vagtastic. Was wondering how to get it into the repos.21:36
Myrttisupertux: hi?21:37
k1l!fr | supertux21:38
ubottusupertux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:38
Myrtticodepimp: unlikely that it will be included, most irssi users go to the irssi theme page and get them there. Debian doesn't have a package for themes either.21:38
teej_mI'm getting a bunch of "possible SYN flooding" messages in my syslog for my game's app server.  I'm not getting SYN flooded.  What does this mean?21:38
lapionhow can I fix inverted colors during playback of video21:39
k1llapion: on youtube?21:39
poseidonAny suggestions on a tiling window manager to use with xfce dm?21:40
sirriffsalotI wonder, is it possible to have a different wallpaper on the different desktops I have?21:40
lapionnope that's an easy problem just turn off hw acceleration21:40
codepimpMyrtti: true. Debian does have the irssi-scripts in the repos though. Don't like putting anything on my system that is not signed. BTW I am on Debian now Linux zion 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 11 17:24:18 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:40
lapionmythfrontend menu and video is inverted during video playback21:41
mikeeeymy laptop is overheating running opensuse 12.1 (kernel 3.1, core i5), and running cool on Windows though. Is this solved with the newer kernels (3.2 or 3.4 even) ?21:42
sirriffsalotJordan_U, mind assisting with this displaying issue?? The /dev/sda6 can't be opened via the desktop partition icon or via thunar21:42
sirriffsalotJordan_U, thunar crashes if I try to:S21:42
supertuxjoin  #ubuntu-fr21:43
codepimp / ignore * joins21:43
auronandacemikeeey: runs fine here on 12.04 (3.2 kernel)21:43
mikeeeyok thank you, I'll give it a try21:44
lapionoops k1l  wrong window21:44
=== MasterGeek is now known as TechnoGeek
_SEQhi all21:48
lyleafter a recent update ubuntu has started going into hibernation after a while of video-intensive activities21:52
lylehas anybody run into this problem?21:52
_SEQno idea21:52
auronandacelyle: sounds like overheating21:52
lylei have all my power settings set to "don't do anything," and i've had the problem in both ubuntu 2d and gnome 321:52
k1llyle: maybe some overheating problems?21:53
lylek1l auronandace, does ubuntu hibernate when overheating?21:53
k1ltake a look at the logs (dmesg, syslog)21:53
k1llyle: i dont know what the mainboards emergency plan is21:53
auronandacelyle: in my experience it only shuts down (i've never used suspend or hibernate)21:54
lyleoh, like it's sending a signal from the mobo21:54
lylei never use them either really21:54
lylei'm on a macbook pro, and it does get incredibly hot21:54
lyleMBPs are garbage by the way, if anybody's interested21:54
ubuntu_hi all21:55
_SEQhi ubuntu21:55
teej_mUbuntu is closing my TCP connections randomly.  How do I stop it?21:57
=== Lloir is now known as Lloir|zZZz
MonkeyDustteej_m  wireless?21:57
sirriffsalotJordan_U, ?:)21:57
teej_mInbound TCP connections on a server21:57
MonkeyDustteej_m  start from the beginning21:58
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
teej_mI have a game.  I've got ~10,000 game clients trying to connect to my game server.  They are SSL connections.  They hit a single server, the SSL is decrypted with stud, the packet is sent to HAProxy which distributes it to one of 10 app servers21:59
teej_mall of that is working.21:59
teej_mMy clients connect to the app servers and can talk just fine.21:59
manzoorcan any one pls tell is there any command to  get number of days  in a month..??21:59
lylethx guys, i'll see if i can do something about airflow or something22:00
teej_mBut after 10-90 seconds, the client gets a "connection closed".22:00
arievidit my site www.devilzc0de.org/forum22:00
lyleteej_m: have you checked haproxy?22:00
omegalimitmanzoor: could type "cal 07 2012" for example for july this year in terminal22:00
auronandacearie: no advertising22:01
lylei haven't used it for long connections22:01
arieit's a forum programmer22:01
lyleteej_m: like do you notice this problem if you turn off the proxy and just point at a single server22:01
teej_mlyle: thats a possibility.  I don't have HAProxy logging turned on.  I'll turn on logging.  I'll also see if I have the problem if I remove HAProxy22:02
manzooromegalimit, yup that will display the whole calender but i just need the count not the whole calender of the month.22:03
omegalimitmanzoor: ah, dunno22:03
_ravenwhere can i find the MINI.ISO for XUbuntu 12.0422:04
manzooromegalimit, its okei,  thanx22:04
auronandace_raven: mini.iso is just that, they don't come with desktop environments22:04
teej_mlyle: It happens without HAProxy22:04
