
micahgmr_pouit: ok, sounds good03:31
hobgoblinastraljava: hope this is what you were expecting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Short/HardwareProfile06:35
hobgoblincrap :(06:41
hobgoblinastraljava: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/HardwareProfile 06:46
astraljavahobgoblin: Sweet, looks alright to me. Thanks!06:53
hobgoblinjust got to get them to delete the wrong one :(06:53
hobgoblinbut cool - glad to help :)06:54
ochosihi everyone09:22
ochosiwhat did i miss over the weekend? :)09:22
hobgoblinhi ochosi 09:30
ochosihi hobgoblin 09:32
knomei gathered a spreadsheet of all the submissions to the ML about gmb so far09:55
knome(don't worry, it's not giving out any personal info the people haven't sent to the ml theirself!)09:56
ochosihey knome 09:56
knomeochosi, so can you confirm you can play streams and podcasts with gmb?09:56
ochosiknome: i can confirm that gmb doesn't have that feature (yet) :)09:57
knomewhy did i think it had.09:57
ochosibtw, announcement: i'll be away for all of august and probably ~half of july09:58
ochosi"sometimes loses library on exit" > crash. we should ask for more info (although there have been many bugfixes between 12.04 version and git now)09:59
hobgoblinknome: most of those feedbacks are basically - how do you use it ... 09:59
knomehobgoblin, not really.09:59
ochosihobgoblin: excuse me, but "most"?09:59
knomehobgoblin, a few09:59
hobgoblinwell the ones about having issues I meant :)10:00
hobgoblinobviosuly the 'it's great' ones aren't :)10:00
knomeyes... but there are only a few of them too.10:00
ochosinot even then it's most, half of them are about missing features (ipod,ubuntu-one,media-keys)10:00
hobgoblinknome yep 10:01
knomeand tbh, those who i've marked "no experience" are useless10:01
ochosianyway, i see a lot of trouble with gtk3.6 on the horizon, that's why i wanted to announce i'll be away10:01
knomeand you can't really count them10:01
knomebecause how do you know if it would have been okay for them if they just uninstall it?10:01
hobgoblinI agree10:01
ochosiwe might have to push greybird-updates late in september as sru's or something10:01
knome(i haven't marked those who said they tried it)10:02
knomejust the ones purging right away10:02
ochosialso those that say they don't need a player with library-support are kinda useless10:02
ochosibecause we said we want that (otherwise you can keep using parole)10:02
knomeis that's one of our requirements, yes10:02
ochosii can send that link to upstream10:03
ochosiupstream-gmb i mean10:03
knomemaybe later10:03
knomei think we still have feedback coming10:03
knomeand this is just condensed stuff anyway10:04
ochosiyeah, but the condensed stuff is good10:04
knomeheh, yeah10:04
knomeany ideas how to improve that spreadsheet?10:04
knomeshould we try to do some formatting for those who aren't useful or so?10:05
ochosii think sorting them somehow would make sense10:05
knomewell, they're sorted chronologically now10:05
ochosisort them by "do you use gmb?"10:05
knomewhich made most sense when creating the list ;)10:06
ochosiand then put those that have "no xp with gmb" down at the bottom10:06
knomeand still does, if we maintain that10:06
ochosito some extent, but in the final evaluation, the time is a useless parameter imo10:06
knomesure :P10:06
ochosis/time/time of submission/10:06
hobgoblinI'd say there were 3 categories - never used it/tried it/used it 10:07
hobgoblinany more sorting out will not be of much use I'd have thought - too many other variables10:07
ochosisome color-coding might help as well10:07
knomesee sheet210:09
hobgoblinthat makes more sense10:10
ochosiknome: yeah, much better10:21
ochosiknome: if you share it with me, i can create another sheet for "missing features"10:23
knomeochosi, sure10:23
knomeochosi, sent to simon@sp10:24
ochosiseems like i still can't edit10:26
ochosioh wait, i guess i'm signed in with my other google-account10:27
ochosimeh, mind to share it with s.s@gmail.com?10:27
knomejust tell me what that was again and i can add that too :P10:27
ochosiotherwise i have to logout/login all the time10:27
knomeadded and rm'd @sp10:27
knomenot that it matters...10:28
ochosiknome: .wav support? afaik gmb supports .wav fine (and what player wouldn't)11:11
knomei thought the same. but i'm not the one sending that message...11:11