reanimation911Hey guys I HAVE A PROBLEM! When i boot 12.04 it doesnt go to login screen, only commands...22:05
tanyonxCan't get 3D working on Ubuntu 12.04 on a HP Pavillion dv7000 with GeForce 7150M integrated video.  Any help?22:05
codepimp_raven www.debian.org/CD/netinst on the bottem it says businesscard CD image (generally 20-50 MB)22:05
_ravenauronandace i need the minimal network boot image for install22:05
auronandace!mini | _raven22:06
ubottu_raven: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:06
reanimation911I installed and ran, everything was fine. Tried installing dropbox, got stuck, restarted my computer and now this...just commands. What can i do!?22:06
givebloodreanimation911: what happens when you try to run the "startx" command?22:07
joekois it possible to create a grub rescue CD that has support for USB flash drives?22:07
_ravencodepimp auronandace i said XUBUNTU22:07
reanimation911giveblood: let me try, rebooting now.22:07
auronandace_raven: you aren't listening, they all have the same base22:08
sirriffsalotAny GUI-tool for configuring grub?22:08
MonkeyDust_raven  you can choose gnome, xfce, lxde....22:09
reanimation911giveblood: lots of txt but at the end it says xinit: server error22:09
reanimation911giveblood: i just dont know why it boots into a comnmand line instead of the login screen...22:10
_ravenok tnx22:11
reanimation911Can anybody help?? After installing 12.04 after restart it boots into a comnmand line instead of the login screen..22:12
manzoorreanimation911, might be because of ur runlevel22:12
givebloodreanimation911: it probably tries to, but its failing because of the xinit error.  you'll have to find out from some logs what that error is22:12
reanimation911manzoor: details? idk22:13
reanimation911giveblood: how can i get logs? would it help to run recovery mode?22:14
usr13reanimation911: Look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:14
usr13reanimation911: login and do:  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:14
agoodmusr13, reanimation911 could also use 'less' to look at the contents, so (s)he can scroll around with the arrow keys22:15
usr13reanimation911: Shift-PageUp a ways and look for clues.22:15
reanimation911agoodm: he lol and ok22:16
agoodminteresting, can you use that on the ordinary text only terminal to scroll up? i may have learnt something new :D22:16
reanimation911usr13: alright ill give it a shot22:16
usr13reanimation911: Yea, as agoodm says, you can do   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and then do Shift-g  to go to the end.22:17
reanimation911usr13: and what am i looking for?22:17
agoodmusr13, yeah im aware of that, didnt know you could scroll up in a init 3 level terminal though22:17
agoodmlearn new stuff every day :D22:17
usr13agoodm: Ot22:18
usr13agoodm: Ot22:18
usr13agoodm: it's a console mode not init 322:18
usr13agoodm: dissregard the Ot, was typo.  Had my fingers on the wrong keys, thought it was the computer at first.22:19
pretender_Installed Peer Guardian Linux in ubuntu 12.04  But it seems to be blocking all internet connection cant even access google.com.  How can i fix this without removing Peer Guardian Linux22:19
=== b_ is now known as brontosaurusrex
reanimation911usr13: usr13: ok what am i looking for now??22:22
usr13reanimation911: Errors22:22
agoodmsince ive been working with linux since redhat 9 came out it never ceases to amaze me that to this day I still learn new tricks, despite having multiple businesses out there with multisite networks + phone systems which ive built on top of redhat enterprise based distros.  running ubuntu on my laptop/workstation (docking station with multi screens) though22:23
usr13reanimation911: Just look for something that looks suspicious / interesting22:23
reanimation911usr13: im finding like failed to load nouveau - failed to load nvidia (already loaded...) stuff like that22:24
usr13reanimation911: Good.  Those are clues.22:24
usr13reanimation911: What is your video card?22:24
usr13reanimation911:  lspci |grep VGA  #Tell us what it says22:25
loostrohello, I have a problem with upgradeing PHP5 package22:26
agoodmloostro, please describe the issue22:26
loostroi selected it in synaptic (it is now installed and working 5.2.10 version)22:26
reanimation911usr13: having to RS, ill tell u now22:26
loostrothen i choose Pakiet (package) -> Wymus wersje (force version)22:27
loostroand choose 5.3.5-ubuntu(natty)22:27
loostrosorry, it is 5.3.5-ubuntu7(natty)22:28
loostroi confirm and click "apply changes" so i expect my php to reinstall22:28
loostrobut i get error22:28
agoodmloostro, what are you trying to achieve; what is the error?22:28