ochosiyes i know, i just wanted to know whether there was more info in the email that would make it clearer11:11
knomeochosi, look for the poster name, then find that from the -users archive11:12
knomeochosi, that's why i posted the names11:12
ochosiok, compiled a shortlist of features11:14
ochosiunfortunately many of them are known (at least by me)11:14
ochosiand i guess they won't get the quick and simple implementation11:14
knomeotoh, good that there isn't lots of bugs we don't know about11:14
ochosiit's actually comforting to see that the quest for feedback didn't just return a shirtstorm :)11:15
ochosi(usually only annoyed users care enough to send something)11:15
knomethough there was some really useless posts11:15
knome"oh well i use vlc IT'S THE BESSSTTT"11:15
ochosiubuntu-one support won't come upstream, we'd have to do that ourselves11:16
ochosiknome: greybird-tabs-update: http://imagebin.org/21774511:57
ochosii also like these tab colors btw, what do you think? http://dribbble.com/shots/615066-Tabs11:58
knomemake the inactive tabs a bit lighter12:01
ochosiyou mean the bg?12:01
knomei like the latter colors, but you are not quite there with the "new" variant12:01
ochosii know i'm not, that was just something i stumbled upon after updating the tab-style12:01
ochosibut yeah, i'll make them a bit lighter12:01
ochosiour general bg color is a bit darker, so all the tab-bg is also a bit darker12:03
ochosior at least if we want tab-content to be brighter, i'd have to tweak all possible sub-items of tabs12:04
ochosianyway, off for lunch12:05
knomebon appetit12:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pjotrHello, I have a problem with spontaneous window movement in Xubuntu 12.04. Probably a bug.13:09
pjotrSteps to reproduce:13:10
pjotr- Start Mahjongg13:10
pjotr- make the window somewhat bigger (don't maximize it)13:10
pjotr- click anywhere on the grey task bar of Mahjongg13:10
pjotr- click on the dark blue background in Mahjongg13:10
pjotrIn more than 25 % of the cases, this causes spontaneous weird window movements: the Mahjongg window almost entirely disappears in the lower right corner of my display, or is being dragged by mouse movements.13:10
pjotrFrom other people I've heard similar reports about Gedit and Disk Utility, so it's not Mahjongg-related. The strange thing is: no similar problems in applications like Firefox and LibreOffice.13:10
pjotrI have two questions:1. Can I work around this bug? 2. Against which package should I file this bug on Launchpad?13:10
ochosipjotr: there is already a bugreport13:31
ochosiand i'm aware of it, it's gtk3 specific13:31
pjotrochosi: Thanks. Can I work around it somehow (hacking some settings file)?13:32
bluesabre_ochosi: That particular bug is particularly annoying with multiple monitors (at least with NVIDIA drivers).15:14
ochosibluesabre_: yeah, i tried deactivating window-move on menubar-grab in gtk3, i don't think it really fixed the issue15:23
ochosiastraljava: ping15:29
ochosimadnick: ping15:29
madnickochosi: pong16:58
ochosimadnick: hey! just wanted to ask you how it's going and whether friday is still a realistic goal17:09
bluesabre_Not sure if the default audio player is still on the table, but the latest audacious alpha is quite nice and simplistic.  http://imagebin.org/21777117:09
bluesabre_(and the Sound Menu artwork actually works17:10
madnickochosi: i'd say its realistic, if i run into some major problem ill come back to you :P17:10
ochosimadnick: ok, good. just wanted to check in cause i'm back :)17:11
ochosibluesabre_: haven't really tried audacious in a while, does it have library management?17:11
bluesabre_Sure does.17:11
hobgoblindoes it?17:12
ochosijust asking cause it looks very playlist-based to me on that screenshot17:12
bluesabre_Well, its basic17:12
bluesabre_Not as featured as gmb17:13
hobgoblinthere is a library plugin - but I've got a bug on that - crashes with my library17:13
Sysias default app, I'd consider simplicity over features, music player vs. music library manager17:13
bluesabre_It worked for me, just clicking on that search button lets you set your library17:13
ochosiSysi: the basic argument "pro library" was that if we just want a simplistic player we already have parole for that17:14
bluesabre_http://imagebin.org/217772 (at bottom of side panel)17:14
ochosibtw, the arrangement of buttons in the toolbar is somewhat weird17:15
ochosiplay,stop,prev,next ??17:15