usr13reanimation911: I'm assuming it is a fresh install.  Right?  I would also assume that updates have yet to be done.  Right?  Try just doing updates:  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade22:29
loostroE: Cannot repair problems. Damaged packets werse stopped22:29
reanimation911usr13: NVIDIA Corporation G73 [GeForce Go 7600] (rev all)22:29
loostro(these are my translations.. errors are in polish)22:29
loostrowhat im trying to achieve is:22:29
reanimation911usr13: yes and yes22:29
loostroi have a PHP 5.2 working server.. my new website requers php 5.322:29
usr13reanimation911: Do updates and then let us know if you still have problems.22:30
loostroi want to upgrade to PHP 5.3 but keep my configs22:30
agoodmloostro, ok, which version of ubuntu?22:30
reanimation911usr13: ok thx...person. haha22:30
=== nibbler_ is now known as nibbier
loostroi had 10.10 until now22:31
linguiniSo, it turns out my family's ubuntu machine was probably turning off because the CPU was overheating.  After opening the case, we found that the CPU fan was dangling, detached from the CPU because the plastic mounting lug had broken.22:31
loostrotoday i upgraded to 11.0422:31
haz3lnutAnyone want to help me with my front audio input?22:32
nibbierlinguini, ah, good to hear ;-)22:32
agoodmlinguini, had this happen to a clients server recently, had to super glue the bracket back together and its still holding :D22:32
linguiniagoodm: Ah!  Good to know; I thought super glue might not work...22:32
haz3lnutIn sound settings, I can see the level indicator moving with input, but I can;t hear any sound.  Any ideas?22:33
agoodmlinguini, I had to let it dry overnight as the first time I tried to fit the hsf it broke back offl; I was lucky the small piece of plastic was still inside the server22:33
nibbierhaz3lnut, thats ok, its not meant to be looped to your speakers. try to skype etc22:33
agoodmloostro, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place...22:34
linguiniI wish we could simply buy a new CPU mounting lug; it looks like it is a replaceable component...22:34
loostrowhat can i do? upgrade ubuntu to 11.10 would change anything?22:35
agoodmloostro, i guess you're trying to use php from some unsupported repository and it sounds like its conflicting with ubuntu somehow...22:35
loostroi can do that, if that helps22:35
haz3lnutnibbier: I get it.  it's intended for mic only.  can I loop it?  I plugged my phone into it and want to hear the sound.22:35
reanimation911usr13: ok ran the updates and it said - E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem22:35
agoodmloostro, let me check what version of php is in 12.04lts...22:35
nibbierhaz3lnut, don't try without a headphone. its audiomanager, just look for the output selectors something22:35
loostroagoodm: is there any way to uninstall PHP (and all its dependencies) without loosing configs?22:36
reanimation911usr13: ran that and then it says - Setting up nautilus dropbox22:36
usr13reanimation911: okeydokey,  keep up the good work.22:37
agoodmloostro, if you dont use the completely remove option the configs should be left in place22:37
loostroagoodm: if so, i would (1) uninstall PHP 5.2 + all deps (2) clear package sources list/reset to default (3) install php 5.3 from official sources22:37
agoodmloostro, but make a backup just in case22:37
reanimation911usr13: it says Downloading Dropbox...99% but stays stuck there22:37
agoodmloostro, easiest / safest way might be to upgrade to 12.04 it comes with 5.322:37
loostrook i will try first upgradeing22:38
usr13reanimation911: Patience is a virtue22:38
tomvolekHi all, I have  a cron job entry to back up some directiries, everything was workign fine, all of a sudden this cron doesnt run anymore and thigns are not getting backup. there is plenty of alce on the partition.22:38
loostrothanks for your time agoodm!22:38
reanimation911usr13: last time i waited for almost 10 mins :/22:38
usr13tomvolek: What's the job?22:38
usr13reanimation911: The "last time"?22:39
usr13reanimation911: When was that?  *(You did all this b4?)22:39
usr13reanimation911: Try this:  sudo apt-get -f install22:40
reanimation911usr13: yea i already ran the --cofigure -a command before (been trying things for about an hour)22:40
haz3lnutnibbier: I can;t find an audiomanager is it named something else?22:40
usr13reanimation911:   sudo apt-get -f install22:40
reanimation911usr13: ok let me RS cuz i cant do it now22:40
penihi, how can I tell whether or not I have KMS enabled?22:40
peni(kernel modesetting)22:41
tomvolekusr, the job entry is just to backup a directory .22:41
usr13reanimation911: what is "RS" ?22:42