bluesabre_I agree.  I think I might offer some suggestions since its still in alpha17:16
ochosiare you in touch with the devs?17:16
bluesabre_Nope, not yet17:17
bluesabre_It has a PPA, so I thought I'd play with it17:17
ochosiok, first check how open they are :)17:17
Sysiochosi: having neither playlist or any kind of library is more lacky than simple17:17
ochosiSysi: parole has playlist-support17:17
bluesabre_Everyone's not as open as the xubuntu-devel folks?  :O17:17
ochosi(basic one at least)17:17
hobgoblinbluesabre_: how big a music library is it searching? just for my sanity17:17
Sysiochosi: queue-like or library-like17:18
bluesabre_3 GB.  Somebody with a more impressive library might want to look into it17:18
hobgoblinI did ... :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/93257417:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932574 in audacious (Ubuntu) "audacious crashed with SIGSEGV in mpg123_info() Search Plugin fails" [Medium,Confirmed]17:18
ochosiSysi: well you can drag stuff into the sidebar and it'll play it in that order (parole)17:19
Sysiochosi: but it's not saved when you close the app?17:19
hobgoblinochosi: I use parole if I'm after something quickly 17:19
ochosiSysi: it's a bit like winamp, it just doesn't remember your last playlist/state. you can open/save playlists in m3u format17:20
Sysiwell, audacious is exatly like winamp :P17:21
SysiI kinda like idea of unified media player now that I use vlc for music too, I wonder if there would be suitable frontend for mplayer, if we can include that to installation cd17:22
ochosiSysi: you can use mplayer as backend for gmusicbrowser ;)17:23
ochosi(instead of gstreamer, which is currently the default because parole uses it as well)17:24
Sysi(no, I don't like parole, bad support for subtitles)17:24
hobgoblinbluesabre_: and it crashed again :)17:25
bluesabre_Well, I guess that's out of the question for now then :)17:25
Sysigmb netbook could be really simple if shuffle was disabled by default, though so could shimmer desktop17:25
Sysihow can disabling shuffle been made so difficult.. or I'm just really dumb when I failed to do it17:26
ochosiSysi: the shuffle-issue really strikes me, i'm a bit surprised by that. but i think we can easily change that with a new default setting17:26
ochosis/i think/i hope/ :)17:27
SysiI'll install GMB and try again17:27
ochosiremove your .config/gmusicbrowser folder before you reinstall17:28
ochosior purge it17:28
ochosijust to be sure you start with new settings17:28
ochosiwould be good to know what the shuffle-problem is exactly17:28
Sysiyeah, did that17:28
Sysisauna break, real testing after that ->17:32
Sysifirst problem was that I couldn't see any music after adding it to library, I had to change to Simple list view and select "All genres" to see my library in songtree view too17:34
pleia2yay, fix to bug 1016925 seems to have cured the alt installer :)17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016925 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "12.10 Alternate installer fails with libavformat53 unmet dependencies" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101692517:46
pleia2no dailys link in ISO tracker today, how does this all work with alpha2 coming up?17:46
ochosihey pleia2 17:47
pleia2g'day ochosi 17:47
pleia2should I be submitting look-and-feel bugs, or do we just wait until gtk3 stuff settles?17:47
ochosii'd say rather submit it17:48
ochosithen at least i've seen it all17:48
pleia2ok :)17:48
ochosibut it's not improbable that i won't work on them until some things in unico/gtk3 have been fixed17:49
hobgoblinwhen alpha2 is there - what do we test it against - the short testcase - long one when it appears?17:50
GridCubeany test is good, the long test is better17:59
Sysiochosi: do you want long explanation about how shuffle can be confusing for new user without really giving any advantage as default setting?17:59
hobgoblinGridCube: cheers18:00
ochosiSysi: no, just tell me what "shuffle" exactly means here18:00
Sysiochosi: songs are not played in order they are in list, they do that for me when using "Artist,Album,Title,Track"18:01
ochosiSysi: in what order are they played?18:02
Sysirandom, as far as I acn tell18:02
ochosithe problem is: the user can change the sort-order anytime, but the play-order isn't synced with the sort-order18:03
ochosiwhich can be really practical18:03
ochosiso you can re-order your library visually but not change the way it's playing18:03
ochosiobviously that can be confusing18:03
SysiI hardly get idea of that18:04
Sysimost if any  players don't have those separately at all18:05
ochosii know18:05
Sysibut well, with changing settings the way I did you can use GMB even if you don't know that.. I guess18:06
ochosiunless the user clicks a column-header18:07
ochosibut i totally agree with you, i think we should set that sort-order by default18:07
ochosijust have to figure out how :)18:07
ochosithe most robust one i know about is actually: folder,album,disc,track,filename18:08
ochosithat also works (a bit) for stuff with broken/missing tags18:08
SysiI'd like to try what happens if I click column header but I'm afraid I can't undo that18:09
Sysiactually nothing broke, it just fails(shuffles?) if tag's missing18:11
ochosithing is:18:13
ochosithere are a few levels of sorting: there is "grouping" (by default we set it to album)18:14
ochosithat could theoretically break if you sort by "song-title" (in songtree-view)18:14
ochosiin songlist view, nothing will break18:14
ochosiand by break i mean: you have to re-set the sort-order again by right-clicking the column header and setting it to whatever you had before18:14
Sysiand that depends about play order settings? advanced features always bring advanced usability..18:16
Sysihow are you supposed to control songtree view, since it's apparently needed to even see your library in default setup? is using search in simple list the only option?18:16
SysiI generally find listview nicer/simpler, just as an opinion18:17
ochosino wait, not sure what you mean with play order settings there18:17
ochosii'll quickly illustrate..18:18
Sysirightmost button under album cover18:18
ochosiboth menus shown at the same time (two separate screenshots merged): http://imagebin.org/21777918:21
ochosinow the settings are in sync18:21
ochosiso it'll play what you see18:21
SysiI think I understand..18:24
ochosinow, this is what is complex for most users at first: http://imagebin.org/21778018:25
ochosiafter clicking the "title" column-header, everything is seemingly shuffled...18:25
ochosi(when in fact it isn't, and the player still plays everything in the "normal" order)18:25
Sysiwell, it pretty much just works if you don't touch anything, which is my ubuntu-philosophy18:26
ochosithat's not such a bad verdict imo18:26
Sysiwe just need good default sorting order18:26
ochosiwe can simply add a default sort-order and create a matching default play-order18:26
ochosiso that at least ootb, it will be in sync18:27
ochosiSysi: would you be willing to test it?18:30
ochosi(would involve re-purging gmb and installing from ppa)18:30
Sysidoesn't sound too bad, I have a free week18:31
hobgoblinI'll play around with it again as well 18:31
* hobgoblin has been following the conversation off and on here18:31
ochosiSysi, hobgoblin: ok, thanks, i'll let you know when the ppa is ready18:32
SysiArtist,Album,Title,Track seems to work when sort-order is "click Album column header" too18:34
ochosiSysi: what do you mean exactly?18:35
Sysiplaying order is seemingly rational18:35
ochosimind to test with "path album disc track file" ?18:36
Sysinot so good with random files with same artist18:37
ochosiwhat about "path artist album disc track file" ?18:37
Sysimhm, it just won't work completely properly unless they're same, at least for first sorting items18:41
ochosihumm, not sure i get it 100%, mind to show me screenshots of your results?18:42
Sysiif at least first sorting property isn't same, visible sort-order and play-order donät match (like you said already)18:44
Sysiwhat's difference of Disk and Album in sortin options?18:56
ochosithe disc is a different tag18:56
ochosian album can e.g. have 2 discs18:56
ochosi(or even more)18:56
ochosicurrently we're displaying that like this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06252012-085711pm.php18:57
ochosi(assuming the tags are set correctly)18:57
SysiI don't think I have anything tagged like that, though not sure18:58
ochosiif you have an album with more than one disc/cd, you can quickly tag it and see :)18:59
ochosithat's where the treeview is really handy18:59
SysiI'm trying to find nice playing+sorting order19:00
ochosii have the patch ready for setting a different play-order by default19:06