reanimation911usr13: restart. And i ran what you said but i get the same --configure....line.22:42
bekksI'm getting stuck with setting up samba. I want to have one share accessible by one user, read-write. I am using this smb.conf on Ubuntu 12.04: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/409312/ - I cannot make it to have a Win7 successfully access that share. Someone could please clue me on whats wrong?22:42
reanimation911usr13: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"22:43
tomvolekusr13 the cron entry I have is to run this backup script like so: 05 00  * * *   acap    /home/acap/backups/acapbackup.sh     it was running fine, now it does not. If I run the script by hand it does run and backs thigns up22:46
a5m0so I'm  trying to add the chrome repository to my mom's computer because her chrome isn't working and I want to make sure it's updating, but I'm getting duplicate sources.list entry in /car/lib/apt/lists but when I go to /etc/apt/sources.list there are no custom debs in there, which one should i be editing?22:46
reanimation911usr13: forget it, im just gonna reinstall 12.04 cuz its not like i had things done on it or anything.22:47
xanguaa5m0: chromium browser is already on ubuntu repository22:48
a5m0chrome not chromium22:48
reanimation911usr13: gahhh....this whole process all over again -_- whatever. Thanks for the help :)22:48
xanguaa5m0: just install it with the deb that google provides and i'll also add the deb repository for google chrome22:48
a5m0xangua, already done that, but I updated to 12.04 a while back and suddenly chrome just stopped working today22:49
a5m0I don't want her to lose all her bookmarks22:49
trisma5m0: the deb repository will be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:50
sacarlsonbekks: ya passworded samba on win7,  I had better luck with no password.  I'm sure it can be done but I already too a wack at it and failed22:50
bekkssacarlson: So what would I have to change to use it without passwords?22:50
sacarlsonbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1059909/22:52
bekkssacarlson: Thx, I'll try that :)22:52
haz3lnutWho can help with how to direct line in or mic in to speakers?22:53
usr13tomvolek: What is acap ?22:53
sacarlsonbekks: maybe just put encrypted files in the passwordless samba as a temp solution.  I think you can get passwords to also work if you take the time22:53
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/22:53
tomvolekusr13 acap is a user name22:53
bekkssacarlson: This is a private LAN, I dont host sensitive data there. [store] is just some place in the network to dump files to :)22:54
lopezhow reset gnome ?22:55
usr13tomvolek: Is this a cronjob for that user?22:55
genii-aroundbekks: What filesystem is on /mnt/olymp/store ?22:55
herman_ne gk ada yang cwek ta disisni??22:55
usr13tomvolek: It's acap's cronjob?22:55
sacarlsonbekks: on that one I showed you the [public] can be write by anyone on the lan,  I firewall to prevent wan access22:55
ibodiafter an update last night, my wireless disappear again. however i saw neighbours wireless, just not my own. :(22:56
usr13tomvolek: If so, take out acap22:56
tomvolekusr13  ahh, i think you pointed me to my problem.  Its a cronjob for the entire sytem but I like to save the files it backed up under that users directory ... so I need to make the cron job to be run by root , ya ?22:56
genii-around!id | herman_22:56
ubottuherman_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia22:56
bekkssacarlson: Thats what I am doing too.22:56
usr13tomvolek: Ok good.22:56
tomvolekthanks man22:56
tomvoleksilly of me22:56
compdocbekks, disable encripted passwords, and make sure the same user exists on the samba server22:57
sacarlsonbekks: if you ever figure out passwords let me know22:57
bekkscompdoc: Already checked. No success.22:57
tomvolekusr13 do i need to have the user name =root in there , i just leave it blank ?22:57
bekkssacarlson: I'll do :)22:57
usr13tomvolek: Well, sometimes, you just need to take a step back and look at the situation, (it's often more obvious than you first realized.)22:57
compdocbekks, no, it needs to be set to disabled22:58
haz3lnutsolved it myself. thanks.22:58
tomvolekbut should i have it like 05 00  * * *   root    /home/acap/backups/acapbackup.sh22:59
bekkscompdoc:So I should omit line 7-9 in my config?22:59
tomvolekor 05 00  * * *       /home/acap/backups/acapbackup.sh22:59
compdocbekks, youre missing some lines. maybe an old smb.conf?23:00
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bekkscompdoc: I moved away the stock smb.conf and created a new from scratch containg the entries I thought I'd need.23:01
compdocbekks, I can paste the lines i think are need for win7, but pastebin.com wraps the text so it looks wrong23:02
bekkscompdoc: I think I'll manage it ;)23:02
bekks(to get the lines right)23:02
bekksSo you paste is appreciated :)23:03
sacarlsontomvolek: I guess if you sudo crontab -e ; then your 05 00  * * *       /home/acap/backups/acapbackup.sh  will default to be run by root23:03
compdocbekks, I need to edit - be a sec23:04
tomvoleksacarlson  ok,  I am runnign this script to backup all user files and need to put the backup under an admin user, but cron I guess needs to run az root since it is invoked by a process that is owned by root23:05
sacarlsontomvolek: sounds good to me23:08
compdocbekks,   http://pastebin.com/95vBf00N23:10
compdocthen restart smbd23:10
Tom12on Ubuntu 12.04 should i upgrade to openjdk 7 or stay with 6 ?23:11
kyle__Does using an apt proxy (like apt-cache-ng) stop anyone else from doing a do-release-upgrade?  I had to take it out of the config.  And it would sure as hell speed up this slow slow process.23:13
kyle__Tom12: Nothing wrong with openjdk7 that I've seen.23:13
kyle__Tom12: Of course, some things (fscking dell DRACs) don't work with any openjdk, but other than those.23:13
Tom12would i run into any dependency issues upgrading to openjdk 7 ?23:14
kyle__Tom12: Nope.  You can even have multiple installed IIRC.23:14
sarsaeoljust loaded 12.04 on an asus eb1012p and it does not seem like i have any usb3 ports (there should be 2) all i see are usb1.1 and 2 when doing a lsusb. i also do not see the common usb3 module 'xhci_hcd' when running lsmod… also in disk utility it shows that any disk is connected at 480Mb/s which i believe is USB223:14
Tom12IIRC ??23:14
TechHunter16Hey, I recently built a new PC, and I don't have any sound. I've tried everything in the Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting article on the wiki, and nothing has helped23:14
usr13tomvolek: leave it blank23:15
usr13tomvolek: if you've done  sudo crontab -e23:15
Tom12i tried to update to openjdk 7 but when i do a version check  it still shows version 6. what do i need to do ?23:15
usr13(which would be root's crontab23:15
TechHunter16If I could have some help, that would be great.23:16
kyle__Tom12: Update your default jdk/jre.23:16
kyle__Tom12: BOth are probably installed23:16
Tom12kyle, how do i update default jdk/jre ?23:16
gli7chGood evening, guys&grrls23:16
TechHunter16Or not...23:16
skorpiocan i delete gnome-contacts from 12.04 without crashing the shell?23:17
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Tom12Kyle, that may be, both installed. how do i update default jdk ?23:17
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TechHunter16So, no help?23:18
kyle__Tom12: Errr, something like apt-update-default or somesuch... been awhile. Google shoudl tell you.23:18
kyle__update-alternatives jre maybe?23:18
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadowfire
ali_i can't use my webcam, please help23:18
Tom12kyle, thanks. i thought i updated it earlier...i rebooted and went back to java 6.23:19
israelali_: sudo apt-get install cheese23:19
kyle__Hum.  All here it is.  update-alternatives --list java will show you which javas you have available.  And then a --set with the right one should do it for you.23:19
Tom12kyle, thank you23:20
kyle__NP.  I need to make up documentation for students fall semester nayways.  Gonna need that one in it.23:21
ali_israel : not found device, why ?23:21
israelali_, is it usb?23:22
sacarlsonali_: lsusb see what your webcam returns and lookup the numbers see if it's supported23:22
sacarlsonisrael: oh ya forgot it could be a laptop webcam ali_ ?23:23
israelsacarlson, mm right23:24
DystaNUbuntu 12.04 LTS  How do I remapp the mouse buttons ???23:25
delacwhere is the folder fo customr gedit plugins (or where do I need to create it)? (tried already: ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins;~/.config/gedit/plugins;~/.local/share/gedit/plugins))23:25
Tom12kyle : after   --set java /<blah> /java         do  i need to do anything else ?23:26
zabomberhow do i drag one application to a seperate workspace in ubuntu? like in OSX you can use the mouse pad to zoom out and drag applications to seperate desktop spaces?23:28
OerHeksdelac, /.local/share/gedit/plugins  create the directory if it does not exist23:28
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sacarlsonzabomber: on gnome if the app isn't full screen I can just drag from the top bar to my next workspace23:30
Jordan_Uzabomber: IIRC (I'm not currently using Unity) there should be an icon with 4 squares in the dock which should bring you to a similar screen.23:30
BaneatHi, how do I configure Catalyst Control centre? My screen is underscanning so I need to correct that23:30