ochosii'll also set gmb to remember the last-playing song by default19:18
ochosiso you go back to where you left off when you restart it19:18
Sysithat's nice19:20
ochosithere is even more stuff we can't potentially switch on by default19:21
ochosisome people requested "scan/check library" by default on every startup19:22
ochosinot sure that's so good though19:22
ochosiit slows down startup...19:22
Sysiit's easy to enable if you need it19:23
ochosiyup, i'd say so too19:24
Sysiyou need to add songs to library manually anyway19:26
ochosiyes, although i also fixed something there recently19:28
ochosibefore it was not added to the watched-folders list, only to the library19:28
ochosi(if you used our default layout and settings > library > add music)19:28
SysiI think I hit that issue when I started19:29
ochosiyes, it should be fixed in 12.1019:29
ochosi(and in the ppa)19:29
Sysiwhat would you think about using listview as default?19:29
ochosii wouldn't mind i think19:30
ochosii mean it also seems more fail-proof19:30
ochosibecause there is no group-order that would break when your music isn't tagged correctly19:30
Sysiyeah, I just couldn't get one song to play when it should, so I just dragged it to where it should be :)19:32
Sysiyou should put some description about gmb:s working mechanismon faq or somewhere, it would help understaning it a lot19:33
ochosiyes, i agree19:33
ochosiwould you want to help with that?19:33
SysiI could try to come up with something, though it's kinds of absurd consept to explain19:34
ochosiwell, don't start with that19:35
ochosiit shouldn't revolve around this particular issue19:35
ochosimany people actually seem to do fine with gmb, at least we're not getting much bad feedback from those who use it19:35
SysiI'll call it "unique usage features"19:35
ochosijust the normal step-by-step how to get your music in the player, play it etc19:36
Sysiat least I'm now completely sold for GMB :P19:37
ochosiand then at a later point we can get to the more complex stuff19:37
Sysiwhat should "Album" tab contain? it's empty for all my songs19:41
ochosiit should contain all your albums19:45
ochosiif your songs have albums in their tags19:45
ochosibut it might depend on a filter19:45
ochosican you show me which tab you mean exactly?19:45
Sysione between Lyrics and Artist in sidepane19:46
ochosioh yes19:47
ochosithat's also a wrong default setting i just corrected :(19:47
ochosigo to settings > plugins > albuminfo and activate it19:47
ochosiit's pretty nice, you can see album-reviews and infos and tag your albums on-the-fly by clicking the genre-labels in the tab19:48
SysiI can't see genre for some reason, even if I selected it in plugin settings19:51
ochosiyou might have to restart gmb for some of the settings to apply19:52
ochosi(i think it says that in one of the tooltips)19:52
Sysididn't help, it shows some info but nothing about genre (on various songs)19:53
Sysiwell, I don't really need that anyway19:54
Sysignome-mmkeys plugin isn't working, even if I have gnome-settings-daemon running19:55
ochosii'd recommend you to set them through the kb-shortcuts dialog anyway19:56
Sysido they work globally that way?19:56
ochosie.g. "gmusicbrowser -cmd NextSong"19:57
ochosi"gmusicbrowser -cmd PlayPause"19:57
ochosione of my favorites is: "gmusicbrowser -cmd Quit -ifnotrunning nocmd"19:58
ochosi(that starts gmb if it's not running and quits it when it's running)19:58
ochosialso nice: "gmusicbrowser -cmd ShowHide"19:58
ochosi(to minimize to tray and restore)19:58
SysiI found -listcmd after some trying20:03
ochosithere are tons of things you can bind to custom keyboard-shortcuts20:06
Sysithere is tons of everything in gmb20:06
ochosimaybe we should set a few default shortcuts for playpause at least and stuff like that20:07
Sysishouldn't do any harm20:08
Sysivolume control could be available somewhere besides equalizer, but that's minor tweaking20:09
ochosiwe decided to use the indicator-sound for that20:10
ochosiso it's not present in the layout by default20:10
ochosiyou can use the scrollwheel on the trayicon though20:10
Sysiit could be in settings, though that makes it minor; for when you want just statically change it20:11
ochosioh right20:11
ochosiwould be possible to pop up a window that shows volume and equalizer20:11
ochosiactually it would just be a custom layout :)20:12

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