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zabomberJordan_U: thanks so much!23:33
DystaNon Ubuntu 12.04 LTS how can I remap the mouse buttons23:33
Jordan_Uzabomber: You're welcome.23:34
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto23:34
r4yI want help getting this KODAK AIO esp c315 all-in-one printer working with Ubuntu 10.0423:35
beatusbeatIn Firefox (13.0.1) a few letters or characters are not fully represented. The problem exists even in other programs (LibreOffice, Thunderbird). I am using Ubuntu 11.10. Would be glad if someone could help me. The german ubuntuuser forum and Google did not help. Here's a screenshot of the problem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21410646/Zeichenproblem.png23:35
Baneatworks out the box.. lol lol no23:36
MofroHello everyone I'm having some problems with my Ubuntu system, i was moving some files from a partition to another in my HDD (cut & paste) but during this operation something went wrong and I lost data, I do realise that this was the dumbest thing I could do today but that data was pretty "important" and I'd like to recover it, is there any way to do so?23:36
sacarlsonbekks: so what's the result of compdoc's samba config?  did it work?  looks posible23:37
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sacarlsonMofro: must be nautilus,  I wonder at what state it failed?  you must see some of the files that it attempted to move23:39
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Mofrosacarlson, when I pasted the data it claimed that such folder already existed (it didn't) so I let it paste and at some point clicked on "skip" as it was 'doing good', then when I looked at the results some data was missing23:40
sarsaeoljust loaded 12.04 on an asus eb1012p and it does not seem like i have any usb3 ports (there should be 2) all i see are usb1.1 and 2 when doing a lsusb. i also do not see the common usb3 module 'xhci_hcd' when running lsmod… also in disk utility it shows that any disk is connected at 480Mb/s which i believe is USB223:41
sarsaeolcan anyone assist in setting up usb3?23:41
KorvinSzantois there a shutter alternative23:42
KorvinSzantoshutter won't upload to imgur anymore23:42
sacarlsonMofro: maybe missing due to you didn't have priv to read some files from the source I guess23:42
Mofrosacarlson, I had privileges both in the source and destination folders23:43
Mofrosacarlson, and the files are missing in both anyways, like it actually cut them but never pasted23:43
sacarlsonMofro: you may had priv in the folder but what of the files in it?23:43
Mofrosacarlson, files aswell my privileges were ok I had set them right before moving everything23:44
sacarlsonMofro: not sure, without any error message other than you say you skiped, I'm clueless what else may have happend23:45
Mofrosacarlson, the only error message, if you want to call it so was "there already is a folder named XXX, overwrite, skip, stop"23:45
sacarlsonMofro: but if you skip to overwrite I wonder wouldn't the files that were to be replaced still exist on the source path?23:46
sacarlsonMofro: maybe the files are hiden?23:47
sarsaeolanyone know why ubuntu 12.04 would not be supporting my 2 USB3 ports?23:47
Mofrosacarlson, supposedly, it should just halt the paste of the already existing files, but the problem is that those files were in a folder, and that folder already existed (which is not true as it was even a fresh install lol)23:47
Mofrosacarlson, I searched for hidden files aswell, only in source and destination folders though, I have no idea of where else I should look23:48
lsm-lpthow can i configure grub bootloader to *always* display options (and persist 10 seconds at least)?23:49
sacarlsonlsm-lpt: grub-customizer gui app is cool for setting that23:49
lsm-lptwill try it thanks sacarlson23:50
Jordan_Ulsm-lpt: To override Ubuntu's ignoring of GRUB_TIMEOUT by default add "timeout=10" to /boot/grub/custom.cfg (creating the file if it doesn't already exist).23:50
lsm-lptinteresting Jordan_U23:51
lsm-lptsee you on the other side :)23:51
beatusbeatHave some trouble with wrong depicted letters and characters specially in Firefox... screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21410646/Zeichenproblem.png23:52
Mofrosacarlson, if that matters at all the source partition's filesystem is FAT32 and the destination's ext423:52
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rwbHi, my mic input stopped working on skype after I used audacity yesterday.  Seems I can't get it working again at all through pulse audio control.  Any ideas?23:57
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